“Have you been sleeping with them?”
“We’ve been putting them in all sorts of places… I’ve been keeping mine in a sock!”
Don’t worry, BBC Breakfast hasn’t turned blue – it’s just that the Carry On Team there don’t seem to realise the Olympics are over. That soppy exchange brimming with innuendo was a chat with the girl’s cycle team about their gold medals.
Viewers of the BBC News Channel may well ask ‘Are We Being Served?’ and licence payers may question ‘Who have we been watching?’
First musings led me to the Nuremburg death row here.
Thought it was cyanide pills for the Lefty Projectors…and I dreamed a dream,,,ah well!
Still-snide sigh and Eid etc…worth a relabelling of their science aids maybe if that gets them to suck on a phishermans friend…tell `em its gender reassignment smarties and they`ll chew…
Another day, another facile attempt at spinning a false narrative on the US election.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37188339 is entitled Clinton’s Flaws, but is just a fawning article that goes into no detail regarding her many scandals, writing them off as trivial and again trying to push the “gender disadvantage” drivel for the multi-millionaire wife of a previous ruler. The photo used on the main page for this is Clinton looking presidential in front of an American flag, nothing like the bug-eyed crackpot that actually attends the few public events held for her this year.
Meanwhile, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37021991 is a hit piece in the so-called Alt-right, entitled Trump’s Shock Troops, which has a crude drawing of Trump as a lizard representing it for some reason (probably to try and make people believe that Trump supporters believe David Icke’s theory of lizard aliens posing as humans) and again goes into no real detail. The fact that it’s considered “shocking” to challenge a status quo few normal people (ie ones who actually have to live with it, unlike the sheltered establishment types) over the age of 30 agree with and it’s considered an “alternative” to back someone whose policies you like and investigate the illegal activities of a corrupt politician playing the race card against her opposition despite having made repeated racist campaign decisions herself over the years, speaks cold or the arrogance of cosmopolitan globalist types as they legitimately think they and their views are above scrutiny, an unimpeachable truth that no matter how much evidence proves wrong will always be right.
People who rely on the BBC for its news are in for a rude awakening when Clinton not only loses, but loses extremely heavily if current statistical trends continue – and that’s assuming she even makes it to the election given her health problems and the fact that there’s now long-overdue discussion of federal indictment.
“speaks cold or” = “speaks volumes for”. Predictive text ?. Just thought I’d clarify before some sad act tries to suggest I’m illiterate and therefore my point is invalid, another trope of the lazy liberal.
Oh no, not Muslims again. This time we had a couple of Muslim men, suitably attired, with massive beards, and a couple of women, complaining that they had to undergo security checks at airports. Oh how humiliating. All of them complained that it was because they looked “Asian”, or looked Muslim. How unfair. Their holidays were ruined because of intrusive security. They were going to complain. The BBC was suitably sympathetic.
Not once did the BBC journo, or the Muslims, consider that Hindus, Buddhists and Christians of Asian origin, have to put with the same security measures, because of the Jihad that is being waged on us by their fellow Muslims.
No system is going to be perfect, but there has to be a method by which the demographic that is most responsible for terrorism, is searched more often. In the Irish troubles, Irish people were searched more often then say Asian Hindus.
Terrific expression used on the American TV show ‘Homeland’ when looking at mug shots of suspected terrorists a guy asked
‘Which ones do we go after first?’ response was
‘The brown ones’
‘But that’s straight up racial profiling!’
‘No. Its just profiling’
The BBC seem to miss the point that apart from the LRA and a few Marxists loonies around the world the vast majority of Terrorists in the world are Muslim and profiling that is not bloody racist.
‘no detail regarding her many scandals’ – many it was this that gave you that impression: ‘And yet two-thirds of the American people say they do not find her honest or trustworthy. And that is her flaw.’
This week she has been on the defensive. The nagging question is whether, when she was Secretary of State, she traded access to herself and others in government in exchange for payments to the charity the Clinton Foundation.
Click on the link embedded in ‘Clinton Foundation’ and you get this: ‘US election: Why is Clinton’s foundation so controversial?’
The article continues…’And then there was the use of a private server and her emails. ‘
And so it continues. And yet no mention of any of it being ‘trivial’. How does the article ‘ push the “gender disadvantage” drivel ‘ given there’s no mention or even suggestion of such a thing?
The Trump article – The drawing of Trump as a lizard would be the one he tweeted himself. Its not a lizard. As it states in the caption under the pic, its Pepe the frog.
The article doesn’t use the word’alternative’. But the movement is called ‘alt-right’….because that’s what it calls itself. Perhaps you should take that up with them?
The ‘current statistical trends’ suggest Trump is well behind in the race.
I guess the 48 who ‘liked’ this….didn’t actually bother to look at the articles.
Maybe you have a point, but the BBC only has itself to blame that people should rush to judgement. The pro-Clinton, anti-Trump bias on R4 that I hear is a bloody disgrace (but nothing new there, eh).
The BBC’s bias on just about every subject under the sun is so boringly predictable. As if the would ever side with the Republicans or Conservatives. It would be inconceivable.
Not really interested in any of this . All I need to know is that Clinton is unfit to be POTUS.
‘At this point in time what difference does it make.’
Clinton on the Benghazi fiasco and the death of her people there.
The BBC has chosen sides on this as so much else. To me what difference does it make.It is the mouthpiece of discredited liberalism .
The world is moving on thank God
NHS cuts ‘planned across England’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-37186455
The cost of running an ‘International’ Health Service with its pyramid of bureaucracy and creative accountancy.
Get rid of the pen-pushers, managers and trustees. Replace with Doctors and nurses.
Next week the BBC launches a four part series featuring amateur orchestras from across the UK. Apparently they will be competing against each other and the winner will perform at BBC Proms in the Park in Hyde Park, London on Saturday 10 September 2016.
It is part of BBC Music’s Get Playing initiative, which is laudable enough, and I will be giving it a try. As usual in these situations however, I am apprehensive. Orchestras are hideously white so they will feel obliged to find a way around that, turning what for me would be a potentially interesting programme into a series of irritations. Identity politics will probably intrude.
Not sure whether I will get beyond the first programme.
The sanitary aspects need to be addressed. If you can catch bagpipe lung from playing in the open air then god only knows what germs might be lurking inside one of those things. it doesn’t bear thinking about.
Haven’t heard of one, but there is a black one – it’s called “Chineke!”. It’s professional however, so wouldn’t qualify.
Not sure why it’s necessary. Western opera houses, conservative and elite according to those who must think that way, have been accepting black opera singers for years. Never encouraged black people to listen though.
Knowing the BBC, they wouldn’t let a minor inconvenience of a professional taking part in an amateur competition, get in the way if they could get away with it. With these orchestras, watch for a tinted professional or two planted amongst them…
Had there been, there would have no doubt been a Panorama special on them, following them from Finsbury Park mosque to a free charity concert in Gaza, breathlessly fawned over by Orla Guerlin and other dross.
Sorry to intervene Grant but I had to throw my ‘2pennyworth’ in. The West-East Divan Orchestra, based in Spain, is an orchestra consisting of Jewish and Muslim musicians. Co-founded by Daniel Barenboim, it played the Proms just recently.
Attended a prom earlier this season and as I have done for the past few years I assessed the audienc. Hideously white, a few Chinese, a few men I assume we’re from the Indian sub continent in the arena but not a single Afro Caribbean anywhere. Perhaps the number from the Indian sub continent were greater than usual but otherwise the same as always. I rather dread what the BBC intend to do about it, dumb down all proms perhaps?
Next year the BBC will get rid of all the classical music and just have a reggae festival. The proms are getting dumber every year. Much as I like reggae , I don’t think the proms is the place for it !
Rob, no doubt Nadiya will own and play a wind instrument blown through her, cake-hole. Sorry, sorry sorry (smaller font ever decreasing if it were possible)…………………
Lazy buggers the BBC.
Any poncey steel band at Notting Hill this weekend will get the gigs now…the linen suits peer on from the top floor of Jacinatas padlet and crave the well oiled ebony muscles and feathers.
Expect a long trail of burning weed and a brick through your window if you dare to snitch…still, though..may well need them when Islam calls.
Can anyone think of an industry which operates on free market principles where, despite almost unlimited demand for products and services, firms are shutting down capacity? This could only happen in a state run monopoly with one source of revenue, taxes. It reminds me of the creaky attempts to provide consumer products in Soviet Russia, or when the GPO here ran the phone system under a monopoly and you could have only one type of phone, ivory or black, and there was a 6 month waiting list to get it installed. When will the BBC, other MSM and major political parties stop talking about ‘our NHS’ and recognise it for what it is – a conspiracy of a monopolistic supplier and its unions against the public?
“the GPO here ran the phone system under a monopoly2
Many years ago, the early 1970s I think, I was speaking to a high-ish ranking BBC engineer (he didn’t climb telegraph poles, he did something technical at a central location – research perhaps). He told me that even stringing an intercom between two adjacent houses would contravene the GPO’s monopoly and could in theory be ripped out.
I can’t say for sure whether he was correct, but it does demonstrate how some things have changed for the better.
Well said England, you have brilliantly described the NHS. It is indeed monopoly that acts on behalf of its employees rather than its customers.This of course applies to most public sector monopolies ,our dear old BBC being the most obvious.They love New Labour because it gives them loads of our money, and only expects that they will continue to vote Labour, no requirement to improve the level of service or anything unpleasant like that..They hate Tories because some Tories are actually looking to get value for our money, I exempt Cameroons from that . The BBC actually hates Corbyn because they know that whilst his heart is in the right place ,at least in their world it is,he will never get Labour into power.So the Tory scourge of public sector accountability and value for money will remain on the agenda.In the BBC we know that the public sector has a doughty champion who will fight their corner come what may.
Very well put, EE. The NHS is a sacred cow for (most of) the public and a minefield for politicians – well, those that would like to see it reformed, anyway.
If private companies operated in this way – incapable of efficiency savings, refusing to change its operating model for the 70 years it’s been in existence, in hock to collective pay bargaining and militant unions, immune to meaningful restructuring of its pension fund (‘fund’ – that’s a laugh), blind to ways of funding which make health systems in other countries far superior etc etc – we would have a third world economy and no bloody health service worth speaking of.
Why dont we spend the overseas budget to these countries to fund the International NHS end of problem.Some countries owe millions to the NHS and never pay.If they come from abroad for treatment the cost will come off their countries aid.That way we get paid they get help and it stops their politicians from getting rich.
Interesting to note that even columnists have become cynical about the GBBO. One has written that …
“all the usual ingredients were present and correct: a carefully picked grouping of culturally diverse contestants, including the token middle-class white professional male, Lee a church minister from Bolton”…………..
” only Selasi, a City of London bank worker, kept his cool throughout and I’d put odds on him winning” …………
“The rejected contestant was Lee – but then, he’s the token white, middle-class professional male”. You could have forecast the outcome”.
I think she’s summed it up beautifully, and I shared her view – about (highly) Selasi being the winner. Ethnic (tick) Male (tick). Job done.
I assume you refer to the show about baking cakes. It takes inanity to a whole new level. Please switch it off or better still put your hammer through the screen . Then give up TV for ever. You will feel a lot better
Naga Munchetty is, laughably, described as a BBC journalist. She gets paid an estimated £250,000 for spending a couple of hours a day making childish and inane comments on breakfast TV.
She is now described by the BBC as a “celebrity” and will be appearing in the forth-coming new series of Strictly Come Dancing, entitling her to another huge bung of cash on top of her already massively inflated salary. Remuneration for those that appear is reported to be between £35,000 and £100,000 depending on how long you last.
When she appeared on Celebrity Mastermind (oh do stop laughing at the back) she told John Humphries that she loved her job because it allowed her to have every afternoon off so that she could play golf.
What an absolute disgraceful state of affairs and disgusting “use” of license payers money
Aah, but she’s a ‘brand’ now y’know, You should read her website ! She’s another one that came from obscurity (hands up those who had heard of her even 10 years ago) to fronting a prime time show.
A one trick pony she was on pointless the quiz show i think and showed her self to be dim .so many celebs go on quiz shows in the name of charity that are unintelligent they are a desperate bunch.
I watched that, and on the show she was asked who was the most impressive person she had interviewed, or words to that effect. She answered ‘Hilary Clinton.’
Naga ticks all the boxes, that’s for sure.
Is there anywhere the salaries (and expenses) of the BBC staff are published? Can we publish here too? This is definitely the angle to attack the Beeb on non-stop. There would be zero support for paying this presenter 250k per year.
Pressure has been put on them but I don’t think anything has been published yet. Naturally they want to fight it as they know how angry people will be when they find out.
But, one recent good piece of news is they have cut down the tax avoidance using personal service companies and put some people on the payroll. But I think that was just because of an HMRC investigation not public pressure.Typical BBC hypocrisy. Attacking tax avoiders then having to admit they were doing it themselves.
Despite having advances and opportunity in education, it appears that the British public (including foreigners) are becoming less intelligent (or dopey) with each generation. The news is now telling us to “beware and respect the sea” that “water is cold” and “to act responsibly on the beach”. I know when working the in the NHS I had to produce signs for above the taps saying “Beware, HOT water” and that today’s parents are rubbish at parenting, but where will it end ? The over 60’s writing notes for their middle aged kids to take to the shops and the doctor ! Words fail me.
Terrible, isn’t it? Luckily, I now live in a place where the responsible amongst are more or less left to fend for ourselves, which we do. Nobody around here tells us what to do!
Wrap up warm, now – and don’t forget to take lots of drinkies with you, should you be brave enough to venture into deepest France!
And despite the GCSEs being dumbed down more than ever, they get worse results. And this generation is going to have to compete with the chinese. God help them.
This follows on from a post someone put in regarding some stupid comments by stupid Giles Fraser.
I would say that the New Left love Islam, Gender confusion, people from other parts of the world, shrieking feminists, terrorists, hating, violence, lying, terrorism, elitism, money, the criminal Clintons, Obama, Marx, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mao, Che (and many other racist psychopaths), imprisoning dissenters, making thriving industries incompetent by nationalising them, drugs. I suspect that many of the relatively less stupid have an unadmitted admiration for the way that Hitler and Mussolini controlled their populations and implemented their versions of political correctness.
What they hate is Jews, Christians, the Working Class, people who are even richer than they are themselves, white people, truth, democracy, freedom, Muslim women really having a choice what to wear, independence, peace, happiness (for others), common sense, Conservatives, moderates, UKIP, anything that’s good for people.
That was just a quick list – no doubt I’ve missed many things.
This week’s Climate Change Weekly or Inside Science as the BBC calls it was unusually quite amusing.
Apparently there had been a consensus among scientists that perturbations in Pluto’s orbit were caused by another planet that they named Vulcan. They couldn’t see it, they just knew it must be there. Then along comes that rogue Albert Einstein who does a bit of thinking and some calculations and ‘proves’ that by using his version of gravity rather than Newton’s everything works without the need for Vulcan!
And all of this is very good and Einstein is a hero for original thinking and that is what science is all about.
Then without a hint of irony we are literally plunged into the horrors of lakes of melt water in Antarctica, caused, as we all know by ‘Global Warming’, (the staple of this programme). Adam Rutherford tells his tame scientist how ‘worrying’ this must be. She, however, hasn’t got ‘the message’, these are after all little lakes, so it is only a little bit ‘worrying’!
How I wish that the BBC would get rid of this dire programme and give us something like the old Material World, but then Quentin Cooper engaged in ‘humour’ that didn’t involve Brexit or UKIP, (but it did relax the guests and draw out real stuff from ‘inside science’).
Simple remedy – don’t watch, or listen to the BBC, or any of the other tamed and dumbed-down media. Get your news and information from elsewhere, before it gets erased, watered down or conveniently altered, to make it more palatable for the broadcasters, and, they hope, the gullible public.
Lots of new posters here it seems – welcome folks! I know I’m a bit of a virgin myself (not in the strap a backpack with explosives and shout Allahu Akbar) however please do get stuck in… It will enlighten your life! I tend to come here for meaningful news and sensible views. Peterthegreat is exceptionally funny I find
I noticed an increase in the lead-up to the referendum and the momentum has continued. Good news. And it must annoy the Beeboids to realise they have been rumbled. And what greater pleasure could there be than annoying a Beeboid ?
I tend to wait to judge them until their tone gives a better indication of their real views. One or two of the newcomers have clearly initially adopted views similar to many here, but have been unable to keep it up and have reverted to type pdq.
I’m sure Al Beeb appreciates and condones this fifth column activity.
Cheers Grant. Spot on! Absolutely I can’t beleive I was hoodwinked for so long. The thing that did it for me was the migrant crisis: Al Beeb’s version all 3 year old picturesque children, reality: 18-25 year old sub saharan africans. Noticed it from that first boat that went out to greece with no children on it whatsoever. Also reinforced by the fact as a londoner (contrary to my parents enjoying the family home going up x £100,000 PA) I rarely hear a word of english spoken yet am told by the government immigration is 300,000 PA… What into my borough do you mean?
Do want to say a quick thank you to the gracious posters here for being so welcoming and also so witty. An absolute joy to be welcomed into such a wonderful community. Thank you clever ones who spotted the bias well before I did.
I think the BBC gave up any pretence of impartiality with the migrant crisis then compounded it with their blatant Remain propaganda. As for spotting the bias, I remember when I was a boy in the 60s, my late father going on about it even then. I thought he was nuts. Think I owe him an apology but too late now.
I first posted here about 10 years ago when I suddenly realised I was not alone.
By the way, does anyone remember Martin who used to post here. The one who was quite outrageous and always referring to Beeboids and their rent boys ? I hope David Vance didn’t ban him.
Grant – same with my Dad I think lots of people from that generation who fought and lost friends actually realised the true value of freedom. These days for some youngsters freedom is just something to be bartered away for the price of a better phone signal or a bigger telly.
Back in the 80 s I was overflowing with left wing zeal – Then I grew up and realised nothing is “given” . If we dont value democracy we will lose it to those who either through ignorance, pig headiness, naivity or cynical manipulation wish to change society for the worse.
For our tomorrows many of them gave their todays – Lets just hope it was not in vain.
Oak ash,
I think it more likely that the younger generation in common with many liberal lefties just don’t appreciate what they have got.If we allow Islamification to continue they will realise how lucky they were and how foolish they have been.But it will be too late for them then.
Dthinker – we just gotta keep on telling them how it is until the scales fall from their eyes or they grow up.
It is interesting that all this over emoting over all these middle eastern victims and dam the practical consequences seems to coincide with age of the “onsie” – Until of course you are forced to grow up quick.
As Kayla Muella unfortunately found out to her cost.
We should be putting our own house in order and attending to our own fences before we start to interfere with the arrangement of the furniture in our neighbours house.
Unfortunately these days good intensions and virtue signalling count for very little outside “BBC La La Land”. When you are dealing with people who do not see the world through the prism of western values.
I had a huge row with Martin years ago that made me realise I would rather observe than participate. He would get more and more irritating as the evening wore on against how much alcohol he had quaffed.
It’s good to see fresh blood amoung old folks such as yourself Roland. I still read & enjoy the site every day.
I remember ‘Atlas Shrugged’ who ranted on about Common Purpose. On first reading he appeared absolutely bonkos, but he wasn’t. His truth was terrifying but isn’t so far from what is happening.
I remember Martin fondly, his posts had a sledgehammer like quality to them.
The likes of Gloria et al would suffer a fit of the vapours if he was still around.
Come back Martin.
David Preisser used to be a good contributor with an American take on things. It is nice to see so many new contributors on the site in recent months. Maybe the shameful misreporting of Islamic terror has galvanised a lot of new people who are waking up to the true nature of the BBC quislings.
In times when it can become depressing to see the world apparently sink into an Age of Stupid, it is encouraging to see all the new names on here who are evidently seeing through it.
It was Merkel’s madness and the migrant crisis of last year that brought me to this site. More specifically, the straw that broke this camel’s back came in the form of BBC Berlin correspondent Jenny Hill. Who can forget her performance at Munich railway station on September 5th? I certainly can’t as it is seared into my memory.
“Hello. Welcome to Germany. How do you feel? Excuse me, welcome to Germany. How are you feeling?”
“Hundreds of migrants, mostly from Syria, have arrived at Munich train station to applause after boarding trains in Austria.
They are the first of thousands, who were stranded in Hungary before being allowed to leave on buses for Austria.
There were cheers from a large group of Germans who had gathered to welcome them, with many handing out sweets and water.
The BBC’s Jenny Hill watched as they arrived in Munich.”
Note in the video how the camera makes a panicky and rapid zoom to the one woman and child amongst the stream of military age men.
I don’t know what the boiling point of blood is, but on that day Jenny Hill led me to evaporate almost my entire circulation.
They really want top grades to be given to anyone able to write their name or if not make a decent X .Then the blob will consider it’s task complete. A near 100% illiterate population.
The BBC will then praise a job well done.
But strangely enough-not the usual caterwauling from the Left or the BBC about this that I`d have expected about this “drop in results”.
Because they mean nothing, measure nothing and are so dumbed down and irrelevant re “ability” as it is possible to be.
Good kids?…basically your mums educational attitude/attainment ,family respect for learning or other-and your class and access to a teacher who gives a stuff and knows things(school actually is only 10%-15 tops-in terms of how well you do).
If mum loved you and read books to you and cared-and dad got involved if the school were crap-then you`ll be OK…a good teacher will top it with your subject specialisms/options and get you through peer puberty etc…but exams by competing Co-Op lefty marketing morons for the NUT or Crapita test nothing.
Eccles 1.15.
Well done Mr Gove-and thank you!Put a fine brick on the line and derailed them all!
Almost forgot this one. Another example of the BBC inserting its agenda at any opportunity or, more often than not, creating an opportunity or, quite often, ‘insert and be damned whether there’s an opportunity or not, who can stop us’.
A report on Wednesday’s World at One about May’s putative plans to re-introduce more grammar schools.
‘Brexit’ got a mention three times, each time for no good reason other than the reporter making up her own spurious connections.
It’s a form of Tourette’s, you know. A treatable one.
Grammar schools will never happen. Brexit likewise. May and the BBC/liberal elite will see to that. The former because the rich bastards love their public school privileges and the latter because we English mostly white trash want it and that is just not the way things are supposed to be.
Lefties claim Grammar Schools benefit the ‘well off’. I suggest to the contrary they provided opportunity to all classes. There was a 9+ exam where the very clever were able to go to Grammar School a year early. Then the 11+ where the best (not richest) pupils qualified. Those who did not pass their 11+ had a further chance to take an entrance exam at 13. Then at 16 those who did well at ‘0’ Levels were able to go to Grammar School 6th Form. So there was plenty of chances for those who were late developers to benefit from a Grammar School education.
As I remember, the 11+ used to be an intelligence test based exam so private coaching was not a significant factor and Grammar Schools had a very diverse representation of ‘classes’.
In response to the announcement that Poles are now the largest foreign group in the UK (after only 12 years of Blair’s early acceptance of them, ffs!), the Polish charge d’affaires says this –
” Poles pride themselves in having the highest rate of individuals in employment or further education among all ethnic groups in Britain, at 92 per cent.”
Given that most jobs taken by a Pole could just as well be done by a Brit, and that we pay them lots of benefits as well as the cost of their further education, it is no wonder that so much of the U.K. which has barely been touched by immigration voted for Brexit.
“As I’ve often argued here, the great surprise about mass immigration to Britain is how well it works; how well we cope and adapt. The xenophobic backlash consuming politics on so much of the Continent has almost no equivalent here – and this isn’t because (as we hear occasionally) we’re somehow an island of immigrants. The remarkable truth is that about two-thirds of Brits are descended from the Stone Age grunts who occupied these islands 6,000 years ago. At no point in our history have we ever had immigration on this scale. What we’re dealing with is unprecedented, under-examined and still misunderstood.”
Peter – my grandfather lives in Cornwall and he is concerned with polish immigration.
I on the other hand welcome this news. As a londoner the ones we need to worry about are the muslims. The poles are hard working and drink beer. There is 0% chance of them strapping a backpack on and looking for Alan’s Snackbar. Perhaps they may take working tax credits but that is the worse it can get. Our middle eastern friends on the other hand…
But even their graduates here are taking the minimum wage jobs which our own school (and nowadays uni) leavers should be taking up, if we didn’t have a welfare system which allows them to exist at taxpayers’ expense.
And as Migrationwatch have shown using Labour Market statistics, most are in minimum wage jobs which not only pay little tax but also consume benefits, and that is without the pressure on services. Dustmann & Frattini, the mis-quoted pair of EU-funded academics who Leftoids rely upon for their lying mantra that immigrants ‘contribute’ model THEIR assumption about benefit take-up in the UK on the academic level of immigrants on entry to the UK, the assumption being they will earn a lot more than MW. What use is a Czech PhD or nuclear physicist pulling coffees in Costa on minimum wage plus tax credits, especially if he/she has a family? No one earning less than £35k pa actually ‘contributes’ anything to the UK coffers when the cost per capita of £1.5k pa just of the NHS is factored in.
Don’t forget we entered WWII because of our treaty with the Poles and despite the utterances of one of their MEP’s at Brexit, their pilots, brave as the c150 were, did not alone save London from the Luftwaffe but did great work. We went to war to liberate them from the Hun, not vice versa, and look where it has gotten us, including little thanks from many Poles.
I think the hostility of many Europeans, including the British Left and the BBC, to Great Britain is based on sour grapes and jealousy. We defeated most of them militarily over the years, had a greater Empire which was better and more fairly administered than any of theirs and , today, are more economically successful than most of them.
Add to that, the fact that we had democracy before them. Then, the last straw is that we voted Brexit. Hell hath no fury like Europeans scorned !
And we twice assisted the French to fight off their Hunnish invaders. In 150 years the Hun have done it thrice and on the first occasion France surrendered but we were not involved. You will know more about the other 2.
And our EU ‘friends’ tell us that the EU has prevented war in Europe since 1945!
The French invaded German States fifteen times between 800AD and the battle of Jena in 1806AD.
Poland was given to the USSR after WW2, that USSR which the UK did not declare war on in 1939, despite the Polish Guarantee and despite the fact that the USSR invaded Poland.
You must have noticed that East European names figure prominently in reports of criminal activity in the UK. Export them all.
The same Poland who invaded the Ukraine shortly after gaining independence after WW1. The same Poland that helped itself to part of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
Indeed, muslim immigration is rightly given the focus, but I fail to see how any unnecessary immigration is ‘preferable’ when it divides previously unchanged communities by language alone, not to mention the drain on public resource…
Longer term I don’t view Poles as a problem. They’ll merge into the general population. Shorter term, any large group of incomers is going to cause resentment. It’s human nature and no amount of pious platitudes from the BBC will alter that.
Of course, the reason Poles are talked about the most is because it’s just about permissible to do so. They therefore become a euphemism for the group we really mean but might lose our jobs for mentioning: the group that sets up snackbars around the world and outbreeds the locals whilst demanding the locals change to suit the incomers. When it isn’t sexually assaulting them.
Absolutely Roland couldn’t agree more – I did a post a few weeks back saying that the vote for brexit IMO was in fact a stealth vote against islamisation… However what is disgusting is that the liberal PC media feel it is OK to bash the poles simply as they are white… The irony being that they generally do add to the economy/society in which we live. My father’s business employs many poles who are hard working and generally help his business.. Haven’t seen many RoP followers asking for jobs recently as the fact is they don’t work.. However for some reason they are protected in the MSM. It beggars beleif
I welcome all NEW Europeans…as long as they are documented, legal and without any criminal past that endangers or puts at risk our kids or parents.
And the numbers of jihadists and Remainiacs we`ll deport is balanced by the numbers of incomers
Have been round chunks of it-they despise Nazis and Communists in equal measure-name their landmarks after Ronnie, Maggie and Karol W-and they are sounds on lefties and Islam…AND any decent church would create the bulwarks with us a la Polish pilots in WW2.
Multi-coloured swap shop now we`re leaving the EU…New Europe has the answers , the youth and talent -and enough to create the New Israel for the coming Reunited Kingdom.
Send the Brownshirts of Socialislam back to either Raqqa or Frankfurt via Brussels…and lets have all those “lovely girls” of Wroclaw (Father Ted Rules!)…those gorgeous guys of Katowice( see-I DO think of the ladies here too!).
But my point is serious-Rumsfeld was a prophet, albeit an eejit as well…
Julian Clary is married with three kids in Wolverhampton apparently!
What a smokescreen indeed Peter!
Yes-gender fluid, running like watercolour throughout all colours of the pastel pallette…full spectral sexual shenaningans!
Blast…forgive and forget grant-at least back then there were some lassies to steal…I look in the Scottish Doyle and pine for a Moira Anderson or an Isla St Clair…and I rejected them two when they first rolled round on the Generation Game…one baggage carousel too far!
Was Isla the last of the breed I wonder?…heck even Dr Findlay Janet would be a better bet than bloody Nicola Scourge`em.
MY wife likes little Pict Neil Oliver…forgive my bitterness here!
The Poles I have met in my admittedly small shire town will integrate very quickly and if they have small children one generation should do it. We all know this. Just another reality our BBC/elites prefer to ignore .
Third world incomers? Now that is another matter and cannot be discussed by nice people like the liberal elites
All lies of course.Byfar and away the biggest foreign group in theUK and the most troublesome and dangerous are the Muslims.The Poles are most welcome compared to them.
I don’t have a problem with the Poles per se, more the fact they have come over here in numbers that are unsustainable for our infrastructure (they are net beneficiaries, not net contributors despite that report the BBC keeps quoting).
But I really deplore the EU’s role in all this. The spin we were given about the accession of the Eastern bloc countries was that they would get increasingly more prosperous with access to the single market (not to mention a teensy bit of financial ‘encouragement’ from the Brussels bureaucrats). Instead what has happened is that, because of the freedom of movement principle, life suddenly looks more attractive elsewhere for their young workers – especially good ole’ GB with its education, health service and welfare benefits. Result? The likes of poor old Poland are left with a deficit of the very people they need to help improve their prosperity and gullible ole’ GB is left with an infrastructure that’s groaning at the seams. Any prospect that they might return to their own countries having enriched themselves at our expense fades with every new set of population/birth statistics. And who can blame them.
If the Brussels hierarchy didn’t work this out when the model was first being mooted then their collective IQ can be no greater than a gnat’s left testicle.
On the other hand, maybe they just didn’t give a FF.
Either way, it’s just another reason most of us voted for Brexit.
Much (of OUR) money is being spent by the EU on infrastructure projects and aid for building industrial competition in EE countries that, as we have seen, our companies are keen to re-locate to because local labour is so much cheaper than here.
So over here jobs are taken by immigrants, we have to pay 2 lots of support, to our own unemployed and to the low-paid immigrants; the immigrants stretch our services, requiring us to invest more; immigrants remit home; the EU uses over £10 billion a year of our money to, inter alia, create jobs over there; our companies move there and we lose employment and tax revenues. It is a vicious circle and WE pay in so many ways.
Its all very well absorbing the amount of migrants that stroll in here (which is as easy as catching a bus in Budapest or floating across the Channel), regardless of what colour they are, but its the potential breeding that concerns me. 10 migrants today could spawn children like the doubling up of numbers on a draughts board – incalculable. And if I hear one more ‘commentator’ on the box say that the NHS couldn’t survive without migrant doctors, well it bloody well managed without them BEFORE migrants were let in wholesale ! God Almighty, listening to the media talk, you wouldn’t believe the UK existed before the last 25 years without migrant help. But then, 25 years ago those in the media were still at school, and now in young middle age they have no idea what this country was like before 1985. More migrants,= more health service required, = more migrants working in the NHS = more money being sent out of the country = migrants not exactly helping our economy.
Al Beeb pro Burkini update.
Exhibit A. Disgraceful bias yesterday where the so-called journalist described the ban as ‘absurd’.
Exhibit B. Thought for the Day on Toady this morning at 0750, full on rant in favour of ‘choosing’ to wear a Burkini – by a Roman Catholic FFS.
Just remind me what choices are available to Muslim women regarding what they choose to wear, and the penalties for making the wrong choices. Is it rape, stoning, servitude, murder, or some combination? Can’t quite remeber
I personally feel the ban is silly on many grounds, not least how it was handled, initially enforced and served up as a PR wet dream.
However, this is the current Facebook headline to a BBC news post, With a picture of a mum and her little angel frolicking in the surf:
“The burkini ban will ‘increase segregation’ in France and fuel terrorism”
I’m sorry, but the British speaking for the nation Corporation plonking an activist statement in quotes as a ‘views not ours, Guv’ headline is beyond the pale. It is pure unaccountable stirring, and they know it.
It`s a mere Alice down the worm hole story this one.
Don`t bite-Douglas Murray covers the liberal summer souffle of this non-issue very well.
It is up to France…after Nice they do as they like.
None of our business-we`ve left the EU now(well done IDS today).
Saw David Brent get himself tattoo`d as a “Berk” in his latest film-
These are the Twerking Jerking Berks of la la laiborluvvie libby land.
Step away from their cuckie jar….and seek out Douglas, Melanie and all our friends online.
They like the berkeeny story because they have taken a vow of silence themselves when it comes to Mizzlamb…wimps in whimples.
“He who fucks nuns will later join the church”
Don`t take the veil with these self-serving missals…the REAL Church is out here…the faith is Hislam, the message changes daily…
“How do you solve a problem like Shari`a?”-seemplez!
Rev 1910.
Hello grant-and welcome!
Guest – I share many of your reservations regarding this ban. It is certainly a “distraction” from the main issues which are currently swirling around us regarding the enrichers.
I agree it also plays into the hands of the hand wringing pc brigade who will be only too happy to make the waycist allegation on the back of this. But then they would say that anyway!
Having said that, there are serious questions regarding the “burkini” issue and in some ways maybe its similar to the Saint JO “hate” debacle in the referendum where the left tried to shame the population at large for voting for remain. But fortunately people had the sense to realise that they were being manipulated
The fact that that mainstream politicians are willing to start dealing with issues as contentious as this could well show that the penny is starting to drop with many of the mainstream political class in France.
Whether they will have the balls not to back down – remains to be seen.
It is all pretty academic anyway as it is definitely too little, too late.
I wouldn’t say is a “distraction”, every step towards the normalisation of the “Muslim way of life” is a small victory for Islam. Douglas Murray was unusually misguided when he appeared on Newsshite and seemed to be supporting the “we can’t do anything against the Muslim Menace as we would be undermining our democratic values” shtick. Exoletus Evans smiles as Murray confirmed the BBC line. Murray seemed happy to misrepresent his own views. The BBC, however, quickly forgot its “defender of freedom” posturing when the Mohammed cartoons were involved. Either the BBC were cowed by Muslim threats or believe that Muslim sensibilities are more important than telling the truth about a newsstory. Radio4’s Today team also seemed to be hyperventilating about the burkini ban. Two muslimas whine about members of the public looking at them askance while they skulk about in their ISIS uniforms. They then have the cheek to complain about the illiberality of western society. This from those who recommend death for apostacy, death for blasphemy and think Mohammed is a paragon of virtue to be emulated. If they truly believed in western liberal values, they would turn their backs on Islam. Frankly, I don’t care about accusations of “western hypocrocy” from muslims. I would rather be a live hypocrite than dead and unsinning in the eyes of the BBC.
Good stuff ID.
Murray is not one of the Weekend People…so won`t know exactly what Islam is up to.
You are correct re the ratcheting up of the normality in seeing Jihadi Johns lying on the beach-and this we cannot stand!
MY answer-cut the salami slices and tactics…make ANY Islam suckup tell me why Jo Brand can`t wear her bikini on a given sandpit in central Medina on a Friday afternoon…not all their sand is used to mop up the blood of the beheadings and amputations after all is it?
No answer?…then fuck off!
Chris whilst I agree that both you and ID may have some good points – there are some things which should never even be discussed on the grounds of taste. And I am sorry to inform you that the thought of Jo Brand in any sort of swimwear less than a teepee should definately be haram!
Sorry oaknash.
Heart of oak, delicate stomach.
Dianne Abbott getting a Brazilian?…or a rare clip of colonic irrigation from Idi Amin?
No oaknash, don`t mention it…welcome to the pleasuredome!
LOL ! Thank God I do not know how to operate a chainsaw. We shall just have to ask Jeremy Corbyn. I wonder if he and gorgeous Diane are still…. . No, it doesn’t bear thinking about.
Grant, want to learn how to use a chain saw? Sign up for a degree in Sociology at the LSE – Dr MacKenzie, lecturer, LSE, with the chain sawing fellow member of Class War.
These people are rarely arrested and if so are promptly released.
J: Hello Diana, Thanks for popping round I want a favour.
D: Ok Jeremy what is it?
J: could you take your clothes off for me Darling.
D: Ooh I thought you’d never ask.
J: Great, Lie down over there and open Your legs for me.
D: Wow You don’t hang around. Err what are you doing?
J: taking a photo.
D: Why what for?
J: I’ve bought a brown leather sofa and I wondered if it would look ok with pink cushions.
The ultimate career politician who performs with portillo who should be her greatest foe but then again her kids go to private school while her constituents blindly follow her.Silly billies.
Your comments re Douglas Murray’s spouting of the BBC Islamophilic line alarmed me because I had Douglas down as someone who is unafraid to tell the truth about Islam. So I watched Newsnight, something my doctor advises in small amounts only, on I Player. I didn’t find that Douglas’s contribution was anything less than his usual strong warning about Islam and excoriation of the west’s politicians who are afraid to even name Islam as a problem , let alone confront the threat it poses to the west. As usual the BBC gave the woman dressed in flowing robes and a headscarf the final say, she had earlier tried to equate the French government’s Burkini ban with some of the ISIL executions, such is the moral equivalence that the BBC allows on its programmes.But I thought Douglas Murray did his usual fine job in confronting Islamification.
I am an admirer of Murray, but on Newsshite his wider points were ignored by Exoletus Evans. He, therefore, ultimately, ended up endorsing the “party line”. The usual “recruiting sergeant” bollocks.
As you say, Murray pointed out that “to Burka or not to Burka” was a side show in comparison to mass slaughter, but if you do not have the resolve to check minor manifestations of islamification, you won’t curb mass murder by muslims either. At least the Swiss have realised the significance of minaret building and oppose it. As I say all these little pro Muslim changes normalize the “Muslim way of life” in the west. You could spend from now to eternity foiling muslim plots and traipsing after Jihadists to prevent them butchering someone. The problem is too many muslims and many gradual and gentle measures will have to be taken to make the west less conducive to Muslims.
I would like to speak up for Douglas Murray for whom I have boundless admiration.
Intelligent, well informed, articulate, he also manages to come across as reasonable and credible, and though he clearly feels strongly about these issues, he manages to keep his cool, often in the face of severe, sometimes hysterical provocation and of course death threats. He is also a realist and shrewd operator, and has come to learn which battles are winnable and worth fighting. By conceding the relatively minor point of burkini bans on Newsnight, he was able to refocus the debate on the much greater question of islamic terrorism and mass islamic immigration instead. Had he locked horns with the muslima he would have got bogged down in a stalemate at best and given ammuntion to his opponents that he was islamophobic, misogynistic, illiberal etc.
(I have seen him on countless panels being goaded by beeboids and libtards of assorted hues, but by remaining calm and clear, he maintains credibility. Armies of Muslims, libtards and beeboids would dearly love to rile him and portray him as a rabid racist and thereby discredit him. He constantly walks a fine line, and if he were to rise to the provocation he would be dropped from ‘serious’ progs like Newsnight, or allowed to appear as the token Far Right nutjob. One example of his fine debating skills below, along with the heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Ps. By ‘serious’ I mean of course who take themselves seriously.
Ps. I happen to think the repulsive burkinis are important SYMBOLICALLY, but I suspect Murray had bigger fish to fry.
Ran out of time on previous post. Meant to say ‘one example of Murray’s fine debating skills, along with the admirable, heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is also constantly subject to death threats, and of course has a Fatwa on her. Compare THAT courage to the sniggering, snivelling cowardly beeboids in their safe little studios getting all vexed about beachwear, completely missing the existential threat to the West through moral cowardice and sheer stupidity!! God how I loathe them.
The whole thing reminds me of a Perfect Storm of venality and idiocy as in ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’..
Trouble is the ROP activists are much more media savvy, perhaps through marriage, with what pushes MSM and especially BBC buttons, with the French Fuzz delivering all that could be hoped for in spades.
In the run down to pulling the iPlayer tab off the catch up (no loss as zero of interest for weeks), we have been watching a couple of cop shows elsewhere. One is called 19-2, and presents a very bleak Canada. However its portrayal of dilemmas and how the system is in thrall of the media and perps at expense of the officers is compelling, if depressing.
WTF business of ours, let alone Al Beeb’s, is the decision of some FRENCH cities to ban the burkini? Al Beeb is setting up another strawman like their ‘right-wing backlash’. No one in the UK is calling for a burkini ban.
Peter -The trouble is – is that this whole storm in a teacup has been elevated well beyond any significance as to whether a muslim woman does or does not wear a glorified bin bag on the beach or not.
Personally I could not give a flying F###!
However this has now gained a significance over and above any fashion concerns about black refuse bag beachwear – it is now turning into a Islamic/sharia foot in the door.
Next step will be UK sharia rules only beaches. They know it and we know it – only the BBC does not know it.
In the real world none of this would be tolerated (can you see Putin putting up with this)
Whilst I agree that we should put a stop to this.I do not think our politicians at this point would have the political courage to follow through with any ban of this type.
Unfortunately that will have to wait for a mass terrorist outrage to be committed in this country by the mentally ill – Only then will our politicians act.
It is easy for the BBC and politicians to smugly look across the channel and think “that would never happen in the UK”
Unfortunately one day the bell will toll for us too and that day is getting closer.
I would support your call and go further suggesting that we ban Halal meat etc as not complying with animal welfare, that we exercise our right to draw whatever we like, wherever we like, that we support ladies walking around in their summer attire anywhere they wish to in our country, that we do not have segregated bathing in our country. I could go on. Why should we have to change to accommodate people who we don’t want here and who despise us. The world is going mad. I’m sure that the authorities and the BBC know exactly how many of us feel but they seem determined never to let us express our views.
The professionally staged Burkini photo is emerging as an Islamist scam. It appears the woman went there to be deliberately photographed. She was not wearing a burkini but a ski suit. She sat there and awaited the cops, with photographers apparently on hand.
Meanwhile in London Black Lives Matter and others were interviewed by the BBC protesting against Islamophobia. These women protesters are fully aware of Islam and the status of women within it.
I do not regard these hideous clothes as symbols of oppression. Certainly not within Europen and the US Given the line up of politicians, cops, the law and academics in favour of Islam, it is becoming clear that these clothes are the uniform of our future leaders, a symbol of their political supremacy.
Wimmin in London demonstrate against the horrors of the burkini ban. No attempt to offer the view of French people. And no correction of the lie that the woman was forced to strip. She was not. She was free to obey the law and leave the beach
Meant to post this yesterday, Radio 2 4pm News reporting on the drop in net migration, the go to ‘expert’ on the subject was Sunder Katwala (spot the irony) from think tank British Future.
A little research on Katwala reveals [quote] “Sunder Katwala, a prominent left-wing activist and former director of the Fabian Society, a think tank that wishes to implement socialist government of Britain via non-revolutionary means. He is regularly cited as an influential political thinker. British Future works closely with other think tanks including Demos”
Katwala is typical of so called ‘impartial’ ‘experts’ that BBC news give airtime to further its agenda whilst giving the casual listener/viewer the impression that their news is fair and balanced..
Suppose Sir Andrew Green has bested them all too often and too long now.
His Migration Watch will prove to have been a massive factor in allowing us to leave the EU.
Heroes of the Brexit Campaign post Delors 88
1. Margaret Thatcher
2. George Gardiner
3. Christopher Booker
4. Sir Bill Cash
5. Sir James Goldsmith
6. Tony Benn/Peter Shore
7.Enoch Powell/Alan Sked
8. Sir Andrew Green
9. Lords Lawson and Tebbit
!0-NIGEL FARAGE…where`s his statue you BBC creeperss?
Rhodes must rise…Nigel must fly!
But have you ever been to you?
The Charlene Question that ALL would be Feminazis and Mizzlamists ought to be asked.
Take me home Country Rhodes…now that was a nice song too!
More drugs matron…with a Blackthorn top!
There`ll be a case for Sir Rhodes!
Robert Kilroy Silk maybe too?
If Rhodes isn`t a Freud or a Driberger…maybe we could get those mutton chop whiskers, a tipped cane and a tribute act up against Corbyns Lardies up in Islington Green-where Rhodes did his sterling work to save schools from ILEA!
My accent is Manc-so I could do a good Rhodes if I channel Peter Kaye after a day in Burnley.
His cockney accent was crap (PK, not Sir Rhodes!)…so how come it wasn`t mocked…thought Danny Baker used to be honest once!
This is precisely the sort of thing that goes on all day at the BBC. They know damn well that someone listening while doing the washing up isn’t going to even stop to wonder who the latest ‘expert’ really is.
I started the week asking about the BBC Radio 4 ‘Season of Pismronunciation’.
Is it deliberate? I can well think it might be and at times – to spice up their working week a little – the Beeboids might just deliberately say something wrong on air and then run an office sweepstake to see who wins the pot for having the word or news segment that generates the most letters & calls from listeners.
While that may be a possibility, there is an obvious modern suspect for these crimes. Spellcheck. As scripts are prepared for example, the spellchecker offers up ‘cased’ which is then repeated in every news broadcast – as it was one day this week – by an unthinking newsreader as ‘worst cased scenario’. (Think that may have been Wednesday on R4.)
We’ve also had Liz Trussed (Liz Truss) or the Liz Trust at various times this week as well as Sir Gay Lavrov (Sergey Lavrov) this morning.
Last week there was a hilarious moment when the spell-check remained firmly stuck in Woman’s Hour while a Newsreader dealt with an item about one of the US Presidential Candidates campaigning in the State of Virginia!
Did you hear Donald Trump mention Hillarys “Pre-medication” as opposed to her “premeditation” the other day?-very witty, and deserves greater prominence.
Needs saying, under the radar-and like Nigel-we know the code!
Lefties have no humour, no sense of fun or words whatsoever…let`s shaft them with it…by the time they get it, we`ve gone!
Season of Pissprenuptiation….my starter for where we are.
PS-just read the rest of your post sir…excellent warplay!
The Vaginian-wasn`t that a cowboy thing on telly?….like the links here!
AS IDS fended off the snappy handbag shitzu who`s long been on Mishals velvet ropelet that acts as a lead…I only wish I knew my dogs as well as my cat(who gives me no other choice but to know him!)
Now then-as Humph tried to dry hump IDSs hush puppies…was he making efforts to piss or to wank on the shoe, the ankle itself?
Part of me thought he wanted titbits to bring back to Disdain Husain…you know, does Boris REALLY like the dishwashing tablets st Chevening at the moment, because Liam seems not to?…
Another part was that he ran after every dog biscuit like the blind half cooked old labidoddly that he`s now reduced to…whatever IDS was fishing from his posing paunch…Humph simply would NOT shut up-yalling, harrying as if he were a hunting puppy a la Aberfan…not the rheumy cataracty old flatulent shitzzu in Mishals Berker Bag.
Absolutely pathetic-surely he needs a drag one last time along the Curry Mile or Brick Lane with Mishal feeding him the last bits of multiculti solace from the bottom of her desert bootees.
Yesterdays eagle-tomorrows early bird special.
To be fair, maybe Humphrys was so desperate to be informed and to be enthusiastic in seeking power from truth for the old dead batteries…but , were he in class for Best in Show-he`d at least put a paw up and stop yapping as the peoples voice gets SOME airing on the deadzone that is the BBC.
Would an old fat shitzu actually FIT into a Berker Bag?…anyway, all this will teach me NOT to go to the Isle of Dogs won`t it now?
Humphrys for Doggy Dignitas!
Ram Jam Choudhury-Jeremy Corbyn Laden-and rammed on a Virgin train, rather like mule muffing -done the halal way of course.
The end of Savilisation as we know it….boy, it must be vital to get your spellings and pronunciation here in leftislam lands.
Restricted code-just a few words of MR bean dialogue as far as the Left and its ciphers and suckups for islam and Izal are concerned.
People like up2snuff,grant and me-and Richard Littlejohn today-seem to know the news lingos for tomorrow-for sure as hell the BBC have taken the veil and the Saviloy pork sword of ali up the mush.
Bernstein didn`t just write shows….his “restriced code” of the privileged and the fakirs hit its mark for me way back.
As did Stanley Unwin and Ronnie Barker of course.
I missed that HYS yesterday. What a shame, but others appear to have covered admirably. Open between 9:30 and 4:30, but still get their backsides on a platter. Can’t be long until they give up on allowing comments completely. Unless it’s about the Olympics.
I see Albeeb also show in their twitter photograph a black finger.
They should put that photo with the 20,000 photos they already have of keyboards being operated by black hands.
British teenage girl suffers broken nose and her friend taken to hospital after being attacked by ‘gang of French Muslims who tried to grope her’ in Spanish resort
“French” Algerian Muslims are becoming a pest. In France, they are responsible for most of the rapes, arson, and assaults. Now they have extended their reign of terror to Spain, Switzerland, and even Australia. That nice Chinese girl was stabbed just because she did not like a Muslim pawing her.
When one thinks about it, Muslims were safely locked up in their countries. Britain accepted a huge number of Pakistanis. Once they were given citizenship, it allowed Pakistanis to roam the world, and spread mayhem. The French did the same for Algerians, and the Dutch did the Moroccans the same favour. Now we have allowed Somalis out of their cage by giving them citizenship.
Essentially, Europe, has let these ferals out of their cages. We are now reaping the bitter harvest.
Yep, the French Algerians are Frances problem-and now thanks to Sarkozy and D`Estaing with their Schengen crap-it becomes the rest of the EUs.
The French made them citizens, no matter what once they left the Maghreb in the lost colonial wars of the early 60s.
You`re French first-by dint of being born in French colonies, setting foot on French soil.
How did THAT turn out then?
Well-no better than the Germans who took their Turks and Balkan immigrants, denied them citizenship but only made them gastarbeiters. Well they had kids on German soil and became German citizens.
Not by dint of being born on German soil-but because they were German by bloodline, with the new incorporated New citizens under Schroder(and Kohl was happy to assimilate them as if they were East Germans too).
So BOTH models-by soil or bloodline; French or German-were tried out.
But both led to here today, and now we know the common issue is Muslims who are Islamists first-and nique France, fuck Germany.
Didn`t see this anywhere on the EU idiot boards of “How Europe has evolved”-but Sura 47:10-11 were Bin Ladens awed response to the twin Towers…and his helpers still study those couple of lines.
Maybe we should too.
I forgot Merkel’s contribution. She has let in millions of these feral Muslims from everywhere in the Muslim world. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Eritrea, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Gabon, Gambia, etc. Uneducated, unwashed, and illiterate in their own language. She says Germany “can do it”. Do what?
This is a mass invasion, the likes which we have never witnessed. It has been done not by force of arms of the invaders, but by stunning stupidity of European leaders. I fear that Europe as an entity is in its last phase. Pity.
I just wonder if Obama had anything to do with it.
British teenage girl suffers broken nose and her friend taken to hospital after being attacked by ‘gang of French Muslims who tried to grope her’ – surprisingly not reported on Albeeb.
Do you ever wonder what else isn’t being reported? Wonder no more, see below. The scale is staggering. Whenever I hear of so-called Islamophobia, I’m astounded by how little there is of it. Frankly I would have expected lynch mobs by now.
Quite so. Its truly a symptom of a sick society; one that is happy to see its women folk and young girls raped by passing thugs.
Can you imagine such goings on just 50 years ago. These ferals would be torn apart by the descendants of Charles Martell.
Europe is being made to kill itself by the EU. Its the likes of Junkers & Merkel in Europe, and Obama & Clintons in America, who are intent on destroying the fabric of Western civilisation.
The main propaganda channels are BBC, NBC, CNN, CBS, in the English speaking world. Then we have Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter on the web.
Such are the forces that are against decency, that we have no hope unless we pray.
Paul to Ephesians 6:12New International Version (NIV)
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
And just when we though that Nigel could not get any greater?
Look at how he causes the mute to speak Stateside?
How he gets the mentally-challenged up out of their beds and back behind the podium?
How he stirs the medication time under Nurse Ratchet over there and causes her to get out, loll a head and denounce the Worlds Greatest Living Englishman( now caterpillar free after that Flash Harry tash the other week)!
Really hope the BBC get onto this and pick the lice out of their knickers and rage at this..for then we know that Nigels Spirit Level is callibrated to “fuck them over!”.
Still though-if they`ve got him under their skin-only shows that Brexit now memes that we speak to the WORLD these days thanks to the Great Sir Nigel of the Wield! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3758917/Hillary-Clinton-attacks-Brexit-leader-Nigel-Farage-campaigning-Trump.html
Ground all media junkets to the USA-give all the airmiles and minibar concessions to Nigel and his mates…not to wankymaggots like Jon Snow and Huw Edwards…who learn nothing when they`re there-and don`t “Stop the Traffic” as our Little Prince does!
Bill was due to speak-but for some reason he had his mouth full…
Jeremy “I get paid nearly £1 million a year” Vine started his lunchtime R2 show today with the shocking headline that a woman had been forced to remove her burkini by a French policeman who was “carrying a gun”.
Yes Jeremy, that’s because he was a policeman in France and they carry guns.
This Muslim woman living in France, knew precisely what she was doing.
France is in a state of war. The entire armed forces of the republic are deployed on full alert, as if the Nazis were coming over. This is because Muslims living in France, have been attacking France for the last ten years, on a regular basis. Major events in the life of the nation have been cancelled.
The French have had enough. Then to provoke the French even more, this Muslim woman was made to get up to this provocation. Can you imagine what we would do in WWII, if some Germans living in Britain, dressed up as Nazis and walked along the Kent coast. Oh yeah. I can see Churchill seeing the funny side. Yup.
Or imagine if Muslims attacked that Kuffar parliament, and killed a dozen MPs. Then a week later, some Muslim woman in a niqab, with a great big bulge, walked over to parliament square. Oh yeah. I can see the authorities seeing the funny side of it. Or maybe not. The niqab would have so many holes in it, that it would qualify as a bikini.
Smacks of Alan Kurdi surprised we didnt have a dead child for extra drama.
These enrichers are certainly becoming total “Beach Professionals”
However in the style of the “I am Alan” protests does this mean we will now be treated to the sight of various infantile left wing agitators of indeterminate sex lying on french beaches hoping to be arrested.
Doesnt say too much about the french plods observational skills – You think the shouts of “work it baby” would have been a bit of a giveaway
…and he was carrying a gun cos there’s a high risk of some roper nutjob carrying out a terror attack. Something fishy about that ‘innocent’ muslim woman lolling about on a beach alone like a beached whale, no menfolk, obviously not getting a tan, photogrophers conveniently ready to snap up brutal police, no?
This is good.
A dagger to the heart of the Kirstys and the Gompertzits.
Bit long-don`t get all of it, but know he`s doing something good here…we may well need our own “Good Rebellion” Awards. http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/the-defining-the-norm-awards-the-nominees/18696#.V8AvtNQrLGg
He`s possibly lost a career-but he`ll get another if we value his attempt to mock the luvvies prancing round Nicola Sturgeons shortarse tin, doing the Gay Gordons…as they do
F1 practice coverage Spa on 5Live Extra “send us Tweets about where you went on your summer holidays” followed by “As its World Dog Day Tweet us your F1 doggy puns ie Jack Russell Villeneuve….”
FFS this is a dangerous grown up sport supposedly broadcasting on a grown up station with grown ups listening.
The BBC is almost un-consumable with its endless dumbing down and wet behind the ears presenters, one could never imagine Murray Walker uttering such banal sh1t….
Oh come ON BBC!
Clinton has destroyed Farages unheard-of intervention in the US Election FFS!
The Greens are meeting at a Mental health Charity-their ONE MP wants to coalesce with the vibrant, rising, healthy Labour Party?
But can they top Natalie Bennett?
COME ON BBC-your site tells me nothing, no analysis, rune runners…nuffink!
Come ON BBC-I need to give my opinion later-and need your steer on these two issues!
Just a thought but I’ve not seen Kuenssberk (you know the one, the intrepid, objective BBC Political Editor) for a while. Perhaps shes not willing to appear on the BBC to show us her red face following the totally unexpected Brexit she and the others at the BBC worked so hard to avoid. Here is a list of illnesses where a red face is a symptom: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/symptoms/society_problems/causes.htm
I fancy it is on the list as: ‘Acute Stress Disorder’ the sub-symptoms of which are: “Nervousness, Sense of impending doom”. I reckon that fits the bill!
The EU made the fatuous claim that it had won most medals at the Olympics, but rather than pick that item for the quiz of the week the BBC hits upon Conservative MP Heather Wheeler for her joke put down of the EU. She tweeted that the British Empire were the real No1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37188056
Just sitting here at work …I am forced to watch BBC on our telly no sound (subtitles sometimes amusing with the BeeB’s spelling) BBC News Caroline Lucas Green Party complaining about the support they have and only one mp…and then a nice view of a party (hippy) meet….with babies and horses and more beards than a mosque WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!… Can’t wait for BBC to start campaigning for UKIP as they have the same problem ……keep your eye’s peeled for that one.
Obama’s daughter was photographed twerking on stage.
The photograph here reveals a very angry dad and mom.
Now a word to our trolls. The video is 100% spoof A joke, like they once had on the BBC, which is now only allowed to lampoon Nigel Farrage and Donald Trump
Slightly off-piste. Read about ‘Project Diamond’ which the BBC (& other channels) will fully immerse themselves following the BME applecart of delight.
The bbc report above says the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination blames the brexit vote for the increase in hate crimes in the UK.
The BBC provides no link, and doesn’t name the report.
But cannot find a reference to such a report. The BBC item does not allow for comments else I would ask there. Does anyone know where I can read the report please?
Sadly, the report doesnt say who the compilers are. However it would fit neatly into the soft left’s view of the world. It repeats the allegations of the rise in hate crimes without any analysis.
For example, 1% of hate crimes are bike thefts, 8% of hate crimes are burglaries. Erm, hate crimes?
However it shows its true colours with the following in the later pages:
“The Committee also expresses concern at the lack of balanced teaching in the State party’s schools about the history of the British Empire and colonialism, particularly with regard to slavery.”
I doubt whether that’s to educate children on how the UK ended slavery, first for ourselves and then around the world. Or how our royal navy sailors died freeing slaves. I suspect it doesn’t want UK kids to know about the 2 million northern Europeans the muslims took as slaves in the 18th century. This included 100,000 people from the southern counties of the UK.
SS – I understand your frustration however I for one am completely resigned when it comes to al beeb and their “journalism”. The best thing that we as tax payers can do is inform family and friends of their awfulness. It’s what I’ve been doing and you’d be surprised at just how easily it goes down. Maybe one day David Vance will receive a tiger woods esque apology. I hope so. David bloody deserves it. Until then I won’t be interrupting my holiday to hold al beeb to account. That said the pendulum is swinging and they will get their comeuppance like it or not. In the meantime let’s not hold our breath. More important things to worry about.
If your not abused by the media then you are insignificant. The two greatest men Donald trump and Nigel farage are the real deal. Katie Hopkins Is the real deal. These people are on my honours list brave honest ‘real’ people who can be trusted.
Dead right Mackers.
If you`re hated by the tasteful and reviled for your populism and your tone-then you are right above the target and must be EXACTLY what this country(and indeed the western world) needs.
Maybe we need to create a hate index- Trump, Wilders, Le Pen, Netenyahu, Sir Nigel, Katie, Melanie, Peter H, Orban, Tommy…and monitor the coverage and thank them ceaselessly.
The Czech President, Geller and Spencer too, Coulter and Heather Brooke..good league table of heroes here…send one your love eh?
Call it the Jo Cox Legacy Poll shall we?
No more appeasement from me we are controlled by stupid people, the lunatics (crooks)have taken over the asylum. Tory right need to speak up, one day the zombie invasion will arrive at your doorstep. Being cowardly won’t help its called sitting on the fence while the disturbed ruin a successful country. I for one will stand up when called upon. People happily say I’m not interested in politics or football on quiz shows with a relish what their really saying is let the liberals rule unopposed and their against the peasants entertainment because they are the superior middle classes. But they are the stupid people the crooked people the reason prison sentences are lenient is for their benefit, they are the occupants or shoulld be. Nobody likes football hooliganism it’s an embarrassment to our country but when our ordinary people are attacked in France by Russian militia it’s offensive to blame are own citizens. When are citizens are Tommy gunned down on a foreign beach I am firstly upset sympathetic and sad but when are media underplay the outrage I’m furious. No more appeasement no more turning your head I used to be an unobservant person now I’m alert for everyone’s safety. Retirements not just gardening.
firstly its a branch not a tree secondly ring the police instead of your documentary film thirdly the awe in your voice somes up todays society fourthly when the police do arrive they won’t do anything anyway and fifthly this will carry on because the idiot appologists are weak
The mayor of Calais wants the army brought in.
UK police could help; they are monitoring the social media for extremism and there are sites on FB and elsewhere proving practical support for the migrants, A visit from the plod might be recommended.
The biased BBC socialists are wanking themselves off big time with the news of NHS’cuts’. Queue extremely erudite vox pop of random public with the usual non-random socialist rants.
Here’s one for you. Do people actually LIKE to be in hospital. Or do they itch to go home asap.
Modern medicine enables early release. Result? Fewer beds are needed. Simple really. But to the 1948ers this is heresy.. What do we want? Lots of unused beds. When do we want them? Now.
Sadly the mass hysteria and decades of statist brainwashing have left most of the public totally unable to review the NHS dispassionately for the statist producer-led nationalised industry of self-interest that it is.
Needless to say, the producer-led, nationalised industry of self-interest that is the biased BBC will not be offering any enlightenment
One vox pop says the population is increasing so how can they have cuts. Beeboid immediately replied ” But a lot of that is immigration and high breeding rates by resident immigrants “. Only joking !
I had a spell in hospital last year and I spent some of the time in a bay of 6 beds where I was the only English speaking patient. I don’t suppose the BBC see anything significant in that.
All today the BBC has had it’s nose in the 38 degrees trough, warning us all that the NHS ( an inefficiently monopolistic nationalised industry) is in yet another crisis. But who are 38 degrees? Yes they enable people to run campaigns but they are staffed up themselves to run their own campaigns it seems. Where are they on the political spectrum? Not in the centre or on the right, you can be sure. Their staff are all under 40 and of the St Jo Cox type, coasting alongside supporting left wing causes, perhaps until a safe Labour seat comes up ( or ex safe seat). I have just listened to one Laura Townshend the 38 degrees ‘ communications director’ on BBC Midlands news, announcing doom and disaster as the NHS rationalises its estate. Look her up and guess what? She’s spent most of her brief inconsequential career at Shelter, a left wing organisation posing as. Charity. 38 Degrees should join the Joseph Rowntree Trust as BBC left wing stooges.
Whine was banging on about this on radio 2 today. He was also speaking to this Laura as well. It was all very emotive stuff with whine giving the impression that 38 degrees was something new to him when he is well aware of who and what this bunch do and campaign for. Left, anti Tory and pro labour. Google is my friend Jeremy you should use it sometime. Lies lies lies and more lies and this clown sorry journalist gets a million quid for this drivel and he has the nerve to whine about private company directors getting thie same wage.
Ffs Points West 6.30 (cue stern newscaster voice) “Taxi drivers under attack” going on to tell us “BAME taxi drivers in Bristol are claiming a rise in racist attacks since Brexit” but followed by the disclaimer “some say”
Absolutely no qualification or proof was given on this supposed ‘fact’ other than a couple of anecdotal incidents and I do wonder just how many taxi drivers were interviewed to get the desired effect, even a Sikh driver interview stated that it has ‘always happened’. No racist abuse is acceptable, but to blame it on Brexit is unacceptable, but hey the BBC must keep reminding us what cants we were for voting Brexit…
The fool Brown thought that his money tree would produce abundant fruit for ever. As well as importing immigrants to become future Labour voters, he thought that having conquered bust, he could spread largesse around to those he thought ‘worthy’, mostly the idle and never-employed, but also working mothers and others who he thought would be grateful and so vote Labour.
He hadn’t conquered bust, and when it came the crash cost a bomb, tax revenues dried up and the benefit claims didn’t, in fact ever more immigrants added to them. So government income drops, outgoings increase and the Government is soon borrowing to pay out benefits, borrowing 10% of GDP in Labour’s last (hopefully) years. This money wasn’t being invested as the arch liar Brown claimed, but was part of a growing structural deficit. Don’t forget that Brown doubled debt in a boom despite lying that he had reduced it. Al Beeb never questioned Brown/Balls/Mrs Bollox/MinimeMiliband about this paradox as they do the Tories nowadays.
Little Ozzie reduced the deficit over time but didn’t do it as quickly as he should during the coalition years because of pressure from the Lib-Dums, aka Labour-in-disguise. Labour have voted and agitated against every proposed cut, aided and abetted by the HoL. If you need to be reminded of the concerted action to stop cuts proposed by Osborne in recent budgets you probably shouldn’t be on this blog.
So without excusing Osborne, he did what he could and the deficit, the amount we borrow and add to debt each year, is at least only half what it was in 2010. At £70 billion a year though it doesn’t take long for the national debt to grow.
To be fair i had forgotten about the obstructions of the lib dems .This is the blog for me osbourne was against brexit bigtime so i won.t be defending him ever.The debt needs to be reduced quicker.Labour’s to blame i know that
Evening folks. Had a very interesting conversation with a french family on the beach today RE: Marine Le Pen. Had to pull it out of them but marine le pen “ces’t necessaire” was the words of the pretty french woman. The men (as per usual) didn’t seem to understand the problem. Bless em. Thank god for us brits ey – whilst they lie down we’ll fight for them. History repeating itself?
Dated quite a few french girls myself and a common thread is the frenchmans apathy when needed most. Here we go again!
Evening Grant – hope you’re well my friend. Indeed the frogs (much like owen smith) just do not get it… I’m 26 and happy to put my life on the line but why can we not learn from our bloody mistakes!!!!!
Cheers Grant – greatly appreciated. I feel I am a dying breed. Grandparents originally from Hull, moved down to Londonistan for business reasons. I for one am not seeing our country go down without a fight! Also (as in post below) contrary to mainstream media there are far more of us than they’ll have you beleive. One of the easiest things about the liberal left youth is they are v v easy to sway… I for one will do my best. The older generation deserve it, I am truly disgusted to turn on the news nowadays and I feel we owe great thanks to the older generation who gave us the beautiful freedom too many take for granted
Remember all those “Pray For France” “We are France” crap that the rest of us do in western capitals when the Muzzies strike as they do?
We light up the Eye in Red White and Blue, blu-tac a fleur de lys by the croissant and brioche section of Waitrose or such?
Well done-European Solidarity at its peak-must terrify Izal!
Now then-let the good local folk of Nice or Corsica DARE to see the burkini as a provocation?Only a month after Nice, a month after the butchering of Jacques Hamel?…and it`s “fuck off France, you`re on your own!”.
Do remember that NEXT time the Muslims strike in France…and thump a grief thief who won`t back the French now that they`re trying to deal with two generations of camel shit in the stables
Wouldn`t normally care-but heard Toby Young, Ed Stourton and some self-elected leader of …dare we dream…the Womens Equality Partay?
The WEP “made representation to the French Ambassador”…well who knew-remind me again…WHO are they?…and why are they on the radio, why shouting through The Frenchmans letterbox like they speak or have a presence in the UK?
Only the BBC seems to think it.
All as one-the ocean of the dullards, dead fish floating in the middle of the stream.
Not a fuckin` clue…which is what appearing on the BBC tends to do to you.
Prey For France indeed….
chrisH – you should have witnessed the conversation I had – it was as if I’d asked them who would be the first person to land on mars despite the fact 250+ have been murdered courtesy of Allah (PBUH)! The woman in the group however was awake – the rest of them (and worryingly) the men just didn’t get it. They stood there in a “zut alors” way… Beggars belief
I’m hoping to do my time in the city and go into politics. So please do not believe the mass media, some of us youth are very awake. I will always be spurred on by my grandads bullet hole in his leg, courtesy of the germans. I have the utmost respect for our older generation (contrary to al beeb) and most people are pretty easy to swing my way.
Judging by your posts here, so far , you will get my vote any time. Hope you are enjoying chrisH’s posts. At the end of last year we had a vote for poster of the year and he won hands down !
Thanks Grant, really appreciate it. The irony in all this is that a lot of my friends are from a mixed race background and they absolutely agree with my politics. Its the main reason I get spurred on to go out there and make a change. I am disgusted with how yourself and my parents generation are treated, it must stop, now!!!!!!!!
I agree. ChrisH is something very special indeed. When he gets a post bang on, it’s a masterpiece
I ave to say that I am mightily impressed by the standard/quality of our current crop of contributors. It’s an an absolute pleasure and privilege to read the posts from Peterthegreat, NCBBC, Manchesterlad, Thoughtful, Johnny, Maria, GWF, The old bloke, Oaknash, Thirdoption, Roland, Truthseeker, Obiwan, Taffman, Deborah, Guest, Number 6 and of course you Grant …(I am so sorry if I have missed you off as I read all of your posts)
Just throwing some lovin out there to all of you and a huge thank you for keeping me sane and throughly entertained!!
For them to have to read through each and every one of our posts to try and find something that they can be all devious and conniving with, is commendable. It must to be so embarrassing for them to be so let down by their cult leaders! Flogging a dead horse?… They have had to sacrifice any self respect to continue to fanatically defend such a failed ideology as theirs
They must know that we think they are complete scrotums. A complete joke. They know that we think they are a complete bell-ends and we never take anything they say seriously. For them to keep plugging away at a lost cause is slightly sad… But makes us realise that if these traitorous vermin are not going to have a day off, then it’s all the more necessary what we do on here.
It mystifies me what motivates them, unless they are paid for it and they always deny that they work for the BBC. What gets me is the complete lack of sense of humour, but that characterises the Left. They really don’t have much to laugh about.
What motivates them is blind, raging faith. As is often said, Leftism isn’t about facts that you can weigh in the balance – it’s about a religious faith. They are consumed with what they consider to be righteousness. It never occurs to them that they might be wrong.
My dog has a safe place on the stairs. Got to get to bed early tonight to be up for Nana Munchrugger and her tripe on the breakfast news. Hope Charlie Chocolate Stayt is on (personal hero of mine) with the poodle on his head. Chewing a wasp whilst trying to look intelligent. BBC full of amoebas
BBC Labour Luvvie Melvyn Bragg has a new series called The Origins of the North. He’s joined in this by a slew of other Labour leftie luvvies including Dame Judi Dench, David Hockney, Lee Hall, Jimmy McGovern, Ian McMillan, Geoffrey Boycott, Maxine Peake, Frank Cottrell Boyce, Chris Bonnington and Joan Bakewell.
Not all of them Labour, but far too many are. It will no doubt be one of most biased heaping pile of horse s**t the BBC has produced.
Revisionism here we come! No doubt it will be all those black men down the mines who made Britain great with leftie luvvie Bragg & chums failing to get it that those ‘black’ men were white men who were dirty with grime from hard physical graft – something Bragg & his mates have never had to contemplate !
Forty Yorkshiremen sketch to last a few series.
All willing enough to big up the North-but from the safety of Hampstead.
Boycott and Hockney apart-why the hell do I need to hear from Maxine Peake from the RSC “Professional Northerner” casting couchette?
Where`s Peter Kaye then?…Alan Bleasdale or Tony Harrison?
See?..not all have to be my politics-but Bragg has dined out on Wigton Grammar for way too long…
Yep I agree this will have a pro Labour bias, but……Geoffrey Boycott?!?!! I have no proof either way but I always had Geoffrey down as anything but a leftie 🙂
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
“Have you been sleeping with them?”
“We’ve been putting them in all sorts of places… I’ve been keeping mine in a sock!”
Don’t worry, BBC Breakfast hasn’t turned blue – it’s just that the Carry On Team there don’t seem to realise the Olympics are over. That soppy exchange brimming with innuendo was a chat with the girl’s cycle team about their gold medals.
Viewers of the BBC News Channel may well ask ‘Are We Being Served?’ and licence payers may question ‘Who have we been watching?’
First musings led me to the Nuremburg death row here.
Thought it was cyanide pills for the Lefty Projectors…and I dreamed a dream,,,ah well!
Still-snide sigh and Eid etc…worth a relabelling of their science aids maybe if that gets them to suck on a phishermans friend…tell `em its gender reassignment smarties and they`ll chew…
Well the BBC has not really covered http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-37179230 adequately.
Another day, another facile attempt at spinning a false narrative on the US election.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37188339 is entitled Clinton’s Flaws, but is just a fawning article that goes into no detail regarding her many scandals, writing them off as trivial and again trying to push the “gender disadvantage” drivel for the multi-millionaire wife of a previous ruler. The photo used on the main page for this is Clinton looking presidential in front of an American flag, nothing like the bug-eyed crackpot that actually attends the few public events held for her this year.
Meanwhile, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37021991 is a hit piece in the so-called Alt-right, entitled Trump’s Shock Troops, which has a crude drawing of Trump as a lizard representing it for some reason (probably to try and make people believe that Trump supporters believe David Icke’s theory of lizard aliens posing as humans) and again goes into no real detail. The fact that it’s considered “shocking” to challenge a status quo few normal people (ie ones who actually have to live with it, unlike the sheltered establishment types) over the age of 30 agree with and it’s considered an “alternative” to back someone whose policies you like and investigate the illegal activities of a corrupt politician playing the race card against her opposition despite having made repeated racist campaign decisions herself over the years, speaks cold or the arrogance of cosmopolitan globalist types as they legitimately think they and their views are above scrutiny, an unimpeachable truth that no matter how much evidence proves wrong will always be right.
People who rely on the BBC for its news are in for a rude awakening when Clinton not only loses, but loses extremely heavily if current statistical trends continue – and that’s assuming she even makes it to the election given her health problems and the fact that there’s now long-overdue discussion of federal indictment.
“speaks cold or” = “speaks volumes for”. Predictive text ?. Just thought I’d clarify before some sad act tries to suggest I’m illiterate and therefore my point is invalid, another trope of the lazy liberal.
All lives,
The BBC never seem to refer to Hillary’s health problems or , that as a feminist, she seems very tolerant of her husband’s many infidelities.
Or Corbyn’s bare faced lies.
Another day, another BBC Breakfast VD program.
Oh no, not Muslims again. This time we had a couple of Muslim men, suitably attired, with massive beards, and a couple of women, complaining that they had to undergo security checks at airports. Oh how humiliating. All of them complained that it was because they looked “Asian”, or looked Muslim. How unfair. Their holidays were ruined because of intrusive security. They were going to complain. The BBC was suitably sympathetic.
Not once did the BBC journo, or the Muslims, consider that Hindus, Buddhists and Christians of Asian origin, have to put with the same security measures, because of the Jihad that is being waged on us by their fellow Muslims.
No system is going to be perfect, but there has to be a method by which the demographic that is most responsible for terrorism, is searched more often. In the Irish troubles, Irish people were searched more often then say Asian Hindus.
Were they questioned about why airport security was introduced in the first place?
Oh goodness no. The whole thing was staged as if Western governments deliberately talked up Jihad, just to profile and persecute Muslims in the West.
For goodness sake… How on earth do the BBC equate a dodgy look/security check to HAVING YOUR HEAD CUT OFF!
Blacks as well.
Terrific expression used on the American TV show ‘Homeland’ when looking at mug shots of suspected terrorists a guy asked
‘Which ones do we go after first?’ response was
‘The brown ones’
‘But that’s straight up racial profiling!’
‘No. Its just profiling’
The BBC seem to miss the point that apart from the LRA and a few Marxists loonies around the world the vast majority of Terrorists in the world are Muslim and profiling that is not bloody racist.
Where’s the ‘fawning’ in the article?
‘no detail regarding her many scandals’ – many it was this that gave you that impression: ‘And yet two-thirds of the American people say they do not find her honest or trustworthy. And that is her flaw.’
This week she has been on the defensive. The nagging question is whether, when she was Secretary of State, she traded access to herself and others in government in exchange for payments to the charity the Clinton Foundation.
Click on the link embedded in ‘Clinton Foundation’ and you get this: ‘US election: Why is Clinton’s foundation so controversial?’
The article continues…’And then there was the use of a private server and her emails. ‘
And so it continues. And yet no mention of any of it being ‘trivial’. How does the article ‘ push the “gender disadvantage” drivel ‘ given there’s no mention or even suggestion of such a thing?
The Trump article – The drawing of Trump as a lizard would be the one he tweeted himself. Its not a lizard. As it states in the caption under the pic, its Pepe the frog.
The article doesn’t use the word’alternative’. But the movement is called ‘alt-right’….because that’s what it calls itself. Perhaps you should take that up with them?
The ‘current statistical trends’ suggest Trump is well behind in the race.
I guess the 48 who ‘liked’ this….didn’t actually bother to look at the articles.
I guess the 48 who ‘liked’ this….didn’t actually bother to look at the articles.
Maybe you have a point, but the BBC only has itself to blame that people should rush to judgement. The pro-Clinton, anti-Trump bias on R4 that I hear is a bloody disgrace (but nothing new there, eh).
The BBC’s bias on just about every subject under the sun is so boringly predictable. As if the would ever side with the Republicans or Conservatives. It would be inconceivable.
Deffo, and hopefully more and more are waking up to that fact.
I suspect Kukichiyo is an employee judging by his diligence and his one-sided comments.
It’s wrong…but it’s still right. Gotcha.
That statement is meaningless, apart from to yourself.
Not really interested in any of this . All I need to know is that Clinton is unfit to be POTUS.
‘At this point in time what difference does it make.’
Clinton on the Benghazi fiasco and the death of her people there.
The BBC has chosen sides on this as so much else. To me what difference does it make.It is the mouthpiece of discredited liberalism .
The world is moving on thank God
NHS cuts ‘planned across England’
The cost of running an ‘International’ Health Service with its pyramid of bureaucracy and creative accountancy.
Get rid of the pen-pushers, managers and trustees. Replace with Doctors and nurses.
Next week the BBC launches a four part series featuring amateur orchestras from across the UK. Apparently they will be competing against each other and the winner will perform at BBC Proms in the Park in Hyde Park, London on Saturday 10 September 2016.
It is part of BBC Music’s Get Playing initiative, which is laudable enough, and I will be giving it a try. As usual in these situations however, I am apprehensive. Orchestras are hideously white so they will feel obliged to find a way around that, turning what for me would be a potentially interesting programme into a series of irritations. Identity politics will probably intrude.
Not sure whether I will get beyond the first programme.
Are there any muslim only orchestras ?
Isn’t music frowned upon in their religion? I don’t think Afghanistan has a pop chart do they ?
How do you play a wind instrument in a burka?
Sir Thomas Beecham would have found some appropriate words.
How do you play a cello in a burka. I believe Sir Thomas had a joke about female cellists ! I am sure he could have adapted it.
I don’t think even Sir Tommy could have adapted that quote for a burka wearer.
The sanitary aspects need to be addressed. If you can catch bagpipe lung from playing in the open air then god only knows what germs might be lurking inside one of those things. it doesn’t bear thinking about.
Brissles, There are Turkish orchestras and music is big business there but I was thinking of the UK.
Haven’t heard of one, but there is a black one – it’s called “Chineke!”. It’s professional however, so wouldn’t qualify.
Not sure why it’s necessary. Western opera houses, conservative and elite according to those who must think that way, have been accepting black opera singers for years. Never encouraged black people to listen though.
Knowing the BBC, they wouldn’t let a minor inconvenience of a professional taking part in an amateur competition, get in the way if they could get away with it. With these orchestras, watch for a tinted professional or two planted amongst them…
Had there been, there would have no doubt been a Panorama special on them, following them from Finsbury Park mosque to a free charity concert in Gaza, breathlessly fawned over by Orla Guerlin and other dross.
Sorry to intervene Grant but I had to throw my ‘2pennyworth’ in. The West-East Divan Orchestra, based in Spain, is an orchestra consisting of Jewish and Muslim musicians. Co-founded by Daniel Barenboim, it played the Proms just recently.
Attended a prom earlier this season and as I have done for the past few years I assessed the audienc. Hideously white, a few Chinese, a few men I assume we’re from the Indian sub continent in the arena but not a single Afro Caribbean anywhere. Perhaps the number from the Indian sub continent were greater than usual but otherwise the same as always. I rather dread what the BBC intend to do about it, dumb down all proms perhaps?
Next year the BBC will get rid of all the classical music and just have a reggae festival. The proms are getting dumber every year. Much as I like reggae , I don’t think the proms is the place for it !
Perhaps they will find a hip hop orchestra?
Failing that, does Nadiya play an instrument?
Rob, no doubt Nadiya will own and play a wind instrument blown through her, cake-hole. Sorry, sorry sorry (smaller font ever decreasing if it were possible)…………………
Lazy buggers the BBC.
Any poncey steel band at Notting Hill this weekend will get the gigs now…the linen suits peer on from the top floor of Jacinatas padlet and crave the well oiled ebony muscles and feathers.
Expect a long trail of burning weed and a brick through your window if you dare to snitch…still, though..may well need them when Islam calls.
Can anyone think of an industry which operates on free market principles where, despite almost unlimited demand for products and services, firms are shutting down capacity? This could only happen in a state run monopoly with one source of revenue, taxes. It reminds me of the creaky attempts to provide consumer products in Soviet Russia, or when the GPO here ran the phone system under a monopoly and you could have only one type of phone, ivory or black, and there was a 6 month waiting list to get it installed. When will the BBC, other MSM and major political parties stop talking about ‘our NHS’ and recognise it for what it is – a conspiracy of a monopolistic supplier and its unions against the public?
“the GPO here ran the phone system under a monopoly2
Many years ago, the early 1970s I think, I was speaking to a high-ish ranking BBC engineer (he didn’t climb telegraph poles, he did something technical at a central location – research perhaps). He told me that even stringing an intercom between two adjacent houses would contravene the GPO’s monopoly and could in theory be ripped out.
I can’t say for sure whether he was correct, but it does demonstrate how some things have changed for the better.
Well said England, you have brilliantly described the NHS. It is indeed monopoly that acts on behalf of its employees rather than its customers.This of course applies to most public sector monopolies ,our dear old BBC being the most obvious.They love New Labour because it gives them loads of our money, and only expects that they will continue to vote Labour, no requirement to improve the level of service or anything unpleasant like that..They hate Tories because some Tories are actually looking to get value for our money, I exempt Cameroons from that . The BBC actually hates Corbyn because they know that whilst his heart is in the right place ,at least in their world it is,he will never get Labour into power.So the Tory scourge of public sector accountability and value for money will remain on the agenda.In the BBC we know that the public sector has a doughty champion who will fight their corner come what may.
Very well put, EE. The NHS is a sacred cow for (most of) the public and a minefield for politicians – well, those that would like to see it reformed, anyway.
If private companies operated in this way – incapable of efficiency savings, refusing to change its operating model for the 70 years it’s been in existence, in hock to collective pay bargaining and militant unions, immune to meaningful restructuring of its pension fund (‘fund’ – that’s a laugh), blind to ways of funding which make health systems in other countries far superior etc etc – we would have a third world economy and no bloody health service worth speaking of.
I think if the bulk of the cuts were of management , the public would support them.
Why dont we spend the overseas budget to these countries to fund the International NHS end of problem.Some countries owe millions to the NHS and never pay.If they come from abroad for treatment the cost will come off their countries aid.That way we get paid they get help and it stops their politicians from getting rich.
Interesting to note that even columnists have become cynical about the GBBO. One has written that …
“all the usual ingredients were present and correct: a carefully picked grouping of culturally diverse contestants, including the token middle-class white professional male, Lee a church minister from Bolton”…………..
” only Selasi, a City of London bank worker, kept his cool throughout and I’d put odds on him winning” …………
“The rejected contestant was Lee – but then, he’s the token white, middle-class professional male”. You could have forecast the outcome”.
I think she’s summed it up beautifully, and I shared her view – about (highly) Selasi being the winner. Ethnic (tick) Male (tick). Job done.
I assume you refer to the show about baking cakes. It takes inanity to a whole new level. Please switch it off or better still put your hammer through the screen . Then give up TV for ever. You will feel a lot better
Naga Munchetty is, laughably, described as a BBC journalist. She gets paid an estimated £250,000 for spending a couple of hours a day making childish and inane comments on breakfast TV.
She is now described by the BBC as a “celebrity” and will be appearing in the forth-coming new series of Strictly Come Dancing, entitling her to another huge bung of cash on top of her already massively inflated salary. Remuneration for those that appear is reported to be between £35,000 and £100,000 depending on how long you last.
When she appeared on Celebrity Mastermind (oh do stop laughing at the back) she told John Humphries that she loved her job because it allowed her to have every afternoon off so that she could play golf.
What an absolute disgraceful state of affairs and disgusting “use” of license payers money
Get rid of the licence fee – Simples.
You’ve all been mugged.
Thanks, you’ve made me angry now.
She’s an imbecile.
Aah, but she’s a ‘brand’ now y’know, You should read her website ! She’s another one that came from obscurity (hands up those who had heard of her even 10 years ago) to fronting a prime time show.
At least she is not wearing a burka.
You’ve missed the point guys – she’s brown and therefore trumps everything… haha forgive the pun
In multiculti land skin colour comes well before IQ, logic, reason and god forbid facts… Unless you’re white that is
No no no no no
She’s tanned
‘Yet’, Grant.
Good point. The BBC may make it compulsory for all women !
“She’s an imbecile.”
I must defend Naga from that charge! She did pretty well on golf questions on Mastermind. David Lammy, now there’s an imbecile.
Fair enough.
What is one step above imbecile? Idiot perhaps.
The strict kinda-sorta medical definition was that an imbecile has an IQ of 26-60, an idiot of 0-25 and a moron has 51-70.
We have had representatives of all three trolling these pages at times.
If she’s getting paid £250k, we’re the idiots.
Good point. Still fuming though. Looking at the screen this morning thinking “there’s £0.5million pa”.
Didn’t know an imbecile was the brightest of the three so I’ve learned something.
Is Naga Munchetty real or a CGI talking head? It looks horrible!
Proof that the technology is in its infancy.
A one trick pony she was on pointless the quiz show i think and showed her self to be dim .so many celebs go on quiz shows in the name of charity that are unintelligent they are a desperate bunch.
I watched that, and on the show she was asked who was the most impressive person she had interviewed, or words to that effect. She answered ‘Hilary Clinton.’
Naga ticks all the boxes, that’s for sure.
Is there anywhere the salaries (and expenses) of the BBC staff are published? Can we publish here too? This is definitely the angle to attack the Beeb on non-stop. There would be zero support for paying this presenter 250k per year.
Pressure has been put on them but I don’t think anything has been published yet. Naturally they want to fight it as they know how angry people will be when they find out.
But, one recent good piece of news is they have cut down the tax avoidance using personal service companies and put some people on the payroll. But I think that was just because of an HMRC investigation not public pressure.Typical BBC hypocrisy. Attacking tax avoiders then having to admit they were doing it themselves.
Despite having advances and opportunity in education, it appears that the British public (including foreigners) are becoming less intelligent (or dopey) with each generation. The news is now telling us to “beware and respect the sea” that “water is cold” and “to act responsibly on the beach”. I know when working the in the NHS I had to produce signs for above the taps saying “Beware, HOT water” and that today’s parents are rubbish at parenting, but where will it end ? The over 60’s writing notes for their middle aged kids to take to the shops and the doctor ! Words fail me.
All such notices are NOT intended to help anyone. They are solely to provide a defence against the elfin safety gang’s legal actions.
Spot on and an industry in itself, one that costs bushiness and end users millions every year, mostly thanks to the wonderful EU….
Billions Geoff, billions.
Terrible, isn’t it? Luckily, I now live in a place where the responsible amongst are more or less left to fend for ourselves, which we do. Nobody around here tells us what to do!
Wrap up warm, now – and don’t forget to take lots of drinkies with you, should you be brave enough to venture into deepest France!
And despite the GCSEs being dumbed down more than ever, they get worse results. And this generation is going to have to compete with the chinese. God help them.
Brissles, the increasing effects of dysgenics perhaps?
This follows on from a post someone put in regarding some stupid comments by stupid Giles Fraser.
I would say that the New Left love Islam, Gender confusion, people from other parts of the world, shrieking feminists, terrorists, hating, violence, lying, terrorism, elitism, money, the criminal Clintons, Obama, Marx, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mao, Che (and many other racist psychopaths), imprisoning dissenters, making thriving industries incompetent by nationalising them, drugs. I suspect that many of the relatively less stupid have an unadmitted admiration for the way that Hitler and Mussolini controlled their populations and implemented their versions of political correctness.
What they hate is Jews, Christians, the Working Class, people who are even richer than they are themselves, white people, truth, democracy, freedom, Muslim women really having a choice what to wear, independence, peace, happiness (for others), common sense, Conservatives, moderates, UKIP, anything that’s good for people.
That was just a quick list – no doubt I’ve missed many things.
This week’s Climate Change Weekly or Inside Science as the BBC calls it was unusually quite amusing.
Apparently there had been a consensus among scientists that perturbations in Pluto’s orbit were caused by another planet that they named Vulcan. They couldn’t see it, they just knew it must be there. Then along comes that rogue Albert Einstein who does a bit of thinking and some calculations and ‘proves’ that by using his version of gravity rather than Newton’s everything works without the need for Vulcan!
And all of this is very good and Einstein is a hero for original thinking and that is what science is all about.
Then without a hint of irony we are literally plunged into the horrors of lakes of melt water in Antarctica, caused, as we all know by ‘Global Warming’, (the staple of this programme). Adam Rutherford tells his tame scientist how ‘worrying’ this must be. She, however, hasn’t got ‘the message’, these are after all little lakes, so it is only a little bit ‘worrying’!
How I wish that the BBC would get rid of this dire programme and give us something like the old Material World, but then Quentin Cooper engaged in ‘humour’ that didn’t involve Brexit or UKIP, (but it did relax the guests and draw out real stuff from ‘inside science’).
Simple remedy – don’t watch, or listen to the BBC, or any of the other tamed and dumbed-down media. Get your news and information from elsewhere, before it gets erased, watered down or conveniently altered, to make it more palatable for the broadcasters, and, they hope, the gullible public.
If Vulcan was so close, why did they need warp drive before stopping by?
Is it true the new star trek series is going eco mentalist?
Scrapping the engines and rigging up 100 solar sails
Increase to warp 0.00000000000000000001 Scotty
The sails cannae take much more captain harrabin
Thanks Number 6 – that made me titter!
“The sails cannae take much more captain harrabin”
Fantastic ?
Are di-lithium crystals causing galactical warming? Analysis, Mr Spock?
That Vulcan, was in a in a different part of the Universe. Although the Vulcan`s had warp drive , before Earth .
Lots of new posters here it seems – welcome folks! I know I’m a bit of a virgin myself (not in the strap a backpack with explosives and shout Allahu Akbar) however please do get stuck in… It will enlighten your life! I tend to come here for meaningful news and sensible views. Peterthegreat is exceptionally funny I find
I noticed an increase in the lead-up to the referendum and the momentum has continued. Good news. And it must annoy the Beeboids to realise they have been rumbled. And what greater pleasure could there be than annoying a Beeboid ?
I suspect there are a lot of lurkers who might be afraid to post
My advice is jump in…..contribute away
Only ones we laugh at are the obvious leftards and bbc employees who remind me if merkels millions
Arrive somewhere they dont belong….then try to shit on your doorstep and proceed to cry like a gurlie when they get bitch slapped
So dont be shy…..
I tend to wait to judge them until their tone gives a better indication of their real views. One or two of the newcomers have clearly initially adopted views similar to many here, but have been unable to keep it up and have reverted to type pdq.
I’m sure Al Beeb appreciates and condones this fifth column activity.
Cheers Grant. Spot on! Absolutely I can’t beleive I was hoodwinked for so long. The thing that did it for me was the migrant crisis: Al Beeb’s version all 3 year old picturesque children, reality: 18-25 year old sub saharan africans. Noticed it from that first boat that went out to greece with no children on it whatsoever. Also reinforced by the fact as a londoner (contrary to my parents enjoying the family home going up x £100,000 PA) I rarely hear a word of english spoken yet am told by the government immigration is 300,000 PA… What into my borough do you mean?
Do want to say a quick thank you to the gracious posters here for being so welcoming and also so witty. An absolute joy to be welcomed into such a wonderful community. Thank you clever ones who spotted the bias well before I did.
I think the BBC gave up any pretence of impartiality with the migrant crisis then compounded it with their blatant Remain propaganda. As for spotting the bias, I remember when I was a boy in the 60s, my late father going on about it even then. I thought he was nuts. Think I owe him an apology but too late now.
I first posted here about 10 years ago when I suddenly realised I was not alone.
By the way, does anyone remember Martin who used to post here. The one who was quite outrageous and always referring to Beeboids and their rent boys ? I hope David Vance didn’t ban him.
Grant – same with my Dad I think lots of people from that generation who fought and lost friends actually realised the true value of freedom. These days for some youngsters freedom is just something to be bartered away for the price of a better phone signal or a bigger telly.
Back in the 80 s I was overflowing with left wing zeal – Then I grew up and realised nothing is “given” . If we dont value democracy we will lose it to those who either through ignorance, pig headiness, naivity or cynical manipulation wish to change society for the worse.
For our tomorrows many of them gave their todays – Lets just hope it was not in vain.
Oak ash,
I think it more likely that the younger generation in common with many liberal lefties just don’t appreciate what they have got.If we allow Islamification to continue they will realise how lucky they were and how foolish they have been.But it will be too late for them then.
Dthinker – we just gotta keep on telling them how it is until the scales fall from their eyes or they grow up.
It is interesting that all this over emoting over all these middle eastern victims and dam the practical consequences seems to coincide with age of the “onsie” – Until of course you are forced to grow up quick.
As Kayla Muella unfortunately found out to her cost.
We should be putting our own house in order and attending to our own fences before we start to interfere with the arrangement of the furniture in our neighbours house.
Unfortunately these days good intensions and virtue signalling count for very little outside “BBC La La Land”. When you are dealing with people who do not see the world through the prism of western values.
Martin disappeared suddenly. I always suspected his parole was revoked. 🙂
He was usually good value, but did tend to go a bit far!
I had a huge row with Martin years ago that made me realise I would rather observe than participate. He would get more and more irritating as the evening wore on against how much alcohol he had quaffed.
It’s good to see fresh blood amoung old folks such as yourself Roland. I still read & enjoy the site every day.
LOL ! Yes, he was a bit off the wall , but funny also.
I remember ‘Atlas Shrugged’ who ranted on about Common Purpose. On first reading he appeared absolutely bonkos, but he wasn’t. His truth was terrifying but isn’t so far from what is happening.
Yes, remember him too. We sound like a load of old timers reminiscing !
I remember Martin fondly, his posts had a sledgehammer like quality to them.
The likes of Gloria et al would suffer a fit of the vapours if he was still around.
Come back Martin.
David Preisser used to be a good contributor with an American take on things. It is nice to see so many new contributors on the site in recent months. Maybe the shameful misreporting of Islamic terror has galvanised a lot of new people who are waking up to the true nature of the BBC quislings.
David still posts on Craig’s site.
In times when it can become depressing to see the world apparently sink into an Age of Stupid, it is encouraging to see all the new names on here who are evidently seeing through it.
Despite the BBC’s attempts to block the view.
It was Merkel’s madness and the migrant crisis of last year that brought me to this site. More specifically, the straw that broke this camel’s back came in the form of BBC Berlin correspondent Jenny Hill. Who can forget her performance at Munich railway station on September 5th? I certainly can’t as it is seared into my memory.
“Hello. Welcome to Germany. How do you feel? Excuse me, welcome to Germany. How are you feeling?”
“Hundreds of migrants, mostly from Syria, have arrived at Munich train station to applause after boarding trains in Austria.
They are the first of thousands, who were stranded in Hungary before being allowed to leave on buses for Austria.
There were cheers from a large group of Germans who had gathered to welcome them, with many handing out sweets and water.
The BBC’s Jenny Hill watched as they arrived in Munich.”
Note in the video how the camera makes a panicky and rapid zoom to the one woman and child amongst the stream of military age men.
I don’t know what the boiling point of blood is, but on that day Jenny Hill led me to evaporate almost my entire circulation.
I had to laugh..
Another leftard echo chamber….c5 the wright show doing the papers
Our guest panellist highlights the fall in gcse grades….Wright asks him what they are blaming this on?
‘Resits in maffs (sic) and english’
Dear oh dear
They really want top grades to be given to anyone able to write their name or if not make a decent X .Then the blob will consider it’s task complete. A near 100% illiterate population.
The BBC will then praise a job well done.
But strangely enough-not the usual caterwauling from the Left or the BBC about this that I`d have expected about this “drop in results”.
Because they mean nothing, measure nothing and are so dumbed down and irrelevant re “ability” as it is possible to be.
Good kids?…basically your mums educational attitude/attainment ,family respect for learning or other-and your class and access to a teacher who gives a stuff and knows things(school actually is only 10%-15 tops-in terms of how well you do).
If mum loved you and read books to you and cared-and dad got involved if the school were crap-then you`ll be OK…a good teacher will top it with your subject specialisms/options and get you through peer puberty etc…but exams by competing Co-Op lefty marketing morons for the NUT or Crapita test nothing.
Eccles 1.15.
Well done Mr Gove-and thank you!Put a fine brick on the line and derailed them all!
Almost forgot this one. Another example of the BBC inserting its agenda at any opportunity or, more often than not, creating an opportunity or, quite often, ‘insert and be damned whether there’s an opportunity or not, who can stop us’.
A report on Wednesday’s World at One about May’s putative plans to re-introduce more grammar schools.
‘Brexit’ got a mention three times, each time for no good reason other than the reporter making up her own spurious connections.
It’s a form of Tourette’s, you know. A treatable one.
Grammar schools will never happen. Brexit likewise. May and the BBC/liberal elite will see to that. The former because the rich bastards love their public school privileges and the latter because we English mostly white trash want it and that is just not the way things are supposed to be.
Lefties claim Grammar Schools benefit the ‘well off’. I suggest to the contrary they provided opportunity to all classes. There was a 9+ exam where the very clever were able to go to Grammar School a year early. Then the 11+ where the best (not richest) pupils qualified. Those who did not pass their 11+ had a further chance to take an entrance exam at 13. Then at 16 those who did well at ‘0’ Levels were able to go to Grammar School 6th Form. So there was plenty of chances for those who were late developers to benefit from a Grammar School education.
As I remember, the 11+ used to be an intelligence test based exam so private coaching was not a significant factor and Grammar Schools had a very diverse representation of ‘classes’.
In response to the announcement that Poles are now the largest foreign group in the UK (after only 12 years of Blair’s early acceptance of them, ffs!), the Polish charge d’affaires says this –
” Poles pride themselves in having the highest rate of individuals in employment or further education among all ethnic groups in Britain, at 92 per cent.”
Given that most jobs taken by a Pole could just as well be done by a Brit, and that we pay them lots of benefits as well as the cost of their further education, it is no wonder that so much of the U.K. which has barely been touched by immigration voted for Brexit.
Even Fraser Nelson is, for once, talking sense.
“As I’ve often argued here, the great surprise about mass immigration to Britain is how well it works; how well we cope and adapt. The xenophobic backlash consuming politics on so much of the Continent has almost no equivalent here – and this isn’t because (as we hear occasionally) we’re somehow an island of immigrants. The remarkable truth is that about two-thirds of Brits are descended from the Stone Age grunts who occupied these islands 6,000 years ago. At no point in our history have we ever had immigration on this scale. What we’re dealing with is unprecedented, under-examined and still misunderstood.”
Peter – my grandfather lives in Cornwall and he is concerned with polish immigration.
I on the other hand welcome this news. As a londoner the ones we need to worry about are the muslims. The poles are hard working and drink beer. There is 0% chance of them strapping a backpack on and looking for Alan’s Snackbar. Perhaps they may take working tax credits but that is the worse it can get. Our middle eastern friends on the other hand…
Dont mind the poles myself…..they do graft hard and dont really cause trouble like the more tanned variety do
No problem with the Poles. They have suffered so much in history, share a similar culture to us and integrate easily.
But even their graduates here are taking the minimum wage jobs which our own school (and nowadays uni) leavers should be taking up, if we didn’t have a welfare system which allows them to exist at taxpayers’ expense.
And as Migrationwatch have shown using Labour Market statistics, most are in minimum wage jobs which not only pay little tax but also consume benefits, and that is without the pressure on services. Dustmann & Frattini, the mis-quoted pair of EU-funded academics who Leftoids rely upon for their lying mantra that immigrants ‘contribute’ model THEIR assumption about benefit take-up in the UK on the academic level of immigrants on entry to the UK, the assumption being they will earn a lot more than MW. What use is a Czech PhD or nuclear physicist pulling coffees in Costa on minimum wage plus tax credits, especially if he/she has a family? No one earning less than £35k pa actually ‘contributes’ anything to the UK coffers when the cost per capita of £1.5k pa just of the NHS is factored in.
Don’t forget we entered WWII because of our treaty with the Poles and despite the utterances of one of their MEP’s at Brexit, their pilots, brave as the c150 were, did not alone save London from the Luftwaffe but did great work. We went to war to liberate them from the Hun, not vice versa, and look where it has gotten us, including little thanks from many Poles.
I think the hostility of many Europeans, including the British Left and the BBC, to Great Britain is based on sour grapes and jealousy. We defeated most of them militarily over the years, had a greater Empire which was better and more fairly administered than any of theirs and , today, are more economically successful than most of them.
Add to that, the fact that we had democracy before them. Then, the last straw is that we voted Brexit. Hell hath no fury like Europeans scorned !
And we twice assisted the French to fight off their Hunnish invaders. In 150 years the Hun have done it thrice and on the first occasion France surrendered but we were not involved. You will know more about the other 2.
And our EU ‘friends’ tell us that the EU has prevented war in Europe since 1945!
The French invaded German States fifteen times between 800AD and the battle of Jena in 1806AD.
Poland was given to the USSR after WW2, that USSR which the UK did not declare war on in 1939, despite the Polish Guarantee and despite the fact that the USSR invaded Poland.
You must have noticed that East European names figure prominently in reports of criminal activity in the UK. Export them all.
The same Poland who invaded the Ukraine shortly after gaining independence after WW1. The same Poland that helped itself to part of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
PS Mr Khan and the thought police – I am at our place in Spain so will have to catch up with you when I get back to the caliphate.
All the best
I welcome no news of over bearing and unnecessary immigration!
Agree Geoff however I beleive (thanks to Tony Blair) we are now in a case of damage limitation… The poles being my preferred option
You wouldn’t give them such credit if you had my Polish neighbours!
Indeed, muslim immigration is rightly given the focus, but I fail to see how any unnecessary immigration is ‘preferable’ when it divides previously unchanged communities by language alone, not to mention the drain on public resource…
Longer term I don’t view Poles as a problem. They’ll merge into the general population. Shorter term, any large group of incomers is going to cause resentment. It’s human nature and no amount of pious platitudes from the BBC will alter that.
Of course, the reason Poles are talked about the most is because it’s just about permissible to do so. They therefore become a euphemism for the group we really mean but might lose our jobs for mentioning: the group that sets up snackbars around the world and outbreeds the locals whilst demanding the locals change to suit the incomers. When it isn’t sexually assaulting them.
Absolutely Roland couldn’t agree more – I did a post a few weeks back saying that the vote for brexit IMO was in fact a stealth vote against islamisation… However what is disgusting is that the liberal PC media feel it is OK to bash the poles simply as they are white… The irony being that they generally do add to the economy/society in which we live. My father’s business employs many poles who are hard working and generally help his business.. Haven’t seen many RoP followers asking for jobs recently as the fact is they don’t work.. However for some reason they are protected in the MSM. It beggars beleif
I welcome all NEW Europeans…as long as they are documented, legal and without any criminal past that endangers or puts at risk our kids or parents.
And the numbers of jihadists and Remainiacs we`ll deport is balanced by the numbers of incomers
Have been round chunks of it-they despise Nazis and Communists in equal measure-name their landmarks after Ronnie, Maggie and Karol W-and they are sounds on lefties and Islam…AND any decent church would create the bulwarks with us a la Polish pilots in WW2.
Multi-coloured swap shop now we`re leaving the EU…New Europe has the answers , the youth and talent -and enough to create the New Israel for the coming Reunited Kingdom.
Send the Brownshirts of Socialislam back to either Raqqa or Frankfurt via Brussels…and lets have all those “lovely girls” of Wroclaw (Father Ted Rules!)…those gorgeous guys of Katowice( see-I DO think of the ladies here too!).
But my point is serious-Rumsfeld was a prophet, albeit an eejit as well…
Up here in God’s own county, Perthshire, the only problem with the Polish pilots in WW2 was that they stole our women !!
“..those gorgeous guys of Katowice( see-I DO think of the ladies here too!)…”
Just the ladies -great subterfuge! Pull the other one, Chris!
Julian Clary is married with three kids in Wolverhampton apparently!
What a smokescreen indeed Peter!
Yes-gender fluid, running like watercolour throughout all colours of the pastel pallette…full spectral sexual shenaningans!
Blast…forgive and forget grant-at least back then there were some lassies to steal…I look in the Scottish Doyle and pine for a Moira Anderson or an Isla St Clair…and I rejected them two when they first rolled round on the Generation Game…one baggage carousel too far!
Was Isla the last of the breed I wonder?…heck even Dr Findlay Janet would be a better bet than bloody Nicola Scourge`em.
MY wife likes little Pict Neil Oliver…forgive my bitterness here!
The Poles I have met in my admittedly small shire town will integrate very quickly and if they have small children one generation should do it. We all know this. Just another reality our BBC/elites prefer to ignore .
Third world incomers? Now that is another matter and cannot be discussed by nice people like the liberal elites
All lies of course.Byfar and away the biggest foreign group in theUK and the most troublesome and dangerous are the Muslims.The Poles are most welcome compared to them.
I don’t have a problem with the Poles per se, more the fact they have come over here in numbers that are unsustainable for our infrastructure (they are net beneficiaries, not net contributors despite that report the BBC keeps quoting).
But I really deplore the EU’s role in all this. The spin we were given about the accession of the Eastern bloc countries was that they would get increasingly more prosperous with access to the single market (not to mention a teensy bit of financial ‘encouragement’ from the Brussels bureaucrats). Instead what has happened is that, because of the freedom of movement principle, life suddenly looks more attractive elsewhere for their young workers – especially good ole’ GB with its education, health service and welfare benefits. Result? The likes of poor old Poland are left with a deficit of the very people they need to help improve their prosperity and gullible ole’ GB is left with an infrastructure that’s groaning at the seams. Any prospect that they might return to their own countries having enriched themselves at our expense fades with every new set of population/birth statistics. And who can blame them.
If the Brussels hierarchy didn’t work this out when the model was first being mooted then their collective IQ can be no greater than a gnat’s left testicle.
On the other hand, maybe they just didn’t give a FF.
Either way, it’s just another reason most of us voted for Brexit.
Fair summary, but it is even worse than that.
Much (of OUR) money is being spent by the EU on infrastructure projects and aid for building industrial competition in EE countries that, as we have seen, our companies are keen to re-locate to because local labour is so much cheaper than here.
So over here jobs are taken by immigrants, we have to pay 2 lots of support, to our own unemployed and to the low-paid immigrants; the immigrants stretch our services, requiring us to invest more; immigrants remit home; the EU uses over £10 billion a year of our money to, inter alia, create jobs over there; our companies move there and we lose employment and tax revenues. It is a vicious circle and WE pay in so many ways.
Its all very well absorbing the amount of migrants that stroll in here (which is as easy as catching a bus in Budapest or floating across the Channel), regardless of what colour they are, but its the potential breeding that concerns me. 10 migrants today could spawn children like the doubling up of numbers on a draughts board – incalculable. And if I hear one more ‘commentator’ on the box say that the NHS couldn’t survive without migrant doctors, well it bloody well managed without them BEFORE migrants were let in wholesale ! God Almighty, listening to the media talk, you wouldn’t believe the UK existed before the last 25 years without migrant help. But then, 25 years ago those in the media were still at school, and now in young middle age they have no idea what this country was like before 1985. More migrants,= more health service required, = more migrants working in the NHS = more money being sent out of the country = migrants not exactly helping our economy.
Al Beeb pro Burkini update.
Exhibit A. Disgraceful bias yesterday where the so-called journalist described the ban as ‘absurd’.
Exhibit B. Thought for the Day on Toady this morning at 0750, full on rant in favour of ‘choosing’ to wear a Burkini – by a Roman Catholic FFS.
Just remind me what choices are available to Muslim women regarding what they choose to wear, and the penalties for making the wrong choices. Is it rape, stoning, servitude, murder, or some combination? Can’t quite remeber
I personally feel the ban is silly on many grounds, not least how it was handled, initially enforced and served up as a PR wet dream.
However, this is the current Facebook headline to a BBC news post, With a picture of a mum and her little angel frolicking in the surf:
“The burkini ban will ‘increase segregation’ in France and fuel terrorism”
I’m sorry, but the British speaking for the nation Corporation plonking an activist statement in quotes as a ‘views not ours, Guv’ headline is beyond the pale. It is pure unaccountable stirring, and they know it.
Typical froggies – too little, too late
Brietbart actually did an excellent article – http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/25/worst-thing-frances-burkini-bans/
It`s a mere Alice down the worm hole story this one.
Don`t bite-Douglas Murray covers the liberal summer souffle of this non-issue very well.
It is up to France…after Nice they do as they like.
None of our business-we`ve left the EU now(well done IDS today).
Saw David Brent get himself tattoo`d as a “Berk” in his latest film-
These are the Twerking Jerking Berks of la la laiborluvvie libby land.
Step away from their cuckie jar….and seek out Douglas, Melanie and all our friends online.
They like the berkeeny story because they have taken a vow of silence themselves when it comes to Mizzlamb…wimps in whimples.
“He who fucks nuns will later join the church”
Don`t take the veil with these self-serving missals…the REAL Church is out here…the faith is Hislam, the message changes daily…
“How do you solve a problem like Shari`a?”-seemplez!
Rev 1910.
Hello grant-and welcome!
Guest – I share many of your reservations regarding this ban. It is certainly a “distraction” from the main issues which are currently swirling around us regarding the enrichers.
I agree it also plays into the hands of the hand wringing pc brigade who will be only too happy to make the waycist allegation on the back of this. But then they would say that anyway!
Having said that, there are serious questions regarding the “burkini” issue and in some ways maybe its similar to the Saint JO “hate” debacle in the referendum where the left tried to shame the population at large for voting for remain. But fortunately people had the sense to realise that they were being manipulated
The fact that that mainstream politicians are willing to start dealing with issues as contentious as this could well show that the penny is starting to drop with many of the mainstream political class in France.
Whether they will have the balls not to back down – remains to be seen.
It is all pretty academic anyway as it is definitely too little, too late.
I wouldn’t say is a “distraction”, every step towards the normalisation of the “Muslim way of life” is a small victory for Islam. Douglas Murray was unusually misguided when he appeared on Newsshite and seemed to be supporting the “we can’t do anything against the Muslim Menace as we would be undermining our democratic values” shtick. Exoletus Evans smiles as Murray confirmed the BBC line. Murray seemed happy to misrepresent his own views. The BBC, however, quickly forgot its “defender of freedom” posturing when the Mohammed cartoons were involved. Either the BBC were cowed by Muslim threats or believe that Muslim sensibilities are more important than telling the truth about a newsstory. Radio4’s Today team also seemed to be hyperventilating about the burkini ban. Two muslimas whine about members of the public looking at them askance while they skulk about in their ISIS uniforms. They then have the cheek to complain about the illiberality of western society. This from those who recommend death for apostacy, death for blasphemy and think Mohammed is a paragon of virtue to be emulated. If they truly believed in western liberal values, they would turn their backs on Islam. Frankly, I don’t care about accusations of “western hypocrocy” from muslims. I would rather be a live hypocrite than dead and unsinning in the eyes of the BBC.
Good stuff ID.
Murray is not one of the Weekend People…so won`t know exactly what Islam is up to.
You are correct re the ratcheting up of the normality in seeing Jihadi Johns lying on the beach-and this we cannot stand!
MY answer-cut the salami slices and tactics…make ANY Islam suckup tell me why Jo Brand can`t wear her bikini on a given sandpit in central Medina on a Friday afternoon…not all their sand is used to mop up the blood of the beheadings and amputations after all is it?
No answer?…then fuck off!
Chris whilst I agree that both you and ID may have some good points – there are some things which should never even be discussed on the grounds of taste. And I am sorry to inform you that the thought of Jo Brand in any sort of swimwear less than a teepee should definately be haram!
Spose I better “F” off before I am ill!
Sorry oaknash.
Heart of oak, delicate stomach.
Dianne Abbott getting a Brazilian?…or a rare clip of colonic irrigation from Idi Amin?
No oaknash, don`t mention it…welcome to the pleasuredome!
Thanks to you Chris my heart of oak has just been reduced to heartburn
Thanks to you Chris my heart of oak has just been reduced to heartburn
Diane Abbott getting a Brazilian? With a chainsaw, presumably?
God only knows what would be revealed afterwards.
LOL ! Thank God I do not know how to operate a chainsaw. We shall just have to ask Jeremy Corbyn. I wonder if he and gorgeous Diane are still…. . No, it doesn’t bear thinking about.
Grant, want to learn how to use a chain saw? Sign up for a degree in Sociology at the LSE – Dr MacKenzie, lecturer, LSE, with the chain sawing fellow member of Class War.
These people are rarely arrested and if so are promptly released.
A BBC supported academic appears with greats like Laurie Taylor no less
J: Hello Diana, Thanks for popping round I want a favour.
D: Ok Jeremy what is it?
J: could you take your clothes off for me Darling.
D: Ooh I thought you’d never ask.
J: Great, Lie down over there and open Your legs for me.
D: Wow You don’t hang around. Err what are you doing?
J: taking a photo.
D: Why what for?
J: I’ve bought a brown leather sofa and I wondered if it would look ok with pink cushions.
The ultimate career politician who performs with portillo who should be her greatest foe but then again her kids go to private school while her constituents blindly follow her.Silly billies.
Yes, they never seem to get prosecuted.
Sorry, but that is one skill I do not possess. I agree it is a gruesome thought and I apologise for the posting.
Your comments re Douglas Murray’s spouting of the BBC Islamophilic line alarmed me because I had Douglas down as someone who is unafraid to tell the truth about Islam. So I watched Newsnight, something my doctor advises in small amounts only, on I Player. I didn’t find that Douglas’s contribution was anything less than his usual strong warning about Islam and excoriation of the west’s politicians who are afraid to even name Islam as a problem , let alone confront the threat it poses to the west. As usual the BBC gave the woman dressed in flowing robes and a headscarf the final say, she had earlier tried to equate the French government’s Burkini ban with some of the ISIL executions, such is the moral equivalence that the BBC allows on its programmes.But I thought Douglas Murray did his usual fine job in confronting Islamification.
I am an admirer of Murray, but on Newsshite his wider points were ignored by Exoletus Evans. He, therefore, ultimately, ended up endorsing the “party line”. The usual “recruiting sergeant” bollocks.
As you say, Murray pointed out that “to Burka or not to Burka” was a side show in comparison to mass slaughter, but if you do not have the resolve to check minor manifestations of islamification, you won’t curb mass murder by muslims either. At least the Swiss have realised the significance of minaret building and oppose it. As I say all these little pro Muslim changes normalize the “Muslim way of life” in the west. You could spend from now to eternity foiling muslim plots and traipsing after Jihadists to prevent them butchering someone. The problem is too many muslims and many gradual and gentle measures will have to be taken to make the west less conducive to Muslims.
I would like to speak up for Douglas Murray for whom I have boundless admiration.
Intelligent, well informed, articulate, he also manages to come across as reasonable and credible, and though he clearly feels strongly about these issues, he manages to keep his cool, often in the face of severe, sometimes hysterical provocation and of course death threats. He is also a realist and shrewd operator, and has come to learn which battles are winnable and worth fighting. By conceding the relatively minor point of burkini bans on Newsnight, he was able to refocus the debate on the much greater question of islamic terrorism and mass islamic immigration instead. Had he locked horns with the muslima he would have got bogged down in a stalemate at best and given ammuntion to his opponents that he was islamophobic, misogynistic, illiberal etc.
(I have seen him on countless panels being goaded by beeboids and libtards of assorted hues, but by remaining calm and clear, he maintains credibility. Armies of Muslims, libtards and beeboids would dearly love to rile him and portray him as a rabid racist and thereby discredit him. He constantly walks a fine line, and if he were to rise to the provocation he would be dropped from ‘serious’ progs like Newsnight, or allowed to appear as the token Far Right nutjob. One example of his fine debating skills below, along with the heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Ps. By ‘serious’ I mean of course who take themselves seriously.
Ps. I happen to think the repulsive burkinis are important SYMBOLICALLY, but I suspect Murray had bigger fish to fry.
Ran out of time on previous post. Meant to say ‘one example of Murray’s fine debating skills, along with the admirable, heroic Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is also constantly subject to death threats, and of course has a Fatwa on her. Compare THAT courage to the sniggering, snivelling cowardly beeboids in their safe little studios getting all vexed about beachwear, completely missing the existential threat to the West through moral cowardice and sheer stupidity!! God how I loathe them.
Fair points Oaknash.
The whole thing reminds me of a Perfect Storm of venality and idiocy as in ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’..
Trouble is the ROP activists are much more media savvy, perhaps through marriage, with what pushes MSM and especially BBC buttons, with the French Fuzz delivering all that could be hoped for in spades.
In the run down to pulling the iPlayer tab off the catch up (no loss as zero of interest for weeks), we have been watching a couple of cop shows elsewhere. One is called 19-2, and presents a very bleak Canada. However its portrayal of dilemmas and how the system is in thrall of the media and perps at expense of the officers is compelling, if depressing.
WTF business of ours, let alone Al Beeb’s, is the decision of some FRENCH cities to ban the burkini? Al Beeb is setting up another strawman like their ‘right-wing backlash’. No one in the UK is calling for a burkini ban.
Er, I am.
Peter -The trouble is – is that this whole storm in a teacup has been elevated well beyond any significance as to whether a muslim woman does or does not wear a glorified bin bag on the beach or not.
Personally I could not give a flying F###!
However this has now gained a significance over and above any fashion concerns about black refuse bag beachwear – it is now turning into a Islamic/sharia foot in the door.
Next step will be UK sharia rules only beaches. They know it and we know it – only the BBC does not know it.
In the real world none of this would be tolerated (can you see Putin putting up with this)
Whilst I agree that we should put a stop to this.I do not think our politicians at this point would have the political courage to follow through with any ban of this type.
Unfortunately that will have to wait for a mass terrorist outrage to be committed in this country by the mentally ill – Only then will our politicians act.
It is easy for the BBC and politicians to smugly look across the channel and think “that would never happen in the UK”
Unfortunately one day the bell will toll for us too and that day is getting closer.
So am I ! It is a uniform of oppression of women and of war. If it must be worn, the law should say it has to be white.
White would make sense as it reflects the sun’s heat away thus keeping the wearer much cooler.
I would support your call and go further suggesting that we ban Halal meat etc as not complying with animal welfare, that we exercise our right to draw whatever we like, wherever we like, that we support ladies walking around in their summer attire anywhere they wish to in our country, that we do not have segregated bathing in our country. I could go on. Why should we have to change to accommodate people who we don’t want here and who despise us. The world is going mad. I’m sure that the authorities and the BBC know exactly how many of us feel but they seem determined never to let us express our views.
The professionally staged Burkini photo is emerging as an Islamist scam. It appears the woman went there to be deliberately photographed. She was not wearing a burkini but a ski suit. She sat there and awaited the cops, with photographers apparently on hand.
Meanwhile in London Black Lives Matter and others were interviewed by the BBC protesting against Islamophobia. These women protesters are fully aware of Islam and the status of women within it.
I do not regard these hideous clothes as symbols of oppression. Certainly not within Europen and the US Given the line up of politicians, cops, the law and academics in favour of Islam, it is becoming clear that these clothes are the uniform of our future leaders, a symbol of their political supremacy.
Wimmin in London demonstrate against the horrors of the burkini ban. No attempt to offer the view of French people. And no correction of the lie that the woman was forced to strip. She was not. She was free to obey the law and leave the beach
Well they are certainly winning the war so far and the non-muslim sistas who are supporting them had better be prepared for the consequences.
“She was not wearing a burkini but a ski suit.”
No she wasn’t. It was French Muslim journalist, Ahmed Meguini, who tweeted – as a joke – that she was on the beach in a ski outfit in 35C heat.
One of the benefits of the burkini is being able to crap in the water anonymously.
Meant to post this yesterday, Radio 2 4pm News reporting on the drop in net migration, the go to ‘expert’ on the subject was Sunder Katwala (spot the irony) from think tank British Future.
A little research on Katwala reveals [quote] “Sunder Katwala, a prominent left-wing activist and former director of the Fabian Society, a think tank that wishes to implement socialist government of Britain via non-revolutionary means. He is regularly cited as an influential political thinker. British Future works closely with other think tanks including Demos”
Katwala is typical of so called ‘impartial’ ‘experts’ that BBC news give airtime to further its agenda whilst giving the casual listener/viewer the impression that their news is fair and balanced..
Suppose Sir Andrew Green has bested them all too often and too long now.
His Migration Watch will prove to have been a massive factor in allowing us to leave the EU.
Heroes of the Brexit Campaign post Delors 88
1. Margaret Thatcher
2. George Gardiner
3. Christopher Booker
4. Sir Bill Cash
5. Sir James Goldsmith
6. Tony Benn/Peter Shore
7.Enoch Powell/Alan Sked
8. Sir Andrew Green
9. Lords Lawson and Tebbit
!0-NIGEL FARAGE…where`s his statue you BBC creeperss?
Rhodes must rise…Nigel must fly!
Speaking of Rhodes, chris, what about Rhodes Boyson? Was he not a leading non-enthusiast for the EU?
I have never been to Rhodes.
But have you ever been to you?
The Charlene Question that ALL would be Feminazis and Mizzlamists ought to be asked.
Take me home Country Rhodes…now that was a nice song too!
More drugs matron…with a Blackthorn top!
There`ll be a case for Sir Rhodes!
Robert Kilroy Silk maybe too?
If Rhodes isn`t a Freud or a Driberger…maybe we could get those mutton chop whiskers, a tipped cane and a tribute act up against Corbyns Lardies up in Islington Green-where Rhodes did his sterling work to save schools from ILEA!
My accent is Manc-so I could do a good Rhodes if I channel Peter Kaye after a day in Burnley.
His cockney accent was crap (PK, not Sir Rhodes!)…so how come it wasn`t mocked…thought Danny Baker used to be honest once!
Very well spotted, Geoff!
This is precisely the sort of thing that goes on all day at the BBC. They know damn well that someone listening while doing the washing up isn’t going to even stop to wonder who the latest ‘expert’ really is.
I started the week asking about the BBC Radio 4 ‘Season of Pismronunciation’.
Is it deliberate? I can well think it might be and at times – to spice up their working week a little – the Beeboids might just deliberately say something wrong on air and then run an office sweepstake to see who wins the pot for having the word or news segment that generates the most letters & calls from listeners.
While that may be a possibility, there is an obvious modern suspect for these crimes. Spellcheck. As scripts are prepared for example, the spellchecker offers up ‘cased’ which is then repeated in every news broadcast – as it was one day this week – by an unthinking newsreader as ‘worst cased scenario’. (Think that may have been Wednesday on R4.)
We’ve also had Liz Trussed (Liz Truss) or the Liz Trust at various times this week as well as Sir Gay Lavrov (Sergey Lavrov) this morning.
Last week there was a hilarious moment when the spell-check remained firmly stuck in Woman’s Hour while a Newsreader dealt with an item about one of the US Presidential Candidates campaigning in the State of Virginia!
Did you hear Donald Trump mention Hillarys “Pre-medication” as opposed to her “premeditation” the other day?-very witty, and deserves greater prominence.
Needs saying, under the radar-and like Nigel-we know the code!
Lefties have no humour, no sense of fun or words whatsoever…let`s shaft them with it…by the time they get it, we`ve gone!
Season of Pissprenuptiation….my starter for where we are.
PS-just read the rest of your post sir…excellent warplay!
The Vaginian-wasn`t that a cowboy thing on telly?….like the links here!
AS IDS fended off the snappy handbag shitzu who`s long been on Mishals velvet ropelet that acts as a lead…I only wish I knew my dogs as well as my cat(who gives me no other choice but to know him!)
Now then-as Humph tried to dry hump IDSs hush puppies…was he making efforts to piss or to wank on the shoe, the ankle itself?
Part of me thought he wanted titbits to bring back to Disdain Husain…you know, does Boris REALLY like the dishwashing tablets st Chevening at the moment, because Liam seems not to?…
Another part was that he ran after every dog biscuit like the blind half cooked old labidoddly that he`s now reduced to…whatever IDS was fishing from his posing paunch…Humph simply would NOT shut up-yalling, harrying as if he were a hunting puppy a la Aberfan…not the rheumy cataracty old flatulent shitzzu in Mishals Berker Bag.
Absolutely pathetic-surely he needs a drag one last time along the Curry Mile or Brick Lane with Mishal feeding him the last bits of multiculti solace from the bottom of her desert bootees.
Yesterdays eagle-tomorrows early bird special.
To be fair, maybe Humphrys was so desperate to be informed and to be enthusiastic in seeking power from truth for the old dead batteries…but , were he in class for Best in Show-he`d at least put a paw up and stop yapping as the peoples voice gets SOME airing on the deadzone that is the BBC.
Would an old fat shitzu actually FIT into a Berker Bag?…anyway, all this will teach me NOT to go to the Isle of Dogs won`t it now?
Humphrys for Doggy Dignitas!
“Posing paunch”. LOL !
‘Isle of Dogs’?
Barking, surely!
PsychoSarko sets out his tanks on Marine Le Pen’s lawn.
Smart guy that Sarko!
Not that smart – he got slung out, last time, and is known to be a bit of a crim…
This article quickly vanished from off the main BBC News website yesterday.
“Social media giants ‘failing’ on extremism – MPs”.
“Social media companies are “consciously failing” to combat groups using their services to promote extremism, say MPs”.
Anyhow, it actually had a HYS and they(the BBC)were very quickly banged to rights.
The two top comment before the article was hauled off were:
1. “….says the BBC who welcomed Anjem Choudary onto Newsnight”.
2. “Double standards?,
A. Choudary has been a mouth piece for extremism for years.
And you have given him the platform to spread his hate time and time again on air.
You’re no different to the Social media giants.
Well, there is 1 difference – I don’t have to fund the Social media giants”.
To quote modern language “lol”
Ram Jam Choudhury-Jeremy Corbyn Laden-and rammed on a Virgin train, rather like mule muffing -done the halal way of course.
The end of Savilisation as we know it….boy, it must be vital to get your spellings and pronunciation here in leftislam lands.
Restricted code-just a few words of MR bean dialogue as far as the Left and its ciphers and suckups for islam and Izal are concerned.
People like up2snuff,grant and me-and Richard Littlejohn today-seem to know the news lingos for tomorrow-for sure as hell the BBC have taken the veil and the Saviloy pork sword of ali up the mush.
Bernstein didn`t just write shows….his “restriced code” of the privileged and the fakirs hit its mark for me way back.
As did Stanley Unwin and Ronnie Barker of course.
I missed that HYS yesterday. What a shame, but others appear to have covered admirably. Open between 9:30 and 4:30, but still get their backsides on a platter. Can’t be long until they give up on allowing comments completely. Unless it’s about the Olympics.
I see Albeeb also show in their twitter photograph a black finger.
They should put that photo with the 20,000 photos they already have of keyboards being operated by black hands.
British teenage girl suffers broken nose and her friend taken to hospital after being attacked by ‘gang of French Muslims who tried to grope her’ in Spanish resort
Think you`ll find that it`s called “reaching out” when a muslim does it
“French” Algerian Muslims are becoming a pest. In France, they are responsible for most of the rapes, arson, and assaults. Now they have extended their reign of terror to Spain, Switzerland, and even Australia. That nice Chinese girl was stabbed just because she did not like a Muslim pawing her.
When one thinks about it, Muslims were safely locked up in their countries. Britain accepted a huge number of Pakistanis. Once they were given citizenship, it allowed Pakistanis to roam the world, and spread mayhem. The French did the same for Algerians, and the Dutch did the Moroccans the same favour. Now we have allowed Somalis out of their cage by giving them citizenship.
Essentially, Europe, has let these ferals out of their cages. We are now reaping the bitter harvest.
What is one to do?
Yep, the French Algerians are Frances problem-and now thanks to Sarkozy and D`Estaing with their Schengen crap-it becomes the rest of the EUs.
The French made them citizens, no matter what once they left the Maghreb in the lost colonial wars of the early 60s.
You`re French first-by dint of being born in French colonies, setting foot on French soil.
How did THAT turn out then?
Well-no better than the Germans who took their Turks and Balkan immigrants, denied them citizenship but only made them gastarbeiters. Well they had kids on German soil and became German citizens.
Not by dint of being born on German soil-but because they were German by bloodline, with the new incorporated New citizens under Schroder(and Kohl was happy to assimilate them as if they were East Germans too).
So BOTH models-by soil or bloodline; French or German-were tried out.
But both led to here today, and now we know the common issue is Muslims who are Islamists first-and nique France, fuck Germany.
Didn`t see this anywhere on the EU idiot boards of “How Europe has evolved”-but Sura 47:10-11 were Bin Ladens awed response to the twin Towers…and his helpers still study those couple of lines.
Maybe we should too.
Good post.
I forgot Merkel’s contribution. She has let in millions of these feral Muslims from everywhere in the Muslim world. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Eritrea, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Gabon, Gambia, etc. Uneducated, unwashed, and illiterate in their own language. She says Germany “can do it”. Do what?
This is a mass invasion, the likes which we have never witnessed. It has been done not by force of arms of the invaders, but by stunning stupidity of European leaders. I fear that Europe as an entity is in its last phase. Pity.
I just wonder if Obama had anything to do with it.
George Soros certainly did.
They were probably on a day outing from the local psychiatric hospital.
British teenage girl suffers broken nose and her friend taken to hospital after being attacked by ‘gang of French Muslims who tried to grope her’ – surprisingly not reported on Albeeb.
Do you ever wonder what else isn’t being reported? Wonder no more, see below. The scale is staggering. Whenever I hear of so-called Islamophobia, I’m astounded by how little there is of it. Frankly I would have expected lynch mobs by now.
cologne-is-every-day-europes-rape-epidemic… the list is endless… http://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/world-economy/cologne-is-every-day-europes-rape-epidemic/news-story/e2e618e17ad4400b5ed65045e65e141d
Quite so. Its truly a symptom of a sick society; one that is happy to see its women folk and young girls raped by passing thugs.
Can you imagine such goings on just 50 years ago. These ferals would be torn apart by the descendants of Charles Martell.
Europe is being made to kill itself by the EU. Its the likes of Junkers & Merkel in Europe, and Obama & Clintons in America, who are intent on destroying the fabric of Western civilisation.
The main propaganda channels are BBC, NBC, CNN, CBS, in the English speaking world. Then we have Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter on the web.
Such are the forces that are against decency, that we have no hope unless we pray.
Paul to Ephesians 6:12New International Version (NIV)
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
And just when we though that Nigel could not get any greater?
Look at how he causes the mute to speak Stateside?
How he gets the mentally-challenged up out of their beds and back behind the podium?
How he stirs the medication time under Nurse Ratchet over there and causes her to get out, loll a head and denounce the Worlds Greatest Living Englishman( now caterpillar free after that Flash Harry tash the other week)!
Really hope the BBC get onto this and pick the lice out of their knickers and rage at this..for then we know that Nigels Spirit Level is callibrated to “fuck them over!”.
Still though-if they`ve got him under their skin-only shows that Brexit now memes that we speak to the WORLD these days thanks to the Great Sir Nigel of the Wield!
Ground all media junkets to the USA-give all the airmiles and minibar concessions to Nigel and his mates…not to wankymaggots like Jon Snow and Huw Edwards…who learn nothing when they`re there-and don`t “Stop the Traffic” as our Little Prince does!
Bill was due to speak-but for some reason he had his mouth full…
Jeremy “I get paid nearly £1 million a year” Vine started his lunchtime R2 show today with the shocking headline that a woman had been forced to remove her burkini by a French policeman who was “carrying a gun”.
Yes Jeremy, that’s because he was a policeman in France and they carry guns.
This Muslim woman living in France, knew precisely what she was doing.
France is in a state of war. The entire armed forces of the republic are deployed on full alert, as if the Nazis were coming over. This is because Muslims living in France, have been attacking France for the last ten years, on a regular basis. Major events in the life of the nation have been cancelled.
The French have had enough. Then to provoke the French even more, this Muslim woman was made to get up to this provocation. Can you imagine what we would do in WWII, if some Germans living in Britain, dressed up as Nazis and walked along the Kent coast. Oh yeah. I can see Churchill seeing the funny side. Yup.
Or imagine if Muslims attacked that Kuffar parliament, and killed a dozen MPs. Then a week later, some Muslim woman in a niqab, with a great big bulge, walked over to parliament square. Oh yeah. I can see the authorities seeing the funny side of it. Or maybe not. The niqab would have so many holes in it, that it would qualify as a bikini.
The BBC might.
Burkini Jihad Hoaxer: How Muslims staged the French Burkini Arrest
Smacks of Alan Kurdi surprised we didnt have a dead child for extra drama.
These enrichers are certainly becoming total “Beach Professionals”
However in the style of the “I am Alan” protests does this mean we will now be treated to the sight of various infantile left wing agitators of indeterminate sex lying on french beaches hoping to be arrested.
Doesnt say too much about the french plods observational skills – You think the shouts of “work it baby” would have been a bit of a giveaway
…and he was carrying a gun cos there’s a high risk of some roper nutjob carrying out a terror attack. Something fishy about that ‘innocent’ muslim woman lolling about on a beach alone like a beached whale, no menfolk, obviously not getting a tan, photogrophers conveniently ready to snap up brutal police, no?
This is good.
A dagger to the heart of the Kirstys and the Gompertzits.
Bit long-don`t get all of it, but know he`s doing something good here…we may well need our own “Good Rebellion” Awards.
He`s possibly lost a career-but he`ll get another if we value his attempt to mock the luvvies prancing round Nicola Sturgeons shortarse tin, doing the Gay Gordons…as they do
F1 practice coverage Spa on 5Live Extra “send us Tweets about where you went on your summer holidays” followed by “As its World Dog Day Tweet us your F1 doggy puns ie Jack Russell Villeneuve….”
FFS this is a dangerous grown up sport supposedly broadcasting on a grown up station with grown ups listening.
The BBC is almost un-consumable with its endless dumbing down and wet behind the ears presenters, one could never imagine Murray Walker uttering such banal sh1t….
Oh come ON BBC!
Clinton has destroyed Farages unheard-of intervention in the US Election FFS!
The Greens are meeting at a Mental health Charity-their ONE MP wants to coalesce with the vibrant, rising, healthy Labour Party?
But can they top Natalie Bennett?
COME ON BBC-your site tells me nothing, no analysis, rune runners…nuffink!
Come ON BBC-I need to give my opinion later-and need your steer on these two issues!
Just a thought but I’ve not seen Kuenssberk (you know the one, the intrepid, objective BBC Political Editor) for a while. Perhaps shes not willing to appear on the BBC to show us her red face following the totally unexpected Brexit she and the others at the BBC worked so hard to avoid. Here is a list of illnesses where a red face is a symptom: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/symptoms/society_problems/causes.htm
I fancy it is on the list as: ‘Acute Stress Disorder’ the sub-symptoms of which are: “Nervousness, Sense of impending doom”. I reckon that fits the bill!
I suspect is is just another long Beeboid summer holiday.
Someone on here mentioned that the BBC have been informing the ill-informed public that puddles of water on the Antarctic ice is a sure sign of Global Warming and catastrophic “Climate Change”.
Paul Homewood does the homework, as usual, and takes a much closer look at the claims:
The EU made the fatuous claim that it had won most medals at the Olympics, but rather than pick that item for the quiz of the week the BBC hits upon Conservative MP Heather Wheeler for her joke put down of the EU. She tweeted that the British Empire were the real No1
Just sitting here at work …I am forced to watch BBC on our telly no sound (subtitles sometimes amusing with the BeeB’s spelling) BBC News Caroline Lucas Green Party complaining about the support they have and only one mp…and then a nice view of a party (hippy) meet….with babies and horses and more beards than a mosque WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!… Can’t wait for BBC to start campaigning for UKIP as they have the same problem ……keep your eye’s peeled for that one.
Obama’s daughter was photographed twerking on stage.
The photograph here reveals a very angry dad and mom.
Now a word to our trolls. The video is 100% spoof A joke, like they once had on the BBC, which is now only allowed to lampoon Nigel Farrage and Donald Trump
Here is the spoof video. It is a spoof recording of Obama telling his daughter off for twerking in front of photographers
Slightly off-piste. Read about ‘Project Diamond’ which the BBC (& other channels) will fully immerse themselves following the BME applecart of delight.
The bbc report above says the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination blames the brexit vote for the increase in hate crimes in the UK.
The BBC provides no link, and doesn’t name the report.
I have scoured the site for this esteemed body of noble people:
But cannot find a reference to such a report. The BBC item does not allow for comments else I would ask there. Does anyone know where I can read the report please?
It’s a UN body, empowered to ‘make recommendations’ regarding racial discrimination. Typical unbiased source for ready-made BBC quotes.
I think it is this.
You will need to work your way through to section 15 on page 4 though. Obviously nothing earlier fitted the BBC’s agenda.
Am indebted to Jim for finding the report.
Sadly, the report doesnt say who the compilers are. However it would fit neatly into the soft left’s view of the world. It repeats the allegations of the rise in hate crimes without any analysis.
For example, 1% of hate crimes are bike thefts, 8% of hate crimes are burglaries. Erm, hate crimes?
However it shows its true colours with the following in the later pages:
“The Committee also expresses concern at the lack of balanced teaching in the State party’s schools about the history of the British Empire and colonialism, particularly with regard to slavery.”
I doubt whether that’s to educate children on how the UK ended slavery, first for ourselves and then around the world. Or how our royal navy sailors died freeing slaves. I suspect it doesn’t want UK kids to know about the 2 million northern Europeans the muslims took as slaves in the 18th century. This included 100,000 people from the southern counties of the UK.
SS – I understand your frustration however I for one am completely resigned when it comes to al beeb and their “journalism”. The best thing that we as tax payers can do is inform family and friends of their awfulness. It’s what I’ve been doing and you’d be surprised at just how easily it goes down. Maybe one day David Vance will receive a tiger woods esque apology. I hope so. David bloody deserves it. Until then I won’t be interrupting my holiday to hold al beeb to account. That said the pendulum is swinging and they will get their comeuppance like it or not. In the meantime let’s not hold our breath. More important things to worry about.
If your not abused by the media then you are insignificant. The two greatest men Donald trump and Nigel farage are the real deal. Katie Hopkins Is the real deal. These people are on my honours list brave honest ‘real’ people who can be trusted.
Dead right Mackers.
If you`re hated by the tasteful and reviled for your populism and your tone-then you are right above the target and must be EXACTLY what this country(and indeed the western world) needs.
Maybe we need to create a hate index- Trump, Wilders, Le Pen, Netenyahu, Sir Nigel, Katie, Melanie, Peter H, Orban, Tommy…and monitor the coverage and thank them ceaselessly.
The Czech President, Geller and Spencer too, Coulter and Heather Brooke..good league table of heroes here…send one your love eh?
Call it the Jo Cox Legacy Poll shall we?
No more appeasement from me we are controlled by stupid people, the lunatics (crooks)have taken over the asylum. Tory right need to speak up, one day the zombie invasion will arrive at your doorstep. Being cowardly won’t help its called sitting on the fence while the disturbed ruin a successful country. I for one will stand up when called upon. People happily say I’m not interested in politics or football on quiz shows with a relish what their really saying is let the liberals rule unopposed and their against the peasants entertainment because they are the superior middle classes. But they are the stupid people the crooked people the reason prison sentences are lenient is for their benefit, they are the occupants or shoulld be. Nobody likes football hooliganism it’s an embarrassment to our country but when our ordinary people are attacked in France by Russian militia it’s offensive to blame are own citizens. When are citizens are Tommy gunned down on a foreign beach I am firstly upset sympathetic and sad but when are media underplay the outrage I’m furious. No more appeasement no more turning your head I used to be an unobservant person now I’m alert for everyone’s safety. Retirements not just gardening.
Uh oh – taste of your own medicine al beeb!?!
All those architects/lawyers/doctors seem to be very physical
Enjoy guys!
firstly its a branch not a tree secondly ring the police instead of your documentary film thirdly the awe in your voice somes up todays society fourthly when the police do arrive they won’t do anything anyway and fifthly this will carry on because the idiot appologists are weak
The mayor of Calais wants the army brought in.
UK police could help; they are monitoring the social media for extremism and there are sites on FB and elsewhere proving practical support for the migrants, A visit from the plod might be recommended.
The biased BBC socialists are wanking themselves off big time with the news of NHS’cuts’. Queue extremely erudite vox pop of random public with the usual non-random socialist rants.
Here’s one for you. Do people actually LIKE to be in hospital. Or do they itch to go home asap.
Modern medicine enables early release. Result? Fewer beds are needed. Simple really. But to the 1948ers this is heresy.. What do we want? Lots of unused beds. When do we want them? Now.
Sadly the mass hysteria and decades of statist brainwashing have left most of the public totally unable to review the NHS dispassionately for the statist producer-led nationalised industry of self-interest that it is.
Needless to say, the producer-led, nationalised industry of self-interest that is the biased BBC will not be offering any enlightenment
One vox pop says the population is increasing so how can they have cuts. Beeboid immediately replied ” But a lot of that is immigration and high breeding rates by resident immigrants “. Only joking !
I had a spell in hospital last year and I spent some of the time in a bay of 6 beds where I was the only English speaking patient. I don’t suppose the BBC see anything significant in that.
I’ve been meaning to mention about the national debt it’s doubled so why was george osbourne so pleased with himself
All today the BBC has had it’s nose in the 38 degrees trough, warning us all that the NHS ( an inefficiently monopolistic nationalised industry) is in yet another crisis. But who are 38 degrees? Yes they enable people to run campaigns but they are staffed up themselves to run their own campaigns it seems. Where are they on the political spectrum? Not in the centre or on the right, you can be sure. Their staff are all under 40 and of the St Jo Cox type, coasting alongside supporting left wing causes, perhaps until a safe Labour seat comes up ( or ex safe seat). I have just listened to one Laura Townshend the 38 degrees ‘ communications director’ on BBC Midlands news, announcing doom and disaster as the NHS rationalises its estate. Look her up and guess what? She’s spent most of her brief inconsequential career at Shelter, a left wing organisation posing as. Charity. 38 Degrees should join the Joseph Rowntree Trust as BBC left wing stooges.
Whine was banging on about this on radio 2 today. He was also speaking to this Laura as well. It was all very emotive stuff with whine giving the impression that 38 degrees was something new to him when he is well aware of who and what this bunch do and campaign for. Left, anti Tory and pro labour. Google is my friend Jeremy you should use it sometime. Lies lies lies and more lies and this clown sorry journalist gets a million quid for this drivel and he has the nerve to whine about private company directors getting thie same wage.
Ffs Points West 6.30 (cue stern newscaster voice) “Taxi drivers under attack” going on to tell us “BAME taxi drivers in Bristol are claiming a rise in racist attacks since Brexit” but followed by the disclaimer “some say”
Absolutely no qualification or proof was given on this supposed ‘fact’ other than a couple of anecdotal incidents and I do wonder just how many taxi drivers were interviewed to get the desired effect, even a Sikh driver interview stated that it has ‘always happened’. No racist abuse is acceptable, but to blame it on Brexit is unacceptable, but hey the BBC must keep reminding us what cants we were for voting Brexit…
Here we go!
The fool Brown thought that his money tree would produce abundant fruit for ever. As well as importing immigrants to become future Labour voters, he thought that having conquered bust, he could spread largesse around to those he thought ‘worthy’, mostly the idle and never-employed, but also working mothers and others who he thought would be grateful and so vote Labour.
He hadn’t conquered bust, and when it came the crash cost a bomb, tax revenues dried up and the benefit claims didn’t, in fact ever more immigrants added to them. So government income drops, outgoings increase and the Government is soon borrowing to pay out benefits, borrowing 10% of GDP in Labour’s last (hopefully) years. This money wasn’t being invested as the arch liar Brown claimed, but was part of a growing structural deficit. Don’t forget that Brown doubled debt in a boom despite lying that he had reduced it. Al Beeb never questioned Brown/Balls/Mrs Bollox/MinimeMiliband about this paradox as they do the Tories nowadays.
Little Ozzie reduced the deficit over time but didn’t do it as quickly as he should during the coalition years because of pressure from the Lib-Dums, aka Labour-in-disguise. Labour have voted and agitated against every proposed cut, aided and abetted by the HoL. If you need to be reminded of the concerted action to stop cuts proposed by Osborne in recent budgets you probably shouldn’t be on this blog.
So without excusing Osborne, he did what he could and the deficit, the amount we borrow and add to debt each year, is at least only half what it was in 2010. At £70 billion a year though it doesn’t take long for the national debt to grow.
To be fair i had forgotten about the obstructions of the lib dems .This is the blog for me osbourne was against brexit bigtime so i won.t be defending him ever.The debt needs to be reduced quicker.Labour’s to blame i know that
The BBC will be over this like a rash.
It’s not over,and it’s not being reported outside regional news.
“It’s not over,and it’s not being reported outside regional news.”
I see, so it was reported by the BBC:
Were as this:
“Care home worker caught by horrified colleagues molesting elderly Alzheimer’s sufferer”
Was not reported by the BBC.
Yet, for some reason, you didn’t think that worthy of comment.
How peculiar.
Apparently; “there is no such thing as racism”…
Evening folks. Had a very interesting conversation with a french family on the beach today RE: Marine Le Pen. Had to pull it out of them but marine le pen “ces’t necessaire” was the words of the pretty french woman. The men (as per usual) didn’t seem to understand the problem. Bless em. Thank god for us brits ey – whilst they lie down we’ll fight for them. History repeating itself?
Dated quite a few french girls myself and a common thread is the frenchmans apathy when needed most. Here we go again!
Well this Brit certainly won’t fight for the French. Mind you , I am a bit old for that now !
Evening Grant – hope you’re well my friend. Indeed the frogs (much like owen smith) just do not get it… I’m 26 and happy to put my life on the line but why can we not learn from our bloody mistakes!!!!!
I am fine. Well you are very wise for one so young ! I thought you were older ! Good for you .
Cheers Grant – greatly appreciated. I feel I am a dying breed. Grandparents originally from Hull, moved down to Londonistan for business reasons. I for one am not seeing our country go down without a fight! Also (as in post below) contrary to mainstream media there are far more of us than they’ll have you beleive. One of the easiest things about the liberal left youth is they are v v easy to sway… I for one will do my best. The older generation deserve it, I am truly disgusted to turn on the news nowadays and I feel we owe great thanks to the older generation who gave us the beautiful freedom too many take for granted
That’s the Brutal Truth. But, in history, things tend to go in cycles. I don’t despair of younger people yet !
For the record. I am conservative /ukip it’s ok to criticise your party if you want change to improve things.
Remember all those “Pray For France” “We are France” crap that the rest of us do in western capitals when the Muzzies strike as they do?
We light up the Eye in Red White and Blue, blu-tac a fleur de lys by the croissant and brioche section of Waitrose or such?
Well done-European Solidarity at its peak-must terrify Izal!
Now then-let the good local folk of Nice or Corsica DARE to see the burkini as a provocation?Only a month after Nice, a month after the butchering of Jacques Hamel?…and it`s “fuck off France, you`re on your own!”.
Do remember that NEXT time the Muslims strike in France…and thump a grief thief who won`t back the French now that they`re trying to deal with two generations of camel shit in the stables
Wouldn`t normally care-but heard Toby Young, Ed Stourton and some self-elected leader of …dare we dream…the Womens Equality Partay?
The WEP “made representation to the French Ambassador”…well who knew-remind me again…WHO are they?…and why are they on the radio, why shouting through The Frenchmans letterbox like they speak or have a presence in the UK?
Only the BBC seems to think it.
All as one-the ocean of the dullards, dead fish floating in the middle of the stream.
Not a fuckin` clue…which is what appearing on the BBC tends to do to you.
Prey For France indeed….
chrisH – you should have witnessed the conversation I had – it was as if I’d asked them who would be the first person to land on mars despite the fact 250+ have been murdered courtesy of Allah (PBUH)! The woman in the group however was awake – the rest of them (and worryingly) the men just didn’t get it. They stood there in a “zut alors” way… Beggars belief
I’m hoping to do my time in the city and go into politics. So please do not believe the mass media, some of us youth are very awake. I will always be spurred on by my grandads bullet hole in his leg, courtesy of the germans. I have the utmost respect for our older generation (contrary to al beeb) and most people are pretty easy to swing my way.
Fingers crossed I can fulfill my life plan!
Judging by your posts here, so far , you will get my vote any time. Hope you are enjoying chrisH’s posts. At the end of last year we had a vote for poster of the year and he won hands down !
Thanks Grant, really appreciate it. The irony in all this is that a lot of my friends are from a mixed race background and they absolutely agree with my politics. Its the main reason I get spurred on to go out there and make a change. I am disgusted with how yourself and my parents generation are treated, it must stop, now!!!!!!!!
I agree. ChrisH is something very special indeed. When he gets a post bang on, it’s a masterpiece
I ave to say that I am mightily impressed by the standard/quality of our current crop of contributors. It’s an an absolute pleasure and privilege to read the posts from Peterthegreat, NCBBC, Manchesterlad, Thoughtful, Johnny, Maria, GWF, The old bloke, Oaknash, Thirdoption, Roland, Truthseeker, Obiwan, Taffman, Deborah, Guest, Number 6 and of course you Grant …(I am so sorry if I have missed you off as I read all of your posts)
Just throwing some lovin out there to all of you and a huge thank you for keeping me sane and throughly entertained!!
Many thanks, and you are one the list, of course. But you forgot the Trolls, they are so funny they have me falling off my chair !
I agree about the Trolls.
For them to have to read through each and every one of our posts to try and find something that they can be all devious and conniving with, is commendable. It must to be so embarrassing for them to be so let down by their cult leaders! Flogging a dead horse?… They have had to sacrifice any self respect to continue to fanatically defend such a failed ideology as theirs
They must know that we think they are complete scrotums. A complete joke. They know that we think they are a complete bell-ends and we never take anything they say seriously. For them to keep plugging away at a lost cause is slightly sad… But makes us realise that if these traitorous vermin are not going to have a day off, then it’s all the more necessary what we do on here.
It mystifies me what motivates them, unless they are paid for it and they always deny that they work for the BBC. What gets me is the complete lack of sense of humour, but that characterises the Left. They really don’t have much to laugh about.
What motivates them is blind, raging faith. As is often said, Leftism isn’t about facts that you can weigh in the balance – it’s about a religious faith. They are consumed with what they consider to be righteousness. It never occurs to them that they might be wrong.
Thank you. Your comments too are a must. In fact this blog is worth reading all round. Even our trolls are a higher standard then on other blogs.
What annoys trolls more then anything is being ignored. So do feed them, but occasionally.
“grief thief “. LOL ! The enemy will just see the outpourings of grief and no action as a sign of weakness and they are right.
Wimmins Equality Partay leading light is BBC ‘talent’ Sandi Toksvig – obvs.
At least there are some institutions which are making a stand against the PC BS.
My dog has a safe place on the stairs. Got to get to bed early tonight to be up for Nana Munchrugger and her tripe on the breakfast news. Hope Charlie Chocolate Stayt is on (personal hero of mine) with the poodle on his head. Chewing a wasp whilst trying to look intelligent. BBC full of amoebas
BBC Labour Luvvie Melvyn Bragg has a new series called The Origins of the North. He’s joined in this by a slew of other Labour leftie luvvies including Dame Judi Dench, David Hockney, Lee Hall, Jimmy McGovern, Ian McMillan, Geoffrey Boycott, Maxine Peake, Frank Cottrell Boyce, Chris Bonnington and Joan Bakewell.
Not all of them Labour, but far too many are. It will no doubt be one of most biased heaping pile of horse s**t the BBC has produced.
Revisionism here we come! No doubt it will be all those black men down the mines who made Britain great with leftie luvvie Bragg & chums failing to get it that those ‘black’ men were white men who were dirty with grime from hard physical graft – something Bragg & his mates have never had to contemplate !
Forty Yorkshiremen sketch to last a few series.
All willing enough to big up the North-but from the safety of Hampstead.
Boycott and Hockney apart-why the hell do I need to hear from Maxine Peake from the RSC “Professional Northerner” casting couchette?
Where`s Peter Kaye then?…Alan Bleasdale or Tony Harrison?
See?..not all have to be my politics-but Bragg has dined out on Wigton Grammar for way too long…
Yep I agree this will have a pro Labour bias, but……Geoffrey Boycott?!?!! I have no proof either way but I always had Geoffrey down as anything but a leftie 🙂
Yes, I would be amazed of Boyks was a Leftie.