All day today, the BBC’s ‘news’ (sic) website has been running a non-story claiming that Donald Trump’s doctor took just five minutes to write a note saying how healthy he is. This, apparently, is meant to be significant.
Perhaps one of the BBC’s apologists could point me to the Corporation’s examination of the very serious concerns over Hillary Clinton’s apparently major condition(s)?
Authoritarian Left: “Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has called for Virgin’s founder and CEO Sir Richard Branson to be stripped of his knighthood.
Mr McDonnell claimed the billionaire wanted to “undermine our democracy” after Virgin trains released footage disputing Mr Corbyn’s claims about overcrowding on one of its services.”
So, simply telling the truth to defend his company from spurious accusations is ‘undermining our democracy’?
Branson is no fan of democracy ,he is fully paid up member of the liberal elite which simply will not accept the vote to leave the EU.McDonnell is openly anti democratic,Branson ,like the rest of the liberal elite are democrats only when it suits them.
I propose new migration scheme which I think will appeal to Merkel et al but not the BBC.The UK will take in as many white Europeans as the EU wishes to send us but in return the E U must take one of our unwanted migrants.This should meet Merkels wish to Islamise Germany and the EU a sap whilst improving the quality of life in the UK immeasurably.
Spot on, it is utter insanity and at some point something is going to light the spark for civil unrest……and I’m dreading the day it happens. As soon as either a Mosque, or a group of Muslims, are attacked in revenge for yet another atrocity just watch governments all over Europe introduce draconian new laws and grant themselves extra powers to combat civil unrest and ease “community tensions”. Like you I’m wondering if that’s their ultimate goal.
I read somewhere (Breitbart maybe?) that thousands of Germans have ditched Facebook and are turning to the Russian equivalent just so they can criticise immigration more freely. Yep, people in the powerhouse of Europe are turning to Russia for more freedom of speech. The more Merkel refuses to listen the worse the pushback from the people will be. I really hope I’m wrong, but at the moment some form of mass civil unrest is starting to look inevitable.
Agreed TD but I wonder what the heads of military/police/clandestine services think about the Invasion. They too have families and children and will have their own view on becoming a future Islamic State. Maybe they like it even less than we do. Is a Government to risk pushing the public so hard that they abruptly find out the very views of those they will ask to protect the Rule of Law (including themselves…..)? At present, all the European Governments and the UK seem reckless enough to run the risk.
“German migration minister says he expects 250,000 – 300,000 immigrants to arrive this year” Video below has been linked to before and is primarily for a US audience, I would imagine most on here will have viewed before, but for those that haven’t it’s worth a look and gives a little context once politicians start talking numbers. Unlikely to be seen on the BBC anytime soon.
Just for a change (LOL) Al Beeb ran a story this morning about child refugees in Calais. Cue moral indignation, virtue signalling etc.
Has the bBBC considered for one microsecond interviewing someone in the French national or local government?
Do they have no responsibility at all for their own territory? Should they not be held to account?
And thus is revealed the biased BBC agenda . It has nothing to do with child safety, which admittedly after Savile would be the biggest hypocritical laugh of all. No, it has everything to do with their left wing political narrative of open door immigration, and all the better if the Tories can be shamed along the way.
The BBC’s concern for immigrant children in Calais would be far more credible if it showed the slightest concern for British children who have been ‘groomed’ and subject to vile abuse for the past couple of decades.
But instead of investigating and exposing the abuse, the Corporation seems to have done its level best to cover up what has been going and pretend it was simply a small, local issue.
The BBC – as full of humbug as a Victorian sweet shop.
DoubleT, here’s another one. It was announced on the BBC R4 news at 0800 today that the Overseas Development Secretary Priti Patel MP has announced a drastic cut in the Foreign Aid Budget. The sum of £12 Billion is mentioned in the Mail Online. Why? The Mail claim it is the result of their campaigning. Me, I think it is more practical than that.
Apparently, the money saved will be spent in the UK to help promote ‘national security and the national interest’. Question: This ‘National Interest’, that couldn’t be code for spending that 12 Billion on the Third World living in the UK could it?
Anyone wishing to make themselves seriously depressed should listen to this appropriately brutal detailing of an average day in the life of a German immigration officer. What has Merkel done? And what is Germany going to do to solve it?
An interesting thesis. Basically I think he is saying that we will not defeat Islam until we admit we are at war with it. This is certainly true.
He says that we will defeat Islam in western countries as soon as we cease to be in denial about Islam – until we can admit how dangerous it is.
He says the rise of the Islamic State is a good thing because Muslims will no longer be able to deny the reality of Islam to themselves or to their host countries.
I wish I believed this. I fear he has under-estimated the degree to which the left will deny reality. For more than a century the left has been rising in the west based upon the denial of economic evidence from observing successful cultures and denying the truth about human nature. The left is determined to be proved right and it does not really matter to them if they have to use suppression and subterfuge to get this ‘proof’ … that is the whole point of ‘being in denial’ after all.
I think the left’s de facto policy of encouraging the intimate intermingling of Muslims into western culture is laying the grounding for a far more destructive war within our populations.
The current evidence seems to be – sadly – that it will take far too long before our Great Leaders will ever admit the gross errors they have made.
#bbcPetIssue Bingo : switched on Radio4 at a random moment ..and topic is Corbyn ..with Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror giving Virgin Train gate a super sympathetic telling…
.. He said Corbyn didn’t mislead ..But he’s wrong, no way was that train RAMPACKED in the video
9:40 Now they moved on 2 remainers Dr Daniel Glaser and Eric Pickles says “Of course University research funding is going to fall” ..There is no evidence.
The third person a Krankie : Val McDermot also Remain.
9:53 Moved on to tale of (Proxima B) War of the Worlds with Primeminister Farage
“The nation voted Brexplosion!”
– In the story the govt issues Orwellian press releases like saying “unemployment has gone down”
10:00 I switched to LBC to listen to Katie Hopkins
I’m trying to understand german mentality they are the most successful country in europe but choose to seif destruct and in the process when finally central and eastern europe have an opportunity for change for hope for a better future,german decision making will ruin their dreams.If nigel can’t get through to them then know one can.Let’s try to predict the future europe will run out of money won’t be able to prop up the economies of mediteranean europe then what? Let’s be selfish make plans in britain for this inevitable event .What can we do to capitalise on europe’s foolish decisions.I Hope we’re out before the fall of the european empire so we get ahead start on these imbeciles.For are own protection i seriously believe we need to increase are armed forces and border control regardless of the incoming european meltdown.We should learn from history the left have a genetic flaw a sympathy for the devil .
I’m trying to understand german mentality – It’s been said before, but it’s partly war-guilt, the seeking of approval / forgiveness in the eyes of the world – which sort-of worked for a while (Merkel ‘Person of the Year’ in Time mag). Also a hard-nosed need for men of working age in an ageing population with falling birth rate. Lots of young workers AND world approval? Too good to be true. Indeed so.
What has the European citizen done to deserve this? How can those in power inflict this on their peoples? This is not madness, this is very much a plan.
#bbcPetIssue Bingo : Calais Refugees @4.50am buying wetsuits
– Woke up in the middle of the nights and switched on inthe middle of a report about a reporter tracking down what happened when 2 bodies of illegal immigrants were found in Oct 2014 and he tracked down the wetsuits to a shop in Calais. Report in Independent
It didn’t seem to mention yesterday’s Camber Sands context
that Sussex policed left a long information vacuum.
So it is entirely in the public interest that someone like Katie Hopkins speculates on Twitter, cos that encourages truth to come out.
..I don’t think it harms the poor parents of the guys who turned out to be from London.
“Canadians switched at birth in second case at hospital”
Reading the above click bait and followed a link to
“Canada vows ‘full reconciliation’ with indigenous peoples” from Dec 2015.
Nothing to unusual,fairly standard BBC stuff with some join the dots anti Christian sentiment thrown in for good measure. It was the term “indigenous peoples” that made me wonder, would the BBC would ever admit the existence of an indigenous British population ?, obviously such an entity seriously challenges the narrative, so probably not. The article mentions “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” which includes content such as
“The Declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples, as well as their rights to culture, identity, language,”
“their right to remain distinct and to pursue their own visions of economic and social development”
Hmmm, could be scope for an appeal to the UN.
The BBC is bringing back some old favourites for the vibrant multicultural society it wants us to live in, timed to coincide with the annual stab and drug pushers convention in Notting Hill this weekend…
Can’t escape Nadya Hussein can we. She’s now adorning the cover of my Sunday supplement together with an inside 4 page spread. Its now adorning the inside of the bin. There is simply no let up. In an earlier post, and in jest I suggested she would be in line for the vacancy on Children in Need, with this relentless PR push going on, its now more than a distinct possibility. OR being on Channel 4 as dual anchor !
I see that Teresa May is coming down hard on racism and unfair treatment of ethnics.
Can someone remind her about Easy Meat – mass rapes of our children.
Rod Liddle in fine form behind pay walled The Sunday Times website describing his travails on BBC programs recently.
Here he is in his usual bewildered and belligerent form …
broke another resolution last week. No surprise — at my time of life resolutions are made and then snapped in half in nanoseconds. Last week it was “never appear on the BBC again, in any form. They are only ever interested in shrieking ‘raaacissst’ at you. Even if the subject matter concerned cheese or quantum mechanics or geese, the response would still be the same: ‘raaacissst.’ ”
I’d made a film for Newsnight about what the Labour Party needs to do to reconnect with voters, and at first I was pleasantly surprised. The producer of the film was brilliant. But then they showed it on the programme and afterwards made me debate against a semi-literate lump of cretinous rage who just jabbered meaningless idiocies that had nothing to do with anything I’d said or even the questions a bemused Kirsty Wark tried to ask her. Like a Chatty Cathy doll programmed by an educationally subnormal friend of Stalin’s: pull the cord and out it all comes, a succession of furious non-sequiturs. “Never again,” I told the idiot of a programme producer, afterwards, very solemnly.
But a week later I said yes to an appearance on Radio 4’s The Media Show. Ah, radio is different, I said to myself. Nah. The subject was how the silly season, and especially the Olympics, has kept important news about Brexit (and other stuff) out of our newspapers and the broadcast media. My point, which I tried very hard to make, was that we haven’t really had a silly season this year. Yes, there’s been lots of sport but very little in the way of killer bees, jellyfish eating toddlers or spiders leaping out of packs of bananas and devouring lower-middle-class housewives whole.
And so on. The real reason we haven’t heard that the vote for Brexit has utterly destroyed the country, as the presenter clearly believed, is because it palpably hasn’t. Indeed, the reverse is true. Almost all of the domestic economic news since June 23 has been uplifting, and parts of the media — those bits run by capitalist running dogs, fascists, etc — have indeed exulted. But not the BBC. I tried to make this point but was cut off by the joker of a presenter, who said repeatedly: “I don’t want to get into the subject of Brexit right now” — and that was the end of that. But I thought that was the point? Here’s the news you never heard, BBC listeners . . . but no. Never again, then.
The truth is that the economic news post-Brexit-vote has given the lie to the stuff many of us — including me — bought into, those millennialist warnings that formed the bulk of Project Fear. Instead: unemployment down; the number of benefit claimants down. Retailers have posted their strongest sales figures in more than six months — we’re shopping like mad. Equity markets will crash, we were told on June 22. Nope, they’ve risen. Investment is up, the economy is booming — unlike in Germany. Big business has suffered no ill effects, says Reuters.
Indeed, so bad has it all turned out for the remainers that The Guardian was reduced to shrieking that house prices were falling by 1% (a development that, at other times, the paper would have rightly welcomed). Heaven forfend. And I will bet my last 10 quid this was as much down to the rise in stamp duty as it was to any ectoplasmic worries related to Brexit. The car hire firm Avis shoved a couple of quid on its rentals, fatuously calling it a “Brexit tax” — and has been forced to apologise.
Yet none of this has made the top story on the BBC’s News at Ten. Perhaps because good-news stories are never as interesting as gloom. Or perhaps it is a bit too much for them all to admit.
Saw/heard both of Rods appearances.
Seems to me that there is still a bit of the BBC about him, as well as Peter H, Mel and Toby Young etc.
The rules have changed..and the likes of Milo will be the future-where you personalise and take on the very character of the interviewer, mock and run…and describe that Fourth Wall of objectivity and balance that the BBC affect.
We all know what they`re up to-and it`s about time that the likes of Mishal and Humphrys are reminded of their unearned privileges as they “champion the poor” on behalf of the likes of Yentob or Sir Tony.
The likes of Tommy are learning-and these barnacled ciphers who pretend to be “just asking”-as opposed to “showing the paymesters that WE hate the proles and arrivistes like YOU do boss!”…and get paid from OUR taxes to insult us-will be scorched when a few more Milos, Tommys and untutored angry types come through.
It`s THIS that enrages the lefty liberals and media…Donald and Sir Nigel have NOT paid their dues, NOT bent the knee to Carlton or Saatchi…and are-guess what-authentically themselves.
They don`t give a damn about what Newsnight or the Edinburgh fringe thinks about them-and THEIR questions are not ours…or theirs either.
Funny that-you`d think that the Lefty libs would LIKE the battler, the rage against the machine types, the rugged individual who made it on wit and didn`t need a licene fee or Quango funds to make it to the very pewak of things political..
Wrong causes though-and when we leave the EU, and Donald is in the White House-we will exact our revenge on the padded traitors who presumed to speak for us.
Not one BBC employee has spoken for us now since David Bellamys era.
I heard the Edinburgh Festival bombed Chris. Probably because nobody finds attacking the Brexit/UKIP right wing angle funny anymore apart from the BBC and it’s unfunny band of comedians.
scribblingscribe, thanks for posting that; great stuff from Liddle:
“Like a Chatty Cathy doll programmed by an educationally sub-normal friend of Stalin’s.” Wonderful!
Earlier this week I posted here about my unwelcome dip into BBC Radio 4 and the impression I had that the station had declared a sex war against Men – the crucial remark came in a BBC drama as one female character expressed her prejudice and manophobia: “You know what Men are like”
On another day another random survey of daytime BBC Radio 4 and we had a strange post-apocalyptic vibe – apparently there had been a sudden rent in the forward progression of mankind that happened aroundabout 23rd June this year.
From news to current affairs to light drama to satirical skits there seems an agreed Radio 4 response that ‘Brexit’ is a problem and was a generally bad thing. This is problematic because by any reckoning Radio 4’s unified response is out of step with at least 50% of public opinion.
Example: BBC Radio 4 news chose to feature this UN report.
‘”Divisive” and “anti-immigrant” rhetoric by UK politicians during the EU referendum helped to fuel a spike in race hate crimes in the weeks before and after the vote, a UN body has said.’
Really? Isn’t that just a little exaggerated? Should the BBC report not add a little counter balance? Perhaps this ‘UN body’ would do better to focus on stopping some of the many full blown civil wars now raging in Africa Asia and the Middle East.
Maybe the UN group were preprogrammed to find what they wanted to find?
Can’t help but notice the CV of the Chairperson of this UN body ‘Ms. Anastasia CRICKLEY (Ireland)’ She boasts of being : ‘First woman Chair of the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (2003-2007).’
Really wish that the British had executed Eamonn De Valera as well as the other traitors of 1916.
We`d not have had NORAID, and that plastic paddy “Good Rebellion” stuff that has now led to Bono, Geldof, Robinson, McAleese..and especially the bloodless global minstrels like Sutherland and this Crickley of who you speak.
Funny eh?…The home country a basket case, no taxes and half finished buildings with unfettered drugs, crime and migrants at Limerick and Roscrea etc…maybe because their “best and brightest” go round the rest of world dodging taxes, sticking their nebbies into better-run and more prosperous countries-but forever chipping and playing the rebel-but always at our expense.
Sooner we leave the EU and let them enjoy that euro of theirs-the better.
At least they got rid of that bastard Casement, but they should have killed De Valera and all the other scum. I would say the same about Adams and McGuinness. These vermin are still alive.
How come the burkini crap takes days and merits loads of goss on Radio 4?
Whereas the sight of a British schoolboy blowing the brains out of a Kurdish prisoner in IS-held Syria merely get`s a “Meh”?
Maybe had our schoolboy insisted that the victim roll up the trouser legs of the orange jumpsuit before he was shot-THEN Radio 4 would have something to say about it?
Fuck Off BBC-and fine me some REAL news, you lazy Muslimmies….
Let`s hope Al Britani isn`t asked to tell the class what he did on his holidays come Thursday….and, let`s be clear he better HAD be back to enrol by then…or else Nick Gibb will be out on the first plane to issue a £60 fine will he not?
Tory wankbagz!
Getting tired of knife attackers who shout Allah ackibar who are then described by the cops and media as mentally unstable.
I presume Government orders are to describe the latest knife attack in Germany by an allah ackibar gentleman as ‘under the influence of drugs’. Of course.
‘The phrase “Allahu Akbar” means “God is Great” and has been chanted by Islamic terrorists during attacks.
However officers are yet to confirm a motive for the attack.’
The BBC and the so-called “authorities” must think we are really stupid if they think we are going to believe their stupid propaganda. They are totally ridiculous.
#bbcPetIssue Bingo :13:40 LGBT in +SNP
..After washing up turned on the radio to hear someone* banging on how SNP makes Scotland ahead (of the despised English) on LGBT issues
*(Sarah Smith on LGBT politics in Scotland on From our Home Correspondent)
There is nothing like a dose of BBC’s Sunday Morning Live to waken me up fully on a Sunday morning. Of course with that awakening a rise in my temperature generally occurs as Naga and the programme guests view some recent newsworthy topic, which today was “Should we ban the burkini?” On this occasion it wasn’t so much the subject matter, which happened to be the opening topic, more one of the guest experts. Stand forward Kate Williams. Kate, according to Wikipedia, is a Professor of History, a British author, Historian and television presenter.
To highlight the views of common folk they sent the plank Tommy down to Brighton, to ask a variety of people on and around Brighton beach. Finally he managed to find a young white ethnic lady, wearing a bikini, who looked to be 16/17 obviously up to speed with the whole ideology of Islam. When asked by the Tommy about French peoples fear: “Can you understand that people are scared that people were killed on Bastille day?” She replied confidently: “It’s nothing to do with the Muslim religion at all, it’s these specific people, nothing to do with the religion at all.”
Williams had to wait her turn to contribute and said: “I think the word provocation (the word had been used by another guest) is very disturbing here, as we’ve just got away from the idea that what women wear is provocative to men in all kinds of sexual assault crimes, that it matters what women wear.
“And here we are being told that a woman wears a certain outfit, certain form of swimwear is provoking and to me it’s a cheap shot. That it’s ahead of the elections next year in which there’s people trying to appeal to a certain level of, certain level of racism, that it’s a cheap shot against immigration, that sometimes we’ve seen works in political context. And though what seems a very simple question that simply these women wearing outfits to the beach simply isn’t logical because we know that wetsuits are fine, we even know that habits are fine for nuns and many people wear the burkini outfit not necessarily, especially in Australia, not necessarily religious reasons they wear it for….”
Naga, perhaps sensing that Williams was losing the thread a tad, interjected with: “Can you dissociate religion from the clothing?”
Williams continued: “Yes completely, and i think this is an example of there are big questions in France that politicians need to engage with about security, about integration, about freedom of speech that instead it’s all being reduced to what people to whether or not people wear a certain type of swimwear. Which i have to say as a very, i don’t wish to be trivial, pale person i tend to wear that kind of thing to the beach anyway but i presume they wouldn’t come and get me to take my scarf off.”
Following this the other three guests added their tuppence-worth and Nana let the viewers know that waste of space Tommy had gauged the opinion of people in Brighton and concluded that the opinion was one of “live and let live.” She then threw this out to the floor: “Do you think if we had experienced what happens in Nice, we would be, our attitudes would change?”
Williams: “Well, i think certainly that er France more, the more we criticise them, the more they’ll dig in their heels. I’ve seen even criticism on Fox News who seem to think it’s gone too far, obviously Fox News can be very extreme on this kind of subject, but i think this is a very different country.”
Nana, who has obviously been sleeping for the last twenty years far too much between reading/presenting news and playing golf must have missed the variety of Muslim acts of terrorism on our island, as she asked: “At the moment because we haven’t gone through terror that the French people are going through and the fear they feel, whether they blame Muslims or not, they feel under attack.”
My exasperation knew no bounds as Williams responded: “I think we do accept that 99.9% of Muslims in Britain want to live in peace and harmony and there are a few people who engage in terrorism. I mean look at the profile of terrorists, they tend to have profiles of history of sometimes petty crimes of sometimes er psychological disturbance these aren’t can’t be associated with the peace loving Muslims who give so much to this country, to our institutions, the NHS, so much to us. So i think the burkini ban is never going to happen here and i think in France it’s going to be seen as a mistake, because already this is the kind of criticisms France wants, the kind of image they want to project as they see their beaches as a place of freedom and liberty and this is not what’s going on here.”
and finally she finished her contribution: “But womens clothes are policed throughout society. It was only recently, a couple of months ago, which i believe someone was sent home from a job, she was wearing flat shoes. Women are expected to wear high heels, wear make-up frequently. In the business world you are expected to dress a certain way and i think it’s very curious that there are scholarships in comparison between the hair, the veil and the make-up and i think that the idea that women are completely free to choose what they wear outside, what is the vision of a woman, in terms of covering up, but also in the terms of undressing. Which we know an awful lot of women are supported and and congratulated for taking clothes off. So it’s not necessarily a free choice for what women wear.”
For a Historian one wonders what kind of left wing nonsense she teaches at Reading University and perhaps she was involved in the BBC’s history of Islam that was recently covered in a thread. Indeed i’m sure that Mohammed must have invented the petrol and diesel engines too, along with electricity.
As for her comments advising us about all the benefits these cuddly folk bring to our nation, the fact that she works in a University and seems unaware or chooses to ignore Islams influence in causing division and separation in our institutes of learning is rather baffling.
Also, her “99.9% of Muslims in Britain want to live in peace and harmony” was probably taken from a thesis she discovered from 1966.
“someone was sent home from a job, she was wearing flat shoes. Women are expected to wear high heels, wear make-up frequently”
And there are still many jobs where men are enforced to wear jackets and ties. In fact I remember a time when I was expected to wear the jacket and tie whereas my female colleagues were rather left to wear what they wanted to wear.
…In fact I remember a time when I was expected to wear the jacket and tie ……
And men still “don’t get” that there is nothing sexier than a chap in a suit (especially a Tux)- and who can ever forget Steve McQueen in the Thomas Crown Affair, gorgeousness personified, so why the reluctance to wear one ?
It’s not reluctance to wear one, nor the fact that women were allowed more freedom to wear what they chose. It was the fact that the feminists were complaining that women are expected to dress to some standards in some industries where men have always had to do.
Wait until the next inevitable mass killing in France.
Prize for the first who can spot a reference to the Burkini ban among BBC/Guardian/Indie reports.
Racist Islamophobic France deserved it will be the message.
Seems the Indonesian police are also cranially challenged.
“Officers found his ID card and an hand-drawn ISIS flag in his belongings and are trying to establish motive.”
BRISSLES, i thought it would have been slightly higher that your guess, though it turns out we were well off the mark. According to the International Journal of Environmental Science and Development Vol.1 no.2 (June 2010) and from the article Muslim Population in Europe 1950 – 2020 (Page 155, Houssain Kettani):
the Uk Muslim population:
1950 101,232
1960 104,744
1970 667,958
1980 1,238.913
1990 1,488,175
2000 1,596,391
2010 2,475,971
Given the leap from the 1960 to 1970 figures, it becomes very clear that Enoch Powell’s (Rivers of blood) speech was very prophetic and that was made on 20th April 1968 at the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre (Birmingham).
WH I am truly staggered by your findings – especially the 1950 figure, even spotting ‘a person of colour’ back then was rarer than a hen’s tooth, so a hundred thousand is astonishing. I suppose London was housing most of them followed by the industrial cities in the North. Clearly Enoch’s speech was more resonant than us youngsters at the time realised.
It tallies with my own experience. In the early 1970s I was starting out my career in a Midlands town and saw the Pakistani population increase by leaps and bounds.
Note also the very close correlation between the big increases in Muslim immigration and periods of government by the anti-British Marxist traitor Labour Party:
Labour in power 1945-51 and already >100,000 Muslims even by 1950.
Tories in power 1951-64 correlates with very small increase 1950-60.
Labour in power 1964-70 & 1974-79, huge increase in Muslim numbers.
Tories in power 1979-1997 – slow increase in the period 1980-2000.
Labour in power 1997-2010 – million extra Muslims, all control lost.
Nobody who cares about Britain should ever vote Labour again.
Tmw on R4 : Terrorism is up 50% since last year, and it’s having an impact on where we take our holidays
New research commissioned by You & Yours shows to what extent passenger numbers travelling to British holiday destinations, including France, Tunisia, Turkey, and Egypt have been affected by attacks over the last two years. Olivier Javier from Forward Keys analyses the airport arrivals data
..They also visit a Tunisian resort to report on how they are affected
A surprise to hear the BBC tackling terrorism instead of it promoting victimhood,grivence that leads to terrorism.
Monday 12:15 Radio4 You and Yours
“Like popstars, filmstars or celebrity chefs, liberal comics have always served up bien pensant politics without any of the garnish. There are no concessions, no nodding to the ‘reasonable concerns’ of the electorate, just pure anti-masses fury. And that’s what has made this year’s Fringe so fascinating, and often quite bleak.”
“Nish Kumar devotes the second half of his show, Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Unless You Shout the Words Real Loud, to the referendum. ‘Not all Leave voters are racist, but…’ would have been a more apt, or at least shorter, title. ”
The great paradox of the post-alternative-comedy set is revealing itself for all to see. For so long, leftish comics have reveled in being more enlightened, more ‘aware’, than the blob, while posing as the guardians of the little guy, as thorns in the side of the establishment. Brexit has shattered the illusion. Though it’s a bit tricky calling comics still scraping by on club gigs and Super Noodles paid-up members of the ruling class, there’s now no escaping the fact that they’ve sided with the elite. Their worldview chimes more with the Remain-supporting political, media and capitalist class, than it does Dave down the pub. More than ever, Edinburgh is an escape from reality.
There is some light though in the shape of Andrew Lawrence and his Hate Speech Tour, don’t expect to hear or see him on the BBC though!
McDonnell wants to remove Branson’s knighthood because a guy he doesn’t like, his boss Corbyn, pretended there weren’t any seats left on a train to make a political point. Corbyn was left looking a berk, an appearance he has worked hard over the years to accomplish.
Once he gets into power, imagine how vindictive McDonnell will be with his genuine ‘enemies.’ Pol Pot would be impressed.
Following on from the “is Branson allowed to show Corbyns a liar” video?…you`ve really got to question their sanity.
As if giving Shami an empty seat in the Lords has gone to their heads.
Bet they`re dressing up as Dauphins and Sun Kings in the allotment shed.
Utter fantasists both of `em…mental breakdown and delusions of adequacy.
As the old saying goes: in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Branson has told the truth about Corbyn: he is a liar and a fraud. The left will never forgive him for this. They can cope with lies, but for them, the truth is like a cross to a vampire.
In case not clear this is a response to Winston Homburgs post
Ah good old government stats – so we can multiply these figures by three at least if we want to get nearer to the true totals. And shhhhh don’t mention the illegals that are cooking your Friday night Tikka Masala, stocking the isles of your nearest corner shop and selling your kids their drugs – that is when they’re not out on the prowl in Rotherham
Donna Rachel Edmunds has a good article about this on Breitbart today. In it she quotes the estimate of French authorities that around 200 illegal immigrants make it to the UK each week. She also quote the Home Office (lying as always) which disputes the figure.
More worrying is the estimate of a former head of the Border Agency who reckons there are a million living in London alone.
Cheers for this Pete – once again totally speechless.
Did you clock evan’s conscience stirring a little once confronted by the truly excellent douglas…. ooo no quick let’s get back to the agenda.
And for once I agree with this muslim lady, absolutely I agree why should a woman have four police officers standing over her whilst she’s “out at the beach building sandcastles with her children” in a liberal western society. But hold on… let’s just get a bit of context here. You mean the same beach (or coastline at least) where just over a month ago someone who stands for exactly the same ideology as yourself rented a truck, screamed the same words you mutter five times a day, and senselessly killed citizens of the country that have offered him refuge (PS don’t want to speculate as we’ll never know but undoubteldy a hell of a lot of hard cash too). Wow – it is like clockwork, terror attack -> cover up -> real victims are the muslims -> terror attack -> cover up -> real victims are the muslims -> terror attack -> cover up -> real victims are the muslims.
Sorry Pete I was going to deconstruct this sentence by sentence but genuinely I find this so offensive it is beyond belief. I’ve had to turn it off. I am truly appalled. Jerrod/Little Red Flower will you please highlight this for me, as a license payer I’m very unhappy. Look forwards to hearing the response. Cheers
I don’t want to rub your nose in the ghastliness of the programme Brutal, but just one point. Muslima tried to equate behaviour of police with Daesh (as I think she called them, presumably cos it doesn’t have the embarrassing word Islam in it). Our valiant Douglas wasn’t having it: “The difference is they don’t do what isis and Taliban do, which is to rape them and kill them.”
Proto Marxist and admirer of Tony Benn Michael Meacher has left a £4 million fortune. No doubt he has done what his hero did, and minimised his tax exposure but 11 homes, many in London must be difficult to minimise.
Some 20 years (written 1982?) ago Michael Meacher wrote, in his book Socialism with a Human Face: “Housing is not, or should not be, a status symbol, an object of conspicuous consumption, or a source of market power or wealth.
“It is a place where individuals and families should be able to live and inter-relate in mutual happiness.
“Too many people have second homes or too large homes for their needs, while too many others are homeless or overcrowded or even lacking basic facilities.”
Those with a stronger than average constitution could then head over to
and read comments like,
“A man of principles, and there was nothing dishonest about his acquiring a portfolio of properties. he didn’t swindle or cheat anyone to acquire them nor was he a slum landlord. This is a mealy mouth obituary is a sad reflection of the Guardian, which is leaning rightwards. No one would bat an eye if he had a handful of non-executive posts with multinational companies or lobbyists.
RIP Mr Meacher.”
I almost took it seriously until the “leaning rightwards” part, if it was a genuine comment then it demonstrates just how the left can twist anything.
Some related info here,
and here
You want bias? Here: 1) a German couple knifed by Allahu Akbar shouting religionist of the mentally ill. Nowhere on putrid beeb, not Home, not World, not even Europe. (Though Mirror have had it all day, below). 2) Two Muslimas refused service in a Parisian reastaurant – yep, you guessed it, shock horror, Homepage.
Now which would you consider more serious? Having your throat cut by a roper or not getting your dinner? Of course to the metropolitan degenerates at beeb, being denied your coq-au-vin is probably the worst thing imaginable, but most normal people would choose a late dinner over a slit throat, I reckon.
Oh, and the excuse? Possibly under the influence of narcotics.
Seems to be the latest de rigueur statement, after Religion of Peace, NTDWI, lone wolf, mentally ill. They’re running out of excuses folks, they’re running out.
Pete – I clocked this one earlier – what truly concerned me was that the attack took place on Saturday yet was reported on Sunday…. Hmmmm, in a world where everyone has instant access to a cameraphone?
I pondered for a while and thought what would I do in this situation (if I was part of our spineless “protective” authorities) as has been mentioned here previously it is deeply suspect that many of these attacks have been in front of large crowds yet no video footage emerges. In londonistan most youngsters phones are sewn into their hands and have replaced the old fashioned use for the eyes and mouth.
Now what I speculate happens is this:
1. Attack happens.
2. Authorities immediately cordon area and confiscate ALL spectator’s mobiles for “evidence” (spectators that are no doubt are in immense shock after their encounter with the RoP as their brains are still trying to compute what they have just seen versus what they hear from the likes of Evan and Naga, and my personal favourite Victoria “superwoman” Derbyshire (who is dripping with so much gold/diamonds you can see why she is more than happy to pipe the establishment line).
3. Queue our beloved state broadcaster and let them do the rest.
PS – I do know the police have to offer either money or a replacement device if they lose yours in custody… So in reality these people probably have their iphones taken and are given £500 as a sweetener and might be able to tell a good tale down the local although knowing the bullying nature of the establishment I doubt few step out of line in this fashion.
I expect the studio manager holds up a card that says “UKIP” as that always seems to give the lefties a good laugh. It seems to be like a Pavlovian reflex for them.
Psychologically, I think leftism so weakens their minds they have to react like this. Firstly, laughing at the object of their two-minute-hate makes them feel superior to whatever they are laughing at, it also shows those around them how superior they are to the object of derision, plus it intimidates everyone else around them into laughing and hating the object as well.
Virtue Signalling and the expression of hatred. Sort of a busman’s holiday for the left.
Am I the only one that thinks that the BBC are flogging a dead horse with their programme “Pointless”…..
Now, I don’t particularly mind the show – or at least I didn’t at first, but day after day after day after day, it’s prime time television featuring precisely the same format with almost precisely the same outcome…
The “difference” seems to come in that, certain shows feature a sprinkling of “celebrities” playing for a “charity” of their choice, hence another leftist box is ticked, yah de yah de yah…
Talk about over exposing something that initially works, seems to be the new BBC mantra because they’ve got no fresh ideas….Hence we’ve having a rework of comedies that were initially thought up in the seventies..
I don’t intend to watch any of the remakes. Nothing is as good as an original. One of the big differences is, that the actors/actresses who all appeared in the originals had years of experience beforehand, either in repertory, music hall or West End stage, and could time their comedic lines to perfection because they had been around for so long, therefore even a ‘look’ or raised eyebrow would create a laugh. Those recreating the characters today have no chance, they are just reciting lines.
I didn’t bother to watch Porridge after enduring “Are You Being Served”, I must confess. As far as I could see nothing at all was added to the original, but plenty was subtracted! And why retain all the old characters with the exception of Mr Lucas? Nothing at all to do with being “diverse”, obviously ……….
I’m amazed that the new “Young Young Mr Grace” wasn’t in a wheelchair being pushed by a nurse wearing a hijab.
I wouldn’t normally post something as off-topic as this, but it goes, in my opinion, to the heart of the problem of the BBC and its protection of certain minorities at any cost.
It purports to show Tommy Robinson being ordered out of Cambridge on with a Section 35 dispersal order when watching football in a pub with his children. I’m never quite sure what to make of Mr Robison but one doesn’t have to approve of someone to recognise when the State is harassing and victimising someone who is getting under their skin. If this sort of thing is being done openly to him now and is allowed to stand without serious repercussions on the officers involved, how long until similar methods are being used on you or I?
That’s appalling, if you read T.R.’s book “Enemy of the State” you realize that as bad as you believe our country has become: it is in reality far, far worse.
What I find truly disgusting is the genuine and true despair in Tommy’s voice. This is a man who clearly feels helpless and persecuted by the state in which he pays for.
Now lets flip the table over – imagine a migrant displaying this same helplessness: 5 bedroom £1.5M house in NW london… Oh no that’s Anjem and his charming wife that got that one so we’ll need to find another…. On second thoughts I feel we should give any migrant displaying that same, oh ok perhaps not that same, maybe just half, despair blenheim palace I reckon… Mrs May?
I know people keep talking about potential civil war which I never thought possible however I am getting extremely angry at what I’m seeing
Truly disgusting and very disturbing to watch. It is horrible to see how ‘our’ police have become a political force totally divorced from the fine principles in which they started.
I have no connection with Tommy Robinson but I will be going to to donate some money to Tommy now which he can use to fight this sort of oppression.
Ten years ago, I would have helped the police if one of them was in trouble – not because I knew them as a person – but because I respected what they stood for, protecting the citizens of this country from the ‘bad guys’. I suspect now I would just turn around and walk the other way.
The police have become just the same as those ‘bad guys’. In fact they are worse as they have the machinery of the state to back them up. It is frightening to see the Borg like drone nature of most of those officers in that video – it’s clear they know what they are doing is wrong – but it doesn’t matter to them.
It’s OK this is clearly BBC related. On the very important issue of free speech so beloved by the left surely the BBC will plaster this all over their news bulletins so everyone can see what the state is doing to someone who tells the truth about major cultural issues.
It’s interesting that, as of this time, a Google search reveals that with the exception of a few blogs and forums, only Breitbart are running this story. I’m not surprised as I doubt the MSM will go near this as it seems there’s quite a bit of sympathy for Tommy on this one, and so there should be! 3 adults with 7 kids suddenly requires several police officers (I read on a Luton Town FC forum it was a total of 15!!) and video cameras, and a police van to remove them from the pub. It was quite disturbing towards the end when the kids were crying and screaming, you could here the distress in Tommy’s voice too. That was a glimpse of the true face of the establishment.
Watching the video it was noticeable that one officer in particular was itching to have a go, he was almost goading him. It was also evident that an older officer looked almost embarrassed by the whole thing. It was obvious that they were only carrying out orders but I wonder from how high up did those orders come?
At one point the head of security tried to intervene, she said they’d been no problem whatsoever, another security guard (her husband I think) is also heard telling Tommy that he’d also told the police that they’d been “as good as gold”. Of course it made no difference.
But the most shocking part was outside. Kids screaming and crying with 3 officers following on behind, I think the one goading Tommy inside was walking closest to the group, Tommy was telling them to back off but he didn’t listen and said at one point he was “making sure you stay safe”…….Utter nonsense. It was clear intimidation, pure and simple. What the hell did the police think that Tommy was going to do with 7 kids in tow, there was absolutely no need to follow them that closely while filming them at the same time.
The fact that acted like they did in front of children who were scared witless leaves me so angry, disgraceful behaviour.
Of course I doubt you’ll see this on the BBC any time soon. Yet at the same time on the BBC News home page “Restaurant turns away Muslim women”. Nice to see the usual balance from good old Beeb.
Duck – Maybe the plods thought the kids were going to smash Cambridge up – You could tell the frustration in the little girls voice when she was crying in the street – All she wanted to do was hijack a HGV and mow down a few late night revellers or maybe brick a few windows. Thank God the plods are still able to protect us from these junior criminals.
FFS what has this country come to!
As for the boy in the baseball cap – Oh Dear – I think he definitely had a few self esteem issues. Still he certainly showed those kids who was boss!
Maybe he would have been in a better frame of mind if he had spent longer in front of the mirror prior to patrol – stamping his feet and squeezing his crotch in time to the Horst Wessel song or pulling a few legs off some Daddy Long Legs!
Watching the video it was noticeable that one officer in particular was itching to have a go, he was almost goading him. It was also evident that an older officer looked almost embarrassed by the whole thing. It was obvious that they were only carrying out orders but I wonder from how high up did those orders come?
Yes, I expect he is one of those lefty zealots who believe everything they read in their Guardian and thinks he is on a moral higher plane than the ‘fascist’ Robinson.
It is these fascist leftists that are the real threat to society, their religious zeal means they can do their job without needing to think.
Once these people accept their orders without question, even if they are uncomfortable with them, it is not much of a further step for those officers to be leading Tommy and his children off to be gassed.
“It’s just a section 30 gassing order Mate, you’ll be given details on a form. Have a nice day.”.
Like the retired officer told me on a different forum. Senior officers arrive from a fast track program not long after leaving uni full of left wing Fascist ideas indoctrinated by lecturers influenced by the Saudi gold.
No surprise that someone like Tommy Robinson who threatens the money flow is going to be in their sights.
It wouldn’t surprise me if someone abroad had identified him as a threat, and was pushing money into someones pocket to constant harassment
We have a great problem in this country with the Fascist Left, it’s inability to defend its insane arguments without resorting to name calling and its fear of being exposed for what it is – utterly cuckoo !
Free speech should involve Anjem Choudary being able to spout his bile, and the rest of us being able to expose him for what he is – a Muslim!
The Fascist left cannot allow this though. We the people have to be silenced so that they can carry on a pretence that everything is normal and their insane world is actually working.
If it became common knowledge, or even thought of, that Anjem Choudary was accurately portraying his religion, what happens to the mutli culti view of Britain Fascists like the BBC have done so much to cravenly promulgate?
What would happen to the brown eyed favourites?
And worse what would happen to those who had made all this possible.
No Anjem Choudary had to be put in prison, not because he was facilitating violence or Jihad, but because he risked exposing the emperors new clothes of the craven elites who have betrayed us all.
An interesting post on the Mail story of a set up where a pretend Policeman attempts to force a woman to remove her headscarf on a beach.
All the outraged onlookers are efniks although apparently not Muslims.
One of the comments posed a different experiment though. A beach of Muslims, and one of them in a bikini with a Muslim cleric coming along and scolding her rudely for failing to cover up. Wonder how many people would then get involved telling him he was wrong?
There are differing views of the police. I happen to be one who still respects and admires the vast majority them.
So I was sickened to hear, in Radio 4’s news report of the fatal motor accident in Penge, London today that “Police watchdog the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has sent investigators to the scene” (quotation from the BBC website). It’s as if they can’t help themselves from publicising and fostering the finger-wagging mentality – just another burden on police officers.
BBC World Service
Now that the BBC World Service is funded from the licence fee and not from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, has there been any discussion here as to why we are funding “the World’s Radio Station”?
Surely the BBC World Service should be presenting a window onto Britain for listeners overseas. I don’t think we’d mind its news coverage. But the number of programs about cute and trivial aspects of culture in places that are not British is way out of proportion. There are just far too many tales of woe and joy from villages in Africa and the Middle East.
I won’t go on further here, but if there is a group or forum here that focuses on the World Service, can you direct me to it, please?
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wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
vladMar 9, 12:13 Weekend 8th March 2025 “King Charles’ ‘belief’ in multiculturalism is ‘an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to the future of the monarchy’.” Correct, but how about “existential…
vladMar 9, 12:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 Any excuse to show off their tits. They’d better get ready for Heil Le Pen soon.
moggiemooMar 9, 11:43 Weekend 8th March 2025 I used to watch it years ago for Terry’s acerbic comments and the occasional good song. Now? Couldn’t care less.
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MarkyMarkMar 9, 11:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Hotel accommodation, which currently costs £8.2 million a day, has always been intended as a temporary solution to ensure the…
All day today, the BBC’s ‘news’ (sic) website has been running a non-story claiming that Donald Trump’s doctor took just five minutes to write a note saying how healthy he is. This, apparently, is meant to be significant.
Perhaps one of the BBC’s apologists could point me to the Corporation’s examination of the very serious concerns over Hillary Clinton’s apparently major condition(s)?
Authoritarian Left: “Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has called for Virgin’s founder and CEO Sir Richard Branson to be stripped of his knighthood.
Mr McDonnell claimed the billionaire wanted to “undermine our democracy” after Virgin trains released footage disputing Mr Corbyn’s claims about overcrowding on one of its services.”
So, simply telling the truth to defend his company from spurious accusations is ‘undermining our democracy’?
“undermine our democracy”?
A bit rich coming from someone who voted for Remain!!!
Branson is no fan of democracy ,he is fully paid up member of the liberal elite which simply will not accept the vote to leave the EU.McDonnell is openly anti democratic,Branson ,like the rest of the liberal elite are democrats only when it suits them.
German national suicide by the political class continues apace
German nigration minister says he expects 250,000 – 300,000 immigrants to arrive this year
What is driving this utter insanity and how long will those Germans with a brain put up with this?
Europe is a bubbling cauldron of civil unrest and those in power are either too stupid (unlikely) to see it…..or that is their ultimate goal
We need brexit….and fast
I propose new migration scheme which I think will appeal to Merkel et al but not the BBC.The UK will take in as many white Europeans as the EU wishes to send us but in return the E U must take one of our unwanted migrants.This should meet Merkels wish to Islamise Germany and the EU a sap whilst improving the quality of life in the UK immeasurably.
Spot on, it is utter insanity and at some point something is going to light the spark for civil unrest……and I’m dreading the day it happens. As soon as either a Mosque, or a group of Muslims, are attacked in revenge for yet another atrocity just watch governments all over Europe introduce draconian new laws and grant themselves extra powers to combat civil unrest and ease “community tensions”. Like you I’m wondering if that’s their ultimate goal.
I read somewhere (Breitbart maybe?) that thousands of Germans have ditched Facebook and are turning to the Russian equivalent just so they can criticise immigration more freely. Yep, people in the powerhouse of Europe are turning to Russia for more freedom of speech. The more Merkel refuses to listen the worse the pushback from the people will be. I really hope I’m wrong, but at the moment some form of mass civil unrest is starting to look inevitable.
Agreed TD but I wonder what the heads of military/police/clandestine services think about the Invasion. They too have families and children and will have their own view on becoming a future Islamic State. Maybe they like it even less than we do. Is a Government to risk pushing the public so hard that they abruptly find out the very views of those they will ask to protect the Rule of Law (including themselves…..)? At present, all the European Governments and the UK seem reckless enough to run the risk.
“German migration minister says he expects 250,000 – 300,000 immigrants to arrive this year” Video below has been linked to before and is primarily for a US audience, I would imagine most on here will have viewed before, but for those that haven’t it’s worth a look and gives a little context once politicians start talking numbers. Unlikely to be seen on the BBC anytime soon.
Just for a change (LOL) Al Beeb ran a story this morning about child refugees in Calais. Cue moral indignation, virtue signalling etc.
Has the bBBC considered for one microsecond interviewing someone in the French national or local government?
Do they have no responsibility at all for their own territory? Should they not be held to account?
And thus is revealed the biased BBC agenda . It has nothing to do with child safety, which admittedly after Savile would be the biggest hypocritical laugh of all. No, it has everything to do with their left wing political narrative of open door immigration, and all the better if the Tories can be shamed along the way.
The BBC’s concern for immigrant children in Calais would be far more credible if it showed the slightest concern for British children who have been ‘groomed’ and subject to vile abuse for the past couple of decades.
But instead of investigating and exposing the abuse, the Corporation seems to have done its level best to cover up what has been going and pretend it was simply a small, local issue.
The BBC – as full of humbug as a Victorian sweet shop.
DoubleT, here’s another one. It was announced on the BBC R4 news at 0800 today that the Overseas Development Secretary Priti Patel MP has announced a drastic cut in the Foreign Aid Budget. The sum of £12 Billion is mentioned in the Mail Online. Why? The Mail claim it is the result of their campaigning. Me, I think it is more practical than that.
Apparently, the money saved will be spent in the UK to help promote ‘national security and the national interest’. Question: This ‘National Interest’, that couldn’t be code for spending that 12 Billion on the Third World living in the UK could it?
Anyone wishing to make themselves seriously depressed should listen to this appropriately brutal detailing of an average day in the life of a German immigration officer. What has Merkel done? And what is Germany going to do to solve it?
You Tube and other sources provide the discussions that are not allowed by the BBC – and the British Government.
Daniel Greenfield nails the lies and the denials about Islam.
An interesting thesis. Basically I think he is saying that we will not defeat Islam until we admit we are at war with it. This is certainly true.
He says that we will defeat Islam in western countries as soon as we cease to be in denial about Islam – until we can admit how dangerous it is.
He says the rise of the Islamic State is a good thing because Muslims will no longer be able to deny the reality of Islam to themselves or to their host countries.
I wish I believed this. I fear he has under-estimated the degree to which the left will deny reality. For more than a century the left has been rising in the west based upon the denial of economic evidence from observing successful cultures and denying the truth about human nature. The left is determined to be proved right and it does not really matter to them if they have to use suppression and subterfuge to get this ‘proof’ … that is the whole point of ‘being in denial’ after all.
I think the left’s de facto policy of encouraging the intimate intermingling of Muslims into western culture is laying the grounding for a far more destructive war within our populations.
The current evidence seems to be – sadly – that it will take far too long before our Great Leaders will ever admit the gross errors they have made.
By then it will probably be too late.
#bbcPetIssue Bingo : switched on Radio4 at a random moment ..and topic is Corbyn ..with Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror giving Virgin Train gate a super sympathetic telling…
.. He said Corbyn didn’t mislead ..But he’s wrong, no way was that train RAMPACKED in the video
9:40 Now they moved on 2 remainers Dr Daniel Glaser and Eric Pickles says “Of course University research funding is going to fall” ..There is no evidence.
The third person a Krankie : Val McDermot also Remain.
9:53 Moved on to tale of (Proxima B) War of the Worlds with Primeminister Farage
“The nation voted Brexplosion!”
– In the story the govt issues Orwellian press releases like saying “unemployment has gone down”
10:00 I switched to LBC to listen to Katie Hopkins
I’m trying to understand german mentality they are the most successful country in europe but choose to seif destruct and in the process when finally central and eastern europe have an opportunity for change for hope for a better future,german decision making will ruin their dreams.If nigel can’t get through to them then know one can.Let’s try to predict the future europe will run out of money won’t be able to prop up the economies of mediteranean europe then what? Let’s be selfish make plans in britain for this inevitable event .What can we do to capitalise on europe’s foolish decisions.I Hope we’re out before the fall of the european empire so we get ahead start on these imbeciles.For are own protection i seriously believe we need to increase are armed forces and border control regardless of the incoming european meltdown.We should learn from history the left have a genetic flaw a sympathy for the devil .
I’m trying to understand german mentality – It’s been said before, but it’s partly war-guilt, the seeking of approval / forgiveness in the eyes of the world – which sort-of worked for a while (Merkel ‘Person of the Year’ in Time mag). Also a hard-nosed need for men of working age in an ageing population with falling birth rate. Lots of young workers AND world approval? Too good to be true. Indeed so.
What has the European citizen done to deserve this? How can those in power inflict this on their peoples? This is not madness, this is very much a plan.
WTF! I like Germans. Hard working and respectfull. Why are they allowing Merkel to do this?
Guilt. It is hammered into them from birth.
#bbcPetIssue Bingo : Calais Refugees @4.50am buying wetsuits
– Woke up in the middle of the nights and switched on inthe middle of a report about a reporter tracking down what happened when 2 bodies of illegal immigrants were found in Oct 2014 and he tracked down the wetsuits to a shop in Calais.
Report in Independent
It didn’t seem to mention yesterday’s Camber Sands context
that Sussex policed left a long information vacuum.
So it is entirely in the public interest that someone like Katie Hopkins speculates on Twitter, cos that encourages truth to come out.
..I don’t think it harms the poor parents of the guys who turned out to be from London.
That was on Radio 5 Live just before 5am
“Canadians switched at birth in second case at hospital”
Reading the above click bait and followed a link to
“Canada vows ‘full reconciliation’ with indigenous peoples” from Dec 2015.
Nothing to unusual,fairly standard BBC stuff with some join the dots anti Christian sentiment thrown in for good measure. It was the term “indigenous peoples” that made me wonder, would the BBC would ever admit the existence of an indigenous British population ?, obviously such an entity seriously challenges the narrative, so probably not. The article mentions “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” which includes content such as
“The Declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples, as well as their rights to culture, identity, language,”
“their right to remain distinct and to pursue their own visions of economic and social development”
Hmmm, could be scope for an appeal to the UN.
What, Peter Sunderland of the UN?
The BBC is bringing back some old favourites for the vibrant multicultural society it wants us to live in, timed to coincide with the annual stab and drug pushers convention in Notting Hill this weekend…
My husband has just had an ‘I don’t believe it’ Victor Meldrew moment. The new version of Are You Being Served? lasted about three minutes.
Can’t escape Nadya Hussein can we. She’s now adorning the cover of my Sunday supplement together with an inside 4 page spread. Its now adorning the inside of the bin. There is simply no let up. In an earlier post, and in jest I suggested she would be in line for the vacancy on Children in Need, with this relentless PR push going on, its now more than a distinct possibility. OR being on Channel 4 as dual anchor !
I see that Teresa May is coming down hard on racism and unfair treatment of ethnics.
Can someone remind her about Easy Meat – mass rapes of our children.
Rod Liddle in fine form behind pay walled The Sunday Times website describing his travails on BBC programs recently.
Here he is in his usual bewildered and belligerent form …
broke another resolution last week. No surprise — at my time of life resolutions are made and then snapped in half in nanoseconds. Last week it was “never appear on the BBC again, in any form. They are only ever interested in shrieking ‘raaacissst’ at you. Even if the subject matter concerned cheese or quantum mechanics or geese, the response would still be the same: ‘raaacissst.’ ”
I’d made a film for Newsnight about what the Labour Party needs to do to reconnect with voters, and at first I was pleasantly surprised. The producer of the film was brilliant. But then they showed it on the programme and afterwards made me debate against a semi-literate lump of cretinous rage who just jabbered meaningless idiocies that had nothing to do with anything I’d said or even the questions a bemused Kirsty Wark tried to ask her. Like a Chatty Cathy doll programmed by an educationally subnormal friend of Stalin’s: pull the cord and out it all comes, a succession of furious non-sequiturs. “Never again,” I told the idiot of a programme producer, afterwards, very solemnly.
But a week later I said yes to an appearance on Radio 4’s The Media Show. Ah, radio is different, I said to myself. Nah. The subject was how the silly season, and especially the Olympics, has kept important news about Brexit (and other stuff) out of our newspapers and the broadcast media. My point, which I tried very hard to make, was that we haven’t really had a silly season this year. Yes, there’s been lots of sport but very little in the way of killer bees, jellyfish eating toddlers or spiders leaping out of packs of bananas and devouring lower-middle-class housewives whole.
And so on. The real reason we haven’t heard that the vote for Brexit has utterly destroyed the country, as the presenter clearly believed, is because it palpably hasn’t. Indeed, the reverse is true. Almost all of the domestic economic news since June 23 has been uplifting, and parts of the media — those bits run by capitalist running dogs, fascists, etc — have indeed exulted. But not the BBC. I tried to make this point but was cut off by the joker of a presenter, who said repeatedly: “I don’t want to get into the subject of Brexit right now” — and that was the end of that. But I thought that was the point? Here’s the news you never heard, BBC listeners . . . but no. Never again, then.
The truth is that the economic news post-Brexit-vote has given the lie to the stuff many of us — including me — bought into, those millennialist warnings that formed the bulk of Project Fear. Instead: unemployment down; the number of benefit claimants down. Retailers have posted their strongest sales figures in more than six months — we’re shopping like mad. Equity markets will crash, we were told on June 22. Nope, they’ve risen. Investment is up, the economy is booming — unlike in Germany. Big business has suffered no ill effects, says Reuters.
Indeed, so bad has it all turned out for the remainers that The Guardian was reduced to shrieking that house prices were falling by 1% (a development that, at other times, the paper would have rightly welcomed). Heaven forfend. And I will bet my last 10 quid this was as much down to the rise in stamp duty as it was to any ectoplasmic worries related to Brexit. The car hire firm Avis shoved a couple of quid on its rentals, fatuously calling it a “Brexit tax” — and has been forced to apologise.
Yet none of this has made the top story on the BBC’s News at Ten. Perhaps because good-news stories are never as interesting as gloom. Or perhaps it is a bit too much for them all to admit.
Saw/heard both of Rods appearances.
Seems to me that there is still a bit of the BBC about him, as well as Peter H, Mel and Toby Young etc.
The rules have changed..and the likes of Milo will be the future-where you personalise and take on the very character of the interviewer, mock and run…and describe that Fourth Wall of objectivity and balance that the BBC affect.
We all know what they`re up to-and it`s about time that the likes of Mishal and Humphrys are reminded of their unearned privileges as they “champion the poor” on behalf of the likes of Yentob or Sir Tony.
The likes of Tommy are learning-and these barnacled ciphers who pretend to be “just asking”-as opposed to “showing the paymesters that WE hate the proles and arrivistes like YOU do boss!”…and get paid from OUR taxes to insult us-will be scorched when a few more Milos, Tommys and untutored angry types come through.
It`s THIS that enrages the lefty liberals and media…Donald and Sir Nigel have NOT paid their dues, NOT bent the knee to Carlton or Saatchi…and are-guess what-authentically themselves.
They don`t give a damn about what Newsnight or the Edinburgh fringe thinks about them-and THEIR questions are not ours…or theirs either.
Funny that-you`d think that the Lefty libs would LIKE the battler, the rage against the machine types, the rugged individual who made it on wit and didn`t need a licene fee or Quango funds to make it to the very pewak of things political..
Wrong causes though-and when we leave the EU, and Donald is in the White House-we will exact our revenge on the padded traitors who presumed to speak for us.
Not one BBC employee has spoken for us now since David Bellamys era.
I heard the Edinburgh Festival bombed Chris. Probably because nobody finds attacking the Brexit/UKIP right wing angle funny anymore apart from the BBC and it’s unfunny band of comedians.
Spiked covers the Fringe – the anti Brexit elite
Cheers GWF
scribblingscribe, thanks for posting that; great stuff from Liddle:
“Like a Chatty Cathy doll programmed by an educationally sub-normal friend of Stalin’s.” Wonderful!
Earlier this week I posted here about my unwelcome dip into BBC Radio 4 and the impression I had that the station had declared a sex war against Men – the crucial remark came in a BBC drama as one female character expressed her prejudice and manophobia: “You know what Men are like”
On another day another random survey of daytime BBC Radio 4 and we had a strange post-apocalyptic vibe – apparently there had been a sudden rent in the forward progression of mankind that happened aroundabout 23rd June this year.
From news to current affairs to light drama to satirical skits there seems an agreed Radio 4 response that ‘Brexit’ is a problem and was a generally bad thing. This is problematic because by any reckoning Radio 4’s unified response is out of step with at least 50% of public opinion.
Example: BBC Radio 4 news chose to feature this UN report.
‘”Divisive” and “anti-immigrant” rhetoric by UK politicians during the EU referendum helped to fuel a spike in race hate crimes in the weeks before and after the vote, a UN body has said.’
Really? Isn’t that just a little exaggerated? Should the BBC report not add a little counter balance? Perhaps this ‘UN body’ would do better to focus on stopping some of the many full blown civil wars now raging in Africa Asia and the Middle East.
Maybe the UN group were preprogrammed to find what they wanted to find?
Can’t help but notice the CV of the Chairperson of this UN body ‘Ms. Anastasia CRICKLEY (Ireland)’ She boasts of being : ‘First woman Chair of the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (2003-2007).’
EU, UN, BBC – let’s call the whole thing off.
Really wish that the British had executed Eamonn De Valera as well as the other traitors of 1916.
We`d not have had NORAID, and that plastic paddy “Good Rebellion” stuff that has now led to Bono, Geldof, Robinson, McAleese..and especially the bloodless global minstrels like Sutherland and this Crickley of who you speak.
Funny eh?…The home country a basket case, no taxes and half finished buildings with unfettered drugs, crime and migrants at Limerick and Roscrea etc…maybe because their “best and brightest” go round the rest of world dodging taxes, sticking their nebbies into better-run and more prosperous countries-but forever chipping and playing the rebel-but always at our expense.
Sooner we leave the EU and let them enjoy that euro of theirs-the better.
At least they got rid of that bastard Casement, but they should have killed De Valera and all the other scum. I would say the same about Adams and McGuinness. These vermin are still alive.
Solid post cH.
A bit of bought-in bias.
Saturday’s BBC 4 foreign crime drama Beck finds Sweden’s homosexuals under threat of being murdered.
Who could be behind this? Muslims or the old standby the ‘right-wing’?
No! It’s Crazy Christians and a moderate politician, ‘left’ being the norm and ‘extreme left’ the conscience of the ‘left’.
By accident or design the funeral service of a police officer, however, is devoid of any Christian symbolism.
How come the burkini crap takes days and merits loads of goss on Radio 4?
Whereas the sight of a British schoolboy blowing the brains out of a Kurdish prisoner in IS-held Syria merely get`s a “Meh”?
Maybe had our schoolboy insisted that the victim roll up the trouser legs of the orange jumpsuit before he was shot-THEN Radio 4 would have something to say about it?
Fuck Off BBC-and fine me some REAL news, you lazy Muslimmies….
Let`s hope Al Britani isn`t asked to tell the class what he did on his holidays come Thursday….and, let`s be clear he better HAD be back to enrol by then…or else Nick Gibb will be out on the first plane to issue a £60 fine will he not?
Tory wankbagz!
Getting tired of knife attackers who shout Allah ackibar who are then described by the cops and media as mentally unstable.
I presume Government orders are to describe the latest knife attack in Germany by an allah ackibar gentleman as ‘under the influence of drugs’. Of course.
‘The phrase “Allahu Akbar” means “God is Great” and has been chanted by Islamic terrorists during attacks.
However officers are yet to confirm a motive for the attack.’
Phew, and I thought it might have been a Moslem terrorist.
The BBC and the so-called “authorities” must think we are really stupid if they think we are going to believe their stupid propaganda. They are totally ridiculous.
Yes indeed. They are looking out of touch.
#bbcPetIssue Bingo :13:40 LGBT in +SNP
..After washing up turned on the radio to hear someone* banging on how SNP makes Scotland ahead (of the despised English) on LGBT issues
*(Sarah Smith on LGBT politics in Scotland on From our Home Correspondent)
Sarah Smith, daughter of John Smith, deceased Labour MP and Leader, do you mean?
Peter, I never knew that! Ye Gods, it’s never ending.
There is nothing like a dose of BBC’s Sunday Morning Live to waken me up fully on a Sunday morning. Of course with that awakening a rise in my temperature generally occurs as Naga and the programme guests view some recent newsworthy topic, which today was “Should we ban the burkini?” On this occasion it wasn’t so much the subject matter, which happened to be the opening topic, more one of the guest experts. Stand forward Kate Williams. Kate, according to Wikipedia, is a Professor of History, a British author, Historian and television presenter.
To highlight the views of common folk they sent the plank Tommy down to Brighton, to ask a variety of people on and around Brighton beach. Finally he managed to find a young white ethnic lady, wearing a bikini, who looked to be 16/17 obviously up to speed with the whole ideology of Islam. When asked by the Tommy about French peoples fear: “Can you understand that people are scared that people were killed on Bastille day?” She replied confidently: “It’s nothing to do with the Muslim religion at all, it’s these specific people, nothing to do with the religion at all.”
Williams had to wait her turn to contribute and said: “I think the word provocation (the word had been used by another guest) is very disturbing here, as we’ve just got away from the idea that what women wear is provocative to men in all kinds of sexual assault crimes, that it matters what women wear.
“And here we are being told that a woman wears a certain outfit, certain form of swimwear is provoking and to me it’s a cheap shot. That it’s ahead of the elections next year in which there’s people trying to appeal to a certain level of, certain level of racism, that it’s a cheap shot against immigration, that sometimes we’ve seen works in political context. And though what seems a very simple question that simply these women wearing outfits to the beach simply isn’t logical because we know that wetsuits are fine, we even know that habits are fine for nuns and many people wear the burkini outfit not necessarily, especially in Australia, not necessarily religious reasons they wear it for….”
Naga, perhaps sensing that Williams was losing the thread a tad, interjected with: “Can you dissociate religion from the clothing?”
Williams continued: “Yes completely, and i think this is an example of there are big questions in France that politicians need to engage with about security, about integration, about freedom of speech that instead it’s all being reduced to what people to whether or not people wear a certain type of swimwear. Which i have to say as a very, i don’t wish to be trivial, pale person i tend to wear that kind of thing to the beach anyway but i presume they wouldn’t come and get me to take my scarf off.”
Following this the other three guests added their tuppence-worth and Nana let the viewers know that waste of space Tommy had gauged the opinion of people in Brighton and concluded that the opinion was one of “live and let live.” She then threw this out to the floor: “Do you think if we had experienced what happens in Nice, we would be, our attitudes would change?”
Williams: “Well, i think certainly that er France more, the more we criticise them, the more they’ll dig in their heels. I’ve seen even criticism on Fox News who seem to think it’s gone too far, obviously Fox News can be very extreme on this kind of subject, but i think this is a very different country.”
Nana, who has obviously been sleeping for the last twenty years far too much between reading/presenting news and playing golf must have missed the variety of Muslim acts of terrorism on our island, as she asked: “At the moment because we haven’t gone through terror that the French people are going through and the fear they feel, whether they blame Muslims or not, they feel under attack.”
My exasperation knew no bounds as Williams responded: “I think we do accept that 99.9% of Muslims in Britain want to live in peace and harmony and there are a few people who engage in terrorism. I mean look at the profile of terrorists, they tend to have profiles of history of sometimes petty crimes of sometimes er psychological disturbance these aren’t can’t be associated with the peace loving Muslims who give so much to this country, to our institutions, the NHS, so much to us. So i think the burkini ban is never going to happen here and i think in France it’s going to be seen as a mistake, because already this is the kind of criticisms France wants, the kind of image they want to project as they see their beaches as a place of freedom and liberty and this is not what’s going on here.”
and finally she finished her contribution: “But womens clothes are policed throughout society. It was only recently, a couple of months ago, which i believe someone was sent home from a job, she was wearing flat shoes. Women are expected to wear high heels, wear make-up frequently. In the business world you are expected to dress a certain way and i think it’s very curious that there are scholarships in comparison between the hair, the veil and the make-up and i think that the idea that women are completely free to choose what they wear outside, what is the vision of a woman, in terms of covering up, but also in the terms of undressing. Which we know an awful lot of women are supported and and congratulated for taking clothes off. So it’s not necessarily a free choice for what women wear.”
For a Historian one wonders what kind of left wing nonsense she teaches at Reading University and perhaps she was involved in the BBC’s history of Islam that was recently covered in a thread. Indeed i’m sure that Mohammed must have invented the petrol and diesel engines too, along with electricity.
As for her comments advising us about all the benefits these cuddly folk bring to our nation, the fact that she works in a University and seems unaware or chooses to ignore Islams influence in causing division and separation in our institutes of learning is rather baffling.
Also, her “99.9% of Muslims in Britain want to live in peace and harmony” was probably taken from a thesis she discovered from 1966.
“someone was sent home from a job, she was wearing flat shoes. Women are expected to wear high heels, wear make-up frequently”
And there are still many jobs where men are enforced to wear jackets and ties. In fact I remember a time when I was expected to wear the jacket and tie whereas my female colleagues were rather left to wear what they wanted to wear.
#AllWomenAreVictims in Guardian/BBC-land
… A white man cannot be a victim unless he claims to be gay or trans etc.
…In fact I remember a time when I was expected to wear the jacket and tie ……
And men still “don’t get” that there is nothing sexier than a chap in a suit (especially a Tux)- and who can ever forget Steve McQueen in the Thomas Crown Affair, gorgeousness personified, so why the reluctance to wear one ?
It’s not reluctance to wear one, nor the fact that women were allowed more freedom to wear what they chose. It was the fact that the feminists were complaining that women are expected to dress to some standards in some industries where men have always had to do.
Does face painting or clown mask the same as “make up”?
And black face?…with a KKK robe on to mess with their heads?
Got to be a career here!
Wait until the next inevitable mass killing in France.
Prize for the first who can spot a reference to the Burkini ban among BBC/Guardian/Indie reports.
Racist Islamophobic France deserved it will be the message.
Supported by Jerrod/Zero Mark 2, Kikichooflower
…Also, her “99.9% of Muslims in Britain want to live in peace and harmony” was probably taken from a thesis she discovered from 1966. ….
Around the time when there were only about 100 around the country – roughly the same number of curry houses.
Not the case in Indonesia!
Seems the Indonesian police are also cranially challenged.
“Officers found his ID card and an hand-drawn ISIS flag in his belongings and are trying to establish motive.”
BRISSLES, i thought it would have been slightly higher that your guess, though it turns out we were well off the mark. According to the International Journal of Environmental Science and Development Vol.1 no.2 (June 2010) and from the article Muslim Population in Europe 1950 – 2020 (Page 155, Houssain Kettani):
the Uk Muslim population:
1950 101,232
1960 104,744
1970 667,958
1980 1,238.913
1990 1,488,175
2000 1,596,391
2010 2,475,971
Given the leap from the 1960 to 1970 figures, it becomes very clear that Enoch Powell’s (Rivers of blood) speech was very prophetic and that was made on 20th April 1968 at the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre (Birmingham).
WH I am truly staggered by your findings – especially the 1950 figure, even spotting ‘a person of colour’ back then was rarer than a hen’s tooth, so a hundred thousand is astonishing. I suppose London was housing most of them followed by the industrial cities in the North. Clearly Enoch’s speech was more resonant than us youngsters at the time realised.
It tallies with my own experience. In the early 1970s I was starting out my career in a Midlands town and saw the Pakistani population increase by leaps and bounds.
Note also the very close correlation between the big increases in Muslim immigration and periods of government by the anti-British Marxist traitor Labour Party:
Labour in power 1945-51 and already >100,000 Muslims even by 1950.
Tories in power 1951-64 correlates with very small increase 1950-60.
Labour in power 1964-70 & 1974-79, huge increase in Muslim numbers.
Tories in power 1979-1997 – slow increase in the period 1980-2000.
Labour in power 1997-2010 – million extra Muslims, all control lost.
Nobody who cares about Britain should ever vote Labour again.
And, naturally, out of the hundreds of seaside resorts in the UK it simply HAD to be Brighton didn’t it?
Tmw on R4 : Terrorism is up 50% since last year, and it’s having an impact on where we take our holidays
..They also visit a Tunisian resort to report on how they are affected
A surprise to hear the BBC tackling terrorism instead of it promoting victimhood,grivence that leads to terrorism.
Monday 12:15 Radio4 You and Yours
Coming to a BBC channel near you sooner than you would like:
“Like popstars, filmstars or celebrity chefs, liberal comics have always served up bien pensant politics without any of the garnish. There are no concessions, no nodding to the ‘reasonable concerns’ of the electorate, just pure anti-masses fury. And that’s what has made this year’s Fringe so fascinating, and often quite bleak.”
“Nish Kumar devotes the second half of his show, Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Unless You Shout the Words Real Loud, to the referendum. ‘Not all Leave voters are racist, but…’ would have been a more apt, or at least shorter, title. ”
The great paradox of the post-alternative-comedy set is revealing itself for all to see. For so long, leftish comics have reveled in being more enlightened, more ‘aware’, than the blob, while posing as the guardians of the little guy, as thorns in the side of the establishment. Brexit has shattered the illusion. Though it’s a bit tricky calling comics still scraping by on club gigs and Super Noodles paid-up members of the ruling class, there’s now no escaping the fact that they’ve sided with the elite. Their worldview chimes more with the Remain-supporting political, media and capitalist class, than it does Dave down the pub. More than ever, Edinburgh is an escape from reality.
There is some light though in the shape of Andrew Lawrence and his Hate Speech Tour, don’t expect to hear or see him on the BBC though!
“Sir Richard Branson ‘should lose knighthood’ – John McDonnell”
So Mr. McDonnell objects to those “not acting in the spirit of our country”
McDonnell, now why does that name ring a bell, ah yes, that would be the IRA supporting tax hiking arrested and charged with assaulting a policeman McDonnell would it.
One can only wonder which country John McDonnel acts in the spirit of.
Indeed, Oldspeaker.
McDonnell wants to remove Branson’s knighthood because a guy he doesn’t like, his boss Corbyn, pretended there weren’t any seats left on a train to make a political point. Corbyn was left looking a berk, an appearance he has worked hard over the years to accomplish.
Once he gets into power, imagine how vindictive McDonnell will be with his genuine ‘enemies.’ Pol Pot would be impressed.
What is almost more worrying is that he is too stupid to realise that everyone knows this.
That reflects very well the state of cretinous politicians this country is cured with today.
I meant to type ‘cursed with’. Sorry.
Following on from the “is Branson allowed to show Corbyns a liar” video?…you`ve really got to question their sanity.
As if giving Shami an empty seat in the Lords has gone to their heads.
Bet they`re dressing up as Dauphins and Sun Kings in the allotment shed.
Utter fantasists both of `em…mental breakdown and delusions of adequacy.
As the old saying goes: in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Branson has told the truth about Corbyn: he is a liar and a fraud. The left will never forgive him for this. They can cope with lies, but for them, the truth is like a cross to a vampire.
Rob, but really unbelievably, not scripted, just an every-day event. Remember Brown and the ‘bigoted woman’?
BBC on Facebook never fails to deliver on the hour:
BBC News
His only mistake was not using both hands, he said.
German vice-chancellor defends flicking middle finger to right-wing protesters
Aunty knows statesmanship when she sees it.
In case not clear this is a response to Winston Homburgs post
Ah good old government stats – so we can multiply these figures by three at least if we want to get nearer to the true totals. And shhhhh don’t mention the illegals that are cooking your Friday night Tikka Masala, stocking the isles of your nearest corner shop and selling your kids their drugs – that is when they’re not out on the prowl in Rotherham
Donna Rachel Edmunds has a good article about this on Breitbart today. In it she quotes the estimate of French authorities that around 200 illegal immigrants make it to the UK each week. She also quote the Home Office (lying as always) which disputes the figure.
More worrying is the estimate of a former head of the Border Agency who reckons there are a million living in London alone.
Clearly, the situation is hopelessly out of control and the Government has not the slightest idea how to handle it.
Machine guns and pits?
Been reading your ‘Mein Kampf’ again Al?
No, just the Koran.
The BBC are rapidly turning into a source for satire and comedy. Excellent article on BBC anti Brexit propaganda.
The comments on that piece could have been made by people here
No wonder the traitorous vermin come here to try to disrupt
The penny is starting to drop….once your eyes have been opened,there’s no going back
Yes Number 6. Swallow the red pill and wake up to the unpleasant reality, quick before it gets a whole lot more unpleasant.
The excellent Douglas Murray on Burkini debate in the Speccie, also the Newsnight discussion with Evan Davis oozing sympathy for muslima.
Cheers for this Pete – once again totally speechless.
Did you clock evan’s conscience stirring a little once confronted by the truly excellent douglas…. ooo no quick let’s get back to the agenda.
And for once I agree with this muslim lady, absolutely I agree why should a woman have four police officers standing over her whilst she’s “out at the beach building sandcastles with her children” in a liberal western society. But hold on… let’s just get a bit of context here. You mean the same beach (or coastline at least) where just over a month ago someone who stands for exactly the same ideology as yourself rented a truck, screamed the same words you mutter five times a day, and senselessly killed citizens of the country that have offered him refuge (PS don’t want to speculate as we’ll never know but undoubteldy a hell of a lot of hard cash too). Wow – it is like clockwork, terror attack -> cover up -> real victims are the muslims -> terror attack -> cover up -> real victims are the muslims -> terror attack -> cover up -> real victims are the muslims.
Sorry Pete I was going to deconstruct this sentence by sentence but genuinely I find this so offensive it is beyond belief. I’ve had to turn it off. I am truly appalled. Jerrod/Little Red Flower will you please highlight this for me, as a license payer I’m very unhappy. Look forwards to hearing the response. Cheers
I don’t want to rub your nose in the ghastliness of the programme Brutal, but just one point. Muslima tried to equate behaviour of police with Daesh (as I think she called them, presumably cos it doesn’t have the embarrassing word Islam in it). Our valiant Douglas wasn’t having it: “The difference is they don’t do what isis and Taliban do, which is to rape them and kill them.”
Proto Marxist and admirer of Tony Benn Michael Meacher has left a £4 million fortune. No doubt he has done what his hero did, and minimised his tax exposure but 11 homes, many in London must be difficult to minimise.
I wish I was wealthy enough to be a leftie !
Some 20 years (written 1982?) ago Michael Meacher wrote, in his book Socialism with a Human Face: “Housing is not, or should not be, a status symbol, an object of conspicuous consumption, or a source of market power or wealth.
“It is a place where individuals and families should be able to live and inter-relate in mutual happiness.
“Too many people have second homes or too large homes for their needs, while too many others are homeless or overcrowded or even lacking basic facilities.”
Those with a stronger than average constitution could then head over to
and read comments like,
“A man of principles, and there was nothing dishonest about his acquiring a portfolio of properties. he didn’t swindle or cheat anyone to acquire them nor was he a slum landlord. This is a mealy mouth obituary is a sad reflection of the Guardian, which is leaning rightwards. No one would bat an eye if he had a handful of non-executive posts with multinational companies or lobbyists.
RIP Mr Meacher.”
I almost took it seriously until the “leaning rightwards” part, if it was a genuine comment then it demonstrates just how the left can twist anything.
Some related info here,
and here
You want bias? Here: 1) a German couple knifed by Allahu Akbar shouting religionist of the mentally ill. Nowhere on putrid beeb, not Home, not World, not even Europe. (Though Mirror have had it all day, below). 2) Two Muslimas refused service in a Parisian reastaurant – yep, you guessed it, shock horror, Homepage.
Now which would you consider more serious? Having your throat cut by a roper or not getting your dinner? Of course to the metropolitan degenerates at beeb, being denied your coq-au-vin is probably the worst thing imaginable, but most normal people would choose a late dinner over a slit throat, I reckon.
Oh, and the excuse? Possibly under the influence of narcotics.
Seems to be the latest de rigueur statement, after Religion of Peace, NTDWI, lone wolf, mentally ill. They’re running out of excuses folks, they’re running out.
Pete – I clocked this one earlier – what truly concerned me was that the attack took place on Saturday yet was reported on Sunday…. Hmmmm, in a world where everyone has instant access to a cameraphone?
I pondered for a while and thought what would I do in this situation (if I was part of our spineless “protective” authorities) as has been mentioned here previously it is deeply suspect that many of these attacks have been in front of large crowds yet no video footage emerges. In londonistan most youngsters phones are sewn into their hands and have replaced the old fashioned use for the eyes and mouth.
Now what I speculate happens is this:
1. Attack happens.
2. Authorities immediately cordon area and confiscate ALL spectator’s mobiles for “evidence” (spectators that are no doubt are in immense shock after their encounter with the RoP as their brains are still trying to compute what they have just seen versus what they hear from the likes of Evan and Naga, and my personal favourite Victoria “superwoman” Derbyshire (who is dripping with so much gold/diamonds you can see why she is more than happy to pipe the establishment line).
3. Queue our beloved state broadcaster and let them do the rest.
PS – I do know the police have to offer either money or a replacement device if they lose yours in custody… So in reality these people probably have their iphones taken and are given £500 as a sweetener and might be able to tell a good tale down the local although knowing the bullying nature of the establishment I doubt few step out of line in this fashion.
The remake of “Are you being served?”….the horror, the horror…
That’s 30 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. “Dire” doesen’t even begin to describe it.
What the hell did the Bbc give the studio audience to laugh so enthusiastically because I (and I’m sure most) didn’t laugh once.
All the characters (bar one) were played inept and stupid….
What was the point?
I expect the studio manager holds up a card that says “UKIP” as that always seems to give the lefties a good laugh. It seems to be like a Pavlovian reflex for them.
Psychologically, I think leftism so weakens their minds they have to react like this. Firstly, laughing at the object of their two-minute-hate makes them feel superior to whatever they are laughing at, it also shows those around them how superior they are to the object of derision, plus it intimidates everyone else around them into laughing and hating the object as well.
Virtue Signalling and the expression of hatred. Sort of a busman’s holiday for the left.
Am I the only one that thinks that the BBC are flogging a dead horse with their programme “Pointless”…..
Now, I don’t particularly mind the show – or at least I didn’t at first, but day after day after day after day, it’s prime time television featuring precisely the same format with almost precisely the same outcome…
The “difference” seems to come in that, certain shows feature a sprinkling of “celebrities” playing for a “charity” of their choice, hence another leftist box is ticked, yah de yah de yah…
Talk about over exposing something that initially works, seems to be the new BBC mantra because they’ve got no fresh ideas….Hence we’ve having a rework of comedies that were initially thought up in the seventies..
I don’t intend to watch any of the remakes. Nothing is as good as an original. One of the big differences is, that the actors/actresses who all appeared in the originals had years of experience beforehand, either in repertory, music hall or West End stage, and could time their comedic lines to perfection because they had been around for so long, therefore even a ‘look’ or raised eyebrow would create a laugh. Those recreating the characters today have no chance, they are just reciting lines.
I didn’t bother to watch Porridge after enduring “Are You Being Served”, I must confess. As far as I could see nothing at all was added to the original, but plenty was subtracted! And why retain all the old characters with the exception of Mr Lucas? Nothing at all to do with being “diverse”, obviously ……….
I’m amazed that the new “Young Young Mr Grace” wasn’t in a wheelchair being pushed by a nurse wearing a hijab.
also it’s Justin Edwards not Jeremy Edwards
I wouldn’t normally post something as off-topic as this, but it goes, in my opinion, to the heart of the problem of the BBC and its protection of certain minorities at any cost.
It purports to show Tommy Robinson being ordered out of Cambridge on with a Section 35 dispersal order when watching football in a pub with his children. I’m never quite sure what to make of Mr Robison but one doesn’t have to approve of someone to recognise when the State is harassing and victimising someone who is getting under their skin. If this sort of thing is being done openly to him now and is allowed to stand without serious repercussions on the officers involved, how long until similar methods are being used on you or I?
That’s appalling, if you read T.R.’s book “Enemy of the State” you realize that as bad as you believe our country has become: it is in reality far, far worse.
What I find truly disgusting is the genuine and true despair in Tommy’s voice. This is a man who clearly feels helpless and persecuted by the state in which he pays for.
Now lets flip the table over – imagine a migrant displaying this same helplessness: 5 bedroom £1.5M house in NW london… Oh no that’s Anjem and his charming wife that got that one so we’ll need to find another…. On second thoughts I feel we should give any migrant displaying that same, oh ok perhaps not that same, maybe just half, despair blenheim palace I reckon… Mrs May?
I know people keep talking about potential civil war which I never thought possible however I am getting extremely angry at what I’m seeing
Truly disgusting and very disturbing to watch. It is horrible to see how ‘our’ police have become a political force totally divorced from the fine principles in which they started.
I have no connection with Tommy Robinson but I will be going to to donate some money to Tommy now which he can use to fight this sort of oppression.
Ten years ago, I would have helped the police if one of them was in trouble – not because I knew them as a person – but because I respected what they stood for, protecting the citizens of this country from the ‘bad guys’. I suspect now I would just turn around and walk the other way.
The police have become just the same as those ‘bad guys’. In fact they are worse as they have the machinery of the state to back them up. It is frightening to see the Borg like drone nature of most of those officers in that video – it’s clear they know what they are doing is wrong – but it doesn’t matter to them.
But they are only following orders….now where have I heard that before?
It’s OK this is clearly BBC related. On the very important issue of free speech so beloved by the left surely the BBC will plaster this all over their news bulletins so everyone can see what the state is doing to someone who tells the truth about major cultural issues.
Ho hum
It’s interesting that, as of this time, a Google search reveals that with the exception of a few blogs and forums, only Breitbart are running this story. I’m not surprised as I doubt the MSM will go near this as it seems there’s quite a bit of sympathy for Tommy on this one, and so there should be! 3 adults with 7 kids suddenly requires several police officers (I read on a Luton Town FC forum it was a total of 15!!) and video cameras, and a police van to remove them from the pub. It was quite disturbing towards the end when the kids were crying and screaming, you could here the distress in Tommy’s voice too. That was a glimpse of the true face of the establishment.
Watching the video it was noticeable that one officer in particular was itching to have a go, he was almost goading him. It was also evident that an older officer looked almost embarrassed by the whole thing. It was obvious that they were only carrying out orders but I wonder from how high up did those orders come?
At one point the head of security tried to intervene, she said they’d been no problem whatsoever, another security guard (her husband I think) is also heard telling Tommy that he’d also told the police that they’d been “as good as gold”. Of course it made no difference.
But the most shocking part was outside. Kids screaming and crying with 3 officers following on behind, I think the one goading Tommy inside was walking closest to the group, Tommy was telling them to back off but he didn’t listen and said at one point he was “making sure you stay safe”…….Utter nonsense. It was clear intimidation, pure and simple. What the hell did the police think that Tommy was going to do with 7 kids in tow, there was absolutely no need to follow them that closely while filming them at the same time.
The fact that acted like they did in front of children who were scared witless leaves me so angry, disgraceful behaviour.
Of course I doubt you’ll see this on the BBC any time soon. Yet at the same time on the BBC News home page “Restaurant turns away Muslim women”. Nice to see the usual balance from good old Beeb.
Duck – Maybe the plods thought the kids were going to smash Cambridge up – You could tell the frustration in the little girls voice when she was crying in the street – All she wanted to do was hijack a HGV and mow down a few late night revellers or maybe brick a few windows. Thank God the plods are still able to protect us from these junior criminals.
FFS what has this country come to!
As for the boy in the baseball cap – Oh Dear – I think he definitely had a few self esteem issues. Still he certainly showed those kids who was boss!
Maybe he would have been in a better frame of mind if he had spent longer in front of the mirror prior to patrol – stamping his feet and squeezing his crotch in time to the Horst Wessel song or pulling a few legs off some Daddy Long Legs!
Yes, I expect he is one of those lefty zealots who believe everything they read in their Guardian and thinks he is on a moral higher plane than the ‘fascist’ Robinson.
It is these fascist leftists that are the real threat to society, their religious zeal means they can do their job without needing to think.
Once these people accept their orders without question, even if they are uncomfortable with them, it is not much of a further step for those officers to be leading Tommy and his children off to be gassed.
“It’s just a section 30 gassing order Mate, you’ll be given details on a form. Have a nice day.”.
Like the retired officer told me on a different forum. Senior officers arrive from a fast track program not long after leaving uni full of left wing Fascist ideas indoctrinated by lecturers influenced by the Saudi gold.
No surprise that someone like Tommy Robinson who threatens the money flow is going to be in their sights.
It wouldn’t surprise me if someone abroad had identified him as a threat, and was pushing money into someones pocket to constant harassment
We have a great problem in this country with the Fascist Left, it’s inability to defend its insane arguments without resorting to name calling and its fear of being exposed for what it is – utterly cuckoo !
Free speech should involve Anjem Choudary being able to spout his bile, and the rest of us being able to expose him for what he is – a Muslim!
The Fascist left cannot allow this though. We the people have to be silenced so that they can carry on a pretence that everything is normal and their insane world is actually working.
If it became common knowledge, or even thought of, that Anjem Choudary was accurately portraying his religion, what happens to the mutli culti view of Britain Fascists like the BBC have done so much to cravenly promulgate?
What would happen to the brown eyed favourites?
And worse what would happen to those who had made all this possible.
No Anjem Choudary had to be put in prison, not because he was facilitating violence or Jihad, but because he risked exposing the emperors new clothes of the craven elites who have betrayed us all.
An interesting post on the Mail story of a set up where a pretend Policeman attempts to force a woman to remove her headscarf on a beach.
All the outraged onlookers are efniks although apparently not Muslims.
One of the comments posed a different experiment though. A beach of Muslims, and one of them in a bikini with a Muslim cleric coming along and scolding her rudely for failing to cover up. Wonder how many people would then get involved telling him he was wrong?
The URL says it all !
There are differing views of the police. I happen to be one who still respects and admires the vast majority them.
So I was sickened to hear, in Radio 4’s news report of the fatal motor accident in Penge, London today that “Police watchdog the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has sent investigators to the scene” (quotation from the BBC website). It’s as if they can’t help themselves from publicising and fostering the finger-wagging mentality – just another burden on police officers.
BBC World Service
Now that the BBC World Service is funded from the licence fee and not from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, has there been any discussion here as to why we are funding “the World’s Radio Station”?
Surely the BBC World Service should be presenting a window onto Britain for listeners overseas. I don’t think we’d mind its news coverage. But the number of programs about cute and trivial aspects of culture in places that are not British is way out of proportion. There are just far too many tales of woe and joy from villages in Africa and the Middle East.
I won’t go on further here, but if there is a group or forum here that focuses on the World Service, can you direct me to it, please?