I know, I know, I SHOULD know better but I tuned into the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning, between 6.30am and 7am. There were basically 3 items to concern early morning Comrades.
- Islamophobia in France. It’s a real concern, apparently.
- Homophobia in the NHS. They won’t hand out PrEP.
- Gender Pay inequality. More male oppression of women.
That was 30minutes of one long sustained liberal MOAN.
I have to be honest and say that I have been doing media on Russia Today and when I compare a/ How I am treated and b/ The balance shown then RT Today beats the rancid BBC hands down.
Not to be Captain Tangent, but has anyone noticed a certain difference in tone between the way Al-Beebia covers the PrEP story and the way it covers the jihad against sugar in food.
The BBC wheels on people to demand restrictions on advertising or even that companies are forced to switch to less tasty recipes, or consumers are taxed to punish them for choosing Wrongfood. Meanwhile, any suggestion that their might be lifestyle issues around PrEP is verboten.
DJ, what you say is true. In addition they only speak about sugar as if there’s only one kind. From what I’ve read, there plenty of evidence to suggest that Aspartame plays a significant role in the fatness and other problems associated with sweetness of food and drink. Rather than taxing people there be better serving the people affected by investigating the effects of Aspartame and other artificial sweetener on people’s health and it puzzles me that they don’t.
The propaganda on RT is not very subtle, presumably they do not have a £5,000,000,000:00 budget. Nor, I assume does RT receive “donations” of our money, both documented, and undocumented brown envelopes, from the EU.
RT however does report items of interest to British people which the BBC does not report, or reports as late as possible; despite its limited resources.
Greater efficiency? Perhaps our Vlad should be put in charge of BBC, I bet he would cut out the dead wood in next to no time.
I would rather listen to a station that’s open about its bias than to one that pretends it isn’t. At least then you can take the bias into account.
Scotland now has it’s very own RT studio. As I have some respect for Putin I am unsure what to make of it but I fear that the neo Nazi SNP Islamic State sympathisers will use it to push their anti semitic agenda.
I think the Russians are genuinely worried about an aggressive EU/Nato pushing up against their borders. They have good reasons from history to be afraid. That is why Trump is their preferred POTUS. He is a realist and understands history.It is entirely possible the if Trump is POTUS there will be a rapprochement with Russia and the EU will be marginalised.
RT does send out its reporters to dangerous places, such as Aleppo, or that Christian city in Syria, where the latest child of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, was being attacked by Syrian forces, unlike the BBC which simply ignores such places or events.
The BBC devotes its time to places where its reporters are unlikely to face death.
May I suggest that the dangerous places BBC reporters visit are in the Manchester Studios with sets designed as bombed hospitals and interviews with Syrian doctors and activists, weeping parents, provided by local talent. Of course Salford at night can be a dangerous place.
You cannot trust the BBC
Dead wood put against the wall and shot,do it for children in need,you know it makes sense.
Less than 20% of women identity as feminist, and only a small number of those believe the tedious discredited drivel about pay inequality, male violence and patriarchal oppression, yet if you were going by the BBC and Guardian’s reporting you’d swear we were still in the midst of the suffragette movement. Completely ignores the many instances of feminist attacks on innocent, usually disadvantaged men (as well as targeting more intelligent women like Melanie Phillips and Julia Hartley-Brewer who reject the sisterhood mentality) while trying to justify it under the veil of a mythical societal privilege based on infantile collectivist logic, which is no yet inane and prejudiced than claiming all women belong in the kitchen yet is never challenged by the neutered media outlets scared of suffering reprisals from feminists and SJWs.
Of course, we all know where REAL oppression of women is taking place, but the politically intolerant media won’t acknowledge it due to the same fear noted above. First-world liberalism truly is a masterpiece of oblivious hypocrisy.
Speaking of Comrades, it will be interesting to see how the BBC ‘report’ the miracle of the Virgin Jeremy.
Or, possibly, don’t.
Can we get Jezza to use our local train please?
The concomitant availability of seats would go down very nicely with most of us.
This would be the Jeremy who sat on the floor…… When seats were available: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/08/virgin-trains-take-corbyn-task-seat-claims/
This story says an awful lot about Comrade Jeremy and what he`ll fake in order to be a “man of the people”.
So-what with probity and transparency expected…all that bile that would be thrown at a Johnson or Farage if he`d done this…you`d have expected the BBC to lead pretty much with this-he is in Newham tonight sidling in the side doors and saying nothing.
Dream time for Michael Crick , bit of doorstepping from Norman Smith wouldn`t you have thought?
I mean-this is pretty bad.
And its #2 on their trending list at the BBC.
So-come the 8pm news-what do we get?
Well LOADS of extra time over the medalling heroes back from Riyadh…fifteen minutes I think.
So sadly then, no time for Corbyns cockup…put it down to a silly August story shall we…as opposed to casting a major employer beloved of the druggies and the librards, as being crap? And showing Corbyn for the staged fake that he is?
Move along folks….
Ouch Guest Who, ouch again:
Wowsers, Kiki, you got me…cough.. you got me good.
Which presumably explains your victory parade.
Thing is… ‘it will be interesting to see how the BBC ‘report’ the miracle of the Virgin Jeremy.
Or, possibly, don’t’
Is it possible you don’t quite grasp the word ‘possibly’, or that the interesting part is how the sack of rats queen treats the drones who look like damaging the hive?
Anyway, you have worked so hard, so here’s your accolade. Ouch time, as Jar-Jar may say, if only once:
Noble of you to accept you were wrong. Hopefully, lessons learned.
Crikey, you do go back to keep the flame alive.
Thanks for the heads up on what I ‘accept’, apparently.
A career as a BBC interviewer lies before you.
How were your O level results? Less than a D and they’ll need to use a Polly exemption.
The Daily Mail without an iota of shame had on its webpage the item about gender pay inequality and immediately below it an item about children aged 10-14 being left at home all day during the summer holidays, as though the two things are unconnected. Apparently, according to Wikipedia, the Institute for Fiscal Policies who produced the report, are independent. May I also suggest that they don’t have many brain cells either – and as this report fits the BBC agenda, well give it lots of publicity. Of course children at a certain age can be left alone for a little time, and as they get older the time can be increased. However an adult needs to be responsible for the parenting and whether it is the Mum or the Dad or even granny doesn’t really matter. What does matter is there is an adult there should things go wrong, a fire, a persistent ‘salesman’ at the door, or a child falls down the stairs; ie anything where the anything may be unpredictable. But the Left want all children to be brought up by the State, school holidays included. Mothers can therefore be in full time work leaving their little darlings to be ‘educated’ by those members of the Labour Party who can indoctrinate them ie those people known as ‘teachers’. So, whilst children are being indoctrinated, their mothers can be full time workers, and when they get home in the evening with all the cooking and cleaning that still needs to be done by somebody, there is no time or energy left to develop children as free thinkers. You can see the agenda if you look.
100%. Gets more like 1984 every day.
Less 1984. More Brave New World.
Two people, one male, one female, with identical jobs and identical pay start work on the same day.
If, after a couple of years, the male took a year or two off, would he expect to be coming back and getting the same pay as the female who has achieved a couple of pay rises in his absence. The female has worked to become a more valuable asset to the company, the male returning to work after missing out on improving his worth to the company.
Isn’t this what feminists want though.
This is only one of many flaws in the pay equality scheme.
Yours is an important example of why there are pay differntials between men and women in the workplace. It is obviously more common for a woman to have a gap in her career i.e. whilst taking time off to have children, than it is for men.
This reality of working life never gets a mention on the BBC. Of course, that could be because in their world of £4 billion p.a. guaranteed funding, equal pay, whether justified or not, would never be a problem.
I worked in the public sector and it was commonplace that females would join the team ,become pregnant pretty quickly ,take a years maternity leave ,return ,become pregnant again etc etc. Several women only did 18 months work in 5 years in my team alone.They then expect to return at the same level as everyone else.
I’m all for equality when its like for like .Im not being harsh ,I didnt expect special treatment and I did OK in the salary stakes, but I was aware I had to play catch up.
To every complex problem there is a simple solution, which is usually wrong. I still think Trump nails it though.
I think that his response to a stupid question was excellent.
Not a good idea to post MGTOW videos here.
What’s MGTOW? I only just discovered what SJW was…
Ho ho ho. Heads rolling in the R4Toady radio newsroom this morning.
A woman was interviewed in the clear expectation that she would support the gender pay gap narrative, as she did the same job as her husband….. Or so the newsroom thought.
1. The husband has had a promotion
2. The lady has decided to work part time to help look after the kids. But wait for it.
3. She is quie happy about it. It was a joint decision and they do not regret it.
Thus she was earning £20k less than him. Which she seemed quite relaxed about, for the above reasons.
Not quite the unequal pay for equal work example expected by the newsroom student marxists.
So, I’ve just the bBC article on the Muslim woman fined for covering up on a French beach.
In a nutshell she is a victim here. Yet if the same woman went to Saudi Arabia, Iran and went onto the beach without covering up, she would also be fined. In fact in the latter two she would get arrested and jailed. Yet not once have I heard the bBC berate the culture in SA or Iran for forcing women to cover up.
You just don’t get it do you?
Muslims are permanent victims, innocent victims. We cannot expect them to bother with trifles like French Law.
Even while your head is being hacked off by a Muslim that Muslim is a victim.
His mental illness is caused by you, and other people like you.
Seeing people who are not Muslims, people who do not want to become Muslims, people who totally refuse to become Muslims, people who think Islam is a crackpot stone age belief held by dopes, makes Muslims mentally ill.
So stop it. Now.
Truthseeker wrote:
His mental illness is caused by you, and other people like you.
I’ve forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know. I’m an apostate from the gay death cult, kind of explains why I haven’t spoken to my biological family in years. Hell they don’t even know where I live. I wonder why that is?
I don’t think Truthseeker was being entirely serious . He is on your side.
Pounce, first of all, congratulations on getting out, you must have been through hell (figuratively speaking!) and I hope it was (is) worth it.
And I agree with Dave S: Truthseeker is definitely on your (our) side.
It doesn’t sound to me as if he’s joking though.
My interpretation is that Truthseeker overreacted because s/he read your second para which starts “In a nutshell she is a victim here” – and reacted to that, as if you meant it verbatim as your own opinion, rather than with the implied complaint against the BBC for portraying her as a victim.
Does this make sense?
Hopefully Truthseeker will come back and clarify either way, but having read and enjoyed a number of posts by both of you, I feel sure that we are all on the same side here and there must be some sort of misunderstanding going on.
P, DS, MH.
Yes, I am on “our” side.
My response to P was intended to be a parody of our common enemy.
Or should that be enemies?
Toes have been trodden on, where this angel did not intend to tread.
A revelation, has been revealed. 666 and all that.
Apologies to all for my lack of sensitivity.
“Least said, soonest mended”, as my Maternal Granny would have said.
Ah OK, I get it now, as we used to say in school, “the green light indicated that a joke was intended”! Very funny when read from that angle 🙂
An excellent post by Vlad(probably of Vladtepes blog) on the burqa , burqini etc
My tactical view is that all dress that identifies the wearer as a Muslim, is really a uniform. This allows the Jihadi (or a Muslim with mental health issues, the current Western New Truth), with a knife or machetti, the ability to “Identify Friend from Foe” (IFF). Asking people to recite verses from the koran, wastes too much time, and is not effective in many circumstances.
We are at war, or Islam is at war with the rest. Its really time to repatriate enemy aliens.
ENDLESS MOANING… The beeb are at their happiest when promoting minority grievances or ‘exposing’ imaginary ‘inequalities’, endlessly.
Re. RT: they may be ‘balanced’ when it suits them, but if Putin’s interests are at stake, I think you’ll find all semblance of balance evaporate. It’s true they’re making an effort at respectability and impartiality, but only to further Russian interests and destabilise the West when the time comes.
True re RT. BUT, you know where you stand with them. Likewise, FOX. However, the Ministry of Truth purports to be unbiased….
Russia needs do nothing to destabalise the West. Merkel is doing a grand job all on her own. WE have Sweden, Belgium and Germany heading down the tubes into third world chaos without Russia doing anything.
Europe may well need Russia when the real chaos starts.
Yes we hear it as liberal-left moaning, but the BBC views it as “setting the agenda”.
So little news, so much propaganda.
The BBCs Achilles heel is the salaries and expenses it pays. We should be writing to our MPs non stop on that.
I’m still confused with the “gender pay gap” it would appear to be a massive issue however everywhere I’ve ever worked everyone was on the same pay scale.
‘I have to be honest and say that I have been doing media on Russia Today and when I compare a/ How I am treated and b/ The balance shown then RT Today beats the rancid BBC hands down.’
I’m surprised you have the nerve to criticise anyone or anything while you take Putin’s Ruble and benefit from the murder of independent investigative journalists in Russia. You’re morally bankrupt.
I have just been in Europe for the past month and occasionally watched the BBC World Service on TV in the evenings. What a load of rubbish, there was no real news at all just obscure insignificant items from far off corners of the world that have no real effect or bearing on our daily lives. The BBC is grossly overrated and long past its sell buy date.