I read this as his getting out of a car to cuddle a boy who was attacking his girlfriend.
Very Islamic…rare outbreak of open heterosexuality…might get his community payback reduced to only one dog to behead.
Chris that post confused the hell out of me I read ‘ I read this getting out of the car’ .I was thinking how can he read this getting out of the car. Still bottle of red is going down nice mate
Such attacks – verbal as well as physical – on individuals displaying a liberal attitude to sex, alcohol etc., are not uncommon and are often accompanied by ‘Didn’t you know this is a Muslim area?’.
At last!! A wonderful news story for the traitorous, shit stain, white man hating deviants at Islamic Al Beeb!!!! Oh behold the joy and celebrations being displayed from the believer’s at Al Beebistan!! Caliph Al Beeb has declared a weekend of celebrations for this wonderful news, including mass suicide bombings, and the beheading of 72 infidel sluts in anticipation for Allahs merciful blessing in paradise!!!
The news…
“France burkini: Highest court suspends ban”
(oh wow!! A dozen homosexuals have been launched off a rooftop!! The believer’s are so joyful!! Allahu Akbar!!)
“The ban in Villeneuve-Loubet “seriously and clearly illegally breached fundamental freedoms”, it found”….
…Fundamental freedoms… They must mean the freedom for Saudis, Somalians, Yemens, the Taliban and Islamic State brothers to freely force their sisters to never leave the house without wearing a burkha!! Oh what freedoms sisters!! The shackles that evil white men have forced on you are released!! Boardrooms here we come!!
The Islamic Al Beeb are so excited they even start to re-write history before our eyes! Only days after the events!…
“Nice saw a devastating attack by a follower of so-called Islamic State in July while Sisco witnessed clashes this month between villagers and Muslim bathers”
So… It was a follower of ‘islamic state’, which as we all know has no connection whatsoever with any death cult ideology which it takes its name and all its laws and instructions from….(I’ve not heard that one before!?!? Islamic State is now the ONLY reason why Muslims are butchering the infidels!! Ssshh if we just forget that Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Al-Nusra Front, Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood,
Ansar Al-Sharia, Boko Haram, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Taliban……exist, and we completely ignore the Koran and hadiths then yes I suppose the infidels may be stupid enough to believe that)
And just to link it all together they throw in the “Muslim bathers”!! WTF!!! So the Islamic Al Beeb want to completely remove all notion of aggression of violence away from the enriches!! They were just peaceful bathers! Like the stooge on the beach in all the headline pictures!! No mention of the machetes and attacking local children. No mention of the enriches taking over the beach. Just sweet innocent bathers…..
Brilliant article Al Beeb you devious bastards! So glad the spineless cowards in France could make you feel so happy
There are so many things happening in the world and parts of the world which don’t get reported by the BBC either because they do not know about it or are not interested. Their international reporting is even more pathetic than their UK reporting.
Course not No6.
The whole “war on drugs” is a crock of shite-was before Brain Paddick effectively sanctioned them on Brixtons streets…and it`s got worse since then.
The BBC and the Liberals “nod and a wink”…Lucy in The Sky duplicity was fatal in undermining the rule of law ever since.
And to have them yo-yoing over cannabis` legal status as New Labour did-again corroded the law.
Never hear about the eco miles, the sweat shops or the drug mules with cut throats down in Guatemala etc….if Russell Brand and Pete Doherty took trainers or footballs up the nose or in a vein, then maybe they WOULD go all prurient at the cost to the vulnerable of indulging their perversions.
But then what would the BBC moles and mules cop to get away with siphoning liberal lies and shite all weekend if the houseboy couldn`t get the talc to keep them happy?
Hope the Philipino President DOES take the war to the gangsters and pimps…Channel 4 seemed fearful that he might.
Do they know that he is planning to execute people TWICE OVER if they are druggies AND murderers-he seems popular enough with the real Filipinos, so the BBC would HAVE to detest him.
Drugs?…like Islam it`s a protected reservation for the BBC…so every Wilders, every Duterte is a worldwide threat to them…so glad we know of them.
Thanks for the kind words above lads.
Like to use your kind quotes when my wife moans at my not recycling the bins properly…a dead bird is organic, and might pass for a Dominos salty doughball in the right light…so into the cardboard it goes…
Look forward to your letters to the trench as some of us dare to fight the eco nazis… all of it only ends up in Guiyu in a big pile anyway!
Oh-knew I came by for something.
Good article from Con Woman again. http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/nick-booth-will-the-bbc-automate-its-anti-brexit-propaganda-machine/
Heard South Today fussing about staycation being a bad thing now-yes, loads of people staying in the country-but not buying enough pavement sculpture or bird tables apparently!
That`s Brexit for you-are the BBC EVER happy?
Oh-and the Calais jungle never came up as a factor re why we stayed here!
I myself hope to get a job as a lifeguard or burkini salesman now on Camber sands throughout the winter…
Burkini ban lifted by the highest court authority in France.
No doubt it will be reported and discussed on Newsnight by ….. none other than (the rise and rise of) Nagga Hagga !!!! looking suitably serious in a pair of hornrimmed specs – which are clearly not needed on the fluffy sofa and the Sunday Morning Live prog. Next stop Strictly, and then what ? chairing Question Time ?
The only racism I have ever seen on this site was anti-semitism and the person was banned by David Vance. If they same rules were applied to the institutionally anti-semitic BBC, it would be closed down. Wouldn’t that be a tragedy ?
The burkini issue was discussed BUT seems the BBC have avoided discussing the seemingly incredible ratio of births to foreign born mothers of 27.5%. It’s probably a complex issue that needs some contexting like for a start the numbers are tens of thousands whereas UK’s currentlty out of control immigration is hundreds of thousands/year.
Yet BBC seem to be brushing it under the carpet instead of doing their job of explaining things to the public.
Had an interesting conversation with a friend earlier on the subject of our multi culti utopia regarding an incident that you’ll never see on the ‘so called’ bbc.
A couple of lads we know were out on their bikes last weekend and were riding home along the canal, they were approached by a woman in her late 50s who said that some lads had pushed her husband into the canal and she needed help. They went to investigate and found a group of Polish lads who were extremely drunk, it was around 11 am.
They helped the man and approached the lads, an argument started and they moved on further up the canal. The police were called but the officer wouldn’t approach the gang due to ‘health and safety’ rules? Meanwhile the gang pushed two other men on bikes into the canal, the poodle did nothing but call for back up which arrived too late, basically they walked away laughing at both our pathetic poodles and the victims.
Will this crime be on the bbc? Of course not because as we all know hate crimes are only committed by English right wing scum against the poor innocent immigrants. I’m in disbelief at what this country has become, it is just a lawless liberal shit hole.
It must be true because British pissheads would never stoop so low!
The “multi culti utopia“, in which people of all pissed-up (and sober) cultures can live together in peace and harmony, is being threatened by those who get even more pissed than we do.
G.ws, the police are a joke, for the most part. Recently a group of drunken blokes, who were staying at a hotel in York after the races, came back to the hotel and one of them put his hand up the back of a skirt of a woman who was waiting at the reception desk, he put his fingers inside her and one of the others said “Go on, Rape her then Dad.”
The police were called, the father and son arrested and taken to the police station; the son was released then and there and later the police brought back the other tw@t to the hotel.
The staff on the desk couldn’t believe it and said that no way was he going to stay there, the police who brought him said “He hasn’t got anywhere else to go” and that they owed him a “duty of care”. The woman who he’d assaulted was still there in the hotel at this time.
The police were more bothered about this POS having somewhere to stay, than the effect seeing him again at the same hotel a few hours later would have on the woman he’d attacked. Why wasn’t he locked up FFS? How would the police feel if that had been their wife or daughter or sister it had happened to?
Believable, but I can’t find anything on Google, except that Race Day is a well known time for drunken people to get out of hand in York ..20 people arrested in 2014.
You won’t find it on “Google” bright lad, I was told about it by a friend who provides security at hotels in York during race meetings; unfortunately he wasn’t working there that night or those two tossers would have been heading for A&E, rather than being driven around by North Yorkshire Police.
He was told about it by the staff on the hotel reception, when he was there the night after.
The lefty / liberal establishment seem to be over the moon that the “Burkini ban has itself been banned.
As a rule of thumb I always think that you won’t go far wrong if you stick with the old adage, “When in Rome…”
The French embassy, in London, has been under siege from protesters standing up for the rights of women to wear what they like, when they like and where they like. Okay, fair enough.
However, I’m now wondering if we’ll see the same fighting spirit from these protesters if western women attempt to wear mini skirts in Saudi Arabia or bikinis in Islamabad? I mean surely it’s every woman’s right to wear whatever she likes where she likes. It can’t make any difference if you’re in Nice or Baghdad. These heroic protesters were out en mass outside the French embassy in London. Would they do the same in Pakistan?
“How dare these people not protest about the stuff I can’t be bothered to get off my arse to protest about”
Funny, I thought he was just pointing out the hypocrisy of these so-called feminists who, for example, won’t protest about the gender segregation which is so commonly practised by Muslims in this country in mosques, at weddings and now political meetings. For example, where were the protests about this:
They, the liberal left, may think this is a victory for Islam and themselves but actually I think it is a defeat. The liberal left judges in France have shown that even at such a sensitive time in France re Islam they and the HR Act are on the side of Islam. This will have given the FN another boost. The more the French establishment , not necessarily the government, are seen to accommodate Islam the stronger the FN will become because it becomes ever clearer that the only party which has the guts to protect France and its people are them.Marine Le Pen can win next year and then things will really start to change in Europe.
The Blaze TV Channel not coming to the UK yet.
I noticed Freeview has a new channel placeholder Blaze up past the adult channels, but it’s not the US rightwing channel called “The Blaze” but rather a sidekick of LifetimeUK and HistoryUK. via digitalspy.com
Apparently the horrid people in Calais attacking trucks are traffickers. Not migrants, nooo, the poor migrants are beaten by the wicked traffickers and forced onto the lorries.
You could not make this shit up. And yet they do.
Thanks Spider. You obviously noticed that the guys hiding in the bushes were the traffickers and the guys with sticks, on the road, who had dragged the tree over the road to stop the traffic, were the migrants.
beebistan predictably supportive of islamisation on its home page:
1) “London has just held the UK’s only Halal Food Festival”, it gushes, the whole piece plugging halal enthusiastically (yes the barbaric torture of animals – what is it with cutting throats guys?) to funky music soundtrack.
Note the strange comment by halal pie manufacturer at the end: “once you approach anything with an open mind and an open heart, and seen the differences, there is no difference”. Is he talking pies or lecturing us on ‘openness’ and ‘inclusion’?
And of course in pride of place:
2) French mayors are warned they must heed a court ruling suspending a ban on the controversial full-body “burkini” swimsuit…
All in all, another good day for beebistan, another step down the road to islamisation… and it’s only 3 in the morning.
Theresa May launches race audit of public services
“Black graduates earn on average 23% less than white ones and are far more likely to be unemployed, the Equality and Human Rights Commission concluded.”
Nothing about how Asian graduates are outperforming “white ones”?
Another example of how the BBC use a political issue as an excuse to cherry-pick a statistic that reinforces a narrative.
I’m not so sure. I heard this morning, can’t remember if it was radio or tv, that she had been advised by government lawyers that she didn’t need to go back to parliament to trigger Article 50. This would tie in with this…
BBC Really going for their “Right-On” credentials this morning with a celebration report at 07:15 on Today about Mrs May championing a “Race Audit of Public Services” then there was the “Gender gap” in GCSE’s topped off (Michel very serious on that one). Onto the website we have a puff piece on Halal meat along with the usual Trump “item”(bad man) Transgender toilet access in the US (good)and lastly the French court ruling overturning the Burkini ban (very good). BBC News is now utterly PATHETIC with absolutely no pretence anymore about their political stance.
Is the current editor (P)Rick (the punk poet)out of the Young Ones? Could be?
Maybe it is early to say, but signs are that the Appeaser is the BBC’s girl.
I am sure that the BBC will highlight any tales of injustice and draw them to her attention.
Just wait until she clamps down on patriots, nationalists, brexiters, and little Englanders.
When will Tories learn?
No matter WHAT they do-no matter HOW much they crave the approval of the Left for such initiatives-neither the BBC nor Labour will EVER let them get praise for it.
For this is the liberal tribe-penned off by Labour ,howled at by megaphones from the BBC and the Guardian-and only THEY are allowed to minister, suck up, patronise,or indulge the crims,deviants,poorly and needy.
May is being a mug-for the media and Labour will now spend years trawling their turf for grievances,ineptitude and scandal…and all witha view to getting Labour in and the BBC triumphantly crowoing on the dunghill.
Bad, bad politics-don`t the Tories know now that we`ll never vote for Labour shit-so why the hell does May seek it?
All she had to do was get clear water between the Muslims, welfare quango queens and their client state…the crims and human rights lawyers and Islington death stars like Eddie Izzard.
As opposed to the British people who want the BBC and Labour binned as traitors and quislings.
May is being daft here-if Muslims and the BBCs Human Rights types are NOT squealing in the current climate-then we`re failing our kids.
She`s licking the skin of the cane toads…when she should have enjoyed the squish of them all.
Does anybody know if any of the five gentleman arrested on terrorism yesterday are mentally ill? I did manage to find the story on the BBC website this morning after scrolling away. So far as the ” Munchkin” woman is concerned on the breakfast programme. She is literate and deserves her job through the BBC’S positive discrimination policy.She does know a bit about the OLympics and knows her way around, by just following the yellow brick road.
Foscari/Number 6/Brutal – There you all go jumping to conclusions again. The 5 men arrested in Brum could be perfectly innocent Brummies taking part in an arts and crafts bomb-making workshop. Or alternatively, members of the Midlands Independence Party preparing an act of sabotage. Why can’t you be more like the world’s most trusted broadcaster and reserve judgment until it’s an old story and you can sweep it under the carpet?
Peter-It’s already being being swept under the carpet. I know its more newsworthy to tell me that I should wait my turn behind three hundred illegal
immigrants whilst I am having a heart attack at my local A and E. Actually I
have learnt how to play the “game.” I have heart failure and when I have breathing difficulties I put on a beard start foaming at the mouth and scream out Allu Akbah!! and I get dealt with pretty quickly.
Funny how Omega gets exactly 4 likes for every post. It is intern season so I guess the BBC has a few round there Mohammed Nigel Akbar , Mohammed Frank Ali , Mohammed David Afghan (3 nice English lads) and Omega.
Steph McGovern has read the same main headlines about 3 times so far yet she still has to read the auto cue from left to right it is just downright thickness and laziness not to prepare . Richard Branson has fallen of his bike is apparently news – good I say. Onto sport with some Indian bird in a revealing dress (there are no better qualified young English men ) who got the job totally on merit and sporting knowledge . Matt is doing the weather fretting about his make-up and whether his boyfriend Tarquin has go the picnic ready for later. Just another day at the BBC.
Interestingly enough more and more people I am speaking to at work are laughing at the BBC. The last few months have really opened up everyones eyes . They are so off the mark with regards to Brexit and the migrant crisis that people are now laughing at them.
Oh and I nearly forgot big Casualty programme tonight anyone got a price on how long it will take the show to have a scene with two blokes snogging because that is just normal working day practice isn’t it?
You’re right!
We turned on for the weather forecast and Mrs Sluff herself commented on Steph’s head moving from side to side as she vacantly read the autocue as if the words were a total surprise. It was like listening to a 7 year old learning to read.
I wonder what she gets paid? More than the PM I bet.
Lock13….Onto sport with some Indian bird in a revealing dress (there are no better qualified young English men ) who got the job totally on merit and sporting knowledge ……
This is par for the course on the news channels. Currently I’m up to 32 on listing the names of ethnic newsreaders/outside journalists. I would suspect that more and more will be featured on future editions of Strictly as the well of Z list slebs dries up.
Lock- I have just applied for a job to report on wind surfing,and yachting and maybe Kayaking or whatever its called for the BBC. Do you think I have the right credentials? My name is Aasmah McGonnigal I have Indian sub continent features but also a strong southern Ireland brogue. I can’t swim or row and know nothing about water, but does that matter? Maybe I could talk on economics. Wasn’t Steff a barmaid in Coronation Street at one time?
Thanks to all of you who put up with Radio 4 at weekends.
8.15 am-black guy with a lithp saying summat about black prisoners matter or such.
Quickly made it over to the joys of Brian Matthew.
Great show today-and when I heard this PC Classic-thought of Richard Branson, Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbott in the side car as they share a banquette on the back of a Honda 90.
Brian played-it apparently it got banned and the Health and Safety seedlings at that time got eggy with it…and so we all put it into the top 40 or such.
Well done Mike Sahn-due a re-release for Womans Hour Panty Scratchies on Friday nights-they really DO need some blokes to get out with at the weekends eh?
Come Outside eh?…
Do you think Jeremy would fake not being able to get a pillion berth?…what a pillion eh?
A Sustrans Tandem next for me?…
Classic on R4 Toady this morning.
The bBBC used the Corbyn train saga to engineer a discussion about railway renationalisation.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein interviewed some leftie rent a gob woman, as well as pop entrepreneur, ‘millionaire’ train lover Pete Waterman.
Rent a gob was born in 1979 but ‘remembers’ British Rail from the 80s. That and endless throwaway leftie remarks went unchallenged, as usual.
But Waterman was awake and slowly showed that the nationalisation agenda was entirely political and not driven by things like efficiency or effectiveness. Well done Pete.
Just one problem. Wasn’t that the job of ‘useless’ Hussein? You get the idea. The interviewer asks probing questions to reveal the truth.
Not in la la bBBC world. The only thing that matters is the pre-ordained left wing narrative.
Pete Waterman-like Geoff Boycott mentioned earlier is a man of the people.
Don`t like his music necessarily-like Cowell, not to my taste-but whenever I hear him speak, I reckon I`ve known plenty like him…so from Planet Human.
So few of them get onto the radio these days-but when they do, they only show up how much we`ve lost and how fake the rest of the padded panjandrums are at the BBC.
Would trust Sir Rod and Pete to sort the trains out if they had the inclination.
Apparently-not enough security staff work for a union now, so Labours Peoples Congress can`t even check its own delegates…all eco consultants and endangered by paper cuts these days.
I`d have though Barbara Roche, Fiona McTaggert, Dianne Abbott and the Eagle Brothers could be the “Roly Polys”(RoP!) at the door-no nonsense then!
No jokes made about that either-don`t they SEE what a big joke they are
Sluff, the only ‘Classic’ of BBC normality I heard on R4 Today was the announcement that May has initiated a “Race Audit”. It is to embrace how, “…ethnic minorities and white working class people are treated by the public services’. Clearly, the ‘white working class’ are treated as a ‘Race’ for these purposes. Even if the result is solely dedicated to the aims, you can bet that when the BBC finally gets hold of it, it will be another opportunity to, ‘rub ol whitey’s face in it’ for not integrating and assisting with the roll out of the red carpet for the plethora of races and cultures rapidly increasing our ‘no-go’ ghettos. ‘Get With The Plan’ will doubtless be the message.
I note that the net immigration figures up until March this year of 330,000 passed fairly quietly without the usual outrage. Take a look at BBC biased reporting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34071492
The BBC tell us in their montage, of pretty pictures that the stats (which are unattributed to anything) should leave all of us with a warm and wonderful feeling of comfort in relation to immigration. It is interesting that 15% of Brits claim benefits when only 7% of immigrants do. Perhaps this is a reflection of how many Brits are unemployed as a result of cheap imported labour. The only ‘Fact’s’ cited are the believable ones from the ONS unless they have been massaged. I haven’t checked.
More not-on-the-9 o’clock news:
A DANISH politician has warned the European Union (EU) is a “bigger threat than Russia” and said the 28-country bloc needs to be “buried”. Photo below.
How come the fascist far right is throwing up all these attractive women? – think Marion Le Pen (below). I think it’s a disgrace and they should be made to dress in more culturally-sensitive apparel! (way below)
ps. Apologies to readers of a more sensitive disposition. When I said ‘they should be made to wear’ I meant of course ‘choose to wear’ like their sisters throughout the caliphate (including enriched UK), who strangely all choose to wear the ugliest, scariest, most unflattering, impractical, stiflingly hot, poor visibility, blind spotted should you ever choose to reverse, and all-round most hideous bin-bag of a dress their masters could dream up, all to loud applause of odious beeboids and moronic feminazis who vociferously defend their right to choose to be forced to wear such crap.
Third picture down. Mishail Hussein pointing out Islamophobes
More seriously, feminists and BLM warriors from Goldsmiths and SOAS should wear this outfit. All I ask is that we are allowed to criticise it and laugh at it without Teresa May and her pal Sadiq Khan sending in their supporters.
How come the Right have all the gorgeous ladies?
They may not be Sarah Palin of course…but can join my “Lovely Girls ” Contest when I`ve checked with the Father Ted franchise!
Reckon lefty women stew in their own bile, vinegar and gripe water..with only the likes of Glenda Jackson or Barbara Follett getting a dip in the ass milk.
No-get them out of their burkas and docs…send them to lovely Marie, Marine or Sarah-and they may yet meet a man.
Jenni, Jo, Dianne, Yvette,,,and all those other embittered bolshy baggages….being of the right makes you beautiful for some reason….
Peter Grimes-fellow metrosexual fop like myself eh?…could be a marriage bureau here if you like!
Well you had your chance you lot!
Am now offering -for this weekend only-a push me pull you deal where you get a bigamy deal-with any two out of Dianne, Jenni, Jo and Angela…can`t give their full names though as yet!
You CAN get the four for a polygamy arrangement…but four TV Licenses will, of course still be required.
As I recall Gort went on a bit of a rampage when folk didn’t get too excited about a rather dubious alien introduction to a new way of doing things, on an ‘our way or die basis’ and there was an unfortunate backlash.
Luckily a few noble souls were able to persuade his boss that humanity was not all murderous loons and he was stood down.
There’s a whole raft of mixed and jumbled metaphors, protagonists and timings there to play with in another updated version, with Gort turning up on his own (from considerably closer) and no off switch, especially one based on an appeal to humanity.
Morning boys and girls…someone at work just switched bbc news on at work…bastards just taken my penicillin to help protect myself from the infected bullshit that I will have to be subjected to for the next 7 hours…. More Trump bashing…Jesus Christ how can they stay so blind to Hillary and I am reading James Purnell will be the next head of bbc radio…..it lists him on Wikipedia as a British Politician fucking hell…..maybe May is waiting for them to do it and then use it as an excuse to scrap the telly tax…..shit just woke up…
If the BBC wasn’t the most stunningly arrogant organisation in the country (which is saying something), the appointment of a Labour hack like Purnell would be impossible.
As it is, they feel absolutely invulnerable now, confident that whatever they do, the government is too feeble to stand up to them.
It is just part of the complex web of power that the liberal left has spun across almost all British institutions. No matter how hard we ordinary voters struggle they retain control of almost all the media, the police, judiciary, education , local government ,NHS etc etc. Brexit has enraged them , we plebs have voted the wrong way. Even if the PM really does mean Brexit is Brexit the elite will find a way to minimise its impact.We may never really be free of the EU.
Elites fight hard to retain their grip on power, see my post below to see how they are preparing a complete take over complete control of the BBC, yes even more so than now!See how they combine and use their power to attack anyone who isn’t one of them, eg Nigel Farage. Defeating the liberal left elite will be a long hard road. Brexit is a victory but expect a fearsome counter attack on all fronts. The only way to break their power is to replace 1000’s of them in their key positions right across the whole spectrum of public life in Britain and how on earth is that achieved ? After all they are the people who select the people who fill those key positions in the first place and people from outside the elite need not apply.
In the light of this latest even more blatant evidence that the BBC does not behave in a politically neutral fashion, I guess a clever government lawyer could find a legal way to re-visit the Charter or, if not, then to devise amendments to it in order to force the BBC to put its house in order. All we need is a tough government. Perhaps, however, May is waiting until after the next (snap) election when surely the Conservatives cannot fail to gain a substantial majority.
Of course, we cannot have a ‘snap’ election with fixed term parliaments now mandated by law.
The only way to get an election ‘out of step’ is a full vote of no confidence by the house of commons. They are not going to vote themselves out of their sinecured expense claim positions.
Hold on a sec mr news editor – I am a passionate follower of your service – no really – but not for the reasons you’d like me to be and isn’t this about the same organisation/religion that you choose to suppress/apologise/idolise/subvert/misreport/lie/mislead about…. Why is this item taking pride of place today of all days, a change of heart perhaps?
No… I imagine that when this story came in you couldn’t wait to slam it all over the front pages…. Anything to do with him being “white” British at all??? Hmmm I wander
No he`s NOT a “British boy” if BBC and Liberal rules apply.
His name is Abu Al Britani…and so he`s s citizen of the Islamic State…a national of Deash…has (at best) a heritage that can be traced back to Choudharys coal hole in Luton…a migrant, refugee, asylum seeker, a vulnerable child, a student on foreign exchange, a student who`s lost his visa or outstayed it.
He can also be any mish match Professor Nod combo of all or any of the above…feel free to add your OWN..for there are many more options that these.
But a British Boy?…no he`s not.
He`s a Cube of the Califat…spawn of Blair, Corbyns houseboy-but he`s not a British boy.
If the BBC call you such…go and check…only British are either Brexit loons, gay medal winners or criminal psychos like this bullet headed count….
But no return to corporal punishment eh?…he`s suffered enough.
Good luck to every black kid that sets up LEGITAMATE business;
in the past he may have faced prejudice whilst people like White toffs got a free ride.
THESE DAYS fashion’s changed and now political correctness virtue signalling gives other groups the free ride.
Last week MSM features young black guy with a Gold Bentley named Robert Mfune. DailyEcho
…em that seems to break the “too wow to be true” rule.
Finally today’s Times shows he is linked to a scam called Binary Trading and unregulated thing that happens in Cyprus. His webpage was affiliated to those Cyprus businesses and he would get a massive commission when people sighed up.
It’s typical of such scams to pad websites with fake reviews and show photos with people holding up cash etc.
(The BBC actually didn’t report the story)
Yes BBC must be happy terrorist killing good!!! white blue eyed boy even better british ohhh joy yes your right! brutal the bbc fuckers are moonwalking all over Media center at the moment…YEEE HEEE!
In honesty I just wish the Beeb would cut to the chase and kickstart BBC brekkie with full blown Muslim prayer, swiftly followed by a daily programme on why brexit is awful. As a license payer I demand all women to be wearing the hijab at least, niqab preferred. I also am disgusted that the British Broadcasting Corporation still employs white people. Did they not get the government memo? Please jerrod/kikuchiyo highlight this with your line manager over the next glass of proseco.
Needs a separate slurry pipeline , subscription and alongside their former output.
Outside guttering for all their Labour party stories, their Muslim puff pieces, their neverendum stuff, why black matter, why Hillarys great and guns are not(unless they are hired by HER side)…
The Parisites need their own channel to stop the rest of us having to risk infection…after Charlie Hebdo, Ilan Halimi and Bataclan…we KNOW who and what the Parisites now are…not all called Hilton by the way.
The rest of us could then get on with the real news…but doubt the BBC dopes would recognise it anymore.
Got my channel tuned to perpetual Arab Springwatch…funnily enough, all the other streams lead back to it.
I would also like BBC News 24 to be linked to ISIS’s news organisation “Dabiq” and demand that W1A proudly flies the ISIS flag from its roof. Furthermore #anjemforBBCtrusthead once he’s done his no doubt pathetic sentence for indirectly murdering thousands
Please jerrod/kikuchiyo highlight this with your line manager over the next glass of proseco…(love it) maybe with Nigel Slater’s Orecchiette with cheese and artichokes… the problem is if there was a Muslim takeover the first people they will designate for superman training will be them.
Western Progressives and middle eastern Islamists now march forward arm in arm
BBC tv news happily informs viewers today that Turkish President Erdoğan has bowed to pressure from Islamists to allow Turkish women police officers to wear Islamic headdress under their caps and berets.
Our BBC news presenter explains for our instruction that Islamists in Turkey have pointed to precedents recently set in Scotland and in Canada where new police regulations have given the green light to such religious dress.
Can you hear that..? It could be the sound of the creation of the new world culture…
New Host for Children in Need ….Sally Jones live from Syria with urgent appeal for more money for weapons and ammo….some of these poor kids don’t have enough ammo to carry out the simplest infidel executions and are not strong enough to throw them off roofs….. £ pounds will buy a young jihadi a magazine of 9 mm bullets that’s right enough to kill 14 filthy infidels…….so pls pick up the phone
R4 1.15pm “Women are victims” is the name of the programme that replaced the advertised prog called Any Questions.
Did anyone notice that every question was twisted so that every answer became about how “women are victims”.
The same old behaviour of the mad-left : that they first divide the society into groups, when actually Equal Opportunity is about that people are treated as INDIVIDUALS not just immediately classed as some group.
– If we have daughters is that what we are supposed to tell them “You are a victim” ?
No as long as they are given treated fairly that is all that matters.
Now the Labour woman was able to protest that all our top people, and mayoral candidates and top union leaders are MEN, it is entirely possible that the most intelligent people take it steady and don’t try to be top of the tree.
featured :
Labour : Cat Smith MP,
the leader of the Women’s Equality Party Sophie Walker,
John Hayes MP, and the journalist Toby Young
I punched the radio button from habit, and it happened to be Any Questions and a familiar voice speaking (Toby Young) many of whose opinions I share, so I thought I’d listen for a bit. He was speaking about the disrepute ‘honours’ had fallen into, and opined that the way its reputation to be restored was for the Queen to utter three words: “Arise, Sir Mo”. How bloody sickening! Happily this was greeted by absolute silence by the panellists and the audience – tumbleweed rolling away! If Toby Young thought this right-on PC remark would curry favour, then he has learnt a lesson. He might (or might not really) want someone who was born abroad, trains abroad and lives abroad to receive knighthood for running a bit, but I certainly don’t. Sorry, this is not BBC bias at all – only that we expect that sort of sycophantic nonsense from them, but not from Young.
MW – I don’t know what it is but whenever Toby Young appears on radio or TV, to me there always seems to be a subtle aura of w@nker about him; your post has just confirmed my suspicions.
AND he fell in line about the great decision of the French to allow burkinis.
What a vacuous suck up-think he`s going to do a Hislop on us very soon, and become the penitent bald housetrained gelding for the purpose of BBC balance.
Reverting to daddys politics I expect.
Did I hear(I’m beginning to doubt I heard it right) a Muslim woman caller on Any Answers say, completely unchallenged, that the oppression of Muslims today in the west far outstrips anything meted out to Jewish people by the Nazis?
Dunno Lord, but i wouldn’t be surprised. Somehow they’ve convinced themselves (and the beebistan of course) that THEY are the victims. So next time a girl is raped in Rotherham (and I mean girl), or someone’s beheaded in London, or blown up somewhere, or you’re just waiting at airport security for hours, standing in your socks looking like an idiot with your beltless trousers falling down around your ankels, just remember: IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!
A couple of weeks ago I posted that the liberal establishment were plotting to unfetter the BBC from any requirement to be impartial.I posted because I had seen an article about a report commissioned by the BBC Trust about the use of statistics at the BBC.I see that in today’s Times there is a long article by Gus O’Donnell the former head of the civil service in which he says that the BBC struggled in the EU debate to be impartial IN A RATIONAL WAY ( my capitals) and that in his judgement they failed to be an impartial arbiter. Not because, as we on this site might expect, they were too biased to Remain but because they failed to challenge the pronouncements of Leave effectively.In other words the BBC failed the liberal elite because the Brits voted Leave and now the elite wants the BBC to be able to lie more effectively and push their liberal left propaganda even more.
There is no doubt that the liberal elite are outraged by Brexit and determined that the British public will never defy their masters again. They are steadily building the case to unfetter the BBC from any requirement to be impartial.If we thought that the BBC leftist propaganda was already outrageous, wait and see what lies and deceit they will indulge in now at the behest of their elite masters. This is a sinister plot to gain total control of the media in this country. We ignore it at our peril.
Not because, as we on this site might expect, they were too biased to Remain but because they failed to challenge the pronouncements of Leave effectively.
And did the BBC ever challenge the Remainers over their ‘vision’ for the UK’s future in Europe? Joining the Euro? Political Union? Open borders? Underwriting more Eurozone bailouts? Or simply sitting on the conveyor belt doing as Merkel tells us and seeing where it takes us?
Would like to put this poster up in Calais and say he`s actually the teddy here formerly known as Muhammad(TTFKAM)…and has re-emerged again after The Ayateddys Fatwa from Sudan in 2007.
So if they see any BBC types using him to mock the Profiterole…then they have a duty to behead the bear and rip the stuffing out of the BBC peddlar concerned.
Might shut the buggers up next March anyway
When i think of something to say about the bbc words like collaborators,cults come to mind i for one think that if we’ve got to this level of deceit with the only level of control the royal charter then there is no hope whatsoever.Brexit is a start we’ll keep an eye on the coming months but with this i am hopeful the battle was won.The bbc is the next battle.
Katie Hopkins posts an “Insensitive” tweet, Sussex Police admit it’s not a criminal offence but go on to say they’ve reported her to twitter and encourage others to do the same.
If no law has been broken then what the hell are they getting involved for???
And what a glorious future it is! Where a comment on the internet can incur the wrath of the police but an actual crime like, oh I don’t know, say the organised raping of children up and down the country is virtually ignored by the useless morons.
Here here although on the off chance you have underestimated the brightness the future holds I have written a new charter for multiculti land, please see below. Mrs May do feel free to implement at will if not done already. Actually on second thoughts sounds very similar to sharia law:
A: White people (christians) are worth 10% of anyone from the middle east/africa
B: Hate crimes trump robbery, theft, pedophilia, violence, assualt, drug abuse (clause: these do hold their historic value if committed by an indigenous brit). Please see our previous examples of the implementation of this new law: rotherham etc.
C: Most importantly, as per saint Choudary’s wishes buckingham palace will be turned into a mosque and the national anthem shall be replaced with a piece of music entitled: Allahu Akbar, Insh’allah.. Fuck you brits.
PS: Mrs May I have a music degree so am more than happy to create this piece if you so wish. Perhaps just to shit on the west even more than we’ve seen in the past I should create a gun’s n roses esque guitar solo? Obviously in the key of A, we woulnd’t want to offend our “creator”…
I think A and B have already been implemented. Though I’d like to suggest a slight alteration to your charter……..It’s only a hate crime if committed by a white British male, I realise that goes without saying but best to have it down in writing all the same 🙂
Also what size cage should we burn Nigel Farage/Donald Trump alive in? I’m thinking a good old fashioned 6 footer… And which reading room of the british library shall we put the Koran in? F*** it – all of them of course
PS – David sorry for my language in previous posts!
Brutal your Charter is a good start. For services to The True Faith, you will be allowed to live in perpetual Dhimmitude and not be beheaded. Talking about beheading, it’s old news but is it generally known that the Bataclan Boys castrated their victims and gouged out their eyes as well as other gruesome tortures? Natch the police/press covered it up at the time but it leaked out eventually in subsequent enquiry (below). Don’t recall beeb covering that.
And talking about The True Faith, they lose me from the word go with their claims the Quran is the Final revelation and has the solution to all problems. Something chilling about that word Final, when applied to Solution, can’t quite put my finger on it.
I’d heard about the disembowelling and remember the awful photograph but I wasn’t aware of the full extent of the brutality. That is absolutely barbaric.
I’m sure the Beeb’s brightest and best are on it and will educate and inform us in due course.
There’s so much they don’t tell us – the forced circumcision of Christians by ISIS, no anaesthetics, no hygiene, no bandages. I’ve seen pix but i’ll spare bbbc readers, too gory for civilised readers.
For the most part I’m pretty desensitised to the more gory aspects. I went through a period of learning about the situation in Mexico and as result came across several “Gore” sites that reported what was really going on over there (they give ISIS a run for their money in sheer brutality). Although shocking it did help me understand just how much of a desperate state Mexico is in.
But the Bataclan massacre sticks in my memory as it happened on my birthday. Silly reason and it shouldn’t do, but somehow it makes a difference and reading that article in the Daily Express seems so much worse than any picture or video.
Duck – sorry to come back to this post however does give me a good chuckle…. What my brain has finally computed is that the british police have “reported” katie hopkins for her post… Hold on, let me just double check this one… So the police are “reporting”…. To who?! The bloody army? WHAT IS GOING ON!?!? Where is our tax money actually going?! WTF I thought that Lobster and I had seen it all with the refugee team but here we go again. Amazing. I’m cracking another beer.
PS – Lobby – if you haven’t done in that whisky already I suggest now is a good time! Although sadly this is probably just the beginning
One of the key reasons KH sent her tweet was that the police/media with-held evidence, they could have said right from the beginning “we have strong evidence the victims are not recent immigrants”
– It is a similar situation to when the Democrats baited Trump by pushing Mr and Mrs Khan in his face : If Trump help back he would LOSE, and if he said something strong back he would LOSE.
It strikes on Camber Sands the LeftBlob knew that rightwingers were bound to react to a seeming cover-up if there was an information vacuum..and Katie did react, cos she’s got a show to run.
Theresa May is chasing a good write from the BBC with her equality initiative. Don’t bother, luv. If this evening’s BBC tv news report is anything to go by you’ve ‘got your job cut out’. The BBC seems to have already decided you will fail to meet their towering egalitarian standards. Anyway a voice the BBC picks to put on air tells us the problem is “the cutz”.
Cameron chased the good write up in the Guardian and a sympathetic BBC headline – now could we try some conservative policies please?
Fond memories of the ‘Two Johns” and their political satire. It would be a breath of fresh air to see that pair ‘interviewing’ one another again. Sadly that’s not possible. There must be more ‘up-and-coming’ satirists. Perhaps the broadcasters (principally the BBC) refuse to broadcast that sort of humour?
I tell you what Theresa if your reading this we are all wondering when you might be doing what we all asked you to do in June. If you remember we told you that we wanted to get away from the basket case EU as soon as possible. We have no interest in Germany , France , Greece et al we want to be our own Sovereign Country. We don’t like mudslimes , we certainly do not want sharia law we notice Citizen Khan is imposing Sharia law through stealth in London. I go to work every day in London and I am sick and tired of being surrounded by birds in tea towels. Now be a good girl and do what we have all told you to do a bit sharpish.
It’s too late for London – London is lost. Sheer demographics will see to that.
Brexit is not yet lost but is far from a done deal. Liberal regressives will marshal every resource (and they just about own them all, across government, media and culture) to stymie Brexit, to frustrate it, prevaricate and ultimately gut it to render it stillborn. Regressives will refuse to accept that democracy rejected their European plans; get ready to watch Brexit suffer the death of a thousand cuts.
Little update from the currency markets this week. The Eur against the pound is a lot lower. Yellen who runs the fed came out with very bullish comments for the $ yet the pound refused to budge against the $ and indeed looks set for higher, wouldn’t be surprised to see the pound back to pre- Brexit levels by Christmas. All my own work obviously.
The Beeb is stll linking everything to Brexit (which hasn’t even happened). Everything negative is because of Brexit. Anything positive is downplayed and is despite Brexit. But these clowns know nothing about the real world. In the real world there are numerous influences and players. Like Yellen. Or terrorist attacks in France.
The pound is down recently against Euro mostly cos the BoE reduced interest rates and applied QE. Did it really need to be done? Who knows. But it was.
Not on the BBC but heed this warning from the cops to people using social media not to say bad things about the proposals for a residence for migrants.
Let me stress something here. The cops won’t issue this kind of warning unless there is firm government approval.
The police really are going after social media it seems.
A few quotes from the article from Sarah Boycott, assistant chief constable:
“There are a number of laws in place which cover social media; these laws include messages which could be seen to make credible threats of violence towards a person or damage to a property.”
Sounds like someone threatened to burn the place down or something similar. Fair enough that needs to be investigated and I have no problem with that. But then she continues:
“Although you may believe your message is acceptable, other people may take offence”
So what? That’s their problem. Besides, is there ever the consideration that the person taking offence may be a mindless moron? Doubtful.
“you could face a large fine up to two years in prison if your message is deemed to have broken the law”
Roughly translated as “We’re a bit vague about this law but the threat should be enough”
“I would like to reassure the public that we take all reports of malicious communications seriously, and we will take action.”
Replace the word “reassure” with “threaten” is probably more accurate.
I have no problem with them investigating the original comment but why issue a warning to all social media users? Try investigating the actual crime that may have been committed, not the ones you think might happen in the future. According to the article she actually started with this line:
“I want to remind all social media users to think carefully about what they are saying before posting messages online.”
It seems to me their main concern is to silence criticisms rather than investigating crime.
Duck – thanks for the update. Let me just pop it into the multiculti translator and see what it brings out…
Hmmmm…. Not sure if its working correctly, still in beta mode yet the translator is popping up an error “Error 101 – I’m afraid you are not from the correct ethnic background to file a complaint.”
An expression you don’t hear indigenous people in the U.K. use now as much as they did, in light response to a query as to why they are doing something:
“It’s a free country.”
I wonder whatever led to the decline in usage?
Perhaps it’s because people have finally cottoned on to the fact that it’s not quite so “free” as once it was.
May I just say that I welcome all the new posters here. Hybrid vigour is good . You are all welcome. But we need more ladies to give some sensible balance
Sadly, it’s been a good day for eco warriors, statist transport people like Corbyn, jobsworths, and anti car zealots. In short, the bBBC is in its element.
A bridge has collapsed on the M20. It looks like nobody has been hurt.
Cue excuses to disrupt thousands and thousands of holidaymakers plans for hours and hours if not days.
Those wearing caps will spend hours with their tape measures and the public transport lobby will tell people they should have used the train.
As for the thousands stuck on the M20……….not one official gives a s***.
I wish to report to the Police a series of Vocal Chord Thefts (VCTs).
The following are victims of this crime:
1. Boris Johnson (Foreign Secretary).
2. David Davis (Brexit Manager).
The suspected offender is a Mrs May. Her whereabouts are at present unknown. She is known among the Criminal Underworld as ‘Madame Brexit-iz-Brexit’. Her M.O. is to lull victims into a false sense of security with her superficial impersonation of a Margaret Thatcher.
The public are warned not to approach her or vote for her in future.
bbcBingo : Turned over to BBC2 during the ads, and bang they are discussing a BBC right-on pet issue : Refugees crossing the Mediterranean.
They’ve made a full video report, just to talk about a book at the Edinburgh book festival called “Cast Away” written by a sympathetic journalist.
Play bbcBattleships …switch over 3 times and catch 3 things from the BBC pet issue list : dissing Brexit, Sneering at Trump, Loving Hillary, Corbyn, Women As Victims etc. to sink a battleship
Anyone who wants to be informed about the alternative right would be advised to check on You Tube, or social media groups.
The BBC discussion could have been copied from the Socialist Worker Party or that other bunch of hare brained race baiters, Lib Com.
First sentence of the BBC article:
‘A disparate group of provocateurs is challenging conservative orthodoxy from the right. They hate political correctness and love Donald Trump – but their critics say they’re nothing but bigoted white nationalists.’
And here’s another headline you won’t be reading on beeb, unless to howls of disbelief and condemnation to dwarf the burkini ban outrage: “Favourite to be next Dutch PM vows to BAN the Koran and CLOSE all mosques.”
Given that the Dutch media are likely to be as infested with SJWs as are ours, I wonder how they are handling this? As we know, ours still haven’t got over the (comparatively)meek Nigel Farage! The Dutch Left must be going crackers.
Austria, even more so. If there is going to be a real kick back, it is likely to be in Austria first. The Right there aren’t going to forget the way the Left fraudulently stole the last election.
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Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
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MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Isn’t this (yet) another one of Anjem’s charming mates?
I read this as his getting out of a car to cuddle a boy who was attacking his girlfriend.
Very Islamic…rare outbreak of open heterosexuality…might get his community payback reduced to only one dog to behead.
Chris that post confused the hell out of me I read ‘ I read this getting out of the car’ .I was thinking how can he read this getting out of the car. Still bottle of red is going down nice mate
Good old Anjem – culturally enriching us racist little Englanders
Such attacks – verbal as well as physical – on individuals displaying a liberal attitude to sex, alcohol etc., are not uncommon and are often accompanied by ‘Didn’t you know this is a Muslim area?’.
Isn’t this evidence of some kind of ‘phobia’?
From the Guardian:
I’m a doctor. The real issue isn’t Hillary Clinton’s health – it’s that she might win
This is a very good article about Clinton and what may happen if she wins.
At last!! A wonderful news story for the traitorous, shit stain, white man hating deviants at Islamic Al Beeb!!!! Oh behold the joy and celebrations being displayed from the believer’s at Al Beebistan!! Caliph Al Beeb has declared a weekend of celebrations for this wonderful news, including mass suicide bombings, and the beheading of 72 infidel sluts in anticipation for Allahs merciful blessing in paradise!!!
The news…
“France burkini: Highest court suspends ban”
(oh wow!! A dozen homosexuals have been launched off a rooftop!! The believer’s are so joyful!! Allahu Akbar!!)
“The ban in Villeneuve-Loubet “seriously and clearly illegally breached fundamental freedoms”, it found”….
…Fundamental freedoms… They must mean the freedom for Saudis, Somalians, Yemens, the Taliban and Islamic State brothers to freely force their sisters to never leave the house without wearing a burkha!! Oh what freedoms sisters!! The shackles that evil white men have forced on you are released!! Boardrooms here we come!!
The Islamic Al Beeb are so excited they even start to re-write history before our eyes! Only days after the events!…
“Nice saw a devastating attack by a follower of so-called Islamic State in July while Sisco witnessed clashes this month between villagers and Muslim bathers”
So… It was a follower of ‘islamic state’, which as we all know has no connection whatsoever with any death cult ideology which it takes its name and all its laws and instructions from….(I’ve not heard that one before!?!? Islamic State is now the ONLY reason why Muslims are butchering the infidels!! Ssshh if we just forget that Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Al-Nusra Front, Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood,
Ansar Al-Sharia, Boko Haram, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Taliban……exist, and we completely ignore the Koran and hadiths then yes I suppose the infidels may be stupid enough to believe that)
And just to link it all together they throw in the “Muslim bathers”!! WTF!!! So the Islamic Al Beeb want to completely remove all notion of aggression of violence away from the enriches!! They were just peaceful bathers! Like the stooge on the beach in all the headline pictures!! No mention of the machetes and attacking local children. No mention of the enriches taking over the beach. Just sweet innocent bathers…..
Brilliant article Al Beeb you devious bastards! So glad the spineless cowards in France could make you feel so happy
So called bbc not too keen on Phillippines war on drugs
Uk version…..lets legalise all sorts of crap cos weve lost
the Phillipnes…..shoot the living crap out of them
Druggies are turning themselves in by the thousands
Thats what I call a war on drugs
No 6,
There are so many things happening in the world and parts of the world which don’t get reported by the BBC either because they do not know about it or are not interested. Their international reporting is even more pathetic than their UK reporting.
No 6, that’s because Rodrigo Duterte doesn’t take any s**t, he makes Trump seem like Caroline Lucas with a nob.
LOL !!
Course not No6.
The whole “war on drugs” is a crock of shite-was before Brain Paddick effectively sanctioned them on Brixtons streets…and it`s got worse since then.
The BBC and the Liberals “nod and a wink”…Lucy in The Sky duplicity was fatal in undermining the rule of law ever since.
And to have them yo-yoing over cannabis` legal status as New Labour did-again corroded the law.
Never hear about the eco miles, the sweat shops or the drug mules with cut throats down in Guatemala etc….if Russell Brand and Pete Doherty took trainers or footballs up the nose or in a vein, then maybe they WOULD go all prurient at the cost to the vulnerable of indulging their perversions.
But then what would the BBC moles and mules cop to get away with siphoning liberal lies and shite all weekend if the houseboy couldn`t get the talc to keep them happy?
Hope the Philipino President DOES take the war to the gangsters and pimps…Channel 4 seemed fearful that he might.
Do they know that he is planning to execute people TWICE OVER if they are druggies AND murderers-he seems popular enough with the real Filipinos, so the BBC would HAVE to detest him.
Drugs?…like Islam it`s a protected reservation for the BBC…so every Wilders, every Duterte is a worldwide threat to them…so glad we know of them.
Thanks for the kind words above lads.
Like to use your kind quotes when my wife moans at my not recycling the bins properly…a dead bird is organic, and might pass for a Dominos salty doughball in the right light…so into the cardboard it goes…
Look forward to your letters to the trench as some of us dare to fight the eco nazis… all of it only ends up in Guiyu in a big pile anyway!
Oh-knew I came by for something.
Good article from Con Woman again.
Heard South Today fussing about staycation being a bad thing now-yes, loads of people staying in the country-but not buying enough pavement sculpture or bird tables apparently!
That`s Brexit for you-are the BBC EVER happy?
Oh-and the Calais jungle never came up as a factor re why we stayed here!
I myself hope to get a job as a lifeguard or burkini salesman now on Camber sands throughout the winter…
“Burkini salesman now on Camber sands” that did make me chuckle cH, thanks for that one.
Burkini ban lifted by the highest court authority in France.
No doubt it will be reported and discussed on Newsnight by ….. none other than (the rise and rise of) Nagga Hagga !!!! looking suitably serious in a pair of hornrimmed specs – which are clearly not needed on the fluffy sofa and the Sunday Morning Live prog. Next stop Strictly, and then what ? chairing Question Time ?
“No doubt it will be reported and discussed on Newsnight by ….. none other than (the rise and rise of) Nagga Hagga !!!!”
“Nagga Hagga”, hilarious !!!
And your problem with her is what exactly?
She’s an overpaid,undertalented propaganda spouting airhead
Sounds about right for a so called bbc autocue reader
No 6
But is she any worse than any of the other useless, overpaid presenters ?
But just wanred to address our night shift beeboid who was obviously hoping for something to do with waaycism in any response
No 6
The only racism I have ever seen on this site was anti-semitism and the person was banned by David Vance. If they same rules were applied to the institutionally anti-semitic BBC, it would be closed down. Wouldn’t that be a tragedy ?
Ohhhh too right
“Don’t tell ‘im, BRISSLES!”
Substance abuse. Clearly.
Omega….. “Nagga Hagga”, hilarious !!!
Well, I’m only quoting her married name, like I would my own (which is even more hilarious !!). Not my fault she married someone with a rhyming name !
The word, we have been reliably informed recently, is ‘Ouch’ (repeated as necessary).
The burkini issue was discussed BUT seems the BBC have avoided discussing the seemingly incredible ratio of births to foreign born mothers of 27.5%. It’s probably a complex issue that needs some contexting like for a start the numbers are tens of thousands whereas UK’s currentlty out of control immigration is hundreds of thousands/year.
Yet BBC seem to be brushing it under the carpet instead of doing their job of explaining things to the public.
Had an interesting conversation with a friend earlier on the subject of our multi culti utopia regarding an incident that you’ll never see on the ‘so called’ bbc.
A couple of lads we know were out on their bikes last weekend and were riding home along the canal, they were approached by a woman in her late 50s who said that some lads had pushed her husband into the canal and she needed help. They went to investigate and found a group of Polish lads who were extremely drunk, it was around 11 am.
They helped the man and approached the lads, an argument started and they moved on further up the canal. The police were called but the officer wouldn’t approach the gang due to ‘health and safety’ rules? Meanwhile the gang pushed two other men on bikes into the canal, the poodle did nothing but call for back up which arrived too late, basically they walked away laughing at both our pathetic poodles and the victims.
Will this crime be on the bbc? Of course not because as we all know hate crimes are only committed by English right wing scum against the poor innocent immigrants. I’m in disbelief at what this country has become, it is just a lawless liberal shit hole.
“A couple of lads we know were out on their bikes last weekend and were riding home along the canal…”
I believe every single word.
Cool story, bro! Tell it again!
It must be true because British pissheads would never stoop so low!
The “multi culti utopia“, in which people of all pissed-up (and sober) cultures can live together in peace and harmony, is being threatened by those who get even more pissed than we do.
It has to stop – right now!
Belief is the foundation of much at the BBC, too.
Have a CECUTT directorship. Or at the very least a spokesperson outing.
G.ws, the police are a joke, for the most part. Recently a group of drunken blokes, who were staying at a hotel in York after the races, came back to the hotel and one of them put his hand up the back of a skirt of a woman who was waiting at the reception desk, he put his fingers inside her and one of the others said “Go on, Rape her then Dad.”
The police were called, the father and son arrested and taken to the police station; the son was released then and there and later the police brought back the other tw@t to the hotel.
The staff on the desk couldn’t believe it and said that no way was he going to stay there, the police who brought him said “He hasn’t got anywhere else to go” and that they owed him a “duty of care”. The woman who he’d assaulted was still there in the hotel at this time.
The police were more bothered about this POS having somewhere to stay, than the effect seeing him again at the same hotel a few hours later would have on the woman he’d attacked. Why wasn’t he locked up FFS? How would the police feel if that had been their wife or daughter or sister it had happened to?
Believable, but I can’t find anything on Google, except that Race Day is a well known time for drunken people to get out of hand in York ..20 people arrested in 2014.
You won’t find it on “Google” bright lad, I was told about it by a friend who provides security at hotels in York during race meetings; unfortunately he wasn’t working there that night or those two tossers would have been heading for A&E, rather than being driven around by North Yorkshire Police.
He was told about it by the staff on the hotel reception, when he was there the night after.
The lefty / liberal establishment seem to be over the moon that the “Burkini ban has itself been banned.
As a rule of thumb I always think that you won’t go far wrong if you stick with the old adage, “When in Rome…”
The French embassy, in London, has been under siege from protesters standing up for the rights of women to wear what they like, when they like and where they like. Okay, fair enough.
However, I’m now wondering if we’ll see the same fighting spirit from these protesters if western women attempt to wear mini skirts in Saudi Arabia or bikinis in Islamabad? I mean surely it’s every woman’s right to wear whatever she likes where she likes. It can’t make any difference if you’re in Nice or Baghdad. These heroic protesters were out en mass outside the French embassy in London. Would they do the same in Pakistan?
I’m pretty sure we all know the answer to that…
“Would they do the same in Pakistan?”
“How dare these people not protest about the stuff I can’t be bothered to get off my arse to protest about”
Interpreting the narrative is another BBC editorial technique.
Also applied… uniquely… on a highly selective basis.
But with integrity, apparently.
It’s in their DNA.
What would we do without the BBC to interpret and explain things to us plebs. They really are patronising pricks.
But well funded ones.
“How dare these people not protest about the stuff I can’t be bothered to get off my arse to protest about”
Funny, I thought he was just pointing out the hypocrisy of these so-called feminists who, for example, won’t protest about the gender segregation which is so commonly practised by Muslims in this country in mosques, at weddings and now political meetings. For example, where were the protests about this:
But there you go, the Left’s fatal love affair with Islam shall forever remain a mystery.
They, the liberal left, may think this is a victory for Islam and themselves but actually I think it is a defeat. The liberal left judges in France have shown that even at such a sensitive time in France re Islam they and the HR Act are on the side of Islam. This will have given the FN another boost. The more the French establishment , not necessarily the government, are seen to accommodate Islam the stronger the FN will become because it becomes ever clearer that the only party which has the guts to protect France and its people are them.Marine Le Pen can win next year and then things will really start to change in Europe.
Here’s a fact that you won’t find on the BBC and which might help you decide where to go shopping this weekend.
Apparently Lord Sainsbury spent £8 million trying to prevent Brexit.
When he could have knocked it off the price of his complete stock of…. (name beer of your choice).
What a tosser!
The Blaze TV Channel not coming to the UK yet.
I noticed Freeview has a new channel placeholder Blaze up past the adult channels, but it’s not the US rightwing channel called “The Blaze” but rather a sidekick of LifetimeUK and HistoryUK. via digitalspy.com
Has this one slipped past?
Reported on brietbart.
Apparently the horrid people in Calais attacking trucks are traffickers. Not migrants, nooo, the poor migrants are beaten by the wicked traffickers and forced onto the lorries.
You could not make this shit up. And yet they do.
Thanks Spider. You obviously noticed that the guys hiding in the bushes were the traffickers and the guys with sticks, on the road, who had dragged the tree over the road to stop the traffic, were the migrants.
There’s no kidding you, is there?
beebistan predictably supportive of islamisation on its home page:
1) “London has just held the UK’s only Halal Food Festival”, it gushes, the whole piece plugging halal enthusiastically (yes the barbaric torture of animals – what is it with cutting throats guys?) to funky music soundtrack.
Note the strange comment by halal pie manufacturer at the end: “once you approach anything with an open mind and an open heart, and seen the differences, there is no difference”. Is he talking pies or lecturing us on ‘openness’ and ‘inclusion’?
And of course in pride of place:
2) French mayors are warned they must heed a court ruling suspending a ban on the controversial full-body “burkini” swimsuit…
All in all, another good day for beebistan, another step down the road to islamisation… and it’s only 3 in the morning.
Not on my homepage.
How do I edit my BBC homepage to show me all the things that piss me off? I would LOVE to know how to do that!
P.S. peterthegreat – the “home page” is the generic BBC website and not the news offshoot.
Here’s a nice story to get your low blood pressure rising:
Theresa May launches race audit of public services
“Black graduates earn on average 23% less than white ones and are far more likely to be unemployed, the Equality and Human Rights Commission concluded.”
Nothing about how Asian graduates are outperforming “white ones”?
Another example of how the BBC use a political issue as an excuse to cherry-pick a statistic that reinforces a narrative.
What a waste of time and money. That airhead May will do anything to avoid Brexit.
PS So far she is heading towards knocking Brown off his perch as the most useless PM in British history.
I’m not so sure. I heard this morning, can’t remember if it was radio or tv, that she had been advised by government lawyers that she didn’t need to go back to parliament to trigger Article 50. This would tie in with this…
She wouldn’t want to raise hopes and then dash them so soon, now, would she? It would be political suicide.
I heard that but she has broken so many promises in the past, I simply wouldn’t trust her to keep her word.
I had feared Theresa May would be useless. It seems my fears were groundless. She’ll never be that good.
BBC Really going for their “Right-On” credentials this morning with a celebration report at 07:15 on Today about Mrs May championing a “Race Audit of Public Services” then there was the “Gender gap” in GCSE’s topped off (Michel very serious on that one). Onto the website we have a puff piece on Halal meat along with the usual Trump “item”(bad man) Transgender toilet access in the US (good)and lastly the French court ruling overturning the Burkini ban (very good). BBC News is now utterly PATHETIC with absolutely no pretence anymore about their political stance.
Is the current editor (P)Rick (the punk poet)out of the Young Ones? Could be?
Did they say if this “audit” would include the hideously white BBC ? After all it is a public service.
Maybe it is early to say, but signs are that the Appeaser is the BBC’s girl.
I am sure that the BBC will highlight any tales of injustice and draw them to her attention.
Just wait until she clamps down on patriots, nationalists, brexiters, and little Englanders.
I would bet that she will exempt the BBC !
When will Tories learn?
No matter WHAT they do-no matter HOW much they crave the approval of the Left for such initiatives-neither the BBC nor Labour will EVER let them get praise for it.
For this is the liberal tribe-penned off by Labour ,howled at by megaphones from the BBC and the Guardian-and only THEY are allowed to minister, suck up, patronise,or indulge the crims,deviants,poorly and needy.
May is being a mug-for the media and Labour will now spend years trawling their turf for grievances,ineptitude and scandal…and all witha view to getting Labour in and the BBC triumphantly crowoing on the dunghill.
Bad, bad politics-don`t the Tories know now that we`ll never vote for Labour shit-so why the hell does May seek it?
All she had to do was get clear water between the Muslims, welfare quango queens and their client state…the crims and human rights lawyers and Islington death stars like Eddie Izzard.
As opposed to the British people who want the BBC and Labour binned as traitors and quislings.
May is being daft here-if Muslims and the BBCs Human Rights types are NOT squealing in the current climate-then we`re failing our kids.
She`s licking the skin of the cane toads…when she should have enjoyed the squish of them all.
Does anybody know if any of the five gentleman arrested on terrorism yesterday are mentally ill? I did manage to find the story on the BBC website this morning after scrolling away. So far as the ” Munchkin” woman is concerned on the breakfast programme. She is literate and deserves her job through the BBC’S positive discrimination policy.She does know a bit about the OLympics and knows her way around, by just following the yellow brick road.
Muslim = mentally ill
Goes without saying
Number 6, “mentally ill”? Read this to find out why the Muslim is by far, not ‘mentally ill’. http://www.christianexaminer.com/article/cardinal-islams-goal-is-to-conquer-europe-by-faith-and-birth-rate/49759.htm
Probably just another passionate Swiss “man”… Where have all the Norwegians gone?
Foscari/Number 6/Brutal – There you all go jumping to conclusions again. The 5 men arrested in Brum could be perfectly innocent Brummies taking part in an arts and crafts bomb-making workshop. Or alternatively, members of the Midlands Independence Party preparing an act of sabotage. Why can’t you be more like the world’s most trusted broadcaster and reserve judgment until it’s an old story and you can sweep it under the carpet?
Peter-It’s already being being swept under the carpet. I know its more newsworthy to tell me that I should wait my turn behind three hundred illegal
immigrants whilst I am having a heart attack at my local A and E. Actually I
have learnt how to play the “game.” I have heart failure and when I have breathing difficulties I put on a beard start foaming at the mouth and scream out Allu Akbah!! and I get dealt with pretty quickly.
But all lorry drivers?
Funny how Omega gets exactly 4 likes for every post. It is intern season so I guess the BBC has a few round there Mohammed Nigel Akbar , Mohammed Frank Ali , Mohammed David Afghan (3 nice English lads) and Omega.
Steph McGovern has read the same main headlines about 3 times so far yet she still has to read the auto cue from left to right it is just downright thickness and laziness not to prepare . Richard Branson has fallen of his bike is apparently news – good I say. Onto sport with some Indian bird in a revealing dress (there are no better qualified young English men ) who got the job totally on merit and sporting knowledge . Matt is doing the weather fretting about his make-up and whether his boyfriend Tarquin has go the picnic ready for later. Just another day at the BBC.
Interestingly enough more and more people I am speaking to at work are laughing at the BBC. The last few months have really opened up everyones eyes . They are so off the mark with regards to Brexit and the migrant crisis that people are now laughing at them.
Oh and I nearly forgot big Casualty programme tonight anyone got a price on how long it will take the show to have a scene with two blokes snogging because that is just normal working day practice isn’t it?
LOL ! Well spotted about Omega. It may just be a coincidence , but ……
Morning mate
Apart from the use of ‘bro’ in one post he/she/it is too dumb to change its style so it is easy to spot it.
Lock – I’m not a bookmaker but I would suggest that if you can get odds of 4/5 or better…..fill your boots!
lol very generous odds
You’re right!
We turned on for the weather forecast and Mrs Sluff herself commented on Steph’s head moving from side to side as she vacantly read the autocue as if the words were a total surprise. It was like listening to a 7 year old learning to read.
I wonder what she gets paid? More than the PM I bet.
Lock13….Onto sport with some Indian bird in a revealing dress (there are no better qualified young English men ) who got the job totally on merit and sporting knowledge ……
This is par for the course on the news channels. Currently I’m up to 32 on listing the names of ethnic newsreaders/outside journalists. I would suspect that more and more will be featured on future editions of Strictly as the well of Z list slebs dries up.
wow 32 keep up the good work B
Lock- I have just applied for a job to report on wind surfing,and yachting and maybe Kayaking or whatever its called for the BBC. Do you think I have the right credentials? My name is Aasmah McGonnigal I have Indian sub continent features but also a strong southern Ireland brogue. I can’t swim or row and know nothing about water, but does that matter? Maybe I could talk on economics. Wasn’t Steff a barmaid in Coronation Street at one time?
You’re missing the vital ingredient that would guarantee you the job. You should somehow let them know you are profoundly ghey…
Foscari – Good start Aasmah McGonnigal, but are you LGBT?
If so, welcome to your new job Mx Aasmah.
Has the BBC reported the massive increase in gun sales in Germany and the German government’s advice to stockpile 10 day’s supply of food and water ?
Thanks to all of you who put up with Radio 4 at weekends.
8.15 am-black guy with a lithp saying summat about black prisoners matter or such.
Quickly made it over to the joys of Brian Matthew.
Great show today-and when I heard this PC Classic-thought of Richard Branson, Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbott in the side car as they share a banquette on the back of a Honda 90.
Brian played-it apparently it got banned and the Health and Safety seedlings at that time got eggy with it…and so we all put it into the top 40 or such.
Well done Mike Sahn-due a re-release for Womans Hour Panty Scratchies on Friday nights-they really DO need some blokes to get out with at the weekends eh?
Come Outside eh?…
Do you think Jeremy would fake not being able to get a pillion berth?…what a pillion eh?
A Sustrans Tandem next for me?…
Classic on R4 Toady this morning.
The bBBC used the Corbyn train saga to engineer a discussion about railway renationalisation.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein interviewed some leftie rent a gob woman, as well as pop entrepreneur, ‘millionaire’ train lover Pete Waterman.
Rent a gob was born in 1979 but ‘remembers’ British Rail from the 80s. That and endless throwaway leftie remarks went unchallenged, as usual.
But Waterman was awake and slowly showed that the nationalisation agenda was entirely political and not driven by things like efficiency or effectiveness. Well done Pete.
Just one problem. Wasn’t that the job of ‘useless’ Hussein? You get the idea. The interviewer asks probing questions to reveal the truth.
Not in la la bBBC world. The only thing that matters is the pre-ordained left wing narrative.
Pete Waterman-like Geoff Boycott mentioned earlier is a man of the people.
Don`t like his music necessarily-like Cowell, not to my taste-but whenever I hear him speak, I reckon I`ve known plenty like him…so from Planet Human.
So few of them get onto the radio these days-but when they do, they only show up how much we`ve lost and how fake the rest of the padded panjandrums are at the BBC.
Would trust Sir Rod and Pete to sort the trains out if they had the inclination.
Apparently-not enough security staff work for a union now, so Labours Peoples Congress can`t even check its own delegates…all eco consultants and endangered by paper cuts these days.
I`d have though Barbara Roche, Fiona McTaggert, Dianne Abbott and the Eagle Brothers could be the “Roly Polys”(RoP!) at the door-no nonsense then!
No jokes made about that either-don`t they SEE what a big joke they are
Sluff, the only ‘Classic’ of BBC normality I heard on R4 Today was the announcement that May has initiated a “Race Audit”. It is to embrace how, “…ethnic minorities and white working class people are treated by the public services’. Clearly, the ‘white working class’ are treated as a ‘Race’ for these purposes. Even if the result is solely dedicated to the aims, you can bet that when the BBC finally gets hold of it, it will be another opportunity to, ‘rub ol whitey’s face in it’ for not integrating and assisting with the roll out of the red carpet for the plethora of races and cultures rapidly increasing our ‘no-go’ ghettos. ‘Get With The Plan’ will doubtless be the message.
I note that the net immigration figures up until March this year of 330,000 passed fairly quietly without the usual outrage. Take a look at BBC biased reporting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34071492
The BBC tell us in their montage, of pretty pictures that the stats (which are unattributed to anything) should leave all of us with a warm and wonderful feeling of comfort in relation to immigration. It is interesting that 15% of Brits claim benefits when only 7% of immigrants do. Perhaps this is a reflection of how many Brits are unemployed as a result of cheap imported labour. The only ‘Fact’s’ cited are the believable ones from the ONS unless they have been massaged. I haven’t checked.
More not-on-the-9 o’clock news:
A DANISH politician has warned the European Union (EU) is a “bigger threat than Russia” and said the 28-country bloc needs to be “buried”. Photo below.
How come the fascist far right is throwing up all these attractive women? – think Marion Le Pen (below). I think it’s a disgrace and they should be made to dress in more culturally-sensitive apparel! (way below)
ps. Apologies to readers of a more sensitive disposition. When I said ‘they should be made to wear’ I meant of course ‘choose to wear’ like their sisters throughout the caliphate (including enriched UK), who strangely all choose to wear the ugliest, scariest, most unflattering, impractical, stiflingly hot, poor visibility, blind spotted should you ever choose to reverse, and all-round most hideous bin-bag of a dress their masters could dream up, all to loud applause of odious beeboids and moronic feminazis who vociferously defend their right to choose to be forced to wear such crap.
Third picture down. Mishail Hussein pointing out Islamophobes
More seriously, feminists and BLM warriors from Goldsmiths and SOAS should wear this outfit. All I ask is that we are allowed to criticise it and laugh at it without Teresa May and her pal Sadiq Khan sending in their supporters.
How come the Right have all the gorgeous ladies?
They may not be Sarah Palin of course…but can join my “Lovely Girls ” Contest when I`ve checked with the Father Ted franchise!
Reckon lefty women stew in their own bile, vinegar and gripe water..with only the likes of Glenda Jackson or Barbara Follett getting a dip in the ass milk.
No-get them out of their burkas and docs…send them to lovely Marie, Marine or Sarah-and they may yet meet a man.
Jenni, Jo, Dianne, Yvette,,,and all those other embittered bolshy baggages….being of the right makes you beautiful for some reason….
Peter Grimes-fellow metrosexual fop like myself eh?…could be a marriage bureau here if you like!
Well you had your chance you lot!
Am now offering -for this weekend only-a push me pull you deal where you get a bigamy deal-with any two out of Dianne, Jenni, Jo and Angela…can`t give their full names though as yet!
You CAN get the four for a polygamy arrangement…but four TV Licenses will, of course still be required.
Number 3 Looks a bit like a clothed version of gort.

Ah – “The Day The Earth Stood Still”. Just about sums up Islam doesn’t it?
“Klaatu barada nikto’ and don’t mention Allan’s Snackbar
Ha Ha that’s funny Lobster!!
As I recall Gort went on a bit of a rampage when folk didn’t get too excited about a rather dubious alien introduction to a new way of doing things, on an ‘our way or die basis’ and there was an unfortunate backlash.
Luckily a few noble souls were able to persuade his boss that humanity was not all murderous loons and he was stood down.
There’s a whole raft of mixed and jumbled metaphors, protagonists and timings there to play with in another updated version, with Gort turning up on his own (from considerably closer) and no off switch, especially one based on an appeal to humanity.
Just the ‘our way or die’ rampage bit.
We might need a bigger Peacemaker.
Morning boys and girls…someone at work just switched bbc news on at work…bastards just taken my penicillin to help protect myself from the infected bullshit that I will have to be subjected to for the next 7 hours…. More Trump bashing…Jesus Christ how can they stay so blind to Hillary and I am reading James Purnell will be the next head of bbc radio…..it lists him on Wikipedia as a British Politician fucking hell…..maybe May is waiting for them to do it and then use it as an excuse to scrap the telly tax…..shit just woke up…
If the BBC wasn’t the most stunningly arrogant organisation in the country (which is saying something), the appointment of a Labour hack like Purnell would be impossible.
As it is, they feel absolutely invulnerable now, confident that whatever they do, the government is too feeble to stand up to them.
Exactly. But that can work against them, because , maybe, some people who were not convinced by the bias argument before, will be from now on.
It is just part of the complex web of power that the liberal left has spun across almost all British institutions. No matter how hard we ordinary voters struggle they retain control of almost all the media, the police, judiciary, education , local government ,NHS etc etc. Brexit has enraged them , we plebs have voted the wrong way. Even if the PM really does mean Brexit is Brexit the elite will find a way to minimise its impact.We may never really be free of the EU.
Elites fight hard to retain their grip on power, see my post below to see how they are preparing a complete take over complete control of the BBC, yes even more so than now!See how they combine and use their power to attack anyone who isn’t one of them, eg Nigel Farage. Defeating the liberal left elite will be a long hard road. Brexit is a victory but expect a fearsome counter attack on all fronts. The only way to break their power is to replace 1000’s of them in their key positions right across the whole spectrum of public life in Britain and how on earth is that achieved ? After all they are the people who select the people who fill those key positions in the first place and people from outside the elite need not apply.
In the light of this latest even more blatant evidence that the BBC does not behave in a politically neutral fashion, I guess a clever government lawyer could find a legal way to re-visit the Charter or, if not, then to devise amendments to it in order to force the BBC to put its house in order. All we need is a tough government. Perhaps, however, May is waiting until after the next (snap) election when surely the Conservatives cannot fail to gain a substantial majority.
The Conservatives would have to be standing first. I have no confidence that anyone meeting that description will be.
Of course, we cannot have a ‘snap’ election with fixed term parliaments now mandated by law.
The only way to get an election ‘out of step’ is a full vote of no confidence by the house of commons. They are not going to vote themselves out of their sinecured expense claim positions.
The law – no law – is immutable.
I see from the BBC UK news site that there are five main stories, including one about a bank holiday tail back on a motorway.
Oddly they haven’t mentioned …
5 arrests in Birmingham and bombs so close to detonation state that bomb disposal units were called in.
Is the BBC’s coyness due to it not wishing to upset any more Norwegians?
Just updated my self with some “news” from the worlds most trusted broadcaster.
Trending at 4th most read – yeh right Beeb – do you mean in fourth place on your agenda today is:
‘British’ boy in Islamic State group execution video
Hold on a sec mr news editor – I am a passionate follower of your service – no really – but not for the reasons you’d like me to be and isn’t this about the same organisation/religion that you choose to suppress/apologise/idolise/subvert/misreport/lie/mislead about…. Why is this item taking pride of place today of all days, a change of heart perhaps?
No… I imagine that when this story came in you couldn’t wait to slam it all over the front pages…. Anything to do with him being “white” British at all??? Hmmm I wander
No he`s NOT a “British boy” if BBC and Liberal rules apply.
His name is Abu Al Britani…and so he`s s citizen of the Islamic State…a national of Deash…has (at best) a heritage that can be traced back to Choudharys coal hole in Luton…a migrant, refugee, asylum seeker, a vulnerable child, a student on foreign exchange, a student who`s lost his visa or outstayed it.
He can also be any mish match Professor Nod combo of all or any of the above…feel free to add your OWN..for there are many more options that these.
But a British Boy?…no he`s not.
He`s a Cube of the Califat…spawn of Blair, Corbyns houseboy-but he`s not a British boy.
If the BBC call you such…go and check…only British are either Brexit loons, gay medal winners or criminal psychos like this bullet headed count….
But no return to corporal punishment eh?…he`s suffered enough.
Daesh might call him ‘Al Britani’ for propaganda purposes but he looks a little Slavic around the eyes/cheekbones to me.
Good luck to every black kid that sets up LEGITAMATE business;
in the past he may have faced prejudice whilst people like White toffs got a free ride.
THESE DAYS fashion’s changed and now political correctness virtue signalling gives other groups the free ride.
Last week MSM features young black guy with a Gold Bentley named Robert Mfune. DailyEcho
…em that seems to break the “too wow to be true” rule.
Finally today’s Times shows he is linked to a scam called Binary Trading and unregulated thing that happens in Cyprus. His webpage was affiliated to those Cyprus businesses and he would get a massive commission when people sighed up.
It’s typical of such scams to pad websites with fake reviews and show photos with people holding up cash etc.
(The BBC actually didn’t report the story)
Times story pg 42
Yes BBC must be happy terrorist killing good!!! white blue eyed boy even better british ohhh joy yes your right! brutal the bbc fuckers are moonwalking all over Media center at the moment…YEEE HEEE!
Of course-Brexit and Breivik lead to this!
In honesty I just wish the Beeb would cut to the chase and kickstart BBC brekkie with full blown Muslim prayer, swiftly followed by a daily programme on why brexit is awful. As a license payer I demand all women to be wearing the hijab at least, niqab preferred. I also am disgusted that the British Broadcasting Corporation still employs white people. Did they not get the government memo? Please jerrod/kikuchiyo highlight this with your line manager over the next glass of proseco.
Needs a separate slurry pipeline , subscription and alongside their former output.
Outside guttering for all their Labour party stories, their Muslim puff pieces, their neverendum stuff, why black matter, why Hillarys great and guns are not(unless they are hired by HER side)…
The Parisites need their own channel to stop the rest of us having to risk infection…after Charlie Hebdo, Ilan Halimi and Bataclan…we KNOW who and what the Parisites now are…not all called Hilton by the way.
The rest of us could then get on with the real news…but doubt the BBC dopes would recognise it anymore.
Got my channel tuned to perpetual Arab Springwatch…funnily enough, all the other streams lead back to it.
I would also like BBC News 24 to be linked to ISIS’s news organisation “Dabiq” and demand that W1A proudly flies the ISIS flag from its roof. Furthermore #anjemforBBCtrusthead once he’s done his no doubt pathetic sentence for indirectly murdering thousands
Please jerrod/kikuchiyo highlight this with your line manager over the next glass of proseco…(love it) maybe with Nigel Slater’s Orecchiette with cheese and artichokes… the problem is if there was a Muslim takeover the first people they will designate for superman training will be them.
With Jerrod and KooKooKooChoo you get nowhere near the alpha and the Omega of our current crop of trolls, imo!
Yes, these people will be the first to suffer !
I think I pointed out before here that, in Japanese, ” Kiku” means “Little flower “. Read into that what you want !
Western Progressives and middle eastern Islamists now march forward arm in arm
BBC tv news happily informs viewers today that Turkish President Erdoğan has bowed to pressure from Islamists to allow Turkish women police officers to wear Islamic headdress under their caps and berets.
Our BBC news presenter explains for our instruction that Islamists in Turkey have pointed to precedents recently set in Scotland and in Canada where new police regulations have given the green light to such religious dress.
Can you hear that..? It could be the sound of the creation of the new world culture…
New Host for Children in Need ….Sally Jones live from Syria with urgent appeal for more money for weapons and ammo….some of these poor kids don’t have enough ammo to carry out the simplest infidel executions and are not strong enough to throw them off roofs….. £ pounds will buy a young jihadi a magazine of 9 mm bullets that’s right enough to kill 14 filthy infidels…….so pls pick up the phone
New Host for Children in Need ??? Aww has Nadya got a spare weekend before Christmas I wonder !
R4 1.15pm “Women are victims” is the name of the programme that replaced the advertised prog called Any Questions.
Did anyone notice that every question was twisted so that every answer became about how “women are victims”.
The same old behaviour of the mad-left : that they first divide the society into groups, when actually Equal Opportunity is about that people are treated as INDIVIDUALS not just immediately classed as some group.
– If we have daughters is that what we are supposed to tell them “You are a victim” ?
No as long as they are given treated fairly that is all that matters.
Now the Labour woman was able to protest that all our top people, and mayoral candidates and top union leaders are MEN, it is entirely possible that the most intelligent people take it steady and don’t try to be top of the tree.
featured :
Labour : Cat Smith MP,
the leader of the Women’s Equality Party Sophie Walker,
John Hayes MP, and the journalist Toby Young
In the twisted parallel universe of the Left, all women are victims except muslim women. How perverted can thinking be ?
I punched the radio button from habit, and it happened to be Any Questions and a familiar voice speaking (Toby Young) many of whose opinions I share, so I thought I’d listen for a bit. He was speaking about the disrepute ‘honours’ had fallen into, and opined that the way its reputation to be restored was for the Queen to utter three words: “Arise, Sir Mo”. How bloody sickening! Happily this was greeted by absolute silence by the panellists and the audience – tumbleweed rolling away! If Toby Young thought this right-on PC remark would curry favour, then he has learnt a lesson. He might (or might not really) want someone who was born abroad, trains abroad and lives abroad to receive knighthood for running a bit, but I certainly don’t. Sorry, this is not BBC bias at all – only that we expect that sort of sycophantic nonsense from them, but not from Young.
MW – I don’t know what it is but whenever Toby Young appears on radio or TV, to me there always seems to be a subtle aura of w@nker about him; your post has just confirmed my suspicions.
AND he fell in line about the great decision of the French to allow burkinis.
What a vacuous suck up-think he`s going to do a Hislop on us very soon, and become the penitent bald housetrained gelding for the purpose of BBC balance.
Reverting to daddys politics I expect.
Did I hear(I’m beginning to doubt I heard it right) a Muslim woman caller on Any Answers say, completely unchallenged, that the oppression of Muslims today in the west far outstrips anything meted out to Jewish people by the Nazis?
Dunno Lord, but i wouldn’t be surprised. Somehow they’ve convinced themselves (and the beebistan of course) that THEY are the victims. So next time a girl is raped in Rotherham (and I mean girl), or someone’s beheaded in London, or blown up somewhere, or you’re just waiting at airport security for hours, standing in your socks looking like an idiot with your beltless trousers falling down around your ankels, just remember: IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!
A couple of weeks ago I posted that the liberal establishment were plotting to unfetter the BBC from any requirement to be impartial.I posted because I had seen an article about a report commissioned by the BBC Trust about the use of statistics at the BBC.I see that in today’s Times there is a long article by Gus O’Donnell the former head of the civil service in which he says that the BBC struggled in the EU debate to be impartial IN A RATIONAL WAY ( my capitals) and that in his judgement they failed to be an impartial arbiter. Not because, as we on this site might expect, they were too biased to Remain but because they failed to challenge the pronouncements of Leave effectively.In other words the BBC failed the liberal elite because the Brits voted Leave and now the elite wants the BBC to be able to lie more effectively and push their liberal left propaganda even more.
There is no doubt that the liberal elite are outraged by Brexit and determined that the British public will never defy their masters again. They are steadily building the case to unfetter the BBC from any requirement to be impartial.If we thought that the BBC leftist propaganda was already outrageous, wait and see what lies and deceit they will indulge in now at the behest of their elite masters. This is a sinister plot to gain total control of the media in this country. We ignore it at our peril.
Not because, as we on this site might expect, they were too biased to Remain but because they failed to challenge the pronouncements of Leave effectively.
And did the BBC ever challenge the Remainers over their ‘vision’ for the UK’s future in Europe? Joining the Euro? Political Union? Open borders? Underwriting more Eurozone bailouts? Or simply sitting on the conveyor belt doing as Merkel tells us and seeing where it takes us?
And they wonder why Brexit won.
Blast from the past : Nov 2015 The Clydeside Frigates

And the classic

Would like to put this poster up in Calais and say he`s actually the teddy here formerly known as Muhammad(TTFKAM)…and has re-emerged again after The Ayateddys Fatwa from Sudan in 2007.
So if they see any BBC types using him to mock the Profiterole…then they have a duty to behead the bear and rip the stuffing out of the BBC peddlar concerned.
Might shut the buggers up next March anyway
Check the highest rated comments because there’s definitely some manipulation going on again.
When i think of something to say about the bbc words like collaborators,cults come to mind i for one think that if we’ve got to this level of deceit with the only level of control the royal charter then there is no hope whatsoever.Brexit is a start we’ll keep an eye on the coming months but with this i am hopeful the battle was won.The bbc is the next battle.
I think of “cults” as well ….. or something like that …….
They really are the enemy within. Thick as mince and disgusting with it.
How about a new name for this site bbc bias is underplaying the reality i’ll start with bbc deception. Any ideas?
‘Islam Loving Dhimmi B@stards’ sounds just about bang on to me 🙂
#CrookedBBC supporting #CrookedHillary
More normalising of Islam from the Dawah Broadcasting Corporation:
Is halal the new normal?
Not in my house, it isn’t.
@Hadda ..Duff link mate :correct one here top that BBC video report on Halal
..You missed a quotation mark or something.
Ah. Oops. Fat fingers, teeny keyboard. Cheers mate.
Apologies if this has been mentioned already but just read this article on Breitbart
Katie Hopkins posts an “Insensitive” tweet, Sussex Police admit it’s not a criminal offence but go on to say they’ve reported her to twitter and encourage others to do the same.
If no law has been broken then what the hell are they getting involved for???
Because they’re brainwashed?
The Duck – welcome to the future
And what a glorious future it is! Where a comment on the internet can incur the wrath of the police but an actual crime like, oh I don’t know, say the organised raping of children up and down the country is virtually ignored by the useless morons.
Here here although on the off chance you have underestimated the brightness the future holds I have written a new charter for multiculti land, please see below. Mrs May do feel free to implement at will if not done already. Actually on second thoughts sounds very similar to sharia law:
A: White people (christians) are worth 10% of anyone from the middle east/africa
B: Hate crimes trump robbery, theft, pedophilia, violence, assualt, drug abuse (clause: these do hold their historic value if committed by an indigenous brit). Please see our previous examples of the implementation of this new law: rotherham etc.
C: Most importantly, as per saint Choudary’s wishes buckingham palace will be turned into a mosque and the national anthem shall be replaced with a piece of music entitled: Allahu Akbar, Insh’allah.. Fuck you brits.
PS: Mrs May I have a music degree so am more than happy to create this piece if you so wish. Perhaps just to shit on the west even more than we’ve seen in the past I should create a gun’s n roses esque guitar solo? Obviously in the key of A, we woulnd’t want to offend our “creator”…
I think A and B have already been implemented. Though I’d like to suggest a slight alteration to your charter……..It’s only a hate crime if committed by a white British male, I realise that goes without saying but best to have it down in writing all the same 🙂
Sorry Duck – its in the scrutiny process – would love Peterthegreat to impart some wisdom on multicutli lands charter….
PS – I feel the flag should be a cross between the LGBT and ISIS one
Al beeb – will you please be our official broadcaster?
PS – I feel the flag should be a cross between the LGBT and ISIS one
How about a bloke in a balaclava throwing Graham Norton off the roof of Broadcasting House?
Oooooo how islamic… I like it!
Also what size cage should we burn Nigel Farage/Donald Trump alive in? I’m thinking a good old fashioned 6 footer… And which reading room of the british library shall we put the Koran in? F*** it – all of them of course
PS – David sorry for my language in previous posts!
Brutal your Charter is a good start. For services to The True Faith, you will be allowed to live in perpetual Dhimmitude and not be beheaded. Talking about beheading, it’s old news but is it generally known that the Bataclan Boys castrated their victims and gouged out their eyes as well as other gruesome tortures? Natch the police/press covered it up at the time but it leaked out eventually in subsequent enquiry (below). Don’t recall beeb covering that.
And talking about The True Faith, they lose me from the word go with their claims the Quran is the Final revelation and has the solution to all problems. Something chilling about that word Final, when applied to Solution, can’t quite put my finger on it.
I’d heard about the disembowelling and remember the awful photograph but I wasn’t aware of the full extent of the brutality. That is absolutely barbaric.
I’m sure the Beeb’s brightest and best are on it and will educate and inform us in due course.
There’s so much they don’t tell us – the forced circumcision of Christians by ISIS, no anaesthetics, no hygiene, no bandages. I’ve seen pix but i’ll spare bbbc readers, too gory for civilised readers.
For the most part I’m pretty desensitised to the more gory aspects. I went through a period of learning about the situation in Mexico and as result came across several “Gore” sites that reported what was really going on over there (they give ISIS a run for their money in sheer brutality). Although shocking it did help me understand just how much of a desperate state Mexico is in.
But the Bataclan massacre sticks in my memory as it happened on my birthday. Silly reason and it shouldn’t do, but somehow it makes a difference and reading that article in the Daily Express seems so much worse than any picture or video.
Duck – sorry to come back to this post however does give me a good chuckle…. What my brain has finally computed is that the british police have “reported” katie hopkins for her post… Hold on, let me just double check this one… So the police are “reporting”…. To who?! The bloody army? WHAT IS GOING ON!?!? Where is our tax money actually going?! WTF I thought that Lobster and I had seen it all with the refugee team but here we go again. Amazing. I’m cracking another beer.
PS – Lobby – if you haven’t done in that whisky already I suggest now is a good time! Although sadly this is probably just the beginning
One of the key reasons KH sent her tweet was that the police/media with-held evidence, they could have said right from the beginning “we have strong evidence the victims are not recent immigrants”
– It is a similar situation to when the Democrats baited Trump by pushing Mr and Mrs Khan in his face : If Trump help back he would LOSE, and if he said something strong back he would LOSE.
It strikes on Camber Sands the LeftBlob knew that rightwingers were bound to react to a seeming cover-up if there was an information vacuum..and Katie did react, cos she’s got a show to run.
Theresa May is chasing a good write from the BBC with her equality initiative. Don’t bother, luv. If this evening’s BBC tv news report is anything to go by you’ve ‘got your job cut out’. The BBC seems to have already decided you will fail to meet their towering egalitarian standards. Anyway a voice the BBC picks to put on air tells us the problem is “the cutz”.
Cameron chased the good write up in the Guardian and a sympathetic BBC headline – now could we try some conservative policies please?
Fond memories of the ‘Two Johns” and their political satire. It would be a breath of fresh air to see that pair ‘interviewing’ one another again. Sadly that’s not possible. There must be more ‘up-and-coming’ satirists. Perhaps the broadcasters (principally the BBC) refuse to broadcast that sort of humour?
I tell you what Theresa if your reading this we are all wondering when you might be doing what we all asked you to do in June. If you remember we told you that we wanted to get away from the basket case EU as soon as possible. We have no interest in Germany , France , Greece et al we want to be our own Sovereign Country. We don’t like mudslimes , we certainly do not want sharia law we notice Citizen Khan is imposing Sharia law through stealth in London. I go to work every day in London and I am sick and tired of being surrounded by birds in tea towels. Now be a good girl and do what we have all told you to do a bit sharpish.
Here, here Lock13! I am a resident of the caliphate, sorry londonistan, sorry london… Hopefully catch you in the boozer some time!
No doubt mate. When the shit hits the fan we will all be in the same boozer(s).
It’s too late for London – London is lost. Sheer demographics will see to that.
Brexit is not yet lost but is far from a done deal. Liberal regressives will marshal every resource (and they just about own them all, across government, media and culture) to stymie Brexit, to frustrate it, prevaricate and ultimately gut it to render it stillborn. Regressives will refuse to accept that democracy rejected their European plans; get ready to watch Brexit suffer the death of a thousand cuts.
What you will and won’t find on beeb.
Will: The governor of Maine has said that people of colour were enemies of his state
Won’t: Man Held For Murder Of Two Mississippi Nuns
(imagine if they’d been black and him white: through the roof coverage.)
Little update from the currency markets this week. The Eur against the pound is a lot lower. Yellen who runs the fed came out with very bullish comments for the $ yet the pound refused to budge against the $ and indeed looks set for higher, wouldn’t be surprised to see the pound back to pre- Brexit levels by Christmas. All my own work obviously.
FT 100 68,
World markets backing Brexit. Yes, £ back about that by christmas. There will be a bounce if May goes. Someone said ” You can’t buck the markets ! “
The Beeb is stll linking everything to Brexit (which hasn’t even happened). Everything negative is because of Brexit. Anything positive is downplayed and is despite Brexit. But these clowns know nothing about the real world. In the real world there are numerous influences and players. Like Yellen. Or terrorist attacks in France.
The pound is down recently against Euro mostly cos the BoE reduced interest rates and applied QE. Did it really need to be done? Who knows. But it was.
Not on the BBC but heed this warning from the cops to people using social media not to say bad things about the proposals for a residence for migrants.
Let me stress something here. The cops won’t issue this kind of warning unless there is firm government approval.
“The less said the better”. A motto for our times as brought to you by the Thought Police.
“Careless talk costs lives”.
Are we now living in East Germany?
The police really are going after social media it seems.
A few quotes from the article from Sarah Boycott, assistant chief constable:
“There are a number of laws in place which cover social media; these laws include messages which could be seen to make credible threats of violence towards a person or damage to a property.”
Sounds like someone threatened to burn the place down or something similar. Fair enough that needs to be investigated and I have no problem with that. But then she continues:
“Although you may believe your message is acceptable, other people may take offence”
So what? That’s their problem. Besides, is there ever the consideration that the person taking offence may be a mindless moron? Doubtful.
“you could face a large fine up to two years in prison if your message is deemed to have broken the law”
Roughly translated as “We’re a bit vague about this law but the threat should be enough”
“I would like to reassure the public that we take all reports of malicious communications seriously, and we will take action.”
Replace the word “reassure” with “threaten” is probably more accurate.
I have no problem with them investigating the original comment but why issue a warning to all social media users? Try investigating the actual crime that may have been committed, not the ones you think might happen in the future. According to the article she actually started with this line:
“I want to remind all social media users to think carefully about what they are saying before posting messages online.”
It seems to me their main concern is to silence criticisms rather than investigating crime.
Duck – thanks for the update. Let me just pop it into the multiculti translator and see what it brings out…
Hmmmm…. Not sure if its working correctly, still in beta mode yet the translator is popping up an error “Error 101 – I’m afraid you are not from the correct ethnic background to file a complaint.”
Thats strange…
Trying typing “allahu Akbar” at the end……You should get an immediate response
Whatever you do don’t type “Brexit” or you’ll fry the thing!
An expression you don’t hear indigenous people in the U.K. use now as much as they did, in light response to a query as to why they are doing something:
“It’s a free country.”
I wonder whatever led to the decline in usage?
Perhaps it’s because people have finally cottoned on to the fact that it’s not quite so “free” as once it was.
May I just say that I welcome all the new posters here. Hybrid vigour is good . You are all welcome. But we need more ladies to give some sensible balance
Agree Grant, And I am sure that all will agree that those here are doing a magnificent job.
Grant and G.W.F. I’m with you on that. Here’s another motto for our times.
“The more’s the merrier”.
Anyone else catch the weather forecast today on BBC News?
I know the weather is a bit shi-ite at the moment, but ……
Funny you say that lob, i’m out in spain and its pretty sunni
A cold front coming from the East. Wrap up warmly. High pressure expected from the thought police.
Sadly, it’s been a good day for eco warriors, statist transport people like Corbyn, jobsworths, and anti car zealots. In short, the bBBC is in its element.
A bridge has collapsed on the M20. It looks like nobody has been hurt.
Cue excuses to disrupt thousands and thousands of holidaymakers plans for hours and hours if not days.
Those wearing caps will spend hours with their tape measures and the public transport lobby will tell people they should have used the train.
As for the thousands stuck on the M20……….not one official gives a s***.
Apparently police have spent hours measuring their own skid marks.
I wish to report to the Police a series of Vocal Chord Thefts (VCTs).
The following are victims of this crime:
1. Boris Johnson (Foreign Secretary).
2. David Davis (Brexit Manager).
The suspected offender is a Mrs May. Her whereabouts are at present unknown. She is known among the Criminal Underworld as ‘Madame Brexit-iz-Brexit’. Her M.O. is to lull victims into a false sense of security with her superficial impersonation of a Margaret Thatcher.
The public are warned not to approach her or vote for her in future.
Excellent warning.
Sorry DS, the police are currently too busy monitoring biased bbc. Hang on, someone’s at the door, be right back.
bbcBingo : Turned over to BBC2 during the ads, and bang they are discussing a BBC right-on pet issue : Refugees crossing the Mediterranean.
They’ve made a full video report, just to talk about a book at the Edinburgh book festival called “Cast Away” written by a sympathetic journalist.
Play bbcBattleships …switch over 3 times and catch 3 things from the BBC pet issue list : dissing Brexit, Sneering at Trump, Loving Hillary, Corbyn, Women As Victims etc. to sink a battleship
Anyone who wants to be informed about the alternative right would be advised to check on You Tube, or social media groups.
The BBC discussion could have been copied from the Socialist Worker Party or that other bunch of hare brained race baiters, Lib Com.
First sentence of the BBC article:
‘A disparate group of provocateurs is challenging conservative orthodoxy from the right. They hate political correctness and love Donald Trump – but their critics say they’re nothing but bigoted white nationalists.’
That’s it folks, they are all waaycists.
And here’s another headline you won’t be reading on beeb, unless to howls of disbelief and condemnation to dwarf the burkini ban outrage: “Favourite to be next Dutch PM vows to BAN the Koran and CLOSE all mosques.”
Given that the Dutch media are likely to be as infested with SJWs as are ours, I wonder how they are handling this? As we know, ours still haven’t got over the (comparatively)meek Nigel Farage! The Dutch Left must be going crackers.
The Dutch were notoriously ‘liberal’ in all areas, but the tide might be turning as they see developments in nearby Scandinavia and Germany.
Austria, even more so. If there is going to be a real kick back, it is likely to be in Austria first. The Right there aren’t going to forget the way the Left fraudulently stole the last election.
Geert Wilders won’t do it of course (close all mosques and ban the Koran) but he must think it’s a vote winner to be even saying it