Busy morning for the comrades on the TODAY programme on BBC Radio 4. Even before 7am we were treated to a sneering assault on Donald Trump’s speech on protecting the US from radical Islamists, we were afforded mockery of the idea that Boris Johnson is “running the country” with Theresa May on holiday, and finally those reliable stooges at the Resolution Foundation were brought on to dampen the idea that limitless cheap european immigration might suppress wages. No matter how you cut it, each day on the Today programme is the same. It’s one prolonged license tax funded sneer at anything and everyone outside their little narrow Islington tent.
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And Victoria Derbyshire does an excellent job of continuing the bias until late mornings.
Correct! If I didn’t know who she was – at first I thought she was a Transgender person – bearing in mind every other programme of hers seems to promote transgenderism! But she supports the same football club as myself, so I know she is female!
‘Transgenderism’ appeals to the Trotsky branch of cultural marxism, ie the ones that want perpetual revolution. The whole ‘trans’ trend is an attempt to establish a permanent grievance/victim culture because it has no end game. The gay rights movement pretty much ended with gay marriage but anything to do with ‘trans’ can just run and run, because it can’t be pinned down into ‘binary’ legal and social conformity.
If cheap labour immigration is so good for a country why don’t these Guardianista types propose mass immigration into African countries ? They need a leg up more than we do .
Umm. I dont know. But does the BBC report this
Notorious Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary Convicted of Supporting Islamic State
If Trump becomes POTUS ans starts throwing Muslim out, what are NATO allies to do?
I don’t pay the licence on principle, so never watch TV (no loss!) but I usually listen to some of Today on the way to work – mainly for business news. I find I have to turn it off so many times or my blood pressure suffers! The half-revealed stories and obviously propaganda-motivated selection of items is ridiculous – even the selection of presenters is biased and motivated by social objectives. It is breathtaking how this lot can keep a nation so ill-informed and so constantly subject to subtle social engineering! Yes, Donald Trump is an odd character and probably self-serving and lacking sense in many ways, but his message about controlling the influx of fundamental Muslims is not worthy of ridicule; it is undeniably 100% common sense! And I am sick of hearing them continually trotting out ‘Brexit’ as some huge risk for just about everything – Olympic performance, science, economy, global warming, the arts, libraries, workers’ rights – they believe Britain will become some sort of tin-pot far-right dictatorship without the guidance of their beloved EU – what a massive JOKE! We will be keeping our heads above the water as the EU sinks into chaos.
The BBC were only to pleased to report on the 12noon Radio4 news that prices of inputs for manufacturers had gone up due to the fall in the pound due to Brexit. They had not been telling us in the spring the difficulties for exporting manufacturers due to the strength of sterling.
And this kind of variation happened before Brexit was even a remote possibility. I remember only too well when the Euro and the Pound were almost on a par, because it was more expensive going to France and the Amsterdam airport prices became sky-high – but it really didn’t change anything. It’s nowhere near that at the moment, and has been in this 85p range many times. It’s just no big deal! But the propaganda machine loves to tell everyone that it’s such a serious problem for the British economy (and not an advantage – ask the Swiss). Just wait until the Italian banks start to collapse – the Euro won’t stay up for long – a fact not much examined by the BBBC. Interesting article here on this subject: http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=16896
I was trimming the hedge today with a chainsaw and it jammed.
I blame Brexit for this.
The Brexit chainsaw malfunction.
You should have watched “The Papers” on SKY last night!
On the programme, the editor of the Mail. Can’t remember his name – but he is a huge leave voter, the female presenter of the show – she is a remainer and a female journalist – a remain voter!
Boy didn’t those two women go hammer-and-tongs at the poor MAIL chap! The female guest was fretting because she told the viewers that when she comes off the show she will have messages of “hate” from leave voters on her twitter/face book/website accounts!
“I was trimming the hedge today with a chainsaw and it jammed.
I blame Brexit for this.”
I thought I was reading the next excuse used by the Al Beeb for a mass beheading spree carried out by a ‘Norwegian’ with ‘medium complexion’
“subtle social engineering”
Subtle as pollexitis.
Some may not have heard Richard D. North on the paper review on this week’s R4 ‘Sunday’ programme. He commented that he would not be worried about a Trump presidency which “would not be a disaster”, because Trump would inevitably be constrained by the strong checks and balances in the US political system. That seems to me a correct assessment. Needless to say, this was met with absolute silence by the egregious Paddy O’Connell (a BBC favourite lefty), and the other guests. Normally, O’Connell will make a follow-up remark or ask a question – but silence is, of course, one of the ways the leftish media shut down views they don’t like. Interestingly, Richard D. North later commented on the Hinckley situation, saying that the project should be shut down immediately because of its old technology and vast expensive, and that small regional nuclear stations using proven technology should be adopted. Again, complete silence from the rest. Having RDN on the programme will permit the BBC to aver that they invite views across the spectrum – but their treatment of guests is another matter entirely. What a despicable organisation the BBC has become.
I thought the conservatives are in government but still allow the left media to run wild.Hope you do a better job with leaving eu.
‘Radio 5 live’ this morning interview a black sportsman I have never heard of turning down a gong, his reason.. it would be an insult to his ancestors who suffered under colonialism. Adrian Child then encouraged said sportsman to basically pull the violin strings, I switched off and am here for an early lunch instead. Of course the same story could have been that the sportsman ( sorry I really didn’t catch / remember his name ) that he accepted a gong to show how much civilization has moved on and how as an ethnic minority in Britain you are superi……. on equal terms with white people and can achieve as much.
But then why would the BBC encourage a good story if it can take a negative story from a potentially positive story!
He was a typical Scouser with a chip on his shoulder. The first black man to play for Liverpool FC, he turned down an MBE because it had the words “British Empire” in it. That’s his right, though it seems stupid to me. However, he then chose to gob off left right and centre about how principled he was to turn it down. The British state merely wanted to honour his charity work, not have a kind deed thrown back at it with no grace or class.
What on earth can he have against the British Empire? His family is probably in Britain now because of it. OK, it did exploit in some ways (just like every other European power), but enlightened and improved in others. Britain brought an end to slavery, which still exists in many African and Asian countries, brought democracy and allowed the countries of the empire their freedom – helping them achieve it (some are worse off for it though, like Zimbabwe, with corrupt governments or dictatorships). Britain stands for freedom and equality and yet dimwits like him have the gall to scorn this honour. Well, I suppose it’s to be expected, given the circumstances, and I don’t really give two hoots about him and his sport, whatever it might be.
If people want to turn down honours, that’s their right. But if they make a song and dance about it, all they are doing is trying to get an alternative honour from the leftist intelligentsia. If you think about it, it’s a win-win situation – they get the recognition from the state but then also get kudos from the leftists for turning it down.
“his ancestors who suffered under colonialism”
It would be interesting to know whether his ancestors did in fact suffer under colonialism. It’s entirely possible that they played a part in it – it happened, as we know. If he’s really just pointing out that it was just other members of his race that suffered under colonialism, and that his family is innocent solely because of the race they belonged to, then his comment is racist.
Who sold the African slaves to the Europeans ? What kind of people sell their own people into slavery ? These are the questions that the Tristram Hunts at the BBC should be asking ? And they should also be looking at the prices at which the African chiefs sold their own people. They should also be looking at the conditions that the slaves had to endure as their African Chiefs transported them to the coast in West Africa.
Imagine being torn from your home many hundreds of miles inland, shackled, whipped , raped, by your own African “brothers” , until you get to the sea, which you have never seen before and is so frightening. . The ordeal of the sea journey was not much different, I guess. I look forward to a BBC documentary on this. But I doubt if the morons at the BBC have much to teach me about the history of slavery .
Alternatively, they could just shut up about it.
4-6 million people were murdered in Germany within living memory of some people. There have been other, more recent atrocities.
BBC today ‘inflation set to be highest since 2014, but we can’t be certain it’s the result of Brexit yet’.
So not only has nothing actually happened yet, but Brexit is in the forefront for the blame should it happen.
One driver of the small increase in the rate of inflation is rising fuel prices. ÂŁ decline – BREXIT- QED! Maybe not yet as my local filling station increased prices by 3p/L on the weekend following the referendum result – it has dropped prices again since then.
And anyway – we are below the inflation target – economists should be (and are) more worried about deflation! Hence lowering interest rates etc. So if Brexit causes a little inflation, it’s a bonus.
Kurt Volker, a former US ambassador to NATO, gave a very restrained assessment of Donald Trump this morning on Today.
Despite the BBCs open invitation he absolutely did not dismiss the idea articulated by Trump that Islamic extremism should be managed in a similar way to other totalitarianisms (nazis and communists were mentioned specifically). i.e. acknowledging that migrants to the US could be vetted to exclude extremists.
I doubt Mr Volker will be on the BBC again anytime soon.
I had never heard of the Resolution Foundation but “reliable stooges” summed up their contribution this morning. Their spokesman said that mass immigration has had an overall unnoticeably small negative effect on wages, and significantly less than that which will be attributable to Brexit.
To his credit John Humphrys asked about a specific example i.e. pay rates in the plumbing trade. The RF’s spokesman either didn’t know what the effect of immigration on plumbers’ pay had been, or preferred not to say. Could Today not have invited a plumber on to give a view?
However the RF’s assertion that Brexit will depress wages went unchallenged.
The spokesman went on to say that some industries (e.g. food production) were critically dependent on immigrant labour, and would not be viable without it. Nobody made the point that some of the 402,000 people aged 16-24 who are neither in full-time education nor employed could do this unskilled work, reducing immigrant pressure on housing & services and cutting the benefits bill at a stroke.
I’ve just had a look at RF’s website. It says they are “a non-partisan and award-winning think-tank that works to improve the living standards of those in Britain on low to middle incomes.”
It also says spokesman Torsten Bell “joined the Foundation in September 2015 as Director. Prior to this, Torsten was Director of Policy for the Labour Party […]”.
So that’s alright then.
(Curiously RF’s Executive Chairman is David Willetts!)
Willetts may not exactly be a Leftie, but he is very wet. I never understood his nickname “two brains”. I think it may a reference to the shape of his forehead. I have always thought he is rather dim .
If wages went up via Brexit and the lack of cheap immigrant labour that would attract in local labour.
Might mean higher food prices but worth paying to get locals working and earning.
Framer – I agree.
I believe the DM said in an article today that indigenous plumbers lost ÂŁ486 over last year because of the newcomers.
Not ÂŁ485, and not ÂŁ487. ÂŁ486. Don’t let Edward know.
According to ‘andrew toryboy pierce’, dear old Polly Toynbee has been known to be involved with this organisation too. Also, Torsten Bell was the architect of the infamous Edstone. What a shower!
Andrew was speaking on last night’s sky news paper review.
I now switch on any news programme with the thought what is today’s anti Brexit scare and what has Mr Trump been up to overnight.
When are they going to turn their attention to Hillary Clintons wrong doings.
“When are they going to turn their attention to Hillary Clintons wrong doings.”
I hope that is a rhetorical question, otherwise you will have a very long wait for nothing.
US senate committee recommends clinton be charged with perjury for lying under oath
So called bbc…….oh look over here…..some cyclists did well in brazil etc etc
Now had it been Donald……
>When are they going to turn their attention to Hillary Clintons wrong doings.<
Or her health…
nofan – when gay pigs fly over Mecca, that’s when.
The Today and Londistan programmes will be able to feature another hero of theirs for the next few weeks. The one and only Ajem Choudary has been found guilty of inciting support for ISIS. Expect to hear the “usual suspects” such as Sami Chakrabarti
being brought into the Today , Newsnight and Londistan studio’s. The Trotskyists, Socialist Workers party members and anarchists editors, sub editors and research staff who have embedded themselves at the BBC will be directing the likes of Riz Lateef, Assad Ahmed, Victoria Derbyshire to do their bidding . Expect the same treatment on Choudary as we have seen over the last five years for Saint Mark Duggan.
That’s Lady Chakrabarti to you, commoner.
She is just another Leftie snob !
Unbelievable – these quotes lifted from the BBC news website:
‘How Anjem Choudary’s mouth was finally shut.
The flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street, was his favourite prediction, followed by some kind of rhetorical flourish. “The Muslims are rising to establish the Sharia… Pakistan, Afghanistan and perhaps, my dear Muslims, Londonistan.”‘
This is the first time I’ve seen BBC allow ‘Muslim’ to appear in articles related to terrorism – their favoured term is “Islamist” – daft really as Islam is the religion of Muslims, a Muslim is a person (a man actually, as women don’t count) who follows Islam. Oxford Dictionary definition of Islam: The religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. And of Muslim: A follower of the religion of Islam. We’ll have to see if this attitude continues – the quotes are from an article in their ‘Magazine’, so not quite mainstream BBC. Of course, the BBC must realise the gigantic antipathy among the British public for this Choudary reptile (apologies to reptiles), so perhaps they know they can’t apply enough gloss here and have to go along with public sentiment on this one.
You can Lways rely on Mark…
The more I think about the comparison the more ridiculous it gets.
Gandhi stood for non-violence, tolerance, and compassion, and was convicted for inciting non-violent resistance. Even his first resistance action was non-violent.
Mandela, on the other hand, was convicted for his part in a violent plot, and only became a supporter of non-violence while in jail.
Choudary, on the other hand again, stands for creed which demands violence, oppression, and hatred, and will be imprisoned for inciting mass-murder among his followers.
Can Mark Easton really not tell the difference?
Mark Easton is a total prat.
Mr Mandela, if memory serves me, admitted at his trial to involvement in some 100+ acts of terrorism.
So the difference between Mr Mandela and Mr Choudary, it would seem, is that Mr Choudary has not admitted to being a terrorist……and, other than that one minor detail, Mr Easton is making a valid comparison between the two men.
Al Beeb had previously countered criticism of having given airtime to this murder-preaching terrorist by saying he was ‘the voice of moderate Islam’.
Confirms all we ever thought about Al Beeb.
Amen to that, Peter, Grant.
This was a bit telling:
Speaking on Twitter, Choudary was defiant, even saying: “The comparison with Mandela & Ghandi are false, they are kufaar heading to hellfire whilst I am a Muslim.”
A couple of points about this terrorist which are common to many nutter ‘Islamic preachers’
Pakistani origin
Doesn’t speak Arabic
They will have learnt their Koran in their own language from other ‘preachers’ who will have provided their own interpretation, perhaps not being Arabic speakers either. My Arab friends, classical Arabic speaking, are forever telling me that the interpretation of the Koran of these non-Arabic speakers is often not what is written.
Be careful of London’s mayor. Like the odious Choudary he is a solicitor and as we know well has often represented terrorists. Buy you knew that anyway.
I wonder if Lee Rigby would have been alive today if Choudary had been incarcerated much earlier as he surely should have been . The metropolitan police continue to be pusillanimous in tne face of Muslim terrorists just as they are with muslim vote riggers and I have little faith in them . Hogan-Howe is a disgrace and seems keener on flooding tne streets with paramilitaries in star wars gear than pursuing Muslim criminals via the justice system .
Apart from pro labour stooge organisations such as the Resolution Foundation and tbe Joseph Rowntree Trust, the BBC also has its staffers to promulgate economic gloom. Every report from economics correspondent Andy Verity ( surely a misnomer ) is negative and anti government . Of course this man was chief cheerleader for Remains project fear and now concentrates in Brexit disaster stories. Today as pointed out above it was about the effect of the pounds decline on import prices. Of course this effect is immediate. Wouldn’t it just be worth
pointing out that export prices will have been going down in foreign currency terms and export volumes should rise?
Anything on Al Beeb about this ?
I had to smile at the quote in the linked article from the Assistant Chief Constable that ‘ Luton is a fantastic town with great diversity..’ I’m sure many people would gladly turn tne clock back and say goodbye to tne diversity. Luton was once a quiet town only known for making hats and commercial vehicles. Now it has had an influx of Muslim immigrants and it’s Bury Hill area is a no- go zone for non Muslims . There has been white flight, some of it being encouraged by tne unpleasant and threatening atmosphere .
The politicisation of our police has led to some ludicrous double – speak .
You know which famous cakemaker lives in Luton don’t you ?
I wonder if she’s related to any of the 3 sentenced ?
I still think mainly of the airport. Mainly because of the song.
Luton’s a pretty safe airport I think. I doubt many attackers would risk blowing up an aeroplane there if it was likely to crash-land on the house of their auntie/granny/cousin/ etc…
Nothing on Al Beeb about it – total silence. Too busy reporting gold medals, and glorifying “The Firebrand”.
I see that the telegraph are running a story about how the BBC have been complicit with the chourdy case by giving the murderous dog a voice.
Too right put the BBC on trial, it has the blood of many on its hands. Then scrap it all together. Forever the bias corrupt corporation.
Not the first time at Olympic boxing where clear match fixing by corrupt judges has been allowed to stand. There should be a committee to oversee these decisions immediately. The judges arrested and interviewed to find out who paid them off instead we have the same problem as many times before athletes punished criminals getting away with it. Amazing that after so many times in the past this hasn’t been rectified. Governing bodies again neglecting their duties.
Corruption at the Olympics ? I am shocked !
Worth looking into bbc personnel who’ve supported this evil choudary man could take down a few lefties that crossed the line. Twenty years of back dated research. Wouldn’t that be fun.
This shackling of the police by all governments is not the right way to go if you keep it up we’ll have to import cheap easy going immigrants to do the job. Imagine that for anarchy. Respect our protectors.
It is being achieved by positive discrimination anyway, and don’t forget the recent report saying that policemen of Asian origin (Pakistani mostly, very few Indians), are more likely to be corrupt and favour their community.
The labour party are in the wilderness and maybe even finished now this should be a signal to the conservatives. Bbc is in your control to stop. Discipline in schools, tougher sentences, more police and armed forces. Your not the nasty party you could be the respected responsible (keep people safe )party. We all have ancestors that we’re proud of they would expect a bit more fight.
Why do think UKIP are doing so well ?
Take heed Conservatives.
Will Al Beeb cover this? ……………………………..
A ‘Gold’ or what ?
They have now !…….
Do they pick up breaking news from this site?
Totally agree about ukip.
The government though need waking up.