You may have noticed the BBC’s reluctance to bring to your attention the fact that Brexit hasn’t resulted in instant armageddon as promised by the Remain campaign. Whilst the PMI figures were taken by the BBC as definitive proof that the economy post-referendum is in a nosedive any news that confounds the Remain alarmist’s claims is not reported or is downplayed…the BBC telling us that in such cases it is actually far too early to make sensible judgements on the effect of the referendum.
Similarly the BBC is all too eager to label all Leave voters as racists who instantly grabbed their KKK uniforms that had been gathering dust in the wardrobe ever-ready for such an occasion and went-a-lynching.
Oddly the BBC took little to no interest in the death threats, abuse and intimidation from Remain voters towards Leavers.
Similarly of course they take no interest in the Muslim racism and misogyny that is going on in France whilst proclaiming themselves appalled by the Burkini ban…the Spectator reveals a few home truths from abroad…
I have a fund of similar stories from female friends in France. There’s the one who was insulted by two women in headscarves while out jogging because she had on a pair of shorts; the friend who no longer travels on the Paris metro after a certain hour because, as a Muslim, she’s fed up with being insulted by men of her religion because she dares to wear a skirt and blouse; and the one who sold her baby’s car seat through an ad in the local paper. The man met her asking price but refused to shake the hand of a woman.
Then there are the cases outside my immediate milieu. On the first day of Ramadan this year a Muslim waitress in a Nice bar was assaulted by two men. ‘Shame on you for serving alcohol during Ramadan,’ one of them screamed, as he attacked her. ‘If I were God, I would have you hanged.’ Last year in Reims a young woman sunbathing in a public park was set upon by a gang of teenage girls. They objected to her bikini, reported the newspapers, although the town’s authorities insisted there was no ‘religious’ aspect to the attack. Few believed them.
That’s because such incidents are becoming more common across France.
‘We’re seeing the emergence of a police of mores who are principally targeting young women on the issue of modesty.’
This important point is blithely ignored by naive liberal writers, particularly those in Britain, who have little understanding of the extent of extremism in France.
The BBC naturally ignores the rape epidemic in Norway and Sweden and disgracefully tried to dismiss the attacks in Cologne by disingenuously claiming they were by ‘Germans’…and even claiming the poor, naive immigrants [Now that the BBC couldn’t ignore the evidence] were tricked into acting this way by the devious Far-Right.
Just what is wrong with the BBC that they not only refuse to report these events but go out of their way when forced to report them to explain them away or blame them on Western society rather than place the blame where it firmly belongs?
Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times relates a tale that must be all too familiar…the BBC was complaining that news of the alleged unfolding Brexit disaster has been kept off the airwaves and out of the Press by the ‘silly season’. Strangely I can’t say I’ve noticed…the Press has been full of stories about Brexit and the ‘good news’. The only organisations that haven’t been reporting on Brexit in full has been the BBC as Liddle pointed out on R4’s Media show [6 mins 30]…only to be cut off as the presenter told him ‘I can’t really go into Brexit at the moment.’ Hmmm…how odd. One moment complaining about the lack of Brexit news, the next refusing to discuss Brexit ‘good news’.
How can the BBC complain about too much Olympic coverage when it itself saturated us with such news [Was it to distract us from the Brexit ‘good news’?] and the same BBC that sent 455 staff to work at Rio? The BBC that covered the hockey final not on one TV channel but two…and of course on the radio as well.
Half the news all the time. That’s what we pay for.
And on the subject of paying for the BBC and all that…the iPlayer…just why will the BBC not introduce a signing-in format to access the iPlayer? You have to do so to access C4 and if you have an ad blocker they don’t let you watch until you switch it off. Any chance that the BBC doesn’t want to put its claim that it is the people’s choice to the test? If we had to subscribe just how many people really would? Possibly everyone would do so…but it seems the BBC aren’t brave enough to put their own self-aggrandisement to the test.
I was amused to hear the BBC trying to attack the commercial companies as it talked about obesity….apparently the commercial companies should be made to stop advertising ‘junk food’ [whatever that is]…any thought that the BBC might just be trying to undermine their rivals’ sources of income whilst the publicly funded BBC sails merrily on whilst also massively encroaching on the commercial sector’s territory backed by that public funding?
BBC stands for many things: Blatantly Backing Clinton, Baselessly Bashing Conservatism, Biased Brexit Coverage, Boring Beige Crap, etc. Any of these are closer to the truth than British Broadcasting Corporation. Their odious and obnoxious misrepresentation of Islamification is par for the course from this corrupt organisation.
Yes indeed – they have Rod on to talk about Brexit then cut him off when he wants to talk about er, Brexit. It’s just that Rod had already indicated that the BBC’s position was clear – they wanted to remain in the EU. Sure, as Hitchens has pointed out elsewhere, the BBC were unexpectedly more balanced than he expected. This is the impartiality they are paid to deliver so we shouldn’t be surprised. But we are because you can see it in the bad news they big up – and the good news they downplay. Only Andrew Neil could be suspected of thinking that Leave were completely wrong – the rest were doing the balance thing as a tiresome requirement, which is why we are now seeing frequent complaints that the BBC was ‘too balanced’!
I heard someone who was invited to discuss “the Papers” recently say: Yes, I voted Brexit!
I don’t think she will be invited back to the studio!
Alan at the beginning of the podcast you didnt warn us that there is a piece about a new media diversity initiative called “Diamond”, ahhhhhhhh how much more of this will the BBC inflict on us. What we want is real diversity of opinions not skin colour deep ones. So if the BBC find a black one-armed lesbian muslim who is a member of UKIP then fine by me.
It’s ironic that Rod who used to work for the BBC is now regarded as PNG, because he gives his honest opinion.
They are shameless ,I don’t listen but I thank those who do and report here.It too much to bear.
Sky are no better.Yesterday I saw a news presenter grilling John Redwood and while Mr Redwood was all optimism, the news guy kept on about how bad its going to get over the months and years. I may have to cancel my Sky subscription but this interview could just as well have taken place on the BBC.
Cancel your Sky subscription? Good luck with that, apparently it takes years, and they won’t take ‘NO’ for an answer…
the bbc wants everyone to be represented in all forms of work for the bbc,will that include actual statistics of the population figures percentages.Before i look into this diversity project, white working class men not enough muslim women too many, am i correct?
“Male, pale and stale.”
Oh, how we laughed at the clever alliteration! And it couldn’t possibly be racist because according to favoured BBC opinion formers called Brand white people can never, ever be victims of racism!!
What pisses me off is the inference that if you’re female, non-white and from a different culture you have so much wisdom and intellectual vibrancy to bring to the shores of arguably the most advanced, liberal, democratic and tolerant country on the planet. Yes, we could obviously do so much better if we learned from these people and their cultures which abound with shining examples for us to follow.
I know that’s slightly off-topic, but it did briefly feature at the start of the broadcast.
Rant over. Ahhhhhh…
Johnny – that is so true! It really does make me sick, and this week I have rigidly not listened to Radio 4 as I’ve decided it’s bad for my health. Radio 3 is all I can tolerate, and even that’s dubious at times! I gave up TV in 1996 so I don’t subsidise that bunch of sinister wasters with a penny. I’d still be very glad to see the end of them though.
Er, my take on this is the BBC is …
biased as hell. Mainly because it is run by a self-perpetuating clique of public schoolboys/girls. Check out the background of senior BBC management and presenters on TV and radio. Funnily enough, an awful lot of them come from a privately educated background.
Only seven per cent of the population go to private schools. How come so many of them end up with plum jobs at the BBC – paid for by 100 per cent of the population?
If I only chose talented/competent people from seven per cent of the population I would be rightly criticised for being too narrow, unrepresentative and biased.
But the BBC manages to escape this charge by not disclosing the backgrounds of the people in power.
It’s time we took them to task and exposed the old school tie network which has a stranglehold on opportunity at our national broadcaster.
Less old school tie, more what newspaper you read.
The Guardian? You’re hired.
“Mainly because it is run by a self-perpetuating clique of public schoolboys/girls.”
It’s a better educated “clique”, as it is in all fields. The failings of a large part of our state education system have been around for years. Private schools, most of which are far removed from the likes of Eton, are not the problem.
Britain’s education system needs to pull its socks up, says Peter Hill
Asia tops biggest global school rankings
Raymond I’m afraid I would have to disagree with you there. Public school boys are as right wing as they come, it is indoctrinated into you the moment you start prep school. The banter, sorry what the BBC would call casual racism is rife, even from the teachers. You are taught British old school values and not given a santised version of our two world wars. Perhaps this has changed however I highly doubt it.
As a public school boy myself I can tell you exactly what the BBC are, just like Tony Blair they are grammar school kids and to say they resent us is an understatement. They can’t take the fact that they feel insecure once they get to uni so they resent us further, at this point the lefty lovie ideology swallows them up good and proper and gives them in essence the voice they have never had.
The huge irony of all of it is they then climb the greasy corporate ladder to send their kids to, you guessed it, public school. Now this is just my experience and I could be wrong. Of course there will be exceptions rule but I for one cannot in a million years see a true harrovian/etonion wanting to/getting through the doors of al Beeb to even be interviewed.
In the beebs/MSM eyes we are fair game, hence why there is nothing but negative media surrounding public schools.
Rant over – sorry I do need to stand up for my ilk as we are shat on at every opportunity and it does my head in.
Farage, Churchill, Douglas Murray are three examples I would like to give of true public school boys
It was the level of bias in the eu referendum that drew me to this wonderful site. The incredible lengths the media we’re prepared to lie. The remain camp showed themselves to have no answers they resorted to shouting down, pointing, mockery and abuse. Since the result a new campaign to try to tie us in with the eu as much as they possibly can. At the moment the noises are coming from the eu be prepared for an avalanche when parliament resumes. There will be a lot to discuss here. Brexit means brexit for me that is completely out with no exceptions whatsoever. If that happens then as I have always thought, the future will be rosy. Anything else is unacceptable.
Alan, to answer your question: “And on the subject of paying for the BBC and all that…the iPlayer…just why will the BBC not introduce a signing-in format to access the iPlayer?”
The BBC could control access to iPlayer by starting a sign-in system, maybe entering the serial number of a current valid TV licence, but they know this would sow the seeds of a proper subscription system. That is the last thing they would want.
Discussed in detail here:,13396.msg126148.html#msg126148
BBC factual gaff of the week number 139: Edinburgh Tattoo last night and folksy Scots narrator Bill Patterson reads from a script that tells us the Nepalese have ‘the only known rhomboid national flag’. We’ll pass by the odd statement ‘only known’ – are there unknown nations out there? Now, how about that geometry?
Less rhomboid and more like a couple of triangles by my reckoning. Did our Bill mean to say it was the only NON-rhomboid?
Anyway, it’s interesting that in this day and age the Edinburgh Military Tattoo is still hanging on by its fingernails to a place in the BBC schedules. Can’t help but suspect were it held in London it would surely have fallen by the liberal wayside by now.
I wonder how many people avoided BBC R5 during the three weeks of wall to wall Olympic coverage, I certainly did.
What is most frustrating about the BBC for all it’s massive income and resources is the narrowness of it’s coverage. They cover the same ground over and over again to a point where many must switch of in complete frustration. It all revolves around the same extremely narrow left wing prejudices and unless you listen to alternatives , you are truly kept in the dark.
I find that A few episodes of Rick Wiles’s program Trunews are an excellent antidote to the BBC
and click on “listen now” to hear the podcasts or search for Trunews (note the spelling) with your podcast player. (Don’t let the intro to each episode put you off!)
If you do consider programs like this or Alex Jones (click on “Radio Show”) as extreme, if nothing else they serve to illustrate the complete dishonesty of the BBC.