Time for a new one of these. Here is where you detail the bias. If you want to follow us on FACEBOOK you can now find our feed here! So much bias, so little time!
I know that Jason Kenny’s race last night went on even longer than anticipated due to two false starts but I did wonder whether the decision to delay the news on BBC1 was influenced by the editors knowing that they would have to say something about the Anjem Choudary case last night and that the number of viewers would be less the later the news was on.
And there’s the big banner headline on the news homepage. I’d say the BBC is giving more coverage to it that BiasedBBC. I wonder if that is because of BiasedBBC’s sympathy with Choudary’s message?
And there is this ……………………… “If you go back 10 or 12 years you had home secretaries saying the criminal justice system is broken, it couldn’t deal with terrorism. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37104446
What do you think of Mark Easton’s views on Choudary?
The BBC has been attacked for the “disgusting “ views of one of its most senior journalists after he compared hate preacher Anjem Choudary to Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Winston Churchill.
Mark Easton, the corporation’s Home Editor, criticised Government plans to clamp down on fanatics and said extreme views were needed “to challenge very established values”.
You should make it clear that the piece you link to is 18 months old.
Easton would have had a good point if only he had extended his vision of free speech to everyone, except he doesn’t. As a full blown Islamophile it makes you wonder when he might convert, as he seems to wholly object to anyone else expressing any criticism of his favourite brown eyed boys !
Evan Davis was quick off the blocks to feign scorn for all those who gave Choudhury that “oxygen of publicity” up until now,
With, of course an effort to give the impression that the lower orders , the more lowbrow aspects of the media allowed Choudhury to get his message out there…for Evan and the BBC, this would have to be both “disappointing” and a “cause for concern”.
Think he was having a pop at the Telegraph and Argus…because the BBC-of course, would NOT have done such a thing.
Utter insouciance, contempt for us-for not only have they hours of Choudhry footage on Newsnight alone-butt they“ve even done a profile of the other bloke convicted with Ramjam a few weeks back.
(Why this delay I wonder?…so they could give him a wing at Wandsworth to preach from?).
Choudhury and pal are just Corbyn and McDonnell really…both meet where Islam meets Communism.
Choudary is yet another case in which the so called “far right” have been bang on the money in warning of his influence and the risks presented by using him for BBC interviews to promote Jihad to the general population.
Perhaps we should hear a bit more from people who appear to understand the current situation better than the soft liberals and hard left leaning beeboids who currently provide what passes for political analysis on the BBC.
Rod Liddle, Melanie Phillips, Peter Hitchens, Mark Steyn, Christopher Caldwell, Roger Scruton, William Dalrymple, Douglas Murray, Anne Coulter, to name a few, could all help in adding balance and greater accuracy to the BBCs output.
Just read an article about the Islamic Egyptian’s refusal to shake hands with his Israeli opponent in the Olympic Judo competition. The soft statement on the BBBC’s website, to explain the behaviour, is as follows: ‘The Egyptian had come under pressure from some conservative voices in his homeland to withdraw from the bout.’
Now the complete and unsanitised facts from the Telegraph:
‘The athlete, who is an ultraconservative Salafi, had come under pressure from hardline Islamists on social media and from television pundits not to participate in the match. “You will shame Islam. If you lose, you will shame an entire nation and yourself,” one comment read.’
Associated Press report:
‘Islam El Shehaby, an ultraconservative Salafi Muslim, had come under pressure before the games from Islamist-leaning and nationalist voices in Egypt to withdraw from the first-round heavyweight bout against Or Sasson. […]
On Thursday, Moutaz Matar, a TV host of the Islamist-leaning network Al-Sharq, had urged El Shehaby to withdraw.
“My son, watch out. Don’t be fooled, or fool yourself, thinking you will play with the Israeli athlete to defeat him and make Egypt happy,” he said. “Egypt will cry; Egypt will be sad and you will be seen as a traitor and a normalizer in the eyes of your people.”,
The BBBC’s article (http://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/37063284) is OK except that it deliberately withholds the facts from readers about what lies behind the unacceptable behaviour other than the weak statement above. It hides the belligerent, intolerant attitude of Islam that is behind the ongoing misery in Israel and the entire middle east, if not the entire world. This is biased meddling with reports and an attempt to soften the true face of a massive part of Islam. Seemingly a small matter, but nonetheless sinister and wrong.
The article I read quite correctly states this:
‘Clearly the BBC’s portrayal of “conservative voices” is not conducive to full audience understanding of the story. It would of course be very surprising to see the BBC describe anyone urging an athlete not to compete against a gay or black opponent as “conservative” and such bigotry portrayed as a “traditional value”.
But – not for the first time – we see that the BBC is reluctant to explain discriminatory Islamist ideology to its audiences in clear and precise language.’ (From an article by Hadar Sela)
Quite simply the bbc is witholding information. It is a sensor. It has decided what is relevant. Surely it should provide us with all the facts. Government sadly it’s over to you again.you must do your job.
Aah! but that’s an excuse, GW. What’s the reason? We can only guess. There is, sadly, no-one in Parliament or anywhere truly and regularly holding the BBC to account. The occasional Charter Renewal is not enough.
Maybe it would be good if the DG together with his station & on-line Chiefs faced a quarterly House of Commons Committee with Jeremy Corbyn-style questions provided by the public?
Given the cosy relationship between Westminster and its propaganda system, at the very least the committee would commission BBC QT producers to ‘vet’ the ‘questions’ provided.
“Given its awesome value, just [insert BBC PR stat hete], when is the government going to raise the licence fee further lest Botney face the prospect of downgrading to Business on his next jolly?”
Seems as though it’s day 503 of the Rio Olympics on the BBC News Channel – in fact if this goes on much longer I swear the BBC girls are in danger of disappearing up their own podia. They do know those medals aren’t really made of gold, right?
Arthur Patel for BBC London is in a very fetching summer dress this morning – can anyone out there confirm that her name really is Arthur? When she introduces herself it sounds just like Arthur.
‘Lance Scott Walker was attacked on Monday afternoon in Gledwood Gardens, Hayes. Despite the efforts of paramedics, he died at the scene.’
A rather unflattering photo of the victim accompanies both tv and on line BBC reports. No such exposure of course for ‘Idris Hassan, also 18, of Gledwood Gardens… due to appear before Wimbledon magistrates later’.
Looks like this website has competition.
Reference Anjem Choudry.
“Barred by mosques but welcomed on the BBC”
D Mail, today, page 7.
The article provides a deeply disturbing but to readers totally unsurprising example of Al Beebzeera’s attititude to ‘impartiality’.
Perhaps they should also be in court.
Nearly everyday that I turn on my radio or watch Al Beeb its ‘Wall to Wall’ Corbyn, multiculti and Brexophobia . Al Beeb is beginning to become comparable with the broadcasters of North Korea. Honestly, its monotonous and you guys are forced by law to pay for it.
You can scrap your licence – there is much more to life than TV. You can still watch DVDs and Blu-Ray, internet articles and downloads. I know it’s not right that we should be forced to do this, but it’s the only way to get at the BBC. I haven’t paid for that bunch of devious wasters since 1995 and I honestly have never missed them!
BBC ‘Today’, R4 – More debate on how the UK should take 600 “children” from the Jungle. Many of this 600 of ‘Artful Dodgers’ claim to have relatives in the UK. We are told by the head of a MultiCulti charity that clearly supports flooding the UK with so-called ‘Refugees’, efforts to admit the 600 are too slow. One “15 year old male” interviewed by female BBC reporter was asked the question: ‘What do you want to do WHEN you get to the UK?’. “When” as if it is a BBC foregone conclusion. The MulitCulti Charity claims that the local authorities charged with this responsibility were causing the hold-up. Some lawyer correctly pointed out the background of the ‘child’ had to be examined to establish the connection with the alleged ‘relative’ in the UK. I ask, “No DNA test?”. Wouldn’t that solve the problem of the doubtless lies being told by many? Perhaps we ought to know the identity of all these pro immigration ‘Charities’?
They are on French soil and France should look after them, or is France such a horrible place to be ?
Charities collect money to pay their employees . They will look for sob stories to keep them in work.
And Al Beeb love em.
Perhaps they should focus on the children in Rotherham? Charity begins at home .
The French authorities should deal with the problem of unhoused migrants on French soil.
Surely any adult migrant already in the UK and entitled to be here is free to travel to Calais, collect his or her child and return with that child to the UK (and it would be any parent’s instinct to do exactly that)?
I am afraid that the attempt is the other way round – ‘get the kids in first’ and their parents will ‘find’ them from the Middle East and claim to get in here .
“Surely any adult migrant already in the UK and entitled to be here is free to travel to Calais, collect his or her child and return with that child to the UK (and it would be any parent’s instinct to do exactly that)?
Of course they are. None of these alleged children has a parent here they have been sent first as forerunners so that th chain migration can follow. The alleged ‘relatives in the UK’ are far more distant.
For most of us, if it was our nephew or neice w would go over there and help them. I do not believe any of these so called ‘children’ have close family here. What they do have is distant relatives or friends from their home villages that their family have paid to act as sponsors.
I recall Camilla Batman saying several years ago (and in this I do not think she was lying) that many of the kids company clients were former ‘child refugees’ who were staying with ‘uncles’ (alleged uncles she should have said) who threw them out when they reached eighteen and the family could no longer claim foster money payments.
Readers may also have noticed that many gansters involved in gun and knife crime do not have parents here and an ‘uncle’ or ‘sister’ will be the one who speaks for the family and claims he was going to be a doctor.
‘Owen Smith is a bit of a BBC luvvie having worked there as a producer for ten years, and his handy connections to Auntie don’t end there. Oily’s campaign team includes Olivia Pienaar, a Labour aide who is organising his support from within parliament. Olivia is by all accounts a talented young staffer who works as a bag-carrier to Rachel Reeves. However her appointment ruffled some feathers among Labour moderates who whined that she only got the gig because her dad is BBC deputy political editor John Pienaar.’
Miss Pienaar must have some very high connections in politics, sh didnt even go to university and has never don a proper job, just expensive luxury internships.
The Pienaars certainly are a very powerful family with Global reach (explains the Canadian parliament inteernship). Illuminati? Masons? Almost certainly.
The Pienaars certainly are a very powerful family with Global reach (explains the Canadian parliament internship). Illuminati? Masons? Almost certainly.
Well its certainly not the present tense since she lift school five years ago!
Where is your evidence?
Here she is and LHS does not stand for Wallington High School. https://www.instagram.com/olivia_pienaar/
Could be an error but I also doubt she would conceal a state school background on Linkdin, even though a selective grammar indicates some hypocrisy in a far left Labour supporter, still better that than a school indicating the privilege of wealth!
OK I withdraw my comment about her Linkdin profile , charmbrights. It does indeed refer to Wallington grammar (my scrolling wasnt operating properly last night and I didnt get down to bottom of page).
Still, as I said ,hypocrisy for the anti grammar school hard left of Labour! I thought they were against selective schools!
Seems she was there only the last five years from age thirteen, which suggests she may well hav e been at Loughborough High School (girls indpendent) from eleven to thirteen, in fact she almost certainly was.
DNA tests taken abroad for these children are something which I think our government should pay for. If they fail, they are barred forever from UK entry.
It really does beg the question as to the sanity/intelligence of our ‘so called’ leaders. A perfectly logical solution to affirm or discredit a claim and indeed probably a cheap way of positive/negative identification.
Wander if the queen of cultural Marxism (drumroll please) Mrs Merkel would be employing this idea any time soon? ?
The strapline reads…Did Daphne du Maurier predict Brexit?
Give me strength!!! It is just relentless, isn’t it? I really hope that someone, somewhere, sometime will ensure that al beeb are flattened and put in their place.
Notice the little dig at the USA at the end? In what sense would it be a ‘dark day’ if the US military occupied England? Would they have said that about US forces occupying Germany in 1945?
Just announced, employment up by >50,000. I wonder how the BBC team dedicated to decrying Brexit will handle that? Maybe, ‘a blip on the way down’? I still think that the BBC made assurances to Cameron/EU et al. that they will obtain a ‘Remain’ from the indoctrinated public as, ‘look what we did for you in the Scottish Referendum?’ All the wasted efforts to condemn Brexit suggest that the BBC are trying to ‘claw back’ some credibility from the ‘Remain’ supporters with whom they sided but failed to deliver. FAILED, you hear, Failed BBC. As the Chinese distinguish (we are told) ‘Gold’ from ‘Silver’, ‘Silver’ is seen as having lost. You may well be still smarting from the loss of Brexit, BBC but certainly in Chinese terms alone – you lost – No Peerages – those are reserved for other losers!
They could always spin it negatively by claiming the increase was only in temporary, part time and zero contracts minimum wage jobs, because all the uncertainty prevents long term employment. That’s a journalistic trick similar to the tabloid headline when Jesus walked on water: ‘Son of God Can’t Swim’.
Interesting – I’d never heard of the book and wondered if it had fallen foul of the publishing establishment for political reasons, like Christopher Priest’s 1970s novel ‘Fugue for a Darkening Island’ about mass immigration. Maybe it’s just not a very good read.
Actually, tucked away in the piece is the bit about the UK joining the EEC (EU) only to suffer economically after joining. Must have been a momentary oversight on the part of the BBC Editor.
This is, in fact, what actually happened. Despite what is in the history books, many contributors to BBC w/s Forums & HYSs claimed during and after the Referendum that the EU saved Britain from being ‘the sick man of Europe’ the reality was that it was that EU membership that tipped us over the edge after which that soubriquet was applied to the UK. For several years after that nothing changed until the Conservative Government of the day tackled some of the root causes of the problems.
Nothing should surprise us anymore. We aren’t being invaded by migrant human beings, but a breed who are nothing short of animals. They come from a culture and civilisation that hasn’t progressed for 2000 years, and we’re shocked that they’re not integrating ???? the only place they’ll ‘integrate’ is the farmyard. Their whole ethos of sex and the place of women in their ideology is beyond disgusting. Its never been about being ‘westernised’, but simply that in this day and age there are sub-cultures who haven’t mastered the art of eating with cutlery or have learnt acceptable social behaviour, but know how to use a Smart phone – pity they don’t brush up on Youtube to develop these skills.
Brexit Economy. So yesterday Brussels Broadcasting focussed on inflation with doom for us all apparently waiting in the wings. The ONS had just published figures showing that the annualised rate of CPI inflation increasing by one tenth of one percent from June to July. So off went a beeboid to a factory which imports yellow-fin tuna to inform us that the depreciation of Sterling since the vote would make this tasty treat a good bit more expensive in the future. Now I’m sure the price of yellow-fin (which is overfished already in some places) is of deep concern to the sashimi eaters in Hampstead, Highgate and islington, but perhaps the stats experts in W1A might have thought to read the background paper from the ONS.
While it is correct that the annualised rate did show an increase from 0.5% to 0.6% from June to July , this does not mean that inflation actually increased between June and July (as the ONS numbers measure the rate of change). In fact inflation FELL between June and July 2016 by 0.1%, compared with a fall of 0.2% between the same 2 months a year earlier. The 1-month movement was therefore 0.1 percentage points higher this year compared with a year ago, leading the 0.1 percent rise int eh CPI 12-month rate.
And earlier this morning we were treated to another Brussels Broadcasting prediction that the employment figures today would show an increase in unemployment..And then the figures came out and, oh dear, employment actually total fell by another 54,000. Brussels, you must try harder.
Thank Gunner. Increasingly worrying is the ease by which the BBC’s so-called revealing news items can be legitimately questioned. They’re slowly but surely moving off the mantle of the, “World’s most trusted……..”. Can it be that they are shoved over by RT?
Thatcherrevolutionary, this is a serious question, do you think gun club membership could be of any use if there was some sort of major civil insurrection? Isn’t access to the firearms strictly controlled?.
The Gun Club membership was necessary to get licence to own a gun. I fully intend to have several guns stored legally at home, and have all my family currently members of the Gun Club and Clay Pigeon club in order to gain licences.
Without wishing to appear too negative Thatchery, the simple fact of owning your SGC or FAC will mean that the police will be fully aware of what you own and where it is kept. At the first signs of any major insurgency all registered firearms, and in law that includes air rifles, will be sequestered for ‘the duration’. It happened in 1939 and will most certainly happen again, with a far greater level of data available to make the confiscations easier.
The 1920 Firearms Act was formulated precisely so that the police would know where guns were legally owned, so that they could be confiscated and distributed to friends of the government in a time of crisis. These are the words of the Cabinet discussion, released in 1970 under the 50 Year Rule. In the House of Commons, the Home Secretary lied and said it was a measure to disarm burglars!
The whole ethos of gun control in Britain since 1920 has been to disarm as many people as possible, and make sure the people with legally owned guns won’t have them when they really need them. The idea that our Establishment does not trust the people, and would rather that we die than be able to defend ourselves, is by no means new. It runs through British firearms law like “Blackpool” through a stick of rock.
“The Gun Club membership was necessary to get licence to own a gun.”
Is it wise to reveal this? Unless you are completely confident of your anonymity, if you find yourself faced with the worst case scenario, it might be possible to argue that you planned to use it in this way from the outset.
In your case, there is probably little risk, but I think anyone making such preparations would probably be advised to do it quietly. There’s a HUGE amount of opposition to so-called “vigilantism” in the UK. Tony Martin springs to mind.
Doesn’t surprise me a bit though. People are simply no longer buying the narrative being spun by the media and political establishment. They know some very dark clouds are gathering.
‘Ah Balding. Good morning. Jocelyn Wright-Burke here, CEO OB’s at HQ. You got my message?’
‘Yes sir, I ….’
‘Please, it’s Jocelyn, OK? Right, well I can see you’re all there, just get in a bit tighter to the screen so I can talk to you as a theme group, as it were. Can’t see Inverdale, he not there? Late night eh? Oh well, no matter, no matter. Might be for the best, actually.’
‘Right. Now what I have to say doesn’t go past these four walls, but quite frankly we’re getting a bit concerned at the medal table. A couple of chaps at the House Mag have pointed out that, quite frankly it’s looking hideously white, and crucially so for golds. What with the cycling and the sailing, kayaking, shooting – big tut there, actually – rowing, swimming, diving et al, we appear to be losing sight of the multi-cult theme, if you get my drift?’
‘Well Jos, we…’
‘Sorry, Jocelyn please. So you were saying?’
‘There’s not much we can actually do sir. It is literally the way the cookie crumbles, if you follow?’
‘Well Balding, I hear what you say but we feel there are things you could all do to help, OK?’
‘Fire away sir.’
‘Right. Well, how would you feel if you, Logan, Skelton and perhaps the Adlington girl could wear the hijab, perhaps just for the evenings? How would that appeal?’
‘Well I’m not sure….’
‘And then there’s diet. Stress the halal aspect of Team GB’s catering and…’
‘Well actually sir, quite a high proportion are vegetarian so it’s…’
‘Well that’s excellent, actually. Just mention the benefits of green halal vegetables, two birds with one stone, as it were. Bring it into the conversation gently, you know what we mean. And what about sending Nadja over? She could bake a veggie-cake, full of nutrients and so on. What say?’
‘Well, we’re always prepared…’
‘Fine, fine. Now we haven’t covered climate change, have we? Couldn’t help noticing in the cycling road races, everywhere’s looking a bit too green. Surprising, really. Can you engineer some shots of depleted rain forest? What about Chris Packham flying out with Nadja, he could lay it on about the damage to Brazil’s ecosystem. Yes, I think that one could definitely run.’
‘OK. Well there’s just two more points to get across. We’re happy you’re stressing the Lottery money theme, playing down the sort of natural ability side of things, so keep going in that direction.’
‘And this brings up the last aspect – Brexit. Try and stress the fact that all this success and, quite frankly, jingoistic attitudes are pre-Unremain, OK? Just gentle reminders that we were capable before, probably not so capable in future. Maybe major on the unique situation, sort of thing, Tokyo will bring us back to earth – if we can afford to send a team at all, ha, ha.’
‘Anyway Claire, I think that’s all for now. We think you’re doing a fine job, all things considered, but it just needs those little ‘tweaks’, you with me? Fine, fine. Bye.’
“There’s not much we can actually do sir. It is literally the way the cookie crumbles, if you follow?”
Interesting to compare our performance in recent Olympics with international league tables of educational achievement in Maths and Science.
Athletes are selected solely on merit and put through a harsh regime of training with a view to winning. None of this “all shall have prizes” nonsense. We are second, after America, and taking our size into account you could probably argue that we are on top.
Now if only our education system operated in a similar way.
R4 Today this morning featured new measures to combat tax avoidance, under which tax advisers who come up with schemes that enable their clients to avoid tax “in ways that Parliament had not intended” can be fined up to the value of any tax so avoided. The distinction between (illegal) tax evasion and (legal) tax avoidance was mentioned, but aggressive tax avoidance was described as a “grey area” and the measures were presented as unambiguously a good thing.
This is actually quite sinister. There shouldn’t be any “grey areas” in tax law, or licence for HMRC to interpret what Parliament might or might not have intended when it legislated. If there are any grey areas, then that is because the law has been badly framed.
Rather than giving HMRC more power to make it up as they go along, we need a radical simplification of UK tax law and a bonfire of tax wheezes that have grown like topsy over the years as individual legislators have pandered to various special interest groups.
Why not invite someone from the Taxpayer’s Alliance on to put that view?
It certainly is. If the tax authorities are given the right to compensate for their inability to draft legislation clearly by being allowed to revise Parliament’s intentions according to what they want to see happening, why not extend the principle outside tax legislation as well?
Why bother with legislation in the first place?
The problem is incompetence in government and the civil service and, in the past at least, cosy collaboration between government departments and high ranking managers and partners in certain large accountancy firms, and one firm in particular. They’d have had each other on speed dial, if it had been available. I suspect things haven’t improved.
Maria, I suspect the real reason that any Government (Tory, Labour or Coalition) will not substantially reform UK Tax Law is that there will be so many ‘losers’, in total not a great number, but in individual qualification that the broadcast media will have an endless stream of complainants to put up against the government of the day. It needs to be tackled but it will take a Chancellor made of stern stuff, with ‘intestinal fortitude’ as our Cousins say, who has had some exposure to accountancy and taxation. It will be no good for a PM to choose a mate or a PR man or a former social policy wonk or geography graduate.
It will really need a poacher turned gamekeeper to get the job done.
I’m not fond of the concept of fixed term Parliaments but they do present the best opportunity to tackle tax reform. Get proposals out there in a manifesto, sell it to the electorate, tell them it will be a ten to fifteen year task and get cracking as soon as elected to govern.
Osborne really wasted six years of a golden opportunity.
As to the accountancy profession, most (all?) of the big firms provide secondments to the Civil Service, not necessarily at Treasury though. The reason that happens is to improve the quality of working in Whitehall and to try to reduce or eliminate incompetence. There have been so many issues arising out of Whitehall over the last fifteen years that I think we need a National Inquiry into our Civil Service. Probably unlikely to happen as Ministers (including the PM) tend to protect their Civil Servants but if enough public clamour is raised, maybe, just maybe, we can get some serious digging done.
Quite agree. It will be interesting to see what Hammond produces at the autumn statement. I remember seeing him at a Tory conference some years ago when he clearly understood what was wrong with McMental’s approach.
Don’t hold out much hope. Hammond is a very weak man . Made his money out of care homes, exploiting old people. His bullshit will be different from Brown’s bullshit, but it will still be bullshit.
TK, having been involved in the formulation/wording of minor legislation in the past, I submit that being “badly framed” is an understatement. In fact, what is proposed here is making those offering tax avoidance schemes to their clients responsible for the abysmally written legislation constructed by those who have no ‘street wise’ savvy.
As much of the high value stuff has to go to Tribunal or at least Special Commissioners, I don’t see how the firms can be fined on a judgement call that is, in effect, almost in retrospect. They can really only nail dodgy firms or incompetent firms who should know the contents of Butterworths & keep up with the latest developments but don’t or choose to turn a blind eye in the hope of getting something through in order to earn a fat fee.
Oh no – the UK jobless total fell – again. Accordingly, the BBC news site (at 12:05) relegates this trivia to its business page and concentrates (with a mention of the employment figures far down the page) – on its main page – on gold medals won in Rio. BTW the comment from the “experts” quoted in that business report are neutral to unfavourable re the Brexit effect on unemployment. The flavour of the report is “well yes there’s a technical fall but you wait – you’ll be sorry for voting Out!!!”
Smith should be parachuted into Raqqa at the earliest possible opportunity to start negotiations. ISIS can then update us with progress via one of their online videos.
He’s now the most important one to board the charabanc on the one way trip to “negotiate” with ISIS. I guess there’s many that would contribute to the cost of his ticket.
If Smith’s crass suggestion is not totally indicative of a person who has no idea what’s going on, I don’t know what is. He’d make a good leader of the Labour Party though.
Smith is a total idiot. Does he think it is like a trade union negotiating with an employer ? What a moron ! Has he no knowledge of history ? Would he have suggested negotiations with Hitler or Stalin ? Owen Smith is brain dead .
To elaborate grant, you missed the word “monumental” before moron in your post. Now where an earth could the Labour Party have picked this idiot up from, anyone know where he worked before politics!?!?
A “I understand you want us all dead”
B “All infidels, apostates, homosexuals, whores and Jews, yes”
A “100%?”
B “Yes”
A “If we make it easier for you, promise not to say any more nasty things about you, or draw any more pictures, would you accept a lower figure?”
B “What do you have in mind?”
A “How about, say, 50% of us dead?”
B “No, 90%”
A “75%?”
B “We have a deal”
BBC Headline: Tough Negotiations Save 25% of Western Lives: An Historic Victory for Peace
I cannot help thinking that the talks with ISIS have been going on for a while, with Obama’s team, with Cameron’s government, all promising mock war as long as they step up to Assad.
The mere fact that he says this is indicative of the fantasy life of the liberal. Isis will never talk. The whole appeal of isis to it’s supporters is it’s uncompromising attitude. What a dhimmi this Owen would make.
Just back in northern Italy from a few days spent in Venice. We’ve already reported from Milan, but how is Italy’s multicultural migrant experiment going in that most romantic of cities, Venice?
Let’s just say that Venice now comes with added machine guns – very visible armed police and security at every intersection and even travelling in amongst the tourist throngs up and down the canals on the water taxis.
What Venice might lack in roaming gangs of itinerant North Africans (Milan scores well here) it certainly makes up for in fire power and preparedness. Perhaps Italian special forces haven’t been watching the BBC – apparently there is nothing more to fear than a few random ‘men’ with a mental illness.
Speaking of which; somehow we managed a five-hour train journey across northern Italy today without getting attacked by a mentally-ill axe-wielding maniac called Mohammed. Back home on Saturday, so might as well make the best of it. Weather has been great – incredibly hot and sun protection essential for us endangered white, middle-aged English males.
Time for a sundowner, methinks. I can tolerate the surly, mannerless Italian waiters, but BBC World News (hotel TV) really is too much to ask: top story last night? The Olympic’s special ‘refugee team’ – I kid you not. I don’t know about you, but I consider that sort of thing to be the BBC just trolling with license fee payers.
UK consumer price inflation in July was 0.6% according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Expectations were for 0.5%, according to Bloomberg. That prompted some breathless commentary on BBC that a brexit related weaker pound was already leading to higher inflation via import prices (a weaker pound).
But that’s not what the ONS said. “The main contributors to the increase in the rate were rising prices for motor fuels, alcoholic beverages and accommodation services,” it reported. The BBC somehow omitted that transport prices were up 1.6%. Booze was up 0.5%.
You can understand people wanting to have a drink in July. The weather was nice. And whether you were celebrating Brexit or mourning it, alcohol may have been involved. But here’s the point: the inflation figure was 0.5% in June and 0.5% in March – well before Brexit.
For now BBC, the data isn’t showing anything Brexit related.
Magicoat, if petrol/diesel prices stay as they are or drop another penny to match the recent crude value falls then it will be interesting how the BBC will spin that next month. Around here (s-e UK) road fuels reduced at the end of July.
We’ll be lucky though if they do. Since last Thursday, the oil price has been doing rather too well.
Interestingly, the BBC Business & Economics people haven’t spotted a recent trend for a rise in the oil price to be matched by a fall in the UK stock market but that would mean they could not blame Brexit.
“The real power of Christ
thousands of years ago magic mushrooms were thought to improve fertility, leading to cults being created around the belief. These secret fungal cults eventually led to the concept of Jesus. Essentially, Jesus didn’t exist: he was a kind of a code word for the mysterious mushroom power. And the “Jesus myth” caught on, rapidly spreading and eventually became Christianity.
The name Jesus actually meant something along the lines of “semen”, and that Christ meant something like “giant erect mushroom penis.””
So that’s Christianity ridiculed, what next.
“High on Mount Sinai stood Moses…
Psychedelic drugs were an integral part of the religious practices of the Israelites in biblical times. Moses was high on mushrooms or some other psychedelic drug when he received the Ten Commandments. As were his followers. And that the tales of the flaming bush and parting of the Red Sea was most likely vivid drug-induced hallucinations.”
Judaism done.
Shiva’s chillin’
The Hindu god Shiva has long been linked to cannabis, notably through the story of creation. Long story short: the gods got together to churn the cosmic ocean. From the depths rose poison, which started heating up the cosmos. Such was its heat that animals and plants started dying. Shiva came to the rescue and drank the poison, but over time it made him so hot he needed to be cooled down. Marijuana is supposed to be a coolant – so it is said that Shiva smokes weed to keep his body temperature down.”
The BBC has shown that religion can be mocked, laughed at, viewed as no more than a drug induced 60’s style freak out.
Now for islam, can’t wait to see how they portray mohammmmed the profit and his crazy followers.
Mentioning in an article that Moses, considered not only a prophet but a messenger and also the most frequently mentioned individual in the Quran, was high on mushrooms or some other psychedelic drug is a little risque for the BBC.
Oldspeaker, wouldn’t it be awful if the Religionists of Peace took offence at the beeb insulting Moses? I’m told the punishment for blasphemy can be severe, e.g. Charlie.
Perish the thought Peter, I did wonder if Helena Cavell had included that as a little bit of calculated mischief, given the BBC’s deification of you know who, and pathological lying and censorship of facts in defence of the same. Having read the whole article it was probably just ignorance by Cavell, the whole piece is a bit of poorly researched pop crapola. Benny Shannon tried to distance himself from just this type of blunt crayon reporting years ago, in response to the Guardians article on the same he replied with,
“Your report contains words and sentences I have neither written nor uttered, some introduced in quotation marks as if coming from me. Terms such as “drug”, “trip”, “high” and “stoned” are ones I have nothing to do with and which I do not condone.”
Nice of the Guardian to allow him the forum to reply, but this all happened around 2008, which leads one to wonder what exactly Helena Cavells remit is and why she is regurgitating this kind of already disputed nonsense. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/mar/26/religion
That too Al, somehow despite being responsible for death,mutilation and terrorist activity across the globe the BBC has them on the beyond criticism and poor victim pedestal, strikes me as more sinister than just cowardice alone.
More like ‘World and Whinge’ with Martha Kearney and BBC Radio 4 today. Have sought temporary refuge in front of the computer as it still has a few minutes of bemoaning .. er .. broadcasting time left.
Well well…..in the Express website this morning….Morrisey…our own musical misrerabilist…national treasure….has rounded on the BBC in a most robust manner, calling it badly biased and running GB down and all the Brexiters…saying that it gives opinion instead of news…..OUCH….great stuff…nice to see…kudos Morrisey…god knows i’m miserable now….buckets of wilting Gladioli heading Beebway…excellent…
Good spot, Reaper. How I chuckled. Oh dear, the BBC must be crying into their skinny lattes, seeing how Morrissey has gone all guns blazing on their institutional anti-Brexit bias. A delight to read the great man’s quite rational views on the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern. Who would have thought the ex-front man of the one-time student’s favourite, The Smiths, could possibly hold such un-BBC approved views? Hilarious.
Does this mean the Mozz is to be ‘unpersoned’ by the Corporation (like Sir Cliff and countless others) for holding the incorrect views?
Caster Semenya is going in the Olympic ‘mixed’ 800m.
Expect wall to wall transgender virtue signalling from the biased BBC, they’ve been off the pace on this for some weeks so a great opportunity beckons.
Actually i feel sorry for ‘her’ personally, but the other athletes without the testosterone also deserve our consideration, if not that of the biased BBC.
Don’t you love it when the beeb and other msm publish polls showing that ‘the majority of UK Muslims condemn violence/ terrorism/beheadings/stonings/forced marriages/honour killings/ FGM etc.’ Does anyone REALLY think they’re going to tell whitey with a clipboard, ‘Oh yes, I really think 9/11 was a good thing’, knowing how that sounds to normal people, and knowing it might be borderline illegal to support terrorism.
I wonder what really gets said in mosques, away from prying ears.
A case in point below. Note the staggeringly high 1 in 4 at the end, bearing in mind that is a gross underestimate for reasons mentioned above. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31620643
“BBC poll suggests that an overwhelming majority of British Muslims oppose the use of violence against people publishing images of the Prophet Muhammad.
A thousand people of Muslim faith were surveyed in the weeks that followed the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.
The poll also found that 1 in 4 Muslims have some sympathy with the motives behind those shootings.”
It’s the 25% which concerns me, too. After all, 25% of 3 million is 750,000 people. That’s three quarters of a million people in the UK who might be prepared to hide, feed, and supply those committing violence, seeing as they have “some sympathy” with them.
Q. What is the punishment for insulting Islam or Muhammad?
A. Under Sharia, those who insult Muhammad or Allah are to be executed. So are those who desecrate the Quran or commit other acts of blasphemy. This tradition began with Muhammad, as recorded in the Hadith and by his biographers. There is also a Quranic basis for it.
Quran (6:93) – “Who can be more wicked than one who invent a lie against Allah?” If the death penalty is prescribed for lesser crime, then it stands to reason that it should be imposed for the most “wicked”.
Quran (33:57) – “Lo! those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them the doom of the disdained”
Quran (33:61) – [continues from above] “Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a (fierce) slaughter.” http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/insulters-islam.aspx
When I read threads like this, I recall a radio 4 programme earlier this year by Bennett-Jones about the Deobandis in the UK and how they have taken over complete control of parts of the UK. It was all news to me – and quite frightening really – and I wondered then and now…why do we never hear about this. I admit to being quite ignorant of all the detail, compared with many on this site who seem to know so much more than I do.
This was a good two parter Soapbox.
Was surprised the BBC let it through, but was grateful .
If the BBC WERE to balance their output I could live with it-but this one was so unusual.
Aaronovitch also did something good re Millenarial Muslims…and, again-much as I think he`s a prat-he did a good job on this one.
So it`s not all bad…but so rare to hear them at the BBC.
Glad you all bought this point up as something I was going to post on the weekend thread is the ludicrous position we now find ourselves in whereby as far as I’m aware the two men of “middle eastern appearance” who tried to abduct the serviceman jogging outside RAF marham either still haven’t been found or it has been suppressed. My guess the former.
And that ladies and gents presuming the jogger (at best) would have received the Lee Rigby treatment shows us the dire situation we are in. Contrary to BBC and co virtue signalling the Muslim community have proven time and time again where their loyalties lie. Note also the MCB were invited to Asad Shah’s funeral and said that no one could make it on the day…. Yeah right
I wonder how many UK Muslims are really Muslims. They face the same threat of violence from their communities/families if they don’t regularly find a bit of rug to roll out and kneel on 5 times a day. Just like any other cult not all the members want to stay in it.
Point taken – as the Deobandis radio programme proved amply. My comment was probably badly phrased, what I meant was that of that 25% (750,000) I’m sure there are some among them who would, while others wouldn’t.
One constant in the equation, and perhaps the biggest threat of all to Brexit – through the corrosive propaganda they are continuing to generate on an industrial scale – is the BBC. Two months on from the referendum vote, they are still searching relentlessly for reasons why ‘no’ was totally a mistake.
It’s not just a historical battle they’re endlessly re-fighting: the intention is to whip up enough hostility to Brexit to cause it to be abandoned, re-voted on, or left to drift and eventually fade away.
Actually this “Last Jap in the Jungle” is a pretty good picture of the BBCs last ditch stand in regard of Brexit.
The rest of us have moved along-but no matter how many BBC/Labour/Osborne-Soubry straw men turn out to be not even as robust as straw…so all the spooking stats they concocted turn out to be lies and deliberate efforts to scare pensioners etc…the BBC last ditchers continue to shoot themselves int foot, give themselves away with their futile Banzai blatherings…we pity them, laugh and shake a sorry head at these deluded losers who`d rather throw people out of work or risk a migrant rape epidemic than admit they were wrong, wrong and wrong again.
The BBC and the lying liblabia elite will NOT get over our vote…we hate experts, we knew they were lying over their stats and their hatred of Boris etc has consumed them…so we`re left with the likes of Owen Smith and Tim Farron as “lefty heavyweights”…used to be Benn and Healey once.
Let them stew and bleed their sap-the BBC are finished, if only we`d go feral on them…maybe IS and Occupy tactics could strike terror into them finally.
Just needs the right side to co-opt the Duggan mantle….
You`re right Roland and Peter the G.
But we crossed the rubicon on the 23rd June…and the vast mass of this country now no longer listen to, believe and accept the BBC as “national spokesman” any longer.
Those who DID look at BBC coverage after 2015s result in the General Election chose to vote to stuff the BBC, Jo Cox and Bob Geldof…the BBC are now marooned and drowning day by day…but they`ll not ever report on that.
And their response to Brexit is mental breakdown obsessive moonings and deceits-but all they have is Sturgeon, Ashdown and Polly….as if we`ll EVER listen to their likes again.
An example-Chris Mason was the telly earlier before Corbyn and Smith compared nail varnish-he himself said that this was “not newsworthy…but it might be instructive”.
What an admission…the BBC openly saying that what they`re pumping out isn`t news…nor will it ever be…but its directive, instructive and used to buoy up the Left at our expense.
By the time he got onto TWATO later, he said the same thing, only less clearly…but the damage is done.
Masons Mantra applies to 95% of BBC “News Output”…it`s not going to be news-but it`ll instruct the elite in what might yet save or encourage them.
Oh dear-on our tab?….we that stupid to give Mason a living as the whole Rio Spokesrebel caboodle leach at our veins?
Hope to God not…want to be able to face my kids one day to say that it was US who not only voted to leave the EU…but we binned The BBC Traitors en passant….
Let’s have a hash tag #bbcBadStats to highlight BBC stats crimes.
– I just listened to Tim Harford on last week’s R4 media show
– “What can a presenter do when a guest suddenly comes up with a stat ?”
TH – “Sometimes it’s obviously bad”,
“sometimes there is nothing a presenter can do right then, but they CAN check within 20 minutes and come back before the end of the show”
Well I suggest BBC stats monitoring could be done by hash tag #bbcBadStats #msmBadStats
On the show the Stats expert in charge of writing the BBC proved her on air ineptitude ..She struggled to give an example of flawed stats , when prompted about the “only 1% of men take maternity leave” she couldn’t remember what the fault was ..(It that the 1% is of all men not just the ones who are having a baby)
BTW “Actually There was until recently a Head of Statistics, but that job has been abolished.”
I guess the BBC knows darn well it cannot actually be severe on bad stats, cos that will put some of its own beloved narrative to bed (eg “97% of climate scientists etc.)
I see they use this strawman argument :”bad stats come up, as a consequence of giving time for balance”. However it is wrong to suggest that by balance, impartiality, objectivity the public are taking some dictionary definitions; like of EQUAL time for each side.
The balanced problem most complained against is GATEKEEPING where some narratives are not challenged properly due to counter arguers being kept off the airwaves or some friends being invited on air and given a free ride whilst opposing voices are given a hard time. The BBC Trust Report on Reporting Stats PDF
R4 Media Show at 4:30 will mention bias in favour of BREXIT
such is the remarkable bubbleworld they live in
“The American press has all but abandoned impartiality when it comes” to Donald Trump.
similar problem to the one that faced broadcasters in the UK, especially the BBC, who were accused of ‘false balance’ during coverage of the EU referendum (By who ?? they did everything they could to gatekeep against Brexit voices like farage)
+ “media company, Vice, famed for its youth-oriented outlook, is launching a new TV channel in the UK. Viceland”
+ >>BBC Comedy is reviving some much-loved sitcoms including Goodnight Sweetheart and Are You Being Served<<
“70% of claims made by Trump have been found to be false by Politifact
…whereas it’s only 30% from Hillary !!”
…(Politifact is a left leaning website !!
…and you take rhetorical comments by Trump literally)
Has anyone visited the BBC News Facebook page lately?.
I popped over for a look out of curiosity and stone me, it’s awful.
The banner of the page speaks for itself with a montage of photos i.e a packed immigrant boat, a CND logo made from candles, children viewing the eclipse but alas the picture has a little white girl in the middle with a Chinese and African girl on each side and another picture of multi nation flags etc.
At the time of writing the content is equally bizzare and even sick.
The latest story is about a Japanese Pole Vaulter at the Olympics whose “Penis hit the bar” and prevented him from progressing. Apparantly he now “sees the funny side of it”.
Next is: Anjem Choudary who “For 20 years radical cleric Anjem Choudary used his megaphone to drive a wedge between Muslims and the rest of the UK”. Ah, you see he didn’t speak for Muslims!.
No, he preached Islamic hatred towards Britain and incited violence.
Next up, a story about some Brazilian dance that’s become a “craze”. “This is the passinho. It started in Rio’s poorest neighbourhoods. Now it’s become an urban dance craze”. And yes, it’s as irrelevant and awful as it sounds.
“Should a peace process involve anyone from so-called Islamic State?”. It’s a debate programme with Jeremy Corben and Owen Smith.
The Presenter asks the question to Jeremy Corben but gives him the ultimatum of “Yes or No”. He answers “No, they’re not going to be around the table”(6 seconds). Owen Smith is then given 43 seconds to waffle on promoting himself and advocating IS being at the table.
Scroll down the page and you find a(nother) very subjective photo of children in relation to a story about closing down an Australian detention centre.
Scroll down past more Olympics drivel and it’s a story about Donald Trump’s “hand gestures” and “what they say about him”.
Scroll past more Olympic drivel and you find a story about a female Chinese competitor who “broke the taboo of speaking about her period”.
Scroll past more Olympics drivel and it’s a story about “Is porn damaging to men’s health? According to a top NHS psychosexual therapist, online porn is causing erectile dysfunction in young men?”.
I can’t be bothered to go any further but you do wonder what’s in the perverted heads of these people.
Where’s the science headlines?, where’s the technology news?, or an item about the decrease in uneployment?, or a story about a British company succeeding in the world?.
No, the BBC News consists of “Penis, Period and Porn”.
Yes Sinniberg, typical slippery wording from slimy beeb, “For 20 years radical cleric Anjem Choudary used his megaphone to drive a wedge between Muslims and the rest of the UK” (via BBC News Magazine).
Not plain old “to preach hate and encourage terrorism”? https://www.facebook.com/bbcnews/
Typical Beeb weasel words specifically designed to give an impression that Anjem Choudhary is somehow ‘other’ than your common garden Muslim. They are so duplicitous in their use of language.
Good article from Milo here.
No wonder the Left have said nothing about it.
Trumps just won the election if he hammers this one policy alone…the emails and Benghazi will unravel and strangle her once and for all.
Good policy Donald-now repeat it ad nauseum until the Left get beyond mere hate for you…then you`ll have your revenge.
“Scroll past more Olympics drivel and it’s a story about “Is porn damaging to men’s health? According to a top NHS psychosexual therapist, online porn is causing erectile dysfunction in young men?”.”
Fellow Citizens, the click counter is about to hit the magical number of 55 million: we are now a mighty and unstoppable army!
Arise, Arise, let us storm the Bastille Brainwashing Corporation, let us overthrow the pampered and powdered corrupt elite who live off the hard work of the honest citizens of Britain whom they despise and to whom they feed nothing but the rancid crusts of stale lies, distortions, political correctness and cultural Marxism.
On Essential Classics on Radio 3 weekday mornings 9 to 11 (while the BBC are living it up at the Edinburgh Festival – otherwise 9 to 12) there is a guest for half an hour from 10. Amazingly they always seem to hold opinions approved by the BBC. I would love to hear Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson (or Dominic), Rod Liddle, Nigel Farage, or – well so many but invariably it isn’t. At present it is Simon Sebag-Montefiore, biographer of Stalin. You couldn’t make it up, as they say.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen! Armed with over 55 million clicks, let us storm the Bastille Brainwashing Corporation and overthrow the pampered and powdered corrupt elite who live off the hard work of the honest citizens of Britain whom they despise and to whom they feed nothing but the rancid crusts of stale lies, distortions, political correctness and cultural Marxism.
Off with their heads! Aux Armes Citoyens! Ici Londres! Honneur et Patrie!
(Don’t know why I’ve gone all De Gaulle suddenly – something to do with resisting a Fascist occupation maybe.)
There was a classic BBC programme on Radio 4 this morning at 11am. It was about the Grunwick dispute – the hook being that some of the presenter’s relatives had been on the picket line.
I was in the car so only heard about 20 minutes of it, but everyone interviewed was either a striker or a supporter of the strike. There was a mention of “police violence”, but no context that the flash-point was when the police tried to escort those wanting to work through the picket line. There was lots of praise for the miners, who went there after Arthur Scargill sent miners from Yorkshire, South Wales and Kent to form a mass picket – with the added comment that the police were afraid of the miners.
My abiding recollection of the strike is the comment by someone I worked with at the time (a German Jew who had made it out of Germany in 1939); “The mob have to be defeated as their political street violence is a copy of how Hitler took over Germany”.
The BBC programme didn’t even hint that there could be any view other than unquestioning support for the strikers.
Nibor – The beeb are ONLY happy when thy can sniff out perceived racism, it’s become their raison d’etre, their mission statement, their creed. I guess if you don’t believe in anything else, you gotta have SOME ideology. So it’s Anti-Racism elevated to a cult. And Islam of course.
It’s only a matter of time before the government appoints a Racism Finder General, or Islamophobe-Hunter Pursuivant, like the old witchfinder-generals. It will probably be someone who looks like Vincent Price. ‘Bring the racists to my rooms tonight…the young, pretty ones…they are the worst offenders…’
Boy that was a grim old film wasn’t it, the role would be tailor made for any number of hatchet faced hard line socialist types, could do worse than this chap, he has the beard anyway and can point the finger so it’s a start.
Jeez Corbyn, Corbyn, Corbyn,
when will the British Broadcasting Corporation stop acting like the Labour Broadcasting Corporation ?
5:10pm R4 PM prog is banging on about Corbyn excitedly referring to today’s Nottingham debate as the BBC Hustings, which they have filmed with 8 cameras !!
6:00pm Then of course it was on the BBC1 6pm news
6:35pm and blow me then on the local news it’s the Corbyn Show again as 10 minutes are spent with him walking around Grimsby and then Cleethorpes beach.
One constant in the equation, and perhaps the biggest threat of all to Brexit – through the corrosive propaganda they are continuing to generate on an industrial scale – is the BBC. Two months on from the referendum vote, they are still searching relentlessly for reasons why ‘no’ was totally a mistake.
It is impossible to keep track of this deluge. It’s suffused, for example, throughout the Corporation’s business coverage (best evidenced in Today’s 6.15am business news slot), has infected food, environment and comedy programmes, and of course, dominates news coverage. If you have doubts, take a while to browse the Corporation’s Brexit Collection on the iPlayer – almost every programme rams home hard the collective anti-Brexit meme.
Such is the scale of the effort that a whole new mythology is in the process of being forged
A manifestation of these fables-in-the-making is being broadcast on Radio 4’s PM programme, Producers have built around a real, but unidentified ‘ordinary’ street on Teesside a series they have dubbed ‘Brexit Street’.
For a start ‘Brexit Street’ is not ‘ordinary’. … it can be only one local thoroughfare, Westbury Street.
… First, the housing is mainly old inner city stock and a terrace house can be bought there for between £40,000 and £60,000… pretty downmarket
(There are only about 250 people living on the street but PM keeps finding Asylum seekers there)
I think I had the misfortune to listen to tbe first edition of Brexit Street on R4 introduced by comrade E Mair and reported by some callow girl Emma Jane Kirby, no doubt hoping to advance her career by toeing tbe BBC remainiac line. I was puzzled why the leave voters interviewed were all ill educated post industrial northerners , whom the BBC seem to whistle up on demand. I was also puzzled about the prevalence of so many whingeing asylum seekers and it’s relevance to the EU.
David Keighley’s article explains all. Why is tne UK taxpayer forced to pay for this appalling BBC distortion of the issues?
The BBC are serial offenders here.
All you have to listen to is Broadcasting House last Sunday.
The programme contrasted Blackpool( Leavers, white, end of the pier trogs with their bingo and their whiff of cheap UKIP)…to Blackpool( speech coaches, eco turbines, deserving of their success because they REMAINED and are open, tolerant and progressive).
The BBC are full of this north-baiting condescension…and still keep coming back to insult, demean and offend with their Priestley/Orwell caricatures).
Is that the same E. Mair who was “contracted out” to act as spokesperson for a certain Fake Sheik of Harrods fame – c. Private Eye – when he was having numerous PR difficulties after a crash in Paris?
What is the motivation of these Liberals to turn against their own population?
It’s about time we had a clear-out of said redundant “intellectuals”. Starting with the BBC
Afraid I can’t stand Paddy O’Connell and Broadcasting House. Even his name puts me off although I’m sure it has advanced his BBC career no end . He is lightweight and a pale
imitation of a news anchorman with gravitas. But when did the BBC last have one of those ? Sorry if Blackpools reputation was traduced . I don’t think the BBC is interested in the north except for Salford Quays and a few trendy restaurants in Manchester city centre.
I listened to a segment on PM this afternoon where “Edith” Mair was discussing, with an al beebus expert on Korea, the defection of a senior North Korean diplomat (stationed in London) to the South; during the course of the conversation the al beeboid said that al beebus had set up a radio station to broadcast to the North, against their objections.
Why? What a complete waste of our money to fund a propaganda station. Isn’t the World Service enough FFS?
What a heart warming tale of an individual overcoming adversity and achieving success against the odds: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37062579
No doubt the ‘Super Soaker’ was the weapon of choice in the recent fun mass water fight in London.
The Beebs fav scientist Brian cox being an arrogant tosser out in oz. It’s the consensus baby. The smugness of this prat is unreal. The throwing of the’evidence’ across the desk reminded me of that other tosser macdonnell when he threw maos red book at George Osborne last year.
Cox seems to have cherry picked the graph produced by NASA last year, for the Paris conference. It eliminates the Pause or Hiatus in temperatures since 1997, but is not supported by the other four major international organisations including Hadley. So I wonder if the BBC now prefers to use this now discredited graph which was put under scrutiny by the United States House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. As I remember, the people who produced the graph refused to disclose the methodology used to produce the graph, but leaks revealed that the scientists where under pressure from the White House, to eliminate the pause, on the run up to the Paris Climate Conference.
The graph seems to have now disappeared with even NASA seeming to deny that it ever existed. So the Orwellian BBC seems to be the only place left, that you would find this graph still in use, presumably because of a consensus of the environmental activists advising the BBC that that is what the consensus of “the best scientific experts” have told them that that’s what the consensus is amongst people who think that that is what scientists think, maybe, if anyone at the BBC has ever contacted a causational Climate scientist? Probably not, because they are the complainants responsible for the demise of the BBC Trust.
The Astronomers I know are still happy with the pause because it correlates with the Length of the Solar Cycle. But the only problem seems to be that a Global temperature lag wobbles between four and eleven years due to the El Nino’s and La Nina’s. So I leave this to the brother of the Labour Party to explain.
I also notice that amendments in the temperature record are the only thing that causes a temperature increase since 1997, both by amending assumed errors downward before 1997, and amending assumed errors upward since 1997. For instance in the Guinness Book of Records (1967) you will find than the highest ever temperature was 136.4f in 1933. Now it says that it is higher at 129.2f in 2016?
Anyway, in the main, its not the scientists who are at fault because its not the scientists who are pushing this fraud. The people pushing this scientific fraud are a mixture of morons and manipulators in the administrations of environmental, scientific and political organisations. And as the BBC‘s “Best Scientific Experts” Incident proves, without any causational Climate Scientists having any influence on the proceedings.
Also it looks as if the Australian Broadcasting Corporation also keeps causational Climate scientists of its programs, has David Archibald ever appeared?
“The Astronomers I know are still happy with the pause because it correlates with the Length of the Solar Cycle. But the only problem seems to be that a Global temperature lag wobbles between four and eleven years due to the El Nino’s and La Nina’s.”
The astronomers you “know” must be chinking their champagne glasses then! And the temperature lag “wobbles” between 4 and 11 years? Do you mean the cherry-picked 4 years that the El Nino effect was statistically significant and the 11 years of the Solar Cycle? Even a comprehensive school pupil (like me) would see the error in your methodology.
We (and the entire internet and international science community) have gone over ALL of this before, and then some more.
“NASA seeming to deny that it ever existed”
Throw NASA into the arena with the BBC! Why stop there? Let’s go for evey scientist that agrees with… statistics!
Who’s kidding who? That’s the question.
And you, Richard Pinder, are a very good kidder. Either that or you have been kidded.
Now and then one of the cabal behind the scam even admits it. For example:, the following is a quote from Dr Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of a leading IPCC Working Group, in an interview published by Neue Zürcher Zeitung in 2010,
“The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”
Socialist ‘thinkers’ had came up with the notion of international wealth redistribution and had been waiting for the right engine to drive their demands. All it took was a small group of young scientists looking to make names for themselves to come up with the right theory that was designed from the outset to be unfalsifiable.
Problem is, GC, that the redistribution of wealth has been so markedly upward – even aided & abetted by our own dear BBC – that the folk at the bottom of the heap have noticed, are starting to complain, and are voting with their feet .. er, .. I mean … votes.
And their wallets. There is a noticeable fall-off in car use when the fuel price goes above certain pressure points. Young people are now less likely to want to learn to drive. Commuting is switching to foot or the bicycle. Treasury feels the pinch at times. (Most notably in Spring 2008.) The golden goose is becoming egg-less and may be well on its way to joining a certain well-known parrot.
BBC Out of Touch : The people in Scunthorpe are glued to Newsnight’s big opening item/discussion about a garden bridge in London.
..Evan Davis and co stuck in their bubbleworld haven’t got a clue about the real world of the licence payers live in.
Why the heck isn’t the story just left to the London local news team ?
All last year and half of this, the liberal elites in the UK, berated the UK for not talking in as many migrants as Sweden. (The fact that the UK has the second highest migrant population in Europe is by the bye) So with the libs lauding Sweden as the place to emulate, I wonder why the bBC haven’t reported this story from across the North Sea. Sweden; Spate of Car torching confuses Swedish Government.
“All last year and half of this, the liberal elites in the UK, berated the UK for not talking in as many migrants as Sweden.”
Because ‘Johnny Swede’ sticks his finger in the fire why should we ?
Britain should leap-frog Hinkley and lead 21st Century nuclear revolution
Molten salt reactors were built by the US physicist Alvin Weinberg at the Oak Ridge Laboratories in the 1960s, but were never pursued because the Pentagon wanted the plutonium residue from light water reactors to build nuclear warheads.
I have long suspected a similar motivation to be the reason behind previous governments’ enthusiasm for Hinkley Point C, but have never seen it before in print. Is this a first?
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Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:05 Start the Week 17th March 2025 One of the new Deform Party councillors. Muhammed Yusuf doing the vetting. National & cultural pride welcomed. As long as…
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:02 Start the Week 17th March 2025 She must have had the disability benefit for a long time. It hasn’t been available to new claimants for at…
tomoMar 18, 11:49 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Here’s hoping there’s cameras around when they serve him this at the official banquet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Li_Zhuang https://twitter.com/energygovuk/status/1901691088215425141
Thirty five minutes into the Today programme before Anjem Choudary was mentioned.
I know that Jason Kenny’s race last night went on even longer than anticipated due to two false starts but I did wonder whether the decision to delay the news on BBC1 was influenced by the editors knowing that they would have to say something about the Anjem Choudary case last night and that the number of viewers would be less the later the news was on.
I also wonder sometimes if the moon is made of cheese.
And yet the News at Ten last night covered it, and it was the main headline all day:
And there’s the big banner headline on the news homepage. I’d say the BBC is giving more coverage to it that BiasedBBC. I wonder if that is because of BiasedBBC’s sympathy with Choudary’s message?
Just wondering…
And there is this ……………………… “If you go back 10 or 12 years you had home secretaries saying the criminal justice system is broken, it couldn’t deal with terrorism.
What do you think of Mark Easton’s views on Choudary?
The BBC has been attacked for the “disgusting “ views of one of its most senior journalists after he compared hate preacher Anjem Choudary to Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Winston Churchill.
Mark Easton, the corporation’s Home Editor, criticised Government plans to clamp down on fanatics and said extreme views were needed “to challenge very established values”.
You should make it clear that the piece you link to is 18 months old.
Easton would have had a good point if only he had extended his vision of free speech to everyone, except he doesn’t. As a full blown Islamophile it makes you wonder when he might convert, as he seems to wholly object to anyone else expressing any criticism of his favourite brown eyed boys !
Not the daring and audacious torch bearer in the sandal steps of Ghandi, so beloved of Mark Easton, amongst others?
Evan Davis was quick off the blocks to feign scorn for all those who gave Choudhury that “oxygen of publicity” up until now,
With, of course an effort to give the impression that the lower orders , the more lowbrow aspects of the media allowed Choudhury to get his message out there…for Evan and the BBC, this would have to be both “disappointing” and a “cause for concern”.
Think he was having a pop at the Telegraph and Argus…because the BBC-of course, would NOT have done such a thing.
Utter insouciance, contempt for us-for not only have they hours of Choudhry footage on Newsnight alone-butt they“ve even done a profile of the other bloke convicted with Ramjam a few weeks back.
(Why this delay I wonder?…so they could give him a wing at Wandsworth to preach from?).
Choudhury and pal are just Corbyn and McDonnell really…both meet where Islam meets Communism.
And the anti-Brexit story of the day on the BBC will be …..
(sound of trumpets)
A speech by Ms Sturgeon raising questions over Brexit.
As announced between 5.30 and 6 a.m. on Radio 5Labour
P.S. I only turned on to catch up with the Olympics – honestly.
Choudary is yet another case in which the so called “far right” have been bang on the money in warning of his influence and the risks presented by using him for BBC interviews to promote Jihad to the general population.
Perhaps we should hear a bit more from people who appear to understand the current situation better than the soft liberals and hard left leaning beeboids who currently provide what passes for political analysis on the BBC.
Rod Liddle, Melanie Phillips, Peter Hitchens, Mark Steyn, Christopher Caldwell, Roger Scruton, William Dalrymple, Douglas Murray, Anne Coulter, to name a few, could all help in adding balance and greater accuracy to the BBCs output.
Just read an article about the Islamic Egyptian’s refusal to shake hands with his Israeli opponent in the Olympic Judo competition. The soft statement on the BBBC’s website, to explain the behaviour, is as follows: ‘The Egyptian had come under pressure from some conservative voices in his homeland to withdraw from the bout.’
Now the complete and unsanitised facts from the Telegraph:
‘The athlete, who is an ultraconservative Salafi, had come under pressure from hardline Islamists on social media and from television pundits not to participate in the match. “You will shame Islam. If you lose, you will shame an entire nation and yourself,” one comment read.’
Associated Press report:
‘Islam El Shehaby, an ultraconservative Salafi Muslim, had come under pressure before the games from Islamist-leaning and nationalist voices in Egypt to withdraw from the first-round heavyweight bout against Or Sasson. […]
On Thursday, Moutaz Matar, a TV host of the Islamist-leaning network Al-Sharq, had urged El Shehaby to withdraw.
“My son, watch out. Don’t be fooled, or fool yourself, thinking you will play with the Israeli athlete to defeat him and make Egypt happy,” he said. “Egypt will cry; Egypt will be sad and you will be seen as a traitor and a normalizer in the eyes of your people.”,
The BBBC’s article (http://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/37063284) is OK except that it deliberately withholds the facts from readers about what lies behind the unacceptable behaviour other than the weak statement above. It hides the belligerent, intolerant attitude of Islam that is behind the ongoing misery in Israel and the entire middle east, if not the entire world. This is biased meddling with reports and an attempt to soften the true face of a massive part of Islam. Seemingly a small matter, but nonetheless sinister and wrong.
The article I read quite correctly states this:
‘Clearly the BBC’s portrayal of “conservative voices” is not conducive to full audience understanding of the story. It would of course be very surprising to see the BBC describe anyone urging an athlete not to compete against a gay or black opponent as “conservative” and such bigotry portrayed as a “traditional value”.
But – not for the first time – we see that the BBC is reluctant to explain discriminatory Islamist ideology to its audiences in clear and precise language.’ (From an article by Hadar Sela)
Quite simply the bbc is witholding information. It is a sensor. It has decided what is relevant. Surely it should provide us with all the facts. Government sadly it’s over to you again.you must do your job.
The BBC does not withhold information. Apparently.
It is merely space and time constraints require editorial integrity of a unique nature to kick in.
Aah! but that’s an excuse, GW. What’s the reason? We can only guess. There is, sadly, no-one in Parliament or anywhere truly and regularly holding the BBC to account. The occasional Charter Renewal is not enough.
Maybe it would be good if the DG together with his station & on-line Chiefs faced a quarterly House of Commons Committee with Jeremy Corbyn-style questions provided by the public?
Given the cosy relationship between Westminster and its propaganda system, at the very least the committee would commission BBC QT producers to ‘vet’ the ‘questions’ provided.
“Given its awesome value, just [insert BBC PR stat hete], when is the government going to raise the licence fee further lest Botney face the prospect of downgrading to Business on his next jolly?”
BBC Broken News:
The BBC ‘policy of ignoring’ has many categories, of course.
All with integrity, natch.
Seems as though it’s day 503 of the Rio Olympics on the BBC News Channel – in fact if this goes on much longer I swear the BBC girls are in danger of disappearing up their own podia. They do know those medals aren’t really made of gold, right?
Arthur Patel for BBC London is in a very fetching summer dress this morning – can anyone out there confirm that her name really is Arthur? When she introduces herself it sounds just like Arthur.
News of today’s murder:
‘Hayes teenager charged with stabbing murder’
‘Lance Scott Walker was attacked on Monday afternoon in Gledwood Gardens, Hayes. Despite the efforts of paramedics, he died at the scene.’
A rather unflattering photo of the victim accompanies both tv and on line BBC reports. No such exposure of course for ‘Idris Hassan, also 18, of Gledwood Gardens… due to appear before Wimbledon magistrates later’.
And when the Olympics finishes it will be a carry on of bbc distorting Islamic murder again&again&again.
Looks like this website has competition.
Reference Anjem Choudry.
“Barred by mosques but welcomed on the BBC”
D Mail, today, page 7.
The article provides a deeply disturbing but to readers totally unsurprising example of Al Beebzeera’s attititude to ‘impartiality’.
Perhaps they should also be in court.
Nearly everyday that I turn on my radio or watch Al Beeb its ‘Wall to Wall’ Corbyn, multiculti and Brexophobia . Al Beeb is beginning to become comparable with the broadcasters of North Korea. Honestly, its monotonous and you guys are forced by law to pay for it.
You can scrap your licence – there is much more to life than TV. You can still watch DVDs and Blu-Ray, internet articles and downloads. I know it’s not right that we should be forced to do this, but it’s the only way to get at the BBC. I haven’t paid for that bunch of devious wasters since 1995 and I honestly have never missed them!
Says the Daily Mail as it quotes Choudary and includes a clip of an interview with him in the same article.
Hardly a flattering view of the man and the BBC .
Dave S,
What an evil man . Hopes he dies soon in prison and saves us money. Hey Kiku, ” Little flower ” tell me why you love him ?
BBC ‘Today’, R4 – More debate on how the UK should take 600 “children” from the Jungle. Many of this 600 of ‘Artful Dodgers’ claim to have relatives in the UK. We are told by the head of a MultiCulti charity that clearly supports flooding the UK with so-called ‘Refugees’, efforts to admit the 600 are too slow. One “15 year old male” interviewed by female BBC reporter was asked the question: ‘What do you want to do WHEN you get to the UK?’. “When” as if it is a BBC foregone conclusion. The MulitCulti Charity claims that the local authorities charged with this responsibility were causing the hold-up. Some lawyer correctly pointed out the background of the ‘child’ had to be examined to establish the connection with the alleged ‘relative’ in the UK. I ask, “No DNA test?”. Wouldn’t that solve the problem of the doubtless lies being told by many? Perhaps we ought to know the identity of all these pro immigration ‘Charities’?
They are on French soil and France should look after them, or is France such a horrible place to be ?
Charities collect money to pay their employees . They will look for sob stories to keep them in work.
And Al Beeb love em.
Perhaps they should focus on the children in Rotherham? Charity begins at home .
The French authorities should deal with the problem of unhoused migrants on French soil.
Surely any adult migrant already in the UK and entitled to be here is free to travel to Calais, collect his or her child and return with that child to the UK (and it would be any parent’s instinct to do exactly that)?
I am afraid that the attempt is the other way round – ‘get the kids in first’ and their parents will ‘find’ them from the Middle East and claim to get in here .
“Surely any adult migrant already in the UK and entitled to be here is free to travel to Calais, collect his or her child and return with that child to the UK (and it would be any parent’s instinct to do exactly that)?
Of course they are. None of these alleged children has a parent here they have been sent first as forerunners so that th chain migration can follow. The alleged ‘relatives in the UK’ are far more distant.
For most of us, if it was our nephew or neice w would go over there and help them. I do not believe any of these so called ‘children’ have close family here. What they do have is distant relatives or friends from their home villages that their family have paid to act as sponsors.
I recall Camilla Batman saying several years ago (and in this I do not think she was lying) that many of the kids company clients were former ‘child refugees’ who were staying with ‘uncles’ (alleged uncles she should have said) who threw them out when they reached eighteen and the family could no longer claim foster money payments.
Readers may also have noticed that many gansters involved in gun and knife crime do not have parents here and an ‘uncle’ or ‘sister’ will be the one who speaks for the family and claims he was going to be a doctor.
This story may have already been posted here but just for the record it is worth taking note of these things.
‘Owen Smith is a bit of a BBC luvvie having worked there as a producer for ten years, and his handy connections to Auntie don’t end there. Oily’s campaign team includes Olivia Pienaar, a Labour aide who is organising his support from within parliament. Olivia is by all accounts a talented young staffer who works as a bag-carrier to Rachel Reeves. However her appointment ruffled some feathers among Labour moderates who whined that she only got the gig because her dad is BBC deputy political editor John Pienaar.’
Miss Pienaar must have some very high connections in politics, sh didnt even go to university and has never don a proper job, just expensive luxury internships.
I note she doesnt name the school school she went to, clearly NOT a comprehensive! Why isnt Labour employing a working class school leaver?
Could she be the wealthy privileged daughter of Pienaar Bros importers?
The Pienaars certainly are a very powerful family with Global reach (explains the Canadian parliament inteernship). Illuminati? Masons? Almost certainly.
The Pienaars certainly are a very powerful family with Global reach (explains the Canadian parliament internship). Illuminati? Masons? Almost certainly.
Yes she does, Wallington High School for Girls
Wallington High School for Girls is an all-girls selective grammar school in the London Borough of Sutton.
Well its certainly not the present tense since she lift school five years ago!
Where is your evidence?
Here she is and LHS does not stand for Wallington High School.
Could be an error but I also doubt she would conceal a state school background on Linkdin, even though a selective grammar indicates some hypocrisy in a far left Labour supporter, still better that than a school indicating the privilege of wealth!
OK I withdraw my comment about her Linkdin profile , charmbrights. It does indeed refer to Wallington grammar (my scrolling wasnt operating properly last night and I didnt get down to bottom of page).
Still, as I said ,hypocrisy for the anti grammar school hard left of Labour! I thought they were against selective schools!
Seems she was there only the last five years from age thirteen, which suggests she may well hav e been at Loughborough High School (girls indpendent) from eleven to thirteen, in fact she almost certainly was.
DNA tests taken abroad for these children are something which I think our government should pay for. If they fail, they are barred forever from UK entry.
It really does beg the question as to the sanity/intelligence of our ‘so called’ leaders. A perfectly logical solution to affirm or discredit a claim and indeed probably a cheap way of positive/negative identification.
Wander if the queen of cultural Marxism (drumroll please) Mrs Merkel would be employing this idea any time soon? ?
With them all marrying their own relatives, interbreeding would probably show DNA results confirming that they are all related to each other anyway.
Dear God, can you imagine the gene pool in a 100 years ??? ……………. and no NHS to look after them !
We don’t need to imagine it, just look at Saudi Arabia; they’ve been marrying their cousins there for 1400 years.
Their ‘family’ in the UK should have to pay for the DNA test!!!
And here is today’s – or one of today’s – brexitphobia stories.
The strapline reads…Did Daphne du Maurier predict Brexit?
Give me strength!!! It is just relentless, isn’t it? I really hope that someone, somewhere, sometime will ensure that al beeb are flattened and put in their place.
Notice the little dig at the USA at the end? In what sense would it be a ‘dark day’ if the US military occupied England? Would they have said that about US forces occupying Germany in 1945?
It would be far, far better than the ‘peaceful’ religion that is occupying our shores now.
I’d prefer not to have either, thanks.
Just announced, employment up by >50,000. I wonder how the BBC team dedicated to decrying Brexit will handle that? Maybe, ‘a blip on the way down’? I still think that the BBC made assurances to Cameron/EU et al. that they will obtain a ‘Remain’ from the indoctrinated public as, ‘look what we did for you in the Scottish Referendum?’ All the wasted efforts to condemn Brexit suggest that the BBC are trying to ‘claw back’ some credibility from the ‘Remain’ supporters with whom they sided but failed to deliver. FAILED, you hear, Failed BBC. As the Chinese distinguish (we are told) ‘Gold’ from ‘Silver’, ‘Silver’ is seen as having lost. You may well be still smarting from the loss of Brexit, BBC but certainly in Chinese terms alone – you lost – No Peerages – those are reserved for other losers!
The recent peerages in the H of L are “Macaroon’s plants” or ‘moles’ who will try to call for a block on the Brexit ?
They could always spin it negatively by claiming the increase was only in temporary, part time and zero contracts minimum wage jobs, because all the uncertainty prevents long term employment. That’s a journalistic trick similar to the tabloid headline when Jesus walked on water: ‘Son of God Can’t Swim’.
By coincidence I picked up a copy of this in a second hand book shop a few weeks ago. Daphne du M wrote some crackers but this isn’t one of them.
Interesting – I’d never heard of the book and wondered if it had fallen foul of the publishing establishment for political reasons, like Christopher Priest’s 1970s novel ‘Fugue for a Darkening Island’ about mass immigration. Maybe it’s just not a very good read.
Actually, tucked away in the piece is the bit about the UK joining the EEC (EU) only to suffer economically after joining. Must have been a momentary oversight on the part of the BBC Editor.
This is, in fact, what actually happened. Despite what is in the history books, many contributors to BBC w/s Forums & HYSs claimed during and after the Referendum that the EU saved Britain from being ‘the sick man of Europe’ the reality was that it was that EU membership that tipped us over the edge after which that soubriquet was applied to the UK. For several years after that nothing changed until the Conservative Government of the day tackled some of the root causes of the problems.
Enrichment, eh.
A 4 year old boy!
If it wasn’t becoming so commonplace you wouldn’t believe it.
Nothing should surprise us anymore. We aren’t being invaded by migrant human beings, but a breed who are nothing short of animals. They come from a culture and civilisation that hasn’t progressed for 2000 years, and we’re shocked that they’re not integrating ???? the only place they’ll ‘integrate’ is the farmyard. Their whole ethos of sex and the place of women in their ideology is beyond disgusting. Its never been about being ‘westernised’, but simply that in this day and age there are sub-cultures who haven’t mastered the art of eating with cutlery or have learnt acceptable social behaviour, but know how to use a Smart phone – pity they don’t brush up on Youtube to develop these skills.
Brexit Economy. So yesterday Brussels Broadcasting focussed on inflation with doom for us all apparently waiting in the wings. The ONS had just published figures showing that the annualised rate of CPI inflation increasing by one tenth of one percent from June to July. So off went a beeboid to a factory which imports yellow-fin tuna to inform us that the depreciation of Sterling since the vote would make this tasty treat a good bit more expensive in the future. Now I’m sure the price of yellow-fin (which is overfished already in some places) is of deep concern to the sashimi eaters in Hampstead, Highgate and islington, but perhaps the stats experts in W1A might have thought to read the background paper from the ONS.
While it is correct that the annualised rate did show an increase from 0.5% to 0.6% from June to July , this does not mean that inflation actually increased between June and July (as the ONS numbers measure the rate of change). In fact inflation FELL between June and July 2016 by 0.1%, compared with a fall of 0.2% between the same 2 months a year earlier. The 1-month movement was therefore 0.1 percentage points higher this year compared with a year ago, leading the 0.1 percent rise int eh CPI 12-month rate.
And earlier this morning we were treated to another Brussels Broadcasting prediction that the employment figures today would show an increase in unemployment..And then the figures came out and, oh dear, employment actually total fell by another 54,000. Brussels, you must try harder.
Thank Gunner. Increasingly worrying is the ease by which the BBC’s so-called revealing news items can be legitimately questioned. They’re slowly but surely moving off the mantle of the, “World’s most trusted……..”. Can it be that they are shoved over by RT?
Gun Licence received today after just over a year.
Membership at Gun Club gone from 60 to 98 in that same period.
A storm is coming.
Thatcherrevolutionary, this is a serious question, do you think gun club membership could be of any use if there was some sort of major civil insurrection? Isn’t access to the firearms strictly controlled?.
The Gun Club membership was necessary to get licence to own a gun. I fully intend to have several guns stored legally at home, and have all my family currently members of the Gun Club and Clay Pigeon club in order to gain licences.
Without wishing to appear too negative Thatchery, the simple fact of owning your SGC or FAC will mean that the police will be fully aware of what you own and where it is kept. At the first signs of any major insurgency all registered firearms, and in law that includes air rifles, will be sequestered for ‘the duration’. It happened in 1939 and will most certainly happen again, with a far greater level of data available to make the confiscations easier.
The 1920 Firearms Act was formulated precisely so that the police would know where guns were legally owned, so that they could be confiscated and distributed to friends of the government in a time of crisis. These are the words of the Cabinet discussion, released in 1970 under the 50 Year Rule. In the House of Commons, the Home Secretary lied and said it was a measure to disarm burglars!
The whole ethos of gun control in Britain since 1920 has been to disarm as many people as possible, and make sure the people with legally owned guns won’t have them when they really need them. The idea that our Establishment does not trust the people, and would rather that we die than be able to defend ourselves, is by no means new. It runs through British firearms law like “Blackpool” through a stick of rock.
“The Gun Club membership was necessary to get licence to own a gun.”
Is it wise to reveal this? Unless you are completely confident of your anonymity, if you find yourself faced with the worst case scenario, it might be possible to argue that you planned to use it in this way from the outset.
In your case, there is probably little risk, but I think anyone making such preparations would probably be advised to do it quietly. There’s a HUGE amount of opposition to so-called “vigilantism” in the UK. Tony Martin springs to mind.
Is this a UK website or a USA deep South red neck website?!?
Are you aware of gun laws in Switzerland ? If so, tell me about them !
Where is this, if I might be nosy?
Doesn’t surprise me a bit though. People are simply no longer buying the narrative being spun by the media and political establishment. They know some very dark clouds are gathering.
PS: Hi all – long time lurker, first time poster.
North East Scotland. The eye of the Scottish Socialist Republic.
Not a BBC issue yet, but:
Lichtenstein warns Britain it MUST accept free movement of people for single market access
Liechtenstein? Really?
That’s really put us in our place, hasn’t it?
They probably have a surplus of people that they want to ‘off-load’ on us thanks to Mad ‘Mackerel’ .
‘Ah Balding. Good morning. Jocelyn Wright-Burke here, CEO OB’s at HQ. You got my message?’
‘Yes sir, I ….’
‘Please, it’s Jocelyn, OK? Right, well I can see you’re all there, just get in a bit tighter to the screen so I can talk to you as a theme group, as it were. Can’t see Inverdale, he not there? Late night eh? Oh well, no matter, no matter. Might be for the best, actually.’
‘Right. Now what I have to say doesn’t go past these four walls, but quite frankly we’re getting a bit concerned at the medal table. A couple of chaps at the House Mag have pointed out that, quite frankly it’s looking hideously white, and crucially so for golds. What with the cycling and the sailing, kayaking, shooting – big tut there, actually – rowing, swimming, diving et al, we appear to be losing sight of the multi-cult theme, if you get my drift?’
‘Well Jos, we…’
‘Sorry, Jocelyn please. So you were saying?’
‘There’s not much we can actually do sir. It is literally the way the cookie crumbles, if you follow?’
‘Well Balding, I hear what you say but we feel there are things you could all do to help, OK?’
‘Fire away sir.’
‘Right. Well, how would you feel if you, Logan, Skelton and perhaps the Adlington girl could wear the hijab, perhaps just for the evenings? How would that appeal?’
‘Well I’m not sure….’
‘And then there’s diet. Stress the halal aspect of Team GB’s catering and…’
‘Well actually sir, quite a high proportion are vegetarian so it’s…’
‘Well that’s excellent, actually. Just mention the benefits of green halal vegetables, two birds with one stone, as it were. Bring it into the conversation gently, you know what we mean. And what about sending Nadja over? She could bake a veggie-cake, full of nutrients and so on. What say?’
‘Well, we’re always prepared…’
‘Fine, fine. Now we haven’t covered climate change, have we? Couldn’t help noticing in the cycling road races, everywhere’s looking a bit too green. Surprising, really. Can you engineer some shots of depleted rain forest? What about Chris Packham flying out with Nadja, he could lay it on about the damage to Brazil’s ecosystem. Yes, I think that one could definitely run.’
‘OK. Well there’s just two more points to get across. We’re happy you’re stressing the Lottery money theme, playing down the sort of natural ability side of things, so keep going in that direction.’
‘And this brings up the last aspect – Brexit. Try and stress the fact that all this success and, quite frankly, jingoistic attitudes are pre-Unremain, OK? Just gentle reminders that we were capable before, probably not so capable in future. Maybe major on the unique situation, sort of thing, Tokyo will bring us back to earth – if we can afford to send a team at all, ha, ha.’
‘Anyway Claire, I think that’s all for now. We think you’re doing a fine job, all things considered, but it just needs those little ‘tweaks’, you with me? Fine, fine. Bye.’
Very funny! I’ve worked in some quangos with civil service links and the concerns about the need for ‘diversity’ are very accurate…
“There’s not much we can actually do sir. It is literally the way the cookie crumbles, if you follow?”
Interesting to compare our performance in recent Olympics with international league tables of educational achievement in Maths and Science.
Athletes are selected solely on merit and put through a harsh regime of training with a view to winning. None of this “all shall have prizes” nonsense. We are second, after America, and taking our size into account you could probably argue that we are on top.
Now if only our education system operated in a similar way.
Beltane – brilliant summary of our twisted broadcaster’s view of everything.
Your talent shines through!
R4 Today this morning featured new measures to combat tax avoidance, under which tax advisers who come up with schemes that enable their clients to avoid tax “in ways that Parliament had not intended” can be fined up to the value of any tax so avoided. The distinction between (illegal) tax evasion and (legal) tax avoidance was mentioned, but aggressive tax avoidance was described as a “grey area” and the measures were presented as unambiguously a good thing.
This is actually quite sinister. There shouldn’t be any “grey areas” in tax law, or licence for HMRC to interpret what Parliament might or might not have intended when it legislated. If there are any grey areas, then that is because the law has been badly framed.
Rather than giving HMRC more power to make it up as they go along, we need a radical simplification of UK tax law and a bonfire of tax wheezes that have grown like topsy over the years as individual legislators have pandered to various special interest groups.
Why not invite someone from the Taxpayer’s Alliance on to put that view?
“in ways that Parliament had not intended”
“This is actually quite sinister.”
It certainly is. If the tax authorities are given the right to compensate for their inability to draft legislation clearly by being allowed to revise Parliament’s intentions according to what they want to see happening, why not extend the principle outside tax legislation as well?
Why bother with legislation in the first place?
The problem is incompetence in government and the civil service and, in the past at least, cosy collaboration between government departments and high ranking managers and partners in certain large accountancy firms, and one firm in particular. They’d have had each other on speed dial, if it had been available. I suspect things haven’t improved.
Maria, I suspect the real reason that any Government (Tory, Labour or Coalition) will not substantially reform UK Tax Law is that there will be so many ‘losers’, in total not a great number, but in individual qualification that the broadcast media will have an endless stream of complainants to put up against the government of the day. It needs to be tackled but it will take a Chancellor made of stern stuff, with ‘intestinal fortitude’ as our Cousins say, who has had some exposure to accountancy and taxation. It will be no good for a PM to choose a mate or a PR man or a former social policy wonk or geography graduate.
It will really need a poacher turned gamekeeper to get the job done.
I’m not fond of the concept of fixed term Parliaments but they do present the best opportunity to tackle tax reform. Get proposals out there in a manifesto, sell it to the electorate, tell them it will be a ten to fifteen year task and get cracking as soon as elected to govern.
Osborne really wasted six years of a golden opportunity.
As to the accountancy profession, most (all?) of the big firms provide secondments to the Civil Service, not necessarily at Treasury though. The reason that happens is to improve the quality of working in Whitehall and to try to reduce or eliminate incompetence. There have been so many issues arising out of Whitehall over the last fifteen years that I think we need a National Inquiry into our Civil Service. Probably unlikely to happen as Ministers (including the PM) tend to protect their Civil Servants but if enough public clamour is raised, maybe, just maybe, we can get some serious digging done.
Quite agree. It will be interesting to see what Hammond produces at the autumn statement. I remember seeing him at a Tory conference some years ago when he clearly understood what was wrong with McMental’s approach.
Don’t hold out much hope. Hammond is a very weak man . Made his money out of care homes, exploiting old people. His bullshit will be different from Brown’s bullshit, but it will still be bullshit.
Osborne turned out to be fairly socialist in the amount of interventions he came up with.
Am hoping Hammond may be more measured.
That said, Chancellors and PMs have been dashing my hopes for years, decades even.
TK, having been involved in the formulation/wording of minor legislation in the past, I submit that being “badly framed” is an understatement. In fact, what is proposed here is making those offering tax avoidance schemes to their clients responsible for the abysmally written legislation constructed by those who have no ‘street wise’ savvy.
Yes, seems about it, G.
As much of the high value stuff has to go to Tribunal or at least Special Commissioners, I don’t see how the firms can be fined on a judgement call that is, in effect, almost in retrospect. They can really only nail dodgy firms or incompetent firms who should know the contents of Butterworths & keep up with the latest developments but don’t or choose to turn a blind eye in the hope of getting something through in order to earn a fat fee.
Oh no – the UK jobless total fell – again. Accordingly, the BBC news site (at 12:05) relegates this trivia to its business page and concentrates (with a mention of the employment figures far down the page) – on its main page – on gold medals won in Rio. BTW the comment from the “experts” quoted in that business report are neutral to unfavourable re the Brexit effect on unemployment. The flavour of the report is “well yes there’s a technical fall but you wait – you’ll be sorry for voting Out!!!”
The BBC and the regressive left in general just really don’t get it do they…
“Labour leadership debate: Owen Smith suggests IS talks”
Now forgive me for being cynical but I think the talks may be a little one sided and involve just two words and lots and lots of blood
Smith should be parachuted into Raqqa at the earliest possible opportunity to start negotiations. ISIS can then update us with progress via one of their online videos.
Would he become one of those “talking heads” the BBC are so fond of?
Corbyn “did not recognise Ant and Dec”
So he does have some attractive attributes after all.
He’s now the most important one to board the charabanc on the one way trip to “negotiate” with ISIS. I guess there’s many that would contribute to the cost of his ticket.
If Smith’s crass suggestion is not totally indicative of a person who has no idea what’s going on, I don’t know what is. He’d make a good leader of the Labour Party though.
G ,
I would be happy to contribute to Smith’s one -way ticket to paradise !
Smith is a total idiot. Does he think it is like a trade union negotiating with an employer ? What a moron ! Has he no knowledge of history ? Would he have suggested negotiations with Hitler or Stalin ? Owen Smith is brain dead .
Grant, G – couldn’t agree with you more..
Update: Smiths spokesperson has just sent out a statement completely back tracking on what he said this morning reports guido
To elaborate grant, you missed the word “monumental” before moron in your post. Now where an earth could the Labour Party have picked this idiot up from, anyone know where he worked before politics!?!?
How would it go then?
A “I understand you want us all dead”
B “All infidels, apostates, homosexuals, whores and Jews, yes”
A “100%?”
B “Yes”
A “If we make it easier for you, promise not to say any more nasty things about you, or draw any more pictures, would you accept a lower figure?”
B “What do you have in mind?”
A “How about, say, 50% of us dead?”
B “No, 90%”
A “75%?”
B “We have a deal”
BBC Headline:
Tough Negotiations Save 25% of Western Lives: An Historic Victory for Peace
B “Now, about that irritating 25% ……..”
I cannot help thinking that the talks with ISIS have been going on for a while, with Obama’s team, with Cameron’s government, all promising mock war as long as they step up to Assad.
The mere fact that he says this is indicative of the fantasy life of the liberal. Isis will never talk. The whole appeal of isis to it’s supporters is it’s uncompromising attitude. What a dhimmi this Owen would make.
The Italian Job (continued)…
Just back in northern Italy from a few days spent in Venice. We’ve already reported from Milan, but how is Italy’s multicultural migrant experiment going in that most romantic of cities, Venice?
Let’s just say that Venice now comes with added machine guns – very visible armed police and security at every intersection and even travelling in amongst the tourist throngs up and down the canals on the water taxis.
What Venice might lack in roaming gangs of itinerant North Africans (Milan scores well here) it certainly makes up for in fire power and preparedness. Perhaps Italian special forces haven’t been watching the BBC – apparently there is nothing more to fear than a few random ‘men’ with a mental illness.
Speaking of which; somehow we managed a five-hour train journey across northern Italy today without getting attacked by a mentally-ill axe-wielding maniac called Mohammed. Back home on Saturday, so might as well make the best of it. Weather has been great – incredibly hot and sun protection essential for us endangered white, middle-aged English males.
Time for a sundowner, methinks. I can tolerate the surly, mannerless Italian waiters, but BBC World News (hotel TV) really is too much to ask: top story last night? The Olympic’s special ‘refugee team’ – I kid you not. I don’t know about you, but I consider that sort of thing to be the BBC just trolling with license fee payers.
UK consumer price inflation in July was 0.6% according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Expectations were for 0.5%, according to Bloomberg. That prompted some breathless commentary on BBC that a brexit related weaker pound was already leading to higher inflation via import prices (a weaker pound).
But that’s not what the ONS said. “The main contributors to the increase in the rate were rising prices for motor fuels, alcoholic beverages and accommodation services,” it reported. The BBC somehow omitted that transport prices were up 1.6%. Booze was up 0.5%.
You can understand people wanting to have a drink in July. The weather was nice. And whether you were celebrating Brexit or mourning it, alcohol may have been involved. But here’s the point: the inflation figure was 0.5% in June and 0.5% in March – well before Brexit.
For now BBC, the data isn’t showing anything Brexit related.
Magicoat, if petrol/diesel prices stay as they are or drop another penny to match the recent crude value falls then it will be interesting how the BBC will spin that next month. Around here (s-e UK) road fuels reduced at the end of July.
We’ll be lucky though if they do. Since last Thursday, the oil price has been doing rather too well.
Interestingly, the BBC Business & Economics people haven’t spotted a recent trend for a rise in the oil price to be matched by a fall in the UK stock market but that would mean they could not blame Brexit.
Getting high for god:can taking drugs unlock the spiritual world.
This should be good, seeing as just underneath this report ‘Drug deaths in Scotland hit record high’
But nevermind, here we go.
“The real power of Christ
thousands of years ago magic mushrooms were thought to improve fertility, leading to cults being created around the belief. These secret fungal cults eventually led to the concept of Jesus. Essentially, Jesus didn’t exist: he was a kind of a code word for the mysterious mushroom power. And the “Jesus myth” caught on, rapidly spreading and eventually became Christianity.
The name Jesus actually meant something along the lines of “semen”, and that Christ meant something like “giant erect mushroom penis.””
So that’s Christianity ridiculed, what next.
“High on Mount Sinai stood Moses…
Psychedelic drugs were an integral part of the religious practices of the Israelites in biblical times. Moses was high on mushrooms or some other psychedelic drug when he received the Ten Commandments. As were his followers. And that the tales of the flaming bush and parting of the Red Sea was most likely vivid drug-induced hallucinations.”
Judaism done.
Shiva’s chillin’
The Hindu god Shiva has long been linked to cannabis, notably through the story of creation. Long story short: the gods got together to churn the cosmic ocean. From the depths rose poison, which started heating up the cosmos. Such was its heat that animals and plants started dying. Shiva came to the rescue and drank the poison, but over time it made him so hot he needed to be cooled down. Marijuana is supposed to be a coolant – so it is said that Shiva smokes weed to keep his body temperature down.”
The BBC has shown that religion can be mocked, laughed at, viewed as no more than a drug induced 60’s style freak out.
Now for islam, can’t wait to see how they portray mohammmmed the profit and his crazy followers.
Mentioning in an article that Moses, considered not only a prophet but a messenger and also the most frequently mentioned individual in the Quran, was high on mushrooms or some other psychedelic drug is a little risque for the BBC.
Oldspeaker, wouldn’t it be awful if the Religionists of Peace took offence at the beeb insulting Moses? I’m told the punishment for blasphemy can be severe, e.g. Charlie.
Perish the thought Peter, I did wonder if Helena Cavell had included that as a little bit of calculated mischief, given the BBC’s deification of you know who, and pathological lying and censorship of facts in defence of the same. Having read the whole article it was probably just ignorance by Cavell, the whole piece is a bit of poorly researched pop crapola. Benny Shannon tried to distance himself from just this type of blunt crayon reporting years ago, in response to the Guardians article on the same he replied with,
“Your report contains words and sentences I have neither written nor uttered, some introduced in quotation marks as if coming from me. Terms such as “drug”, “trip”, “high” and “stoned” are ones I have nothing to do with and which I do not condone.”
Nice of the Guardian to allow him the forum to reply, but this all happened around 2008, which leads one to wonder what exactly Helena Cavells remit is and why she is regurgitating this kind of already disputed nonsense.
I don’t think it’s “deification”, I just think they’re scared s**tless of the consequences of upsetting or offending them.
That too Al, somehow despite being responsible for death,mutilation and terrorist activity across the globe the BBC has them on the beyond criticism and poor victim pedestal, strikes me as more sinister than just cowardice alone.
Ray_f that article is disgusting, Ihave sent in a complaint.
World at One?
More like ‘World and Whinge’ with Martha Kearney and BBC Radio 4 today. Have sought temporary refuge in front of the computer as it still has a few minutes of bemoaning .. er .. broadcasting time left.
Well well…..in the Express website this morning….Morrisey…our own musical misrerabilist…national treasure….has rounded on the BBC in a most robust manner, calling it badly biased and running GB down and all the Brexiters…saying that it gives opinion instead of news…..OUCH….great stuff…nice to see…kudos Morrisey…god knows i’m miserable now….buckets of wilting Gladioli heading Beebway…excellent…
Good spot, Reaper. How I chuckled. Oh dear, the BBC must be crying into their skinny lattes, seeing how Morrissey has gone all guns blazing on their institutional anti-Brexit bias. A delight to read the great man’s quite rational views on the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern. Who would have thought the ex-front man of the one-time student’s favourite, The Smiths, could possibly hold such un-BBC approved views? Hilarious.
Does this mean the Mozz is to be ‘unpersoned’ by the Corporation (like Sir Cliff and countless others) for holding the incorrect views?
Morrissey is a fairly well known UKIP supporter so that makes him persona non grata at the so called bbc
Caster Semenya is going in the Olympic ‘mixed’ 800m.
Expect wall to wall transgender virtue signalling from the biased BBC, they’ve been off the pace on this for some weeks so a great opportunity beckons.
Actually i feel sorry for ‘her’ personally, but the other athletes without the testosterone also deserve our consideration, if not that of the biased BBC.
Don’t you love it when the beeb and other msm publish polls showing that ‘the majority of UK Muslims condemn violence/ terrorism/beheadings/stonings/forced marriages/honour killings/ FGM etc.’ Does anyone REALLY think they’re going to tell whitey with a clipboard, ‘Oh yes, I really think 9/11 was a good thing’, knowing how that sounds to normal people, and knowing it might be borderline illegal to support terrorism.
I wonder what really gets said in mosques, away from prying ears.
A case in point below. Note the staggeringly high 1 in 4 at the end, bearing in mind that is a gross underestimate for reasons mentioned above.
“BBC poll suggests that an overwhelming majority of British Muslims oppose the use of violence against people publishing images of the Prophet Muhammad.
A thousand people of Muslim faith were surveyed in the weeks that followed the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.
The poll also found that 1 in 4 Muslims have some sympathy with the motives behind those shootings.”
It’s the 25% which concerns me, too. After all, 25% of 3 million is 750,000 people. That’s three quarters of a million people in the UK who might be prepared to hide, feed, and supply those committing violence, seeing as they have “some sympathy” with them.
‘It’s the 25% which concerns me, too. After all, 25% of 3 million is 750,000 people’
To put that 750k people into some kind of context, Regular British Army is around 92,000…….
Mecha/ Mike, I bet the true figure is 100%, their scriptures TELL them to for pete’s sake, they wouldn’t be good Muslims if they didn’t:
Q. What is the punishment for insulting Islam or Muhammad?
A. Under Sharia, those who insult Muhammad or Allah are to be executed. So are those who desecrate the Quran or commit other acts of blasphemy. This tradition began with Muhammad, as recorded in the Hadith and by his biographers. There is also a Quranic basis for it.
Quran (6:93) – “Who can be more wicked than one who invent a lie against Allah?” If the death penalty is prescribed for lesser crime, then it stands to reason that it should be imposed for the most “wicked”.
Quran (33:57) – “Lo! those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them the doom of the disdained”
Quran (33:61) – [continues from above] “Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a (fierce) slaughter.”
When I read threads like this, I recall a radio 4 programme earlier this year by Bennett-Jones about the Deobandis in the UK and how they have taken over complete control of parts of the UK. It was all news to me – and quite frightening really – and I wondered then and now…why do we never hear about this. I admit to being quite ignorant of all the detail, compared with many on this site who seem to know so much more than I do.
This was a good two parter Soapbox.
Was surprised the BBC let it through, but was grateful .
If the BBC WERE to balance their output I could live with it-but this one was so unusual.
Aaronovitch also did something good re Millenarial Muslims…and, again-much as I think he`s a prat-he did a good job on this one.
So it`s not all bad…but so rare to hear them at the BBC.
Glad you all bought this point up as something I was going to post on the weekend thread is the ludicrous position we now find ourselves in whereby as far as I’m aware the two men of “middle eastern appearance” who tried to abduct the serviceman jogging outside RAF marham either still haven’t been found or it has been suppressed. My guess the former.
And that ladies and gents presuming the jogger (at best) would have received the Lee Rigby treatment shows us the dire situation we are in. Contrary to BBC and co virtue signalling the Muslim community have proven time and time again where their loyalties lie. Note also the MCB were invited to Asad Shah’s funeral and said that no one could make it on the day…. Yeah right
I wonder how many UK Muslims are really Muslims. They face the same threat of violence from their communities/families if they don’t regularly find a bit of rug to roll out and kneel on 5 times a day. Just like any other cult not all the members want to stay in it.
“……might be prepared…..”? Mike they have to be carrying out the functions you refer to already.
Point taken – as the Deobandis radio programme proved amply. My comment was probably badly phrased, what I meant was that of that 25% (750,000) I’m sure there are some among them who would, while others wouldn’t.
Research shows that the majority of British Muslims bake cakes, so that’s OK.
Thanks Maria, feeling better already. Now back to the Matrix, I mean the Olympix.
A classic example of ‘taqiyya’ at work wouldn’t you say PTG?
David Keighley’s BBC Watch: Radio 4 still fights the last propaganda war against Brexit
It’s not just a historical battle they’re endlessly re-fighting: the intention is to whip up enough hostility to Brexit to cause it to be abandoned, re-voted on, or left to drift and eventually fade away.
Actually this “Last Jap in the Jungle” is a pretty good picture of the BBCs last ditch stand in regard of Brexit.
The rest of us have moved along-but no matter how many BBC/Labour/Osborne-Soubry straw men turn out to be not even as robust as straw…so all the spooking stats they concocted turn out to be lies and deliberate efforts to scare pensioners etc…the BBC last ditchers continue to shoot themselves int foot, give themselves away with their futile Banzai blatherings…we pity them, laugh and shake a sorry head at these deluded losers who`d rather throw people out of work or risk a migrant rape epidemic than admit they were wrong, wrong and wrong again.
The BBC and the lying liblabia elite will NOT get over our vote…we hate experts, we knew they were lying over their stats and their hatred of Boris etc has consumed them…so we`re left with the likes of Owen Smith and Tim Farron as “lefty heavyweights”…used to be Benn and Healey once.
Let them stew and bleed their sap-the BBC are finished, if only we`d go feral on them…maybe IS and Occupy tactics could strike terror into them finally.
Just needs the right side to co-opt the Duggan mantle….
You`re right Roland and Peter the G.
But we crossed the rubicon on the 23rd June…and the vast mass of this country now no longer listen to, believe and accept the BBC as “national spokesman” any longer.
Those who DID look at BBC coverage after 2015s result in the General Election chose to vote to stuff the BBC, Jo Cox and Bob Geldof…the BBC are now marooned and drowning day by day…but they`ll not ever report on that.
And their response to Brexit is mental breakdown obsessive moonings and deceits-but all they have is Sturgeon, Ashdown and Polly….as if we`ll EVER listen to their likes again.
An example-Chris Mason was the telly earlier before Corbyn and Smith compared nail varnish-he himself said that this was “not newsworthy…but it might be instructive”.
What an admission…the BBC openly saying that what they`re pumping out isn`t news…nor will it ever be…but its directive, instructive and used to buoy up the Left at our expense.
By the time he got onto TWATO later, he said the same thing, only less clearly…but the damage is done.
Masons Mantra applies to 95% of BBC “News Output”…it`s not going to be news-but it`ll instruct the elite in what might yet save or encourage them.
Oh dear-on our tab?….we that stupid to give Mason a living as the whole Rio Spokesrebel caboodle leach at our veins?
Hope to God not…want to be able to face my kids one day to say that it was US who not only voted to leave the EU…but we binned The BBC Traitors en passant….
Must need to please May and Goldman Sachs
Let’s have a hash tag #bbcBadStats to highlight BBC stats crimes.
– I just listened to Tim Harford on last week’s R4 media show
Well I suggest BBC stats monitoring could be done by hash tag #bbcBadStats #msmBadStats
On the show the Stats expert in charge of writing the BBC proved her on air ineptitude ..She struggled to give an example of flawed stats , when prompted about the “only 1% of men take maternity leave” she couldn’t remember what the fault was ..(It that the 1% is of all men not just the ones who are having a baby)
BTW “Actually There was until recently a Head of Statistics, but that job has been abolished.”
I guess the BBC knows darn well it cannot actually be severe on bad stats, cos that will put some of its own beloved narrative to bed (eg “97% of climate scientists etc.)
I see they use this strawman argument :”bad stats come up, as a consequence of giving time for balance”. However it is wrong to suggest that by balance, impartiality, objectivity the public are taking some dictionary definitions; like of EQUAL time for each side.
The balanced problem most complained against is GATEKEEPING where some narratives are not challenged properly due to counter arguers being kept off the airwaves or some friends being invited on air and given a free ride whilst opposing voices are given a hard time.
The BBC Trust Report on Reporting Stats PDF
R4 Media Show at 4:30 will mention bias in favour of BREXIT
such is the remarkable bubbleworld they live in
+ “media company, Vice, famed for its youth-oriented outlook, is launching a new TV channel in the UK. Viceland”
+ >>BBC Comedy is reviving some much-loved sitcoms including Goodnight Sweetheart and Are You Being Served<<
“70% of claims made by Trump have been found to be false by Politifact
…whereas it’s only 30% from Hillary !!”
…(Politifact is a left leaning website !!
…and you take rhetorical comments by Trump literally)
Has anyone visited the BBC News Facebook page lately?.
I popped over for a look out of curiosity and stone me, it’s awful.
The banner of the page speaks for itself with a montage of photos i.e a packed immigrant boat, a CND logo made from candles, children viewing the eclipse but alas the picture has a little white girl in the middle with a Chinese and African girl on each side and another picture of multi nation flags etc.
At the time of writing the content is equally bizzare and even sick.
The latest story is about a Japanese Pole Vaulter at the Olympics whose “Penis hit the bar” and prevented him from progressing. Apparantly he now “sees the funny side of it”.
Next is: Anjem Choudary who “For 20 years radical cleric Anjem Choudary used his megaphone to drive a wedge between Muslims and the rest of the UK”. Ah, you see he didn’t speak for Muslims!.
No, he preached Islamic hatred towards Britain and incited violence.
Next up, a story about some Brazilian dance that’s become a “craze”. “This is the passinho. It started in Rio’s poorest neighbourhoods. Now it’s become an urban dance craze”. And yes, it’s as irrelevant and awful as it sounds.
“Should a peace process involve anyone from so-called Islamic State?”. It’s a debate programme with Jeremy Corben and Owen Smith.
The Presenter asks the question to Jeremy Corben but gives him the ultimatum of “Yes or No”. He answers “No, they’re not going to be around the table”(6 seconds). Owen Smith is then given 43 seconds to waffle on promoting himself and advocating IS being at the table.
Scroll down the page and you find a(nother) very subjective photo of children in relation to a story about closing down an Australian detention centre.
Scroll down past more Olympics drivel and it’s a story about Donald Trump’s “hand gestures” and “what they say about him”.
Scroll past more Olympic drivel and you find a story about a female Chinese competitor who “broke the taboo of speaking about her period”.
Scroll past more Olympics drivel and it’s a story about “Is porn damaging to men’s health? According to a top NHS psychosexual therapist, online porn is causing erectile dysfunction in young men?”.
I can’t be bothered to go any further but you do wonder what’s in the perverted heads of these people.
Where’s the science headlines?, where’s the technology news?, or an item about the decrease in uneployment?, or a story about a British company succeeding in the world?.
No, the BBC News consists of “Penis, Period and Porn”.
The world-leading BBC?.
No chance.
Yes Sinniberg, typical slippery wording from slimy beeb, “For 20 years radical cleric Anjem Choudary used his megaphone to drive a wedge between Muslims and the rest of the UK” (via BBC News Magazine).
Not plain old “to preach hate and encourage terrorism”?
Typical Beeb weasel words specifically designed to give an impression that Anjem Choudhary is somehow ‘other’ than your common garden Muslim. They are so duplicitous in their use of language.
Pervert…..that’s one of the requirements to get a job there nowadays 🙂
No 6,
I disagree. It always was a requirement !
Good article from Milo here.
No wonder the Left have said nothing about it.
Trumps just won the election if he hammers this one policy alone…the emails and Benghazi will unravel and strangle her once and for all.
Good policy Donald-now repeat it ad nauseum until the Left get beyond mere hate for you…then you`ll have your revenge.
“Scroll past more Olympics drivel and it’s a story about “Is porn damaging to men’s health? According to a top NHS psychosexual therapist, online porn is causing erectile dysfunction in young men?”.”
I thought it caused carpal tunnel syndrome.
Whenever Andy Coulson was in the news the BBC would always refer to him as “former communications director to David Cameron”.
Whenever Owen Smith is mentioned they seem to have forgotten he was a “former BBC producer”.
More Brexiphobia?
The pound hit its lowest level in three years on Monday.
What caused it to drop three years ago ?
Fellow Citizens, the click counter is about to hit the magical number of 55 million: we are now a mighty and unstoppable army!
Arise, Arise, let us storm the Bastille Brainwashing Corporation, let us overthrow the pampered and powdered corrupt elite who live off the hard work of the honest citizens of Britain whom they despise and to whom they feed nothing but the rancid crusts of stale lies, distortions, political correctness and cultural Marxism.
Off with their heads! Aux Armes Citoyens!
55000082 – Bingo!
Excellent. The BBC is truly the ancien regime. No reform just sell it off or close it down.
Oh dear! Have the immigrants been up to their usual tricks with France’s fair maidens?
And does that young ‘lady’ have a pomme d’Adam?
On Essential Classics on Radio 3 weekday mornings 9 to 11 (while the BBC are living it up at the Edinburgh Festival – otherwise 9 to 12) there is a guest for half an hour from 10. Amazingly they always seem to hold opinions approved by the BBC. I would love to hear Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson (or Dominic), Rod Liddle, Nigel Farage, or – well so many but invariably it isn’t. At present it is Simon Sebag-Montefiore, biographer of Stalin. You couldn’t make it up, as they say.
The Edinburgh festival is like Hay and Glastonbury. A love in for PC luvvies and liberals. ignore it .
Dave S ,
I lived in Edinburgh for many years. The Festival is about Luvvie mutual masturbation and not much else !
Friends, Romans, Countrymen! Armed with over 55 million clicks, let us storm the Bastille Brainwashing Corporation and overthrow the pampered and powdered corrupt elite who live off the hard work of the honest citizens of Britain whom they despise and to whom they feed nothing but the rancid crusts of stale lies, distortions, political correctness and cultural Marxism.
Off with their heads! Aux Armes Citoyens! Ici Londres! Honneur et Patrie!
(Don’t know why I’ve gone all De Gaulle suddenly – something to do with resisting a Fascist occupation maybe.)
There was a classic BBC programme on Radio 4 this morning at 11am. It was about the Grunwick dispute – the hook being that some of the presenter’s relatives had been on the picket line.
I was in the car so only heard about 20 minutes of it, but everyone interviewed was either a striker or a supporter of the strike. There was a mention of “police violence”, but no context that the flash-point was when the police tried to escort those wanting to work through the picket line. There was lots of praise for the miners, who went there after Arthur Scargill sent miners from Yorkshire, South Wales and Kent to form a mass picket – with the added comment that the police were afraid of the miners.
My abiding recollection of the strike is the comment by someone I worked with at the time (a German Jew who had made it out of Germany in 1939); “The mob have to be defeated as their political street violence is a copy of how Hitler took over Germany”.
The BBC programme didn’t even hint that there could be any view other than unquestioning support for the strikers.
FFS . The BBC are so pathetic that they are going back to Grunwick ? That shows how desperate and worried the BBC are about the future .
I heard it too . It managed to say that the British were racist .
Nibor – The beeb are ONLY happy when thy can sniff out perceived racism, it’s become their raison d’etre, their mission statement, their creed. I guess if you don’t believe in anything else, you gotta have SOME ideology. So it’s Anti-Racism elevated to a cult. And Islam of course.
It’s only a matter of time before the government appoints a Racism Finder General, or Islamophobe-Hunter Pursuivant, like the old witchfinder-generals. It will probably be someone who looks like Vincent Price. ‘Bring the racists to my rooms tonight…the young, pretty ones…they are the worst offenders…’
Boy that was a grim old film wasn’t it, the role would be tailor made for any number of hatchet faced hard line socialist types, could do worse than this chap, he has the beard anyway and can point the finger so it’s a start.

Jeez Corbyn, Corbyn, Corbyn,
when will the British Broadcasting Corporation stop acting like the Labour Broadcasting Corporation ?
5:10pm R4 PM prog is banging on about Corbyn excitedly referring to today’s Nottingham debate as the BBC Hustings, which they have filmed with 8 cameras !!
6:00pm Then of course it was on the BBC1 6pm news
6:35pm and blow me then on the local news it’s the Corbyn Show again as 10 minutes are spent with him walking around Grimsby and then Cleethorpes beach.
Then go to the BBC website and they have a 3 hour live weblog of the hustings
David Keighley’s BBC Watch: Radio 4 still fights the last propaganda war against Brexit on ConservativeWoman.com
I think I had the misfortune to listen to tbe first edition of Brexit Street on R4 introduced by comrade E Mair and reported by some callow girl Emma Jane Kirby, no doubt hoping to advance her career by toeing tbe BBC remainiac line. I was puzzled why the leave voters interviewed were all ill educated post industrial northerners , whom the BBC seem to whistle up on demand. I was also puzzled about the prevalence of so many whingeing asylum seekers and it’s relevance to the EU.
David Keighley’s article explains all. Why is tne UK taxpayer forced to pay for this appalling BBC distortion of the issues?
The BBC are serial offenders here.
All you have to listen to is Broadcasting House last Sunday.
The programme contrasted Blackpool( Leavers, white, end of the pier trogs with their bingo and their whiff of cheap UKIP)…to Blackpool( speech coaches, eco turbines, deserving of their success because they REMAINED and are open, tolerant and progressive).
The BBC are full of this north-baiting condescension…and still keep coming back to insult, demean and offend with their Priestley/Orwell caricatures).
typo there mate : Blackpool vs Brighton
Blackpool and Brighton – divided by Brexit text report
Is that the same E. Mair who was “contracted out” to act as spokesperson for a certain Fake Sheik of Harrods fame – c. Private Eye – when he was having numerous PR difficulties after a crash in Paris?
What is the motivation of these Liberals to turn against their own population?
It’s about time we had a clear-out of said redundant “intellectuals”. Starting with the BBC
Afraid I can’t stand Paddy O’Connell and Broadcasting House. Even his name puts me off although I’m sure it has advanced his BBC career no end . He is lightweight and a pale
imitation of a news anchorman with gravitas. But when did the BBC last have one of those ? Sorry if Blackpools reputation was traduced . I don’t think the BBC is interested in the north except for Salford Quays and a few trendy restaurants in Manchester city centre.
I listened to a segment on PM this afternoon where “Edith” Mair was discussing, with an al beebus expert on Korea, the defection of a senior North Korean diplomat (stationed in London) to the South; during the course of the conversation the al beeboid said that al beebus had set up a radio station to broadcast to the North, against their objections.
Why? What a complete waste of our money to fund a propaganda station. Isn’t the World Service enough FFS?
Couple of well argued bBBC articles that are well worth a read here – enjoy…
[Vote] 0 likes
What a heart warming tale of an individual overcoming adversity and achieving success against the odds:
No doubt the ‘Super Soaker’ was the weapon of choice in the recent fun mass water fight in London.
So called bbc in full on do down Donald mode and still pushing the crap that he’s behind in the polls
What polls exactly do they read?Those from the Communist News Network presumably
I sniff desperation from the shit peddlars
After all they got it so right on brexit
The Beebs fav scientist Brian cox being an arrogant tosser out in oz. It’s the consensus baby. The smugness of this prat is unreal. The throwing of the’evidence’ across the desk reminded me of that other tosser macdonnell when he threw maos red book at George Osborne last year.
Indeed. Cox and The BBC. They go together like Marx and Engels.
Cox seems to have cherry picked the graph produced by NASA last year, for the Paris conference. It eliminates the Pause or Hiatus in temperatures since 1997, but is not supported by the other four major international organisations including Hadley. So I wonder if the BBC now prefers to use this now discredited graph which was put under scrutiny by the United States House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. As I remember, the people who produced the graph refused to disclose the methodology used to produce the graph, but leaks revealed that the scientists where under pressure from the White House, to eliminate the pause, on the run up to the Paris Climate Conference.
The graph seems to have now disappeared with even NASA seeming to deny that it ever existed. So the Orwellian BBC seems to be the only place left, that you would find this graph still in use, presumably because of a consensus of the environmental activists advising the BBC that that is what the consensus of “the best scientific experts” have told them that that’s what the consensus is amongst people who think that that is what scientists think, maybe, if anyone at the BBC has ever contacted a causational Climate scientist? Probably not, because they are the complainants responsible for the demise of the BBC Trust.
The Astronomers I know are still happy with the pause because it correlates with the Length of the Solar Cycle. But the only problem seems to be that a Global temperature lag wobbles between four and eleven years due to the El Nino’s and La Nina’s. So I leave this to the brother of the Labour Party to explain.
I also notice that amendments in the temperature record are the only thing that causes a temperature increase since 1997, both by amending assumed errors downward before 1997, and amending assumed errors upward since 1997. For instance in the Guinness Book of Records (1967) you will find than the highest ever temperature was 136.4f in 1933. Now it says that it is higher at 129.2f in 2016?
Anyway, in the main, its not the scientists who are at fault because its not the scientists who are pushing this fraud. The people pushing this scientific fraud are a mixture of morons and manipulators in the administrations of environmental, scientific and political organisations. And as the BBC‘s “Best Scientific Experts” Incident proves, without any causational Climate Scientists having any influence on the proceedings.
Also it looks as if the Australian Broadcasting Corporation also keeps causational Climate scientists of its programs, has David Archibald ever appeared?
“The Astronomers I know are still happy with the pause because it correlates with the Length of the Solar Cycle. But the only problem seems to be that a Global temperature lag wobbles between four and eleven years due to the El Nino’s and La Nina’s.”
The astronomers you “know” must be chinking their champagne glasses then! And the temperature lag “wobbles” between 4 and 11 years? Do you mean the cherry-picked 4 years that the El Nino effect was statistically significant and the 11 years of the Solar Cycle? Even a comprehensive school pupil (like me) would see the error in your methodology.
We (and the entire internet and international science community) have gone over ALL of this before, and then some more.
“NASA seeming to deny that it ever existed”
Throw NASA into the arena with the BBC! Why stop there? Let’s go for evey scientist that agrees with… statistics!
Who’s kidding who? That’s the question.
And you, Richard Pinder, are a very good kidder. Either that or you have been kidded.
Whatever the rights or wrongs, it’s all to do with legitimising so-called, ‘green taxes’ I’m sure.
Now and then one of the cabal behind the scam even admits it. For example:, the following is a quote from Dr Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of a leading IPCC Working Group, in an interview published by Neue Zürcher Zeitung in 2010,
“The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”
Socialist ‘thinkers’ had came up with the notion of international wealth redistribution and had been waiting for the right engine to drive their demands. All it took was a small group of young scientists looking to make names for themselves to come up with the right theory that was designed from the outset to be unfalsifiable.
The rest was pure profit.
Problem is, GC, that the redistribution of wealth has been so markedly upward – even aided & abetted by our own dear BBC – that the folk at the bottom of the heap have noticed, are starting to complain, and are voting with their feet .. er, .. I mean … votes.
And their wallets. There is a noticeable fall-off in car use when the fuel price goes above certain pressure points. Young people are now less likely to want to learn to drive. Commuting is switching to foot or the bicycle. Treasury feels the pinch at times. (Most notably in Spring 2008.) The golden goose is becoming egg-less and may be well on its way to joining a certain well-known parrot.
BBC Out of Touch : The people in Scunthorpe are glued to Newsnight’s big opening item/discussion about a garden bridge in London.
..Evan Davis and co stuck in their bubbleworld haven’t got a clue about the real world of the licence payers live in.
Why the heck isn’t the story just left to the London local news team ?
This is a very good short film (7 mins) and of great relevance to our own state funded viper’s nest: al beebus.
“What is Cultural Marxism?”
Thank you Al for the vid on Cultural Marxism. And here’s what it leads to: the mayhem in once peaceful Sweden.
All last year and half of this, the liberal elites in the UK, berated the UK for not talking in as many migrants as Sweden. (The fact that the UK has the second highest migrant population in Europe is by the bye) So with the libs lauding Sweden as the place to emulate, I wonder why the bBC haven’t reported this story from across the North Sea.
Sweden; Spate of Car torching confuses Swedish Government.
“All last year and half of this, the liberal elites in the UK, berated the UK for not talking in as many migrants as Sweden.”
Because ‘Johnny Swede’ sticks his finger in the fire why should we ?
Obvously Vauxhall Zafiras
They should have bought Volvos.
Britain should leap-frog Hinkley and lead 21st Century nuclear revolution
Molten salt reactors were built by the US physicist Alvin Weinberg at the Oak Ridge Laboratories in the 1960s, but were never pursued because the Pentagon wanted the plutonium residue from light water reactors to build nuclear warheads.
I have long suspected a similar motivation to be the reason behind previous governments’ enthusiasm for Hinkley Point C, but have never seen it before in print. Is this a first?