Another massive flood in Louisiana and a missing President. The difference this time? This time the BBC isn’t indulging in a huge moral grandstanding exercise as it did when it launched relentless attacks on Bush for not visiting the disaster areas.
At present Obama is too busy to visit Louisiana…busy on vacation playing golf.
The BBC’s Gavin Hewitt trembled with rage as he ranted about Bush. Not a peep from the BBC as their hero goes awol and leaves Louisiana to its own devices…to sink or swim….despite reporting that this is…
One of the worst US disasters in recent years
The BBC knows there is criticism of Obama…this is the single comment that they limit themselves to on this…
A local Baton Rouge paper has criticised President Obama for not visiting the affected area.
The BBC could have enlarged upon what that paper said….
We’ve seen this story before in Louisiana, and we don’t deserve a sequel. In 2005, a fly-over by a vacationing President George W. Bush became a symbol of official neglect for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The current president was among those making political hay out of Bush’s aloofness.
But it didn’t.
I guess there just aren’t enough black people suffering to make it worth while for Obama to visit and for the BBC to get indignant about……because of course the real reason Hewitt and Co raged on so much was because it was apparently Blacks who suffered the most in Katrina….the BBC tried to say Bush was racist and didn’t care about Black people. The BBC naturally refused to point the finger of blame at the black mayor of New Orleans for the failure to organise evacuation and an effective response to the hurricane that he knew was on its way.
We know how the BBC love photos of children in disasters, especially if they are Moslem victims. Lots of photos of children in the Lousiana floods, not making the BBC news like the little lad from Allepo.
Hopefully the BBC supported Black Lives Matter movement will do their bit.
Maybe I should add that Obama, being primarily Arab, has less interest in black Americans than the race card playing media inform us.
Wasn’t the Aleppo child an example cruelty to children? Instead of cleaning him up; attending to his wounds and comforting him they stick him in a chair in front of a dozen cameras. If he wasn’t traumatized before, he is now.
I watched a report on ITV last night, it was from the same hospital. It showed doctors tending to three or four other children. The kids weren’t crying and the camera work was of a professional standard.
It is awful to be so cynical, but the deteriorating standards and the absurd bias of mainstream media has made many people think in such a way
Why don’t we get the same reporting when the Saudi Arabian Air Force bomb a hospital in Yemen or when the Americans attack a hospital in Afghanistan?
I agree completely. I live in Phoenix Arizona. You may not get first hand coverage of war, but you will definitely get coverage of crisis actors from and visionbox, pretending to be injured in America’s hottest gay nightspots.
There is NOTHING the beeb likes better than constructing racist narratives, as with Katrina.
But sort-of-black Pres ignores poor whites? Who cares.
And now, back to Rio, where saint Bolt wins something for running fast.
The BBC naturally refused to point the finger of blame at the black mayor of New Orleans for the failure to organise evacuation and an effective response to the hurricane that he knew was on its way.
Likewise the governor of Louisiana at the time – who escaped the slightest criticism from the BBC for her extraordinary failure during the disaster simply because she is a Democrat and a woman.
As always, that’s the BBC – slick lefty agenda first and the news a poor, distorted second.
“and the news a poor, distorted second”
The news gets a silver medal from the BBC? No
Usually the news gets a DNF (did not finish) from Al Beeb.
If the news is about Islam it’s a DNS (did not start).
BBC drama is off message on #bbcLoveHillary
Just listened to part3/3 of the Saturday drama The Clintons
This ep is about her time fighting Obama for the nomination in 2008. Hillary is played as an angry bully, and Clinton as a senile sex-philanderer.
” closely based on the published accounts and opinions of those who’ve witnessed their enduring partnership.”
I didn’t listen to ep 2 which was about the Whitewater scandal
This article nails it:
Obama imposes his race baiting narrative on the Louisiana disaster
‘President Obama has refused so far to survey the Louisiana flood disaster, but he did let state and local officials know that he’s watching to make sure they don’t engage in racial discrimination.
In a 16-page guidance issued Tuesday, the Obama administration, led by the Justice Department, warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).”’
Mainly whites affected. No looting or mayhem. I don’t understand, must be coincidence, but I’m glad Saint O’bama is keeping an eye on the racial angle of the disaster, reassuring somehow.
‘President Obama has refused so far to survey the Louisiana flood disaster, but he did let state and local officials know that he’s watching to make sure they don’t engage in racial discrimination.’
It is Louisiana. Shouldn’t the headline be “Floods of
crocodilealligator tears”?Obama is just so gay isn’t he?
Bent as a bottle of crisps.
Unfortunately the US Media is still running cover for Obama .
I am getting loads of Facebook Stuff sent to me by my friends who support O.
Below is the like sentence running around.
“Publicity stunts are not his style, he will be there on Tuesday, when the Governor said would be a time when he could spare the extra police to secure the area for his visit. President Obama has sent all the help the Governor has requested. Hillary knows to stay out of the way of a crisis too, she made a plea for donations. #DonTheCon went for a photo op and gave Play Dough out to people who had just lost everything, their homes, all their possessions, everything. But in all fairness, he was there less than 60 seconds, just long enough for a Paul Ryan style fake photo op and long enough to slam the President for golfing. Before he hit the golf course he had already handled everything the Governor asked for. The same Governor that asked you to stay away and just donate some money, like any REAL ‘billionaire’ would.
Hey #Trumpelthinskin, a President works 24/7. ”
PS: My cat jumped on the keyboard while I was typing and Facebook came out as Facefookl before I corrected it. Facefookl is probably more apt.
Hurricane Katrina was the final straw which made me abandon TV and, more importantly, the TV Licence. Even while New Orleans was in mayhem I read the Louisiana emergency plan online from the State capital in Baton Rouge. It was entirely the responsibility of the State Governor, Kathleen Blanco (D) to declare an emergency and implement evacuations, then permit National Guard contingents from other states to enter La. They cannot do this without the Gov’s consent. Bush pleaded with Blanco to declare an emergency (The POTUS has no authority to do this).
The BBC established the false narrative that it was all GWB’s fault.
Whenever I tell this side of the story, I have to explain that the POTUS does not have the massively centralised power that our PM has, which normally provokes some incredulity.
A couple of years later, there was another such hurricane threat. This time, the BBC happily reported that the same Mayor of NO, Ray Nagin (D) had implemented the emergency plan, while failing to mention that the new Governor, Bobby Jindal (R) had initiated proceedings.
Agenda? What agenda.
J.S. Solid post.
Thanks, Al.
Excellent post Mr Standley. So many people in Britain didn’t seem to understand that the USA is a federation of states so the President can’t just go storming in giving orders. It’s the same with US gun control, many British leftists say ‘why can’t their government just ban guns?’ without any understanding of the constitutional and federal issues involved. By the way my licence-ripping-up moment was the coverage of the migrant crisis last year, particularly the demonisation of Hungary.
Thanks Cranmer (Your Grace ;-))
Cranmer: mine was their coverage of the Jihadist murder of Lee Rigby, from then on I knew (for a certainty) that they were the enemy of me and my country.
Perhaps Barry thought Louisianna did not need a lame duck floating about hovering up any spare bread
I wasn’t aware the BBC invented criticism of Bush over Katrina. The Americans will be surprised. So will Michael D. Brown OF Fema.
I wasn’t aware the BBC invented criticism of Bush over Katrina. The Americans will be surprised. So will Michael D. Brown OF Fema.
oh really?
and just for good measure