Just been watching BBC Breakfast. There was a report about the bodies of six men discovered on Camber Sands, East Sussex. The reporters seemed to be a loss about who they were and where they came from. Not once did that explore the possibility that the men were migrants, especially as at least two of the bodies were fully clothed.
Police are at a loss to explain who they are?
No physical description ?
Beach opposite Calais?
Could be one more missing ?
Camber experiencing more visitors of late ?
Definitely a job for Inspector Clouseau – You just couldn’t make it up !
Perhaps our vigilant Home Secretary will make an effort to find out and prevent a repeat of the situation, isn’t it in her constituency?
A Job for the Royal Navy?
There was time, and I can just about recall, when even BBC reporters would have taken the trouble and interest to ask local people who would have seen the events what they saw, and report it. But not now. And not now because the police are in on the suppression of information which does not meet their and the overall political agenda, and I shouldn’t be surprised to hear they had told people to keep quiet or else.
And of course we have ‘incidents’ everywhere these days, and that is about it. An ‘incident’ in the street, or on a train, for example. It is getting dangerous for ordinary people going about their lawful business, we know it, but the truth is being hidden from us.
We all need to think of finding a way of defending ourselves, as we may be attacked at any time without warning. I believe women students were advised to carry pepper sprays and alarms to defend against potential rapists, maybe we all should do this to protect against the current enemy.
It astonishes me that we are not out in the streets demanding an end to this censorship. If we did however I would expect the thought police in riot gear would be out in force to crush any such challenge.
“If we did however I would expect the thought police in riot gear would be out in force to crush any such challenge.”
You are quite right there. I remember when the police were happy to use batons on the peaceful Countryside Alliance march, but handle the scum who “protest” outside Boris Johnson’s house with kid gloves. They are the enforcement arm of the left wing, Common Purpose Establishment.
CtB, your second paragraph: one extra dangerous situation has been created by PC – Google search: University ‘trans-gender toilets’ and read about the next stage of the madness. Being a pro transgender supporting organisation, surprised the BBC hasn’t been all over this!
You can only assume that the Beeb think we are all total idiots. Why might the bodies of five men, two fully clothed, wash up on a beach a few miles from the coast of France? Inexplicable isn’t it?
Watching the BBC nowadays is to experience what a Soviet citizen must have seen on their TV. As the saying went: nothing is true until it has been officially denied.
Top picture an obscure french racial minority from Parisistan.
Bottom picture – typical french nationals returning from a hard day engineering, teaching and architecting.
All the media reports, regardless of outlet, state how it was ‘the hottest day of the year’. Clearly these men were trying to escape the terrible heat caused by Global Warming. And wandered fully clothed into the sea and into the deadly tentacles of the waiting Jelly Fish…
SG, what a spectacle it was, on the train, “wearing normal beachware”. Did they step over a squatting Corbyn on their way to the available seats I ask myself.
I know that beach and people who regularly swim/surf from it. It’s the police who are either lying or ignorant. You can always trust the RNLI in these matters.
The problem is people who have absolutely no sense about the sea and its power thinking it is a giant paddling pool and inherently safe. That these people are almost always immigrants is glossed over by both the PC PCs and the BBC.
Re. Australian backpacker murder. “Is the bbc biased” blog does a commendably detailed deconstruction of the beeb reporting – or non-reporting – of the story, see below.
One thing that emerges is a certain confusion or inconsistency in the bias. Reminds me of ‘David’ Ali Sonboli. Sometimes David, sometimes Ali, sometimes David Ali. It might just be incompetence and overlap among various section editors, but could it be that there are different voices vying for dominance, one of them, shock-horror, the voice of truth even? A bit like The Third Reich in its dying days, where coups, plots and dissent festered. Or is that just wishful thinking?
“The BBC News website seems to me to be behaving as if it has an agenda here. But what agenda, beyond the familiar, ever-present ‘It’s nothing to do with Islam’ angle?
What are the BBC doing here?
•They are focusing very heavily on the victim (something that doesn’t usually happen – and which is entirely welcome).
•They are saying very little about the suspect (and not giving his name).
•They have been carefully editing Steve Gollschewski’s comments.
•They have downplayed the story on their website then ‘vanished’ it only to ‘reappear’ it and make it prominent when an angle arose which chimes closely with BBC values.
The heavy whiff of BBC manipulation seems to be at play here, yet again – especially in this latest website report.
What is the truth here?
Posted by Craig at 21:31
Labels: BBC ‘News at Six’, BBC News website
Clockworkorange24 August 2016 at 22:54
It certainly shows how efficient the worlds police are. Every week somebody seems to be stabbed in the name of the greatest God and within minutes, without even investigating, police forces around the world can tell you it wasn’t a terrorist attack.
Anonymous25 August 2016 at 00:20
Latest seems to be “crime of passion” (always a favourite – it sounds so French it’s almost like saying I’m partial to a glass of beaujolais). 🙂
Let’s be honest, they could say anything: what they won’t say is “motivated by a lifetime of listenting to the violent teachings of a psychopathic 7th century prophet.”
Anonymous25 August 2016 at 06:38
I’ve just reviewed the BBC’s piece (06:30). It was at number 2 on the website. There was still no mention of the suspect’s name. It said that this was his second visit to Australia. Then it went on to present a profile of the victim. It seems to have been re-rewritten and watered down. – John Coldwell
Australian backpacker murder. Here’s a small point but the devil’s in the detail, and my goodness the devil’s having fun these days.
The Australian police – and the world press including our dearly behated beeb – keep referring to the killer ‘allegedly’ shouting Allahu Akbar. But it’s not allegedly at all, it’s a fact, RECORDED BY THE ARRESTING POLICE’S BODY CAMERA, as the police spokesman admitted when questioned by journalsts (not beeb journos, i’m guessing).
6.06 Steve Gollschewski: That’s all a matter for investigation. It has been confirmed that the phrase as I indicated – ‘Allahu Akbar’ – was uttered…and we have confirmed that.
6.19 Journalist: How has that been confirmed?
6.22 Steve Gollschewski: Police were wearing body-worn video.
Been a while since I spent time with a group of Aussies, but those I have met in the past would have made short work of Stevo’s chances of career progression after that pathetic PC dissembling attempt.
Surprised the BBC didn’t run an edited clip of him being snarky to the journalist and try and make out he was above such petty things as spinning.
Uttered is a very mild word.
It’s as if this lone wolf just casually muttered, under his breath the famous words we have all become so used to.
Uttered, so much easier to dismiss than screamed or yelled which was far more likely.
Indeed. Screaming “allahu akbar” whilst waving a bloody knife over the corpse of a dead kufar is just so unislamic isn’t it? Just another of those inexplicable mysteries of life, a real head scratcher. Must be mental illness, that’s the only explanation which fits the facts.
“Frenchman”, eh? No doubt he was wearing a beret and a striped t-shirt and carrying a baguette and a bag of onions. And saying ‘sacre bleu’ and ‘zut alors!’. Not.
A classic “Up Yours” from Al Beeb this am. Reporting comments from the Home Affairs Select Committee that “social media” has to do much more to take down terrorist propaganda from their websites, they finished the piece with a clip of ISIS gunmen training on a firing range. Brilliant.
Australian backpacker: why no photo of ‘Frenchman’ Smail Ayad? Surely not because he’s a bit tanned for a Frenchman.
And the report still prominently features a statement by the victim’s family which is exactly the sort of thing the beeb loves. I wonder if anyone ‘suggested’ such a statement to the grieving family?
“Mia was a rare person who saw beyond race, creed and belief. She would always treat others with dignity, respect and kindness.
“As a peaceful person Mia had huge respect for everybody. She would not want to be the reason for any hostilities caused by any misrepresentations of the events.”
To be fair, the BBC seniors seem to have been joined by the government and the PM who, after a brief outing being seen with the Scots First Whiner, has vanished for the school hols, leaving the country in the hands of Jeremy and Owen, who are doing a bang up job of making her return a matter of relief despite having so far done nothing.
Seems Ed Miliband’s ratings going up when he remained mute is an actual political phenomenon.
I think it is coming time for a march on London from the shires. There is a precedent. The March of the Western Men when there was a movement to oppose the shenanigans of James 11.
They had a song with a very catchy tune with lyrics that could be updated where needed. But some could stay in. Especially;
“And when when we get to London Town, a pleasant sight to view.
Come forth come forth ye cowards all here’s men as good as you.”
The line “if London Tower were Michael’s Hold we’ll set Trelawney free” could be updated as the Tower is no longer the enemy. Broadcasting House would be more relevant and also a good final destination.
Perhaps someone with a more cooperative computer than mine could post the song on this blog?
In the hands of a Cornish Choir its sounds inspiring.
Received an e mail this morning from change.org. wait for it please sign a petition to give super mo a knighthood.nearly choked on my cornflakes.this country is very close to meltdown and all people can think about is the bbc’s favourite somalian
I wonder who started THAT off ? In the past its been said that if you publicly declare you want a knighthood then you don’t get it. This bloke has said he would like one in every interview he’s given recently. Ever heard of ‘not blowing your own trumpet’ Mohammed ? you’d be advised not to believe your own publicity.
Stevie m, ……..who lives in Portland Oregon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo_Farah). The BBC Sport webpage dated February 11, 2011 tells us that the US is Mo’s “…new location..”. Perhaps Mo is considering moving to the UK sometime soon, particularly when a Knighthood is is the breeze.
Nigel Farage whips up a storm in Jackson, Mississippi.
The BBC coverage though more even-handed than usual when it comes to Trump or Farage, still manages to stick the boot in at the end of Gavin Hewitt’s piece:
“However, Mr Farage’s association with Mr Trump has not gone down well with some senior members of UKIP, including its sole MP Douglas Carswell, who tweeted “it’s all going a bit South Thanet for the US Republicans” – a reference to Mr Farage’s failed attempt to win a seat in the Kent constituency last year.
And Suzanne Evans, the former UKIP policy chief currently suspended by the party, suggested Mr Farage was trending on Twitter “for all the wrong reasons”.
Lord Sugar, a former member and significant donor of the Labour Party who backed the Remain campaign, tweeted Mr Farage was a “creep” by claiming he won the Brexit vote.”
It`s all coming back!
Nige has plugged Brexit into the US like a lethal injection that`ll paralyse the liberal scum from now on both sides of the pond.
Can you IMAGINE what the BBC thought of this….they `ve been living off Davy Jones and Colin Welland for forty years…now HE`S The Grand British Export for the World.
No longer mere Victor Borge Heineken…this is Spitfire Bombadier Strongbow of the highest order…a REAL Ale worth savouring, cultural snakebite in a tifter!
Ta Nigel..God love you pal!
Well, there have been plenty of stirring speeches from Nigel Farage in the past, but that was one of his most effective and impressive. It really was a flawless performance, and how the audience loved it! He hit the button there.
R5 now 9am Your Call: The Donald – top trump or top chump? their FB discussion
They started by playing Farage speaking at the Trump rally last night.
“He ended by saying something like “we are the ordinary, DECENT people”
Nicky Campbell sneered “Well that is an exercise in self definition”
…Do you think he’d say the same about
BlackLivesMatter people who’d just done a violent demonstration ?
or when talking to a local Islamic group who refused to condemn terrorism ?
Nicky’s given a lot of time to an American expert who condemns Trump.
Now he’s reading replies out by people saying ‘people like simple solutions, and react to fear’
..which is a contradiction cos the anti-Trump campaign is exactly that : portraying that it’s all very simple we have to fear Trump.
I have been listening to Trump which is probably more than our useless BBC ever does. He has somehow worked out that the system ( liberal PC fantasy politics) is broken and failing. All over the West and at the same time.
He is no miracle worker but when you listen to him he is essentially saying(eg to Afro-Americans)
“You are getting a bad deal. The system is bust and you are going nowhere. Your lives are ruined by crime and killings and poverty.Your schools are crap but you are Americans and I am going to try to change this so what have you got to lose by voting for me”
In contrast CLinton offers nothing anymore and I suspect the voters know this in millions. No wonder Campbell and the rest of the dumb asses in our media are fearful.
That soundbite of Nigels will echo through to November.
Will have to listen to the full thing…but that one phrase got to me.
Now-in contrast-well remember Shami on Desert Island Discs choosing the Kaiser Chiefs”We are the Angry Mob”
She dedicated it to the likes of us out here, down here.
Pretty clear now that Shami, Nicky etc are the REAL Angry Mob…but they`re so buttoned up by nanny and auntie that they`ll give themselves ulcers and peg out early.
Bit of a health risk being a liberal…apart from bloody Ming Campbell and David Steel, I see a crop of dead nobodies coming up for last Word, now they lost the EU vote.
Thank you Nigel!
My kids were watching a CBBC programme this morning called “Marrying Mum and Dad” where a unmarried couple allow their children to totally plan a wedding for them usually with a wacky theme (such as Medivial, cowboy, ancient greece etc.) and the parents have no idea what is planned until the day.
Todays’s episode was about a Lesbian wedding. Does this mean the BBC have messed up with an offensive programme title? “Marrying Mum and Dad” assumes anyones parents getting married must be one male and one female but according to other BBC departments having 2 same sex parents is totally normal these days.
I propose the programme is renamed “Marrying Mum and Dad/Mum and Mum/Dad and Dad”.
Everyone has a right to live how they want. So why do I always feel a bit uncomfortable when hearing ‘ my wife’ or ‘my husband’ from those in a same sex relationship ? I really don’t have prejudices one way or t’other in this regard, but I suppose not having grown up with these scenarios make it more difficult to accept it as normal. On the other hand, its becoming the ‘norm’ to refer to ‘my partner’ when married heterosexuals refer to their other half ! Weird.
The ‘partner’ business makes it damn difficult for professional or business partnerships. You now have to say ‘my business partner’.
And sorry, I don’t care if it does act as a dinosaur marker, my BS alarm goes off when a male homosexual refers to his ‘husband’, or a lesbian to her ‘wife’.
Looking forward to the polygamy episodes surely getting planned at the minute.
How do you do a different wedding for the new wife…and what about the seating of the mothers in law in competing headscarves/niqabs?
Two mothers in law-punishment enough our Ali!(to be channelled via Roy Chubster or St Bernard of Manningham!).
Multiple weddings next series with a bit of Dignitas for mother in law number four maybe?…I`d buy it!
Well Morning Girls and Boys…I went to Camber Sands on Holiday earlier this year ( shit hole) but imagine my surprise that 6 people have been found dead…That’s it no other information…police looking for information on the identity of these people…perhaps they could try Calais …… I gather they didn’t enter the water English side either …..Lots more to come I think
The game they play is based on the use of delaying tactics. If they can get a few days past the ‘shock horror’ news event and keep the truth concealed for a while longer, they calculate that the impact will lessen with each day gained.
To an extent, this works. But I get the sense that they have now worn their toy out and that public trust in the establishment is somewhere approaching zero.
It is certainly negative in many quarters, but there is simply no escaping the fact that some people out there are incredibly gullible. Most voters for the major political parties among them… Even the evidence of their own eyes, that we are perpetually cheated and lied to by politicians of all flavours, doesn’t seem to register with them.
I think it’s because to accept that the BBC et al are actively lying to us is a huge step for many. Once you accept that you realise that most of what you believe has been based on falsehoods. It’s easier to carry on pretending that what’s staring you in the face can’t possibly be true.
I think you are exactly right RD. Staring into that abyss would result in the sort of ontological insecurity that would be just too much to bear for most.
Time the BBC felt the test of the market like all the other broadcasters. Too easy for them to produce PC crap no one wants and shrug it off because of the ‘unique way they are funded’.
Ever wondered why Western Universities were becoming hot beds of political correctness and churning out pro Islamic graduates?
It comes back again to those Sunni (mainly) oil rich countries paying large, and not so large amounts into our universities for the promotion of Islam.
So great has this infiltration become that even the BBC have sat up and taken notice:
Figures used by the House of Commons library say an estimated £75m was given to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies by 12 different countries, including Yemen and the UAE.
Experts at Buckingham University say £750m has been donated to UK universities by Arab or Islamic states alone since 1996.
I know I keep banging on about the amounts of money being given by these states, I’m not sure if even here people are understanding or accepting of what is going on to Islamise our country and the cause of it.
This is the oil money being used above the table, the kind of evidence which it is easy to find. Why is it so difficult to believe that in a region which is known for bribery being a part of everyday life, would it not be going on out of sight?
Started way back Thoughtful.
My erstwhile acquainance Denis McEoin-aka Daniel Easterman/Jonathan Aycliffe and a prophetic voice at Middle East Forum and Gatestone( clever bastard, great guy and so far ahead of most of us, it`s a bit unfair!) was victim to this at Newcastle University when I was there in the late 80s.
He was not deemed “Islamic enough” to teach what the new Saudi funders wanted..so off he went whilst they installed one of their own compliant shills-probably something big at the UN now.
It was even on Channel 4 at the time, so it`s clear what`s going on-suffice to say THIS kind of programme is no longer being made….would love to see how Exeter Uni got its funding and curriculum re Islamic and Arabic Studies.
Police: “These men were not fully clothed when they were pulled from the sea but wearing clothes appropriate for being at the beach for the day.”
In other words, clothed. No specific mention of swimming shorts/trunks etc. A very careful choice of words. Is this really the best they can come up with? They must think we’re all stupid.
The BBC are up-dating successful old sitcoms. Here is a screen shot from the ‘new’ Dad’s Army where Captain Mainwaring is being interviewed by Constable Mohammed about the theft of a consignment of halal beef from Corporal Jones’ butcher’s shop, while Mr Godfrey explains how his sister Dolly’s chapatis are simply divine.
Plans are also in the pipeline to also up-date the popular US detective series ‘Monk’with a new six part series entitled ‘Imam’.
Does anybody but Mishal Husain and her puppeteer in e Today edit sweet give a stuff about UKIps view on the burkini?
Diane James may not be the dream candidate of my imaginings-but she was full of disdain and swatted Mishals moochings off like the leader they may need?
It`s as if Mishal herself may yet need a fatwa on her right to wear one in the BBC post-Today rubdowns for the talent?
I mean-what`s HER position on it…will SHE be wearing one down at Margate this weekend-and does Anjem need to know her answer to this vital question?
Come on Mishal…get off the fence Mx!
Does anybody but Mishal Husain and her puppeteer in the Today edit sweet give a stuff about UKIps view on the burkini?
Diane James may not be the dream candidate of my imaginings-but she was full of disdain and swatted Mishals moochings off like the leader they may need?
It`s as if Mishal herself may yet need a fatwa on her right to wear one in the BBC post-Today “Rubdowns for the Talent”?
I mean-what`s HER position on it…will SHE be wearing one down at Margate this weekend-and does Anjem need to know her answer to this vital question?
Come on Mishal…get off the fence Mx!
While the BBC’s website thrills its readers with such gems as “Bake off attracts more than 10m viewers” and “Easyjet passengers ‘aghast’ as crew spat delays flight” Breutbart gives us an altogether more significant (you might even say chilling) story:
“Record 27.5 Per Cent Of UK Births To Foreign-Born Women”
It’s hard to imagine how our ‘world class’ broadcaster let that one slip through its fingers, isn’t it?
GC. the births to foreign-born women was mentioned in a veiled way by one of the journos on the Beeb at lunchtime. Discussing how immigration levels had fallen slightly, the journo made mention that ……….. “many of the migrants were of a young age, and were starting families much sooner than those born in this country, and what the consequences of that will be for the future, no-one knows”. No-one knows ! huh ! my Border Terrier could tell him the answer to that for God’s sake, utter chaos actually, roads gridlocked forever, no NHS, Imams running the schools, fields tarmacked over for housing prefabs, and English no longer the mother tongue. That’s the future mate !
Quite right. And in the (much more insightful) Beitbart analysis we find the following nugget:
“For the first time, Poland was the most common country of birth for mothers born outside the UK, followed by Pakistan and India.
In contrast to women, however, Pakistani men seem to be fathering more children than their Christian, Polish counterparts. Pakistan remained the most common country of birth for fathers born outside the UK, followed by Poland and then India.”
I think it’s time for us all to ask are mp’s whether they support donald trump or hillary clinton to get a true reflection of their political values.WEED OUT THE MIDDLE CLASS LIBERAL ELITE.
Wouldn’t work. The social pressure is such that few will openly admit to supporting Donald Trump. The privacy of the ballot box is another matter…
I wonder to what extent that holds true in the USA? And therefore how accurate polls are? Judging by Scott Adams’s experience, I think it’s just as valid.
So I’ve decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for President, for my personal safety. Trump supporters don’t have any bad feelings about patriotic Americans such as myself, so I’ll be safe from that crowd. But Clinton supporters have convinced me – and here I am being 100% serious – that my safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump. So I’m taking the safe way out and endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.
As I have often said, I have no psychic powers and I don’t know which candidate would be the best president. But I do know which outcome is most likely to get me killed by my fellow citizens. So for safety reason, I’m on team Clinton.
US Polls? Probably more sophisticated than the UK’s. Farage tells us (in the vid link above) that the UK polls were showing Brexit 10 points down at the time you me and everyone else in the UK were voting. So, its all manipulation.
Did you vote IN or OUT will be the only question worth asking them.
For in that lies the person…and it`ll be strongly correlated with Clinton or Trump respecively in any case.
Only feeble old grannies who feared losing contact with angry grandkids…or people who genuinely feared for their trade and businesses exempted.
Otherwise-we need to bite back at the Quisling liberals who nearly trussed and stuffed us up for Anjem-they`re easily scared this lot.
I now walk out of coffee shops if I see a Guardian…and refuse to wacth the new Brigid Jones picture because Emma Thompson appears.
See WE can do boycotts too…come join….
Did you vote IN or OUT will be the only question worth asking them.
For in that lies the person…and it`ll be strongly correlated with Clinton or Trump respectively in any case.
Only feeble old grannies who feared losing contact with angry grandkids…or people who genuinely feared for their trade and businesses exempted.
Otherwise-we need to bite back at the Quisling liberals who nearly trussed and stuffed us up for Anjem-they`re easily scared this lot.
I now walk out of coffee shops if I see a Guardian…and refuse to watch the new Brigid Jones picture because Emma Thompson appears.
See WE can do boycotts too…come join….
David Keighley has another excellent article over at Conservative Woman. This time he has some very revealing (not to say alarming) background to the provocative decision to appoint the former Labour stooge, Purnell, to a top job.
BBC making 30 minute comedy sneer/smear aof Farage BBC’s Nigel Farage comedy to explore his ’empty hours of retirement’ (Guardian ..No open comments)
\\Kevin Bishop, who will play outgoing Ukip leader, says he is ‘a gift to parody’
“The one-off show, Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back, was commissioned by BBC2″//
\\“I’m delighted to be playing a character as colourful as Farage. He’s a gift to parody //
Now that Gordon Brown, he wasn’t a ‘gift to parody’ of course. You know, like sneaking in the back door to sign the Lisbon Treaty when he’d promised us a referendum.
Oh no, couldn’t possibly parody such an honourable statesman.
Lard Prescott has weighed in, on twitter, his turf of choice.
Could be going better for him, Jez and Labour, tbh.
At risk of invoking the Candy-san, it will be interesting if the BBC ‘analyse’ his new contribution, or feel it better to leave disconnected brains on life support in some suitably distant 5* resort.
I was half listening to Radio 4 the other day and I picked up on someone talking about a documentary that he had made “giving a voice” to UK Black gang members. All the usual noises of course.
And that is today’s BBC summed up. The Reithian ideals of improvement and advancement have all gone. Instead they ‘celebrate’ the dregs of society while, like Owen Jones, reportedly on a £100,000 salary, painting them as helpless victims.
Just suppose that a young British ‘Black’ was to model himself on a Surrey Stockbroker in speech, dress and manner would he be more or less likely to live a long, happy and prosperous life than his peers copying the self-exterminating knife, gun and rap gangs of Los Angeles?
Which of these life-styles does the BBC promote, (and promote it surely does, ‘report’ isn’t the word).
A new Channel 5 two part series claims to offer ‘unprecedented access to London’s street gang culture’. In ‘Gangland’, subjects are free to tell stories of drug dealing and violence, unchallenged, in their own words. But the method used to achieve this – namely, “camera dropping”, where subjects pick up equipment and film their own material – raises questions about the credibility of sources. Steve Hewlett talks to producer Paul Blake about the ethical questions he asked when making this film
“A search of his home revealed ‘IS propaganda’ which was confiscated by police.
They also took an external hard drive, a knife, tie wraps and the balaclava.”
Pilger has never got on with the BBC – his television work in the UK has been almost exclusively with ITV. He asks many of the right questions, although tends to come up with the wrong answers. But what he has fully grasped is that the Left is no longer in opposition to the established order – it has been absorbed and co-opted by it.
“Norway’s government ministers in charge of business, trade, fisheries and EU issues drew a large crowd on Wednesday when they invited Norwegian companies to a briefing on the consequences of Britain’s decision to leave the EU.
They stressed that they want Britain to remain Norway’s most important trading partner”
Sistas have finally broken cover to hold a “beach protest” outside the french embassy in London. Good to see the sistas upholding a muslims womens right to wear a piece of clothing that covers up their “shameful bodies”
Some sistas looked good in their cosies some not so!
Dont see much evidence of the sistas protesting any wimmins rights issues in Riyadh though
Funny that. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/25/pictures-uk-feminists-picket-french-embassy-support-islamic-burkini/
The demonstration took place directly opposite the Kuwaiti embassy, an Islamic state that banned Bikinis for Muslims and non-Muslims in 2014. Demonstrators said they would not protest against Kuwait when asked.
Why am I reminded of that song that goes something like ‘You stick your fingers in your ears and go ding-a-ling-a-ling’.
FGM on demand then.
Anything else is us telling women what to do with their bodies.
Utter eejits-but we all know that Brands Baubles in the “Feminist Movement” will scream at Germaine Greer,will roll themselves out at Emily Davison premieres in protest at…well, you tell me-nobody else knows what the fuss was about.
And the “feminists” who made the film agreed with whatever the protestors were saying-not that anybody knew.
Womans Hour was no help-but why would it be, we`re paying their`re supping.
This episode was a fluffy, light-hearted look at the sweets industry, taking in the colossal Swizzell’s factory in New Mills and rock-making in Blackpool (Jeez, that Cherry Healey is an irritating bint).
Then, halfway through, a dramatic and unexpected change of tone: Greg Wallace comes out with the following ‘Sweets are an occasional treat,a guilty pleasure…but as sugar took off in the 18th century, we really did have something to be guilty about’.
Can guess what’s coming next, viewers?
That’s right, another BBC brick-in-the-face lecture on Great Britain’s evil slave trade – a full four minutes of it.
I eventually gave up on Portillo’s series on the American railways because every single episode I watched (and it was several) contained, without fail, a segment or at least some kind of reference to ‘THE’ slave trade.
And as we all know by now according to the BBC this is the only kind of slavery that there has ever been in the history of the world (bar the occasional reference to Roman slaves who were -um – quite well treated actually).
What the BBC has decided to erase from the history of African slavery is the equally large contemporaneous Islamic slave trade heading in the opposite direction, which included the barbaric practice of castration (only 1 in ten survived to become ‘Eunuchs’), and the origins of which went much, much further back and continued until the early 20th century:
The Zanj Rebellion, a series of uprisings that took place between 869 and 883 AD near the city of Basra (also known as Basara), situated in present-day Iraq, is believed to have involved enslaved Zanj that had originally been captured from the African Great Lakes region and areas further south in East Africa.[10] It grew to involve over 500,000 slaves and free men who were imported from across the Muslim empire and claimed over “tens of thousands of lives in lower Iraq”.[11] The Zanj who were taken as slaves to the Middle East were often used in strenuous agricultural work.[12] As the plantation economy boomed and the Arabs became richer, agriculture and other manual labor work was thought to be demeaning. The resulting labor shortage led to an increased slave market.
Re the Portillo series about the U.S. railroads and the agenda shoehorning, one of the many ironies about slavery in North America is that the first black slave there was owned by another black.
“It was not until 1655 that slavery for life became a legally sanctioned institution in the North American colonies however. In that year, Anthony Johnson, a free black Angolian who had been brought to Virginia as an indentured servant and who had worked off his term of indenture years earlier, went to court over the ownership of a black servant named John Casor, who Johnson claimed ownership of saying that Casor had been sold to him as his slave for life. Corroborating testimony in the case was provided by a Jewish merchant named Capt. Samuel Goldsmith, with the court deciding in Johnson’s favor, legally recognizing John Casor as his slave for life, setting the precedent for lifetime slave ownership in the colonies of North America.” Dontell Jackson.
And very few of their descendents go back to live in Africa, for some reason ! I have known quite a few black Africans who have come to Gambia doing the “Roots” thing and can’t stand it. Many years ago Stevie Wonder announced he was going to live in Ghana but after a visit changed his mind, for some reason.
Many of the slave owners in the South were black, who in some cases owned relatives as slaves. There were free blacks from the South, who fought for the Confederacy in the War Between The States too; I shouldn’t hold your breath waiting for either of the above “uncomfortable” facts to get a mention on an al beebus though.
Black writer Keith B. Richburg made just that point in his book Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa. As a journo he witnessed the horrors of Africa and said he was lucky his ancestors were sent to America as slaves.
Thank goodness for some honest black people who don’t follow the usual political agenda. I haven’t read the book but must get round to it. I have met some black academics who just deny the facts. The funniest one said that any “black” slaveowner who had a white ancestor was “white” not black. Another claimed it was the white man who taught them slavery . You couldn’t make it up !
Ding-a-ling, breaks the “Too wow to be true rule”
On checking it’s not entirely untrue ..slaves and slave laws already existed in those early US colonies by only a few years
– Of course Africans had been used as slaves in S. America since 1501
– And in America like the rest of the world slavery probably went far far back with natives enslaving, people from the next village who they beat in battle. Best Link …another Link
Grant’s right : In Ghana, Af-Americans on root trips to meet their “African brothers” end up flabberghastedon and saying … “so your grandfather sold my greandfather !
.. so that’s how he ended up in America”
I could tell you many stories. Afro-Americans and black West Indians, who visit Gambia, treat the native Gambians like second-class citizens, with contempt, and then wonder why they don’t get much co-operation from them.
One group, for some reason, ( probably to save money ) rented a house next to ours and kept complaining that there was no aircon, there were power and water cuts and the window mosquito nets had holes in them. All I could say was ” This is Africa, what do you expect ? “.
I could give the BBC a lot of material for a documentary, but they would not be interested in any reality which contradicts their prejudices.
I know several Chinese from HK and Singapore who were keen to go back to their roots, only to find on arrival the expectation was more the returnees were going to bring TVs and mobiles than reconnecting emotionally.
In the early days of the Colonies, most of the “slaves” were white indentured servants from the British Isles and other parts of Europe.
The black slaves, for the most part, were better treated than these white indentured servants as they were more valuable; this is why the levees in New Orleans were dug not by blacks but by the Irish: they were cheaper and therefore expendable.
A good book on this is “The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks and White Trash Became America’s Scapegoats” by Jim Goad.
@Al Shubtill’s claim is also debunked by Snopes ..the first place I look when checking modern myths
” not the first slave owner in American history, but he was, according to historians, among the first to have his lifetime ownership of a servant legally sanctioned by a court. “
There are many examples of black slave owners in US history. It is not a topic that is debated, except at the fringes. The only real issue is numbers which, to a certain extent, is irrelevant. Maybe the BBC could do a documentary on the subject.
coming at 8pm R4 Trump’s Shock Troops: the ‘Alt Right’
It’s already recorded prog kept in reserve, and has twice prieviously been replaced at the last minute with new topical editions. Includes Milo segment
presenter : David Aaronovitch
I was attempting to get a handle on what the “AltRight” actually was…This is what I came up with elsewhere..The BBC will obviously loathe everything about it’s content matter..
This is a pretty good analysis of the alternative right by Milo Yiannopoulos and Allum Bokhari on Breitbart.
“A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the Establishment: the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy progressives.
The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.”
The Alt Right is made up of people such as these and the Progressives at al beebus and elsewhere just can’t STAND it. I should expect a traditional Beeb hatchet job from Aaronovitch.
“These are good: Vladimir Putin. White identity politics. Star Wars. Austrian free market economics. Donald Trump. LOLs. Bitcoin. Darwinism. Silicon Valley. Science and technology. Transhumanism. Pepe the Frog.
These are bad: Islam. Feminism. Democracy. Black Lives Matter. The new Ghostbusters movie. Egalitarianism. Political correctness. God. Immigration. Hillary Clinton. Newspapers. Government. Academia. Liberalism.”
Giles Fraser I see. Typical Guardian snappy chunky dross. The BBC buy loads of Guardians and no doubt they loved it.
Does Fraser think before he puts pen to paper? It was awful.
He clearly doesn’t know his left from his right. It’s the left that think Democracy, true Egalitarianism (where everyone is treated the same for doing the same thing) and God (except Allah) are evil.
The right tend to be against Silicon Valley as that represents Corporatism, and I haven’t got a clue about Transhumanism or Pepe the Frog.
If he was being marked for it, I would give him 2 out of 10. Could do better.
For anyone who can’t be bothered to read the linked article in the Guardian, I’ll translate it for you here: Guardian readers are still superior to everyone else
Being a self-satisfied and smug hypocrite is no longer enough for those of us on the left. It has come to our attention that the vast majority of the population don’t agree with us and – stupidly – think that we are not their natural superiors!
Don’t worry, they are stupid oiks. It’s clear to me and any fellow member of the master race that those of us on the left are the ‘normal’ people … whereas the vast majority of the population are odd, stupid racists and clearly deserve our contempt. Frankly how could anyone be so stupid as to not agree with the Guardian!!!
It’s such a shame they are too stupid to realise ‘democracy’ means the under-class learning to do what is best for them. For their own good.
To get our own back, the Guardian has decreed that anyone not agreeing with their superiors on the left is to be called ‘the right’, and to make it sound as if we are clever we will call them the ‘alt-right’!
BBC Points West: Swindon’s Oasis Swimming Center has had to be closed due to an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, 61 cases cue ‘expert’ from Public Health England Toyin Ejidokum, interviewed by our BBC man Sabet Choudury, surreal to most carrot crunchers here in the West, but needless to say our health expert, in her best English (not brilliant) doesn’t really have a clue as to the source.
I could hazard a guess, but it would be a difficult question to ask of our African expert…
My heart sank when i read in the Standard: Sadiq Khan attacks… oh no, not him too. But he was just attacking the Burkini ban in France. Phew.
But hang on: “I don’t think anyone should tell women what they can and can’t wear”. Bit of an irony there: it’s Islam / their menfolk that tell them to wear the ridiculous thing in the first place, so is he against that too? Oh, and this is from the man who banned posters of women wearing bikinis. So sometimes it’s ok to tell them what and what not to wear, right?
In the run up to the mayoral election, any mention of his religion and his dodgy past associations were greeted with predictable howls of outrage and accusations of dog whistles etc, not least by the beeb. Since being elected he’s banned bikini pix, instigated a ‘hate speech’ monitoring unit (guess who that’s going to target) and now meddling in French burkini laws. Sounds like sharia by stealth, and those questions weren’t so daft after all. He also mentions possibly being a model for a sort of thoroughly modern Muslim. So now his faith IS relevant after all. When it suits him.
Mayor Khan currently suffering similar dilemmas with selective outrage claims and actions to the BBC when operating its unique policy of editorial integrity based on space constraints.
I caught some of that hit piece by Carswell on the former UKIP leader and the deficiencies of others in ‘his’ party. Good G_d, what a creep that man is. Given a platform by the BBC (which is ever eager to trash Nigel Farage), Carswell was disgraceful. Evan Davis, gurning frightfully, was clearly enjoying the whole thing.
If they’re so insistent at wearing full body garb, then why not in all white ? or is that colour solely the preserve of the Arab men for their flowing gowns. Any dark colour worn in heat is like wearing an electric fire, – none of it makes any sense.
In the car just listening to the radio 4 comedy laughably called ‘Heresy’, where BBC regulars express regular BBC views. The host and three panelists discuss whether Chris Hune should have been jailed for a traffic offence. FFS he went to prison quite rightly for perjury, not for speeding. Even if his wife who committed the same offence seems to be a BBC regular.
Radio 4’s The World Tonight was also taking digs at UKIP and its leadership election. They too had Douglas Carswell MP for an interview (with coded criticism of Nigel Farage) and featured a sound clip of someone saying that some people in the party had been talking about Islam too much! They claimed the next leader would be nervous that Farage might do another comeback.
The good old BBC managed to get in a couple of references to its fave year of all time, 1968. There was an overlong piece on … wait for it … a play about the Dagenham Ford plant women’s strike and the issue of equal pay, which is old news, as the play and a similar film (with Sally Hawkins in it) have already been covered extensively. It was noted that only about one tenth of the size of the then workforce are employed now. Other ‘changes’ in the nature of the area (you can guess) were not mentioned, of course.
Before that, there was a eulogy of a deceased French fashion lady who started selling her trademark striped woolen clothes in 1968.
Ah, 1968! What a year! The Mexico Olympics, Enoch Powell’s speech, Alan Yentob’s graduation and joining the BBC. So much to celebrate!
Despite the mass invasion of Britain we have ………………
“A shortage of staff with the right specialist training at Stafford’s County Hospital had forced the closure to patients under 18, the trust said.”
Message to the government – we are not bringing in the the right people. We are not training our own people. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-37185261
Answer – Australian points based system.
Exactly. Any EU trash is allowed in , whereas non-EU nationals have to go through the visa system which I know from personal experience of many cases is broken. It is going to get even worse as HMG is in the process of contracting out the visa system to private firms worldwide. I suspect that many of the staff will be locals. The scope for corruption and even more mistakes will be massive. Unbelievable that even a British government could be so stupid. This was decided by that idiot May while she was Home Secretary.
And an idiot who has made herself very scarce for a considerable period of national upheaval requiring leadership, leaving a void of powerless twattery currently being supplied by the vying Corbyn and Jones Chuckle Brothers, dutifully passed on by the BBC summer hols work experience kids and others as ‘news’.
Something very rotten in the state of the establishment.
Exactly. After the Brexit vote , all cabinet ministers holidays should have been cancelled so that they could start work on Brexit immediately. And May should have insisted on it. A total lack of leadership. My guess is that she will be lucky to last a year. Let’s hope I am right.
Brexit Economy: Headlines from the CBI’s latest monthly Industrial Trends Survey:
i) In August UK industrial export order books reached a two-year high.
ii) total industrial order books showed little change but remain comfortably above the long-run average
iii) Output growth continued to expand at a good pace for the three-month period June-August, although at a a slightly slower pace than in the period May-July.
So how did Brussels Broadcasting present these figures in Pravda? With the headline “UK’s manufacturing output eases back, says CBI survey.” It is idiotic to draw any significant conclusions from a single month’s statistics rather than looking at longer term trends, but if like Brussels Broadcasting you are hooked on doing so, then at least reflect them accurately: manufacturing output is NOT “easing back”, its rate of growth has slowed marginally .
Radio4 Thought for Today finds a useful idiot to defend Muslims . This time we have a catholic criticising the French burkini ban. This woman should check what rights she would have to outwardly profess her Christianity in any Muslim country . And Christians are not mounting concerted campaigns of murder against Muslims . Why should the BBC continue to encourage defeatism in the face of Islam and it’s takeover of the West?
Can someone shed any light on the so-called bbc this morning choosing to report the gangs of heavily tanned norwegians who are running road blocks around Calais?
Having ignored it for many a month….why report it now? Whats changed?
Help, nurse, my pills…
BBC managers (or whatever they call themselves) are not entirely stupid. Corrupt and bigoted yes, but not stupid. They ignore problems which they would like to see buried for as long as possible but when it’s becoming so serious that exposure is inevitable, they know they have to cover themselves by reporting it.
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
tomoMar 8, 20:46 Weekend 8th March 2025 Everyone is seeing the potholes but nobody seems to be filling them, in fact the materials to do the jobs…
Just been watching BBC Breakfast. There was a report about the bodies of six men discovered on Camber Sands, East Sussex. The reporters seemed to be a loss about who they were and where they came from. Not once did that explore the possibility that the men were migrants, especially as at least two of the bodies were fully clothed.
Police are at a loss to explain who they are?
No physical description ?
Beach opposite Calais?
Could be one more missing ?
Camber experiencing more visitors of late ?
Definitely a job for Inspector Clouseau – You just couldn’t make it up !
BBC Website ” suggestions that their deaths maybe linked to jellyfish have been ruled out”. Daily Mail headline ” Were they migrants ? “.
Perhaps our vigilant Home Secretary will make an effort to find out and prevent a repeat of the situation, isn’t it in her constituency?
A Job for the Royal Navy?
Breaking news from Al Beeb! ‘They were young men’
That narrows it down a little.
I’m surprised all 5 or 6 deaths are being reported as the same incident. Surely they are 5 or 6 lone wolf drownings ?!?
Did they all have mental health issues?
They are ‘channel swimmers’ all joining in with the spirit of the Olympics.
They looked typically 21st Century Scandinavian – Brown hair, brown eyes, dark complexion. Must have been Norwegians.
Were they all Engineers, Doctors, Architects etc?
This is what the bbc has become.
It’s a place to ridicule.
They are a parody of what they used to be.
Like The Office or the 2012 Olympic comedies.
An interviewee observer says at least 3 were black and all fully clothed………….
There was time, and I can just about recall, when even BBC reporters would have taken the trouble and interest to ask local people who would have seen the events what they saw, and report it. But not now. And not now because the police are in on the suppression of information which does not meet their and the overall political agenda, and I shouldn’t be surprised to hear they had told people to keep quiet or else.
And of course we have ‘incidents’ everywhere these days, and that is about it. An ‘incident’ in the street, or on a train, for example. It is getting dangerous for ordinary people going about their lawful business, we know it, but the truth is being hidden from us.
We all need to think of finding a way of defending ourselves, as we may be attacked at any time without warning. I believe women students were advised to carry pepper sprays and alarms to defend against potential rapists, maybe we all should do this to protect against the current enemy.
It astonishes me that we are not out in the streets demanding an end to this censorship. If we did however I would expect the thought police in riot gear would be out in force to crush any such challenge.
“If we did however I would expect the thought police in riot gear would be out in force to crush any such challenge.”
You are quite right there. I remember when the police were happy to use batons on the peaceful Countryside Alliance march, but handle the scum who “protest” outside Boris Johnson’s house with kid gloves. They are the enforcement arm of the left wing, Common Purpose Establishment.
CtB, your second paragraph: one extra dangerous situation has been created by PC – Google search: University ‘trans-gender toilets’ and read about the next stage of the madness. Being a pro transgender supporting organisation, surprised the BBC hasn’t been all over this!
Maybe they were French… Men.
Stripey T-shirts and jaunty berets mentioned?
Either that or repatriating Australian… Men.
Here’s something to help the police identify them.
Did they look like this:-
Or like this:-
You can only assume that the Beeb think we are all total idiots. Why might the bodies of five men, two fully clothed, wash up on a beach a few miles from the coast of France? Inexplicable isn’t it?
Watching the BBC nowadays is to experience what a Soviet citizen must have seen on their TV. As the saying went: nothing is true until it has been officially denied.
Top picture an obscure french racial minority from Parisistan.
Bottom picture – typical french nationals returning from a hard day engineering, teaching and architecting.
Camber Sands dead. Have the beeb explored the Brexit angle yet, as a possible cause?
All the media reports, regardless of outlet, state how it was ‘the hottest day of the year’. Clearly these men were trying to escape the terrible heat caused by Global Warming. And wandered fully clothed into the sea and into the deadly tentacles of the waiting Jelly Fish…
Remember when Nigel Farage was ridiculed & scorned a few months ago when he predicted that we would have illegals washing up on British beaches?
My only concern is the public money that will be spent on the ‘mystery’ – and the pollution in our seas!
Will the RNLI be called out to pick them up and will they be returned to whence they came?
BBC R5 news at 9.30am “Despite claims, the police say that the men were not fully clothed and neither is their any evidence that they are migrants”
Cross-channel swimmers ?
“a group of 5 young men who travelled together from London, wearing normal beachwear”
The Mail says they were Sri Lankans.
It doesn’t say why they were in the UK.
SG, what a spectacle it was, on the train, “wearing normal beachware”. Did they step over a squatting Corbyn on their way to the available seats I ask myself.
The Independent reports a RNLI worker saying that beach has no strong rip currents and has no especially dangerous features.
So someone is lying !
I know that beach and people who regularly swim/surf from it. It’s the police who are either lying or ignorant. You can always trust the RNLI in these matters.
The problem is people who have absolutely no sense about the sea and its power thinking it is a giant paddling pool and inherently safe. That these people are almost always immigrants is glossed over by both the PC PCs and the BBC.
Has anyone suggested that maybe they were trying to escape the UK and get to France ?
Re. Australian backpacker murder. “Is the bbc biased” blog does a commendably detailed deconstruction of the beeb reporting – or non-reporting – of the story, see below.
One thing that emerges is a certain confusion or inconsistency in the bias. Reminds me of ‘David’ Ali Sonboli. Sometimes David, sometimes Ali, sometimes David Ali. It might just be incompetence and overlap among various section editors, but could it be that there are different voices vying for dominance, one of them, shock-horror, the voice of truth even? A bit like The Third Reich in its dying days, where coups, plots and dissent festered. Or is that just wishful thinking?
“The BBC News website seems to me to be behaving as if it has an agenda here. But what agenda, beyond the familiar, ever-present ‘It’s nothing to do with Islam’ angle?
What are the BBC doing here?
•They are focusing very heavily on the victim (something that doesn’t usually happen – and which is entirely welcome).
•They are saying very little about the suspect (and not giving his name).
•They have been carefully editing Steve Gollschewski’s comments.
•They have downplayed the story on their website then ‘vanished’ it only to ‘reappear’ it and make it prominent when an angle arose which chimes closely with BBC values.
The heavy whiff of BBC manipulation seems to be at play here, yet again – especially in this latest website report.
What is the truth here?
Posted by Craig at 21:31
Labels: BBC ‘News at Six’, BBC News website
Clockworkorange24 August 2016 at 22:54
It certainly shows how efficient the worlds police are. Every week somebody seems to be stabbed in the name of the greatest God and within minutes, without even investigating, police forces around the world can tell you it wasn’t a terrorist attack.
Anonymous25 August 2016 at 00:20
Latest seems to be “crime of passion” (always a favourite – it sounds so French it’s almost like saying I’m partial to a glass of beaujolais). 🙂
Let’s be honest, they could say anything: what they won’t say is “motivated by a lifetime of listenting to the violent teachings of a psychopathic 7th century prophet.”
Anonymous25 August 2016 at 06:38
I’ve just reviewed the BBC’s piece (06:30). It was at number 2 on the website. There was still no mention of the suspect’s name. It said that this was his second visit to Australia. Then it went on to present a profile of the victim. It seems to have been re-rewritten and watered down. – John Coldwell
Australian backpacker murder. Here’s a small point but the devil’s in the detail, and my goodness the devil’s having fun these days.
The Australian police – and the world press including our dearly behated beeb – keep referring to the killer ‘allegedly’ shouting Allahu Akbar. But it’s not allegedly at all, it’s a fact, RECORDED BY THE ARRESTING POLICE’S BODY CAMERA, as the police spokesman admitted when questioned by journalsts (not beeb journos, i’m guessing).
6.06 Steve Gollschewski: That’s all a matter for investigation. It has been confirmed that the phrase as I indicated – ‘Allahu Akbar’ – was uttered…and we have confirmed that.
6.19 Journalist: How has that been confirmed?
6.22 Steve Gollschewski: Police were wearing body-worn video.
Been a while since I spent time with a group of Aussies, but those I have met in the past would have made short work of Stevo’s chances of career progression after that pathetic PC dissembling attempt.
Surprised the BBC didn’t run an edited clip of him being snarky to the journalist and try and make out he was above such petty things as spinning.
Uttered is a very mild word.
It’s as if this lone wolf just casually muttered, under his breath the famous words we have all become so used to.
Uttered, so much easier to dismiss than screamed or yelled which was far more likely.
Indeed. Screaming “allahu akbar” whilst waving a bloody knife over the corpse of a dead kufar is just so unislamic isn’t it? Just another of those inexplicable mysteries of life, a real head scratcher. Must be mental illness, that’s the only explanation which fits the facts.
BBC Breaking News email… at 6am.
Man charged with UK backpacker’s murder
Australian police charge Frenchman Smail Ayad, 29, with murder of 21-year-old UK backpacker Mia Ayliffe-Chung
“Frenchman”, eh? No doubt he was wearing a beret and a striped t-shirt and carrying a baguette and a bag of onions. And saying ‘sacre bleu’ and ‘zut alors!’. Not.
Oops. Just saw this after I posted. Ah, well, minds at one ‘n all.
A classic “Up Yours” from Al Beeb this am. Reporting comments from the Home Affairs Select Committee that “social media” has to do much more to take down terrorist propaganda from their websites, they finished the piece with a clip of ISIS gunmen training on a firing range. Brilliant.
Australian backpacker: why no photo of ‘Frenchman’ Smail Ayad? Surely not because he’s a bit tanned for a Frenchman.
And the report still prominently features a statement by the victim’s family which is exactly the sort of thing the beeb loves. I wonder if anyone ‘suggested’ such a statement to the grieving family?
“Mia was a rare person who saw beyond race, creed and belief. She would always treat others with dignity, respect and kindness.
“As a peaceful person Mia had huge respect for everybody. She would not want to be the reason for any hostilities caused by any misrepresentations of the events.”
Translation: Nothing to do with Islam.
Five males dead on the same day? Hmmm…any chance they didn’t enter the sea from the English side?
Question , is Al Beeb manned by Students during the summer vacation ? Perhaps our Trolls or an Al Beeb representative can supply the answer ?
To be fair, the BBC seniors seem to have been joined by the government and the PM who, after a brief outing being seen with the Scots First Whiner, has vanished for the school hols, leaving the country in the hands of Jeremy and Owen, who are doing a bang up job of making her return a matter of relief despite having so far done nothing.
Seems Ed Miliband’s ratings going up when he remained mute is an actual political phenomenon.
It would make a change from being manned by idiots the rest of the time!
I think it is coming time for a march on London from the shires. There is a precedent. The March of the Western Men when there was a movement to oppose the shenanigans of James 11.
They had a song with a very catchy tune with lyrics that could be updated where needed. But some could stay in. Especially;
“And when when we get to London Town, a pleasant sight to view.
Come forth come forth ye cowards all here’s men as good as you.”
The line “if London Tower were Michael’s Hold we’ll set Trelawney free” could be updated as the Tower is no longer the enemy. Broadcasting House would be more relevant and also a good final destination.
Perhaps someone with a more cooperative computer than mine could post the song on this blog?
In the hands of a Cornish Choir its sounds inspiring.
“here’s twenty thousand Cornishmen, will know the reason why” – remember that from school…
Received an e mail this morning from change.org. wait for it please sign a petition to give super mo a knighthood.nearly choked on my cornflakes.this country is very close to meltdown and all people can think about is the bbc’s favourite somalian
I wonder who started THAT off ? In the past its been said that if you publicly declare you want a knighthood then you don’t get it. This bloke has said he would like one in every interview he’s given recently. Ever heard of ‘not blowing your own trumpet’ Mohammed ? you’d be advised not to believe your own publicity.
Stevie m, ……..who lives in Portland Oregon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo_Farah). The BBC Sport webpage dated February 11, 2011 tells us that the US is Mo’s “…new location..”. Perhaps Mo is considering moving to the UK sometime soon, particularly when a Knighthood is is the breeze.
G. Not when he applied in January to be a tax exile from the UK ! Has anybody seen this bloke fully clothed anyway ? does he even own a suit ?
Nigel Farage whips up a storm in Jackson, Mississippi.
The BBC coverage though more even-handed than usual when it comes to Trump or Farage, still manages to stick the boot in at the end of Gavin Hewitt’s piece:
“However, Mr Farage’s association with Mr Trump has not gone down well with some senior members of UKIP, including its sole MP Douglas Carswell, who tweeted “it’s all going a bit South Thanet for the US Republicans” – a reference to Mr Farage’s failed attempt to win a seat in the Kent constituency last year.
And Suzanne Evans, the former UKIP policy chief currently suspended by the party, suggested Mr Farage was trending on Twitter “for all the wrong reasons”.
Lord Sugar, a former member and significant donor of the Labour Party who backed the Remain campaign, tweeted Mr Farage was a “creep” by claiming he won the Brexit vote.”
Some things never change, and BBC bias is one of those things.
Nige for President !!!!!
It`s all coming back!
Nige has plugged Brexit into the US like a lethal injection that`ll paralyse the liberal scum from now on both sides of the pond.
Can you IMAGINE what the BBC thought of this….they `ve been living off Davy Jones and Colin Welland for forty years…now HE`S The Grand British Export for the World.
No longer mere Victor Borge Heineken…this is Spitfire Bombadier Strongbow of the highest order…a REAL Ale worth savouring, cultural snakebite in a tifter!
Ta Nigel..God love you pal!
Tremendous, Nigel !!!!
Well, there have been plenty of stirring speeches from Nigel Farage in the past, but that was one of his most effective and impressive. It really was a flawless performance, and how the audience loved it! He hit the button there.
R5 now 9am Your Call: The Donald – top trump or top chump? their FB discussion
They started by playing Farage speaking at the Trump rally last night.
“He ended by saying something like “we are the ordinary, DECENT people”
Nicky Campbell sneered “Well that is an exercise in self definition”
…Do you think he’d say the same about
BlackLivesMatter people who’d just done a violent demonstration ?
or when talking to a local Islamic group who refused to condemn terrorism ?
Nicky’s given a lot of time to an American expert who condemns Trump.
Now he’s reading replies out by people saying ‘people like simple solutions, and react to fear’
..which is a contradiction cos the anti-Trump campaign is exactly that : portraying that it’s all very simple we have to fear Trump.
Farage ended by saying ” anything is possible if enough DECENT people are prepared to stand up against the establishment. ”
Telegraph report
I have been listening to Trump which is probably more than our useless BBC ever does. He has somehow worked out that the system ( liberal PC fantasy politics) is broken and failing. All over the West and at the same time.
He is no miracle worker but when you listen to him he is essentially saying(eg to Afro-Americans)
“You are getting a bad deal. The system is bust and you are going nowhere. Your lives are ruined by crime and killings and poverty.Your schools are crap but you are Americans and I am going to try to change this so what have you got to lose by voting for me”
In contrast CLinton offers nothing anymore and I suspect the voters know this in millions. No wonder Campbell and the rest of the dumb asses in our media are fearful.
That soundbite of Nigels will echo through to November.
Will have to listen to the full thing…but that one phrase got to me.
Now-in contrast-well remember Shami on Desert Island Discs choosing the Kaiser Chiefs”We are the Angry Mob”
She dedicated it to the likes of us out here, down here.
Pretty clear now that Shami, Nicky etc are the REAL Angry Mob…but they`re so buttoned up by nanny and auntie that they`ll give themselves ulcers and peg out early.
Bit of a health risk being a liberal…apart from bloody Ming Campbell and David Steel, I see a crop of dead nobodies coming up for last Word, now they lost the EU vote.
Thank you Nigel!
My kids were watching a CBBC programme this morning called “Marrying Mum and Dad” where a unmarried couple allow their children to totally plan a wedding for them usually with a wacky theme (such as Medivial, cowboy, ancient greece etc.) and the parents have no idea what is planned until the day.
Todays’s episode was about a Lesbian wedding. Does this mean the BBC have messed up with an offensive programme title? “Marrying Mum and Dad” assumes anyones parents getting married must be one male and one female but according to other BBC departments having 2 same sex parents is totally normal these days.
I propose the programme is renamed “Marrying Mum and Dad/Mum and Mum/Dad and Dad”.
Everyone has a right to live how they want. So why do I always feel a bit uncomfortable when hearing ‘ my wife’ or ‘my husband’ from those in a same sex relationship ? I really don’t have prejudices one way or t’other in this regard, but I suppose not having grown up with these scenarios make it more difficult to accept it as normal. On the other hand, its becoming the ‘norm’ to refer to ‘my partner’ when married heterosexuals refer to their other half ! Weird.
The ‘partner’ business makes it damn difficult for professional or business partnerships. You now have to say ‘my business partner’.
And sorry, I don’t care if it does act as a dinosaur marker, my BS alarm goes off when a male homosexual refers to his ‘husband’, or a lesbian to her ‘wife’.
Looking forward to the polygamy episodes surely getting planned at the minute.
How do you do a different wedding for the new wife…and what about the seating of the mothers in law in competing headscarves/niqabs?
Two mothers in law-punishment enough our Ali!(to be channelled via Roy Chubster or St Bernard of Manningham!).
Multiple weddings next series with a bit of Dignitas for mother in law number four maybe?…I`d buy it!
Tabs, name is too gender specific I’m afraid but what about: ‘Marrying my two non-gendered and inclusive caregivers’?
As we wait to digest Al Beeb’s report on the migration figures a, reminder of the Tory’s promise last year ……….
One for the new Home Secretary.
Well Morning Girls and Boys…I went to Camber Sands on Holiday earlier this year ( shit hole) but imagine my surprise that 6 people have been found dead…That’s it no other information…police looking for information on the identity of these people…perhaps they could try Calais …… I gather they didn’t enter the water English side either …..Lots more to come I think
St. G,
Lots more to come if the Establishment don’t cover it up.
According to the Daily Mail, witnesses said that the first three men were black or Asian. Any reports of missing people in the UK yet ?
Al Beeb – Police now know they came from London ?
They were not fully dressed ?
Why so slow in issuing a description of the victims?
Once they find out where they lived the police can discover far right literature in their garage
I wonder if the Camber Plod do a twin town exchange scheme with counterparts in Oz, to compare… er… ‘notes’?
The game they play is based on the use of delaying tactics. If they can get a few days past the ‘shock horror’ news event and keep the truth concealed for a while longer, they calculate that the impact will lessen with each day gained.
To an extent, this works. But I get the sense that they have now worn their toy out and that public trust in the establishment is somewhere approaching zero.
Very true GC. By the way, was that “Swiss” bloke on the train ever named?
To borrow from Harry and Paul, ‘not that I recall….’
“public trust in the establishment is somewhere approaching zero.”
No, it is negative, as they deserve.
They do not, however, deserve to be breathing.
I would not trust a word they say, and that includes the BBC. In fact, especially the BBC.
It is certainly negative in many quarters, but there is simply no escaping the fact that some people out there are incredibly gullible. Most voters for the major political parties among them… Even the evidence of their own eyes, that we are perpetually cheated and lied to by politicians of all flavours, doesn’t seem to register with them.
I think it’s because to accept that the BBC et al are actively lying to us is a huge step for many. Once you accept that you realise that most of what you believe has been based on falsehoods. It’s easier to carry on pretending that what’s staring you in the face can’t possibly be true.
I think you are exactly right RD. Staring into that abyss would result in the sort of ontological insecurity that would be just too much to bear for most.
Time the BBC felt the test of the market like all the other broadcasters. Too easy for them to produce PC crap no one wants and shrug it off because of the ‘unique way they are funded’.
Daily Mail says the dead five were Sri Lankan friends who travelled down from London on a day trip !
Grant, its a little closer to what we all know and expect………….
Ever wondered why Western Universities were becoming hot beds of political correctness and churning out pro Islamic graduates?
It comes back again to those Sunni (mainly) oil rich countries paying large, and not so large amounts into our universities for the promotion of Islam.
So great has this infiltration become that even the BBC have sat up and taken notice:
Figures used by the House of Commons library say an estimated £75m was given to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies by 12 different countries, including Yemen and the UAE.
Experts at Buckingham University say £750m has been donated to UK universities by Arab or Islamic states alone since 1996.
I know I keep banging on about the amounts of money being given by these states, I’m not sure if even here people are understanding or accepting of what is going on to Islamise our country and the cause of it.
This is the oil money being used above the table, the kind of evidence which it is easy to find. Why is it so difficult to believe that in a region which is known for bribery being a part of everyday life, would it not be going on out of sight?
Started way back Thoughtful.
My erstwhile acquainance Denis McEoin-aka Daniel Easterman/Jonathan Aycliffe and a prophetic voice at Middle East Forum and Gatestone( clever bastard, great guy and so far ahead of most of us, it`s a bit unfair!) was victim to this at Newcastle University when I was there in the late 80s.
He was not deemed “Islamic enough” to teach what the new Saudi funders wanted..so off he went whilst they installed one of their own compliant shills-probably something big at the UN now.
It was even on Channel 4 at the time, so it`s clear what`s going on-suffice to say THIS kind of programme is no longer being made….would love to see how Exeter Uni got its funding and curriculum re Islamic and Arabic Studies.
Police: “These men were not fully clothed when they were pulled from the sea but wearing clothes appropriate for being at the beach for the day.”
In other words, clothed. No specific mention of swimming shorts/trunks etc. A very careful choice of words. Is this really the best they can come up with? They must think we’re all stupid.
Burkinis possibly?
The BBC are up-dating successful old sitcoms. Here is a screen shot from the ‘new’ Dad’s Army where Captain Mainwaring is being interviewed by Constable Mohammed about the theft of a consignment of halal beef from Corporal Jones’ butcher’s shop, while Mr Godfrey explains how his sister Dolly’s chapatis are simply divine.
Plans are also in the pipeline to also up-date the popular US detective series ‘Monk’with a new six part series entitled ‘Imam’.
“Don’t tell him Iqbal!”
Does anybody but Mishal Husain and her puppeteer in e Today edit sweet give a stuff about UKIps view on the burkini?
Diane James may not be the dream candidate of my imaginings-but she was full of disdain and swatted Mishals moochings off like the leader they may need?
It`s as if Mishal herself may yet need a fatwa on her right to wear one in the BBC post-Today rubdowns for the talent?
I mean-what`s HER position on it…will SHE be wearing one down at Margate this weekend-and does Anjem need to know her answer to this vital question?
Come on Mishal…get off the fence Mx!
Does anybody but Mishal Husain and her puppeteer in the Today edit sweet give a stuff about UKIps view on the burkini?
Diane James may not be the dream candidate of my imaginings-but she was full of disdain and swatted Mishals moochings off like the leader they may need?
It`s as if Mishal herself may yet need a fatwa on her right to wear one in the BBC post-Today “Rubdowns for the Talent”?
I mean-what`s HER position on it…will SHE be wearing one down at Margate this weekend-and does Anjem need to know her answer to this vital question?
Come on Mishal…get off the fence Mx!
But another stark contrast between the BBC report:
I’ll not tell you which I believe, I simply await confirmation of my preference in a few days time.
Your second link doesn’t work!
I know, don’t know why. I checked the link and that was correct just that the article has simply disappeared.
Saw it earlier .
Taffman – so did I.
Would Fawlty Towers change much?
While the BBC’s website thrills its readers with such gems as “Bake off attracts more than 10m viewers” and “Easyjet passengers ‘aghast’ as crew spat delays flight” Breutbart gives us an altogether more significant (you might even say chilling) story:
“Record 27.5 Per Cent Of UK Births To Foreign-Born Women”
It’s hard to imagine how our ‘world class’ broadcaster let that one slip through its fingers, isn’t it?
GC. the births to foreign-born women was mentioned in a veiled way by one of the journos on the Beeb at lunchtime. Discussing how immigration levels had fallen slightly, the journo made mention that ……….. “many of the migrants were of a young age, and were starting families much sooner than those born in this country, and what the consequences of that will be for the future, no-one knows”. No-one knows ! huh ! my Border Terrier could tell him the answer to that for God’s sake, utter chaos actually, roads gridlocked forever, no NHS, Imams running the schools, fields tarmacked over for housing prefabs, and English no longer the mother tongue. That’s the future mate !
Quite right. And in the (much more insightful) Beitbart analysis we find the following nugget:
“For the first time, Poland was the most common country of birth for mothers born outside the UK, followed by Pakistan and India.
In contrast to women, however, Pakistani men seem to be fathering more children than their Christian, Polish counterparts. Pakistan remained the most common country of birth for fathers born outside the UK, followed by Poland and then India.”
The BBC will do all it can to twist and obfuscate on this but anyone with even half a brain knows what it means.
Demographics is a precise science and of course they know. Lying as usual but we all expect this now.
The BBC is a joke now but at our expense.
I think it’s time for us all to ask are mp’s whether they support donald trump or hillary clinton to get a true reflection of their political values.WEED OUT THE MIDDLE CLASS LIBERAL ELITE.
Wouldn’t work. The social pressure is such that few will openly admit to supporting Donald Trump. The privacy of the ballot box is another matter…
I wonder to what extent that holds true in the USA? And therefore how accurate polls are? Judging by Scott Adams’s experience, I think it’s just as valid.
US Polls? Probably more sophisticated than the UK’s. Farage tells us (in the vid link above) that the UK polls were showing Brexit 10 points down at the time you me and everyone else in the UK were voting. So, its all manipulation.
“The privacy of the ballot box is another matter.”
Rather like last year’s GE and this year’s Brexit referendum.
Clever lad. Another Adams, too.
Did you vote IN or OUT will be the only question worth asking them.
For in that lies the person…and it`ll be strongly correlated with Clinton or Trump respecively in any case.
Only feeble old grannies who feared losing contact with angry grandkids…or people who genuinely feared for their trade and businesses exempted.
Otherwise-we need to bite back at the Quisling liberals who nearly trussed and stuffed us up for Anjem-they`re easily scared this lot.
I now walk out of coffee shops if I see a Guardian…and refuse to wacth the new Brigid Jones picture because Emma Thompson appears.
See WE can do boycotts too…come join….
Did you vote IN or OUT will be the only question worth asking them.
For in that lies the person…and it`ll be strongly correlated with Clinton or Trump respectively in any case.
Only feeble old grannies who feared losing contact with angry grandkids…or people who genuinely feared for their trade and businesses exempted.
Otherwise-we need to bite back at the Quisling liberals who nearly trussed and stuffed us up for Anjem-they`re easily scared this lot.
I now walk out of coffee shops if I see a Guardian…and refuse to watch the new Brigid Jones picture because Emma Thompson appears.
See WE can do boycotts too…come join….
This liberalism is all over the western world i don’t trust theresa may to make changes.SCRAP THE FARCE THAT IS THE HONOURS LIST.
David Keighley has another excellent article over at Conservative Woman. This time he has some very revealing (not to say alarming) background to the provocative decision to appoint the former Labour stooge, Purnell, to a top job.
BBC making 30 minute comedy sneer/smear aof Farage
BBC’s Nigel Farage comedy to explore his ’empty hours of retirement’ (Guardian ..No open comments)
\\Kevin Bishop, who will play outgoing Ukip leader, says he is ‘a gift to parody’
“The one-off show, Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back, was commissioned by BBC2″//
\\“I’m delighted to be playing a character as colourful as Farage. He’s a gift to parody //
Al Beeb don’t do comedy any more.
Never heard of Kevin Bishop. Who is he?
Some actor/ ‘comedian’ who will be also appearing as Feltch’s grandson in the forthcoming remake of Porridge.
The BBC devoid of new ideas and quality performers to match such household names as Ronnie Barker….
Obviously not many diverse lags in today’s Slade Prison, the BBC can’t be seen to show such in a bad light now can they?
I should think that Corbyn is also a gift to parody, but I don’t expect to see that programme anytime soon.
He makes his own comedy videos ..We’ll never forget
The Carry-on in The Virgin Express
Not subtle are they? can’t wait for ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ starring Jezza’s wife on her tandem.
Now that Gordon Brown, he wasn’t a ‘gift to parody’ of course. You know, like sneaking in the back door to sign the Lisbon Treaty when he’d promised us a referendum.
Oh no, couldn’t possibly parody such an honourable statesman.
Gets better.
Lard Prescott has weighed in, on twitter, his turf of choice.
Could be going better for him, Jez and Labour, tbh.
At risk of invoking the Candy-san, it will be interesting if the BBC ‘analyse’ his new contribution, or feel it better to leave disconnected brains on life support in some suitably distant 5* resort.
I was half listening to Radio 4 the other day and I picked up on someone talking about a documentary that he had made “giving a voice” to UK Black gang members. All the usual noises of course.
And that is today’s BBC summed up. The Reithian ideals of improvement and advancement have all gone. Instead they ‘celebrate’ the dregs of society while, like Owen Jones, reportedly on a £100,000 salary, painting them as helpless victims.
Just suppose that a young British ‘Black’ was to model himself on a Surrey Stockbroker in speech, dress and manner would he be more or less likely to live a long, happy and prosperous life than his peers copying the self-exterminating knife, gun and rap gangs of Los Angeles?
Which of these life-styles does the BBC promote, (and promote it surely does, ‘report’ isn’t the word).
@JimS it was the last 5 mins of The R4 Media Show
The Ch5 show Gangland airs Thu 1 Sep 2016, 10pm
Hey, good peoples. Not seen this on the Ministry of Truth….. http://pamelageller.com/2016/08/muslim-france-violent-beating-allahu-akbar.html/
“A search of his home revealed ‘IS propaganda’ which was confiscated by police.
They also took an external hard drive, a knife, tie wraps and the balaclava.”
Not on AlBeeb, doubtless some poor victim of discrimination and mental illness.
‘an external hard drive, a knife, tie wraps and the balaclava’
Might make it on that segment of Mock the Week.
This is an interesting article, in part of which al beebus gets a good thrashing.
Just skim read it, but I suspect Pilger thinks the BBC are not left-wing enough !
Pilger has never got on with the BBC – his television work in the UK has been almost exclusively with ITV. He asks many of the right questions, although tends to come up with the wrong answers. But what he has fully grasped is that the Left is no longer in opposition to the established order – it has been absorbed and co-opted by it.
The result is forgone, but a small popcorn stash has been set aside.
“Norway’s government ministers in charge of business, trade, fisheries and EU issues drew a large crowd on Wednesday when they invited Norwegian companies to a briefing on the consequences of Britain’s decision to leave the EU.
They stressed that they want Britain to remain Norway’s most important trading partner”
More Remain lies flushed away.
Not on AlBeeb.
Interesting how sack of rats central cleans its laundry.
‘those making the programme had enemies at the BBC’
It’s like Kim Yong Caligula meets, well, the entire BBC top floor.
Still, they are good for a laugh on occasion (keep a very… very straight face reading this):
Right, Charlie.
The heir to Hugs is here.
Speaking of credible,
The BBC’s top worthies says he’s OK, so he must be.
Sistas have finally broken cover to hold a “beach protest” outside the french embassy in London. Good to see the sistas upholding a muslims womens right to wear a piece of clothing that covers up their “shameful bodies”
Some sistas looked good in their cosies some not so!
Dont see much evidence of the sistas protesting any wimmins rights issues in Riyadh though
Funny that.
Total hypocrites. How can anyone take them seriously ?
The demonstration took place directly opposite the Kuwaiti embassy, an Islamic state that banned Bikinis for Muslims and non-Muslims in 2014. Demonstrators said they would not protest against Kuwait when asked.
Why am I reminded of that song that goes something like ‘You stick your fingers in your ears and go ding-a-ling-a-ling’.
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
FGM on demand then.
Anything else is us telling women what to do with their bodies.
Utter eejits-but we all know that Brands Baubles in the “Feminist Movement” will scream at Germaine Greer,will roll themselves out at Emily Davison premieres in protest at…well, you tell me-nobody else knows what the fuss was about.
And the “feminists” who made the film agreed with whatever the protestors were saying-not that anybody knew.
Womans Hour was no help-but why would it be, we`re paying their`re supping.
Agenda setting, BBC-style.
‘Inside the Factory’, 23rd August, 8pm.
This episode was a fluffy, light-hearted look at the sweets industry, taking in the colossal Swizzell’s factory in New Mills and rock-making in Blackpool (Jeez, that Cherry Healey is an irritating bint).
Then, halfway through, a dramatic and unexpected change of tone: Greg Wallace comes out with the following ‘Sweets are an occasional treat,a guilty pleasure…but as sugar took off in the 18th century, we really did have something to be guilty about’.
Can guess what’s coming next, viewers?
That’s right, another BBC brick-in-the-face lecture on Great Britain’s evil slave trade – a full four minutes of it.
If you can bear it, it starts around 32.45 in.
I eventually gave up on Portillo’s series on the American railways because every single episode I watched (and it was several) contained, without fail, a segment or at least some kind of reference to ‘THE’ slave trade.
And as we all know by now according to the BBC this is the only kind of slavery that there has ever been in the history of the world (bar the occasional reference to Roman slaves who were -um – quite well treated actually).
What the BBC has decided to erase from the history of African slavery is the equally large contemporaneous Islamic slave trade heading in the opposite direction, which included the barbaric practice of castration (only 1 in ten survived to become ‘Eunuchs’), and the origins of which went much, much further back and continued until the early 20th century:
The Zanj Rebellion, a series of uprisings that took place between 869 and 883 AD near the city of Basra (also known as Basara), situated in present-day Iraq, is believed to have involved enslaved Zanj that had originally been captured from the African Great Lakes region and areas further south in East Africa.[10] It grew to involve over 500,000 slaves and free men who were imported from across the Muslim empire and claimed over “tens of thousands of lives in lower Iraq”.[11] The Zanj who were taken as slaves to the Middle East were often used in strenuous agricultural work.[12] As the plantation economy boomed and the Arabs became richer, agriculture and other manual labor work was thought to be demeaning. The resulting labor shortage led to an increased slave market.
Nah, there’s only one kind of slavery according to the BBC – the nasty, imperialist, capitalist white variety.
Agenda? What agenda?
Re the Portillo series about the U.S. railroads and the agenda shoehorning, one of the many ironies about slavery in North America is that the first black slave there was owned by another black.
“It was not until 1655 that slavery for life became a legally sanctioned institution in the North American colonies however. In that year, Anthony Johnson, a free black Angolian who had been brought to Virginia as an indentured servant and who had worked off his term of indenture years earlier, went to court over the ownership of a black servant named John Casor, who Johnson claimed ownership of saying that Casor had been sold to him as his slave for life. Corroborating testimony in the case was provided by a Jewish merchant named Capt. Samuel Goldsmith, with the court deciding in Johnson’s favor, legally recognizing John Casor as his slave for life, setting the precedent for lifetime slave ownership in the colonies of North America.” Dontell Jackson.
And very few of their descendents go back to live in Africa, for some reason ! I have known quite a few black Africans who have come to Gambia doing the “Roots” thing and can’t stand it. Many years ago Stevie Wonder announced he was going to live in Ghana but after a visit changed his mind, for some reason.
Many of the slave owners in the South were black, who in some cases owned relatives as slaves. There were free blacks from the South, who fought for the Confederacy in the War Between The States too; I shouldn’t hold your breath waiting for either of the above “uncomfortable” facts to get a mention on an al beebus though.
Aren’t the Black Americans ‘oh so glad’ that their ancestors were taken to the US or they would be living in Africa now .
No comparison .
After Mohammed Ali’s “Rumble in the jungle”, he was asked what he thought of Africa and replied “Thank God my ancestors got on that ship”.
Black writer Keith B. Richburg made just that point in his book Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa. As a journo he witnessed the horrors of Africa and said he was lucky his ancestors were sent to America as slaves.
Thank goodness for some honest black people who don’t follow the usual political agenda. I haven’t read the book but must get round to it. I have met some black academics who just deny the facts. The funniest one said that any “black” slaveowner who had a white ancestor was “white” not black. Another claimed it was the white man who taught them slavery . You couldn’t make it up !
Changed his mind? Why, what did he see?
Ding-a-ling, breaks the “Too wow to be true rule”
On checking it’s not entirely untrue ..slaves and slave laws already existed in those early US colonies by only a few years
– Of course Africans had been used as slaves in S. America since 1501
– And in America like the rest of the world slavery probably went far far back with natives enslaving, people from the next village who they beat in battle.
Best Link …another Link
Grant’s right : In Ghana, Af-Americans on root trips to meet their “African brothers” end up flabberghastedon and saying … “so your grandfather sold my greandfather !
.. so that’s how he ended up in America”
I could tell you many stories. Afro-Americans and black West Indians, who visit Gambia, treat the native Gambians like second-class citizens, with contempt, and then wonder why they don’t get much co-operation from them.
One group, for some reason, ( probably to save money ) rented a house next to ours and kept complaining that there was no aircon, there were power and water cuts and the window mosquito nets had holes in them. All I could say was ” This is Africa, what do you expect ? “.
I could give the BBC a lot of material for a documentary, but they would not be interested in any reality which contradicts their prejudices.
@Grant did you notice the way the locals overcharge “the brothers” ? while I got mostly local price. Same in China with overseas Chinese.
I know several Chinese from HK and Singapore who were keen to go back to their roots, only to find on arrival the expectation was more the returnees were going to bring TVs and mobiles than reconnecting emotionally.
In the early days of the Colonies, most of the “slaves” were white indentured servants from the British Isles and other parts of Europe.
The black slaves, for the most part, were better treated than these white indentured servants as they were more valuable; this is why the levees in New Orleans were dug not by blacks but by the Irish: they were cheaper and therefore expendable.
A good book on this is “The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks and White Trash Became America’s Scapegoats” by Jim Goad.
@Al Shubtill’s claim is also debunked by Snopes ..the first place I look when checking modern myths
” not the first slave owner in American history, but he was, according to historians, among the first to have his lifetime ownership of a servant legally sanctioned by a court. “
“Lifetime ownership of a servant legally sanctioned by a court.” Er…that’s slavery isn’t it?
There are many examples of black slave owners in US history. It is not a topic that is debated, except at the fringes. The only real issue is numbers which, to a certain extent, is irrelevant. Maybe the BBC could do a documentary on the subject.
coming at 8pm R4 Trump’s Shock Troops: the ‘Alt Right’
It’s already recorded prog kept in reserve, and has twice prieviously been replaced at the last minute with new topical editions. Includes Milo segment
presenter : David Aaronovitch
I was attempting to get a handle on what the “AltRight” actually was…This is what I came up with elsewhere..The BBC will obviously loathe everything about it’s content matter..
This is a pretty good analysis of the alternative right by Milo Yiannopoulos and Allum Bokhari on Breitbart.
“A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the Establishment: the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy progressives.
The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.”
The Alt Right is made up of people such as these and the Progressives at al beebus and elsewhere just can’t STAND it. I should expect a traditional Beeb hatchet job from Aaronovitch.
“These are good: Vladimir Putin. White identity politics. Star Wars. Austrian free market economics. Donald Trump. LOLs. Bitcoin. Darwinism. Silicon Valley. Science and technology. Transhumanism. Pepe the Frog.
These are bad: Islam. Feminism. Democracy. Black Lives Matter. The new Ghostbusters movie. Egalitarianism. Political correctness. God. Immigration. Hillary Clinton. Newspapers. Government. Academia. Liberalism.”
Giles Fraser I see. Typical Guardian snappy chunky dross. The BBC buy loads of Guardians and no doubt they loved it.
Does Fraser think before he puts pen to paper? It was awful.
He clearly doesn’t know his left from his right. It’s the left that think Democracy, true Egalitarianism (where everyone is treated the same for doing the same thing) and God (except Allah) are evil.
The right tend to be against Silicon Valley as that represents Corporatism, and I haven’t got a clue about Transhumanism or Pepe the Frog.
If he was being marked for it, I would give him 2 out of 10. Could do better.
For anyone who can’t be bothered to read the linked article in the Guardian, I’ll translate it for you here:
Guardian readers are still superior to everyone else
Being a self-satisfied and smug hypocrite is no longer enough for those of us on the left. It has come to our attention that the vast majority of the population don’t agree with us and – stupidly – think that we are not their natural superiors!
Don’t worry, they are stupid oiks. It’s clear to me and any fellow member of the master race that those of us on the left are the ‘normal’ people … whereas the vast majority of the population are odd, stupid racists and clearly deserve our contempt. Frankly how could anyone be so stupid as to not agree with the Guardian!!!
It’s such a shame they are too stupid to realise ‘democracy’ means the under-class learning to do what is best for them. For their own good.
To get our own back, the Guardian has decreed that anyone not agreeing with their superiors on the left is to be called ‘the right’, and to make it sound as if we are clever we will call them the ‘alt-right’!
That’ll show ’em!
BBC Points West: Swindon’s Oasis Swimming Center has had to be closed due to an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, 61 cases cue ‘expert’ from Public Health England Toyin Ejidokum, interviewed by our BBC man Sabet Choudury, surreal to most carrot crunchers here in the West, but needless to say our health expert, in her best English (not brilliant) doesn’t really have a clue as to the source.
I could hazard a guess, but it would be a difficult question to ask of our African expert…
My heart sank when i read in the Standard: Sadiq Khan attacks… oh no, not him too. But he was just attacking the Burkini ban in France. Phew.
But hang on: “I don’t think anyone should tell women what they can and can’t wear”. Bit of an irony there: it’s Islam / their menfolk that tell them to wear the ridiculous thing in the first place, so is he against that too? Oh, and this is from the man who banned posters of women wearing bikinis. So sometimes it’s ok to tell them what and what not to wear, right?
In the run up to the mayoral election, any mention of his religion and his dodgy past associations were greeted with predictable howls of outrage and accusations of dog whistles etc, not least by the beeb. Since being elected he’s banned bikini pix, instigated a ‘hate speech’ monitoring unit (guess who that’s going to target) and now meddling in French burkini laws. Sounds like sharia by stealth, and those questions weren’t so daft after all. He also mentions possibly being a model for a sort of thoroughly modern Muslim. So now his faith IS relevant after all. When it suits him.
The idea that any normal woman would wear these clown’s clothes out of choice is ridiculous.
“I don’t think anyone should tell women what they can and can’t wear”.
That’s good then. It’s the Notting Hill Crime Festival this weekend and I wasn’t sure what to pack.
Problem solved. I’ll iron my old KKK robe and wear that.
Mayor Khan currently suffering similar dilemmas with selective outrage claims and actions to the BBC when operating its unique policy of editorial integrity based on space constraints.
Newsnight seem to be doing a hit piece mini-doco sbout the UKIP hustings, the film looks like a student made it …Ah Carswell is in the studio now.
Evan Davis just apologised for just misquoting a UKIP candidate
“ah he said Hitler was a good forceful speaker NOT a good forceful leader”
I caught some of that hit piece by Carswell on the former UKIP leader and the deficiencies of others in ‘his’ party. Good G_d, what a creep that man is. Given a platform by the BBC (which is ever eager to trash Nigel Farage), Carswell was disgraceful. Evan Davis, gurning frightfully, was clearly enjoying the whole thing.
If they’re so insistent at wearing full body garb, then why not in all white ? or is that colour solely the preserve of the Arab men for their flowing gowns. Any dark colour worn in heat is like wearing an electric fire, – none of it makes any sense.
In the car just listening to the radio 4 comedy laughably called ‘Heresy’, where BBC regulars express regular BBC views. The host and three panelists discuss whether Chris Hune should have been jailed for a traffic offence. FFS he went to prison quite rightly for perjury, not for speeding. Even if his wife who committed the same offence seems to be a BBC regular.
Radio 4’s The World Tonight was also taking digs at UKIP and its leadership election. They too had Douglas Carswell MP for an interview (with coded criticism of Nigel Farage) and featured a sound clip of someone saying that some people in the party had been talking about Islam too much! They claimed the next leader would be nervous that Farage might do another comeback.
The good old BBC managed to get in a couple of references to its fave year of all time, 1968. There was an overlong piece on … wait for it … a play about the Dagenham Ford plant women’s strike and the issue of equal pay, which is old news, as the play and a similar film (with Sally Hawkins in it) have already been covered extensively. It was noted that only about one tenth of the size of the then workforce are employed now. Other ‘changes’ in the nature of the area (you can guess) were not mentioned, of course.
Before that, there was a eulogy of a deceased French fashion lady who started selling her trademark striped woolen clothes in 1968.
Ah, 1968! What a year! The Mexico Olympics, Enoch Powell’s speech, Alan Yentob’s graduation and joining the BBC. So much to celebrate!
About time the laws of treason were brought back?
Hillary at home on a bad Photoshop day post Farage speech
Despite the mass invasion of Britain we have ………………
“A shortage of staff with the right specialist training at Stafford’s County Hospital had forced the closure to patients under 18, the trust said.”
Message to the government – we are not bringing in the the right people. We are not training our own people.
Answer – Australian points based system.
Exactly. Any EU trash is allowed in , whereas non-EU nationals have to go through the visa system which I know from personal experience of many cases is broken. It is going to get even worse as HMG is in the process of contracting out the visa system to private firms worldwide. I suspect that many of the staff will be locals. The scope for corruption and even more mistakes will be massive. Unbelievable that even a British government could be so stupid. This was decided by that idiot May while she was Home Secretary.
And an idiot who has made herself very scarce for a considerable period of national upheaval requiring leadership, leaving a void of powerless twattery currently being supplied by the vying Corbyn and Jones Chuckle Brothers, dutifully passed on by the BBC summer hols work experience kids and others as ‘news’.
Something very rotten in the state of the establishment.
Guest who,
Exactly. After the Brexit vote , all cabinet ministers holidays should have been cancelled so that they could start work on Brexit immediately. And May should have insisted on it. A total lack of leadership. My guess is that she will be lucky to last a year. Let’s hope I am right.
Brexit Economy: Headlines from the CBI’s latest monthly Industrial Trends Survey:
i) In August UK industrial export order books reached a two-year high.
ii) total industrial order books showed little change but remain comfortably above the long-run average
iii) Output growth continued to expand at a good pace for the three-month period June-August, although at a a slightly slower pace than in the period May-July.
So how did Brussels Broadcasting present these figures in Pravda? With the headline “UK’s manufacturing output eases back, says CBI survey.” It is idiotic to draw any significant conclusions from a single month’s statistics rather than looking at longer term trends, but if like Brussels Broadcasting you are hooked on doing so, then at least reflect them accurately: manufacturing output is NOT “easing back”, its rate of growth has slowed marginally .
Radio4 Thought for Today finds a useful idiot to defend Muslims . This time we have a catholic criticising the French burkini ban. This woman should check what rights she would have to outwardly profess her Christianity in any Muslim country . And Christians are not mounting concerted campaigns of murder against Muslims . Why should the BBC continue to encourage defeatism in the face of Islam and it’s takeover of the West?
Can someone shed any light on the so-called bbc this morning choosing to report the gangs of heavily tanned norwegians who are running road blocks around Calais?
Having ignored it for many a month….why report it now? Whats changed?
Help, nurse, my pills…
Perhaps someone told them they were Israeli
Quite possible !
BBC managers (or whatever they call themselves) are not entirely stupid. Corrupt and bigoted yes, but not stupid. They ignore problems which they would like to see buried for as long as possible but when it’s becoming so serious that exposure is inevitable, they know they have to cover themselves by reporting it.
Perhaps Maria, but usually they report it in an obscure way, not shout it from the rooftops..
There’s something else afoot one suspects…
“There’s something else afoot one suspects…”
Yes, probably.