I was on BBC London a few days ago to “debate” the story concerning Oxford City Council seeking to potentially erase “Mr, Mrs and Miss” (which could offends transgenders of gay people, allegedly) and replace it with Mx. Failing that, this Council might follow Brighton Council and simply add “Mx” as the gender identifier for those who aren’t happy with Mr, Mrs, Miss. I tried to point out this sort of navel gazing is one reason why Labour are unelectable as a Government, and secondly that this sort of neo-Marxism alteration of gender is abhorrent and an assault on the family unit. Well, it went down like a lead balloon. I had a transgender person on the debate and whilst he/she was fine, I was subjected to constant interruption and hostility by the interviewer, Eddie Nestor, whereas he/she was given the soft soap treatment. Strikes me that the BBC instantly sympathises with the tiny minority of people with sexual identity problems and rather than accept they have a form of mental illness, it wants the rest of us to change our ways and “Mx” it up.
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Of course. The BBC’s institutional metro-left bias is hardly news. It’s systemic and so long as the primary source of funding for the corporation is public monies levied via the state-mandated imposition of a regressive, compulsory poll tax, that will not change. Accordingly, the easiest solution is just to privatise the whole shebang. Transforming the BBC into a media org comparable to, say, Sky TV insofar as how it supports its own operation. It can then adopt openly whatever editorial stance it prefers, while those of us who consider that stance to be one we do not wish to support, will also be free to decline to finance it and so forego access to BBC output.
and…the head of the BBC is an avowed Marxist, Lord whats-his-name. I live in America, but it seems to me, if the Royal family is going to put the stamp of approval on all the Marxist institutions in Britain, then they “jolly well” need to move out of the castles, and into a villa somewhere, and toss it all in. Enough of the waving, and tiaras, and carriages. Open up the royal estates to the public. Take the corgies and go.
The BBC always favours minorities. They regard them as street fighters against the status quo, and therefore edgy, rebellious and sooo 1968.
They should always remember that it’s the majority who provide them with their salaries.
“They should always remember that it’s the majority who provide them with their salaries.”
They don’t have to, because the majority are mere tax serfs who have to pay by the force of law. No-one can be expected to respect a “customer” they can throw in jail if they fail to pay.
Organised crime is good at collecting protection money. The BBC’s genius is that they do the same thing by law.
I believe the BBC’s motto is “Nation shall speak peace unto nation”, which is all very worthy no doubt, but their real motto should be taken from Goodfellas: “Fuck you, pay me”.
Ironic that their motto is ‘Nation shall speak peace unto nation’ when the BBC despise and undermine our nation so much.
“Organised crime is good at collecting protection money. The BBC’s genius is that they do the same thing by law”.
Preferably, Sharia law!
I sympathise with transgender people, but when you have children being given surgery to change their gender because they have extremely early identity issues that they’ll almost always grow out of, something has gone horribly wrong.
Commented deleted.
Should children be given hormonal treatments at all, I find that shocking?
“I sympathise with transgender people, but when you have children being given surgery”
For years I’ve been subscribing to an online local Newspaper (in New Zealand) and ever since I began reading it not once in that time did I read about Transgenderism. However! Over the last 4 month or so it has been promoting Transgender stories (boy, the flipping town is only populated by about 200,000 subjects) and all of a sudden out of the blocks it appears every other person is transgender or sympathetic to those people!?
They’ve not got up to ““Mx” Yet!
Its absolutely disgraceful how the gender bender pressure groups have taken control of the NZ airways and MSM? Yesterday they had a full page spread about a guy who came from the UK who felt victimised by the “whites” – he is white by the way!
Commented deleted.
We should all show sympathy to all folks, nothing wrong with that! But to support something which is completely unnatural and against nature is asking someone like myself to call vice virtue and virtue vice! I think even you will be interested in these results re transgender issues. see:
More Solid Science to Debunk the Gender Bender Ideologues
I’m afraid their is a fundamental weakness in that study (and far from that study alone). It appears to be a ‘study of studies’ and thus falls into the trap so common in contemporary science: it assumes the studies it is studying were properly conducted.
This doesn’t invalidate the authors’ conclusions but it does mean that, in common with all such reports, we need to treat them very carefully. There is a great deal of shoddy publishing going on, particularly in medicine. Caveat emptor
Accelerated after ‘gay marriage’ if I’m not mistaken.
Commented deleted.
Granted, although I note you omit to mention the replacement option, whereby everyone becomes a ”Mx”, like it or not. Yet barring that, it’s no skin off my shonk if a disappearingly small percentage of people who can’t quite decide if they’re Arthur or Martha want to use gender-neutral titles, pronouns etc. Accordingly, why not let public authorities introduce new forms with an additional title box option to facilitate the choice?
If, that is, they really insist on wasting still more public money on pointless gestures than they manage now, because doubtless this is simply ”too important” to permit them to mark the change on the next scheduled batch of forms to be printed, eh? Also despite the fact that, after all, there is already an ”Other” box available now on such documents to accommodate people who insist on non-standard/professional/hereditary honorifics etc. So the ”Mx”-ers could just use that; couldn’t they?
No, of course they couldn’t because as ever, it’s the ”pwinciple” that counts for the BBC and similar bien pensant clowns. Correct thinking champions of the oppressed as they are, and therefore taxed perpetually by such small, gesturist matters of marginal interest and zero import to 99% of the public. Yet isn’t that precisely why they’ve got away for so long with introducing such piffling changes? As far from being ”outraged”, most of us haven’t cared enough to oppose them at all.
Ought we then to be so sanguine? Wasn’t that how the repulsive scourge of political correctness first took hold? Like something small but virulently malignant infesting society’s bedclothes, and that managed to avoid timely fumigation because of the vast majority of people’s utter ignorance of sociological parasitology. In consequence of which it’s taken us over two decades to put that dangerous Orwellian meme firmly on the back foot again and recover some ground for freedom of expression.
You see, things that appear to be trivial or irrelevant, or even harmless and on the whole beneficent to normal people, can still be misused by bigoted ideologues to legitimise and advance all sorts of unsavoury agendas. Why then should the no-longer-quite-so-unassuming-majority make any concessions at all now we’re back in front, so to speak? Especially as refusing to do so does cause ”outrage”, specifically within ludicrous self-puffing organisations like the BBC that badly need their combs cutting whenever an opportunity presents itself.
Commented deleted.
The ”replacement option” as I described it was the first thing alluded to in the thread header
I was on BBC London a few days ago to “debate” the story concerning Oxford City Council seeking to potentially erase “Mr, Mrs and Miss” (which could offends transgenders of gay people, allegedly) and replace it with Mx. Failing that, this Council might follow Brighton Council and simply add “Mx” as the gender identifier for those who aren’t happy with Mr, Mrs, Miss.
Commented deleted.
If we all had the same title there would be no point in using titles at all. The point of the titles is that they differentiate us.
(When was the last time you were asked for your “Christian name”?)
Ought we then to be so sanguine? Wasn’t that how the repulsive scourge of political correctness first took hold? Like something small but virulently malignant infesting society’s bedclothes, and that managed to avoid timely fumigation because of the vast majority of people’s utter ignorance of sociological parasitology.
Political correctness has acted like a straitjacket on public debate. A programme on the BBC some months ago featured Alan Davies who informed us ‘alternative’ comedians set out to change the attitudes and behaviour of British people using political correctness as their lever. He was rueful, not because with hindsight he felt ashamed of his role in trying to socially engineer the country, but because he felt they had failed. God only knows, then, what their success criteria must have been but I’m pretty sure they would have had Orwell spinning in his grave.
Welcome to the meeting, AA.
A worthy initial chip in, though not as such addressing BBC handling whims other than positively. Seems familiar.
As is opining without being sure on the non issue.
But raising outrage simply for having reservations… respect.
And nobody that you know of as a counter often gets certain weekenders quite exercised.
I asked the BBC to back something up once. They claimed an exemption.
It’s clearly an outrage that a council should decide to add MX as an option. How dare they make up an option. They should allow people to make up their own honorific. If I want to be PQ that should be allowed. Why ever should anyone be able to limit the number of options. If they can make up an option on their own then why not open the floodgates.
If men with penises can say they are women and choose a womans name and the BBC instantly starts using the new name, why can’t we all use whatever name and title that appeals to us at any given moment.
Just this morning I woke up feeling like a lesbian albino named Roger. Please respect my choice if you respond to this message. I would have changed the name on my message but it was too much trouble and who knows how I’ll feel tomorrow, or later this afternoon.
Strangely enough, the following clip popped in my head………..It seemed relevant.
If they look like a boy, use, Master
If they look like a Man, use, Mr
If they look like a girl, use, Miss
If they look like a Woman, use, Mrs
If they look like a left-wing feminist harridan, use, Ms
If they look like an androgynous mixed up mess, use, Mx
So for BBC staff and audience members in leftwing communist education shows, use Ms for those you think may be female, and Mx for everyone else.
But never use Ms or Mx in addressing a Muslim. Such use of perverted sexual ideology supported by the decadent cultural imperialists at the BBC, is Islamophobic and therefore it is recommended by Allah that if you are a genuine believer, the BBC would not really mind if you posted a bomb (preferably one megaton) addressed to, Mx Eddie Nestor, BBC Broadcasting House, London, W1A. Any survivors at the BBC, would understand why you did it.
** Strikes me that the BBC instantly sympathises with the tiny minority of people with sexual identity problems**
Of course they do.
Because the only BBC metric for deciding who to sympathise with is always: Who Is Higher on the Victimhood Scale?
And of course these people who don’t know what gender they belong to are Victims, with the Oppressors being the vast majority of people who understand where they’re coming from, if you’ll pardon the expression.
The BBC’s infantile worldview often leads to apparent quandaries — should they support women (groped and raped in Cologne) or Muslim male migrants (the gropers and rapers in Cologne)? Actually, there’s no quandary at all — Muslims are higher up the Victimhood scale, so the women are left to fend for themselves — in a literal as well as figurative way.
We have a name for it on here, Rick – Lefty Top Trumps.
Do titles serve any real purpose? Beyond the gender division which arguably might matter in an advertising context — Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss/Master (does anyone ever use that anymore) Robin Smith could be targeted differently,
(follows on)
Even descriptive titles have little purpose — consider Dr. (medical, dental or PhD.) or Rev. (Protestant or Jewish). It’s not as if someone identifying herself as Dr. will be called upon to attend to an emergency by the title on his airline ticket reservation. Lord, Baron, Count, Sir?
BTW BBC online forms tend to have a space for Title but leave the choice to whoever fills it in.
Of course we still use “Master”. (And how else would you address a letter to Owen Jones?)
Surely “Esq.” is still in common use?
I am involved with a case where a CEO has decided that he is a she. He was married with children and is no more. He/she has caused huge disruption at work, affecting the good running of the company because in the process of changing he\she has become totally inward looking but the Board have been threatened with litigation if they or the staff don’t give in to all his demands. What we had was one unhappy man although nobody but he knew it. Now pampering to his whims is causing a lot of unhappiness. Encouragement by anybody including the BBC and the Left they should realise the huge affect it can have on other people.
“Don’t give in to all his demands”
Worth considering along with the current black sackism and Chromosomism issues the BBC are currently championing.
Initially folk figure ‘What the hey’ but then the thing notches up, boosted by a £4Bpa PR machine targetted AT the majority forced to fund it, in support of their minority mates or ideological itches.
Eventually… result… unhappiness and conflict all round… ratings, virtue signalling, provocative aggressive interviews in open spaces, queues for the red sofa….
What was a shrug becomes an in your face issue, validated by the BBC inspiring twat losers to push ever further and further… because they get rewarded.
The BBC is not a force for community cohesion.
Absolutely agree.
Could not have said it better myself.
I don’t think it was BBC but we may need an update of Derek Batey’s cheesy old quiz show ‘Mr and Mrs.’
Time to Mx the format up a bit, beeboids? I’m sure a lot of your fans in Islington will tune in.
The BBC sympathises with, and then champions minorities, which it also encourages to consider themselves victims of an oppressive majority.
Why? Because cultural Marxism (which the liberal Left adhere to, whether they are aware of it or not) dictates that if you can set elements of a society at war with itself, the system will eventually collapse and a ‘pure’ Marxist state can be created to replace the current status quo .
Once you know that is what they are doing a lot of otherwise bizarre contradictions suddenly become clear. Why do BBC homosexuals champion Islam, when they would immediately (and terminally) suffer as a consequence of Islamic supremacy? Why do heterosexuals disadvantage themselves compared with homosexuals? Why do people living in an overcrowded, polluted country, insist that massive immigration is somehow good for the nation? Why do they support economic policies which would lead to the impoverishment of the country?
The answer is always the same. Because, consciously or unconsciously, they are following a plan designed to fragment and divide society and bring about its eventual collapse. They will deny it, usually because they have no idea why they are doing it, but that is the reason.
I wasn’t aware of you qualifications and experience in Psychiatry David ! Please enlighten us, that when the worlds experts decided that Transgenderism (or what ever they chose to call it) was NOT a mental illness in the latest DSM V the psychiatric reference bible, what was your input to this, and have you written to the committee to tell them in your great wisdom & experience in the field, that that have it all wrong?
Sometimes I have to say, your blind hatred for people who are different causes you to miss the bleeding obvious in front of your nose! You even spell it out in your post – but in the end the hate will out and get the better of you.
” had a transgender person on the debate and whilst he/she was fine, I was subjected to constant interruption and hostility by the interviewer, Eddie Nestor,”
And there you have all you needed to say, and the whole nub of the issue highlighted for you.
Transgender people supposedly move from one gender to another. From Mr to Mrs or the other way around, it would be a source of great distress if they were prevented in doing this by some contrived gender identifier ‘Mx’.
Here is the official NHS descrition (although what do they know compared to your great insight?)
“transsexualism – the desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by the wish to have treatment to make their physical appearance more consistent with their gender identity”.
Nowhere does that mention anything about strange gender identifiers or taking offence etc etc. If you weren’t so filled with hate for someone with a medical issue they have to deal with then you would have been able to have seen and deal with the awful truth that this is more liberal left wing mischief, using some poor sods as a tool with which to bully the rest of society into destroying gender difference.
You can hear this going on all over the BBC, especially on the awful moaners hour, where they regularly host fools who claim genders are a man made issue, which is of course nonsense.
It has nothing to do with transgendered people who are simply being used as a front.
Of course, you had all the evidence for this and you even said it If only you hadn’t allowed your blind hatred for the victims in the piece get the better of you, you would have been able to make this point.
Regardless of one’s personal views about transgenderism (or, indeed, David Vance’s attitude to it) I think you’re straying some considerable way from the facts by insisting that the DSM (which is, in any case, an American manual) is representative of much more than current social thinking among those members of the profession who chose to be active in its compilation.
Attitudes to mental illness change along with society and are infinitely malleable it appears, which doesn’t say a lot for the ‘science’ it purports to reflect.
Perhaps of more relevance is the BBC’s sudden interest in the subject and whether that in anyway reflects the millions of dollars George Soros pumped into its promotion. That and the BBC’s refusal to report the recent revelations concerning his attempts at manipulating the policies of various governments around the world.
Funny you mention Soros GC.
He`s very much a Bin Laden of the wests creating I`d say.
Bankrolls loads of stuff to bring the West to its end…but always at the campfire citing social justice on a global basis.
As a Hungarian refugee, it`s as if he`s funded a Frankfurt School to destroy much of what he sees is wrong in us all.
Reckon his victory over us and Majors “Comical Ali” impressions re the ERM emboldened him in Sept 92.
An extremely dangerous man, if he could have a Goebbels as his sock puppet he`d be even more so….which is where the BBC and the US media come to be so helpful to him.
Reckon much of our troubles re migration and EU fundings will one day be traced back to “he who is best not named”-as they tried to do with Bin Laden until 1998 in fact.
Indeed. Future historians are going to have a field day when Soros comes under their scrutiny.
That us, always assuming he doesn’t win. In which case the historians will be as blinkered as BBC journaliists.
Thoughtful, what you are quoting is a currently politically correct NHS guideline.
Back in the day, as recently as the 1980s, when I worked for a time in an NHS psychiatric hospital the same NHS operated to the then textbook definitions of various “perversions” and “paraphilias” that held to biological principles……that gender was decided by chromosomes and that normal sexual behaviour was focused on human reproduction, for which, human reproductive organs are fit for purpose.
So the political atmosphere has changed for now, who is to say that at some future date, it won’t change back?
Politics are always temporary, biology is for life.
Like you embolden, I`ve got access to my old DSMs, SENs in terms of health, education and the black arts of mental health and psychiatry.
I used to write on the likes of Szasz, Illich and Postman etc…but saw the stupidity at some of the end results…but there were deep issues, and correct in part.
Good instincts anyway.
The dismantling of psychiatry, that was precipitated by partial readings of Szasz, Goffman and Laing as justification for saving money…..sorry…..liberating people into community care and ending institutionalisation and paternalism has led to the transfer of care for mentally ill people from the psychiatric system to the criminal justice and prison system.
My favourite symbol of this is the expansion of Birmingham prisons healthcare unit about 10 years ago, onto land vacated by the closure of All Saints hospital.
That’s now that’s what I call progress! That and beeboids frequent references to people “suffering from mental health” LOL!
What`s the purpose of this Jerrod?
Why the abuse?…
If its Mr V you`re getting at…”pimping out on subjects etc”?…doesn`t that apply to all of us here….and if you cut out the abuse , you`re saying nothing.
This is a political forum for most of us who pay for the BBC and resent its excesses, it`s agendas.
Mr V etal set it up way before I knew of it…and I`m very grateful for it.
He`s actually CREATED something-and you drive by to chuck a brick through an imaginary window way too often for someone who drips scorn and venom at him…and, indeed any of us as you feel free to.
As for “credentials”…chances are that most of us have them in some form or another-and you may be surprised that we can use them as we like to…and need no permission or certificates from you or anybody else….I know full well that there are some very astute and experienced people at this site.
Which is why I like to come by…can learn stuff.
Really don`t know what your problem is-promise no DSM/SEN mocking copy here, but FFS….stop the personal abuse will you?
It `s his forum as far as I know…and I owe him plenty for setting it up..don`t come if you can`t even grant him(or whoever you were getting at) that modicum of credit.
Jeremy Vine and Roger Bolton do your kinda critiques…why not stay there?
1. He gets paid to talk on the BBC….well, what`s wrong with that?
Are you saying that the BBC are wrong to use him?…as opposed to Toynbee or Monbiot maybe?
Give your reasons lads…re trans stuff…who better?
And no-not the usual BBC go-tos…people who see a liberal use of fragile victims to push a Gramscian agenda as per?
2, Nlusterig?….can sea wye ure not ast onter speek…chek ur repry forebee you sen dit
3. Would not normally do this-but what`s the point in my asking you to stop the abuse?…” few stupid pitbulls?”…”trolls and morons”?-stop spitting venom and show some manners will you?
4. You`ve no idea of motivations, experience or anything much here-so stop affecting knowledge of our reasons to babble on aimlessly here…we`re not worth it, so I`d have thought…so off you pop eh?…
Here’s the fragrant jerrod and his simply wonderful blog dahhhling
Take note at the bottom…oooh er missus
“Guest expert
I have on occasion been a guest on BBC local radio and LBC, as well as consulted by newspapers including The Observer and The Guardian.”
Expert….expert in what?Cottaging?
Oh and here he is….with his reach-around for the evening
What a handsome pair ……a pair of what I’m not exactly sure of
Just make sure you havent eaten before clicking the link
Print off a pic and set it on your mantlepiece to keep young children from getting too close to the fire
Wonder if those bbc appearances were free?
Don’t be silly Jerrod, do you really think anyone in the media really knows what they are talking about?
What qualifies Clair Balding, Clive Myrie, Victoria Derbyshire, Nick Robinson……..et al, ad nauseum?…..it’s all opinions…..everyone in the medias got one and their bosses know that if they don’t like them, they’ve got others too or, if preferred they’ll read a script with someone else’s opinions on.
What gives David Vance the right to speak? He’s got the courage to swim against the tide, and express his and many others opinion coherently enough for broadcast.
Oh dear Jerrod is back. Insults abound.
Zero aka Jerrod,
You were found out and looked stupid. Now you are just boring
Ignore the obnoxious wee prick mate
G.W.T – And new words too, unless ‘dishareed’ or ‘nlusterig’ are now things. Fat fingers, darned autocorrect, bless.
David, unless this person enjoys some kind of unique exemption, you are into masochism (‘egotistical nincompoop’ directed at a BBC anyone would see the poster banned for life) or there is value in the BBC’s champion being given constant opportunity to act as their biggest liability, what you requested in this thread lead surely qualifies?
“the specific purpose of disrupting it. I will block you and the site will be disinfected. Can I ask readers to email me if you see someone who is repeatedly engaging in such trolling tactics?”
The inevitability of the weekend Tourettes day-trip was once amusing and worth playing with, but now is just a predictable stuck record of unpleasant noise that interferes with site cohesion.
Phew, Rules of Engagement required me to wait until you decided to muscle in on a conversation with another; funnily enough something you have felt moved to get upset about in the past. Boots versus stamping dainty feetism is a scourge.
Speaking of hypocrisy, double standards, etc, I could care less what GWF is provoked into posting by you. Not being a prefect in fact vs. in your mind makes that a sensible approach. Zero power to do anything other than comment. Like anyone. But it seems some things bother Mr. Vance less than others. Like the BBC.
Thing is, that is his prerogative. His rules. It is his site; a private one. Unlike the BBC whose mods and CECUTT minions, directors and board, who are publicly funded yet will forgive and forget or punish on a highly selective basis. Staff or the public. Carole Thatcher not so lucky. Jasmine Lawrence does a bit of nicely paid weeding and comes back to a promotion. Go figure. Rewards for beyond the pale, yah?
Of course there are exceptions, so I wonder if Emma Thompson was asked to hand back her fee for sharing that renowned expertise she showed on matters climate, paid by the BBC to contribute to a discussion on a subject of which she had no knowledge, which had to grind through the whole rotten BBC complaint system until they could find no way round admitting she knew nothing, lied and was allowed to by the heirs to 28Gate.
About which, from you, zero peeps.
My fiscal status and physical build and personal and professional successes are for you, if tolerated, to continue sharing your evident guessed insights upon, but hardly relevant, though how you choose to repeat this over and over simply adds to the criteria quoted above.
So by the fact you endure here I can only agree, the site apparently needs you, undisinfected and certainly not eradicated, for some reason yet to be explained. Maybe getting blocked on public library PCs courtesy of your efforts is deemed a price worth paying?
zero aka jerrod,
So you are leaving this site to enjoy the real world. And even in your departing comment you could not address the topic under discussion – an interesting one with some good comments – but instead you provide nothing more than the foul mouthed abuse one sees on toilet walls.
Golly, that went better than expected, Col. Jessep styly.
Sadly, as one trapdoor shuts on the Borg box, another opens.
“I was the Alpha…”
From across the pond, as opposed to its lower reaches:
No comments enabled. Probably wise.
Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story included a reference to Asperger’s Syndrome in an inappropriate context. It has been removed. Additionally, an incorrect description of Megan Koester has been removed.
Worthwhile knowing your history Thoughtful.
The history of Trans issues has long been a thread in our post-war culture…whether you choose to start in the US or in Britain would appear to be your starting point.
It was well-documented and seen as a prize story in the Sunday tabloids throughout my childhood, and when Jan Morris wrote his/her autobiography; it then became a cause celebre among the elite…liberal and articulate, humane and honest.
But this was a different time.
The current spate of trans stories are NOT those of arch, humane and self-aware mature types at all.
To go from Kellie Maloney or Cait Jenner back to Jan Morris and April Ashley is instructive…but we now live with
1. Identity politics and the Marxist imperative to leave class in favour of identifying grievance farming.
2. Current media obsessions and fashions based on the deviant, the marketable and the public confessional instead of cohesion and honouring the normative.
3. Child sex abusive educational methods, trends and hopes from the cultural marxist.
4. Internet and MSM turf wars over celebrating the deviant, united colours of Benetton.
As for your NHS/DSM-V stuff?-moveable feasts my friend, transient , fashion and funding dependent…and we`ll see lots more of it as the neuroscience rabbit goes down the black hole and creates…for science has long left THOSE buildings.
No-one is filled with hate by the way…few of us these days are untouched, but we`re damned if we`ll let the media confuse adolescent musings with a genetic certainty…bad science and all part of the liberal agenda that this site excels at dissecting.
Most of your points are well made Chris, but again they only serve to highlight the hijacking of a medical condition, and its sufferers by the Fascist left for their own agenda.
I believe that it is important we separate the victims from the lefties who are attempting to use them as leverage to achieve goals which are in no way in the interests of the victim group.
The press has always taken a prurient interest in trans issues and the BBC documentary on Julia Grant was done objectively.
Since those days the work of Professors John Money & Milton Diamond has identified that this is a real condition and the causes of it in the ‘sexually dimorphic nucleus’.
But this is the distraction, which the Fascist left wishes to make. This is not anything to do with trans people who are being used in a similar way to a human shield by the leftists so that attacks on their insane policies can be defended as an attack on a victim groups they deceitfully claim to be championing !
While, again, I don’t disagree with you in essence, surely you can see that the hijacking is a deliberate attempt by the deep Left to fragment and disrupt society? And surely the continuous barrage of preaching on the subject and its extension from what is a genuine psycho-medical problem for a tiny number of people to a vast swathe of children who clearly do not suffer from that condition, is ultimately only going to make things worse for genuine sufferers?
The point I’m trying to make is that we need to see it for what it is and call it out. To separate the human shields being used by the Fascists and expose their agenda.
Attacking the victims because you don’t either like what they are, or cannot accept the condition exists is playing right into the Fascists hands. You engage the shield by attacking it, and back they come with all the isms & phobias they can dream up!
Get behind the shield and show the real agenda and then deal with it.
That is what David Vance failed to do because he fell into the trap
I can’t comment about David Vance’s contribution to the programme as I didn’t hear it. Other than that I am sure we are in agreement.
“…surely you can see that the hijacking is a deliberate attempt by the deep Left to fragment and disrupt society?”
Whoever would have thought that allowing a few people to tick a box marked “Mx” was all it took to obliterate two thousand years of Western Civilisation.
Stock up on rice & beans; these surely are the end times.
Omega, is your post disingenuous, or are you really unaware of all the other little trivias that are cumulatively affecting our societies cohesion ?
If one loose thread, assiduously worried at can unravel a tapestry, then what’s the effect of 10, or 20 or 30 loose threads all being pulled and tugged at?
The game is to abolish what we know as Western civilisation, little by little, bit by bit, and return it to barbarism.
Don’t be surprised as the resistance grows.
Well said thoughtful.
Don`t pretend to know the latest stuff-just deeply mistrustful of the elites pushing of this lifestyle-which is one hard slog through life, no matter how much the “false friends” pledge support once the story is in the can for satellite.
Pretty sure genetics is the pretext, environment the bigger influence.
Too many kids I see at school seem to think they`re so inclined-they`re kids, confused and need anything but the media piggybacking on them for a Gramscian slam dunk.
You`re 100% correct that the “patient/victim/survivor” MUST come first…but I`d have thought privacy was key to that, think of poor Lauren Harries,Pete Burns etc…
People like Money are discredited now I think…but I`d still say that telly , school “sex lessons” and the internet matter more than the rare genetic mixups a la Kleinfelter or such….
Going to school in the 1960s I was blissfully unaware of ‘gender issues’, as were all my fellow classmates. I never considered Frankie Howard to be effeminate, for me he was just very funny. The impact of this came in a single moment, that day at art school when I was eighteen arriving at the life drawing class to find Quentin Crisp as our model along with his blue-rinsed hair! I had never seen such a person & at first thought it all a joke. I am glad I encountered such things at a comparatively late age.
David Vance,
“I tried to point out this sort of navel gazing is one reason why Labour are unelectable as a Government, and secondly that this sort of neo-Marxism alteration of gender is abhorrent and an assault on the family unit.”
Adding one more option in the “Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms” box is; “an assault on the family unit?.”
How does that work exactly?
“I was subjected to constant interruption and hostility by the interviewer…”
You were interrupted because you were avoiding the subject. There was no hostility. But as usual you came across like a spoilt seven year old.
Anyone interested can listen for themselves, starting at 02:18.
Commented deleted.
Omega, you know exactly how it works, it denies biology, it denies the civilisation built around controlled biological imperatives and replaces it with a chaotic free for all that “somebody” will have to set new rules to govern.
Mmmm, who will that “somebody” be, and how respectful of a “diversity” that includes traditional western civilisation will “somebody” be?
Appreciate the link, will check it later.
But your comments here show a certain lack of interest in these straws in the wind.
Mr V is not your problem-so no amount of critique invalidates the fact that he has an argument to make…and will be pleasantly surprised if the cards are not stacked against him, his being “not of the tribe of progress”.
Now-as I say without yet having heard your link-and with no wish to make “a mountain out of a molehill”( believe you me , the liberal media do this…we just see the signs and sound off)-I always remember the seemingly aimless sideline of a news item on the death of Ahmed Shah Massoud on Sept 10th 2001.
We`re pretty good on history here you know…and some of us read our bibles, korans and the like..it being Sunday an` all…
What I personally object to with forms is when the question about Race or Nationality crops up. We have every nation except English.
With all these new “Genders” we hear about why not adopt colour coded hats. That way we wont fall foul of upsetting Them by using the wrong word.
Funny how one flounces off in a huff…..and a whole new one pops up in its place ……
Call me cynical,but….. 😉
Cynical? look at the time I posted it. I wasn’t sitting in front of a computer with a cup of cocoa. No just finished shoveling shit in an effluent Plant. It’s the fumes I tell you. Now I’m replying after being in bed all day. Shift work, I really ain’t mad.
about the hat idea. mine would be blue with a hint of pink. i discovered i have a female side. Six pints of Stella Artois and i get all emotional and i can’t park the car when I get home.
I think youve picked me up wrong worrywort
Wasnt aiming at you,but our revolving door beeb apologists
No 6!
I see them as a wrestling tag team daisy chain.
Too ineffective to be a bucket brigade…just a daisy chain.
Adrian Street, Bert Royall and his brother, Steve Logan and all manner of affected fops prancing around for money…MC Mr Vance as our Kent Walton!
A generic bunch of Johnny Quangos, in need of our hat pins from the front row!
Not a Mick McManus among them…he was GENUINELY a tough guy…the preening fops who come here to strut are a bunch of Pansy Potters.
Unique funding can create a powerful force. Lack of accountability makes it easily corrupted.
Especially when ‘official’ but anonymous, as a BBC spokesperson will surely agree.
And across the Pond, in Princeton University, the word “man” has just been banned.
I used to think America was an open air asylum
Now I’m totally convinced……and the lunatics are all voting for clinton–lunatic in chief
Commented deleted.
This entire thread is verging on the absurd. It does show that too many of our society have too much time on their hands. Now if we all had to return to 12 hour days in field and mine none of us would have time for any of it.
Have heard the link now-so thanks to our friend above.
But he-and indeed we-are wroing if we don`t see where this ends.
From the news headlines that start the link…through to the Feltz vox pops but just before Mr Vances bit-through to the patronage, describing Tara as a “diversity consultant”…it`s just a liberal hit piece.
Hard to know how many fronts this lazy liberal war is now being fought on…
1. News headlines-Radio 4 soundbite wanting bankers in prison…heard the original that morning…why is it still being put on twelve hours later?
2. Employment figures-so why is Labours current placeholder allowed to smear them without any Tory spokesman?
We`ve all joined the circus.
Still though-gave me an idea.
Why don`t we all insist on writing the full word MISTER or MISSUS or MISS or MIZZ etc-and refuse to tick the box unless the whole word is included?
It`s my human right to be MISTER when it comes to Labour/Lib/Green lunacies-and if they can`t be arsed to give me space for the six letters…then they`re not being inclusive are they?
Self Identifying Slow Assignation in Full Script…and let them know that SISAFS will need full writing out by the Lefty Morons at County Hall….
PS-and it must be written in pencil…might fancy being MISS SPINSTER (OF THIS PARISH ) tomorrow after all.