“UK Police Investigate ‘Offensive’ Social Media Critics Of Huge New Migrant Centre,” By Liam Deacon, Breitbart, August 30, 2016:
UK police are investigating social media messages criticising plans to turn a huge former care home into accommodation for ‘asylum seekers’, warning users they could face jail if they ‘offend’ people.
Biased BBC headline
‘Southern Health NHS Trust boss Katrina Percy resigns. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-37221250
At last, some public sector accountability. Not exactly. Read on.
She has taken on a new role providing strategic advice……….on the same salary.
No doubt the relatives of various dead patients will be relieved.
Thank goodness our state broadcaster is properly accountable for the actions of its employees…….errrr………..
I made reference in the Weekend-Open-Thread (28th August) to the Muslim population in the Uk between 1951 and 2000. The figures quoted were from the International Journal of Environmental Science and Development Vol.1 no.2 (June 2010) and from the article Muslim Population in Europe 1950 – 2020 (Page 155, Houssain Kettani)
Further searches via the internet, surprisingly perhaps, threw up a blank in official numbers as figures quoted for 1950 and 1960 threw up a few question marks. However, i did find a site (Salaam) which covered “Immigration to the west” and it suggested more conservative approximations for those two periods and under estimating the rest (figures in brackets).
the Uk Muslim population:
1950 101,232 (1951 23,000)
1960 104,744 (1961 82,000)
1970 667,958 (1971 369,000)
1980 1,238.913 (1981 553,000)
1990 1,488,175 (1991 1,000,000)
2000 1,596,391
2010 2,475,971
I also made reference to Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech. I think it’s interesting and relevant now, nearly fifty years on, that Powell’s concerns have come to fruition. It also shows how succesive Governments, from either side, have continually appeased and totally ignored concerns from the people they are elected to protect.
Here is Enoch Powell’s speech in full (Saturday 20th April, 1968):
“The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles which are deeply rooted in human nature.
One is that by the very order of things such evils are not demonstrable until they have occurred: at each stage in their onset there is room for doubt and for dispute whether they be real or imaginary. By the same token, they attract little attention in comparison with current troubles, which are both indisputable and pressing: whence the besetting temptation of all politics to concern itself with the immediate present at the expense of the future.
Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles: “If only,” they love to think, “if only people wouldn’t talk about it, it probably wouldn’t happen.” Perhaps this habit goes back to the primitive belief that the word and the thing, the name and the object, are identical. At all events, the discussion of future grave but, with effort now, avoidable evils is the most unpopular and at the same time the most necessary occupation for the politician. Those who knowingly shirk it deserve, and not infrequently receive, the curses of those who come after.
A week or two ago I fell into conversation with a constituent, a middle-aged, quite ordinary working man employed in one of our nationalised industries.
After a sentence or two about the weather, he suddenly said: “If I had the money to go, I wouldn’t stay in this country.” I made some deprecatory reply to the effect that even this government wouldn’t last for ever; but he took no notice, and continued: “I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan’t be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas. In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”
I can already hear the chorus of execration. How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation?
The answer is that I do not have the right not to do so. Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that his country will not be worth living in for his children.
I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history.
In 15 or 20 years, on present trends, there will be in this country three and a half million Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants. That is not my figure. That is the official figure given to parliament by the spokesman of the Registrar General’s Office.
There is no comparable official figure for the year 2000, but it must be in the region of five to seven million, approximately one-tenth of the whole population, and approaching that of Greater London. Of course, it will not be evenly distributed from Margate to Aberystwyth and from Penzance to Aberdeen. Whole areas, towns and parts of towns across England will be occupied by sections of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population.
As time goes on, the proportion of this total who are immigrant descendants, those born in England, who arrived here by exactly the same route as the rest of us, will rapidly increase. Already by 1985 the native-born would constitute the majority. It is this fact which creates the extreme urgency of action now, of just that kind of action which is hardest for politicians to take, action where the difficulties lie in the present but the evils to be prevented or minimised lie several parliaments ahead.
The natural and rational first question with a nation confronted by such a prospect is to ask: “How can its dimensions be reduced?” Granted it be not wholly preventable, can it be limited, bearing in mind that numbers are of the essence: the significance and consequences of an alien element introduced into a country or population are profoundly different according to whether that element is 1 per cent or 10 per cent.
The answers to the simple and rational question are equally simple and rational: by stopping, or virtually stopping, further inflow, and by promoting the maximum outflow. Both answers are part of the official policy of the Conservative Party.
It almost passes belief that at this moment 20 or 30 additional immigrant children are arriving from overseas in Wolverhampton alone every week – and that means 15 or 20 additional families a decade or two hence. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancés whom they have never seen.
Let no one suppose that the flow of dependants will automatically tail off. On the contrary, even at the present admission rate of only 5,000 a year by voucher, there is sufficient for a further 25,000 dependants per annum ad infinitum, without taking into account the huge reservoir of existing relations in this country – and I am making no allowance at all for fraudulent entry. In these circumstances nothing will suffice but that the total inflow for settlement should be reduced at once to negligible proportions, and that the necessary legislative and administrative measures be taken without delay.
I stress the words “for settlement.” This has nothing to do with the entry of Commonwealth citizens, any more than of aliens, into this country, for the purposes of study or of improving their qualifications, like (for instance) the Commonwealth doctors who, to the advantage of their own countries, have enabled our hospital service to be expanded faster than would otherwise have been possible. They are not, and never have been, immigrants.
I turn to re-emigration. If all immigration ended tomorrow, the rate of growth of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population would be substantially reduced, but the prospective size of this element in the population would still leave the basic character of the national danger unaffected. This can only be tackled while a considerable proportion of the total still comprises persons who entered this country during the last ten years or so. Hence the urgency of implementing now the second element of the Conservative Party’s policy: the encouragement of re-emigration.
Nobody can make an estimate of the numbers which, with generous assistance, would choose either to return to their countries of origin or to go to other countries anxious to receive the manpower and the skills they represent.
Nobody knows, because no such policy has yet been attempted. I can only say that, even at present, immigrants in my own constituency from time to time come to me, asking if I can find them assistance to return home. If such a policy were adopted and pursued with the determination which the gravity of the alternative justifies, the resultant outflow could appreciably alter the prospects.
The third element of the Conservative Party’s policy is that all who are in this country as citizens should be equal before the law and that there shall be no discrimination or difference made between them by public authority. As Mr Heath has put it we will have no “first-class citizens” and “second-class citizens.” This does not mean that the immigrant and his descendent should be elevated into a privileged or special class or that the citizen should be denied his right to discriminate in the management of his own affairs between one fellow-citizen and another or that he should be subjected to imposition as to his reasons and motive for behaving in one lawful manner rather than another.
There could be no grosser misconception of the realities than is entertained by those who vociferously demand legislation as they call it “against discrimination”, whether they be leader-writers of the same kidney and sometimes on the same newspapers which year after year in the 1930s tried to blind this country to the rising peril which confronted it, or archbishops who live in palaces, faring delicately with the bedclothes pulled right up over their heads. They have got it exactly and diametrically wrong.
The discrimination and the deprivation, the sense of alarm and of resentment, lies not with the immigrant population but with those among whom they have come and are still coming.
This is why to enact legislation of the kind before parliament at this moment is to risk throwing a match on to gunpowder. The kindest thing that can be said about those who propose and support it is that they know not what they do.
Nothing is more misleading than comparison between the Commonwealth immigrant in Britain and the American Negro. The Negro population of the United States, which was already in existence before the United States became a nation, started literally as slaves and were later given the franchise and other rights of citizenship, to the exercise of which they have only gradually and still incompletely come. The Commonwealth immigrant came to Britain as a full citizen, to a country which knew no discrimination between one citizen and another, and he entered instantly into the possession of the rights of every citizen, from the vote to free treatment under the National Health Service.
Whatever drawbacks attended the immigrants arose not from the law or from public policy or from administration, but from those personal circumstances and accidents which cause, and always will cause, the fortunes and experience of one man to be different from another’s.
But while, to the immigrant, entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.
They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted. They now learn that a one-way privilege is to be established by act of parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent-provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions.
In the hundreds upon hundreds of letters I received when I last spoke on this subject two or three months ago, there was one striking feature which was largely new and which I find ominous. All Members of Parliament are used to the typical anonymous correspondent; but what surprised and alarmed me was the high proportion of ordinary, decent, sensible people, writing a rational and often well-educated letter, who believed that they had to omit their address because it was dangerous to have committed themselves to paper to a Member of Parliament agreeing with the views I had expressed, and that they would risk penalties or reprisals if they were known to have done so. The sense of being a persecuted minority which is growing among ordinary English people in the areas of the country which are affected is something that those without direct experience can hardly imagine.
I am going to allow just one of those hundreds of people to speak for me:
“Eight years ago in a respectable street in Wolverhampton a house was sold to a Negro. Now only one white (a woman old-age pensioner) lives there. This is her story. She lost her husband and both her sons in the war. So she turned her seven-roomed house, her only asset, into a boarding house. She worked hard and did well, paid off her mortgage and began to put something by for her old age. Then the immigrants moved in. With growing fear, she saw one house after another taken over. The quiet street became a place of noise and confusion. Regretfully, her white tenants moved out.
“The day after the last one left, she was awakened at 7am by two Negroes who wanted to use her ‘phone to contact their employer. When she refused, as she would have refused any stranger at such an hour, she was abused and feared she would have been attacked but for the chain on her door. Immigrant families have tried to rent rooms in her house, but she always refused. Her little store of money went, and after paying rates, she has less than £2 per week. “She went to apply for a rate reduction and was seen by a young girl, who on hearing she had a seven-roomed house, suggested she should let part of it. When she said the only people she could get were Negroes, the girl said, “Racial prejudice won’t get you anywhere in this country.” So she went home.
“The telephone is her lifeline. Her family pay the bill, and help her out as best they can. Immigrants have offered to buy her house – at a price which the prospective landlord would be able to recover from his tenants in weeks, or at most a few months. She is becoming afraid to go out. Windows are broken. She finds excreta pushed through her letter box. When she goes to the shops, she is followed by children, charming, wide-grinning piccaninnies. They cannot speak English, but one word they know. “Racialist,” they chant. When the new Race Relations Bill is passed, this woman is convinced she will go to prison. And is she so wrong? I begin to wonder.”
The other dangerous delusion from which those who are wilfully or otherwise blind to realities suffer, is summed up in the word “integration.” To be integrated into a population means to become for all practical purposes indistinguishable from its other members.
Now, at all times, where there are marked physical differences, especially of colour, integration is difficult though, over a period, not impossible. There are among the Commonwealth immigrants who have come to live here in the last fifteen years or so, many thousands whose wish and purpose is to be integrated and whose every thought and endeavour is bent in that direction.
But to imagine that such a thing enters the heads of a great and growing majority of immigrants and their descendants is a ludicrous misconception, and a dangerous one.
We are on the verge here of a change. Hitherto it has been force of circumstance and of background which has rendered the very idea of integration inaccessible to the greater part of the immigrant population – that they never conceived or intended such a thing, and that their numbers and physical concentration meant the pressures towards integration which normally bear upon any small minority did not operate.
Now we are seeing the growth of positive forces acting against integration, of vested interests in the preservation and sharpening of racial and religious differences, with a view to the exercise of actual domination, first over fellow-immigrants and then over the rest of the population. The cloud no bigger than a man’s hand, that can so rapidly overcast the sky, has been visible recently in Wolverhampton and has shown signs of spreading quickly. The words I am about to use, verbatim as they appeared in the local press on 17 February, are not mine, but those of a Labour Member of Parliament who is a minister in the present government:
‘The Sikh communities’ campaign to maintain customs inappropriate in Britain is much to be regretted. Working in Britain, particularly in the public services, they should be prepared to accept the terms and conditions of their employment. To claim special communal rights (or should one say rites?) leads to a dangerous fragmentation within society. This communalism is a canker; whether practised by one colour or another it is to be strongly condemned.’
All credit to John Stonehouse for having had the insight to perceive that, and the courage to say it.
For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood.”
That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century.
Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.”
(Source: Enoch Powell, Rivers of blood)
The next day (Sunday 21st) Conservative leader Edward Heath sacked Powell from his post as Shadow Defence Secretary, on the telephone. Apparently it was the last conversation they would have.
Heath then appeared on BBC’s Panorama (Monday 22nd) and told Robin Day: “I dismissed Mr Powell because I believed his speech was inflammatory and liable to damage race relations. I am determined to do everything I can to prevent racial problems developing into civil strife….I don’t believe the great majority of the British people share Mr Powell’s way of putting his views in his speech.”
(Source: Wikipedia)
I suppose that last sentence by Heath sums up how out of touch politicians have been from then until the present day.
Ah, J. Enoch, the old racist. I’ve found three points to be helpful when refuting the claims of friends and colleagues that Enoch Powell was simply racist (in the narrower sense of that term, not the grossly distended sense favoured by the BBC and their fellow travellers).
(i) If he was racist, how do you explain the Hola Camp Massacre speech? This question relates to his response in the House of Commons to a notorious incident during the Mau Mau Rising (1959) in Kenya. Denis Healey called it the finest speech he’d heard in the Commons. Despite the fact that it’s in Hansard, your interlocutor won’t have read it.
(ii) If he was racist, why did he ask his Urdu-speaking constituents, in Urdu, if they would like to talk to their MP about their concerns—in Urdu? (You can ask your friends to name three other Urdu-speaking white supremacists, if you like. That always goes down well.)
(iii) If he was racist, how did he retain the close friendship of Tony Benn, and the great admiration of Michael Foot? (The latter’s regard was reciprocated.)
Immigration was always a numbers game for Enoch Powell, and nothing to do with race. Witness the consequences for social cohesion of white immigration in some of the small market towns in eastern England. (And the ever-so-representative views of the ever-so-carefully hand-picked audiences when ‘Question Time’ comes from the Fens.)
Excellent points. Only this last weekend I was talking to somebody involved with the Open University in the 1980s. He said that Powell and Benn were the only MPs to really offer help and always wrote to him in longhand.
Both men for all their faults really believed that MPs served us and that we ,the voters, are sovereign.
Can you imagine many of the current lot ever really believing this. Arrogant bunch of self serving wasters.
The bBC has knocked out a 1 minute 20 video in which to help explain the hair policy at Pretoria Girls High a private school where people have to pay to send their daughters. SA school’s ‘racist hair rules’: A visual guide
The thing is, it takes much less than that to simply read it:
According to the bBC, the above is racist, really?
Ah, but there’s NOTHING beeboids like better than combing through (geddit?) smallprint with a magnifying glass looking for ‘evidence’ of waycism. Makes them feel sooo virtuous and superior to howibble nasty waycists.
Just for the record. On Newsshite, the following quote.
‘The Labour Party is in such an absolute state of shambolic collapse’
This from…….Polly Toynbee !!!!
Who, let us not forget, was our impartial state broadcaster’s impartial Social Affairs Editor once. LOL.
What a patronising bunch of nomarks on tonight. No wonder the elite wants to shut us up .I expect this lot can’t wait for state censorship and the gulags.
Imagine Polly- “I know it’s cold in winter but it is your own fault you just would not listen to your betters”
Tue – R4Today’s interview with Peter Wadhams, still panicking about Arctic Ice ven tho he’s made very firm predictions in the past which don’t come to pass
@AlexCull made a transcript and posted it over on CliScep
For those interested next week in Swansea the British Festival of Science will feature 3 lectures with Arctic Ice scare stories.
+ Other eco-propaganda New Space Solar, Solar Building Revolution,
chemistry in UN Sustainable Development, Anthropocene Era :Mark Williams
Meanwhile Al-Beeb constantly struggle to get tomorrows weather forecast correct…But there again, as we’ve been told time after time by our leftist betters….”That’s just weather”…(LOL)
Swansea Thu 8 Sep • 13:00 – 14:00
Virtue Signalling is big across all Regressive orgs not just BBC, so at the British Festival of Science the Presidential Address is : UK Migration: separating fact and fiction
….It’s by Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini who did the main paper people quote when they assert that immigration is a economic positive. Summary of their 2013 paper
You can guess that the lecture will paint the positive picture by the way they choose to use the word migration instead of immigration.
There are 2 other Virtue Signaling lectures about women ..as well as the Eco-propaganda events I mentioned above.
“Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini who did the main paper people quote when they assert that immigration is a economic positive”
I’m happy to accept the immigration is an economuc positive if they will accept that:
1) the French, Italian and Greek economies are all in a worse state than ours,
2) those three countries need all the economic positives that can get
3) we must be generous and allow them to improve their economies by keeping all the immigrants.
Th fact is immigration is an economic benefit to some, while the costs are shared by all and borne most heavily by the least advantaged i.e those competing for welfare ,social housing and working class jobs (inlcuding skilled) where language skills are not rated highly.
I’m tormented with grief at poor Jeremy’s ordeal. What’s that old saying, ‘A liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet’. From the heart of my bottom I pray to Karl Marx who art in Heaven that Jeremy doesn’t end up on the slippery slope to conservatism as a reaction to his traumatic experience.
I have to say that on this occasion, Jeremy Vine might well be in the right. The woman looks pretty out-of-control to me, and Vine could be correct in his opinion that she could be a danger to others.
It does seem that men and women of colour live on much shorter fuses than whitey. We see it in Africa, America, Calais and even in the UK. Reaction – that is the biggest problem for Black youths when stopped and searched. Sure they are more likely to be so, but if a victim tells police a Black kid did it, no sensible copper, not clever, few are, but sensible, would stop a white kid in the vicinity. But then Al Beeb don’t think that way, it’s always racism.
Through work I’ve had dealings with Midge and one of my colleagues visited his house, he’s done OK! But regardless of his politics, he is a geniunely decent family guy and without any pretentions. I’m not sure the same can be said of the other one…
Am deeply moved by the family of murdered backpacker’s decision to include a passage from the quran at her funeral, to counter the “misrepresentation” of her killing as an act of terrorism (despite the attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar”). I wonder whose idea that was? Oh look, it was their Minister, bless – who would have his own Christian throat slit pretty pronto in many muslim countries or live in dhimmitude and fear in many others. In the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation I would like to suggest some possible verses, below. According to The Relgion of Peace website ‘The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule’. Mmm, I love the smell of Peace in the morning. https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx
“And kill them wherever you find them… And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone…”Fighting is prescribed for you… As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help… “Soon shall We cast terror into the https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspxhearts of the Unbelievers”… if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; … The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
Or are the BBC playing a prank? Just putting something unusual out there simply to see if anyone is still concentrating?
Frank Gardner OBE of all people just said on national news: ‘this has been the bloodiest Ramadan anyone can remember’
He was only stating the bleedin’ obvious, I know, but this was the BBC. The context was our Frank’s take on the ISIS chief propaganda guy getting Allah Akbarred by a US strike. Ibn Mohammad Mohammed Ibn or whatever is supposed to be the chap who called for the killing of Infidels in whatever way with whatever comes to hand – especially the French.
I’m sure it wasn’t deliberate but another unfortunate piece of news script writing at the BBC had me guffawing out loud today during a prime-time (8a.m.) news broadcast on the Radio 4 flagship news programme, Today.
The recently deceased Abu Muhammad al-Adnani was decribed as ‘chief strategist of the Islamic State group’ and ‘high profile’.
Pure comedy.
I’m so glad I gave up television. Well, apart from the fact there is no danger that I will subjected to trails for a certain programme that might feature a former prominent British Labour politician, I am glad that I am not helping to pay the salaries of highly paid Editors, Producers and Station heads who let serious news broadcasts descend into ridicule.
The BBC appears to be on a steady and consistent downward slope. Can it be saved?
Am deeply moved by the family of murdered backpacker’s decision to include a passage from the quran at her funeral, to counter the “misrepresentation” of her killing as an act of terrorism (despite the attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar”). I wonder whose idea that was? Oh look, it was their Minister, ..
I have immense sympathy with the family who probably aren’t in a position to make sensible judgements at this time, but I think it disgraceful that a minister from the Christian church should elect to mis-represent Islam in this way.
I presume it is through ignorance, or the usual lefty penchant to deceive themselves into believing something that ought to be true, actually is true.
But really, someone who’s job is to know about religion should know better than this.
I wonder how many more ‘investigators’ (don’t tell him, Joey!) are working in the edit suite to filter out the dirty secrets the BBC doesn’t even want the BBC to know about?
BBC London News briefly touch on a ‘teenager shot in the head in North London… no arrests have been made’
Meanwhile our national BBC tv news ignore the London shooting and feature a rather more lengthy report about a recent death in Harlow – the point of the BBC’s interest here apparently being this incident may have been a ‘Hate Crime’. Mind you, that’s just one line of Police inquiry.
So what was the North London shooting… a love crime?
To be fair, the shooting of a youth in London is barley news worthy these days. Of note is that I saw the term “broken Britain” used to describe the murder in Harlow. That’s a term I haven’t heard in years. Used frequently in the past by the press to describe a group of ferral kids from some estate. Whether the unfortunate victim was foreign or not is irrelevant. The street urchins tend to pick on anyone they perceive as different, old, disabled, black, gay, I find that our street scum are not all that discriminating in selecting victims.
0800 News R4, Today programme: we learn again for the nth time that the joint effort between EU navies in the Med has just led to 6,500 ‘Refugees’, ‘Immigrants’ (I’m not sure which expression is in vogue presently) being, “saved”. This, on one day alone. Abandoning any critical analysis of the position, the BBC go on to tell us that the EU fleet is, “Taking on the Smugglers”. Really? It seems the fleet is acting as a taxi service rather than having any effect whatever on “the Smugglers”. If the BBC had any intention of being analytical in their news commentaries, they would have interviewed someone of authority (if there is one but no doubt, German) and asked, ‘Just how many Smugglers have been detained and charged’? I submit the reply would be, ‘none’. Yet another glaring example of the EU scandal of conspiracy to ship as many Third World people in to the EU to detrimentally dilute the indigenous populations of Europe. It will go on relentlessly until the peoples of Europe act. Needless to say, only then, will we get the BBC scrutiny currently lacking.
I’ve lost count of where I was in my series of ‘BBC Word Watch’ from last summer when David Cameron attracted immense criticism from the BBC, ‘the Left’ and most of the rest of the media over his use of the word ‘swarm’ but I’ll settle for …
Frantic Semantics No.5 (BBC Word Watch from a hushed huddle somewhere near you) – SURGE
Surge is now acceptable as a word to be used in conjunction with migration because Mishal Hussein used it on TODAY today.
Who will stand up for the 17 million good decent people against the dark EU side of the force – perhaps it will be the ‘plus one other to be confirmed’ ?
‘On Thursday 23 June Britain voted to leave the European Union. What happens next? A panel of experts joins Jonathan Dimbleby to debate questions from the audience.’
Oh dear. The line up, desides Dimblebum…
Chris Patten ‘This wretched campaign, which could foul our future…’
Daniela Schwazer ‘Member of United Europe… We have to continue building Europe together. Otherwise we will not be able to sustain what has been established so far.’
Apologies if this was already posted, it’s from the Mirror two days ago (Aug 29). Did anyone spot it at the time? Apparently it wasn’t in the mainstream German press (wonder why). Suspect not on the BBC – can anyone confirm?
Not on beeb when I last looked. Systematic suppression of religion of peace and mental disorder stories Europe-wide. Make that worldwide. The enemy aren’t just at the gates – they’re well and truly ensconced in the open-door fortress with their hands on many of the levers of power, directly or indirectly. I think we’ve had it.
PTG.. I rather suspect that the suppression of negativity towards the Islamic religion by the media, is they realise that worldwide feeling towards Muslims is a tinderbox waiting to be lit, and the slightest negative encouragement from the media/governments/police etc would kick off a backlash they couldn’t control. So they have to put a positive ‘spin’ on any Islamic crime by passing it off as a mental illness, or not a terror related incident. This will only happen for so long before the tinderbox turns into a raging bonfire.
[Probably] sadly, I think it unlikely that a backlash will come from the indigenous population, more likely is an uprising from the large Muslim minority in ten or twenty years time.
Encouraged by the dhimmi BBC, the population will be persuaded how fantastic it is going to be now that we all have the choice of being enlightened into the religion of peace, paying protection money, or being killed.
Surely, only a racist would turn down the opportunity to convert to Islam???? “What a great way to get rid of all the racists at one time!”, the left will opine.
In between an unrelenting flood of nauseating so-called refugee stories on “Today” this morning, I heard from “Michel (how does it feel) Hussein” that some people haven’t seen a “Police Officer” on the beat for more than a year.
Funny how Bedfordshire Police “Service” (LOL) managed to find at least three to arrest Tommy Robinson for watching Football! (Obviously not reported by Michel.
What a classic. Proof that lycra wearing, helmeted, smug virtue signalling cyclists think they own the road and should be entitled to do anything.
Cycle on the pavement, go through red lights, overtake, undertake, cycle at 15mph in the middle of the road, irrespective of the queue behind them.
If the authorities wish to press charges against the lady in question, will someone please let me know where I can send a donation for her defence.
Not all cyclists are like that. I don’t wear a helmet or lycra and if possible I will move over to allow cars to pass – Vine should have done that straight away. It’s pointless antagonising motorists, especially when many of them, such as the person in that film, are in a state of high tension caused by the passive stress of driving.
AslSeelt, I note in the ‘Cycling Weekly’ report that the vehicle driven was a ‘Black Vauxhall’. Is this correct? If the other picture is anything to go on, it was the driver who was black and female. A bit more integration for you, eh. Jeremy?
i WANT FAIR BALANCED REPORTING ON EVERY SUBJECT FROM THE BBC IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT.Edward who reminds me of evan davis childish remarks about the n h carnival,your facts are flawed when you fail to take account of police numbers.This is a silly dispute just try an imagine what it would be like without any police,2011 riots spring to mind.
I saw Evan Davis in the real for the first time in a good many years on a trailer for Newsnight. Hasn’t he changed? Looks now more like one of the evil gnomes in Lord of The Rings.
Doesn’t fit the anti brexit everyones a racist agenda.
Whine on radio 2 bigging up the apple tax issue in Ireland, trying to imply the EU are are for everyones good and that we are stupid for leaving. Stick to the cycling Jezza oops sorry you aren’t good at that either.
“The non-white colonizer population of Brussels, Belgium, has plunged the “capital of the EU” into a poverty-ridden depression with a 25 percent unemployed rate and one-third living below the official poverty line.
According to a report in the Belgian VTM Nieuws, a third of the population of Brussels live “on an income below the poverty line.”
The figures come from the latest Brussels Welfare Barometer of 2015, issued by the Brussels Observatory for Health and Welfare.
According to official figures, at least 56.5 percent of the population in Brussels is of “foreign origin.” In 1961 it was only 7.3 percent, and most of those were other European nationals.
Since 2008—that is, eight years ago already—the most popular boy’s name in Brussels has been Mohammed (Source: Algemene Directie Statistiek En Economische Informatie Persbericht, November 24, 2009).”
This is the capital of Europe and these are the facts. Clearly our continent is being given away to (mostly) unemployable migrants, and every single one of us has no choice in the matter and is indirectly funding the influx through taxation which (STILL) goes – in part – to Brussels. And where’s our national treasure of a broadcaster on all this? Worrying about whether a South African school’s hair policy is racist…
Have they padded the walls of the bBBC newsroom yet?
A Polish guy has been murdered in Harlow by a bunch of youth thugs.
It is immediately assumed to be a Hate Crime by the ‘authorities’.
I wonder if readers can think of another situation where similar ‘authorities’ would immediately put an equivalent criminal event down to ‘vulnerable young people with Mental Health issues’?
The bBBC are bigging up the rights of pregnant women in the workplace amid accusations of unequal treatment.
Anyone else find this going against their experience?
With vast experience of a range of higher end manufacturing industries, and even a spell in the charity sector (the least ethical BTW), my direct expereince is that pregnant women ARE indeed treated unequally, because they benefit from favouristism.
Business are always restructuring and adjusting in a way alien to the public sector. Those businesses cannot afford moratoriums due to pregnant women. So what happens is the restructuring comes but the women on maternity leave get treated with kid gloves and are exempt, untouchable. Meanwhile, workers, by definition usually male, who have been actually working throughout are the ones who get restructured and made redundant.
While business tries to do business, at no cost to the taxpaer, the statist organisations try and undermine them, with the entitlement culture of the biased BBC at the forefront.
The Beeb are in lightning mode when womens issues become news. Unequal pay, prejudice against pregnant women, breastfeeding in public (nooooooo!), lesbians in the workplace, more women presenters etc etc. British Breast Corporation would be a more appropriate name.
The doctors of late singer Meir Ariel recommended, as his song Terminal Lominelt tells, a monthly visit to the airport. By the same token, I would recommend that those complaining about Israel’s international isolation visit an English pub from time to time, preferably outside of London. While every pub has a television or two, the patrons’ opinions about Israel will, for the most part, be very different from what we’ve become accustomed to hearing on international media networks.
“Way to go, Jews! Respect! You are succeeding in dealing with all the troubles that Europe is bowing to,” said Dale, who sat at the bar at a Manchester pub, immediately after he realized that I am Israeli. His enthusiasm was so great that he gathered the rest of the patrons around us and asked them how to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict. And let’s just say that the responses were taken from the extreme Right of our political spectrum. After another round of beers, it became clear that there were people of different backgrounds at the bar — academics, like Dale, manual laborers, Conservatives, Labour Party voters, those who were happy about Britain’s exit from the European Union and those who were against it. But everyone supported Israel, without exception. And I asked about the future of Jerusalem — everyone wanted it to remain in Jewish hands.
Surprisingly, the same consensus repeated itself at dozens of other pubs that I visited during my two weeks in England and Scotland. Many of my conversation partners even apologized for the British media’s completely different attitude. “Here, you hear what people really think,” one man told me at a small country pub in northern Scotland. “And there,” he pointed at the television screen,” There, they will only tell you things that someone determined to be political norms.”
This distinction between “here” and “there” is not only in Britain, but in all of Europe. The difference between what people on the street think and what is presented by the media elite as the “right opinion” has never been greater. This is the Europe that nobody talks about, and it is growing bigger and stronger each day. On days when there is an Islamist terrorist attack, it grows twice as much. This new Europe has no negative sentiment toward Israel. The opposite is true — as the preaching in the pages of The Guardian newspaper about the supposed evils of the Israeli military continues, love for Israel grows in Britain’s pubs. The pub-goers are beginning to understand: Israel is fighting the same enemy that sets off bombs in Brussels, slits throats in London and rams into crowds in Nice.
A few years ago, Israel was for many Europeans the “bad seed” in the Middle East. Arab propaganda achieved a lot and managed to create a terrible image for Israel in certain European countries. But images are fluid, especially when they clash with reality. The reality of the culture war with extremist Islam is causing many Europeans to look at Israel as a preferred ally.
This trend has not yet found expression in politics, because the political echelon in Europe follows behind the opinion of its voting public. Officials in Brussels were late to identify European voter disappointment in the European Union project, and now they are again late in identifying the public trend from resentment of Israel to admiration of it. Europe is on the verge of a major turning point. The reasons for the rising tides of change are not related to Israel, but Israel must be prepared to ride the waves.
Ariel Bolstein is the founder of the Israel advocacy organization Faces of Israel.
Radio 2 2pm news, main point, the Polish Ambassador visits the scene of the tragic murder in Essex, Police immediately suspect a racist attack and of course the BBC are more than happy to report as such unlike the myriad of attacks that go unreported by the BBC or are put down to the mentally unstable by our authorities.
How come they are so sure in this case and so quickly have psychological reports already been completed on those arrested?
Following the news, Steve Wright is off sick, the BBC quickly scan their book of quick call stand in lefties and who do we get? The cant from Thanet…Al Murray, quickly reaches for the off switch…
What happened to proper radio presenters, all Radio 2 now seems to offer are ‘slebs’
Hear Tommy Robinson, whose case will never be presented by the BBC. New banning orders proposed and how he intends to defy them.
It it impossible to believe that this government have not taken sides in a battle against the people, against freedom of expression and in support of Islam.
At the head of this government sits Teresa May. Much more of a Quisling than Cameron.
Have I missed it? Has Snuffy not been paying attention? Or am I a bit early? Expecting too much?
The BBC do not appear to have celebrated Camilla Day. No, not the Duchess of Cornwall, the other one – the one spelt Camila but pronounced by many (all?) as Camilla – who, I seem to recall, was eased out of a prominent job in August 2015. Anniversaries of any event always seem meat and drink to the BBC. Aside: can’t wait for 24 September. 🙂 The closure of Kids Company filled the August airwaves and newsprint for over a week, a year ago this month. Not like the BBC to have missed something like that!
Now the liberal economic consensus tells us that Brexit will be a DISASTER, but should we believe it?
BBC HardTalk with Steve Keen (alternative economist)
…”consensus tells us that Brexit will be a DISASTER”
What drug are they on ??
Cos I must have missed that survey of all economists where the conclusion about “Disaster”
Sounds like it came out of the brain of a Lefty producer instead.
BTW the same prog just did an episode with Derek Hatton …another BBC Lefty favourite, as they gatekeep against non-Lefties
Picture 50 Virtue signalling flags waving above Broadcasting house by 6pm everyday.
If we assume they begin with a clean slate every midnight, then the first one must be raised by 5 past midnight to be quickly joined by others.
Meanwhile other flags fly constantly above Broadcasting House :
The EU flag,
The Labour Party Flag,
The Special Corbyn Flag,
The Tesla Flag (Their PF’s biggest private shareholding),
The Guardian Flag
Their #AllWomenAreVictims Flag
A tattered and soiled Union Jack to represent the BBC’s view of British History
Their Rainbow Flag (on a black background,not white/pale of course)
Tragically a family crossing a road was almost wiped out by a car being chased by police. In Penge. Early reports say that its as the result of a suspected child abduction from a supermarket as to why the police gave chase. Not a happy outcome for all concerned.
The police are damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Tweets tend to suggest the child was in the car which was stolen. If this story suddenly disappears from Bbc news, I think we’ll know why….
BBC R4 news bigging up the murder of a Pole as a likely hate crime, no other explanation being considered.
The Police say it may be a racist attack. The BBC must know the background of the arrested teenagers. What will the BBC do if the attackers are not white?
Fdream – had to turn Radio 4 PM off “again” Pissed off with listening to presenter turning herself inside out trying to get MP for Harlow to categorically declare this was a “Hate Crime caused by Brexit”!- Kerching what a double whammy – Hate Crime and Brexit all in the same sentence. News editors must have been creaming themselves on that one.
What sort of bastards must we all be, to have voted the wrong way and caused this Tsunami of “Hate Crime”
Pity the BBC not so interested in ” mentally ill crime” as it seems to affect the indigenous population whos contribution to society is obviously much less valuable.
I have a feeling though that “Operation White Guilt” may well backfire. They tried it with the Jo Cox and people were sick of it then – and I think may well be heartily bored with it now. Still it will keep all these lefty presenters with plenty to witter on about
‘These strikes can become a focal point of anger at the Tories’ attacks on the NHS and austerity—and for resistance against it.
There is the potential to build coordinated fightback.
The NUT teachers could also strike this autumn in defence of education—they should coordinate with the BMA.
The TUC and union leaders should throw their weight behind the junior doctors and help build practical solidarity.
Every trade unionist and campaigner should immediately start building solidarity in their workplaces, colleges and campaigns for the junior doctors’.
StewGreenFeb 1, 21:50 Weekend 1st February 2025 As usual I checked Twitter hoping to find what impact Simon Jenkins Guardian comment article had .. almost none ..…
StewGreenFeb 1, 21:45 Weekend 1st February 2025 final refrain “No one likes us, no one likes us but you need us so beware”
moggiemooFeb 1, 21:37 Weekend 1st February 2025 I’m lucky. I never search for news so I never get results like that. I’d rather be uninformed than misinformed.…
Up2snuffFeb 1, 21:16 Weekend 1st February 2025 tomo, as some northern Irish friends of mine would say: “Bit of a looker!” 🙂
SluffFeb 1, 21:09 Weekend 1st February 2025 It’s important to make informed decisions. Are you wheelchair-bound? Are you BAME? Are you gay? If 2 out of 3…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 1, 21:08 Weekend 1st February 2025 Search engines still throw up BBC to the top of search lists on a variety of topics. Even DuckDuckGo returns…
MarkyMarkFeb 1, 20:58 Weekend 1st February 2025 Ofcom is funded by fees from the companies it regulates, and by grants from the UK government. ………………….. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/structure-and-leadership/how-is-ofcom-funded/ In…
moggiemooFeb 1, 20:56 Weekend 1st February 2025 Meat will be illegal soon so you needn’t concern yourself. I’m guessing insects won’t need carving.
MarkyMarkFeb 1, 20:54 Weekend 1st February 2025 2019 … Knife crime and policing https://www.davidlammy.co.uk/knife-crime-and-policing/ Protecting the public is the first duty of the government. I fear that…
Philip_2Feb 1, 20:54 Weekend 1st February 2025 OFCOM the TV watchdog faces legal battle over ‘glaring BBC Brexit bias’ “The broadcasting regulator is being taken to court…
Cricketer breaks England batting record
How much more dumbed-down can they go?
“UK Police Investigate ‘Offensive’ Social Media Critics Of Huge New Migrant Centre,” By Liam Deacon, Breitbart, August 30, 2016:
UK police are investigating social media messages criticising plans to turn a huge former care home into accommodation for ‘asylum seekers’, warning users they could face jail if they ‘offend’ people.
Sickening: UK Teen Gymnast Kills Herself for Fear She Would be Branded an Islamophobe over Joke Photo.
Apologies if already posted.
Biased BBC headline
‘Southern Health NHS Trust boss Katrina Percy resigns.
At last, some public sector accountability. Not exactly. Read on.
She has taken on a new role providing strategic advice……….on the same salary.
No doubt the relatives of various dead patients will be relieved.
Thank goodness our state broadcaster is properly accountable for the actions of its employees…….errrr………..
SECRET SHOCKING VIDEO: Watch what they are teaching in Islamic Schools
People being told to be two-faced to non-muslims, not to take British citizenship, etc etc.
Watch before youtube takes it down…
In the refugee centers in Germany the arabs masturbate in front of the women workers. A female worker describes what it is really like working there…
(Thanks to mjazzguitar at http://pamelageller.com/2016/08/secret-shocking-video-watch-what-they-are-teaching-in-islamic-schools.html)
I made reference in the Weekend-Open-Thread (28th August) to the Muslim population in the Uk between 1951 and 2000. The figures quoted were from the International Journal of Environmental Science and Development Vol.1 no.2 (June 2010) and from the article Muslim Population in Europe 1950 – 2020 (Page 155, Houssain Kettani)
Further searches via the internet, surprisingly perhaps, threw up a blank in official numbers as figures quoted for 1950 and 1960 threw up a few question marks. However, i did find a site (Salaam) which covered “Immigration to the west” and it suggested more conservative approximations for those two periods and under estimating the rest (figures in brackets).
the Uk Muslim population:
1950 101,232 (1951 23,000)
1960 104,744 (1961 82,000)
1970 667,958 (1971 369,000)
1980 1,238.913 (1981 553,000)
1990 1,488,175 (1991 1,000,000)
2000 1,596,391
2010 2,475,971
I also made reference to Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech. I think it’s interesting and relevant now, nearly fifty years on, that Powell’s concerns have come to fruition. It also shows how succesive Governments, from either side, have continually appeased and totally ignored concerns from the people they are elected to protect.
Here is Enoch Powell’s speech in full (Saturday 20th April, 1968):
“The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles which are deeply rooted in human nature.
One is that by the very order of things such evils are not demonstrable until they have occurred: at each stage in their onset there is room for doubt and for dispute whether they be real or imaginary. By the same token, they attract little attention in comparison with current troubles, which are both indisputable and pressing: whence the besetting temptation of all politics to concern itself with the immediate present at the expense of the future.
Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles: “If only,” they love to think, “if only people wouldn’t talk about it, it probably wouldn’t happen.” Perhaps this habit goes back to the primitive belief that the word and the thing, the name and the object, are identical. At all events, the discussion of future grave but, with effort now, avoidable evils is the most unpopular and at the same time the most necessary occupation for the politician. Those who knowingly shirk it deserve, and not infrequently receive, the curses of those who come after.
A week or two ago I fell into conversation with a constituent, a middle-aged, quite ordinary working man employed in one of our nationalised industries.
After a sentence or two about the weather, he suddenly said: “If I had the money to go, I wouldn’t stay in this country.” I made some deprecatory reply to the effect that even this government wouldn’t last for ever; but he took no notice, and continued: “I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan’t be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas. In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”
I can already hear the chorus of execration. How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation?
The answer is that I do not have the right not to do so. Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that his country will not be worth living in for his children.
I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history.
In 15 or 20 years, on present trends, there will be in this country three and a half million Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants. That is not my figure. That is the official figure given to parliament by the spokesman of the Registrar General’s Office.
There is no comparable official figure for the year 2000, but it must be in the region of five to seven million, approximately one-tenth of the whole population, and approaching that of Greater London. Of course, it will not be evenly distributed from Margate to Aberystwyth and from Penzance to Aberdeen. Whole areas, towns and parts of towns across England will be occupied by sections of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population.
As time goes on, the proportion of this total who are immigrant descendants, those born in England, who arrived here by exactly the same route as the rest of us, will rapidly increase. Already by 1985 the native-born would constitute the majority. It is this fact which creates the extreme urgency of action now, of just that kind of action which is hardest for politicians to take, action where the difficulties lie in the present but the evils to be prevented or minimised lie several parliaments ahead.
The natural and rational first question with a nation confronted by such a prospect is to ask: “How can its dimensions be reduced?” Granted it be not wholly preventable, can it be limited, bearing in mind that numbers are of the essence: the significance and consequences of an alien element introduced into a country or population are profoundly different according to whether that element is 1 per cent or 10 per cent.
The answers to the simple and rational question are equally simple and rational: by stopping, or virtually stopping, further inflow, and by promoting the maximum outflow. Both answers are part of the official policy of the Conservative Party.
It almost passes belief that at this moment 20 or 30 additional immigrant children are arriving from overseas in Wolverhampton alone every week – and that means 15 or 20 additional families a decade or two hence. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancés whom they have never seen.
Let no one suppose that the flow of dependants will automatically tail off. On the contrary, even at the present admission rate of only 5,000 a year by voucher, there is sufficient for a further 25,000 dependants per annum ad infinitum, without taking into account the huge reservoir of existing relations in this country – and I am making no allowance at all for fraudulent entry. In these circumstances nothing will suffice but that the total inflow for settlement should be reduced at once to negligible proportions, and that the necessary legislative and administrative measures be taken without delay.
I stress the words “for settlement.” This has nothing to do with the entry of Commonwealth citizens, any more than of aliens, into this country, for the purposes of study or of improving their qualifications, like (for instance) the Commonwealth doctors who, to the advantage of their own countries, have enabled our hospital service to be expanded faster than would otherwise have been possible. They are not, and never have been, immigrants.
I turn to re-emigration. If all immigration ended tomorrow, the rate of growth of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population would be substantially reduced, but the prospective size of this element in the population would still leave the basic character of the national danger unaffected. This can only be tackled while a considerable proportion of the total still comprises persons who entered this country during the last ten years or so. Hence the urgency of implementing now the second element of the Conservative Party’s policy: the encouragement of re-emigration.
Nobody can make an estimate of the numbers which, with generous assistance, would choose either to return to their countries of origin or to go to other countries anxious to receive the manpower and the skills they represent.
Nobody knows, because no such policy has yet been attempted. I can only say that, even at present, immigrants in my own constituency from time to time come to me, asking if I can find them assistance to return home. If such a policy were adopted and pursued with the determination which the gravity of the alternative justifies, the resultant outflow could appreciably alter the prospects.
The third element of the Conservative Party’s policy is that all who are in this country as citizens should be equal before the law and that there shall be no discrimination or difference made between them by public authority. As Mr Heath has put it we will have no “first-class citizens” and “second-class citizens.” This does not mean that the immigrant and his descendent should be elevated into a privileged or special class or that the citizen should be denied his right to discriminate in the management of his own affairs between one fellow-citizen and another or that he should be subjected to imposition as to his reasons and motive for behaving in one lawful manner rather than another.
There could be no grosser misconception of the realities than is entertained by those who vociferously demand legislation as they call it “against discrimination”, whether they be leader-writers of the same kidney and sometimes on the same newspapers which year after year in the 1930s tried to blind this country to the rising peril which confronted it, or archbishops who live in palaces, faring delicately with the bedclothes pulled right up over their heads. They have got it exactly and diametrically wrong.
The discrimination and the deprivation, the sense of alarm and of resentment, lies not with the immigrant population but with those among whom they have come and are still coming.
This is why to enact legislation of the kind before parliament at this moment is to risk throwing a match on to gunpowder. The kindest thing that can be said about those who propose and support it is that they know not what they do.
Nothing is more misleading than comparison between the Commonwealth immigrant in Britain and the American Negro. The Negro population of the United States, which was already in existence before the United States became a nation, started literally as slaves and were later given the franchise and other rights of citizenship, to the exercise of which they have only gradually and still incompletely come. The Commonwealth immigrant came to Britain as a full citizen, to a country which knew no discrimination between one citizen and another, and he entered instantly into the possession of the rights of every citizen, from the vote to free treatment under the National Health Service.
Whatever drawbacks attended the immigrants arose not from the law or from public policy or from administration, but from those personal circumstances and accidents which cause, and always will cause, the fortunes and experience of one man to be different from another’s.
But while, to the immigrant, entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.
They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted. They now learn that a one-way privilege is to be established by act of parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent-provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions.
In the hundreds upon hundreds of letters I received when I last spoke on this subject two or three months ago, there was one striking feature which was largely new and which I find ominous. All Members of Parliament are used to the typical anonymous correspondent; but what surprised and alarmed me was the high proportion of ordinary, decent, sensible people, writing a rational and often well-educated letter, who believed that they had to omit their address because it was dangerous to have committed themselves to paper to a Member of Parliament agreeing with the views I had expressed, and that they would risk penalties or reprisals if they were known to have done so. The sense of being a persecuted minority which is growing among ordinary English people in the areas of the country which are affected is something that those without direct experience can hardly imagine.
I am going to allow just one of those hundreds of people to speak for me:
“Eight years ago in a respectable street in Wolverhampton a house was sold to a Negro. Now only one white (a woman old-age pensioner) lives there. This is her story. She lost her husband and both her sons in the war. So she turned her seven-roomed house, her only asset, into a boarding house. She worked hard and did well, paid off her mortgage and began to put something by for her old age. Then the immigrants moved in. With growing fear, she saw one house after another taken over. The quiet street became a place of noise and confusion. Regretfully, her white tenants moved out.
“The day after the last one left, she was awakened at 7am by two Negroes who wanted to use her ‘phone to contact their employer. When she refused, as she would have refused any stranger at such an hour, she was abused and feared she would have been attacked but for the chain on her door. Immigrant families have tried to rent rooms in her house, but she always refused. Her little store of money went, and after paying rates, she has less than £2 per week. “She went to apply for a rate reduction and was seen by a young girl, who on hearing she had a seven-roomed house, suggested she should let part of it. When she said the only people she could get were Negroes, the girl said, “Racial prejudice won’t get you anywhere in this country.” So she went home.
“The telephone is her lifeline. Her family pay the bill, and help her out as best they can. Immigrants have offered to buy her house – at a price which the prospective landlord would be able to recover from his tenants in weeks, or at most a few months. She is becoming afraid to go out. Windows are broken. She finds excreta pushed through her letter box. When she goes to the shops, she is followed by children, charming, wide-grinning piccaninnies. They cannot speak English, but one word they know. “Racialist,” they chant. When the new Race Relations Bill is passed, this woman is convinced she will go to prison. And is she so wrong? I begin to wonder.”
The other dangerous delusion from which those who are wilfully or otherwise blind to realities suffer, is summed up in the word “integration.” To be integrated into a population means to become for all practical purposes indistinguishable from its other members.
Now, at all times, where there are marked physical differences, especially of colour, integration is difficult though, over a period, not impossible. There are among the Commonwealth immigrants who have come to live here in the last fifteen years or so, many thousands whose wish and purpose is to be integrated and whose every thought and endeavour is bent in that direction.
But to imagine that such a thing enters the heads of a great and growing majority of immigrants and their descendants is a ludicrous misconception, and a dangerous one.
We are on the verge here of a change. Hitherto it has been force of circumstance and of background which has rendered the very idea of integration inaccessible to the greater part of the immigrant population – that they never conceived or intended such a thing, and that their numbers and physical concentration meant the pressures towards integration which normally bear upon any small minority did not operate.
Now we are seeing the growth of positive forces acting against integration, of vested interests in the preservation and sharpening of racial and religious differences, with a view to the exercise of actual domination, first over fellow-immigrants and then over the rest of the population. The cloud no bigger than a man’s hand, that can so rapidly overcast the sky, has been visible recently in Wolverhampton and has shown signs of spreading quickly. The words I am about to use, verbatim as they appeared in the local press on 17 February, are not mine, but those of a Labour Member of Parliament who is a minister in the present government:
‘The Sikh communities’ campaign to maintain customs inappropriate in Britain is much to be regretted. Working in Britain, particularly in the public services, they should be prepared to accept the terms and conditions of their employment. To claim special communal rights (or should one say rites?) leads to a dangerous fragmentation within society. This communalism is a canker; whether practised by one colour or another it is to be strongly condemned.’
All credit to John Stonehouse for having had the insight to perceive that, and the courage to say it.
For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood.”
That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century.
Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.”
(Source: Enoch Powell, Rivers of blood)
The next day (Sunday 21st) Conservative leader Edward Heath sacked Powell from his post as Shadow Defence Secretary, on the telephone. Apparently it was the last conversation they would have.
Heath then appeared on BBC’s Panorama (Monday 22nd) and told Robin Day: “I dismissed Mr Powell because I believed his speech was inflammatory and liable to damage race relations. I am determined to do everything I can to prevent racial problems developing into civil strife….I don’t believe the great majority of the British people share Mr Powell’s way of putting his views in his speech.”
(Source: Wikipedia)
I suppose that last sentence by Heath sums up how out of touch politicians have been from then until the present day.
Ah, J. Enoch, the old racist. I’ve found three points to be helpful when refuting the claims of friends and colleagues that Enoch Powell was simply racist (in the narrower sense of that term, not the grossly distended sense favoured by the BBC and their fellow travellers).
(i) If he was racist, how do you explain the Hola Camp Massacre speech? This question relates to his response in the House of Commons to a notorious incident during the Mau Mau Rising (1959) in Kenya. Denis Healey called it the finest speech he’d heard in the Commons. Despite the fact that it’s in Hansard, your interlocutor won’t have read it.
(ii) If he was racist, why did he ask his Urdu-speaking constituents, in Urdu, if they would like to talk to their MP about their concerns—in Urdu? (You can ask your friends to name three other Urdu-speaking white supremacists, if you like. That always goes down well.)
(iii) If he was racist, how did he retain the close friendship of Tony Benn, and the great admiration of Michael Foot? (The latter’s regard was reciprocated.)
Immigration was always a numbers game for Enoch Powell, and nothing to do with race. Witness the consequences for social cohesion of white immigration in some of the small market towns in eastern England. (And the ever-so-representative views of the ever-so-carefully hand-picked audiences when ‘Question Time’ comes from the Fens.)
Excellent points. Only this last weekend I was talking to somebody involved with the Open University in the 1980s. He said that Powell and Benn were the only MPs to really offer help and always wrote to him in longhand.
Both men for all their faults really believed that MPs served us and that we ,the voters, are sovereign.
Can you imagine many of the current lot ever really believing this. Arrogant bunch of self serving wasters.
….Both men for all their faults really believed that MPs served us and that we ,the voters, are sovereign….
I’ll second that.
The bBC has knocked out a 1 minute 20 video in which to help explain the hair policy at Pretoria Girls High a private school where people have to pay to send their daughters.
SA school’s ‘racist hair rules’: A visual guide
The thing is, it takes much less than that to simply read it:
According to the bBC, the above is racist, really?
the link to the school rules:
Click to access code_of_conduct_leaners.pdf
Be funny if the expert the BBC had called in to comment on just how racist it was, got delayed by a white privilege on his Brompton and lost it.
Ah, but there’s NOTHING beeboids like better than combing through (geddit?) smallprint with a magnifying glass looking for ‘evidence’ of waycism. Makes them feel sooo virtuous and superior to howibble nasty waycists.
Just for the record. On Newsshite, the following quote.
‘The Labour Party is in such an absolute state of shambolic collapse’
This from…….Polly Toynbee !!!!
Who, let us not forget, was our impartial state broadcaster’s impartial Social Affairs Editor once. LOL.
What a patronising bunch of nomarks on tonight. No wonder the elite wants to shut us up .I expect this lot can’t wait for state censorship and the gulags.
Imagine Polly- “I know it’s cold in winter but it is your own fault you just would not listen to your betters”
Tue – R4Today’s interview with Peter Wadhams, still panicking about Arctic Ice ven tho he’s made very firm predictions in the past which don’t come to pass
@AlexCull made a transcript and posted it over on CliScep
For those interested next week in Swansea the British Festival of Science will feature 3 lectures with Arctic Ice scare stories.
+ Other eco-propaganda New Space Solar, Solar Building Revolution,
chemistry in UN Sustainable Development, Anthropocene Era :Mark Williams
Meanwhile Al-Beeb constantly struggle to get tomorrows weather forecast correct…But there again, as we’ve been told time after time by our leftist betters….”That’s just weather”…(LOL)
Swansea Thu 8 Sep • 13:00 – 14:00
Virtue Signalling is big across all Regressive orgs not just BBC, so at the British Festival of Science the Presidential Address is : UK Migration: separating fact and fiction
….It’s by Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini who did the main paper people quote when they assert that immigration is a economic positive. Summary of their 2013 paper
You can guess that the lecture will paint the positive picture by the way they choose to use the word migration instead of immigration.
There are 2 other Virtue Signaling lectures about women ..as well as the Eco-propaganda events I mentioned above.
“Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini who did the main paper people quote when they assert that immigration is a economic positive”
I’m happy to accept the immigration is an economuc positive if they will accept that:
1) the French, Italian and Greek economies are all in a worse state than ours,
2) those three countries need all the economic positives that can get
3) we must be generous and allow them to improve their economies by keeping all the immigrants.
Th fact is immigration is an economic benefit to some, while the costs are shared by all and borne most heavily by the least advantaged i.e those competing for welfare ,social housing and working class jobs (inlcuding skilled) where language skills are not rated highly.
I’m tormented with grief at poor Jeremy’s ordeal. What’s that old saying, ‘A liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet’. From the heart of my bottom I pray to Karl Marx who art in Heaven that Jeremy doesn’t end up on the slippery slope to conservatism as a reaction to his traumatic experience.
I have to say that on this occasion, Jeremy Vine might well be in the right. The woman looks pretty out-of-control to me, and Vine could be correct in his opinion that she could be a danger to others.
It does seem that men and women of colour live on much shorter fuses than whitey. We see it in Africa, America, Calais and even in the UK. Reaction – that is the biggest problem for Black youths when stopped and searched. Sure they are more likely to be so, but if a victim tells police a Black kid did it, no sensible copper, not clever, few are, but sensible, would stop a white kid in the vicinity. But then Al Beeb don’t think that way, it’s always racism.
Bob geldof’s got a lot more money than midge ure but a lot less talent. Must have invested well.
Through work I’ve had dealings with Midge and one of my colleagues visited his house, he’s done OK! But regardless of his politics, he is a geniunely decent family guy and without any pretentions. I’m not sure the same can be said of the other one…
David icke thinks the BBC are all lizards cold blooded.
The best newsnight for a long time adult,fair and only polly toynbee’s ranting.I’ll sleep well tonight well done keep it up.
Am deeply moved by the family of murdered backpacker’s decision to include a passage from the quran at her funeral, to counter the “misrepresentation” of her killing as an act of terrorism (despite the attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar”). I wonder whose idea that was? Oh look, it was their Minister, bless – who would have his own Christian throat slit pretty pronto in many muslim countries or live in dhimmitude and fear in many others. In the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation I would like to suggest some possible verses, below. According to The Relgion of Peace website ‘The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule’. Mmm, I love the smell of Peace in the morning. https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx
“And kill them wherever you find them… And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone…”Fighting is prescribed for you… As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help… “Soon shall We cast terror into the
https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspxhearts of the Unbelievers”… if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; … The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
I could go on but you get the idea…
Each to their own, but the pressures those grieving a loss seem bizarre these days.
I would want to be left alone, yet we mostly get treated to a press conference with a prepared statement read out, or stuff like this.
Credit where credit is due…
Or are the BBC playing a prank? Just putting something unusual out there simply to see if anyone is still concentrating?
Frank Gardner OBE of all people just said on national news: ‘this has been the bloodiest Ramadan anyone can remember’
He was only stating the bleedin’ obvious, I know, but this was the BBC. The context was our Frank’s take on the ISIS chief propaganda guy getting Allah Akbarred by a US strike. Ibn Mohammad Mohammed Ibn or whatever is supposed to be the chap who called for the killing of Infidels in whatever way with whatever comes to hand – especially the French.
And the BBC just thought they’d better remind us of his call to arms.
BBC – Turkey’s pushing for Christmas!
I’m sure it wasn’t deliberate but another unfortunate piece of news script writing at the BBC had me guffawing out loud today during a prime-time (8a.m.) news broadcast on the Radio 4 flagship news programme, Today.
The recently deceased Abu Muhammad al-Adnani was decribed as ‘chief strategist of the Islamic State group’ and ‘high profile’.
Pure comedy.
I’m so glad I gave up television. Well, apart from the fact there is no danger that I will subjected to trails for a certain programme that might feature a former prominent British Labour politician, I am glad that I am not helping to pay the salaries of highly paid Editors, Producers and Station heads who let serious news broadcasts descend into ridicule.
The BBC appears to be on a steady and consistent downward slope. Can it be saved?
I have immense sympathy with the family who probably aren’t in a position to make sensible judgements at this time, but I think it disgraceful that a minister from the Christian church should elect to mis-represent Islam in this way.
I presume it is through ignorance, or the usual lefty penchant to deceive themselves into believing something that ought to be true, actually is true.
But really, someone who’s job is to know about religion should know better than this.
Another day at sack of rats central.
I wonder how many more ‘investigators’ (don’t tell him, Joey!) are working in the edit suite to filter out the dirty secrets the BBC doesn’t even want the BBC to know about?
Today’s Murder
BBC London News briefly touch on a ‘teenager shot in the head in North London… no arrests have been made’
Meanwhile our national BBC tv news ignore the London shooting and feature a rather more lengthy report about a recent death in Harlow – the point of the BBC’s interest here apparently being this incident may have been a ‘Hate Crime’. Mind you, that’s just one line of Police inquiry.
So what was the North London shooting… a love crime?
BBC : Agenda not news – local and national.
I can’t the concept of hate crime. It’s so utterly Orwellian. A crime is a crime.
To be fair, the shooting of a youth in London is barley news worthy these days. Of note is that I saw the term “broken Britain” used to describe the murder in Harlow. That’s a term I haven’t heard in years. Used frequently in the past by the press to describe a group of ferral kids from some estate. Whether the unfortunate victim was foreign or not is irrelevant. The street urchins tend to pick on anyone they perceive as different, old, disabled, black, gay, I find that our street scum are not all that discriminating in selecting victims.
0800 News R4, Today programme: we learn again for the nth time that the joint effort between EU navies in the Med has just led to 6,500 ‘Refugees’, ‘Immigrants’ (I’m not sure which expression is in vogue presently) being, “saved”. This, on one day alone. Abandoning any critical analysis of the position, the BBC go on to tell us that the EU fleet is, “Taking on the Smugglers”. Really? It seems the fleet is acting as a taxi service rather than having any effect whatever on “the Smugglers”. If the BBC had any intention of being analytical in their news commentaries, they would have interviewed someone of authority (if there is one but no doubt, German) and asked, ‘Just how many Smugglers have been detained and charged’? I submit the reply would be, ‘none’. Yet another glaring example of the EU scandal of conspiracy to ship as many Third World people in to the EU to detrimentally dilute the indigenous populations of Europe. It will go on relentlessly until the peoples of Europe act. Needless to say, only then, will we get the BBC scrutiny currently lacking.
I’ve lost count of where I was in my series of ‘BBC Word Watch’ from last summer when David Cameron attracted immense criticism from the BBC, ‘the Left’ and most of the rest of the media over his use of the word ‘swarm’ but I’ll settle for …
Frantic Semantics No.5 (BBC Word Watch from a hushed huddle somewhere near you) – SURGE
Surge is now acceptable as a word to be used in conjunction with migration because Mishal Hussein used it on TODAY today.
So there!
The Empire Strikes Back
Who will stand up for the 17 million good decent people against the dark EU side of the force – perhaps it will be the ‘plus one other to be confirmed’ ?
‘On Thursday 23 June Britain voted to leave the European Union. What happens next? A panel of experts joins Jonathan Dimbleby to debate questions from the audience.’
Oh dear. The line up, desides Dimblebum…
Chris Patten ‘This wretched campaign, which could foul our future…’
Michael Dougan ‘Professor of European Law and Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law’
‘Brexit campaign was ‘criminally irresponsible’, says legal academic’
Daniela Schwazer ‘Member of United Europe… We have to continue building Europe together. Otherwise we will not be able to sustain what has been established so far.’
The only Eurosceptic on the panel is…
Ruth Lea, that sound but rather fusty economist “The economy two months post-Brexit vote: cautiously encouraging”.
Given that the vote was 52/48 the BBC has rather stacked the deck with europhiles, don’t you think?
Quite a task ahead in countering that block for the ‘plus one’
Germany: Muslim ‘shouts Allahu Akbar’ as he stabs random couple at music festival
Apologies if this was already posted, it’s from the Mirror two days ago (Aug 29). Did anyone spot it at the time? Apparently it wasn’t in the mainstream German press (wonder why). Suspect not on the BBC – can anyone confirm?
Not on beeb when I last looked. Systematic suppression of religion of peace and mental disorder stories Europe-wide. Make that worldwide. The enemy aren’t just at the gates – they’re well and truly ensconced in the open-door fortress with their hands on many of the levers of power, directly or indirectly. I think we’ve had it.
Thanks Peter – I can only agree with your sentiments, sadly. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, down the toilet.
Ok Mike – On a lighter note, what were your parents THINKING when they named young Hunt junior Mike? 🙂
What are you trying to say?!? 🙂
Mike H … could have been much worse … could have been Isaac 🙁
LOL, I think Edward might like that one 😉
PTG.. I rather suspect that the suppression of negativity towards the Islamic religion by the media, is they realise that worldwide feeling towards Muslims is a tinderbox waiting to be lit, and the slightest negative encouragement from the media/governments/police etc would kick off a backlash they couldn’t control. So they have to put a positive ‘spin’ on any Islamic crime by passing it off as a mental illness, or not a terror related incident. This will only happen for so long before the tinderbox turns into a raging bonfire.
Brisssles, I bet that would change pretty quickly if a Charlie Hebdo event took place in their offices!
[Probably] sadly, I think it unlikely that a backlash will come from the indigenous population, more likely is an uprising from the large Muslim minority in ten or twenty years time.
Encouraged by the dhimmi BBC, the population will be persuaded how fantastic it is going to be now that we all have the choice of being enlightened into the religion of peace, paying protection money, or being killed.
Surely, only a racist would turn down the opportunity to convert to Islam???? “What a great way to get rid of all the racists at one time!”, the left will opine.
And so, civilisation will end.
In between an unrelenting flood of nauseating so-called refugee stories on “Today” this morning, I heard from “Michel (how does it feel) Hussein” that some people haven’t seen a “Police Officer” on the beat for more than a year.
Funny how Bedfordshire Police “Service” (LOL) managed to find at least three to arrest Tommy Robinson for watching Football! (Obviously not reported by Michel.
Bicycling BBC man Jeremy Vine has his own nose rubbed in diversity
I’ll bet Channel 4’s Cycling Jon Snow could tell a tale or two over a flat white
And now Frank Gardner ‘one of the bloodiest months of Ramadan in recent memory’
Too much to hope that these BBC bods have experienced a ‘Kronstadt Moment’
‘..moments of “de-conversion”, or disenchantment..’
What a classic. Proof that lycra wearing, helmeted, smug virtue signalling cyclists think they own the road and should be entitled to do anything.
Cycle on the pavement, go through red lights, overtake, undertake, cycle at 15mph in the middle of the road, irrespective of the queue behind them.
If the authorities wish to press charges against the lady in question, will someone please let me know where I can send a donation for her defence.
Not all cyclists are like that. I don’t wear a helmet or lycra and if possible I will move over to allow cars to pass – Vine should have done that straight away. It’s pointless antagonising motorists, especially when many of them, such as the person in that film, are in a state of high tension caused by the passive stress of driving.
AslSeelt, I note in the ‘Cycling Weekly’ report that the vehicle driven was a ‘Black Vauxhall’. Is this correct? If the other picture is anything to go on, it was the driver who was black and female. A bit more integration for you, eh. Jeremy?
Moreover, was it a ‘Hate Crime’?
Media censorship in usa with CNN editing out ‘CROOKED’ HILLARY yesterday
i WANT FAIR BALANCED REPORTING ON EVERY SUBJECT FROM THE BBC IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT.Edward who reminds me of evan davis childish remarks about the n h carnival,your facts are flawed when you fail to take account of police numbers.This is a silly dispute just try an imagine what it would be like without any police,2011 riots spring to mind.
I may have misjudged you in the past. Please accept my apologies.
No problem peter i just want to do my bit
I saw Evan Davis in the real for the first time in a good many years on a trailer for Newsnight. Hasn’t he changed? Looks now more like one of the evil gnomes in Lord of The Rings.
The beeb have been banging on about the ‘racist’ attack on a polish man in Harlow by a gang of teenagers. Didn’t know being polish was a race.
Didn’t seem too bothered about reporting this attack by another gang of teenagers, the youngest being 12 a few weeks back.
Doesn’t fit the anti brexit everyones a racist agenda.
Whine on radio 2 bigging up the apple tax issue in Ireland, trying to imply the EU are are for everyones good and that we are stupid for leaving. Stick to the cycling Jezza oops sorry you aren’t good at that either.
The propaganda continues.
Don’t know if anyone spotted this from yesterday (and I’m pretty damn sure it won’t be reported by the bBBC):
‘Invaders and Poverty in Brussels’
The highlights…
“The non-white colonizer population of Brussels, Belgium, has plunged the “capital of the EU” into a poverty-ridden depression with a 25 percent unemployed rate and one-third living below the official poverty line.
According to a report in the Belgian VTM Nieuws, a third of the population of Brussels live “on an income below the poverty line.”
The figures come from the latest Brussels Welfare Barometer of 2015, issued by the Brussels Observatory for Health and Welfare.
According to official figures, at least 56.5 percent of the population in Brussels is of “foreign origin.” In 1961 it was only 7.3 percent, and most of those were other European nationals.
Since 2008—that is, eight years ago already—the most popular boy’s name in Brussels has been Mohammed (Source: Algemene Directie Statistiek En Economische Informatie Persbericht, November 24, 2009).”
This is the capital of Europe and these are the facts. Clearly our continent is being given away to (mostly) unemployable migrants, and every single one of us has no choice in the matter and is indirectly funding the influx through taxation which (STILL) goes – in part – to Brussels. And where’s our national treasure of a broadcaster on all this? Worrying about whether a South African school’s hair policy is racist…
Have they padded the walls of the bBBC newsroom yet?
A Polish guy has been murdered in Harlow by a bunch of youth thugs.
It is immediately assumed to be a Hate Crime by the ‘authorities’.
I wonder if readers can think of another situation where similar ‘authorities’ would immediately put an equivalent criminal event down to ‘vulnerable young people with Mental Health issues’?
The bBBC are bigging up the rights of pregnant women in the workplace amid accusations of unequal treatment.
Anyone else find this going against their experience?
With vast experience of a range of higher end manufacturing industries, and even a spell in the charity sector (the least ethical BTW), my direct expereince is that pregnant women ARE indeed treated unequally, because they benefit from favouristism.
Business are always restructuring and adjusting in a way alien to the public sector. Those businesses cannot afford moratoriums due to pregnant women. So what happens is the restructuring comes but the women on maternity leave get treated with kid gloves and are exempt, untouchable. Meanwhile, workers, by definition usually male, who have been actually working throughout are the ones who get restructured and made redundant.
While business tries to do business, at no cost to the taxpaer, the statist organisations try and undermine them, with the entitlement culture of the biased BBC at the forefront.
The Beeb are in lightning mode when womens issues become news. Unequal pay, prejudice against pregnant women, breastfeeding in public (nooooooo!), lesbians in the workplace, more women presenters etc etc. British Breast Corporation would be a more appropriate name.
Taken from Israel Hayom at
There are other voices in Europe
The doctors of late singer Meir Ariel recommended, as his song Terminal Lominelt tells, a monthly visit to the airport. By the same token, I would recommend that those complaining about Israel’s international isolation visit an English pub from time to time, preferably outside of London. While every pub has a television or two, the patrons’ opinions about Israel will, for the most part, be very different from what we’ve become accustomed to hearing on international media networks.
“Way to go, Jews! Respect! You are succeeding in dealing with all the troubles that Europe is bowing to,” said Dale, who sat at the bar at a Manchester pub, immediately after he realized that I am Israeli. His enthusiasm was so great that he gathered the rest of the patrons around us and asked them how to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict. And let’s just say that the responses were taken from the extreme Right of our political spectrum. After another round of beers, it became clear that there were people of different backgrounds at the bar — academics, like Dale, manual laborers, Conservatives, Labour Party voters, those who were happy about Britain’s exit from the European Union and those who were against it. But everyone supported Israel, without exception. And I asked about the future of Jerusalem — everyone wanted it to remain in Jewish hands.
Surprisingly, the same consensus repeated itself at dozens of other pubs that I visited during my two weeks in England and Scotland. Many of my conversation partners even apologized for the British media’s completely different attitude. “Here, you hear what people really think,” one man told me at a small country pub in northern Scotland. “And there,” he pointed at the television screen,” There, they will only tell you things that someone determined to be political norms.”
This distinction between “here” and “there” is not only in Britain, but in all of Europe. The difference between what people on the street think and what is presented by the media elite as the “right opinion” has never been greater. This is the Europe that nobody talks about, and it is growing bigger and stronger each day. On days when there is an Islamist terrorist attack, it grows twice as much. This new Europe has no negative sentiment toward Israel. The opposite is true — as the preaching in the pages of The Guardian newspaper about the supposed evils of the Israeli military continues, love for Israel grows in Britain’s pubs. The pub-goers are beginning to understand: Israel is fighting the same enemy that sets off bombs in Brussels, slits throats in London and rams into crowds in Nice.
A few years ago, Israel was for many Europeans the “bad seed” in the Middle East. Arab propaganda achieved a lot and managed to create a terrible image for Israel in certain European countries. But images are fluid, especially when they clash with reality. The reality of the culture war with extremist Islam is causing many Europeans to look at Israel as a preferred ally.
This trend has not yet found expression in politics, because the political echelon in Europe follows behind the opinion of its voting public. Officials in Brussels were late to identify European voter disappointment in the European Union project, and now they are again late in identifying the public trend from resentment of Israel to admiration of it. Europe is on the verge of a major turning point. The reasons for the rising tides of change are not related to Israel, but Israel must be prepared to ride the waves.
Ariel Bolstein is the founder of the Israel advocacy organization Faces of Israel.
Radio 2 2pm news, main point, the Polish Ambassador visits the scene of the tragic murder in Essex, Police immediately suspect a racist attack and of course the BBC are more than happy to report as such unlike the myriad of attacks that go unreported by the BBC or are put down to the mentally unstable by our authorities.
How come they are so sure in this case and so quickly have psychological reports already been completed on those arrested?
Following the news, Steve Wright is off sick, the BBC quickly scan their book of quick call stand in lefties and who do we get? The cant from Thanet…Al Murray, quickly reaches for the off switch…
What happened to proper radio presenters, all Radio 2 now seems to offer are ‘slebs’
The Poles are not a race. How can it be racist? Plod under political directives.
Hear Tommy Robinson, whose case will never be presented by the BBC. New banning orders proposed and how he intends to defy them.
It it impossible to believe that this government have not taken sides in a battle against the people, against freedom of expression and in support of Islam.
At the head of this government sits Teresa May. Much more of a Quisling than Cameron.
Have I missed it? Has Snuffy not been paying attention? Or am I a bit early? Expecting too much?
The BBC do not appear to have celebrated Camilla Day. No, not the Duchess of Cornwall, the other one – the one spelt Camila but pronounced by many (all?) as Camilla – who, I seem to recall, was eased out of a prominent job in August 2015. Anniversaries of any event always seem meat and drink to the BBC. Aside: can’t wait for 24 September. 🙂 The closure of Kids Company filled the August airwaves and newsprint for over a week, a year ago this month. Not like the BBC to have missed something like that!
I wonder why?
bbc #EverydayLeftyBias
BBC HardTalk with Steve Keen (alternative economist)
…”consensus tells us that Brexit will be a DISASTER”
What drug are they on ??
Cos I must have missed that survey of all economists where the conclusion about “Disaster”
Sounds like it came out of the brain of a Lefty producer instead.
BTW the same prog just did an episode with Derek Hatton …another BBC Lefty favourite, as they gatekeep against non-Lefties
Picture 50 Virtue signalling flags waving above Broadcasting house by 6pm everyday.
If we assume they begin with a clean slate every midnight, then the first one must be raised by 5 past midnight to be quickly joined by others.
Meanwhile other flags fly constantly above Broadcasting House :
The EU flag,
The Labour Party Flag,
The Special Corbyn Flag,
The Tesla Flag (Their PF’s biggest private shareholding),
The Guardian Flag
Their #AllWomenAreVictims Flag
A tattered and soiled Union Jack to represent the BBC’s view of British History
Their Rainbow Flag (on a black background,not white/pale of course)
Tragically a family crossing a road was almost wiped out by a car being chased by police. In Penge. Early reports say that its as the result of a suspected child abduction from a supermarket as to why the police gave chase. Not a happy outcome for all concerned.
Only for the parents of the abducted child.
The police are damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Tweets tend to suggest the child was in the car which was stolen. If this story suddenly disappears from Bbc news, I think we’ll know why….
BBC R4 news bigging up the murder of a Pole as a likely hate crime, no other explanation being considered.
The Police say it may be a racist attack. The BBC must know the background of the arrested teenagers. What will the BBC do if the attackers are not white?
Fdream – had to turn Radio 4 PM off “again” Pissed off with listening to presenter turning herself inside out trying to get MP for Harlow to categorically declare this was a “Hate Crime caused by Brexit”!- Kerching what a double whammy – Hate Crime and Brexit all in the same sentence. News editors must have been creaming themselves on that one.
What sort of bastards must we all be, to have voted the wrong way and caused this Tsunami of “Hate Crime”
Pity the BBC not so interested in ” mentally ill crime” as it seems to affect the indigenous population whos contribution to society is obviously much less valuable.
I have a feeling though that “Operation White Guilt” may well backfire. They tried it with the Jo Cox and people were sick of it then – and I think may well be heartily bored with it now. Still it will keep all these lefty presenters with plenty to witter on about
The comrades in the Socialist Worker Party are with the junior doctors – It’s an attack on the Tories.
‘These strikes can become a focal point of anger at the Tories’ attacks on the NHS and austerity—and for resistance against it.
There is the potential to build coordinated fightback.
The NUT teachers could also strike this autumn in defence of education—they should coordinate with the BMA.
The TUC and union leaders should throw their weight behind the junior doctors and help build practical solidarity.
Every trade unionist and campaigner should immediately start building solidarity in their workplaces, colleges and campaigns for the junior doctors’.