No, they have sunk to the depth to which they regard as everyone else’s level, if only to maintain the status quo, or, ideally, recruit a few more listeners to those of the thick variety that already tune in.
I noticed a beauty last week in a programme about the RAF (can’t remember what it was called) when they interviewed a Flight Lieutenant and referred to him as “Loo-tenant” instead of “Lef-tenant”. Perhaps the Obama influence is more widespread than we thought.
I know we don’t have much of a Navy these days but yesterday we had Clive Mouri? reporting on the press conference by Merkel, Holland and Renzi. They were in the Med. on a ship. Maouri? first called it a ‘battleship’, then it was a ‘warship’, then it was an ‘aircraft carrier’. He may not have known what type of ship it was at first but to call it a ‘battleship’ demonstrates his complete ignorance. It’s donkey’s years since these were around.
That’s a fairly common mistake on the Beeb, Lobster. Caused by watching too many US crime dramas (edgy, feminist etc) and not enough British war films (chauvinist and racist). Another one is calling a High Commission an ‘Embassy’.
Thinking about all the huffing and puffing about the French Burkini ban and the so called affront to the value of Libertie in France.
No one has raised the matter of security – how a burkini can conceal a sizable bomb.
They should be banning those wearing them from France altogether and their husbands and children: a permanent security solution for their country from Muslim terrorism.
And a man pretending to be a woman (for all kinds of illegal reasons besides terrorism) in order to gain benefits, licences, entry into female only wards, conventions, toilets, you name it, they could gain it!
Immigrants who settle in britain should adapt to our culture honour killings genital mutilation are not adapting they should be sent back to whence they came. I think the burkini banning in france is less important.It’s what people say and do that matters.
on a different topic, what will the owen smith’s and sadiq khan’s do when the corbynista’s get their party back.Join the lib dems .Ed balls on strickly just about somes him up,these types the fame academy not serious people self obssessed liberals.
Nice to see some drones being caught over our prisons and extremists being considered to be separated,still need to get the literature out unbelievable really they can read any old propaganda.
When the parliament goes on holiday they really do,
not a sound coming from government on anything.
When they do return BBC,all media,left propoganda in schools colleges, universaties needs sorting out.
I was curious about that. Merkel, it turns out, believes that assimilation is a violation of their human rights. The propagandists believe that telling a Muslim to assimilate into Western culture, is a human rights violation, and all of the viewers must assimilate to their beliefs.
Headline report on the BBC’s Entertainment & Arts website :- Ben-Hur remake flops at US box office
perhaps delighted as “The Times” reports The film, starring Jack Huston and Toby Kebbell, was marketed heavily at Christian audiences, with special screenings for religious leaders.
I have just noticed the new, glossy banner on this Blog. It has probably been here a while, but I have been away and anyway I’m sometimes slow in noticing these things.
“Exposing the Reporting Bias of the BBC” doesn’t seem to quite do it. The BBC’s bias comes in all shapes and sizes and bias is often incorporated in its drama output too, and not just in its reporting. There is hardly a drama produced that doesn’t have some angle.
Not sure quite how to improve the banner, just saying.
You have me thinking. Exposing the reporting bias of the BBC is important. But the BBC bias extends to many other areas: from comedy (HIGNIFY does bias) to drama (Islam has to be presented in a good light along with other identities such as blacks TGLBG) Even the Archers expresses bias.
And we must remember the bias is revealed by what is NOT reported.
An in who is omitted from Question Time, and which questions are not asked by presenters.
I can’t stand it any longer !! The beatification of Mohammed Farah is reaching unprecedented heights. His skeletal frame adorning every national with a knighthood almost being demanded by the media. I say for God’s sake let him wear the top hat and morning suit and then disappear into obscurity with his millions. His self congratulation is now boring. We have many more equally worthy sports starts who were actually born here, train here and live here, and who haven’t prostituted themselves under the flag of another nation.
Strange how the BBC show loads of shots of Muslim-Farah after each race yet outraged Usain Bolt’s family for deleting him showing his Christian faith?!
No chance ! like the rest of ’em, they want the glory from the UK (he’s hardly likely to get it in Somalia now is he) but keep the money tied up elsewhere. No better than Fatty Green in this regard. All parasites, while the rest of us wave the flags and cough up our taxes to help pay for their lifestyle.
Brissles – you sound just as angry about the sainted Mo as Mr D. An article in the Telegraph today ‘demanding’ that Mo be knighted. Also the BBC news is reporting that there will be no limit to the number of medalists to be given awards. Now I always thought that pre-Tony B, sportsmen and sportswomen, as well as ‘entertainers’ received them for charitable work they did for free following receiving their medal. Why not go back to those times and if Mo shows over say the next 5 years a loyal dedication to this country ie paying his taxes, inspiring young people at events where he is not paid to attend, then fine, give him a knighthood.
Too right, it’s a waste to award a person for receiving an award !
Save gongs for people who have an extra so far unrewarded effort someone who’s been working hard in the olympic backrooms for years.
Could we say that as more banana republic people move into the UK the UK becomes more like a banana republic ?
I am Deborah, I am – the red mist has come down !! Up until recently one had to wait for years before a knight/damehood was conferred, but now they’re dished out like confetti to all and sundry. I remember the time when the likes of Alec Guinness, Peggy Ashcroft and other worthies received their awards, and it was like they attained the ultimate. Then the system degenerated to disc jockeys – Sir Jimmy Saville, and the likes of Bob Geldorf, and that was the death knell for the honours system. It will soon be the case – like tattoos, that those of us without them will be the special ones !!!!
I read an article where MF was asked why he didn’t run for Somalia – his reply “THIS is my country now !”. Ok ‘Mohammed’ fair enough, so if you continue to live abroad, then at least pay back from your millions earned, the training funding you have received courtesy of the British tax payer and those buying a Lottery ticket. And if you are so dedicated to THIS country AND married to a British woman how come your son is called Hussain ? and not Peter or Andrew or Jack ?
His self-congratulatory will be 10 times worse once the ‘Sir’ has been bestowed upon him – how hard he’s worked for it, and how it’s all for his kids. I don’t know which will be the worst – him or David Beckham.
I’d say that he is a shoe-in for a knighthood. Matthew Pinsent is a knight on the back of his 4 golds, and whilst these were achieved over 4 separate games, it does devalue the honour somewhat. Hoy, Redgrave, Wiggins Ainslie and the rest all have 5 plus.
Presumably, on that basis Laura Trott will become a Dame and Jason Kenney will also be up for a knighthood? Gone are the days when these things were awarded at the end of a career.
In an article today (about Rod Stewart) mention was made that it was highly unusual to be awarded a knighthood if the recipient was a tax exile – which Rod is. What the circumstances were surrounding Fatty Green getting his K then is anyone’s guess. Now seeing that Farah applied to be a tax exile back in January, surely it should be looked at long and hard before he gets an award – he’s already a CBE.
The problem is that at the time the One-Eyed Non-Prudent megalomaniac Brown was running the Treasury and the country he was ramping up expenditure on education and everyone thought this included the buildings. Oh no, Brown doubled education expenditure and hid the PFI scams, all the while claiming ‘prudence’ and that he had ‘reduced debt’, whilst doubling it even before the 2008 crash.
BBc 13:00 news lead story Team GB reflects on it’s most successful overseas Olympics, over 10 minutes. Oh good BBc will have full coverage of team GBs return tomorrow so I’ll be watching Hogan’s Heroes if I’m watching TV at all.
The 13:00 news ends and we a treated to another coma inducing montage of the Olympics yet again for another 3 minutes. Despite their apparent enthusiasm for sport this story has been dropped since breakfast:
Yes the first Briton , read Englishman, since Barry Sheene 35 years ago to win a Moto GP race.
It’s still the top story on their motorsport section but can’t say I’ve noticed it on their front sports page now.
It doesn’t surprise as the BBC’s coverage of motorsport these days is woeful to say the least. They used to have live F1 races but SKY have really got behind F1 and the BBC seem to have given up with live coverage only on Radio 5. They’ve lost MotoGP to BT Sport who, like SKY, are showing the Beeb how it should be done. ITV do very good coverage of the British Touring Car Championship (a series that is always overflowing with excitement), and they also cover the support races of the BTTC which is a good chance for fans to watch the future stars of international motorsport. ITV also cover the Isle of Man TT extensively, which the BBC hardly acknowledges exists until someone is killed then they suddenly take an interest.
It’s also interesting to note with regards to motorcycling specifically that in the entire history of the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year there have only ever been 2 awards, a 1st place for John Surtees (surely he should be “Sir” by now) in 1959, and a 3rd place for Barry Sheene in 1977…..That’s your lot.
Even more interesting is the Overseas Sports Personality of the Year, Surely Valentino Rossi deserved that title at least once? Er………No.
So I’m not in the least bit surprised that Cal Crutchlow’s historic victory has been somewhat overlooked, I mean what’s risking your life on a damp Czech circuit at 200MPH compared to yet another group orgasm at the feet of St.Farrah?
You must have been reading the wrong site.
The Formula One section has been racist wall to wall one person for years.
He is in every damn thing usually with pictures.
‘Cos he isn’t white.
I can’t comment on the BBC’s coverage of Hamilton as I only watch the races on SKY and read about him on various motorsport sites, I avoid the BBC coverage like the plague.
In my experience of the coverage of Hamilton the whole “Black” aspect and the inevitable comparisons with Tiger Woods etc died down fairly early on in his career. The reason he gets so much coverage now is due to his pure talent, he’s the best British driver since the days of Clark and Stewart. But the BBC coverage may be different.
The Duck. BBc F1 coverage in a nutshell every couple of minutes say Hamilton! Mention he’s at his best in dry / wet weather depending if the weather is dry / wet. Carry this on even if he is 22nd whilst ignoring what is going on at the front of the race.
That reminds of the American coverage of the CART series. I started watching it in 1993 just because Nigel Mansell had joined the series after leaving (or forced out) F1. They were absolutely obsessed with Al Unser Jr, or “Little Al” son of Indy legend AL Unser. I was watching a race where Mansell was battling for the lead while all the commentators could talk about was how “Little AL” had just moved up to 17th place!!!!
Blind cancer survivor ‘was thrown out of a shop because she had GUIDE DOG with her’ – despite a sign in the window saying they are welcome >Found this in the mail……Shop front says it all….expect the Beeb to put the Panorama team on this one for the disgraceful way this disabled lady was treated
These shopkeepers will have been all fawning and co-operative when they were required to put up the sign, but had absolutely no intention of honouring the sentiment. That is their attitude to our laws and all of us, smile at our faces, knife us in the back.
The Mail, ah! Recently, I read a post on said newspaper condemning other newspapers for being too lewd! So I just add to reply and tell that person: have you read your beloved Mail online? She said no! I told her you should do as the images on Mail online are more filthy than most of the other newspapers she was mocking!
Not on AlBeeb yet.
“Germany to advise storage of food and water against attacks.” “Militant attacks.”
No Reuters they are not Militants they are ****ing Muslims so why not say so?
Why not go further Reuters and state that allowing Islamic fanatics with a 1400 year history of mass murder into Europe was a mistake which a child of ten would have avoided?
War in our own back yard, brought to us all the way from the seventh century by people who were entrusted with the preservation of European states. Thank you European “Leaders”.
Well said Truthseeker. At least the British, Dutch and French leaders had the excuse that the Muslim ‘s were here well before they came to power.An unwanted relic from our shared colonial empires. ( If only Heath et al had listen to Enoch Powell). But the Swedish and German leaders have no excuse for wrecking their countries. Merkel is now wanting to increase European security. In Germany do they have an equivalent to the proverb , closing the stable door after the horse has bolted? So after her door wide open policy she now wants to try and repair the damage she has done. Too late you stupid woman, you have sown the seed which will wreck Germany and Europe in decades to come.
PS If she had wanted a Double Double Olympic champion she could have had the one that the BBC et al claim is ours . She only had to ask.
The millions of Muzzies who are here to vote Labour in return for benefits and housing, were not here.
For that we have to thank T Blair and the treason party.
There is nothing that the Labour Party can **** up given a chance.
There wasn’t a problem until Blair got in and he and his lying filthy advisers (yes you, Campbell and Mandelslime) decided they wanted to rub the Tories’ collective noses in it and change the face of the U.K. forever and render everyone various shades of brown rather than the heretofore prevailing white. The Neather action. And who has this tidal wave affected most? Why, NooLaBor’s previously loyal and donkey-like constituents, the working classes.
Remember that when a silly bitch like Kesia Dugdale says, as she did this morning when expressing her admiration for the weasel nonentity Smith, that Labour needed to oust the Tories to improve the lot of the working classes. It was you and your lot who DonaldDucked them in the first place, love!
The advice of the German government was mentioned on the 5 pm news, but so far, 5-40pm, there has been no mention of it on PM. Why not? After all a serious ( minus Merkle the idiot) government in western Europe advises its citizens to lay in stocks of water and food in case of attack. What do they know that informs this advice? After all you don’t need stocks of water and food if your country is attacked by ax men, or shooters or Muslims driving lorries, or even the use of nerve gas.You only do this if you fear that there will be a nuclear attack. This is frightening. No doubt if this truly awful event does occur the BBC will rush to reassure us that it was nothing to do with Islam, that the perpetrators had mental illnesses, and that the real problem will be anticipated backlash and possible Islamophobia as a result of millions of Europeans being killed.
Surely it is reflection that leaving nuclear weapons in a Muslim country is asking for trouble. For once I agree with something Obahma is doing. Putin won’t put Russia’s nuclear arsenal anywhere were Muslims can get hold of it.
Doublethinker: For once I agree with something Obahma is doing.
No doubt he is only doing it to protect his own arse – or ass, rather. After all, as a Muslim Obama is well aware of the mindless savagery of Islamic terrorists and he knows that nothing would delight them more than to make the White House the central target of a nuclear attack.
Turkey an Islamic State run by the Imams coming soon.
About turn on Turkish policy in the Middle East also coming soon.
Just watch the EU invite it to join; they are really that stupid.
I might be wrong but didn’t Cameron specifically state during the EU debate with Nigel Farage that Turkey wouldn’t be joining the EU within next 30years?
Ah thanks TruthSeeker, I couldn’t remember the exact comment but do remember my reaction to his comment at the time which was along the lines of essence of cow. Also I think it was the same time he stated that the would be no EU army.
Erdogan was hoping to acquire Syria, then Iraq, and declaring himself the new caliph. But Russia has stymied that. America is unwilling to play ball in Ottoman empire building, and this has led Turkey to effectively declare the US airbase under quarantine.
This is not going to sit well with America. America has a long memory. I dont think it has forgotten the chicanery of Turkey in preventing the deployment of the US Third army in GW2 .
Lets hope that all this leads to Turkey out of Europe, its forced de-colonisation of parts of Cyprus.
Russia’s Orthodox church regards Constantinople as its “holiest” city, the equivalent of Mecca to Muslims. Ditto Greece. Anatolia is really part of Europe. Events can run such that Anatolia does join a reformed trading only EU.
Turkey siding with Russia reminds me of Ka’s song in Mowgli.
One million illegal immigrants in the UK. It effects everything is this to be addressed or ignored, as has been for a very long time. Not the way to run a country.
There has been an interesting development in the past day throwing a spotlight onto the Fascists use of Trans & IS people as human shields to defend their sinister plot to destroy gender.
British Runner Lynsey Sharp was beaten in a race at the Olympics by South African athlete Caster Semenya. If you don’t know Semenya, 25, has an ‘intersex’ condition called hyperandrogenism which results in her having testosterone levels that are three times those usually found in women and approaching those of a man.
The issue has been through the courts God knows how many times and Semenya who is genetically female is allowed to compete.
So when sore loser Lynsey Sharp (from Scotland) criticised the organisers for allowing her to race against her, you might have expected a fierce backlash from the Fascist left attacking a group they ‘claim’ to be championing as flavour of the month, but not a peep!
The only comments have been along the lines of race & white privilege from South Africa – nothing much from Europe at all.
In case your wondering Lynsey Sharp wasn’t even in contention for a medal she wasn’t even close coming in 6th and so there was no need for her to make a nasty comment.
To my mind once an issue is decided by the courts and the rules are clear before you start, then you don’t try to re-write them when you lose, and you certainly don’t start calling the winner names. That’s just not sportsmans honour.
Where are the Fascists though? Nowhere to be seen, nor heard. The BBC can manage to report the race and that Sharp finished a pathetic 6th but nothing else.
Caster Semenya is an unfortunate case. She has external female sex organs, but no womb or fallopian tubes, and undescended testes. It is no fault of hers, but she is basically intersex, and closer to a man than a woman. I would have no problem in her running in a male race, but the girls do have a valid point if she is allowed to run as a female without taking drugs to suppress her testosterone levels.
They have no valid point as the case has already been to court & been decided. If they don’t like it then they shouldn’t race against her.
The case about testosterone levels has also been heard – twice.
If they cannot accept the decision of a court then they either don’t race, or if they choose to they accept it. It might have been understandable if the whinger had come in second, but she didn’t even figure !
But all that is to miss the point. Given this outburst where are all the Fascists who are claiming they champion this group? A couple of days ago we had the thread “Little MX” when they were trying to abolish gender identifiers, on the grounds trans people might be upset / offended (insert leftie lunacy as appropriate). Yet when an issue of a high publicity attack comes to light, they’re nowhere to be seen, proving yet again that this is a victim group being used as human shield to hide their real intentions.
It’s a question of whether the sports authorities want to be “unfair” to Mx. Semenya by banning her, or “unfair” to all the other female athletes who go out and sweat blood and tears to be the best they can, knowing they are going to be ground into the dust on the track.
I wonder if the same attitude would be taken if Mx. Semenya’s favoured sport was boxing, and she clubbed a few opponents into comas.
All I see is a box that says SoundCloud but nothing happens if I click on it. Why do people use these services which require downloads and accounts when they can upload them to Youtube and everyone can view them without any hassle. It just means far fewer people can listen.
Bring back the treason laws? They never went away! This misconception needs to be addressed because the original 1351 act is still on the statute book ! The only thing which changed was that the death penalty was abolished so B Liar could get his hated Human Rights Act.
The government is reported as wanting to segregate Muslim prisoners who might pose a risk of indoctrinating others. What they haven’t told you is the truth (surprise surprise) The BBC did this evening, but they did it unwittingly and didn’t point it out.
They interviewed a ‘victim’ who had been approached by one of these terrorists, except they didn’t make a big thing out of the fact he wasn’t a Muslim at all, but someone they wanted to convert.
This is the majority of the problem, and it’s caused the the governments pro Islamic racism (if such thing exists) or discrimination.
Muslim prisoners get such a better deal in prison with free time, freedom of association better food, better facilities than other prisoners, that they convert because they want the better deal themselves.
If the government wanted to counter this then they could give Muslims a worse deal, except there’s no chance of them giving the brown eyed darlings that.
This isn’t going to go away until the situation is sorted out. Just remember that all prisoners are equal, but some are more equal than others !
Caught a bit of VD this morning – BBC 9:00 am.
‘Winning Moments’ from Rio 2016 – less than six minutes, but they managed to squeeze in ten clips of Saint Mo of Oregon.
Apologies if I have been asleep while this was discussed.
The dead Swiss train murderer, the one with the “Swiss name”.
Has the “Swiss” name been released yet?
Katie – Social Justice vid: Hilarious. A generation that’s freer and wealthier and with more options than ever, to do anything, be anything, say anything – hysterically convinced they’re all victims of some imaginary oppression or getting violently offended on behalf of some bogus minority or other. Grievance culture to the nth psychotic degree. Is it the poisonous legacy of the Marxism that oozed into universities from the 60s onwards? Is it just having it too easy, got to find something to complain and get hysterical about? Rebels without a cause. And in their insanity often defending the most oppressive, totalitarian movements, religions, political parties. Truth turned upside down and back to front in their topsy turvy little Wonderland. Almost makes you wish some great disaster occurred, man-made or natural, famine or Armageddon, to make them see what a real problem looks like. Here’s what REAL fascism looks like!
Sharia Councils
Beyond Belief
The government has launched an inquiry into the role of sharia councils in the UK. The councils are able to provide advice to Muslims who voluntarily choose to use them to resolve civil and family disputes. But human rights campaigners have become increasingly concerned about the rights of women who access the councils.* The Home Office said it would examine claims that sharia councils may be working in a “discriminatory and unacceptable way”, issuing divorces that are unfair to women, contrary to the teachings of Islam. However, it will also seek out examples of best practice among sharia councils. So what is the real picture? How can we separate the facts from the misconceptions?
with Dr Amra Bone, who is on the panel for the Sharia Council based in Birmingham Central Mosque;
Dr Samia Bano, an expert in Muslim family law in the UK at SOAS, University of London;
and Maryam Namazie, a human rights activist from the campaign group ‘One Law for All’.
* You don’t say
Hamdullah, Hamdullah
And peace be upon our great prophet El Corbyn, Inhsallah
Whilst they may or may not be a bad thing for women, sharia councils can always be reformed and presented as very good things indeed. The media will find lots of wimmin who approve of them’
But this is not the crucial issue which is – should we have a parallel legal system based on an alien ( and dare I say it) crackpot religion. Should we have two legal systems?
Perhaps I am being unfair, but should we have to accept anything from a tosser of an academic from SOAS without adequate response?
GWF, I recall Rowan Williams (or is it Atkinson?!) was in support of the growth of Sharia in the UK some years ago. He did not reply to my written request that he provide me with the postal address for the Archbishop of Riyadh.
Quote: Freedom is contagious. What Brexit has done is encourage and empower millions of people throughout the West to also take a stand for local control, for national sovereignty, and for the rule of the people – not foreign elites.
In the referendum vote this Williams chap voted to “remain” He should learn from those more faithful to the union flag than he seems to be to the 12 star flag of Europe!
G, I remember that well because I suspected that journalists had misinterpreted Williams on this matter, as they often do with religious matters. I read his sermon twice and still could not understand it – he didn’t seem to make any points at all other than some sort of vapid waffle along the lines of ‘Sharia is alright, but then again it isn’t; but in a very real sense, it is both, and yet neither, and can we even say such a thing as Sharia exists anyway.’
And this is about human rights where? Iran? Syria? Oh, Britain. Silly me for believing as a British citizen there should be somebody defending our own laws, liberties and culture – you know, those that are under attack on all fronts from Islam.
The decisions made by these kangaroo courts are not binding on either party, and should certainly never recognised in English law. It can only be discriminatory to a woman if she chooses to follow the diktats handed down.
I love the way the BBC ALWAYS leaps to the defence of Islam, in a technique learned from Communist countries called ‘Left wing denial’ It’s never a policy which is wrong, it is the people (referred to as counter revolutionaries).
And it’s never Islam which is wrong, it is the people who misinterpret it !
“issuing divorces that are unfair to women, contrary to the teachings of Islam.”
Who is the Imam at the BBC who KNOWS this, and how is he (for it must be a He) any better qualified than the Old Muslim men sitting in judgement over their peers?
Thoughtful, I’m becoming more and more convinced that the left views Islam as ‘useful idiots’. The thing is, I think radical Islam views the left in the same way – and eventually there’s going to be a showdown over who’s the bigger idiot.
If the young snowflakes are so for Europe, then how come they don’t speech as many foreign languages as us oldies (judging by O & A level choices)and want to do everything in English ? says (Libby Purves in the Times)
– Also in the Times, Xinhua the Chinese news agency took a 1 page advert to celebrate their own Olympians.
Obsessing about “this month’s fancies”, while ignoring others as worthy is not unique to the B-BBC… Today every newspaper has a photo of Mo Farah on the cover except for the Guardian and the Times
almost half (47 per cent) of small business leaders anticipate no disruptive impact at all from Brexit. Only 14 per cent are concerned that the UK leaving the EU will significantly affect them, according to a study by CitySprint.
68 per cent state they feel either as confident or more confident about their business than they did 12 months ago.
I do wonder if CitySprint sells franchises so may want ppl to believe in the economy ?
However last year the same survey was negative “Brexit remains major source of worry for small firms” (that was last year)
Strictly Come Dancing 2016 contestants announced so far –
Anastacia – American pop singer
Claudia Fragapane – gymnast of Italian descent
Daisy Lowe – bisexual model
Ed Balls – ex Labour MP
Laura Whitmore – Irish presenter
Louise Redknapp – pop singer
Melvin Odoom – black DJ and presenter
Naga Munchetty – Asian newsreader
Ore Oduba – black news and sports presenter
Robert Rinder – gay reality series presenter
Will Young – gay pop singer
Danny Mac – actor
Very representative, that is of the people the BBC like and the people the BBC don’t like. LGBT people and ethnic minorities seem to be doing alright, straight white guys not so much. So far Danny Mac is the only one who isn’t that BBC favourite – a failed left-wing politician. There’s still a few contestants to announce but I’m not getting my hopes up.
Nadiya – I’m sure they’re working on a Halal dance routine as we speak, though probably too many gender-segregation ‘complications’ to overcome in time for this series, like with the viewing audience for example.
Still, with a little help from the right cultural ‘experts’, anything is possible.
Sorry JTF, accidentally pressed Report comment. Thanks for posting this story. Unbelievably this swimming pool is granting what are effectively Muslim men only sessions despite the fact we all had to pay for its construction. The lies told by Abdul-Wadud Ahmed in this article need to be highlighted.
“There is a large demand for it.”
Not true. Reports are saying that hardly anyone is turning up for these sessions. The scheme is an outrageous waste of an Olympic size pool and council tax money.
“We haven’t received any negative feedback from anyone.”
Not true either. The local press has been full of critical letters and the non-Muslim population is royally pissed off.
This is yet another example of pandering to Islam in a way that is totally contrary to our hard-won liberties. Somehow the ‘authorities’ who make these decisions are unable to understand how it pisses people off, which is why events like the Brexit vote have these ‘progressive’ bubble-dwellers reaching for the smelling salts.
However, it yet again raises the question that if the majority Muslim population of Luton don’t want these privileged swimming sessions, why don’t they come out and say so? Why suffer the bad publicity for the sake of an apparently small, vocal minority?
Well Obama was granted a Nobel PEACE prize, when he hadn’t actually made any peace, he hadn’t even been in office at the judging.
..and since then plenty of soldiers have died.
I read that Nadiya was appearing on “Would I lie to you?” I gave my wife three guesses as to who was going to appear – she got it in one!
This has been counter-productive amongst my friends and family for some while – will the Beeb ever learn?
Well the final three competitors on Strictly Come Dancing have been announced and it didn’t get much better.
Tameka Empson – black actress
Lesley Joseph – white actress
Greg Rutherford – left-wing long jumper who caused a furore about sharing the stage with Tyson Fury on Question Of Sport.
So just 3 out of 15 are straight white guys two of which are known lefties. Do we feel represented? As per usual there is one more female contestant than male.
Whoops! When I mentioned Greg Rutherford earlier not wanting to share a stage with Tyson Fury, it was of course Sports Personality Of The Year and not Question Of Sport.
I never watch the main show but I can’t seem to avoid the “it takes two” trash! I try to avoid it by clicking onto the other side when it pops up on BBC two but its even on BBC one at the same time! The presenter is so: “all the nation watches the show so be as excited as I am” kinda play ground excitement!
I never watch it. But the state of things with that lot BBC. Why doesn’t those faceless wonders who hold our licence fee simply go public and confess that they hate any hint of Judeo-Christian air-time and call themselves the “Lamestream Gaystapo Media”
Mention has been made on here many times about the BBC’s coverage of Islamic ‘radicalisation’ and in particular the government’s ‘Prevent’ strategy.
Why is it the BBC only ever attempts to hold the government to account whilst ignoring what the Muslim ‘community’ itself could be doing, from parents through Imams to the Muslim Council? A clear example was their reporting of the 16-year old female Islamic radical who was recently killed by a Russian air strike whilst serving under ISIS. The BBC’s take was that she and her mates, from their predominantly Muslim school in a predominantly Muslim area, had disappeared off to Syria after telling their parents they were going for a day out. This particular girl’s father was since exposed in some parts of the press as an extremist, with photographic evidence of him doing his Islamic fruit at a violent Islamic protest. Why is he consistently ignored by the BBC? They are always at pains to lecture us about Muslim family values but strangely they don’t seem to matter in this case, rather it’s the fault of the government and the police for not stopping the ‘girls’ from going. The girl’s father has never been on their radar apart from early doors when he was shamelessly crying wolf before a Parliamentary enquiry, getting Plod to apologise in the most cringing example of virtue-signalling yet seen in our Mother of Parliaments. Following his subsequent exposure, the BBC dropped him like a red hot bhaji, never to be seen again.
In the newspaper this morning it was reported that radicalisation is rife in prisons because staff won’t act for fear of being accused of racism or ‘Islamophobia’, just as the authorities were in Rotherham, Rochdale and all points of the UK compass. In other words Political Correctness, that behaviour-correcting tool of the Left (and in particular the BBC) – is facilitating criminality and terrorism on an unimaginable scale in this country and our National Broadcaster is doing balls-all about it. In fact, by indulging anti-Prevent senior Islamics and Lefties (including their own in-house ‘comedians’) with their ‘mustn’t stigmatise young Muslims’ and ‘alienation’ and ‘Islamophobia’ and all the rest of it, rather than holding them to account, they continue to tighten the strings of the PC straitjacket that has got us into this unholy mess.
This fat, stinking pro-Islamic bias is endangering the very fabric of our society. As long as the BBC can act with impunity – and it does – the situation will only get worse.
Agreed. Though it’s about time we started to call ‘Political Correctness’ by a name which is not so sanitised. A much better term would be ‘Programmed Fascism’ as that is all it is.
PC is the bullying and intolerant demand by leftists that onlytheir approved ‘correct’ thoughts should be allowed.
This is pure fascism, as we see more and more of daily from the left.
Islamic terrorism & Islamic ‘radicalisation’.
I am still waiting to see our ‘RoP’ers’ marching through London shouting ‘Not in our name’ , ‘Not in our name’ .
They are conspicuous by their absence.
Owen Smith proudly announces that He has no pride in Britain, and that Britain is not a country anyone can be proud of! Odd the BBC hasn’t reported it though:
“A Britain we can be proud of once more” implying that it currently isn’t, but without saying why!
Tell Owen that there are plenty of people trying to get in here. Perhaps he should emigrate and find a country he will be ‘proud of’ to make some room .
Not only banhing on obsessively about the Olympics, but the same nd same way on all networks
The BBC demonstrates incredible ;lack of self awareness; I guess they spend all the time at their villas in Tuscany instead of listening to their own networks.
They ALREADY have a custom sports network 5Live and it has 2 channels, so why on R4 do we have to have first the presenter talking about Mo Farah, then the Newsreader making him the first or second item ..only for the sports presenter to open his report by talking about Mo Farah ?
If we liked sport we’d already be listening to 5 Live
The BBC chooses not have it’s own sports TV channel/s, I guess that is a trick to buy sports cheaper, cos they promise the governing bodies they’ll put their sport on the main channel BBC1 or BBC2 etc.
Too often the public get stuff pushed in their face, instead of choosing it for themselves.
How the bBC selectively edits the news in which to encompass its own Politically correct agenda.
So, how many people spotted this article on the beeb news website: Slavery reports rise fivefold, Salvation Army says The Salvation Army says it has seen nearly a fivefold rise in the number of slavery victims it has helped in England and Wales since 2012. The charity says it supported 1,805 people from April 2015 to March 2016. By comparison, it had 378 referrals between July 2011 and June 2012 – its first year of operating the government contract to support victims.
The bBC then knocks out a number of victim stories and finishes with this chart:
I then noticed that a few Asian countries were missing (actually the entire sub continent) So a quick check on the Sally Army website from Aug 15 to July 16 gives me the following:
Afghan=7 people
Bangladesh = 34 people
Pakistan = 40 people
They certainly aren’t, maybe you’re thinking Kosovo which is mostly Muslim. Albania itself was athiest for a long time .. although there are now some new mosques, most people are still atheists with minority of Muslims and probably more Christians.
You’re right, but maybe more of an ethnic identity rather than passionate religion.*
Thanks for the correction, yes a few sources do say around 60% so I’ll accept that. I was there for 2 months in 2009 and it certainly didn’t seem like a passionate Muslim country (I’ve travelled extensively in about 10). Certainly in the south and west the people in the town streets seemed very a new mosque built with Saudi money wasn’t very busy. Now I think about it, firstly even in the south it would be one village traditionally Christian, one village traditionally muslim etc. Not seeming very religious, but they did have some arranged marriages etc. Ah some were Bektashi a sect like the dancing Sufis in Turkey. And all down the east, north, mountains and at the city facing the Kosovo the people were vastly ethnic Muslims. It struck me that local population had been topped up by ethnic muslims moving over from Kosovo and that perhaps local non-ethnic Muslims had moved out of the area. I visited a mountain monastery at one point.
* “The results of the 2011 census, however, have been criticized as questionable on a number of grounds.”
“According to the 2007–2008 Gallup polls, 63% of Albanians state that religion does not play an important role in their life”
“An August 2012, a Pew Research study found out that only 15% of the Muslim population for example, consider religion as a very important factor in their lives”
Agree with @Edward The BBC simply repeated the Salvation Army PR
If Pakistan and Bangladesh are left off, it was the Sally that did it
However i cannot find @Pounce’s Pakistan and Bangladesh stats on the Sally website. unless they are buried in the month by month Excel spreadsheets
Good spot, thanks Pounce. As the article says, could the reason for the lack of a circus be anything to do with the fact that everything was caught on camera, including the assailant repeatedly walloping the armed policeman with what looks like a long piece of wood?
re the earlier discussion somewhere here earlier re the new head-line of this site and within that “reporting bias”. Agree with some of the comments that indicate that is a little narrow. Change it to broadcasting bias or just leave the adjective out altogether?
and while I am logged on why not change references here to “Al Beeb” and just rename this crock of shite the “BIBC”?
I leave you to work out what the “I” stands for in the ends in “mic”. It could well be the official name in 10 years anyway if folk don’t wake the f*ck up fairly smartish.
Well, then. The BBC has been using the word ‘extremist’ a lot, today, but has not been putting the word ‘Islamic’ before it. Thus, despite the odd ‘Islamist’ chucked into reports, many would be forgiven to think that we have a problem with all religions and extremism. But we all know this not to be the case. Police, prison wardens, politicians, journalists, teachers, social workers…. ad infinitum: they;re all afraid of offending Islam. Our forefathers would be horrified at how cowardly we’ve become. Apart from our brave military personnel, we have become a nation of big sopping wet jessies.
And regarding the story linked below, is anyone surprised by this appointment of a former Liebour minister? Anyone who has viewed Newsnight or listened to Today of late will know that the BBC long ago dropped any pretence at impartiality. It is a full-blown, pro-Islam, anti-Christian, far-Left Labour propaganda machine (with the excellent Andrew Neil being an exception).
A woman with a machete attacks people in Brussels. Newspaper reporters add the obligatory piece from the cops and government.
‘Sources close to the investigation say police do not believe the incident was terrorism or politically motivated and the assailant is said to have had mental health problems’
Bloody hell, all of a sudden there is an epidemic of ‘mental health’ attacks across Europe. Strange how all of these ‘mental health’ offences and murders include knives and the words ‘allahu akbar’. I don’t recall any of these machete ‘mental health’ attacks before mad Merkel’s open door immigration policy. What we are seeing before our very eyes and ears is the left-wing controlled media across Europe lying and covering up Islamist terrorist attacks. Very worrying. But why all the lies and destruction of western culture? Is it really down to the Kalergi plan?
The mental health card, much like the racist card used to be, is being used to stifle debate, once played the case is closed until the card wears out through misuse that is. ‘Mental health’ covers a very wide spectrum of complaints, and until a definitive link can be proven. ie. a persons mental illness directly led them to commit a crime, just how relevant is it? About as relevant as whether or not the person has a cold, was wearing trainers, or even the colour of their skin perhaps. Many people struggling with mental health issues are no more stabby than the ‘saner’ population, so why even mention it? Of course, we know the answer to that one.
Oldspeaker, I can’t help thinking what we are seeing is like the medieval catch-all explanation of ‘demonic possession’ to explain and/or silence anyone who spoke or acted contrary to the ‘official’ viewpoint. In more recent times, the Soviets used ‘mental health’ as an excuse to imprison indefinitely and without trial many of its dissidents.
That latter tactic has already been used on AGW sceptics (the disgusting Lewandowsky paper in Psychological Science) . You could even argue it was used against Brexit supporters and UKIP votes, both of which groups are routinely denigrated as ‘under educated’ by the BBC and its cronies.
Clearly, the Left was paying attention when the Soviets were setting the pace for propaganda tactics.
The machete – is that generally the weapon of choice for Belgians?
Do Belgian women walk around with a collapsible machete in their handbags, next to the collapsible brolly?
I don’t, but I’m not Belgian. Mind you I might have to reconsider my handbag weapon policy over the next few years when I travel into a town or city. I’d quite like one of those small crossbows – more Swiss than Belgian. I liked William Tell as a child. I could personalise it with some pink paint and stick-on diamante. Nice.
Peterthegreat, from that description she could be a depressed Thai or a melancholic Korean. We all know what the ‘code’ really means, it’s just annoying that our intelligence is insulted in this way.
Cheer up. Al Beeb may not like words like Islamic Extremist but its viewers and readers are far less reticent and it is fair to say the usual Al Beeb multiculti doctrine is not going down too well
Quite heartening, really.
Here’s the third highest rated, from mighty scots pine
“Britain has never been an Islamic country. It doesn’t owe muslims anything. The right to religious freedom comes with a responsibility also – conform to the democrat, egalitarian laws in this country otherwise be jailed, deported or stripped of citizenship. Whatever is in the best interests of this country (interests that trump the right to religious freedoms)”
Evidence of the assault on freedom of speech & thought.
Not the sharpest tool in the box took a photo of a poster on a bridge on a Motorway which simply said ‘Murderers’ and the date of the Hillsborough disaster. He then posted the image onto his Facebook page where it was screen grabbed and circulated to other who wanted to be outraged.
The judge accepted he had nothing to do with the making of the poster or the people who made it.
As one poster said, what is to stop any news organisation being prosecuted for posting an offensive image on their web site? I find plenty of highly offensive images every day, can I inform the Police?
If we are now prosecuting football fans for their excesses in team rivalries where is this attack on our age old freedom going to end?
Machette (or knife) attack on Belgium bus, 3 wounded and female attacker shot dead by police. Sounds significant, but apparently not to the beeb who aren’t covering it at time of writing.
But bless, innocent little Shaimaa Khalil is still asking: “Why do some people find the burkini offensive?”
“…Her children and I changed into our swimsuits, and she into her burkini, which was basically a surfing wet suit.
She covered her hair and off we went. We swam, raced, dived and laughed our hearts out.”
Aaah, Jolly Hockey Sticks, but then: “Then we came out to dry up.
There were people all around us lying on the sand – sunbathing in their bikinis, tankini one-piece suits and some chose to take their tops off completely.
But guess who got the most looks on the beach that day?
Yes, my friend in the burkini.
Some looks were inquisitive; others were just unfriendly.”
Shock horror, she got some INQUISITIVE looks (looking like a bin liner on a topless beach), gasp, and even some UNFRIENDLY ones, quick, the smelling salts. WHY she asks?
Let’s get this straight. The reason why burkinis are ridiculous is 1. They are totally impractical for swimming or sunbathing. 2. It took a long time for women (and men) to be allowed to wear practical bathing clothes – more than a century from when sea-bathing became popular in the mid nineteenth century, to when the modern bikini/swimming trunks became available in the 1940s. So even if you discount its religious connations the burkini is a totally retrogade step. Not so much ‘Islamophobia’, more ‘stupid impractical medieval clothing-o-phobia.’
Why are the BBC looking for them ? What is Italy doing about them ? What is the EU doing about them? Why is Great Britain expected to pick up the tabs when we have the poor of our own.
Charity begins at home, we cannot support the rest of the world . We already run an International Health Service at a cost to our own sick and ill.
The real reason for New BBC-Internet snooping detector vans to catch licence dodgers.
because a password system would be the road to BBC becoming a subscription service.
‘The easiest way to police viewing would be a password system linked to your licence , but BBC management are scared stiff cos they see that way as setting the BBC on the road to becoming a subscription service.’ Steve Hewitt speaking in the last 15 mins of You and Yours
(If they did have a password system the advertising industry would pay $billions for the data collected)
He also suggested there currently wasn’t such a big problem with licence dodging from people who said they only watched by catchup. ..Said there are many reasons why licence purchase is running lower than BBC prediction models. One of the biggest being that previous licewnce payers are often moving back with parents. “the BBC loves it when people get divorced cos 2 households means 2 licences”
“Germans told to stockpile food and water for civil defence”
Why are Al Beeb late reporting this story …………..
It was reported on this site the day before yesterday ?
Interesting, Taffman. I like the way the Beeb gets in ‘scaremongering’ in the first para! But can you imagine the British government ever advising something like this? Tell the average Brit that they might not get their hand held by ‘the guvvament’ and they would kack themselves!
Oddly enough I’ve been building up my emergency stores (in house and car) for the first time since the financial crash of ’08. A major terrorist attack could result in some serious problems and its better to be prepared – my aim is to be able to survive in the house for two weeks without utilities(stock of food and 40 gallon water tank in the loft), and to be able to survive for at least 24 hours outside the house if necessary. (‘Bug out bag’ with tent, stove, ration packs etc).
If you thought that Labour-supporting Leftoid and Twatter enthusiast Helen Boaden was a poor Head of Radio for Al Beeb you probably didn’t think it could get any worse.
“John Whittingdale, the former culture secretary, has urged the BBC to rethink plans to appoint James Purnell, a Labour cabinet minister under Gordon Brown, as its new radio chief.”
Purnell, you will remember, was the Leftoid liar and Labour minister (goes with the job you might say), who on camera for Brillo’s programme said that illegal donations by one David Abrams HAD been repaid. Not only had they NOT been repaid but there is much doubt as to whether they were ever repaid.
NooLabor thought it could put out any lie in those days and get away with it. Mind you, they still do.
As his predecessor once famously claimed, arrival within the bosom of the world’s most trusted and loved broadcaster immediately mutates impartiality into the DNA.
Hence as James walks in the door in his new role, BBC professionalism will immediately ensure that any hint of what saw him installed in the first place gets left at the door.
BBC Radio is free to air. Listen at your peril if you value information or education without taint.
This is something you will NOT see the BBC News mentioning.
For every minute of every hour of every day 36 Israeli companies have been watching over the Rio Olympics and keeping everyone safe.
With security a top priority the Brazilian authorities turned to Israeli companies.
Everything from an Israeli satellite tracking movements to Israeli specialists training 10,000 Brazilian security personnel.
In addition to mobilizing some 85,000 police and military personnel, Brazil decided to turn to Israel to guarantee the safety of the event.
The firm chosen for this monumental task was ISDS (International Security and Defense System.
The market is booming for Israel, which is already recognized as a leader in the field.
Katie H
Good point. They can spit, and shout c***t, and if you listen to their whine when they shout ‘scum’ it sounds like scam, as in ‘Fascist scam of our streets’. As they all support the Pallies and are sweet on Jihadism, they won’t let any Jews enter the conference.
Just a thought…. Following the many recent Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe, I wonder how many European governments and businesses are now or considering using or consulting Israeli security companies. Secretly, of course, one doesn’t wish to offend or anger Muslims or the BDS movement..Or even perhaps ministers being fearful of being accused of being Islamophobic or God forbid being pro-Israel!!
BBC Ignores Rocket Attacks, Reports on IDF Response…….
At around 2:30 on the afternoon of August 21, terrorists based in the Gaza Strip fired a missile at the Western Negev town of Sderot. According to one report, “The rocket landed between two homes, near a college and the local train station. Locals said it was ‘a miracle’ that nobody was injured.”
The IDF responded with strikes on Hamas infrastructure in Beit Hanoun, and later carried out additional strikes. The BBC News English-language website did not provide any coverage of the missile attack against Israeli civilians.
The BBC Arabic website, however, produced two reports — about the Israeli response to the missile fire. The second report and the website’s homepage both used a photograph of a water tower allegedly damaged during the Israeli response to the missile attack.
However, as noted at the Israellycool blog, photographs showing the same damage to the same water tower were published by AFP nearly a year ago.
R4 Today Programme drags on Peter Sutherland yet again to lecture us on how backward and small minded we are not to allow in the flood of migrants from Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc
The interviewer gets on a roll and asks whether it was TV footage of migrants flooding across the Med that caused the brexit vote. If only we were all like Juncker and got rid of borders.
The simple question to put to all those who advocate open-borders immigration is ‘how can unlimited numbers of immigrants be compatible with a contributory welfare system?’
Fedup2Mar 18, 10:56 Start the Week 17th March 2025 If i recall the White House has a “pardons clerk” who resigned a few weeks ago . I think she…
diggMar 18, 10:41 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Yes JohnC The last time I can recall such a tidal wave of hate directed against a specified group by…
MarkyMarkMar 18, 10:25 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Winter fuel allowance – cut – no worries or protests. Benefits cannot be cut – protests from all MPs!
MarkyMarkMar 18, 10:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Would be interesting to see what her bills are per month for a year? Maybe the 350 billion £159 paid…
MarkyMarkMar 18, 10:19 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Open two departments and close one! Looks like you’ve done something!
MarkyMarkMar 18, 10:17 Start the Week 17th March 2025 “However, last month the Times reported, external that thousands of pounds had been spent through the cards on things like…
Fedup2Mar 18, 10:17 Start the Week 17th March 2025 I bet she spends all day seeing what else she can claim .. free TV licence ?
Fedup2Mar 18, 10:16 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Why are there so many coloured men in prison …Er … an answer perhaps – ….
Eddy BoothMar 18, 10:16 Start the Week 17th March 2025 ” Possibility of benefit cut ‘extremely upsetting’ ” 09:23 [img][/img] ‘Alison, 56, who lives with her brother in a…
Is it just me, is Snuffy’s hearing a bit defective these days – what I thought was the last of my senses to go into decline – pardon me? …
… or are there a lot of mis-speaks and mispronunciations on BBC Radio 4 at present? Is it a product of the ‘silly season’?
Anyone else noticed this?
No, they have sunk to the depth to which they regard as everyone else’s level, if only to maintain the status quo, or, ideally, recruit a few more listeners to those of the thick variety that already tune in.
I noticed a beauty last week in a programme about the RAF (can’t remember what it was called) when they interviewed a Flight Lieutenant and referred to him as “Loo-tenant” instead of “Lef-tenant”. Perhaps the Obama influence is more widespread than we thought.
Children at play?
I know we don’t have much of a Navy these days but yesterday we had Clive Mouri? reporting on the press conference by Merkel, Holland and Renzi. They were in the Med. on a ship. Maouri? first called it a ‘battleship’, then it was a ‘warship’, then it was an ‘aircraft carrier’. He may not have known what type of ship it was at first but to call it a ‘battleship’ demonstrates his complete ignorance. It’s donkey’s years since these were around.
That’s a fairly common mistake on the Beeb, Lobster. Caused by watching too many US crime dramas (edgy, feminist etc) and not enough British war films (chauvinist and racist). Another one is calling a High Commission an ‘Embassy’.
A couple of weeks a BBC reporter was at the scene of closed railway line, where part of a bridge had ‘collapsed down’ onto the track.
Right, as if a bridge could collapse in any direction other than down.
I recall some time back a BBC shmuck wrote ‘Britains’ rather than Britons and was deservedly mocked on this very site.
They could at least try to hide their ignorance by working with a bloody spell check.
Thinking about all the huffing and puffing about the French Burkini ban and the so called affront to the value of Libertie in France.
No one has raised the matter of security – how a burkini can conceal a sizable bomb.
It is not as if Isis have failed to make it clear that beaches are likely targets.
A burkini can also conceal a sizeable bum – and frequently does.
They should be banning those wearing them from France altogether and their husbands and children: a permanent security solution for their country from Muslim terrorism.
Muslim men have big bums, some times! Especially Muslim taxi drivers!
Surely you mean a ” byumb”
Does my bomb look big in this?
“how a burkini can conceal a sizable bomb”
And a man pretending to be a woman (for all kinds of illegal reasons besides terrorism) in order to gain benefits, licences, entry into female only wards, conventions, toilets, you name it, they could gain it!
Immigrants who settle in britain should adapt to our culture honour killings genital mutilation are not adapting they should be sent back to whence they came. I think the burkini banning in france is less important.It’s what people say and do that matters.
on a different topic, what will the owen smith’s and sadiq khan’s do when the corbynista’s get their party back.Join the lib dems .Ed balls on strickly just about somes him up,these types the fame academy not serious people self obssessed liberals.
Nice to see some drones being caught over our prisons and extremists being considered to be separated,still need to get the literature out unbelievable really they can read any old propaganda.
When the parliament goes on holiday they really do,
not a sound coming from government on anything.
When they do return BBC,all media,left propoganda in schools colleges, universaties needs sorting out.
I was curious about that. Merkel, it turns out, believes that assimilation is a violation of their human rights. The propagandists believe that telling a Muslim to assimilate into Western culture, is a human rights violation, and all of the viewers must assimilate to their beliefs.
Headline report on the BBC’s Entertainment & Arts website :-
Ben-Hur remake flops at US box office
perhaps delighted as “The Times” reports
The film, starring Jack Huston and Toby Kebbell, was marketed heavily at Christian audiences, with special screenings for religious leaders.
I have just noticed the new, glossy banner on this Blog. It has probably been here a while, but I have been away and anyway I’m sometimes slow in noticing these things.
“Exposing the Reporting Bias of the BBC” doesn’t seem to quite do it. The BBC’s bias comes in all shapes and sizes and bias is often incorporated in its drama output too, and not just in its reporting. There is hardly a drama produced that doesn’t have some angle.
Not sure quite how to improve the banner, just saying.
Good point – just taking out the ‘reporting’ bit would do it IMO.
You have me thinking. Exposing the reporting bias of the BBC is important. But the BBC bias extends to many other areas: from comedy (HIGNIFY does bias) to drama (Islam has to be presented in a good light along with other identities such as blacks TGLBG) Even the Archers expresses bias.
GWF. Please feel free to expose ALL the biases.
And we must remember the bias is revealed by what is NOT reported.
An in who is omitted from Question Time, and which questions are not asked by presenters.
I can’t stand it any longer !! The beatification of Mohammed Farah is reaching unprecedented heights. His skeletal frame adorning every national with a knighthood almost being demanded by the media. I say for God’s sake let him wear the top hat and morning suit and then disappear into obscurity with his millions. His self congratulation is now boring. We have many more equally worthy sports starts who were actually born here, train here and live here, and who haven’t prostituted themselves under the flag of another nation.
Strange how the BBC show loads of shots of Muslim-Farah after each race yet outraged Usain Bolt’s family for deleting him showing his Christian faith?!
When a Fijian had his head in his hands praying the BBC commentator said that he was ‘weeping’.
Every time I see a muslim praying I feel like weeping too.
I would like him made a Lord so he has to attend regularly , live at least partially in Britain and participate fully in UK life.
The D/Mail have him on the front and rear pages, as well as an inside spread ! What’s going on ??? hadn’t realised it was the ‘Mo’ Games.
Being a muslim, if he is made a Lord you can guarantee he’ll claim his daily attendance allowance regardless of whether he attends or not.
Just paying tax would be nice!
No chance ! like the rest of ’em, they want the glory from the UK (he’s hardly likely to get it in Somalia now is he) but keep the money tied up elsewhere. No better than Fatty Green in this regard. All parasites, while the rest of us wave the flags and cough up our taxes to help pay for their lifestyle.
Brissles – you sound just as angry about the sainted Mo as Mr D. An article in the Telegraph today ‘demanding’ that Mo be knighted. Also the BBC news is reporting that there will be no limit to the number of medalists to be given awards. Now I always thought that pre-Tony B, sportsmen and sportswomen, as well as ‘entertainers’ received them for charitable work they did for free following receiving their medal. Why not go back to those times and if Mo shows over say the next 5 years a loyal dedication to this country ie paying his taxes, inspiring young people at events where he is not paid to attend, then fine, give him a knighthood.
Too right, it’s a waste to award a person for receiving an award !
Save gongs for people who have an extra so far unrewarded effort someone who’s been working hard in the olympic backrooms for years.
Could we say that as more banana republic people move into the UK the UK becomes more like a banana republic ?
I am Deborah, I am – the red mist has come down !! Up until recently one had to wait for years before a knight/damehood was conferred, but now they’re dished out like confetti to all and sundry. I remember the time when the likes of Alec Guinness, Peggy Ashcroft and other worthies received their awards, and it was like they attained the ultimate. Then the system degenerated to disc jockeys – Sir Jimmy Saville, and the likes of Bob Geldorf, and that was the death knell for the honours system. It will soon be the case – like tattoos, that those of us without them will be the special ones !!!!
I read an article where MF was asked why he didn’t run for Somalia – his reply “THIS is my country now !”. Ok ‘Mohammed’ fair enough, so if you continue to live abroad, then at least pay back from your millions earned, the training funding you have received courtesy of the British tax payer and those buying a Lottery ticket. And if you are so dedicated to THIS country AND married to a British woman how come your son is called Hussain ? and not Peter or Andrew or Jack ?
His self-congratulatory will be 10 times worse once the ‘Sir’ has been bestowed upon him – how hard he’s worked for it, and how it’s all for his kids. I don’t know which will be the worst – him or David Beckham.
I’d say that he is a shoe-in for a knighthood. Matthew Pinsent is a knight on the back of his 4 golds, and whilst these were achieved over 4 separate games, it does devalue the honour somewhat. Hoy, Redgrave, Wiggins Ainslie and the rest all have 5 plus.
Presumably, on that basis Laura Trott will become a Dame and Jason Kenney will also be up for a knighthood? Gone are the days when these things were awarded at the end of a career.
In an article today (about Rod Stewart) mention was made that it was highly unusual to be awarded a knighthood if the recipient was a tax exile – which Rod is. What the circumstances were surrounding Fatty Green getting his K then is anyone’s guess. Now seeing that Farah applied to be a tax exile back in January, surely it should be looked at long and hard before he gets an award – he’s already a CBE.
Samia Shahid ‘honour killing’: Ex-husband and father remanded
Guess the missing word.
PFI schools built in Scotland ‘owned by offshore firms’
In a critical report the BBC manages to avoid any mention of party politics. Well it is a while since the Conservatives ran Edinburgh or Scotland.
Why is this news so Earth-shattering? Does the BBC not understand where private investment comes from?
The problem is that at the time the One-Eyed Non-Prudent megalomaniac Brown was running the Treasury and the country he was ramping up expenditure on education and everyone thought this included the buildings. Oh no, Brown doubled education expenditure and hid the PFI scams, all the while claiming ‘prudence’ and that he had ‘reduced debt’, whilst doubling it even before the 2008 crash.
Nor the role played in the ‘success’ of PFI scams under that great Scottish export, McDoom.
BBc 13:00 news lead story Team GB reflects on it’s most successful overseas Olympics,
BBc 13:00 news lead story Team GB reflects on it’s most successful overseas Olympics, over 10 minutes. Oh good BBc will have full coverage of team GBs return tomorrow so I’ll be watching Hogan’s Heroes if I’m watching TV at all.
The 13:00 news ends and we a treated to another coma inducing montage of the Olympics yet again for another 3 minutes. Despite their apparent enthusiasm for sport this story has been dropped since breakfast:
Yes the first Briton , read Englishman, since Barry Sheene 35 years ago to win a Moto GP race.
It’s still the top story on their motorsport section but can’t say I’ve noticed it on their front sports page now.
It doesn’t surprise as the BBC’s coverage of motorsport these days is woeful to say the least. They used to have live F1 races but SKY have really got behind F1 and the BBC seem to have given up with live coverage only on Radio 5. They’ve lost MotoGP to BT Sport who, like SKY, are showing the Beeb how it should be done. ITV do very good coverage of the British Touring Car Championship (a series that is always overflowing with excitement), and they also cover the support races of the BTTC which is a good chance for fans to watch the future stars of international motorsport. ITV also cover the Isle of Man TT extensively, which the BBC hardly acknowledges exists until someone is killed then they suddenly take an interest.
It’s also interesting to note with regards to motorcycling specifically that in the entire history of the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year there have only ever been 2 awards, a 1st place for John Surtees (surely he should be “Sir” by now) in 1959, and a 3rd place for Barry Sheene in 1977…..That’s your lot.
Even more interesting is the Overseas Sports Personality of the Year, Surely Valentino Rossi deserved that title at least once? Er………No.
So I’m not in the least bit surprised that Cal Crutchlow’s historic victory has been somewhat overlooked, I mean what’s risking your life on a damp Czech circuit at 200MPH compared to yet another group orgasm at the feet of St.Farrah?
You must have been reading the wrong site.
The Formula One section has been racist wall to wall one person for years.
He is in every damn thing usually with pictures.
‘Cos he isn’t white.
I can’t comment on the BBC’s coverage of Hamilton as I only watch the races on SKY and read about him on various motorsport sites, I avoid the BBC coverage like the plague.
In my experience of the coverage of Hamilton the whole “Black” aspect and the inevitable comparisons with Tiger Woods etc died down fairly early on in his career. The reason he gets so much coverage now is due to his pure talent, he’s the best British driver since the days of Clark and Stewart. But the BBC coverage may be different.
The Duck. BBc F1 coverage in a nutshell every couple of minutes say Hamilton! Mention he’s at his best in dry / wet weather depending if the weather is dry / wet. Carry this on even if he is 22nd whilst ignoring what is going on at the front of the race.
Lol! That sounds about right.
That reminds of the American coverage of the CART series. I started watching it in 1993 just because Nigel Mansell had joined the series after leaving (or forced out) F1. They were absolutely obsessed with Al Unser Jr, or “Little Al” son of Indy legend AL Unser. I was watching a race where Mansell was battling for the lead while all the commentators could talk about was how “Little AL” had just moved up to 17th place!!!!
Yep it is on the website however they were running the story on TV earlier. I assume it’s been dropped to fit in more Olympic nostalgia.
Blind cancer survivor ‘was thrown out of a shop because she had GUIDE DOG with her’ – despite a sign in the window saying they are welcome >Found this in the mail……Shop front says it all….expect the Beeb to put the Panorama team on this one for the disgraceful way this disabled lady was treated
Good spot St George. It’s very hard to believe that only two comments have been posted on that article in 2 hours.
Looks like the Mail, as usual, doesn’t want to rock the boat.
You ask yourself why she was going into that shop anyway. It would be a cold day in Hell if I ever went into a shop like that.
The shop assistant speaks Urdu and the shop sells halal meat.
This is Rochdale. The customer might well be charged with racism
So, they hate guide dogs too now. Is there anything they DON’T hate?
And note the town: Rochdale! So, paedo rape/ trafficking/ grooming/ prostitution, no problem. Guide dog for elderly woman – Haram! Unclean! Bring out your dead!
I’m surprised the beeb haven’t picked it up, the dog was black so clearly canine racism. But I forgot: only whites can ever be racist.
These shopkeepers will have been all fawning and co-operative when they were required to put up the sign, but had absolutely no intention of honouring the sentiment. That is their attitude to our laws and all of us, smile at our faces, knife us in the back.
The Mail, ah! Recently, I read a post on said newspaper condemning other newspapers for being too lewd! So I just add to reply and tell that person: have you read your beloved Mail online? She said no! I told her you should do as the images on Mail online are more filthy than most of the other newspapers she was mocking!
Not on AlBeeb yet.
“Germany to advise storage of food and water against attacks.” “Militant attacks.”
No Reuters they are not Militants they are ****ing Muslims so why not say so?
Why not go further Reuters and state that allowing Islamic fanatics with a 1400 year history of mass murder into Europe was a mistake which a child of ten would have avoided?
War in our own back yard, brought to us all the way from the seventh century by people who were entrusted with the preservation of European states. Thank you European “Leaders”.
Well said Truthseeker. At least the British, Dutch and French leaders had the excuse that the Muslim ‘s were here well before they came to power.An unwanted relic from our shared colonial empires. ( If only Heath et al had listen to Enoch Powell). But the Swedish and German leaders have no excuse for wrecking their countries. Merkel is now wanting to increase European security. In Germany do they have an equivalent to the proverb , closing the stable door after the horse has bolted? So after her door wide open policy she now wants to try and repair the damage she has done. Too late you stupid woman, you have sown the seed which will wreck Germany and Europe in decades to come.
PS If she had wanted a Double Double Olympic champion she could have had the one that the BBC et al claim is ours . She only had to ask.
The millions of Muzzies who are here to vote Labour in return for benefits and housing, were not here.
For that we have to thank T Blair and the treason party.
There is nothing that the Labour Party can **** up given a chance.
There wasn’t a problem until Blair got in and he and his lying filthy advisers (yes you, Campbell and Mandelslime) decided they wanted to rub the Tories’ collective noses in it and change the face of the U.K. forever and render everyone various shades of brown rather than the heretofore prevailing white. The Neather action. And who has this tidal wave affected most? Why, NooLaBor’s previously loyal and donkey-like constituents, the working classes.
Remember that when a silly bitch like Kesia Dugdale says, as she did this morning when expressing her admiration for the weasel nonentity Smith, that Labour needed to oust the Tories to improve the lot of the working classes. It was you and your lot who DonaldDucked them in the first place, love!
The advice of the German government was mentioned on the 5 pm news, but so far, 5-40pm, there has been no mention of it on PM. Why not? After all a serious ( minus Merkle the idiot) government in western Europe advises its citizens to lay in stocks of water and food in case of attack. What do they know that informs this advice? After all you don’t need stocks of water and food if your country is attacked by ax men, or shooters or Muslims driving lorries, or even the use of nerve gas.You only do this if you fear that there will be a nuclear attack. This is frightening. No doubt if this truly awful event does occur the BBC will rush to reassure us that it was nothing to do with Islam, that the perpetrators had mental illnesses, and that the real problem will be anticipated backlash and possible Islamophobia as a result of millions of Europeans being killed.
Strategic happenings that may have huge implications for all.
Rushed evacuation of US nukes from Incirlik
Surely it is reflection that leaving nuclear weapons in a Muslim country is asking for trouble. For once I agree with something Obahma is doing. Putin won’t put Russia’s nuclear arsenal anywhere were Muslims can get hold of it.
Doublethinker: For once I agree with something Obahma is doing.
No doubt he is only doing it to protect his own arse – or ass, rather. After all, as a Muslim Obama is well aware of the mindless savagery of Islamic terrorists and he knows that nothing would delight them more than to make the White House the central target of a nuclear attack.
Turkey an Islamic State run by the Imams coming soon.
About turn on Turkish policy in the Middle East also coming soon.
Just watch the EU invite it to join; they are really that stupid.
I might be wrong but didn’t Cameron specifically state during the EU debate with Nigel Farage that Turkey wouldn’t be joining the EU within next 30years?
3000AD was the comment, not that we believed him.
Ah thanks TruthSeeker, I couldn’t remember the exact comment but do remember my reaction to his comment at the time which was along the lines of essence of cow. Also I think it was the same time he stated that the would be no EU army.
Erdogan was hoping to acquire Syria, then Iraq, and declaring himself the new caliph. But Russia has stymied that. America is unwilling to play ball in Ottoman empire building, and this has led Turkey to effectively declare the US airbase under quarantine.
This is not going to sit well with America. America has a long memory. I dont think it has forgotten the chicanery of Turkey in preventing the deployment of the US Third army in GW2 .
Lets hope that all this leads to Turkey out of Europe, its forced de-colonisation of parts of Cyprus.
Then everything will be in the air.
Let’s start by calling Turkey by its real name – Greece.
Russia’s Orthodox church regards Constantinople as its “holiest” city, the equivalent of Mecca to Muslims. Ditto Greece. Anatolia is really part of Europe. Events can run such that Anatolia does join a reformed trading only EU.
Turkey siding with Russia reminds me of Ka’s song in Mowgli.
One million illegal immigrants in the UK. It effects everything is this to be addressed or ignored, as has been for a very long time. Not the way to run a country.
One million illegals, and 5 million Muslims who want nothing better then to impose Sharia in the UK.
There has been an interesting development in the past day throwing a spotlight onto the Fascists use of Trans & IS people as human shields to defend their sinister plot to destroy gender.
British Runner Lynsey Sharp was beaten in a race at the Olympics by South African athlete Caster Semenya. If you don’t know Semenya, 25, has an ‘intersex’ condition called hyperandrogenism which results in her having testosterone levels that are three times those usually found in women and approaching those of a man.
The issue has been through the courts God knows how many times and Semenya who is genetically female is allowed to compete.
So when sore loser Lynsey Sharp (from Scotland) criticised the organisers for allowing her to race against her, you might have expected a fierce backlash from the Fascist left attacking a group they ‘claim’ to be championing as flavour of the month, but not a peep!
The only comments have been along the lines of race & white privilege from South Africa – nothing much from Europe at all.
In case your wondering Lynsey Sharp wasn’t even in contention for a medal she wasn’t even close coming in 6th and so there was no need for her to make a nasty comment.
To my mind once an issue is decided by the courts and the rules are clear before you start, then you don’t try to re-write them when you lose, and you certainly don’t start calling the winner names. That’s just not sportsmans honour.
Where are the Fascists though? Nowhere to be seen, nor heard. The BBC can manage to report the race and that Sharp finished a pathetic 6th but nothing else.
The Spat is left to the Mail:
Caster Semenya is an unfortunate case. She has external female sex organs, but no womb or fallopian tubes, and undescended testes. It is no fault of hers, but she is basically intersex, and closer to a man than a woman. I would have no problem in her running in a male race, but the girls do have a valid point if she is allowed to run as a female without taking drugs to suppress her testosterone levels.
They have no valid point as the case has already been to court & been decided. If they don’t like it then they shouldn’t race against her.
The case about testosterone levels has also been heard – twice.
If they cannot accept the decision of a court then they either don’t race, or if they choose to they accept it. It might have been understandable if the whinger had come in second, but she didn’t even figure !
But all that is to miss the point. Given this outburst where are all the Fascists who are claiming they champion this group? A couple of days ago we had the thread “Little MX” when they were trying to abolish gender identifiers, on the grounds trans people might be upset / offended (insert leftie lunacy as appropriate). Yet when an issue of a high publicity attack comes to light, they’re nowhere to be seen, proving yet again that this is a victim group being used as human shield to hide their real intentions.
It’s a question of whether the sports authorities want to be “unfair” to Mx. Semenya by banning her, or “unfair” to all the other female athletes who go out and sweat blood and tears to be the best they can, knowing they are going to be ground into the dust on the track.
I wonder if the same attitude would be taken if Mx. Semenya’s favoured sport was boxing, and she clubbed a few opponents into comas.
worth a listen
All I see is a box that says SoundCloud but nothing happens if I click on it. Why do people use these services which require downloads and accounts when they can upload them to Youtube and everyone can view them without any hassle. It just means far fewer people can listen.
Extremist prisoners to be kept in special units, reports AlBeeb.
Just bring back the treason laws and we can execute all the Muslim scum.
Bring back the treason laws? They never went away! This misconception needs to be addressed because the original 1351 act is still on the statute book ! The only thing which changed was that the death penalty was abolished so B Liar could get his hated Human Rights Act.
The government is reported as wanting to segregate Muslim prisoners who might pose a risk of indoctrinating others. What they haven’t told you is the truth (surprise surprise) The BBC did this evening, but they did it unwittingly and didn’t point it out.
They interviewed a ‘victim’ who had been approached by one of these terrorists, except they didn’t make a big thing out of the fact he wasn’t a Muslim at all, but someone they wanted to convert.
This is the majority of the problem, and it’s caused the the governments pro Islamic racism (if such thing exists) or discrimination.
Muslim prisoners get such a better deal in prison with free time, freedom of association better food, better facilities than other prisoners, that they convert because they want the better deal themselves.
If the government wanted to counter this then they could give Muslims a worse deal, except there’s no chance of them giving the brown eyed darlings that.
This isn’t going to go away until the situation is sorted out. Just remember that all prisoners are equal, but some are more equal than others !
Caught a bit of VD this morning – BBC 9:00 am.
‘Winning Moments’ from Rio 2016 – less than six minutes, but they managed to squeeze in ten clips of Saint Mo of Oregon.
Apologies if I have been asleep while this was discussed.
The dead Swiss train murderer, the one with the “Swiss name”.
Has the “Swiss” name been released yet?
Spreading like a cancer
Depressing beyond belief. If these are typical examples of our brightest and best, God help the future.
Katie – Social Justice vid: Hilarious. A generation that’s freer and wealthier and with more options than ever, to do anything, be anything, say anything – hysterically convinced they’re all victims of some imaginary oppression or getting violently offended on behalf of some bogus minority or other. Grievance culture to the nth psychotic degree. Is it the poisonous legacy of the Marxism that oozed into universities from the 60s onwards? Is it just having it too easy, got to find something to complain and get hysterical about? Rebels without a cause. And in their insanity often defending the most oppressive, totalitarian movements, religions, political parties. Truth turned upside down and back to front in their topsy turvy little Wonderland. Almost makes you wish some great disaster occurred, man-made or natural, famine or Armageddon, to make them see what a real problem looks like. Here’s what REAL fascism looks like!
R4 now a prog about Sharia and Britain
Hamdullah, Hamdullah
And peace be upon our great prophet El Corbyn, Inhsallah
Whilst they may or may not be a bad thing for women, sharia councils can always be reformed and presented as very good things indeed. The media will find lots of wimmin who approve of them’
But this is not the crucial issue which is – should we have a parallel legal system based on an alien ( and dare I say it) crackpot religion. Should we have two legal systems?
Perhaps I am being unfair, but should we have to accept anything from a tosser of an academic from SOAS without adequate response?
Would a man charged with bigamy become immune to prosecution if he just said he believed in Islam.
SOAS? If s/he tells you it’s Wednesday, buy a calendar. The place has become a madhouse.
SOAS? If s/he tells you it’s Wednesday, buy a calendar. The place has become a madhouse.
Always was.
GWF, I recall Rowan Williams (or is it Atkinson?!) was in support of the growth of Sharia in the UK some years ago. He did not reply to my written request that he provide me with the postal address for the Archbishop of Riyadh.
Quote: Freedom is contagious. What Brexit has done is encourage and empower millions of people throughout the West to also take a stand for local control, for national sovereignty, and for the rule of the people – not foreign elites.
Well done UK.
The revolution has begun.
End of quote.
In the referendum vote this Williams chap voted to “remain” He should learn from those more faithful to the union flag than he seems to be to the 12 star flag of Europe!
Apparently, this Williams man of god prefers the flag-of-stars preferring to jettison the flag with the CROSS on!
G, I remember that well because I suspected that journalists had misinterpreted Williams on this matter, as they often do with religious matters. I read his sermon twice and still could not understand it – he didn’t seem to make any points at all other than some sort of vapid waffle along the lines of ‘Sharia is alright, but then again it isn’t; but in a very real sense, it is both, and yet neither, and can we even say such a thing as Sharia exists anyway.’
Amra Bone, Samia Bano and Maryam Namazie.
And this is about human rights where? Iran? Syria? Oh, Britain. Silly me for believing as a British citizen there should be somebody defending our own laws, liberties and culture – you know, those that are under attack on all fronts from Islam.
The decisions made by these kangaroo courts are not binding on either party, and should certainly never recognised in English law. It can only be discriminatory to a woman if she chooses to follow the diktats handed down.
I love the way the BBC ALWAYS leaps to the defence of Islam, in a technique learned from Communist countries called ‘Left wing denial’ It’s never a policy which is wrong, it is the people (referred to as counter revolutionaries).
And it’s never Islam which is wrong, it is the people who misinterpret it !
“issuing divorces that are unfair to women, contrary to the teachings of Islam.”
Who is the Imam at the BBC who KNOWS this, and how is he (for it must be a He) any better qualified than the Old Muslim men sitting in judgement over their peers?
Thoughtful, I’m becoming more and more convinced that the left views Islam as ‘useful idiots’. The thing is, I think radical Islam views the left in the same way – and eventually there’s going to be a showdown over who’s the bigger idiot.
If the young snowflakes are so for Europe, then how come they don’t speech as many foreign languages as us oldies (judging by O & A level choices)and want to do everything in English ? says (Libby Purves in the Times)
– Also in the Times, Xinhua the Chinese news agency took a 1 page advert to celebrate their own Olympians.
Obsessing about “this month’s fancies”, while ignoring others as worthy is not unique to the B-BBC… Today every newspaper has a photo of Mo Farah on the cover except for the Guardian and the Times
Will the BBC’s Brexit fear factory report this Brexit Positive story ?
Brexit is an opportunity rather than a hindrance, finds SMEs Small Business survey
I do wonder if CitySprint sells franchises so may want ppl to believe in the economy ?
However last year the same survey was negative “Brexit remains major source of worry for small firms” (that was last year)
Strictly Come Dancing 2016 contestants announced so far –
Anastacia – American pop singer
Claudia Fragapane – gymnast of Italian descent
Daisy Lowe – bisexual model
Ed Balls – ex Labour MP
Laura Whitmore – Irish presenter
Louise Redknapp – pop singer
Melvin Odoom – black DJ and presenter
Naga Munchetty – Asian newsreader
Ore Oduba – black news and sports presenter
Robert Rinder – gay reality series presenter
Will Young – gay pop singer
Danny Mac – actor
Very representative, that is of the people the BBC like and the people the BBC don’t like. LGBT people and ethnic minorities seem to be doing alright, straight white guys not so much. So far Danny Mac is the only one who isn’t that BBC favourite – a failed left-wing politician. There’s still a few contestants to announce but I’m not getting my hopes up.
What?! No Nadiya?
Can they afford Mo?
Nadiya – I’m sure they’re working on a Halal dance routine as we speak, though probably too many gender-segregation ‘complications’ to overcome in time for this series, like with the viewing audience for example.
Still, with a little help from the right cultural ‘experts’, anything is possible.
Sorry JTF, accidentally pressed Report comment. Thanks for posting this story. Unbelievably this swimming pool is granting what are effectively Muslim men only sessions despite the fact we all had to pay for its construction. The lies told by Abdul-Wadud Ahmed in this article need to be highlighted.
“There is a large demand for it.”
Not true. Reports are saying that hardly anyone is turning up for these sessions. The scheme is an outrageous waste of an Olympic size pool and council tax money.
“We haven’t received any negative feedback from anyone.”
Not true either. The local press has been full of critical letters and the non-Muslim population is royally pissed off.
No prob re the reporting.
This is yet another example of pandering to Islam in a way that is totally contrary to our hard-won liberties. Somehow the ‘authorities’ who make these decisions are unable to understand how it pisses people off, which is why events like the Brexit vote have these ‘progressive’ bubble-dwellers reaching for the smelling salts.
However, it yet again raises the question that if the majority Muslim population of Luton don’t want these privileged swimming sessions, why don’t they come out and say so? Why suffer the bad publicity for the sake of an apparently small, vocal minority?
She’s waiting for her Nobel prize in caking.
Well Obama was granted a Nobel PEACE prize, when he hadn’t actually made any peace, he hadn’t even been in office at the judging.
..and since then plenty of soldiers have died.
Emmanuel – Nobel prize for being a Muslim, like Obama’s for being black. Sort of.
I read that Nadiya was appearing on “Would I lie to you?” I gave my wife three guesses as to who was going to appear – she got it in one!
This has been counter-productive amongst my friends and family for some while – will the Beeb ever learn?
Which one is the Scots one ?
Scots are 1/12th of UK population ..(not all have them have a chip on their shoulder about “the English”)
Well the final three competitors on Strictly Come Dancing have been announced and it didn’t get much better.
Tameka Empson – black actress
Lesley Joseph – white actress
Greg Rutherford – left-wing long jumper who caused a furore about sharing the stage with Tyson Fury on Question Of Sport.
So just 3 out of 15 are straight white guys two of which are known lefties. Do we feel represented? As per usual there is one more female contestant than male.
Commented deleted.
Whoops! When I mentioned Greg Rutherford earlier not wanting to share a stage with Tyson Fury, it was of course Sports Personality Of The Year and not Question Of Sport.
…And the program is presented by two unamusing women, as well as the nightly ‘let’s fill as much airtime as we can with this farce’ It Takes Two…
I never watch the main show but I can’t seem to avoid the “it takes two” trash! I try to avoid it by clicking onto the other side when it pops up on BBC two but its even on BBC one at the same time! The presenter is so: “all the nation watches the show so be as excited as I am” kinda play ground excitement!
I never watch it. But the state of things with that lot BBC. Why doesn’t those faceless wonders who hold our licence fee simply go public and confess that they hate any hint of Judeo-Christian air-time and call themselves the “Lamestream Gaystapo Media”
They know they want to!
Mention has been made on here many times about the BBC’s coverage of Islamic ‘radicalisation’ and in particular the government’s ‘Prevent’ strategy.
Why is it the BBC only ever attempts to hold the government to account whilst ignoring what the Muslim ‘community’ itself could be doing, from parents through Imams to the Muslim Council? A clear example was their reporting of the 16-year old female Islamic radical who was recently killed by a Russian air strike whilst serving under ISIS. The BBC’s take was that she and her mates, from their predominantly Muslim school in a predominantly Muslim area, had disappeared off to Syria after telling their parents they were going for a day out. This particular girl’s father was since exposed in some parts of the press as an extremist, with photographic evidence of him doing his Islamic fruit at a violent Islamic protest. Why is he consistently ignored by the BBC? They are always at pains to lecture us about Muslim family values but strangely they don’t seem to matter in this case, rather it’s the fault of the government and the police for not stopping the ‘girls’ from going. The girl’s father has never been on their radar apart from early doors when he was shamelessly crying wolf before a Parliamentary enquiry, getting Plod to apologise in the most cringing example of virtue-signalling yet seen in our Mother of Parliaments. Following his subsequent exposure, the BBC dropped him like a red hot bhaji, never to be seen again.
In the newspaper this morning it was reported that radicalisation is rife in prisons because staff won’t act for fear of being accused of racism or ‘Islamophobia’, just as the authorities were in Rotherham, Rochdale and all points of the UK compass. In other words Political Correctness, that behaviour-correcting tool of the Left (and in particular the BBC) – is facilitating criminality and terrorism on an unimaginable scale in this country and our National Broadcaster is doing balls-all about it. In fact, by indulging anti-Prevent senior Islamics and Lefties (including their own in-house ‘comedians’) with their ‘mustn’t stigmatise young Muslims’ and ‘alienation’ and ‘Islamophobia’ and all the rest of it, rather than holding them to account, they continue to tighten the strings of the PC straitjacket that has got us into this unholy mess.
This fat, stinking pro-Islamic bias is endangering the very fabric of our society. As long as the BBC can act with impunity – and it does – the situation will only get worse.
Agreed. Though it’s about time we started to call ‘Political Correctness’ by a name which is not so sanitised. A much better term would be ‘Programmed Fascism’ as that is all it is.
PC is the bullying and intolerant demand by leftists that only their approved ‘correct’ thoughts should be allowed.
This is pure fascism, as we see more and more of daily from the left.
Islamic terrorism & Islamic ‘radicalisation’.
I am still waiting to see our ‘RoP’ers’ marching through London shouting ‘Not in our name’ , ‘Not in our name’ .
They are conspicuous by their absence.
Owen Smith proudly announces that He has no pride in Britain, and that Britain is not a country anyone can be proud of! Odd the BBC hasn’t reported it though:
“A Britain we can be proud of once more” implying that it currently isn’t, but without saying why!
Tell Owen that there are plenty of people trying to get in here. Perhaps he should emigrate and find a country he will be ‘proud of’ to make some room .
‘Make Britain Great Again’
Not only banhing on obsessively about the Olympics, but the same nd same way on all networks
The BBC demonstrates incredible ;lack of self awareness; I guess they spend all the time at their villas in Tuscany instead of listening to their own networks.
They ALREADY have a custom sports network 5Live and it has 2 channels, so why on R4 do we have to have first the presenter talking about Mo Farah, then the Newsreader making him the first or second item ..only for the sports presenter to open his report by talking about Mo Farah ?
If we liked sport we’d already be listening to 5 Live
The BBC chooses not have it’s own sports TV channel/s, I guess that is a trick to buy sports cheaper, cos they promise the governing bodies they’ll put their sport on the main channel BBC1 or BBC2 etc.
Too often the public get stuff pushed in their face, instead of choosing it for themselves.
How the bBC selectively edits the news in which to encompass its own Politically correct agenda.
So, how many people spotted this article on the beeb news website:
Slavery reports rise fivefold, Salvation Army says
The Salvation Army says it has seen nearly a fivefold rise in the number of slavery victims it has helped in England and Wales since 2012. The charity says it supported 1,805 people from April 2015 to March 2016. By comparison, it had 378 referrals between July 2011 and June 2012 – its first year of operating the government contract to support victims.
The bBC then knocks out a number of victim stories and finishes with this chart:

I then noticed that a few Asian countries were missing (actually the entire sub continent) So a quick check on the Sally Army website from Aug 15 to July 16 gives me the following:
Afghan=7 people
Bangladesh = 34 people
Pakistan = 40 people
If you wish to check my figures here is the sally website
Anybody know why the bBC would leave out the above?
I thought that Albanians were mostly Muslims
They certainly aren’t, maybe you’re thinking Kosovo which is mostly Muslim. Albania itself was athiest for a long time .. although there are now some new mosques, most people are still atheists with minority of Muslims and probably more Christians.
Albania had to be “Atheist” as they were part and parcel of the Soviet Union, however, the current demographics are”
You’re right, but maybe more of an ethnic identity rather than passionate religion.*
Thanks for the correction, yes a few sources do say around 60% so I’ll accept that. I was there for 2 months in 2009 and it certainly didn’t seem like a passionate Muslim country (I’ve travelled extensively in about 10). Certainly in the south and west the people in the town streets seemed very a new mosque built with Saudi money wasn’t very busy. Now I think about it, firstly even in the south it would be one village traditionally Christian, one village traditionally muslim etc. Not seeming very religious, but they did have some arranged marriages etc. Ah some were Bektashi a sect like the dancing Sufis in Turkey. And all down the east, north, mountains and at the city facing the Kosovo the people were vastly ethnic Muslims. It struck me that local population had been topped up by ethnic muslims moving over from Kosovo and that perhaps local non-ethnic Muslims had moved out of the area. I visited a mountain monastery at one point.
The Wikipedia page on Albanian religions Demographics shines some light
“If you wish to check my figures here is the sally website”
Yeah, I did and cannot find your problem. Here’s the link to the actual stats:
Agree with @Edward The BBC simply repeated the Salvation Army PR
If Pakistan and Bangladesh are left off, it was the Sally that did it
However i cannot find @Pounce’s Pakistan and Bangladesh stats on the Sally website. unless they are buried in the month by month Excel spreadsheets
The bBC, Black lives matter and why haven’t they reported this killing of a black Muslim in America by a white Copper.
US: Somali Muslim shot and killed after attacking woman and Policeman.
Good spot, thanks Pounce. As the article says, could the reason for the lack of a circus be anything to do with the fact that everything was caught on camera, including the assailant repeatedly walloping the armed policeman with what looks like a long piece of wood?
Great website Pounce and love the “Latin” banner line – as 24 year ex Navy it was my motto too.
re the earlier discussion somewhere here earlier re the new head-line of this site and within that “reporting bias”. Agree with some of the comments that indicate that is a little narrow. Change it to broadcasting bias or just leave the adjective out altogether?
and while I am logged on why not change references here to “Al Beeb” and just rename this crock of shite the “BIBC”?
I leave you to work out what the “I” stands for in the ends in “mic”. It could well be the official name in 10 years anyway if folk don’t wake the f*ck up fairly smartish.
Well, then. The BBC has been using the word ‘extremist’ a lot, today, but has not been putting the word ‘Islamic’ before it. Thus, despite the odd ‘Islamist’ chucked into reports, many would be forgiven to think that we have a problem with all religions and extremism. But we all know this not to be the case. Police, prison wardens, politicians, journalists, teachers, social workers…. ad infinitum: they;re all afraid of offending Islam. Our forefathers would be horrified at how cowardly we’ve become. Apart from our brave military personnel, we have become a nation of big sopping wet jessies.
And regarding the story linked below, is anyone surprised by this appointment of a former Liebour minister? Anyone who has viewed Newsnight or listened to Today of late will know that the BBC long ago dropped any pretence at impartiality. It is a full-blown, pro-Islam, anti-Christian, far-Left Labour propaganda machine (with the excellent Andrew Neil being an exception).
A woman with a machete attacks people in Brussels. Newspaper reporters add the obligatory piece from the cops and government.
‘Sources close to the investigation say police do not believe the incident was terrorism or politically motivated and the assailant is said to have had mental health problems’
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Bloody hell, all of a sudden there is an epidemic of ‘mental health’ attacks across Europe. Strange how all of these ‘mental health’ offences and murders include knives and the words ‘allahu akbar’. I don’t recall any of these machete ‘mental health’ attacks before mad Merkel’s open door immigration policy. What we are seeing before our very eyes and ears is the left-wing controlled media across Europe lying and covering up Islamist terrorist attacks. Very worrying. But why all the lies and destruction of western culture? Is it really down to the Kalergi plan?
The whole of Europe is a pressure cooker and its media is trying to keep the lid on. In time it will explode.
The mental health card, much like the racist card used to be, is being used to stifle debate, once played the case is closed until the card wears out through misuse that is. ‘Mental health’ covers a very wide spectrum of complaints, and until a definitive link can be proven. ie. a persons mental illness directly led them to commit a crime, just how relevant is it? About as relevant as whether or not the person has a cold, was wearing trainers, or even the colour of their skin perhaps. Many people struggling with mental health issues are no more stabby than the ‘saner’ population, so why even mention it? Of course, we know the answer to that one.
Oldspeaker, I can’t help thinking what we are seeing is like the medieval catch-all explanation of ‘demonic possession’ to explain and/or silence anyone who spoke or acted contrary to the ‘official’ viewpoint. In more recent times, the Soviets used ‘mental health’ as an excuse to imprison indefinitely and without trial many of its dissidents.
That latter tactic has already been used on AGW sceptics (the disgusting Lewandowsky paper in Psychological Science) . You could even argue it was used against Brexit supporters and UKIP votes, both of which groups are routinely denigrated as ‘under educated’ by the BBC and its cronies.
Clearly, the Left was paying attention when the Soviets were setting the pace for propaganda tactics.
The machete – is that generally the weapon of choice for Belgians?
Do Belgian women walk around with a collapsible machete in their handbags, next to the collapsible brolly?
I don’t, but I’m not Belgian. Mind you I might have to reconsider my handbag weapon policy over the next few years when I travel into a town or city. I’d quite like one of those small crossbows – more Swiss than Belgian. I liked William Tell as a child. I could personalise it with some pink paint and stick-on diamante. Nice.
Given the number of people with mental problems who belong to the Religion of Peace, perhaps it should be renamed The Religion of Mental Illness.
According to one site, ‘The woman is reportedly mentally ill, and of Asian descent’.
And there was me thinking those Balinese were peaceful folk!
Peterthegreat, from that description she could be a depressed Thai or a melancholic Korean. We all know what the ‘code’ really means, it’s just annoying that our intelligence is insulted in this way.
Cheer up. Al Beeb may not like words like Islamic Extremist but its viewers and readers are far less reticent and it is fair to say the usual Al Beeb multiculti doctrine is not going down too well
Quite heartening, really.
Here’s the third highest rated, from mighty scots pine
“Britain has never been an Islamic country. It doesn’t owe muslims anything. The right to religious freedom comes with a responsibility also – conform to the democrat, egalitarian laws in this country otherwise be jailed, deported or stripped of citizenship. Whatever is in the best interests of this country (interests that trump the right to religious freedoms)”
Unsurprisingly, on the first page of the ‘Highest’, two have already been binned.
A BBC moderation trend that if applied here would see much tut tutting if not strong language from some.
Having just had a look at both “best” and “latest” comments I suspect the link is about to go into the BBC tea lady’s rubbish sack.
The benefits of immigration. Embrace the multiculturalism ……….
Its prisoners ……………
Its slavery…….
Thank god for Brexit, hope is on the way.
Evidence of the assault on freedom of speech & thought.
Not the sharpest tool in the box took a photo of a poster on a bridge on a Motorway which simply said ‘Murderers’ and the date of the Hillsborough disaster. He then posted the image onto his Facebook page where it was screen grabbed and circulated to other who wanted to be outraged.
The judge accepted he had nothing to do with the making of the poster or the people who made it.
As one poster said, what is to stop any news organisation being prosecuted for posting an offensive image on their web site? I find plenty of highly offensive images every day, can I inform the Police?
If we are now prosecuting football fans for their excesses in team rivalries where is this attack on our age old freedom going to end?
Machette (or knife) attack on Belgium bus, 3 wounded and female attacker shot dead by police. Sounds significant, but apparently not to the beeb who aren’t covering it at time of writing.
But bless, innocent little Shaimaa Khalil is still asking: “Why do some people find the burkini offensive?”
“…Her children and I changed into our swimsuits, and she into her burkini, which was basically a surfing wet suit.
She covered her hair and off we went. We swam, raced, dived and laughed our hearts out.”
Aaah, Jolly Hockey Sticks, but then: “Then we came out to dry up.
There were people all around us lying on the sand – sunbathing in their bikinis, tankini one-piece suits and some chose to take their tops off completely.
But guess who got the most looks on the beach that day?
Yes, my friend in the burkini.
Some looks were inquisitive; others were just unfriendly.”
Shock horror, she got some INQUISITIVE looks (looking like a bin liner on a topless beach), gasp, and even some UNFRIENDLY ones, quick, the smelling salts. WHY she asks?
Dunno Shaimaa, but could this be a clue?
Let’s get this straight. The reason why burkinis are ridiculous is 1. They are totally impractical for swimming or sunbathing. 2. It took a long time for women (and men) to be allowed to wear practical bathing clothes – more than a century from when sea-bathing became popular in the mid nineteenth century, to when the modern bikini/swimming trunks became available in the 1940s. So even if you discount its religious connations the burkini is a totally retrogade step. Not so much ‘Islamophobia’, more ‘stupid impractical medieval clothing-o-phobia.’
Exactly, harking back to the days when religion ruled everything.
Brussels knife attack – “Early reports suggest the attacker was mentally muslim.”
Why are the BBC looking for them ? What is Italy doing about them ? What is the EU doing about them? Why is Great Britain expected to pick up the tabs when we have the poor of our own.
Charity begins at home, we cannot support the rest of the world . We already run an International Health Service at a cost to our own sick and ill.
Can any one inform me if Al Beeb has covered this summit ?
The real reason for New BBC-Internet snooping detector vans to catch licence dodgers.
because a password system would be the road to BBC becoming a subscription service.
‘The easiest way to police viewing would be a password system linked to your licence , but BBC management are scared stiff cos they see that way as setting the BBC on the road to becoming a subscription service.’ Steve Hewitt speaking in the last 15 mins of You and Yours
(If they did have a password system the advertising industry would pay $billions for the data collected)
He also suggested there currently wasn’t such a big problem with licence dodging from people who said they only watched by catchup. ..Said there are many reasons why licence purchase is running lower than BBC prediction models. One of the biggest being that previous licewnce payers are often moving back with parents. “the BBC loves it when people get divorced cos 2 households means 2 licences”
“Germans told to stockpile food and water for civil defence”
Why are Al Beeb late reporting this story …………..
It was reported on this site the day before yesterday ?
Interesting, Taffman. I like the way the Beeb gets in ‘scaremongering’ in the first para! But can you imagine the British government ever advising something like this? Tell the average Brit that they might not get their hand held by ‘the guvvament’ and they would kack themselves!
Oddly enough I’ve been building up my emergency stores (in house and car) for the first time since the financial crash of ’08. A major terrorist attack could result in some serious problems and its better to be prepared – my aim is to be able to survive in the house for two weeks without utilities(stock of food and 40 gallon water tank in the loft), and to be able to survive for at least 24 hours outside the house if necessary. (‘Bug out bag’ with tent, stove, ration packs etc).
Not the so-called bbc,but thought it hit the nail on the head in so many ways
Gary Sinise was Lt Dan in Forrest Gump and also starred in CSI New York……not all actors are leftards
Commented deleted.
That may well be
But the sentiment remains valid
You can trust a leftard
That of course should read as you cant trust a leftard
Commented deleted.
If you want to feel insulted feel free
No one forces you to come here
Commented deleted.
Like i say youre not forced snowflake
If you thought that Labour-supporting Leftoid and Twatter enthusiast Helen Boaden was a poor Head of Radio for Al Beeb you probably didn’t think it could get any worse.
“John Whittingdale, the former culture secretary, has urged the BBC to rethink plans to appoint James Purnell, a Labour cabinet minister under Gordon Brown, as its new radio chief.”
Purnell, you will remember, was the Leftoid liar and Labour minister (goes with the job you might say), who on camera for Brillo’s programme said that illegal donations by one David Abrams HAD been repaid. Not only had they NOT been repaid but there is much doubt as to whether they were ever repaid.
NooLabor thought it could put out any lie in those days and get away with it. Mind you, they still do.
As his predecessor once famously claimed, arrival within the bosom of the world’s most trusted and loved broadcaster immediately mutates impartiality into the DNA.
Hence as James walks in the door in his new role, BBC professionalism will immediately ensure that any hint of what saw him installed in the first place gets left at the door.
BBC Radio is free to air. Listen at your peril if you value information or education without taint.
This is something you will NOT see the BBC News mentioning.
For every minute of every hour of every day 36 Israeli companies have been watching over the Rio Olympics and keeping everyone safe.
With security a top priority the Brazilian authorities turned to Israeli companies.
Everything from an Israeli satellite tracking movements to Israeli specialists training 10,000 Brazilian security personnel.
In addition to mobilizing some 85,000 police and military personnel, Brazil decided to turn to Israel to guarantee the safety of the event.
The firm chosen for this monumental task was ISDS (International Security and Defense System.
The market is booming for Israel, which is already recognized as a leader in the field.
Maybe Labour could ask them for a quote to cover the conference?
They have UAF and Hope not hate as backup along with momentum members. Weapon of choice, spit and the word racist in a loud patronising whine.
Katie H
Good point. They can spit, and shout c***t, and if you listen to their whine when they shout ‘scum’ it sounds like scam, as in ‘Fascist scam of our streets’. As they all support the Pallies and are sweet on Jihadism, they won’t let any Jews enter the conference.
‘Double Dole’ 🙂
Just a thought…. Following the many recent Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe, I wonder how many European governments and businesses are now or considering using or consulting Israeli security companies. Secretly, of course, one doesn’t wish to offend or anger Muslims or the BDS movement..Or even perhaps ministers being fearful of being accused of being Islamophobic or God forbid being pro-Israel!!
BBC Ignores Rocket Attacks, Reports on IDF Response…….
At around 2:30 on the afternoon of August 21, terrorists based in the Gaza Strip fired a missile at the Western Negev town of Sderot. According to one report, “The rocket landed between two homes, near a college and the local train station. Locals said it was ‘a miracle’ that nobody was injured.”
The IDF responded with strikes on Hamas infrastructure in Beit Hanoun, and later carried out additional strikes. The BBC News English-language website did not provide any coverage of the missile attack against Israeli civilians.
The BBC Arabic website, however, produced two reports — about the Israeli response to the missile fire. The second report and the website’s homepage both used a photograph of a water tower allegedly damaged during the Israeli response to the missile attack.
However, as noted at the Israellycool blog, photographs showing the same damage to the same water tower were published by AFP nearly a year ago.
R4 Today Programme drags on Peter Sutherland yet again to lecture us on how backward and small minded we are not to allow in the flood of migrants from Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc
The interviewer gets on a roll and asks whether it was TV footage of migrants flooding across the Med that caused the brexit vote. If only we were all like Juncker and got rid of borders.
I don’t think it was the TV footage that caused it, it was the prospect of having to live next to the bleeders.
The simple question to put to all those who advocate open-borders immigration is ‘how can unlimited numbers of immigrants be compatible with a contributory welfare system?’
Sweden will provide the answer in the near future
…‘how can unlimited numbers of immigrants be compatible with a contributory welfare system?’
Not an issue according to the BBC, who continually quote that flawed report which concluded immigrants are ‘net contributors to the economy’.
They may be ‘net contributors to the economy’. But what about all the infrastructure needed to support them ? How much does all that cost ?
Are they not gross contributors 😉
‘net contributors to the economy’ – I’d love to see that broken down by nationality. I’m sure the Poles, say, contribute a lot more than some others.