‘…. there are some athletes who raise their game just because it is the Olympic games ‘ Nana thick as a plank Munchrugger thanks for that cutting insight how about we put my dog on the sofa probably be better interviews. What is the going rate here 200k a year to read an auto cue and spout absolute crud
Spiked is a far left mag, the editor Brendan O’Neill is a Communist, but the first 10 minutes of his podcast on the subject of the Fascist attack on freedom of speech is well worth 10 minutes of your time.
“Brendan O’Neill is a Communist” I disagree
The history is remarkable explained by Monbiot in 2003. There was a cult around Frank Furedi; all the members were were Revolutionary Communist Party, running the Living Marxism magazine. Then after sometime they flipped and became free market supporters and started Spiked.
I used to think it was a clever trick to infiltrate the right BUT it’s been a long long time now.
Whatever they said before they all seem like logical arguers these days.
Brendan is a man after our own hearts.
Pretty sure I crossed his path in the Stuff the Jubilee glumfests that we held at Moss Side Leisure Centre, Manchester 81.
Irish roots, student and a prize lefty like me…
So I can identify with him and his arc to sanity.
Got his glitches, much as he`d think that I had mine.
But we`re past Left and Right now…it`s LEAVE or REMAIN…the only cleaving issue in our lifetime IMHO.
And he was for out-as was Morrissey and Mike Reid!
Don`t get to choose your family anymore…our people, naff or ex-Commies!
We can get back to the tribal stuff once we`re out-too much unfinished business yet though…
We seem to have followed a similar trajectory. Back in the days I was a fairly orthodox Labour supporter and couldn’t stand the likes of RCP, IMG, SWP etc. Is there a statute of limitations in the UK these days so that I can admit to being involved in the occasional battering of a Militant? Spiked is a great site, although I’d still have my issues with Frank Furedi. Brendan’s stuff is usually very good, and even when I disagree with him he provokes thought. Still, BREXIT, BREXIT, BREXIT!
All part of the learning eh Kennedy?
Would not swap it for anything now, can go to any SWP/Tolpuddle or anti-Israel nasty very easily and fit in.
Invaluable for much of what we do…people like Melanie Phillips, Peter Hitchens, Janet Daley and many others are heroes of mine for the selfsame reasons.
All independent minded lefty penitents-but put it all to good use and are not clones.
Would disagree with all of them-Brendan too-on something, as they would with me.
But , unlike the Lefties…have the baggage, and know the score.
And-like yourself Kennedy-there`s quite a few on this site, which makes it all pretty powerful at times.
Got the Greenie Badges too up and until Sara Parkin 1992-I`m much Deeper as a Green, much Redder than their Lefties on the BBC -and can pull rank on them easily…they stopped thinking in 1994 I think!
My idea to run a Trot in Jo Cox`s constituency seemed to upset most of them at Tolpuddle last month-accused them of playing at it, then left-they`d see a REAL Red, they`re gutless toytown saps….
Yes ON is brilliant
“One things that concerns me is that one of the Policemen (heading this £multi-million unit) says ‘there is no place for hate in the Britain’, “..incredibly AUTHORITARIAN ..exterminate a whole emotion ..we should rail all against it …NOT progressive..giving extra power to state ..”
“I’m all for free speech, BUT not for racists, not for trolls, not for X, not for Y, not for Z etc.” they say
ON said “NO it has to be free speech for all including Adjem Choudry”
I agree you have to allow people to expose their own stupidity, with the one limit which is incitement to violence.
Chouhardy should have been given a day in the stocks where members of the public could hurl pork sausages at him.
We don’t need this fool in prison to protect us, with the BBC running to him for statements about the hardships suffered by Moslems in jail.
All that was needed to deal with Chouhardy was lifting restrictions on people who want to express very strongly their disagreement with him and the crappy doctrines he preaches and the views of the tosser who started the damn fool religion.
Racist article in the Situations Vacant printing department of the BBC.
Concerning the non-robbery of a member of the USA Olympic team.
Excoriated BTL.
Including this :-
“White guy acts like a dick and is an example of white privilege. Black guy acts like a dick and he is an example of what white privilege does to young black men.”.
oh fk me I am now paying for a show called ‘ The Chronicles of Nadiya’ some bird wearing a tea-towel, who once baked a bad cake and won a show because of her religion, is now going to get paid to travel round the World on my enforced subscription. I have news for you BBC we do not want this type of TV.
And just to remind us and rub our noses in a little more diversity, a starring role on this weeks Radio Times (other listings magazines are available….)
Geoff, the BBC told us yesterday that Nadiya is one of the, “500 most influential people in the UK”. Really, is that a survey of all the ‘mentally unstable’ people in the UK the BBC keeps reminding us of?
I think the BBC’s infantile obsession with Nadiya is symptomatic of the left’s relation with Islam in general. Deep down they realise what a regressive force Islam is – but of course they can’t admit this to other leftists or themselves – but their hopes (such that they are) depend upon total submission to Islam.
The BBC/left really believe that Islam will like them, and even grow to love them, if only they are totally obsequient to Islam, intellectually bowing down and submitting to every Muslim demand, then the Muslims will realise what a wonderful and tolerant force the left are.
An ideological puppy if you like – rolling over onto it’s tummy at the first sign of conflict to indicate total vulnerability and submission.
Of course, anyone with any sense knows this is not the way to get the respect of Islam. All it respects is greater strength than it has. All it fears is ridicule.
Here we are, months after Masterchef (BBC) finished, and still no-one has heard of Jane Devonshire ! is that because she is ‘hideously white’ ?? The ultimate in BBC Bias !!
Steady on It’s only 2 episodes..and previously has a tradition of sending white male celebrities as the front man, or a married couple, so in the past BME seem to have been left out.
..but its still wrong that it’s her, cos there are plenty of talented white/black male/female people who should be in the queue before her eg exisiting BBC World Service, Asian Network staff.
but #2 Other countries do the same .. If I switch on Indonesian TV I can see their celebs presenting similar shows, they tend not to play up being Muslim. So the cheapest thing is to buy in such programmes”
They’ve done this before with producers fancy’s with no experience eg Ben Fogle
Its now 1pm and the Bolt Broadcasting Corporation is STILL in full flow, with a Bolt feature as the first segment of the Olympics coverage and just in case the message has not got through, we then have a Newspaper review with….yes……you’ve guessed it.
Also in the Olympics news. A team from our home country won some medals………but they were hideously middle class and, what’s worse, mainly white. So obviously less important.
Anybody else notice how little coverage there has been by the BBC at the Olympics of the field and track events? I presume we haven’t won many events there. Most of our medal winners appear to be white middle class – therefore the BBC has had to spend precious air time on Usain Bolt. Has Mo had only 1 race? I did hear he won a gold but the BBC have been very quiet about him.
Thanks GWF. Their website poses a bit of a problem for me. In both their ‘Mission’ and, ‘Vision’ statements they refer to “host” countries. I don’t think it is semantics to simply say, they should use, ‘recipient’ rather than “Host”, the latter being suggestive of a “host” population supportive of doing, ‘a-Merkel’ and accepting all comers without their consent. Typical of all the Liberal types: they just assume that everybody accepts their viewpoint and it exposes their absolute disdain for true ‘Democracy’.
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), is closely associated with the BBC to the extent that it is named by the BBC as a ‘partner organisation’. Despite its high-flown internationalist title, the ICIJ has a deeply biased agenda which, for example, pushes climate change alarmism. Further, it is funded partly by George Soros, who is strongly pro-EU, along with a raft of left-leaning foundations whose agendas are politically partisan. Lord Hall uses this loony left-wing organisation as an excuse not to appoint the BBC,s own scientific investigative journalists, who would be unable to violate impartiality rules without legal consequences for the BBC, and its Management, in a Judicial review. Well this seems to be what the BBC legal department must be saying to Lord Hall. But what happens if this is leaked to such a Judicial Review?
As usual when you dig a bit, a different story emerges about the Corsica fights.
Violent clashes between Muslims and locals in the town of Sisco on the French island were initially blamed on youths taking photos of women in burkinis.
However, other sources now claim Muslim men had spent the day attacking tourists and local youths.
…the local newspaper in Corsica, Corse Matin, published footage which it claimed countered widely circulated rumours that the fight began when three Muslim families were randomly attacked by Sisco inhabitants.
On Twitter, the Front National MP (Marion Le Pen) said: “The Muslim attackers try to pretend that they are the victims but the truth comes out.
“It is not Islamophobia which is the cause but hostility from Islam, contrary to what certain media outlets believe or want us to think.”
One person responded to her Tweet claiming journalists are either “left-wing” or “far-left wing”.
Always interesting which news events are suddenly blown up into a major cause for concern and which are quietly passed by.
‘One of England’s main abortion providers has suspended terminations under general anaesthetic, and to under 18s, following inspections by healthcare inspectors.’
Not for the BBC. Abortion on demand is a basic tenet of Leftist belief and so there is little chance of this serious news stirring BBC journalists into further investigation or exploration of the issue. No BBC journo will dare lift the lid on this can of worms.
‘…the regulator said it was concerned about poor governance arrangements, leading to what it called “specific immediate concerns” about consent and safeguarding’
Serious enough yet? No worries, if under-18s are old enough to vote they must be old enough to be pressed into an abortion without proper consent and safeguarding. Don’t expect any liberal media least of all the BBC to want to cast further light on this scandal.
‘NHS England said it would be helping women to find alternative abortion providers in the meantime’
So that’s ok then. Normal service has been resumed. Now, how about the Police use of tasers, or dangerous dogs, or sugar tax – let’s have a massive public debate about those.
Yes, Today had a headline news story about new “research” showing that housing benefit payments to PRIVATE landlords had increased. The stated solution was more SOCIAL (or soclialist) housing. No questions about who it is that is being housed and causing housing benefit to increase.
As an aside, whenever the Beeb starts a story with “New research shows that …” or “Concerns have been raised that …” it is a good warning that some biased right-on claptrap is on the way.
Interesting … I didn’t realise his relegion either. Unlike that of a woman who “won” one of the Beeb’s, less athletic, in-house rigged competitions whose religious affiliation is always stressed.
Bolt seems like a likeable extrovert guy. But still I found it staggering that the Beeb Radio today led on his achievements all morning – a foreign athlete winning an expected medal as a part of a relay team. Meanwhile the far more news worthy achievements of the Ladies Hockey team (beating the reigning champions in a shoot-out) and Nick Skelton (age 58) were 2nd place, if mentioned at all. It’s supposed to be the BRITISH BC. The BRITISH pay for it.
“The lack of affordable housing available means that a wider group of people need housing benefit” . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-37132249
Uncontrolled Immigration – We are going to run out of green and pleasant land – simples !
“Why can’t Britain build enough homes to meet demand?”
I thought they were going to bring up the one about there being too many old people living in their own homes. You know, the ones who saved and paid off their mortgages and want to live there for a while. Can’t have that they should move to a shoe box to make way for people who deserve the houses more!
Now I’m worried. For some time I’ve had restrictions on accessing biasedbbc at my local library. (for ‘Profanity’ – how quaint)
Today I couldn’t get into my account at all, blocked. Could the Emir’s Big Brother Unit be kicking in quicker than we thought?
Maybe i’m being paranoid, but in the immortal words of Woody Allen, Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you.
(or Joseph Heller?)
What next? Early morning knock on the door?
Yes at the library early on in discussions it doesn’t block me. But then after 5-10 posts the thread usually comes up with an error like “Brave-server has blocked this page” I guess cos someone has written a banned word. After that I switch to a proxy server and log in again.
(Just google : proxy PRX : and you’ll find a good proxy server after 2 or 3 attempts)
Peterthegreat, I’ve found something similar happens when I use the computers at a business club I belong to – which is by no means a lefty organisation. I think there is probably some off-the-peg filtering software which prevents access if there are too many certain key words in use, rather than an organised conspiracy to block certain websites.
The elite has to embrace tyranny now. It has no choice if it is to survive. Be warned and be careful. We are on our own again as we have so often been in England.
The old legends were not far wrong and Robin Hood is not just a pretty tale. Everything the ordinary folk have has been wrested from an elite that fought to the end to control and loot us.
Think of the BBc as the elite’s PR machine and then ignore every word it utters.
Dear BBC, on behalf of Muslims, I must point out how offended this community surely are at your use of the title ‘The Chronicles of Nadiya’ for the upcoming BBC show featuring that wonderful young role model and girl Nadiya Hussain (Great British Bake-Off winner 2015, fair and square).
‘Two-part series in which The Great British Bake Off 2015 winner Nadiya Hussain explores the recipes that have shaped her love of cooking’
Please check your privilege and issue a public apology right away. You must have known how this title would offend. It is clearly a pun on the works of CS Lewis (a dead white man & Christian) ie ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’
Adding insult to the grievous injury to Islam in your thoughtless use of this lame pun is the fact that your own BBC review of the Narnia stories clearly explains the overtly Christian nature of these books.
‘Aslan is a literary Christ figure who plays a pivotal role in the story of Narnia, just as Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith. Lewis explained in a letter to Arthur Greeves in October 1931, that he set out his story of Aslan as a retelling of the “actual incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection.”‘
Knowing how keen you will be to alleviate the offence given to Muslims I await with anticipation the BBC’s full and forthright apology and the alteration of the title of this show. How about ‘Nadiya does Bangladesh’ ? That seems to be a title without any dubious western connotations.
Sadly she’s on a bit of a rollercoaster now, with (as far as the Islamic dictates will allow) a ‘glamour’ photoshoot in the Weekend mag of the D/Mail.
Well, the newer role model could well be the male version in the upcoming new series !
She’s like Jade Goodie in that she’s been seized on by some PR types and turned into a celebrity, so in every feature-list meeting of every fluffy mag and website in the country, fluffy PR girls are asking each other ‘who’s hot this month for the cover, oh, I know, Nadiya from Bake Off’.
Unlike Jade she has the added extra of Islamophobia on her side, ie, the subtle implication is ‘if you don’t like Nadiya, you must be Islamophobic!’ No fluffy PR girl would be likely to say ‘I don’t think we should have Nadiya on the cover because…well…I get the feeling she’s being used to push a certain agenda.’ There would be shocked silence, with the only sound being the shoving of a p45 into an envelope…
“She’s like Jade Goodie”
You might have taken the trouble to spell her name correctly.
Jade had limited abilities, but she showed great courage dealing with what proved to be terminal cancer.
Let’s see how the Muslim Baker handles cancer, should she develop it, then you can compare them.
Brissles, I suspect that AsIseeit was making a pun on the title of a well known pornographic film. Haven’t watched it myself, but then I’ve never watched Bake Off either.
Islamaphobia or Kaffirphobia … which one seems more important to the BBC ?
The BBC seems to care more about counting TWEETS than counting LIVES.
Islamaphobia : Sending a mild tweets plus a few shouting yobs*
BBC consider it very important to report, cos it has Tweets
Which are only 1 in every 30,000, and terms are quite mild like contain the words “religion of peace”
Kaffirphobia : Gruesome murder, instilling everyday fear of death, aiming to overthrow democratic states.
BBC consider hate of non-muslims less worthy of reporting, even though it involves killing people in a variety of gruesome ways, instilling everyday fear and aims to otherthrow peaceful modern states with 6th century totalitarian doctrine.
* (Islamaphobia may also involve a few yobs throwing buckets of paint at a mosque or shouting at burqua wearers in the street, but if even Islam didn’t exist those yobs would be doing the same against somebody else.
It in no way balances the body count of Radical-Islamic terror.)
Don’t Kaffirphobic tweets outnumber Islamaphobic tweets ?
Since Twitter have this year suspended 235,000 terrorist accounts,you’d think the answer is yes.
Whereas Islamophobia is a false construct – it is not Islam per se that we ‘fear’, it is the acts that are carried out in its name – ‘kafirphobia’ is real.
that’s a quote from an Australian website
(on my PC it comes up as ‘this site may harm your computer..click advanced”. I think it’s a technique of Regressives to get sites they don’t like semi-banned by making false complaints that they host malicious software)
Thank RT for reporing things the BBC doesn’t report.
..but spare a thought each time for the 56 journalists killed by the Russian state actors in Putin’s time.
Radio Scotland Media Report Aug 11 : Stuart Cosgrove spoke about the new big Russia Today Sputnik HQ in Edinburgh
#1 They don’t have many documentaries about the 56 state sanctioned killings of journalists in Russia during Putin’s time.
#2 Is the Edinburgh location about trouble making (probably sowing division, thus getting Fastlane nuclear sub base closed) ?
This is an excellent short film about Clinton and her, apparent, medical afflictions; if the MSM are so worried that Trump is “unstable” maybe they should look into this.
The last thing the BBC will do is to look into the Clintons. Trump is fair game but not them. The BBC needs Hilary to win. After brexit they are getting worried. How to deliver a slave population of mindless consumers to the elite. It suddenly does not look so easy.
Dave S – Poor beeb, they’ll never get over Brexit: they wheeled out their trump card, their star player, Saint O’bama himself, he of the Nobel Prize, to threaten and cajole, (drum roll, trumpet fanfare)… and STILL the peasants failed to genuflect. What can you do with people like that?
I don’t think H Clinton was having a seizure, but I know if Trump put on a similar display the BBC would lead the charge that he was unfit to lead. I also think that the secret service agent incident may be H Clinton showing short sighted concern that she might be threatened, but again if Trump showed similar he’d be pilloried, even though he is the only candidate who has actually experienced an assassination attempt.
lol, I heard Claire Balding say about Tom Daley failure for a good 2 minutes, before mentioning the good Team GBR news, ending with “we are still going to show the diving later even though Tom Daley is not in it”
I seriously hope the BBC didn’t discuss whether to change the schedule just because he crashed out?!?
I’m sure Daley will have a special place at the BBC Sports Personality Awards at the end of the year – he has after all been one of the most successful BBC-favourite-LGBT-British-male-synchronised-diving-sportsman-in-the-bronze-medal-category. That could be a new award, presented by Balding, couldn’t it?
Couldn`t he be offered a verucca pad in the hope that he could stay in Rio to do better , entering as a Paraplegic? Few more weeks to get crapper than he is at the moment.
Loads of Blue Badges round here…reckon we could fill a jumbo with disability scooters and have then chariot racing with the chippy and BoozeShack at the finishing line?
World beaters…call that wife beaters if we fuel them on Stella.
The beeboid reporter looked devastated reporting about poor Tommy dalys failure. Probably get endless bbc discussions and programmes as to why he failed. Maybe blame it on brexit. Maybe if little Tommy stopped being a media whore and did a little more practice he may have got a chance of gold as this failure was always on the cards.
There was a very staged interview with tommys partner on itv yesterday but not a mention of the fact said partner is old enough to be his daddy. Ah well he can always replace Andy peters on gmtv or even bring back the classic that was splash. Little Tommy will always have a Place at the Beeb forever in their hearts. Now who was it that won the gold in the doubles diving again?
Back in the 1970s and ’80s coverage of track and field at the Olympics was comprehensive. Now if there’s no gut-wrenching back story certain events – last night javelin and high jump – are barely mentioned, literally a couple of key jumps and throws only with no sense at all of how each competition is playing out – or even beginning and ending, despite the hours dedicated to the event. Instead we get endless blather and hagiographical slo-mo features about Bolt and Mo Farah from the emotionally incontinent twerps populating the studio (‘Oh no! How will athletics cope without Bolt? How will sport cope?? How will the world cope!!!???’ – quite nicely thankyou) while the actual events carry on unmolested by the BBC in the distant background. Pathetic stuff.
The coverage has been pathetic, despite covering two channels for most of the day. Too much talk – constantly.
I used to love Ski Sunday (despite not being a skier) until Hazel Irving took over when it became the Hazel Irvine Show (with a little bit of skiing thrown in), with Hazel showing us how much she’s enjoying all the apres-ski.
I now look back on the Hazel Irvine period with affection since Graham Bell and Ed the snowboarder (with an awful Jamie Oliver style fake lithp) have taken over. Skiing has been reduced to virtually nothing – even the big events like the Hahnenkamm. Now Bell does a piece to camera between each skier.
At one time I used to enjoy watching the skier (Bell mainly) showing the course by holding a camera before the event started. It gave a good idea of how the course looked to the skiers. Now, when Bell does it he spends half the time pointing it at himself. It’s narcissism gone mad.
Fascinating, as ever, to see yet another replay of the GB hockey final, this time in highlight form. Strange, though, that all the boos at such crucial moments from the churlish Dutch crowd appear to have been deleted – perhaps to maintain that air of EU brother and sisterhood, so vital to those who know we all voted the wrong way.
Beltane , it is actually quite sinister, we are living in a time where the truth does not get a look in.I don’t know where it goes from here but I can’t see it ending well.
‘Ere, Pete, that Billy Bragg (BBC R4 Loose Ends 6.15pm today) thinks that Brexiteers want to return to the world of the 1950s?
I thought funny; funny I thought, isn’t it the EU that is stuck in the 1950s and 1940s? I thought we were all voting in June to escape into the 21st century?
And he wants to return us to the 60s and 70s. Industrial unrest, inefficient and incompetent nationalised industries, lower wages, less holidays etc. Although there were some things, I believe (just too young to remember), in the 1950s that were positive: not as much terrorism, no constant wars, people happier to be in the same country together, patriotism, freedom of speech, freedom to make jokes, less bureacracy, freedom from EU diktats etc., respect for each-other.
You see all those people in charge are talentless chancers and they are becoming very scared. They are doubling down, shit or bust. May has once chance here to save the whole lot of them – she must invoke Article 50 or the natives (you and I) are going to become extremely pissed off and they will disappear. You could put Spit the dog in charge of UKIP and he would win if she does not try and get us out of this EU cesspit.
If Bragg knew his history better then he’d know that the EU is a construct of the 1950’s, unfortunately the French 1950’s, when corporatism emerged and democracy couldn’t be trusted. So you bypass democracy and put power into the hands of technocratic elites. The Germans went along with this because they were looking for international rehabilitation after WW2. The EU’s modus operandi never changed throughout the decades. As we found out to our cost after joining in 1973.
In fact the EU can be considered a construct of the 1940s. In particular the realisation of Franco German domination of Europe . This was actually German policy after the fall of France. Germany as the senior partner of course.
Bloody Loose Ends…Just a top and tail for the weekend after Richard Coles crap at 9am every Saturday morning.
Who else thinks Billy Braggs views newsworthy?
Poor sod is cowed by Corbyns mates who knows where he lives…nice Edwardian villa on a lovely small town in Dorset.
So-as for his “do you back Corbyn or not?”…well does anybody know…he normally has an opinion on everything, that he chickened out of Tolpuddle tells me that he`s scared of upsetting Bob Crows Boys.
As for his back to the 50s?
Poor sod thinks he`s Joe Strummer one minute-Woody Guthrie the next…from the thirties to the seventies…so , using triangulation-he`s the 50s man, neither fish nor foul…well, foul I guess.
The ultimate lefty fake…
RIP Brian Rix, memories of a more innocent era when dropping your trousers was as outrageous as comedy got . And you could listen to the BBC for months without hearing the words Muslim or Islam.
I second that EE, but I would say ‘years’ rather than ‘months’. The only time we ever saw a woman in a veil, was the rather exotic female in the desert advertising Turkish Delight ! Um, would that appear racist/sexist and contravene any other offending agenda if it were to be shown now ?
Of course it would be offensive. It was Fry’s Turkish delight. The Fry’s were Quakers. The tax/licence payers can’t be promoting some evil, obscure religious sect can they?
There is a dude named Bill O’Reilly, who hosts the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. He’s a big guy, well over 6 ft, and he is comfortable and secure in himself – as big guys so often are. He’s also in the centre of the political spectrum, challenging both left and right with equal scepticism and vigour.
O’Reilly latched onto the revelation that broke last week that the anti-Israel and anti-US George Soros, who is an enthusiastic supporter of the Islamic invasion of the West, has been funnelling millions of dollars to the Democrats. Apparently the Democrats in general and Clinton in particular have no problem taking these generous donations from an individual who dreams of open borders worldwide and the destruction of Western society.
I won’t try to paraphrase the eminent O’Reilly, but let him speak for himself:
At 8:30 min in, O’Reilly talks to a Democrat who is a ‘professor’ of political science, inflicting her views on her students. She’s a superb example of the fact that higher education does not necessarily broaden the mind, but often simply takes a closed mind and shuts it down even more firmly.
I tried to find some evidence that the BBC is onto this story but came up with a blank. As O’Reilly told the prof with her tunnel vision, if a KKK character, as far to the right as Soros is to the left, were funding the Republicans, the left-wing media would be all over it. Hypocrisy reins, as always.
Not even mentioned is the aftermath of the failed coup (counter purge?) attempt. Much of the Turkish military, in particular its secular, professional officer class, has been arrested. In Erdogan’s words, “This uprising is a gift from God to us because this will be a reason to cleanse our army.”
How this will effect the more active role? Just asking, because the BBC won’t.
Should the Trump support produce a similar, fully naked Hillary Clinton statue would the BBC display it or would they consider it to offensive too women and/or good taste?
I don’t think the Hillary mural is really compatible with the Donald statue. Firstly the mural image is not naked. Secondly the mural image is rather flattering, showing the body of a large breasted, voluptuous women with the unmarked face of someone at least thirty years younger than the Democrat nominee. Thirdly the genitals are hidden. Trump is portrayed underendowed. To be compatible Clinton’s body would have the full-frontal display of the feminine equivalent of a tiny prick. (Huge vulva?)
From BBC perspective the Clinton story shows the minimum for understanding i.e. before and after. Trump is shown and effectively ridiculed in eight photographs. Surely that is overkill?
With a caveat on verification, social media is carrying two rather telling stories.
One is that some imam decided to take a photo of some nuns paddling. No word on whether a group of monks rushed over to duff him up, unless they were still in town doing what monks do with the local lovelies.
The other is footage of that poor stunned kid who has been propelled to the next icon of war being hell, but the second victim these days is compassion at the hands of the PR savvy low lives who see opportunity in tragedy.
Andre Gray is one of those over paid, up himself, premier league footballers who is paid more than his I.Q. every hour to kick a pig’s bladder about a field. The BBC have taken a particular interest in him because 4 years previously he said “Is it me or are there gays everywhere?”
Yes, I know, he needs to be flayed alive in public by the BBC led PC brigade. But who knows, he might have been at a BBC Bake off audition, or a Guardian representative group for the UK. So it may have indeed appeared that gays were everywhere.
Quite rightly he has been dragged before the world’s screaming press to offer his Soviet styled apology, presumably written for him by someone who can actually write.
So we can all sleep peacefully in our beds at night ….except …
Ruqaiya Haris, the current Muslim darling of the BBC has said ‘why is it gay pride like every 2 weeks’. Which, to me, sounds surprisingly similar to what the dim witted Mr Gray said.
Only Ms Haris then went on to snarl, ‘Great display of human rights when you let queer people party in tel aviv whilst you bomb hospitals in gaza.’
Which sounds, sorta worse than anything our footballing idiot uttered.
Now, oddly, the BBC doesn’t have any interest in Ms Haris’s homophobic tweets but can’t offer enough coverage of Mr Gray’s. Anyone know why a Muslim is treated differently to a non Muslim?
‘What will we put in the headlines when it’s all over?’
So bleats Louise Minchin this morning as BBC Breakfast bemoans the fact the Rio Olympics can’t go on forever. It’s as though the BBC have reached the last day of a summer holiday and can’t face coming back to work. Well I suppose when your station is called ‘The BBC News Channel’ you just have to buck up.
What will they put in their headlines? One thing is for sure – there won’t be much news or comment critical to the Labour Party. This morning the BBC carry a casual report about Sadiq Khan backing Owen Smith against Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour Leadership.
Of course there is no mention by the BBC team of Khan’s flipflop – as an MP last summer he was an original Corbyn backer who put the fool on the ballot in the first place. And of course his U-turn is hardly new news – Khan has been seen to have withdrawn his tepid support of Corbyn since at least last April.
But still, as the BBC like to style him ‘Labour’s most senior elected official’ (we thought that was Keith Vaz) this is, we are informed, apparently big news which makes the BBC agenda despite Olympic dominance of the headlines.
Khan is the man the BBC want as leader of the Labour Party, to be appointed sometime after the current party has destroyed itself. By then Khan will be reaping the benefits of demographic changes and the constant barrage of BBC stories of how ropers are bringing great benefit to the country
I have this gut feeling, that in keeping with the look of the bloke, Khan is, has been, or will be involved in some particular variety of sleaze which will be his undoing, and which will eventually unseat him…
Owen Smith and Jones was quoted as “being honoured” to be given the Supreme Blessing of Ali Khan earlier today.
How many lefties actually lie supine at his big slippers at County Hall then?
The Emir of Earls Court then…hope the gay Aussies are aware of where this could all lead.
“Honoured”…”HONOURED”…as in “honouring the wife” after your fig juice at the wadi?
In that sense is it? Owen Sniff an` Jones?
Looks like Hollandes simple brother does the Welsh Wingnut…
Since becoming Emir, I notice that Citizen Khan has never been seen wearing the “Christian” necktie. I wonder if any journalist will ever have the stones to ask him why not?
I get this impression as well. The mistake is to believe that there will still be a labour party to lead.
Blair effectively destroyed it although it looked different at the time
Bbc London are his official pr company. Absolute zero criticism from them. If it was boris flip flop and other words would be used continuously and forcefully. It was interesting watching that piece with Khan on the tube and all his handlers controlling everything making sure everything is so PC. He was on itv brekkie on Friday about the 24 hour tube and the interviewers which included Derek drapers missus were blowing so much smoke up khans Arse. No ambushes waiting for him ala boris or nige.
It would have been interesting if goldsmith had won as I think the attacks would have been coming from day one.
On Sky last night was evidence of the lunatic nature of the remainers. A journalist from the Independent was determined to show why no one would buy her newspaper unless they had splinters from an afternoon of intense tree hugging.
Christina Pattison was determined to enhance the dumb blonde meme by saying that all economists were against Brexit. Now this dreamy eyed bit of nonsense is of course par for the course for the BBC and the Guardian. Sadly, for the poor soul she was sat next to an actual economist, the brilliantly down to earth, feet on the ground, Ruth Lea.
As the pouting Christina’s eyes grew ever larger and her voice climbed new heights of panic, the interviewer calmly pointed out that Ruth is a leading economist and supported Brexit.
Oh no, the now offended Blonde shrieked, no! All economists were for remain. This was spoken in a ‘why are you so insane?’ tone. She then went off on one about what on earth can she say to all those people losing their jobs?
It was pointed out to her that there had been jobs growth since Brexit, but sadly the words could not find their way through the labyrinths of blonde hair stacked about her ears. What, she agonizingly demanded, should we say to the stupid people who would lose their jobs because they didn’t listen to the economists.
The perplexed interviewer once again sought to remind her that the woman sitting right next to her, just inches apart, was a leading economist and one of many, who supported Brexit.
Sadly, the facts couldn’t enter Christina’s dreamy, little mind. She seems an ideal candidate to present a BBC program on anything as her ignorance appears to know no bounds.
Present a BBC program scribblingscribe? She’s only half-way to being qualified for that. With a little bit of coaching on more Utopian values and instruction on donning and wearing a hijab, the BBC will get there. Of course, she could, ‘go the extra mile’ and wear a niqab?
Sadly, the left prefer to deal with their ‘faith’ than with any objective facts. They believe what they ‘prefer’ to think, not what the evidence shows them.
This is the same with all faith-based belief systems, at least religious people are usually honest enough to state their faith is something they decide to believe, not something they could ever prove.
@scribblingscribe See Sky did something right they allowed BALANCE.
In the BBC shows controlled by Regressives, the only balance allowed is having a Lefty and an extreme Lefty, all other other attempts are smeared as FALSE balance, so the public get uncorrected propaganda.
+1 for Sky in the prog, cos they helped the public : The Regressive made a false statement and the non-regressive economist was able to correct it.*
– Compare that against Billy Bragg in Loose Ends (mentioned above by @Up2snuff Aug 20,at 7:08 pm) who sneered “Brexiteers to take Britain back, yeh to the 1950’s” “guffaw, guffaw” from the Regressive studio panel.
Whereas simply by having a balanced panel, a Righty like Katie Hopkins, or Peter Hitchins or Jeremy Clarkson would have pointed out Billy wants to take the WORLD back to 1921 ! 1921 time of Marx, Lenin and Russian Revolution.
* (Funnily enough that’s Fox News in the US do. They may be biased in what stuff they choose to report, but they are very big on having voice against opposing voice in the studio. So if either side says anything idiotic it will be pointed out by his oppo.
– The famous time was when NASA Climate Alarmist : Gavin Schmidt was on and expecting his normal Regressive-Media free-ride, so made it clear he would not appear on set with Skeptic Climate Scientist Roy Spencer. Fox simply took him off the set, brought Spencer to do his counter. Took Spencer off and brought Gavin back on. Alarmists have a general rule ‘don’t debate skeptics’ as if they are afraid of losing)
Sunday’s #bbcFreeRide4Labour came from Anne Diamond on R4 Broadcasting House 9:35am*
Which Labour seat is she going to stand for ?
– First she was praising Khan..then finding magic money to put into grass-roots sport and then ended with a rant against student loans … (which incidentally aren’t now really loans, but rather a graduate super tax which graduates pay when they reach high salary level, for a few years).
Unlike Sky there was #bbcNoBalance from other studio guests ..seems they had 2 Regressives and a neutral (Olympic swimmer). So there was no voice to counter Diamond’s propaganda and emotion.
* Earlier we got the old problem in all news progs like no matter what channel you switched to Aunty was #BangingOn about her current fancies chosen these days for virtue signalling. Not only is the repetition boring, but other important things never get reported due to the lack of time.
Daly Thompson also won 2 gold medals in 2 Olympics, but not the same banging on. And I think he was more modest himself as well, instead of “I am the greatest ..look at me”
Agreed-his likes( Botham, Capes etc)were the real thing.
And will live long in the memories long after the likes of Mo….Daley did more good for race relations than ANY BBC campaigns have done.
Good old Superstars eh…who could imagine THAT ever again.
As for BH-knew it was Anne Demon, given her silly voice and recent appearance on Big Brother…that`s the level of slebdom needed these days!
And when she referred to Hitchens comments as “Bah Humbug….what he does” crap_just KNEW he`d hit their nerves…as only PH can.
His point-that our sporting grossouts of “success” remind him of East Germany in the 70s…unarguable…hence the trivial and personal attacks .The crapper and more Commie the country-the more chest beating over their drugged-up sporting “triumphs”.
No wonder the elite hate him…good old Hitchens!
Why be subtle when you can lay it on with a bloody shovel? I gave up The Archers when they pushed Nigel off the roof. However it doesn’t mean to say I don’t catch the odd five minutes here and there – which is all I need to know the story lines. Today, whilst doing 5 minutes ironing, I heard a few minutes of the omnibus edition. Rob, the wife beater, was on the phone to his mother. Obvious from Mummy’s voice they were a ‘well-to-do’ family. So she is being sympathetic to Rob and tells him to ‘keep his chin up’. Rob’s response is ‘like you told me to do when you left me at prep school?’. So all Rob’s nasty ways are because a) he comes from a wealthy family (we couldn’t have a Grundy as a wife beater could we?) and b) the damage done by prep school. Perhaps someone should tell the BBC that many children who went to prep school end up as perfectly adjusted adults but it would spoil their agenda.
The BBC has always used drama to ‘sell’ political messages but you’re right – the Archers long ago descended into self-parody as it tried to inculcate fashionable Quislington notions into the heads of housewives the nation over.
Sadly, in quite a few cases I can call to mind, it seems to have succeeded!
Mohammed Farah has won another Gold for Moghadishu . Here we go again ‘Greatest Ever British Sportsman’ deserves a Knighthood . Have you noticed how superlatives now actually mean nothing anymore the BBC has completely ruined them everything is fantastic or incredible .
Just thinking back did any white English kids pass any ‘A’ levels this year ? or was it only EU students and Mudslimes who passed because that is all I saw in the news.
I would have thought that he must be desperate to end his UK citizenship seeing as we are so Islamophobic, but no he just prefers to take our cash. If you were sick of the BBCs Bolt obsession then the forthcoming Farah fest will certainly drive you over the edge.There will be wall to wall Mo for days on end, even the women who insists on wearing the tea towel on her head while baking ,will be put in the shade. I never thought that I would welcome the start of the football season but I think it will bring relief from the BBCs Mo mania.
Learned yesterday that the ‘elite’ athletes receive £65,000 a year of lottery money. Whilst I expect it is nothing that Mo receives from the Flora adverts, guest appearances etc, I think it is still a useful amount. I guess Mo does too.
So the EU are now portaying themselves as the winners of the Olympic medal table. Showing the EU as a super-state. No mention of course of Great Britain’s fantastic contribution to this figure. Of course Auntie Beeb won’t show this on their news pages as it would help to expose the EU for what they truly are. Maybe Germany’s World Cup Win in 2014 should also be shown as a European Union triumph? Doubt that would happen…
Enjoy it-but wouldn`t it be nice to see all the Remainiacs “Rejoice AT THAT News”?
Seems to have gone all quiet…as if Sir Bob, Lord Paddy etc don`t think that this “is the way to go”.
I for one will now rewrite my footy logs…turns out the EU has won EVERY Euro Tournament, and nearly all Eurovisions now since records began.
Thank God we can take our 1966 and 1997s back now…we`re outta here!
Lock13 .. I agree, for years this has been a topic of discussion that the Beeb has focused on London or inner city schools around the country where ethnic students are in the majority, so there are very few white students portrayed on camera opening their results envelopes. Cant remember when a school in the outback of Norfolk, the desert wastelands of Dorset, or in the heart of deepest Lincolnshire were ever televised.
The Greatest Ever British Sportsman now refers to so many that we have a choice, Jason Kenny, Steve Redgrave, Chris Hoy; perhaps Mo Farrah could go for the overseas title as he was born abroad, lives abroad and trains abroad.
“Britain puts the GB into LGBT at Olympics”
“One half of British hockey’s golden couple, Helen Richardson-Walsh, praised Team GB’s diversity yesterday as it was claimed that the country had jointly fielded the most gay athletes in Rio.
Nine Team GB competitors were among a record 53 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) competitors at the Olympics, according to the Outsports news website.”
Anyone notice Claire Balding slip one in this evening ( mention of married same sex couple in women’s hockey team).
Now whyever would she do that? I am completely lost for an explanation.
The left are unopposed in media,universaties,protesting.They have managed to silence the right by shouting down opponents.The centre right are comfortable in the centre in pc world.We need the right to take back control.
Yes the liberal left is in control of the media, academia and most NGOs etc but as with all power structures appear impregnable at the time when reality is pressing hard.
It is just a matter of time. The Brexit vote was the shock of their lives.
It is a sound point you make about academe being riddled with Progressives, as it raises interesting questions about how those who have been exposed to this “liberal” leftism through the academic system (schools, universities, colleges) and are in senior positions within the government and civil service; will negotiate on Britain’s behalf with an EU elite represented by people who have been exposed to similar indoctrination via the academic structures in their own countries.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Abraham Lincoln.
The status of equality and diversity is rated highly in the universities.Very progressive. No one objects to the appointment of diversity officials, or for a need for every department meeting agenda to have a compulsory item on diversity. Over ten years ago a Civitas publication estimated over a £ billion each year monitoring diversity and equality in the country. This industry continues to expand and is rife within the universities. Reminds me somewhat of the importance once assigned to race hygiene.
That is a great quote from Abraham Lincoln, and so true. I re-trained as a teacher in the 1980’s and was baffled by the emphasis placed on disabilities and sexual orientation. As a sentient human being I just wanted to share my knowledge and enthusiasm for my subject.
We were told to use green ink or pencil (never red as this could upset people) preferably only uptick good stuff and not put x’s by anything incorrect. Then there were all the essays marked down if there was not enough content on “inclusivity.” I thought it was all mad at the time and now those indoctrinated students of the 80’s and 90’s are pulling the strings. As per Abe Lincoln.
Yep, heard this the other afternoon.
And they had Newsbeats, BBC Monitoring and a Trans(Atlantic) poppet from an Oxbridge Poly tunnel to state it too…
Good enough for John Craven and Paul Burnett?…good enough for me!
BBC More or Less declining ?
OK The BBC thing was about Terrorism in Europe and the BBCWatchblog only sees the Israeli angle, so I’ll park that.
But I am interested in what seems to be another sign that BBC More or Less IS declining.
It is useful for BBC to have terrorism statistics, so they can context things.
#1 Turkey isn’t normally considered part of Europe for geographical and cultural reasons.
So it shouldn’t be included in those stats.
There is no reason for anyone to make terrorism in Europe, the courts mainly work so there is no need to lift a gun for Freedom Fighting.
Turkey culturally is different Erdogan’s repressive govt often p*sses on the 20 million Kurdish so it and PKK are stuck in a cycle of retribution, deaths are not part of Radical-Islamic terrorism.
#2 The BBC included deaths from the seemingly fake Turkish coup. Again those deaths weren’t Radical-Islamic-terrorism deaths, nor even terrorism deaths. The deaths were not aimed at causing terror, you could stay at home and know you’d be safe; whereas Radical-Islamic terrorism is aimed at terrorising you in your everyday actions, ie you are terrorised.
By including those 2 Turkish sets of deaths the European terrorism deaths stats become totally skewed.
This takes me back to Regressives saying Tweets of alleged Islamaphobia are worse than the deaths and terror of Kafirphobia (where the Islamic-radicals terrorise the Kafir or non-believers.
I was try to understand how can tweets be worse than murder ? The BBC regressive view is not entirely without some logic. Look at the situation of Jews before WW2 subjected to such a wall of Nazi propaganda that normal life like getting a job or getting on with normal life with non-jews was very difficult. Millions of of Jews suffered repression everyday. While at the beginning actual murder was low. That normal repression of everyday life for million of Jews was a bigger harm than the murder of 1 or 2.
– But we can’t TODAY that the sending of 200,000 so-called-Islamaphobic Tweets causes more harm everyday harm that the murders or threatened murders by terrorists. Cos the biggist harm clearly comes from terrorism.
The tally of deaths and threatened deaths due to Islamic Radicals weighs more than the harms of so-called-Islamaphobic tweets. It’s like how some bad cults are founded on good ideas, but they’ve become bad.
I have come to the conclusion that Al Beeb has an unhealthy obsession with LGBGT and the Muslim communities. Not a day goes by with out a topic being brought up by the broadcaster despite both groups being a minor percentage of the population?
The majority being compelled to pay , by law for it . Our parents and grand parents would have been knocking at their MP’s doors by now.
Taffman,it’s been said before, but it might be this that is the downfall of the BBC and other leftist organisations.
They cannot indefinitely go on promoting BOTH the Islamic and the LGBT agenda, which to all intents and purposes are mutually exclusive. Eventually there has to be a flashpoint, unless they can forge some sort of liberal/left tolerant version of Islam.
I believe this is probably their intention anyway, just as the Jewish community in Britain in the late nineteenth century were persuaded by the church to model their practices on Anglicanism. I don’t think it is so likely to succeed with Islam.
Stand by for some Brexiphobia from tonight’s ‘Country Pile’. Protected foods ?
BTW thge local ‘intel’heree is that a number of US companies are lining up to by our beef Welsh lamb.
Did you notice that the fat presenter Charlotte Smith (who she?) did her best to imply that Brexit was a disaster for all “protected name status” foodstuffs in the UK?
She then interviewed a bloke from Grimsby Traditional Smoked Fish who implied that we didn’t need the EU to provide protected status as Colombian Coffee is recognized by the EU and, last time I looked, Colombia isn’t in the EU.
Thanks Mishal. You tell us in the 1700 Hrs BBC news that the UK’s Gold Medal achievement is extraordinary. I have never been into the Olympics but what seems to me to be “extraordinary” is that anyone can accept bribery. We are told that the no doubt, well vetted athletes earn about £65K for 5 years leading up to the Games. I would bloody well hope that they could achieve something for that. But what about the countries around the UK’s second place i.e. the US and China? How many so-called athletes did they import from foreign lands to boost their ‘Golds’? Sporting ‘Mercenaries’ as I see it. How many of their team members recently ‘signed-up’ to the bribe to boost the UK’s medallions? Finally, I ask myself, is the Olympics fair on all countries competing? My ignorant conclusion is ‘NO’. If the likes of Farrow stopped in their country of origin, at least that country would be assured of a well-balanced Gold and a place in history. Finally, I note that really as expected, the more technical, sophisticated pursuits were won by the White people whereas those requiring non-technical brute force and little skill were Black.
I note that really as expected, the more technical, sophisticated pursuits were won by the White people whereas those requiring non-technical brute force and little skill were Black.
What a racist comment. Mo Farrar and Usain Bolt are excellent athletes and deserve the highest praise.
I thought this site was about highlighting the absurd bias of the BBC. Comments such as yours are on the same level as the BBC’s biased and trite output
GWF, her and her fellow wives? I assume that as a good Muslim Chouadry had more that one of these? [So, the benefit question you pose may be a multiple of one]
Yet it still seems odd that I’ve just listened on Radio Four’s World At One to an extraordinarily long, almost reverential interview with diffident and self-effacing Labour MP Jess Phillips about the agonies she has endured for her modest salary, a mere £75,000 a year.
Interviewer Martha Kearney took on a sympathetic tone – totally unlike the John Humphrys school of aggressive interviewing or the Andrew Neil system of chucking in another question before the first has been answered.
Martha saw her job as putting pennies in and letting the jukebox play while she oozed sympathy for Jess on the lines of ‘how awful it must be having to work with all those callous and brutal men
Don’t forget Jess Philips’ delightful and wholesome sense of humour. Tell her the one about male suicides again, she had a good laugh at that during a common’s committee meeting.
Apparently she is only going to one day of the Labour Party Conference as she is, quite rightly, terrified of being spat on and threatened with rape. Oddly, I don’t recall her castigating the perpetrators of the spitting and rape threats at the Conservative Party conference – who may well be the same thugs.
But it`s Martha, Austin.
The very personification of BBC empty girly privilege.
You`d think Mitchell would have kept pace with what his Labour Party has become-God knows, he was instrumental in being asleep at the wheel as the likes of Jess and Martha took over…
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Philip_2Mar 18, 22:07 Start the Week 17th March 2025 UK national debt clock: £2,662,103,037,658 And counting. Its trillions and its going to get worse. https://debt-clock.org
Eddy BoothMar 18, 22:02 Midweek 19th March 2025 I like this video, pro Russian American journalist out having a look at the recently liberated town of Sudzha in…
Philip_2Mar 18, 21:52 Start the Week 17th March 2025 A new bit of history on the BBC bias I learn today, goes back a long way… I read: ‘With…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 18, 21:42 Start the Week 17th March 2025 More generally, the intrusion of the Malik family into the Archers story feels like pro-Muslim propaganda. The story of the…
Lefty WrightMar 18, 21:25 Start the Week 17th March 2025 https://www.rsbnetwork.com/news/trump-launches-coal-renaissance/ This should boost the number of TDS cases
‘…. there are some athletes who raise their game just because it is the Olympic games ‘ Nana thick as a plank Munchrugger thanks for that cutting insight how about we put my dog on the sofa probably be better interviews. What is the going rate here 200k a year to read an auto cue and spout absolute crud
Straight from Rio where Clare reports on the tragedy that has dashed the hopes of the British Olympic trampoline gold hopeful…
I wonder how much money Evan Davis would pay to own that dog?
Spiked is a far left mag, the editor Brendan O’Neill is a Communist, but the first 10 minutes of his podcast on the subject of the Fascist attack on freedom of speech is well worth 10 minutes of your time.
“Brendan O’Neill is a Communist” I disagree
The history is remarkable explained by Monbiot in 2003. There was a cult around Frank Furedi; all the members were were Revolutionary Communist Party, running the Living Marxism magazine. Then after sometime they flipped and became free market supporters and started Spiked.
I used to think it was a clever trick to infiltrate the right BUT it’s been a long long time now.
Whatever they said before they all seem like logical arguers these days.
Brendan is a man after our own hearts.
Pretty sure I crossed his path in the Stuff the Jubilee glumfests that we held at Moss Side Leisure Centre, Manchester 81.
Irish roots, student and a prize lefty like me…
So I can identify with him and his arc to sanity.
Got his glitches, much as he`d think that I had mine.
But we`re past Left and Right now…it`s LEAVE or REMAIN…the only cleaving issue in our lifetime IMHO.
And he was for out-as was Morrissey and Mike Reid!
Don`t get to choose your family anymore…our people, naff or ex-Commies!
We can get back to the tribal stuff once we`re out-too much unfinished business yet though…
We seem to have followed a similar trajectory. Back in the days I was a fairly orthodox Labour supporter and couldn’t stand the likes of RCP, IMG, SWP etc. Is there a statute of limitations in the UK these days so that I can admit to being involved in the occasional battering of a Militant? Spiked is a great site, although I’d still have my issues with Frank Furedi. Brendan’s stuff is usually very good, and even when I disagree with him he provokes thought. Still, BREXIT, BREXIT, BREXIT!
All part of the learning eh Kennedy?
Would not swap it for anything now, can go to any SWP/Tolpuddle or anti-Israel nasty very easily and fit in.
Invaluable for much of what we do…people like Melanie Phillips, Peter Hitchens, Janet Daley and many others are heroes of mine for the selfsame reasons.
All independent minded lefty penitents-but put it all to good use and are not clones.
Would disagree with all of them-Brendan too-on something, as they would with me.
But , unlike the Lefties…have the baggage, and know the score.
And-like yourself Kennedy-there`s quite a few on this site, which makes it all pretty powerful at times.
Got the Greenie Badges too up and until Sara Parkin 1992-I`m much Deeper as a Green, much Redder than their Lefties on the BBC -and can pull rank on them easily…they stopped thinking in 1994 I think!
My idea to run a Trot in Jo Cox`s constituency seemed to upset most of them at Tolpuddle last month-accused them of playing at it, then left-they`d see a REAL Red, they`re gutless toytown saps….
Yes ON is brilliant
“One things that concerns me is that one of the Policemen (heading this £multi-million unit) says ‘there is no place for hate in the Britain’, “..incredibly AUTHORITARIAN ..exterminate a whole emotion ..we should rail all against it …NOT progressive..giving extra power to state ..”
“I’m all for free speech, BUT not for racists, not for trolls, not for X, not for Y, not for Z etc.” they say
ON said “NO it has to be free speech for all including Adjem Choudry”
I agree you have to allow people to expose their own stupidity, with the one limit which is incitement to violence.
Chouhardy should have been given a day in the stocks where members of the public could hurl pork sausages at him.
We don’t need this fool in prison to protect us, with the BBC running to him for statements about the hardships suffered by Moslems in jail.
All that was needed to deal with Chouhardy was lifting restrictions on people who want to express very strongly their disagreement with him and the crappy doctrines he preaches and the views of the tosser who started the damn fool religion.
Words fail !
Piltdown springs to mind.
It beggars belief where some previously respected institutions are allowing their brands to be dragged.
BBC editorial integrity at play again?
Still, views her own and all that…
Racist article in the Situations Vacant printing department of the BBC.
Concerning the non-robbery of a member of the USA Olympic team.
Excoriated BTL.
Including this :-
“White guy acts like a dick and is an example of white privilege. Black guy acts like a dick and he is an example of what white privilege does to young black men.”.
oh fk me I am now paying for a show called ‘ The Chronicles of Nadiya’ some bird wearing a tea-towel, who once baked a bad cake and won a show because of her religion, is now going to get paid to travel round the World on my enforced subscription. I have news for you BBC we do not want this type of TV.
And just to remind us and rub our noses in a little more diversity, a starring role on this weeks Radio Times (other listings magazines are available….)
Geoff, the BBC told us yesterday that Nadiya is one of the, “500 most influential people in the UK”. Really, is that a survey of all the ‘mentally unstable’ people in the UK the BBC keeps reminding us of?
I think the BBC’s infantile obsession with Nadiya is symptomatic of the left’s relation with Islam in general. Deep down they realise what a regressive force Islam is – but of course they can’t admit this to other leftists or themselves – but their hopes (such that they are) depend upon total submission to Islam.
The BBC/left really believe that Islam will like them, and even grow to love them, if only they are totally obsequient to Islam, intellectually bowing down and submitting to every Muslim demand, then the Muslims will realise what a wonderful and tolerant force the left are.
An ideological puppy if you like – rolling over onto it’s tummy at the first sign of conflict to indicate total vulnerability and submission.
Of course, anyone with any sense knows this is not the way to get the respect of Islam. All it respects is greater strength than it has. All it fears is ridicule.
Here we are, months after Masterchef (BBC) finished, and still no-one has heard of Jane Devonshire ! is that because she is ‘hideously white’ ?? The ultimate in BBC Bias !!
I thought for a minute they’d given Camilla Batmanjelly a gastric band and a course of sunbed treatments.
Just had to be a “tea-towel” didn’t it?
Steady on It’s only 2 episodes..and previously has a tradition of sending white male celebrities as the front man, or a married couple, so in the past BME seem to have been left out.
..but its still wrong that it’s her, cos there are plenty of talented white/black male/female people who should be in the queue before her eg exisiting BBC World Service, Asian Network staff.
but #2 Other countries do the same .. If I switch on Indonesian TV I can see their celebs presenting similar shows, they tend not to play up being Muslim. So the cheapest thing is to buy in such programmes”
They’ve done this before with producers fancy’s with no experience eg Ben Fogle
Its now 1pm and the Bolt Broadcasting Corporation is STILL in full flow, with a Bolt feature as the first segment of the Olympics coverage and just in case the message has not got through, we then have a Newspaper review with….yes……you’ve guessed it.
Also in the Olympics news. A team from our home country won some medals………but they were hideously middle class and, what’s worse, mainly white. So obviously less important.
Anybody else notice how little coverage there has been by the BBC at the Olympics of the field and track events? I presume we haven’t won many events there. Most of our medal winners appear to be white middle class – therefore the BBC has had to spend precious air time on Usain Bolt. Has Mo had only 1 race? I did hear he won a gold but the BBC have been very quiet about him.
Very noticeable Deborah, but as per usual he’s shouted very loudly about himself !
Can anyone help me here?
It is apparently common knowledge that Soros and his ‘Open Society Foundations’ is covertly behind financing most of the World so-called, “Migrant” movements and to which most of the populations of the various Nation States are hostile to and indeed, did not support through any democratic process. How then, can the OSF blatantly claim what is conveyed in its, ‘Mission Values’? See for yourself: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/mission-values
You might also be interested in what Soros finances in a European context:
There are several outfits funding migrants and those who support them.
Unbound Philanthropy, link here
Scroll to the end for their full grants list.
Thanks GWF. Their website poses a bit of a problem for me. In both their ‘Mission’ and, ‘Vision’ statements they refer to “host” countries. I don’t think it is semantics to simply say, they should use, ‘recipient’ rather than “Host”, the latter being suggestive of a “host” population supportive of doing, ‘a-Merkel’ and accepting all comers without their consent. Typical of all the Liberal types: they just assume that everybody accepts their viewpoint and it exposes their absolute disdain for true ‘Democracy’.
BBC SOROS LINK: http://news-watch.co.uk/2016/04/page/3/
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), is closely associated with the BBC to the extent that it is named by the BBC as a ‘partner organisation’. Despite its high-flown internationalist title, the ICIJ has a deeply biased agenda which, for example, pushes climate change alarmism. Further, it is funded partly by George Soros, who is strongly pro-EU, along with a raft of left-leaning foundations whose agendas are politically partisan. Lord Hall uses this loony left-wing organisation as an excuse not to appoint the BBC,s own scientific investigative journalists, who would be unable to violate impartiality rules without legal consequences for the BBC, and its Management, in a Judicial review. Well this seems to be what the BBC legal department must be saying to Lord Hall. But what happens if this is leaked to such a Judicial Review?
As usual when you dig a bit, a different story emerges about the Corsica fights.
Violent clashes between Muslims and locals in the town of Sisco on the French island were initially blamed on youths taking photos of women in burkinis.
However, other sources now claim Muslim men had spent the day attacking tourists and local youths.
…the local newspaper in Corsica, Corse Matin, published footage which it claimed countered widely circulated rumours that the fight began when three Muslim families were randomly attacked by Sisco inhabitants.
On Twitter, the Front National MP (Marion Le Pen) said: “The Muslim attackers try to pretend that they are the victims but the truth comes out.
“It is not Islamophobia which is the cause but hostility from Islam, contrary to what certain media outlets believe or want us to think.”
One person responded to her Tweet claiming journalists are either “left-wing” or “far-left wing”.
Another said that the media has become an obstacle to receiving honest information.

Always interesting which news events are suddenly blown up into a major cause for concern and which are quietly passed by.
‘One of England’s main abortion providers has suspended terminations under general anaesthetic, and to under 18s, following inspections by healthcare inspectors.’
Sounds pretty serious, no?
Not for the BBC. Abortion on demand is a basic tenet of Leftist belief and so there is little chance of this serious news stirring BBC journalists into further investigation or exploration of the issue. No BBC journo will dare lift the lid on this can of worms.
‘…the regulator said it was concerned about poor governance arrangements, leading to what it called “specific immediate concerns” about consent and safeguarding’
Serious enough yet? No worries, if under-18s are old enough to vote they must be old enough to be pressed into an abortion without proper consent and safeguarding. Don’t expect any liberal media least of all the BBC to want to cast further light on this scandal.
‘NHS England said it would be helping women to find alternative abortion providers in the meantime’
So that’s ok then. Normal service has been resumed. Now, how about the Police use of tasers, or dangerous dogs, or sugar tax – let’s have a massive public debate about those.
Yes, Today had a headline news story about new “research” showing that housing benefit payments to PRIVATE landlords had increased. The stated solution was more SOCIAL (or soclialist) housing. No questions about who it is that is being housed and causing housing benefit to increase.
As an aside, whenever the Beeb starts a story with “New research shows that …” or “Concerns have been raised that …” it is a good warning that some biased right-on claptrap is on the way.
Interesting … I didn’t realise his relegion either. Unlike that of a woman who “won” one of the Beeb’s, less athletic, in-house rigged competitions whose religious affiliation is always stressed.
Bolt seems like a likeable extrovert guy. But still I found it staggering that the Beeb Radio today led on his achievements all morning – a foreign athlete winning an expected medal as a part of a relay team. Meanwhile the far more news worthy achievements of the Ladies Hockey team (beating the reigning champions in a shoot-out) and Nick Skelton (age 58) were 2nd place, if mentioned at all. It’s supposed to be the BRITISH BC. The BRITISH pay for it.
“Why can’t Britain build enough homes to meet demand?”
Uncontrolled Immigration – simples!
“The lack of affordable housing available means that a wider group of people need housing benefit” .
Uncontrolled Immigration – We are going to run out of green and pleasant land – simples !
“Why can’t Britain build enough homes to meet demand?”
I thought they were going to bring up the one about there being too many old people living in their own homes. You know, the ones who saved and paid off their mortgages and want to live there for a while. Can’t have that they should move to a shoe box to make way for people who deserve the houses more!
Worth a read through
Now I’m worried. For some time I’ve had restrictions on accessing biasedbbc at my local library. (for ‘Profanity’ – how quaint)
Today I couldn’t get into my account at all, blocked. Could the Emir’s Big Brother Unit be kicking in quicker than we thought?
Maybe i’m being paranoid, but in the immortal words of Woody Allen, Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you.
(or Joseph Heller?)
What next? Early morning knock on the door?
Yes at the library early on in discussions it doesn’t block me. But then after 5-10 posts the thread usually comes up with an error like “Brave-server has blocked this page” I guess cos someone has written a banned word. After that I switch to a proxy server and log in again.
(Just google : proxy PRX : and you’ll find a good proxy server after 2 or 3 attempts)
Peterthegreat, I’ve found something similar happens when I use the computers at a business club I belong to – which is by no means a lefty organisation. I think there is probably some off-the-peg filtering software which prevents access if there are too many certain key words in use, rather than an organised conspiracy to block certain websites.
The elite has to embrace tyranny now. It has no choice if it is to survive. Be warned and be careful. We are on our own again as we have so often been in England.
The old legends were not far wrong and Robin Hood is not just a pretty tale. Everything the ordinary folk have has been wrested from an elite that fought to the end to control and loot us.
Think of the BBc as the elite’s PR machine and then ignore every word it utters.
I guess for coming last (ooh er) Tom Daley will still be more newsworthy for the BBC than Nick Skelton winning Gold in his 7th Olympics…
Dear BBC, on behalf of Muslims, I must point out how offended this community surely are at your use of the title ‘The Chronicles of Nadiya’ for the upcoming BBC show featuring that wonderful young role model and girl Nadiya Hussain (Great British Bake-Off winner 2015, fair and square).
‘Two-part series in which The Great British Bake Off 2015 winner Nadiya Hussain explores the recipes that have shaped her love of cooking’
Please check your privilege and issue a public apology right away. You must have known how this title would offend. It is clearly a pun on the works of CS Lewis (a dead white man & Christian) ie ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’
Adding insult to the grievous injury to Islam in your thoughtless use of this lame pun is the fact that your own BBC review of the Narnia stories clearly explains the overtly Christian nature of these books.
‘Aslan is a literary Christ figure who plays a pivotal role in the story of Narnia, just as Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith. Lewis explained in a letter to Arthur Greeves in October 1931, that he set out his story of Aslan as a retelling of the “actual incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection.”‘
Knowing how keen you will be to alleviate the offence given to Muslims I await with anticipation the BBC’s full and forthright apology and the alteration of the title of this show. How about ‘Nadiya does Bangladesh’ ? That seems to be a title without any dubious western connotations.
‘Nadya migrates to Bangladesh’ would be even better
She will be on her way after the BBC dump her for a better and newer role model.
Sadly she’s on a bit of a rollercoaster now, with (as far as the Islamic dictates will allow) a ‘glamour’ photoshoot in the Weekend mag of the D/Mail.
Well, the newer role model could well be the male version in the upcoming new series !
She’s like Jade Goodie in that she’s been seized on by some PR types and turned into a celebrity, so in every feature-list meeting of every fluffy mag and website in the country, fluffy PR girls are asking each other ‘who’s hot this month for the cover, oh, I know, Nadiya from Bake Off’.
Unlike Jade she has the added extra of Islamophobia on her side, ie, the subtle implication is ‘if you don’t like Nadiya, you must be Islamophobic!’ No fluffy PR girl would be likely to say ‘I don’t think we should have Nadiya on the cover because…well…I get the feeling she’s being used to push a certain agenda.’ There would be shocked silence, with the only sound being the shoving of a p45 into an envelope…
“She’s like Jade Goodie”
You might have taken the trouble to spell her name correctly.
Jade had limited abilities, but she showed great courage dealing with what proved to be terminal cancer.
Let’s see how the Muslim Baker handles cancer, should she develop it, then you can compare them.
Brissles, I suspect that AsIseeit was making a pun on the title of a well known pornographic film. Haven’t watched it myself, but then I’ve never watched Bake Off either.
BBC must be going into meltdown- Tom ‘ uphill gardener’ Daly (and his 42 year old sick boyfriend) has come 18th in the diving.
Islamaphobia or Kaffirphobia … which one seems more important to the BBC ?
The BBC seems to care more about counting TWEETS than counting LIVES.
Islamaphobia : Sending a mild tweets plus a few shouting yobs*
BBC consider it very important to report, cos it has Tweets
Which are only 1 in every 30,000, and terms are quite mild like contain the words “religion of peace”
Kaffirphobia : Gruesome murder, instilling everyday fear of death, aiming to overthrow democratic states.
BBC consider hate of non-muslims less worthy of reporting, even though it involves killing people in a variety of gruesome ways, instilling everyday fear and aims to otherthrow peaceful modern states with 6th century totalitarian doctrine.
* (Islamaphobia may also involve a few yobs throwing buckets of paint at a mosque or shouting at burqua wearers in the street, but if even Islam didn’t exist those yobs would be doing the same against somebody else.
It in no way balances the body count of Radical-Islamic terror.)
Don’t Kaffirphobic tweets outnumber Islamaphobic tweets ?
Since Twitter have this year suspended 235,000 terrorist accounts,you’d think the answer is yes.
spelling : Kafir is an Arabic term unbeliever”, or “disbeliever”
that’s a quote from an Australian website
(on my PC it comes up as ‘this site may harm your computer..click advanced”. I think it’s a technique of Regressives to get sites they don’t like semi-banned by making false complaints that they host malicious software)
Thank RT for reporing things the BBC doesn’t report.
..but spare a thought each time for the 56 journalists killed by the Russian state actors in Putin’s time.
Radio Scotland Media Report Aug 11 : Stuart Cosgrove spoke about the new big Russia Today Sputnik HQ in Edinburgh
#1 They don’t have many documentaries about the 56 state sanctioned killings of journalists in Russia during Putin’s time.
#2 Is the Edinburgh location about trouble making (probably sowing division, thus getting Fastlane nuclear sub base closed) ?
This is an excellent short film about Clinton and her, apparent, medical afflictions; if the MSM are so worried that Trump is “unstable” maybe they should look into this.
The last thing the BBC will do is to look into the Clintons. Trump is fair game but not them. The BBC needs Hilary to win. After brexit they are getting worried. How to deliver a slave population of mindless consumers to the elite. It suddenly does not look so easy.
Dave S – Poor beeb, they’ll never get over Brexit: they wheeled out their trump card, their star player, Saint O’bama himself, he of the Nobel Prize, to threaten and cajole, (drum roll, trumpet fanfare)… and STILL the peasants failed to genuflect. What can you do with people like that?
I don’t think H Clinton was having a seizure, but I know if Trump put on a similar display the BBC would lead the charge that he was unfit to lead. I also think that the secret service agent incident may be H Clinton showing short sighted concern that she might be threatened, but again if Trump showed similar he’d be pilloried, even though he is the only candidate who has actually experienced an assassination attempt.
Spare a thought for Tom Daley who has crashed out of the mens Diving this evening.
A minutes silence should be observed for the poor lad who just happens to be a BBC favourite. Can’t think why.
lol, I heard Claire Balding say about Tom Daley failure for a good 2 minutes, before mentioning the good Team GBR news, ending with “we are still going to show the diving later even though Tom Daley is not in it”
I seriously hope the BBC didn’t discuss whether to change the schedule just because he crashed out?!?
I’m sure Daley will have a special place at the BBC Sports Personality Awards at the end of the year – he has after all been one of the most successful BBC-favourite-LGBT-British-male-synchronised-diving-sportsman-in-the-bronze-medal-category. That could be a new award, presented by Balding, couldn’t it?
Bronze Turd award
Couldn`t he be offered a verucca pad in the hope that he could stay in Rio to do better , entering as a Paraplegic? Few more weeks to get crapper than he is at the moment.
Loads of Blue Badges round here…reckon we could fill a jumbo with disability scooters and have then chariot racing with the chippy and BoozeShack at the finishing line?
World beaters…call that wife beaters if we fuel them on Stella.
The beeboid reporter looked devastated reporting about poor Tommy dalys failure. Probably get endless bbc discussions and programmes as to why he failed. Maybe blame it on brexit. Maybe if little Tommy stopped being a media whore and did a little more practice he may have got a chance of gold as this failure was always on the cards.
There was a very staged interview with tommys partner on itv yesterday but not a mention of the fact said partner is old enough to be his daddy. Ah well he can always replace Andy peters on gmtv or even bring back the classic that was splash. Little Tommy will always have a Place at the Beeb forever in their hearts. Now who was it that won the gold in the doubles diving again?
Bolt, surely KatieH.
Back in the 1970s and ’80s coverage of track and field at the Olympics was comprehensive. Now if there’s no gut-wrenching back story certain events – last night javelin and high jump – are barely mentioned, literally a couple of key jumps and throws only with no sense at all of how each competition is playing out – or even beginning and ending, despite the hours dedicated to the event. Instead we get endless blather and hagiographical slo-mo features about Bolt and Mo Farah from the emotionally incontinent twerps populating the studio (‘Oh no! How will athletics cope without Bolt? How will sport cope?? How will the world cope!!!???’ – quite nicely thankyou) while the actual events carry on unmolested by the BBC in the distant background. Pathetic stuff.
The coverage has been pathetic, despite covering two channels for most of the day. Too much talk – constantly.
I used to love Ski Sunday (despite not being a skier) until Hazel Irving took over when it became the Hazel Irvine Show (with a little bit of skiing thrown in), with Hazel showing us how much she’s enjoying all the apres-ski.
I now look back on the Hazel Irvine period with affection since Graham Bell and Ed the snowboarder (with an awful Jamie Oliver style fake lithp) have taken over. Skiing has been reduced to virtually nothing – even the big events like the Hahnenkamm. Now Bell does a piece to camera between each skier.
At one time I used to enjoy watching the skier (Bell mainly) showing the course by holding a camera before the event started. It gave a good idea of how the course looked to the skiers. Now, when Bell does it he spends half the time pointing it at himself. It’s narcissism gone mad.
Fascinating, as ever, to see yet another replay of the GB hockey final, this time in highlight form. Strange, though, that all the boos at such crucial moments from the churlish Dutch crowd appear to have been deleted – perhaps to maintain that air of EU brother and sisterhood, so vital to those who know we all voted the wrong way.
Beltane , it is actually quite sinister, we are living in a time where the truth does not get a look in.I don’t know where it goes from here but I can’t see it ending well.
‘Ere, Pete, that Billy Bragg (BBC R4 Loose Ends 6.15pm today) thinks that Brexiteers want to return to the world of the 1950s?
I thought funny; funny I thought, isn’t it the EU that is stuck in the 1950s and 1940s? I thought we were all voting in June to escape into the 21st century?
And he wants to return us to the 60s and 70s. Industrial unrest, inefficient and incompetent nationalised industries, lower wages, less holidays etc. Although there were some things, I believe (just too young to remember), in the 1950s that were positive: not as much terrorism, no constant wars, people happier to be in the same country together, patriotism, freedom of speech, freedom to make jokes, less bureacracy, freedom from EU diktats etc., respect for each-other.
You see all those people in charge are talentless chancers and they are becoming very scared. They are doubling down, shit or bust. May has once chance here to save the whole lot of them – she must invoke Article 50 or the natives (you and I) are going to become extremely pissed off and they will disappear. You could put Spit the dog in charge of UKIP and he would win if she does not try and get us out of this EU cesspit.
If Bragg knew his history better then he’d know that the EU is a construct of the 1950’s, unfortunately the French 1950’s, when corporatism emerged and democracy couldn’t be trusted. So you bypass democracy and put power into the hands of technocratic elites. The Germans went along with this because they were looking for international rehabilitation after WW2. The EU’s modus operandi never changed throughout the decades. As we found out to our cost after joining in 1973.
In fact the EU can be considered a construct of the 1940s. In particular the realisation of Franco German domination of Europe . This was actually German policy after the fall of France. Germany as the senior partner of course.
Bloody Loose Ends…Just a top and tail for the weekend after Richard Coles crap at 9am every Saturday morning.
Who else thinks Billy Braggs views newsworthy?
Poor sod is cowed by Corbyns mates who knows where he lives…nice Edwardian villa on a lovely small town in Dorset.
So-as for his “do you back Corbyn or not?”…well does anybody know…he normally has an opinion on everything, that he chickened out of Tolpuddle tells me that he`s scared of upsetting Bob Crows Boys.
As for his back to the 50s?
Poor sod thinks he`s Joe Strummer one minute-Woody Guthrie the next…from the thirties to the seventies…so , using triangulation-he`s the 50s man, neither fish nor foul…well, foul I guess.
The ultimate lefty fake…
RIP Brian Rix, memories of a more innocent era when dropping your trousers was as outrageous as comedy got . And you could listen to the BBC for months without hearing the words Muslim or Islam.
I second that EE, but I would say ‘years’ rather than ‘months’. The only time we ever saw a woman in a veil, was the rather exotic female in the desert advertising Turkish Delight ! Um, would that appear racist/sexist and contravene any other offending agenda if it were to be shown now ?
Of course it would be offensive. It was Fry’s Turkish delight. The Fry’s were Quakers. The tax/licence payers can’t be promoting some evil, obscure religious sect can they?
There is a dude named Bill O’Reilly, who hosts the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. He’s a big guy, well over 6 ft, and he is comfortable and secure in himself – as big guys so often are. He’s also in the centre of the political spectrum, challenging both left and right with equal scepticism and vigour.
O’Reilly latched onto the revelation that broke last week that the anti-Israel and anti-US George Soros, who is an enthusiastic supporter of the Islamic invasion of the West, has been funnelling millions of dollars to the Democrats. Apparently the Democrats in general and Clinton in particular have no problem taking these generous donations from an individual who dreams of open borders worldwide and the destruction of Western society.
I won’t try to paraphrase the eminent O’Reilly, but let him speak for himself:
At 8:30 min in, O’Reilly talks to a Democrat who is a ‘professor’ of political science, inflicting her views on her students. She’s a superb example of the fact that higher education does not necessarily broaden the mind, but often simply takes a closed mind and shuts it down even more firmly.
I tried to find some evidence that the BBC is onto this story but came up with a blank. As O’Reilly told the prof with her tunnel vision, if a KKK character, as far to the right as Soros is to the left, were funding the Republicans, the left-wing media would be all over it. Hypocrisy reins, as always.
Syrian war: Turkey to play more active role How? By killing Kurds, how else? How about a more accurate headline like ‘Turkey expands its Kurdish war to Syria’?
Not even mentioned is the aftermath of the failed coup (counter purge?) attempt. Much of the Turkish military, in particular its secular, professional officer class, has been arrested. In Erdogan’s words, “This uprising is a gift from God to us because this will be a reason to cleanse our army.”
How this will effect the more active role? Just asking, because the BBC won’t.
In pictures: Nude Donald Trump statues amuse crowds and the BBC. Eight pictures.
Should the Trump support produce a similar, fully naked Hillary Clinton statue would the BBC display it or would they consider it to offensive too women and/or good taste?
And Al Beeb’s Trustees allow this to happen? I am sure our Prime Minister is aware .
‘Should the Trump support produce a similar, fully naked Hillary Clinton statue…’
…the howls of outrage from the beeb would be heard from Mars.
And from all points round this country, should anybody dare to make one.
“‘Should the Trump support produce a similar, fully naked Hillary Clinton statue…’
…the howls of outrage from the beeb would be heard from Mars.”
Like this you mean:
Minimal coverage. No howls of outrage.
I don’t think the Hillary mural is really compatible with the Donald statue. Firstly the mural image is not naked. Secondly the mural image is rather flattering, showing the body of a large breasted, voluptuous women with the unmarked face of someone at least thirty years younger than the Democrat nominee. Thirdly the genitals are hidden. Trump is portrayed underendowed. To be compatible Clinton’s body would have the full-frontal display of the feminine equivalent of a tiny prick. (Huge vulva?)
From BBC perspective the Clinton story shows the minimum for understanding i.e. before and after. Trump is shown and effectively ridiculed in eight photographs. Surely that is overkill?
Oh what wonderful news……not.
BBC Online News:
“”Why do some people find the burkini offensive?””
By Shaimaa Khalil BBC News
A very one-sided view. As to be expected from the BBC.
“Some people”? I would have thought it was most people.
With a caveat on verification, social media is carrying two rather telling stories.
One is that some imam decided to take a photo of some nuns paddling. No word on whether a group of monks rushed over to duff him up, unless they were still in town doing what monks do with the local lovelies.
The other is footage of that poor stunned kid who has been propelled to the next icon of war being hell, but the second victim these days is compassion at the hands of the PR savvy low lives who see opportunity in tragedy.
More Brexiphobia ?
Andre Gray is one of those over paid, up himself, premier league footballers who is paid more than his I.Q. every hour to kick a pig’s bladder about a field. The BBC have taken a particular interest in him because 4 years previously he said “Is it me or are there gays everywhere?”
Yes, I know, he needs to be flayed alive in public by the BBC led PC brigade. But who knows, he might have been at a BBC Bake off audition, or a Guardian representative group for the UK. So it may have indeed appeared that gays were everywhere.
Quite rightly he has been dragged before the world’s screaming press to offer his Soviet styled apology, presumably written for him by someone who can actually write.
So we can all sleep peacefully in our beds at night ….except …
Ruqaiya Haris, the current Muslim darling of the BBC has said ‘why is it gay pride like every 2 weeks’. Which, to me, sounds surprisingly similar to what the dim witted Mr Gray said.
Only Ms Haris then went on to snarl, ‘Great display of human rights when you let queer people party in tel aviv whilst you bomb hospitals in gaza.’
Which sounds, sorta worse than anything our footballing idiot uttered.
Now, oddly, the BBC doesn’t have any interest in Ms Haris’s homophobic tweets but can’t offer enough coverage of Mr Gray’s. Anyone know why a Muslim is treated differently to a non Muslim?
‘What will we put in the headlines when it’s all over?’
So bleats Louise Minchin this morning as BBC Breakfast bemoans the fact the Rio Olympics can’t go on forever. It’s as though the BBC have reached the last day of a summer holiday and can’t face coming back to work. Well I suppose when your station is called ‘The BBC News Channel’ you just have to buck up.
What will they put in their headlines? One thing is for sure – there won’t be much news or comment critical to the Labour Party. This morning the BBC carry a casual report about Sadiq Khan backing Owen Smith against Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour Leadership.
Of course there is no mention by the BBC team of Khan’s flipflop – as an MP last summer he was an original Corbyn backer who put the fool on the ballot in the first place. And of course his U-turn is hardly new news – Khan has been seen to have withdrawn his tepid support of Corbyn since at least last April.
But still, as the BBC like to style him ‘Labour’s most senior elected official’ (we thought that was Keith Vaz) this is, we are informed, apparently big news which makes the BBC agenda despite Olympic dominance of the headlines.
Khan is the man the BBC want as leader of the Labour Party, to be appointed sometime after the current party has destroyed itself. By then Khan will be reaping the benefits of demographic changes and the constant barrage of BBC stories of how ropers are bringing great benefit to the country
I have this gut feeling, that in keeping with the look of the bloke, Khan is, has been, or will be involved in some particular variety of sleaze which will be his undoing, and which will eventually unseat him…
I agree he is a narcissist . There be skeletons there.
Old Goat, they can’t help themselves!
Owen Smith and Jones was quoted as “being honoured” to be given the Supreme Blessing of Ali Khan earlier today.
How many lefties actually lie supine at his big slippers at County Hall then?
The Emir of Earls Court then…hope the gay Aussies are aware of where this could all lead.
“Honoured”…”HONOURED”…as in “honouring the wife” after your fig juice at the wadi?
In that sense is it? Owen Sniff an` Jones?
Looks like Hollandes simple brother does the Welsh Wingnut…
Since becoming Emir, I notice that Citizen Khan has never been seen wearing the “Christian” necktie. I wonder if any journalist will ever have the stones to ask him why not?
I get this impression as well. The mistake is to believe that there will still be a labour party to lead.
Blair effectively destroyed it although it looked different at the time
Bbc London are his official pr company. Absolute zero criticism from them. If it was boris flip flop and other words would be used continuously and forcefully. It was interesting watching that piece with Khan on the tube and all his handlers controlling everything making sure everything is so PC. He was on itv brekkie on Friday about the 24 hour tube and the interviewers which included Derek drapers missus were blowing so much smoke up khans Arse. No ambushes waiting for him ala boris or nige.
It would have been interesting if goldsmith had won as I think the attacks would have been coming from day one.
On Sky last night was evidence of the lunatic nature of the remainers. A journalist from the Independent was determined to show why no one would buy her newspaper unless they had splinters from an afternoon of intense tree hugging.
Christina Pattison was determined to enhance the dumb blonde meme by saying that all economists were against Brexit. Now this dreamy eyed bit of nonsense is of course par for the course for the BBC and the Guardian. Sadly, for the poor soul she was sat next to an actual economist, the brilliantly down to earth, feet on the ground, Ruth Lea.
As the pouting Christina’s eyes grew ever larger and her voice climbed new heights of panic, the interviewer calmly pointed out that Ruth is a leading economist and supported Brexit.
Oh no, the now offended Blonde shrieked, no! All economists were for remain. This was spoken in a ‘why are you so insane?’ tone. She then went off on one about what on earth can she say to all those people losing their jobs?
It was pointed out to her that there had been jobs growth since Brexit, but sadly the words could not find their way through the labyrinths of blonde hair stacked about her ears. What, she agonizingly demanded, should we say to the stupid people who would lose their jobs because they didn’t listen to the economists.
The perplexed interviewer once again sought to remind her that the woman sitting right next to her, just inches apart, was a leading economist and one of many, who supported Brexit.
Sadly, the facts couldn’t enter Christina’s dreamy, little mind. She seems an ideal candidate to present a BBC program on anything as her ignorance appears to know no bounds.
Present a BBC program scribblingscribe? She’s only half-way to being qualified for that. With a little bit of coaching on more Utopian values and instruction on donning and wearing a hijab, the BBC will get there. Of course, she could, ‘go the extra mile’ and wear a niqab?
Sadly, the left prefer to deal with their ‘faith’ than with any objective facts. They believe what they ‘prefer’ to think, not what the evidence shows them.
This is the same with all faith-based belief systems, at least religious people are usually honest enough to state their faith is something they decide to believe, not something they could ever prove.
Excellent point !
@scribblingscribe See Sky did something right they allowed BALANCE.
In the BBC shows controlled by Regressives, the only balance allowed is having a Lefty and an extreme Lefty, all other other attempts are smeared as FALSE balance, so the public get uncorrected propaganda.
+1 for Sky in the prog, cos they helped the public : The Regressive made a false statement and the non-regressive economist was able to correct it.*
– Compare that against Billy Bragg in Loose Ends (mentioned above by @Up2snuff Aug 20,at 7:08 pm) who sneered “Brexiteers to take Britain back, yeh to the 1950’s” “guffaw, guffaw” from the Regressive studio panel.
Whereas simply by having a balanced panel, a Righty like Katie Hopkins, or Peter Hitchins or Jeremy Clarkson would have pointed out Billy wants to take the WORLD back to 1921 ! 1921 time of Marx, Lenin and Russian Revolution.
* (Funnily enough that’s Fox News in the US do. They may be biased in what stuff they choose to report, but they are very big on having voice against opposing voice in the studio. So if either side says anything idiotic it will be pointed out by his oppo.
– The famous time was when NASA Climate Alarmist : Gavin Schmidt was on and expecting his normal Regressive-Media free-ride, so made it clear he would not appear on set with Skeptic Climate Scientist Roy Spencer. Fox simply took him off the set, brought Spencer to do his counter. Took Spencer off and brought Gavin back on. Alarmists have a general rule ‘don’t debate skeptics’ as if they are afraid of losing)
Sunday’s #bbcFreeRide4Labour came from Anne Diamond on R4 Broadcasting House 9:35am*
Which Labour seat is she going to stand for ?
– First she was praising Khan..then finding magic money to put into grass-roots sport and then ended with a rant against student loans … (which incidentally aren’t now really loans, but rather a graduate super tax which graduates pay when they reach high salary level, for a few years).
Unlike Sky there was #bbcNoBalance from other studio guests ..seems they had 2 Regressives and a neutral (Olympic swimmer). So there was no voice to counter Diamond’s propaganda and emotion.
* Earlier we got the old problem in all news progs like no matter what channel you switched to Aunty was #BangingOn about her current fancies chosen these days for virtue signalling. Not only is the repetition boring, but other important things never get reported due to the lack of time.
Daly Thompson also won 2 gold medals in 2 Olympics, but not the same banging on. And I think he was more modest himself as well, instead of “I am the greatest ..look at me”
Daly Thompson was many things, but I don’t think he was ever accused of modesty. Then again, he really was the best.
Agreed-his likes( Botham, Capes etc)were the real thing.
And will live long in the memories long after the likes of Mo….Daley did more good for race relations than ANY BBC campaigns have done.
Good old Superstars eh…who could imagine THAT ever again.
As for BH-knew it was Anne Demon, given her silly voice and recent appearance on Big Brother…that`s the level of slebdom needed these days!
And when she referred to Hitchens comments as “Bah Humbug….what he does” crap_just KNEW he`d hit their nerves…as only PH can.
His point-that our sporting grossouts of “success” remind him of East Germany in the 70s…unarguable…hence the trivial and personal attacks .The crapper and more Commie the country-the more chest beating over their drugged-up sporting “triumphs”.
No wonder the elite hate him…good old Hitchens!
Why be subtle when you can lay it on with a bloody shovel? I gave up The Archers when they pushed Nigel off the roof. However it doesn’t mean to say I don’t catch the odd five minutes here and there – which is all I need to know the story lines. Today, whilst doing 5 minutes ironing, I heard a few minutes of the omnibus edition. Rob, the wife beater, was on the phone to his mother. Obvious from Mummy’s voice they were a ‘well-to-do’ family. So she is being sympathetic to Rob and tells him to ‘keep his chin up’. Rob’s response is ‘like you told me to do when you left me at prep school?’. So all Rob’s nasty ways are because a) he comes from a wealthy family (we couldn’t have a Grundy as a wife beater could we?) and b) the damage done by prep school. Perhaps someone should tell the BBC that many children who went to prep school end up as perfectly adjusted adults but it would spoil their agenda.
The BBC has always used drama to ‘sell’ political messages but you’re right – the Archers long ago descended into self-parody as it tried to inculcate fashionable Quislington notions into the heads of housewives the nation over.
Sadly, in quite a few cases I can call to mind, it seems to have succeeded!
I don’t listen to the Archers Deborah.
Why was this Nigel bloke pushed off a roof?
Was he gay?
Commented deleted.
Mohammed Farah has won another Gold for Moghadishu . Here we go again ‘Greatest Ever British Sportsman’ deserves a Knighthood . Have you noticed how superlatives now actually mean nothing anymore the BBC has completely ruined them everything is fantastic or incredible .
Just thinking back did any white English kids pass any ‘A’ levels this year ? or was it only EU students and Mudslimes who passed because that is all I saw in the news.
I would have thought that he must be desperate to end his UK citizenship seeing as we are so Islamophobic, but no he just prefers to take our cash. If you were sick of the BBCs Bolt obsession then the forthcoming Farah fest will certainly drive you over the edge.There will be wall to wall Mo for days on end, even the women who insists on wearing the tea towel on her head while baking ,will be put in the shade. I never thought that I would welcome the start of the football season but I think it will bring relief from the BBCs Mo mania.
Learned yesterday that the ‘elite’ athletes receive £65,000 a year of lottery money. Whilst I expect it is nothing that Mo receives from the Flora adverts, guest appearances etc, I think it is still a useful amount. I guess Mo does too.
You’re missing the point. My point was about the EU and their Super State mentality.
Bbc employed trolls are bst ignored.
So the EU are now portaying themselves as the winners of the Olympic medal table. Showing the EU as a super-state. No mention of course of Great Britain’s fantastic contribution to this figure. Of course Auntie Beeb won’t show this on their news pages as it would help to expose the EU for what they truly are. Maybe Germany’s World Cup Win in 2014 should also be shown as a European Union triumph? Doubt that would happen…
Enjoy it-but wouldn`t it be nice to see all the Remainiacs “Rejoice AT THAT News”?
Seems to have gone all quiet…as if Sir Bob, Lord Paddy etc don`t think that this “is the way to go”.
I for one will now rewrite my footy logs…turns out the EU has won EVERY Euro Tournament, and nearly all Eurovisions now since records began.
Thank God we can take our 1966 and 1997s back now…we`re outta here!
Lock13 .. I agree, for years this has been a topic of discussion that the Beeb has focused on London or inner city schools around the country where ethnic students are in the majority, so there are very few white students portrayed on camera opening their results envelopes. Cant remember when a school in the outback of Norfolk, the desert wastelands of Dorset, or in the heart of deepest Lincolnshire were ever televised.
The Greatest Ever British Sportsman now refers to so many that we have a choice, Jason Kenny, Steve Redgrave, Chris Hoy; perhaps Mo Farrah could go for the overseas title as he was born abroad, lives abroad and trains abroad.
“Britain puts the GB into LGBT at Olympics”
“One half of British hockey’s golden couple, Helen Richardson-Walsh, praised Team GB’s diversity yesterday as it was claimed that the country had jointly fielded the most gay athletes in Rio.
Nine Team GB competitors were among a record 53 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) competitors at the Olympics, according to the Outsports news website.”
How marvellous, I’m lost for words.
It makes you proud to be British.
Anyone notice Claire Balding slip one in this evening ( mention of married same sex couple in women’s hockey team).
Now whyever would she do that? I am completely lost for an explanation.
The left are unopposed in media,universaties,protesting.They have managed to silence the right by shouting down opponents.The centre right are comfortable in the centre in pc world.We need the right to take back control.
Yes the liberal left is in control of the media, academia and most NGOs etc but as with all power structures appear impregnable at the time when reality is pressing hard.
It is just a matter of time. The Brexit vote was the shock of their lives.
It is a sound point you make about academe being riddled with Progressives, as it raises interesting questions about how those who have been exposed to this “liberal” leftism through the academic system (schools, universities, colleges) and are in senior positions within the government and civil service; will negotiate on Britain’s behalf with an EU elite represented by people who have been exposed to similar indoctrination via the academic structures in their own countries.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Abraham Lincoln.
The status of equality and diversity is rated highly in the universities.Very progressive. No one objects to the appointment of diversity officials, or for a need for every department meeting agenda to have a compulsory item on diversity. Over ten years ago a Civitas publication estimated over a £ billion each year monitoring diversity and equality in the country. This industry continues to expand and is rife within the universities. Reminds me somewhat of the importance once assigned to race hygiene.
There is a company called Diversey who do actually do hygiene products.
I’ll get me coat.
Got to laugh.
That is a great quote from Abraham Lincoln, and so true. I re-trained as a teacher in the 1980’s and was baffled by the emphasis placed on disabilities and sexual orientation. As a sentient human being I just wanted to share my knowledge and enthusiasm for my subject.
We were told to use green ink or pencil (never red as this could upset people) preferably only uptick good stuff and not put x’s by anything incorrect. Then there were all the essays marked down if there was not enough content on “inclusivity.” I thought it was all mad at the time and now those indoctrinated students of the 80’s and 90’s are pulling the strings. As per Abe Lincoln.
BBC finds a ‘working definition’ for terrorism in Europe
Which is nice.
Well, works for the BBC at least.
Yep, heard this the other afternoon.
And they had Newsbeats, BBC Monitoring and a Trans(Atlantic) poppet from an Oxbridge Poly tunnel to state it too…
Good enough for John Craven and Paul Burnett?…good enough for me!
BBC More or Less declining ?
OK The BBC thing was about Terrorism in Europe and the BBCWatchblog only sees the Israeli angle, so I’ll park that.
But I am interested in what seems to be another sign that BBC More or Less IS declining.
It is useful for BBC to have terrorism statistics, so they can context things.
#1 Turkey isn’t normally considered part of Europe for geographical and cultural reasons.
So it shouldn’t be included in those stats.
There is no reason for anyone to make terrorism in Europe, the courts mainly work so there is no need to lift a gun for Freedom Fighting.
Turkey culturally is different Erdogan’s repressive govt often p*sses on the 20 million Kurdish so it and PKK are stuck in a cycle of retribution, deaths are not part of Radical-Islamic terrorism.
#2 The BBC included deaths from the seemingly fake Turkish coup. Again those deaths weren’t Radical-Islamic-terrorism deaths, nor even terrorism deaths. The deaths were not aimed at causing terror, you could stay at home and know you’d be safe; whereas Radical-Islamic terrorism is aimed at terrorising you in your everyday actions, ie you are terrorised.
By including those 2 Turkish sets of deaths the European terrorism deaths stats become totally skewed.
This takes me back to Regressives saying Tweets of alleged Islamaphobia are worse than the deaths and terror of Kafirphobia (where the Islamic-radicals terrorise the Kafir or non-believers.
I was try to understand how can tweets be worse than murder ? The BBC regressive view is not entirely without some logic. Look at the situation of Jews before WW2 subjected to such a wall of Nazi propaganda that normal life like getting a job or getting on with normal life with non-jews was very difficult. Millions of of Jews suffered repression everyday. While at the beginning actual murder was low. That normal repression of everyday life for million of Jews was a bigger harm than the murder of 1 or 2.
– But we can’t TODAY that the sending of 200,000 so-called-Islamaphobic Tweets causes more harm everyday harm that the murders or threatened murders by terrorists. Cos the biggist harm clearly comes from terrorism.
The tally of deaths and threatened deaths due to Islamic Radicals weighs more than the harms of so-called-Islamaphobic tweets. It’s like how some bad cults are founded on good ideas, but they’ve become bad.
I have come to the conclusion that Al Beeb has an unhealthy obsession with LGBGT and the Muslim communities. Not a day goes by with out a topic being brought up by the broadcaster despite both groups being a minor percentage of the population?
The majority being compelled to pay , by law for it . Our parents and grand parents would have been knocking at their MP’s doors by now.
Taffman,it’s been said before, but it might be this that is the downfall of the BBC and other leftist organisations.
They cannot indefinitely go on promoting BOTH the Islamic and the LGBT agenda, which to all intents and purposes are mutually exclusive. Eventually there has to be a flashpoint, unless they can forge some sort of liberal/left tolerant version of Islam.
I believe this is probably their intention anyway, just as the Jewish community in Britain in the late nineteenth century were persuaded by the church to model their practices on Anglicanism. I don’t think it is so likely to succeed with Islam.
Its almost as if they were deliberately playing with fire ?
Stand by for some Brexiphobia from tonight’s ‘Country Pile’. Protected foods ?
BTW thge local ‘intel’heree is that a number of US companies are lining up to by our beef Welsh lamb.
…….BTW the local ‘intel’ here is that a number of US companies are lining up to buy our beef and Welsh Lamb.
#Countryfile Never the the truth get in the way of a good story
– #BBC #Auntie’s #Brexit Myth Factory
Tweeted @The_GodParticle
Did you notice that the fat presenter Charlotte Smith (who she?) did her best to imply that Brexit was a disaster for all “protected name status” foodstuffs in the UK?
She then interviewed a bloke from Grimsby Traditional Smoked Fish who implied that we didn’t need the EU to provide protected status as Colombian Coffee is recognized by the EU and, last time I looked, Colombia isn’t in the EU.
I am afraid I had ceased to watch the programme by then. I had sufficient brainwashing to last the remainder of the evening.
We take things for granted with our kids do we not?
Leora unaware what AJ stood for…but why would she know?
Well done Leora…
And i`ll send her THIS clip to help out…need RT and the BBC dealt with now as they brainwash the youth
Thanks Mishal. You tell us in the 1700 Hrs BBC news that the UK’s Gold Medal achievement is extraordinary. I have never been into the Olympics but what seems to me to be “extraordinary” is that anyone can accept bribery. We are told that the no doubt, well vetted athletes earn about £65K for 5 years leading up to the Games. I would bloody well hope that they could achieve something for that. But what about the countries around the UK’s second place i.e. the US and China? How many so-called athletes did they import from foreign lands to boost their ‘Golds’? Sporting ‘Mercenaries’ as I see it. How many of their team members recently ‘signed-up’ to the bribe to boost the UK’s medallions? Finally, I ask myself, is the Olympics fair on all countries competing? My ignorant conclusion is ‘NO’. If the likes of Farrow stopped in their country of origin, at least that country would be assured of a well-balanced Gold and a place in history. Finally, I note that really as expected, the more technical, sophisticated pursuits were won by the White people whereas those requiring non-technical brute force and little skill were Black.
I note that really as expected, the more technical, sophisticated pursuits were won by the White people whereas those requiring non-technical brute force and little skill were Black.
What a racist comment. Mo Farrar and Usain Bolt are excellent athletes and deserve the highest praise.
I thought this site was about highlighting the absurd bias of the BBC. Comments such as yours are on the same level as the BBC’s biased and trite output
Typical: Fact becomes a ‘Racist comment’.
Mrs Chouadry, addresses the Islamic equivalent of the WI (not) and tells the assembled oppressed Moslem women that we need to be destroyed.
BBC will be looking to have her on Question Time.
I wonder how much in bennies does she and her five offspring receive?
GWF, her and her fellow wives? I assume that as a good Muslim Chouadry had more that one of these? [So, the benefit question you pose may be a multiple of one]
Even retired Labour MPs can see the bias:
Yet it still seems odd that I’ve just listened on Radio Four’s World At One to an extraordinarily long, almost reverential interview with diffident and self-effacing Labour MP Jess Phillips about the agonies she has endured for her modest salary, a mere £75,000 a year.
Interviewer Martha Kearney took on a sympathetic tone – totally unlike the John Humphrys school of aggressive interviewing or the Andrew Neil system of chucking in another question before the first has been answered.
Martha saw her job as putting pennies in and letting the jukebox play while she oozed sympathy for Jess on the lines of ‘how awful it must be having to work with all those callous and brutal men
Don’t forget Jess Philips’ delightful and wholesome sense of humour. Tell her the one about male suicides again, she had a good laugh at that during a common’s committee meeting.
Apparently she is only going to one day of the Labour Party Conference as she is, quite rightly, terrified of being spat on and threatened with rape. Oddly, I don’t recall her castigating the perpetrators of the spitting and rape threats at the Conservative Party conference – who may well be the same thugs.
But it`s Martha, Austin.
The very personification of BBC empty girly privilege.
You`d think Mitchell would have kept pace with what his Labour Party has become-God knows, he was instrumental in being asleep at the wheel as the likes of Jess and Martha took over…