Have a look at this story currently on the BBC NEWS page;
A brawl between three families of North African descent and local youths erupted on a beach on the French island of Corsica on Saturday, leaving five people injured, officials have said. Witnesses said the brawl between locals and a party of bathers of Northern African origin began after the bathers objected to photos being taken. Some of those involved were armed with hatchets and harpoons, a witness said.
Mmm. “North African origin” “Hatchets”…. might we be getting a somewhat sanitised version of what actually happened? Is it an outside possibility that these were ….Muslim illegal immigrants? The BBC won’t tell you when they have convenient euphemisms to deploy. Half the truth, at best, all the time. And you pay for it.
Love the fact the BBC treat as perfectly normal the carrying of hatchets and harpoons around for a day on the beach. I mean who doesn’t? I am sure the Tristan and Isolde’s who work tirelessly at the BBC, between their Guardian breaks, never leave home without a hatchet or two. You never know when they might come in handy.
Personally, I suspect it is those Norwegians again.
We are getting Censorship from Al Beeb .
A message to them and their minion trolls …………………………….
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Their propaganda failed – Hence Brexit !
It is the Icelanders , bastards.
The Corsicans are tough bastards who’ve been fighting a sometimes violent struggle for independence for decades. I get the feeling they’re itching for a ruck with our Peaceful Religionists. This could be where it all kicks off.
At last the beeb will have their islamophobic mob story.
I can’t possibly imagine why these ‘bathers’ didn’t want to be photographed ! After all, we all get snap happy when on our holiday jaunts don’t we? Unless , of course, we have something to hide .
I’d give the inept Italians a break and try to divert the ‘refugees’ from Panterellia to Corsica. The Corsicans, as pointed out above, are a tough bunch. They’ve had their own brand of the mafia and until bought off by the French, were fighting quite a vicious campaign for independence. I’m sure they will know how to deal effectively with North African beach bathers so as to deter others making such a holiday trip.
Even the BBC knows that the Corsican nationalists have warned that they will respond to any muslim attack.
How can we get rid of the ‘Great’ in Britain ? …………………………….
The mission is to get rid of adjectives altogether: British Olympic Team = Team GB. English Rugby Football Union = England Rugby etc ad nauseam until we all speak like B-movie Red Indians (oops sorry Native Americans).
It’s an on going thing in Corsica, muslims push and the locals shove back with interest
Dec 2015
Notice the headline, this was after Firemen and emergency personnel were attacked by teenage thugs from a local estate of muslims.
“They chanted “Arabs get out!” and “This is our home!”, AFP news agency reports.”
Fair enough.
IIRC the Unione Corse made and makes the Mafia look like the German Police when it comes to dispute resolution.
It is possible certain enrichers may find their rules of engagement are met in kind, off the state books.
Quite how BBC headlines then get written will be… interesting.
I apologize for my english. The BBC news article left me curious. I could understand very little. There were a group of bathers of north african origin …,they objected that pictures of them were taken.., some brawlers use harpoons. / The brawl on Saturday began after the families objected to photos being taken, witnesses say. Stones and bottles were thrown.
Reports say some of the brawlers were armed with hatchets and harpoons.).
We understand very little .
Here is a report from corsican.
Muslims were bathing using burkini.
Local Corsicans youths start taking pictures.
Muslims marched towards them armed with knifes and harpoons.
A Corsican youth get hurt.
Another older corsican does intervene and is also attacked.
The muslim women start stabbing the corsican car wheels.
At this point reinforcements from village were called.
General brawl with people hurt.
Why is this story so hard to explain ?
It is because word ” muslim ” cannot be used.
The muslim were called people from north african origin or the bathers.
Besides in no point of BBC article it is said the muslims were armed with harpoons,and attacked the corsicans.
Testimonies relating such events were ignored.
In short : After so many politically correctness BBC article is a piece of convulsed and confusing piece of text.
Hashtag of the document in french.
Thank you PeterPen – that just about sums it up.
It was only when I read the word “Burkini” on RT that it clicked what had actually happened.
As you say, the BBC coverage is a joke. Actually it’s worse than a joke: it’s confusing and mystifying.
(And your English is excellent, by the way.)
No need to apologise.
Your English is fine, and reporting ability enough to put the BBC to (further) shame. If they had any.
As shared here so far the whole thing seemed weird from the packing of deckchairs, sun brolly and harpoon.
Then it all went a bit watertight oversight (BBC code for the facts don’t suit, so either hold fire, go dark or delete stuff).
Thank you for facts that add up a lot better than those from a £4Bpa force-funded ‘news’ organisation that is no more now than a propaganda backed be censorship service.
5 people got hurt. 3 magreb people ( muslim ) and 2 corsicans.
Corsicans wanted to lynch muslim.
3 muslim cars set on fire.
Why is this so hard to tell ?
Because anything that might portray muslim ,european clashes is banned.
Besides in this case the people armed with knives,harpoons were muslims.
that was conveniently hidden from bbc.
If anyone got their news solely from the BBC , they would have very little idea of what is really happening in the world. The BBC are very slow to realise that , with the internet, they are a minor source of information. The BBC is a dinosaur well behind the times but, sadly, not quite extinct yet !
0:21 in the video a punch is thrown at a stretchered man even as he is loaded into the back of an ambulance! Tensions running v high indeed.
Eventually the BBC coverage of most events will just be ‘Several people were injured in confrontations somewhere in Europe yesterday. The motive for the incidents was not clear. The participants were thought to be local EU nationals….and now it’s over to Nadia with her new cake…’