Time for a new one of these. Here is where you detail the bias. If you want to follow us on FACEBOOK you can now find our feed here! So much bias, so little time!
They’re at it again ! more delegations to the Jungle to get the ‘kids’ out. Our Beeb reporter Adele Robinson ‘came across’ Abdul a 16 year old (?) from Afghanistan. Oh and surprise surprise, his parents are in the UK and he’s having a terrible time trying to join them. Whaaaaaaat ???? Lots of questions here, er parents in the Uk and he’s in the jungle ; how, why and where ? and if its true and the parents are here legally then they should go and get little 6′ Abdul ! but no, he’s trying every night to get to Britain on the backs of lorries. What a sodding farce.
I can recall discussing this lady on this blog back in 2014, and even then, there was a cloud over her re-entry to the UK. It was reported at the time that she warned UK border medical staff that she had an elevated body temperature, but it appears that she didn’t mention that she had taken medication before being examined.
It now appears that she took paracetamol, perhaps deliberately to lower her body temperature, possibly knowing she might be detained in London if her true body temperature was discovered, and then boarded a scheduled flight, full of passengers, on her way to Glasgow – swiftly followed by a private flight back to London in an isolation tent, a mere matter of hours after re-entering the UK. Loads of people were affected (but luckily not infected) from the flights she had taken and the places she visited in the very brief period after her return.
Somehow it has taken the best part of two years for this to all come out – and just as AsISeeIt points out, the BBC certainly wasn’t in the mood for anyone examining her conduct at the time, other than in a laudatory manner.
Anyone from the UK working in such highly infectious areas should be forced to spend an appropriate amount of time in their own isolation unit before returning to the UK at the end of their secondment, without further local contact with people, and not for instance swanning around, unprotected, at some local Christmas event, attended by a potentially highly infectious group of people. (She was working in an isolation unit, for goodness’ sake – which part of ‘infectious’ did she, a supposed health professional, really not understand ?)
It all seemed to be a bit of virtue signalling by so many of these people – still being paid by the NHS – swanning off to these countries and spending a very limited time there when you consider the amount of acclimatisation required (to both the local physical environment, and the novel medical environment) before then returning to the UK having practically only just become really useful – I think the periods of secondment to the ebola area were as low as 6-8 weeks in total.
But the BBC just loves virtue signallers – no matter what it actually cost the UK taxpayer, and never mind the potentially massive costs of, for example, an ebola epidemic which, luckily, we didn’t have. But no thanks, it would seem, to this ‘selfless and courageous’ lady.
If she is found at all guilty of the medical malpractice of which she is being charged, there should be no question that she should be ‘defrocked’.
Its just another reflection of what our society thanks to the MSM is turning into.
Where” compassionate gestures” always trump common sense and the long term common good.
I suppose her next move will be to try and get compensation for PTSD due to her long stay in an isolation tent.
Whilst in many ways we should applaud those who leave their comfort zone to help others. Her subsequent actions ( if she knew she was infected) Were foolhardy to the extreme,.
Still least it looked good on telly.
I think it is incredibly racist of these virtue signallers to go and poke their noses into the Ebola stricken areas.
As I understand it, no special medical skills were needed for Ebola, just normal nursing, keeping people hydrated and clean and comfortable etc. By going there, these nurses are saying “Look at me, I’m white and superior to you black nurses. Stand back and watch my superior white nursing skills and you will all learn something”.
The usual lefty supremacism, wrapped up in a veneer of doing-good “Look at me, what a great thing I’m doing, putting my life at risk to help inferior people”.
I can understand someone with special skills that don’t exist locally going – for example a surgeon operating on eyes – but someone just going because they assume they are better than the locals? Racism, pure and simple.
So it’s a problem of poverty is it? Diane, love, have you looked in the mirror lately? (Assuming you can find one wide enough).
Besides, in parts of the world where there is real poverty you don’t seem to find many fat kids.
I stopped listening to radio 4 on the day of the Nice attack after many years of daily listening. I then decided to stop looking at the bbc news website altogether. I don’t have a tv or licence. My exposure to the BBC is now limited to occasional Radio 3 in the car and the odd episode of hancock’s half hour on the iplayer. I am now completely free of all their politics and propaganda. It’s fantastic. No more sense of betrayal and sadness. No more incredulity and frustration. The one thing I do miss though, is my daily dose of this site and all the great discussions. Now I am BBC-free I don’t feel the need to come here so often but it’s good to know that so many people feel the same about the BBC. Keep up the good work comrades!
It’s like something out of the cold war. I think that these high-tech spying techniques will be able to distinguish between tv and radio, but perhaps that not the poont. I think they just want to scare people into thinking that ‘they could be next’, just like the screens in Orwell’s Big Brother. It will be impossible for the BBC to be out in evey street at every hour of the day and night checking up on every citizen. Not that it bothers me. I have always told the licencing people that they are welcome to visit me anytime. I never watch live broadcasts.
Have considered going totally BBC-free myself, Joel.
Have you found (a) any good non-BBC national ‘air’ broadcasters for News & Current Affairs? I guess there may be some (b) on-line; certainly there will be international broadcasters (c) who cover overseas, and hence European & British, news.
Not just Joel, but I’d welcome suggestions from anyone reading and posting here under those three categories:
(a) British based over-air broadcaster
(b) ditto – on-line
(c) International alternatives over-air and on-line
Try it! It’s refreshing and liberating. I miss a few of my favourite voices on the radio but I’m being very strict with myself: no Radio 4 means no Radio 4. I couldn’t take any more of their poison. For regular news I’ve been using RT for a while. Good for breaking news. It is quite left mainstream but it has more in-depth coverage. Also interesting to read pro Russia stories. I also use the Telegraph for breaking stories but not so much for regular news. The telegraph always seems to get reporters on the spot much faster than the BBC and has much better and more regular updates on big breaking stories. Guido Fawkes is great for the human angles on UK politics and the discussions there are always entertaining. Breitbart is interesting but they do exaggerate their headlines a bit.
Happened to watch a bit of the 6 o’clock news on BBC1 last night (waiting to see if the wife made it as a extra in an item on the local news which followed).
Nearly fell off my chair with a report from Reading saying that high street spending was holding up remarkably well despite the predictions of the experts (remember them on the unemployment figures?), but then the reporter had to revert to BBC type with the inevitable “but” it was on the back of consumer debt and that is not what the economy needs.
Mallard, I think you will find that the reporter was one Andy Verity. I have mentioned him on several threads. Posing as the BBCs economics correspondent, he is a purveyor of doom, slanting any statistical interpretation he can to discredit the conservatives or the leave campaigners. He’s had a tough week, having to somehow belittle falling unemployment statistics and strong retail sales figures, both post the referendum vote. However he’s always found some negative counter to the good news. I’m unsure who pulls his strings, but his reports on the economy are to be treated with extreme skepticism.
At 0815 on Breakfast TV Al Beeb runs a Bollt feature of ALL his gold medal runs in the prime slot after the weather. And to an absolutely inane music background taking away all the genuine drama of the races.
The biased and incompetent state broadcaster in action.
8:05 #bccFreeRides4Labour I’d been listening for 2 minutes when a Labbour NewsVert came ‘It’s 100 days since Sadiq Khan was elected and already there are big changes with the 24 hour tube opening today’
…That would be the 24 hour tube that was supposed to open 6 months ago, so surely the project was planned under Boris… I sweitched off
– Earlier a particular programme properly covered the “Good news for economy July spending was up 5%” story. Unfortunately I can’t name it, cos although there still are good people at the BBC who don’t follow Regressive Lefty tickbox journalism, when they do come to light such progs and presenters get axed and replaced by the GRombie mob.
Which are the worst offender in Regressive lefty biased programmes ?
My guess
#9 Countryfile.
#8 R2 Jeremy Vine
#7 R4 Drama
#6 R5 Your call
#5 R4 Science
#4 R4 “comedy”
#3 R4 PM
#2 R4Today
#1 R4 Woman’s Hour
but then I’ve missed out the General Culture, which pervades every news prog and continuity etc. and all the programmes owned by Greenpeace
Perhaps the BBC should rename their morning tv show Black Wives Natter as they promote Ms Naga Munchetty well beyond her ability and viewer interest on BBC News Channel goes Rio Olympics for the duration. From coverage this morning we glean that the Brownlee Brothers like cake.
Meanwhile we are treated to a BBC trailer for The Chronicles of Nadiya
And yes, that title has genuinely been made up by the BBC
“However, researchers pointed out that the 1970s saw several years with higher terrorism death tolls, so Western Europe is not “in a downward spiral”.
And only 6% of worldwide terrorism deaths in July 2016 happened in Western Europe, with many more attacks in countries like Iraq and Syria.”
So nothing to worry about then when you are being run over or blown to bits – just remember it was worse in the 1970s. Hey, if terror attacks do get worse than the 1970s the BBC can remind as it is still not as bad a Nazi Germany.
Surely the BBC can be charged with hate crime against non-muslims?!?
BBC : ‘the 1970s saw several years with higher terrorism death tolls’
Oh I like it. I think it was Channel 4 that did ‘It Was Alright In The 70s’ – now watch out for Matt Lucas doing the voice over for a terror special – cringe again at the Baader Meinhoff, reminisce to the Red Army Faction, everyone recalls the IRA but did you forget the INLA?
So I guess next up we might have: don’t fret about hate crime nowadays it was far worse in the 1980s with a BBC show titled (to paraphase Mark Ronson) :’It Was Acceptable In the Hate-ies’
Bliss: BBC announced this morning that Nadiya Hussain (she of baking fame) will divulge her music tastes on ‘Dessert Island Discs’ this week. Every time the BBC find one apparently, ‘good’ well-adjusted Muslim, they hammer it home. Understandable really in view of what virtually all the rest represent. I hear that the BBC are not only championing a campaign for another Referendum but they are now campaigning for a re-start of a new Labour leadership contest so Nadiya can get on the list…………………..
In any event, I’m sure Nadiya Hussain could probably do a better job of the Labour leadership than the two prats currently contesting.
More weird BBC dissonance. Childhood obesity is the next horror that the government must intervene in to “nudge ” behaviour change versus Nadiya…a modern woman famous only for baking cakes, and never appearing with uncovered hair…..that`s womens liberation for you!
Don`t muslim cakes matter?
and will anyone ask Nadiya on desert island discs where music fits into a culture in which Qawwali singers are murdered as being “unislamic”?
The poor old Beeb seems to be in a Gruaniadista style gridlock over Labour’s leadership farce. Corbyn’s just too, too wonderfully metro-p.c. but alas, also an unelectable Marxist clown. Smith’s a greasy careerist fashionista pseud with a better chance of selling the pap that in Labour passes for joined-up policy to a greater number of voters, but he looks very unlikely to win. Corbyn’s hordes of returning militant veterans, starry-eyed millennial SWP and Momentum bunnies and new left p.c. Guardianista bigots will see to that. Auntie is terrified she’s going to be left in 2020 trying desperately to sell the GBP a far left pig in a poke while still maintaining the illusion of ”balance”.
As awful as Corbyn is I think Smith is worse. Everyone knows that Corbyn is an extremist with disgusting hate-filled views so gets taken, by normal people, as just that. However, Smith has exactly the same bigoted, prejudiced views and is at least as unintelligent as Corbyn but he speaks more softly and people may think he’s not as bad. What he says however is distictly unpleasant. I hope Corbyn wins because the other is even worse.
“there is no such thing as virtue-signalling” said someone to me on a LeftyRadio forum
I told him to wait 10 minutes and he’ll probably hear an item of virtue-signalling on Radio4
Shameless isn’t it, IR? I see a well-known computer maker is also tied up with it. Now, who has controversial links with them through product mentions and placements?
Oh dear. Seems the BBC diversity box has already run out of diverse celebs you have never heard of to stock Strictly, and so has again needed to dip into the home pool…
The EU puts itself at the top of the table with 81 gold medals, 21 of which were British. (Read the article for more info. Sorry but I couldn’t get a link for the table picture to post here.)
How dare those unelected nobodies steel our thunder! I saw no report of this on the beeb but then I suppose it is too much to expect they would hail our team to the rafters for their British successes.
I have a deep dislike of nobodies like this, probably because they squeeze out real talent. The rot started when it was decided that people who play records for a living are doing something special, talented and worthwhile. A career path that produced some of the most undesirable “celebrities” this country has seen.
Lucy PevenseyMar 19, 00:22 Midweek 19th March 2025 https://x.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1901704482758566157 “The year is 2029, and Prime Minister Farage is calling you a racist for not wanting more Islamic immigration.”
Lucy PevenseyMar 19, 00:15 Midweek 19th March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GmVoK10WgAEkZqv?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
JohnCMar 18, 23:26 Midweek 19th March 2025 Ukranian Nazi’s and soldiers taken from prisons with no choice but to fight. Funny : I didn’t see any of…
MarcoMar 18, 23:12 Midweek 19th March 2025 Sky or should I say democrats company Comcast playing the politics game yet again about the space crew returning to…
JohnCMar 18, 23:11 Midweek 19th March 2025 I’ve just been reading that Flotsam. The only reference to Trump and Musk in the ‘Live Feed’ is: ‘In February,…
FlotsamMar 18, 22:39 Midweek 19th March 2025 Elin Musk/SpaceX has successfully recovered the two stranded astronauts. They were stuck for an unplanned nine months which was dangerous…
atlas_shruggedMar 18, 22:34 Midweek 19th March 2025 If the past five years have proven anything, it’s that those labeled as ‘conspiracy theorists’ were often just ahead of…
Philip_2Mar 18, 22:07 Start the Week 17th March 2025 UK national debt clock: £2,662,103,037,658 And counting. Its trillions and its going to get worse. https://debt-clock.org
Eddy BoothMar 18, 22:02 Midweek 19th March 2025 I like this video, pro Russian American journalist out having a look at the recently liberated town of Sudzha in…
They’re at it again ! more delegations to the Jungle to get the ‘kids’ out. Our Beeb reporter Adele Robinson ‘came across’ Abdul a 16 year old (?) from Afghanistan. Oh and surprise surprise, his parents are in the UK and he’s having a terrible time trying to join them. Whaaaaaaat ???? Lots of questions here, er parents in the Uk and he’s in the jungle ; how, why and where ? and if its true and the parents are here legally then they should go and get little 6′ Abdul ! but no, he’s trying every night to get to Britain on the backs of lorries. What a sodding farce.
Oh dear, oh dear, another much lauded BBC heroine may be shown to have feet of clay
‘Selflessness and courage’
“She represents the very best of NHS values”
“dedicated humanitarian”
I can recall discussing this lady on this blog back in 2014, and even then, there was a cloud over her re-entry to the UK. It was reported at the time that she warned UK border medical staff that she had an elevated body temperature, but it appears that she didn’t mention that she had taken medication before being examined.
It now appears that she took paracetamol, perhaps deliberately to lower her body temperature, possibly knowing she might be detained in London if her true body temperature was discovered, and then boarded a scheduled flight, full of passengers, on her way to Glasgow – swiftly followed by a private flight back to London in an isolation tent, a mere matter of hours after re-entering the UK. Loads of people were affected (but luckily not infected) from the flights she had taken and the places she visited in the very brief period after her return.
Somehow it has taken the best part of two years for this to all come out – and just as AsISeeIt points out, the BBC certainly wasn’t in the mood for anyone examining her conduct at the time, other than in a laudatory manner.
Anyone from the UK working in such highly infectious areas should be forced to spend an appropriate amount of time in their own isolation unit before returning to the UK at the end of their secondment, without further local contact with people, and not for instance swanning around, unprotected, at some local Christmas event, attended by a potentially highly infectious group of people. (She was working in an isolation unit, for goodness’ sake – which part of ‘infectious’ did she, a supposed health professional, really not understand ?)
It all seemed to be a bit of virtue signalling by so many of these people – still being paid by the NHS – swanning off to these countries and spending a very limited time there when you consider the amount of acclimatisation required (to both the local physical environment, and the novel medical environment) before then returning to the UK having practically only just become really useful – I think the periods of secondment to the ebola area were as low as 6-8 weeks in total.
But the BBC just loves virtue signallers – no matter what it actually cost the UK taxpayer, and never mind the potentially massive costs of, for example, an ebola epidemic which, luckily, we didn’t have. But no thanks, it would seem, to this ‘selfless and courageous’ lady.
If she is found at all guilty of the medical malpractice of which she is being charged, there should be no question that she should be ‘defrocked’.
“Let’s just get home”. And, knowingly, bring a deadly virus with me – Because I’m Worth It.
“Just look at the adulation I got from the MSM for my selfless acts”.
Its just another reflection of what our society thanks to the MSM is turning into.
Where” compassionate gestures” always trump common sense and the long term common good.
I suppose her next move will be to try and get compensation for PTSD due to her long stay in an isolation tent.
Whilst in many ways we should applaud those who leave their comfort zone to help others. Her subsequent actions ( if she knew she was infected) Were foolhardy to the extreme,.
Still least it looked good on telly.
I’m guessing it will be a very cold day in hell before I see “trump common sense” as a BBC headline.
I think it is incredibly racist of these virtue signallers to go and poke their noses into the Ebola stricken areas.
As I understand it, no special medical skills were needed for Ebola, just normal nursing, keeping people hydrated and clean and comfortable etc. By going there, these nurses are saying “Look at me, I’m white and superior to you black nurses. Stand back and watch my superior white nursing skills and you will all learn something”.
The usual lefty supremacism, wrapped up in a veneer of doing-good “Look at me, what a great thing I’m doing, putting my life at risk to help inferior people”.
I can understand someone with special skills that don’t exist locally going – for example a surgeon operating on eyes – but someone just going because they assume they are better than the locals? Racism, pure and simple.
More good news fro Brexit?
Did Al Beeb report this? Over to you Kikuchiyo, what do you think ?
What is the EU doing for these kids ? Why is the EU so bad that the UK media propaganda wants them to
come here ?
There are already many British children requiring foster homes.
White kids don’t count c. D. Abbot MP.
Some people are more equal than others c. G. Orwell.
‘Diane Abbott MP calls UK childhood obesity a ‘problem of poverty’ and a big issue in Hackney’
”But government also has to do more”
So it’s a problem of poverty is it? Diane, love, have you looked in the mirror lately? (Assuming you can find one wide enough).
Besides, in parts of the world where there is real poverty you don’t seem to find many fat kids.
I stopped listening to radio 4 on the day of the Nice attack after many years of daily listening. I then decided to stop looking at the bbc news website altogether. I don’t have a tv or licence. My exposure to the BBC is now limited to occasional Radio 3 in the car and the odd episode of hancock’s half hour on the iplayer. I am now completely free of all their politics and propaganda. It’s fantastic. No more sense of betrayal and sadness. No more incredulity and frustration. The one thing I do miss though, is my daily dose of this site and all the great discussions. Now I am BBC-free I don’t feel the need to come here so often but it’s good to know that so many people feel the same about the BBC. Keep up the good work comrades!
You raise an interesting point about listening to radio programmes on the iPlayer.
I presume the BBC detector equipment will be able to separate BBC television and radio programmes
It’s like something out of the cold war. I think that these high-tech spying techniques will be able to distinguish between tv and radio, but perhaps that not the poont. I think they just want to scare people into thinking that ‘they could be next’, just like the screens in Orwell’s Big Brother. It will be impossible for the BBC to be out in evey street at every hour of the day and night checking up on every citizen. Not that it bothers me. I have always told the licencing people that they are welcome to visit me anytime. I never watch live broadcasts.
Have considered going totally BBC-free myself, Joel.
Have you found (a) any good non-BBC national ‘air’ broadcasters for News & Current Affairs? I guess there may be some (b) on-line; certainly there will be international broadcasters (c) who cover overseas, and hence European & British, news.
Not just Joel, but I’d welcome suggestions from anyone reading and posting here under those three categories:
(a) British based over-air broadcaster
(b) ditto – on-line
(c) International alternatives over-air and on-line
Try it! It’s refreshing and liberating. I miss a few of my favourite voices on the radio but I’m being very strict with myself: no Radio 4 means no Radio 4. I couldn’t take any more of their poison. For regular news I’ve been using RT for a while. Good for breaking news. It is quite left mainstream but it has more in-depth coverage. Also interesting to read pro Russia stories. I also use the Telegraph for breaking stories but not so much for regular news. The telegraph always seems to get reporters on the spot much faster than the BBC and has much better and more regular updates on big breaking stories. Guido Fawkes is great for the human angles on UK politics and the discussions there are always entertaining. Breitbart is interesting but they do exaggerate their headlines a bit.
Joel, Glad you broke free of the BeebMatrix, but keep posting from the outside, your country needs you (to keep hammering the beeboid bastards).
Happened to watch a bit of the 6 o’clock news on BBC1 last night (waiting to see if the wife made it as a extra in an item on the local news which followed).
Nearly fell off my chair with a report from Reading saying that high street spending was holding up remarkably well despite the predictions of the experts (remember them on the unemployment figures?), but then the reporter had to revert to BBC type with the inevitable “but” it was on the back of consumer debt and that is not what the economy needs.
Mallard, I think you will find that the reporter was one Andy Verity. I have mentioned him on several threads. Posing as the BBCs economics correspondent, he is a purveyor of doom, slanting any statistical interpretation he can to discredit the conservatives or the leave campaigners. He’s had a tough week, having to somehow belittle falling unemployment statistics and strong retail sales figures, both post the referendum vote. However he’s always found some negative counter to the good news. I’m unsure who pulls his strings, but his reports on the economy are to be treated with extreme skepticism.
Another socialist success story for the BBC to ignore:
Hungry Venezuelans break into Caracas zoo and butcher a horse
Maybe Ms. Balding can make a detour en route back, like the entire BBC swung by CAR on its return from the the Mandela funeral?
Toady 8am
First news headline- Usain Bolt wins 200m.
Second headline- Jade Jones retains Takekwando gold for GB
Nice to see the biased BBC’s committment to the country.
Whatever are the 400+ ‘workers’ going to do when they fly back from Rio?
At 0815 on Breakfast TV Al Beeb runs a Bollt feature of ALL his gold medal runs in the prime slot after the weather. And to an absolutely inane music background taking away all the genuine drama of the races.
The biased and incompetent state broadcaster in action.
Not much “diversity” in evidence, was there?
Must be an institutionally racist sport.
Probably they are staying on to see if they can capture more sex on the beach (not a cocktail)?
8:05 #bccFreeRides4Labour I’d been listening for 2 minutes when a Labbour NewsVert came ‘It’s 100 days since Sadiq Khan was elected and already there are big changes with the 24 hour tube opening today’
…That would be the 24 hour tube that was supposed to open 6 months ago, so surely the project was planned under Boris… I sweitched off
– Earlier a particular programme properly covered the “Good news for economy July spending was up 5%” story. Unfortunately I can’t name it, cos although there still are good people at the BBC who don’t follow Regressive Lefty tickbox journalism, when they do come to light such progs and presenters get axed and replaced by the GRombie mob.
Which are the worst offender in Regressive lefty biased programmes ?
My guess
#9 Countryfile.
#8 R2 Jeremy Vine
#7 R4 Drama
#6 R5 Your call
#5 R4 Science
#4 R4 “comedy”
#3 R4 PM
#2 R4Today
#1 R4 Woman’s Hour
but then I’ve missed out the General Culture, which pervades every news prog and continuity etc. and all the programmes owned by Greenpeace
Perhaps the BBC should rename their morning tv show Black Wives Natter as they promote Ms Naga Munchetty well beyond her ability and viewer interest on BBC News Channel goes Rio Olympics for the duration. From coverage this morning we glean that the Brownlee Brothers like cake.
Meanwhile we are treated to a BBC trailer for The Chronicles of Nadiya
And yes, that title has genuinely been made up by the BBC
[BBC spelling error in the link is their own]
[A rather apt one]
More of the BBC Islamic Terrorist supporting here:
Terror deaths in Western Europe at highest level since 2004
“However, researchers pointed out that the 1970s saw several years with higher terrorism death tolls, so Western Europe is not “in a downward spiral”.
And only 6% of worldwide terrorism deaths in July 2016 happened in Western Europe, with many more attacks in countries like Iraq and Syria.”
So nothing to worry about then when you are being run over or blown to bits – just remember it was worse in the 1970s. Hey, if terror attacks do get worse than the 1970s the BBC can remind as it is still not as bad a Nazi Germany.
Surely the BBC can be charged with hate crime against non-muslims?!?
BBC : ‘the 1970s saw several years with higher terrorism death tolls’
Oh I like it. I think it was Channel 4 that did ‘It Was Alright In The 70s’ – now watch out for Matt Lucas doing the voice over for a terror special – cringe again at the Baader Meinhoff, reminisce to the Red Army Faction, everyone recalls the IRA but did you forget the INLA?
So I guess next up we might have: don’t fret about hate crime nowadays it was far worse in the 1980s with a BBC show titled (to paraphase Mark Ronson) :’It Was Acceptable In the Hate-ies’
Bliss: BBC announced this morning that Nadiya Hussain (she of baking fame) will divulge her music tastes on ‘Dessert Island Discs’ this week. Every time the BBC find one apparently, ‘good’ well-adjusted Muslim, they hammer it home. Understandable really in view of what virtually all the rest represent. I hear that the BBC are not only championing a campaign for another Referendum but they are now campaigning for a re-start of a new Labour leadership contest so Nadiya can get on the list…………………..
In any event, I’m sure Nadiya Hussain could probably do a better job of the Labour leadership than the two prats currently contesting.
Nadiya should be our first muslim PM. She is a genious !
More weird BBC dissonance. Childhood obesity is the next horror that the government must intervene in to “nudge ” behaviour change versus Nadiya…a modern woman famous only for baking cakes, and never appearing with uncovered hair…..that`s womens liberation for you!
Don`t muslim cakes matter?
and will anyone ask Nadiya on desert island discs where music fits into a culture in which Qawwali singers are murdered as being “unislamic”?
Embolden, I suspect that her local Iman will take her aside when she gets home and severely reprimand her for deviating from the words of Allah as regards ‘music’. For a deeper analysis of the point see:
If you can stand to watch all of it, you will surely realise that it is all pure gibberish and reminds me of certain IRA leaders being interviewed by the BBC during their past days of ‘glory’.
Anyway, found a gem: New Fatwas! Can be found here: https://islamqa.info/en/newfatwas
The poor old Beeb seems to be in a Gruaniadista style gridlock over Labour’s leadership farce. Corbyn’s just too, too wonderfully metro-p.c. but alas, also an unelectable Marxist clown. Smith’s a greasy careerist fashionista pseud with a better chance of selling the pap that in Labour passes for joined-up policy to a greater number of voters, but he looks very unlikely to win. Corbyn’s hordes of returning militant veterans, starry-eyed millennial SWP and Momentum bunnies and new left p.c. Guardianista bigots will see to that. Auntie is terrified she’s going to be left in 2020 trying desperately to sell the GBP a far left pig in a poke while still maintaining the illusion of ”balance”.
As awful as Corbyn is I think Smith is worse. Everyone knows that Corbyn is an extremist with disgusting hate-filled views so gets taken, by normal people, as just that. However, Smith has exactly the same bigoted, prejudiced views and is at least as unintelligent as Corbyn but he speaks more softly and people may think he’s not as bad. What he says however is distictly unpleasant. I hope Corbyn wins because the other is even worse.
“there is no such thing as virtue-signalling” said someone to me on a LeftyRadio forum
I told him to wait 10 minutes and he’ll probably hear an item of virtue-signalling on Radio4
No advertising on the BBC? What on earth is this then? Can we have a share of the album sales deducted from the TV Poll tax?
Shameless isn’t it, IR? I see a well-known computer maker is also tied up with it. Now, who has controversial links with them through product mentions and placements?
Ummhh …. ?
Rory is on the case, if his missus lets him.
Oh dear. Seems the BBC diversity box has already run out of diverse celebs you have never heard of to stock Strictly, and so has again needed to dip into the home pool…
That should help the daily plugging on the red sofa a bit.
I have not been glued to the Olympics but interested enough to read the headlines. Well, this one caught my eye for sure.
The EU puts itself at the top of the table with 81 gold medals, 21 of which were British. (Read the article for more info. Sorry but I couldn’t get a link for the table picture to post here.)
How dare those unelected nobodies steel our thunder! I saw no report of this on the beeb but then I suppose it is too much to expect they would hail our team to the rafters for their British successes.
I didn’t know The EU had a team ?
The impossible happened this morning, Jeremy Corbyn went up in my estimation:
I’m a politician…get me out of here: RICHARD LITTLEJOHN says Corbyn’s inability to name Ant and Dec is the least of his problems
I have a deep dislike of nobodies like this, probably because they squeeze out real talent. The rot started when it was decided that people who play records for a living are doing something special, talented and worthwhile. A career path that produced some of the most undesirable “celebrities” this country has seen.
A pet hate of mine. Sorry about the rant.
Oh be fair Maria. Roy Plumley always seemed a rather nice man.
“Why was I able to vote twice in the EU referendum?” Spectator and fully in the Print edition
Do female Labour politicians who defrauded the public with expenses get JAILED ?
No they get PAID by the BBC tomakle programmes about JAIL.
Monday on R4 Episode 1 : Ex Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith on the history of prison reform from the 18th century to the end of WWII.