Whilst a real life political farce continues at the top of the Labour Party the BBC has decided that the real story is an anti-Farage fantasy, the sort of thing BBC producers have wet dreams about but couldn’t really do whilst Farage was in play politically. Now he is ‘retired’ the BBC has sharpened the hatchet and is set to go to work on him…
Nigel Farage’s life after politics will be the subject of a new TV comedy screened this autumn.
‘Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back’ will see comedian Kevin Bishop portray the outgoing Ukip leader.
The half-hour show, commissioned by BBC Two, will be a combination of direct pieces to camera and footage detailing the ‘day-to-day reality of being Nigel Farage’.
The synopsis for the BBC Two show asks:’But what sort of life has he gone back to, and how does a man forever in the spotlight fill his days now he has nothing to do?’
Bishop said: ‘I’m delighted to be playing a character as colourful as Farage. He’s a gift to parody and I’m looking forward to bringing previously unseen aspects of his life to the screen.’
‘We hope we can create a lot of laughter while painting a portrait of such a divisive figure as he fills the empty hours of retirement.’
Why go to the bother of inventing a BBC fantasy version of Farage’s life when Corbyn’s is ready-made comedy, the stuff any satirist would dream of, or indeed any journalist…just not at the BBC? Where is the BBC parody of Corbyn’s revolutionary politics? Oh yes, already been done…see video above.
And Corbyn now says he didn’t take any of the empty seats (so now admitting seats were empty) because he wanted to sit with his wife…so instead he chose to sit on the floor and presumably forced her to as well. Solidarity. She must really love him.
Of course there is a more serious side to all this…Corbyn is not a nice man….but where on the BBC do you get the indepth investigation of his thoroughly nasty politics and views? Then again when he says Hamas are dedicated to the good of the Palestinian people and bringing about long term peace and social justice and that labelling them terrorists is a big, big mistake he is just echoing the BBC’s own views as so often stated by its journalists.
Instead of the BBC we have to rely on Labour Party members for the critique…and this one isn’t even the half of it:
Why you shouldn’t vote for Jeremy Corbyn
What follows is an appeal to Jeremy Corbyn supporters to think again. It’s from Chris, a Labour party member, who does not want to give his full name for fear of abuse. He has compiled a vast, but by no means exhaustive list of the moral and political failings of the Labour leader.
You need to go to the Spectator to read it all but Corbyn clearly is not a man you can trust or respect.
I am sure that, in the interests of “balance” , they will do a comedy show about Ed Miliband. Now there really was a figure of fun. At least Nigel is a serious politician. Ed is just a joke and total failure.
Bring back ‘Spitting Image’ they would have a riot with Corbyn and Milliband.
Farage will have the last laugh, as usual, by backing the incumbent President Trump. That said, Bishop is a good actor and reasonably funny, so if he’s able to stay away from the BBC’s editorial bias and show all sides fairly/attack all sides equally he’ll do a good job as Farage. Sadly, I don’t think he’ll be allowed to do this.
All Lives,
And Farage may make a comeback, whereas Ed Miliband, and Cameron are just a small footnote in history.
I’ve just watched Nigel’s speech at the Trump rally, quality stuff, It’s clear that he still has a lot to give so if he wants to come back it would be more than welcome! The way that May is dragging her feet over Brexit it could be sooner rather than later.
Caught a bit of Clinton’s embittered reply, in typical liberal fashion it was purely personal attacks on Farage with a particular twisted tone, a bit like a couple of trolls on here! If I wouldn’t have known better I’d say the ‘so called’ bbc had given her the ammo.
Quite agree, although I haven’t seen Clinton’s reply. She is a nasty piece of work with no sense of humour. As you say, like some of the trolls here. On the other hand Nigel is remarkably good-humoured given all the personal attacks on him by the Left.
‘On the other hand Nigel is remarkably good-humoured given all the personal attacks on him by the Left.’
As most of us can now thankfully see, I’m hoping the extended break will do him good, he seemed really fired up in the U.S. tonight.
Clinton embraced the nasty party politics to a T, the political dividing line is becoming more evident by the day across the world. Sanity versus the rest!!
It may well be that Nigel quit knowing that May is there to stitch us up. By keeping clear of the lot of them in parliament he can return to the fray when it is necessary.
I have never believed May will take us out.
I think you have a valid point Dave.
I have never trusted May (though I really want to be wrong about her)
If you look at her cabinet make up you have Boris, Davies and Fox and the rest appear to be remain supporters- (including the the delightful Amber)
Boris s commitment was never that strong to Leave anyway (being very late and more a vehicle for his own political ambitions) that only leaves Davies and Fox with any real clout,
The cynic within me leaves me wondering whether Fox and Davies have been set up for failure. All May has ever appeared to have said about brexit is “brexit means brexit” Thats pretty much it – if she was truly committed to the process you would have thought that by now she might well have managed just a few more words on the subject.
Why so coy Theresa? I guess she is still trying to look both ways at once. If I was a betting man however – I would say that the fact that the BBC have not been bought to heel regarding this divisive issue, and the fact that there still appears no clear timescale – suggests to me that the whole process has been left to whither on the vine/set up for failure with an eventual stitch up.
You can almost smell the Mail Headline now “Cabinet Brexiteers Fail – Theresa Takes Control” Maybe a “revisit” to the referendum in the interests of “national unity”
And still the leaky borders continue to leak with very little apparent Government interest in the issue. All we get is the normal lame “its difficult” or “its complicated” or “we are looking at it”
Sorry but I have been able to shut doors in my house since I was about two!
I dont why we are still so coy about upsetting the EU. Unless of course – we have very little real intension of leaving.
I dont know about the “snowflake generation” but regarding this issue we seem to be suffering from “snowflake Goverment” !
Actions always speak louder than words and the current inaction on brexit is becoming deafening.
I really do hope I am incorrect about this – but to me something about all of this does not smell right to me.
Quite likely Farage will make a comeback. Specially so if Trump is POTUS. Labour is a in a death spiral, making UKIP the loyal opposition.
Farage has a place in history, as the one man who got us out of the EU.
My pre beauty sleep regime usually involves a brief surf, here, there and of course Facebook, with the BBC again delivering in spades.
In addition to several posts using “quotes” in lieu of impartial headlines, especially one where the national broadcaster of Britain outright attacks a Presidential candidate, let me leave you with this gem, designed for naughty children still up way after bed time, from Newsbeat::
Still arguing about the EU referendum or haven’t spoken to someone since?
Send us a message or email newsbeat@bbc.co.uk
Rather suspect the replies that make it to air might get run first through that famous BBC editorial integrity filter, if not conjured up in house. Socks! [cough].
This is a BBC Radio 4 headline over a picture of Trump:
“He tends to produce far more untruths on a daily basis than we’ve ever seen.”
But it’s ok… as they didn’t say it. It’s a quote. From someone. See… integrity.
Oo, look, helicopters. What’s that, sniper fire?
The BBC does get obsessed about certain politicians for example Reagan, Thatcher, and now Trump and Farage. The common factor seems to be right of centre and Anglo-American.
Why do they overlook the rich seam of corrupt politicians to be found in South America or Africa, Asia and Europe? Not interesting enough?
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Rally Crowds
There is no stopping the Trump Train: it’s the voice of the people that are sick of the establishment. Crooked Hillary will get trumped in November! How will the BBC handle it?
Like Brexit the BBC will be blaming every conceivable issue experienced by the U.S. on a Donald Trump presidency.
magicoat, thank you for posting that excellent film.
It’s like I said the other day, right now on the left we have people like:
Jeremy Corbyn, who’s baffled that they have something called ‘CCTV’ on trains nowadays
Diane Abbot saying the Government isn’t doing enough about obesity
Little Owen Jones, the working class hero (who’s actually the son of two highly-paid educrats)
Owen Smith, the former Viagra pusher
Jess Phillips, complaining that her gas bill contained a rape threat
Tom Watson claiming that Morph was a playdophile
And finally, the Dwarf in the North cleansing the school curriculum by replacing English invaders like Shakespeare with a bunch of SNP approved writers churning out ‘Och, My Skag!’ novels.
…..And none of this has any comic potential whatsoever. No way. Not funny. But the guy who won the referendum is ‘ripe for parody’.
On a point of information, what is the legality of producing a “parody” about a living person who, I presume, did not consent to it?
We all know this will be an extended hatefest. What do the Governors of the BBC have to say about it?
That’s what I thought too,yet Corbyn was moaning about his CCTV train film being shown on tv.
I find this hard to believe, is this a joke ? It is offensive to Brexit voters and UKIP supporters. Nigel Farage deserves great respect and thanks for what he has achieved and not spitefully motivated ridicule in a “comedy” program from the out of control childish lefties at the BBC.
We should encourage them .It all helps millions more see the BBC people for the overpaid dumbass bunch of hypocrites that we know they are.
Nobody except their own will think it funny and nobody but their own will really watch it.
The BBC is like a bawling spoilt child. Ignore it until it calms down.
I stopped watching ‘Have I got news for you’ a long time before the referendum as every episode was a Nigel Farage hate fest, and I have watched that prog for 20 years.
Nigel’s speech at The Donald’s rally in Mississippi was brilliant. He comes across as so humorous and sane and also inspiring. I shall not be watching any BBC programme about him (not that I watch the BBC anyway even though I have to pay for it).