The BBC plaintively asks the question on all our lips;
Austria’s migrant disaster: Why did 71 die?
Might be because they chose to break the law and enter Europe illegally? Just putting it out there before the BBC’s consumes them?
The BBC plaintively asks the question on all our lips;
Austria’s migrant disaster: Why did 71 die?
Might be because they chose to break the law and enter Europe illegally? Just putting it out there before the BBC’s consumes them?
They died because Merkel encouraged them to risk their lives as an easy life in Germany awaited them. The BBC gladly acted as Merkel’s propaganda arm. Shameful and shameless.
It’s quite obviously the EU and liberal mentality to blame for this, they made it seem that all and sundry was welcome here. It’s not only hugely unfair on those already living here but is dangerous to those trying to get in. If the EU was actually altruistic they’d be sending money and resources to the affected areas instead, so that most of these immigrants wouldn’t feel the need to flee. But no, they just want the pretence of charity and empathy for their egos and can’t be bothered to actually conceive workable solutions.
Only 71.
Dregs of the planet invaders wanting to steal our land and impose their barbaric, childish religion on us.
Should have been 71,000,000.
Europe was continuously invaded by Muslims for over 300 years before the Crusades, and for 500 years after the Crusades. Once Europe became militarily and morally strong, the invasions stopped.
With the advent of the EU and Open Borders, Muslims realized they could invade ands conquer without firing a bullet.
These soldiers of Islam died doing the Hijra. According to their own beliefs, they will be going to a 72 virgin paradise. So cry not for them, but for the women and children of Europe who will pay the price for this stunning stupidity of allowing Muslims to settle behind what they view as enemy lines.
Off to your safe space now
Everyone else is to blame but themselves…..thats how it works in lefty land isnt it?
Why were they here if they werent here legitimately?
What reason did they have to be in a country which neither needed or codoned them being here?
They were here illegally…FACT…..whether they were facilitated by others or not
.Nobody said ‘they deserved it’
What they said was if they had not been here it would not have happened
stop spouting your lefty bullshit projecting crap
It doesnt work here
Typical comment from a self righteous leftard, always taking the moral high ground but never accepting what is staring them in the face..the truth..because lefties can’t handle the truth!
The ‘so called’ bbc don’t give a toss about these immigrants illegal or not, talk about morally deficient? Would that be using numerous pictures of dead babies to further their warped ideology!They can’t get enough.
The way I see it is you pay your money you take your chances, it’s a gamble, it may pay off it or it may not, in this case they were unlucky. The point is that if we had borders with strict controls, as we used to have not so long ago, these people wouldn’t have even thought about putting themselves at such risk and that’s forgetting the fact that they wouldn’t have got past the first hurdle, namely their own borders that are literally non existent thanks to a massively unstable middle eastern region that is a bigger basket case than the EU. Who’s fault is that?
If you want to play the blame game then the last people to blame are the traffickers, they are simply taking advantage of the fantastic opportunities that have come their way courtesy of a lawless EU. You can’t blame one set of immigrants for embracing a lawless/borderless EU yet say that the others were unfortunate victims. Who’s to say that some of those who died wouldn’t have become tomorrow’s traffickers? The opportunities are there.
If you earned peanuts in a Bulgarian slum why wouldn’t you embrace the new world order of the EU and its zero border controls? They have been given a great opportunity by the scum who run our liberal countries and it is they who are to blame.
As for the way people feel, how do you expect them to be? People are now hardened to the ways of the left and it is the best way to be, the years of being called a racist, xenophobe etc,etc have taken their toll.
The UK is fast becoming a lawless shit hole and the truth is starting to emerge of how the leftards have covered the damage up. Tales of people dying in far off countries is now a daily occurrence, they are an acceptable amount of collateral damage so that the likes of the ‘so called’ bbc can keep pricking people’s consciences so they can carry on pushing the liberal/lefty agenda, so, to be honest, you’ll have to excuse me If I say I don’t care because I don’t, these people are just a number…a number say, like, 1,400, that’s right, the same number as the rape and abuse victims in rotherslum, can’t remember you coming on here getting all high and mighty about that?
Excellent post. Most of the problems of the UK have been caused by Leftist retards.
“Those who think the answer to that question is “because they came here illegally” are terminally stupid, morally deficient or both.”
Now where have I seen that sort of invective and language before?
It didn’t take long, did it! Don’t say I didn’t warn the right-minded here.
There are far more important questions to answer.
Why have the number of sexual assaults in Austria doubled in the last year?
Why is an Austrian company funding islamic terrorism?
Why is antisemitism returning to Austria, of all places?
Why is there an exponential increase in ‘random’ stabbings in Austria?
Why did they die is not really asking a question. When the answer is so obvious it is just rhetoric. They died because they were smuggled across borders in a truck with no ventilation. It’s called suffocation. The victims were the unwitting children in the truck and the Austrian people who would have had to bear the burden.
But there are a multitude of questions to ask. Why not ask them?
Because the BBC doesn’t like those obvious answers.
Look at its bizarre coverage of European news on its website.
‘Bad weather takes toll on french wine’ !!
‘Czech hiker found after a month in NZ hut’
‘Fruit smugglers upgrade border road’
We are not idiots. We know what’s going on in Europe.
It’s in a state of emergency.
And what does the bbc report on.
Fruit smuggling, hiking and wine.
I understand that the children are completely innocent, and the avoidable death of a baby is always a crime against humanity.
But speaking of logic, who are “the people whose actions killed six children including a baby” We all know the answer. Accidental or not, they are completely responsible.
merkel and the smugglers played their parts too.
Have had a run in on FB , with Students for the EU , not just me but quite a few others too. These students are brain dead ,mainly Corbynista`s . They accused us of a ” Hate Crime ” for wanting to Leave . They know absolutely nothing about the Real World . They have a Demo coming up , so maybe a few others might want to, “Give a few home truths ” about the EU .
They are probably ‘still wet behind the ears’.
One day they will grow up.
Just heard a Sky(not Al Beeb), commentator telling us that there are now migrants ‘desperate’, yes ‘desperate’!, to get into the UK from France. Is France such a wretched part of the EU that they are coming across the Channel and breaking the law of this land to claim asylum here ?
Theresa – get a grip or you will lose it
She seems to have vanished.
The top story on Classic FM Global Propaganda was Jezza offering condolences to the Italians on their earthquake losses, one presumes as the only UK politician still in the country.
tbaskett – going with David’s original view WHY do you choose to come to this site!?! There are plenty of places where your views are championed (BBC, Guardian, Channel 4 News)… In comparison those of us that seek a different viewpoint come to this site.
You my friend and your ilk have a monopoly. Please leave us alone to be “waycists”.
Oh and do say hi to Jerrod and Kikuchiyo next time you’re round the watercooler.
Oh and PS – my offer still stands – I grew up within a stones throw from mecca, sorry W1A… If you fancy a beer you don’t even need to bring the Beeb plastic, its on me pal. Perhaps I can stir your conscience a little
What do we have here?
A fan of the nastiest organisation in history – Islam.
With the viewpoint of the second nastiest in history – Marxism.
As for a representative of either of these groups having the moral high ground, I do not think so. Take your mass murdering ideologies elsewhere.
We have to build fences to keep people out.
You have to build fences to keep people in.
The West is an attractive option because, despite its faults, it is free.
Free from the Islamic, Marxist, blood stained bollox.
When people elsewhere can throw off their intellectual shackles they can create their own free societies.
If, and when, they do we can converse with them.
Otherwise they can stay in their totalitarian hell holes.
And, no we do not take lessons in ethics from the supporters of these barbaric ideologies with their brutal histories.
Excellent post. No wonder the twin evils of Islam and Marxism love each other so much. They are natural allies.
Apart from the children the blame has to lay upon the doctors, nurses, health care workers, engineers and people with qualifications to enrich any country they arrive in. These valuable people should have been fully aware that boarding a truck in these conditions is very dangerous.
On the other hand…. we might blame the neo liberal paradigm.
I am no fan of Theresa (stole my pension), but she is standing by her word of not seeking attention and doing her job. What she considers her job to be would be interesting. I suspect honestly that she is trying to engineer an organised exit from the EU that leaves the UK in a position of strength. One can only hope
Hope is all we have until 2020 at least. The way I see it is that Bliar was a liar, ‘bigot’ Brown was a liar, Camoron was a liar and May is a liar, they don’t give a shit about the British people, they are all obsessed with the EU project so much so that I still think they are in shock over the vote to leave and don’t know how to deal with it.
Meanwhile immigration, both legal and illegal, is spiralling out of control and not a single person in gvnmnt knows how to deal with it, what’s worse is that I don’t think they will. Brexit will be casually kicked to one side because the gvnmnt and May know that they have four years grace to carry on regardless. Many in parliament wanted to stay in the EU and what the plebs want is irrelevant, basically nothing has changed since Brexit, it’s business as usual for May and co.