We should reject and denounce this behaviour with “extreme prejudice ” People need to understand that if you behave in this manner you will have a high price to pay.
As the lefty think tank Demos sanctimoniously denounces Britain as ‘racist’ and Islamophobic the only comment on its page is this….note the threat to use ‘extreme prejudice’ extracting a high price from the West…that’s a threat to use violence….’terminate with extreme prejudice’ is a well known phrase meaning ‘kill’. A racist and anti-Western Muslim raging against the UK where he has been safely harboured for 50 years and still doesn’t want to be part of society…in fact wants to be completely separate…where is the Demos report on such feelings in the Muslim community?
1 Comment
British society and schooling is the home of institutional racism. Native teachers are chicken racists. This is one of the main reason why Muslim community has been demanding state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. Muslim children must develop their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities before they are exposed to wider world, otherwise, they would be lost in western Jungle.
Muslim Community has been a victim of Paki-bashing in the past and now it is a victim of Islamophobia. The Tsunami of Islamophobia is a blessing in disguise. The greatest Urdu/Persian poet of Pakistan, after studying in Cambridge and Germany said that the Tsunami of the west made him a Muslim. I know a couple of Muslim ladies who never covered themselves in Pakistan but their daughters born and educated in the west, not only wear hijab but Niqab also. This is the fruit of Islamophobia suffered by these girls in state schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. It is a fact that British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist.
For too long we have put our heads down. I will no longer be a victim. Its not a question of behaving like her…Its a point of meeting this kind of behaviour “head on”, we should reject and denounce this behaviour with “extreme prejudice ” People need to understand that if you behave in this manner you will have a high price to pay. Making excuses or seeking the high moral position might make you feel superior or above this base behaviour but what does your position do to stop it ?If I am abused in this manner I would have a response that would impact the aggressor in a physical or extremely verbal manner. My children are taught to respect “everyone ” to make a positive contribution to society BUT if someone attacks them verbally or physically they should “deal” with it so as to ensure it does not happen again to them or others. I have been in London for the last 50 years and still this problem exists. Obviously the “namby pamby,softly softly approach has failed.Time for something else ???
Multiculturalism is not about integration but about cultural plurality. It is not about separation but about respect and the deepening awareness of Unity in Diversity. Each culture will maintain its own intrinsic value and at the same time would be expected to contribute to the benefit of the whole society. Multiculturalism can accommodate diversity of all kinds – cultural, philosophical and religious – so that we can create a world without conflict and strife. Britain can assume the role of accommodation and concern for all peoples, for our planet and indeed for our survival. Multi-Culturalism is even more important and crucial after 9/11 and 7/7. Muslim youths are also likely to feel alienated by a focus on shared Brutishness, rather than multicultural diversity. Rather than promoting a single British “us” teaching should acknowledge that “us” can be diverse and plural. Children should be encouraged to explore differences in appearance, history and religion to reduce social and educational fears.
I find this man’s comments incredibly offensive on so many levels. My step mother is a teacher at an inner London state school who constantly sticks up for refugee children, majority of them muslim, has paid for their lunch on several occasions and even bought one girl a pair of shoes because she didn’t have any to wear and would have been sent home. To have her described as a chicken racist is vile. Furthermore I’m not sure if this is just my interpretation but this looks very much to me like someone inciting violence (3rd paragraph).
Don’t have to go far to bring this one in line with the ethos of the site, who would give a platform to this xenophobic, ungrateful and dangerous man?… You guessed it.
Oh and if you haven’t been suitably offended thus far, do have a read of some more of this man’s work:
Where on earth does this victimhood ideology spring from? Will someone please tell me as it is literally driving me insane?
Brutal “Where on earth does this victimhood ideology spring from?”
A bonkers religion followed by bonkers people, aided and abetted by Lefties whose agenda it serves. Simples.
That BBC editorial integrity again, and again, and…
“Everyone is equal,” according to the multiculturalists.
So how come some people, and some groups, succeed, while others fail?
The answer — the only possible answer, in multicult world — is that the ones who succeed must have cheated and exploited those who have failed.
The world is therefore forever divided into two camps — the Oppressors and the Victims, and the only qualification you need to anoint yourself as a Victim is the fact you are a failure.
It’s much easier to blame and vilify others for your failure, and doing so has become a staple of multicultural discourse.
Victimhood ideology is simply a way to avoid having to take responsibility for your own failures.
It is, of course, absurd to claim that the British are racist when these days even the faintest hint of racism will have the alleged perpetrator descended upon by an army of politically-correct idiots who will ensure that he/she is ostracised, thrown in jail or worse. It’s a defence mechanism employed by the agenda-driven left, who cannot face the damaging consequences of the implementation of their failed ideology and so will do anything to distract attention from them.
This Iftikhar creature is using the same old propagandist crap from the East that has been so effective in making Westerners apologise for their very existence. The Arabs have been using this tactic since the birth of Israel: jump up and down and make such noise about imagined grievances that well-meaning but gullible Westerners will take them to be real.
Now if a guy can be chucked in jail simply for quoting Churchill in public then surely this Iftikhar agitator deserves at least twice the time behind bars for his veiled call for violence against the society that trusted him enough to take him in and nurture him.
Britain is crying out for people in authority with the old-fashioned guts to do what is needed to combat the murderous cult of Islam. it seems to me that the jailing of Choudary is a small step in the right direction.
Iftikar does us all a favour by showing us the usually unspoken aim of the strand of Islam for which he speaks.
Sarajevo, Kosovo, Bosnia were “culturally plural” until the 90s, Syria was “culturally plural” until “the Arab spring”, Alexandria in the 30s was “culturally plural”, Smyrna was “culturally plural” until the 1920s, British India was “culturally plural” until partition.
Anyone spotted the pattern, the outcomes and the single common denominator?
Don`t let this happen to the U.K.
The simple unavoidable truth is that the anti British sentiment of Muslims is a recent phenomena. I am old enough ( just ! ) to remember the first generation of notable mass immigration from India and Pakistan. They integrated relatively well in their corner shops and restaurants. There off spring are the ones who are changing not us.
This country considering it’s an Island is incredibly tolerant, Muslims are far more safe amongst English people than English people are amongst Muslims… as 1400 English girls will assuredly confirm.
And more safe than Muslims among Muslims .
Jerry Owen, those early migrants had been socialised by exposure to a Britain of serious people who had built an Empire, fought wars and campaigns to defend their interests and were self confident in their cultural identity of loyalty to God, King and Empire.
Some of those early migrants had served or were from families that had served the British Crown with great loyalty and distinction, they maintained their own culture but…to put it bluntly….knew who was boss when the chips were down.
Fast forward to the soft, wet, apologetic, cringing, hollowed out, anything for a deal, new Brits of TV addiction, Pokemon go obsessing, virtue signalling and political correctness…..respecting foreign cultures before our own, handing out the race card to disadvantage ourselves, the legal punishments for those insufficiently respectful of Islam, retreating from Iraq and Afghanistan without victory, reducing the armed forces…..warning them not to wear their uniforms in public…..calling the national flag…..”offensive”, the Christian faith “outdated”……..reducing the Crown to a mockery of its former status.
Whilst the Saudi funded Deobandis and Wahabbis clamour that tomorrow belongs to them……
That’s how the young Muslims are being socialised in the UK…..
See the difference?
As Mao said, if you push in the bayonet and find bone, then retreat, if you find mush, then advance. There is a lot of mush in the political elite of Britain, and damned little spine.
Progressivism is driven by hatred of white Western values. The irony is that it also damages minorities by treating them like infants and not expecting them to abide by the same values as the rest of us, giving some of them unrealistic and unjustified senses of entitlement which in turn leads to abuse directed at everyone who looks like them but doesnt necessarily think like them. This is precisely why Trump is starting to win with blacks and Latinos and recent migrants, he knows to inspire them rather than pander to their prejudices.
This man Iftikhar Ahmad is an unashamed Islamic bigot. No wonder we have problems. I also wish he would write better English by learning to use THE definite article.
Islamaphobia In schools is the cause of Muslims becoming more radical in their beliefs. hmmmm .Where I live 98 percent of pupils in the local girls comprehensive are Muslim.Most wear robes and scarves. I cannot believe most made the choice to dress like that without some indoctrination from family.They dominate all the schools in the borough now.
When my kids were small their Muslim school friends were never allowed to come to our house or attend any events out of school. their parents wouldnt allow it. Im afraid many dont want to mix ,but its easier to blame the host inhabitants for racism and Islamaphobia rather than admit your culture and religion is backward looking and oppressive.
What do you know from the bBC in 2007
Muslim pupils need Muslim teachers’
The furore in Sudan over ‘Muhammad’ teddy teacher Gillian Gibbons raises questions in some people’s minds about both the wisdom and the suitability of Christian teachers educating Muslim children……Iftikhar Ahmad, of the London School of Islamics, an educational trust, campaigns for state-funded Muslim schools because he believes that “Muslim children need Muslim teachers.” “It is the duty of the teacher to guide young children but a non-Muslim teacher is not in a position to provide any kind of Islamic guidance to very young children,” he told the BBC News website. “Education from the age of three to 15 is during a very important development period and they need role models.”There should be a positive correlation between school and home life. But for Muslim children it is not a positive correlation.For example, we teach our children that pigs and dogs are unclean animals, but the English love dogs and eat bacon and are going to teach them that.”
Mr Ahmad, 68, who came to the UK from Pakistan in 1967, claims Mrs Gibbons was wrong to let her charges name the bear. “She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but if she was Muslim she would not have allowed the children to name the teddy bear. How many schools in England give a teddy bear the name Jesus?
And here he is 5 years before writing for the Guardian
l’The needs of Muslim children can be met only through Muslim schools’
Londoner Iftikhar Ahmad explains why he has long campaigned for Muslim-majority state schools to be turned over to Muslim organisations to run British schools are not doing enough to tackle racism and promote race relations. Many teachers are unaware of racist attitudes amongst pupils. Schools have a responsibility not only to deal with racist incidents but also to prepare pupils for life in a multicultural and multiracial society. Children from minority groups, especially the Muslims, are exposed to the pressure of racism, multiculturalism and bullying. They suffer academically, culturally and linguistically: a high proportion of children of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin are leaving British schools with low grades or no qualification.
I don’t think its the Muslim kids who are suffering . White and black kids are on the receiving end of the Muslim clan mentality being excluded and isolated from their world.
When one of my sons went to sixth form college ,he had to give up because he was the only white and non Muslim pupil. This wouldnt have bothered him if the other pupils had not excluded him ,and he is an outgoing friendly guy.Im talking about 18 years ago so its nothing new.They made no attempt to make friends on any level.
No doubt Iftkar Ahmed would say my son is Islamaphobic.
This was in Newham.No wonder people left in droves.
Bet the Grauniad lapped it up, oh more, more, keep telling us how racist we (they) are it makes us feel so superior.
“Muslim children need Muslim teachers.” In that case do white indigenous British children need white indigenous British teachers?
Not many non muslim parents name their child Jesus whereas “one or two” (or is that one in two) muslim parents name one of their male offspring “Muhammad” (or variation there of) and it would be surprising if those that are not so named did not have a friend or relation of that name.
Iftikhar Ahmad has been posting this same junk at all anti-Islam sites for over 5 years. Like all Muslims, they love living in Christian countries, and demanding Islamic practices be implemented straight away.
NCBBC – You ain’t seen nothing yet, just wait till they’re a majority, or sizeable minority.
“Muslim children must develop their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities before they are exposed to wider world, otherwise, they would be lost in western Jungle.”
In other words; naïve and malleable minds must be indoctrinated by Islam before they discover the joys of the modern world and secular free-thinking, and before they discover the freedoms that exist outside their self-imposed religious prison.
“Multiculturalism is not about integration but about cultural plurality.”
Well, good luck with that! It’ll never happen in any peaceful way unless we have a form of cultural apartheid. From what he has said, it is obvious that Iftikhar Ahmad believes that Muslims are superior to all non-Muslims otherwise why would he refer to the “western Jungle”? Of course, believing one’s own religion is the only true religion is not confined to Muslims, and that’s where the problems start – looking down your nose at someone of a different religion causes conflicts, because they are doing the same thing back at you! Then it becomes a war of pride.
However, there is something very different about Christians that should be noted by everyone of all faiths (and none, such as myself) – Christians do not wear their religion. Christians do not wear a religious uniform. Christians do not oppose individuality and the expression of such. And Christians are (for the most part) secular, and that deserves kudos over those religions that impose any kind of dress code or rules that excludes its members from some, or all, aspects of social interaction and/or inclusion.
There are many countries that Iftikhar Ahmad could move to that already have his idea of a perfect society in place. But he isn’t that stupid!
Some Christians do “wear their religion” outwardly…..crosses, badges, monks and nuns wear recognisable clothes, priests their collars. There is nothing wrong in this.
What is different is that these outfits generally are conferred after a period of education and/or the gaining of qualifications.
They signify religious status…..hence the seriousness of offences that lead to “defrocking”.
The differences between the faiths of Christianity and Islam are deep and profound, and are currently downplayed in the interest of peaceful coexistence, a tactic that is producing mixed results around the world.
Islam will not be reduced in influence by secularism…..indeed it seems to be thriving in such environments.
The Christian Faith needs to fearlessly and peacefully promote its teachings and challenge those of Islam.
Secularists need to discard the liberal comfort blanket that all religion is the same, and should all be treated equally. It is this fallacy that is fuelling islamisation in the west.
“Islam will not be reduced in influence by secularism…..indeed it seems to be thriving in such environments.”
I think that’s more to do with political correctness than secularism. And I don’t agree that secularists regard all religions as the same as many religious people are secularists too. Secularism isn’t about removing religion from society – just politics.
Fair point Edward. But consider this…..does “secularism” have to be qualified in some way?
Here are some “secular” societies….the USA, France, Syria (the civil war is about its remaining secular) Turkey.
They are all different, all have a greater or lesser tolerance for the religious culture from which they sprang. All are troubled by dealing with Islam, a religion and politics that simply does not recognise any notion of “secularism”.
That’s the problem you see, Islam is a religion and a political project….it uses secularism, whilst not recognising it as a serious proposition.
A few rhetorical questions:
1, Why has this vile racist and liar not been arrested yet?
2. Alternatively, why hasn’t he been deported?
3. Why hasn’t he left and gone to a country that shares his evil, bigoted views?
1. Wrong sort of racism.
2. Yuman rights.
3. He’s not stupid, in which Islamic hell-hole would he be half so well looked after as the UK?
I totally agree Peter, the questions were purely rhetorical. However, it would be interesting if one of our regular BBC-employed visitors (BEVs for short) would try to answer them.
the questions were purely rhetorical – I know, I just couldn’t resist.
Why does the government not control the left wing bbc media.Why do we have to listen to extreme muslim views at all.Why when ordinary people are murdered,maimed,raped in the name of islam the bbc feels the need to cover it up.Why are the government letting this happen.Why are so many eu citizens burying their heads in the sand.Deluded liberals.
Why they want to live in an Islamic State is beyond me. The strange thing is that very few of them convert. They are mentally ill.
ALL religion-based schooling should be banned. I don’t care which religion it is, you only have to look at Northern Ireland where chaos is fomented by schools teaching that one Christian sect is better than another even among an otherwise indistinguishable population to know that all religions are bad news. A look at the history books used in such schools is informative, one lot talk of “Good Queen Bess”, while the Catholics talk of “Black Bess the Bad” when referring to Queen Elizabeth the First. They all promote the idea that their particular minority are the sole possessors of the Truth, and from there it is a small step to a duty to convert everone else, and hence to hatred of those who refuse to change.
While I have some sympathy with this view (all religions are bad) I think we shouldn’t get side-tracked down the usual ‘all religions are the same – none are any better than the others’ cul-de-sac.
My own view is that most religions are fairly harmless, with some good and some bad being done in their name. Most people who believe in the faiths generally benefit from them and probably society as a whole has a net gain from the followers.
However, it is entirely wrong to talk of Islam as if it is just like any other religion. Islam is a mainly violent and hate-filled ideology that has elements of religion embedded within it. It has had an almost entirely negative effect on humanity historically and this proud legacy continues to this day. No-one who follows Islam correctly can integrate into a civilised culture – or ever wish too. Islam stands alone in this respect.
How long before the west has another ‘enlightenment’ when it realises that Islam should not be treated like other religions?
So prosecuting people for witchcraft in the UK less than a century ago, and the law against blasphemy (christian only) surviving in the UK until less than 10 years ago (and still a statute in Northern Ireland) tells you that these people who rely on “an invisible friend in the sky” to tell them what to do ARE DANGEROUS, no matter which flavour of god(s) they support.
Some are more dangerous than others.
Well I don’t particularly want to argue that there are no problems with religion and people of faith, clearly there are, and have been.
However, it is my observation that most followers of non-Islamic religion are harmless and offer no threat to society at large. Many of them will do good things because of their beliefs, and many of them will get personal satisfaction from their beliefs. Whether you share their beliefs or not it has little impact on anyone else. Our western culture has developed based upon basically a Christian background, so it clearly cannot be all bad.
So prosecuting people for witchcraft in the UK less than a century ago, and the law against blasphemy (christian only) surviving in the UK until less than 10 years ago…
Do you have examples of prosecutions and the sentences handed down?
This kind of moral relativism does not deflect from the illiberal and sometimes medieval practices that are the here and now for the UK and which are taking us backwards with every concession the authorities make and every blind eye that they turn (and there have been a helluva lot) There’s the difference.
“ALL religion-based schooling should be banned.”
I’m an atheist but I don’t agree. I don’t see why we should ban all of it because we don’t have the courage and honesty to single out the one that is causing the trouble. Let’s face it, Muslim violence is the only reason why there has been a recent increase in demands for such a ban.
Problems in NI (and, to a lesser extent, Liverpool and Glasgow) have been partly due to tribal affiliations and racketeering. They seem to be in decline but, in any case, I doubt if banning religion based education would put an and to these old loyalties. We also need to discriminate between home grown problems and alien imported ones. Unfashionable talk, but I don’t care.
Until we put the blame where it belongs, we won’t find a way out of this, IMO.
With all due respect charmbrights-it`s the absence and the hounding out of religion that has led us to this sticky impasse.
Christianity has been systematically been removed from public discourse and education now since the 60`s.
If you see the video clip above by David Wood and his “Three Stages of islam”-you`ll see that he is backed biblically…he knows the historical sweep of how things have got to here, and his book(and mine) is accessible like never before.
But generations now no longer have the culture or the language…and it`s all too clear now that an absence of discernment, of reason, of roots and of the Judeo-Christian culture that we were born into is “reaping the whirlwind”.
A Jewish phrase there you see!
I`ll not give you “chapter and verse” on all this…but do wonder why the luvvies have defended the place of Shakespeare far better than the Church have with their Bible…
And-when you have the habit of theological debate-Islam is a pussycat that thinks it`s a tiger…and , in comparison with the dumbstruck, illiterate and incontinent west(with no redress when Islam comes calling )…it DOES seem to be a tiger.
So no-we need FAR more religion,but not as you`d know it…I call it “religion by stealth”…and deals with the likes of Bowie, Prince and Brexit…it shows Islamic telly worldwide and the coming storms…and kids are far more open to it than their thick adults who play Lennon at assemblies, whose parents(well, significant uncle that month) can only quail at what the Bible says about those who waste their children, who sacrifice their kids for vanity or drugs etc.
No wonder they won`t read it all…but at least they know it`s documented, and are “without excuse”…to quote Paul in the letter to the Romans…read Chapter 1 and 2, then say that`s not what we`re living in today
Mr Ahmad’s whining tract is shot through with a sense of preferential entitlement so monumental that the whole shebang reduces straight away to caricature. Which I must admit is what I thought it was to begin with. Only on second reading did it click that this ludicrously self-righteous clown imagines he’s airing a genuine grievance. One that it seems hinges on the ”racism” inherent in most Britons’ reluctance to welcome unreservedly every last, barbarous nonsense to which his repulsive, mediaeval religion subscribes. This ”racism” is, of course, ”unacceptable” in a ”multicultural” society and so, furnished as ever with that most right-on of spuriously conjured non-justifications, off sets our hero on his little polemical haj to set us all to rights…
”British society and schooling is the home of institutional racism. Native teachers are chicken racists. This is one of the main reason why Muslim community has been demanding state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. Muslim children must develop their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities before they are exposed to wider world, otherwise, they would be lost in western Jungle.”
…after which he may as well have stopped. That’s the totality of his case anyway and all that follows, just a sort of supplementary, p.c. buzzword-rich rant. One full of wholly imagined substantiation of an argument that when all the ideological goo and dribble is pared off, reduces in essence to
”It’s an explicit Muslim right to settle anywhere we want and do anything we think our faith requires without any need to observe or even respect local values or laws. ‘Obligations’ are what you have to accept our peerless religious injunctions; we have none whatsoever with respect to you or your odious civilisation.”
So, oh dear. I regret Mr Ahmad needs to be put straight on a few points here and as the chance of the BBC or The Guardian ever doing the job are zip, I’d better have a bash myself. Mercifully it’s not a rigorous rebuttal and can be summed up in three simple points.
1) The ”salad bowl multiculturalism” so beloved of the stupid left is an unworkable nonsense in and of itself and besides that, ”multiculturalism” in any shape or form is a totally monocultural nonsense in any case. A Western one to be precise, because only in Western societies is ”multiculturalism” ever advocated. Even so, in light of experience fewer and fewer people in Western societies subscribe to the idea today. While most of the minority who still do pay it lip-service, are confusing ”multicultural” with ”multiethnic” and/or ”multiracial”. Actually distinct concepts and ones with which few people have any trouble. Just as they have no trouble distinguishing between what idiotic politicised labels like ”Islamophobia” are used to misrepresent and real instances of real prejudice. Accordingly, as your own provocations make such distinctions evermore clear, Mr Ahmad, you should not rely for much longer on that argument. You see, your ”right” to live a culturally Islamic lifestyle here is not absolute, as you seem to think. Rather, it is conditional in every specific case, on usage and observances’ compatibility with the fundamental common values espoused by THIS society; not whatever one you may prefer.
2) That brings us to the nature of those values themselves. Alas once more for your aspirations, here they derive from indigenous British culture and traditions that two centuries ago passed through an ”age of enlightenment” filter. The upshot today being an essentially secular, non-sectarian ethos. One that while it has the effect of upholding ‘group’ rights on an egalitarian basis, does so in accordance with concepts of individual liberty and under the rule of a single system of Common Law jurisprudence, applicable to all. So faith schools, while acceptable in accordance with an individual’s right to determine that his/her children will be educated in a particular religious tradition and thus free to teach sectarian religious doctrine, nevertheless remain subject to oversight. The aim is to ensure those fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty, which require mutual respect or at least tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, are not undermined. That too applies to all such establishments equally, even Muslim ones. Although given the mewling propagandising of the anti-democratic left, whose language you seem to adopt so readily, I accept you may be confused on that point. Let me sum up then by disabusing you of any lingering impression of Muslim exceptionalism you might still be arrogant or imbecilic enough to entertain.
3) Because you see, Mr Ahmad, despite appearances, these core values I outlined above and the ethos that informs them are completely non-negotiable. So when you misinterpret this society’s upholding of freedoms as weakness and decadence, you are making a grave mistake. The fact that you benefit from this yourself and can write the sort of weasel-worded piffle reproduced above does not in any way imply that anyone else must accept it as valid or treat it with even a modicum of respect. And if you find that ”offensive”, well tough titty. In a free society like this one you’ve no right to never be offended and squeak and squeal as much as you will, no one else is thereby obliged to concede one damn thing to you. Or even to care at all about your poor hurt feelings. Let alone the ”sacred” commandments of your particular imaginary majick sky pixie.
In short, it’s up to Islam, and Muslims, to adapt to this country and its social and legal requirements, not the converse. Anyone who finds that ”unacceptable” can use the nearest airport.
Excellent post Squire!
PS Until Islam itself can sort its problems out & go through its own Enlightenment I will consider it incompatible in European society.
The West cannot impose change on them because Muslims will always bleat oppression. It’s their own business & our problem. Trouble is there is absolutely no appetite amongst Muslins to live in a modern world considering themselves equals (they consider themselves superior). It all bodes massive bloodshed in not too many decades time. I fear for young people.
Yep, that’s the nub. Islam in the West, like Christianity before it needs to be dragged kicking away from forced conversions, inquisitions, heresy trials and witch-burnings. Not just as active minority pursuits but also as passively accepted norms it’s somehow of questionable faith to dispute or condemn. Until and unless Islam can do that, it will remain fundamentally incompatible with Western values.
Where I dispute what you say is with regard to our inability to impose such change. I do accept that for several reasons we got off to a very bad start, but that is remediable.
The worst aspect has, of course been the left’s success over several decades in managing to impose instead its own double standards and absurd ”racism” meme on a basically fair-minded populace unwilling to be seen as prejudiced. A secondary impact being the adoption of the left’s hyperbolically asserted ”persecuted minority” status by many Moslem and other BME groups themselves. After all, if you preach continually to anyone that they’re always the victim and nothing bad that happens to them is ever their own fault, that they have rights while others have obligations to see those rights are upheld, then what else can be expected? Of course there’s no appetite for an equal modernity among a majority of Muslims now. Why should there be so long as they imagine automatic preferential entitlement is on offer instead?
That is what needs to change and is now beginning discernibly to do so. And just in time too, if the massive bloodshed you mention is to be avoided.
“Where I dispute what you say is with regard to our inability to impose such change. I do accept that for several reasons we got off to a very bad start, but that is remediable.”
Agree entirely. We lack the will, not the means.
Hear hear. I honestly believe some on the Left think that a kind of ‘westernised’ version of Islam will emerge from this great multiculti experiment which will then act as a beacon of tolerance and understanding which the rest of the Muslim world will follow. The BBC version of this is to constantly promote the likes of Mo Farah and their Bake Off winner as the ‘real’ faces of The Religion of Peace.
Then there are those that see it as the quickest way to destroy the Western culture they despise, giving little thought to what then happens afterwards.
In both cases we will have to fight these delusional morons – especially the BBC – to preserve our freedoms, values and democracy.
The fish rots from the head down…as is western culture at present.
This is not us by the way-the good people of this country refused to die by liberal lethal injection on June 23rd last.
But our public face, our spokesrebels at the BBC think otherwise.
Just baled out after 10 minutes of More Or Less.
Which would surely have been set up to give us statistics and facts that would be above the rentagob ignorance( or jahiliyya as Mishal might call it) that is prevalent in all other BBC outlets.
For this More or Less would have had OU links and been made at leisure with full access to facts and modelling along mathematical lines, with due respect to caveats, limiting factors as well as the scientific methods with the old aadages to be noted (correlation is NOT causation for example).
But no- when NewsBeat and BBC Monitoring alongside a pollyanna social scientist like Stephen Pinker are your references-it`s only rock and roll, garbage in and out lint in aunties bellybottom to stuff its ears, place in our eye sockets once Islam is done with us .
The topic was terrorist trends in 2016…and I won`t even bore you with the techniques from a Yank at Oxford Poly, Pinker and BBC contributors to tell us that we`re fussing over nothing really…but these people seem not to want to tell us any truths whatsoever.
As we step over Jacques Hamel, can`t be sure if our Strasbourg rabbi today was a victim of terrorism or mental health cuts…and if we see Brussels as transport gone wrong…then we find that the M-word is YET again-ignored…so well done Beeb.
These cretins think that Basque separatists, IRA atrocities can be compared now to what Islam is doing…so why are we fussing, seeing that Baader Meinhof are merely a coffee table talk nowadays at the BBC?
And other car drivers will kill us more than Anjems mates…so should we file Lee Rigbys murder as a car accident adjunct?…Nice as a Summer Holiday escapade gone wrong because Cliff no longer felt like singing?
They also cite quasi Europe like Turkey , Russian caucuses as well as other peoples like Syrians , Nigerians as “distorting the true figures” in effect-and AGAIN, not giving us the link between these countries, their faith systems…
Still….if we see it as exercises in wishful thinking, denial, and intrapolations from their hoped for message back to cherry picked selection boxes of pillow biting soft centred fruits and fantasists…then we could yet see another pathological survey into how groupthink leads to Milgram or Al Baghdadi….or Surly Crabtree as we used to call him.
Just give up on them-they are deluded shallow surfers with Islams wave to hit them soon…just steer clear and watch it roll in.
“Obviously the “namby pamby,softly softly approach has failed.Time for something else ???”
Is he threatening us, when are we going to respond?
multi-culture in 2010 ?
Where did she go wrong ? Why did she change her mind ?