You could well be correct, but the impression I get from the BBC coverage of these types of attacks is that they’re written according to a script designed to appease rather than a genuine belief that attacks like these have nothing to do with Islam, I could very well be wrong but it’s just the impression I always get.
I imagine there are different types of psychosis going on in the beeboids’ brains. Some may know exactly what’s going on in all these Muslim terror attacks, while others may be so indoctrinated and delusional they really don’t, or perhaps a weird Doublethink, where they sort of know but can’t quite admit it even to themselves. And at all costs don’t tell the peasants.
I bet there is a growing confusion amongst BBC staff with every new attack, and the realisation must be dawning on some that we really are in a war of ideologies whether we like it or not.
But it’s the way they excuse and/or ignore certain aspects of Islam that are so contrary to the core beliefs of the BBC that has always baffled me and it only makes sense when I view their reporting as appeasement.
No, there’s no confusion TD. They’re working toward being first in the queue to continue in the role as National Broadcaster when the UK becomes an Islamic State. If I’m very not much mistaken, they will be shy on derogatory news about the Mayor of Londonistan as he doubtless will feature prominently in a future Islamic State.
Always listen carefully at the end of a BBC news broadcast. Normally the Programme Editor will be identified by name and normally, it is a foreign name and in particularly Asian and likely to be a Muslim (equally so the newsreaders). So, in reply, I say they are far from surprised as most of the BBC is already of Islamic persuasion. I recall it is a well established principle in war that any take-over/invasion is preceded by securing the National Broadcaster.
I know only 2 people who can solve the mysterious case of the man shouting Allahu Akbar as he murdered a Brit in Oz: What could possibly have been his motivation?? Click below.
I wonder if they believe that Isis is just a bunch of mentally ill, lone wolf criminals and that Isis is nothing to do with Islam. That appears to be the message our rulers are pumping out to us.
Are those who govern us really so stupid, thick skinned and ignorant of what is actually happening.
These are grown up people so how can they not see the truth of what goes on in the real world.
The comment from the leader of the Islamic Council of Queensland in relation to the murder in Australia, which I posted earlier, shows they are in deep denial.
“Just because someone says ‘Allahu akbar’ does not mean that person’s motivations are religious.
It is a commonly used phrase by 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and unfortunately some criminals misuse that phrase.”
So what’s he saying, that just because someone is committing a crime, they are “misusing” the phrase “Allahu Akhbar”? What if it’s not a crime under Sharia (and killing a Kaffir is not a crime for a Muslim under Sharia).
In any case, surely if someone says “Allahu Akhbar” they are committing a religiously-motivated hate crime, certainly at least in the eyes of the beholder, as per the CPS guidelines.
Only just noticed the call for ban on immigration from Australian federal MP…
Meanwhile, federal MP Bob Katter held a press conference in response to the stabbing, saying he would call for tougher restrictions on migration at the next sitting of Parliament.
“The people that live between Greece and India and Northern Africa we cannot allow them to come into Australia unless they are persecuted minority groups, which obviously are the Christians the Jews and the Sikhs,” he said.
“Now unless they fit into those categories, I think migration from those countries has to stop.”
There appears to be a world wide edict, sent out by God knows whom, that anyone committing a crime shouting Allah Akbar, will not be classed as an Islamist, and there is never any evidence as such. What more do they want ? It would be more believable if they shouted Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Lala and Poo !! Do they really think the world’s population are that stupid ?
Think “Allah Akbar” is now being translated as
“I need my meds but the bloody NHS Community Services are failing me , due to austerity cuts imposed by a heartless Tory Government and only likely to get worse now you lot have voted to leave the EU”.
Well-no worse that Eddies is it?
FFS Edward-they tell us what it means every time it`s used by a Bonkers Son of Allah…don`t you LISTEN t5o the BBC as they attempt to inform educate and indoctrinate…entertaining has LONG flown the nest
Now it’s on the beeb site: “UK woman stabbed to death in Australia.”
“Police are investigating the possibility that the alleged attacker was motivated by extremist views.” Eh? Extremist Australian views? Extremist French views? Extremist sea views?
Oh, here’s a clue:
“It is alleged the 29-year-old French suspect used the Arabic phrase “Allahu akbar” during the attack.”
Call Inspecteur Clouseau immediatement, I’m sure he’ll be able to solve this baffling case of Ze Mad Frenchman.
Inspecteur Clouseau to investigate the case that is baffling Australia’s finest: what could possibly be behind the knife murder by a man shouting Allahu Akbar?
As an example of how the BBC is biased – for anyone who is looking for a worthy comparator – this video should go some way to demonstrating how the BBC usually shut down those who speak the truth, despite the facts they cite, and those who speak nonsense without any facts to back their argument. Would the BBC allow this exchange to go on for so long?
I mean, it’s sort of about the top 1%, y’know. Absolutely, I mean if the reality is that we need to look at the injustice, y’know, then we need to look at the injustice of the system. Like, it’s, sort of, not right, y’know. What’s that? Where does the money come from? Well… absolutely, we need to tax people more, especially the top 1%, like, they can afford to pay for everything, y’know.
I’d settle for a serious-minded breakfast time talk radio news alternative to the Today programme. How expensive could that really be in “internet radio” format?
If just 7 000 subscribers agreed to pay, say, £145.50 per year that would generate £1 015 000 to hire production facilities and pay staff.
Weather, business, sport news feeds are all available from syndicated sources. Guests cost nothing.
By attracting a distinct, free-thinking, current-affairs-minded demographic the new station might be interesting to advertisers. My thinking would be to run a small number of ads via opted-in subscribers via email / SMS rather than have ads interrupt programmes.
I’ve half a mind to knock up a business plan and put it on Kickstarter.
I’m in – seriously – and why stop at just breakfast time?!? But it would be a good start 🙂
And on top of peer-to-peer contributions, what about the potential advertising revenue, think 50% of the population (OK, maybe 52%) and think of all the ads in eg the Mail, Express, Telegraph…
But… where would you broadcast from, the North Sea like Radio Caroline? Is Sealand still vacant?
An internet-only channel wouldn’t really do it for me, I think it would need people to be able to tune in on the way to work…
Great link Edward, reality juggernaut hits idealism moped in head on collision, sadly, the idealist did not survive the impact. To her credit the young lady appears to be learning from the encounter, some real information does seem to permeate her blue socialist pie in the sky thinking. Now if she can just shake off the rest of that socialist brainwashing masquerading as an education there may be hope.
Actually I’m going to revise that assessment, what I interpreted on first viewing as some kind of thought process being stirred in the young womans head, upon second viewing, it may just be ‘does not compute outright denial’. I’m still going to save to favourites because it’s funny.
As soon as you hear the words ‘motive unclear’ or ‘mentally unstable ‘ in a BBC report, you know they’re trying to cover up a Islamist attack. Another attack in Australia and the BBC pushing the line of ‘motive unclear ‘ even though other reports state the attacker shout the usual ‘allahu akbar ‘.
It’s a chilling expose on life inside Saudi Arabia, with hidden camera footage from inside the kingdom exposing their vile treatment of women, disgusting public capital punishment, alongside first-hand interviews with Saudi citizens, anonymised for obvious reasons.
At 4:09 into the video, an anonymous interviewee states:
“In Saudi they say ‘Be careful, the walls can hear, these walls can hear’. People cannot express themselves freely. There is no freedom of thought, the government arrests people just for writing something.”
A chilling thought struck me as I was watching… How long before this becomes a reality in the UK, and the thought-police start arresting us for opposing Islamophilia?
A chilling thought struck me as I was watching… How long before this becomes a reality in the UK, and the thought-police start arresting us for opposing Islamophilia?
I hate to point it out but we are there already Mike, as I’m sure you know. Already, a ‘hate crime’ (read Thought Crime) is determined by whether someone is offended by what you say, not by whether something you say is true.
‘Incorrect’ thoughts are already illegal.
The left have created this situation with mass immigration of incompatible people who will not integrate, but prefer to dominate.
I accept that the left have no f** clue what to do about the problem they have created. However, they are going to make damn sure that it is illegal to point out the error of their crimes against society. There only ‘plan’ is to stick their heads in the sand and delude themselves into thinking that everything will be alright just so long as we submit to everything the supremacists demand. Then it will all end happily-ever-after.
If you point out this is a crap plan, the left will deal with you … just as every master race always deals with it’s dissidents.
I hate to point it out but we are there already Mike, as I’m sure you know. Already, a ‘hate crime’ (read Thought Crime) is determined by whether someone is offended by what you say, not by whether something you say is true.
True enough, Manchesterlad, true enough. Splitting hairs perhaps, but I suppose the only difference is that over here the plod generally aren’t feeling our collars just yet for opposing Islamophilia… although I think it’s coming, what with that new Met unit and all…
The sad thing is that in Britain by about 1900 nearly all the problems of integrating people of irreconcilable religious differences had been solved, apart from a few flashpoints like Glasgow and Belfast; by the 1990s that had pretty much gone too. Then mass immigration came along and pushed us back to the Caroline era of ‘hate speech’ laws and all the ghastly apparatus of state thought control.
Bank on it the BBC will be at the forefront of a NEWSTASI regime in Britain. It just is that way. Nowhere to go for these dreadful people except into tyranny.
“It is alleged the 29-year-old French suspect used the Arabic phrase “Allahu akbar” during the attack.”
“Motive unclear”
“Investigators will also consider whether mental health or drugs misuse factors are involved in this incident,”
And so they should, but why even mention it, will that line now be included in every BBC report of murder as standard practice? or just selected cases.
It seems some Frenchman looking for Alans snack bar in Australia has accidently killed a young ‘British’ woman Mia Ayliffe Chung a very attractive backpacker, and an Aussie man Grant ‘Grunta’ Scholz who was seriously injured.
Of course to the BBC these two, not being Muslim count for nothing, and their only concern will be whether they can spin the mental health issues of the attacker – that is, if they can be bothered reporting it.
Apparently the BBC can’t afford a picture of the victim.
Wonder why? The rest of the media are full of pictures of her. Are they afraid it might invoke too much sympathy – or provoke outrage against the evil ideology which presumably spawned her murder, given what the attacker said while killing her?
(Remember, when Jo Cox was murdered, it was 100% OK to assume the killer’s motives immediately based on what he’d allegedly said while killing her, so fair dos all round.)
However they do have room for a map of Australia, just in case we didn’t know what it looks like 🙄
Oh and if you want full details you have to go to the Australian press, here’s a juicy comment from the Islamic Council of Queensland, in full denial mode:
The Islamic Council of Queensland’s Ali Kadri was critical of the speculation so early on that the alleged attack could be linked to terrorism.
He said overplaying it was disingenuous and wrong.
“Media should be more responsible than this, and not just make it a terrorist incident because at this stage I don’t think we can speculate it is a terrorist incident,” he said.
“Just because someone says ‘Allahu akbar’ does not mean that person’s motivations are religious.
“It is a commonly used phrase by 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and unfortunately some criminals misuse that phrase.
Yeah right. Suddenly a Muslim stops being “religious” because they kill a Kaffir?!? GMAFB. Remind me again Mr Kadri which verse in the Quran prohibits a Muslim from killing a Kaffir. Go on, a dare you, I double dare you.
R4 8:10am EU John Humphries starting to talk to Owen Smith, opened by saying that there will be vote in parliament to approve issuing art 50. Err! that is labours position, not the gov, that says it can be done with royal prerogative. Again, bBC the mothpiece of labour.
Beeb of course still dont seem to get it, but if Labour want to be as deluded as the Beeb then I will enjoy watching them after the next election having to hang-up there red flags and walk off into oblivion.
Why can the BBC not be honest and lead with the headline “Owen Smith says ‘I will fight against democracy’!”?
He is determined to overturn a democratic mandate, just because he doesn’t agree with it. Just like every fascist despot has always done, and no doubt will always do.
Rather than pointing out that the putative prime minister is an anti-democrat, the BBC stands right behind him in opposing democracy.
Well I heard a miracle due to The Virgin Corbyn !
when I switched on R4Toady at 8:47 yes as usual they were talking about one of their normal bbcTodayCampaigningIssues CORBYN…but instead of being super positive they had 2, yes 2 anti-Corbin speakers ..saying what a stupid stunt the train seat video was.
I thought wow there’s been a miraculous change away ffrom pro-Labour party bias.
….I hadn’t realised that they’ve just moved from blind faith in Corbyn to blind faith in Owen Smith.
Did you hear Smith say that he expects the Government to give LABOUR a seat on any EU negotiations?
Who the fuck does he think he is?
Must have Sturgeons Syndrome….
Disgusting, but smart move to promise the punters a second referendum, that should get him at least 40% of the vote at general election time, guaranteed… that’s if the young can be bothered to vote, that is… Let’s hope May gets her arse in gear and gets us off the burning deck of the EU ship BEFORE the next GE…
Mike, I think she’s delaying until a general election when staying in will be part of the Conservative manifesto. That means that A50 will never be triggered. May’s claim that “Brexit means Brexit” actually means “Brexit means playing for time and kidding on the people that their vote counts until it can be squashed – quietly.”
Shye has no intention of letting democracy take its course. We voted out and must be vigilant that the fascists of all the major parties don’t get their way and stifle our last chance for democracy.
No chance of that in the Tory manifesto. She knows that if she did try to put it in half of her MP’s would rebel and she would be in the same position as the Corbynutta. As for the revolting electorate at large, never would they have had a better reason not to vote Tory. Lord Nige would buy a 10 gallon hat and ride in on a white charger to reclaim his position in UKIP and save the country.
Wikipedia (shurely the fount of all knowledge) says the next GE will be on Thursday 7 May 2020 thanks to the Fixed Term Parliaments Act.
So if she stalls on calling Article 50 until sometime in early 2017, as she has already indicated, negotiations would have to be complete by 2019, more than a year ahead of the next GE.
That is, unless the rest of the EU agree unanimously to extend the two-year negotiations, which on the face of it would seem unlikely as they can’t usually agree unanimously about anything.
Or unless there is a vote of no-confidence in the government or some other extraordinary circumstance to cause an earlier GE.
I had already considered #2 & #3 and came to the conclusion they were both very unlikely.
In terms of #2, you wouldn’t want to pass a no-confidence motion in your own government just before an election as it sends the wrong message.
In terms of #1, repealing the Act is not something currently tabled in parliament and wasn’t in the manifesto etc etc – not to say they couldn’t, I just think it’s very unlikely.
(I agree it would probably get stuck in the Lords but as I’m sure you’re aware they can’t block legislation, only slow its passage.)
I have to admit that I hadn’t considered #1 and wasn’t aware of the provision, but I have to say that at first sight it also seems very unlikely.
Firstly, I don’t think the Conservatives would want another vote about Brexit – one was enough! And there would be too much chance of Labour hoovering up the Remainiac vote while the Leavers could be split… Plus, second time around, there could be legions of young voters just itching to have another go which might swing things.
Also, it’s very hard to see Labour helping out the Conservatives to get a two-thirds majority so they could call a GE, what would be in it for them? Presumably each side would take straw polls beforehand and whichever side looked like losing would refuse.
And how would an early GE get rid of Corbyn? He already has very little support in the PLP, it’s root & branch membership which elects him and they’re staunchly behind him whether or not he’s electable…
What I do know from talking to people who know about such things (I have friends who work in parliament in a non-political capacity)is that many Labour MPs feel that the longer this parliament runs, the more devastating the defeat at the end of it. They think that Labour’s poll numbers are going to tank even more.
The only thing remaining is proving to his cretinous followers that he really is electoral Kryptonite. Pushing the big red button marked ‘election’ is the last hope they’ve got.
Putting these two ideas together would lead to the conclusion that the PLP would be best off waiting as long as they can for a GE, if their plan is to oust Corbyn by tanking at the GE.
Corbyn the Virgin train liar.
Coming soon to a treasonous national broadcaster near you.
OK, I am inventing this, not found on BBC.
Come on Labour, vote for this **** as your leader, again, you know it makes sense.
So says one female character in the BBC radio drama The Archers to another. And make no mistake it was said in a scornful knowing way. Think of the way that in Dad’s Army Captain Mainwaring might refer to the Germans hatching some devious underhand plot – although Jones’s suggestion that the Jerrys could drop stormtroopers by parachute whilst disguised as nuns might seem far fetched, on the other hand… we know what them Germans are like…
This one line which I heard yesterday explained to me what was going on at Radio 4 –
A Sex War has been declared against Men
It’s a long time since I was a regular Radio 4 listener and indeed fan. I felt the station pushed me away with their heavy left-leaning bias in news and current affairs.
Yesterday for no particular reason other than it was the only talk radio signal available I dipped back in for a couple of hours. The agenda soon became clear: the gender pay gap was rammed down my throat as though it were the be all and end all of news. No questions as to the veracity of the statistics employed by campaigners was raised – this was not so much an exploration of the issue as a BBC call to arms.
So to The Archers where we hear little of agriculture but have domestic violence as central theme and main plank of the story. An evil Man, evil not because he makes a convincing or a dramatically interesting villain – but the bad guy because he is a Man. Elsewhere in the story Men are portrayed as dopey, sex-minded and lacking in social skills. Women rule the drama – hardworking, professional and caring.
Next following The Archers I began listening to some futuristic sci-fi drama serial – again it was female orientated and female character driven. I catch a line “the Spokeswoman..” for some corporation and I know instantly this nonsense has been written recently at the BBC behest and to fit their agendas. Defeated I switch off.
I had been driven away. Surely the BBC should be drawing me in to listen further? The conclusion – BBC Radio 4 was not meant for me as a Man. The only positive male – a fruity-voiced West Indian announcer. I refelected on that one line from The Archers which sums it up “You know what men are like..”
Listening to Radio 4 is like mistakenly blundering into the girl’s hockey team changing room – I shouldn’t be there. I’m not welcome. I’m seeing and hearing things I shouldn’t. I’m intruding, my motives are dubious and probably deeply suspect. You what Men are like!
You’re right. BBC R4 has become almost a male-free zone. If anyone wishes to dispute that I suggest as a starting point they look at the plotlines of the afternoon dramas over the past couple of years and compare them with those of, say, ten years ago.
BBC R4 has made the transition from mildly entertaining and informative middlebrow content to more or less full-on ‘progressive’ (sic) propagandising in a decade. From worthwhile to worthless in ten years. That takes some talent.
AsIseeit, I know what you mean. And yet…the annoying thing is that Radio Four does occasionally produce good stuff. It’s just that you have to trawl through so much bad stuff to hear it. Eg a few weeks ago there was an interesting documentary about nuclear submarine crews in the national service era – it was just a group of elderly gentlemen reminiscing really, but fascinating nonetheless. If only we could have some sort of conservative version of Radio Four!
That’s the point, Cranmer – you never will because the BBC is like an invasive species (one of its current hobby horses). It smothers anything else that tries to grow, sucking all the nutrient, water and light out of the environment so that it is the sole surviving species.
In radio, no one could start an alternative and hope to make it work. And that’s not an accident – it’s how the BBC works.
Personally, I don’t want R4 to be a conservative channel – with or without a capital C. I just want it to stop preaching its Guardianista propaganda at me, which it does more or less constantly.
GCooper, it takes a bit more effort but one way round it is to create a playlist on youtube of old radio plays (there are a lot of old Radio Four ones there from before the PC era), talking books, radio comedies etc. Then you can have this playing in the background when you’re doing the washing up or whatever. I also have a USB player in my car so can download things onto a USB stick for long journeys. Another good online resource is Librivox, which has free audiobooks.
Kirkwood is in Newbury to tell us what the weather might possibly be like and to advertise the great British yawn off, sorry bake off reeling off viewing figures.
Back to the studio for an advert for the almost exact visual clone of Are you being served, it looks dire.
#bbcFighting4Remain R5 Now : “Your Call: Do we need ANOTHER vote on Brexit?”
Why? cos it’s had instructions from THEIR party bosses “Brexit: Owen Smith opposes Article 50 move without vote”
This gutter radio station actually bothered to put the discussion on their FB page this time.
a few posts below is
: Cheshire village becomes climate change leader
“cut their carbon emissions by nearly a quarter.” so “delegations from Thailand, Canada and Norway have all visited the village.”
..So does the village include all that FLIGHT CO2 ?
Stewgreen, thanks, I actually laughed out loud when I saw the bit about the delegations visiting. It reminds me of the story of the rich lady who came out of a posh charity dinner. A beggar approached her and said ‘please help me Mrs, I’m hungry.’ The rich lady looked horrified and said ‘Don’t you realise I’ve just spent two hours in there eating to help people like you?’
I actually laughed out loud when I saw the bit about the delegations visiting.
🙂 Me too. The original should have read “Worthless troughers from publicly funded organisations around the world seize the opportunity to enrich themselves – and have pointless foreign trips at someone else’s expense”.
Who do they think they’re kidding that these ‘delegates’ benefited anyone but themselves? What could they possibly learn, that they couldn’t learn from email or Skype?
Calais watch. The MSM seem to have lost interest in the goings on just across the channel. Perhaps because despite their efforts last Summer, the only reaction they got off the majority of the British public, was fear and loathing.
Not the concerned compassion they were hoping for.
I have a very simple answer. All those involved in the brawl get immediately deported to the hell-hole from which they came. No appeal, nothing, nada, zilch, nix, rien. All those caught trying to break into cars – deport. All those destroying property – deport. It will thin the camps out and the ones left will tend to be better behaved and more likely to be useful if eventually immigrated.
Also a 30 year old British man critically injured in hospital. A dog was also stabbed and killed (not to compare it to human deaths… but … but … who is it who hates dogs? … A cat lover perhaps, that must be it)
Of course we’re all struggling to work out what’s going on – what could possibly be the motivation? Luckily, the Aussie police spokesman at a press conference can put our minds at rest after some obvious quick work and can reassure us that “It’s not about race or religion, but just individual criminal behaviour”.
Lloyds boss would have been sacked if it weren’t for Brexit – BBC
Lloyds insiders say the chief executive is unlikely to be sacked – because of the need for stability post-Brexit and ahead of the planned sale of the government’s remaining stake…
That darned Brexit. Is there nothing it can’t be blamed for?
Of course the truth is that:
(a) He’s unlikely to be fired because of the the stellar job he’s done at Lloyds and
(b) He hasn’t broken any conditions of employment, so they can’t legally fire him.
But trust the BBC not to point out these “trivial” items, and blame it on Brexit instead.
Mind you, they did find space to mention that he’d taken sick leave soon after starting, though what relevance that has (other than to try and smear him for a medical condition?) goodness knows.
Informative as ever, our so-called “world class” propaganda news organisation.
This from Sky (notably what the BBC left out):
His comments were accompanied by a staunch defence of his track record at the bank, with £16bn having been returned to British taxpayers through a string of profitable share sales since 2013.
Mr Horta-Osorio has also taken the axe to tens of thousands of jobs, and said last month that it would cut another 3,000 roles and an additional 200 branches by the end of next year.
PS. This from Sky News, notable in that it’s what the BBC left out, apart from the job losses which the BBC pushed right up to the top of the article. No mention of Lloyds shares being up, though. (And no daft slur on Sky about his medical condition.)
His comments were accompanied by a staunch defence of his track record at the bank, with £16bn having been returned to British taxpayers through a string of profitable share sales since 2013.
Mr Horta-Osorio has also taken the axe to tens of thousands of jobs, and said last month that it would cut another 3,000 roles and an additional 200 branches by the end of next year.
We could have a new debate show called’ reality check’ on a sunday morning giving people a chance to express their opinions but if they interrupt electric shock to the rear. Presented by melanie phillips.
The peasants get unruly comprehensive schools run by left wing bigots .Labour mp’s get private education.OUTRAGEOUS this should never be forgotten and always brought up by the right.
BBc 13:00 news, Dead Briton in 3rd slot after Italian earthquake and tosser Corebin pretends he doesn’t have a seat.
Riuta informs us sources say the attacker shouted in Arabic. BBcs code for Alan’s snackbar.During the report the BBc announcer mentions “comments made” by the attacker the police spokesman how ever comments Alans snackbar.
Big manufactured roww where Smith clearly indicated that Corbyn is a lunatic. Corbyn said that it is offensive to those with mental health problems. What is far more offensive to those with mental health problems is calling all the Jihadi murderers lunatics. If they want to attack anyone about abusing the term attack the BBC and their MSM allies.
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Philip_2Mar 18, 21:52 Start the Week 17th March 2025 A new bit of history on the BBC bias I learn today, goes back a long way… I read: ‘With…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 18, 21:42 Start the Week 17th March 2025 More generally, the intrusion of the Malik family into the Archers story feels like pro-Muslim propaganda. The story of the…
Breaking, but not on beeb yet, natch: “British woman allegedly stabbed to death by Frenchman at Australian backpackers hostel.” Oh, merde alors, anozer crime passionnel, I bet.
But lo, what’s this? “French man allegedly shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ in fatal stabbing of British woman at Australian hostel.”
Apparently Allahu Akbar means ‘I’m bonkers’ in French, or perhaps in Australian, as “Investigators would also consider whether “mental health or drug misuse” issues were a factor in the attack… “This is not about race or religion it is about individual criminal behaviour,” he [police] said.”
It seems that even the usually sensible aussie police have been sent to the same school of PC PR as our European forces!
According to the Telegraph……
““We don’t have a motive yet,” said superintendent Ray Rohweder.”
It’s simply beyond parody now, is there anyone, ANYONE, who seriously believes that the motive is anything other than Islam?
And now I see the BBC have gone one better and have a sub-heading simply titled…..wait for it…….drum roll please………Yep it’s that old favourite……..
“Motive Unclear”
And on and on and on it goes.
“is there ANYONE, who seriously believes that the motive is anything other than Islam?” Yes Duck: the entire staff of bbc news.
You could well be correct, but the impression I get from the BBC coverage of these types of attacks is that they’re written according to a script designed to appease rather than a genuine belief that attacks like these have nothing to do with Islam, I could very well be wrong but it’s just the impression I always get.
I imagine there are different types of psychosis going on in the beeboids’ brains. Some may know exactly what’s going on in all these Muslim terror attacks, while others may be so indoctrinated and delusional they really don’t, or perhaps a weird Doublethink, where they sort of know but can’t quite admit it even to themselves. And at all costs don’t tell the peasants.
I bet there is a growing confusion amongst BBC staff with every new attack, and the realisation must be dawning on some that we really are in a war of ideologies whether we like it or not.
But it’s the way they excuse and/or ignore certain aspects of Islam that are so contrary to the core beliefs of the BBC that has always baffled me and it only makes sense when I view their reporting as appeasement.
No, there’s no confusion TD. They’re working toward being first in the queue to continue in the role as National Broadcaster when the UK becomes an Islamic State. If I’m very not much mistaken, they will be shy on derogatory news about the Mayor of Londonistan as he doubtless will feature prominently in a future Islamic State.
Always listen carefully at the end of a BBC news broadcast. Normally the Programme Editor will be identified by name and normally, it is a foreign name and in particularly Asian and likely to be a Muslim (equally so the newsreaders). So, in reply, I say they are far from surprised as most of the BBC is already of Islamic persuasion. I recall it is a well established principle in war that any take-over/invasion is preceded by securing the National Broadcaster.
I know only 2 people who can solve the mysterious case of the man shouting Allahu Akbar as he murdered a Brit in Oz: What could possibly have been his motivation?? Click below.
They’ll be on it in a jiffy………..Just after hell freezes over.
Teresa’s sharia cops.
Stop the Theresa
Who’s known as the Appeaser
No way Sharia.
A bit of haiku as our good haiku expert has not been seen for a while.
You will never guess what the BBC on Facebook is banging on about…
“It’s about freedom.”
I wonder if they believe that Isis is just a bunch of mentally ill, lone wolf criminals and that Isis is nothing to do with Islam. That appears to be the message our rulers are pumping out to us.
Are those who govern us really so stupid, thick skinned and ignorant of what is actually happening.
These are grown up people so how can they not see the truth of what goes on in the real world.
Emmanuel yes, I think they really do.
The comment from the leader of the Islamic Council of Queensland in relation to the murder in Australia, which I posted earlier, shows they are in deep denial.
“Just because someone says ‘Allahu akbar’ does not mean that person’s motivations are religious.
It is a commonly used phrase by 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and unfortunately some criminals misuse that phrase.”
So what’s he saying, that just because someone is committing a crime, they are “misusing” the phrase “Allahu Akhbar”? What if it’s not a crime under Sharia (and killing a Kaffir is not a crime for a Muslim under Sharia).
In any case, surely if someone says “Allahu Akhbar” they are committing a religiously-motivated hate crime, certainly at least in the eyes of the beholder, as per the CPS guidelines.
Or is it one rule for them, and another for us?
Only just noticed the call for ban on immigration from Australian federal MP…
Meanwhile, federal MP Bob Katter held a press conference in response to the stabbing, saying he would call for tougher restrictions on migration at the next sitting of Parliament.
“The people that live between Greece and India and Northern Africa we cannot allow them to come into Australia unless they are persecuted minority groups, which obviously are the Christians the Jews and the Sikhs,” he said.
“Now unless they fit into those categories, I think migration from those countries has to stop.”
(And spot the missing word, by the way…)
There appears to be a world wide edict, sent out by God knows whom, that anyone committing a crime shouting Allah Akbar, will not be classed as an Islamist, and there is never any evidence as such. What more do they want ? It would be more believable if they shouted Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Lala and Poo !! Do they really think the world’s population are that stupid ?
“Apparently Allahu Akbar means ‘I’m bonkers’ in French…”
Close, but it means “I believe in god”.
No it doesnt
It means allah is greatest
I thought Ali was the greatest
Edward needs an education.
Allah is the greatest translates as ‘I am bonkers, but I will settle for mentally unstable when using a knife’.
Understand now Edward?
Think “Allah Akbar” is now being translated as
“I need my meds but the bloody NHS Community Services are failing me , due to austerity cuts imposed by a heartless Tory Government and only likely to get worse now you lot have voted to leave the EU”.
Well-no worse that Eddies is it?
FFS Edward-they tell us what it means every time it`s used by a Bonkers Son of Allah…don`t you LISTEN t5o the BBC as they attempt to inform educate and indoctrinate…entertaining has LONG flown the nest
ChrisH – “the BBC as they attempt to inform educate and indoctrinate”. Quite right but you missed “cover up”.
Now it’s on the beeb site: “UK woman stabbed to death in Australia.”
“Police are investigating the possibility that the alleged attacker was motivated by extremist views.” Eh? Extremist Australian views? Extremist French views? Extremist sea views?
Oh, here’s a clue:
“It is alleged the 29-year-old French suspect used the Arabic phrase “Allahu akbar” during the attack.”
Call Inspecteur Clouseau immediatement, I’m sure he’ll be able to solve this baffling case of Ze Mad Frenchman.
Inspecteur Clouseau to investigate the case that is baffling Australia’s finest: what could possibly be behind the knife murder by a man shouting Allahu Akbar?
Perhaps he was protesting about the imprisonment of Rolf Harris?
As an example of how the BBC is biased – for anyone who is looking for a worthy comparator – this video should go some way to demonstrating how the BBC usually shut down those who speak the truth, despite the facts they cite, and those who speak nonsense without any facts to back their argument. Would the BBC allow this exchange to go on for so long?
I mean, it’s sort of about the top 1%, y’know. Absolutely, I mean if the reality is that we need to look at the injustice, y’know, then we need to look at the injustice of the system. Like, it’s, sort of, not right, y’know. What’s that? Where does the money come from? Well… absolutely, we need to tax people more, especially the top 1%, like, they can afford to pay for everything, y’know.
WHEN will we have a Fox News UK, for a REAL alternative to rotten beeb/itv/Channel 4 etc???
I’d settle for a serious-minded breakfast time talk radio news alternative to the Today programme. How expensive could that really be in “internet radio” format?
If just 7 000 subscribers agreed to pay, say, £145.50 per year that would generate £1 015 000 to hire production facilities and pay staff.
Weather, business, sport news feeds are all available from syndicated sources. Guests cost nothing.
By attracting a distinct, free-thinking, current-affairs-minded demographic the new station might be interesting to advertisers. My thinking would be to run a small number of ads via opted-in subscribers via email / SMS rather than have ads interrupt programmes.
I’ve half a mind to knock up a business plan and put it on Kickstarter.
I’m in – seriously – and why stop at just breakfast time?!? But it would be a good start 🙂
And on top of peer-to-peer contributions, what about the potential advertising revenue, think 50% of the population (OK, maybe 52%) and think of all the ads in eg the Mail, Express, Telegraph…
But… where would you broadcast from, the North Sea like Radio Caroline? Is Sealand still vacant?
An internet-only channel wouldn’t really do it for me, I think it would need people to be able to tune in on the way to work…
PS. Oh sorry, see you’ve already thought about advertising too… My fault for skimming!
Why are lefty’s always so bloody ugly and stupid to boot?
Great link Edward, reality juggernaut hits idealism moped in head on collision, sadly, the idealist did not survive the impact. To her credit the young lady appears to be learning from the encounter, some real information does seem to permeate her blue socialist pie in the sky thinking. Now if she can just shake off the rest of that socialist brainwashing masquerading as an education there may be hope.
Actually I’m going to revise that assessment, what I interpreted on first viewing as some kind of thought process being stirred in the young womans head, upon second viewing, it may just be ‘does not compute outright denial’. I’m still going to save to favourites because it’s funny.
As soon as you hear the words ‘motive unclear’ or ‘mentally unstable ‘ in a BBC report, you know they’re trying to cover up a Islamist attack. Another attack in Australia and the BBC pushing the line of ‘motive unclear ‘ even though other reports state the attacker shout the usual ‘allahu akbar ‘.
The Ally’s Snackbar chain must be doing well if they are now opening franchises in Australia.
Halal Kangaroo burgers – mmmmm, yummy!
Saudi Arabia Uncovered (2016 Documentary)
Has anyone posted a link to this video?
It’s a chilling expose on life inside Saudi Arabia, with hidden camera footage from inside the kingdom exposing their vile treatment of women, disgusting public capital punishment, alongside first-hand interviews with Saudi citizens, anonymised for obvious reasons.
At 4:09 into the video, an anonymous interviewee states:
“In Saudi they say ‘Be careful, the walls can hear, these walls can hear’. People cannot express themselves freely. There is no freedom of thought, the government arrests people just for writing something.”
A chilling thought struck me as I was watching… How long before this becomes a reality in the UK, and the thought-police start arresting us for opposing Islamophilia?
(With thanks to The Muslim Issue.)
I hate to point it out but we are there already Mike, as I’m sure you know. Already, a ‘hate crime’ (read Thought Crime) is determined by whether someone is offended by what you say, not by whether something you say is true.
‘Incorrect’ thoughts are already illegal.
The left have created this situation with mass immigration of incompatible people who will not integrate, but prefer to dominate.
I accept that the left have no f** clue what to do about the problem they have created. However, they are going to make damn sure that it is illegal to point out the error of their crimes against society. There only ‘plan’ is to stick their heads in the sand and delude themselves into thinking that everything will be alright just so long as we submit to everything the supremacists demand. Then it will all end happily-ever-after.
If you point out this is a crap plan, the left will deal with you … just as every master race always deals with it’s dissidents.
I hate to point it out but we are there already Mike, as I’m sure you know. Already, a ‘hate crime’ (read Thought Crime) is determined by whether someone is offended by what you say, not by whether something you say is true.
True enough, Manchesterlad, true enough. Splitting hairs perhaps, but I suppose the only difference is that over here the plod generally aren’t feeling our collars just yet for opposing Islamophilia… although I think it’s coming, what with that new Met unit and all…
The sad thing is that in Britain by about 1900 nearly all the problems of integrating people of irreconcilable religious differences had been solved, apart from a few flashpoints like Glasgow and Belfast; by the 1990s that had pretty much gone too. Then mass immigration came along and pushed us back to the Caroline era of ‘hate speech’ laws and all the ghastly apparatus of state thought control.
Bank on it the BBC will be at the forefront of a NEWSTASI regime in Britain. It just is that way. Nowhere to go for these dreadful people except into tyranny.
BBc Breakfast 08:15. Let’s turn the clock back to Rio.Two diving blokes have the drones gushing with enthusiasm all over them.
“It is alleged the 29-year-old French suspect used the Arabic phrase “Allahu akbar” during the attack.”
“Motive unclear”
“Investigators will also consider whether mental health or drugs misuse factors are involved in this incident,”
And so they should, but why even mention it, will that line now be included in every BBC report of murder as standard practice? or just selected cases.
It seems some Frenchman looking for Alans snack bar in Australia has accidently killed a young ‘British’ woman Mia Ayliffe Chung a very attractive backpacker, and an Aussie man Grant ‘Grunta’ Scholz who was seriously injured.
Of course to the BBC these two, not being Muslim count for nothing, and their only concern will be whether they can spin the mental health issues of the attacker – that is, if they can be bothered reporting it.
“Frenchman”? – BBC code for a Muslim migrant to France who ended up with a French Passport? Any bets?
Apparently the BBC can’t afford a picture of the victim.
Wonder why? The rest of the media are full of pictures of her. Are they afraid it might invoke too much sympathy – or provoke outrage against the evil ideology which presumably spawned her murder, given what the attacker said while killing her?
(Remember, when Jo Cox was murdered, it was 100% OK to assume the killer’s motives immediately based on what he’d allegedly said while killing her, so fair dos all round.)
However they do have room for a map of Australia, just in case we didn’t know what it looks like 🙄
Oh and if you want full details you have to go to the Australian press, here’s a juicy comment from the Islamic Council of Queensland, in full denial mode:
The Islamic Council of Queensland’s Ali Kadri was critical of the speculation so early on that the alleged attack could be linked to terrorism.
He said overplaying it was disingenuous and wrong.
“Media should be more responsible than this, and not just make it a terrorist incident because at this stage I don’t think we can speculate it is a terrorist incident,” he said.
“Just because someone says ‘Allahu akbar’ does not mean that person’s motivations are religious.
“It is a commonly used phrase by 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and unfortunately some criminals misuse that phrase.
Yeah right. Suddenly a Muslim stops being “religious” because they kill a Kaffir?!? GMAFB. Remind me again Mr Kadri which verse in the Quran prohibits a Muslim from killing a Kaffir. Go on, a dare you, I double dare you.
Some pics of the victim from other media outlets on the internet… maybe someone should send them to the so-called “world class” BBC?
R4 8:10am EU John Humphries starting to talk to Owen Smith, opened by saying that there will be vote in parliament to approve issuing art 50. Err! that is labours position, not the gov, that says it can be done with royal prerogative. Again, bBC the mothpiece of labour.
Indeed, Beeb website leads with the Owen (who?) Smith story.
Brexit: Owen Smith opposes Article 50 move without vote
Beeb of course still dont seem to get it, but if Labour want to be as deluded as the Beeb then I will enjoy watching them after the next election having to hang-up there red flags and walk off into oblivion.
Why can the BBC not be honest and lead with the headline “Owen Smith says ‘I will fight against democracy’!”?
He is determined to overturn a democratic mandate, just because he doesn’t agree with it. Just like every fascist despot has always done, and no doubt will always do.
Rather than pointing out that the putative prime minister is an anti-democrat, the BBC stands right behind him in opposing democracy.
What a pathetic bunch of hypocrites the left are.
Well I heard a miracle due to The Virgin Corbyn !
when I switched on R4Toady at 8:47 yes as usual they were talking about one of their normal bbcTodayCampaigningIssues CORBYN…but instead of being super positive they had 2, yes 2 anti-Corbin speakers ..saying what a stupid stunt the train seat video was.
I thought wow there’s been a miraculous change away ffrom pro-Labour party bias.
….I hadn’t realised that they’ve just moved from blind faith in Corbyn to blind faith in Owen Smith.
Did you hear Smith say that he expects the Government to give LABOUR a seat on any EU negotiations?
Who the fuck does he think he is?
Must have Sturgeons Syndrome….
Disgusting, but smart move to promise the punters a second referendum, that should get him at least 40% of the vote at general election time, guaranteed… that’s if the young can be bothered to vote, that is… Let’s hope May gets her arse in gear and gets us off the burning deck of the EU ship BEFORE the next GE…
Mike, I think she’s delaying until a general election when staying in will be part of the Conservative manifesto. That means that A50 will never be triggered. May’s claim that “Brexit means Brexit” actually means “Brexit means playing for time and kidding on the people that their vote counts until it can be squashed – quietly.”
Shye has no intention of letting democracy take its course. We voted out and must be vigilant that the fascists of all the major parties don’t get their way and stifle our last chance for democracy.
No chance of that in the Tory manifesto. She knows that if she did try to put it in half of her MP’s would rebel and she would be in the same position as the Corbynutta. As for the revolting electorate at large, never would they have had a better reason not to vote Tory. Lord Nige would buy a 10 gallon hat and ride in on a white charger to reclaim his position in UKIP and save the country.
And he would win large!
Nice thought Peter!
Wikipedia (shurely the fount of all knowledge) says the next GE will be on Thursday 7 May 2020 thanks to the Fixed Term Parliaments Act.
So if she stalls on calling Article 50 until sometime in early 2017, as she has already indicated, negotiations would have to be complete by 2019, more than a year ahead of the next GE.
That is, unless the rest of the EU agree unanimously to extend the two-year negotiations, which on the face of it would seem unlikely as they can’t usually agree unanimously about anything.
Or unless there is a vote of no-confidence in the government or some other extraordinary circumstance to cause an earlier GE.
“There are ways of calling an early election despite the Fixed Term Parliaments Act.”
And those would be…?
Hmmm… OK, thanks for that.
I had already considered #2 & #3 and came to the conclusion they were both very unlikely.
In terms of #2, you wouldn’t want to pass a no-confidence motion in your own government just before an election as it sends the wrong message.
In terms of #1, repealing the Act is not something currently tabled in parliament and wasn’t in the manifesto etc etc – not to say they couldn’t, I just think it’s very unlikely.
(I agree it would probably get stuck in the Lords but as I’m sure you’re aware they can’t block legislation, only slow its passage.)
I have to admit that I hadn’t considered #1 and wasn’t aware of the provision, but I have to say that at first sight it also seems very unlikely.
Firstly, I don’t think the Conservatives would want another vote about Brexit – one was enough! And there would be too much chance of Labour hoovering up the Remainiac vote while the Leavers could be split… Plus, second time around, there could be legions of young voters just itching to have another go which might swing things.
Also, it’s very hard to see Labour helping out the Conservatives to get a two-thirds majority so they could call a GE, what would be in it for them? Presumably each side would take straw polls beforehand and whichever side looked like losing would refuse.
And how would an early GE get rid of Corbyn? He already has very little support in the PLP, it’s root & branch membership which elects him and they’re staunchly behind him whether or not he’s electable…
No, the Lords can and does regularly block legislation
No, that’s not true, the most the Lords can do now is to hold a bill up for is a year, see eg
What I do know from talking to people who know about such things (I have friends who work in parliament in a non-political capacity)is that many Labour MPs feel that the longer this parliament runs, the more devastating the defeat at the end of it. They think that Labour’s poll numbers are going to tank even more.
The only thing remaining is proving to his cretinous followers that he really is electoral Kryptonite. Pushing the big red button marked ‘election’ is the last hope they’ve got.
Putting these two ideas together would lead to the conclusion that the PLP would be best off waiting as long as they can for a GE, if their plan is to oust Corbyn by tanking at the GE.
Corbyn the Virgin train liar.
Coming soon to a treasonous national broadcaster near you.
OK, I am inventing this, not found on BBC.
Come on Labour, vote for this **** as your leader, again, you know it makes sense.
“… you know what men are like…”
So says one female character in the BBC radio drama The Archers to another. And make no mistake it was said in a scornful knowing way. Think of the way that in Dad’s Army Captain Mainwaring might refer to the Germans hatching some devious underhand plot – although Jones’s suggestion that the Jerrys could drop stormtroopers by parachute whilst disguised as nuns might seem far fetched, on the other hand… we know what them Germans are like…
This one line which I heard yesterday explained to me what was going on at Radio 4 –
A Sex War has been declared against Men
It’s a long time since I was a regular Radio 4 listener and indeed fan. I felt the station pushed me away with their heavy left-leaning bias in news and current affairs.
Yesterday for no particular reason other than it was the only talk radio signal available I dipped back in for a couple of hours. The agenda soon became clear: the gender pay gap was rammed down my throat as though it were the be all and end all of news. No questions as to the veracity of the statistics employed by campaigners was raised – this was not so much an exploration of the issue as a BBC call to arms.
So to The Archers where we hear little of agriculture but have domestic violence as central theme and main plank of the story. An evil Man, evil not because he makes a convincing or a dramatically interesting villain – but the bad guy because he is a Man. Elsewhere in the story Men are portrayed as dopey, sex-minded and lacking in social skills. Women rule the drama – hardworking, professional and caring.
Next following The Archers I began listening to some futuristic sci-fi drama serial – again it was female orientated and female character driven. I catch a line “the Spokeswoman..” for some corporation and I know instantly this nonsense has been written recently at the BBC behest and to fit their agendas. Defeated I switch off.
I had been driven away. Surely the BBC should be drawing me in to listen further? The conclusion – BBC Radio 4 was not meant for me as a Man. The only positive male – a fruity-voiced West Indian announcer. I refelected on that one line from The Archers which sums it up “You know what men are like..”
Listening to Radio 4 is like mistakenly blundering into the girl’s hockey team changing room – I shouldn’t be there. I’m not welcome. I’m seeing and hearing things I shouldn’t. I’m intruding, my motives are dubious and probably deeply suspect. You what Men are like!
You’re right. BBC R4 has become almost a male-free zone. If anyone wishes to dispute that I suggest as a starting point they look at the plotlines of the afternoon dramas over the past couple of years and compare them with those of, say, ten years ago.
BBC R4 has made the transition from mildly entertaining and informative middlebrow content to more or less full-on ‘progressive’ (sic) propagandising in a decade. From worthwhile to worthless in ten years. That takes some talent.
AsIseeit, I know what you mean. And yet…the annoying thing is that Radio Four does occasionally produce good stuff. It’s just that you have to trawl through so much bad stuff to hear it. Eg a few weeks ago there was an interesting documentary about nuclear submarine crews in the national service era – it was just a group of elderly gentlemen reminiscing really, but fascinating nonetheless. If only we could have some sort of conservative version of Radio Four!
That’s the point, Cranmer – you never will because the BBC is like an invasive species (one of its current hobby horses). It smothers anything else that tries to grow, sucking all the nutrient, water and light out of the environment so that it is the sole surviving species.
In radio, no one could start an alternative and hope to make it work. And that’s not an accident – it’s how the BBC works.
Personally, I don’t want R4 to be a conservative channel – with or without a capital C. I just want it to stop preaching its Guardianista propaganda at me, which it does more or less constantly.
GCooper, it takes a bit more effort but one way round it is to create a playlist on youtube of old radio plays (there are a lot of old Radio Four ones there from before the PC era), talking books, radio comedies etc. Then you can have this playing in the background when you’re doing the washing up or whatever. I also have a USB player in my car so can download things onto a USB stick for long journeys. Another good online resource is Librivox, which has free audiobooks.
If only we could even have a neutral version of Radio Four Cranmer. That would be enough.
Kirkwood is in Newbury to tell us what the weather might possibly be like and to advertise the great British yawn off, sorry bake off reeling off viewing figures.
Back to the studio for an advert for the almost exact visual clone of Are you being served, it looks dire.
#bbcFighting4Remain R5 Now : “Your Call: Do we need ANOTHER vote on Brexit?”
Why? cos it’s had instructions from THEIR party bosses “Brexit: Owen Smith opposes Article 50 move without vote”
This gutter radio station actually bothered to put the discussion on their FB page this time.
The previous thing they had of FB page was
: Trump has more psychopathic traits than Hitler – how do you score on the psychopath test?”
a few posts below is
: Cheshire village becomes climate change leader
“cut their carbon emissions by nearly a quarter.” so “delegations from Thailand, Canada and Norway have all visited the village.”
..So does the village include all that FLIGHT CO2 ?
Stewgreen, thanks, I actually laughed out loud when I saw the bit about the delegations visiting. It reminds me of the story of the rich lady who came out of a posh charity dinner. A beggar approached her and said ‘please help me Mrs, I’m hungry.’ The rich lady looked horrified and said ‘Don’t you realise I’ve just spent two hours in there eating to help people like you?’
🙂 Me too. The original should have read “Worthless troughers from publicly funded organisations around the world seize the opportunity to enrich themselves – and have pointless foreign trips at someone else’s expense”.
Who do they think they’re kidding that these ‘delegates’ benefited anyone but themselves? What could they possibly learn, that they couldn’t learn from email or Skype?
Calais watch. The MSM seem to have lost interest in the goings on just across the channel. Perhaps because despite their efforts last Summer, the only reaction they got off the majority of the British public, was fear and loathing.
Not the concerned compassion they were hoping for.
I have a very simple answer. All those involved in the brawl get immediately deported to the hell-hole from which they came. No appeal, nothing, nada, zilch, nix, rien. All those caught trying to break into cars – deport. All those destroying property – deport. It will thin the camps out and the ones left will tend to be better behaved and more likely to be useful if eventually immigrated.
BBC R5 10am News : Australia : Allah Akbar shouted in Hostel stabbings.
2 stabbed 1 dead (girl with Chinese name from Derbyshire)
Also a 30 year old British man critically injured in hospital. A dog was also stabbed and killed (not to compare it to human deaths… but … but … who is it who hates dogs? … A cat lover perhaps, that must be it)
Of course we’re all struggling to work out what’s going on – what could possibly be the motivation? Luckily, the Aussie police spokesman at a press conference can put our minds at rest after some obvious quick work and can reassure us that “It’s not about race or religion, but just individual criminal behaviour”.
Phew! And there I was thinking it was another Muslim fanatic following the clear instructions to Muslims in their so-called holy book. That’s me told.
Lloyds boss would have been sacked if it weren’t for Brexit – BBC
Lloyds insiders say the chief executive is unlikely to be sacked – because of the need for stability post-Brexit and ahead of the planned sale of the government’s remaining stake…
That darned Brexit. Is there nothing it can’t be blamed for?
Of course the truth is that:
(a) He’s unlikely to be fired because of the the stellar job he’s done at Lloyds and
(b) He hasn’t broken any conditions of employment, so they can’t legally fire him.
But trust the BBC not to point out these “trivial” items, and blame it on Brexit instead.
Mind you, they did find space to mention that he’d taken sick leave soon after starting, though what relevance that has (other than to try and smear him for a medical condition?) goodness knows.
Informative as ever, our so-called “world class”
propagandanews organisation.Edit:
This from Sky (notably what the BBC left out):
His comments were accompanied by a staunch defence of his track record at the bank, with £16bn having been returned to British taxpayers through a string of profitable share sales since 2013.
Mr Horta-Osorio has also taken the axe to tens of thousands of jobs, and said last month that it would cut another 3,000 roles and an additional 200 branches by the end of next year.
Lloyds shares were trading 2% up on Wednesday.
PS. This from Sky News, notable in that it’s what the BBC left out, apart from the job losses which the BBC pushed right up to the top of the article. No mention of Lloyds shares being up, though. (And no daft slur on Sky about his medical condition.)
His comments were accompanied by a staunch defence of his track record at the bank, with £16bn having been returned to British taxpayers through a string of profitable share sales since 2013.
Mr Horta-Osorio has also taken the axe to tens of thousands of jobs, and said last month that it would cut another 3,000 roles and an additional 200 branches by the end of next year.
Lloyds shares were trading 2% up on Wednesday.
We could have a new debate show called’ reality check’ on a sunday morning giving people a chance to express their opinions but if they interrupt electric shock to the rear. Presented by melanie phillips.
The peasants get unruly comprehensive schools run by left wing bigots .Labour mp’s get private education.OUTRAGEOUS this should never be forgotten and always brought up by the right.
BBc 13:00 news, Dead Briton in 3rd slot after Italian earthquake and tosser Corebin pretends he doesn’t have a seat.
Riuta informs us sources say the attacker shouted in Arabic. BBcs code for Alan’s snackbar.During the report the BBc announcer mentions “comments made” by the attacker the police spokesman how ever comments Alans snackbar.
Big manufactured roww where Smith clearly indicated that Corbyn is a lunatic. Corbyn said that it is offensive to those with mental health problems. What is far more offensive to those with mental health problems is calling all the Jihadi murderers lunatics. If they want to attack anyone about abusing the term attack the BBC and their MSM allies.