Two stories, both linked to Brexit. Guess which one the BBC leads with and which one the BBC completely ignores?
UK to avoid recession and world economy to ‘stabilise’ as Brexit shock passes
Ethnic minorities face ‘entrenched’ racial inequality – watchdog
Naturally, the later race baiting from the Orwellian “Equalities and Human Rights Commission” makes the media running, with the claim from this quango that Britain’s Black and Ethnic Minorities have suffered terrible “hate crime” post Brexit. Strikes me that the BBC relishes the idea that Britain’s white working class community is deeply racist and will use any excuse to persecute ethnic minorities. The truth is we are far too tolerant in respect of unelected unrepresentative quangos out to sow race hatred. The BBC just cannot accept that we voted to BREXIT because we thought it best for the Nation and so they choose to exaggerate unwelcome economic news to talk our economy down and, as in this case, hype race baiting by professional grievance mongers.
BBC editorial integrity often means there is not sufficient space or time to cover what doesn’t suit, whilst banging on endlessly about what tickles its fancy.
That is why it needs force funding and even less accountability as more and more people turn to actual sources of news, information and education over blatant propaganda backed by censorship.
On the matter of BBC editorial integrity, from what or who it selects as ‘representative’, to how it weaves a narrative around things that stay in and things that stay out, this seems pretty damning, like the BBC cares:
Those forced to pay for it, and those elected who ensure such unique funding supplies are maintained, should take note.
Encapsulates the BBC bias, anti-male, anti-heterosexual attitude and prejudice better then pages of text.
This should be spread round the world.
Gareth, Hi.
Your brilliant images reminds me of how I believe the BBC seeks to promote Homosexual sex as being quite natural (girls kissing each other- remember children would have seen same images – talk about child coruptiuon) obviously always smiling and always always very pretty! But when one reads some of the BBC pieces regarding Hetrosexual marriage proposals the male is usually average looking and his bride to be is usually plumpish and average looking! One could quite easily get the impression that the most offensive word the hetrosexual couplies would use around their families (and quite rightly so) would be the word: “Fleshing’s” were the leszbian couple are usually very foul mouthed and insensitive to who ‘s looking on! In other words all they think about is sex, sex, sex, and even more sex! They can’t seem to stop talking about it? As if they are slaves to it?
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It’s the usual mantras from the BBC. Fortunately for the license payer, they are too lazy to lie consistently. Britain is awash with anti-immigrant hate crime, yet immigration numbers rise and rise. We need the hard work and creativity of immigrants, yet they are supposed to suffer from overproportional unemployment and workplace discrimination Even Trevor Philips realised that you cannot push the “immigrants are necessary to do the jobs the native British are too lazv to do” shtick and then claim that immigrant unemployment figures are higher than for the indigenous population, even if the cause is discrimination.
I see the BBC is pushing the immigrants good white Anglo Saxons bad line in its News today 18/08/2016
Perhaps they should review:-
and where White kids come in teachers priorities…
P.S, This is an Islamaphobic Post.
I’m sure I’m not alone on here in not liking most unelected quangos, which continue to flourish despite David Cameron’s threat to thin them out . The quangocracy are overwhelmingly left wing and can make careers on excessive salaries by hopping from one organisation to another . I would class big charities as part of this world now that so many are dependent on public funding and take left wing positions on issues .
No-one would sensibly argue that there is no racial discrimination in the uk. But our record is so much better than other countries , especially given the degree of immigration we have had. This is not down to lectures from quangos like the Commission for Racial Equality.
However the BBC continue to stoke up this issue by publicising the output of these quangos.
As I write this there is yet another report on islamophobia, this time on Victoria Derbyshire. It’s based on work by Demos. This is a left wing think tank with an agenda and its looked at islamophobic tweets, I kid you not!
On top of all this we have the desperate attempts to link Brexit to racism via the new weapon of hate crime. As many know these statistics are dubious and essentially self reported and validated, aided by our politicised police.
Indeed as you say England Expects, there are desperate attempts to link Brexit to racism via a call for Hate Crime-those Luciferian’s with the controlling power of the EU & of our Western Society were for a moment thrown off their perch by the British Referendum result that they have had to scramble as much filth as they can to throw at us through their barking dogs, such as the BBC et al. The Federal reserve, The Bank of England, the IMF, IOC and supported by their think tanks; Bilderbergers, and many more-still endeavouring to stay on track to destroy Western Civilisation now being so well supported by those that follow the teachings of Isam. Some may say we are doomed-with 38 members of this new T May cabinet who voted to REMAIN & only 8 to LEAVE somewhat uneven don’t you think? But unlike Hamlet’s papa, I say the indig Brit is made of sterner stuff, we must defeat the evil that is creeping across our green and pleasant land. Rule Britannia !
No-one would sensibly argue that there is no racial discrimination in the uk. But our record is so much better than other countries , especially given the degree of immigration we have had. This is not down to lectures from quangos like the Commission for Racial Equality.
Well said, EE. This is apparent to anyone with a modicum of intelligence yet there are those who are still hellbent on fostering division by labelling the indigenous population as racist yet who in contrast have been remarkably supine in the face of what they have had forced on them over the last 20 years (remind us: where was mass immigration in your 1997 manifesto, Mr Blair?). All it does is whip up more resentment in those who believe that ethnic minorities are already receiving preferential treatment whilst not being asked to do their bit for integration and the wellbeing of the country as whole. As JFK said ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’. Multiculturalism continues to be promoted (it is now embedded in our culture, oxymoronic though that may sound), encouraging separatism, grievance and victimhood. The culture of the separatist ‘communities’ that face the alleged problems and discrimination in the report are never, ever looked at even though back in their host countries many of them show all the same signs of under-achievement, crime, unemployment etc etc. No, we (the indigenous population) are always to blame and must do more, despite our country having to accomodate millions from these alien cultures since Year Zero (or 1997, if you prefer).
What a rotten, stinking mess these left liberal ‘progressives’ have made of our still (just) tolerant, welcoming and generous country.
One of the reasons I think the British are a bit more tolerant of people from other countries is because of the Commonwealth and Empire. For at least a century we were told that the black and brown people in British colonies were, if not quite ‘pure’ British, at least something close; subjects of the Crown under its laws.
The loyal sacrifice of many Indians and Africans in two world wars helped further cement this idea. Unlike most other European empires, the British Empire ended relatively peacefully and transitioned into the Commonwealth. In the 1950s particularly, this promoted the idea that former Imperial subjects were now on equal terms.
The fact that the first wave of immigration from the West Indies in the 40s was mostly from law abiding, Christian people helped, as did the realisation that the NHS was only really possible because of the influx of doctors from the Commonwealth.
Also, number of immigrants were limited. Blair’s open door policy after ’97, particularly to immigrants from ‘less happy lands’, some with decidedly anti-British, anti-Christian ideals, was the start of the rot and the beginning of a sore trial of British peoples’ patience.
Blair’s speech writer has said the purpose of this phase of mass migration was to “rub the Right’s noses in diversity”. Getting into a “I’m more tolerant than thou” competition with the Left just plays into their hands . One should be extremenely intolerant and prejudiced against those who take it on themselves to change your way of life without ever asking for your permission.
“as did the realisation that the NHS was only really possible because of the influx of doctors from the Commonwealth”
Absolute nonsense. In the early days of the NHS there were very few Commonwealth doctors and there would never have been a need had more medical schools been opened as medicine has always been a highly sought after profession.
The wickedness behind this came in part from the BMA, the country’s most powerful trade union, who wished to maintain a chronic doctor shortage to keep their status and pay up. There is no other reason for doctors being very highly paid. Its a popular and inteersting career with intrinsic rewards.
” hard won reputation for tolerance ”
I was tolerant till I heard that bit , then I wanted to punch a lobotomised liberal left BBC retarded cretins gob .
It’s interesting to read ObiWan’s take on Italy over on the Mid Week thread. Brexit is vital if we don’t want to end up with similar problems. The Italian economy hasn’t grown since the Euro was created and yet they are having to fund vast numbers of illegal African and other migrants who look quite prosperous on it. Add to this the EUs track record of kicking out Italian governments it doesn’t like and the weak state of Italian banks and you have to pity the poor old Italians. At least they have the weather the history and the food to console them . But seriously how much
longer can this kind of thing go on? What are the prospects for ordinary working class Italians ?
Assuming it takes 2 years to get out of the EU and our
economy stays strong despite the BBCs best efforts to knock confidence , we have net migration of some 600,000 to face before immigration controls are introduced. Then there are the illegals ( who rarely get kicked out) and are not in the stats. If Theresa May backs off repeal of the human rights act not as part of Brexit negotiations but to placate the EU, the asylum seekers will continue to enter the UK much as before and will gain citizenship on bogus claims or if their claims are rejected they will continue to exploit the appeal system or just melt away into the population as illegals . Brexit may be momentous but our problems are far from over. Not that the BBC sees it that way.
Guess what. This morning on the VD show, we had a good looking hijabed woman complaining how awful it was for her, and Muslims in the UK.
Immediately followed by a good looking Muslim woman who not hijabed. The BBC message was clear. Muslims come in all sorts of clothes.
But the message from both these women was just as clear, and Islam supremacist. The first desired that no matter what awful depradations Muslims did while screaming “Allah Ackbar”, we should say nothing.
The second woman was more aggressive, but still in the “victim” mode. She effectively tells the rest of us to get used to Muslims in the UK and Europe, as Muslims are not going back. Neither of them gave even passing sympathy to what Muslims have been doing to Christians in Muslim countries for 1400 years ago. Its not ISIS but the entire Muslim world that is anti-Christian and anti-Jew.
Muslim population in the UK is growing at around 3% per year. That is, it doubles every 23 years. I think we have just two options. There may be others.
1. Ban Islam in the West
2. Defeat Islam
Laurence Auster thought that we couldn’t defeat Islam, so his option was to separate from Islam.
Can we defeat Islam?
The same Islamic supremacy idea in Germany
Google translation
Hasnain Kazim’s son Indo-Pakistani immigrants and was born in 1974 in Oldenburg. He is currently working as SPIEGEL correspondent in Vienna and may not appear particularly the German people. In a tweet he rushed: @IllyrioM @AfD_Bund Get used to it: We are here, are becoming more and occupy Germany for us. Whether you like it or not. The now deleted tweet is still available . Also on Facebook, he shows what he thinks of Germany: The globe is so beautiful. And then comes down and lands you in Magdeburg, Chemnitz or Gera. ? #? Product disappointment? We recommend Kazim possible a lifetime to stay Auslandskorrespondet and staying at nicer places. Germany has him or his ancestors neither invited nor required for anything.
“Can we defeat Islam?”
Depends on what you mean. Can we defeat the religion by getting its practitioners to reform it into something as tolerant as present day British Christianity? I’d say never in a million years.
Can we defeat Muslims? If you mean do we have the ability? I’d say yes, without a doubt.
Do we have the will? An entirely different question. At the moment, no. Too many people who would see our culture disappear rather than support any action which could be regarded as racist, unsophisticated (ie: working class) or populist. That might change, depending on events over the next few years.
Should be interesting times.
The Achilles heel of Islam lies in their war cry in every confrontation – “Allahu Ackbar”.
The question is, do we have the will to show Muslims they are seriously mistaken.
Creeping Sharia: The ISLAMIZATION of the WEST
I think it was interesting to see how aggressive the two Islamic women on the BBC /Demos ‘tweeting’ report were. The first woman tore into the guy sitting in the park next to the interview. I think he’s a hero and should be applauded . She wanted to talk to him about sharia law. I’d love to have heard that conversation.
The second woman was called Deeyah Shah and spoke English with a strange accent. Having caught her name I googled her. Guess what? She’s Norwegian, just like the Russell Square murderer. How privileged we are to have such Norweigans living in our country and telling us either through violence or verbal diatribes how we should accept all the Religion of Peace has to throw at us. Deeyah Shah is, apparently, an outspoken film director besides being Norwegian/ Pakistani. Just the sort of person we want aggressive lectures from.
Thanks for the details. I only caught the BBC Islam missionary broadcasts interview at the backend.
Many of those 17.5 million people have been awakened to the bias of the BBC even my ‘Brexit’ mother a middle class retired professional ‘Times’ reader can see just how biased the media are about Brexit. The BBC just don’t get it, they can carry on as far as I’m concerned, as for the ‘remainers’ who lap up BBC bile…. who cares they lost. Ha!