He was a “Frenchman”.
His name was Smail Ayad.
He shouted “Allahu Akhbar” as he stabbed Mia Ayliffe-Chung to death.
The BBC does everything it can NOT to say the word that must not be said. He was a Muslim.
It’s pathetic how the BBC dance on the head of a pin and refuse to give us the full picture. So those stabbing American tourists to death in London are “Norwegian” All we get is odious obfuscation.
I am beginning to wonder about the men who died on the beach yesterday. They have not been identified, so no friend, son or daughter with them to say they are missing, no pile of clothes with a wallet found, no car parked overnight? Surely up to 5 families should be asking where a family member is? It is because the BBC so often tells us half a story that we maybe see conspiracies where there aren’t.
Maybe an enterprising photographer could persuade a policeman to pose with one prone who must surely fall under the BBC scope of ‘child’?
Then the emoting over the cruel fate of little Morice on our shores can inspire weeks of hashtags, logos, etc.
cruel fate of little Morice
Mohammed surely.
My bad. I was attempting to Alan/ainify ‘Maurice’ for the BBC set.
Thats fine.
What,s more, no eyewitnesses interviewed to give a description of the victims despite the beach being full of holiday makers ?
I smell a rat .
TM, there was a report but it has disappeared from the New Observer Website. The report, when available earlier, quoted a witness who said she saw 3 “Black men, fully clothed” being pulled ashore. This may of course, not be accurate since it has been mysteriously withdrawn.
Generally you’d have a poiint, but in this case, unlikely to be conspiracy, just problems with confirming identities.
We are now assured that they were “suitably attired for the beach” and” from the Greater London Area.
Police statement “We are advised that there is nothing to indicate……..migrants” Who advised the police ?
Nothing to see here……………move on
Typical of the useless Dhimmi British police. They should be doing the investigating, not “being advised “. Idiots.
The jellyfish didn`t kill them though.
Muslims are the new jellyfish.
BBC’s breakfast VD program was about the humiliation suffered by Muslim women living in France, who went to beaches in burqinis. The BBC had a Muslim woman living in Britain, and a Muslim woman from Paris, tell of their humiliation in Britain and France. Human rights, freedom, liberty, equality, and other French values were bandied about by the BBC.
Lets see the reality.
1. The French have been subjected to a daily war against them by Muslims. Thousands of cars are burnt each day. Hundreds assaulted.
2. Hundreds of Chinese are terrorised in Paris by the Religion of Peace members.
3. And last, huge terrorist attacks on France by Muslims.
Muslims wearing Muslim garb are, in this situation, wearing a uniform, so that potential Jihadis will pass them by. Its an effective IFF (Identification Friend or Foe system), when reciting verses from the Koran for the Jihadi, is impractical. I’m surprised, given what has happened in France, the very mild response of the authorities to openly wearing a uniform of the enemy, on French territory. In different, more normal times, they would have been shot.
We are at war, or Islam is at war with the rest. Its really time to repatriate enemy aliens.
The BBC did not mention the suffering of the Chinese family in Britain, whose daughter was brutally murdered by a supposedly “French” man in Australia. The French man is a Muslim from Algeria.
#non-Muslim lives matter. Not that the BBC would care.
Two questions and one observation.
What are those women doing, who are covering up all bar the face and hands, sitting on a beach? The way they are dressed means they are not getting any benefit from the sea air. They might as well be sitting in a prison cell for all the good it does them.
Why are their men there when they are so offended by scantily clad (i.e. perfectly normally dressed) women? The bikini wearing and topless women must excite them. Of course the burkini wives aren’t allowed to have an opinion on the other women enjoying the sun. If you are so against scantily clad women that you must deface adverts with them on, why are you sitting on a French beach? (Effectively the same question as the last one).
On holiday in Vienna, we noticed a young Muslim couple staying in the same hotel. He was dressed with normal westernised clothes but she was covered all over except face and hands with the extra coat-thing on top. This despite it being in the mid 30s outside. One day I noticed them leave after breakfast, she was still dressed in her smothering clothes while he was wearing a sleeveless tee-shirt and shorts. Unbelievable but true!
I wonder if the BBC defenders of Moslem Burkini wearers appreciate that the Burkini covers the scars and bruises frequently inflicted by their husbands and fathers according to sharia law.
Don’t worry luv. The BBC will defend your right to cover the scars hubby gave you.
Brave man !
In the above pic, its the flogger who is wearing the full burqa.
The logic and rationale of the Religion of Mental Issues(current New Truth), is beyond me.
I think this event is taking place in the moderate Muslim state of Malaysia or Indonesia.
But he knew someone called David and once met a Norwegian so it’s nothing to do with Islam.
Never imagine that BBC journos see their primary responsibilty as clear and truthful reporting to the British public who pay their wages. There are wheels within wheels at work.
For instance NUJ guidelines.
eg. “Only include a person’s race if relevant”
We may wonder who decides what is “relevant”. Just to be on the safe side the journo would probably avoid the issue like the plague. Is Islam a race – you may debate that but the wise BBC journo will side step that one.
eg. “Do not allow letters or online comments to be published or allow phone-ins to continue that contain racist hate speech.”
We may wonder who defines “racist hate speech” – again, you can bet the journo wants to stay on the safe side.
And their religion?
God knows-after Breivik-they decided that the politics of the murderer was relevant.
So what of the religion…or is it only those who oppose the BBCs worldview who need the health warnings and photos?
Police complain to Twitter about Katie Hopkins’ Camber Sands Tweet.
It was ‘insensitive… inapprpopriate’.
So now our PC PCs are adjudicating on matters of taste?
‘So now our PC PCs are adjudicating on matters of taste?’
That is a boat long since sailed, drifted near HMS Bulwark, sprung a leak, sunk, rescued, brought to the UK, processed by a near relative and now lost in the system somewhere near Bradford.
If no crime has been committed, it is none of Plod’s damn business.
Grant, it’s not called the thought police for nothing!
(If no crime has been committed, it is none of Plod’s damn business.)
In response to a comment from another Twitter user, the force added: “Simply not appropriate to joke about five deaths the day after the incident.”
I wonder if the
farceforce might care to tell us which deaths it is appropriate to joke about? Former Prime Ministers are fair game, perhaps?Police statement “These men were not fully clothed when they were pulled from the sea but wearing clothes appropriate for being at the beach for the day.
Clearly, our PC PC do have an idea what is or is not appropriate beach wear. So why does the BBC think that burqinis are appropriate beach wear.
Muslims are doing this deliberately to provoke the French, who have suffered enormously. Many public events have been cancelled. There is a huge drop in tourism, and therefore money. There must also be a drop in the GDP. Yet the French have been measured in the extreme, to tolerate the continuous intolerance and hatred of Muslims for France.
Just think. In WWII, would we allow Germans settled in Britain, to walk about the beaches in Nazi regalia. And yet, this is exactly what Muslims are doing. They are provoking and testing, while milking for sympathy.
As for the BBC, they are spoilt college children, having a good time on Dad’s credit card.
There’s a new BBCnews page taking similar line to this mornings newspaper.
But it doesn’t contain the info that the Fantasist guy, got angry after finding she had done some “revealing photos for a magazine”..and that the English mans injuries were from jumping out of the window after he intervened..and that it was all caught on CCTV
(BTW this particular thread has not come up as banned by the library system)
It begins “Australia backpacker murder: Man charged over Mia Ayliffe-Chung death”
“Queensland Police Service earlier named the suspected murderer as 29-year-old Frenchman Smail Ayad.
He is also charged with two counts of attempted murder, 12 counts of serious assault and one count of serious animal cruelty.”
Read Smail as Ishmael.
Sam the Other Hobbit to his mates.
It’s the silly season that never ends.This poor girl was murdered a brave man seriously injured and dog killed by a muslim man who said allah akbar before the attack but it doesn’t seem to matter where in the world you are , we are to believe it was over his spurned love for her.THIS REALLY NEEDS TO STOP.How many radical islamist incidents in just the last month have been covered up its offensive. I recall the tunisian beach murders as being totally underplayed as were those riots i’ve mentioned before.WE ARE OUTRAGED YOU SHOULD BE ASWELL BUT YOU CHOOSE NO SIDE.YOU APPEASE.I’m giving up on bbc .
Funny how almost all of these recent “crimes of passion ” are committed by muslims. They must be very passionate indeed !
Dogmatic, authoritarian cultures where you must obey the big man above you are prone to cause MENTAL SENSE ..so it does make sense.
(Yes I am saying that in some people Islamic culture can cause twisted violent thinking and actions, more than other free-er cultures)
– In such rigorously controlled cultures, then strange thinking does arise…in my experience it is common for young men to think ‘my god there is no sex in my country, cos we are so moral, but the decadent west life is like a porno movie, women are all like prostitutes’. So that provides an immense pull factor to those guys who end up in Munich at New Year’s Eve. They find that sex is NOT as freely available as they’d thought, and they can get incredibly jealous of any guy who does get lucky with a lady, as if they have been deprived of a right ..and I have MYSELF seen it end in violence. So it is easy for me to imagine that ethnic-Magreb French guy was/is like that.
Good points. It might also explain that if an Muslim/Arab does get “lucky”, he shares his luck, and thus the woman gets gang raped.
typo MENTAL SENSE :I meant MENTAL PROBLEMS of course
The authorities used to think of these attacks, were lone wolf attacks, a few weeks back. But now they do not think that wolves are involved, but humans with “mental health issues”.
I think there is some department in some Western country that thinks up these excuses, and sends them out to all Western governments. How else can all Western governments respond in exactly the same way.
Lets see now, in order from the oldest, to the most recent
1. Koran taken out of context.
2. Tiny minority of extremists.
3. “This has nothing to do with Islam”.
4. Lone wolf.
The latest New Truth is
5. “Mental health issues”.
And it goes on and on .
I think we are being invaded ?…………
Come on Home Secretary – look after the home and lock the back door .
Um, that’s Amber Rudd you’re talking about.
Amber Rudd is probably busy writing a speech for the Tory Party Conference on how immigration can be reduced – just like her predecessor – then it will be binned
I believe there is going to be greater number of attacks in the UK, on Sikhs, Hindus, and Chinese, by the Religion of “Mental Health issues” (current New Truth).
The reason is that both China and India are not being tolerant to attacks by Muslim Jihadis, as they are required to by allah. Quite the contrary.
It wont surprise me that the Malaysia plane MH370 was deliberately destroyed, as most of the passengers were Chinese.
Never will you see an interview like this on so called bbc
Prominent political parties on both the left and right in Germany agree that the government is preparing for mass “civil unrest” that could arise out of the arrival of large numbers of immigrants or as a result of war.
Many Germans expressed alarm after the German government advised them to ensure they had stockpiles of food and water that could last up to 10 days in the event of a national catastrophe, leading to panic buying and empty shelves.
That warning formed part of the government’s new ‘Concept for Civil Defense’, further details of which were announced by Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere yesterday.
It’s a mistake to assume the Germans are quite the level headed, stoical people our stereotype always shows them as. All the same, it’s hard not to feel that ‘something is going on’. And, of course, the less the BBC and the rest of the far Left media refuse to discuss or explore it, the greater the sense that the ‘something’ could be very serious indeed.
Not much reported though by the BBC was it?…is it?
Like the Calais jungle, or the Swiss stabbing…or the “Frenchman” in Australia?
Seems there is no honourable reporting from Europe at all in the round…just the usual bitching over Brexit.
No wonder we`re going…seems we`re all European nationals if we stab people all over the world anyway….
Or the stabbing of a French mother and her three daughters. by a Morrocan.
Brilliant stuff. The BBC would never allow such truths to be spoken about Islam. BBC only deals with Current New Truths.
BBC1 News at 6 pushing is anti-Brexit agenda with the revolting Mark Easton. Brexit will cause the collapse of agriculture, hospitality, care homes, NHS etc. But why ? All people in these sectors can just be allowed to stay on, simple as that.
Globalists use “Protocol 12” to cover up jihadist attacks in the West
The global public is unaware of the fact that many of their governments have either subscribed to or aligned themselves with international policing protocols that prevent their national and local law enforcement agencies from describing terrorist attacks committed by Islamist radicals as “Islamic State/ISIS-related” or “jihadist inspired.”
The Council of Europe’s Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention on Human Rights on combating racism established in 1994 the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
A majority of the Council of Europe’s 47 members have ratified Protocol 12, which is also open to signature and ratification of observers of the Council of Europe, including the United States, Canada, Vatican City, and Japan, and non-affiliates like Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Japan, and Mexico.
Protocol 12 has resulted in ECRI and the European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia applying pressure on international law enforcement agencies, such as the European Police Office (EUROPOL) and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) adopting measures preventing them from referring to ISIL/jihadist terrorists as Muslims, jihadists, members of the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, or even as “terrorists” because of protocols and rules against stereotyping individuals based on their religion or race.
International policing protocols even inhibit law enforcement’s ability to refer to criminal suspects based upon their “physical appearance.” Physical descriptions are key to any investigation of crimes.
Nevertheless, physical descriptions that include the mufti often worn by Muslims, including burkas, niqabs, hijabs, jilbabs, chadors, abayas, shalwars, mundus, and dupattas, are frowned upon in police reports on terrorist acts, as are terms like “Muslim-looking” and “dark skinned.”
Police in Belgium, a hotbed for jihadist terrorism, including the attack on Zaventem Airport and the Maalbeek metro station in Brussels; France, which has seen repeated deadly jihadist terrorist attacks; Greece; Germany; the United Kingdom; Austria; Serbia; Hungary; and Spain have come under incessant fire from Council of Europe, European Union, and Muslim anti-xenophobia organizations for “brutality” against Muslims.
This pressure has resulted in police being unable to properly investigate suspected jihadist terrorists and take action against them before they carry out their deadly attacks.
Protocol 12 has also resulted in police agencies around the world from describing attacks by jihadists as Islamic State-inspired or “terrorist-related.”
Instead, police routinely issue press statements calling jihadist perpetrators “mentally ill” or “lone wolves,” even though many had previously been the subjects of police criminal investigations and had extensive dossiers maintained on them.
Examples of jihadist terrorist attacks committed this month alone being downplayed by police as a result of Protocol 12:
Smail Ayad, a French Muslim, yelled “Allahu Akbar” after stabbing to death a female British national and critically wounding a male British national at a backpackers’ hostel in Queensland, Australia. Ayad had recently been in Thailand, a country recently plagued by Islamist terrorist attacks against resorts frequented by foreign tourists. Although Ayad is a Muslim, Queensland police, involving Protocol 12, stated there was “no indication of Islamist radicalization” in the attack. Instead, police indicated the French Muslim was romantically infatuated with the woman he stabbed to death.
Waqil Farooqui attacked a couple at an apartment complex in Roanoke, Virginia. Farooqui attacked the couple with a knife and slash marks around the male victim’s neck indicated that Farqooqui attempted to behead the man. The couple survived their injuries. Farqooqui yelled “Allahu Akbar” while attacking the couple, who he apparently chose at random. The local police and FBI invoked Protocol 12 and suggested that Faraooqui was not a jihadist because he “heard voices” in his head before the attack, implying he was mentally ill.
A 62-year old rabbi in Strasbourg, France, the headquarters of the Council of Europe, narrowly escaped death after a Muslim man shouting “Allahu Akbar” stabbed him. French police, under the restrictions imposed by Protocol 12, did not name the Muslim attacker but discounted terrorism by stating that the man had a “psychiatric history.”
A 42-year old Muslim man physically assaulted an elderly couple in Cannes, France while shouting “Allahu Akbar.” The incident was disconnected to terrorism by police, who cited the “homelessness” of the man as a cause for his attack.
A 29-year old Muslim from Kosovo named Dijar Xhema attempted to pull three pedestrians into his car in Vlore, Albania, and threatened to kill them while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”
A 60-year old German national stabbed two men at an Austrian rail station in Vorarlberg, Austria, injuring both. Austrian police denied the man had any connection to radical groups and said he was “mentally confused.” A partial photograph of the man was snapped by Agence France Presse and his profile certainly indicates someone of Middle Eastern/Turkish/North African origin, although it is against the anti-xenophobia intent of Protocol 12 to “profile” his profile: