Interesting how the BBC completely ignored Owen Smith saying he would negotiate with ISIS…Derbyshire just swept on despite the remarkable statement and the BBC made no mention of it in its news bulletin summarys of the interview until the Tories started to attack Smith. Corbyn dodged the question by saying he wouldn’t hold talks….openly…suggesting he would have a cosy chat with what will no doubt be his ‘friends’ in ISIS behind closed doors…just not sure what they will negotiate.
The Today programme this morning (0840) seemed to be promoting the idea of talks…this is the BBC that thinks people like Anjem Choudary are the next Nelson Mandelas and who went to a lot of effort to give the killers of the IRA a voice, that thought it was time to talk to the Taliban and who excuse Muslim terrorists by saying they didn’t have a job, or were a bit stressed or suffered discrimination and disenfranchisement…as so many are from well-to-do families and/or are students hard to see the discrimination and disenfranchisement.
Just listen to the complete waffle from David Harland from the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue on the programme. He doesn’t have a clue what he will negotiate with ISIS for….at most it seems for a cessation of violence. The BBC’s Lyse Doucet thinks talking with such groups about local ceasefires and to get hostages freed is some sort of equivalent but that’s hardly the geo-political negotiations that Owen Smith means.
Smith backtracked a bit and tries to suggest he’d only talk once ISIS renounces violence…and then what? What do you negiotiate? Is Smith going to let them keep the land they have captured and we’ll all just forget how that happened? What will Iraq and Syria have to say about Smith handing over their land?
The BBC covering a potential Labour leader’s, and ex-BBC man’s, backside?
You don’t negotiate with vile Isis scum. You wipe them from the face of the planet. The far left are disgusting traitors.
The only thing to negotiate is their immediate, unconditional surrender. If not, they shall be ‘wiped off the face of the planet.
In a way this is a distraction from the absolute total mess labour are in. In fact you have to actually think about the reality of where labour is right now as the BBC has been very clever in my opinion in making it a leadership contest only, to grasp the situation.
Labour now has to split, Ed Milliband is the culprit in allowing a £3.50 vote to all and sundry and the sundry were the trot’s.
Labour has lost it’s core white working class vote and the white working class won’t return, therefore labour is doomed to be split in two, and both factions will inevitably be at war with one another which will place them on the fringes of politics for perpetuity.
Lovely Jubbly!
Trump and Putin will have a solution, and it won’t be a chat over a cup of tea and a digestive.
Bin Laden was quite right when he said that the strong black horse of islam is to be be preferred to the weak white one of the flabby, decadent and supine west.
But compared to the rotting dead nag of the BBC and its Labour showpony ponces-that weak white horse was Champion in hindsight.
Flea-bitten brown nag of many colours, bred from The Reds and the Greens-halal compliant.
I myself was on the Isle of Dogs the other day, musing about Tommy Steele and his Little White Bull.
Bin Ladens pals can talk bull-but can`t bullfight like we can.
Only need to offer them the BBC picadors and they`ll be happy with the horsemeat…
I have never known such a cowardly, spineless, braindead statement being made in the history of mankind. Owen Smith is a complete moron at best, or a delusional psychopath at worst.
Let’s look at some facts…
1: What would they discuss??
IS has been created because they must create an Islamic Caliphate… An Islamic caliphate that is a cornerstone of Islam. To give up on a caliphate is to give up on the pleasing Allah! To give up on doing what all Muslims are mandated to do and submit to the complete instruction of Allah!! And for who?!! Some ballsack delusionist, who Muslims know is in favour of everything that goes against Islam??
2: Moron Smith then says that he will not talk to them unless they renounce violence… A violence that has been authorised by the highest possible authority to Muslims… Allah himself!!
So what could a perfect Muslim who has taken up Jihad to protect Islam and ensure Allahs instruction is being carried out, be given as an incentive to give up on an eternity in paradise and unlimited infidel sex slaves……… Erm…….jobs?… Democracy?….. Erm….. I’m trying to think of something that isn’t un-islamic…….
……..I honestly cannot think of anything else those living in Islamic state want, other than living in Islamic state…. Which means that Islamic state has to keep all of its land, and all of its Islamic practices…… Which of course means the violence…….. Which means we’re going around again!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!! Allahu Akbar!!!!
Owen Smith! Just when I thought I had witnessed the absolute depths that humanity could fall… Along came you. There is no word in the English language to describe how braindead you are
Owen Smith, trained by the BBC, wants to appease ISIL. What a surprise!
As an aside, I keep retired racing greyhounds – very friendly, sociable dogs.
For some reason the Ropers seem to be moving faster (away) when I have them with me.
Tothepoint you appear to have understood what a lot of people don’t-those that follow the teachings of Islam have no allegiance to this country or any other, such an ideology would never allow it, furthermore their aim is to destroy Western civilisation and has been so for 1000 yrs- the late Sir Winston Churchill gave his assement of the Muslim expropriation/onslaughtover 100 yrs ago & it still holds firm today. London a city with a\ Muslim Mayor, what does that tell us all? That Islam’s plan is on target & with around 1.6 billion Muslims in the world & approx 53 million residing in Europe, they are on track for their eventual plan to destroy the West. The trouble in the Middle East in no new matter, & now is being deliberately used to weaken Europe & to some degree the USA, although their secret services have been very active behind the scenes in stirring up trouble. As for this struggle within the Labour party, well as you have said, Not just one braindead but in my book two braindead’s- the second one is however far more dangerous in respect to his Eastern block thinking.
Perhaps the bBBC would like to explain to us why they think we should have been prepared to continue negotiations with Hitler in 1939 instead of declaring war. After all the behavior of ISIS is much the same as that of the Nazis. The only difference is the scale but, given time, I’m sure ISIS can rectify that situation, especially if we bury our heads and pretend that being nice and chatting nicely with them will stop them spreading their vile activities as far as they can whilst slaughtering infidels in ever increasing numbers.
Victoria Derbyshire needs to be taken off the airwaves. She seriously fails to tackle leftist views but is quite adept at challenging those on the right.