Sorry folks-this is a reply to Peter the greats comments below re German migrantsclaiming that they don`t need to work because they`re guests…”way on down” this thread as Elvis sang
But Peter-it`s only what is expected.
Like Anjem Choudhury and his very open “Jihadi-Seekers Allowance”…economic jihad is a legitimate tool available to the Muslim should he/she want to use it.
For this-the West-is the House Al Darb…hose of war and conflict…and the Muslims In Germany would even be backed in German and EU law I expect…because they didn`t write laws for all this, and are subject to Napoleonic Code twistings and subversions in turn.
Merkel surely DID call them guests…not guestworkers as were the earlier slew of angry Muslims in the 70s etc.
So-like Choudhury says, and Pat Condell brilliantly skewers( but condones as only being Islamic Ronseal in effect)-these Merkel Moochers WERE guests of hers…and if they can use lawfare and welfare to drag the German economy into t Cairo sewer like they themselves would feel at home besides…then well done Muslims!
We need not worry now we`re out of the EU…the Mail and Express, sites like this are the future…and if we laugh at what the liberals would rather we took seriously(Benefits Cheats?… and why not?)…then we`ll drag them down in scorn.
Jesus has other plans.
Hold the bubbly, we are not out of the EU yet and there are any number of people who want to keep us in. Regrettably most of the “remainers” are, strange to say in power in some way. Don’t count your chickens yet.
The BBC with the ‘Muslim terrorism isn’t as bad is it seems meme’ … again.
Such quotes as …
“However, researchers pointed out that the 1970s saw several years with higher terrorism death tolls, so Western Europe is not “in a downward spiral”.
And only 6% of worldwide terrorism deaths in July 2016 happened in Western Europe, with many more attacks in countries like Iraq and Syria.”
So we are meant to say, oh so that’s all right then.
No mention of the Muslim terrorist plots foiled, such as the one in the Euro Football finals for the Belgium v Ireland match or the Belgian Drone to drop radioactive waste in Brussels. Either of these could have increased the deaths hugely. I don’t think either of these plots was mentioned by the BBC at the time of the arrests.
There was an “expert” pushing the same line on Radio4’s Today programme. The idea that Muslim atrocities are nothing to worry abour because you are more likely to be decapitated in a car accident seems odd to most people although it is difficult to say precisely what the fallacy is. But the “expert” could not keep his story straight and implicitly contradicted himself by referring to “normal” murder. Clearly then, there is a distinction that he perceives, but whose existance he simultaneously chooses to deny. But would he argue that the holocaust was historically insignificant because considerably more people had been killed by flu? I don’t think so! This shows that the expert’s purpose was simply to trivialise and underplay Muslim terrorism. The total number of murders in France may exceed the death toll from Muslim atrocities, but you cannot simply aggregate hundreds of unrelated murders and equate them with the hundreds of people who were murdered to achieve a political aim.
Despite there being wide spread reporting of the stabbing of a Rabbi in Strasbourg this morning the BBC had no mention of it on their site at 13-30. The perpetrator was a regular at Alan’s Snackbar and was advertising the joint at the top of his voice as he attacked the Rabbi. Perhaps anyone who is a regular at this establishment is a nutter but I expect we will be told that he had a long record of mental issues before the day is out. Alternatively the BBC may chose to just ignore the story on the grounds that you are more likely to die of something other than terrorism and so there is no point getting everyone worked up about Muslims running about wounding and killing folks.
Muslim stabbing of Jew – there it is, hours after the event, tucked away as deep as poss.
But get this:
“Alexandra Gonzalez, crime journalist for French digital TV channel BFMTV, tweeted to say that the injured man’s life was not in danger.
She also quoted a source close to the inquiry as saying that “no anti-Semitic motive had yet been established”.
“A police source said the victim was in distinctive Jewish dress.”
So: a Muslim shouting Allahu Akbar attacks a man (a Rabbi according to some sources) in ‘distinctive Jewish dress’, and “no anti-Semitic motive had yet been established”.
Just what would it take to establish an anti-Semitic motive??
Imagine the beeb during the war: ‘A man’ has exterminated 6 million Jews. No anti-Semitic motive has yet been established, psychological problems are suspected.
After all, I can confidently point out that for the first 9 months of the Last World War that the death toll from road traffic accidents was vastly higher than that from the SS Panzer Divisions…..
Grant – I’m sure all that stuff is a load of slanderous lies put about by Tories, UKIP voters, Brexit supporters, Mail readers, Express readers ………
We all know that the Blessed Hillary is only one step away from Beatification by the BBC. I realise that she would have to croak before that happened, but that’s a mere technicality.
I do hope he wins and his admin orders Teresa May to privatise the BBC. It will take someone powerful to force our cowardly Tories to stand up to the BBC
Just imagine, for a second, the BBC’s reaction were nude Hillary statues to have been put up. “Sexist charactures by Trump die-hards fail to amuse” would be the likely headline.
I listened to Radio 4’s Today programme this morning where there was a 4-way debate about the US election. The Beeboid was, predictably, in the way he was steering the conversation, pro-Clinton and anti-Trump. The Democratic spokesperson was, predictably, right up Ms Clinton’s fundament. The (so-called) republican representative was simply a Trump-hater. The ‘independent commentator’ was – unpredictably – reasonably ‘independent’.
So – three against Trump and one non-partisan. Sounds really balanced – if you are an out-and-out Beeboid thinker.
The same programme also now seems to interview, very selectively, and quite predictably, almost exclusively those businessmen who clearly were, and are still, pro-EU, and who want us to set up a relationship with the EU which is almost identical to the one pre-Brexit. In other words – to hell with the referendum.
The ‘Today’ programme staff now are openly and unashamedly, utterly and totally, political in their approach – a total disgrace.
The EU puts itself at the top of the table with 81 gold medals, 21 of which were British. (Read the article for more info. Sorry but I couldn’t get a link for the table picture to post here.)
How dare those unelected nobodies steel our thunder! I saw no report of this on the beeb but then I suppose it is too much to expect they would hail our team to the rafters for their British successes.
The liberal/left gave us undisciplined comprehensive so called fair school system that has produced sub standard qualifications anarchy disruption illiteracy,very high child on child crime and many more disfunctional problems. But those wealthy one’s have taken their children elsewhere, what hypocrisy is that.The left really are the most selfish ,crooked,nasty group of people EVER.While the tories ever so conservatively give some of their richer supporters a hand out of few free and grammar schools here and there.Pathetic be decisive even brave and just abolish the comprehensive system and then you might take some working class votes with you.Theresa may says she’s a one nation politician well its time to unite all the brexit voters.Times have changed this country could be tory or ukip with the labour and liberal horrors on the sidelines,There’s a group of people outside your westminster bubble that need to be treated with respect.
Breaking in the Express, but not breaking in the broken beeb, natch:
BREAKING: Jewish rabbi stabbed by attacker shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ in France.
“Initial reports said the perpetrator was suffering from psychological problems”.
Yep, Mrs Kitty they’ve already played that card. They are so predictable. That’s their standard knee-jerk reaction to all Muslim terrorism. This newly diagnosed mental disease has a number of names:
Westophobia, Freedomophobia, Peaceophobia, Democraphobia, Caucasophobia, Christianophobia, or in this case Anti-Semitism.
It can be cured by removing the sufferers to an asylum of their choice. There are over 50 asylums on offer – e,g, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. The sufferers will find their illness fits in much better in these places.
Local police told BBC News the attack was “not terrorist-related”.
According to the police source quoted by AFP news agency, the suspected attacker has a history of mental illness.
Once again, another attack and the authorities are able to pull the suspects medical records before they are able to find out his name. Incredible. On a positive note, all these lightning quick expert psychologists coming out of the woodwork must be a great thing for the european mental health profession. In America it usually takes months to get to the bottom of someone’s mental health issues after a crime has been committed.
There’s more – Some of ‘Merkel’s GUESTS’ are not going to be happy bunnies …………………………
“He said the burka did not fit in with Germany’s open society and showing the face was essential to social cohesion.”
Great Britain next ?
More headlines you won’t find on beeb, quick, give ’em more Olympics.
– “Burka ban pressure increases as Merkel and minister say integration impossible with veil”
(WHAT?? Saint Merkel going all Islamophobic??)
– “British drivers in Calais call for heightened security following violent migrant attacks”
– “Calais mayor says migrant violence ‘OUT OF CONTROL’ as UK truckers urge troops on streets”
Basically, anything on the Express, that ‘far right’ paper as the beeboids would call it, or ‘perfectly sensible’ as the rest of the country would call it.
Andy Verity, the BBC economics prophet of doom, hauled in to TV lunchtime news to place monthly government borrowing figures in the context of Brexit. Total economic illiteracy . Much to his discomfort we ran a surplus. Surely there must be something bad about it even if there’s no Brexit effect?Yes, it’s lower than forecast so there will be less scope to stimulate the economy when the Brexit recession finally arrives. It’s all quite pathetic.
Never trust anyone whose name is reversible-especially if its gender bending.
So Verity Andrews here is NOT to be listened to.
Saves a lot of wasted time this loose rule of thumb.
It won`t be on the telly…for their Gods are not mocked.
But what else am I to do?…comedy gold, as the NCN Regime gets a full frontal stabbing.
So if someone`s got a name like this…or a name like Andrew Panting(speaking re droughts etc for Northumbria Water)…then you`re in Gods Marlborough Country for Comedy….
Marlin Marlborough.
The reason for the no – appearance of the stories mentioned by the above posters is clear.
1pm bBBC1 headline – Usain Bolt wins again.
Down the agenda- Jade Jones ( team GB) retains plympic title.
The biased BBC selflessly promoting….errr……a Jamaican athlete.
But he’s black, which is of course the whole point.
He’s also a foot taller than any of the other runners with a stride commensurate with his height – but that’s simply coincidence. Making the comparison would, of course, be heightism.
Hot news.
The investigation into the train crash at Paddington in June cannot prove a connection but notes the driver had been observing Ramadan and had not eaten for 16 hours.
Looks like a relative’s decision to postpone surgery by a Roper in favour of an English surgeon back in June was a very good move. I wonder how many NHS ‘mistakes’ are conveniently forgotten about.
Blimey ! just seeing a Boy George lookalike on Sky, – an expert on civil liberties, ahem Professor Rosa Freedman complete with hat. (sorry Professor but I really thought you were of the male gender). Why do all refugee/civil liberty activists look as though they are dressed for a pop album photoshoot ??
Be worth a study in how the BBC began with Fanny Craddock and Magnus Pyke as “caricatures to get us talking”…and now we`ve got all manner of pervs, confused specimens who speak for students, academe or popular culture.
Reckon they died on Spike Island in 1989, and their parents took too many drugs at raves etc…some end up grand like Paul Staines and Alabama 3 etc…others with no talent but know the right BBC networkings get to comment on the rest of us.
No decent broadcaster would give us Iain Lee or Richard Bacon on public payrolls…but we live in post-ironic times.
Another day, another fatal dog attack, and yet again the one common factor is social housing! The answer is staring everyone in the face, and yet for the lefties like the BBC it appears that another dead or maimed child is indeed a price worth paying in the class war.
That’s no policewoman, that’s a pointless community support officer. Those who worked in the force I did weren’t allowed to work after 10:00pm. We had one guy, lovely bloke that he was, in his sixties!! What a deterrent he was. Pointless. Sorry, there endeth the rant.
Yes, this kind of scare is what the BBC can do well. Moslems living in fear of racists who terrorize the neighborhood with aggressive dogs.
Emir Khan to the rescue with a dog hub where police and dog watchers maintain dog free zones.
“Naked Trump statues amuse crowds” (of beeb journos)
The beeb put it on their home page, click and you get a full page of huge photos.
All a bit of a giggle. But can you imagine the hysteria if they were statues of Saint Obama or Saint Hillary?
Racist! Sexist! Ban! Arrest! they wouldn’t last 5 minutes.
It’s disgusting – regressives in full-on abuse mode. If they can’t defeat the man and his message with argument, they naturally just default to ridicule and ad hominem. This is how the gutless, unprincipled, thuggish regressive left rolls. Absolute scum.
No doubt there`ll be plenty gay blades who`ll hope that the orifice with which to blow up Mr Trump is placed where they`d like it to be.
Maybe that nonsense over his small hands etc has only encouraged them to “think big” as it were.
Gets no more perverted than this-but they did try for a BP oil rig inflatable last year for Emma Thompson to pose by did they not?
Despite free buses round the country to go to SW1 last summer?…there were not among puffs among them, so it was all a bit of a limpdick affair.
So-a morality play in latex for you there-the BBC really need to look at themselves and their perversions and fantasies…Savile, Anjem and now this?
I`m afraid that it`s all aimed at cameras, imagings and perversions really.
Started with Slutwalks, prancing nude a la Pussy Riot etc in our current case.
DID start with genuine feminist attempts to “Reclaim the Streets” in the late 70s in University cities up north -Leeds after Sutcliffe first, but was successfully spread to show solidarity.
BUT-like all other genuine efforts to “highlight the issues”…these perverting exhibitionists with minds like empty sewage bowls seem to think that cycling around London naked will raise awareness…as opposed to their own dicks and dlidos when some poor kid and his mum show disgust at what`s happened to modesty decency and a letter to No 10.
Generational exhibitionists, tat whores and perverts who demand out attention, anger by way of validating their need for attention…because they`re not brazen enough to mount the Andies ( Burnham or Pandy) for cheridee.
It`s all about them -ALWAYS about them…the cause of anti Trump, airport expansion etc only becomes the virtuous hash tag references to link their sinister reflex and unthinking ends.
We`re now in a logo savvy, brand laden emoticon world-no words needed-just offensive images with the hope we`ll react-and then THEY can feel even bolder in facing down our bourgeois prejudices.
Wankers…but that`s the left for you, now that Swampy and Russell Brand have become the ticks on the corpse of Attlee.
Triggering these morons is oh so easy and their stands and arguments are equally as easy to shoot down. A Question Time with some of these SJW’s alongside Ben Shapiro or Steven Crowder would be worth a watch but the BBC would walk on glass before approaching such right wing luminaries. Perhaps someone should tell them that Milo is a five bob note and they get him on the programme only to discover he rips their gaping fundaments even wider with logic and sense. What a confusion for the poor dears, a Conservative, libertarian gay bloke. Heads would spin.
Another Islamist attack but the far-left BBC are notreporting yet. Probably desperately thinking of an excuse. Will it be mental health, bullying, brexit, far-right racism? The BBC is a disgrace. Every one of these vile Islamist crimes should be headline news.
Mark Stone doing his handwringing reports again on Migrant movement. Are we bovvered ? well only if there is suddenly an open door policy here for the ‘lone’ children. Migrant camps seem to be spreading like a cancer across all European countries. I wont be venturing there anytime soon. If Europe carries on in this vein, before too long the continent will be a no-go area.
I read a chilling and sinister article in the Times today re the BBC. Basically, the liberal left establishment are so shocked by Brexit that they are reviewing their arsenal of propaganda tools, as if the already grotesquely biased BBC was not enough. But they were so shocked by Brexit that they have decided that they need to free the BBC from any form of impartiality guidelines so that it can be even more effective at manipulating the news and molding public opinion to suit the liberal left world view.
To this end the BBC Trust commissioned a report from Paul Johnson, director of the think tank Fiscal Studies, to review the BBC’s use of statistics. In the report he felt that the BBC was impeded from ensuring that the BBC gave the public the best view of the facts by the ‘over -rigid’ application of impartiality guidelines. An exquisite example of Orwellian Doublespeak that Pravda would have been proud of. Of course we know that the liberal left is just preparing the ground to allow the BBC to rubbish anything they don’t like or to suppress it if they can. and no one will be able to claim foul re the BBC Charter . Once this reduction, abolition may be a better word, of the impartiality restraint, albeit an increasingly flimsy restraint, is in place we will see a whole new level of leftist bias from the BBC. The corporation will be free to do exactly as it and its liberal left chums choose, with our money of course.
This is coupled with other reports , notably on Breitbart , that the left is trying to have advertisers pull out from The Daily Mail, Sun , Express etc. I think that Brexit has so shaken the liberal left that they are determined to make sure that a) they reverse it , b) that their hold over the MSM is absolute so that nothing like this can ever happen again and that their highly dangerous world view and policies go unchallenged.
These are two of the most sinister developments in my life time. They will result in the complete loss of free speech and democratic accountability. Somehow or other they must be vigorously resisted.We need a George Orwell more than ever. That the BBC is trying to claim him for their own makes me want to vomit.
Shameful. The Left already have ALL the broadcast media in their pocket and half the print media. Now they want to control or close the few remaining voices of sanity.
Unfortunately for them they are 30 years too late.
When the Communist Party held absolute power in the Soviet Union it so controlled the media that few believed anything they read or that was broadcast. What they lacked (though there was samizdat publishing to a degree) was the Internet.
The Left can huff and puff all it likes but as long as we can keep the Internet out of its hands, the more absurd their news becomes, the more people will look for alternatives they feel they can trust.
An example of the Left overreaching itself is the nonsense it has published about immigration in general and Islam in particular. Apart from a few lost souls of the SJW variety, I cannot think of a single individual I know who doesn’t believe that both are out of control and that the media routinely lies in its reporting about them.
GCooper, indeed. I have a friend who is quite apolitical, doesn’t read the internet much. I was watching telly with him and the news came on the BBC of some attack (can’t remember which, there have been so many but I think may have been Nice) carried out by ‘local men with mental health issues and no apparent motive’. He turned to me and said ‘That’ll be the muzzies again won’t it?’ Nobody’s fooled.
I wouldn’t worry too much about advertisers pulling out from all the top selling news titles, they are concerned with sales, not what they see as petty politics. The Guardian, Times and Independent (on line) combined don’t come close to the Sun or Mail, not including the rest of what they term ‘the Tory Press’. Even the most entrenched Guardiani must recognize the sand their edifice is built on, that’s why their comments are increasingly strident and aimed at a dwindling audience, many of them walking away from all the noise for the sake of their sanity.
It has the be the most revealing factor in the whole BBC approach to political debate, that they use the lowest circulation medium to define their stance. Truly puerile behavior from the supposedly well educated.
We have seen that the left are capable of organising successful boycotts of supermarkets etc .So if they were able to create one of their media storms with some key advertisers being accused of supporting race hate by placing their adverts in these newspapers ,then they may force the newspapers to choose between changing editorial policy or losing revenue.Either way it is potential threat to free speech.
The BBC already have such a tool in their box – they call it ‘due impartiality’ and they’ve been using it for a few years now to avoid airing the views of informed, educated climate scientists who don’t agree with the CAGW scam. The BBC is signed up to the discredited ‘climate consensus’, you see, so they take the view that if a majority of scientists say CAGW is real they are under no obligation to present any argument against it.
And so it goes. They control the medium; they control the message.
Once both Owen Smith and the BBC Trust is out of the way, I think the BBC will be subject to a Judicial review of its Climate Change censorship policy which already deliberately violates the BBC,s impartiality rules. This Judicial review could even be supported by both Corbyn and May, who also respect the Brexit majority decision. With the BBC dominated by morons who do not understand the reason for Impartiality. That it was and still is because of the compulsory funding of the BBC by people of different political persuasions, then in a free democratic society, the only answer would be to give the BBC total financial and political independence from the state, and let it be as Independent as the Independent newspaper was.
@doublethinker ..I read the report : he’s the bag carrier not the actual main woman (he was on panel of the BBCTrust statistics report assisting her)
“It’s little use (the BBC presenting) rival claims without giving the viewer some guidance as to which is the more credible.”
Well he starts his column by saying “back by the overwhelming weight of evidence” “The planet is warming and will continue to warm as a result of man-made climate change”
..That seems to rule out thoses many episods in the past where after some years of a warming trend there was a dip down for some years.
He praises Steve Jones 2011 anti-false balance report, which causes BBC Climate items to be totally UNBALANCED : only having an alarmists on, when the skeptics should be there challenging the often ridiculous claims …and magical thinking on green energy etc.
An explanation for the low limit of intelligence at the BBC.
(1) “backed by the overwhelming weight of evidence” This must mean only temperature data
(2) “The planet is warming” This must mean the BBC has not received any information about the pause since 1997
(3) “and will continue to warm” This must mean the BBC thinks Computer Model predictions, are facts
(4) “as a result of man-made climate change” This must mean that the BBC thinks that the 4 percent of the Atmospheric CO2 content which represents 16 parts per million of CO2, caused the warming up to 1997, and is not aware that it has not caused any warming since 1997, and is predicted by Computer Models to start warming up again from 2016, but the BBC “denies the pause” and goes a bit mental when you point out that ten year computer model predictions between 1998 to 2005 are proven to be false.
That’s why the best scientists invited to that BBC Climate Seminar were temperature measurers, and the BBC needs an anti-false Computer Model policy.
All because the BBC never phones up any relevantly qualified scientists, probably because people at the BBC do not like intelligent people, such as UKIPers, Jews and all right-wing White Males, especially Mensa members.
The best scientists to ask are those who have the answer, which is to replace the Arrhenius formula for calculating the Greenhouse effect in Computer Models, with the formula produced by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
Remember the farce when Owen Jones walked out of the Press Review on Sky ? well, its come to light that Mark Longhurst the news presenter who stood his ground against Jones, has now been given the sack ! He was assured he still had a job after the debacle, but now clearly not. His Sky colleagues ain’t happy. 1-0 to Jones then.
So let me get this fxxxxxg straight. A Jewish rabbi is stabbed by a man shouting ‘Allahua akbar’ in Strasbourg and yet the pathetic and corrupt BBC still aren’t reporting it? Oh, but don’t worry, they are, however, reporting about some childish Donald Trump statue. What a disgrace. Appalling bias.
I think you must mean allegedly shot by members of the Barzini family. On behalf of his clients, Michael Mansfield has been requested to lodge a complaint with the High Court based on character defamation, disclosure of personal medical records and infringement of human rights. Legal aid has been granted.
The Corleone family have rejected suggestions of over-acting.
The brilliant Jonathan Sacks once wrote about the Hebrew “HEAR The Word of God” culture…as opposed to the Greek “SEE what God is doing/has done” notion.
Hence the general idea that God is not drawn, but is sung about….spoken of and recited, but not stuck on vases with naked men around him…you get the drift!
I paraphrase Rabbis Sacks…did you guess that?
The notions of bread and circuses, spectacles and public shows of fireworks and charity events for filming are very Greek , very Roman…whereas the music, poetry, and spreading the word stuff would be Hebrew and Jewish constructs that Muslims could attach to as well.
Christians have access to both…the BBC is now a Godless Greek theatre, an empty Roman ampitheatre doing its own eternal “Give a Show Projections” straight out of Happy Valley, with silicone enlargements on all appendages.
But false, venal and cyclops-like, seasick leisure class shams on their very own ship of fools…which we paid for thinking it would stay as a Blue Peter badge.
So-as all MSM led with the Syrian lad last night in the hope we can “create an Aylan” once more-as each red snapper hopes to become a Donald McCullin overnight, and Jon Snow can get the image embroidered onto his wifes lavender hankie?…we just need to step away from the cookie jar, the cookie cutters of the elite…and realise that the revolution is not being televised or documented at all by them.
Didn`t we see this last year in the election?…this year in Brexit?…and now, for a Stateside event the rise of the ludicrous but telling Mr Brexit himself in November as scheduled for November 8th?
So lets all relax and float downstream as Lenin sang…play dead, float down the middle…and see how piracy will be taking out the MSM very soon…corsairs on hire , pedalos and paddling our own canoes a speciality.
Don`t watch…just listen in the pubs….
I heard someone say that the BBC had a story about pictures of Donald Trump in a toilet.
BBC Rule book:
(1) Hitler Toilet Paper: OK
(2) Trump Toilet Paper: A Trump is a fart, so OK
(3) Obama Toilet Paper: Racist, sackable and very serious criminal offence
(4) Clinton Toilet Paper: Sexist, sackable but less serious offence as above
(5) Corbyn Toilet Paper: Only allowed to be used by Owen Smith supporters
(6) May Toilet Paper: Only allowed to be used by female BBC staff
(7) Lord Hall Toilet Paper: Sackable offence, followed by mysterious death
Do female Labour politicians who defrauded the public with expenses get JAILED ?
No they get PAID by the BBC tomakle programmes about JAIL.
Monday on R4 Episode 1 : Ex Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith on the history of prison reform from the 18th century to the end of WWII.
presumably jailbirds Chris Huhne & his wife weren’t available
I worked with an officer highly involved with the Baby P case and what he said about Shoosmith and her actions couldn’t be printed. His side only of course but if only half was true then her writing a book and making profit from the whole terrible affair is beyond reprehensible.
The problem was that Ed Balls wanted to be the big man, and sacked her without due process. She was always going to win at her employment tribunal, because Ed Balls is a gutless cretin, but then I repeat myself.
Still, good to see that the BBC is bunging him a pay cheque to take part in Strictly this year. He may end up getting paid more than Sharon Shoesmith. Isn’t life grand in public service?
Anyone see the Channel 4 doco last night about the armed policeman ?
– In the 80’s he shot dead 2 of 3 armed WHITE guys doing a payroll raid.
..Newspapers called him a hero
– 2003 He shot dead 1 of 3 armed black guys on their journey from buying the guns
…. and the Black press call him a murderer and eventually get him put on trial (he was acquitted)
Sorry for the mother, but what were the 3 guys going to do with the guns ? have a f…amous water fight ?
No, since they were probably going to end up killing with the guns, so there would have been other future grieving mums.
..the policeman’s actions caused less deaths overall.
(Yes the police shoot 5 or 7 times at a guy …. that’s to make sure they really de-activate him. In the training there is none of that shoot the gun out of his hands BS)
Did you note the verite of the camera work?
Very old school-coppers chatting with hacks right outside the flat?
The pictures spoke volumes….if only we could STILL see these things, STILL have police and media talking on the street without the news management, media centre crap we all get today.
All gone within our lifetimes…to the point we don`t even get to know names, pictures anymore, lest we blame Muslims and such.
Which we end up having to do, because they`ll not tell us anymore.
Ah well-Internet`s free…and the BBC will be gone soon too.
Slightly OT – this is a piece currently on Sky News front page:
A 16-year-old boy tells Sky News he was given beer and then sexually molested by an Italian man weeks after arriving in Sicily.
As far as I can establish the legal age of consent for gay sex in Italy is 14 (can anyone verify this? – Google doesn’t seem to want to spill the beans). This whole piece of migrant porn/virtue-signalling reads like a classic exercise in misdirection. It’s fairly obvious this 16 year-old was going with men for money, beer and probably a nice shower – a rent boy, in other words, and a legal one as far as his age is concerned. I’m sure he’s not the only one.
Sky is concerned this helpless little lamb was ‘molested’ by a predatory Italian man (whilst admitting he was apparently paid for his inconvenience). None of this makes any sense.
We do need to remember that the last Labour government reduced the age for gay sex in the UK to 16, unless it was with a person with “influemce” over the recipient of the advances. So o.k. with a complete stranger, but not your teacher.
The same Parliament when they lowered the trousers of teenagers was also the same one that raised the smoking age…so sex at 16, smoking up to 18.
Have then to wait two years for your post-coital ciggie after Labours BBC production line had put their finger on the nub of youth…don`t remember any BBC comedy pointing out this at the time.
Zees eez not funny…how could it be when the Queens sex life is the alternative?
What year DID the BBC cleave itself from the population who fund it?
Of course, it’s presented as a shock move, a rat fleeing a sinking ship for an unknown reason. In reality this was predicted months ago as Manafort was considered too ‘safe’ for Trump’s campaign to truly be seen as different. The BBC also utterly fails to mention that his named replacement, Stephen Bannon, has had the Clinton campaign flailing about in absolute panic since he was previously CEO of Breitbart, the only news source actually doing any investigative work on the Clinton’s for years and which pretty much single-handedly brought the email scandal to attention. Bias by exclusion at work again.
The ‘tell it often enough’ coordination between the BBC, Graun, Indy, HuffPo (not that the last three’s audience matters anywhere, even in the UK) and various overseas fellow travellers is getting to be beyond a joke.
Trump, Climate Change, Boris… it all follows a predictable pattern where a publication with an actual readership in the dozens interviews someone who has taken to social media to ‘own’ someone, gets a few likes from their mates and now ‘wins’ twitter. Apparently.
BBC Trending then picks this up off the feed of those it likes, and turns it into a ‘thing’ which, given the size and scope or the BBC is seen by many more.
At which point it becomes a fact and hence ‘news’.
Until an actual secret ballot when they get a shock and earlier claims hit the memory hole.
Not the first time now I`ve heard the BBC moaning about nobody wanting to buy tickets to watch the Paras in their Olympic Tribute Act on August 31st in Rio.
Sod the market…surely to Allah we should-as a UK Government-buy them all up, so the stumpies aren`t sad and demotivated.
I have no problem whatsoever with the paralympic competitors who genuinely believe in this crap and need it to make a life worthwhile by getting on the telly in Rio…to each, their own, there but for the grace of God and all that…
But the BBC emoting, squauking at the mocking or redundance , irrelevance of the whole freak show that the BBC inevitable turn it into?….makes me sick.
Seeing as travelling circuses are no longer allowed.
If only the Paralympix, the Wimmin would see what Sport and the BBC with their globalised fantasies of Benetton marketing end up as…apart from the blind and permanently damaged, they are without excuse.
We end up doing great damage to the greatest aspects of overcoming adversity. The BBC manage to turn it ALL into a vomitorium.
Hobble away Paralympix…the BBC and their endless druggie sporting fetishes only give them cover…and it turns out that THEY are disabled in spirit and need you for a convenient crutch.
I don’t think ticket sales for even the normal Olympics sold that well, tbh, if the shots of half-empty stadia that slipped past the BBC censor are any clue. The Para Olympic’s were always going to struggle, in comparison. Most Rio natives couldn’t even afford to get into the regular Games, and even fewer would have wanted to pay to watch the wheelchair races even if they could scrape together the entry fee to do so.
Like wimmins football, this is where economic reality conflicts with state subsidised wishful thinking and leftist virtue signalling. In order to sell tickets, you have to offer a product people are willing to pay for. In the end, the market decides – a lesson forever unlearned by regressives.
A beautifully constructed,compact explanation of the truth.
What fun it would be to ask Comrade Corbyn for his views on the matter and how he would make the paralympics as popular as the main games. Short of North Korean style coercion or free tickets for all sport.
If you wanted to see empty stadiums you should have watched the BBC’s coverage of the Women’s World Cup. Outside the BBC’s imagination the entire world had something better to do than watch women kick footballs around the park.
But there IS something going on here.
Just heard Radio 4s “Any Questions” allows somebody to put forward the notion that the Olypics results must be unfair because poor countries don`t get eqestrian funding from the UN in some formula.
And most of the panel took it seriously-only Iain Dale said that Communism rather tried this, but only pumped steroids around the world instead…and Nadia Komineche might not exactly be what Soviet and Comintern countries ought now to be remembered for( Lyndsey German seemed not to think that Nadia and Olga were the stereotypical results though).
Think we can see where this is going…the great God sport demands equality and same fundings now…and hopefully everybody of all colours will link arms at the finishing lines sometime soon.
Where ARE the adults at the BBC?….when even doing well at their goddam Olympics seems an act of class warfare now?….
I think Jamaica and some African countries should pay money to help hideously White nations like Britain with track athletics. As Blacks obviously have a big advantage in the sprints, long-distance races and even middle-distance ones (witness the multiple Gold medals of Mr Bolt and Mr Farah) the Whites such as Britain’s Mr Kilty and Mr Vernon badly need help. Perhaps we could handicap the Blacks by giving the ‘honkies’ a head-start. Of course, to be fair, we’d have to handicap our rowers and cyclists with lead weights to even things up there. /Sarc off/
For want of anything on R5Labour from the Olympics worth listening to I turned over to Fred MacAulay’s Wet Hot Political Summer at 11pm on Radio 4.
In response to his question to the audience as to whether anyone votede for Brexit seemingly one did, to which the comment was “Off you go then”.
Does this mean that the audiences for BBC “comedy” shows are not carefully selected to achieve “balance” like for QT? Or does it mean they are carefully selected!
“Well, off you go then – but don’t expect a refund on the £145.50 that we extorted from you for your ticket.”
All the usual BBC political comedy memes featured on that show: even Fatcha (ousted from Downing Street over 25 years ago) got a mention.
There’s hardly a shortage of targets for satire on the left at present (Obama’s failure on gun control, Hilary’s issue with the emails, the consequences of Merkel’s open-door migrant policy, Labour’s leadership travails) but you’d never know that listening to BBC comedy.
Just caught up with the Graun’s media pages, and this one is a hoot:
The original pictures for the Great British Bake Off featured pink and blue icing only Photograph: BBC
Yesterday’s leftovers: The BBC has re-released its images of the Great British Bake Off contestants with a broader range of icing following a sexism row, reports the Sun
The Tube is going to run around the clock. This will help workers who work unsocial hours.
BBC London showcase one. I say showcase, not talk or speak.
The person in question is a single parent Ecuadorian woman who speaks no English at all and came to London 6 months ago.
Now I have nothing against the lady who seems to works her socks off holding down three low paid jobs (remembering some Brits manage to avoid work completely).
The key issues are 1. Why did the biased BBC choose her as an example and 2. How the hell did she get into the country as a resident and worker in the first place.
As I have written previously Brexit will not control immigration when the civil servants and border agency just seem to let in anybody and everybody who can breathe. Whilst occasionally showing how ‘tough’ they are, as in the recent case of the Australian family up in Scotland.
It’s all as dodgy as hell.
Noted that the BBC have said nothing about this one.
Seems to me that the rights of workers to get a nights sleep, the rise in crime that will inevitably result and the minimum wage and low pay implications( anybody seen Channel 4s constant onslaught at the likes of Deliveroo or Uber?) are not going to be issues under Citizen Khan.
Can only imagine the digging up of Bob Crow , and the trashing of Brosi has all this been going on under the Tories.
Can only assume that the BBC creatives will be able to run their mules round the Central Line that much easier with condoms and talcum powders from ethically sourced Columbians….why else would they choose to let this happen?
Most kind sluff.
Would never dare compare myself to the great Mr Meades.
Comes from Salisbury near here…and , IMHO is Wiltshires greatest export to the world.
He did a brilliant piece on Essex-and I bet that he voted to leave….
Glad to correct myself above-I typed Borsi instead of Boris.
Rhymes with Egypts ex Muslim Brotherhood bloke though….
BBC Points West tonight, three women presenting in the studio, mix in at least 4 women reporters on film, just a token eunuch weather presenter and not forgetting a live link to the sports reporter on a jolly in Rio
Why is it beyond the capabilities of one presenter to ‘read’ us the local news, sport and weather in 15 minutes without all the PC crap and diversity fill? Kenneth Kendall, Richard Baker and Robert Dougall managed to do it solo and nationally years ago.
This just one region, times that waste by 15 TV regions. All possible because of the unique way (by threat of imprisonment) the telly tax payer funds them…
Ha – your ‘unique way’ somehow reminded of an another phrase that I couldn’t quite bring to mind at first..
Then I had it – ‘Peculiar Institution’! The euphemism they used in the American South for slavery.
…Why is it beyond the capabilities of one presenter to ‘read’ us the local news, sport and weather in 15 minutes without all the PC crap and diversity fill…..
Probably all doing long auditions for the sofa vacancy on Breakfast, once the ever rising star of Munchetty hits the stratosphere after doing Strictly, nothing short of next stop Director General of the Beeb will be good enough for this lady – (of course she has to mow down Anita Rani for the title first !!!)
The bBC, their so called defence experts and their flawed coverage of the Syrian war. Battle for Aleppo: UN welcomes Russia’s 48-hour truce proposal Aleppo, once Syria’s commercial and industrial centre, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with the government controlling the west and rebels the east.Fighting has escalated in recent weeks, with rebels severing the government’s main route to the west of the city. The offensive sought to break a siege by pro-government forces, who encircled the east in July and stepped up air strikes.
The bBC tries above in its convoluted manner to inform the reader that Alleppo is under siege by the Syrian army. If you can’t make heads or tails of the bBC article here is something i wrote in May, which is much easier to understand if you wish to understand the background to current situation in Aleppo. Anyway in a nutshell the Syrian military with friends (Hezb-allah, Russia and North Korea. (Yes there are North Korean troops fighting for Assad.) had until the other week completely surrounded Aleppo and laid siege to it. That is until all the rebels put aside their differences and broke the siege by overrunning the Syrian army artillery school in the bottom left of the city.
So all of the above can be condensed by saying the Syrian army and friends surround Aleppo with the rebels inside. Here is the map the bBC is currently airing:
Apparently to the bBC, it is the Syrian army which is surrounded by the rebels. which doesn’t explain this map from a week ago
Now, the reason why the Russians are bombing the shit out of Aleppo (Explains that little boy picture) is to close that gap that the rebels made. Why only today they launched a cruise missile strike on the area.
Small missile ships Serpukhov and Zeleni Dol firing Kalibr missiles onto targets near Aleppo from Mediterranean sea— BM-21 GRAD (@bm21_grad) 19 August 2016
But the rebels are giving as good as they get. here is video clip of a Syrian army unit being taken out with a double tap with a 9k111faggot missile. (Yes it is called a faggot)
The bBC who with their billions in tax money can’t even report the correct news.
and here is a bBC article from 12 days ago when they reported on how the rebels broke the government siege. Syria rebels ‘break government siege’ of Aleppo
Rebel factions in Syria say they have broken a weeks-long government siege of Aleppo, amid scenes of rejoicing in the crucial northern city. Sources close to government forces denied that they had been pushed aside and said they had driven the rebels back from an artillery base.
You can’t really expect the BBC to have much of a clue about military matters, unless it’s to inform our enemies where they can locate UK armed forces!
Forget the hysterics of all involved..just listen to that music!
Some hippie chick wants us to build bridges not walls…dial a cliche as Morrissey says.
A Brexiteer that lad.
These bloody Candice Maweez of the Tolpuddle Troupe accompany Corbyn much as that Sheffield Brass Band did with the England team.
The cultures busted when they turn out to be “The Man” that they`ve long despised as “keeping the little people down”…when Farage is despised for changing things, whereas Geldof is lauded for his tax fiddlings , the death of assorted family members and his vile abuse of British fishermen from a champagne love boat.
Just enjoy it…we`ve only just begun.
It goes without saying that the EU referendum was an historic moment for our country and our politics. More people voted for the UK to leave the European Union than have ever voted for any proposition or any political party at any election or referendum in British history.
So the establishment of BrexitCentral by the ever entrepreneurial Matthew Elliott, who headed the Vote Leave campaign and now returns to the helm of Business for Britain, is about giving those more than 17.4 million people a voice. As Editor of BrexitCentral, backed up by a vibrant social media presence, I want to provide them with an online home where they can follow developments as they happen while promoting a positive vision of Britain after Brexit. This week’s Spectator leader calls for think tanks, websites and other groups to “make the case for the clear, open version of Brexit that was described, and endorsed, at the referendum”. And that is exactly where BrexitCentral comes in.
The site will be launching in mid-September, but if you sign up now at, you will be sure not to miss anything once we’re up and running. We live in interesting and exciting times, and the process of extricating us from the EU and 43 years of regulation and red tape is going to dominate Theresa May’s in-tray above all other issues. She has said that “Brexit means Brexit” and I am excited about chronicling the twists and turns of events while holding her and her Government to its pledge to follow the instructions of the British people in that momentous referendum. So many of the predictions from the doom-mongers both during and immediately after the referendum are already proving to be false. I look forward to BrexitCentral helping to make the optimistic picture of post-Brexit Britain a reality.
I think it’s time we stopped trying to counter accusations like this with reason. It doesn’t work and it tends to dignify the accusation.
Last time I was accused of being a racist (by a family member, as it happens) I replied along the lines of: “I supported my comment with facts. If all you can do is attach some silly label, carry on. I’m not crushed by it – I don’t even care”. I wouldn’t say his jaw dropped but he was expecting me to apologise.
The problem, as I’ve said, before, is that the Left doesn’t argue using facts. Indeed, it doesn’t really care about facts at all. It’s all about feelings and emotions. So, yes, you are quite right. You can’t argue with these people. They abandoned logic and reason a long time ago.
As Mrs Thatcher once remarked, when they’re calling you names it means they’ve run out of arguments.
Nowadays the Left has become to stupid to argue, instead it just shouts names – very loudly, and unfortunately the idea of a politicised Police force means that Labour commissioners have been able to turn their police into political correctness enforcement squads who no longer deal with actual crime but what people say & what they think.
Agreed. And this is why the BBC is so dangerous. Its power and reach means it makes the political weather. If it keeps promoting one strand of opinion, as it does, in the end people just shrug and assume that’s the truth
Al Beeb kept promoting the EU, but when the ordinary British ‘Jo Bloggs’ saw through their scam they voted Brexit in the referendum, just as they are beginning to see their promotion of multiculturalism now.
They can see through it as Merkel once saw through it six years ago…………………………….
When these idiots have imported a civil war to our country, they will be the ones hiding behind the “racists” and other rough men who will, once again have to sort out the mess the liberals have created.
My impression of listening to Radio 4 news and current affairs is that they don’t ask the same questions about Hillary Clinton that they do of Trump. Yesterday’s World at One was a case in point. It’s not just bias against Trump, whom they clearly don’t like, but a failure to dig deep into Hillary’s serial misdeeds, because they broadly approve of her.
And that’s it in a nutshell. Even a BBC news editor isn’t so stupid as to be unable to understand this. Which means it is deliberate. Which means the case against them is proven.
If half a million people decided to stop paying the licence fee what could they do about it. It’s time to stop playing keyboard warriors and stand up and be counted.
Don’t blame me . I scrapped my TV and told the Licence Fee people to bugger off. Just watch the BBC occassionally on my mum’s TV and she is a pensioner ! But , you are right, if enough people refuse to pay, the evil empire will collapse. It is incredible that some people have to pay £ 145 a year to support the BBC vermin.
I completely agree and I think that this is the only way that the BBC can be forced off their increasingly rabid leftist ,internationalist agenda. The difficulties are firstly, how to recruit the first ten thousand refuseniks and,secondly ,how to provide a secure fighting fund for the legal aid of those prosecuted by the BBC. Because the BBC will recognise that these ten thousand will almost certainly catalyse many others to join them and so will be desperate to nip the revolt in the bud.
“A search has again taken place in Weston Park in Bath by police investigating the discovery of three human feet.
The first turned up inside the park in February, the second and third were found in nearby gardens in July and earlier this month.
Police say they do not think there is anything sinister behind the finds but they are continuing to investigate why they keep appearing.”
So, they don’t know why they are there but do know it’s nothing sinister?.
I suppose the severed heads belonging to the feet might sway perceptions?. However, I suspect such findings wouldn’t even be reported in the first place.
…“A search has again taken place in Weston Park in Bath by police investigating the discovery of three human feet.
The first turned up inside the park in February, the second and third were found in nearby gardens in July and earlier this month…..
The only athlete I am interested in at the Olympics is Usain Bolt. I hope the BBC
will be sending 350 or so of their team to Jamaica to cover the Jamaican teams
homecoming in Kingston. With all these indigenous whities winning gold medals
for Great Britain. It is politically correct for the BBC to show positive discrimination
by giving Bolt all the headlines,and he is a clean athlete. Is that horse of Nick Skelton
given a drugs test? Somebody should ask Claire Balding.
I agree Foscari, Bolt is to be applauded, BUT I find it cringeworthy that black athletes tend to call themselves ‘the greatest’ without the slightest modicum of modesty, perhaps some of them are; but I prefer to watch and get more satisfaction from watching the likes of Nick Skelton, who has persevered for decades in getting it together, and to see him and his horse finally gain the accolade of Olympic champion in such an understated way.
The biased BBC are just wanking themselves silly over Usain Bolt. He was headline number 1 – again – while Team GB did not even get a mention at all !
Meanwhile, the programme is being co-hosted from Gibralter, which ‘voted 97% Remain’ we are helpfully informed. FFS.
It just never atops, does it?
Sluff-I expect we will see a new show on the BBC ” Sugar around the world.”Visiting the LGBT scene.
Then maybe on “Celebrity Bake Off” where Caster could use her or his own branded sugar
A rabbi was stabbed on Friday in the northeastern French city of Strasbourg by a knife-wielding male assailant who shouted “Allahu Akbar” during the attack, French and international media outlets reported.
The wounded man, reported to be in his 60s, was transported to a hospital in stable condition.
A Strasbourg police spokesman told The Associated Press that the attacker was arrested at the scene of the incident.
The spokesman said police were not classifying the incident as terror-related. He told The Associated Press the attacker was someone with “clear deficiencies” and a police record…..Oh good that means that the BBC can report the incident with clear conscience as being carried out by a perpetrator with north African or middle east appearance who had psychological issues..
magic – it also means that another Islamic terror attack gets mis-classified, thereby reducing the statistics of such crimes. This is happening across Europe. In Sweden and some German states they no longer record the religion or ethnicity of the perps, both those countries being terrified of the monster they’ve unleashed and desperate to hide the true scale of the horror from their citizens. Good old Mutti Merkel.
Thanks for posting I would have missed that otherwise, quick search, nothing on so called BBC, the story does appear on numerous other outlets that don’t have the massive criminally extorted budget that our state propagandist has.
The comments are telling.
Our media have just put a twist on the way the Soviets used mental illness, but it amounts to much the same. It’s being played to such excess that it’s losing any credibility it may have had, and is both damaging and insulting to those with genuine mental health issues. I’m just waiting for the ‘men with mental health issues fire rockets at Jerusalem’ or ‘219 schoolgirls kidnapped in Chibok by men with mental health issues’ headlines. It’s only a matter of time.
8’O clock R4 News: As has been commented, 95% of the total news coverage Usain Bolt (team Jamaica). Eventually quick mention of Team GB’s hockey gold (hideously white team), no mention of Nick Skelton’s (Team GB – hideously white middle-aged man) extraordinary Olympic Gold at the age of 58. Nothing at all, he has been erased by the BBC, a non person. Oh but we did get the full inaudibly hysterically weeping interview from Lutalo Muhammad (Team GB Taekwondo final loser).
Yes, the fawning adulation is really out of all proportion for one who is, essentially, a one-trick pony with the ability to run rather faster than other, shorter, opponents. In comparison with decathletes and heptathletes, for just two examples, his achievements are significantly lower down the scale and yet, typically, the BBC take their coverage to an absurd level of concentration on an individual. By doing so, they take an obvious professional pride in ignoring the true Olympic ethos which, from the reintroduction at the end of the 19th century, was always essentially based on national and team performance – and which, of course, is why our state broadcaster embraces Bolt with such repetitive enthusiasm.
Fedup2Mar 18, 12:29 Start the Week 17th March 2025 And the hits keep coming … DTJ has removed hunter bidens secret service protection. Biden convinced a friendly judge that…
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 If we brought back the death penalty there would not be so many.
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Will the murdered man’s mother be given a seat in the House of Lords? If not, why not?
moggiemooMar 18, 12:10 Start the Week 17th March 2025 He’ll get the opportunity to replace some of the bollocks he comes out with.
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:05 Start the Week 17th March 2025 One of the new Deform Party councillors. Muhammed Yusuf doing the vetting. National & cultural pride welcomed. As long as…
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:02 Start the Week 17th March 2025 She must have had the disability benefit for a long time. It hasn’t been available to new claimants for at…
tomoMar 18, 11:49 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Here’s hoping there’s cameras around when they serve him this at the official banquet.
Dead Syrian child video ‘global outrage’ according to BBC.
Weren’t you lot agitating for intervention in Syria?
Maybe they should look into the associates of the guy who took the picture…
Sorry folks-this is a reply to Peter the greats comments below re German migrantsclaiming that they don`t need to work because they`re guests…”way on down” this thread as Elvis sang
But Peter-it`s only what is expected.
Like Anjem Choudhury and his very open “Jihadi-Seekers Allowance”…economic jihad is a legitimate tool available to the Muslim should he/she want to use it.
For this-the West-is the House Al Darb…hose of war and conflict…and the Muslims In Germany would even be backed in German and EU law I expect…because they didn`t write laws for all this, and are subject to Napoleonic Code twistings and subversions in turn.
Merkel surely DID call them guests…not guestworkers as were the earlier slew of angry Muslims in the 70s etc.
So-like Choudhury says, and Pat Condell brilliantly skewers( but condones as only being Islamic Ronseal in effect)-these Merkel Moochers WERE guests of hers…and if they can use lawfare and welfare to drag the German economy into t Cairo sewer like they themselves would feel at home besides…then well done Muslims!
We need not worry now we`re out of the EU…the Mail and Express, sites like this are the future…and if we laugh at what the liberals would rather we took seriously(Benefits Cheats?… and why not?)…then we`ll drag them down in scorn.
Jesus has other plans.
ChrisH, and Soros has other plans too:
Hold the bubbly, we are not out of the EU yet and there are any number of people who want to keep us in. Regrettably most of the “remainers” are, strange to say in power in some way. Don’t count your chickens yet.
I think I might have reported this post by mistake. Sorry
The BBC with the ‘Muslim terrorism isn’t as bad is it seems meme’ … again.
Such quotes as …
“However, researchers pointed out that the 1970s saw several years with higher terrorism death tolls, so Western Europe is not “in a downward spiral”.
And only 6% of worldwide terrorism deaths in July 2016 happened in Western Europe, with many more attacks in countries like Iraq and Syria.”
So we are meant to say, oh so that’s all right then.
No mention of the Muslim terrorist plots foiled, such as the one in the Euro Football finals for the Belgium v Ireland match or the Belgian Drone to drop radioactive waste in Brussels. Either of these could have increased the deaths hugely. I don’t think either of these plots was mentioned by the BBC at the time of the arrests.
In fact, no mention of the word Muslims at all.
There was an “expert” pushing the same line on Radio4’s Today programme. The idea that Muslim atrocities are nothing to worry abour because you are more likely to be decapitated in a car accident seems odd to most people although it is difficult to say precisely what the fallacy is. But the “expert” could not keep his story straight and implicitly contradicted himself by referring to “normal” murder. Clearly then, there is a distinction that he perceives, but whose existance he simultaneously chooses to deny. But would he argue that the holocaust was historically insignificant because considerably more people had been killed by flu? I don’t think so! This shows that the expert’s purpose was simply to trivialise and underplay Muslim terrorism. The total number of murders in France may exceed the death toll from Muslim atrocities, but you cannot simply aggregate hundreds of unrelated murders and equate them with the hundreds of people who were murdered to achieve a political aim.
Despite there being wide spread reporting of the stabbing of a Rabbi in Strasbourg this morning the BBC had no mention of it on their site at 13-30. The perpetrator was a regular at Alan’s Snackbar and was advertising the joint at the top of his voice as he attacked the Rabbi. Perhaps anyone who is a regular at this establishment is a nutter but I expect we will be told that he had a long record of mental issues before the day is out. Alternatively the BBC may chose to just ignore the story on the grounds that you are more likely to die of something other than terrorism and so there is no point getting everyone worked up about Muslims running about wounding and killing folks.
Yes the BBC is now reporting mental problems and not anti-semitic although mentions of words shouted (AA).
Maybe Mishal Husain needs bringing in to assess the damage?
Muslim stabbing of Jew – there it is, hours after the event, tucked away as deep as poss.
But get this:
“Alexandra Gonzalez, crime journalist for French digital TV channel BFMTV, tweeted to say that the injured man’s life was not in danger.
She also quoted a source close to the inquiry as saying that “no anti-Semitic motive had yet been established”.
“A police source said the victim was in distinctive Jewish dress.”
So: a Muslim shouting Allahu Akbar attacks a man (a Rabbi according to some sources) in ‘distinctive Jewish dress’, and “no anti-Semitic motive had yet been established”.
Just what would it take to establish an anti-Semitic motive??
Imagine the beeb during the war: ‘A man’ has exterminated 6 million Jews. No anti-Semitic motive has yet been established, psychological problems are suspected.
Interesting way of framing an issue isn’t it?
After all, I can confidently point out that for the first 9 months of the Last World War that the death toll from road traffic accidents was vastly higher than that from the SS Panzer Divisions…..
I hope people can see what I’m getting at…..
Not even pretending to be subtle. Prominently on the front page is today’s “Bash Trump” story.
US election: Has Donald Trump already blown it?
In truth, I’ve not bothered to read beyond the headline. There simply is no point.
Have the BBC said anything about Hillary’s problems recently?
It’s like the EU referendum and the general election. The BBC channels its left wing groupthink and calls it news.
Roland – Hillary’s problems? The Messiah-ess doesn’t have problems, does she ………?
There is lots of stuff on the internet about Hillary’s health problems, right or wrong. But the BBC do not even mention it. Now if it was Trump…….
Grant – I’m sure all that stuff is a load of slanderous lies put about by Tories, UKIP voters, Brexit supporters, Mail readers, Express readers ………
We all know that the Blessed Hillary is only one step away from Beatification by the BBC. I realise that she would have to croak before that happened, but that’s a mere technicality.
BBC are doing a regular slot on the Trump is finished theme.
Only the diehards still support him
I do hope he wins and his admin orders Teresa May to privatise the BBC. It will take someone powerful to force our cowardly Tories to stand up to the BBC
And how could I have missed this one…?
In pictures: Nude Donald Trump statues amuse crowds
Just imagine, for a second, the BBC’s reaction were nude Hillary statues to have been put up. “Sexist charactures by Trump die-hards fail to amuse” would be the likely headline.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if someone did put up a nude Hillary statue in New York, what fun the artist constructing it could have?
EU Referendum: Has Boris Johnson already blown it?
“Have the BBC said anything about Hillary’s problems recently?”
Looking at the headline, they may have done.
Give that sub a cigar.
I listened to Radio 4’s Today programme this morning where there was a 4-way debate about the US election. The Beeboid was, predictably, in the way he was steering the conversation, pro-Clinton and anti-Trump. The Democratic spokesperson was, predictably, right up Ms Clinton’s fundament. The (so-called) republican representative was simply a Trump-hater. The ‘independent commentator’ was – unpredictably – reasonably ‘independent’.
So – three against Trump and one non-partisan. Sounds really balanced – if you are an out-and-out Beeboid thinker.
The same programme also now seems to interview, very selectively, and quite predictably, almost exclusively those businessmen who clearly were, and are still, pro-EU, and who want us to set up a relationship with the EU which is almost identical to the one pre-Brexit. In other words – to hell with the referendum.
The ‘Today’ programme staff now are openly and unashamedly, utterly and totally, political in their approach – a total disgrace.
(Got caught at the end of the last thread.)
I have not been glued to the Olympics but interested enough to read the headlines. Well, this one caught my eye for sure.
The EU puts itself at the top of the table with 81 gold medals, 21 of which were British. (Read the article for more info. Sorry but I couldn’t get a link for the table picture to post here.)
How dare those unelected nobodies steel our thunder! I saw no report of this on the beeb but then I suppose it is too much to expect they would hail our team to the rafters for their British successes.
The liberal/left gave us undisciplined comprehensive so called fair school system that has produced sub standard qualifications anarchy disruption illiteracy,very high child on child crime and many more disfunctional problems. But those wealthy one’s have taken their children elsewhere, what hypocrisy is that.The left really are the most selfish ,crooked,nasty group of people EVER.While the tories ever so conservatively give some of their richer supporters a hand out of few free and grammar schools here and there.Pathetic be decisive even brave and just abolish the comprehensive system and then you might take some working class votes with you.Theresa may says she’s a one nation politician well its time to unite all the brexit voters.Times have changed this country could be tory or ukip with the labour and liberal horrors on the sidelines,There’s a group of people outside your westminster bubble that need to be treated with respect.
Breaking in the Express, but not breaking in the broken beeb, natch:
BREAKING: Jewish rabbi stabbed by attacker shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ in France.
Of course it’ll be a Mental Health Issue or as I prefer, muslim hero innit.
“Initial reports said the perpetrator was suffering from psychological problems”.
Yep, Mrs Kitty they’ve already played that card. They are so predictable. That’s their standard knee-jerk reaction to all Muslim terrorism. This newly diagnosed mental disease has a number of names:
Westophobia, Freedomophobia, Peaceophobia, Democraphobia, Caucasophobia, Christianophobia, or in this case Anti-Semitism.
It can be cured by removing the sufferers to an asylum of their choice. There are over 50 asylums on offer – e,g, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. The sufferers will find their illness fits in much better in these places.
The BBC gets straight to the point:
Local police told BBC News the attack was “not terrorist-related”.
According to the police source quoted by AFP news agency, the suspected attacker has a history of mental illness.
Beyond parody.
peter – I take it that he shouted “Allah Akbar” in Norwegian.
Once again, another attack and the authorities are able to pull the suspects medical records before they are able to find out his name. Incredible. On a positive note, all these lightning quick expert psychologists coming out of the woodwork must be a great thing for the european mental health profession. In America it usually takes months to get to the bottom of someone’s mental health issues after a crime has been committed.
More stuff not on the beeb:
“End of the EU? Italian referendum triggers SHOCK ALARMS across the USA and Europe”
and more headlines not on the odious beeb:
+ “German asylum seekers refuse to work insisting ‘We are Merkel’s GUESTS'”
+ “Beach brawl blamed on Burkini ban now blamed on Muslim men trying to claim beach”
+ “Hungarian PM expects a ‘Referendum Tsunami’ across Europe on mandatory EU migrant quotas”
There’s more – Some of ‘Merkel’s GUESTS’ are not going to be happy bunnies …………………………
“He said the burka did not fit in with Germany’s open society and showing the face was essential to social cohesion.”
Great Britain next ?
More headlines you won’t find on beeb, quick, give ’em more Olympics.
– “Burka ban pressure increases as Merkel and minister say integration impossible with veil”
(WHAT?? Saint Merkel going all Islamophobic??)
– “British drivers in Calais call for heightened security following violent migrant attacks”
– “Calais mayor says migrant violence ‘OUT OF CONTROL’ as UK truckers urge troops on streets”
Basically, anything on the Express, that ‘far right’ paper as the beeboids would call it, or ‘perfectly sensible’ as the rest of the country would call it.
Andy Verity, the BBC economics prophet of doom, hauled in to TV lunchtime news to place monthly government borrowing figures in the context of Brexit. Total economic illiteracy . Much to his discomfort we ran a surplus. Surely there must be something bad about it even if there’s no Brexit effect?Yes, it’s lower than forecast so there will be less scope to stimulate the economy when the Brexit recession finally arrives. It’s all quite pathetic.
Never trust anyone whose name is reversible-especially if its gender bending.
So Verity Andrews here is NOT to be listened to.
Saves a lot of wasted time this loose rule of thumb.
AND-to quote John Southampton from Southampton( Alan Partidges plant for a radio phone in!)…look ee here!
Here`s a Hannah Manchester-from Manchester!,,,AND her triumph over the chattering class nazis of school compulsions.
It won`t be on the telly…for their Gods are not mocked.
But what else am I to do?…comedy gold, as the NCN Regime gets a full frontal stabbing.
So if someone`s got a name like this…or a name like Andrew Panting(speaking re droughts etc for Northumbria Water)…then you`re in Gods Marlborough Country for Comedy….
Marlin Marlborough.
The reason for the no – appearance of the stories mentioned by the above posters is clear.
1pm bBBC1 headline – Usain Bolt wins again.
Down the agenda- Jade Jones ( team GB) retains plympic title.
The biased BBC selflessly promoting….errr……a Jamaican athlete.
But he’s black, which is of course the whole point.
He’s also a foot taller than any of the other runners with a stride commensurate with his height – but that’s simply coincidence. Making the comparison would, of course, be heightism.
The Obesity Games, now I would watch that, 25st+
6pm bBBC1 news update.
The newsroom is still gettng off on Bolt.
It’s just amazing.
Only after Bolt comes news about the country that funds them.
Hot news.
The investigation into the train crash at Paddington in June cannot prove a connection but notes the driver had been observing Ramadan and had not eaten for 16 hours.
Looks like a relative’s decision to postpone surgery by a Roper in favour of an English surgeon back in June was a very good move. I wonder how many NHS ‘mistakes’ are conveniently forgotten about.
Blimey ! just seeing a Boy George lookalike on Sky, – an expert on civil liberties, ahem Professor Rosa Freedman complete with hat. (sorry Professor but I really thought you were of the male gender). Why do all refugee/civil liberty activists look as though they are dressed for a pop album photoshoot ??
Be worth a study in how the BBC began with Fanny Craddock and Magnus Pyke as “caricatures to get us talking”…and now we`ve got all manner of pervs, confused specimens who speak for students, academe or popular culture.
Reckon they died on Spike Island in 1989, and their parents took too many drugs at raves etc…some end up grand like Paul Staines and Alabama 3 etc…others with no talent but know the right BBC networkings get to comment on the rest of us.
No decent broadcaster would give us Iain Lee or Richard Bacon on public payrolls…but we live in post-ironic times.
Another day, another fatal dog attack, and yet again the one common factor is social housing! The answer is staring everyone in the face, and yet for the lefties like the BBC it appears that another dead or maimed child is indeed a price worth paying in the class war.
Just look at that fat little policewoman doing the hokey-cokey at the end of the line.
That’s no policewoman, that’s a pointless community support officer. Those who worked in the force I did weren’t allowed to work after 10:00pm. We had one guy, lovely bloke that he was, in his sixties!! What a deterrent he was. Pointless. Sorry, there endeth the rant.
….Just look at that fat little policewoman doing the hokey-cokey at the end of the line. …
Hardly the ‘thin’ blue line then is it.
Tragic, but I have a feeling that decent dog owners will be paying a price for these attacks.
Like alcohol helpful to a certain demographic that doesn’t like dogs…
Yes, this kind of scare is what the BBC can do well. Moslems living in fear of racists who terrorize the neighborhood with aggressive dogs.
Emir Khan to the rescue with a dog hub where police and dog watchers maintain dog free zones.
Guardian, BBC and their far left outputs in Class War whackoes celebrate nude statue of Trump.
Now what would they say if someone did that about Clinton?
Sexist, bad taste….
“Naked Trump statues amuse crowds” (of beeb journos)
The beeb put it on their home page, click and you get a full page of huge photos.
All a bit of a giggle. But can you imagine the hysteria if they were statues of Saint Obama or Saint Hillary?
Racist! Sexist! Ban! Arrest! they wouldn’t last 5 minutes.
It’s disgusting – regressives in full-on abuse mode. If they can’t defeat the man and his message with argument, they naturally just default to ridicule and ad hominem. This is how the gutless, unprincipled, thuggish regressive left rolls. Absolute scum.
No doubt there`ll be plenty gay blades who`ll hope that the orifice with which to blow up Mr Trump is placed where they`d like it to be.
Maybe that nonsense over his small hands etc has only encouraged them to “think big” as it were.
Gets no more perverted than this-but they did try for a BP oil rig inflatable last year for Emma Thompson to pose by did they not?
Despite free buses round the country to go to SW1 last summer?…there were not among puffs among them, so it was all a bit of a limpdick affair.
So-a morality play in latex for you there-the BBC really need to look at themselves and their perversions and fantasies…Savile, Anjem and now this?
Interestingly, when they stuck this up (tee-hee) on every thread Facebook repeatedly, even diehard Beeb groupies cried foul.
In the interests of BBC balance here is naked Hillary–52516×9/1200.jpg
I`m afraid that it`s all aimed at cameras, imagings and perversions really.
Started with Slutwalks, prancing nude a la Pussy Riot etc in our current case.
DID start with genuine feminist attempts to “Reclaim the Streets” in the late 70s in University cities up north -Leeds after Sutcliffe first, but was successfully spread to show solidarity.
BUT-like all other genuine efforts to “highlight the issues”…these perverting exhibitionists with minds like empty sewage bowls seem to think that cycling around London naked will raise awareness…as opposed to their own dicks and dlidos when some poor kid and his mum show disgust at what`s happened to modesty decency and a letter to No 10.
Generational exhibitionists, tat whores and perverts who demand out attention, anger by way of validating their need for attention…because they`re not brazen enough to mount the Andies ( Burnham or Pandy) for cheridee.
It`s all about them -ALWAYS about them…the cause of anti Trump, airport expansion etc only becomes the virtuous hash tag references to link their sinister reflex and unthinking ends.
We`re now in a logo savvy, brand laden emoticon world-no words needed-just offensive images with the hope we`ll react-and then THEY can feel even bolder in facing down our bourgeois prejudices.
Wankers…but that`s the left for you, now that Swampy and Russell Brand have become the ticks on the corpse of Attlee.
Triggering these morons is oh so easy and their stands and arguments are equally as easy to shoot down. A Question Time with some of these SJW’s alongside Ben Shapiro or Steven Crowder would be worth a watch but the BBC would walk on glass before approaching such right wing luminaries. Perhaps someone should tell them that Milo is a five bob note and they get him on the programme only to discover he rips their gaping fundaments even wider with logic and sense. What a confusion for the poor dears, a Conservative, libertarian gay bloke. Heads would spin.
Another Islamist attack but the far-left BBC are notreporting yet. Probably desperately thinking of an excuse. Will it be mental health, bullying, brexit, far-right racism? The BBC is a disgrace. Every one of these vile Islamist crimes should be headline news.
Mark Stone doing his handwringing reports again on Migrant movement. Are we bovvered ? well only if there is suddenly an open door policy here for the ‘lone’ children. Migrant camps seem to be spreading like a cancer across all European countries. I wont be venturing there anytime soon. If Europe carries on in this vein, before too long the continent will be a no-go area.
I read a chilling and sinister article in the Times today re the BBC. Basically, the liberal left establishment are so shocked by Brexit that they are reviewing their arsenal of propaganda tools, as if the already grotesquely biased BBC was not enough. But they were so shocked by Brexit that they have decided that they need to free the BBC from any form of impartiality guidelines so that it can be even more effective at manipulating the news and molding public opinion to suit the liberal left world view.
To this end the BBC Trust commissioned a report from Paul Johnson, director of the think tank Fiscal Studies, to review the BBC’s use of statistics. In the report he felt that the BBC was impeded from ensuring that the BBC gave the public the best view of the facts by the ‘over -rigid’ application of impartiality guidelines. An exquisite example of Orwellian Doublespeak that Pravda would have been proud of. Of course we know that the liberal left is just preparing the ground to allow the BBC to rubbish anything they don’t like or to suppress it if they can. and no one will be able to claim foul re the BBC Charter . Once this reduction, abolition may be a better word, of the impartiality restraint, albeit an increasingly flimsy restraint, is in place we will see a whole new level of leftist bias from the BBC. The corporation will be free to do exactly as it and its liberal left chums choose, with our money of course.
This is coupled with other reports , notably on Breitbart , that the left is trying to have advertisers pull out from The Daily Mail, Sun , Express etc. I think that Brexit has so shaken the liberal left that they are determined to make sure that a) they reverse it , b) that their hold over the MSM is absolute so that nothing like this can ever happen again and that their highly dangerous world view and policies go unchallenged.
These are two of the most sinister developments in my life time. They will result in the complete loss of free speech and democratic accountability. Somehow or other they must be vigorously resisted.We need a George Orwell more than ever. That the BBC is trying to claim him for their own makes me want to vomit.
Shameful. The Left already have ALL the broadcast media in their pocket and half the print media. Now they want to control or close the few remaining voices of sanity.
Unfortunately for them they are 30 years too late.
When the Communist Party held absolute power in the Soviet Union it so controlled the media that few believed anything they read or that was broadcast. What they lacked (though there was samizdat publishing to a degree) was the Internet.
The Left can huff and puff all it likes but as long as we can keep the Internet out of its hands, the more absurd their news becomes, the more people will look for alternatives they feel they can trust.
An example of the Left overreaching itself is the nonsense it has published about immigration in general and Islam in particular. Apart from a few lost souls of the SJW variety, I cannot think of a single individual I know who doesn’t believe that both are out of control and that the media routinely lies in its reporting about them.
GCooper, indeed. I have a friend who is quite apolitical, doesn’t read the internet much. I was watching telly with him and the news came on the BBC of some attack (can’t remember which, there have been so many but I think may have been Nice) carried out by ‘local men with mental health issues and no apparent motive’. He turned to me and said ‘That’ll be the muzzies again won’t it?’ Nobody’s fooled.
I wouldn’t worry too much about advertisers pulling out from all the top selling news titles, they are concerned with sales, not what they see as petty politics. The Guardian, Times and Independent (on line) combined don’t come close to the Sun or Mail, not including the rest of what they term ‘the Tory Press’. Even the most entrenched Guardiani must recognize the sand their edifice is built on, that’s why their comments are increasingly strident and aimed at a dwindling audience, many of them walking away from all the noise for the sake of their sanity.
It has the be the most revealing factor in the whole BBC approach to political debate, that they use the lowest circulation medium to define their stance. Truly puerile behavior from the supposedly well educated.
We have seen that the left are capable of organising successful boycotts of supermarkets etc .So if they were able to create one of their media storms with some key advertisers being accused of supporting race hate by placing their adverts in these newspapers ,then they may force the newspapers to choose between changing editorial policy or losing revenue.Either way it is potential threat to free speech.
The BBC already have such a tool in their box – they call it ‘due impartiality’ and they’ve been using it for a few years now to avoid airing the views of informed, educated climate scientists who don’t agree with the CAGW scam. The BBC is signed up to the discredited ‘climate consensus’, you see, so they take the view that if a majority of scientists say CAGW is real they are under no obligation to present any argument against it.
And so it goes. They control the medium; they control the message.
Once both Owen Smith and the BBC Trust is out of the way, I think the BBC will be subject to a Judicial review of its Climate Change censorship policy which already deliberately violates the BBC,s impartiality rules. This Judicial review could even be supported by both Corbyn and May, who also respect the Brexit majority decision. With the BBC dominated by morons who do not understand the reason for Impartiality. That it was and still is because of the compulsory funding of the BBC by people of different political persuasions, then in a free democratic society, the only answer would be to give the BBC total financial and political independence from the state, and let it be as Independent as the Independent newspaper was.
@doublethinker ..I read the report : he’s the bag carrier not the actual main woman (he was on panel of the BBCTrust statistics report assisting her)
“It’s little use (the BBC presenting) rival claims without giving the viewer some guidance as to which is the more credible.”
Well he starts his column by saying “back by the overwhelming weight of evidence” “The planet is warming and will continue to warm as a result of man-made climate change”
..That seems to rule out thoses many episods in the past where after some years of a warming trend there was a dip down for some years.
He praises Steve Jones 2011 anti-false balance report, which causes BBC Climate items to be totally UNBALANCED : only having an alarmists on, when the skeptics should be there challenging the often ridiculous claims …and magical thinking on green energy etc.
An explanation for the low limit of intelligence at the BBC.
(1) “backed by the overwhelming weight of evidence” This must mean only temperature data
(2) “The planet is warming” This must mean the BBC has not received any information about the pause since 1997
(3) “and will continue to warm” This must mean the BBC thinks Computer Model predictions, are facts
(4) “as a result of man-made climate change” This must mean that the BBC thinks that the 4 percent of the Atmospheric CO2 content which represents 16 parts per million of CO2, caused the warming up to 1997, and is not aware that it has not caused any warming since 1997, and is predicted by Computer Models to start warming up again from 2016, but the BBC “denies the pause” and goes a bit mental when you point out that ten year computer model predictions between 1998 to 2005 are proven to be false.
That’s why the best scientists invited to that BBC Climate Seminar were temperature measurers, and the BBC needs an anti-false Computer Model policy.
All because the BBC never phones up any relevantly qualified scientists, probably because people at the BBC do not like intelligent people, such as UKIPers, Jews and all right-wing White Males, especially Mensa members.
The best scientists to ask are those who have the answer, which is to replace the Arrhenius formula for calculating the Greenhouse effect in Computer Models, with the formula produced by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
Remember the farce when Owen Jones walked out of the Press Review on Sky ? well, its come to light that Mark Longhurst the news presenter who stood his ground against Jones, has now been given the sack ! He was assured he still had a job after the debacle, but now clearly not. His Sky colleagues ain’t happy. 1-0 to Jones then.
So let me get this fxxxxxg straight. A Jewish rabbi is stabbed by a man shouting ‘Allahua akbar’ in Strasbourg and yet the pathetic and corrupt BBC still aren’t reporting it? Oh, but don’t worry, they are, however, reporting about some childish Donald Trump statue. What a disgrace. Appalling bias.
According to French media the attacker was ‘suffering from mental health problems’. Has someone from the Beeb been on a cultural exchange trip?
Twas always thus.
Sonny Corleone being shot by members of the Barzini family who had mental health issues:
I think you must mean allegedly shot by members of the Barzini family. On behalf of his clients, Michael Mansfield has been requested to lodge a complaint with the High Court based on character defamation, disclosure of personal medical records and infringement of human rights. Legal aid has been granted.
The Corleone family have rejected suggestions of over-acting.
Enough of that.
I hope you don’t own a horse, Beltane.
The bad news is that Phil Shiner’s his solicitor.
Actually, they have (albeit quietly).
And yes, “the suspected attacker has a history of mental illness”. Who’d a thunk it?
It seems mere attendance at a mosque is enough to qualify these days.
The brilliant Jonathan Sacks once wrote about the Hebrew “HEAR The Word of God” culture…as opposed to the Greek “SEE what God is doing/has done” notion.
Hence the general idea that God is not drawn, but is sung about….spoken of and recited, but not stuck on vases with naked men around him…you get the drift!
I paraphrase Rabbis Sacks…did you guess that?
The notions of bread and circuses, spectacles and public shows of fireworks and charity events for filming are very Greek , very Roman…whereas the music, poetry, and spreading the word stuff would be Hebrew and Jewish constructs that Muslims could attach to as well.
Christians have access to both…the BBC is now a Godless Greek theatre, an empty Roman ampitheatre doing its own eternal “Give a Show Projections” straight out of Happy Valley, with silicone enlargements on all appendages.
But false, venal and cyclops-like, seasick leisure class shams on their very own ship of fools…which we paid for thinking it would stay as a Blue Peter badge.
So-as all MSM led with the Syrian lad last night in the hope we can “create an Aylan” once more-as each red snapper hopes to become a Donald McCullin overnight, and Jon Snow can get the image embroidered onto his wifes lavender hankie?…we just need to step away from the cookie jar, the cookie cutters of the elite…and realise that the revolution is not being televised or documented at all by them.
Didn`t we see this last year in the election?…this year in Brexit?…and now, for a Stateside event the rise of the ludicrous but telling Mr Brexit himself in November as scheduled for November 8th?
So lets all relax and float downstream as Lenin sang…play dead, float down the middle…and see how piracy will be taking out the MSM very soon…corsairs on hire , pedalos and paddling our own canoes a speciality.
Don`t watch…just listen in the pubs….
“Why was I able to vote twice in the EU referendum?”
in theSpectator and fully in the Print edition
(A repost cos I missed that a new thread had been started)
I heard someone say that the BBC had a story about pictures of Donald Trump in a toilet.
BBC Rule book:
(1) Hitler Toilet Paper: OK
(2) Trump Toilet Paper: A Trump is a fart, so OK
(3) Obama Toilet Paper: Racist, sackable and very serious criminal offence
(4) Clinton Toilet Paper: Sexist, sackable but less serious offence as above
(5) Corbyn Toilet Paper: Only allowed to be used by Owen Smith supporters
(6) May Toilet Paper: Only allowed to be used by female BBC staff
(7) Lord Hall Toilet Paper: Sackable offence, followed by mysterious death
Do female Labour politicians who defrauded the public with expenses get JAILED ?
No they get PAID by the BBC tomakle programmes about JAIL.
Monday on R4 Episode 1 : Ex Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith on the history of prison reform from the 18th century to the end of WWII.
presumably jailbirds Chris Huhne & his wife weren’t available
Sharon Shoesmith and Hubs may be free soon for a bit of role play swapping.
I worked with an officer highly involved with the Baby P case and what he said about Shoosmith and her actions couldn’t be printed. His side only of course but if only half was true then her writing a book and making profit from the whole terrible affair is beyond reprehensible.
The problem was that Ed Balls wanted to be the big man, and sacked her without due process. She was always going to win at her employment tribunal, because Ed Balls is a gutless cretin, but then I repeat myself.
Still, good to see that the BBC is bunging him a pay cheque to take part in Strictly this year. He may end up getting paid more than Sharon Shoesmith. Isn’t life grand in public service?
Maybe she a Yvette could do an Apache face off against Ed and Jacquie? With a murder at the end.
Anyone see the Channel 4 doco last night about the armed policeman ?
– In the 80’s he shot dead 2 of 3 armed WHITE guys doing a payroll raid.
..Newspapers called him a hero
– 2003 He shot dead 1 of 3 armed black guys on their journey from buying the guns
…. and the Black press call him a murderer and eventually get him put on trial (he was acquitted)
Sorry for the mother, but what were the 3 guys going to do with the guns ? have a f…amous water fight ?
No, since they were probably going to end up killing with the guns, so there would have been other future grieving mums.
..the policeman’s actions caused less deaths overall.
(Yes the police shoot 5 or 7 times at a guy …. that’s to make sure they really de-activate him. In the training there is none of that shoot the gun out of his hands BS)
Did you note the verite of the camera work?
Very old school-coppers chatting with hacks right outside the flat?
The pictures spoke volumes….if only we could STILL see these things, STILL have police and media talking on the street without the news management, media centre crap we all get today.
All gone within our lifetimes…to the point we don`t even get to know names, pictures anymore, lest we blame Muslims and such.
Which we end up having to do, because they`ll not tell us anymore.
Ah well-Internet`s free…and the BBC will be gone soon too.
Slightly OT – this is a piece currently on Sky News front page:
A 16-year-old boy tells Sky News he was given beer and then sexually molested by an Italian man weeks after arriving in Sicily.
As far as I can establish the legal age of consent for gay sex in Italy is 14 (can anyone verify this? – Google doesn’t seem to want to spill the beans). This whole piece of migrant porn/virtue-signalling reads like a classic exercise in misdirection. It’s fairly obvious this 16 year-old was going with men for money, beer and probably a nice shower – a rent boy, in other words, and a legal one as far as his age is concerned. I’m sure he’s not the only one.
Sky is concerned this helpless little lamb was ‘molested’ by a predatory Italian man (whilst admitting he was apparently paid for his inconvenience). None of this makes any sense.
Comments, naturally enough, are switched off.
We do need to remember that the last Labour government reduced the age for gay sex in the UK to 16, unless it was with a person with “influemce” over the recipient of the advances. So o.k. with a complete stranger, but not your teacher.
The same Parliament when they lowered the trousers of teenagers was also the same one that raised the smoking age…so sex at 16, smoking up to 18.
Have then to wait two years for your post-coital ciggie after Labours BBC production line had put their finger on the nub of youth…don`t remember any BBC comedy pointing out this at the time.
Zees eez not funny…how could it be when the Queens sex life is the alternative?
What year DID the BBC cleave itself from the population who fund it?
Latest headline pretending Trump’s campaign is flatlining – Chairman Quits
Of course, it’s presented as a shock move, a rat fleeing a sinking ship for an unknown reason. In reality this was predicted months ago as Manafort was considered too ‘safe’ for Trump’s campaign to truly be seen as different. The BBC also utterly fails to mention that his named replacement, Stephen Bannon, has had the Clinton campaign flailing about in absolute panic since he was previously CEO of Breitbart, the only news source actually doing any investigative work on the Clinton’s for years and which pretty much single-handedly brought the email scandal to attention. Bias by exclusion at work again.
The ‘tell it often enough’ coordination between the BBC, Graun, Indy, HuffPo (not that the last three’s audience matters anywhere, even in the UK) and various overseas fellow travellers is getting to be beyond a joke.
Trump, Climate Change, Boris… it all follows a predictable pattern where a publication with an actual readership in the dozens interviews someone who has taken to social media to ‘own’ someone, gets a few likes from their mates and now ‘wins’ twitter. Apparently.
BBC Trending then picks this up off the feed of those it likes, and turns it into a ‘thing’ which, given the size and scope or the BBC is seen by many more.
At which point it becomes a fact and hence ‘news’.
Until an actual secret ballot when they get a shock and earlier claims hit the memory hole.
Not the first time now I`ve heard the BBC moaning about nobody wanting to buy tickets to watch the Paras in their Olympic Tribute Act on August 31st in Rio.
Sod the market…surely to Allah we should-as a UK Government-buy them all up, so the stumpies aren`t sad and demotivated.
I have no problem whatsoever with the paralympic competitors who genuinely believe in this crap and need it to make a life worthwhile by getting on the telly in Rio…to each, their own, there but for the grace of God and all that…
But the BBC emoting, squauking at the mocking or redundance , irrelevance of the whole freak show that the BBC inevitable turn it into?….makes me sick.
Seeing as travelling circuses are no longer allowed.
If only the Paralympix, the Wimmin would see what Sport and the BBC with their globalised fantasies of Benetton marketing end up as…apart from the blind and permanently damaged, they are without excuse.
We end up doing great damage to the greatest aspects of overcoming adversity. The BBC manage to turn it ALL into a vomitorium.
Hobble away Paralympix…the BBC and their endless druggie sporting fetishes only give them cover…and it turns out that THEY are disabled in spirit and need you for a convenient crutch.
I don’t think ticket sales for even the normal Olympics sold that well, tbh, if the shots of half-empty stadia that slipped past the BBC censor are any clue. The Para Olympic’s were always going to struggle, in comparison. Most Rio natives couldn’t even afford to get into the regular Games, and even fewer would have wanted to pay to watch the wheelchair races even if they could scrape together the entry fee to do so.
Like wimmins football, this is where economic reality conflicts with state subsidised wishful thinking and leftist virtue signalling. In order to sell tickets, you have to offer a product people are willing to pay for. In the end, the market decides – a lesson forever unlearned by regressives.
A beautifully constructed,compact explanation of the truth.
What fun it would be to ask Comrade Corbyn for his views on the matter and how he would make the paralympics as popular as the main games. Short of North Korean style coercion or free tickets for all sport.
If you wanted to see empty stadiums you should have watched the BBC’s coverage of the Women’s World Cup. Outside the BBC’s imagination the entire world had something better to do than watch women kick footballs around the park.
Excellent post, Obiwan.
But there IS something going on here.
Just heard Radio 4s “Any Questions” allows somebody to put forward the notion that the Olypics results must be unfair because poor countries don`t get eqestrian funding from the UN in some formula.
And most of the panel took it seriously-only Iain Dale said that Communism rather tried this, but only pumped steroids around the world instead…and Nadia Komineche might not exactly be what Soviet and Comintern countries ought now to be remembered for( Lyndsey German seemed not to think that Nadia and Olga were the stereotypical results though).
Think we can see where this is going…the great God sport demands equality and same fundings now…and hopefully everybody of all colours will link arms at the finishing lines sometime soon.
Where ARE the adults at the BBC?….when even doing well at their goddam Olympics seems an act of class warfare now?….
I think Jamaica and some African countries should pay money to help hideously White nations like Britain with track athletics. As Blacks obviously have a big advantage in the sprints, long-distance races and even middle-distance ones (witness the multiple Gold medals of Mr Bolt and Mr Farah) the Whites such as Britain’s Mr Kilty and Mr Vernon badly need help. Perhaps we could handicap the Blacks by giving the ‘honkies’ a head-start. Of course, to be fair, we’d have to handicap our rowers and cyclists with lead weights to even things up there. /Sarc off/
Guessing this story won’t make tomorrow’s BBC cause for concern du jour
‘Rail safety chiefs have investigated whether a train derailment at Paddington station was caused because the driver had been fasting for Ramadan’
AsISeeIt – No doubt they’ll soon be demanding the month off, on full pay.
For want of anything on R5Labour from the Olympics worth listening to I turned over to Fred MacAulay’s Wet Hot Political Summer at 11pm on Radio 4.
In response to his question to the audience as to whether anyone votede for Brexit seemingly one did, to which the comment was “Off you go then”.
Does this mean that the audiences for BBC “comedy” shows are not carefully selected to achieve “balance” like for QT? Or does it mean they are carefully selected!
“Anyone vote for Brexit?”
“Yes, 52% of us.”
“Well, off you go then – but don’t expect a refund on the £145.50 that we extorted from you for your ticket.”
All the usual BBC political comedy memes featured on that show: even Fatcha (ousted from Downing Street over 25 years ago) got a mention.
There’s hardly a shortage of targets for satire on the left at present (Obama’s failure on gun control, Hilary’s issue with the emails, the consequences of Merkel’s open-door migrant policy, Labour’s leadership travails) but you’d never know that listening to BBC comedy.
Just caught up with the Graun’s media pages, and this one is a hoot:
The original pictures for the Great British Bake Off featured pink and blue icing only Photograph: BBC
Yesterday’s leftovers: The BBC has re-released its images of the Great British Bake Off contestants with a broader range of icing following a sexism row, reports the Sun
I wonder who was assigned the fudge brown?
The Tube is going to run around the clock. This will help workers who work unsocial hours.
BBC London showcase one. I say showcase, not talk or speak.
The person in question is a single parent Ecuadorian woman who speaks no English at all and came to London 6 months ago.
Now I have nothing against the lady who seems to works her socks off holding down three low paid jobs (remembering some Brits manage to avoid work completely).
The key issues are 1. Why did the biased BBC choose her as an example and 2. How the hell did she get into the country as a resident and worker in the first place.
As I have written previously Brexit will not control immigration when the civil servants and border agency just seem to let in anybody and everybody who can breathe. Whilst occasionally showing how ‘tough’ they are, as in the recent case of the Australian family up in Scotland.
It’s all as dodgy as hell.
Noted that the BBC have said nothing about this one.
Seems to me that the rights of workers to get a nights sleep, the rise in crime that will inevitably result and the minimum wage and low pay implications( anybody seen Channel 4s constant onslaught at the likes of Deliveroo or Uber?) are not going to be issues under Citizen Khan.
Can only imagine the digging up of Bob Crow , and the trashing of Brosi has all this been going on under the Tories.
Can only assume that the BBC creatives will be able to run their mules round the Central Line that much easier with condoms and talcum powders from ethically sourced Columbians….why else would they choose to let this happen?
Whose prose is the nearest the Biased bbc gets to Jonathan Meades.
Most kind sluff.
Would never dare compare myself to the great Mr Meades.
Comes from Salisbury near here…and , IMHO is Wiltshires greatest export to the world.
He did a brilliant piece on Essex-and I bet that he voted to leave….
Glad to correct myself above-I typed Borsi instead of Boris.
Rhymes with Egypts ex Muslim Brotherhood bloke though….
BBC Points West tonight, three women presenting in the studio, mix in at least 4 women reporters on film, just a token eunuch weather presenter and not forgetting a live link to the sports reporter on a jolly in Rio
Why is it beyond the capabilities of one presenter to ‘read’ us the local news, sport and weather in 15 minutes without all the PC crap and diversity fill? Kenneth Kendall, Richard Baker and Robert Dougall managed to do it solo and nationally years ago.
This just one region, times that waste by 15 TV regions. All possible because of the unique way (by threat of imprisonment) the telly tax payer funds them…
Ha – your ‘unique way’ somehow reminded of an another phrase that I couldn’t quite bring to mind at first..
Then I had it – ‘Peculiar Institution’! The euphemism they used in the American South for slavery.
…Why is it beyond the capabilities of one presenter to ‘read’ us the local news, sport and weather in 15 minutes without all the PC crap and diversity fill…..
Probably all doing long auditions for the sofa vacancy on Breakfast, once the ever rising star of Munchetty hits the stratosphere after doing Strictly, nothing short of next stop Director General of the Beeb will be good enough for this lady – (of course she has to mow down Anita Rani for the title first !!!)
And in other news, before I swan off, some stories from a source close to the BBC too long ignored…
There’s nice.
It is possible Eric also works for CECUTT.
“Never, in the hysterical of BBC stats, have…”
Might I suggest those those amongst us wanted to remember a better time watch this:
Set in the late 40’s 50’s when Britain was a better place.
I was enjoying Outlander until the end of the first series. Apparently it was in the book but I certainly wasn’t expecting it… No thanks, not for me…
The bBC, their so called defence experts and their flawed coverage of the Syrian war.
Battle for Aleppo: UN welcomes Russia’s 48-hour truce proposal
Aleppo, once Syria’s commercial and industrial centre, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with the government controlling the west and rebels the east.Fighting has escalated in recent weeks, with rebels severing the government’s main route to the west of the city. The offensive sought to break a siege by pro-government forces, who encircled the east in July and stepped up air strikes.
The bBC tries above in its convoluted manner to inform the reader that Alleppo is under siege by the Syrian army. If you can’t make heads or tails of the bBC article here is something i wrote in May, which is much easier to understand if you wish to understand the background to current situation in Aleppo. Anyway in a nutshell the Syrian military with friends (Hezb-allah, Russia and North Korea. (Yes there are North Korean troops fighting for Assad.) had until the other week completely surrounded Aleppo and laid siege to it. That is until all the rebels put aside their differences and broke the siege by overrunning the Syrian army artillery school in the bottom left of the city.
So all of the above can be condensed by saying the Syrian army and friends surround Aleppo with the rebels inside. Here is the map the bBC is currently airing:

Apparently to the bBC, it is the Syrian army which is surrounded by the rebels. which doesn’t explain this map from a week ago

Now, the reason why the Russians are bombing the shit out of Aleppo (Explains that little boy picture) is to close that gap that the rebels made. Why only today they launched a cruise missile strike on the area.
But the rebels are giving as good as they get. here is video clip of a Syrian army unit being taken out with a double tap with a 9k111faggot missile. (Yes it is called a faggot)
The bBC who with their billions in tax money can’t even report the correct news.
and here is a bBC article from 12 days ago when they reported on how the rebels broke the government siege.
Syria rebels ‘break government siege’ of Aleppo
Rebel factions in Syria say they have broken a weeks-long government siege of Aleppo, amid scenes of rejoicing in the crucial northern city. Sources close to government forces denied that they had been pushed aside and said they had driven the rebels back from an artillery base.
and here is the Map the bBC uses:

You can’t really expect the BBC to have much of a clue about military matters, unless it’s to inform our enemies where they can locate UK armed forces!
Come, come now. They have an expert ‘Gardener’ to advise them on security matters .
How does one immediately become “racist” for having an opposing view to that of a gaggle of Corbynistas?
Isn’t everyone white in this vid?
Love that guy at the end, the one with the white hair – “don’t think they’ll tell you everything you need to know” Just about sums Labour up !
Forget the hysterics of all involved..just listen to that music!
Some hippie chick wants us to build bridges not walls…dial a cliche as Morrissey says.
A Brexiteer that lad.
These bloody Candice Maweez of the Tolpuddle Troupe accompany Corbyn much as that Sheffield Brass Band did with the England team.
The cultures busted when they turn out to be “The Man” that they`ve long despised as “keeping the little people down”…when Farage is despised for changing things, whereas Geldof is lauded for his tax fiddlings , the death of assorted family members and his vile abuse of British fishermen from a champagne love boat.
Just enjoy it…we`ve only just begun.
It goes without saying that the EU referendum was an historic moment for our country and our politics. More people voted for the UK to leave the European Union than have ever voted for any proposition or any political party at any election or referendum in British history.
So the establishment of BrexitCentral by the ever entrepreneurial Matthew Elliott, who headed the Vote Leave campaign and now returns to the helm of Business for Britain, is about giving those more than 17.4 million people a voice. As Editor of BrexitCentral, backed up by a vibrant social media presence, I want to provide them with an online home where they can follow developments as they happen while promoting a positive vision of Britain after Brexit. This week’s Spectator leader calls for think tanks, websites and other groups to “make the case for the clear, open version of Brexit that was described, and endorsed, at the referendum”. And that is exactly where BrexitCentral comes in.
The site will be launching in mid-September, but if you sign up now at, you will be sure not to miss anything once we’re up and running. We live in interesting and exciting times, and the process of extricating us from the EU and 43 years of regulation and red tape is going to dominate Theresa May’s in-tray above all other issues. She has said that “Brexit means Brexit” and I am excited about chronicling the twists and turns of events while holding her and her Government to its pledge to follow the instructions of the British people in that momentous referendum. So many of the predictions from the doom-mongers both during and immediately after the referendum are already proving to be false. I look forward to BrexitCentral helping to make the optimistic picture of post-Brexit Britain a reality.
No surprise here:
BBC Says Opposing Shariah Law Is ‘Islamophobic’
I think it’s time we stopped trying to counter accusations like this with reason. It doesn’t work and it tends to dignify the accusation.
Last time I was accused of being a racist (by a family member, as it happens) I replied along the lines of: “I supported my comment with facts. If all you can do is attach some silly label, carry on. I’m not crushed by it – I don’t even care”. I wouldn’t say his jaw dropped but he was expecting me to apologise.
The family member is a teacher. He has form.
The problem, as I’ve said, before, is that the Left doesn’t argue using facts. Indeed, it doesn’t really care about facts at all. It’s all about feelings and emotions. So, yes, you are quite right. You can’t argue with these people. They abandoned logic and reason a long time ago.
As Mrs Thatcher once remarked, when they’re calling you names it means they’ve run out of arguments.
Nowadays the Left has become to stupid to argue, instead it just shouts names – very loudly, and unfortunately the idea of a politicised Police force means that Labour commissioners have been able to turn their police into political correctness enforcement squads who no longer deal with actual crime but what people say & what they think.
Agreed. And this is why the BBC is so dangerous. Its power and reach means it makes the political weather. If it keeps promoting one strand of opinion, as it does, in the end people just shrug and assume that’s the truth
Al Beeb kept promoting the EU, but when the ordinary British ‘Jo Bloggs’ saw through their scam they voted Brexit in the referendum, just as they are beginning to see their promotion of multiculturalism now.
They can see through it as Merkel once saw through it six years ago…………………………….
When these idiots have imported a civil war to our country, they will be the ones hiding behind the “racists” and other rough men who will, once again have to sort out the mess the liberals have created.
Don’t see many of these on the BBC, unless it is mocking conservatives or Trump.
My impression of listening to Radio 4 news and current affairs is that they don’t ask the same questions about Hillary Clinton that they do of Trump. Yesterday’s World at One was a case in point. It’s not just bias against Trump, whom they clearly don’t like, but a failure to dig deep into Hillary’s serial misdeeds, because they broadly approve of her.
And that’s it in a nutshell. Even a BBC news editor isn’t so stupid as to be unable to understand this. Which means it is deliberate. Which means the case against them is proven.
Thats class
Weirdly hilarious.
If half a million people decided to stop paying the licence fee what could they do about it. It’s time to stop playing keyboard warriors and stand up and be counted.
Don’t blame me . I scrapped my TV and told the Licence Fee people to bugger off. Just watch the BBC occassionally on my mum’s TV and she is a pensioner ! But , you are right, if enough people refuse to pay, the evil empire will collapse. It is incredible that some people have to pay £ 145 a year to support the BBC vermin.
I completely agree and I think that this is the only way that the BBC can be forced off their increasingly rabid leftist ,internationalist agenda. The difficulties are firstly, how to recruit the first ten thousand refuseniks and,secondly ,how to provide a secure fighting fund for the legal aid of those prosecuted by the BBC. Because the BBC will recognise that these ten thousand will almost certainly catalyse many others to join them and so will be desperate to nip the revolt in the bud.
I bet that some of Al Beeb’s employees will be worried about this ………………
“A search has again taken place in Weston Park in Bath by police investigating the discovery of three human feet.
The first turned up inside the park in February, the second and third were found in nearby gardens in July and earlier this month.
Police say they do not think there is anything sinister behind the finds but they are continuing to investigate why they keep appearing.”
So, they don’t know why they are there but do know it’s nothing sinister?.
I suppose the severed heads belonging to the feet might sway perceptions?. However, I suspect such findings wouldn’t even be reported in the first place.
Anyone seen Jake the Peg since Rolf was popped in the pokey?
Match fixing in the local three legged race?
Russian doping takes a darker turn.
The BBC 3 legged stadium commentary team will be aghast.
…“A search has again taken place in Weston Park in Bath by police investigating the discovery of three human feet.
The first turned up inside the park in February, the second and third were found in nearby gardens in July and earlier this month…..
Something’s clearly afoot here ………
Was the victim from the Isle of Man?
Searching parks and gardens for the possible source of three feet is obviously a waste of time. They should concentrate the search on yards.
The only athlete I am interested in at the Olympics is Usain Bolt. I hope the BBC
will be sending 350 or so of their team to Jamaica to cover the Jamaican teams
homecoming in Kingston. With all these indigenous whities winning gold medals
for Great Britain. It is politically correct for the BBC to show positive discrimination
by giving Bolt all the headlines,and he is a clean athlete. Is that horse of Nick Skelton
given a drugs test? Somebody should ask Claire Balding.
I agree Foscari, Bolt is to be applauded, BUT I find it cringeworthy that black athletes tend to call themselves ‘the greatest’ without the slightest modicum of modesty, perhaps some of them are; but I prefer to watch and get more satisfaction from watching the likes of Nick Skelton, who has persevered for decades in getting it together, and to see him and his horse finally gain the accolade of Olympic champion in such an understated way.
The biased BBC are just wanking themselves silly over Usain Bolt. He was headline number 1 – again – while Team GB did not even get a mention at all !
Meanwhile, the programme is being co-hosted from Gibralter, which ‘voted 97% Remain’ we are helpfully informed. FFS.
It just never atops, does it?
Any predictions that if Caster Semenya wins the ‘women’s 800m’, the bBBC will be ‘instructing’ us on various LGBT benefits?
Sluff-I expect we will see a new show on the BBC ” Sugar around the world.”Visiting the LGBT scene.
Then maybe on “Celebrity Bake Off” where Caster could use her or his own branded sugar
A rabbi was stabbed on Friday in the northeastern French city of Strasbourg by a knife-wielding male assailant who shouted “Allahu Akbar” during the attack, French and international media outlets reported.
The wounded man, reported to be in his 60s, was transported to a hospital in stable condition.
A Strasbourg police spokesman told The Associated Press that the attacker was arrested at the scene of the incident.
The spokesman said police were not classifying the incident as terror-related. He told The Associated Press the attacker was someone with “clear deficiencies” and a police record…..Oh good that means that the BBC can report the incident with clear conscience as being carried out by a perpetrator with north African or middle east appearance who had psychological issues..
magic – it also means that another Islamic terror attack gets mis-classified, thereby reducing the statistics of such crimes. This is happening across Europe. In Sweden and some German states they no longer record the religion or ethnicity of the perps, both those countries being terrified of the monster they’ve unleashed and desperate to hide the true scale of the horror from their citizens. Good old Mutti Merkel.
Thanks for posting I would have missed that otherwise, quick search, nothing on so called BBC, the story does appear on numerous other outlets that don’t have the massive criminally extorted budget that our state propagandist has.
The comments are telling.
Our media have just put a twist on the way the Soviets used mental illness, but it amounts to much the same. It’s being played to such excess that it’s losing any credibility it may have had, and is both damaging and insulting to those with genuine mental health issues. I’m just waiting for the ‘men with mental health issues fire rockets at Jerusalem’ or ‘219 schoolgirls kidnapped in Chibok by men with mental health issues’ headlines. It’s only a matter of time.
I am appalled, appalled I say, at the poor state of mental health provision among the EU border and immigration services.
8’O clock R4 News: As has been commented, 95% of the total news coverage Usain Bolt (team Jamaica). Eventually quick mention of Team GB’s hockey gold (hideously white team), no mention of Nick Skelton’s (Team GB – hideously white middle-aged man) extraordinary Olympic Gold at the age of 58. Nothing at all, he has been erased by the BBC, a non person. Oh but we did get the full inaudibly hysterically weeping interview from Lutalo Muhammad (Team GB Taekwondo final loser).
Yes, the fawning adulation is really out of all proportion for one who is, essentially, a one-trick pony with the ability to run rather faster than other, shorter, opponents. In comparison with decathletes and heptathletes, for just two examples, his achievements are significantly lower down the scale and yet, typically, the BBC take their coverage to an absurd level of concentration on an individual. By doing so, they take an obvious professional pride in ignoring the true Olympic ethos which, from the reintroduction at the end of the 19th century, was always essentially based on national and team performance – and which, of course, is why our state broadcaster embraces Bolt with such repetitive enthusiasm.