Time for a new one of these. Here is where you detail the bias. If you want to follow us on FACEBOOK you can now find our feed here! So much bias, so little time!
UK to avoid recession and world economy to ‘stabilise’ as Brexit shock passes
Britain’s economy will slow down but should not go anywhere close to a recession, according to economists at credit ratings agency Moody’s, while growth in the rest of the world is also “stabilising.”
Although markets dived on the referendum result in June, stock prices have recovered and now economists also believe the impact of the vote will be relatively modest, compared with some early fears.
The lower pound should support economic growth in the UK, Moody’s said, while the government is expected to loosen the purse strings to shore up GDP.
Moody’s economists predict growth of 1.5pc this year and 1.2pc in 2017.
“Uncertainty around the future of the economy outside the common market will continue to dampen business investment and consumer spending, as businesses hold back on hiring and making long-term investments, and as consumers postpone large spending decisions,” said senior analyst Madhavi Bokil.
“However, the fall in the sterling will mitigate some of the negative effect in the short term by providing a boost to exports. Our baseline growth forecasts also incorporate the assumption that some fiscal loosening and monetary policy accommodation will support the economy, eurozone limiting the slowdown in growth.”
They already did – yesterday. Twice on BBC News the “business” feature stated that the economy is looking good in spite of economic predictions post-Brexit. It wasn’t without the usual irritating caveats such as “families are still £400 worse off than in 2006” (pre-crash!) and importing fresh tuna (!) has become more expensive.
Thanks for pointing out how the BBC buried yesterday’s good economic news, but what I was really asking was how they are going to bury today’s report by Moody’s. Do try and keep up old chap.
Pre Brexit they would have been all it like a rash.
Now that it doesn’t suit their agenda what will do with it?
(a) Ignore it completely
(b) Bury it on the economics pages or
(c) Invert it by focusing the headline and first para on the negative aspects.
I mean, it’s not as if it’s an unimportant story.
“Top ratings agency Moodys reverses pre-Brexit recession predictions” could be the headline – or something similar.
Mind you, as other posters have already pointed out, the BBC’s front page is so full of “vitally important” stories today that there’s probably no room left at the inn for positive economic news of this magnitude. Oh no sir, sorry sir, we don’t get much call for that round here sir.
What we really need of course is to be reminded of how Islamonausea increases every time a kaffir is killed in a Jihadi attack, so Muslims become the so-called “real victims” despite their ordeal consisting of being called names online, rather than being maimed or murdered like the truly real victims, us kaffirs.
Other stories of such vital national importance they have reached the front page of the BBC website today include:
“School students await A level results.” (Really? I had no idea.)
“Britons favour cremation over burial.” (Goodness me.)
“Satellite tagged hen harrier missing.” (I’d no idea either.)
All far more important and riveting than Moodys economic predictions, obviously.
Two cracking / pathetic non story headlines this morning on the bias broadcasting corps web site.
1 “black and ethics still racially discriminated against. ”
A report by some equalities quango say we, guess they mean white British, curse on us. Still don’t do enough in education housing jobs. Usual bull. I taught for 25 years I and many bent over backwards went the extra mile etc to help support black ethnic minorities. He’s a sad fact : many didn’t give a toss little support at home or openly declared that their future was in d dealing. Please understand this I take exception when I have tried to help someone who can’t be arsed and then blamed for their failings.
2 No government strategy for dealing with fat lazy Kids from fat lazy stupid parents say Docs. Oops sorry I meant to say childhood obesity. What a loads of bollocks. If you’re able to breed then take responsibility.
Both none stories are typical of liberal thinking ie if there is a problem blame everyone and everything that’s not actually part of the problem rather than the root cause. In these two articles people / kids that do see value of free education and housing. And blame someone else rather than those who are responsible for the problem.
None story part three, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37098643
Murderous atrocity on the streets of Europe causes bad feeling, well, really. There’s even ‘an I can do science me’ graph to support the results of this rigorously tested and peer reviewed scientific research from, er, Demos. Figures that are ‘highly likely’ are just not good enough, anyone fancy boarding a plane ‘highly likely’ to reach the intended destination?
“Forty-nine words and hashtags were used as indicators of anti-Islamic tweets, by the think tank Demos.
Twitter said it is “continuing to invest heavily” in tools to prevent abuse.”
The article does mention that the ‘abuse’ peaks right after a muslim kills infidels, such as the Nice lorry murders, which is good balanced reporting from the BBC…..
….but then they finish the article with a ‘Muslim victim’ who even had to face ‘abuse’ during a BBC interview from a man saying…… brace yourselves….. contains offensive words…..here it comes….dont say I didn’t ware you……. “there’s no Sharia law here”. The fact she then gives the man loads of aggressive abuse is lost on the BBC.
This was on Today as well. No mention of monitoring tweets (twits?) of quotes from the Qur’an and people their old pal Choudray preaching hatred for the infidel, i.e. the vast majority of human beings. I thought the bBBC charter said something about balance.
peaked at Almost 7,000 “Islamophobic” tweets/day
The stats crime here ?? ….Failing to context it.
– Like is that 7,000 1% of all tweets ? NO
If there were only 210,000 total tweets/day, the 7,000 “Islamophobic” would be 1 in 30
but actually there are 400-million-tweets-per-day
If half are in English= 200,000,000 tweets/day, the 7,000 “Islamophobic” are 1 in 30,000
News from a parallel universe by the BBC…
Taking a break from reporting from the half-empty stadia of Brazil, the BBC ‘News’ website gives top billing this morning to a fantasy race-baiting report entitled ‘Ethnic minorities face ‘entrenched’ racial inequality – watchdog’ (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37114418). The report is by the so-called Equality and Human Rights Commission, and the BBC quotes its chairman, David Isaacs (former chairman of homosexual rights group Stonewall and, prior to his appointment this year, a £500,000-a-year lawyer with City law firm Pinsent Masons, which last year won £5 million worth of government contracts according to the Daily Mail). Here’s one of his pearls of wisdom “…the commission’s chairman, said the report reveals a ‘very worrying combination of a post-Brexit rise in hate crime and long-term systemic unfairness and race inequality’.” Bingo! He even managed to get in the word ‘Brexit’, much to the delight of the BBC. But he’s clearly a man with a sense of humour, as revealed by this: “If you are black or an ethnic minority in modern Britain, it can often still feel like you’re living in a different world, never mind being part of a one nation society.” Different world, eh? Would that be a world of gang shootings, terrorism, honour killings (sic), drug mules, child rape gangs and all the other examples of enrichment from people who behave in ways that are not conducive to them ‘being part of a one nation society’? Just asking the question, because you can be sure the BBC doesn’t.
“Poorer white communities also face “continuing disadvantage”, the report added.” According to the BBC website, but not mentioned in the Today headline.
Those who can bear it, keep listening and watching to hear whether this gets lost in the anti-White race agenda of the BBC.
These Beeboids aren’t even any good at Marxism……it’s all about CLASS not race (how can it be about race when “there’s no such thing as race”?).
But being overwhelmingly upper middles and middles they’ll not want to explore this too closely, since on a class analysis bourgeois liberal BBC journalists are part of the problem not the solution.
Yes, I had to wait a whole 3 minutes for ProgLeft BBcTickbox issue of #SneerAtBrexit, after switching on the radio*.
(Usually when I switch on it’s in the middle of other BBcTickbox issues Corbyn, #SneerAtTrump, #PraisingHillary etc)
Then we got the Birmingham guy saying, ‘cos of Brexit discrimination will get worse’
you can see them smiling in the studio, if the same guy had said something like ‘it’s getting worse as Hindus move into Sikh area” then whmmph it would have been edited out. Issues which highlight the BBC ProgLeft narrative get highlighted, others get edited out.
* I now realise the whole news item was actually a BBcTickbox issue #bbcWhiteMensGuilt #BigUpBME
– To be fair Mishal did make the point later-on “How come white working class males get into University ?”
and the report guy did say the report was not only about race.
They moved on, before anyone could make the point that maybe such boys make the CHOICE not to go to such brainwashing poor unis and do better things instead.
Why do some people think this meme is racist?
Oh dear, poor old bbc have had to deal with a lesbian who has allegedly been racist. The progressives must be running around bbc centre not knowing whether they are Arthur or Martha. Such is their quandry they have almost pushed the story off the landing page.
Cue film of 1960’s mainframe and computer voice – “does not compute !”, “does not compute !”, “does not compute !”.
The BBC Trending lads and lasses really are at the cutting edge of editorial integrity, filtering what they can claim is news based on mystery ‘somethings’ or ‘someones’.
But it is odd as you say that they have inspired quite the ism dilemma. Maybe it is the summer work experience crèche crew being unsupervised as more experienced staff take a few months off?
I think Biased bbc have previously established that waycism trumps lesbio-phobia as the ultimate sin for the beeb (or black = superior to lesbian in the virtue pecking order). But you’re right seismic, it must be giving the beeb Sanctimonious Ethics Dept a serious headache how to run this one.
Can’t stomach the BBC site today based on the current front page fodder. Top story is a one-sided account of minority apologism, another story claims ‘Islamophobia’ peaked after Brexit, and there is an opinion piece called “girls on top” regarding university places that makes no mention of the proven and documented incidents of female students getting higher marks than boys for the same work and instead is just another feminist circle-jerk. Plus a piece about “die-hards” still supporting Trump when his popularity is at an all-time high.
The BBC makes no attempt to hide it’s bias, in fact there has still not been a single mention of the Clinton Cash documentary or the SJW assault on MP Phillip Davies for having the courage to tackle extreme feminism.
Completely agree ALM. Today’s webshite is by far the most disgraceful, agenda driven bullshit I have ever seen pumped out by the Al Beeb. It isn’t news at all. It is basically a race bating, purely divisive piece of propaganda, which is being used to stir up hatred.
It is clearly something put together by British hating Trotsky’s, who are looking to divide – not bring closer, who are looking to punish white people because they absolutely detest everything about us, and trying to create anger in every single community with the self forefilling fall out which will surely come from such a vile display of axe grinding.
The Al Beeb has gone too far today. They are not only giving a platform to those who are desperate to destroy our way of life, they are actually fanatically encouraging it to happen
These are the race bating, white man hating propaganda pieces today:
1: Racial inequality entrenched in Britain
2: Black people suffer 23% pay gap
3: ‘comedian’ Ellen’s tweet prompts racist debate
4: Islamaphobic tweets peaked in July
What is incredible is that, given how much they spend on it, the BBC Website is crap. As for racism, the UK is probably the least racist country in the world. The BBC are disgusting scum !
Race and ‘equality’ (as defined by themselves) are the beeb obsessions. They won’t be happy till they have ‘affirmative action’ initiatives for every conceivable ‘minority’, and indigenous whites are a second class group. Then they’ll find something else to moan about.
They must be destroyed.
Spot on Peterthegreat. The BBC and much of what passes for the media today seems to have become the modern equivalent of a 1930s gossiping housewife leaning against a fence bitching about her neighbours. Only instead of moaning about them not keeping the front step clean or going to chapel regularly, they moan about imagined ‘injustice’ and ‘oppression’ and ‘racism’.
Eg: ‘That Mr Trump at no. 35 is a bit of a racist isn’t he? And what about that Mrs May at no. 10? She’s no better than she ought to be is she? And as for that sports day going on in the park, well, I asks yer, why shouldn’t a young feller kiss his fancy-man and push him into the pool? All I can say is them Brazilian pool attendants don’t do much to keep the water clean do they? Green as grass it was!’ I’ve nothing against the Syrians meself and in fact I’d happily let me first floor front to them, and that nice Mr Geldof what plays the piano down the pub says the same…’
As always, the question I want to hear asked is, if Britain is such a den of racism and white supremacy why are people literally dying to get here in efforts to “join their families”, who must have told them what a dreadful place it is.
And a supplementary question…..how is it that so many ethnic minority people can be seen working as doctors in the NHS and as broadcasters in the BBC ?
Such racial stats can be heavily influenced by CHOICE rather than discrimination..Some groups choose to become doctors (maybe Indian subcontinent), whereas others choose not. Probably whites are under-respresented as doctors. Such choices apply to other areas as well.
The Standard fallacy is the Label and Dismiss trick
People applying a simple black and white label like “DISCRIMINATION” and saying that explains all
,when actually real life is full colour complex.
Ahh – that has been the paradox since the end of WWII.
I have heard numerous times that Britain was hated as a colonial power yet many former British colonies, and a few that weren’t, chose to join the British Commonwealth, as it used to be known, on gaining independence. Doesn’t fit, does it?
As you say, the same applies to immigration.
So far as doctors are concerned, it seems to me that Indians in particular tend to be drawn to professions which have been highly regarded traditionally. I’m guessing that it’s probably the same in India but I don’t know.
I worked for a young Cons Psychiatrist from Mumbai, and he admitted that most newly qualified clinicians had no desire to stay in India and treat their own people, and couldn’t wait to sit the entrance examinations needed to give them the necessary qualifications for access to other countries – favourites were, top, the UK followed by the States and then Australia. ( interestingly all English speaking)
Several comments above about the doom and gloom and running down of Britain and its current Government by BBC Radio 4 on the TOADY programme.
In the 7.40 newspaper review, they mention the Daily Telegraph which has a front page article about the Eastern Europeans who are in or want to come to Britain.
If this country is so absolutely awful, why are so many trying to come here to work and live? Neither of the two presenters is sharp enough this morning to ask that question. Or are they too busy? Having to rush to interrupt the next contributor they disagree with.
(Mishal is having a car-wreck of programme today! Thought I caught one or two contributors deliberately starting to call her Michelle in revenge.)
Are you implying that the evil masterminds at the bBBC are putting out all this stuff about racist Britain to discourage migration? Could they be that devious and that we are failing to read between the lines? I doubt it somehow. They want to encourage more to come so that they can outnumber the “reactionaries” and build the Brave New World of PC correctness. Unfortunately, they will get their comeuppance when the followers of Anjem Choudray’s prophet get to an even higher proportion. Certain bBBC presenters will be the first to be thrown off the top of the Shard.
2200 Hrs news Radio 4, 17.08.16. Interviewed in relation to the refugees in Papua New Guinea and the invasion of so-called “Refugees” in Europe, one, Mr Roth (Amnesty International) said, inter alia, that Europe is not doing enough to take more and disperse the refugees throughout Europe. BBC remind him that there is growing unrest, for example, in Germany. His reply? Merkel has been a beacon and her policy of taking hordes of mostly economic migrants, “…..has worked well” with Germans happy with the influx. No mention by interviewer/interviewee of the massive crime wave throughout Germany and the rest of Europe. Biased nonsense and blatant lies?
Notwithstanding your interesting remarks, I have not heard any discourse on why the non-operating hard-to-build EPR design is the one to go for, instead of,say, a repeat of the Sizewell B design, or the pick-and-play designs being built in China.
The total silence on that aspect is to me deafening.
You are right to mention the alternatives. Whatever happened to the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor programme for instance?
Indeed – it’s a total mystery. What have people been promised to get them to support France’s doomed – and horribly expensive – EPR project? There are so many better and cheaper alternatives. Apart from the molten-salt reactors in the article I quoted, there are also thorium reactors (popular in India I believe?) which can also digest our current round of nuclear waste – a pressing problem – and if we were to stick with plutonium why not use the micro reactors developed in the UK for our Trident submarine fleet? I am not a fan of nuclear power but if we’re going to have it, then at least let’s have some sensible debate about the best options…
Go on then @G for a laugh #1 tell us the GW power capacity of Severn Barrage compared to Hinkley ?
#2 Then bearing in mind that tide only comes twice a day so that it won’t operate at full capacity or every hour of the day, tell us the average capacity factor maybe 10-20% ?
#3 So then calculate how much less power in terawatt hours per year it will generate compared to Hinkley ?
#4 And finally tell us how much earth and concrete will needed to be moved ?
Breakfast and the drones take a break from the Olympic boredom to return to one of their old favourites obesity, yet again. Onto local news…There has been more local success in the Olympics….
Obesity ? but are not millions of us undernourished and reliant on food banks ? I’m confused, suppose it depends on which pressure group is after it’s fund’s this week.
Top story on Toady. The EHRC says that BAME people are disadvantaged. Yawn. Yawn. Implication, ccasual racism of advantaged whites.
They obviously did not get down to my local Grammar School (yes, we have one) which is approx. 93% BAME and 7% white. 80% of the 93% are Indian heritage, and their values of hard work and committment to education show what can be done.
The disadvantage is often inherent in the approach, and should not be ascribed to characteristics of the indigenous community, as the lefty luvvies at the bBBC want to do.
Actual news has been all but banished from the BBC… er…. News Channel. This morning we catch a glimpse of the feminised closed pay-gap future in prospect for us all as the BBC girls natter, emote and sympathise to the backdrop of the Rio Olympics.
What I find particularly annoying is the sudden shallow sports patriotism that has taken hold there at the Beeb. On and on they go banging on about Team GB. Talk about last refuge of the scoundrels! But thank heavens for the posh hobby sports, eh? Without all those public school equestians, yachtsmen and hocky players where on earth would we be in that medal table?
Don’t worry Lefties, this BBC patriotism is only skin deep and it will soon be over. As if to prove this is just a temporary blip…
A golden moment of the games brought to us by the BBC that will stay with me was Annabel Croft’s description of Andy Murray being cheered on “by his Scottish and some Great Britain supporters”
The BBC this morning on Radio 4 Today with Mischal Hussein were in full defend Labour leadership hopeful Owen Smith after yesterdays gaffe.
They even brought on one of their dubious ‘experts’ from a ‘conflict resolution firm’ who have most probably have never been near peace negotiations in their entire existence.
They draw the false parallel between the IRA and ISIS as so many leftist have done over these past few days, without realising that the demands of the IRA were possible to meet. The demands of ISIS are not possible to meet, and in trying to do so would require ISIS to renounce their faith – and we all know what the penalty for that one is.
We can only hope that the whole crowd of do-gooders, luvvies, blowhards, lefties etc etc are assembled at a conference to negotiate a peace with ISIS who turn up all wearing suicide vests !
Thoughtful. the alarming element of the ISIS/IRA parallel is that it isn`t necessarily false.
the aim of IS is a global caliphate, a solution could be “negotiated” and IS demands could be met… it would mean the acceptance of the supremacy of Islam and Dhimmitude or worse for non muslims.
The example of Saudi Arabia or Qatar is an interesting model to observe….a sharia compliant, muslim governed, free market economy open to global business with private walled compounds for the rich who can let their hair down behind closed doors and enjoy all the vices available for a price, and at the risk of blackmail.
The collaborationist propaganda campaign is in full swing…talking to IS is “beneficial” as we heard on Today this morning (think of the children, think of the Polio vaccination programmes).
There is no demand for “unconditional surrender” in the war against IS as there was in the war against Nazi Germany.
BBC “3% more students achieve A level grades which will ensure places at university.”
The NUT and other teaching Unions are too dim to indoctrinate and brainwash innocent children in a decade, they require three more years to complete the task of producing unemployable people whose only ability is to function according to Party rules at the daily two minute hate.
In his blog recently, Peter Hitchens mentioned that, a few decades ago, the term “brain drain” was in regular use and our “A” levels were regarded as the equivalent of an American first degree. It was probably an exaggeration but, nevertheless, it was a fearsome exam.
I wish someone would dig out a few old “A” level exam papers and ask some of these successful students to have a crack at them. I’d be happy to donate mine from 1969. I think the results would be interesting.
Meanwhile, students from Japan, S Korea, China and India …. etc
MB ………..I wish someone would dig out a few old “A” level exam papers and ask some of these successful students to have a crack at them. I’d be happy to donate mine from 1969. I think the results would be interesting….
I’ll second that MB! (mine were 1964). I’ve said for years that if my class from that era were to sit the A levels these days, we’d all be classified as Professors now ! None of us were thick, stupid, ignorant or unable to be taught; calculators weren’t invented, and the teachers weren’t afraid to hand out hard discipline, although that wasn’t often because our parents knew the true meaning of the word ! Yes we all had an easier time finding jobs, but where would be now if the standard of A level passes were such then as they are now.
I’m always impressed by those who grew up in the pre-decimal era. Although I use imperial measurement a certain amount, I’m glad I never had to do sums like ‘If it takes three pints of paint to cover a wall six feet nine inches by ten feet, how much will it cost to paint a wall measuring twenty yards two feet six inches by six feet one inch, if paint costs one pound nineteen and elevenpence three-farthings per gallon?’ Today’s youngsters would probably suffer a nervous breakdown if they tried that. Or call it ‘racist’ or something.
I did my O Levels in 1972, A’s in 74. Found US university to be below O Level standard. Over thirty years of teaching has taught me that standards were definitely higher in those days.
Several points on your post Maria.Firstly, you may not have realised it at the time but these old A levels caused you extreme stress that has almost certainly had detrimental effect on your life.Secondly, tough exams mean that some people may not pass ,which would undermine their self esteem. Thirdly, it is abhorrent for people to be discriminated against on the basis of intelligence and aptitude as measured solely by exams. Taking cOurse work is crucial as it allows ample opportunity for teachers to ensure that all of their pupils do well,even the ones who don’t attend the exams.Fourthly, the old exams required pupils to be able to read and write, this is just literacy prejudice of the worst kind. Finally ,if the exams are too tough who on earth do you expect to mark the papers.
“Firstly, you may not have realised it at the time but these old A levels caused you extreme stress that has almost certainly had detrimental effect on your life.”
Thanks for the warning. I suppose that means I might suddenly start developing criminal tendencies at any moment?
And I was attributing my increasingly dark thoughts to the BBC, and the state that my home town has been reduced to.
At least all that ‘stress’ taught me how to spell my name, and that Co. Durham is not in Ireland, or that Edinburgh is not spelt …. Edinborough – as a Yuni graduate once informed me !!! And as for the amount of times (by yet another English graduate) I hear the word ‘brought’ being used for buying something, well, words fail me.
This is simply wonderful, and is entitled:
‘BBC Islamophobia discussion interrupted by Islamophobia’
No further explanation necessary, just watch and enjoy … http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37109216
Wiser Monkeys,
Enjoyable, assertive hijab wearing professional victim. Note the geek at the end with the red lights flashing up anti Islamic tweets. And then his voice fades out as he adds, ‘all happening in the aftermath of Nice’.
I wonder why Nice had anything to do with the tweets?
85 innocent people slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Nice and the bearded tweet analyst expresses disgust at the “angry, abusive, anti-Islamic” tweets that followed.
Goodness me, how did he expect people to react – with “well done Islam?”
Wiser / GWF / third: while loathsome beeb ‘journo’ looks suitably horrified at the angry red dots, and eggs on the bearded ‘expert’. Personally I’m impressed the Great British Public still have a spark of Righteous Outrage left in them (or simple self-preservation) – I thought it had all been brainwashed and castrated out of them by the vile beeb and their vile ilk. Must be destroyed asap.
Does anyone know where I can get the software the bearded guy uses to show his assertions? It would be very useful to check anti-christian tweets, anti-semetic tweets etc. Or are they just islamic red blobs on a map?
Of course, no concept at the BBC that many might consider it a good thing that ‘Islamophobic tweets’ are increasing in number!
As more people are starting to understand the true Islam, I’m sure anything they tweet is likely to be Islamophobic by the standard of the entitled drones?
So the increase in ‘Islamophobic tweets’ shows a likely increase in understanding about Islam.
Notice at the end, SHOCK HORROR, all those red dots indicating angry tweets after the Nice attack!!
You mean people are ANGRY about yet another Islamist butchery? How Islamo-racist of them!! Arrest them all officer, now!
(Just saw thirdoption beat me to it. Great minds think alike, or in this case, people with an ounce of common sense think alike, unlike the maniacs at the beeb)
Love the aggression and sheer mindless hatred from the Muslim lass. She asks him to explain a comment he has made, (he doesn’t want Sharia law here, apparently), and then yells abusively at him until there is a cut to quieter interlude later.
We will have to ponder at what further angst she inflicted on the poor gentleman – though, he should have known, as a white person, born and brought up here, he is not allowed to say anything negative about Sharia Law.
Where are the Hate Crime Police when you need them?
Yes she shrieked something like ‘We don’t want Sharia law!’ Pray tell me who is ‘we’, as there appear to be rather a lot of people in the world who do. Douglas Murray put it succinctly (paraphrasing) ‘it would be nice if people could at least admit there is a problem.’
Scribe – “the aggression and sheer mindless hatred from the Muslim lass”. Oh yes, sense of entitlement and grievance grows daily, egged on by beeb. This is still just stage 1, just wait till they’re a majority.
Slightly OT, but definitely relevant to the BBC’s ongoing migrant/refugee virtue-signalling:
One thing I’ve noticed about the cultural enrichment of Europe as I travel around Italy is just how well dressed our North African and Middle-Eastern friends are. I’m talking brand name trainers (new), brand name jeans and t-shirts – no cheap I supermarket knock-offs for them. Most are also sporting personal jewellery, watches and every one of ’em is permanently wired to their smart phones. The men all end up looking like West Side gangsta thugs, whilst the hijabbed women trail silently behind with a predictable gaggle of very young kids.
Where do these poor refugees live?, you ask. Turns out they live, mostly, in government (taxpayer) funded condominiums. Okay, they might sometimes be living seven to a two-bed apartment, but Muslim families are quite big, you know. At least they have all mod-cons, such as air-con, heating, sanitation, security – even simple things like elevators (makes getting the wife and five kids and up and down to the local supermarket to spend the weekly hand-out so much more accessible) to help them up and down from their fourteenth floor apartments with panoramic views and sun balcony.
I’m struggling to see how these people are disadvantaged. They have access to the public health system (someone’s got to help deliver all those new born babies they keep having, after all, and I’m fairly certain that Italy’s infant mortality rate doesn’t bear any resemblance to that of any number of of African/MidEast sh*tholes) education, etc. In other words, they have all the advantages with none of the drawbacks. All they had to do was turn up and and demand it.
Ever get the feeling you’re being mugged? Good job I don’t post these perfectly accurate real-world observations of European cultural enrichment on Facebook or Twitter. I’m sure I’d get banned immediately for disturbing the narrative and thereby causing offence.
I’m daily more convinced that Brexit is going to turn out to be the single most important post-war poltical decision the UK has taken. One look at what the rest of Europe now looks like should be enough to convince anyone left still wondering.
“One look at what the rest of Europe now looks like should be enough to convince anyone left still wondering.”
Unfortunately we are still in transition (no, not gender-wise this time) with no guarantee about the likely outcome and many parts of the UK do not look much healthier!
Odd .
I hadn’t listened to the radio for two days . Monday’s ten o clock was the last , when there was a report from Khasmir and the unrest there .
Then Thursday on the Toady programme I heard the very same report . No mention it was a repeat from over two days ago .
Why so I ask ?
Coming up on R5 Live “It’s been the warmest year ever, but somehow we aren’t talking about it”*
…WOW who had a phonecall from Greenpeace /Friends or the Earth ?
I spot a Global Warming newsVert coming up
* If you’d been talking 1 hundred or 2 hundred years ago, you could have also said “the warmest year ever”, cos since the planet is still coming out of an ice-age ..each year does tend in general to be warmer than the previous.
Balanced panel NOT : Caroline Lucas (Green Party), Prof Paul Ekins*, BBC Eco-warrior Matt McGrath
plus presenter Peter Allan showing his personal concern “I worry we are not talking about this ”
..prog ends at 11am
* Director of the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources at University College London
Lucas is claiming Green stuff makes energy cheaper … They’ll be no proper evidence for that, as subsidies don’t come out of fresh air.
and she’s done the anti-fracking bit
” Figures released under Freedom of Information laws show the average white
worker at the Equality and Human Right Commission is paid £40,388 a year.
But black and ethnic minority workers get £37,170 on average.
The payroll data also shows disabled staff receive less too.
They are paid an average of £35,988 while other colleagues. pocket an average £40,898. ”
I think this £18 m per year quango needs investigating by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
At 8.50am they had “There is systematic DISCRIMINATION in is the UK according to ..”
then they play the clip which says
“There is INEQUALITY amongst the BME ..”
It seems to me to be Guardian reader simplistic thinking to think INEQUALITY is only caused by DISCRIMINATION.
Some white people will have a lot of money thru there families being Lords descended from William the Conquerers time
Some blacks will seem poor cos they have only just come from Africa.
But if you check Russian immigrants you might well find they are way richer than general population due to them coming over here with a big pile of cash. Same with certain Asian familes etc.
Stewgreen, yes. The statistical anomalies and biases in these surveys are never looked into. A classic example is the ‘high unemployment rate among Muslims’ – which is mainly because Muslim women don’t go out to work. To be fair, Radio Four did do a good programme about the danger of misinterpreting statistics – it’s just a pity they don’t apply that knowledge to their general broadcasts!
How brave, and professional, of Evan Davis to coax more anti-Tory bile from robust artisan Ray Johnson, father to bullied and oppressed Elliot, on Newsnight yesterday evening. It’s another story set to run and run, despite such a high degree of distortion, contradiction and moral dishonesty on all sides. I’m confident Evan feels for Ray, despite a natural tendency to bridle.
‘Bums on seats’ ?
‘Universities say this year could be a “buyer’s market” for applications with universities competing to attract students.’
Get em in whatever. Let them study for ‘mickey mouse degrees’ with the added debt and no relevant job at the end. It would be far better for those kids to get a ‘real job’ – plumbers, electricians, carpenters fitters , machinists , etc etc, once they leave school where they can earn a living and contribute to a meaningful pension and the possibility of a mortgage.
Bums on seats – While businesses have to bring in immigrants from Europe to do the essential work in our country
I cursorily looked through previous posts and I couldn’t find anyone mentioning the interview on Newsnight last Friday with Derek Hatton. I nearly fell off my chair in his sheer nerve.
He stated that ‘the BBC is a supporter of the Tory policies.’ What is he saying I thought. I immediately expected Kirsty Wark to pick him up on this slight. Nothing, absolutely nothing! So I must assume that the BBC must believe themselves to be pro Tory. Just how deluded are they? Very is the answer or is their response to their political bias intentional?
It strikes me that if Tories ever accuse the BBC of being Left wing then they are roundly rebuffed with denials. (BTW, Tory politicians are very poor at highlighting Left wing BBC bias.)
So what I deduce is that the BBC will not respond if they are accused of being labelled Right wing but they will if they are accused of being labelled as Left wing. Interesting.
From your post, I imagine Kirsty’s first reaction would have been “Course we’re not, we’re all rampant Lefties” but checked herself and then didn’t know how to respond to such nonsense. They probably haven’t been trained to defend against allegations of right-wing bias.
The BBC’s bias generally seems to be towards the metropolitan liberal elite rather than hard militant trade-union left. When you hear someone say the BBC has a ‘Tory’ bias, it’s nearly always from someone on the hard communist left who thinks everyone not like them must be a ‘Tory’.
Corbyn & McDonnell make them nervous at the BBC at times and it shows. I have posted before that the well-paid Beeboids all fear they are going to be paying 65% on their top band income and much more for their National Insurance.
They are generally Labour supporting while Labour are able to offer ever increasing Licence Fees. They are also currently standing ‘in loco oppositio’ while Labour are internally at odds and completely ineffective or when the wild & whacky LibDems are co-opted into Government and can no longer play oppositional poster boys and girls.
I remember when he was deputy leader of Liverpool Council and was asked why he thought it appropriate, as a far left supporter of the SWP, to wear £700 suits. He replied that he may be on the hard left but he still had to look good.
My few Leftoid acquaintances, certainly not friends, ALL insist that Al Beeb is biased towards the Tories and against Labour, and in particular against the Corbynutta. When I enquire as to of what that bias consists, the only responses indicate that Al Beeb has, for once, reported the facts of what Corbynutta and his Little Kernels have been up to. In true Pravda tradition our Leftoids believe any lie made up about the Tories, from John Major’s underpants to selling off the NHS, and disbelieve even the very words recorded verbatim as to what Their Beloved and Only Righteous Leader has said.
Quite a humdinger of a morning on the BBC’s leftie-propaganda News 24 channel, even by their standards.
To begin with, we’ve had a nice unbalanced discussion on ”Islamophobia”. With two distraught Muslims getting all upset by the seemingly endless and of course, utterly unwarranted vilification of their faith. Typically by people who for some mystifying reason just won’t stop using irresponsible terms like ”Islamist” when addressing.. well, ..er, ..”Islamist” terrorism. Y’know, terrorist atrocities committed by Islamic extremists who claim they’re fighting for Islam, and that may therefore be connected tentatively to, well… ”Islam”.
This, and both Muslim commentors were unanimous in the opinion, gives an entirely false impression of Islam. Which as everyone should know, is the religion of peace. Furthermore, the third guest, a virtual caricature unbiased ”expert” from the unbiased leftist thinktank ”Demos”, had no hesitation whatsoever in agreeing with everything the offended Muslim victims said. So there. What more proof of ”racism” and ”Islamophobia” could one possibly need? None according to the three guests and the BBC presenter who all joined in to wind up the inspiring discussion by condemning such gross intolerance. Something that was already endemic in our reactionary society and which has, alas, only been exacerbated by the recent unfortunate Brexit vote.
After which, the following article on the unbiased Equality and Human Rights QUANGO’s disturbing study indicating more generalised and systemic ”far reaching inequality” suffered by BME people, came as a bit of an anti-climax. Apart, naturally, from the same presenter’s efforts to get the interviewee to link it to the Brexit vote. Which he did manage at last to do after the presenter lost patience and asked him an outrightly leading question.
These two items have been going round and round on a loop for abut three hours now. While repeat filler-pieces have included
1) yet another interview with a Muslim lady bemoaning innate British ”Islamophobia”, and
2) a sort of light relief report giving BBC staff the opportunity to look all indignant at the government’s criminal indifference to the vile evil of foodstuffs with sugar in them.
Amazing tripe the lot of it, and a bit puzzling how the BBC can push all this drivel so assiduously without raising questions about infringement of its charter obligations.
“Amazing tripe the lot of it, and a bit puzzling how the BBC can push all this drivel so assiduously without raising questions about infringement of its charter obligations.”
Even some of the biased ‘so called’ Trustees of Al Beeb must be aware of the frantic drivel coming out over the last week or two . This brings into question ‘just why are they there’ ? What do they do for their money ?
It appears that in order to balance the story of bBC presenter ‘Anjem Choudary’ (Well he was always on the bBC) getting sent down. The bBC have pulled out a couple of poor Muslims articles in which allow them to shout of “Racist’ in which to deflect people away from how the bBC was behind the promotion of Choudary as the so called mouth piece of Islam in the UK, when actually he was shunned by virtually all of Britain’s Muslims.
1) Islamophobic tweets ‘peaked in July’
Almost 7,000 “Islamophobic” tweets were sent, in English, every day in July worldwide, data seen by the BBC suggests. This compared to 2,500 in April, with peaks recorded following the Nice lorry attack and the attempted military coup in Turkey. Forty-nine words and hashtags were used as indicators of anti-Islamic tweets, by the think tank Demos.
So, i gravitated over to Demos and looked up how they came about with their new hate crime Islamophobia on Twitter: March to July 2016 The Centre for the Analysis of Social Media (CASM) at Demos is conducting continuous research on
hateful, xenophobic, anti-disability, anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic ideas and expressions on Twitter. This
is part of a broad effort to understand the scale, scope and nature of uses of social media that are possibly socially problematic and damaging. This short paper details recent results for the use of Twitter to share expressions which are identified as Islamophobic, derogatory and hateful. It covers a broad stretch of time, from the 22nd February 2016 to the time of writing, August 4th, but focuses especially on activity over the month of July 2016. For a discussion of how these Tweets were collected and analysed Spike 1 – July 5th
We identified 9,220 Islamophobic Tweets on 5 July. It is difficult to identify one singular event that
triggered this rise in Islamophobic language. One possible explanation is that this was 4 days after the 12-hour siege by IS militants in a café in Bangladesh. American, Italian, Indian, Japanese and
Bangladeshi victims were among the 22 people killed in this attack. Furthermore, this day marked the end of Ramadan before the start of Eid al-Fitr, perhaps intensifying a global focus on Islam.Examples of tweets from this day include: “Nobody can stop Muslims committing jihad attacks any more than they can stop Buddhists meditating or Mormons knocking on people’s doors”; “Morocco deletes a whole section of the Koran from school curriculum as it’s full of jihad incitement and violence. The Religion of peace”; and “I fucking hate pakis.” Spike 2 – July 8th
11,320 Islamophobic tweets were sent on 8 July. Again, it is difficult to attribute this rise to one specific event, though this was the day after the shootings in Dallas, U.S., in which Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed 5 police officers, wounded 7 others and wounded 2 civilians. Many tweets appeared to try and link this event to Islam. An example includes: “Obama is a damn Raghead explains a lot”. Spike 3 – July 15th
21,190 tweets sent on 15 July were identified as Islamophobic. This was the day after the attack in Nice, in which an armed IS militant drove a truck through crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day; 84 people were killed and many more injured. Tweets sent on this day focused on the attack: “Sorry to hear about france- These muzzies just dont quit”; “and “Stop saying ‘the majority are peace-loving’. Until the majority denounce every jihadi & turn them in, we are safer believing the evidence”. Spike 4 – July 17th
10,610 tweets were sent on 17 July. This was the day after an attempted military coup in Turkey failed; a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces organised themselves under the ‘Peace at Home Council’. The Council cited the erosion of secularism as one reason behind the attempted coup. As such, some tweets commented on this: “That’s the end of Turkey. Another country ruined by Islam and its terrorist culture. Same shit happened to Persia. Now its Islamic Republic”. Other tweets were more general: “France’s Islamic population is at 9.6%. 10% is usually when Jihad begins. They’re starting early because the French are so weak”; “ALL this because of the muzzie in the White House”. Spike 5 – July 26th
8,950 tweets were sent on 26 July. This was the day of the Normandy church attack, in which IS militants killed Father Jacques Hamel, and seriously wounded another. Tweets sent on this day comment on this attack: “Normandy is reason 1488 that you should elect Marine Le Pen! > close borders > deport murderous Islam & Muzzies > deport the rioting negroes”; “So some sleazy scum committed jihad in the name of #Islam this time in Normandy but hey let’s keep telling Muslims we love them”; and “Priest killed in #Normandy today by a Radical Islamic Terrorist yet Hillary says that Islam is peaceful! 1274 attacks this year=peaceful? Ok.”
You know what racist hatred is wrong across the board, but some of the above are ugly, yet are these hateful? “So some sleazy scum committed jihad in the name of #Islam this time in Normandy but hey let’s keep telling Muslims we love them”;
“Priest killed in #Normandy today by a Radical Islamic Terrorist yet Hillary says that Islam is peaceful! 1274 attacks this year=peaceful? Ok.
“Stop saying ‘the majority are peace-loving’. Until the majority denounce every jihadi & turn them in, we are safer believing the evidence”.
“Nobody can stop Muslims committing jihad attacks any more than they can stop Buddhists meditating or Mormons knocking on people’s doors”;
“Morocco deletes a whole section of the Koran from school curriculum as it’s full of jihad incitement and violence.
However my favourite Islamophobic quote must be: The Religion of peace”
Now, whilst I admit it is now used in a very negative manner, I wonder just where that adage started.
Why, here’s a news article from the bBC from today about why nice people in Bangladesh are taking to terrorism Why are Bangladeshi students turning to extremism? Farah Zein Nikita, Dhaka University – ‘What we are seeing is the opposite of Islam’
I think what is happening in Bangladesh is misrepresentation and miscommunication about Islam and about religion. We know that Islam is a religion of peace.
2) The bBC claims that 7000 tweets a day were sent globally that they say were hateful to Muslims. Tweets which according to them contained statements such as: “The religion of peace”
Yet the bBC is the biggest user of that statement.?
Anyway a quick check tells me that there are 1500 million English speakers around the world. For the sake of simplicity , lets knock off 1000 million of those, leaving us with 500. lets cut that down to 250 million as adults., of that figure, let cut it in a quarter for those who use twitter. For the sake of simplicity that comes out at 60 million. which works out as just under 1 million people per Thousand tweets. Hardly the racist demographic the bBC is trying to promote. and that rise only transpires after evil ugly murderous attacks carried out by…..Muslims. Its as if English speaking have better things to do such as:
A level results..132K
Give it to me..80.7 K
By the way, that female Muslim student opining that she can only be a victim, notice how aggressive she becomes, when she feels abused. She wasn’t abused, the man was calm and she the f-ing twat is how people see Muslims.
and unable to live in peace with anybody including fellow Muslims.
Pounce, give it a few more years and an extra million or so and they will not hesitate to spit on us in response. Seen it happen in the Middle East………………….
G wrote:
“give it a few more years and an extra million or so and they will not hesitate to spit on us in response.”
I live in a small market town (1 main street) and the other year we had a visit by a bunch of yellow HI-Vis vested Chuggers championing ‘Amnesty International”
Anyway as I was walking through town I managed to get past the majority of the group, until I was ambushed by a swooping Niqab (But showing her face) wearing Ninja, who came at me with the words: “Hello Brother, have you a few minutes to talk about AI”
I was polite in my reply and stated, that any other time I would, but I was late to meet a friend for coffee (Which I was)
Not happy with my reply, Madam walked briskly alongside me, venting her spleen (Quite loudly) about Israel and that how something should be done to combat it.
I stopped..
She smiled
I stated,
1) I’m not your f-ing Brother?
2) Have you been to Israel…No? Until you have don’t bitch about something you know Sweet FA about. I have and I was treated a lot better than I have been in any Islamic country.
3) You wearing that garb, tells me you subscribe to religious Islam, now if you are so f-ing pious, why are you on your own in the middle of the street shouting at a man you don’t know. How would you be treated in an Islamic country for doing so.
By now, Madam had realised that the bloke in front of her was not only much more knowledgeable than her, but he was acting exactly like a rabid forning at the mouth Muslim would.
By now, the group with her, had noticed she had left the safety of the pack and this huge 6 foot monster had started to walk across in which to back her up. Intent of closing up, I simply pointed at the bloke and said.
“take another step and I will smash your face in”
He quote naturally stopped dead in his tracks (As i knew he would) I then turned back to Niqab features and told her to be bloody carefully who she lies to in future, as the next bloke may not be as nice as me.
No one quite does passive-aggressive handbrake turns on a sixpence quite like a Muslim.
Same as Jeremy Bamber-kills his parents and then seeks a reduced sentence because he`s now been orphaned.
Islam-either at your feet or at your throat…the Carry On spoofs up the Khyber etc were more accurate than we`d like to admit.
@Pounce Wow BBC RegressiveLefty Twisted Twitter world
AS their priorities imply Tweeting AGAINST terrorism is WORSE than doing TERRORISM, with beheadings, guns, bombs, knives etc.
At 9:33 I pointed out the context that the HIGHEST rate is 1 in 30,000 tweets since there are 400million tweets/day.
And they said on the radio at 1pm that 7,000/day was the peak and other time s lower so since April there have been 200-300,000 of such Tweets,
…………….Yet today there is news from TWITTER that they suspended 360,000 accounts* related to “PROMOTION OF TERRORISM” since the middle of 2015 and 235,000 since February
* (They say accounts, but you have to ask if the high count comes from sometimes some accounts being suspended multiple times)
You got that ?
… for every one tweet against Islam including the mild ones Twitter have had to suspend an ENTIRE ACCOUNT promoting terrorism !
Not only that, but some of those claimed Islamophobic tweets probably came in reaction to the 360,000 terrorists accounts
Where was the proper challenging and contexting from the BBC ?
I hadn’t realised they had MISLED so much by PLAYING UP mild phrases as Islamophobic.
What even saying the words “Religion of Peace is Islamophobic” ?
Not only is condemning bombings OK
but surely it’s OK to condemn the EVERYDAY TERRORISM that often comes out of Islamic-Fundamentalism, that leaves women and men oppressed ;not free to dress how they like and lead free normal lives ?
How weird that the research had not tried to classify classes of Tweet, but rather used a loose definition to get the highest number possible
#1 Genuine threats of violence – “I know where you live and I’m coming to get you”
#2 Incitement to violence
#3 Powerful misinformed OPINION – “all police or gays or Catholics are paedophiles”
Now that last one might be read by naïve people who just believe it; so you could say it stirs up hate.
#4 More passive OPINION
Of course everyone needs protection from #1 and #2 but surely category #3 and #4 are not a threat as you have the power to send out counter opinions or just ignore
Stew – I also read a little bit of the report as I was sceptical to say the least – sure enough I wasn’t disappointed… Tucked away in one of the footnotes of the methodology section was a sample size that a human being reviewed to see how many of the 100 “islamophobic” tweets the algorithm had picked up were actually deemed to be “islampohobic”. Only 75 out of 100 were deemed to be “islamophobic”… Now this is worrying as not only is the modelling inaccurate however as this is a left leaning think tank I’m dubious as to who did that reviewing. Similarly having seen a sample of what some of the “islamophobic” tweets actually said I would hazard a guess that you can at least half the number the report states, I also feel I’m being generous here. So as you mentioned in your previous post if we go by your stats re terrorism related accounts and my guestimate that’s just 2 “islamophobic” tweets for every terrorism related account removed!
So @TheBrutalTruth Do \\SO CALLED islamophobic tweets// disrupt the average Muslim lives , whilst the average member of the public is unhindered ? No absolutely NOT.
On Twitter by Twitter corps closing of accounts the threats coming out of Terrorist Tweeters are magnitudes more than the SCITs \\ SO CALLED islamophobic tweets // and Muslims are more likely to be victims .
That’s all in the online world…while in the REAL world there have been REAL DEAD VICTIMs
The easiest way of eliminating \\ SO CALLED Islamophobic tweets // is if Radical-Muslims actually end THEIR violence and THEIR threats of violence.
Brexit economy. Retail sale increase by 1.6% in value terms from June to July and by 1.4% in volume terms. So what happened to that ‘crisis in consumer confidence’ predicted after the vote ? Yet another indicator fails to support Brussels Broadcasting message of doom. Very sad. While it is inevitable that inflation will increase to some degree over that the next year or so (especially for yellow fin tuna so much loved by Brussels scribblers), it may be restrained in the most competitive sectors where foreign exporters may need to show some pricing restraint. With UK growth remaining relatively robust compared to some very poor numbers for many eurozone countries (e.g. 2nd quarter zero growth in both Italy and France), those ratings agencies which were so quick to downgrade our triple A, may have to think again.
BBC reports the fact – so they say.
It is all over for Trump, but the diehards still support him, says Gavin Hewitt. Trump is down but not yet out, adds Gavin, so please pay me a large sum to continue bashing Trump.
Gavin socks it to the diehards
‘I tell them Mr Trump’s campaign is widely judged to be in meltdown and Hillary Clinton is ahead in the key battleground states, that he casually offends, trades insults and is judged by many – including some Republicans – to be unfit to be president.’
It is not “phobic” to wish to continue to live in a Western culture rather than an Islamic one.
Please can we just accept, we prefer our culture, they prefer theirs. We are not going to accept the imposition of their culture on our homelands just as they did not accept the imposition of our culture on their homelands in the colonial period.
Why is it so hard to comprehend that our cultures are in competition. Why does the BBC continue to carry propaganda for a culture that, when sufficiently empowered, crushes womens rights, gay rights, and the general human rights to liberty that the BBC claims to hold most dear….why is it allowed do this whilst funded from a general tax on the TV owning population.
Breathless interview with Martha Kearney today on Radio 4 with some person called ‘Tulip Siddiq’ MP. She sounds absolutely ghastly and seems to think that Parliament exists mainly as a medium for the airing of her personal grievances. Both the race and sex cards were played like it was a game of Snap. She said how awful it was that some nasty MP men had laughed at her when she’d suggested banning Donald Trump from entering Britain. You could almost hear her stamp her little foot in anger. A close friend of Jo Cox, apparently.
All that flummery about the useless lefty Jo Cox?
Turns out that she had been allocated Portugal in the “New MPs” sweepstake before the Euros…so says Kevin Maguire in the New Statesman.
Oh the tragedy-what will happen to her money then?…bloody Labour and their gambling supercasinos on houseboats.
I blame Robin Cook.
Puzzled sounding announcer on the R4 lunchtime news stated that retail sales were up, despite expectations that they would be down because of Brexit…he didn’t bother to mention that quite a lot of people DIDN’T predict Brexitageddon like the BBC did…
If the BBC is so worried about ‘uncertainty’ why aren’t they pushing for Article 50 to be triggered? The only uncertainty that may cause problems is if we don’t actually leave the EU after all and get some sort of May-fudge instead. If it’s full steam ahead to Brexit, everyone will know where they stand and can prepare accordingly.
Nearly every item discussed on the news today was preceded by the words “the Government has to do more……”. There was the child obesity issue, the equality for ethnics, lack of social housing, lottery funding for lesser sports, the list was endless. Does no-one take responsibility for anything anymore ?
As for child obesity, nine times out of ten the parents are fat as well – but yes the Government is to blame for stuffing their kids faces with junk instead of proper food. Playing fields were sold off so the government of the day who sanctioned that WAS to blame , but then housing was built to accommodate some of the homeless – so the government wasn’t to blame.
Equality for ethnics in ALL aspects, the government has to do more, – yep they have to do more to stop anymore arriving !!! But look at the top companies in this country and most of them have an Asian as a CEO, the Chinese are buying up properties off plan and whole streets of properties, so THEY too could accommodate the homeless, almost every opticians, pharmacies, dental surgeries and most electronics shops, (not forgetting the curry houses, Chinese restaurants, corner shops, and garages) are owned by non-whites, so how much more bloody equality do they want ?
I do wish the squealing would end about the Government doing more, and a law passed that every citizen should be responsible for their own lives without holding parliament to account.
Brissles, I call these stories ‘government orters’ , ie, ‘the government ought to do something’. I think it’s caused by the BBC regurgitating press releases from NGOs, charities etc who want legislation to further their pet causes and government money to be showered on them to pay their salaries (eg, Kid’s Club etc). The statist BBC rarely seems to critically examine such reports, or ask fundamental questions about personal responsibility. The last person who asked questions like that was the dreaded ‘Fatcher’!
I seem to remember someone with infinite patience once worked out that every edition of the Today programme hosted calls for about a billion pounds of extra public expenditure. Still, it’s only money, right?
I see our Political Correctness enforcement officers are doing a fine job covering up what is going on at London Bridge Tube station which has been evacuated.
The cover story is that a man has ‘fallen’ under a train, but if that’s true why are the fire brigade needed, and stranger still, why are armed Police reportedly rushing to the scene.
It’s getting scary guys:
“London’s new Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, is allocating over two million dollars (£1,730,726) to an “online hate crime hub” enabling police to track and arrest “trolls” who “target…individuals and communities.” There can be no doubt, given the nature of the British political establishment today, which “trolls” these new Thought Police will be going after, and which “communities” will be protected from “hate speech.” “Islamophobia,” which David Horowitz and I termed “the thought crime of the totalitarian future,” is now going to bring down upon the hapless “trolls” the wrath of London’s Metropolitan police force — and this totalitarian new initiative shows yet again how easily the Leftist and Islamic supremacist agendas coincide and aid each other.”
“The Metropolitan police service,” said a police spokesman, “is committed to working with our partners, including the mayor, to tackle all types of hate crime including offences committed online.” Given the fact that Khan, in a 2009 interview, dismissed moderate Muslims as “Uncle Toms” and has numerous questionable ties to Islamic supremacists, it is unlikely that he will be particularly concerned about “hate speech” by jihad preachers (several of whom were just recently welcomed into a Britain that has banned foes of jihad, including me).
Can someone tell me the extent of the Emir’s powers to run this thought crime unit. As Mayor of London he has powers over the dopes on London, but does this unit have power to extend to cover thoughts expressed outside of London?
Could the mayor of Blackpool set up a unit to cover hate crimes which express unpleasant thoughts about Blackpool rock and seaside landladies?
Khan has already instituted laws the forbid women from wearing certain clothing. Now he is moving to censor the internet and attack anyone who talks down to Islam. Obama and Khan are long-time friends and it’s no surprise given Obama’s ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Step 1 of Islamisation / Sharia: dress code on posters. (under the guise of ‘body shaming’)
Step 2: creation of hate crime unit. I think we know who they will be targeting. (According to Islam anyone criticising the RoP is guilty of hate crime.)
Step 3?
Obama has just begun working with London’s Muslim Mayor to institute a global law that will fight anti-Muslim talk. The idea was spawned by London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan.
Khan has already instituted laws the forbid women from wearing certain clothing. Now he is moving to censor the internet and attack anyone who talks down to Islam. Obama and Khan are long-time friends and it’s no surprise given Obama’s ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood. https://conservativedailypost.com/breaking-obama-and-sadiq-khan-just-passed-online-sharia-law/
I have just been looking back on the past year ( a little early I know) but I came across a massive piece of hypocrisy which does not seem to have been exposed before.
The Fascist Left and other assorted bandwagon jumpers have been calling for Sir Philip Green to lose his knighthood, however despite one of the most calamitous collapses of a charity ever seen, no one is calling for Camila Batmanghelidjh CBE to lose her honour.
Is it the case that it is only those on the centre right lose their honours if they are naughty, because it sure looks that way !
I can’t be the only one who is sick of the bBBC falling for every weepie photo of a Syrian child. The leftie pro-immigrant industry knows it only has to come up with a new image every few months and the bBBC will lap it up. Drowned, bombed, whatever. Any credible broadcaster would look beyond the managed tearjerking to examine the causes and inform us about them. Every one that I have seen seems to be one Syrian killing another.
So, I’ve been doing a little research on that arrogant muslim girl championed by the bBC as the latest it girl here are a few of her tweets:
I don't wanna sound ignorant cos you know I'm here for u lot xxx but why is it gay pride like every 2 weeks— Ruqaiya (@ruqxx) 7 August 2016
@HasHafidh yeah so transparent. Great display of human rights when you let queer people party in tel aviv whilst you bomb hospitals in gaza— Ruqaiya (@ruqxx) 25 July 2016
Writing an essay on the battles fought in the first Islamic century & trying to avoid using the j word ? #MuslimStudentProblems— Ruqaiya (@ruqxx) 9 August 2016
But just in case she deletes them here are the screen shots. please ensure they get spread around:
BBC Islamophobia discussion interrupted by Islamophobia
A passer-by named Paul told her interviewee Ruqaiya Haris: “There’s no Sharia law here”.
So let me get this straight. The BBC thinks that stating a known fact is now Islamophobic? Jesus H Christ ! Are they seriously suggesting that any criticism of Muslims or Islam is Islamophobic?
Perhaps they might like to throw the gay ones from the roof of broadcasting house because anything less would be ‘Islamofaubik’ !
I understand that Moslem scholars claim that the Koran -word of Allah, not an interpretation – says the Earth is flat.
I assume that the Emir accepts what is said in his religion is the truth.
So is it offensive, and therefore Islamophobic to deny this?
Perhaps science teachers fearing a knock on the door from Mr Plod, might tell their students that the Earth is alleged to be round.
PS Thoughtful,
As I understand rules for hate speech, truth is not a defence. If it gives offence it is hate speech. Offence, of course is subjectively determined. Truth is only a defence against a charge of libel
Be very careful
“As I understand rules for hate speech, truth is not a defence. If it gives offence it is hate speech. Offence, of course is subjectively determined. Truth is only a defence against a charge of libel”
It was Harriet Harman that introduced that particular piece of legislation under Blair’s reign. I struggle to find the words to express the complete contempt I feel for her and Jacqui Smith.
Before the election, why didn’t some beeb journo ask The Emir: do you believe that Jews are apes and pigs as it says in the quran? That infidels / Jews / Christians should be killed? That gays should be stoned? That islam will conquer the world and jihad is your duty?
If not, then do you repudiate the quran?
Of course it would have been unthinkable, the slightest reference to his faith and past dodgy associations bringing down a storm of accusations of islamophobia. Yet those are highly relevant questions for one aspiring to be our future mayor. Islam gave him immunity, just as it does now he’s in office. How very very worrying.
The Khanate of Londons metropolitan Mutawaeen are revising the Cries of London for the new times……instead of “any old Iron” it will be “cover your hair” instead of “eels, loverly eels” it will be “get to the mosque” and instead of gaily “doing the Lambeth walk” it will be “look there’s some ginger beers…..after them brothers! chase them up those stairs! There’s only one way down!”
And instead of spending off duty hours in the rub-a-dub it’ll be compulsory to use Alan’s new snack bar.
Apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere.
But I think I heard or saw that retail sales for July, post Brexit , were………..1.1% UP !!!!!!!
Needless to say, this does not seem to be getting much mention on the bBBC.
On their business page, the top story is ‘Asda in worst ever sales drop….’
Gotta keep the doom and gloom going………
Nowt to do with Brexit – So it must be Global Warming ?……………………
“Warmer weather and a weaker pound helped boost retail sales in July, according to official data.”
“Retail sales grew by 5.9% compared with July 2015, the Office for National Statistics said.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37116279
“He was in a manic state and depressed — out of his mind and ranting.
“He had a tube in his shoulder for the dialysis and he had ripped it out and was covered in blood.
“He got Dad by the throat and said he was going to kill him.
“He told Dad he had already killed me, our brother Paul and sister Elaine and he had come for him.
“He was not in his right mind”
When you need the vile, disgusting, traitorous vermin that infest Al Beebistan to mention mental illness…. Absolutely nothing…. When there is absolutely no evidence what so ever that an ‘incident’ was carried out by someone with mental illness…. The devious, conniving bastards at Al Beeb go Chuck Norris on the relentless use of “mental illness” as the cause…
Dalian Atkinson’s own brother for crying out loud, has already told the world what has happened!!! What are the Al Beeb doing with what his brother said…. Absolutely sweet FA. It’s all about police violence. It’s all about a black man being killed by the police. It’s all about ensuring the racist ‘only black lives matter’ terrorist organisation is given as much exposure as possible.
Capital punishments need to be legalised once again… Traitory must be mandatory execution… Every single one of the traitors that have tried to destroy our country must be tried, and justice carried out on these vermin…..
tothepoint “Capital punishments need to be legalised once again… Traitory must be mandatory execution… Every single one of the traitors that have tried to destroy our country must be tried, and justice carried out on these vermin”
One can but dream.
Imagine the reaction from the beeb if a born-again Christian mayor had tried to ban revealing posters of women? The howls of derision from the chatterati for trying to impose reactionary/ puritanical/ Victorian/ prudish values on cool progressive liberated London, ha ha, dahling how absurd!
Our beloved Emir does it and not a whisper.
Incidentally I find burqas much more body-shaming, truly shaming the body – how about banning them?
A little light relief from the relentless bias of the Beeb.
In “The Archers” this evening (Radio 4, 19:02-19:15) it was ‘A’ Level results day. Phoebe (daughter of ‘Reformed Racist’ Roy Tucker and spoilt waste-of-space Kate Madikane [nee Aldridge]) got a string of A-grades and will likely go up to Oxford. Meanwhile, wannabe hen farmer Josh Archer (son of Dull David and Geordie Girl Ruth) got B-B-C.
I sense the hand of the Illuminati in all this … Just off to get my coat.
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Philip_2Mar 18, 21:52 Start the Week 17th March 2025 A new bit of history on the BBC bias I learn today, goes back a long way… I read: ‘With…
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UK to avoid recession and world economy to ‘stabilise’ as Brexit shock passes
Britain’s economy will slow down but should not go anywhere close to a recession, according to economists at credit ratings agency Moody’s, while growth in the rest of the world is also “stabilising.”
Although markets dived on the referendum result in June, stock prices have recovered and now economists also believe the impact of the vote will be relatively modest, compared with some early fears.
The lower pound should support economic growth in the UK, Moody’s said, while the government is expected to loosen the purse strings to shore up GDP.
Moody’s economists predict growth of 1.5pc this year and 1.2pc in 2017.
“Uncertainty around the future of the economy outside the common market will continue to dampen business investment and consumer spending, as businesses hold back on hiring and making long-term investments, and as consumers postpone large spending decisions,” said senior analyst Madhavi Bokil.
“However, the fall in the sterling will mitigate some of the negative effect in the short term by providing a boost to exports. Our baseline growth forecasts also incorporate the assumption that some fiscal loosening and monetary policy accommodation will support the economy, eurozone limiting the slowdown in growth.”
Can’t wait to see the BBC’s take on this one…
They already did – yesterday. Twice on BBC News the “business” feature stated that the economy is looking good in spite of economic predictions post-Brexit. It wasn’t without the usual irritating caveats such as “families are still £400 worse off than in 2006” (pre-crash!) and importing fresh tuna (!) has become more expensive.
Sorry Mike, but you’re a day late!
Thanks for pointing out how the BBC buried yesterday’s good economic news, but what I was really asking was how they are going to bury today’s report by Moody’s. Do try and keep up old chap.
Pre Brexit they would have been all it like a rash.
Now that it doesn’t suit their agenda what will do with it?
(a) Ignore it completely
(b) Bury it on the economics pages or
(c) Invert it by focusing the headline and first para on the negative aspects.
I mean, it’s not as if it’s an unimportant story.
“Top ratings agency Moodys reverses pre-Brexit recession predictions” could be the headline – or something similar.
Mind you, as other posters have already pointed out, the BBC’s front page is so full of “vitally important” stories today that there’s probably no room left at the inn for positive economic news of this magnitude. Oh no sir, sorry sir, we don’t get much call for that round here sir.
What we really need of course is to be reminded of how Islamonausea increases every time a kaffir is killed in a Jihadi attack, so Muslims become the so-called “real victims” despite their ordeal consisting of being called names online, rather than being maimed or murdered like the truly real victims, us kaffirs.
Other stories of such vital national importance they have reached the front page of the BBC website today include:
“School students await A level results.” (Really? I had no idea.)
“Britons favour cremation over burial.” (Goodness me.)
“Satellite tagged hen harrier missing.” (I’d no idea either.)
All far more important and riveting than Moodys economic predictions, obviously.
So yesterday’s report is actually today’s report? No, I can’t keep up with changing goal posts.
Two cracking / pathetic non story headlines this morning on the bias broadcasting corps web site.
1 “black and ethics still racially discriminated against. ”
A report by some equalities quango say we, guess they mean white British, curse on us. Still don’t do enough in education housing jobs. Usual bull. I taught for 25 years I and many bent over backwards went the extra mile etc to help support black ethnic minorities. He’s a sad fact : many didn’t give a toss little support at home or openly declared that their future was in d dealing. Please understand this I take exception when I have tried to help someone who can’t be arsed and then blamed for their failings.
2 No government strategy for dealing with fat lazy Kids from fat lazy stupid parents say Docs. Oops sorry I meant to say childhood obesity. What a loads of bollocks. If you’re able to breed then take responsibility.
Both none stories are typical of liberal thinking ie if there is a problem blame everyone and everything that’s not actually part of the problem rather than the root cause. In these two articles people / kids that do see value of free education and housing. And blame someone else rather than those who are responsible for the problem.
End the BBC
None story part three, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37098643
Murderous atrocity on the streets of Europe causes bad feeling, well, really. There’s even ‘an I can do science me’ graph to support the results of this rigorously tested and peer reviewed scientific research from, er, Demos. Figures that are ‘highly likely’ are just not good enough, anyone fancy boarding a plane ‘highly likely’ to reach the intended destination?
“Forty-nine words and hashtags were used as indicators of anti-Islamic tweets, by the think tank Demos.
Twitter said it is “continuing to invest heavily” in tools to prevent abuse.”
The article does mention that the ‘abuse’ peaks right after a muslim kills infidels, such as the Nice lorry murders, which is good balanced reporting from the BBC…..
….but then they finish the article with a ‘Muslim victim’ who even had to face ‘abuse’ during a BBC interview from a man saying…… brace yourselves….. contains offensive words…..here it comes….dont say I didn’t ware you……. “there’s no Sharia law here”. The fact she then gives the man loads of aggressive abuse is lost on the BBC.
This was on Today as well. No mention of monitoring tweets (twits?) of quotes from the Qur’an and people their old pal Choudray preaching hatred for the infidel, i.e. the vast majority of human beings. I thought the bBBC charter said something about balance.
peaked at Almost 7,000 “Islamophobic” tweets/day
The stats crime here ?? ….Failing to context it.
– Like is that 7,000 1% of all tweets ? NO
If there were only 210,000 total tweets/day, the 7,000 “Islamophobic” would be 1 in 30
but actually there are 400-million-tweets-per-day
If half are in English= 200,000,000 tweets/day, the 7,000 “Islamophobic” are 1 in 30,000
News from a parallel universe by the BBC…
Taking a break from reporting from the half-empty stadia of Brazil, the BBC ‘News’ website gives top billing this morning to a fantasy race-baiting report entitled ‘Ethnic minorities face ‘entrenched’ racial inequality – watchdog’ (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37114418). The report is by the so-called Equality and Human Rights Commission, and the BBC quotes its chairman, David Isaacs (former chairman of homosexual rights group Stonewall and, prior to his appointment this year, a £500,000-a-year lawyer with City law firm Pinsent Masons, which last year won £5 million worth of government contracts according to the Daily Mail). Here’s one of his pearls of wisdom “…the commission’s chairman, said the report reveals a ‘very worrying combination of a post-Brexit rise in hate crime and long-term systemic unfairness and race inequality’.” Bingo! He even managed to get in the word ‘Brexit’, much to the delight of the BBC. But he’s clearly a man with a sense of humour, as revealed by this: “If you are black or an ethnic minority in modern Britain, it can often still feel like you’re living in a different world, never mind being part of a one nation society.” Different world, eh? Would that be a world of gang shootings, terrorism, honour killings (sic), drug mules, child rape gangs and all the other examples of enrichment from people who behave in ways that are not conducive to them ‘being part of a one nation society’? Just asking the question, because you can be sure the BBC doesn’t.
What an ideal story to ask for comments on from its adoring funders.
“Poorer white communities also face “continuing disadvantage”, the report added.” According to the BBC website, but not mentioned in the Today headline.
Those who can bear it, keep listening and watching to hear whether this gets lost in the anti-White race agenda of the BBC.
These Beeboids aren’t even any good at Marxism……it’s all about CLASS not race (how can it be about race when “there’s no such thing as race”?).
But being overwhelmingly upper middles and middles they’ll not want to explore this too closely, since on a class analysis bourgeois liberal BBC journalists are part of the problem not the solution.
Yes, I had to wait a whole 3 minutes for ProgLeft BBcTickbox issue of #SneerAtBrexit, after switching on the radio*.
(Usually when I switch on it’s in the middle of other BBcTickbox issues Corbyn, #SneerAtTrump, #PraisingHillary etc)
Then we got the Birmingham guy saying, ‘cos of Brexit discrimination will get worse’
you can see them smiling in the studio, if the same guy had said something like ‘it’s getting worse as Hindus move into Sikh area” then whmmph it would have been edited out. Issues which highlight the BBC ProgLeft narrative get highlighted, others get edited out.
* I now realise the whole news item was actually a BBcTickbox issue #bbcWhiteMensGuilt #BigUpBME
– To be fair Mishal did make the point later-on “How come white working class males get into University ?”
and the report guy did say the report was not only about race.
They moved on, before anyone could make the point that maybe such boys make the CHOICE not to go to such brainwashing poor unis and do better things instead.
Why do some people think this meme is racist?
Oh dear, poor old bbc have had to deal with a lesbian who has allegedly been racist. The progressives must be running around bbc centre not knowing whether they are Arthur or Martha. Such is their quandry they have almost pushed the story off the landing page.
Cue film of 1960’s mainframe and computer voice – “does not compute !”, “does not compute !”, “does not compute !”.
‘Some people’, eh? What are they like?
The BBC Trending lads and lasses really are at the cutting edge of editorial integrity, filtering what they can claim is news based on mystery ‘somethings’ or ‘someones’.
But it is odd as you say that they have inspired quite the ism dilemma. Maybe it is the summer work experience crèche crew being unsupervised as more experienced staff take a few months off?
I think Biased bbc have previously established that waycism trumps lesbio-phobia as the ultimate sin for the beeb (or black = superior to lesbian in the virtue pecking order). But you’re right seismic, it must be giving the beeb Sanctimonious Ethics Dept a serious headache how to run this one.
Can’t stomach the BBC site today based on the current front page fodder. Top story is a one-sided account of minority apologism, another story claims ‘Islamophobia’ peaked after Brexit, and there is an opinion piece called “girls on top” regarding university places that makes no mention of the proven and documented incidents of female students getting higher marks than boys for the same work and instead is just another feminist circle-jerk. Plus a piece about “die-hards” still supporting Trump when his popularity is at an all-time high.
The BBC makes no attempt to hide it’s bias, in fact there has still not been a single mention of the Clinton Cash documentary or the SJW assault on MP Phillip Davies for having the courage to tackle extreme feminism.
Completely agree ALM. Today’s webshite is by far the most disgraceful, agenda driven bullshit I have ever seen pumped out by the Al Beeb. It isn’t news at all. It is basically a race bating, purely divisive piece of propaganda, which is being used to stir up hatred.
It is clearly something put together by British hating Trotsky’s, who are looking to divide – not bring closer, who are looking to punish white people because they absolutely detest everything about us, and trying to create anger in every single community with the self forefilling fall out which will surely come from such a vile display of axe grinding.
The Al Beeb has gone too far today. They are not only giving a platform to those who are desperate to destroy our way of life, they are actually fanatically encouraging it to happen
Traitorous bastards!!!!
These are the race bating, white man hating propaganda pieces today:
1: Racial inequality entrenched in Britain
2: Black people suffer 23% pay gap
3: ‘comedian’ Ellen’s tweet prompts racist debate
4: Islamaphobic tweets peaked in July
And there’s more! I’ve given up!!
What is incredible is that, given how much they spend on it, the BBC Website is crap. As for racism, the UK is probably the least racist country in the world. The BBC are disgusting scum !
Race and ‘equality’ (as defined by themselves) are the beeb obsessions. They won’t be happy till they have ‘affirmative action’ initiatives for every conceivable ‘minority’, and indigenous whites are a second class group. Then they’ll find something else to moan about.
They must be destroyed.
Spot on Peterthegreat. The BBC and much of what passes for the media today seems to have become the modern equivalent of a 1930s gossiping housewife leaning against a fence bitching about her neighbours. Only instead of moaning about them not keeping the front step clean or going to chapel regularly, they moan about imagined ‘injustice’ and ‘oppression’ and ‘racism’.
Eg: ‘That Mr Trump at no. 35 is a bit of a racist isn’t he? And what about that Mrs May at no. 10? She’s no better than she ought to be is she? And as for that sports day going on in the park, well, I asks yer, why shouldn’t a young feller kiss his fancy-man and push him into the pool? All I can say is them Brazilian pool attendants don’t do much to keep the water clean do they? Green as grass it was!’ I’ve nothing against the Syrians meself and in fact I’d happily let me first floor front to them, and that nice Mr Geldof what plays the piano down the pub says the same…’
…etc etc etc and all for just £145.50 a year!
As always, the question I want to hear asked is, if Britain is such a den of racism and white supremacy why are people literally dying to get here in efforts to “join their families”, who must have told them what a dreadful place it is.
And a supplementary question…..how is it that so many ethnic minority people can be seen working as doctors in the NHS and as broadcasters in the BBC ?
Such racial stats can be heavily influenced by CHOICE rather than discrimination..Some groups choose to become doctors (maybe Indian subcontinent), whereas others choose not. Probably whites are under-respresented as doctors. Such choices apply to other areas as well.
The Standard fallacy is the Label and Dismiss trick
People applying a simple black and white label like “DISCRIMINATION” and saying that explains all
,when actually real life is full colour complex.
Ahh – that has been the paradox since the end of WWII.
I have heard numerous times that Britain was hated as a colonial power yet many former British colonies, and a few that weren’t, chose to join the British Commonwealth, as it used to be known, on gaining independence. Doesn’t fit, does it?
As you say, the same applies to immigration.
So far as doctors are concerned, it seems to me that Indians in particular tend to be drawn to professions which have been highly regarded traditionally. I’m guessing that it’s probably the same in India but I don’t know.
I worked for a young Cons Psychiatrist from Mumbai, and he admitted that most newly qualified clinicians had no desire to stay in India and treat their own people, and couldn’t wait to sit the entrance examinations needed to give them the necessary qualifications for access to other countries – favourites were, top, the UK followed by the States and then Australia. ( interestingly all English speaking)
Several comments above about the doom and gloom and running down of Britain and its current Government by BBC Radio 4 on the TOADY programme.
In the 7.40 newspaper review, they mention the Daily Telegraph which has a front page article about the Eastern Europeans who are in or want to come to Britain.
If this country is so absolutely awful, why are so many trying to come here to work and live? Neither of the two presenters is sharp enough this morning to ask that question. Or are they too busy? Having to rush to interrupt the next contributor they disagree with.
(Mishal is having a car-wreck of programme today! Thought I caught one or two contributors deliberately starting to call her Michelle in revenge.)
As they say in Calais “we want get to England for better life”. Hope they’re all listening to our friends at the BBC, managing expectations.
Why would they want to live in this racist country ?
Are you implying that the evil masterminds at the bBBC are putting out all this stuff about racist Britain to discourage migration? Could they be that devious and that we are failing to read between the lines? I doubt it somehow. They want to encourage more to come so that they can outnumber the “reactionaries” and build the Brave New World of PC correctness. Unfortunately, they will get their comeuppance when the followers of Anjem Choudray’s prophet get to an even higher proportion. Certain bBBC presenters will be the first to be thrown off the top of the Shard.
2200 Hrs news Radio 4, 17.08.16. Interviewed in relation to the refugees in Papua New Guinea and the invasion of so-called “Refugees” in Europe, one, Mr Roth (Amnesty International) said, inter alia, that Europe is not doing enough to take more and disperse the refugees throughout Europe. BBC remind him that there is growing unrest, for example, in Germany. His reply? Merkel has been a beacon and her policy of taking hordes of mostly economic migrants, “…..has worked well” with Germans happy with the influx. No mention by interviewer/interviewee of the massive crime wave throughout Germany and the rest of Europe. Biased nonsense and blatant lies?
Notwithstanding your interesting remarks, I have not heard any discourse on why the non-operating hard-to-build EPR design is the one to go for, instead of,say, a repeat of the Sizewell B design, or the pick-and-play designs being built in China.
The total silence on that aspect is to me deafening.
You are right to mention the alternatives. Whatever happened to the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor programme for instance?
Indeed – it’s a total mystery. What have people been promised to get them to support France’s doomed – and horribly expensive – EPR project? There are so many better and cheaper alternatives. Apart from the molten-salt reactors in the article I quoted, there are also thorium reactors (popular in India I believe?) which can also digest our current round of nuclear waste – a pressing problem – and if we were to stick with plutonium why not use the micro reactors developed in the UK for our Trident submarine fleet? I am not a fan of nuclear power but if we’re going to have it, then at least let’s have some sensible debate about the best options…
Severn Barrage?
Go on then @G for a laugh #1 tell us the GW power capacity of Severn Barrage compared to Hinkley ?
#2 Then bearing in mind that tide only comes twice a day so that it won’t operate at full capacity or every hour of the day, tell us the average capacity factor maybe 10-20% ?
#3 So then calculate how much less power in terawatt hours per year it will generate compared to Hinkley ?
#4 And finally tell us how much earth and concrete will needed to be moved ?
Breakfast and the drones take a break from the Olympic boredom to return to one of their old favourites obesity, yet again. Onto local news…There has been more local success in the Olympics….
Obesity ? but are not millions of us undernourished and reliant on food banks ? I’m confused, suppose it depends on which pressure group is after it’s fund’s this week.
Top story on Toady. The EHRC says that BAME people are disadvantaged. Yawn. Yawn. Implication, ccasual racism of advantaged whites.
They obviously did not get down to my local Grammar School (yes, we have one) which is approx. 93% BAME and 7% white. 80% of the 93% are Indian heritage, and their values of hard work and committment to education show what can be done.
The disadvantage is often inherent in the approach, and should not be ascribed to characteristics of the indigenous community, as the lefty luvvies at the bBBC want to do.
Team GB Threatens To Sue Leave.EU Over Olympic Video
Leave.EU is defiant after Team GB threatens legal action over a Brexit video featuring Olympic medallists.
Given that our Olympic programme is funded jointly by the National Lottery and more importantly the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, is it any wonder they are putting up such a fuss?
Jolly Hocky Sticks!
Actual news has been all but banished from the BBC… er…. News Channel. This morning we catch a glimpse of the feminised closed pay-gap future in prospect for us all as the BBC girls natter, emote and sympathise to the backdrop of the Rio Olympics.
What I find particularly annoying is the sudden shallow sports patriotism that has taken hold there at the Beeb. On and on they go banging on about Team GB. Talk about last refuge of the scoundrels! But thank heavens for the posh hobby sports, eh? Without all those public school equestians, yachtsmen and hocky players where on earth would we be in that medal table?
Don’t worry Lefties, this BBC patriotism is only skin deep and it will soon be over. As if to prove this is just a temporary blip…
A golden moment of the games brought to us by the BBC that will stay with me was Annabel Croft’s description of Andy Murray being cheered on “by his Scottish and some Great Britain supporters”
The BBC this morning on Radio 4 Today with Mischal Hussein were in full defend Labour leadership hopeful Owen Smith after yesterdays gaffe.
They even brought on one of their dubious ‘experts’ from a ‘conflict resolution firm’ who have most probably have never been near peace negotiations in their entire existence.
They draw the false parallel between the IRA and ISIS as so many leftist have done over these past few days, without realising that the demands of the IRA were possible to meet. The demands of ISIS are not possible to meet, and in trying to do so would require ISIS to renounce their faith – and we all know what the penalty for that one is.
We can only hope that the whole crowd of do-gooders, luvvies, blowhards, lefties etc etc are assembled at a conference to negotiate a peace with ISIS who turn up all wearing suicide vests !
If Trump had come up with that alternative idea of negotiating with ISIS he too would have been treated ith equal sympathy . /sarc
Thoughtful. the alarming element of the ISIS/IRA parallel is that it isn`t necessarily false.
the aim of IS is a global caliphate, a solution could be “negotiated” and IS demands could be met… it would mean the acceptance of the supremacy of Islam and Dhimmitude or worse for non muslims.
The example of Saudi Arabia or Qatar is an interesting model to observe….a sharia compliant, muslim governed, free market economy open to global business with private walled compounds for the rich who can let their hair down behind closed doors and enjoy all the vices available for a price, and at the risk of blackmail.
The collaborationist propaganda campaign is in full swing…talking to IS is “beneficial” as we heard on Today this morning (think of the children, think of the Polio vaccination programmes).
There is no demand for “unconditional surrender” in the war against IS as there was in the war against Nazi Germany.
BBC “3% more students achieve A level grades which will ensure places at university.”
The NUT and other teaching Unions are too dim to indoctrinate and brainwash innocent children in a decade, they require three more years to complete the task of producing unemployable people whose only ability is to function according to Party rules at the daily two minute hate.
In his blog recently, Peter Hitchens mentioned that, a few decades ago, the term “brain drain” was in regular use and our “A” levels were regarded as the equivalent of an American first degree. It was probably an exaggeration but, nevertheless, it was a fearsome exam.
I wish someone would dig out a few old “A” level exam papers and ask some of these successful students to have a crack at them. I’d be happy to donate mine from 1969. I think the results would be interesting.
Meanwhile, students from Japan, S Korea, China and India …. etc
And, unusually for the DT these days, this article is quite sensible (note the PC photographs though):
Too many universities are failing their students. Only the light of true competition can save them
MB ………..I wish someone would dig out a few old “A” level exam papers and ask some of these successful students to have a crack at them. I’d be happy to donate mine from 1969. I think the results would be interesting….
I’ll second that MB! (mine were 1964). I’ve said for years that if my class from that era were to sit the A levels these days, we’d all be classified as Professors now ! None of us were thick, stupid, ignorant or unable to be taught; calculators weren’t invented, and the teachers weren’t afraid to hand out hard discipline, although that wasn’t often because our parents knew the true meaning of the word ! Yes we all had an easier time finding jobs, but where would be now if the standard of A level passes were such then as they are now.
I’m always impressed by those who grew up in the pre-decimal era. Although I use imperial measurement a certain amount, I’m glad I never had to do sums like ‘If it takes three pints of paint to cover a wall six feet nine inches by ten feet, how much will it cost to paint a wall measuring twenty yards two feet six inches by six feet one inch, if paint costs one pound nineteen and elevenpence three-farthings per gallon?’ Today’s youngsters would probably suffer a nervous breakdown if they tried that. Or call it ‘racist’ or something.
And that was just an 11 plus question back in the day, Cranmer !
The Guardian, of all papers, have done articles on this in the past. Here is one sample:
I did my O Levels in 1972, A’s in 74. Found US university to be below O Level standard. Over thirty years of teaching has taught me that standards were definitely higher in those days.
Looking at my school’s A-level results for 1965 a total of 172 passes were achieved. Of those only 9 were ‘Grade A’.
I gather ‘everyone’ gets A*plus nowadays!
Several points on your post Maria.Firstly, you may not have realised it at the time but these old A levels caused you extreme stress that has almost certainly had detrimental effect on your life.Secondly, tough exams mean that some people may not pass ,which would undermine their self esteem. Thirdly, it is abhorrent for people to be discriminated against on the basis of intelligence and aptitude as measured solely by exams. Taking cOurse work is crucial as it allows ample opportunity for teachers to ensure that all of their pupils do well,even the ones who don’t attend the exams.Fourthly, the old exams required pupils to be able to read and write, this is just literacy prejudice of the worst kind. Finally ,if the exams are too tough who on earth do you expect to mark the papers.
“Firstly, you may not have realised it at the time but these old A levels caused you extreme stress that has almost certainly had detrimental effect on your life.”
Thanks for the warning. I suppose that means I might suddenly start developing criminal tendencies at any moment?
And I was attributing my increasingly dark thoughts to the BBC, and the state that my home town has been reduced to.
At least all that ‘stress’ taught me how to spell my name, and that Co. Durham is not in Ireland, or that Edinburgh is not spelt …. Edinborough – as a Yuni graduate once informed me !!! And as for the amount of times (by yet another English graduate) I hear the word ‘brought’ being used for buying something, well, words fail me.
This is simply wonderful, and is entitled:
‘BBC Islamophobia discussion interrupted by Islamophobia’
No further explanation necessary, just watch and enjoy …
Wiser Monkeys,
Enjoyable, assertive hijab wearing professional victim. Note the geek at the end with the red lights flashing up anti Islamic tweets. And then his voice fades out as he adds, ‘all happening in the aftermath of Nice’.
I wonder why Nice had anything to do with the tweets?
Great spot Monkey,
85 innocent people slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Nice and the bearded tweet analyst expresses disgust at the “angry, abusive, anti-Islamic” tweets that followed.
Goodness me, how did he expect people to react – with “well done Islam?”
Wiser / GWF / third: while loathsome beeb ‘journo’ looks suitably horrified at the angry red dots, and eggs on the bearded ‘expert’. Personally I’m impressed the Great British Public still have a spark of Righteous Outrage left in them (or simple self-preservation) – I thought it had all been brainwashed and castrated out of them by the vile beeb and their vile ilk. Must be destroyed asap.
Does anyone know where I can get the software the bearded guy uses to show his assertions? It would be very useful to check anti-christian tweets, anti-semetic tweets etc. Or are they just islamic red blobs on a map?
Of course, no concept at the BBC that many might consider it a good thing that ‘Islamophobic tweets’ are increasing in number!
As more people are starting to understand the true Islam, I’m sure anything they tweet is likely to be Islamophobic by the standard of the entitled drones?
So the increase in ‘Islamophobic tweets’ shows a likely increase in understanding about Islam.
This is a good thing, surely?
Notice at the end, SHOCK HORROR, all those red dots indicating angry tweets after the Nice attack!!
You mean people are ANGRY about yet another Islamist butchery? How Islamo-racist of them!! Arrest them all officer, now!
(Just saw thirdoption beat me to it. Great minds think alike, or in this case, people with an ounce of common sense think alike, unlike the maniacs at the beeb)
I was happy with “great minds….”
Love the aggression and sheer mindless hatred from the Muslim lass. She asks him to explain a comment he has made, (he doesn’t want Sharia law here, apparently), and then yells abusively at him until there is a cut to quieter interlude later.
We will have to ponder at what further angst she inflicted on the poor gentleman – though, he should have known, as a white person, born and brought up here, he is not allowed to say anything negative about Sharia Law.
Where are the Hate Crime Police when you need them?
Yes she shrieked something like ‘We don’t want Sharia law!’ Pray tell me who is ‘we’, as there appear to be rather a lot of people in the world who do. Douglas Murray put it succinctly (paraphrasing) ‘it would be nice if people could at least admit there is a problem.’
Scribe – “the aggression and sheer mindless hatred from the Muslim lass”. Oh yes, sense of entitlement and grievance grows daily, egged on by beeb. This is still just stage 1, just wait till they’re a majority.
Slightly OT, but definitely relevant to the BBC’s ongoing migrant/refugee virtue-signalling:
One thing I’ve noticed about the cultural enrichment of Europe as I travel around Italy is just how well dressed our North African and Middle-Eastern friends are. I’m talking brand name trainers (new), brand name jeans and t-shirts – no cheap I supermarket knock-offs for them. Most are also sporting personal jewellery, watches and every one of ’em is permanently wired to their smart phones. The men all end up looking like West Side gangsta thugs, whilst the hijabbed women trail silently behind with a predictable gaggle of very young kids.
Where do these poor refugees live?, you ask. Turns out they live, mostly, in government (taxpayer) funded condominiums. Okay, they might sometimes be living seven to a two-bed apartment, but Muslim families are quite big, you know. At least they have all mod-cons, such as air-con, heating, sanitation, security – even simple things like elevators (makes getting the wife and five kids and up and down to the local supermarket to spend the weekly hand-out so much more accessible) to help them up and down from their fourteenth floor apartments with panoramic views and sun balcony.
I’m struggling to see how these people are disadvantaged. They have access to the public health system (someone’s got to help deliver all those new born babies they keep having, after all, and I’m fairly certain that Italy’s infant mortality rate doesn’t bear any resemblance to that of any number of of African/MidEast sh*tholes) education, etc. In other words, they have all the advantages with none of the drawbacks. All they had to do was turn up and and demand it.
Ever get the feeling you’re being mugged? Good job I don’t post these perfectly accurate real-world observations of European cultural enrichment on Facebook or Twitter. I’m sure I’d get banned immediately for disturbing the narrative and thereby causing offence.
I’m daily more convinced that Brexit is going to turn out to be the single most important post-war poltical decision the UK has taken. One look at what the rest of Europe now looks like should be enough to convince anyone left still wondering.
“One look at what the rest of Europe now looks like should be enough to convince anyone left still wondering.”
Unfortunately we are still in transition (no, not gender-wise this time) with no guarantee about the likely outcome and many parts of the UK do not look much healthier!
Odd .
I hadn’t listened to the radio for two days . Monday’s ten o clock was the last , when there was a report from Khasmir and the unrest there .
Then Thursday on the Toady programme I heard the very same report . No mention it was a repeat from over two days ago .
Why so I ask ?
Coming up on R5 Live “It’s been the warmest year ever, but somehow we aren’t talking about it”*
…WOW who had a phonecall from Greenpeace /Friends or the Earth ?
I spot a Global Warming newsVert coming up
* If you’d been talking 1 hundred or 2 hundred years ago, you could have also said “the warmest year ever”, cos since the planet is still coming out of an ice-age ..each year does tend in general to be warmer than the previous.
Balanced panel NOT : Caroline Lucas (Green Party), Prof Paul Ekins*, BBC Eco-warrior Matt McGrath
plus presenter Peter Allan showing his personal concern “I worry we are not talking about this ”
..prog ends at 11am
* Director of the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources at University College London
Lucas is claiming Green stuff makes energy cheaper … They’ll be no proper evidence for that, as subsidies don’t come out of fresh air.
and she’s done the anti-fracking bit
“Racial inequality entrenched in Britain” according to the Equality And Human Rights Commission today.
Well they should know.
” Figures released under Freedom of Information laws show the average white
worker at the Equality and Human Right Commission is paid £40,388 a year.
But black and ethnic minority workers get £37,170 on average.
The payroll data also shows disabled staff receive less too.
They are paid an average of £35,988 while other colleagues. pocket an average £40,898. ”
I think this £18 m per year quango needs investigating by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
At 8.50am they had “There is systematic DISCRIMINATION in is the UK according to ..”
then they play the clip which says
“There is INEQUALITY amongst the BME ..”
It seems to me to be Guardian reader simplistic thinking to think INEQUALITY is only caused by DISCRIMINATION.
Some white people will have a lot of money thru there families being Lords descended from William the Conquerers time
Some blacks will seem poor cos they have only just come from Africa.
But if you check Russian immigrants you might well find they are way richer than general population due to them coming over here with a big pile of cash. Same with certain Asian familes etc.
Stewgreen, yes. The statistical anomalies and biases in these surveys are never looked into. A classic example is the ‘high unemployment rate among Muslims’ – which is mainly because Muslim women don’t go out to work. To be fair, Radio Four did do a good programme about the danger of misinterpreting statistics – it’s just a pity they don’t apply that knowledge to their general broadcasts!
Ray, I would bet Trevor Phillips might offer a different view since he left that discredited organisation.
How brave, and professional, of Evan Davis to coax more anti-Tory bile from robust artisan Ray Johnson, father to bullied and oppressed Elliot, on Newsnight yesterday evening. It’s another story set to run and run, despite such a high degree of distortion, contradiction and moral dishonesty on all sides. I’m confident Evan feels for Ray, despite a natural tendency to bridle.
Shortage of housing ? Large influx of people (legal and illegal ) into the Country by any chance ?
Its ‘A no brainer’
‘Bums on seats’ ?
‘Universities say this year could be a “buyer’s market” for applications with universities competing to attract students.’
Get em in whatever. Let them study for ‘mickey mouse degrees’ with the added debt and no relevant job at the end. It would be far better for those kids to get a ‘real job’ – plumbers, electricians, carpenters fitters , machinists , etc etc, once they leave school where they can earn a living and contribute to a meaningful pension and the possibility of a mortgage.
Bums on seats – While businesses have to bring in immigrants from Europe to do the essential work in our country
I cursorily looked through previous posts and I couldn’t find anyone mentioning the interview on Newsnight last Friday with Derek Hatton. I nearly fell off my chair in his sheer nerve.
He stated that ‘the BBC is a supporter of the Tory policies.’ What is he saying I thought. I immediately expected Kirsty Wark to pick him up on this slight. Nothing, absolutely nothing! So I must assume that the BBC must believe themselves to be pro Tory. Just how deluded are they? Very is the answer or is their response to their political bias intentional?
It strikes me that if Tories ever accuse the BBC of being Left wing then they are roundly rebuffed with denials. (BTW, Tory politicians are very poor at highlighting Left wing BBC bias.)
So what I deduce is that the BBC will not respond if they are accused of being labelled Right wing but they will if they are accused of being labelled as Left wing. Interesting.
From your post, I imagine Kirsty’s first reaction would have been “Course we’re not, we’re all rampant Lefties” but checked herself and then didn’t know how to respond to such nonsense. They probably haven’t been trained to defend against allegations of right-wing bias.
Yes, you’re quite right Peterthegreat, there was a hesitation from Wark. She did seem to be a little confused by Hatton’s odd remark.
The BBC’s bias generally seems to be towards the metropolitan liberal elite rather than hard militant trade-union left. When you hear someone say the BBC has a ‘Tory’ bias, it’s nearly always from someone on the hard communist left who thinks everyone not like them must be a ‘Tory’.
Cranmer, you are right.
Corbyn & McDonnell make them nervous at the BBC at times and it shows. I have posted before that the well-paid Beeboids all fear they are going to be paying 65% on their top band income and much more for their National Insurance.
They are generally Labour supporting while Labour are able to offer ever increasing Licence Fees. They are also currently standing ‘in loco oppositio’ while Labour are internally at odds and completely ineffective or when the wild & whacky LibDems are co-opted into Government and can no longer play oppositional poster boys and girls.
Good old Derek “Degsy” Hatton,
I remember when he was deputy leader of Liverpool Council and was asked why he thought it appropriate, as a far left supporter of the SWP, to wear £700 suits. He replied that he may be on the hard left but he still had to look good.
What a complete knob.
I remember Degsy Hatton’s fancy car number plate: DEG 5Y
My few Leftoid acquaintances, certainly not friends, ALL insist that Al Beeb is biased towards the Tories and against Labour, and in particular against the Corbynutta. When I enquire as to of what that bias consists, the only responses indicate that Al Beeb has, for once, reported the facts of what Corbynutta and his Little Kernels have been up to. In true Pravda tradition our Leftoids believe any lie made up about the Tories, from John Major’s underpants to selling off the NHS, and disbelieve even the very words recorded verbatim as to what Their Beloved and Only Righteous Leader has said.
Quite a humdinger of a morning on the BBC’s leftie-propaganda News 24 channel, even by their standards.
To begin with, we’ve had a nice unbalanced discussion on ”Islamophobia”. With two distraught Muslims getting all upset by the seemingly endless and of course, utterly unwarranted vilification of their faith. Typically by people who for some mystifying reason just won’t stop using irresponsible terms like ”Islamist” when addressing.. well, ..er, ..”Islamist” terrorism. Y’know, terrorist atrocities committed by Islamic extremists who claim they’re fighting for Islam, and that may therefore be connected tentatively to, well… ”Islam”.
This, and both Muslim commentors were unanimous in the opinion, gives an entirely false impression of Islam. Which as everyone should know, is the religion of peace. Furthermore, the third guest, a virtual caricature unbiased ”expert” from the unbiased leftist thinktank ”Demos”, had no hesitation whatsoever in agreeing with everything the offended Muslim victims said. So there. What more proof of ”racism” and ”Islamophobia” could one possibly need? None according to the three guests and the BBC presenter who all joined in to wind up the inspiring discussion by condemning such gross intolerance. Something that was already endemic in our reactionary society and which has, alas, only been exacerbated by the recent unfortunate Brexit vote.
After which, the following article on the unbiased Equality and Human Rights QUANGO’s disturbing study indicating more generalised and systemic ”far reaching inequality” suffered by BME people, came as a bit of an anti-climax. Apart, naturally, from the same presenter’s efforts to get the interviewee to link it to the Brexit vote. Which he did manage at last to do after the presenter lost patience and asked him an outrightly leading question.
These two items have been going round and round on a loop for abut three hours now. While repeat filler-pieces have included
1) yet another interview with a Muslim lady bemoaning innate British ”Islamophobia”, and
2) a sort of light relief report giving BBC staff the opportunity to look all indignant at the government’s criminal indifference to the vile evil of foodstuffs with sugar in them.
Amazing tripe the lot of it, and a bit puzzling how the BBC can push all this drivel so assiduously without raising questions about infringement of its charter obligations.
“Amazing tripe the lot of it, and a bit puzzling how the BBC can push all this drivel so assiduously without raising questions about infringement of its charter obligations.”
Even some of the biased ‘so called’ Trustees of Al Beeb must be aware of the frantic drivel coming out over the last week or two . This brings into question ‘just why are they there’ ? What do they do for their money ?
Great post Squire
It appears that in order to balance the story of bBC presenter ‘Anjem Choudary’ (Well he was always on the bBC) getting sent down. The bBC have pulled out a couple of poor Muslims articles in which allow them to shout of “Racist’ in which to deflect people away from how the bBC was behind the promotion of Choudary as the so called mouth piece of Islam in the UK, when actually he was shunned by virtually all of Britain’s Muslims.
1) Islamophobic tweets ‘peaked in July’
Almost 7,000 “Islamophobic” tweets were sent, in English, every day in July worldwide, data seen by the BBC suggests. This compared to 2,500 in April, with peaks recorded following the Nice lorry attack and the attempted military coup in Turkey. Forty-nine words and hashtags were used as indicators of anti-Islamic tweets, by the think tank Demos.
So, i gravitated over to Demos and looked up how they came about with their new hate crime
Islamophobia on Twitter: March to July 2016
The Centre for the Analysis of Social Media (CASM) at Demos is conducting continuous research on
hateful, xenophobic, anti-disability, anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic ideas and expressions on Twitter. This
is part of a broad effort to understand the scale, scope and nature of uses of social media that are possibly socially problematic and damaging. This short paper details recent results for the use of Twitter to share expressions which are identified as Islamophobic, derogatory and hateful. It covers a broad stretch of time, from the 22nd February 2016 to the time of writing, August 4th, but focuses especially on activity over the month of July 2016. For a discussion of how these Tweets were collected and analysed
Spike 1 – July 5th
We identified 9,220 Islamophobic Tweets on 5 July. It is difficult to identify one singular event that
triggered this rise in Islamophobic language. One possible explanation is that this was 4 days after the 12-hour siege by IS militants in a café in Bangladesh. American, Italian, Indian, Japanese and
Bangladeshi victims were among the 22 people killed in this attack. Furthermore, this day marked the end of Ramadan before the start of Eid al-Fitr, perhaps intensifying a global focus on Islam.Examples of tweets from this day include: “Nobody can stop Muslims committing jihad attacks any more than they can stop Buddhists meditating or Mormons knocking on people’s doors”; “Morocco deletes a whole section of the Koran from school curriculum as it’s full of jihad incitement and violence. The Religion of peace”; and “I fucking hate pakis.”
Spike 2 – July 8th
11,320 Islamophobic tweets were sent on 8 July. Again, it is difficult to attribute this rise to one specific event, though this was the day after the shootings in Dallas, U.S., in which Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed 5 police officers, wounded 7 others and wounded 2 civilians. Many tweets appeared to try and link this event to Islam. An example includes: “Obama is a damn Raghead explains a lot”.
Spike 3 – July 15th
21,190 tweets sent on 15 July were identified as Islamophobic. This was the day after the attack in Nice, in which an armed IS militant drove a truck through crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day; 84 people were killed and many more injured. Tweets sent on this day focused on the attack: “Sorry to hear about france- These muzzies just dont quit”; “and “Stop saying ‘the majority are peace-loving’. Until the majority denounce every jihadi & turn them in, we are safer believing the evidence”.
Spike 4 – July 17th
10,610 tweets were sent on 17 July. This was the day after an attempted military coup in Turkey failed; a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces organised themselves under the ‘Peace at Home Council’. The Council cited the erosion of secularism as one reason behind the attempted coup. As such, some tweets commented on this: “That’s the end of Turkey. Another country ruined by Islam and its terrorist culture. Same shit happened to Persia. Now its Islamic Republic”. Other tweets were more general: “France’s Islamic population is at 9.6%. 10% is usually when Jihad begins. They’re starting early because the French are so weak”; “ALL this because of the muzzie in the White House”.
Spike 5 – July 26th
8,950 tweets were sent on 26 July. This was the day of the Normandy church attack, in which IS militants killed Father Jacques Hamel, and seriously wounded another. Tweets sent on this day comment on this attack: “Normandy is reason 1488 that you should elect Marine Le Pen! > close borders > deport murderous Islam & Muzzies > deport the rioting negroes”; “So some sleazy scum committed jihad in the name of #Islam this time in Normandy but hey let’s keep telling Muslims we love them”; and “Priest killed in #Normandy today by a Radical Islamic Terrorist yet Hillary says that Islam is peaceful! 1274 attacks this year=peaceful? Ok.”
You know what racist hatred is wrong across the board, but some of the above are ugly, yet are these hateful?
“So some sleazy scum committed jihad in the name of #Islam this time in Normandy but hey let’s keep telling Muslims we love them”;
“Priest killed in #Normandy today by a Radical Islamic Terrorist yet Hillary says that Islam is peaceful! 1274 attacks this year=peaceful? Ok.
“Stop saying ‘the majority are peace-loving’. Until the majority denounce every jihadi & turn them in, we are safer believing the evidence”.
“Nobody can stop Muslims committing jihad attacks any more than they can stop Buddhists meditating or Mormons knocking on people’s doors”;
“Morocco deletes a whole section of the Koran from school curriculum as it’s full of jihad incitement and violence.
However my favourite Islamophobic quote must be:
The Religion of peace”
Now, whilst I admit it is now used in a very negative manner, I wonder just where that adage started.
Why, here’s a news article from the bBC from today about why nice people in Bangladesh are taking to terrorism
Why are Bangladeshi students turning to extremism?
Farah Zein Nikita, Dhaka University – ‘What we are seeing is the opposite of Islam’
I think what is happening in Bangladesh is misrepresentation and miscommunication about Islam and about religion.
We know that Islam is a religion of peace.
2) The bBC claims that 7000 tweets a day were sent globally that they say were hateful to Muslims. Tweets which according to them contained statements such as:
“The religion of peace”
Yet the bBC is the biggest user of that statement.?
Anyway a quick check tells me that there are 1500 million English speakers around the world. For the sake of simplicity , lets knock off 1000 million of those, leaving us with 500. lets cut that down to 250 million as adults., of that figure, let cut it in a quarter for those who use twitter. For the sake of simplicity that comes out at 60 million. which works out as just under 1 million people per Thousand tweets. Hardly the racist demographic the bBC is trying to promote. and that rise only transpires after evil ugly murderous attacks carried out by…..Muslims. Its as if English speaking have better things to do such as:
A level results..132K
Give it to me..80.7 K
The bbC the apologist for intolerant Islam
By the way, that female Muslim student opining that she can only be a victim, notice how aggressive she becomes, when she feels abused. She wasn’t abused, the man was calm and she the f-ing twat is how people see Muslims.
and unable to live in peace with anybody including fellow Muslims.
Islam, the so called religion of Peace
Right on the money Pounce
Pounce, give it a few more years and an extra million or so and they will not hesitate to spit on us in response. Seen it happen in the Middle East………………….
G wrote:
“give it a few more years and an extra million or so and they will not hesitate to spit on us in response.”
I live in a small market town (1 main street) and the other year we had a visit by a bunch of yellow HI-Vis vested Chuggers championing ‘Amnesty International”
Anyway as I was walking through town I managed to get past the majority of the group, until I was ambushed by a swooping Niqab (But showing her face) wearing Ninja, who came at me with the words:
“Hello Brother, have you a few minutes to talk about AI”
I was polite in my reply and stated, that any other time I would, but I was late to meet a friend for coffee (Which I was)
Not happy with my reply, Madam walked briskly alongside me, venting her spleen (Quite loudly) about Israel and that how something should be done to combat it.
I stopped..
She smiled
I stated,
1) I’m not your f-ing Brother?
2) Have you been to Israel…No? Until you have don’t bitch about something you know Sweet FA about. I have and I was treated a lot better than I have been in any Islamic country.
3) You wearing that garb, tells me you subscribe to religious Islam, now if you are so f-ing pious, why are you on your own in the middle of the street shouting at a man you don’t know. How would you be treated in an Islamic country for doing so.
By now, Madam had realised that the bloke in front of her was not only much more knowledgeable than her, but he was acting exactly like a rabid forning at the mouth Muslim would.
By now, the group with her, had noticed she had left the safety of the pack and this huge 6 foot monster had started to walk across in which to back her up. Intent of closing up, I simply pointed at the bloke and said.
“take another step and I will smash your face in”
He quote naturally stopped dead in his tracks (As i knew he would) I then turned back to Niqab features and told her to be bloody carefully who she lies to in future, as the next bloke may not be as nice as me.
I walked away from a f-ing speechless twat.
Hear hear. Well said Pounce.
No one quite does passive-aggressive handbrake turns on a sixpence quite like a Muslim.
Same as Jeremy Bamber-kills his parents and then seeks a reduced sentence because he`s now been orphaned.
Islam-either at your feet or at your throat…the Carry On spoofs up the Khyber etc were more accurate than we`d like to admit.
@Pounce Wow BBC RegressiveLefty Twisted Twitter world
AS their priorities imply Tweeting AGAINST terrorism is WORSE than doing TERRORISM, with beheadings, guns, bombs, knives etc.
At 9:33 I pointed out the context that the HIGHEST rate is 1 in 30,000 tweets since there are 400million tweets/day.
And they said on the radio at 1pm that 7,000/day was the peak and other time s lower so since April there have been 200-300,000 of such Tweets,
…………….Yet today there is news from TWITTER that they suspended 360,000 accounts* related to “PROMOTION OF TERRORISM” since the middle of 2015 and 235,000 since February
* (They say accounts, but you have to ask if the high count comes from sometimes some accounts being suspended multiple times)
You got that ?
… for every one tweet against Islam including the mild ones Twitter have had to suspend an ENTIRE ACCOUNT promoting terrorism !
Not only that, but some of those claimed Islamophobic tweets probably came in reaction to the 360,000 terrorists accounts
Where was the proper challenging and contexting from the BBC ?
I hadn’t realised they had MISLED so much by PLAYING UP mild phrases as Islamophobic.
What even saying the words “Religion of Peace is Islamophobic” ?
Not only is condemning bombings OK
but surely it’s OK to condemn the EVERYDAY TERRORISM that often comes out of Islamic-Fundamentalism, that leaves women and men oppressed ;not free to dress how they like and lead free normal lives ?
How weird that the research had not tried to classify classes of Tweet, but rather used a loose definition to get the highest number possible
#1 Genuine threats of violence – “I know where you live and I’m coming to get you”
#2 Incitement to violence
#3 Powerful misinformed OPINION – “all police or gays or Catholics are paedophiles”
Now that last one might be read by naïve people who just believe it; so you could say it stirs up hate.
#4 More passive OPINION
Of course everyone needs protection from #1 and #2 but surely category #3 and #4 are not a threat as you have the power to send out counter opinions or just ignore
Stew – I also read a little bit of the report as I was sceptical to say the least – sure enough I wasn’t disappointed… Tucked away in one of the footnotes of the methodology section was a sample size that a human being reviewed to see how many of the 100 “islamophobic” tweets the algorithm had picked up were actually deemed to be “islampohobic”. Only 75 out of 100 were deemed to be “islamophobic”… Now this is worrying as not only is the modelling inaccurate however as this is a left leaning think tank I’m dubious as to who did that reviewing. Similarly having seen a sample of what some of the “islamophobic” tweets actually said I would hazard a guess that you can at least half the number the report states, I also feel I’m being generous here. So as you mentioned in your previous post if we go by your stats re terrorism related accounts and my guestimate that’s just 2 “islamophobic” tweets for every terrorism related account removed!
So @TheBrutalTruth Do \\SO CALLED islamophobic tweets// disrupt the average Muslim lives , whilst the average member of the public is unhindered ? No absolutely NOT.
On Twitter by Twitter corps closing of accounts the threats coming out of Terrorist Tweeters are magnitudes more than the SCITs \\ SO CALLED islamophobic tweets // and Muslims are more likely to be victims .
That’s all in the online world…while in the REAL world there have been REAL DEAD VICTIMs
The easiest way of eliminating \\ SO CALLED Islamophobic tweets // is if Radical-Muslims actually end THEIR violence and THEIR threats of violence.
Brexit economy. Retail sale increase by 1.6% in value terms from June to July and by 1.4% in volume terms. So what happened to that ‘crisis in consumer confidence’ predicted after the vote ? Yet another indicator fails to support Brussels Broadcasting message of doom. Very sad. While it is inevitable that inflation will increase to some degree over that the next year or so (especially for yellow fin tuna so much loved by Brussels scribblers), it may be restrained in the most competitive sectors where foreign exporters may need to show some pricing restraint. With UK growth remaining relatively robust compared to some very poor numbers for many eurozone countries (e.g. 2nd quarter zero growth in both Italy and France), those ratings agencies which were so quick to downgrade our triple A, may have to think again.
BBC reports the fact – so they say.
It is all over for Trump, but the diehards still support him, says Gavin Hewitt. Trump is down but not yet out, adds Gavin, so please pay me a large sum to continue bashing Trump.
Gavin socks it to the diehards
‘I tell them Mr Trump’s campaign is widely judged to be in meltdown and Hillary Clinton is ahead in the key battleground states, that he casually offends, trades insults and is judged by many – including some Republicans – to be unfit to be president.’
It is not “phobic” to wish to continue to live in a Western culture rather than an Islamic one.
Please can we just accept, we prefer our culture, they prefer theirs. We are not going to accept the imposition of their culture on our homelands just as they did not accept the imposition of our culture on their homelands in the colonial period.
Why is it so hard to comprehend that our cultures are in competition. Why does the BBC continue to carry propaganda for a culture that, when sufficiently empowered, crushes womens rights, gay rights, and the general human rights to liberty that the BBC claims to hold most dear….why is it allowed do this whilst funded from a general tax on the TV owning population.
Breathless interview with Martha Kearney today on Radio 4 with some person called ‘Tulip Siddiq’ MP. She sounds absolutely ghastly and seems to think that Parliament exists mainly as a medium for the airing of her personal grievances. Both the race and sex cards were played like it was a game of Snap. She said how awful it was that some nasty MP men had laughed at her when she’d suggested banning Donald Trump from entering Britain. You could almost hear her stamp her little foot in anger. A close friend of Jo Cox, apparently.
All that flummery about the useless lefty Jo Cox?
Turns out that she had been allocated Portugal in the “New MPs” sweepstake before the Euros…so says Kevin Maguire in the New Statesman.
Oh the tragedy-what will happen to her money then?…bloody Labour and their gambling supercasinos on houseboats.
I blame Robin Cook.
#bbcFreeRideForLabour @Marthakearney’s interview with @TulipSiddiq on R4 WatO
Once again it really sounded like this
The checkboxes : #bbcALLaboutLondon #bbcHelpingLabour #bbcPushingMinorities #bbcHelpingIslam
– Says she may vote against triggering article 50 since 70% of constituents vote Remain
Last item of show (starts abt 5 mins from end direct link to seg
– She is just a normal woman off the street except her aunt is the Primeminister of Bangladesh as was her grandfather.
Free ride treated with reverance
Puzzled sounding announcer on the R4 lunchtime news stated that retail sales were up, despite expectations that they would be down because of Brexit…he didn’t bother to mention that quite a lot of people DIDN’T predict Brexitageddon like the BBC did…
“Co-op Bank has said economic uncertainty following the UK’s Brexit vote may hamper growth.”……………………………
More brexophobia, note the term ‘may hamper growth’ ?
Of course, it may not hamper growth ?
If the BBC is so worried about ‘uncertainty’ why aren’t they pushing for Article 50 to be triggered? The only uncertainty that may cause problems is if we don’t actually leave the EU after all and get some sort of May-fudge instead. If it’s full steam ahead to Brexit, everyone will know where they stand and can prepare accordingly.
Are the cracks appearing in the EU ? Anything on Al Beeb ?………………
Syria conflict: Image of injured boy in Aleppo draws outrage
Assad is the villain. Our media never asks why the rebels hide in the “civilian” population, drawing fire from the regime. A bit like Gaza?
New series coming up, but they can’t resist reminding us who won last year, just in the unlikely case we had forgotten…
what Nadiya did next….
bog off to join islamic state?
Nearly every item discussed on the news today was preceded by the words “the Government has to do more……”. There was the child obesity issue, the equality for ethnics, lack of social housing, lottery funding for lesser sports, the list was endless. Does no-one take responsibility for anything anymore ?
As for child obesity, nine times out of ten the parents are fat as well – but yes the Government is to blame for stuffing their kids faces with junk instead of proper food. Playing fields were sold off so the government of the day who sanctioned that WAS to blame , but then housing was built to accommodate some of the homeless – so the government wasn’t to blame.
Equality for ethnics in ALL aspects, the government has to do more, – yep they have to do more to stop anymore arriving !!! But look at the top companies in this country and most of them have an Asian as a CEO, the Chinese are buying up properties off plan and whole streets of properties, so THEY too could accommodate the homeless, almost every opticians, pharmacies, dental surgeries and most electronics shops, (not forgetting the curry houses, Chinese restaurants, corner shops, and garages) are owned by non-whites, so how much more bloody equality do they want ?
I do wish the squealing would end about the Government doing more, and a law passed that every citizen should be responsible for their own lives without holding parliament to account.
Brissles, I call these stories ‘government orters’ , ie, ‘the government ought to do something’. I think it’s caused by the BBC regurgitating press releases from NGOs, charities etc who want legislation to further their pet causes and government money to be showered on them to pay their salaries (eg, Kid’s Club etc). The statist BBC rarely seems to critically examine such reports, or ask fundamental questions about personal responsibility. The last person who asked questions like that was the dreaded ‘Fatcher’!
I seem to remember someone with infinite patience once worked out that every edition of the Today programme hosted calls for about a billion pounds of extra public expenditure. Still, it’s only money, right?
I see our Political Correctness enforcement officers are doing a fine job covering up what is going on at London Bridge Tube station which has been evacuated.
The cover story is that a man has ‘fallen’ under a train, but if that’s true why are the fire brigade needed, and stranger still, why are armed Police reportedly rushing to the scene.
There are currently unconfirmed reports of armed police on site circulating on social media.
Those evacuated have described scenes as ‘chaos’.
An automatic tannoy announcement is calling for ‘inspector sands’ – a call which alerts staff to an emergency.
British Transport Police have confirmed there were armed officers on scene.
Southeastern Trains have tweeted the reason is a person on the tracks.
British Transport Police have announced they are not dealing with a public safety incident
No doubt we will eventually learn the real truth via social media, because we sure as hell won’t hear it from the authorities.
Strange… 2 more stories the beeb seem to have missed, not even in UK – England – Regions – West – Bristol.
Failed asylum seeker sex offender tried to kidnap girl from Tesco and vowed to ‘kill every British person’
Shocking footage shows Zahoor Hussain, 29, hurtling through 20mph zones, despite being banned from the roads for killing 17-year-old Zoe Smith in a horror smash in 2013
For more merry muslim mayhem, take a gander at this: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
It’s getting scary guys:
“London’s new Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, is allocating over two million dollars (£1,730,726) to an “online hate crime hub” enabling police to track and arrest “trolls” who “target…individuals and communities.” There can be no doubt, given the nature of the British political establishment today, which “trolls” these new Thought Police will be going after, and which “communities” will be protected from “hate speech.” “Islamophobia,” which David Horowitz and I termed “the thought crime of the totalitarian future,” is now going to bring down upon the hapless “trolls” the wrath of London’s Metropolitan police force — and this totalitarian new initiative shows yet again how easily the Leftist and Islamic supremacist agendas coincide and aid each other.”
“The Metropolitan police service,” said a police spokesman, “is committed to working with our partners, including the mayor, to tackle all types of hate crime including offences committed online.” Given the fact that Khan, in a 2009 interview, dismissed moderate Muslims as “Uncle Toms” and has numerous questionable ties to Islamic supremacists, it is unlikely that he will be particularly concerned about “hate speech” by jihad preachers (several of whom were just recently welcomed into a Britain that has banned foes of jihad, including me).

Can someone tell me the extent of the Emir’s powers to run this thought crime unit. As Mayor of London he has powers over the dopes on London, but does this unit have power to extend to cover thoughts expressed outside of London?
Could the mayor of Blackpool set up a unit to cover hate crimes which express unpleasant thoughts about Blackpool rock and seaside landladies?
GWF – according to this article, the plan is to make the ‘crime’ of criticising the RoP GLOBAL!
Obama has just begun working with London’s Muslim Mayor to institute a global law that will fight anti-Muslim talk. The idea was spawned by London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan.
Khan has already instituted laws the forbid women from wearing certain clothing. Now he is moving to censor the internet and attack anyone who talks down to Islam. Obama and Khan are long-time friends and it’s no surprise given Obama’s ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Changed my mind Cranmer, behold above pictures, the new witchfinder general. And doesn’t he point the finger well.
Step 1 of Islamisation / Sharia: dress code on posters. (under the guise of ‘body shaming’)
Step 2: creation of hate crime unit. I think we know who they will be targeting. (According to Islam anyone criticising the RoP is guilty of hate crime.)
Step 3?
Obama has just begun working with London’s Muslim Mayor to institute a global law that will fight anti-Muslim talk. The idea was spawned by London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan.
Khan has already instituted laws the forbid women from wearing certain clothing. Now he is moving to censor the internet and attack anyone who talks down to Islam. Obama and Khan are long-time friends and it’s no surprise given Obama’s ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.
“Obama has just begun working with London’s Muslim Mayor to institute a global law that will fight anti-Muslim talk.”
Quo warranto? In other words, what right has Khan got and what powers does Obama have in the UK?
“Come and get your black bin bags…….”
The Times popped to join Project Brexit Fear 2 , so has never run a Brexit positive story …until today
pg 36 “Britain faring well as it readies for EU exit“
I have just been looking back on the past year ( a little early I know) but I came across a massive piece of hypocrisy which does not seem to have been exposed before.
The Fascist Left and other assorted bandwagon jumpers have been calling for Sir Philip Green to lose his knighthood, however despite one of the most calamitous collapses of a charity ever seen, no one is calling for Camila Batmanghelidjh CBE to lose her honour.
Is it the case that it is only those on the centre right lose their honours if they are naughty, because it sure looks that way !
I can’t be the only one who is sick of the bBBC falling for every weepie photo of a Syrian child. The leftie pro-immigrant industry knows it only has to come up with a new image every few months and the bBBC will lap it up. Drowned, bombed, whatever. Any credible broadcaster would look beyond the managed tearjerking to examine the causes and inform us about them. Every one that I have seen seems to be one Syrian killing another.
Just thought this was very apt
Sorry i cant get the pic to post
So, I’ve been doing a little research on that arrogant muslim girl championed by the bBC as the latest it girl here are a few of her tweets:
But just in case she deletes them here are the screen shots. please ensure they get spread around:

BBC Islamophobia discussion interrupted by Islamophobia
A passer-by named Paul told her interviewee Ruqaiya Haris: “There’s no Sharia law here”.
So let me get this straight. The BBC thinks that stating a known fact is now Islamophobic? Jesus H Christ ! Are they seriously suggesting that any criticism of Muslims or Islam is Islamophobic?
Perhaps they might like to throw the gay ones from the roof of broadcasting house because anything less would be ‘Islamofaubik’ !
I understand that Moslem scholars claim that the Koran -word of Allah, not an interpretation – says the Earth is flat.
I assume that the Emir accepts what is said in his religion is the truth.
So is it offensive, and therefore Islamophobic to deny this?
Perhaps science teachers fearing a knock on the door from Mr Plod, might tell their students that the Earth is alleged to be round.
PS Thoughtful,
As I understand rules for hate speech, truth is not a defence. If it gives offence it is hate speech. Offence, of course is subjectively determined. Truth is only a defence against a charge of libel
Be very careful
“As I understand rules for hate speech, truth is not a defence. If it gives offence it is hate speech. Offence, of course is subjectively determined. Truth is only a defence against a charge of libel”
It was Harriet Harman that introduced that particular piece of legislation under Blair’s reign. I struggle to find the words to express the complete contempt I feel for her and Jacqui Smith.
Before the election, why didn’t some beeb journo ask The Emir: do you believe that Jews are apes and pigs as it says in the quran? That infidels / Jews / Christians should be killed? That gays should be stoned? That islam will conquer the world and jihad is your duty?
If not, then do you repudiate the quran?
Of course it would have been unthinkable, the slightest reference to his faith and past dodgy associations bringing down a storm of accusations of islamophobia. Yet those are highly relevant questions for one aspiring to be our future mayor. Islam gave him immunity, just as it does now he’s in office. How very very worrying.
“Are they seriously suggesting that any criticism of Muslims or Islam is Islamophobic?”
Yes, I think they are.
Remember, the Emir of London’s Metropolitan Religious Police are watching you.
The Khanate of Londons metropolitan Mutawaeen are revising the Cries of London for the new times……instead of “any old Iron” it will be “cover your hair” instead of “eels, loverly eels” it will be “get to the mosque” and instead of gaily “doing the Lambeth walk” it will be “look there’s some ginger beers…..after them brothers! chase them up those stairs! There’s only one way down!”
And instead of spending off duty hours in the rub-a-dub it’ll be compulsory to use Alan’s new snack bar.
I think the Queen Vic is on borrowed time.
Rob in Cheshire
Why , Is it going to be hit by a suicide bomber ?
That last one is revealing… and chilling. It applies to the 21st C too: Beeb reporting on all the worldwide mayhem and trying to avoid the J word.
Apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere.
But I think I heard or saw that retail sales for July, post Brexit , were………..1.1% UP !!!!!!!
Needless to say, this does not seem to be getting much mention on the bBBC.
On their business page, the top story is ‘Asda in worst ever sales drop….’
Gotta keep the doom and gloom going………
Nowt to do with Brexit – So it must be Global Warming ?……………………
“Warmer weather and a weaker pound helped boost retail sales in July, according to official data.”
“Retail sales grew by 5.9% compared with July 2015, the Office for National Statistics said.”
I just loved this one
Like we need lectures from the bloody Co-op Bank!
Apparently the price of crystal meth and rent boys is rising faster than the CPI rate of inflation, all due to Brexit.
Kenroy, 53, said: “My brother had lost it.
“He was in a manic state and depressed — out of his mind and ranting.
“He had a tube in his shoulder for the dialysis and he had ripped it out and was covered in blood.
“He got Dad by the throat and said he was going to kill him.
“He told Dad he had already killed me, our brother Paul and sister Elaine and he had come for him.
“He was not in his right mind”
When you need the vile, disgusting, traitorous vermin that infest Al Beebistan to mention mental illness…. Absolutely nothing…. When there is absolutely no evidence what so ever that an ‘incident’ was carried out by someone with mental illness…. The devious, conniving bastards at Al Beeb go Chuck Norris on the relentless use of “mental illness” as the cause…
Dalian Atkinson’s own brother for crying out loud, has already told the world what has happened!!! What are the Al Beeb doing with what his brother said…. Absolutely sweet FA. It’s all about police violence. It’s all about a black man being killed by the police. It’s all about ensuring the racist ‘only black lives matter’ terrorist organisation is given as much exposure as possible.
Capital punishments need to be legalised once again… Traitory must be mandatory execution… Every single one of the traitors that have tried to destroy our country must be tried, and justice carried out on these vermin…..
tothepoint “Capital punishments need to be legalised once again… Traitory must be mandatory execution… Every single one of the traitors that have tried to destroy our country must be tried, and justice carried out on these vermin”
One can but dream.
Imagine the reaction from the beeb if a born-again Christian mayor had tried to ban revealing posters of women? The howls of derision from the chatterati for trying to impose reactionary/ puritanical/ Victorian/ prudish values on cool progressive liberated London, ha ha, dahling how absurd!
Our beloved Emir does it and not a whisper.
Incidentally I find burqas much more body-shaming, truly shaming the body – how about banning them?
Oops, hands and eyes showing in previous pic, let’s do it properly.
Body shaming enough for you Emir?
Mine’s the one 2nd row 3rd from left!
Er, bad luck Aborigine, that’s a bloke cross-dressing.
Is that an AK47 or are you just pleased to see me?
Does my bomb look big in this?
Black gowns matter
SAS troopers reported operating in Syria.
If the BBC knew who they were, they’d expose them, putting their lives at risk.
Sarge, do we have to wear this kit?
Shut it, you were told when you joined you’d sometimes be on black ops,
Besides it fools those +#* ts at the BBC……
I thought they were Dementors.
The skill is to avoid those embarrassing Marilyn Monroe moments:
Those chicks look dressed to kill.
So what do they wear for a funeral?
It could just be a load of cross dressing males!
3rd Ninja Regiment reunion.
Altogether now, 1,2,3,4,…… Meet the gang ‘cos the girls are here, the girls to entertain you,
With music and laughter, and jokes old and new, we’re raising the rafters with a hey, hey, hey!
Ooh dear! How sad. Never mind.
The one on the left is quite fit.
Hope her dad doesn’t read this and strangle her.
A little light relief from the relentless bias of the Beeb.
In “The Archers” this evening (Radio 4, 19:02-19:15) it was ‘A’ Level results day. Phoebe (daughter of ‘Reformed Racist’ Roy Tucker and spoilt waste-of-space Kate Madikane [nee Aldridge]) got a string of A-grades and will likely go up to Oxford. Meanwhile, wannabe hen farmer Josh Archer (son of Dull David and Geordie Girl Ruth) got B-B-C.
I sense the hand of the Illuminati in all this … Just off to get my coat.
Caption competition
Gotta be some good ones here…..
Somebody at Madame Tussauds has a sense of humour.
Could have been worse.
He does pick ’em doesn’t he? First Heather Mills, then this …..
1. Lemon and McCartney
2. Two legs good, four legs better.
3. Him, where did I put my cigar, man?
Her, Ooooooooh! you are awful……but I like you!
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay.
The fool on the hill-ary
Bang, bang, Maxwells silver hammer came down……..
Will you still need me, will you still feed me?
When I’m 64 (ish!).
Happiness is a warm gun.
A Beatle and a dung beetle.
Something to counter the BBC attacks on Trump.