“I am an experienced asylum judge in a major British population centre and you must believe me when I say this: our immigration controls are broken and the country cannot cope.”
The relentless assault on our way of life by the the traitorous b*stards at Al Beebistan HQ continues with out fail, as it does every day, on Al Beebs propaganda webshite today…
We have the “no shit Sherlock” scenario where we are told “mother’s pay lags far behind men”, then devious scumbags explaining why (about as well as the Al Beebs journalistic abilities are going to explain anything), then the Al Beebs true agenda becomes apparent as the only ‘expert/professional antagonist’ we hear from is to preach to us how discriminated women are!!!!! WTF Al Beeb!! These mothers will mostly have husbands and partners who clearly want their respective households to be earning as much money as possible!!!!! Both the mother and the farther know that having time off to have a child reduces income!!! Let me explain for you… WORKING LESS HOURS EARNS LESS MO
Next…. We have the lie/withholding of information of all time in an article about a young boy being enriched by a hand grenade, as the Al Beeb bring out this bad boy when trying to make us all feel bad for how evil we all are for being horrible to gimmagrants/terrorists /good Muslims…
“Sweden generally has low crime rates but police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo”
And there you have it folks! The rape capital of the world is generally low in crime! Rape?!!! That means absolutely nothing to Al Beeb!
Good news for “broadcasting balance” Tony Blairs pall James Purnell about to be appointed head of BBC radio.
Its a bit like appointing Jimmy Saville to run an investigation into child sexual abuse or appoint Kim Jong Un as the head of the Press Complaints Commission. Articles in the Express and Mail talk about his appointment being in part as a “reward” for his skills in helping to negotiate the charter review. (though some of us would interpret this whole process as the Grand Shafting of Whippingbum into a rather grubby submission) – right down his street I suspect!
This all becoming very surreal. Especially the brass necked way such a partisan individual is allowed to have a major hand in running a service which is meant to be unbiased. I think his appointment is more of a statement and a challenge to everyone else not enclosed by the BBC bubble.
So where are leaders when we need them? – are they
1. In denial about what is happening ?
2. Turned into latte quaffing surrender monkeys ?
3. Cynically exploiting the whole situation for some globalist anti democratic goal?
4. Or just merely absent – treating good government as no more important than turning on an auto pilot and getting back to the Times crossword?
I always thought leaders should lead – I guess times are a changing.
BBC Radio (particularly Radio 4 and The World Service) already operates as a regressive propagandist station, broadcasting its vile Marxist dogma 24/7, allowing no examination of alternative opinions, permitting no disturbance of their preferred narratives.
Comrade Purnell’s appointment merely confirms (again) what we’ve all known for a very long time: Regressives understand that to control the message you have to control the medium – this means always ensuring a safe pair of hands in any succession to the upper-echelon elite.
Purnell won’t worry about trifling details like so-called ‘impartiality’ – and why should he? The wider msm doesn’t give a fig about it, either, since they’re all in it together, as far as the regressive agenda goes.
The BBC gets is free £4.5bn a year just for existing. Most importantly, the BBC always wants to reminds you that it doesn’t care what you think, that none of your opinions are reflected in its toxic, regressive, one-sided view of the world. It wants to make sure that every day, every hour, every minute, it can keep putting its boot into your face, whilst simultaneously robbing you with menaces.
Purnell will go laughing all the way to the bank. Dachas for the comrades. Life is great when you’re part of the most privileged class, earning free money, sneering at the proles.
Is it not a bit strange that there is no mention on Auntie’s website of yesterday’s meeting between Merkel, Hollande and Renzi? A meeting about ‘deeper’ EU defence plans. There was mention of an EU Army. I thought this was supposition (not). I would welcome your views – thanks.
The BBC will never mention it (or at least try to bury it) because it would be a “told you so” of the Leave campaign. The Leave campaign flagged it up as one of the things “coming soon to an EU near you”: the EU army. Apparently the EU decided to shelve their plans until after the referendum so as to try and dupe (sorry, “not alarm”) the voters, but we didn’t fall for it. What will happen when the EU Army doesn’t agree with NATO?!? There goes Germany (sorry, “the EU”) destabilising Europe all over again. How many wars is that now that the EU has caused?
As NATO already exists what job could be done by an EU Army? – perhaps helping the Super States citizens to toe the line set by its unelected Commissioners or else!
The Euro is close to collapse, there are calls for referendera which would produce more exits.
So it will be full steam ahead for express speed political union, if it does not happen now it may never happen.
They will need an army to quell the unrest.
The EU, politically united by force, its native population diluted by unwanted stone age scum, terrorised by a Soviet style regime, would become our enemy.
Time for more defence spending, much closer ties with Russia who would also view the expansionist EU as a threat.
The EU, winner of the Nobel Peace prize, will turn into the EUSSR predicted on BBBC for years.
It’s possible an EU army could just be a cost-saving method to share defence. However…an EU army would be much more effective at quelling civil unrest. Soldiers are far less likely to fire on their own people – possibly even their own friends and relatives – than a mixed bag of soldiers from other countries loyal to nobody except their EU paymasters. (The British realised this when they sent mainland troops to quell unrest in northern Ireland instead of using the Ulster territorials and ‘B’ armed special constabulary).
I think mainland troops were deployed for exactly the opposite reason that you cite. It was hoped that they would be seen as non-partisan, as they were in the beginning.
Yes, Mike, the three were all in agreement to ‘steam-on’ with the deluded concept of closer union and the EU Army. I suspect the EU Army creation/formation will be accelerated since it will very soon be needed to control the peoples of Europe when they rise up to try to stop their Governments importing more (now principally black from sub-Saharan Africa) people who do not have a hope of finding employment. Interesting to see what the Eastern bloc will do about this in view of their anti-immigrant stance. Germany is already finding that a mere 30,000 of the 1.5 million recent imports are capable of any work and most of that ‘work’ is created for the purpose by the Government. Indeed, the new phenomena is, migrants refusing to entertain ANY offers of, ‘work’ as they claim to be, ‘guests of Merkel’. (http://newobserveronline.com/we-are-merkels-guests/).
It is clear as the migrant numbers grow exponentially in Germany that virtually all of them will be a complete drain on the Social Security system for many years to come. This assumes that the German Government does not reduce the qualification period of 5 years for ‘Free Movement’ to apply. They are considering a period of 3 years. To do so would shed Germany’s responsibility when those able to move to other European States, do so. The rest of Europe (excluding the UK, of course) will suffer as a result of Merkel’s deluded beneficience.
G – If the Appeaser manages to hang on for another year or two before triggering Article 50 (especially if she allows the “Brexit” departments to squabble rather than deal with the job in hand – I also have a theory that Boris is a bit of a spoiler and was never really committed to brexit).
And if Germany shortens the free movement qualifying period to 3 years. Then who is to say that we too will not be able to help out Germany by taking our “fair share” of all these new Doctors, Engineers and teachers.
Probably won’t be reported by the BBC, according to them there are no problems at all with migrants, and to even mention it is racist. Go figure. The answer is obviously more muslim immigration. 🙄
BBC’s record breakers set to arrive home
Our national broadcaster’s record breaking Olympics team will fly in luxury as they return from Rio on Tuesday morning
Britain is the first country to outnumber competing Olympians with their broadcast staff tally at the Games.
Some presenters have returned home already, but 400 hangers on and support staff will be on the special flight scheduled to land at Heathrow.
The Boeing 747 will have a brown nose cone and a “victoRIOus” livery.
Following their arrival home there are set be jubilant scenes at expenses claims ceremonies planned for both London and Salford offices.
Today, this morning before the news at 7, someone promoting their book about refugee crisis had a go at “eastern and central European countries” not sharing the “humanitarian ideals” of Germany and other western European countries. Today presenter of course ummed and ahhed in sympathy. No analysis of the, ahem, issues such mass immigration has caused in Germany recently for example, nor of its demographics being skewed and distorted forever.
Compare and contrast with LBC’s Nick Ferrari just after 7 roasting the economic spokesman from the TUC about that organisation’s total failure to address mass immigration into the UK as a factor in stagnating wage levels (the usual Tory cuts/evil capitalism themes being rolled out no doubt). Ferrari scored several direct hits, the TUC bloke was humiliated and cut off contemptuously by NF. This stuff keeps you going doesn’t it?
Jack, no analysis whatever when the BBC later interviewed the Public Enemy number 1 – Peter Sutherland of the UN Refugee Council and one other pro-immigrant. No balanced reporting, no mention of the crime wave sweeping Europe, no mention of the fact that there are not enough menial jobs for the so-called, ‘Refugees’, no mention of the ISIS infiltration. Nothing BBC. ‘The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’? Thanks to the internet, this website and others, it is easy to determine truly what’s going on. Crucially people are forming their own views on, ‘The Worlds Most Trusted….’.
“Study reveals Donald Trump is more of a psychopath than Hitler”
“Donald Trump is more of a psychopath than rival Hillary Clinton – and many infamous villains from the past, according to a new study.”
Enver Hoxha – Communist.
Josip Broz – Communist.
Kim Il Sung – Communist.
Ho Chi Minh – Communist.
Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov – Communist.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt – Crypto Communist.
Plenty more in the lower divisions who could be mentioned.
Oxford University, also the recipient of zillions of dollars from Saudi and from other repressive islamist regimes, to set up islamic study departments and employ advocates of the Muslim Brotherhood and other subversive staff.
‘Centre-left’ think tank fretting about students not finding enough summer jobs this morning on BBC News Channel. By the way, credit where credit is due – I’m impressed with the labelling of the report’s creators – not the usual way of the BBC which tends to foist these leftist reports on us as though they were unbiased holy writ.
And why, we wonder, are there a shortage of low-skill, low-experience, casual, temporary, starter jobs available to youngsters in our economy then?
You’ll never guess…. the nice lady from the think tank keeps a straight face and tells the BBC all innocently – “At supermarket checkouts you see a lot of older workers still in those jobs”
The BBC and their parallel universe where any amount of inward immigration has no negative effect whatsoever – but gran and granddad should learn to just move over Beethoven.
“Move over…” AslSeelt? they’re apparently resuming (post Brexit) handing out free machetes at BBC Central in true Rwandan Radio Broadcasting style to deal with the elderly!
Social media having fun with the BBC PR guys going large on Mrs Brown’s Boys being the funniest thing since sliced ISiS deserters, according to a poll the BBC likes.
Facebook allows comments in reply. Any on Twitter not bowing in awe will be blocked.
Needless to say, terribly tragic for the boy and his family.
Guess which community (religion) is involved? (No prizes.)
Police said the “despicable” attack may have been linked to an underworld feud.
A man convicted over a fatal shooting in the area last year was registered as living at the address, police said.
The fatal shooting in March 2015 was part of a vendetta within Gothenburg’s Somali community, police said.
Men armed with automatic weapons burst into a Biskopsgarden pub, gunning down a man known to police and an innocent bystander in a spray of bullets.
Eight people were convicted earlier this month and handed sentences ranging from seven years to life in prison.
Local newspaper Goteborgs-Posten said the pub shooting was the culmination of violent incidents between rival drugs gangs.
Sweden generally has low crime rates but police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer [aka Muslim] neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo.
Over the course of the summer, cars have been set alight on an almost nightly basis in some neighbourhoods.
Gangland feuds with automatic weapons and grenades. Cars being torched on a nightly basis. The promise of multicultural enrichment, brought to a country near you by unlimited immigration.
OK OK, so this in itself isn’t such a big deal, I accept that. But it’s part of such a wider pattern, particularly on BBC comedy itself. Anti-Brexit, anti-Farage, anti-Trump… the list goes on and on.
Politics is of course ripe for humour, yet there’s a lot of hilarity from eg the Labour party which gets a free pass.
Where are the jokes about Bremain, or Remainans, or Remaniacs… ?!?
I am sure the liberal elite in the USA and here is in a panic. Trump is one hell of a candidate. Check out his speech on foreign policy on April 27th. This man is no lightweight but a serious thinker.
Clinton is not going to be able to avoid the Benghazi scandal.This alone disqualifies her from any office.
I’ve just received a response to my complaint (Case number CAS-3970889-K37M0Y) to the BBC regarding bias in a report about rail fare rises, in ‘BBC News at One’ on 16 August. The report was clearly pushing for nationalisation of the railways but the BBC response to my complaint didn’t find any issue – pointing out that the “Rail Delivery Group” did mention that the railways no longer make a loss. The report was very clearly one sided. Maybe the body reviewing complaints should be reviewed for bias!
9pm Channel 4 : Matt Frei has a hit piece against Donald Trump President Trump: Can He Really Win: Channel 4 documentary
his previous prog was “The Mad World of Donald Trump”
The last doco with Frei about Trump was an absolute disgraceful piece of journalism. Frei’s hatred was on full display. Expect more of the same with this one. If Trump wins in november it will be a pleasure to see his face and the rest of the mob at channel 4 go into deep mourning. Then the attacks will come and boy will they come.
The beeb are banging on about the low wage economy on bbc 2 at 7pm all this week. Panorama was all cuts, cuts, cuts last night having spent the year in Selby in yorkshire, the hometown of the ‘reporter’. Apparently the world ceased to exist before 2010.
Matt Frei in Saturday’s Telegraph Inside the angry white America that could still make Donald Trump president
is a warm up to tonight’s programme.
There is also a press release :
It mentions “hidden Trump vote and comparisons to Brexit”
eg In the universitry canteen “Yeh, I’m not going to vote that monster Trump”, then in online polls where’s they’re anonymous the same people tick the vote Trump box.
-Another excerpt
Kenneth Gross, Campaign finance attorney
Matt A lot of the companies that he is paying like, a plane, the T shirts, the posters, these are companies owned by him.
Ken Yeah, isn’t that nice. We’ve never seen this before.
Matt Is that a problem, is that a conflict of interest – do people mind.
Ken I think it might be politically, people might say you know what’s up with that? But legally it’s fine.
(Trump donated $47m ands and given his own companies $11m in contracts ..that’s hardly a gain is it ?)
BTW Matt Frei moonlioghted as a business conference host whilst working at the BBC.
What really gets me is that this broadcasting trash seem never to have actually listened to Trump’s speeches in full.
They are really worth it. And he is very very good at making all Americans feel that he has something for each of them. Black, white, gay ,straight ,young, old religious or not.
This is a real gift that very few politicians ever have .
I suspect that in the dark hours those behind Clinton wake up in a cold sweat.
Who cares a FF about Frei?
Yeh it’s a smear job
Twitter is full of Regressives making incredibly clear coherent arguments NOT.
..No, they just shouting hate… It is just so weird that yes it is as usual they who are doing hateful tweets , yet they project their own nastiness onto Trump and say he is the hateful one. The evidence suggests otherwise.
I bet there was a Channel 4 guy whose job it was to take the Trump footage and edit out the BME, Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, gays etc, out, but I can still see them there.~
Again MattFrei projects a racist subtext “look only stupid white people vote for Trump”
Latest on BBC news website:”Celtic fans raise £85,000 ‘for Palestine’ after Uefa charge”.
This made me check how they covered the story on the day of the match.
They didn’t.
For those of you still in any doubt about the deluded BBC Luvvies secret agenda.
Go checkout the BARE NAKED ISLAM site then come back with your lame excuses.
The BBC are reporting that some are finding a tweet made by an MP, which responded to a press release by the EU Parliament that the EU is the sporting top dog after the Olympics by linking to a table which showed the medal total from former British Empire Countries (i.e. the Anglosphere) far exceeds the Continental EU Countries total, “deeply offensive”.
I tell you what is “deeply offensive” – that the Guardian reading UK hating idiots at the BBC think that this is news.
Either you have a free society or you have a State broadcaster which promotes BBC Leftist group think which bears little or no relation to the population who are forced to pay for them.
Urgh. For goodness sake. The oldest trick in the book.
The BBC are superficially bound to be impartial so they can’t say “we don’t like it”, so they pick on the deluge of a massive 7 tweets from the people who didn’t like it, diddums, and make that the story.
They could equally have entitled it “Empire joke taken seriously by sense-of-humour failure Remainders”.
They could equally have informed us that it has been retweeted over 1,000 times, and has almost 1,000 likes.
Truly and utterly sickening.
Are there no depths to which the BBC will not sink?
I think the layers at the bottom of the ocean must go something like this:
Shark shit
Lower than shark shit
Here’s that tweet in all its glory, just for fun
Now that's what I call winning!!! Well done Team GB & all our Commonwealth friends, now for the Trade Agreements…. pic.twitter.com/Qg9qkYxWHp
Heather Wheeler talks to Burton Mail about her tweet…
“It was a tongue in cheek pop after the European Parliament tweet – it was purely that. I also wanted to congratulate Team GB on a brilliant result and thirdly congratulate the Commonwealth countries who also did very well. Fourth, I am also looking forwarded to establishing new trade agreements. That was it – nothing more. Let’s just enjoy the summer!”
Ugly truth begins to dawn on France’s Tourist Authorities…
Paris tourism hit by militant attacks, strikes and floods
Attacks by Islamist militants, strikes and floods have caused a big fall in tourism in Paris, figures show. There were a million fewer visitors, a 6.2% drop, between January and June compared with the same period in 2015. The drop is estimated to have cost the Paris region tourism industry about €750m (£644m) in lost revenue. One senior official described it as “an industrial disaster”. France relies heavily on tourism, which generates more than 7% of its annual GDP. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37164217
I’m not sure I’d describe it as an ‘industrial’ disaster. A cultural disaster, perhaps. An immigration disaster, certainly. The BBC scratches its head and concludes, via telegraphed inference, that ‘climate change’ probably had something to with Paris’s p*sspoor tourism stats.
No ! Tweets are far worse than actual dead bodies….. in the BBCverse.
– If someone sent a few tweets about France that would surely do MORE HARM to France’s tourism than 120 DEAD bodies across the streets of Paris and Nice.
What could possibly steal thunder from the triumphal return of our Golden Team? Difficult, I know, but they’ve managed it – ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ voted top sit-com of the 21st century. See? Easy when you know how.
We are getting some warmth in the Southern part of the U.K. over the next few days, but some might find this interesting especially the snow packs in Scotland which have not melted (so far) through our summer. Autumn starts on 1st September:
Not worthy of a BBC report, Old Bloke. If it doesn’t indicate the possibility of a warming planet, there’ll be no interest on the part of the BBC. They, as with everything else, are only interested in what they want us to see/hear. They conveniently forget that those more interested in the real news, are now beginning to go elsewhere.
Channel four’s big fat quiz last night there was a question about what’s in pandora’s box jimmy carr’s comment of pure evil being Trump and good being Obama.Interesting he did’nt mention Clinton.These small biases are everywhere and seem accepted as ok well they should’nt be.
See what happens when you open up comments to anything other than the Olympics (which seems to have been given a fresh one every day).
The top-rated comment isn’t exactly going with the House Views:
1. djstardust
Another non story about gender equality from the BBC. There’s at least one a day and it’s getting boring. Women are disadvantaged, immigrants are disadvantaged, gays are disadvantaged. Please give it a rest and report on “real” news for a change. Thanks!
The rest of the first page of highest-rated comments continues along the same lines.
Its still running. What with Brexit and all their previous HYS comments,
Al Beeb must be getting the message by now that their subliminal propaganda is not working . Do the Trolls keep an eye on HYS ? Have they made any comments ? I saw our ‘clapped out busman’ make a statement there once.
Virtue signalling 2 helpings on R4 Making History now
– African American WW2 Soldiers
– Ava Lidell to nominate historical person for London plinth : nominated the Trinidadian Claudia Jones (founded the voice and Notting Hill Carnival)
Now that Jeremy Corbyn has been exposed as a liar by the Virgin Trains footage showing him strolling past rows of empty seats so as to sit on the floor and pose for a renationalise the railways campaign photograph, can we expect the BBC to pursue and hound him in the way that it has Tories or UKIP members who have been caught red handed?
Answers on the back of a Government ‘Brexit will destroy everything’ leaflet, please.
Surely everyone knows by now there’s nothing funny about Labour? Owen Smith’s past history pushing viagra, Diane Abbot warning of the dangers of obesity and Jezza staging a sit in on a half-empty train are NOT FUNNY.
Meanwhile, saying Donald Trump is just like Hitler never gets old.
A train strike in Scotland and Corbyn on a train moaning makes me think that this is all because secret Union/Momentum talks for a national strike very very soon!
Momentum is full of greens, anarchists, squatters (posh ones) old hippies, grans on Harvey Davidsons, etc who love to protest instead of staying with their sewing or gardening!
And at 8pm ProjectFear2 (The BBC Brexit Myth Factory) continues with How We Voted Brexit “Anne McElvoy speaks to leading figures from across the campaigns to reveal some of the strategic decisions made on the campaign trail, which ultimately led to the momentous result.”
I think ANNE McELVOY has form as a Remainer : Sorry, Leavers – we’ll have to keep free movement following Brexit ..dailymail.co.uk
– Hangon it could be a re-edit of last months Radio3 prog that was quite fair..probably not a different producer listed.
She does, and its getting crucified BTL by Brexiteers.
A few Bremoaners too, full of hate and spite.
But that whats lefties do, hate spite and mass murder. They just love mass murder, it’s in their DNA as the historical record shows.
I was wrong, actually for BBC it was not that bad. Not the usual trick of airing 2 Remoaners against 1 Brexiteer.
– Labour MP said an interesting thing when prog accused Brexiteers of lying about £350 ..she said “No £500m would be a lie, £350m is a true Gross figure ..but for the Remainers it’s difficult in trying to say that the the net figure is lower they would be drawn into how much the EU really does cost …instead they chose not to do that.”
I have wanted to post this all day, but have only just got a phone signal!!
The relentless assault on our way of life by the the traitorous b*stards at Al Beebistan HQ continues with out fail, as it does every day, on Al Beebs propaganda webshite today…
We have the “no shit Sherlock” scenario where we are told “mother’s pay lags far behind men”, then the devious vermin explaining why (about as well as the Al Beebs journalistic abilities are going to explain anything), then the Al Beebs true purpose of this non story becomes apparent as the only ‘expert/professional antagonist’ we hear from is to preach to us how discriminated women are!!!!! WTF Al Beeb!! These mothers will mostly have husbands and partners who clearly want their respective households to be earning as much money as possible!!!!! Both the mother and the farther know that having time off to have a child reduces income!!! Let me explain for you… WORKING LESS HOURS EARNS LESS!! MORONS!!!
Next…. We have the lie/withholding of information of all time in an article about a young boy being enriched by a hand grenade, as the Al Beeb bring out this bad boy when trying to make us all feel bad for how evil we all are for being horrible to gimmagrants/terrorists /good Muslims…
“Sweden generally has low crime rates but police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo”
“Over the course of the summer, cars have been set alight on an almost nightly basis in some neighbourhood”
And there you have it folks! The only crime worth listing that takes place in the rape capital of the world is a few burnt out cars…. Rape?!!! Only a crime when it suits Al Beeb!
“… police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods…”
Solid post Tothepoint. I quoted this very piece myself earlier, but only just noticed the other glaring volte-face by the BBC: they are of course very subtly blaming the police for failing to address the violence!
It couldn’t possibly be that the Muslim “poorer” areas are lawless ganglands, now could it. Oh no.
No no no, it would be racist to point out that the “poor” are over 400% more likely to commit a crime than a natural Swede.
And as you say, Tothepoint, not a word about the rape epidemic being carried out by those “poor” people.
Also not a word about the immense level of public subsidy being doled out for the unemployed, everyone gets a flat or a house, plus a very good standard of living over there, puts our benefits system to shame really. So they are using the term “poorer” advisedly, they’d probably be middle-class over here.
Thanks Mike, and superb additional points of your own.
This is all linked. It’s a Web of bullshit, lies, and misreporting to deceive the white Europeans who are suffering because of our selfish elites actions.
Firstly, we were told that we are taking in gimmagrants fleeing warzones… And that these people are just trying to save their lives. It was “utter desperation” we were told that was making these gimmagrants flee their homes… We were offering them safety. We were saving their lives……… The reality?? The ungrateful bastards are rioting, raping and trying to attack the very people who have taken them in!!! The bastard media can’t report that though, because these traitors forced this on us!! The gimmagrants were not fleeing the shit holes they came from, they are bringing everything that created them with them!!
And look at the bullshit propaganda we had forced on us the other day! How everyone not white was a discriminated victim!! If we are not prepared to force those who move here to live by our rules, and force the native white peoples to accommodate those who hold inferior values, principles, practices….then we make everything about our way of life inferior. Absolutely everything!! Though that is the whole point of Marxist/socialist ideology… Rather than improve everything for everyone, make everyone victims of a system where nobody benefits and nobody wins
“It’s interesting because the U.K. was not part of the Eurozone.
It was homegrown austerity, not imposed from abroad, and it was a somewhat gentler austerity than Greece had. But it illustrates again how the neoliberal ideology has not delivered for a large fraction of the population. It was inevitable that some day they would rise up and say, “We’re going to try something different.”
I could not find this currently on AlBeeb, how strange.
One of the that articles that their search facility did find though was “United States of Hate: Muslims under attack.”
Is even their search engine biasedly hypertuned to avoid mentioning The Religion Of Peace?
Just on Corbyn and the jam packed train. Not.
In Socialist world, jam packed train equals need for renationalisation.
In the real world.
The East Coast main line has at least three operators ( Hull, Grand Central, Virgin). I note that advance returns to Yorkshire including a reserved seat are available for around £20 return. I use the service periodically.
I also note Corbyn goes out of his way to praise the fantastic staff. Now I do agree that in general staff should be praised for good work but clearly in this case we see the Socialist focus on producers not consumers.
Jezza is banged to rights on this one, good and proper. And the film maker ditto. Result !
Usual BBC apologising for Muslims killers. Ruqya healing is considered ‘black magic’ by many Muslims and the punishment can be death right across the Muslim world. The BBC choose not to use the ‘M’ word and instead substitute it with “IS supporters”.
Anything negative about Islam is “IS/ISIS” according to the BBC when in truth Islam=IS=ISIS=Muslims.
If it happened it will all have been arranged without a word having been spoken, in that way the establishment has always done things. No records, entirely deniable, unprovable and, above all, unprosecutable.
Forever the ‘Conspiracy theorist’, I remain confident that Islam is principally behind the BBC’s pro Remain position. It’s all to do with the spread of Islam throughout Europe and the UK, with far greater integration between National Broadcasters toward that goal if Remain had been successful. Currently, they’re thinking up alternatives.
Indeed… and presumably turning a blind eye to the murders of Ahmadis and faith healers, which they see as “apostates” so wouldn’t count as murder under the Sharia. Did someone say the insane were taking over the asylum?
Oh Lord, what next. Please tell me it’s a spoof.
Police Scotland include hijab as uniform to encourage Muslim women to join force http://bbc.in/2bJDW85
Omega I suspect the photo is of a Sikh. Sikhism is a tolerant religion who itself has been much persecuted by Islam wherever the 2 faiths met, mostly South Asia.
A precedent for police uniforms was set many years ago (1980s, if I recall correctly) by allowing Sikh constables to wear turbans. This follows on from similar uniform allowances used in the Indian police and army when under British command.
Personally I would not allow it. It was arguably necessary in India but I think the whole point of a uniform is to deflect attention from the individual and to show that he or she is acting for a higher authority. This is why judges wear wigs and gowns and clergy wear cassocks and surplices, it is not about their individual personal beliefs and preferences.
Geoff whilst being arrested and having to undergo a strip search by one of these “Hijab hotties” may well be the ultimate Beeboid wet dream. One does wonder about their usefulness.
Is the idea to use them in “high profile” patrols in predominately non muslim areas to “rub our noses in diversity” (particularly effective after the next stabbing attack by a mental health patient trying to find his favourite snackbar). Or is the idea to use them in predominately “ethnically sensitive” muslim areas-where a womans word is only worth half that of a mans? – Interesting.
A woman in Canada, who was born in Ukraine to a Muslim-Algerian father and says she “suffered through an Islamic educational system” and has vowed to fight against what she calls “political Islam” is being sued for slander by a private Muslim school in Montreal.
The plaintiff school is being represented by Julius Grey, “a well-known human-rights and freedom-of-expression lawyer”.
Well we all know who has the ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ now don’t we!
10 pm BBC tv news report on Corbyn’s lies about a virgin train being full. Will it damage him? the reporter asks. No is the answer , in fact it will energise his supporters . So these Corbynistas are fired up by a man who is caught out as a complete liar . What a state labour is in ! And the beeb cannot recognise it.
Off topic but I feel the need to highlight something which is irritating me beyond belief.
Every time a BBC presenter interviews invited guests the comment at the end of the discussion is always ‘either ‘Joan Bakewell I’ll give you the last word’ or Shami Chakrabarti I’ll give you the last word’ or ‘Polly Toynbee I’ll give you the last word’.
Why don’t interviewers Kirsty Wark, Nina Mangcheti, James O’Brien,David Dimbleby or James Naughtie just come out and say what they really mean. How about this.-
‘Because you’re a leftie labour supporter like me and an upholder of anything anti British like the BBC, you have exclusive permission to rubbish everything that was said previously in the debate without any come back. Take as long as you like’.
Another goodie is the ‘while I have got you here we’ll veer off topic and make a statement disguised as a question that you can’t possibly answer, Bazzinga”, used as ‘balance’ with foes to the above.
Magnificent hatchet piece on Channel 4 ‘ Can Trump Win ?’ by honorary Beeboid the fat shit Matt Frei.
No bias in the title is there?
He goes on to speak for all us Brits by telling head of the Trump campaign that ‘no-one in Britain can believe that the US would elect Trump’
They just will not get it these media trash. So give up on them. Frei is just another body snatched entirely predictable lefty. I did like the blonde woman for Trump. She was not having any of his whining rubbish questions.
Do our taxes pay for C4? In part I believe. Close it on day 2 after the BBC on day 1.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I watched anything on Ch4. Come to that, the meagre amount of time I once spent listening to BBC R4 has dwindled to almost zero lately as it has descended even further into a parody of itself. That leaves maybe two hours a week of carefully selected documentaries mostly from BBC Four or BBC Two.
Now let some twit tell me it’s ‘great value for money’!
I will say at lunchtime the Beeb had the clearest pictures from Heathrow showing the return of the Olympians. Sky HQ is literally across the road at Isleworth, and their pictures could’ve been coming from Mars they were so blurred and erratic. All this technology and still there is always a breakdown in audio or picture quality on their doorstep !!!!
GCooper, same here. I don’t have a tellie (sold it in protest after the migrant crisis coverage last year) but occasionally watch things on BBC Iplayer. I’ve been winding that down in anticipation of the Iplayer ban next month. To be honest there are much better things to watch on youtube.
BTW 23:12 on ITV Billy Connelly prog has just shown a map of exisiting 360 mile wall along the US/Mex border …looks like a wall to me. Billy is in the border patrol helicopter, but being a good Lefty later calls for open borders.
ptg – That is why all these polls showing Clinton ahead mean jacks**t, the same way all the polls telling us we would lose the referendum were also total cr@p.
Trump received more votes to win the Republican nomination than any candidate for the nomination ever has.
I have never watched the result of the U.S. presidential election live but this November I might just treat myself, for the chance of watching the faces in the al beebus studios do what they did when the results of the referendum came in; the most exquisite Schadenfreude to behold.
It will be absolutely hilarious to see the reaction of British leftists if/when Trump wins. See them stamp their feet as they realise they don’t actually have any control over US politics…Didn’t some Guardianistas try to influence voters in a key US marginal state some time back, and get told where to go in no uncertain terms?
“4th Time Matt Frei has run his anti-Trump advert, just keeps updating his Trump doco each time”
Yes I agree you could imagine that tonight’s C4 prog was another 1 hour NewsVert paid for by the Clinton campaign.
Today’s BBC’s dodgy reporting that women are DISCRIMIDATED against & paid less.
Seems like playing the VICTIM game.
The Regressive Lefty narrative = women are still VICTIMS so vote Labour to get Tories out.
+ BBC NEWS are completely Flaming -F-lutely useless at Statistics ..bunch of flaming art students.
– But we are not in the 1950s, equality laws are pretty good.
The report seems rubbish and should be easily taken apart, reporters should not be acting as compliant PR pushers.
Once again it’s the Regressives who immediately seeks to define people by their sex (or race) … (cos it fits some narrative game), For flips sake the whole point about equality is that everyone gets treated as an individual ! Everyone is they have their, own individual circumstances, own individual abilities and make their own individual choices.
That report is Overgeneralisation fallacy..which then fallaciously extrapolated further by BBC staff.
– More BBC crimes against stats, and that is only 1 week after a BBCTrust report saying the BBC needs to up its game on Stats.
“Women are still paid less than men” is what many news prog people simplified it to. That is not even what the report said, cos that would be against the modern law ..instead the report talked about the WOMEN WHO BECOME MOTHERS going part time after having children, therefore having less experience and flexibility, therefore not progressing as fast as PEOPLE (not just men) who stayed full time.
I should acknowledge that sure in the 50’s before equality laws you could make some men/women generalisations like that there were often outrageous pay discriminations
But today the report itself is a crime against statistics ! Why ? cos you can’t take complex full colour data and then compress it down to black and white world generalisation of MEN vs WOMEN..For a start in the UK more than 20% of women do not give birth to children in their entire lifetime. If we took say grapes vs apples. The data might say that on average grapes are red and that apples are green, when in fact picking a random grape might give you a green one and picking a random apple might give you a red one.
Similarly if you take a whole population with its mass of complexities you shouldn’t be rushing to make quick generalisations eg that it’s women vs men.
I agree that men and women who have children generally share their money.
“At least six out of 10 people in France and Belgium, which have recently suffered deadly jihadist attacks, believe immigration has had a “negative impact”, said the Ipsos polling institute.”
“At least six out of 10 people in France and Belgium… believe immigration has had a “negative impact”.
6 out of 10, mon cul. Such is the terror of being thought I-phobic and racist that people won’t admit to their true feelings to man with clipboard. Probably more like 9 out of 10. The other 1 being a Religionist of Peace. And even he’s probably not too sure. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/23/worldwide-concern-many-immigrants-study/
Peterthegreat, over at Yahoo news (I know it’s utter crap but I have my email account there so I can’t help seeing it) there’s a report on the French towns that are banning the Burkini.
Bearing in mind that two centuries ago, when the French were unhappy about something they burned, killed and destroyed everything and anything connected with the ideology they were opposed to, I would think it shows remarkable restraint if all they are doing now is banning a type of swimsuit.
But no! The social justice warriors in the comments are complaining about how nasty and wacist it all is!
“A survey conducted by Swiss bank Credit Suisse shows the general public of Switzerland believe that their country’s economy will benefit from a Brexit.”
“Despite Extra Security, Sex Attacks Double at Swedish Festival.
The police report notes that all the attackers were foreign, with Afghanistan and Morocco particularly well represented among those caught for sex offenses.”
Meanwhile, the ever-worthy BBC headline is about some demented chap who can’t find an empty seat on a railway carriage when it’s right in front of him, and yet has delusions of grandeur about being able to unite the Labour party and win a general election.
Just found this site. Spot on the lot of you. Have despised the beebistan’s impartiality for years. Has anybody posted about today’s story covering conservative MP Heather Wheeler. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-37163416
Completely lambasted for using the word Empire. Clearly the BBC think that the empire was comparable to the third Reich or the inquisition. Tossers.
Spider – it’s an article of faith in beeboid circles that Empire = pure evil and anyone defending it in any way = fascist.
But only the British Empire mind, other empires are fine. I remember some beeb ‘historian’ (Bettany Hughes?) gushing that the early spread of the Muslim empire was a testament to its dynamism and vigour. I think the girls are secretly turned on by fantasies of galloping swarthy warriors hacking away at infidels and sweeping maidens off their feet – the old rape fantasy. I wonder if that’s why the odious ex-nun Karen Armstrong is such a bare-cheeked apologist for the RoP – or should that be bare-faced, oops Freudian.
Spider, welcome sir (or madam). Here’s a little story you might find interesting. I have a Japanese friend who is an Anglophile. She told me she bought a copy of ‘Empire’ by Niall Ferguson in an Oxfam shop. (If you’ve read it you’ll know it caused a bit of controversy because it gave an impartial view of the Empire, showing the good and bad aspects). Somebody had scrawled abuse all over the flyleaf, calling it outrageous, racist etc. My friend was clearly puzzled and said ‘How can somebody hate the history of their country so much to do that?’ I had to sit her down and have a long talk about ‘cultural self-hatred’ – it’s not something very well known in Japan apparently.
“”French Muslims fear state aims to control their faith””
“”The authorities need to stop chasing people for being Muslim, for having a beard or for being religiously involved. This is not a sign of risk. This is a sign of religiosity””
“”(Terrorist) attacks triggered a wave of new restrictions, including a ban on the wearing of burkinis on some of France’s beaches – a move that some argue smacks of Islamophobia””
“”Muslims make up less than 10% of France’s population and yet they make up some 60% of the prison population””
“”And yet, many Muslims believe France still needs to address problems of marginalisation, as well as the way Islam is portrayed in French media. Otherwise they fear France may continue to offer fertile ground for Islamist extremists””
Why don’t we just save everyone a lot of time and trouble and simply adopt Sharia law wholesale. Then these good constables can be put to work throwing gays off buildings, stoning rape victims, chopping off thieves’ hands and beheading anyone who disrespects Islam, starting with most of the contributors to bbbc.
‘Allo ‘Allo, what have we here then? Evening all.
Guest Who, that is scary. This is dangerous politicisation of the police force. They are supposed to enforce the law impartially, not abuse their position to promote socio-political causes. Of course, anyone who objects is ‘homophobic’ and that trumps everything. If evidence were required that the left’s ‘long march’ through the police force is complete, here it is.
Guest Who, I did an image search. The hijab for women police constables was authorised in London in 2008 (when this image was taken, presumably), other constabularies such as Leicestershire (surprise surprise) allow it as well. So it’s not a new thing, but obviously the Scots are pushing it for all its worth to appear ‘progressive’ and ‘anti-Islamophobic’. Rather than take a new picture of some muslim ladies in Sauchihall Street, or wherever, they’ve just used the old stock photo.
Surely from a purely practical point of view a hijab is dangerous for a woman police constable to wear, someone (perhaps all those ‘far right’ people we are told are lurking everywhere) could simply grab and twist it to strangle her. In the long gone days when policemen wore ties, they were a special type that just came off if they were grabbed, precisely to neutralise assaults of this type.
Presumably political correctness and Islam trumps ‘elf n safety’?
I suspect the police realise they have to provide a hijab uniform otherwise they could be acccused of ‘Islamophobia’ or ‘racism’ and risk law suits from professional grievance-mongers. They can then spin this as being ‘progressive’.
The chances of any hijab wearing WPCs actually existing are slim – I can’t find any online evidence despite London allowing them in 2001 (not 2008 as previously mentioned). So it sounds like pure tokenism to me.
If I were a proper journalist I’d sense a story here – if hijab has been allowed since 2001 in London why don’t we see more WPCs wearing them? Is it a. institutional racism and islamophobia in the police or b. something to do with attitudes in Islam or c. there are muslim police women but they don’t want to wear a hijab?
Strikes me that it’s one of those virtue-signalling stories that never gets followed up because to do so might raise some awkward questions.
Usually, when someone presenting their idea forgets their lines or stalls due to nervousness, there are close-ups of frowns and disapprovement from “The Dragons”
Not on this occasion. Smiles. Encouraging smiles. It’s only a brief moment, but a white guy would not get away with it.
Not really getting your point here, Edward, sorry.
I just watched, excruciating viewing though it is.
So what happens is, our nervous/overeager star from Kerala, Jacob, starts to fluff his lines, cut to a shot of a frowning dragon (gent), Jacob breathes audibly, cut to shot of a smiling dragon (lady), after which Jacob continues fluently with market stats for his products (£750m in the US) and the dragons are generally impressed and scribble furiously in their notebooks.
So “encouraging smile” – singular – yes. Smiles plural, no. Plus one frown which you didn’t mention.
So… What’s your point here?
Surely you’re not trying to build up a stock of spurious complaints of BBC bias, so that you can’t later be accused of not providing any, as has happened in the past?
Your earlier effort was equally anodyne, a long clip from a US news channel, tagged with the complaint that the BBC would never allow someone to present so much factually based truth, unchallenged, yet the interviewer challenged her right off the bat by asking “so who’s going to pay for it all?”
So forgive me if I think this is all a bit thin, and a flimsy attempt to build up some “credit”.
andyjsnapeMar 18, 12:47 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Another anti Trump “report” by the bbc No evidence for Trump claim about ‘void’ Biden pardons and autopen https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cdxqk1x0n5lo Verify…
Fedup2Mar 18, 12:29 Start the Week 17th March 2025 And the hits keep coming … DTJ has removed hunter bidens secret service protection. Biden convinced a friendly judge that…
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 If we brought back the death penalty there would not be so many.
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Will the murdered man’s mother be given a seat in the House of Lords? If not, why not?
moggiemooMar 18, 12:10 Start the Week 17th March 2025 He’ll get the opportunity to replace some of the bollocks he comes out with.
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:05 Start the Week 17th March 2025 One of the new Deform Party councillors. Muhammed Yusuf doing the vetting. National & cultural pride welcomed. As long as…
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:02 Start the Week 17th March 2025 She must have had the disability benefit for a long time. It hasn’t been available to new claimants for at…
tomoMar 18, 11:49 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Here’s hoping there’s cameras around when they serve him this at the official banquet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Li_Zhuang https://twitter.com/energygovuk/status/1901691088215425141
“I am an experienced asylum judge in a major British population centre and you must believe me when I say this: our immigration controls are broken and the country cannot cope.”
Sorry if this has already been posted – don’t suppose the BBC by any chance picked this up, did they?
The relentless assault on our way of life by the the traitorous b*stards at Al Beebistan HQ continues with out fail, as it does every day, on Al Beebs propaganda webshite today…
We have the “no shit Sherlock” scenario where we are told “mother’s pay lags far behind men”, then devious scumbags explaining why (about as well as the Al Beebs journalistic abilities are going to explain anything), then the Al Beebs true agenda becomes apparent as the only ‘expert/professional antagonist’ we hear from is to preach to us how discriminated women are!!!!! WTF Al Beeb!! These mothers will mostly have husbands and partners who clearly want their respective households to be earning as much money as possible!!!!! Both the mother and the farther know that having time off to have a child reduces income!!! Let me explain for you… WORKING LESS HOURS EARNS LESS MO
Next…. We have the lie/withholding of information of all time in an article about a young boy being enriched by a hand grenade, as the Al Beeb bring out this bad boy when trying to make us all feel bad for how evil we all are for being horrible to gimmagrants/terrorists /good Muslims…
“Sweden generally has low crime rates but police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo”
And there you have it folks! The rape capital of the world is generally low in crime! Rape?!!! That means absolutely nothing to Al Beeb!
Good news for “broadcasting balance” Tony Blairs pall James Purnell about to be appointed head of BBC radio.
Its a bit like appointing Jimmy Saville to run an investigation into child sexual abuse or appoint Kim Jong Un as the head of the Press Complaints Commission. Articles in the Express and Mail talk about his appointment being in part as a “reward” for his skills in helping to negotiate the charter review. (though some of us would interpret this whole process as the Grand Shafting of Whippingbum into a rather grubby submission) – right down his street I suspect!
This all becoming very surreal. Especially the brass necked way such a partisan individual is allowed to have a major hand in running a service which is meant to be unbiased. I think his appointment is more of a statement and a challenge to everyone else not enclosed by the BBC bubble.
So where are leaders when we need them? – are they
1. In denial about what is happening ?
2. Turned into latte quaffing surrender monkeys ?
3. Cynically exploiting the whole situation for some globalist anti democratic goal?
4. Or just merely absent – treating good government as no more important than turning on an auto pilot and getting back to the Times crossword?
I always thought leaders should lead – I guess times are a changing.
BBC Radio (particularly Radio 4 and The World Service) already operates as a regressive propagandist station, broadcasting its vile Marxist dogma 24/7, allowing no examination of alternative opinions, permitting no disturbance of their preferred narratives.
Comrade Purnell’s appointment merely confirms (again) what we’ve all known for a very long time: Regressives understand that to control the message you have to control the medium – this means always ensuring a safe pair of hands in any succession to the upper-echelon elite.
Purnell won’t worry about trifling details like so-called ‘impartiality’ – and why should he? The wider msm doesn’t give a fig about it, either, since they’re all in it together, as far as the regressive agenda goes.
The BBC gets is free £4.5bn a year just for existing. Most importantly, the BBC always wants to reminds you that it doesn’t care what you think, that none of your opinions are reflected in its toxic, regressive, one-sided view of the world. It wants to make sure that every day, every hour, every minute, it can keep putting its boot into your face, whilst simultaneously robbing you with menaces.
Purnell will go laughing all the way to the bank. Dachas for the comrades. Life is great when you’re part of the most privileged class, earning free money, sneering at the proles.
Is it not a bit strange that there is no mention on Auntie’s website of yesterday’s meeting between Merkel, Hollande and Renzi? A meeting about ‘deeper’ EU defence plans. There was mention of an EU Army. I thought this was supposition (not). I would welcome your views – thanks.
The BBC will never mention it (or at least try to bury it) because it would be a “told you so” of the Leave campaign. The Leave campaign flagged it up as one of the things “coming soon to an EU near you”: the EU army. Apparently the EU decided to shelve their plans until after the referendum so as to try and dupe (sorry, “not alarm”) the voters, but we didn’t fall for it. What will happen when the EU Army doesn’t agree with NATO?!? There goes Germany (sorry, “the EU”) destabilising Europe all over again. How many wars is that now that the EU has caused?
As NATO already exists what job could be done by an EU Army? – perhaps helping the Super States citizens to toe the line set by its unelected Commissioners or else!
Das 4th Reich?
Unfortunately you may be correct.
The Euro is close to collapse, there are calls for referendera which would produce more exits.
So it will be full steam ahead for express speed political union, if it does not happen now it may never happen.
They will need an army to quell the unrest.
The EU, politically united by force, its native population diluted by unwanted stone age scum, terrorised by a Soviet style regime, would become our enemy.
Time for more defence spending, much closer ties with Russia who would also view the expansionist EU as a threat.
The EU, winner of the Nobel Peace prize, will turn into the EUSSR predicted on BBBC for years.
It’s possible an EU army could just be a cost-saving method to share defence. However…an EU army would be much more effective at quelling civil unrest. Soldiers are far less likely to fire on their own people – possibly even their own friends and relatives – than a mixed bag of soldiers from other countries loyal to nobody except their EU paymasters. (The British realised this when they sent mainland troops to quell unrest in northern Ireland instead of using the Ulster territorials and ‘B’ armed special constabulary).
I think mainland troops were deployed for exactly the opposite reason that you cite. It was hoped that they would be seen as non-partisan, as they were in the beginning.
Yes, Mike, the three were all in agreement to ‘steam-on’ with the deluded concept of closer union and the EU Army. I suspect the EU Army creation/formation will be accelerated since it will very soon be needed to control the peoples of Europe when they rise up to try to stop their Governments importing more (now principally black from sub-Saharan Africa) people who do not have a hope of finding employment. Interesting to see what the Eastern bloc will do about this in view of their anti-immigrant stance. Germany is already finding that a mere 30,000 of the 1.5 million recent imports are capable of any work and most of that ‘work’ is created for the purpose by the Government. Indeed, the new phenomena is, migrants refusing to entertain ANY offers of, ‘work’ as they claim to be, ‘guests of Merkel’. (http://newobserveronline.com/we-are-merkels-guests/).
It is clear as the migrant numbers grow exponentially in Germany that virtually all of them will be a complete drain on the Social Security system for many years to come. This assumes that the German Government does not reduce the qualification period of 5 years for ‘Free Movement’ to apply. They are considering a period of 3 years. To do so would shed Germany’s responsibility when those able to move to other European States, do so. The rest of Europe (excluding the UK, of course) will suffer as a result of Merkel’s deluded beneficience.
I missed this link out re: those employable – http://newobserveronline.com/germany-2-invaders-work/
G – If the Appeaser manages to hang on for another year or two before triggering Article 50 (especially if she allows the “Brexit” departments to squabble rather than deal with the job in hand – I also have a theory that Boris is a bit of a spoiler and was never really committed to brexit).
And if Germany shortens the free movement qualifying period to 3 years. Then who is to say that we too will not be able to help out Germany by taking our “fair share” of all these new Doctors, Engineers and teachers.
Sweden: Migrants are responsible for 95% of all crimes, overrepresented by +430%
Probably won’t be reported by the BBC, according to them there are no problems at all with migrants, and to even mention it is racist. Go figure. The answer is obviously more muslim immigration. 🙄
BBC’s record breakers set to arrive home
Our national broadcaster’s record breaking Olympics team will fly in luxury as they return from Rio on Tuesday morning
Britain is the first country to outnumber competing Olympians with their broadcast staff tally at the Games.
Some presenters have returned home already, but 400 hangers on and support staff will be on the special flight scheduled to land at Heathrow.
The Boeing 747 will have a brown nose cone and a “victoRIOus” livery.
Following their arrival home there are set be jubilant scenes at expenses claims ceremonies planned for both London and Salford offices.
Where’s Mo flying to or is the UK just a ‘pit-stop’ for the accolade before flying to his home (is it the US?)?
It’s Saint Mo, if you dont mind! (PBUH).
Sorry, Lob, I missed that one!
Saint Mo of Norway isn’t it? (PBUH) I hope his mental health status is OK, stats wise the odds are stacked against him
As long he doesn’t start waving his chopper about!
He’ll be having a press conference of his own – he’s not one to share the limelight I’ve noticed.
Today, this morning before the news at 7, someone promoting their book about refugee crisis had a go at “eastern and central European countries” not sharing the “humanitarian ideals” of Germany and other western European countries. Today presenter of course ummed and ahhed in sympathy. No analysis of the, ahem, issues such mass immigration has caused in Germany recently for example, nor of its demographics being skewed and distorted forever.
Compare and contrast with LBC’s Nick Ferrari just after 7 roasting the economic spokesman from the TUC about that organisation’s total failure to address mass immigration into the UK as a factor in stagnating wage levels (the usual Tory cuts/evil capitalism themes being rolled out no doubt). Ferrari scored several direct hits, the TUC bloke was humiliated and cut off contemptuously by NF. This stuff keeps you going doesn’t it?
Jack, no analysis whatever when the BBC later interviewed the Public Enemy number 1 – Peter Sutherland of the UN Refugee Council and one other pro-immigrant. No balanced reporting, no mention of the crime wave sweeping Europe, no mention of the fact that there are not enough menial jobs for the so-called, ‘Refugees’, no mention of the ISIS infiltration. Nothing BBC. ‘The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’? Thanks to the internet, this website and others, it is easy to determine truly what’s going on. Crucially people are forming their own views on, ‘The Worlds Most Trusted….’.
Sutherland is number 3.
2.Goldman Sachs
“Study reveals Donald Trump is more of a psychopath than Hitler”
“Donald Trump is more of a psychopath than rival Hillary Clinton – and many infamous villains from the past, according to a new study.”
The study was carried out by the Oxford University – you know, that politically neutral place that was involved in the “Cecil Rhodes is a racist” row.
Stalin: Communist mass-murderer
Mao: Communist mass-murderer
Pol Pot: Communist mass-murderer
Hitler: Socialist mass-murderer
Donald Trump: Capitalist. Hasn’t killed anyone.
Just thinking out loud.
Enver Hoxha – Communist.
Josip Broz – Communist.
Kim Il Sung – Communist.
Ho Chi Minh – Communist.
Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov – Communist.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt – Crypto Communist.
Plenty more in the lower divisions who could be mentioned.
Oxford University, also the recipient of zillions of dollars from Saudi and from other repressive islamist regimes, to set up islamic study departments and employ advocates of the Muslim Brotherhood and other subversive staff.
AS with most universities. Exeter being a particularly vile place now.
‘Centre-left’ think tank fretting about students not finding enough summer jobs this morning on BBC News Channel. By the way, credit where credit is due – I’m impressed with the labelling of the report’s creators – not the usual way of the BBC which tends to foist these leftist reports on us as though they were unbiased holy writ.
And why, we wonder, are there a shortage of low-skill, low-experience, casual, temporary, starter jobs available to youngsters in our economy then?
You’ll never guess…. the nice lady from the think tank keeps a straight face and tells the BBC all innocently – “At supermarket checkouts you see a lot of older workers still in those jobs”
The BBC and their parallel universe where any amount of inward immigration has no negative effect whatsoever – but gran and granddad should learn to just move over Beethoven.
So ageism is apparently OK then on the BBC?
“Move over…” AslSeelt? they’re apparently resuming (post Brexit) handing out free machetes at BBC Central in true Rwandan Radio Broadcasting style to deal with the elderly!
Social media having fun with the BBC PR guys going large on Mrs Brown’s Boys being the funniest thing since sliced ISiS deserters, according to a poll the BBC likes.
Facebook allows comments in reply. Any on Twitter not bowing in awe will be blocked.
Boy, 8, killed in grenade attack on apartment in Sweden
Yuusuf Warsame was visiting relatives with his mother, brother and sister
Needless to say, terribly tragic for the boy and his family.
Guess which community (religion) is involved? (No prizes.)
Police said the “despicable” attack may have been linked to an underworld feud.
A man convicted over a fatal shooting in the area last year was registered as living at the address, police said.
The fatal shooting in March 2015 was part of a vendetta within Gothenburg’s Somali community, police said.
Men armed with automatic weapons burst into a Biskopsgarden pub, gunning down a man known to police and an innocent bystander in a spray of bullets.
Eight people were convicted earlier this month and handed sentences ranging from seven years to life in prison.
Local newspaper Goteborgs-Posten said the pub shooting was the culmination of violent incidents between rival drugs gangs.
Sweden generally has low crime rates but police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer [aka Muslim] neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo.
Over the course of the summer, cars have been set alight on an almost nightly basis in some neighbourhoods.
Gangland feuds with automatic weapons and grenades. Cars being torched on a nightly basis. The promise of multicultural enrichment, brought to a country near you by unlimited immigration.
Is there any story into which the BBC can’t squeeze a little anti-Brexiteering?
The 6th funniest joke from the Edinburgh Festival:
“Brexit is a terrible name, sounds like cereal you eat when you are constipated” – Tiff Stevenson
OK OK, so this in itself isn’t such a big deal, I accept that. But it’s part of such a wider pattern, particularly on BBC comedy itself. Anti-Brexit, anti-Farage, anti-Trump… the list goes on and on.
Politics is of course ripe for humour, yet there’s a lot of hilarity from eg the Labour party which gets a free pass.
Where are the jokes about Bremain, or Remainans, or Remaniacs… ?!?
Plenty of Hillarity on BBC.
Looks interesting for Trumpy:
I am sure the liberal elite in the USA and here is in a panic. Trump is one hell of a candidate. Check out his speech on foreign policy on April 27th. This man is no lightweight but a serious thinker.
Clinton is not going to be able to avoid the Benghazi scandal.This alone disqualifies her from any office.
I’ve just received a response to my complaint (Case number CAS-3970889-K37M0Y) to the BBC regarding bias in a report about rail fare rises, in ‘BBC News at One’ on 16 August. The report was clearly pushing for nationalisation of the railways but the BBC response to my complaint didn’t find any issue – pointing out that the “Rail Delivery Group” did mention that the railways no longer make a loss. The report was very clearly one sided. Maybe the body reviewing complaints should be reviewed for bias!
Escalate your complaint to the Trust and your MP. Don’t let the bastards get away with it.
9pm Channel 4 : Matt Frei has a hit piece against Donald Trump
President Trump: Can He Really Win: Channel 4 documentary
his previous prog was “The Mad World of Donald Trump”
“Bouncing” Matt Frei. A Channel 4 nonentity.
“The Mad World of Donald Trump” LOL.
No bias there then.
The last doco with Frei about Trump was an absolute disgraceful piece of journalism. Frei’s hatred was on full display. Expect more of the same with this one. If Trump wins in november it will be a pleasure to see his face and the rest of the mob at channel 4 go into deep mourning. Then the attacks will come and boy will they come.
The beeb are banging on about the low wage economy on bbc 2 at 7pm all this week. Panorama was all cuts, cuts, cuts last night having spent the year in Selby in yorkshire, the hometown of the ‘reporter’. Apparently the world ceased to exist before 2010.
Agenda what agenda.
Matt Frei used to be a tool of the state media.
Now he’s more of one and less of the other.
See… balance.
Matt Frei in Saturday’s Telegraph Inside the angry white America that could still make Donald Trump president
is a warm up to tonight’s programme.
There is also a press release :
It mentions “hidden Trump vote and comparisons to Brexit”
eg In the universitry canteen “Yeh, I’m not going to vote that monster Trump”, then in online polls where’s they’re anonymous the same people tick the vote Trump box.
-Another excerpt
BTW Matt Frei moonlioghted as a business conference host whilst working at the BBC.
What really gets me is that this broadcasting trash seem never to have actually listened to Trump’s speeches in full.
They are really worth it. And he is very very good at making all Americans feel that he has something for each of them. Black, white, gay ,straight ,young, old religious or not.
This is a real gift that very few politicians ever have .
I suspect that in the dark hours those behind Clinton wake up in a cold sweat.
Who cares a FF about Frei?
Yeh it’s a smear job
Twitter is full of Regressives making incredibly clear coherent arguments NOT.
..No, they just shouting hate… It is just so weird that yes it is as usual they who are doing hateful tweets , yet they project their own nastiness onto Trump and say he is the hateful one. The evidence suggests otherwise.
I bet there was a Channel 4 guy whose job it was to take the Trump footage and edit out the BME, Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, gays etc, out, but I can still see them there.~
Again MattFrei projects a racist subtext “look only stupid white people vote for Trump”
Latest on BBC news website:”Celtic fans raise £85,000 ‘for Palestine’ after Uefa charge”.
This made me check how they covered the story on the day of the match.
They didn’t.
For those of you still in any doubt about the deluded BBC Luvvies secret agenda.
Go checkout the BARE NAKED ISLAM site then come back with your lame excuses.
I for one find the lot of ’em guilty.
The BBC are reporting that some are finding a tweet made by an MP, which responded to a press release by the EU Parliament that the EU is the sporting top dog after the Olympics by linking to a table which showed the medal total from former British Empire Countries (i.e. the Anglosphere) far exceeds the Continental EU Countries total, “deeply offensive”.
I tell you what is “deeply offensive” – that the Guardian reading UK hating idiots at the BBC think that this is news.
Either you have a free society or you have a State broadcaster which promotes BBC Leftist group think which bears little or no relation to the population who are forced to pay for them.
I wish they would hurry up and scrap the BBC.
So far all I have seen HuffPo and the Independent on Twitter claiming ‘everybody’ is outraged.
The comments in reply are going about as well as their respective paid subscriber rankings. Or a HYS on immigration or Remaining.
No wonder the BBC are excited.
Wild, I couldn’t agree more.
“MP’s British Empire tweet sparks backlash”
Urgh. For goodness sake. The oldest trick in the book.
The BBC are superficially bound to be impartial so they can’t say “we don’t like it”, so they pick on the deluge of a massive 7 tweets from the people who didn’t like it, diddums, and make that the story.
They could equally have entitled it “Empire joke taken seriously by sense-of-humour failure Remainders”.
They could equally have informed us that it has been retweeted over 1,000 times, and has almost 1,000 likes.
Truly and utterly sickening.
Are there no depths to which the BBC will not sink?
I think the layers at the bottom of the ocean must go something like this:
Shark shit
Lower than shark shit
Here’s that tweet in all its glory, just for fun
PS. Quote of the day on Guido:
Heather Wheeler talks to Burton Mail about her tweet…
“It was a tongue in cheek pop after the European Parliament tweet – it was purely that. I also wanted to congratulate Team GB on a brilliant result and thirdly congratulate the Commonwealth countries who also did very well. Fourth, I am also looking forwarded to establishing new trade agreements. That was it – nothing more. Let’s just enjoy the summer!”
Also interesting to see the various responses on twitter – plenty of support mixed in amongst the faux outrage:
Ugly truth begins to dawn on France’s Tourist Authorities…
Paris tourism hit by militant attacks, strikes and floods
Attacks by Islamist militants, strikes and floods have caused a big fall in tourism in Paris, figures show. There were a million fewer visitors, a 6.2% drop, between January and June compared with the same period in 2015. The drop is estimated to have cost the Paris region tourism industry about €750m (£644m) in lost revenue. One senior official described it as “an industrial disaster”. France relies heavily on tourism, which generates more than 7% of its annual GDP.
I’m not sure I’d describe it as an ‘industrial’ disaster. A cultural disaster, perhaps. An immigration disaster, certainly. The BBC scratches its head and concludes, via telegraphed inference, that ‘climate change’ probably had something to with Paris’s p*sspoor tourism stats.
No ! Tweets are far worse than actual dead bodies….. in the BBCverse.
– If someone sent a few tweets about France that would surely do MORE HARM to France’s tourism than 120 DEAD bodies across the streets of Paris and Nice.
What could possibly steal thunder from the triumphal return of our Golden Team? Difficult, I know, but they’ve managed it – ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ voted top sit-com of the 21st century. See? Easy when you know how.
In fairness, there’s not much competition.
Wait until the postal votes for Citizen Khan are recounted.
Guest Who – Quality !!
We are getting some warmth in the Southern part of the U.K. over the next few days, but some might find this interesting especially the snow packs in Scotland which have not melted (so far) through our summer. Autumn starts on 1st September:
Not worthy of a BBC report, Old Bloke. If it doesn’t indicate the possibility of a warming planet, there’ll be no interest on the part of the BBC. They, as with everything else, are only interested in what they want us to see/hear. They conveniently forget that those more interested in the real news, are now beginning to go elsewhere.
Channel four’s big fat quiz last night there was a question about what’s in pandora’s box jimmy carr’s comment of pure evil being Trump and good being Obama.Interesting he did’nt mention Clinton.These small biases are everywhere and seem accepted as ok well they should’nt be.
Jimmy back on the side of good again now, is he?
Mothers’ pay lags far behind men
See what happens when you open up comments to anything other than the Olympics (which seems to have been given a fresh one every day).
The top-rated comment isn’t exactly going with the House Views:
The rest of the first page of highest-rated comments continues along the same lines.
I made an awful discovery this morning.
Apparently I am a billionaire trapped in a poor man’s body.
I expect the BBC to promote my aspirations against the flood of hostile opinions from an uncaring society.
If that gets past 5pm I’ll be impressed.
Its still running. What with Brexit and all their previous HYS comments,
Al Beeb must be getting the message by now that their subliminal propaganda is not working . Do the Trolls keep an eye on HYS ? Have they made any comments ? I saw our ‘clapped out busman’ make a statement there once.
Virtue signalling 2 helpings on R4 Making History now
– African American WW2 Soldiers
– Ava Lidell to nominate historical person for London plinth : nominated the Trinidadian Claudia Jones (founded the voice and Notting Hill Carnival)
spelling : “comic Ava Vidal”
Now that Jeremy Corbyn has been exposed as a liar by the Virgin Trains footage showing him strolling past rows of empty seats so as to sit on the floor and pose for a renationalise the railways campaign photograph, can we expect the BBC to pursue and hound him in the way that it has Tories or UKIP members who have been caught red handed?
Answers on the back of a Government ‘Brexit will destroy everything’ leaflet, please.
Surely everyone knows by now there’s nothing funny about Labour? Owen Smith’s past history pushing viagra, Diane Abbot warning of the dangers of obesity and Jezza staging a sit in on a half-empty train are NOT FUNNY.
Meanwhile, saying Donald Trump is just like Hitler never gets old.
A train strike in Scotland and Corbyn on a train moaning makes me think that this is all because secret Union/Momentum talks for a national strike very very soon!
Momentum is full of greens, anarchists, squatters (posh ones) old hippies, grans on Harvey Davidsons, etc who love to protest instead of staying with their sewing or gardening!
And at 8pm ProjectFear2 (The BBC Brexit Myth Factory) continues with How We Voted Brexit “Anne McElvoy speaks to leading figures from across the campaigns to reveal some of the strategic decisions made on the campaign trail, which ultimately led to the momentous result.”
I think ANNE McELVOY has form as a Remainer : Sorry, Leavers – we’ll have to keep free movement following Brexit ..dailymail.co.uk
– Hangon it could be a re-edit of last months Radio3 prog that was quite fair..probably not a different producer listed.
She has a piece on the Guardian web-site today, if not in the paper, about it, which she was presumably paid for.
Enough said?
She does, and its getting crucified BTL by Brexiteers.
A few Bremoaners too, full of hate and spite.
But that whats lefties do, hate spite and mass murder. They just love mass murder, it’s in their DNA as the historical record shows.
I was wrong, actually for BBC it was not that bad. Not the usual trick of airing 2 Remoaners against 1 Brexiteer.
– Labour MP said an interesting thing when prog accused Brexiteers of lying about £350 ..she said “No £500m would be a lie, £350m is a true Gross figure ..but for the Remainers it’s difficult in trying to say that the the net figure is lower they would be drawn into how much the EU really does cost …instead they chose not to do that.”
I have wanted to post this all day, but have only just got a phone signal!!
The relentless assault on our way of life by the the traitorous b*stards at Al Beebistan HQ continues with out fail, as it does every day, on Al Beebs propaganda webshite today…
We have the “no shit Sherlock” scenario where we are told “mother’s pay lags far behind men”, then the devious vermin explaining why (about as well as the Al Beebs journalistic abilities are going to explain anything), then the Al Beebs true purpose of this non story becomes apparent as the only ‘expert/professional antagonist’ we hear from is to preach to us how discriminated women are!!!!! WTF Al Beeb!! These mothers will mostly have husbands and partners who clearly want their respective households to be earning as much money as possible!!!!! Both the mother and the farther know that having time off to have a child reduces income!!! Let me explain for you… WORKING LESS HOURS EARNS LESS!! MORONS!!!
Next…. We have the lie/withholding of information of all time in an article about a young boy being enriched by a hand grenade, as the Al Beeb bring out this bad boy when trying to make us all feel bad for how evil we all are for being horrible to gimmagrants/terrorists /good Muslims…
“Sweden generally has low crime rates but police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo”
“Over the course of the summer, cars have been set alight on an almost nightly basis in some neighbourhood”
And there you have it folks! The only crime worth listing that takes place in the rape capital of the world is a few burnt out cars…. Rape?!!! Only a crime when it suits Al Beeb!
“… police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods…”
Solid post Tothepoint. I quoted this very piece myself earlier, but only just noticed the other glaring volte-face by the BBC: they are of course very subtly blaming the police for failing to address the violence!
It couldn’t possibly be that the
Muslim“poorer” areas are lawless ganglands, now could it. Oh no.No no no, it would be racist to point out that the “poor” are over 400% more likely to commit a crime than a natural Swede.
And as you say, Tothepoint, not a word about the rape epidemic being carried out by those “poor” people.
Also not a word about the immense level of public subsidy being doled out for the unemployed, everyone gets a flat or a house, plus a very good standard of living over there, puts our benefits system to shame really. So they are using the term “poorer” advisedly, they’d probably be middle-class over here.
Thanks Mike, and superb additional points of your own.
This is all linked. It’s a Web of bullshit, lies, and misreporting to deceive the white Europeans who are suffering because of our selfish elites actions.
Firstly, we were told that we are taking in gimmagrants fleeing warzones… And that these people are just trying to save their lives. It was “utter desperation” we were told that was making these gimmagrants flee their homes… We were offering them safety. We were saving their lives……… The reality?? The ungrateful bastards are rioting, raping and trying to attack the very people who have taken them in!!! The bastard media can’t report that though, because these traitors forced this on us!! The gimmagrants were not fleeing the shit holes they came from, they are bringing everything that created them with them!!
And look at the bullshit propaganda we had forced on us the other day! How everyone not white was a discriminated victim!! If we are not prepared to force those who move here to live by our rules, and force the native white peoples to accommodate those who hold inferior values, principles, practices….then we make everything about our way of life inferior. Absolutely everything!! Though that is the whole point of Marxist/socialist ideology… Rather than improve everything for everyone, make everyone victims of a system where nobody benefits and nobody wins
Spot on, Tothepoint, it’s our culture itself which is at stake here, the very culture which attracts people to this wonderful country of ours.
As the judge said today, very few of the asylum cases are genuine, and only 1 in 20 of the failed ones get deported…
Re Marxist/socialist ideology, I believe the great Sir Winston Churchill had it right when he said:
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has given a damning interview concerning the EU and the future of the Euro zone.
“It’s interesting because the U.K. was not part of the Eurozone.
It was homegrown austerity, not imposed from abroad, and it was a somewhat gentler austerity than Greece had. But it illustrates again how the neoliberal ideology has not delivered for a large fraction of the population. It was inevitable that some day they would rise up and say, “We’re going to try something different.”
Worth a read for certain.
Mentally unstable, nothing to do with Islam. Blame Trump
I could not find this currently on AlBeeb, how strange.
One of the that articles that their search facility did find though was “United States of Hate: Muslims under attack.”
Is even their search engine biasedly hypertuned to avoid mentioning The Religion Of Peace?
Just on Corbyn and the jam packed train. Not.
In Socialist world, jam packed train equals need for renationalisation.
In the real world.
The East Coast main line has at least three operators ( Hull, Grand Central, Virgin). I note that advance returns to Yorkshire including a reserved seat are available for around £20 return. I use the service periodically.
I also note Corbyn goes out of his way to praise the fantastic staff. Now I do agree that in general staff should be praised for good work but clearly in this case we see the Socialist focus on producers not consumers.
Jezza is banged to rights on this one, good and proper. And the film maker ditto. Result !
Jalal Uddin: Imam ‘murdered by IS supporters’ over ‘black magic’ healing
Usual BBC apologising for Muslims killers. Ruqya healing is considered ‘black magic’ by many Muslims and the punishment can be death right across the Muslim world. The BBC choose not to use the ‘M’ word and instead substitute it with “IS supporters”.
Anything negative about Islam is “IS/ISIS” according to the BBC when in truth Islam=IS=ISIS=Muslims.
Surprised this hasn’t been posted yet:
‘BBC is like a walking advert for Remain’ News channel sanctioned for Brexit coverage
THE BBC was slammed for being ‘a walking advert for Remain’ by a US news channel which has been fined for its Brexit coverage.
Could it be that Lazy Davey offered the BBC another 5 years of licence fee if they supported remain ?
If it happened it will all have been arranged without a word having been spoken, in that way the establishment has always done things. No records, entirely deniable, unprovable and, above all, unprosecutable.
Forever the ‘Conspiracy theorist’, I remain confident that Islam is principally behind the BBC’s pro Remain position. It’s all to do with the spread of Islam throughout Europe and the UK, with far greater integration between National Broadcasters toward that goal if Remain had been successful. Currently, they’re thinking up alternatives.
This is a very good (short) article and it equally applies to al beebus.
And where are all the social justice warriors claiming to be fighting for Transgender people, but in reality doing no such thing:
Hande Kader: Outcry in Turkey over transgender woman’s murder
Apparently there more trans people murdered in Turkey than any other country, so where are the Fascists?
Ah yes it’s a Muslim thing. Nothing to see here, move along nothing to see.
The big transgender issue for the BBC… Today…. is… A face off between Obamapa and a Texas judge over provision of separate washrooms. Apparently.
The sort of sh1t the INBBC love…
How about different uniforms for Catholic and Protestant officers in Glasgow? That should work well.
Presumably these would be the ones taking Charlie Hebdo off the newsagent shelves, and asking the proprietors who bought a copy…
Certainly unlikely to be running down perps given the performance of their sisters in the Olympics, especially during Ramadan.
Probably more acting as liaison officers with Tell Mama to direct the hate more quickly.
Hijab cops – They’ll be the ones arresting you for Hate Speech and Islamophobia. Great, just what we need.
Indeed… and presumably turning a blind eye to the murders of Ahmadis and faith healers, which they see as “apostates” so wouldn’t count as murder under the Sharia. Did someone say the insane were taking over the asylum?
It’s quite useful to have Scotland going to hell in this way.
Whenever you meet a potential Labour voter all you have to do is jerk your thumb in a Northerly direction.
Oh Lord, what next. Please tell me it’s a spoof.
Police Scotland include hijab as uniform to encourage Muslim women to join force http://bbc.in/2bJDW85
Gotta love the irony of that poster in the background, because Islam has done SO very much down the centuries for that particular cause.
How can they be police officers if they can’t talk to, look at or touch men that aren’t their husbands?
Or handle rape cases. Well, most of them.
“The sort of sh1t the INBBC love…”
Look at this!
Disgusting isn’t it?
Omega I suspect the photo is of a Sikh. Sikhism is a tolerant religion who itself has been much persecuted by Islam wherever the 2 faiths met, mostly South Asia.
A precedent for police uniforms was set many years ago (1980s, if I recall correctly) by allowing Sikh constables to wear turbans. This follows on from similar uniform allowances used in the Indian police and army when under British command.
Personally I would not allow it. It was arguably necessary in India but I think the whole point of a uniform is to deflect attention from the individual and to show that he or she is acting for a higher authority. This is why judges wear wigs and gowns and clergy wear cassocks and surplices, it is not about their individual personal beliefs and preferences.
Geoff whilst being arrested and having to undergo a strip search by one of these “Hijab hotties” may well be the ultimate Beeboid wet dream. One does wonder about their usefulness.
Is the idea to use them in “high profile” patrols in predominately non muslim areas to “rub our noses in diversity” (particularly effective after the next stabbing attack by a mental health patient trying to find his favourite snackbar). Or is the idea to use them in predominately “ethnically sensitive” muslim areas-where a womans word is only worth half that of a mans? – Interesting.
Maybe this could inspire Police Australia too? Mind you, they may wonder who the stab proof vests are meant for.
Perhaps they’ll be seen on patrol with this fine gentleman:
Maria – Brighton and Hove Constabulary perhaps ?
First we have gesture politics and now we have gesture policing. Never let it be said that this country we dont tackle the serious issues head on!
Not for long – their first duty would be to throw him off a high building.
Not just the BBC.
A woman in Canada, who was born in Ukraine to a Muslim-Algerian father and says she “suffered through an Islamic educational system” and has vowed to fight against what she calls “political Islam” is being sued for slander by a private Muslim school in Montreal.
The plaintiff school is being represented by Julius Grey, “a well-known human-rights and freedom-of-expression lawyer”.
Well we all know who has the ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ now don’t we!
Quite agree Geoff.
One word will suffice in adopting this religious based police uniform. – Ridiculous
One word will suffice in summing up Police Scotland. – Embarrassing.
10 pm BBC tv news report on Corbyn’s lies about a virgin train being full. Will it damage him? the reporter asks. No is the answer , in fact it will energise his supporters . So these Corbynistas are fired up by a man who is caught out as a complete liar . What a state labour is in ! And the beeb cannot recognise it.
Off topic but I feel the need to highlight something which is irritating me beyond belief.
Every time a BBC presenter interviews invited guests the comment at the end of the discussion is always ‘either ‘Joan Bakewell I’ll give you the last word’ or Shami Chakrabarti I’ll give you the last word’ or ‘Polly Toynbee I’ll give you the last word’.
Why don’t interviewers Kirsty Wark, Nina Mangcheti, James O’Brien,David Dimbleby or James Naughtie just come out and say what they really mean. How about this.-
‘Because you’re a leftie labour supporter like me and an upholder of anything anti British like the BBC, you have exclusive permission to rubbish everything that was said previously in the debate without any come back. Take as long as you like’.
Another goodie is the ‘while I have got you here we’ll veer off topic and make a statement disguised as a question that you can’t possibly answer, Bazzinga”, used as ‘balance’ with foes to the above.
Magnificent hatchet piece on Channel 4 ‘ Can Trump Win ?’ by honorary Beeboid the fat shit Matt Frei.
No bias in the title is there?
He goes on to speak for all us Brits by telling head of the Trump campaign that ‘no-one in Britain can believe that the US would elect Trump’
No one in Britain (with an IQ greater than their shoe size) watches Matt Frei and takes anything he says seriously.
The BBC and Channel Four – two sides of the same fake coin.
GC – you are quite correct. The only difference that I can see is –
BBC = Bollocks
CH4 = Bollocks with adverts
They just will not get it these media trash. So give up on them. Frei is just another body snatched entirely predictable lefty. I did like the blonde woman for Trump. She was not having any of his whining rubbish questions.
Do our taxes pay for C4? In part I believe. Close it on day 2 after the BBC on day 1.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I watched anything on Ch4. Come to that, the meagre amount of time I once spent listening to BBC R4 has dwindled to almost zero lately as it has descended even further into a parody of itself. That leaves maybe two hours a week of carefully selected documentaries mostly from BBC Four or BBC Two.
Now let some twit tell me it’s ‘great value for money’!
I will say at lunchtime the Beeb had the clearest pictures from Heathrow showing the return of the Olympians. Sky HQ is literally across the road at Isleworth, and their pictures could’ve been coming from Mars they were so blurred and erratic. All this technology and still there is always a breakdown in audio or picture quality on their doorstep !!!!
GCooper, same here. I don’t have a tellie (sold it in protest after the migrant crisis coverage last year) but occasionally watch things on BBC Iplayer. I’ve been winding that down in anticipation of the Iplayer ban next month. To be honest there are much better things to watch on youtube.
BTW 23:12 on ITV Billy Connelly prog has just shown a map of exisiting 360 mile wall along the US/Mex border …looks like a wall to me. Billy is in the border patrol helicopter, but being a good Lefty later calls for open borders.
Billy Connelly – Not just a Lefty… a Scottish Lefty.
Thather – Just like no-one in Britain (i.e. Beebistan) could believe the Brits would vote Brexit.
ptg – That is why all these polls showing Clinton ahead mean jacks**t, the same way all the polls telling us we would lose the referendum were also total cr@p.
Trump received more votes to win the Republican nomination than any candidate for the nomination ever has.
I have never watched the result of the U.S. presidential election live but this November I might just treat myself, for the chance of watching the faces in the al beebus studios do what they did when the results of the referendum came in; the most exquisite Schadenfreude to behold.
It will be absolutely hilarious to see the reaction of British leftists if/when Trump wins. See them stamp their feet as they realise they don’t actually have any control over US politics…Didn’t some Guardianistas try to influence voters in a key US marginal state some time back, and get told where to go in no uncertain terms?
Operation Clarke County, headed up by now BBC Newsnight Editor of integrity, Ian Katz.
“4th Time Matt Frei has run his anti-Trump advert, just keeps updating his Trump doco each time”
Yes I agree you could imagine that tonight’s C4 prog was another 1 hour NewsVert paid for by the Clinton campaign.
Today’s BBC’s dodgy reporting that women are DISCRIMIDATED against & paid less.
Seems like playing the VICTIM game.
The Regressive Lefty narrative = women are still VICTIMS so vote Labour to get Tories out.
+ BBC NEWS are completely Flaming -F-lutely useless at Statistics ..bunch of flaming art students.
– But we are not in the 1950s, equality laws are pretty good.
The report seems rubbish and should be easily taken apart, reporters should not be acting as compliant PR pushers.
Once again it’s the Regressives who immediately seeks to define people by their sex (or race) … (cos it fits some narrative game), For flips sake the whole point about equality is that everyone gets treated as an individual ! Everyone is they have their, own individual circumstances, own individual abilities and make their own individual choices.
That report is Overgeneralisation fallacy..which then fallaciously extrapolated further by BBC staff.
– More BBC crimes against stats, and that is only 1 week after a BBCTrust report saying the BBC needs to up its game on Stats.
“Women are still paid less than men” is what many news prog people simplified it to. That is not even what the report said, cos that would be against the modern law ..instead the report talked about the WOMEN WHO BECOME MOTHERS going part time after having children, therefore having less experience and flexibility, therefore not progressing as fast as PEOPLE (not just men) who stayed full time.
I should acknowledge that sure in the 50’s before equality laws you could make some men/women generalisations like that there were often outrageous pay discriminations
But today the report itself is a crime against statistics ! Why ? cos you can’t take complex full colour data and then compress it down to black and white world generalisation of MEN vs WOMEN..For a start in the UK more than 20% of women do not give birth to children in their entire lifetime. If we took say grapes vs apples. The data might say that on average grapes are red and that apples are green, when in fact picking a random grape might give you a green one and picking a random apple might give you a red one.
Similarly if you take a whole population with its mass of complexities you shouldn’t be rushing to make quick generalisations eg that it’s women vs men.
I agree that men and women who have children generally share their money.
You can play all kinds of games with statistics BTW There is the Aug 2015 story that
Women earn MORE than men till their 40s
: 20-something woman have been paid more than men in the same age group over the last decade
“At least six out of 10 people in France and Belgium, which have recently suffered deadly jihadist attacks, believe immigration has had a “negative impact”, said the Ipsos polling institute.”
“At least six out of 10 people in France and Belgium… believe immigration has had a “negative impact”.
6 out of 10, mon cul. Such is the terror of being thought I-phobic and racist that people won’t admit to their true feelings to man with clipboard. Probably more like 9 out of 10. The other 1 being a Religionist of Peace. And even he’s probably not too sure.
Peterthegreat, over at Yahoo news (I know it’s utter crap but I have my email account there so I can’t help seeing it) there’s a report on the French towns that are banning the Burkini.
Bearing in mind that two centuries ago, when the French were unhappy about something they burned, killed and destroyed everything and anything connected with the ideology they were opposed to, I would think it shows remarkable restraint if all they are doing now is banning a type of swimsuit.
But no! The social justice warriors in the comments are complaining about how nasty and wacist it all is!
“A survey conducted by Swiss bank Credit Suisse shows the general public of Switzerland believe that their country’s economy will benefit from a Brexit.”
“Despite Extra Security, Sex Attacks Double at Swedish Festival.
The police report notes that all the attackers were foreign, with Afghanistan and Morocco particularly well represented among those caught for sex offenses.”
Meanwhile, the ever-worthy BBC headline is about some demented chap who can’t find an empty seat on a railway carriage when it’s right in front of him, and yet has delusions of grandeur about being able to unite the Labour party and win a general election.
Go figure.
Just found this site. Spot on the lot of you. Have despised the beebistan’s impartiality for years. Has anybody posted about today’s story covering conservative MP Heather Wheeler.
Completely lambasted for using the word Empire. Clearly the BBC think that the empire was comparable to the third Reich or the inquisition. Tossers.
Croeso! Welcome from the West.
Spider – it’s an article of faith in beeboid circles that Empire = pure evil and anyone defending it in any way = fascist.
But only the British Empire mind, other empires are fine. I remember some beeb ‘historian’ (Bettany Hughes?) gushing that the early spread of the Muslim empire was a testament to its dynamism and vigour. I think the girls are secretly turned on by fantasies of galloping swarthy warriors hacking away at infidels and sweeping maidens off their feet – the old rape fantasy. I wonder if that’s why the odious ex-nun Karen Armstrong is such a bare-cheeked apologist for the RoP – or should that be bare-faced, oops Freudian.
Spider, welcome sir (or madam). Here’s a little story you might find interesting. I have a Japanese friend who is an Anglophile. She told me she bought a copy of ‘Empire’ by Niall Ferguson in an Oxfam shop. (If you’ve read it you’ll know it caused a bit of controversy because it gave an impartial view of the Empire, showing the good and bad aspects). Somebody had scrawled abuse all over the flyleaf, calling it outrageous, racist etc. My friend was clearly puzzled and said ‘How can somebody hate the history of their country so much to do that?’ I had to sit her down and have a long talk about ‘cultural self-hatred’ – it’s not something very well known in Japan apparently.
To those shites ‘Empire’ is worse than Reich/Gulag/etc
Twitter is Judge and Jury for the media.
But not for me.
BBC Online News:
“”French Muslims fear state aims to control their faith””
“”The authorities need to stop chasing people for being Muslim, for having a beard or for being religiously involved. This is not a sign of risk. This is a sign of religiosity””
“”(Terrorist) attacks triggered a wave of new restrictions, including a ban on the wearing of burkinis on some of France’s beaches – a move that some argue smacks of Islamophobia””
“”Muslims make up less than 10% of France’s population and yet they make up some 60% of the prison population””
“”And yet, many Muslims believe France still needs to address problems of marginalisation, as well as the way Islam is portrayed in French media. Otherwise they fear France may continue to offer fertile ground for Islamist extremists””
So, Muslims are victims of Muslim terrorism? Best they stop doing it?
Why don’t we just save everyone a lot of time and trouble and simply adopt Sharia law wholesale. Then these good constables can be put to work throwing gays off buildings, stoning rape victims, chopping off thieves’ hands and beheading anyone who disrespects Islam, starting with most of the contributors to bbbc.
‘Allo ‘Allo, what have we here then? Evening all.
The buddy cop movie potential is awesome:
Plus there is this sweet ride:
Guest Who, that is scary. This is dangerous politicisation of the police force. They are supposed to enforce the law impartially, not abuse their position to promote socio-political causes. Of course, anyone who objects is ‘homophobic’ and that trumps everything. If evidence were required that the left’s ‘long march’ through the police force is complete, here it is.
Purely on a point of info, looking at that msn image, what is the relationship between Police Scotland and New Scotland Yard?
Guest Who, I did an image search. The hijab for women police constables was authorised in London in 2008 (when this image was taken, presumably), other constabularies such as Leicestershire (surprise surprise) allow it as well. So it’s not a new thing, but obviously the Scots are pushing it for all its worth to appear ‘progressive’ and ‘anti-Islamophobic’. Rather than take a new picture of some muslim ladies in Sauchihall Street, or wherever, they’ve just used the old stock photo.
Well played, Cranmer!
I think these uniforms for our new police force would reflect our rich and diverse population nicely.
Surely from a purely practical point of view a hijab is dangerous for a woman police constable to wear, someone (perhaps all those ‘far right’ people we are told are lurking everywhere) could simply grab and twist it to strangle her. In the long gone days when policemen wore ties, they were a special type that just came off if they were grabbed, precisely to neutralise assaults of this type.
Presumably political correctness and Islam trumps ‘elf n safety’?
They should b safe if they are required to walk about ten feet behind a man.
I suspect the police realise they have to provide a hijab uniform otherwise they could be acccused of ‘Islamophobia’ or ‘racism’ and risk law suits from professional grievance-mongers. They can then spin this as being ‘progressive’.
The chances of any hijab wearing WPCs actually existing are slim – I can’t find any online evidence despite London allowing them in 2001 (not 2008 as previously mentioned). So it sounds like pure tokenism to me.
If I were a proper journalist I’d sense a story here – if hijab has been allowed since 2001 in London why don’t we see more WPCs wearing them? Is it a. institutional racism and islamophobia in the police or b. something to do with attitudes in Islam or c. there are muslim police women but they don’t want to wear a hijab?
Strikes me that it’s one of those virtue-signalling stories that never gets followed up because to do so might raise some awkward questions.
US cop wears hijab
And the Mounties to wear hijabs
Dragon’s Den
43 minutes in.
Usually, when someone presenting their idea forgets their lines or stalls due to nervousness, there are close-ups of frowns and disapprovement from “The Dragons”
Not on this occasion. Smiles. Encouraging smiles. It’s only a brief moment, but a white guy would not get away with it.
This is BBC bias.
Yes Edward, bias takes a thousand forms…
Not really getting your point here, Edward, sorry.
I just watched, excruciating viewing though it is.
So what happens is, our nervous/overeager star from Kerala, Jacob, starts to fluff his lines, cut to a shot of a frowning dragon (gent), Jacob breathes audibly, cut to shot of a smiling dragon (lady), after which Jacob continues fluently with market stats for his products (£750m in the US) and the dragons are generally impressed and scribble furiously in their notebooks.
So “encouraging smile” – singular – yes. Smiles plural, no. Plus one frown which you didn’t mention.
So… What’s your point here?
Surely you’re not trying to build up a stock of spurious complaints of BBC bias, so that you can’t later be accused of not providing any, as has happened in the past?
Your earlier effort was equally anodyne, a long clip from a US news channel, tagged with the complaint that the BBC would never allow someone to present so much factually based truth, unchallenged, yet the interviewer challenged her right off the bat by asking “so who’s going to pay for it all?”
So forgive me if I think this is all a bit thin, and a flimsy attempt to build up some “credit”.