Same old same old.
“A French suspect, 29, who allegedly said the Arabic phrase “Allahu akbar” during the attack, was arrested.”
No name or photograph of this ‘Frenchman’, and no mention of the M word. Prepare to be unsurprised. Surely another Lone Wolf mental health-related attack, nothing to do with the religion of peace or terrorism.
Flex , The Times on line has reported, just as you predicted, that the attacker has suspected mental health issues. The BBC hasn’t yet got a report about this latest manifestation of the all consuming madness of Muslims across the world.But the corporation does find space to earnestly report that The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are going to allow female officers to wear the hajib. Just the latest in a series of responses to the Islamification of the west that make you simultaneously angry and amused.What ever next , the Team GB women’s hockey team playing in burkhas?
The WatO item on this today was interesting: if I recall correctly, it started with the claim that Australian police are treating this killing as a murder and not as an act of terrorism but DID (amazingly) mention next that the suspect had shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ (BBC pronunciation). They then mentioned that a ‘Frenchman’ was in custody but no-one thought to contact the Australian Police to ask if the victim and suspect knew each other or if they did, they were not telling us in this news item.
Quite an admission that about the shout. Perhaps it slipped through during the holiday season with the teens doing their work experience in the News Room.
This is the trouble with the BBC teeming and lading with truth and integrity in their news broadcasts. It turns every listener into a critic and a cynic or sceptic. They are playing a dangerous game. I do not think it is one they will win.
Thanks for the link, now we get to know the Frenchman’s name and it all falls sadly into place.
The Beebs latest report doesn’t manage to tell us this.
Only the BBC seem to think we give a damn about what Owen Smith thinks about his “second referendum”
Hollandes mannequin with a slimy tricky accent that varies depending how far from Pontypridd he is.
Humphrys slaughtered him, but what is that?
I don`t need his opinion-so why do the BBC insist on telling me what labour think on anything.
Jew baiting twats-Ant and Dec need to change their names to Hamas and Hez`bollox…THEN Corbyn might know the difference ,the thick phoney.
Virgin?…probably is!Bet Dianne Abbott found an East German to allow Corbyn to claim all his kids were Blanket Jacksons comedy mutants.
I tend to read her only by chance these days…but just know that she`ll be on the ball.
The Mail and the like are really missing her…and I find the Jerusalem papers include her freely once in a while.
Got to be a family tree involving Hitchens, Murray, Mel etc…can`1t believe that they all get along, but collectively there`s something that we can discern…like building our very own go-cart or charabanc from the best of their writings.
Guess that all know thst Islam is the #1 existential threat to us…but Mels magnificent “World Turned Upside Down” collates Islam with Lefty crap and with eco New Age runs from reason in a uniquely clever way.
A huge influence on me…as was “All Must Have Prizes” in education.
A better writer than speaker maybe…but she publishes Douglas Murray I notice on ebooks!
What a gal…Hitchens for the nation, Melanie for the world….
Sadly she hasn’t grasped that there’s a reason behind politicians reluctance to effectively deal with Islamic ‘extremism’ and that is a large wedge of oil cash stuffed in the mouths of our politicians
New Filters on Twitter this week, I’m a bit worried about them,
Thereâs now an optional âquality filterâ that can limit notifications you receive from people based on their previous behavior and account origins, ideally filtering out hateful language from anonymous users.
))in order to combat âharassmentâ by hiding certain accounts. ((
When Twitter uses phrases like âanti-harassmentâ and âquality filter,â it usually means someone is going to get censored, and that someone is usually a conservative. Twitterâs attempt to sneak in a new âquality filterâ is part of the siteâs tactics to marginalize and suppress conservative and libertarian voices on the platform. If you want to continue seeing content from different users, hereâs how to remove it.
The Muslim Council have issued a statement objecting ‘in the strongest possible terms’ to the use of the phrase ‘lone wolf’ in association with any Islamic cleansing activities since this suggests a link with a dog or dogs which are, of course, haram.
Reckon we`re developing a new narrative here.
Sturgeons Syndrome.
Ram-Jam Band.
To Byron…a verb I`m thinking of in connection with that “Andrea Brown” case that Radio 4 seemed awful keen to tell me about this morning.
Nick Robinsons editor clearly feeds him the owl pellets…and Nick squits them out for a healthy payload on cue.
Only the Radio 4 BBC doleboats would think THIS an injustice.
Black copper goes to Barbados when she`s meant to be sick…and THAT is not the crux of whatever else follows?
God, the BBC are toast aren`t they?…too many Gummer bears when CJD reigned at the BBC in the early 90s I expect?
As I say…”to Byron”-to avoid the criminal law, in favour of a hatchet job on what little passes for legal probities.
Popcorn at the media circus-clowns who think they are ringmasters….
Palestinian suspect in police killings ‘beaten to death’
In some ways this report was groundbreaking. Can anyone remember the BBC ever admitting that the Palestinian ‘moderates’ beat and torture prisoners? In other ways it is business as usual for the BBC.
The dead man Ahmed Halawa was a member, not of Hamas, as might be expected by the brutality but of Fatah’s own the Al-Aqsa Martyrsâ Brigades paramilitary. Other news providers such as Reuters and even Haaretz picked up on this but not al Beeb.
It could be that members of the Palestinian security forces are using this as a cover for crime. It could be that Abbas is removing rivals. It could be that there is a rupture in Abbas’s own organisation. Important information for understanding the story that the BBC either missed or hid.
The foundation of all Arab politics seems to be cruelty, torture and murder. They seem to have no real notion of justice or humanity. Is this because their culture is based on the teachings of a man whose career was founded on murder, pillage, enslavement and rape? I couldn’t possibly say.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump urged the Justice Department on Monday to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate if donors to the Clinton Foundation got special treatment from the State Department when it was run by his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton
– They did report that due to falling oil prices the Scotttish balance of payments is now ÂŁ16bn in the red
In any decent country Hillary Clinton would now be under indictment and awaiting trial for corruption and breaching national security. That she is not proves that the USA has now entered banana republic territory. That cannot end well for any of us. We can only hope for a Trump victory in November.
Just turned the tv off bbc news bashing the police no mention of allah akbar . Tonight’s bbc fest not for me 7.00 bbc2 low wage workers 800 bbc2 can britain have a payrise hosted by james o’brien 900 bbc1 chronicles of nadiya the muslim bake off winner we’ll never forget 1000 news 1030 newsnight 1115 inside the factory 1215repeat of brexit the battle or britain, not for me i’ll tape newsnight in the hope their’s someone on it with right wing views otherwise its the footie on btsport.Wouldn’t it be nice if the national newspapers could show how many innocent victims have died at the hands of islamists in the last year or since mrs merkel’s welcome speech.A photo frame to show respect and sympathy to the victims and to remind everyone of the reality.Summer time used to have nothing to report but the odd shark attack now it’s the murder of innocent civilians or rioting being swept under the carpet.Going to walk the dog now if i hear any allah akbar’s i got a big stick with me for the dog.
Radio 4 WATO but applies to all BBC news services. The use of ‘seized’ in news bulletins; it is usually applied to good points raised by someone which do not fit the BBC agenda, e.g. The Torees seized on claims that Jeremy (Corbyn) was lying etc. Always used to make a good point seem ‘dirty’ or dubious.
Wasn’t it the miracle of The Virgin Jeremy
That a train that people thought was jam-packed
– came to to have lots of empty seats after he waved his hand at the video camera.
In his angry press conference this morning he tried the excuse “ah I was looking for a double seat so I could sit next to to my wife”..that of course is lame.
– And #2 think how MSM would have treated Boris had he tried the same video stunt.
What set the seal on Corbyns “Moaningtime Ride” was the fact that he was reading Private Eye.
What a spud-who the hell still buys that?
I let the wife shop and read the funny bits…sad to say I`m back trundling round behind the shopping trolley within two minutes these days, and its getting ever shorter.
Like the BBC,Viz, Labour and the Greens…its best days have long gone, and it`s a zombie parody of what it used to “stand for”.
Hence Corbyn sitting down I suppose-aren`t there special seats for the pensioners and feeble-minded anyway?
Couldn’t agree more chrisH, I gave up when the ‘Goldenballs (Jimmy Goldsmith) Fighting Fund’ disappeared mysteriously after their craven capitulation – and that was long before little Hissylop got his hands on the title.
Could you ever imagine the current load of lightweights giving a damn about the disappearance and cover-up over the death of poor British nurse Helen Smith in 1979, out in Saudi?
But imagine the furore if Boris Johnson got his socks mixed up…THAT`S how low the progressive championing liberal media have sunk.
Like the Guardian-can only assume a Soros funds them to keep the whole evil empire stumbling on into irrelevance and a nasty death after due process.
So Corbyn is now saying that their were seats, only not two together, and he wanted to sit with his (third) wife. Rather than submit to the horror of sitting apart from his (current) beloved, the Stalinist cretin prefers to sit on his bony arse whingeing that he couldn’t get a seat, even though there were several available.
Has anyone asked him where Mrs Corbyn sat? Did she not fancy doing a tramp impression to satisfy a bit of cack handed agitprop, but preferred to sit in comfort? What is she, some sort of capitalist? Mrs Corbyn III should remember what happened to Mrs Stalin. Marriage to Communist lunatics rarely ends well.
In fairness to Mr Corbyn, maybe the carriage was full when he got on, but when people saw him looking for a seat they all legged it out of there so that they wouldn’t have to sit next to him? He does rather have the look of the ‘train nutter’ about him.
Love the excuses being made for Corbyn.
Who knew that so many dwarves,kids and selfish people leaving their luggage on seats-and so preventing Jeremy and his wife( who knew?…all I heard was some Momentum poppet defending the indefensible,
They’re like brain-eating amoeba feasting on the minds of Great Britain – incessantly chewing away at lateral or rational thought in the interests of their evil propaganda. Independent thought is disallowed. Nobody steps out of line. The facts are always stained with their Muslim-ass-kissing paw prints, and the sooner we revolt against this corrupt organisation, the better.
Police news-conference-speak appears the same the world over, most especially where Islam is concerned. I’d guess the international suggestion of ‘mental issues’ seemed like a good idea at the time, deflecting, neutralising and justifying as it was intended, but since the phrase is increasingly and with good reason ridiculed, it really does beg the question: ‘Where do we go from here?’
At least, while police language, the Guardian and the BBC continue to work in contented harmony, if comfortably isolated from reality, the rest of what currently remains civilized humanity seems ever closer to boiling point – which seems a suitable time to repeat the question – Where do we go from here?
“Police officer who won ÂŁ11,000 payout when a boss said he looked like Osama Bin Laden is sacked for threatening to abduct and assault a court witness.”
This shifty looking dude was employed as a “positive action officer” in the police recruitment dept.
He wins ÂŁ11,000 compensation for being accurately described as an Osama Bin Laden lookalike but then turns out to be a terrorist after all.
What a disgrace to the uniform, totally undermining everything the police should be standing for. I wonder what the case was in which he was involved in witness intimidation?
Re the compensation:
PC Dost was awarded ÂŁ11,000 at an employment tribunal in Birmingham in 2009 after a colleague said he resembled Osama Bin Laden and looked ‘a prat’ in Islamic dress.
The policeman was working in the force’s recruitment department as a positive action officer when the allegations were made by a civilian manager in November 2007.
The manager was said to have compared PC Dost’s beard to that of the late al-Qaeda leader, told him he ‘looked like a terrorist’ and referred to Muslim prayers as ‘shouting and wailing’.
PC Dost won his claim for racial and religious discrimination, but a claim for victimisation was not proved.
The constable also had disciplinary proceedings brought against him at that time for making comments about his manager’s sexual performance. He denied the claims and said they were ‘preposterous’.
However, he was found guilty by a disciplinary panel and fined 13 days pay amounting to nearly ÂŁ3000.
Sounds fair enough to me – saying that he looked like OBL is borderline OK in my book as there is some resemblance, but saying that he looked a prat in Islamic dress and that he looked like a terrorist is over the line in a work environment.
But he got his comeuppance for criticising his boss’s sexual performance đ
But really… WFT? Working in the police as a positive action officer, then goes and intimidates a witness…
thirdoption – What on earth is going on in our police forces?
They’re having all sorts of politically correct / social engineering / diversity policies forced upon them with the predictable mayhem ensuing; in this case a ‘minority’ member playing the victim as usual and making a quick buck in the process.
There was a paramedic on TV yesterday telling us about the number of attacks on ambulances. He said many are not reported because the time taken dealing with the police and the associated paperwork takes them away from their work.
Very noble …. I think, unless there’s some other reason.
It has finally come to pass. To use her words â my wife and I have decided to âdetoxâ ourselves of the BBC. I have listened to BBC R4 man and boy – I can just remember listening as a child when it was the Home Service and on in my parentsâ home half the day.
I listened throughout university, and have woken at 6:00am to their news bulletins and listened typically for the next couple of hours while shaving, breakfasting and driving to work for decades. I even missed it when I lived in Germany for three years. I have to admit that listening has been against all reason for the last few years, but it was a deeply-formed habit. Like many here I suspect, it became partly out of morbid curiosity in the end, and partly out of a feeling that someone grown-up should be keeping an eye on them.
In fact the withdrawal from the BBC has been gradual â first Question Time, then Newsnight then âcomedyâ including âHave I got news for youâ when the once free-spirited Hislop finally went native. Then the Archers.
But it will be no more. I donât need to catalogue the reasons because they are catalogued here every day. I will relate what straw broke the camelsâ back though. It was yesterdayâs triple-header of â new report showsâ items rather than any actual news on R4 news. Followed this morning by R4 using the single term âextremistâ to describe the âFrenchmanâ who murdered one and attempted the murder of another in Australia while shouting “allahu akbar”.
So after 50 years of listening to R4 I have consciously switched it off and will never consciously play it again. Iâm not going the whole hog and not paying my license fee yet. Why not? Because I have to admit itâs too much hassle. And because there are isolated programmes and events like the Olympics that will make me just swallow it for an hour or two. Eventually I assume there will be nothing I want to see or hear on the BBC.
Despite my current despair over the BBC I think there is hope. You canât fool all of the people all of the time. When I bitch about the BBC to friends and colleagues, no one defends the BBC. What intrigues me is that they all have negative things to say â but they arenât about bias. âNo sport anymoreâ. âI canât stand all those dancing and baking shows.â âTheyâre always trying to tell me whatâs bad for meâ. I sometimes think that some of this is an intuitive feeling that they are being patronised and treated as fools â they just donât analyse it that far to try to understand why, but they donât like it.
So I think the BBC will be rumbled in the end. The tipping point will simply be when enough people get their annual ransom note and say: âBut I never watch itâ.
Kafirharbi, it’s a rather sad moment. Like anything that has simply become a habit, eventually it’s better to cut it out if the original reasons are gone and all that is left is a nostalgic emotion.
Getting rid of my tellie was a bit like when I decided to stop visiting my local pub every Friday night. I had enjoyed good times there years before, but eventually the old crowd drifted away and it was just me and perhaps a couple of acquaintances I wasn’t that interested in. Yet I still kept going out of habit. Eventually I broke the habit and found more interesting things to do.
Excellent post KafirHarbi( that mean “Godless” Warrior like me?)
As a similarly well-educated bloke who jumped liberal hoops a plenty way back…and , like you , has fond memories of what the BBC once stood for-and even used to broadcast-reckon you could easily get a few of us behind you in some kind of movement.
People who have now baled out on the BBC, with a view to getting it defanged and privitised, due to its breach of trust with the British people.
You could do very well out of it-your story arc is very similar to mine and( dare I say) to plenty others here.
“Better to light a candle than curse the darkness” eh?
If it`s any consolation, it`s all squid in ink these days…albeit full spectrum lies and deceits…but they`re rumbled and fatally flawed now.
But a cultured shaft into their soft underbelly of “educated consent” would cause howls of pain from them…so hope to hear more in due course.
Good post, KH, and you echo much of my experience of the BBC from the 50s onwards.
Some friends of ours are also starting to acknowledge the bias and agendas but just won’t have it that HIGNFY (and its audience) has now been contaminated by the ingrained Leftism, and in particular won’t accept my observation that Hislop – once a ‘have a go at anybody’ free spirit in the true Private Eye tradition – has taken the BBC shilling.
The medicinal mix that I use as an antidote to the appalling news service provided by the BBC is the Spectator ,taken weekly, the Salisbury Review taken monthly, Breitbart London and Guido Fawkes taken daily.When coupled with daily doses of the Telegraph and Times , both of which have enough liberal left comment to inform you what the loonies are thinking , these publications give you a balanced view of what is going on in the world. As for the so called entertainment provided by the BBC there is no antidote that I have found other than not watching or listening. The pioneering level of PC that runs through everything the corporation does makes an increasing ajmount of their output unwatchable.I have to say that I greatly resent having to pay for antidote when I already have to pay for the BBC, it’s like paying for private healthcare when you have already paid many thousands of pounds into the NHS! Of course this site is also a great help as it makes you realise that your views are not isolated and other sensible folks share them. Anyone got other antidotes to the hated corporation?
I think we all know how you feel. My issue is that as I have a long term illness and often need to rest for a day or two, like this morning. I found myself imagining, that someone at the BBC decided to start again some reasonably balanced reporting, so in my fevered state I turned on the Today program. I wish I didn’t. 20 year old sounding experts explaining everything in buzz words meaning nothing but sounding all so knowledgeable, more bad Brexit news even if it is good as it might be bad. Had to switch it off out of anger after 20 min. Proper analysis none, telly tubby news for dummies. Brexit BAD, Hillary GOOD, Trump BAD, Ukraine LOVELY, Putin NASTY.. How I cannot wait for next year when I will refuse to pay the TV license. No more bake off, cooking, cheap shit TV funded by me.
Thanks Cranmer & ChrisH. Yes ‘Harbi’ is the warlike side to my nature! As such, I would far rather ‘do something’. But I run a small but very vibrant business, and these days I try to pick my battles. There will come a day though!
Approve-it`s how most of the sappers here work.
“Living well is the best revenge”..and a decent business, whilst refusing to bow the knee-but with an eye on spiking a liberal gun when it`d be too much NOT to do so?
Yarp-recognise that myself….
What Radio news alternatives are there to BBC Radio 4?
Classic FM just seems to take short bulletin feeds from News Agencies although it is years since I listened to Classic FM.
I’m tempted to start a withdrawal symptom avoidance by first switching to Radio 4 Extra but then will just get the on the hour short bulletins, I think. I miss good quality comedy on Radio 4.
At least the classics are available on R4e as repeats.
No-one can dispute every one of the comments above. But who is to blame ? The sea change started when all the old chaps in suits retired, those who were responsible for commissioning all the once great comedies, the dramas, the riveting documentaries and the fulsome ‘unbiased’ news reporting. Steadily they have, over the years been replaced by yuni graduates who don’t know their arse from their elbow regarding the taste of the wider public, and the likes of Danny Cohen were given carte blanche to set their own agenda. Strangely these idiots grew up with family friendly shows, so knew what was popular,but felt that the new dawn was more appropriate for back-slapping blokey programmes with audiences of similar types.
The rot set in, becoming all-inclusive, more pc and diverse, and now one can only weep for the future, when the next generation of yuni graduates destroy what’s left of a once great broadcasting company. Only today I was watching a golden oldie comedy from 1985 – as the credits rolled it really was a bygone age, all the crew names were pronounceable English, not an ethnic name amongst them. When a hijab reads the six o’clock news that’s when the end will come for me.
Quite agree here Brissels.
It`s not just the BBC of course…I guess it all depends on our ages.
I was 58 the other day…so I was lucky to see the changes.
But doesn`t everybody, depending on how old they are -and their recall, reading education and faith in signs of the times that crop up each and every day.
I can handle the churches, political parties and the decline in education etc-because they don`t “mediate the world” for me and at my expense.
We were lucky to live through the fall of the Soviets, and the attendant unleashing of the Ayatollah…don`t think we can undertand today without the rise of Black September and the slinking off of the communists into the Green movement in 1989 etc.
You`ll have yours…but I`d put Bin Laden as easily the most significant man in the 21st Century so far…and we deserved him in a way.
The BBC would regard that as praise for him-it`s not…but in their sick world they`d be off to do a programme about him.
Basically they are maddened by all the ingestion of their own entrails over so many years now…no education, no history and no purpose…but as long as their hands are in our pockets, they`ll not stop.
More fool us then.
They`ll be gone in my lifetime and we`ll wonder how the hell we let them take our kids to the abyss as we let them babysit.
How depressing.
Like Pam Ayres-she says something on Angel radio which is a great little find in the Portsmouth area re old-time music.
Bet her place at hay depended on it-but, still, expected more.
Wonder if Liz Hurley will write us a poem-now there`s a gal who is NOT a liberal oaf….
Crap couplet too…
UKIP haiku…now there was a REAL poet!
The “latest Pam Ayres”…it`ll be the LATE Pam Ayres if she doesn`t buck her ideas up!
BBC at it again yesterday – this time on TWATO – questioning the government’s ‘Prevent’ strategy and why it wasn’t working.
On came Islamic Expert For The Day, Tariq Mamood (Labour MP?).
Not once was he asked what the Muslim ‘community’ – parents, Imams, councils etc. – were doing about it, or even what could he expect the authorities to do if a child’s father was clearly something of a radical Islamist himself (as photo evidence has shown in the case of the father of the 16 year-old ISIS girl recruit blown up in Syria).
Nope, not a single, solitary challenge that maybe his ‘community’ should at least share responsibility, if not be held totally responsible.
Imagine the ‘Prevent’ strategy was about combating Jewish extremism in Britain – where British-born Jewish terrorists were travelling to the Middle East to slaughter non-believers and ethnically cleanse the Muslim population – how different the questioning might be.
Having watched these two videos, I have to ask, in the case of the former, who, in their right mind could vote for THAT as the next President of the USA, and in the case of the latter – he has it cut and dried – why doesn’t Hil-liary (and Soros) just give up?
I imagine many of you are familiar with Sam Harris and his podcasts. His latest one on Isis and it’s appeal to the young Muslims is excellent. If he is correct and I believe he is then Prevent is a complete waste of time .
Listen to it. A depth of analysis light years ahead of anything on the BBC ever and incidentally not what you might think in his approach to those who direct Isis.
Pale, Male & Stale : The R4 Media Show is banging on about DIVERSITY a-flippin-gain
now discussing a joint BBC/ITV/Sky/Channel4&5 project called Diamond
Eh up Rod Liddle and Peter Hitchens are on now discussing alleged drop in Brexit reporting
Naturally comments are disabled on the article, comments sections on the BBC/Guardian only reserved for Trump articles nowadays it seems.
I for one am absolutely sick of this crap. What’s the bets the two subjects were educated through our state system costing the tax payers approx ÂŁ30,000 a year, will have then gone straight onto benefits again taking roughly the same amount and will inevitably get a life sentence again costing the same until they die. If they live till 70 they have cost the taxpayer ÂŁ2.1M each. So these two alone ÂŁ4.2M!!!
Why is our beautiful country allowing these people in, you wouldn’t run a business with this ethos so why on earth is the country run like this.
I for one am absolutely sick of this crap. Whatâs the bets the two subjects were educated through our state system costing the tax payers approx ÂŁ30,000 a year, will have then gone straight onto benefits again…
Whilst also working in a segregated, PC (both)-protected, ‘cash only’ economy – possibly.
I am still stunned at the appalling abuse of stats in yesterdays reporting of the Institute for Fiscal Studies pay study
However garbage In = Garbage Out
You see the IFS did use simplistic emotive inaccurate terms in its PR eg #GenderWageGap.and 18% difference etc
Some mothers â ALL Women (thatâs the over-generalisation fallacy) You canât extrapolate data to say itâs a Man vs women #genderwagegap
I donât accept the claimed INDEPENDENCE of the IFS anyway, their report before Brexit called âpossibility of a falling pound benefiting exports a fallacyâ
Their PR like the Briefing note makes it clear itâs about CAMPAIGNING which is hardly surprising if a campaigning org like The Joseph Rowntree Fdn paid for it.
One extra thing is that the report does mention a small wage gap premotherhood.
– I suspect that is due to them comparing apples and oranges
eg even in the same job some people will take the more dangerous more inconvenient tasks, or have higher skills, so receive more money than their colleagues.
I completely agree about the IFS. Its reports have been deeply suspect for a long while.
As for the imaginary pay gap, studies I have seen tend to show that younger women are currently doing better than young men and, anecdotally, that is what I see, too.
If there’s one thing I could say I ‘admire’ about the traitorous, shit eating, spineless cowards that infest Al Beebistan is this… They are quite creative when it comes to making up ‘other causes’ for pure Islamic enrichment.
We have had, disenfranchised, loner, lone wolf, mental illness, drug abuse, foreign policy, racism, abandonment……(this list is endless)….
…but by far the greatest moment in the history of deception and misleading reporting of facts goes to the Islamic Al Beeb for this humdinger of a ’cause’ for why a man was arrested in London, today, for wanting to kill any many infidels as possible, as instructed by Muhammad. The Al Beeb webshite states the following….
“A man has been arrested in north-west London on suspicion of preparing terrorist acts, police have said.
The 32-year-old was detained on Wednesday morning and is being questioned at a central London police station, the Metropolitan Police said.
The arrest, by officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, is “linked to Syria”, police added”
Linked to Syria!! WTF!!! We cannot hope to compete with this level of imagination folks! I’m changing race and taking up drug abuse! Allahu Akbar!!!
Tothepoint – in case anyone’s new to bbbc or still believes a word the Evil Empire spews, I’m providing a handy cut-out and keep dictionary to your post:
disenfranchised: muslim
loner: muslim
lone wolf muslim
mental illness: islam
drug abuse: islam
foreign policy: islam
racism: islam
abandonment: islam
this list is endless: islam
linked to Syria: islam
Allahu Akbar: islam
to be cont’d as the endlessly creative beeb find new euphemisms and excuses.
As you know the Greek economy is a basket case. Its deficit is presently running at an unsustainable 7%! This is causing justified panic all over Europe.
However, the spendthrift, economically illiterate Greeks can at least look down on the absurd SNPâs handling of the Scottish economy. The deficit for the those north of the border is now 9.5% of its own GDP! Just to put that in perspective the UKs is around 4%.
Wonder if golden girl Nicola Sturgeon will face tougher questions from the BBC news teams — ah no, of course, she isnât tory scum.
Why should Krankie need to face tough questions? It’s obviously our fault and we can most certainly rely on her to apportion blame accordingly.
I should add that Teresa May’s first visit as PM being to the ‘First Minister’ was shameful, giving the wretch kudos out of all proportion to her significance.
Just heard a promo for the mindless One Show, apparently Nicola Sturgeon will be asked what makes her laugh. The BBC love this woman. Anyone who wants to harm the UK is given an open mic on the BBC.
Agree ScribblingScribe – look at Anjem Choudary and the airtime given to him by al Beeb. The harsh reality being that this man inspires young British Muslims to at best go and live in Syria and fight for IS and at worse to stay here and commit atrocities against the British public. They have no shame whatsoever, they are in fact a dangerous organisation that is putting British lives in danger. Disgusting people.
I put this at the very end of the last open thread but I’ve seen no-one else comment on this anywhere so I thought I’d put it in this one:
Big manufactured row where Smith clearly indicated that Corbyn is a lunatic. Corbyn said that it is offensive to those with mental health problems. What is far more offensive to those with mental health problems is calling all the Jihadi murderers lunatics. If they want to attack anyone about abusing the term attack the BBC and their MSM allies.
I am sick of it.i suffer with horrible mental health problems yet wouldn’t dream of attacking anyone.i despise the bbc and the labour party.they are unelectable for the next twenty years.what are the tree huggers gonna do then
Owen Smith still doesn’t get it ! The Labour voters didn’t vote Brexit because they didn’t get ‘the message’ from Corbyn, they voted on immigration issues. And now Smith maintains if he becomes leader he will fight the next election on getting us back in the EU !! what IS it these people don’t understand ? And why are they so arrogant in believing that Labour voters will do what they Labour elite tell them to do? and yet refuse to confront the immigration concerns. Smith has signed his own death warrant with those statements.
I think he understands it perfectly well Brissles. IMO, he knows how people feel about immigration but the project of turning the whole world coffee coloured, and eliminating individual sovereign states, especially white western ones, is more important.
These people are not complete fools. I think they’re dangerous, particularly for the next few generations of Europeans.
LOL ex Beeboid Shelagh Fogerty is OUTRAGED that woman in France has been “forced to remove her burkini on the beach” by police. To make it sound worse she added she was ‘forced to undress by French police on the beach’
This was not true. She was asked to LEAVE the beach, and presumably CHOSE to remove the burkini instead! Hmmm
Shit! Note: “This means that the U.S. not only is at war against the legitimate government of Syria, but that the U.S. government will also be at war against Russia if Russian forces (which the Syrian government did invite into Syria) defends Syrian forces from attacks in Syria by U.S. forces â forces that are illegally there.” Obama’s administration is appears to be trying to start WWIII………. Now, when is the Ministry of Truth going to report this…. And, what will their stance be?
No, I think the BBC will be hoping they can persuade someone else to go and kill Trump and get Farage at the same time.
Plus, I think the BBC will be keen to show that they are right that Trump and Farage are clearly evil as they are allied. There will be a lot of self-satisfied I-told-you-sos in the Newsroom, and no doubt the newsreaders will be practising ironic smiles and winks for when they are on camera.
“Hang out with us Nige. I’m so glad you’re in Mississippi.”
Nigel Farage is to share a platform with Donald Trump tonight in Jackson, Mississipi. This morning he appeared on The JT show on Supertalk radio. Please listen from 04:30 to 42:30 mins for a fascinating conversation with a host who accords Nigel “hero status”.
“Nigel Farage of Brexit fame appeared on SuperTalk radio’s JT Show Wednesday morning ahead of his appearances with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Mississippi.
He will be attending a $1,000 per ticker fundraiser with Trump and a rally at the Mississippi Coliseum today, both in Jackson.
Farage said he was being careful not to tell the American people how to vote, as President Barack Obama seemingly did in Great Britain when he joined Prime Minister David Cameron in the summer.
Instead, Farage said he was telling his story – the Brexit story – and compared it to what was happening in America with the movement around Trump.
The British politician told of the abuse he took prior to the vote to leave the European Union, abuse from “the establishment and the liberal media.” Farage said at the heart of it was immigration, a familiar tune to that of Trump who has called for a strengthening of US immigration policy, halting the refugee program, and building a wall on the southern American border.
Farage said the polls and pundits did not accurately predict the Brexit vote. He believes that could be the case for Trump heading into the November general election. Trump has consistently polled below Democrat Hillary Clinton nationwide.”
“A Man who did well over here-and is NOW doing rather well over THERE!”
So went an advert for Hanson or such in the crazy 80s.
As opposed to lefty pillocks like Colin Welland and other lefty luvvies who confused a “Chariots of Fire” Oscars award with a long term talent.
Nigel is already assured of the Thatcher Award for being the most influential man of our times…until Trump takes the helm.
At last- a TRUE world statesman, as opposed to the serried ranks of pew fillers and woolsack biters who hope we voted for Twix and not Brexit.
Let Nigel and his minime Trump clearly tell the liberal bog blockers…” we haven`t gone away you know-we voted OUT…and it`s OUR country!”
And the continued trawling and fishing to reduce or traduce us, will be their end…
It’s refreshing to see Farage given the respect he deserves and being recognised for achievements, unfortunately it’ll be a long time before he’s accorded the same treatment over here.
It’ll be very interesting to hear his story and hopefully ordinary Americans, who may otherwise be unaware of just how biased the establishment was against Brexit, will see the similarities to the scare tactics used against Trump.
I suspect the BBC will go into full meltdown over his appearance, which will no doubt please Nigel even more.
Man suspected of knifing Brit backpacker in Aus has been named as Smail Ayad, a good French name if ever I heard one, or Pierre Dupont as the beeb will no doubt re-baptise him.
Yet another Norwegian masquerading as French, makes you sick.
I tink Owen Smith is the right man to lead the Labour Party.
His idea of overturning Brexit through Parliament, a democratic decision reached just over 2 months ago. pure brilliance. He wants Labour to be involved in the Brexit process as well. Perhaps, he could invite IS, one of his other ideas, to be involved in the decision process as well
I think Owen Smith is the right man to lead the Labour Party.
His idea of overturning Brexit through Parliament, a democratic decision reached just over 2 months ago. pure brilliance. He wants Labour to be involved in the Brexit process as well. Perhaps, he could invite IS, one of his other ideas, to be involved in the decision process as well
Believe me, if Brexit does not occur there will be riots in the streets. I will be one of the rioters. My first target will be the MP’s.
My MP, if he supports to oppose Brexit, he had better have good locks on his doors because I will be bashing it down to get at him.I will never give in until he changes his mind.-And with me in the room he’ll do that damn quick.
Be afraid Remainers, be very afraid because the Brexiteers of Britain will not be abused.There will be one hell of a backlash.
Civil war beckons. London beware.The rest of the country have spoken once and we won. We voted out of EU.If you oppose the democratic will of the people there will be such reprisals from normally peaceable Brits. We will march in numbers that you in London didn’t know existed outside of your immoral bubble. There will be mayhem,fury and fire.
Politicians, be warned, you will get such a hiding if you don’t support the democratic mandate entrusted to you.
Brexit means Brexit. Don’t mess with us.Get it done.
Members of the Conservative party border on the pathetic especially when dealing with the anti British BBC.
What makes you think Taffman, that they will be effective in pressurising their MP’s. Too many Remainers in the Tory party.Cameron, Osbourne ,Clarke, etc.
UKIP need to get a grip, sort out their leadership issues and start making their voice heard. Democracy must be seen to rule.
Could well be right there Taffman, but they have little or no influence on their MP’s. If they had the BBC wouldn’t be so very left wing.
Most Tory members were Brexit, many of their elected MP’s voted against their members wishes and aligned themselves with Cameron.
Very disrespectful.
Same is therefore true on the EU. BBC very pro Remain and needs to stop questioning the decision of the people in voting for Brexit.
Tory Members of Parliament have no respect for the views of their members. The evidence is there for all to see.
If I’m wrong then let’s see Tory MP’s stricture the BBC and go Brexit right now as their members would wish.
If the Establishment tries to renege on Brexit, which Oily Smith clearly intends to do if he ever gets the chance, then they have effectively staged a coup d’etat against the British people. As such, they will be tyrants, and tyrants have to be overthrown. If they do not respect the outcome of the ballot box, what do they expect will happen?
BBC give credit where credit is due………….. “Mr Farage, who is credited with securing the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU and helping to pull off the surprise Leave victory, would be the first British politician to speak at a Trump rally.”
Even though the ‘Leave Victory’ was a kick in the balls to the propaganda promulgated by them before the referendum đ
The BBC must be very proud of their tame Tory Government.
Only a week ago a report appeared outlining ways to deal with moslem hate preachers in prisons, isolating them, controlling Friday prayers, and so on.
Trouble was – it might make the moslems angry so the government scrapped the proposals.
So much for making them hold Friday prayers in their cells.
‘Muslim inmates would have had to worship in their cells but officials were concerned that it would have led to discontent and unrest within the wider jail population’.
‘The Justice Ministry also rejected the appointment of a counterterrorism advisor in prisons, who would have been accountable directly to the Justice Secretary and responsible for an over-arching counter-extremism strategy’.
Way to go Mr Choudary. If you are sentenced for a reasonable period the Appeaser and her Government will ensure you get everything you want – and then a very early release.
Successive governments have put the ‘Human Rights’ of those who want to do us harm above the Human Rights of the law abiding citizens of this nation. The right to live in a safe and secure country. Its about time the government and its Broadcasting service put this nation and its people first.
I’m sorry, but I can’t see that happening. UKIP have only ever had one idea and even with that they have never had the slightest idea how to go about it.
We won despite UKIP and LEAVE, not thanks to them. Nigel Farage did a sterling job providing the impetus for the referendum, but the referendum really only happened because of Cameron’s lack of judgement and arrogance, not because of Farage’s skill.
Sadly, I just don’t see UKIP becoming a political force in this country. If they are deathly quiet NOW – when are they EVER going to have anything to say, for Christ’s sake?
No. We need new politics. The trouble is, I don’t see where it is going to come from. Perhaps it will emerge by accident after some large Muslim atrocity, almost as a reaction to events where the political class will be sidelined?
Meanwhile the native population doze in front of celebrity bake off f*** off on their telescreens and seem to have accepted their future dhimmi status as being preferable to being called racists!
So long as their phones keep on charging overnight and the BBC keeps telling them what to think, they are happy.
Sort of agree, though from my perspective it seemed that Farage forced Cameron’s hand with the referendum, it was hard to argue against giving the British people a say considering the direction the EU is heading.
The problem as I see it for UKIP is that it’s main purpose was to oppose the EU, but now that goal has been achieved it’s hard to see where the future lies for them. Their popularity was due primarily to Farage and the fact that a vote for UKIP was a protest vote against the unelected elites of the EU. Now Brexit has been achieved (in theory anyway) and with the imminent departure of Farage I can’t say for certain that I’d vote for them again, time will tell.
Something will fill the void, and I fear you may be correct about it emerging after some Islamic atrocity as it seems as though public opinion is hardening against the constant apologism and yet the British political class seems unwilling to listen.
“The problem as I see it for UKIP is that itâs main purpose was to oppose the EU, but now that goal has been achieved itâs hard to see where the future lies for them.”
I think that their future priority is to ensure that Brexit happens.
But that’s still just one issue…..Europe. Also, now the public has spoken and voted Leave I think it’s unlikely that Brexit won’t happen it’s just a question of when? And how?
All that UKIP have to do is go to every Labour constituency with a blow up doll of Corbyn with another of Tessa Jowell or Bob Geldof blowing it up-orifice and tube TBA.
Slogan-we might be crap…but we`re not Labour…and sure as hell, we`re not THIS!
Landslide a la SNP throughout the north…and only fiery Brexit haters of Soubry, Clarke, Heseltine and Rudd being on the UKIP ticket.
Then we`ll get an opposition who`ll campaign only on getting us out of the EU…and then a grateful nation will clamour for Lord Farage and PM Gove to steer us to world beaters once more.
Not wife beaters-that`s Labour under Simon Nuncuck!
“Police appear to issue a fine to the woman, who is then seen removing a veil and baring her arms.”
She could have just left the beach if she felt so strongly ? Was this a staged set up?
From the article: “Anouar Kbibech, the president of the CFCM, said he was “concerned over the direction the public debate is taking”, citing the “growing fear of stigmatisation of Muslims in France”.”
Just a wild guess but is that stigmatisation of Muslims something to do with the fact they keep killing people and NOT because they wear a burka?!?
So, hours after everyone else has it, beeb-shit don’t give name of backpacker killer suspect.
It’s Smail Ayad by the way, presumably not ‘French’ enough for beeb-slime.
What beeb-vomit DO manage to slip in though, and quite near top of column, is “The 21-year-old’s family said she was “a rare person who saw beyond race, creed and belief”.
Mmm, wonder if they’re sanctimoniously preaching to us that we should do the same? I wouldn’t put it past them to have fed the line to the distraught family members.
âThe 21-year-oldâs family said she was âa rare person who saw beyond race, creed and beliefâ.
If that’s true, then sadly it cost her her life. The only sensible course of action with muslims these days is to give them as wide a berth as possible. Their community seems to harbour too many lone wolves for my liking.
Meanwhile, have we yet heard the name of the “man” who committed the Swiss train atrocity? At least the Aussies had the common decency to release the name of the “Frenchman” involved in the latest piece of cultural enrichment.
Sophie Lancaster Syndrome here.
The media are very good at doorstepping the grief stricken for that empty liberal soundbite…and deciding then, that THIS is the response to such evil.
Sorry liberal twatz…victims are NOT the laws arbiters-there would be less victims if we got a few people prepared to cut the throats of those who murdered their kids…not play them a Lennon soundtrack as sung by fuckin` Coldplay.
New Cross eh? As colourful and diverse as one could wish.
Soon to be the pattern for whole of London, and who knows, one day all of Britain.
Oh Brave New World.
I was brought up there in the 1950’s when it wasn’t too bad. That said, I do remember being rather shocked about 30 years ago when I read about a stabbing which had occurred at my junior school, Childeric.
The U.K. does quite a good line in areas like that now DS, thanks to all the wonderful “ethnic diversity” imposed over the last six decades on significant parts of virtually all our cities and many of the towns; both large and small.
Yet another article about Ms Hussein stating that she only met her husband once before the wedding, to which about 2000 people turned up , and she knew none of them except her parents ! Call it what you like, but having intimate relations on your wedding night with a bloke you’ve met once and expecting his conjugal rights is legalised rape; the sad and dreadful thing about this, is the Father allowing it to happen to his daughter. Most daughters adore their fathers and wouldn’t want to do anything to upset them, but it shows how lacking in intelligence these peoples are. My father would have fought an army before letting that scenario happen to me.
Hope this link to Israel news works. A counter to the BBC lies.
Early item on the news – a Pally stabs an Israeli soldier. Wow, that is unusual isn’t it. Perhaps the mental instability of Europe is spreading
A Muslim lady was allowed, unchallenged by the simpering Evan Davies, to state how Muslim women wearing the burkini should attract the support of feminists. This was because women should be free to wear whatever they wish.
Evan, unable to believe how fortunate he was to listen to this meaningless drivel, just couldnât think of an interruption. Erm, such as women are duffed up by their husbands, even murdered, if they donât wear what Islam demands of them, perhaps?
Frankly the French handling of this was a PR disaster, duly delivered in spades.
I still am unclear on what actually happened thanks to the unique way the MSM is inspired to ‘report’, but it seems our heroine does have all the right contacts to push her story.
In other news, it seems the Canadian Fuzz have wasted no time in getting a good PC PC innovation rushed out.
After the vast success of this attire in the Olympics, one is sure crime-ridden residents from Vancouver to Montreal feel safer knowing those pounding the beat in pursuit of miscreants legging it, are suitably garbed.
Any chance of any westerners being able to go topless on the endless sands of Saudi by the Arabian Gulf yet?
until THAT happens-fuck off Islam.
That covering up of women deprives them of Vitamin D…risks heatstroke on this weather-both of which WE`LL pay for by way of treatment-before You and Yours bitch on about the lack of Vitamin D and troughs for the camel to drink at.
Theie outfits prevent them driving of being able to teach-yet they do both whilst being so comically dressed.
AND- that Jihadi John look of theirs makes me sick,,,I get flashbacks, so ban them until the Muslims let us go topless in THEIR neck of the weoods.
Bare neck of course with an orange jumpsuit at their feet….taking the piss this lot, which is why Matt Frei and the BBC give a stuff.
The rest of us know the game…so fuck off BBC.
Absolutely Chris. The burqua/ini etc is not clothing worn because they need to because of their faith, it is worn specifically to separate themselves from the unclean infidels.
It is a supremacist statement. It says to wider society “We are better than you, we will not mix with you or interact with you in any way”.
It is like me boldly wearing a KKK outfit and going into a black bar* – it would be like saying to them “I know there’s nothing you can do about this, I’m just reminding you that I am a permanent threat to your lives”.
I’m sure the liberal lefties would defend my right to dress as a KKK clan member and wander around a black area. After all, they defend the right of anyone to dress as they wish, right?
[* black bar? Not even sure they exist, but for the sake of argument let’s assume they do. Of course, I’m not sure I can say ‘black’, so please insert coloured/persons of colour/persons with chromatic variance of their outer epidermal layer. There, I trust I’ve not offended any hyper-sensitive leftie girlie types now. Always good to be sensitive.]
I really must stop watching newsnight first of all no mention of the horrible murder in Australia then the Burkini debate corbyn attack pre election big business bollux about brexit then the icing on the cake brexit debate basically saying brexit voters are illiterate. Liberalism running wild in UK when are people gonna wake up that both major parties and media are under their control.
I find watching Newsnight disturbing as Evan Davis seems to be turning rapidly into some sort of hobgoblin. You cannot be expected to get a decent night’s sleep with that sort of image floating around your mind. Paxman was a bit grizzled, but at least he was recognisably human.
The Conservatives don’t get it. When there is a coup, one of the first jobs is to seize the TV and radio stations. Labour doesn’t need to do this, it has controlled the BBC for decades. Some Conservative politicians must understand this, but lack the stones to do anything about it. Others must be so stupid or lacking in imagination that they think there is some natural law whereby all broadcasters must be leftists, like the changing of the seasons or the tides of the sea.
Hottest day ‘eva’ this year ?
There will always be a hottest day of the year. What’s the point?
Subliminal Global Warming.
Here in Australia, the media seem to be downplaying the possible Islamic element in the backpacker murder almost as much as the BBC. On the commercial station Channel 9âs rather leftist news this morning, they were offering evidence that the motive was the murdererâs sexual obsession with his attractive victim. I accept this may well have been a factor. But I think they omitted both the âAlanâs snackbarâ bit and the name of the âFrenchmanâ concerned.
It’s suddenly struck me that the gap in fundamental values between the general population and our media and establishment seems wider than it was in pre-democratic centuries. Consider their love of Islam and open borders, their soft-on-crime (but harsh on dissent) attitudes. The police, legal system, academia – PC seems to run through everything.
How far back would you have to go to find such a disconnect? The Victorians? No, I think that for all their class divisions they had a consensus on morality and patriotism. Look at their most respected establishment figures: General Gordon, who suppressed the slave trade while Governor-General of Sudan, and was besieged at Khartoum by the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad; David Livingstone – medical missionary, explorer and anti-slavery crusader; nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale who tended the wounded at the Crimea.
Can you imagine that lot saying: âHey, letâs import a couple of million Mohammadans! Itâll be – like – totally enriching. And while weâre about it, why donât we let Oscar Wilde and Bosie tie the knot? Cardinal Newman can do the ceremony, and Gladstone can be a bridesmaid – when he’s had the op. It’ll be so cool.’
If they had, thereâs have found themselves suspended by their side-whiskers from London Bridge by an outraged mob with pitchforks.
We replaced our old conservative elite with liberal left one.In the UK I judge this change to have started around the time is Suez in 1956 and to have accelerated in the mid sixties as part of the so called permissive society and to have been completed and entrenched in Blairs premiership.As you point out just about all institutions in the west are run by people who share these liberal left values.Politicians who oppose this elite are few and far between and are constantly attacked and undermined by the tame attack dogs of the MSM.In the UK Lady T secured her power base only due to her moral courage in the Falklands war otherwise the liberal left would have had her out in 1983.Even today 25 years after she left No 10, scarcely a day passes without the BBC et al attacking her, Nigel has been attacked from all sides by the elite for years. Enoch Powell was cast into the wilderness by the elite.This trend of isolated victories by the centre right against the strongly running tide of liberal leftism is repeated across the west.We can view Brexit as one of those isolated victories and look at the ferocious opposition of the liberal elite to that revolt of their people.But the existentialist danger is the current elites almost religious belief in multiculturalism ,despite powerful evidence that it is highly dangerous, which is likely to bring to a bloody end the very liberal democracies that they now control.
What went wrong Helena was a world war that wiped out a complete generation of responsible, brave, predominantly wise and well educated young men who, under normal circumstances, would have assumed their inherent responsibilities. We continue to reap the benefits of that winnowing today – and it shows.
I would add – mass murder by a fascist dictator in WWII which the Left has been extremely successful in labelling “far right”. As a consequence, anything remotely “right wing”, or even vaguely associated with competing races or religions, has been easily denigrated and placed off limits. This has hobbled our attempts to protect our own Western, European, Christian culture.
WWII put us in debt for decades and we responded with a wave of socialist, something for nothing, extreme welfarism which added to the toxic mix.
Things are beginning to change, but only just. Unfortunately a huge amount of damage has been inflicted.
You’re right of course Maria, but it was the first cataclysm that led directly to the second. We quite literally lost control because we lost on all sides those that were aware of their responsibilities, replacing them with those who were, by comparison, failures.
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called âfirst among equals â which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donât know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Same old same old.
“A French suspect, 29, who allegedly said the Arabic phrase “Allahu akbar” during the attack, was arrested.”
No name or photograph of this ‘Frenchman’, and no mention of the M word. Prepare to be unsurprised. Surely another Lone Wolf mental health-related attack, nothing to do with the religion of peace or terrorism.
First pictures emerge of suspect in Australian “Allahu Akhbar” murder
Flex , The Times on line has reported, just as you predicted, that the attacker has suspected mental health issues. The BBC hasn’t yet got a report about this latest manifestation of the all consuming madness of Muslims across the world.But the corporation does find space to earnestly report that The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are going to allow female officers to wear the hajib. Just the latest in a series of responses to the Islamification of the west that make you simultaneously angry and amused.What ever next , the Team GB women’s hockey team playing in burkhas?
The WatO item on this today was interesting: if I recall correctly, it started with the claim that Australian police are treating this killing as a murder and not as an act of terrorism but DID (amazingly) mention next that the suspect had shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ (BBC pronunciation). They then mentioned that a ‘Frenchman’ was in custody but no-one thought to contact the Australian Police to ask if the victim and suspect knew each other or if they did, they were not telling us in this news item.
Quite an admission that about the shout. Perhaps it slipped through during the holiday season with the teens doing their work experience in the News Room.
This is the trouble with the BBC teeming and lading with truth and integrity in their news broadcasts. It turns every listener into a critic and a cynic or sceptic. They are playing a dangerous game. I do not think it is one they will win.
That will be the next big thing from al-Beeb’s morning call to prayer when the ‘mental illness’ excuse wears a little thin.
Thanks for the link, now we get to know the Frenchman’s name and it all falls sadly into place.
The Beebs latest report doesn’t manage to tell us this.
“Smail Ayad”
Could be a clue!
Only the BBC seem to think we give a damn about what Owen Smith thinks about his “second referendum”
Hollandes mannequin with a slimy tricky accent that varies depending how far from Pontypridd he is.
Humphrys slaughtered him, but what is that?
I don`t need his opinion-so why do the BBC insist on telling me what labour think on anything.
Jew baiting twats-Ant and Dec need to change their names to Hamas and Hez`bollox…THEN Corbyn might know the difference ,the thick phoney.
Virgin?…probably is!Bet Dianne Abbott found an East German to allow Corbyn to claim all his kids were Blanket Jacksons comedy mutants.
It wont be long before these allah akbar shouters are white lefties.The wolf’s a pack animal,lone tiger more apt
Our weakness makes the Islamists stronger
Melanie Phillips article in the Times(ÂŁ), page 24 Yesterday
“Extremism is penetrating ever further in our national life as the authorities refuse to face reality”
– There is a discussion on her facebook page
What a shame that Ms Phillips is behind a veil of her own these days, courtesy of Murdoch’s self-destructive paywall.
Her wisdom is much missed.
I tend to read her only by chance these days…but just know that she`ll be on the ball.
The Mail and the like are really missing her…and I find the Jerusalem papers include her freely once in a while.
Got to be a family tree involving Hitchens, Murray, Mel etc…can`1t believe that they all get along, but collectively there`s something that we can discern…like building our very own go-cart or charabanc from the best of their writings.
Guess that all know thst Islam is the #1 existential threat to us…but Mels magnificent “World Turned Upside Down” collates Islam with Lefty crap and with eco New Age runs from reason in a uniquely clever way.
A huge influence on me…as was “All Must Have Prizes” in education.
A better writer than speaker maybe…but she publishes Douglas Murray I notice on ebooks!
What a gal…Hitchens for the nation, Melanie for the world….
Sadly she hasn’t grasped that there’s a reason behind politicians reluctance to effectively deal with Islamic ‘extremism’ and that is a large wedge of oil cash stuffed in the mouths of our politicians
New Filters on Twitter this week, I’m a bit worried about them,
What worries me is quality filtership.
Contrary tweets can be useful to regressive Lefties as they kill some BS stories, but now some BS stories might spread and spread.
– Breibart’s first post
– Breibart’s new post How to Remove Twitterâs New âQuality Filterâ Censorship Setting
What’s Twitter?????????????????
It’s a means of BBC employees saying things that would get other media professionals fired, but with zero consequence to them or employer.
The Muslim Council have issued a statement objecting ‘in the strongest possible terms’ to the use of the phrase ‘lone wolf’ in association with any Islamic cleansing activities since this suggests a link with a dog or dogs which are, of course, haram.
LOL – very good! đ
A new group of North African ‘militants’ have formed to deal with this insult to Islam – Fido Haram.
Reckon we`re developing a new narrative here.
Sturgeons Syndrome.
Ram-Jam Band.
To Byron…a verb I`m thinking of in connection with that “Andrea Brown” case that Radio 4 seemed awful keen to tell me about this morning.
Nick Robinsons editor clearly feeds him the owl pellets…and Nick squits them out for a healthy payload on cue.
Only the Radio 4 BBC doleboats would think THIS an injustice.
Black copper goes to Barbados when she`s meant to be sick…and THAT is not the crux of whatever else follows?
God, the BBC are toast aren`t they?…too many Gummer bears when CJD reigned at the BBC in the early 90s I expect?
As I say…”to Byron”-to avoid the criminal law, in favour of a hatchet job on what little passes for legal probities.
Popcorn at the media circus-clowns who think they are ringmasters….
Black copper goes to Barbados when she`s meant to be sickâŠand THAT is not the crux of whatever else follows?
The BBC reporter actually called it a ‘minor disciplinary infringement’.
By whose standards, ÂŁ4bn-p.a.-taxpayer-funded BBC?
Palestinian suspect in police killings ‘beaten to death’
In some ways this report was groundbreaking. Can anyone remember the BBC ever admitting that the Palestinian ‘moderates’ beat and torture prisoners? In other ways it is business as usual for the BBC.
The dead man Ahmed Halawa was a member, not of Hamas, as might be expected by the brutality but of Fatah’s own the Al-Aqsa Martyrsâ Brigades paramilitary. Other news providers such as Reuters and even Haaretz picked up on this but not al Beeb.
It could be that members of the Palestinian security forces are using this as a cover for crime. It could be that Abbas is removing rivals. It could be that there is a rupture in Abbas’s own organisation. Important information for understanding the story that the BBC either missed or hid.
The foundation of all Arab politics seems to be cruelty, torture and murder. They seem to have no real notion of justice or humanity. Is this because their culture is based on the teachings of a man whose career was founded on murder, pillage, enslavement and rape? I couldn’t possibly say.
#bbcHidesThings New Clinton Email scandals
#1The FBI found nearly 15000 more undisclosed Hillary emails
and #2 Clinton Foundation
“(other) emails confirm that Hillary Clinton abused her office by selling favours to Clinton Foundation donors,”she received requests for favors from several top Clinton Foundation donors like Bono
The BBc will probably try the Sydney Morning Herald Line
))”donor ‘access,’ not ‘favours’, say experts((
– They did report that due to falling oil prices the Scotttish balance of payments is now ÂŁ16bn in the red
In any decent country Hillary Clinton would now be under indictment and awaiting trial for corruption and breaching national security. That she is not proves that the USA has now entered banana republic territory. That cannot end well for any of us. We can only hope for a Trump victory in November.
Just turned the tv off bbc news bashing the police no mention of allah akbar . Tonight’s bbc fest not for me 7.00 bbc2 low wage workers 800 bbc2 can britain have a payrise hosted by james o’brien 900 bbc1 chronicles of nadiya the muslim bake off winner we’ll never forget 1000 news 1030 newsnight 1115 inside the factory 1215repeat of brexit the battle or britain, not for me i’ll tape newsnight in the hope their’s someone on it with right wing views otherwise its the footie on btsport.Wouldn’t it be nice if the national newspapers could show how many innocent victims have died at the hands of islamists in the last year or since mrs merkel’s welcome speech.A photo frame to show respect and sympathy to the victims and to remind everyone of the reality.Summer time used to have nothing to report but the odd shark attack now it’s the murder of innocent civilians or rioting being swept under the carpet.Going to walk the dog now if i hear any allah akbar’s i got a big stick with me for the dog.
Radio 4 WATO but applies to all BBC news services. The use of ‘seized’ in news bulletins; it is usually applied to good points raised by someone which do not fit the BBC agenda, e.g. The Torees seized on claims that Jeremy (Corbyn) was lying etc. Always used to make a good point seem ‘dirty’ or dubious.
Wasn’t it the miracle of The Virgin Jeremy
That a train that people thought was jam-packed
– came to to have lots of empty seats after he waved his hand at the video camera.
In his angry press conference this morning he tried the excuse “ah I was looking for a double seat so I could sit next to to my wife”..that of course is lame.
– And #2 think how MSM would have treated Boris had he tried the same video stunt.
Still, look on the bright side, if he’d needed seating for himself and Diane what were the chances of finding three in a row?
Diane Abbott would need three seats just for herself.
For balance (if she sits in the exact middle).
What set the seal on Corbyns “Moaningtime Ride” was the fact that he was reading Private Eye.
What a spud-who the hell still buys that?
I let the wife shop and read the funny bits…sad to say I`m back trundling round behind the shopping trolley within two minutes these days, and its getting ever shorter.
Like the BBC,Viz, Labour and the Greens…its best days have long gone, and it`s a zombie parody of what it used to “stand for”.
Hence Corbyn sitting down I suppose-aren`t there special seats for the pensioners and feeble-minded anyway?
Couldn’t agree more chrisH, I gave up when the ‘Goldenballs (Jimmy Goldsmith) Fighting Fund’ disappeared mysteriously after their craven capitulation – and that was long before little Hissylop got his hands on the title.
Could you ever imagine the current load of lightweights giving a damn about the disappearance and cover-up over the death of poor British nurse Helen Smith in 1979, out in Saudi?
But imagine the furore if Boris Johnson got his socks mixed up…THAT`S how low the progressive championing liberal media have sunk.
Like the Guardian-can only assume a Soros funds them to keep the whole evil empire stumbling on into irrelevance and a nasty death after due process.
Commented deleted.
So Corbyn is now saying that their were seats, only not two together, and he wanted to sit with his (third) wife. Rather than submit to the horror of sitting apart from his (current) beloved, the Stalinist cretin prefers to sit on his bony arse whingeing that he couldn’t get a seat, even though there were several available.
Has anyone asked him where Mrs Corbyn sat? Did she not fancy doing a tramp impression to satisfy a bit of cack handed agitprop, but preferred to sit in comfort? What is she, some sort of capitalist? Mrs Corbyn III should remember what happened to Mrs Stalin. Marriage to Communist lunatics rarely ends well.
In fairness to Mr Corbyn, maybe the carriage was full when he got on, but when people saw him looking for a seat they all legged it out of there so that they wouldn’t have to sit next to him? He does rather have the look of the ‘train nutter’ about him.
Looks more like Steptoe to me.
Love the excuses being made for Corbyn.
Who knew that so many dwarves,kids and selfish people leaving their luggage on seats-and so preventing Jeremy and his wife( who knew?…all I heard was some Momentum poppet defending the indefensible,
They’re like brain-eating amoeba feasting on the minds of Great Britain – incessantly chewing away at lateral or rational thought in the interests of their evil propaganda. Independent thought is disallowed. Nobody steps out of line. The facts are always stained with their Muslim-ass-kissing paw prints, and the sooner we revolt against this corrupt organisation, the better.
Police news-conference-speak appears the same the world over, most especially where Islam is concerned. I’d guess the international suggestion of ‘mental issues’ seemed like a good idea at the time, deflecting, neutralising and justifying as it was intended, but since the phrase is increasingly and with good reason ridiculed, it really does beg the question: ‘Where do we go from here?’
At least, while police language, the Guardian and the BBC continue to work in contented harmony, if comfortably isolated from reality, the rest of what currently remains civilized humanity seems ever closer to boiling point – which seems a suitable time to repeat the question – Where do we go from here?
“Police officer who won ÂŁ11,000 payout when a boss said he looked like Osama Bin Laden is sacked for threatening to abduct and assault a court witness.”
This shifty looking dude was employed as a “positive action officer” in the police recruitment dept.
He wins ÂŁ11,000 compensation for being accurately described as an Osama Bin Laden lookalike but then turns out to be a terrorist after all.
What on earth is going on in our police forces?
What a disgrace to the uniform, totally undermining everything the police should be standing for. I wonder what the case was in which he was involved in witness intimidation?
Re the compensation:
PC Dost was awarded ÂŁ11,000 at an employment tribunal in Birmingham in 2009 after a colleague said he resembled Osama Bin Laden and looked ‘a prat’ in Islamic dress.
The policeman was working in the force’s recruitment department as a positive action officer when the allegations were made by a civilian manager in November 2007.
The manager was said to have compared PC Dost’s beard to that of the late al-Qaeda leader, told him he ‘looked like a terrorist’ and referred to Muslim prayers as ‘shouting and wailing’.
PC Dost won his claim for racial and religious discrimination, but a claim for victimisation was not proved.
The constable also had disciplinary proceedings brought against him at that time for making comments about his manager’s sexual performance. He denied the claims and said they were ‘preposterous’.
However, he was found guilty by a disciplinary panel and fined 13 days pay amounting to nearly ÂŁ3000.
Sounds fair enough to me – saying that he looked like OBL is borderline OK in my book as there is some resemblance, but saying that he looked a prat in Islamic dress and that he looked like a terrorist is over the line in a work environment.
But he got his comeuppance for criticising his boss’s sexual performance đ
But really… WFT? Working in the police as a positive action officer, then goes and intimidates a witness…
The real scandal is that he was being paid ‘nearly ÂŁ3,000’ every 13 days. WTF?
Say, do you’d think an unbiased broadcaster should bring this sort of thing up next time the conversation turns to ‘austerity’ and da tori cutz?
It’s easy to pay compensation out of other people’s money.
Must give some thought to the things I’ve been called over the years. Might get a holiday out of it.
thirdoption – What on earth is going on in our police forces?
They’re having all sorts of politically correct / social engineering / diversity policies forced upon them with the predictable mayhem ensuing; in this case a ‘minority’ member playing the victim as usual and making a quick buck in the process.
BBC News Chanel coverage of this story
A serving member of the armed forces has been arrested in Somerset on suspicion of Northern Ireland-related terrorism offences.
The reporter tells the desk crew that this is nothing to do with Islamist or far right terrorism.
That’s reassuring, but do we do far right terrorism in the UK?
‘Far right terrorism’ is like interest rate rises. It’s something we’re constantly being told is just about to happen, but never actually does.
And reductions in the crime rate.
There was a paramedic on TV yesterday telling us about the number of attacks on ambulances. He said many are not reported because the time taken dealing with the police and the associated paperwork takes them away from their work.
Very noble …. I think, unless there’s some other reason.
It has finally come to pass. To use her words â my wife and I have decided to âdetoxâ ourselves of the BBC. I have listened to BBC R4 man and boy – I can just remember listening as a child when it was the Home Service and on in my parentsâ home half the day.
I listened throughout university, and have woken at 6:00am to their news bulletins and listened typically for the next couple of hours while shaving, breakfasting and driving to work for decades. I even missed it when I lived in Germany for three years. I have to admit that listening has been against all reason for the last few years, but it was a deeply-formed habit. Like many here I suspect, it became partly out of morbid curiosity in the end, and partly out of a feeling that someone grown-up should be keeping an eye on them.
In fact the withdrawal from the BBC has been gradual â first Question Time, then Newsnight then âcomedyâ including âHave I got news for youâ when the once free-spirited Hislop finally went native. Then the Archers.
But it will be no more. I donât need to catalogue the reasons because they are catalogued here every day. I will relate what straw broke the camelsâ back though. It was yesterdayâs triple-header of â new report showsâ items rather than any actual news on R4 news. Followed this morning by R4 using the single term âextremistâ to describe the âFrenchmanâ who murdered one and attempted the murder of another in Australia while shouting “allahu akbar”.
So after 50 years of listening to R4 I have consciously switched it off and will never consciously play it again. Iâm not going the whole hog and not paying my license fee yet. Why not? Because I have to admit itâs too much hassle. And because there are isolated programmes and events like the Olympics that will make me just swallow it for an hour or two. Eventually I assume there will be nothing I want to see or hear on the BBC.
Despite my current despair over the BBC I think there is hope. You canât fool all of the people all of the time. When I bitch about the BBC to friends and colleagues, no one defends the BBC. What intrigues me is that they all have negative things to say â but they arenât about bias. âNo sport anymoreâ. âI canât stand all those dancing and baking shows.â âTheyâre always trying to tell me whatâs bad for meâ. I sometimes think that some of this is an intuitive feeling that they are being patronised and treated as fools â they just donât analyse it that far to try to understand why, but they donât like it.
So I think the BBC will be rumbled in the end. The tipping point will simply be when enough people get their annual ransom note and say: âBut I never watch itâ.
Kafirharbi, it’s a rather sad moment. Like anything that has simply become a habit, eventually it’s better to cut it out if the original reasons are gone and all that is left is a nostalgic emotion.
Getting rid of my tellie was a bit like when I decided to stop visiting my local pub every Friday night. I had enjoyed good times there years before, but eventually the old crowd drifted away and it was just me and perhaps a couple of acquaintances I wasn’t that interested in. Yet I still kept going out of habit. Eventually I broke the habit and found more interesting things to do.
Excellent post KafirHarbi( that mean “Godless” Warrior like me?)
As a similarly well-educated bloke who jumped liberal hoops a plenty way back…and , like you , has fond memories of what the BBC once stood for-and even used to broadcast-reckon you could easily get a few of us behind you in some kind of movement.
People who have now baled out on the BBC, with a view to getting it defanged and privitised, due to its breach of trust with the British people.
You could do very well out of it-your story arc is very similar to mine and( dare I say) to plenty others here.
“Better to light a candle than curse the darkness” eh?
If it`s any consolation, it`s all squid in ink these days…albeit full spectrum lies and deceits…but they`re rumbled and fatally flawed now.
But a cultured shaft into their soft underbelly of “educated consent” would cause howls of pain from them…so hope to hear more in due course.
Good post, KH, and you echo much of my experience of the BBC from the 50s onwards.
Some friends of ours are also starting to acknowledge the bias and agendas but just won’t have it that HIGNFY (and its audience) has now been contaminated by the ingrained Leftism, and in particular won’t accept my observation that Hislop – once a ‘have a go at anybody’ free spirit in the true Private Eye tradition – has taken the BBC shilling.
The medicinal mix that I use as an antidote to the appalling news service provided by the BBC is the Spectator ,taken weekly, the Salisbury Review taken monthly, Breitbart London and Guido Fawkes taken daily.When coupled with daily doses of the Telegraph and Times , both of which have enough liberal left comment to inform you what the loonies are thinking , these publications give you a balanced view of what is going on in the world. As for the so called entertainment provided by the BBC there is no antidote that I have found other than not watching or listening. The pioneering level of PC that runs through everything the corporation does makes an increasing ajmount of their output unwatchable.I have to say that I greatly resent having to pay for antidote when I already have to pay for the BBC, it’s like paying for private healthcare when you have already paid many thousands of pounds into the NHS! Of course this site is also a great help as it makes you realise that your views are not isolated and other sensible folks share them. Anyone got other antidotes to the hated corporation?
I think we all know how you feel. My issue is that as I have a long term illness and often need to rest for a day or two, like this morning. I found myself imagining, that someone at the BBC decided to start again some reasonably balanced reporting, so in my fevered state I turned on the Today program. I wish I didn’t. 20 year old sounding experts explaining everything in buzz words meaning nothing but sounding all so knowledgeable, more bad Brexit news even if it is good as it might be bad. Had to switch it off out of anger after 20 min. Proper analysis none, telly tubby news for dummies. Brexit BAD, Hillary GOOD, Trump BAD, Ukraine LOVELY, Putin NASTY.. How I cannot wait for next year when I will refuse to pay the TV license. No more bake off, cooking, cheap shit TV funded by me.
Thanks Cranmer & ChrisH. Yes ‘Harbi’ is the warlike side to my nature! As such, I would far rather ‘do something’. But I run a small but very vibrant business, and these days I try to pick my battles. There will come a day though!
Approve-it`s how most of the sappers here work.
“Living well is the best revenge”..and a decent business, whilst refusing to bow the knee-but with an eye on spiking a liberal gun when it`d be too much NOT to do so?
Yarp-recognise that myself….
What Radio news alternatives are there to BBC Radio 4?
Classic FM just seems to take short bulletin feeds from News Agencies although it is years since I listened to Classic FM.
I’m tempted to start a withdrawal symptom avoidance by first switching to Radio 4 Extra but then will just get the on the hour short bulletins, I think. I miss good quality comedy on Radio 4.
At least the classics are available on R4e as repeats.
No-one can dispute every one of the comments above. But who is to blame ? The sea change started when all the old chaps in suits retired, those who were responsible for commissioning all the once great comedies, the dramas, the riveting documentaries and the fulsome ‘unbiased’ news reporting. Steadily they have, over the years been replaced by yuni graduates who don’t know their arse from their elbow regarding the taste of the wider public, and the likes of Danny Cohen were given carte blanche to set their own agenda. Strangely these idiots grew up with family friendly shows, so knew what was popular,but felt that the new dawn was more appropriate for back-slapping blokey programmes with audiences of similar types.
The rot set in, becoming all-inclusive, more pc and diverse, and now one can only weep for the future, when the next generation of yuni graduates destroy what’s left of a once great broadcasting company. Only today I was watching a golden oldie comedy from 1985 – as the credits rolled it really was a bygone age, all the crew names were pronounceable English, not an ethnic name amongst them. When a hijab reads the six o’clock news that’s when the end will come for me.
Quite agree here Brissels.
It`s not just the BBC of course…I guess it all depends on our ages.
I was 58 the other day…so I was lucky to see the changes.
But doesn`t everybody, depending on how old they are -and their recall, reading education and faith in signs of the times that crop up each and every day.
I can handle the churches, political parties and the decline in education etc-because they don`t “mediate the world” for me and at my expense.
We were lucky to live through the fall of the Soviets, and the attendant unleashing of the Ayatollah…don`t think we can undertand today without the rise of Black September and the slinking off of the communists into the Green movement in 1989 etc.
You`ll have yours…but I`d put Bin Laden as easily the most significant man in the 21st Century so far…and we deserved him in a way.
The BBC would regard that as praise for him-it`s not…but in their sick world they`d be off to do a programme about him.
Basically they are maddened by all the ingestion of their own entrails over so many years now…no education, no history and no purpose…but as long as their hands are in our pockets, they`ll not stop.
More fool us then.
They`ll be gone in my lifetime and we`ll wonder how the hell we let them take our kids to the abyss as we let them babysit.
I miss My Music, My Word and The News Quiz when Barry Took was the chairman.
The latest Pam Ayres ode is now available. Dedicated to the GB Olympians.
The closing lines….
You were an inspiration, kept us mesmerised, excited,
Brexit gloom dispelled; by your success we are united.
This was specially commissioned for BBC local radio, who would have guessed?
How depressing.
Like Pam Ayres-she says something on Angel radio which is a great little find in the Portsmouth area re old-time music.
Bet her place at hay depended on it-but, still, expected more.
Wonder if Liz Hurley will write us a poem-now there`s a gal who is NOT a liberal oaf….
Crap couplet too…
UKIP haiku…now there was a REAL poet!
The “latest Pam Ayres”…it`ll be the LATE Pam Ayres if she doesn`t buck her ideas up!
Ayres Road was it not?
Liz Hurley pencil set
Behind her shell-like…
No worse than Tom Paulin anyway…he dead yet?
BBC at it again yesterday – this time on TWATO – questioning the government’s ‘Prevent’ strategy and why it wasn’t working.
On came Islamic Expert For The Day, Tariq Mamood (Labour MP?).
Not once was he asked what the Muslim ‘community’ – parents, Imams, councils etc. – were doing about it, or even what could he expect the authorities to do if a child’s father was clearly something of a radical Islamist himself (as photo evidence has shown in the case of the father of the 16 year-old ISIS girl recruit blown up in Syria).
Nope, not a single, solitary challenge that maybe his ‘community’ should at least share responsibility, if not be held totally responsible.
Imagine the ‘Prevent’ strategy was about combating Jewish extremism in Britain – where British-born Jewish terrorists were travelling to the Middle East to slaughter non-believers and ethnically cleanse the Muslim population – how different the questioning might be.
Having watched these two videos, I have to ask, in the case of the former, who, in their right mind could vote for THAT as the next President of the USA, and in the case of the latter – he has it cut and dried – why doesn’t Hil-liary (and Soros) just give up?
I imagine many of you are familiar with Sam Harris and his podcasts. His latest one on Isis and it’s appeal to the young Muslims is excellent. If he is correct and I believe he is then Prevent is a complete waste of time .
Listen to it. A depth of analysis light years ahead of anything on the BBC ever and incidentally not what you might think in his approach to those who direct Isis.
Pale, Male & Stale : The R4 Media Show is banging on about DIVERSITY a-flippin-gain
now discussing a joint BBC/ITV/Sky/Channel4&5 project called Diamond
Eh up Rod Liddle and Peter Hitchens are on now discussing alleged drop in Brexit reporting
Some more cultural enrichment up north, this time in the form of a hammer…
Naturally comments are disabled on the article, comments sections on the BBC/Guardian only reserved for Trump articles nowadays it seems.
I for one am absolutely sick of this crap. What’s the bets the two subjects were educated through our state system costing the tax payers approx ÂŁ30,000 a year, will have then gone straight onto benefits again taking roughly the same amount and will inevitably get a life sentence again costing the same until they die. If they live till 70 they have cost the taxpayer ÂŁ2.1M each. So these two alone ÂŁ4.2M!!!
Why is our beautiful country allowing these people in, you wouldn’t run a business with this ethos so why on earth is the country run like this.
I for one am absolutely sick of this crap. Whatâs the bets the two subjects were educated through our state system costing the tax payers approx ÂŁ30,000 a year, will have then gone straight onto benefits again…
Whilst also working in a segregated, PC (both)-protected, ‘cash only’ economy – possibly.
I am still stunned at the appalling abuse of stats in yesterdays reporting of the Institute for Fiscal Studies pay study
However garbage In = Garbage Out
You see the IFS did use simplistic emotive inaccurate terms in its PR eg #GenderWageGap.and 18% difference etc
Some mothers â ALL Women (thatâs the over-generalisation fallacy) You canât extrapolate data to say itâs a Man vs women #genderwagegap
I donât accept the claimed INDEPENDENCE of the IFS anyway, their report before Brexit called âpossibility of a falling pound benefiting exports a fallacyâ
Their PR like the Briefing note makes it clear itâs about CAMPAIGNING which is hardly surprising if a campaigning org like The Joseph Rowntree Fdn paid for it.
Inews has a not bad summary (The Breibart report wasnât much cop)
One extra thing is that the report does mention a small wage gap premotherhood.
– I suspect that is due to them comparing apples and oranges
eg even in the same job some people will take the more dangerous more inconvenient tasks, or have higher skills, so receive more money than their colleagues.
I completely agree about the IFS. Its reports have been deeply suspect for a long while.
As for the imaginary pay gap, studies I have seen tend to show that younger women are currently doing better than young men and, anecdotally, that is what I see, too.
If there’s one thing I could say I ‘admire’ about the traitorous, shit eating, spineless cowards that infest Al Beebistan is this… They are quite creative when it comes to making up ‘other causes’ for pure Islamic enrichment.
We have had, disenfranchised, loner, lone wolf, mental illness, drug abuse, foreign policy, racism, abandonment……(this list is endless)….
…but by far the greatest moment in the history of deception and misleading reporting of facts goes to the Islamic Al Beeb for this humdinger of a ’cause’ for why a man was arrested in London, today, for wanting to kill any many infidels as possible, as instructed by Muhammad. The Al Beeb webshite states the following….
“A man has been arrested in north-west London on suspicion of preparing terrorist acts, police have said.
The 32-year-old was detained on Wednesday morning and is being questioned at a central London police station, the Metropolitan Police said.
The arrest, by officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, is “linked to Syria”, police added”
Linked to Syria!! WTF!!! We cannot hope to compete with this level of imagination folks! I’m changing race and taking up drug abuse! Allahu Akbar!!!
Tothepoint – in case anyone’s new to bbbc or still believes a word the Evil Empire spews, I’m providing a handy cut-out and keep dictionary to your post:
disenfranchised: muslim
loner: muslim
lone wolf muslim
mental illness: islam
drug abuse: islam
foreign policy: islam
racism: islam
abandonment: islam
this list is endless: islam
linked to Syria: islam
Allahu Akbar: islam
to be cont’d as the endlessly creative beeb find new euphemisms and excuses.
You forgot the most obvious one……Victim
As you know the Greek economy is a basket case. Its deficit is presently running at an unsustainable 7%! This is causing justified panic all over Europe.
However, the spendthrift, economically illiterate Greeks can at least look down on the absurd SNPâs handling of the Scottish economy. The deficit for the those north of the border is now 9.5% of its own GDP! Just to put that in perspective the UKs is around 4%.
Wonder if golden girl Nicola Sturgeon will face tougher questions from the BBC news teams — ah no, of course, she isnât tory scum.
Why should Krankie need to face tough questions? It’s obviously our fault and we can most certainly rely on her to apportion blame accordingly.
I should add that Teresa May’s first visit as PM being to the ‘First Minister’ was shameful, giving the wretch kudos out of all proportion to her significance.
Just heard a promo for the mindless One Show, apparently Nicola Sturgeon will be asked what makes her laugh. The BBC love this woman. Anyone who wants to harm the UK is given an open mic on the BBC.
Maybe they’ll ask her about the deficit.
Agree ScribblingScribe – look at Anjem Choudary and the airtime given to him by al Beeb. The harsh reality being that this man inspires young British Muslims to at best go and live in Syria and fight for IS and at worse to stay here and commit atrocities against the British public. They have no shame whatsoever, they are in fact a dangerous organisation that is putting British lives in danger. Disgusting people.
I put this at the very end of the last open thread but I’ve seen no-one else comment on this anywhere so I thought I’d put it in this one:
Big manufactured row where Smith clearly indicated that Corbyn is a lunatic. Corbyn said that it is offensive to those with mental health problems. What is far more offensive to those with mental health problems is calling all the Jihadi murderers lunatics. If they want to attack anyone about abusing the term attack the BBC and their MSM allies.
I am sick of it.i suffer with horrible mental health problems yet wouldn’t dream of attacking anyone.i despise the bbc and the labour party.they are unelectable for the next twenty years.what are the tree huggers gonna do then
Owen Smith still doesn’t get it ! The Labour voters didn’t vote Brexit because they didn’t get ‘the message’ from Corbyn, they voted on immigration issues. And now Smith maintains if he becomes leader he will fight the next election on getting us back in the EU !! what IS it these people don’t understand ? And why are they so arrogant in believing that Labour voters will do what they Labour elite tell them to do? and yet refuse to confront the immigration concerns. Smith has signed his own death warrant with those statements.
I think he understands it perfectly well Brissles. IMO, he knows how people feel about immigration but the project of turning the whole world coffee coloured, and eliminating individual sovereign states, especially white western ones, is more important.
These people are not complete fools. I think they’re dangerous, particularly for the next few generations of Europeans.
LOL ex Beeboid Shelagh Fogerty is OUTRAGED that woman in France has been “forced to remove her burkini on the beach” by police. To make it sound worse she added she was ‘forced to undress by French police on the beach’
This was not true. She was asked to LEAVE the beach, and presumably CHOSE to remove the burkini instead! Hmmm
Sick to death of the spineless bbc.have just started a petition on to have it abolished.fingers crossed Teresa may gets to see it.
put one up on the government petitions and I for one would sign it.
put one up on the government petitions and I for one would sign it.
Shit! Note: “This means that the U.S. not only is at war against the legitimate government of Syria, but that the U.S. government will also be at war against Russia if Russian forces (which the Syrian government did invite into Syria) defends Syrian forces from attacks in Syria by U.S. forces â forces that are illegally there.” Obama’s administration is appears to be trying to start WWIII………. Now, when is the Ministry of Truth going to report this…. And, what will their stance be?
This should get right up the noses of the Beeboids.
No, I think the BBC will be hoping they can persuade someone else to go and kill Trump and get Farage at the same time.
Plus, I think the BBC will be keen to show that they are right that Trump and Farage are clearly evil as they are allied. There will be a lot of self-satisfied I-told-you-sos in the Newsroom, and no doubt the newsreaders will be practising ironic smiles and winks for when they are on camera.
“Hang out with us Nige. I’m so glad you’re in Mississippi.”
Nigel Farage is to share a platform with Donald Trump tonight in Jackson, Mississipi. This morning he appeared on The JT show on Supertalk radio. Please listen from 04:30 to 42:30 mins for a fascinating conversation with a host who accords Nigel “hero status”.
“Nigel Farage of Brexit fame appeared on SuperTalk radio’s JT Show Wednesday morning ahead of his appearances with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Mississippi.
He will be attending a $1,000 per ticker fundraiser with Trump and a rally at the Mississippi Coliseum today, both in Jackson.
Farage said he was being careful not to tell the American people how to vote, as President Barack Obama seemingly did in Great Britain when he joined Prime Minister David Cameron in the summer.
Instead, Farage said he was telling his story – the Brexit story – and compared it to what was happening in America with the movement around Trump.
The British politician told of the abuse he took prior to the vote to leave the European Union, abuse from “the establishment and the liberal media.” Farage said at the heart of it was immigration, a familiar tune to that of Trump who has called for a strengthening of US immigration policy, halting the refugee program, and building a wall on the southern American border.
Farage said the polls and pundits did not accurately predict the Brexit vote. He believes that could be the case for Trump heading into the November general election. Trump has consistently polled below Democrat Hillary Clinton nationwide.”
The above taken from Y’all Politics
Go Nigel in the Deep South. Good day y’all.
“A Man who did well over here-and is NOW doing rather well over THERE!”
So went an advert for Hanson or such in the crazy 80s.
As opposed to lefty pillocks like Colin Welland and other lefty luvvies who confused a “Chariots of Fire” Oscars award with a long term talent.
Nigel is already assured of the Thatcher Award for being the most influential man of our times…until Trump takes the helm.
At last- a TRUE world statesman, as opposed to the serried ranks of pew fillers and woolsack biters who hope we voted for Twix and not Brexit.
Let Nigel and his minime Trump clearly tell the liberal bog blockers…” we haven`t gone away you know-we voted OUT…and it`s OUR country!”
And the continued trawling and fishing to reduce or traduce us, will be their end…
It’s refreshing to see Farage given the respect he deserves and being recognised for achievements, unfortunately it’ll be a long time before he’s accorded the same treatment over here.
It’ll be very interesting to hear his story and hopefully ordinary Americans, who may otherwise be unaware of just how biased the establishment was against Brexit, will see the similarities to the scare tactics used against Trump.
I suspect the BBC will go into full meltdown over his appearance, which will no doubt please Nigel even more.
Fun times ahead.
Man suspected of knifing Brit backpacker in Aus has been named as Smail Ayad, a good French name if ever I heard one, or Pierre Dupont as the beeb will no doubt re-baptise him.
Yet another Norwegian masquerading as French, makes you sick.
This pack of mentally ill, Norwegian lone-wolves seems to be growing daily.
I tink Owen Smith is the right man to lead the Labour Party.
His idea of overturning Brexit through Parliament, a democratic decision reached just over 2 months ago. pure brilliance. He wants Labour to be involved in the Brexit process as well. Perhaps, he could invite IS, one of his other ideas, to be involved in the decision process as well
I think Owen Smith is the right man to lead the Labour Party.
His idea of overturning Brexit through Parliament, a democratic decision reached just over 2 months ago. pure brilliance. He wants Labour to be involved in the Brexit process as well. Perhaps, he could invite IS, one of his other ideas, to be involved in the decision process as well
Believe me, if Brexit does not occur there will be riots in the streets. I will be one of the rioters. My first target will be the MP’s.
My MP, if he supports to oppose Brexit, he had better have good locks on his doors because I will be bashing it down to get at him.I will never give in until he changes his mind.-And with me in the room he’ll do that damn quick.
Be afraid Remainers, be very afraid because the Brexiteers of Britain will not be abused.There will be one hell of a backlash.
Civil war beckons. London beware.The rest of the country have spoken once and we won. We voted out of EU.If you oppose the democratic will of the people there will be such reprisals from normally peaceable Brits. We will march in numbers that you in London didn’t know existed outside of your immoral bubble. There will be mayhem,fury and fire.
Politicians, be warned, you will get such a hiding if you don’t support the democratic mandate entrusted to you.
Brexit means Brexit. Don’t mess with us.Get it done.
Members of the Conservative party should be pressurising their MPs to get a move on with Article 50 .
The nation has spoken .
Members of the Conservative party border on the pathetic especially when dealing with the anti British BBC.
What makes you think Taffman, that they will be effective in pressurising their MP’s. Too many Remainers in the Tory party.Cameron, Osbourne ,Clarke, etc.
UKIP need to get a grip, sort out their leadership issues and start making their voice heard. Democracy must be seen to rule.
I am no Tory but I am pretty sure that most grass roots members want out, and want out sooner than later.
Could well be right there Taffman, but they have little or no influence on their MP’s. If they had the BBC wouldn’t be so very left wing.
Most Tory members were Brexit, many of their elected MP’s voted against their members wishes and aligned themselves with Cameron.
Very disrespectful.
Same is therefore true on the EU. BBC very pro Remain and needs to stop questioning the decision of the people in voting for Brexit.
Tory Members of Parliament have no respect for the views of their members. The evidence is there for all to see.
If I’m wrong then let’s see Tory MP’s stricture the BBC and go Brexit right now as their members would wish.
“London beware. The rest of the country have spoken once and we won.”
Lots of people in N/E Yorkshire haven’t.
If the Establishment tries to renege on Brexit, which Oily Smith clearly intends to do if he ever gets the chance, then they have effectively staged a coup d’etat against the British people. As such, they will be tyrants, and tyrants have to be overthrown. If they do not respect the outcome of the ballot box, what do they expect will happen?
BBC give credit where credit is due………….. “Mr Farage, who is credited with securing the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU and helping to pull off the surprise Leave victory, would be the first British politician to speak at a Trump rally.”
Even though the ‘Leave Victory’ was a kick in the balls to the propaganda promulgated by them before the referendum đ
The BBC must be very proud of their tame Tory Government.
Only a week ago a report appeared outlining ways to deal with moslem hate preachers in prisons, isolating them, controlling Friday prayers, and so on.
Trouble was – it might make the moslems angry so the government scrapped the proposals.
So much for making them hold Friday prayers in their cells.
‘Muslim inmates would have had to worship in their cells but officials were concerned that it would have led to discontent and unrest within the wider jail population’.
‘The Justice Ministry also rejected the appointment of a counterterrorism advisor in prisons, who would have been accountable directly to the Justice Secretary and responsible for an over-arching counter-extremism strategy’.
Way to go Mr Choudary. If you are sentenced for a reasonable period the Appeaser and her Government will ensure you get everything you want – and then a very early release.
Successive governments have put the ‘Human Rights’ of those who want to do us harm above the Human Rights of the law abiding citizens of this nation. The right to live in a safe and secure country. Its about time the government and its Broadcasting service put this nation and its people first.
They never will Taffman, I’m afraid things are going to have to get a lot worse here before they are ever going to even begin to get better.
Al Shubtill
This is where UKIP can make some good ground if they manage to get their act together.
I’m sorry, but I can’t see that happening. UKIP have only ever had one idea and even with that they have never had the slightest idea how to go about it.
We won despite UKIP and LEAVE, not thanks to them. Nigel Farage did a sterling job providing the impetus for the referendum, but the referendum really only happened because of Cameron’s lack of judgement and arrogance, not because of Farage’s skill.
Sadly, I just don’t see UKIP becoming a political force in this country. If they are deathly quiet NOW – when are they EVER going to have anything to say, for Christ’s sake?
No. We need new politics. The trouble is, I don’t see where it is going to come from. Perhaps it will emerge by accident after some large Muslim atrocity, almost as a reaction to events where the political class will be sidelined?
Meanwhile the native population doze in front of celebrity bake off f*** off on their telescreens and seem to have accepted their future dhimmi status as being preferable to being called racists!
So long as their phones keep on charging overnight and the BBC keeps telling them what to think, they are happy.
Sort of agree, though from my perspective it seemed that Farage forced Cameron’s hand with the referendum, it was hard to argue against giving the British people a say considering the direction the EU is heading.
The problem as I see it for UKIP is that it’s main purpose was to oppose the EU, but now that goal has been achieved it’s hard to see where the future lies for them. Their popularity was due primarily to Farage and the fact that a vote for UKIP was a protest vote against the unelected elites of the EU. Now Brexit has been achieved (in theory anyway) and with the imminent departure of Farage I can’t say for certain that I’d vote for them again, time will tell.
Something will fill the void, and I fear you may be correct about it emerging after some Islamic atrocity as it seems as though public opinion is hardening against the constant apologism and yet the British political class seems unwilling to listen.
“The problem as I see it for UKIP is that itâs main purpose was to oppose the EU, but now that goal has been achieved itâs hard to see where the future lies for them.”
I think that their future priority is to ensure that Brexit happens.
But that’s still just one issue…..Europe. Also, now the public has spoken and voted Leave I think it’s unlikely that Brexit won’t happen it’s just a question of when? And how?
All that UKIP have to do is go to every Labour constituency with a blow up doll of Corbyn with another of Tessa Jowell or Bob Geldof blowing it up-orifice and tube TBA.
Slogan-we might be crap…but we`re not Labour…and sure as hell, we`re not THIS!
Landslide a la SNP throughout the north…and only fiery Brexit haters of Soubry, Clarke, Heseltine and Rudd being on the UKIP ticket.
Then we`ll get an opposition who`ll campaign only on getting us out of the EU…and then a grateful nation will clamour for Lord Farage and PM Gove to steer us to world beaters once more.
Not wife beaters-that`s Labour under Simon Nuncuck!
“Police appear to issue a fine to the woman, who is then seen removing a veil and baring her arms.”
She could have just left the beach if she felt so strongly ? Was this a staged set up?
From the article: “Anouar Kbibech, the president of the CFCM, said he was “concerned over the direction the public debate is taking”, citing the “growing fear of stigmatisation of Muslims in France”.”
Just a wild guess but is that stigmatisation of Muslims something to do with the fact they keep killing people and NOT because they wear a burka?!?
Nah Tabs, it’s racism/islamophobia pure and simple.
It’s simply an extension of the ‘woods’….pallywood becomes victimwood.
So, hours after everyone else has it, beeb-shit don’t give name of backpacker killer suspect.
It’s Smail Ayad by the way, presumably not ‘French’ enough for beeb-slime.
What beeb-vomit DO manage to slip in though, and quite near top of column, is “The 21-year-old’s family said she was “a rare person who saw beyond race, creed and belief”.
Mmm, wonder if they’re sanctimoniously preaching to us that we should do the same? I wouldn’t put it past them to have fed the line to the distraught family members.
A timeline of editorial integrity, BBC style.
âThe 21-year-oldâs family said she was âa rare person who saw beyond race, creed and beliefâ.
If that’s true, then sadly it cost her her life. The only sensible course of action with muslims these days is to give them as wide a berth as possible. Their community seems to harbour too many lone wolves for my liking.
Meanwhile, have we yet heard the name of the “man” who committed the Swiss train atrocity? At least the Aussies had the common decency to release the name of the “Frenchman” involved in the latest piece of cultural enrichment.
Sophie Lancaster Syndrome here.
The media are very good at doorstepping the grief stricken for that empty liberal soundbite…and deciding then, that THIS is the response to such evil.
Sorry liberal twatz…victims are NOT the laws arbiters-there would be less victims if we got a few people prepared to cut the throats of those who murdered their kids…not play them a Lennon soundtrack as sung by fuckin` Coldplay.
BREAKING: Multiple shots reportedly fired in London
It’s New Cross, so probably best not to read too much into it.
Someone probably disrespected someone else’s trainers.
New Cross eh? As colourful and diverse as one could wish.
Soon to be the pattern for whole of London, and who knows, one day all of Britain.
Oh Brave New World.
I was brought up there in the 1950’s when it wasn’t too bad. That said, I do remember being rather shocked about 30 years ago when I read about a stabbing which had occurred at my junior school, Childeric.
New Cross is a place you drive through quickly whilst depending on your satnav to get you away and home.
The U.K. does quite a good line in areas like that now DS, thanks to all the wonderful “ethnic diversity” imposed over the last six decades on significant parts of virtually all our cities and many of the towns; both large and small.
Very true.
“and who knows, one day all of Britain.”
In terms of damage, Bradford has been ahead of London for decades, it’s just that nobody outside noticed, or wanted to notice.
Just watched `The Chronicles of Nadiya` – superb.Now offhand rate Nadiya Britains 3rd greatest female after The Queen and US import Chrissie Hynde.
Nadiya would be first if we weren’t so racist and homophobic. And royalist.
(i meant islamophobic – i can’t keep up with all the illegal phobias these days.)
Yet another article about Ms Hussein stating that she only met her husband once before the wedding, to which about 2000 people turned up , and she knew none of them except her parents ! Call it what you like, but having intimate relations on your wedding night with a bloke you’ve met once and expecting his conjugal rights is legalised rape; the sad and dreadful thing about this, is the Father allowing it to happen to his daughter. Most daughters adore their fathers and wouldn’t want to do anything to upset them, but it shows how lacking in intelligence these peoples are. My father would have fought an army before letting that scenario happen to me.
Pakistan TV is showing the ‘Chronicles of Debbie’.
Debbie is the only survivor of her family who were hacked to death in Pakistan for being Christian and trying to build a church.
The BBC regard Debbie and her family as both being provocative and inciting violence towards Islam.
Dover – Seriously? Or you being sarcastic? I don’t put ANYTHING past the beeb anymore, hard to know where parody begins.
Hope this link to Israel news works. A counter to the BBC lies.
Early item on the news – a Pally stabs an Israeli soldier. Wow, that is unusual isn’t it. Perhaps the mental instability of Europe is spreading
Peter… I was being sarcastic. But a point is made.
A Muslim lady was allowed, unchallenged by the simpering Evan Davies, to state how Muslim women wearing the burkini should attract the support of feminists. This was because women should be free to wear whatever they wish.
Evan, unable to believe how fortunate he was to listen to this meaningless drivel, just couldnât think of an interruption. Erm, such as women are duffed up by their husbands, even murdered, if they donât wear what Islam demands of them, perhaps?
In complement.. she’s back. Views her own of course.
Frankly the French handling of this was a PR disaster, duly delivered in spades.
I still am unclear on what actually happened thanks to the unique way the MSM is inspired to ‘report’, but it seems our heroine does have all the right contacts to push her story.
In other news, it seems the Canadian Fuzz have wasted no time in getting a good PC PC innovation rushed out.
After the vast success of this attire in the Olympics, one is sure crime-ridden residents from Vancouver to Montreal feel safer knowing those pounding the beat in pursuit of miscreants legging it, are suitably garbed.
Any chance of any westerners being able to go topless on the endless sands of Saudi by the Arabian Gulf yet?
until THAT happens-fuck off Islam.
That covering up of women deprives them of Vitamin D…risks heatstroke on this weather-both of which WE`LL pay for by way of treatment-before You and Yours bitch on about the lack of Vitamin D and troughs for the camel to drink at.
Theie outfits prevent them driving of being able to teach-yet they do both whilst being so comically dressed.
AND- that Jihadi John look of theirs makes me sick,,,I get flashbacks, so ban them until the Muslims let us go topless in THEIR neck of the weoods.
Bare neck of course with an orange jumpsuit at their feet….taking the piss this lot, which is why Matt Frei and the BBC give a stuff.
The rest of us know the game…so fuck off BBC.
Absolutely Chris. The burqua/ini etc is not clothing worn because they need to because of their faith, it is worn specifically to separate themselves from the unclean infidels.
It is a supremacist statement. It says to wider society “We are better than you, we will not mix with you or interact with you in any way”.
It is like me boldly wearing a KKK outfit and going into a black bar* – it would be like saying to them “I know there’s nothing you can do about this, I’m just reminding you that I am a permanent threat to your lives”.
I’m sure the liberal lefties would defend my right to dress as a KKK clan member and wander around a black area. After all, they defend the right of anyone to dress as they wish, right?
[* black bar? Not even sure they exist, but for the sake of argument let’s assume they do. Of course, I’m not sure I can say ‘black’, so please insert coloured/persons of colour/persons with chromatic variance of their outer epidermal layer. There, I trust I’ve not offended any hyper-sensitive leftie girlie types now. Always good to be sensitive.]
“* black bar? Not even sure they exist, but for the sake of argument letâs assume they do.”
Of course they do. They specialise in shots.
Yuk yuk…nice one centurion!
I really must stop watching newsnight first of all no mention of the horrible murder in Australia then the Burkini debate corbyn attack pre election big business bollux about brexit then the icing on the cake brexit debate basically saying brexit voters are illiterate. Liberalism running wild in UK when are people gonna wake up that both major parties and media are under their control.
I find watching Newsnight disturbing as Evan Davis seems to be turning rapidly into some sort of hobgoblin. You cannot be expected to get a decent night’s sleep with that sort of image floating around your mind. Paxman was a bit grizzled, but at least he was recognisably human.
Message to all our Tory MPs, posters and readers, what is the Tory Government doing about this?……….
Purnell could cost you the next election.
The Conservatives don’t get it. When there is a coup, one of the first jobs is to seize the TV and radio stations. Labour doesn’t need to do this, it has controlled the BBC for decades. Some Conservative politicians must understand this, but lack the stones to do anything about it. Others must be so stupid or lacking in imagination that they think there is some natural law whereby all broadcasters must be leftists, like the changing of the seasons or the tides of the sea.
Hottest day ‘eva’ this year ?
There will always be a hottest day of the year. What’s the point?
Subliminal Global Warming.
Here in Australia, the media seem to be downplaying the possible Islamic element in the backpacker murder almost as much as the BBC. On the commercial station Channel 9âs rather leftist news this morning, they were offering evidence that the motive was the murdererâs sexual obsession with his attractive victim. I accept this may well have been a factor. But I think they omitted both the âAlanâs snackbarâ bit and the name of the âFrenchmanâ concerned.
It’s suddenly struck me that the gap in fundamental values between the general population and our media and establishment seems wider than it was in pre-democratic centuries. Consider their love of Islam and open borders, their soft-on-crime (but harsh on dissent) attitudes. The police, legal system, academia – PC seems to run through everything.
How far back would you have to go to find such a disconnect? The Victorians? No, I think that for all their class divisions they had a consensus on morality and patriotism. Look at their most respected establishment figures: General Gordon, who suppressed the slave trade while Governor-General of Sudan, and was besieged at Khartoum by the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad; David Livingstone – medical missionary, explorer and anti-slavery crusader; nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale who tended the wounded at the Crimea.
Can you imagine that lot saying: âHey, letâs import a couple of million Mohammadans! Itâll be – like – totally enriching. And while weâre about it, why donât we let Oscar Wilde and Bosie tie the knot? Cardinal Newman can do the ceremony, and Gladstone can be a bridesmaid – when he’s had the op. It’ll be so cool.’
If they had, thereâs have found themselves suspended by their side-whiskers from London Bridge by an outraged mob with pitchforks.
What went wrong?
We replaced our old conservative elite with liberal left one.In the UK I judge this change to have started around the time is Suez in 1956 and to have accelerated in the mid sixties as part of the so called permissive society and to have been completed and entrenched in Blairs premiership.As you point out just about all institutions in the west are run by people who share these liberal left values.Politicians who oppose this elite are few and far between and are constantly attacked and undermined by the tame attack dogs of the MSM.In the UK Lady T secured her power base only due to her moral courage in the Falklands war otherwise the liberal left would have had her out in 1983.Even today 25 years after she left No 10, scarcely a day passes without the BBC et al attacking her, Nigel has been attacked from all sides by the elite for years. Enoch Powell was cast into the wilderness by the elite.This trend of isolated victories by the centre right against the strongly running tide of liberal leftism is repeated across the west.We can view Brexit as one of those isolated victories and look at the ferocious opposition of the liberal elite to that revolt of their people.But the existentialist danger is the current elites almost religious belief in multiculturalism ,despite powerful evidence that it is highly dangerous, which is likely to bring to a bloody end the very liberal democracies that they now control.
What went wrong Helena was a world war that wiped out a complete generation of responsible, brave, predominantly wise and well educated young men who, under normal circumstances, would have assumed their inherent responsibilities. We continue to reap the benefits of that winnowing today – and it shows.
“What went wrong?”
I would add – mass murder by a fascist dictator in WWII which the Left has been extremely successful in labelling “far right”. As a consequence, anything remotely “right wing”, or even vaguely associated with competing races or religions, has been easily denigrated and placed off limits. This has hobbled our attempts to protect our own Western, European, Christian culture.
WWII put us in debt for decades and we responded with a wave of socialist, something for nothing, extreme welfarism which added to the toxic mix.
Things are beginning to change, but only just. Unfortunately a huge amount of damage has been inflicted.
You’re right of course Maria, but it was the first cataclysm that led directly to the second. We quite literally lost control because we lost on all sides those that were aware of their responsibilities, replacing them with those who were, by comparison, failures.