A B-BBC reader notes…
“Following on from your latest post I decided to check out the Newsround website. Clicking on the ‘most popular’ section I found every one of the top 5 articles relates to Muslims. Every single one.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/popular/read This is worrying. Either children are taking a very active interest in all things Muslim or the bbc are manipulating the ‘most read’ section to suit their agenda.
Scary stuff either way.”
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So 3 out of 5 being Islamic doesn’t bother you?
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Poor effort … no one mentioned race (“non-white”) on this thread until you …
It’s much worse than that EDU. In Anti Auntie/Britain/white people/Christian/Jew/Freedom/Women/life/heads attached to necks…. world, everything is to do with race.. The race of the white man being to blame and at fault for everything that is wrong with the world. The race of everyone else being a victim to the white man. To this right-on, delusional, bullshit spouting wanker, its all about fucking white people over.
Anti auntie is a spineless, traitorous bell-end who’s only interested in supremacist ideology over white people. It’s nothing to do with what’s right or wrong. It doesn’t matter how many people are hurt or are murdered. Anti auntie is nothing more than a clag-nut on the arse of Islam, fighting to stay onto to something that is desperate to kill it off.
EDU. Our youngsters will learn about the truth of Islam more brutaly than we ever did. Like the Syrian Christians or Yazidis, our sheltered, protected youngsters will be forced to deal with the reality of the traitorous actions of bigoted wankers like anti auntie….. Hopefully the death penalty is being used at that point to offer justice to the damage scumbags like them have done to our people
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I have summed you up perfectly you vermin.
Let’s summarise acts carried out over the last decade…
Most horrific of criminal acts that are anti anything that isn’t Islamic = thousands.. In 10s of countries, all over the world (just look at the ‘religion of peace’ website.
Most horrific of criminal acts that are anti Islamic =…….none??… Unless, just like the Islamic Al Beeb want us to believe, we accept that leaving a rasher of bacon on a mosque doorway is the same as a suicide bombing…then 3 acts in the last decade?….
Times the Islamic Al Beeb have criticised Islam = zero
Times the Islamic Al Beeb have critised those who have critised Islam = at least once a day
Times you have critised Islam you traitorous shit stain = zero
Times you have critised those who are trying to protect everything you know from being wiped out by the death cult = every time you post
Don’t come on here pretending you are anything more than back stabbing, judus tosser, who is only interested in fucking over and feeling supremacy over white people. We all know what you are!
“Traitorous vermin”
The bbc in 2 words
I like that
In fact thats probably what the ‘tv’ stands for in bbc tv
bbc traitorous vermin
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There’ll be some sleep lost tonight
AA – don’t know why I have to repeat this point over and over and over again it seems.
Please leave us in peace – this in my opinion is the one site I can come to where I don’t get shouted down as a bigot/racist/little englander/islamophobe.
Unlike the BBC this site is not funded by force courtesy of us british taxpayers.
Please just leave us alone. Your SJW views are not helping anyone, least of all yourself. We never asked you to come here and if you don’t like the views may I recommend the following:
– The Guardian
– Channel 4 News
– ITV News
– Channel 5 News
and last but certainly not least, Allah’s personal favourite news organisation
– The BBC
Please mate, surely there are better things to do with your time? Or come on let’s thrash this one out, other than virtue signalling so that next time you’re round the herd of SJWs you no doubt hang out with you can show how you tackled us “racists” with your extreme intelligence and wit…
Why do you come here? I don’t comment on guardian articles out of respect for a news organisation that has different views from me, all I ask is you show the same respect to us.
Top two and number four are still about Islam. Given the BBC’s well proven and documented efforts to tell a false narrative on Islam and its funding by the EU, it’s not a “conspiracy theory” to point out something that’s evidentially true. Then again, you know this already. Your goal isn’t to advocate for the BBC so much as it is to simply tarnish its critics, even using the most straw man examples available.
Dear BBC,
Other religions are available.
Dear BBC
except of course Christianity.
Sometimes I have to watch CBBC, (don’t ask) and the rubbish they have been pumping out for years is appalling. Multiculturalism was there practically before it was invented, and the disrespect shown to all figures of authority is relentless. schools, police, parents, no-one is left out. Oh, exception, social workers are good. Won’t go on, makes my blood pressure bad, but try it yourselves if you can bear it.
With respect to the popular read link in the post I stumbled across this gem at the site..
Generating the personality disordered cohort of tomorrow.
“Some stories reported by Newsround can make you feel sad – but you are not the only one and it’s OK to have those feelings.
Upsetting events often make the news because they don’t happen very often.
This section gives you some tips about what to do if you are feeling sad about what you’ve seen, heard or read.”
I wonder how they reported Brexit?
The BBC, our education system, our morals and culture have been neglected have been taken over by unelected liberals. We vote for a conservative government to stop this. What are you waiting for? A working class white boy goes to his local comprehensive school is not taught about this countries long history his culture he is taught about about all other cultures not European though that’s the truth. He’s been let down manipulated and neglected for sure. A very sad state of affairs so again I appeal to the government for action to do what we elect you for. If we continue to bring people here who don’t share our values it most certainly won’t get better. The bbc the terrorist appeasers are your responsibility the media nearly all are under liberal control if you don’t act now it won’t improve. I’m starting to doubt you are you conservative or liberal actions speak louder than words. Ids, Gove, cash, mogg these I trust not undercover liberals the appointed home secretary Rudd we’ll the jury’s out after the eu campaign I suspect a liberal but only time will tell. If any Tories reading please be stronger the bbc is walking all over us.
Amongst the bands and soaps and reality stuff, da kids in da ‘hood are likely lapping this top story up too, from the West of the country….
He said he didn’t want to “show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour”.
One can see what saw that meet the BBC editorial integrity ‘in’ test for the young of the UK.
BBC agendas matter.
I was also unaware and am now warned that black people and people of colour are somehow different and separated, which will doubtless see Benny & the Wets caught by a friendly fire bunji stick disguised as a mic in forthcoming interviews when on signal duty.
I wonder if there are ‘black people of colour’, then the PC remake of Ed, Edd & Eddie is so on, starring him, Obama and Al Starpton. If I had a dream Three Stooges of Colour they would so look like these opportunity denied oppressed mites.
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Evening Auntie, you’ve got me all wrong dude, I’m not calling everyone who disagrees with me an SJW as that’s the kind of fascism the BBC employs. I actually come to this site as I strive for something different.
No, no… I reached the SJW opinion from the minute you started posting on the site, that’s why.
Although if you do so wish we can do the lefty nit picking:
I was posting in defence of another bBBC regular so how can I have disagreed with you when I was in fact defending another poster? We are only now engaged in comment.
Here we go again left wing politics/opinion doesn’t tend to stand up too well to good old fashioned logic/reason. Although I’m sure you’re next post will “put me in my place” no doubt through intense name calling.
No, no… what I was politely asking is if you would go elsewhere and I don’t feel I was asking too much. I am not trying to fall out with you however am asking you to show just an ounce of respect for the posters on an independent website in which you have no obligation to come to, let alone pay £145 a year for the privilege.
PS – will you and the rest of the BBC employees stop doing a post then immediately going on to your iphone, ipad, PC, laptop to gain 4 likes, it really is extremely childish. I could do it if I want to – I have all of those means of technology
PPS – just so you don’t come back that you do not have 4 comments on your previous post I am merely trying to update you to the tactics of Jerrod/Kikuchiyo/Tbaskett… etc etc etc – you should know as they work for the same organisation as your good self
AA do me a favour mate – read a bloody newspaper! Or let’s thrash this out, why not, I’m a musician so have similar conversations on a daily basis. What I’d like to know is the following:
1: Why (if not a BBC employee) do you choose to come to this site? (Unless in a SJW capacity)
2: Why are you sticking up for them if they’re not your employer?
You sound like a reasonable enough guy so let’s have this out… I’m all ears