The leader of the Opposition and possible Prime Minister makes up a story about not being able to get a seat on a train in order to press his case for nationalising the railways. This is a man who trades on his integrity and honour and tells us that he is bringing a new, honest, more caring approach to politics. The BBC thinks the fact that he has been caught telling a lie is a mere ‘silly season’ story and not a revealing look at the real man and how he acts when he thinks no one is looking.
Who does the BBC attack? The lying politician or the businessman defending his business?
Look at this hatchet job on Branson…The BBC asks ‘Why did Sir Richard Branson take on Jeremy Corbyn?’ and rather than just admit he was defending his business against the dishonest claims of a politician the BBC invents all sorts of reasons for Branson to complain….and suggests his complaints are all themselves manifestly dishoest, political and self-serving…as if Branson has no right to counter Corbyn’s lies.
First we read that…Branson tweeted stills from CCTV footage that appeared to show the Labour leader walking past empty seats on his way to record a video lamenting the poor service provided by the privatised railway.
No ‘appeared’…they were empty seats.
Then…Why did Branson plunge in – and why nearly a week after the incident?
Perhaps he was taking his time, checking the facts and getting the evidence…the BBC could learn a lot from Branson. The BBC thik this is suspicious.
Then the BBC tells us that There is a common feeling that nationalisation, a return to the “good old days” of British Rail, would make the problems go away.
Really? Where? At Momentum meetings?
The BBC tells us that privatisation has led to strikes…no that’ll be the dinosaur union barons who use the railways as a battering ram in their fight against the Tory government.
The BBC then tells us this was purely a political attack by Branson to defend his private company by a nationaliser….An attack on its most vocal proponent fits the bill.…no inkling that he might just be upset that Corbyn was lying through his teeth to promote nationalisation.
And finally more nonsense…it was all a stunt by Branson to draw attention away from BA who ferried in the Olympic team that the BBC claimed had bought its medals and didn’t really deserve them….
It’s not far-fetched to speculate that Branson, itching for an opportunity to knock BA out of the headlines, spied the row with Corbyn, and felt the opportunity too good to miss.
Yes, it is far-fetched, much like the rest of this so called report from the BBC. Corbyn lied and Branson told the world. The BBC doesn’t seem to like that for some reason.
I don’t like Branson much, but he’d be well within his rights to sue the lying Stalinist Corbyn for slandering him and his business.
What an ideal topic for the BBC to make into a Have Your Say.
It generated a huge response on their newspaper associate’s site.
Maybe so (in fact I also wouldn’t mind renationalisation) but it doesn’t justify a blatant attack on Brandon for doing nothing more than using facts and evidence to defend his company. Plus you’d have thought the BBC would be more sympathetic towards him given he sided with Remain.
Biased BBC are trying hard to extricate Corbyn, running an article about just when you can sit in a seat reserved not by you!!!! FFS.. Corbyn seems very unsure of train passenger protocol, maybe he does not use them much. And as for wanting to sit with his wife, what a funny thing to respond to that by preferring to sit on the floor !!!! Mrs S would have my guts for garters.
Various open goals are possible with this story. It tells you all you need to know about the biased BBC that they are falling over themselves not to score any.
The deluded efforts of Corbyns cabbages to threaten Branson with “nationalisation” is priceless.
Who the hell do they think that they are?
Hopefully our favourite tanned straight tokin` hippie will remove any offers of discounts to Scousetown for the Labour Postmortem in September…or make them all get off at Rainhill at least.
Do love the Labour Left in threatening mode though…kamikazi redback wannabes who have yet to develop a backbone-so hope we`ll let them keep their wishbones and claim to be vertebrates,
Corbyn is weirdie beardie in a fight to the bottom of the dunny with the druggy nakka from Necker…and even HE looks principled when set against Corbyn.
Can labour sink any lower-of course they can-and they will-and the BBc will STILL say that they`ve raised the bar yet again.
Oh to be so deluded in Labour Luvvie Land…
Here`s Mitch Benns finest moment
C/O John Shuttelworth of course.
The BBC go to some lengths to help Corbyn out –
If it were a Tory MP who tried to pull of this show they’d be lynched.
AlBeeb carefully “explains” the situation.
With the help of a chosen railway expert, name of Mark Smith. Usually AlBeeb is very careful to choose experts who will say what the BBC want to hear.
But the article concludes with :-
“”This whole thing blew up on the 11:00 [London to Newcastle]. If it was rammed something strange is going on,” says Smith.”
Corbyn is just another lying MP, and not very good at it.
Maybe the BBC could provide a simpleton’s guide to booking a rail ticket, as the man who would be PM of Great Britain is patently not aware of this long-standing facility of the railways he wants to nationalise.
It’s a pity that so many people don’t remember the dark days of British Rail. Trains were overcrowded (moreso than today). They rarely ran on time or were, regularly, cancelled much, much more than today. Trains were at least as dirty as today. Many staff were surly (not all to be fair) but far worse than today where most staff are decent and helpful. There were more accidents. Fares were as relatively high as today but tax-paying travellers were hit twice as a good portion of our taxes went to propping up the failing railways. Strikes were regular occurrences which was a bloody nuisance to the people paying the BR staff’s wages.
They may not be perfect today but they were a lot worse in the BR days. The problem wasn’t the privatisation but how it was privatised. It should have gone back to the days of the regional companies where each company is responsible for everything in their region from signalling to tracks, rolling stock and engines, staff including admin. There shouldn’t be regular competition for some of the lucrative lines as every time it changes it costs the rail user more money.
The regional companies, who always worked together when needed, would be able to engender pride amongst their workforce as before nationalisation. There is no perfect system but nationalised industries always seems to be the worst.
Things were so bad then that even the fabled BR sandwich was a joke guaranteed to get a snigger.
“It’s a pity that so many people don’t remember the dark days of British Rail.”
Ah yes, I remember it well.
I particularly remember buying a full price ticket for the privilege of standing all the way from York to King’s Cross. I mean really standing, not the Corbyn version. On the return journey, I had a very heavy case. There were dozens and dozens of staff, laughably called “porters”, standing around talking but I couldn’t get any help.
Going against the grain, I also see improvements. New rolling stock, not necessarily dirty (the accusation seems to me mandatory), and staff who seem to have at least some awareness of customer service, even if they don’t always succeed. The concept was alien a few decades ago.
I see a lot of cash being spent on stations as well.
I remember travelling from York to Gloucester. I arrived at the station in plenty of time but the queues for tickets were horrendous. I just got my ticket in time and ran to the platform (luckily the nearest one) and yanked open a door when a tot of about two years old had been placed against it by her parents, she started falling backwards but instinctively managed to save herself, Yes, stupid parents but the problem was lack of space.
We stood like sardines all the way to Birmingham where I’d been told I needed to change. I duly got off there thankful to be free of the crush. It was so bad that even the buffet car was full and standing. So, to make it worse it was decided to detach the buffet car! And this despite another crush trying to get on it. I asked a porter which was my train to Cheltenham or wherever (I seem to recall I had to change somewhere else as well). He pointed to the one I had just got off, so I had to wait at the back of the crush getting on so had to continue standing. I finally got to sit down somewhere around Cheltenham. And this was after a full day of work.
If idiots like Corbyn and 70% of polled people want to go back to that then I despair! I would rather have a vastly better service at slightly higher prices which is what we have today. It could be that Corbyn is just being spiteful because like all lefties he despises the ordinary person. He is one of those old unreconstructed lefties who believe that industries like the railways are there only for the purpose of employment, and passengers are just an unfortunate by-product that has to be endured.
The railways is just another target which Corbynutta thinks will expand his band of grievance cult followers, rather like Oily Smith’s’Tory nationalising the NHS’.
You’ve jogged my memory of an unpleasant, but amusing, journey from Swindon to Stroud in what was known locally as “The Chugger”
The whole train was filthy – especially the seats – and the floor was disgusting.
I struck up a conversation with the guy in the opposite seat about the conditions we were travelling in. No argument from said passenger. I then mentioned that some strange banging noises seemed to be coming from under our carriage – Change The Subject was the response from my fellow passenger sharing the same cattle wagon.
On arrival at Stroud, I departed the train, and noticed that said passenger + numerous BR employees were inspecting the bogey underneath my seat.
Bring back BR – Foxtrot Oscar.
“the accusation seems to be mandatory”
The first question to ask about any poll is who paid for it. IIRC it is usually those who hanker after a return to the “golden days” of BR with management in thrall to the unions, as it still is in France. Those who pay for polls strangely rarely do not get the answer they are looking for, do they?
Was the first question in the polls you refer to “Did you know that the railways in the UK are nationalised?”
P.S. Good news from Brexit is that our train fares are now around 10% cheaper in comparison with others in Europe.
I suspect 90% of respondents would answer no. So having established that low level of intimate knowledge of the subject the rest of the polling in unlikely to be based on any great knowledge of the subject.
Were those polled informed that EU regulations require the provision of passenger services to be put out to tender, so no matter their opinion tendering of services would have to take place. Perhaps some were so upset at this they swelled the Brexit vote!
From the tenor of your reply you may well be in favour of “renationalisation” so would love to know why you think passenger usage has doubled in the 20 years since privatisation when it was flat lining in BR days and us having the “highest fares in Europe (if you carefully select your statistics of course – I seem to have gone full circle back to my first point)
Some over hasty editing there!
The P.S. should, not surprisingly, be at the end!
“…given that our salaries have devalued by the same amount as our rail fares. And they remain the most expensive on the continent, by some distance.
That’s because most UK rail fares are determined by the government. On the continent the (private sector) rail companies can set their own fares without government intervention.
“That’s because most UK rail fares are determined by the government. On the continent the (private sector) rail companies can set their own fares without government intervention.”
Without looking too far or deeply, France and Belgium are nationalised, Deutsche Bahn is a limited company wholly- owned by the German government and the Italian railways are majority owned by the state.
I’m talking about private sector companies, and Deutsche Bahn sets its own fares even though the government owns it.
Labour (Corbyn’s lot) must be shitting themselves now, he has been shown to be a liar on national TV, there is no going back from that, so then to defend him they go into attack mode on Branson, I am sure Branson will have deep pockets and very good lawyers.
They need to bring out the Branson as he got himself in this pickle by being pally with Blair the other Liar, another of Corbyn’s enemies.
Wild Bill
Corbyn – He’s no more ‘Mr Squeaky Clean’. A classic case of staged propaganda.
Corbynutta doesn’t give a monkey’s. His cult followers believe his lies and that’s all that matters to him.
I’ve listened to this story develop on the Beeb throughout the day. Quite clearly our national broadcaster is implying that Branson is using his understandable and genuine chagrin as a publicity stunt. I’d like to know what business leader wouldn’t jump to the defense of their company if some lying politician put up a video suggesting your service is crap?
Corbyn and his Momentum mates have been caught out lying and they’re trying to cover their tracks.
Firstly we were told that there were no seats; the train was “rammed.” The way he spoke I thought it sounded like something from India where people cling to the roof. Then when Virgin released the film showing the old Marxist wandering along a carriage with numerous available seats, we were told that these were reserved. However we now know that was cobblers, as well.
Now he tells us he wanted two seats, side by side, so that he could chat with his wife. I’m sure we all understand that; but our Jezza is a strange sort of chap. He could have had his wife sitting comfortably a few seats away, but no. Jeremy would prefer to sit on the floor next to the bog. Any sign of Mrs Corbyn? Surely she wasn’t sitting in the bloody cubicle.
The man’s clearly an idiot and a charlatan.
And in the other corner Owen Smith…
According to Patrick Kidd in The Times today, initially Corbyn’s spokesman describer the claim that he wanted to sit next to his wife as nonsense. oops.
“What do we want?”
“When do we want it?”
“Erm…. ahh…. better make it on an off-peak day return please.”
Who, the hell would want to travel on a filthy BR train , compared to a nice Virgin Train . I have been on Virgin East Coast a few times. On a non stop Intercity 125,( one good train BR , did build) from York to Kings X , it took 1hr 45 mins , fantastic.I am sure all the Corbynista`s, will be rushing to fly on North Korea Airlines , instead of a nice , Virgin, BA or Easyjet plane. The left know even less, about running an economy ,than I do ,about brain surgery .
Hello Essexman 🙂
Looks like Corbyn has ‘gone off the rails’
Yes , indeed , Nick Ferrari did some of his show , sitting on the studio floor, this morning , quite a hoot I thought , to show Corbyn`s stupidity .
Virgin will have more seats than Jeremy Corbyn in 2020 ! ha ha
“Who does the BBC attack? The lying politician or the businessman defending his business?”
Both, actually.
Ah, the even-handedness and impartiality of the BBC (specially reserved for their favoured politicians when they are in the shit) when it is obvious to all Corbyn was lying through his teeth and has resorted to the age-old leftist tactic of ‘when you’ve lost the argument, smear, smear, smear and keep lying’.
In contrast, Branson simply provided the video evidence without any spin or personal attacks.
Remember Johnny, to the white man hating anarchists that have hijacked the Far Left and moved it into a whole new stratosphere, the ends will always justify the means
Completely lying as Commie Corbyn did… Justified! Encouraging the spread of hate and division in our society… Justified! Encouraging a death cult to grow and tear apart our progressive way of life, the best way of life anywhere in the world… Justified! The rape and subjection of thousands of innocent white children at the hands of monsters who are told by ‘their god’ that it’s acceptable to own and destroy the infidels…. Justified!
….and we have tbasket-case defending these vermin….
Spot on, TTP.
No wonder Corbyn is angry about being exposed as a big liar. Pathetic creep.
BBC TV News at 1pm
BBC reporter on the French beach abandons all impartiality when discussing the request from French police for a muslim bather to remove her muslim outer clothing.
He spoke of the ‘absurdity’ of the actions and the law when the bather could wear the same clothes in an adjacent street.
It’s not for the BBC reporter to take sides. In this case of course, he took the muslim side of the debate. Next shot is of the French muslim council meeting with officials and complaining that they being picked on.
Far Left Corbyn no doubt has the same views. What a coincidence.
BBC. Blatent Bias Corporation.
Those dastardly racist French. Who do they think they are, trying to uphold their own culture. Disgraceful.
Weird thing is, I don’t actually mind someone wearing a burquini on a beach. They look stupid, but hey, that’s up to them.
In the UK of course, things are different. Such as, being prevented as a man from swimming in your local public swimming pool because of a ‘women only’ session. Which we all know means a ‘safe space’ for RoP women.
Needless to say, there are no ‘men only’ sessions, in our equal and diverse society.
Al Beeb is telling us that the Human Rights people are rushing to France to fight the cause of the burquini. Surely the HR bureaucracy’s time would be best spent sorting out ISIS & Co and bringing them to justice for their inhumanity. But then HR only go after the ‘soft’ democratic targets.
Didn’t France ban the burka a number of years ago ? Has France got the ‘bottle’ to stand by its laws ?