You can almost hear BBC hearts a beating at the prospect of a “Gotcha moment” when they reported this news this morning.
An imam and his assistant were shot dead as they walked along a street in the New York borough of Queens. The men were approached from behind by a man who shot them both in the head, a police spokesman said. Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, moved to the city from Bangladesh two years ago, US media reported. Some mosque-goers said they believed it was a hate crime but police said there was as yet no evidence that the men were targeted because of their faith.
I would have thought ALL murder was by definition “hate crime” but that’s not the point. You just KNOW that all those at the BBC were desperate that this would be a cut and dried case of Islamophobia leading to the death of these two men. Then, the NYPD released this image of a man said to have .. coughs … “a medium complexion”..
As expected Trump is getting the blame, it’s a wonder they aren’t blaming BREXIT?
One thing that amazed me was that “Maulama Akonjee, 55, moved to the city from Bangladesh two years ago”, I was surprised how easy it is for a man of his age to emigrate to New York with not a lot to give to the city except religion? Would it be easy for me to move there, I am of similar age?
There were riots in Milwaukee overnight as another armed black man was shot by police and black separatist yobs went out and beat up every white person they could find. Good thing racism is a white thing and whites can’t be victims of it, or this would possibly make us question the victimhood of the rioters.
Even black Americans are getting tired of liberal PC apologism of the BLM movement and are flooding to Trump’s side.
Anyway, no mention of it on the BBC’s main page. I guess even they couldn’t justify this one so they ignored it altogether.
It’s the Olympics, innit ?
Buried away under the Americas section. Not on the main page as ALM stated
Remind me, in what section did they break the Trayvon Martin shooting?
Both America and Britain must learn that step one in tackling the Muslim threat is to be much tougher on Muslim immigration. I would start with imams . Many are Saudi trained and are fully signed up Wahhabi lunatics . As pointed out above, how do such guys get US visas? Why have we also let so many of these types into Britain? Do they get some special dispensation ? Why, in contrast , are we deporting the Australian family from Scotland when they are educated , speak our language, support our culture and don’t want to eliminate Christendom ? The guy shot in NY was from Bangladesh but I’d be interested to know how peaceful a RoPer he was.
Exactly, my son is 24 has a degree and works in publishing, he said he would love to work in New York but has little chance of it.
Thanks to the 1965 Immigration Act which Ted Kennedy sponsored, Europeans are discriminated against when applying for green cards. Fewer Swedes, more Somalis, what’s not to like?
This has had a major impact in moving the USA towards becoming a non-white country within the next few decades. It was the drunken murderer’s gift to the nation he loved. I do hope that President Trump repeals it as his first act in office.
I know one shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but in Kennedy’s case I’ll make an exception. I don’t know how he could have walked away from a woman trapped in a submerged car, fail to report it for 9 hours while having a normal night’s sleep, and still regard himself as a man.
It’s less unclear how he was able to go on to a distinguished career in government. After all, the Democrats look after their own lefties no matter what they do (witness Clinton) and of course there was the Kennedy name.
I wonder how the BBC reported it at the time. Since he was a fellow-leftie with identical tunnel vision to that of the BBC, I imagine they would have tiptoed around his guilt.
The BBC can say whatever it likes but if the ruling elite of a society cease to defend that society then they can expect that other members of that society will seek to defend themselves either directly or indirectly. Currently in the west we have the extraordinary situation where the elites, far from defending their people ,have turned against them and support those who would do them harm. This situation is highly unstable and will not exist for long.Either the elites begin to defend their people or the people will find leaders who will.The BBC et al may be able to keep the lid on things for a while longer but their credibility is being used up very quickly with their ridiculous defence of Islamic terror and we are probably already at the point when the people as a whole cease to believe a word that they say on this subject.
I second that, well said.
Well put indeed. The ex President of the Czech Republic said the same thing. I think that looking for the root cause of the intellectual and political elites hatred of their culture is for another day so grave is the European situation becoming.
In Germany’s case the Holocaust has much to do with it. Also the untold story of European collaboration in this.
Our own elites have long loathed our way of life as their writings and behaviour makes clear.
Isis and it’s fellow travellers have been clever. It is now entirely possible that an ineradicable fear has begun to grip the indigenous peoples of Europe and all non Muslims. Isis has made us all feel targeted and this is becoming obvious as instances of panic start ( witness this last weekend) .
The only way now to combat this is to have an elite that is resolute and determind in speech and actions in defending our European way of life . Such is now emerging in Hungary and Poland.
This will involve returning to old conservative values in how society is governed and how law is applied. It means no compromise with sharia and no no go zones ever. it means that moral equivallence and liberal nostrums must be dethroned.
The alternative is too awful to contemplate and all of us need to understand this.
Who now remembers this earlier murder of a Bangladeshi imam in the West?
“Jalal Uddin: Two arrested over Rochdale mosque death”
Initially widely reported, being thought (hoped) by some to be part of the Islamophobic backlash, but now long gone down the memory hole after the killers inevitably turned out to be followers of the Religion of Peace(c)
Will NY be deja vu all over again?
I think it may well be.
Islam is called a religion, but it is more like a branch of organised crime. To understand it, you could waste your time reading the koran, but it is more interesting and instructive to watch Godfather I and II (don’t bother with III).
Anyone who gets out of line gets whacked. When there is a beef, someone gets whacked. If you don’t pay your protection money, you get whacked. Islam or the Mafia? You decide.
I wonder if the bbc actually think that people take them seriously now.
In the ‘olden days’ the bbc was a respected news source but now it’s a sick joke, a Mickey Mouse news channel.
Are those in charge so removed from reality that they think they are providing a balanced news service.
Do they think that when they describe an attacker who has beheaded someone on a train as ‘a man’ that we don’t know who he really is. Then, when they have to give more details it emerges that he is a Norwegian or French or whatever. It’s only when other news agencies tell the truth that the bbc grudgingly admit he was called Dave, a Norwegian born in Somalia or some other pained description.
Do they think we don’t notice the 2:1 or more bias on programmes such as QT as Wronged pointed out with his weekly score on the Brexit build up.
They must either be totally disconnected from the real world, brainwashed, stupid or have some sinister agenda.
All of the lgbt, feminist, Moslem, black and other favouring on all their shows re completely over the top.
I know it’s a self perpetuating problem with radical liberals at the top recruiting more radical liberals from the guardian, so that the whole of the bbc is infested with them, but surely some of them must be able to see the blatant propaganda pushed out by the bbbc.
They must hate the Internet and sites such as this one and Breitbart.
Although the BBC must hate sites such as these, they are so arrogant and complacent, in the belief that the vast majority of their listeners and viewers are gullible sheep, that they cheerfully carry on regardless, providing infantile bread and circuses for the masses while applying their sinister ‘moral’ conditioning via propaganda-laced drama and comment, selective reporting – insidious bias masquerading as impartiality.
“They must either be totally disconnected from the real world, brainwashed, stupid or have some sinister agenda.”
Or all of the above?
NY police have made it clear that the murder of the imam and his assistant, is not a hate crime.
But this is important
Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech
If only he spoke like this, he would beat Clinton hands down.
5:18+ v interesting on the Clinton Foundation. Pay the Clinton Foundation to play with the State Department.
BBC says it was a man but the motive remains unclear.