Ever year it’s the same. The Notting Hill Carnival is little more than a prolonged opportunity for crime and thuggery. Here’s the charge street for “Children’s Day” The BBC does report the violence but you know that it also approves of this farcical annual street crime fest.
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Seems a sham there were no LGBT police proposals on camera to capture.
Maybe they were off to protect Tommy Robinson from their Cambridgeshire colleagues? 2-4-6-8…
This is one of those events where the whole truth of the Islamic Al Beebs “champion everything that isn’t white British” narrative is seen for what it is… It’s self serving, political agenda created by sheltered, privileged white people who are utterly detached from reality.
Cult Al Beeb are so overwhelmed with self loathing, they begin to propagate the facts of the world with utter psychotic conviction. What’s ‘good’ and what’s ‘bad’ just goes out the window. ‘White’ is bad and ‘anything not white’ is amazing….regardless of the facts.
The delusional wankers that infest Al Beebistan, and also try and infect our website, do not see the moronic, traitorous, and dangerous fallacy of their views on ‘race’, and this is because they alone are utterly absorded with the ‘race’ issue, because they utterly despise their own ‘race’!
We are told… No we are legislated, to conform to race tolerance/acceptance . Yet in the same breath we are ‘told’ we are “all the same” and skin colour means nothing! We are then ‘told’ that our culture is endemically racist, is supremacist in its nature, and requires enriching… Yet at the same time we are ‘preached’ that all other cultures are inclusive, tolerant, peace loving, fun, vibrant….that we need these other cultures to make our racist, bigoted, hate filled, socially retarded British natives better in every way…..
Which comes on the Shotting Hill Crimeaval….The mentally ill lefties (which is all of them) are so utterly focused on hating themselves and everything that made them, they are unable to truthfully analysis anything. It’s why the propagandists that attend the Al Beebistan mosque are unable to be journalists, and create the ‘news’ rather than report it. The epic levels of crime that are much a part of Shotting Hill as the music, is because wankers like Kiku, Jihadi Jerrod, Anti (British)Auntie, and the numerous other traitorous vermin that pop up on this website and infest Al Beebistan, do not care about how many black people are stabbed or mugged (to them it’s glorious Black culture)….it’s all about ensuring the destruction of white culture, what they perceive as ‘white privilege’…brought about their own self hatred.
If this Carnival was held in Chipping Norton and involved white British people, it would be banned if the number of crimes recorded was the same.
And the BBC would lead the criticism with delight.
I took my daughter and wife to the Havering Annual show this weekend. It was awesome! No terrorism, no fights, good fun and good old English Culture. We went on fairground rides, saw local bands, ate roast pork in a bun and roast beef! And we spoke English all day. Had to travel to Essex to do it though and almost the last stop on the District line! Damn did I feel at home! I sure as hell don’t feel at home where I live. I dare say BBC will give no coverage to the Havering Annual Show, prefering to dilute my culture with the Notting Hill Crime Fest instead!
I have a very strong feeling that those crime stat’s will be considerably higher before Monday is over and done with. The Beeb always play down the dreadful events after this bloody thing has finished. They’re always happy to show some helmet-less and shirt-sleeved copper dancing with a buxom Caribbean lass, but very loathe to show the bottle throwing war zone that regularly follows this bloody carnage.
I find it interesting to note how the numerous, varied ethnicities and cultures, that bring such vibrancy, diversity and colour to our lands behave when they’re out together en-mass.
Each year I attend The Hampton Court Flower Show.
Absolute bloodbath…
‘Absolute bloodbath’ it’s all those venus fly traps.. innit!
“Uh dindu nuffinz”
London is not Britain
We had our village garden show, it seemed about 2% BME. I say that cos there 100 people in the room and one was old Dr Gupta and there appeared to be an Asian woman married to a local.
(I lived with a foreigner in Brixton once and she just presumed that Britain is 30% black)
“London is not Britain”
It hasn’t been since at least the 1980’s. I used to live in the Clapham/Balham area and can say from experience that London is as far removed from British society as Munich, Germany. (I actually felt more at home in Munich!)
Anyone living in London cannot possibly get a rounded view of the UK unless they venture to shit places outside the capital. Shit areas of London are not the same as shit areas of Nottingham or Sheffield or Manchester or Liverpool.
If I had to live in a shit area it would always be a London shit area.
Glastonbury has a higher rate of crime per person.
What’s your problem David?
Is it because it’s a black event?
I can believe that in terms of drug offences. But stabbings and other crimes of violence?
Maybe the ‘overall’ figure of ‘crime’ is via TellAunty?
Botney packs a mean spliff in the vip tent. Apparently.
Speaking of Botney, he has been tasked with justifying his existence by running Gene Wilder’s obit. On Facebook, things could be going better, TBH.
There are at least 10 stabbings in London every single day, so knife crime figures for the carnival fits in with the stats, bearing in mind that any large event such as this attracts criminal activity.
The Notting Hill carnival is not unique when it comes to increased levels of crime, but it does highlight the wider problem of violent crime, and not just in London.
Of those knife crimes 80/90 percent are committed by black people. NH carnival therefore reinforces the high rate of criminality amongst black London residents.
I commented elsewhere that I went to Dartmouth Regatta, thousands of white people virtually no ethnics, I was aware of no stabbings, rape, and assault.. NH carnival requires thousands of police to be present unlike any other event even high venue football matches. I challenge you to respond to each of my points.
“Of those knife crimes 80/90 percent are committed by black people.”
It’s probably more like 100%, but I’ll go along with that.
“NH carnival therefore reinforces the high rate of criminality amongst black London residents.”
No it doesn’t. It becomes a magnet for knife crime that would happen anyway, in other areas of London.
“…Dartmouth Regatta…”
Of those thousands of white people, how many teenagers were there, not including those who were with their parents?
It is about 80/90% as I stated, not 100%.
NH carnival violence is a microcosm of black behaviour in London, it neither attracts more crime or less crime, it is a black event and has the expected levels of crime to go with it.
Can you provide me with a stat that shows knife crime in other parts of London goes down when NH carnival is on as you state? ANSWER PLEASE.
Lastly, Dartmouth Regatta, it was full of unaccompanied youth. I saw no trouble but more importantly the atmosphere was fabulous compared to NH carnival that I have in the long distant past attended.
You didn’t answer my question from earlier, you stated there was as much crime per head at Glastonbury as NH carnival. YOUR SOURCE?
And does that include drugs offences in which the attendees at glastonbury will be so laid back no police would be needed.
Nice one Edward – always ready to point the figure at WAAAYCISTS
Are you saying there are racists amongst us?
What I am saying Edward that there are people like you who have over worked the racism angle. Most people are fed up with racism been hollered from everywhere, from soccer matches, theatre, athletics, and fed up with virtue signalers looking for racism in every grain of sand. Many black people in London wish the bloody festival would bugger off to Salford Quays or somewhere where your BBC masters and perfect white middle class lefties hang out
When I was in LA I was told to keep away from downtown LA, particularly the Watts area. I was also told to keep in a group in downtown New Orleans and never wander off the main street. There are many no go areas in South Africa. The common denominator ? well, its not racist to say that the prisons both here and in the States mainly accommodate the darker skinned of the population. In comparison I remember walking across Red Square (Moscow) at 3 in the morning and feeling as safe as houses, equally I lost my bearings in Tokyo and wasn’t in the least bit worried. Funny that.
The trouble always comes from black youths the solution is a banning of black youths aged from 12-21 they go around in gangs robbing, everyone who goes there knows about it and especially the police.That’s experience .
“Glastonbury has a higher rate of crime per person.”
The Notting Hill Crime Festival needs thousands of police to keep crime down to its present abysmal level. I remember how it used to be. How many police are present at Glastonbury?
A few years ago, the figure was 10,000! From memory, in 2015 it was in the region of 6-7,000 per day.
It is idiotic to suggest that the level of criminality at Glastonbury is the came as this damn carnival. And your comment smacks of anti white racism, if we’re looking at it that way.
Your source and break down of ‘crime’ types please?
Here are the statistics for the previous 2 years.
Notting Hill Carnival
Attendance: 2,000,000
Arrests: 252 (2014) – 314 (2015)
1 arrest per 7936 people (2014)
1 arrest per 6369 people (2015)
Attendance: 175,000
Arrests: 66 (2014) – 54 (2015)
1 arrest per 2651 people (2014)
1 arrest per 3241 people (2015)
There have been at least twice as many arrests per capita at Glastonbury than at the Notting Hill carnival. In 2013 there were 170 arrests at Glastonbury (http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/stones-rocked-crime-glastonbury-festival/story-19444400-detail/story.html) and 279 at Notting Hill (http://www.voice-online.co.uk/article/notting-hill-carnival-2013-police-arrest-279) which calculates at 7 times(!!!) more arrests per capita at Glastonbury than Notting Hill.
This must explain why the police are clamouring to avoid patrol duty at Glasto, in case things kick off in the BBC VIP tent, and Jezza was seen tootling around Notting Hill holding up parades, to the merriment of all.
The BBC – your employers – publish a complaint from the cops over the Carnival. The cops say they dread it.
I am amazed, this sounds so racist, as it is mainly an ethnic do. And you are busy pointing out how there is so little crime or violence there.
I look forward to pitiful tales of the cops dreading Glastonbury.
Now a message to the cops who complained about the multiculty carnival. Live with it. Its karma. You sit on your bums examining Twitter for complaints about ethnics and the multiculture, so don’t behave like racists when you have to get among them.
No equivalency there. Smoking spliffs not the same s stabbings and rape.
For God’s sake.
1. Where would you feel safer, Notting Hill or Glastonbury?
2. As I pointed out above, it takes thousands of police to keep the Notting Hill crime rate at this ridiculous level. Before the Met starting throwing officers at it, it was notorious.
Glastonbury is not the only comparison. Any large scale State occasion is considerably safer than the Notting Hill Carnival. Why? Look at the people.
I was asked for evidence to back up my claim that Glastonbury has a higher rate of crime per person, and I have provided that evidence (above). My work is done.
My work is done.
No, it’s not.
You originally posted this pearl of wisdom:
Glastonbury has a higher rate of crime per person.
What’s your problem David?
Is it because it’s a black event?
Implying that David was being racist.
As I believe several here have already pointed out, it is the violent quality of the crimes makes the Rotting Hill Carnival stand out. As David pointed out in his original post, there were 9 Public Order offences and 24 Offensive Weapon (Blade) offences, amongst 105 arrests on Children’s Day alone.
Compare this to Glastonbury:
Glastonbury Festival is on course for its lowest ever crime rate.
Just 12 arrests have been made since the start of the festival on Wednesday, down from 31 at this point in 2015.
Last year’s event had the lowest crime rate in the festival’s 46-year history, but 2016 could set a new record low if this trend continues.
A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police said that approximately 90 crimes had been reported, down from 210 at this time last year.
The majority of arrests were for drug use, while most of the crimes reported were for theft.
And, just 12 arrests from Weds to Fri at Glastonbury.
So I suggest you withdraw your snide allegation.
Or are you suggesting that we should consider someone smoking a spliff in their tent at a festival (yawn) on the same level of alarm as we would a robbery at knife-point in broad daylight in a public street in London?
If you take a look at the link Peter Grimes posted (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-37212493) you will find this: “The Glastonbury music festival had 40 arrests this year. Notting Hill had 10 times that amount.)”
Notting Hill had 10 times the amount of arrests but more than 10 times the amount of attendees!
“…it is the violent quality of the crimes makes the Rotting Hill Carnival stand out.”
Yes, no doubt. But the types of crimes committed at Notting Hill carnival are consistent with what you would expect in London. You cannot logically imply that these violent crimes only happen during the Notting Hill carnival – that’s where I step in and try to add some balance to the debate. But that’s impossible on a forum where people with alternative views are regarded as trolls, Islamists, socialists, BBC employees, Nazis, etc.
As Maria Brewin says: “Any large scale State occasion is considerably safer than the Notting Hill Carnival. Why? Look at the people.”
That’s the type of despicable comment that sums up the sentiments of some of the regulars here.
Victory is yours. Your work is… er… ongoing…
I don’t expect ANY of those violent crimes in London, I certainly don’t accept them, but you had posted yourself that the majority are committed by Black offenders.
As for the rest, the use of terms like ‘despicable’ together with the general tone of your posts broadly confirm your Ethnic/Beeb-loving troll status.
Please go and play elsewhere and stop your support for the unacceptable.
“… the types of crimes committed at Notting Hill carnival are consistent with what you would expect in London.”
Erm… But this is begging the question: why should we expect a higher rate of knife crime and public order offences in in London?
And why – when presumably the largest section of the Glastonbury crowd come from London and the South-East – do we not see a similar pattern demonstrated at Glastonbury?
And what is the difference between your statement (above) and Maria’s, which you term despicable?
You are saying it’s because Londoners are more violent, while Maria says it’s because of the people. What’s the difference?
I also note that you have just gone on an unprovoked offensive by collectively slurring all posters here and Maria in particular, and yet you have the cheek to pretend that it is you who is under attack. That would be funny if it weren’t so ridiculous.
One final point: you may be labouring under the illusion that you would be “adding balance” to go to a Microsoft website (for example) and say that you think Linux is better, but that is a classic example of trolling. What are you doing here? Think about it.
“…why should we expect a higher rate of knife crime and public order offences in in London?”
“You are saying it’s because Londoners are more violent…”
Where did I say that? Where, exactly, have I even hinted that London is more violent than other areas of the UK?
“You are saying it’s because Londoners are more violent…”
Where did I say that?
You said it here, a few short posts ago: Yes, no doubt. But the types of crimes committed at Notting Hill carnival are consistent with what you would expect in London.
Nope. I still cannot see where I said London is more violent than anywhere else in the UK. I implied that London is a violent place, yes, but not more violent than other parts of the UK.
I’m sure there are other parts of the UK that are more violent. I don’t know. Perhaps you could help out here?
Erm… I never mentioned the rest of the UK. The context was Notting Hill compared to Glastonbury, not Notting Hill vs the rest of the UK. You posted a lot of statistics to compare the two, remember?
So, erm… if it needs spelling out, here it is again, in words of one syllable…
Erm… But this is begging the question: why should we expect a higher rate of knife crime and public order offences in in London [compared to the Glastonbury Festival]?
And why – when presumably the largest section of the Glastonbury crowd come from London and the South-East – do we not see a similar pattern demonstrated at Glastonbury?
And what is the difference between your statement (above) and Maria’s, which you term despicable?
You are saying it’s because Londoners are more violent [than Glastonbury Festival-goers], while Maria says it’s because of the people. What’s the difference?
I also note that you have just gone on an unprovoked offensive by collectively slurring all posters here and Maria in particular, and yet you have the cheek to pretend that it is you who is under attack. That would be funny if it weren’t so ridiculous.
One final point: you may be labouring under the illusion that you would be “adding balance” to go to a Microsoft website (for example) and say that you think Linux is better, but that is a classic example of trolling. What are you doing here? Think about it.
“Maria says it’s because of the people.”
No, Maria says “Any large scale State occasion is considerably safer than the Notting Hill Carnival. Why? Look at the people.“
Do you want me to say it again, just to make sure everyone gets it?
“And what is the difference between your statement (above) and Maria’s, which you term despicable?”
Jerry Owen said “Of those knife crimes 80/90 percent are committed by black people.”
This was obvious bullshit made up on the hoof, so I replied with yet another ridiculous claim, for the sake of mischievousness.
The actual figures can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_Kingdom#Race_and_crime_in_London
“Black males accounted for 29 percent of the male victims of gun crime and 24 percent of the male victims of knife crime.[25] Similar statistics were recorded for females. On knife crime, 45 percent of suspected female perpetrators were black; for gun crime, 58 percent; and for robberies, 52 percent.
A long way off Jerry Owen’s “80/90 percent”.
What I actually want is for you to answer the questions I have asked twice now, without deflecting this time.
Why do you think Londoners are more likely to stab someone than Glastonbury Festival-goers? What is it about Londoners [in the Notting Hill context] that makes them more violent, according to you?
And why is it OK for you to slur all of us in one breath, and Maria in particular, all the while claiming to be a victim?
And what is the difference between your behaviour here and someone who goes onto Microsoft’s website and offers them some “balance” by telling them that Linux is better?
“As Maria Brewin says: “Any large scale State occasion is considerably safer than the Notting Hill Carnival. Why? Look at the people.”
That’s the type of despicable comment that sums up the sentiments of some of the regulars here.”
Call it anything you like, I stand by it 100%. If it’s not down to the people, why the difference?
And just to annoy you even more, why don’t you look at the people involved in the Hyde Park water fight last month?
And that was a relatively small gathering.
Ah, well, tea time over for me.
A question Edward.
Is the “2 million” ( yes just under 1 in 30 of everybody in the U.K.!) a cumulative total for the two (or three?) days, so could include serious double counting, while Glastonbury might be tickets sold?
Even the BBC only says hundreds of thousands attend Notting Hill so where did the author you quote get his figures from? It is a well known trick of event organisers to hugely over estimate the attendance. Police figures are usually well less than half those claimed.
I have never attended the NH carnival but did attend the Countryside March where marchers were actually counted at over 400,000 and stretched over miles, which if 1 million a day really attended NH that would presumably go on for ever!
“Even the BBC only says hundreds of thousands attend Notting Hill…”
Are you sure you’re not looking at the figures for 1976? The BBC said 1 million in 2014.
Here are some sources of info:
2.5 Million
2 Million
2 Million
1 Million
For a reason I can’t fathom I can’t reply to your earlier post giving (partial) statistics on Black criminality. You truncated the wiki link and only gave details of black on black violent crime and of female black perpetrators.
“In June 2010 The Sunday Telegraph, through a Freedom of Information Act request, obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[n 1] The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent crimes in 2009–10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent. Between April 2005 and January 2006, figures from the Metropolitan Police Service showed that black people accounted for 46 percent of car-crime arrests generated by automatic number plate recognition cameras.[50]
Street crimes include muggings, assault with intent to rob, and snatching property. Black males accounted for 29 percent of the male victims of gun crime and 24 percent of the male victims of knife crime. Similar statistics were recorded for females. On knife crime, 45 percent of suspected female perpetrators were black; for gun crime, 58 percent; and for robberies, 52 percent.”
Very Al Beeb to only give part of the story.
The very last sentence (which is not a black-on-black statistic) was the one I was actually highlighting, because that is related to knife crime. But you’re right – I should have included the first paragraph.
This doesn’t change anything. It shows that 54% of male street crimes are committed by black men and a similar figure for black females.
STILL a long way off Jerry Owen’s “80/90 percent”.
Well spotted Peter!
I noticed another omission, also from that same wiki article Edward quoted, a mere three short paragraphs further down:
In London in 2006, 75% of the victims of gun crime and 79% of the suspects were “from the African/Caribbean community.”[31]
Not of course strictly relevant to knife-crime, but interesting nonetheless in the broader picture, surely. Can’t think why Edward might have omitted that peach, can you?
Other sources are also quite informative:
Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men.
So: 12% of London’s men are black, and they account for 46% of knife crime. If my calculations are correct, this means that statistically speaking the average black person in London is responsible for a little over six times the amount of knife crime than the average white person.
I wonder if Edward might see any correlation between this statistic, and Notting Hill and Hyde Park?
Edward, please be sure not to let let facts get in the way of your prejudice.
Oh, and I am giving up hope that you will ever answer my original questions directly. Never mind: your silence speaks volumes.
PS. Here’s the BBC saying “hundreds of thousands”:
The carnival is one of Europe’s largest street parties with hundreds of thousands attending each year.
“I noticed another omission, also from that same wiki article Edward quoted, a mere three short paragraphs further down:”
So, you want me to copy and paste the WHOLE wiki page?
“Not of course strictly relevant to knife-crime…”
“If my calculations are correct, this means that statistically speaking the average black person in London is responsible for a little over six times the amount of knife crime than the average white person.”
Yes, and if MY calculations are correct, the victims of those knife crimes are predominantly black people! The victims of knife crime – not only in London but in any part of the UK where there is a large black community (like here in my home city of Nottingham) – are people who are involved in criminal activities themselves.
“Oh, and I am giving up hope that you will ever answer my original questions directly. Never mind: your silence speaks volumes.”
I have answered your questions. Just because you’re not satisfied with my answers is not my problem. The reason you keep asking those questions is because you want me to say what you are already thinking. That’s the art of taking a debate into a circular argument so that the conversation never comes to a conclusion.
So why don’t you try to refute my arguments with facts and convincing counter-arguments rather than searching out (non-existent) holes in the evidence I have cited?
I’m here all week.
Edward, you called Maria’s comment “despicable”, yet the evidence I posted above shows that that black men in London commit (on average) six times more knife-crime per head. So what is so “despicable” about her comment?
Feel free to include your recent point that black men are twice as likely to be the victims of knife-crime in your answer.
You also said that Londoners were more violent that Glastonbury-goers. Why do you believe this? And what is different about your comment than Maria’s?
You went on an unprovoked offensive by collectively slurring all posters here and Maria in particular, while pretending that it is you who is under attack. Why do you think this is OK?
You may be labouring under the illusion that you would be “adding balance” to go to a Microsoft website (for example) and say that you think Linux is better, but that is a classic example of trolling. What are you doing here?
So no, you have still not answered any of my questions, which are now being posed for the (yawn) third time.
The more you return to Maria’s comment, the more I’m going to post it!
Maria said: “Any large scale State occasion is considerably safer than the Notting Hill Carnival. Why? Look at the people.“
So, bearing in mind that Maria said: “Any large scale State occasion is considerably safer than the Notting Hill Carnival. Why? Look at the people.“, I’m interested to know who you think “the people” actually are. Who was Maria referring to? White people? The organisers of Notting Hill carnival? The parade participants? Or just black people in general?
I think we all know the answer to that.
“I’m interested to know who you think “the people” actually are.”
Nice sidestep, but the question wasn’t about what I think of Maria’s post, it’s about what you think.
My question is, what do you find so “despicable” about Maria’s post – which you still haven’t answered.
Repeating her post and asking me a question is not an answer.
Nor have you answered (or even attempted to answer) the other three questions.
Are you capable of answering a straight question with a straight answer?
Time will tell.
Edward; do you do wedding and bar mitzvahs too? Well, weddings.
The End. Until the difficult next sequel, ‘we’ gather.
Has anyone noticed the use (or not) of the definite article when referring to the NH carnival?
The absence of ‘the’ is usually followed by a load of leftie bo****ks.
Speaking of THE Carnival at the Beeb will get you a few black marks (oops, marks of colour) on your HR record.
As far as I’m concerned it gets the definite article.
I don’t use pidgin.
It’s a really infuriating affectation, like shops now being located ‘on Oxford St’ instead of ‘in’ and (the worst of the lot) the use of the glottal stop in an attempt to sound ‘ordinary’ – a device popularised by Bliar.
I suppose calling it that bloody carnival would get you fired.
I am waiting for the BBC to produce a programme about Coloured ruled/governed African countries and their huge successes in agriculture, produce, manufacturing, commerce, industry and human rights since they kicked their White rulers out. It should be very interesting!
John Bull
Unfortunately the programme listings tend to run on the fifteen, thirty, forty five, and hour time slots. The programme you wish to see would only merit about five minutes ( introduction and ending ) so isn’t feasible for Al Beeb.
They could pad it out for another minute or so by listing muslim Nobel prize winners.
The success in African industry, agriculture etc. awaits settlers from among the graduates in media studies, ethnic studies, history of slavery and colonization, Islamic family law, International Law ( a euphemism for sharia) the Muslim family structure, black LBGT studies, and more. When these graduate – mainly from Goldsmiths, Soas, and the multiculty departments in Bristol and Exeter Universities hit Africa everyone will benefit.
Once again the cops join in the festivities at the Notting Hill Carnival.
Hope the girls enjoyed the attention.
Please tell me he’s not a real policeman.
Who knows anything for certain? He may be a real policeman but is likely to be quietly sacked with stories about a man impersonating a police officer. On the other hand he may be an impersonator in which case he has committed a crime added to which are obvious attempts to molest women.
Then we do have a tradition of cops joining in the festivities, patronising and embarassing many black people.
Notting Hill Carnival 2015.
Please tell me none of the people in the video are real.
No…he’s not real…you can get that stuff in fancy dress shops or surplus……women are a bit cheap though, must be lefty bitches, kudos to the girl that refused him…..he was a bit of a tosser.
Maria Brewin,
I did some checking on the police women in the video.
It is genuine here is the link to the Standard.
Maria Brewin,Spinning Reith and GRIM REAPER,
The male in the daggering dance is not a genuine cop. The event was filmed by an outfit called Trollstation, which, as the title suggests, does not deal in truth.
However, there are unconfirmed reports that the phony was arrested.
If not there should be grounds for a charge of imitating a police officer, as for many thousands who have watched the video, there is a belief that it is genuine and this calls the status of the police into question.
Meanwhile the 500 year old tradition of Morris Dancing with blacked up faces was banned.
How people of colour must be suffering in our racist post Brexit society.
James Delingpole wrote a superb piece on the braindead woodworm who brought that ban about. It was on Breitbart recently and is worth digging. As you would expect they are all professional agitators who have assumed an authority which they do not possess but who know which buttons to press to get what their Marxist masters have told them to achieve.
“complaints that the centuries-old tradition is racist.”
But if it’s ‘centuries old’ then surely it is part of our tradition,that is the excuse we keep getting for Sharia courts,Halal slaughter etc.?
Dug this out the other day,
“The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)”
UNDRIP?, nice to see the UN hasn’t lost it’s sense of hubris, anyway the declaration includes,
“According to Article 31, there is a major emphasis that the indigenous peoples will be able to protect their cultural heritage and other aspects of their culture and tradition, which is extremely important in preserving their heritage”
Looking forward to an ineffective and poorly equipped armed force with no real
mandate turning up in Shrewsbury to reinstate our blacked up face Morris dancers soon.
During the 18th century in Britain many who were forced from the land or excluded from it, took to poaching and stealing. They blacked their faces to avoid being detected. So the Black Act was passed to punish would be criminals from blacking their faces
Facts here. Sod all to do with racism, but much to do with genuine British history and how the Morris Dancers represented it
So stamp it out in the name of WAAAYCISM
The Black Act (9 Geo. 1 c. 22) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in 1723 in response to a series of raids by two groups of poachers, known as the Blacks. Arising in the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble’s collapse and the ensuing economic downturn, the Blacks gained their name from their habit of blacking their faces when undertaking poaching raids. They quickly demonstrated both “a calculated programme of action, and a conscious social resentment”,[1] and their activities led to the introduction of the Black Act to Parliament on 26 April 1723; it came into force on 27 May. The Act introduced the death penalty for over 50 criminal offences, including being found in a forest while disguised, and “no other single statute passed during the eighteenth century equalled [the Black Act] in severity, and none appointed the punishment of death in so many cases”.[2] Following a criminal law reform campaign in the early 19th century, it was largely repealed on 8 July 1823, when a reform bill introduced by Robert Peel came into force.
We spent the bank holiday weekend in Brixham Devon… not to be confused with a similar sounding place in Londonistan. We went across the river into Dartmouth for the regatta they had on, it was attended by thousands no trouble no bad atmosphere, and we saw about four police officers. How drearily and typically English.
Perhaps Dartmouth needs more vibrancy and diversity to bring it down to Notting Hill Carnivore standards!
Give it time Jerry.
Now we’re beginning to get some facts and figures; and they’re not pretty. Well over 50 police injured and several hospitalsed. I think it was 8 coppers that had to receive specialist treatment because some of these repulsive sub humans spat in their face. Understandably a police spokesman has said they have had enough of it and don’t want to continue to police this event. Who can blame them? It’s a completely thankless task. Perhaps we should leave the policing of this violent and tawdry shambles to that worthy organisation, Black Lives Matter. Let them see how it feels dealing with their own trash.
Bottles thrown, people mugged, stabbings, sexual assaults, gangs, drugs, house fronts used to defecate in.
Ah, bliss. The wonders of modern, multi cultural Britain.
See you all there next year…
They should force the matter….if the Police do not attend such a huge event…then it will be banned…and rightly so….contrast this with the ‘Britain First’ demo in Slough….maybe twenty of them, with leaflets, opposing Sharia and the Muslim horde…..100’s of chanting, puce-faced islamists gathered, insulting and jostling the peaceful protesters, actually stating that the UK was now their’s…..the Police made no attempt to arrest those muslims who threw punches or made hate comments, indeed, caught on film, a muslim landed a flying kick to and elderly mans back, injuring him….was he arrested?..i doubt it…Now BF are banned from Slough altogether….too much bother for the useless Police.
Sorry Slough…i was correcting my post on Britain First inserting Luton, which is correct. The time ran out to edit….apologies…LUTON police now ban BF from the town…
Just seen the 10:00 pm repeat of the BBC News lunchtime piece about Car-ni-val.
Loads of arrests, stabbings, police injured.
Film clip shows a white ne’er-do-well being led away by police, and a black stab victim – ho-hum.
Police Federation say their members dread the end of August.
However, a local resident interviewed, one Ishmahil Blagrove, author, film-maker – no shrinking violet he – reckons we shouldn’t concentrate on the negatives; it’s just the wealthy and influential who don’t want Car-ni-val to take place.
I wonder how many revellers vent their bladders and bowels in his front garden?
How the BBC choses to report the Notting Hill Carnival to children on Newsround:
Every year, thousands of people fill the streets of London with music and colour, wearing spectacular outfits and joining the Notting Hill Carnival. It’s a huge celebration of Caribbean culture in the capital city, and it kicks off with the Children’s Day parade.
And how they chose to report to children on England fans at Euro 2016 on er…Newsround….
Jenny has sent us an update from Lille in France, on the latest fan violence there ahead of the England v Wales match.
There are already lots of police in place, in case there is any more fighting between fans…..
Euro 2016: A history of football hooligans and violence….
The 1980’s was the worst time in history for this behavior and English fans had a terrible reputation for violence
Item in the DT today quoting the Chairman (really in these PC days?) of the Met Police Federation as saying ” ..The annual three day street party was no longer a fun loving event but had been hijacked by criminal elements” and that it should be scrapped.
My husband goes pretty much every year,a friend lives locally,but this year he came back early as the area was full of drunken Kosovans,his description, fighting and causing trouble.
Your post earlier is itself biased. We must have like for like.
First off arrests do not equate with crime unless a conviction is arrived at. Most at Glastonbury will be arrested but cautioned with drugs offences. But knife crime, robbery rape etc at NH carnival will result in charges. Further much crime will not result in arrests or charges as the criminals disappear which in Glastonbury enclosure they can’t.
Secondly Notting Hill carnival is ‘open’ for 20 hours officially, Glastonbury is ‘open’ officially for 45 hours.. over twice the length, further it is a n enclosed arena and partying is 24/7 far longer than NH carnival this equation has to be taken into account.
Your 2 million NH goers is arbitrary as I have heard many different figures over the years way lower, the BBC will of course jack the numbers up.
In 2010 there were 243 arrests at NH.
In Glastonbury in 2011 there were 18 arrests.. Source Somerset police.
This year at NH there were well over 400 arrests.
Like for like timescale , severity of crime, and convictions your work is clearly not done as you smugly believe.
Your reliance on tedious links designed to bore people to sleep are not working clearly .
Here is a little tid bit for you.. 2009-10 Mets own figures by the way, 67% of gun and knife crime perpetrators were black.. Mets own words.. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE UNSOLVED CRIME, so I stick with my 80-90% figure of black G/N crime especially as a London Judge I know confirms this.
See Edward, short concise to the point posts without tedious links all the time are all that is needed to blow you out the water.
I don’t spend much effort on you as you are not worth it but you are welcome to check out any other year you wish, but don’t forget…. factor the UNSOLVED CRIME as well, it’s called ‘non biased blogging’!
Here is a bit of the latest Speccie piece by the incomparable Rod Liddle, scion of the cut-price grocery chain…
“I go most years and enjoy the street food, the music and the sight of white police officers with fixed rictus grins ‘getting down’ with some vast-mammaried semi-clad mama, their helmets askew and rivulets of sweat running down each crisp white shirt. And of course the violence, the violence. I am delighted to say that in this regard 2016 did not disappoint, with more than 400 people arrested and five stabbed — and all for the very reasonable cost of just £7 million to the taxpayer.
I was slightly surprised that the new campaigning organisation ‘Black Lives Matter UK’ has not yet called for the carnival to be banned, as it seems to pose a rather more potent threat to black people than sitting in a police cell or being carted off to the nick in the back of a paddy wagon. It is true that a disproportionate number of black people suffer these latter two fates and a disproportionate number again are assaulted in both places. But not surely at such a rate— and the police rarely stab their victims, much preferring to punch them, strangle them or electrocute them.”
Difficult to know on which thread to post this quote, it is relevant to so many!
The man charged with the Dearlove murder in Blackheath, surname Timon, lives at an address where a convicted killer Wesley Timon, lived at the time of his 2005 trial. Google the 2005 killer Timon and you find a link to ‘Black Kalendar’.
Circle is complete.