I suppose it is just way too tempting for the BBC. They INSTANTLY pile on this report, with all kinds of race hustlers on the 10 news -including some very chip on their shoulder Notting Hill “Carnival” types queuing up to inform us that Black and Etnic Minoritiess are …the most discriminated people ever in the history of the universe.
Prime Minister Theresa May has ordered a review into how ethnic minorities and white working class people are treated by public services such as the NHS, schools, police and the courts. The audit is aimed at highlighting racial and socio-economic disparities and showing how outcomes differ due to background, class, gender and income. The prime minister said the findings would “shine a light on injustices”. A recent report found racial inequality remained “entrenched” in Britain.
I was hoping May would order an inquiry to find out why so much crime in London is committed by Black people but thus far, nothing.
I noticed the very black female reporter (two ticks I assume) saying that black graduates earn a percentage less than others. But it isn’t simple. What universities did they go to, were their academic results pre university equal to the others, if their results were not getting black students into the top universities was it because their choice of subject was for the less academic, were the black students from poorer backgrounds and their schools not up to standard, perhaps even more of them smoke more dope and spend less time on their schoolwork (or none of the above) but what it might not be is just plain discrimination but the BBC would like us to think so. It could be very complicated reasons why black and bme people do less well but the BBC might not like the answers.
Yeah, but why should someone with a science degree earn more than someone with an African Studies degree???
The minority apologism industry does far more harm than good, not just the deliberate harm it does to ‘privileged’ white people who are actively discriminated against and told they’re all racist and can’t be the victims of hate crime, but to the minorities themselves who are infantilised and treated as statistics for meeting quotas rather than as people. Trump is absolutely soaking up ethnic minority votes because he’s correctly identifying the liberal ideology of keeping blacks in their place, occasionally bringing a few into the establishment fold for political convenience while keeping the rest on welfare and in crime. Many, many second and third generation immigrants voted for Brexit. Yet in both instances we’re still beaten over the head with the mythical and self-defeating “white racism” card as justification for the establishment ignoring public opinion or using corrupt campaign tactics.
Here here ALM. One of the many things that led me to this site in fact was as a londoner naturally having a large part of my friend group who are not white british (if not the majority) and having similar converstaions we have here the echoed feeling that we’re being done over. Al beeb just really dont get it. But I commend you for your post, much more succinct than I ever could have managed.
that’s a superb post. Very well put.
So, 1st September ditch the TV tax and cut off their oxygen. Simples.
Do what I do – get an Internet-TV and watch On Demand, Youtube and Torrents etc. Or you could just go out walking/cycling/socialising and spend less time vegetating. Win-Win.
And if one really must watch BBC comedy, do what I do, watch Newsnight at your old ‘gran’s’ house (nudge, nudge…)
Think about it: When you pay your £150 you are actually funding an organisation that wishes to destroy your culture and your values, what better reason could exist for modifying your TV viewing habits?
Just because more Black and Ethnic minority groups go to jail will be reason enough for the PTB and BBC to stop sending people of all colours to jail .
No one goes to jail , job done , no punishment and no discrimination .
Will the BBC ask the Muslim Council of Britain if they are happy for ” their ” girls to go unchaperoned to university , away from the extended family and “community” for weeks on end .?
I’m always a little concerned when conservatives(?) start adopting Guardianista type social concerns. We had it en mass with that old fraud, Cameron. Hugging a hoodie, snuggling up to an igloo, sticking a bloody great windmill on his roof and making certain the cameras were rolling when he cycled into work. It’s all complete rowlocks and is blatant gesture politicking, appealing to the puerile greenies and holier than thou, leafy suburb living, lefties.
Worrying why there are a disproportionate amount of blacks in prison is, I believe, looking at this from the wrong end of the telescope. These people are in prison because they have committed crimes. They have done something wrong. They have taken actions that society deems need to be punished, or that we feel we need protection from. The whole focus of this new investigation suggests that society has got it wrong and should be more accommodating and apololgising to those that transgress against it. It’s just bloody nonsense.
Oh, there’s one good thing about the utterly appalling service (that can’t be the right word!} supplied by Southern Trains. It means I won’t venture up town today.
Usually on a Sunday I would enjoy a ramble through our fascinating capital. However the homeward journey, on this particular weekend, is always agonising. Sitting in a crowded carriage (sorry Jeremy) with lots of Jasons and Celias down from Hampshire or Surrey for the Carnival. “Oh, it was splendid, the diversity, the colour the vibrancy.” If ever there is a group of patronising, middle class, half witted, twittering darlings then this lot fill the bill.
I’ll dig my spuds instead…
I keep hearing about ethnic minorities? I live in a leafy prosperous suburb in North London
where 85% of the kids are from ethnic minorities. There are many parts of London where you could literally walk up to another indigenous Londoner and say ” Dr Livingstone I presume.”
I very much expect in three generations because of demographics London will have had its name
changed , just as Constaninople, Bombay,New Amsterdam had theirs changed. The BBC will start their morning programmes with the Adhan from the a central Londistan mosque. I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC are already preparing for this, with great pleasure.
I can’t resist departing from the BBBC remit and commenting on a Channel 4 programme called “The Good Terrorist”, about a certain Frederick John Harris. No, he was not a “good terrorist”, he murdered a 77 year old woman and injured 23 other innocents by planting a bomb. He was simply a terrorist, irrespective of his opposition to apartheid. Of course, the preternaturally orange Peter Hain was on hand to lend support to his friend. If it is possible, channel 4 seems even more biased than the BBC.
‘. . . simply a terrorist’
One of the better moments I’ve heard on the BBC in the last couple of years occurred on the anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s death (5 December 2013). The presenter of the Radio 5 afternoon show had spent the whole programme emoting over South Africa’s first President under the universal franchise. John Lydon was one of the studio guests, and was duly invited to emote in a similar vein.
Lydon declined to play ball (as a little research would have suggested might happen), opining that the death of someone whose political opponents had been murdered, often in a spectacularly gruesome manner, was nothing to mourn. The presenter couldn’t start talking about whatever it was Lydon was on the show to flog quickly enough.
It’s a measure of the BBC’s moral compass that Nelson Mandela is revered, and the Reverend Desmond Tutu, a man of far greater moral stature in the fight against apartheid, and who physically intervened to save people from the kind of immolating murder perpetrated by Mandela’s accolytes, is regarded as that worst of social embarrassments . . . a Christian.
I loathed what the sex pistols did, and stood for, in those far-off days, but John Lydon has changed, much for the better. He seems entirely sane, sensible, and down-to-earth, with the strength of mind to resist fashionable PC attitudes, countering them, as in your example, with plain commonsense. Good man!
Yes, saw this!
Poor womans disfigured face after 50 years…yet the language of “misguided” and “he ought to have been able to call on the police to clear the station” steeped this liberal slurry as “justifiable”.
Typical Lefty crap…never any look into how maybe Von Ribbentrop was hanged…he never blew anybody up…so what of HIS relatives seeking closure then Beeb/Channel 4?
Poor woman-unlike Norman Tebbit, she possibly expected the BBC to be fair to her-course not, if its boosts Zuma or Mugabe..the zombie left will stick it out there.
Bake OFF , aptly named,
BBC have decided that the black boy will win. I do not know if he is gay. But what is the point of the “competition” ?
The report I want to see, is one which shows the crimes/atrocities/criminal statements carried out against white people… 100% because the people who carry them out utterly hate white people. This encouraged and accepted bigotry and hatred towards the majority population of the country’s this ideology is being championed is one of THE major threats to social cohesion and stability. To continually discriminate and punish innocent, tolerant, peace loving people relentlessly for being white, and all for short term political gain, will lead to reprisals that will lead to death and destruction on both sides…..
These race bating antagonists should be arrested for treason. To provoke a peace loving people who have given everyone a home should mean these traitors endure THE strongest and most punishable of hate crimes. Hate white people…. Get out! Forever!!
I expect May’s review results will be predictable. It will be found that ethnic minorities, women, working class people etc. get a rawer deal from the system than rich white males. It will be assumed that this is due to prejudice & not perhaps to the merits of the case or other factors.
It’s interesting when you consider that many criminals from poor working class backgrounds get legal aid, manage to hire barristers & QCs & manage to get a good outcome due to the liberal leftie bias of the criminal justice system.
I agree entirely martin – I went to public school and as a passionate follower of the BBC i think its disgusting that my parents decided to pay for my schooling out of their own pocket rather than have the government do it, as for my health care/holidays etc I similarly feel ashamed that my family have paid so much tax and employed 100’s of people over the years. If only they were cultural marxists all those hundreds of people who’ve had a livelihood would be slapped into the system, reared up to tow the BBC line and like loyal UK citizens will wait for their handouts every friday evening at midnight.