The BBC is blitzing us with ‘Islamophobia’ today in the wake of a Demos report on what it says is a wave of Islamophobia on Twitter.…but the Tweets were from across the world not just in the UK. And you have to ask what is Islamophobia in Demos’s and the BBC’s eyes? You may get an idea from this report today:
BBC Islamophobia discussion interrupted by Islamophobia
An interview by BBC reporter Catrin Nye on Islamophobia has been interrupted by Islamophobia.
Hmmm….that’s not ‘Islamophobic’ is it? It’s a statement that says ‘Paul’ doesn’t want Sharia law in the UK. A perfectly legitimate stance….Sharia law is an unpleasant, backward and oppressive, racist ideology that itself spreads hate and division….why would any right thinking person not raise issue with it?
If the BBC had been interviewing a Far Right person and someone had shouted ‘No Fascism’ here they would have been cheered to the rafters on Twitter and in the Guardian.
As for ‘Islamophobia’ on Twitter…even Demos admits this was in the wake of the Nice attack where a Muslim, in the name of Islam, killed 84 people…many of them children.
Demos and the BBC are unable to explain why this is a problem of any real and genuine note….a few thousand tweets from around the world that are, on Demos’ definition, ‘Islamophobic, in the wake of mass killings by Muslims who deliberately target Westerners asdn seek to undermine Western society hardly seems a surprise nor a threat to world peace…on the other hand a mass Islamic movement that is trying to impose islam upon everyone and is persecuting, killing and attacking Christians and anyone who criticises Islam around the world might just be considered a threat…if you don’t work for the BBC.
The BBC seems to think the problem is the people who are under attack by the Muslim supremacists…and note the supremacists are not just the terrorists but also those who use the media, the law and political blackmail to press for more Islam.
This campaign on Islamophobia is such a case…it is intended to make out that Muslims are under attack, under siege and this is intended to pressure politicians to silence critics of Islam and also to sideline the anti-terror policies of the government such as Prevent.
Look at the Twitter feed of the interviewee…how pleased she is to have the BBC front this campaign against ‘Islamophobia’….
#Islamophobia trending this morning – as BBC reports our research on its scale on social media
Where would we be without the BBC promoting the Islamist cause?
As for the interviewee and her brave battle against islamophobia? Not so long ago she herself was critical of Muslims who obeyed Sharia….and you have to ask why she is now a practising Muslim in a Hijab? Just what changed, who spoke to her, what persuaded her to become more devout? That would be the really interesting question instead of the BBC peddling Muslim propaganda.
Hypocrite and now Muslim political activist?
I remember judging hijabis so much before I ever wore it :/
Isn’t that weird? I was a non-practising Muslim judging the way other Muslims practiced
Ahh look…she explains her reason for wearing the Hijab, but not why she is more devout…she doesn’t want men looking at her in a sexual manner….
Why I love wearing hijab
By practicing hijab and covering some of the most traditionally attractive parts of a woman, the hair and body, I feel so much more in control. I no longer feel like an object ready for public consumption. While I still take pride in my appearance and will always love my makeup and dressing up from time to time, I feel that I can remove some of my sexuality from the public sphere which forces men to value me simply for my character. Truth be told, it can be daunting at times to be valued only for one’s character. Sometimes, on a bad day, I might worry that I don’t have enough to offer the world without being perceived as a “hot girl” too. But I have never felt more free.
Which is why she spends so much time slapping on the make-up and dressing up to catch the eye for her interviews and photo-shoots:
‘As a Muslim’ she has no interest in being ‘cute’ for the boys….
But anyway catch me being cute and professional on the news tomo. Sorry in advance I CBA to pluck my eyebrows
Pretty little liars makes me anxious I’m not sure if I enjoy watching it
Pretty little liars. Indeed.
Was good to read a report from a Scandinavian policeman finally bucking the establishment narrative and saying that xenophobia, in the wake of such massive social upheaval and crime from Islamic migrants (which the likes of George Soros wants to keep out of the news) is not only rational but highly justified. It’s not ‘hate’ any more than arachnophobia is a ‘hate’ of spiders. Besides which, a phobia is an irrational fear. The fact that liberals think it’s irrational to fear a belief system that demands outsiders are treated as second class says it all for how delusional they truly are.
So aclaimed ‘heroine nurse” Pauline Cafferkey was actually a wickd lying nurse!
Credit to the BBC for at least reporting this story though I am sure thy will pass over it as swiftly as possible!
Strike her off NMC! She put hundreds of passengers at risk to save her own skin!
This should be national news!
Not just the passengers Aerfen. Two sessions in intensive care must have cost the NHS, us, a pretty penny. Wonder how Sturgeon will react?
Yes, I noticed there had been a bombardment of “Islamaphobia” on the BBC today.
That video was terrrible and she showed her(Islam’s?) true, aggressive colours when she shouted the man(Paul) down.
I’m amazed they broadcast what Paul said about political correctness and I actually feel he conveyed himself with dignity, simply expressing what the silent majority feel but clearly in the BBC’s eyes he’s an “intolerant” and aggressive white Englander.
“BBC Islamaphobia discussion interupted by Islamaphobia”.
Get a life……….
Thanks for filling us in on the hypocrite Ruqaia Haris. On another thread , one if the Brexit ones , I have given some information about the other aggressive Muslim interviewee on this piece. She’s a Norwegan believe it or not, perfectly placed to lecture us on how we should submit to Islam or else ( under tbe guise of racial equality and the work of the useful idiots of the Commission for Racial Equality).
Here’s my take on the subject:
UK: Liberals fight rearguard action after Hate monger Anjem Choudary is jailed for promoting racial hatred
So “Nobody can stop Muslims committing jihad attacks any more than they can stop Buddhists meditating or Mormons knocking on people’s doors” is ‘Islamophobic’ according to Demos.
And now we can decide for ourselves whether the huge chunks of BBC airtime and website given over to reporting the rise in ‘hate crimes’ since Brexit demonstrated good, impartial judgement or was yet again a simple case of Auntie pushing one of its favoured agendas.
Meanwhile the ongoing religious/ethnic cleansing of Christian populations across large swathes of the Middle East gets barely a mention.
‘Hate crimes’ BBC? You’re avin’a larf.
And here is a wee snippet I knocked out about the poor little Islamophobia victim:
UK: So called Islamic victim is an anti-Semitic, homophobic bigot
Excellent. Send it to the BBC.
Send it to The Trust. Or OFCOM. Or DCMS. Or….
Writing an essay on the battles fought in the first Islamic century & trying to avoid using the j word ? #MuslimStudentProblems
Pretty sure the BBC can help her out there – after all, as far as they’re concerned the Islamic conquests of that period never happened. Try Googling ‘Battle of Tours’ (AD 732 – Europe fighting for dear life against the invader) and not a single link to the BBC website can be found.
The Islamic BBC2 did one hour of sob stories of the illegal invaders of Europe/UK Exodus .. Almost all the invaders were Muslim, with that Islamic supremacist attitude, that it their right to enter Europe.
What I see is the death knell of Europe.
It was not very clear when Bill Warner made point that wearing the hijab was not about decorum, or religious requirement, but a political statement of “Islam is in your face”. From Ruqaiya’s actions Bill Warner is correct. It now seems that Islam in the UK, has moved from the “tolerance” phase to the aggressive phase.
This Muslim woman like all Muslims, are convinced that Muslims are superior to everyone else. They dont see their begging for asylum and reliance on us, as something they have to be grateful to us. Far from it, the4y think they are doing us a favour.
This same superior attitude, can be seen in the body language of a Muslim student who questioned David Horowitz.
She does seem just a wee bit full of herself, isn’t she? But the Prof sees her coming a mile off!
It’s the way the BBC edits its video to make some kind of impact that pisses me right off. I’ve said it before, East Midlands Today is probably the most biased BBC branch that I know of. Take this example:
EMT regular Sarah Teale is out on the streets of Nottingham after Nottingham City Council outlaw wolf-whistling. Remember that? Apparently, she gets “sexually harassed” whilst recording her report. But the offending words are bleeped out so there is no way of telling if the offender was really sexually harassing her or not, and there is no BBC evidence such as a press release to support the claim!
The BBC are experts in twisting the truth and creating problems where there are none.
“The BBC are experts in twisting the truth and creating problems where there are none.”
Yes they are. They are also experts in the tactic of complicity by denial……of covering up problems and pretending there are none, or discussing a problem in a way that enables the aggressors to present themselves as victims.
The whole “islamophobia debate” as framed by the BBC is an example of this.
Prof Horowitzs exchange with the Hamas supporting student ends with him saying…..”Thankyou for showing us what is here”. I think seeing this kind of exchange is unimaginable on the current BBC, who would have a presenter on hand to swiftly “balance” the argument to the advantage of the preferred “victim”.
Those that control the world as we know control Global finance & it is their aim to bring about a New World Order, and Demos is just one of their so called ‘Think Tanks’, along with Bilderberg et al-absolutely of no good to any of us, but rather a means to subjugate & enslave. For more yrs than most can remember the West & the USA have been encouraged to keep themselves in a Debt situation, which is based on floating money-QE in other words-and Islam has and is being used as a wonderful conduit for those Elites whose faith is to noone but Satan. How very sad that so many are being fooled by so few- never one might say have so few decided so much for so many.
No-one at the BBC appears to understand that Islamophobia is a complete misnomer, a concept invented by muslims and their faithful apologists to shut down any criticism of the religion.
As I’m sure all readers on here will know, Muslims are not a race and islam, despite consistent claims to the contrary, is no more than a set of ideas. Or, as Sam Harris famously put it, “the mother lode of bad ideas”.
If we can no longer criticise ideas, we are nothing more than primitives. You can fill in the gaps of that last sentence for yourselves.
There is nothing like a dose of BBC’s Sunday Morning Live to waken me up fully on a Sunday morning. Of course with that awakening a rise in my temperature generally occurs as Naga and the programme guests view some recent newsworthy topic, which today was “Should we ban the burkini?” On this occasion it wasn’t so much the subject matter, which happened to be the opening topic, more one of the guest experts. Stand forward Kate Williams. Kate, according to Wikipedia, is a Professor of History, a British author, Historian and television presenter.
To highlight the views of common folk they sent the plank Tommy down to Brighton, to ask a variety of people on and around Brighton beach. Finally he managed to find a young white ethnic lady, wearing a bikini, who looked to be 16/17 obviously up to speed with the whole ideology of Islam. When asked by the Tommy about French peoples fear: “Can you understand that people are scared that people were killed on Bastille day?” She replied confidently: “It’s nothing to do with the Muslim religion at all, it’s these specific people, nothing to do with the religion at all.”
Williams had to wait her turn to contribute and said: “I think the word provocation (the word had been used by another guest) is very disturbing here, as we’ve just got away from the idea that what women wear is provocative to men in all kinds of sexual assault crimes, that it matters what women wear.
“And here we are being told that a woman wears a certain outfit, certain form of swimwear is provoking and to me it’s a cheap shot. That it’s ahead of the elections next year in which there’s people trying to appeal to a certain level of, certain level of racism, that it’s a cheap shot against immigration, that sometimes we’ve seen works in political context. And though what seems a very simple question that simply these women wearing outfits to the beach simply isn’t logical because we know that wetsuits are fine, we even know that habits are fine for nuns and many people wear the burkini outfit not necessarily, especially in Australia, not necessarily religious reasons they wear it for….”
Naga, perhaps sensing that Williams was losing the thread a tad, interjected with: “Can you dissociate religion from the clothing?”
Williams continued: “Yes completely, and i think this is an example of there are big questions in France that politicians need to engage with about security, about integration, about freedom of speech that instead it’s all being reduced to what people to whether or not people wear a certain type of swimwear. Which i have to say as a very, i don’t wish to be trivial, pale person i tend to wear that kind of thing to the beach anyway but i presume they wouldn’t come and get me to take my scarf off.”
Following this the other three guests added their tuppence-worth and Nana let the viewers know that waste of space Tommy had gauged the opinion of people in Brighton and concluded that the opinion was one of “live and let live.” She then threw this out to the floor: “Do you think if we had experienced what happens in Nice, we would be, our attitudes would change?”
Williams: “Well, i think certainly that er France more, the more we criticise them, the more they’ll dig in their heals. I’ve seen even criticism on Fox News who seem to think it’s gone too far, obviously Fox News can be very extreme on this kind of subject, but i think this is a very different country.”
Nana, who has obviously been sleeping for the last twenty years far too much between reading/presenting news and playing golf must have missed the variety of Muslim acts of terrorism on our island, as she asked: “At the moment because we haven’t gone through terror that the French people are going through and the fear they feel, whether they blame Muslims or not, they feel under attack.”
My exasperation knew no bounds as Williams responded: “I think we do accept that 99.9% of Muslims in Britain want to live in peace and harmony and there are a few people who engage in terrorism. I mean look at the profile of terrorists, they tend to have profiles of history of sometimes petty crimes of sometimes er psychological disturbance these aren’t can’t be associated with the peace loving Muslims who give so much to this country, to our institutions, the NHS, so much to us. So i think the burkini ban is never going to happen here and i think in France it’s going to be seen as a mistake, because already this is the kind of criticisms France wants, the kind of image they want to project as they see their beaches as a place of freedom and liberty and this is not what’s going on here.”
and finally she finished her contribution: “But womens clothes are policed throughout society. It was only recently, a couple of months ago, which i believe someone was sent home from a job, she was wearing flat shoes. Women are expected to wear high heels, wear make-up frequently. In the business world you are expected to dress a certain way and i think it’s very curious that there are scholarships in comparison between the hair, the veil and the make-up and i think that the idea that women are completely free to choose what they wear outside, what is the vision of a woman, in terms of covering up, but also in the terms of undressing. Which we know an awful lot of women are supported and and congratulated for taking clothes off. So it’s not necessarily a free choice for what women wear.”
For a Historian one wonders what kind of left wing nonsense she teaches at Reading University and perhaps she was involved in the BBC’s history of Islam that was recently covered in a thread. Indeed i’m sure that Mohammed must have invented the petrol and diesel engines too, along with electricity.
As for her comments advising us about all the benefits these cuddly folk bring to our nation, the fact that she works in a University and seems unaware or chooses to ignore Islams influence in causing division and separation in our institutes of learning is rather baffling.
Also, her “99.9% of Muslims in Britain want to live in peace and harmony” was probably taken from a thesis she discovered from 1966.