BBC in positively gushing mode this morning. Why?
About 6,500 migrants have been rescued off Libya, the Italian coastguard says, in one of the biggest operations of its kind to date. Some 40 co-ordinated rescue missions took place about 20km (12 miles) off the Libyan town of Sabratha, it added. Video footage shows migrants, said to be from Eritrea and Somalia, cheering and some swimming to rescue vessels, while others carried babies aboard.
How delightful and also how considerate of the BBC not to bother pointing out that Somalis and Eritreans have been busy adding NOTHING to European economies since those boats started coming. Apart from casual stabbings etc.
The way into Europe.
Get in a boat and set off from anywhere in North Africa.
Wait offshore to be collected by the European ferry service.
I’m no mastermind but wouldn’t returning them and destroying their boat be a better way of trying to control them.
How many lives would have been saved if this had been the policy from the start.
European ferry TAXI service,
get in the water and phone the EU Taxi service
Like a fool; I am I have this stupid idea that the BBC Elites believe they are talking to audiences of “Blue Peter” viewers!
And, like Blue Peter, it’s such a lovely place to be. Everyone is so smiley and get on so well, without a trace of rivalry or sexual chemistry. I did hear that the male presenters are castrated as part of their contract, and Claire Balding is the only one allowed to bring testosterone into the building.
At least the oldy presenters of Blue Peter made do with using empty toilet roll holders but this spoiled lot within the BBC wouldn’t even get out of bed unless they knew they could use “free air tickets”, “free taxis” “free tickets for our kids to see Tom Daley’s belly button” (I leave that to your own imagination), “free hairstyling” like the style that that davies guy on newsnight!” “our own green room away from the serfs who we see vacumning the room” etc, etc.. Although it is from the Guardian, this is just the same way the bBC distorts news. First they are not refugees, they are migrants. They may well be leaving FROM libya, clearly they are NOT Libians.
The bBC news24 is coming out with the bollocks that they are making their way to an Italian island. The bBC know the truth, the migrants are packed on ill equipped boats, get 12 miles to international waters and then the charity boats and Italian navy pick them up after the migrants have rung on mobiles to be picked up; or the smugglers do it for them. It is a complete fraud and setup.
Does a Uber taxi service run in the Med sea?
The title is that the refugees were fleeing Libya.
Not really, they “fled into” Libya to get onto a ferry parked outside Libyan waters. MSF also has boats.
Does MSF respect international borders? I wonder.
How is it that the two axes powers of Europe, are doing their level best to destroy Europe.
Saint Jo Cox is partially responsibility for each drownings . If people like her had not encouraged illegals to have a go, then they wouldn’t be drowning.
We do have proper channels for dealing with refugees, these others are simply QUEUE JUMPERS, putting themselves in danger and calling out the EU rescue Taxi service ..and putting themselves ahead of genuine refugees that are using the proper channels.
– If Cox and Co had laid down a firm “No” message then people would not have had the “pull factor” and wouldn’t be drowning.
– Calais is flooded with MSM reporters.
– Yet Rotherham and other abuse towns were/are ignored ..pointing a camera at illegals is easier. Pointing a camera at Rotherham perpetrators is not virtue signalling so they don’t do it.
End messgae is that ONE child in Calais is worth 1,000 in Rotherham
Until the weak,indecisive EU governments start sending them back nothing will change. The EU needs to secure its external borders to make it safe for European people. They need to stop these migrants coming by force, that means destroying their boats and prosecuting the pirate traffickers and returning these people safely to where they came from quickly.
The EU as presently constituted, will never do such a thing. Open Borders is part of the EU’s most cherished policies. Junkers reiterated that.
To you and I, that’s common sense. To those in power, it seems to be heresy.
BBCVirtueSignal will always be ready with the welcome mat for whoever rolls into town claiming ‘asylum’ (aka: benefits, somewhere to live and the ability to invite over their extended family once the first few anchor babies have been produced).
Of course, besides the inevitable strain on public services, taxes and our endangered culture, we also have to deal with the ideological fallout. The BBC never wants to go near this – one of the awkward elephants in the room getting in the way of the narrative again, I guess.
My, it was busy a few weeks ago across Europe with all those almost-daily ‘cultural enrichers’ settings off bombs, shootings, stabbings, weaponising vehicles and groping underage white western girls and boys.
Must just have been a coincidence it also happened to be Ramadan at the same time. In fact, I’m sure it was. Nothing to see here, move along.
Must just have been a coincidence it also happened to be Ramadan at the same time.
Ofcourse it is.
I really wish I was 20 or 30 years younger, I would be off to New Zealand, I have told my kids to do that and one of them is thinking about it, so we are being forced into emigrating ourselves to escape a ruined Europe.
I am of the same mind. There will come a day when leaving becomes a necessity. I hope the USA and Canada will open their borders for European refugees. If the right people take power there then it will happen.
I and millions of others really do fear for our grandchildren. This must affect how we behave and what we do as a people. The elites will never get this until it is too late.
At the moment I rate the survival of Europe as a European civilisation at no more than 50/50.
Merkel has effectively bought chaos to Europe and the why remains a conundrum.
Germany has much to answer for over the last 100 years.
The Global Banking Elites & the major conglomerates are the one’s who have orchestrated the problem we are all now facing. Fill Europe with people no matter what, which gives those major businesses the labour they want, low wages, no matter, continuous production for unlimited & mostly unwanted consumption. It will have to be this way, otherwise what do you do with several billion people? I know I talk as an old man, but my yrs of experience tell me that our days of Freedom & Peace are coming to an end-few places in the world will offer a place of sanctuary-slaves we shall become to those that rule the world.
An American perspective but not so different here.
Dave and Wild Bill, I can understand your feelings. But I would urge anyone considering emigration to do some intensive research on your country of choice. Australia suffers many of the same problems as the UK (I don’t know all that much about New Zealand). I think much of the Anglosphere is affected.
We live in Sydney (Mr Hand-Basket is a born Aussie, by the way). We’re getting huge population growth by immigration – much of it from incompatible countries. The politicians and media are multiculturalist and politically correct. We have a substantial Islamic population, of largely Middle-Eastern origin. They seem considerably over-represented in the crime figures, and we’ve had our first couple of terrorist attacks lately. The mosques are starting to spread out to some country towns, and I have the impression the authorities crush the locals who protest about them. For the moment, much of small town and rural Australia and some smaller cities are not very ‘enriched’, but I wouldn’t bet on it lasting.
In the long term, I suspect, most western countries face strife. What will be the outcome for Europe? Could a clash that’s earlier rather than later benefit the still numerous native Europeans?
And we lived in Canada for several years and it’s just as bad there – place is being gradually ruined by gangsters and down-and-outs, low life from every backward country in the world. Fact is that these people made their own countries intolerable through their own laziness, religious delusion and hatred, racism, greed, tribalism and corruption. The unbelievable part is that the idiotic western establishment believes they should all be invited here so they can do the same for our countries – utter lunacy! Why are our governments so bent on self-destruction?! Canada discriminates against immigrants from civilised and white countries and has quotas to encourage racial diversity and multiculturalism – wants to lose the white, English majority and have a ‘balanced’ population. So, don’t go there. The winters are vile anyway!
And why is it just countries populated by ethnic Europeans suffering mass immigration, and the elites turned on the people?
See my links above (Centre for Immigration Studies)
Aerfen: a long read, but interesting – the strange twisted world of modern politics. Strange that similar effects are seen in all western countries with the same elites clinging to power, attempting to hold onto outfits like the EU, because they know an unintelligent and submissive population will allow their addiction to power and taxpayers easy money to continue unchecked. That’s why the referendum was so long in coming and dreaded by most elites – our population isn’t yet submissive and watered down enough. And all this disguised as ‘progressive’ and caring, trying to appeal to people’s tender hearts to allow everyone to come. What happens when all the people from every failed state are living in the west? One good thing – the elephants can have Africa to themselves – that will be nice.
But our population too is becoming corrupted, more individualistic and resigned to a corrupt elite. Historically in Britain we didnt have the strong US constitution to protect us as th US does, but we did at least have standards which were expected of ‘honourable gentlemen’ by the population and their peers alike, and only so much deviation was tolerated. That expectation is breaking down, and the social pressures which existed when all were members of the secret club of the upper classes are gone too. Multiculturalism has played a powerful role in that destruction of the symbols of class.
Helena- Australia now politically correct? Whatever happened to the no-nonsense Aussie with attitude ? I guess that if all the coastal cities are now metrosexual , multicultural etc then trad Aussies are now only in the country towns you mention. Sounds like Australia could go the way of Europe as Islam takes over .
Yes Wild bill, know what you mean-spent 7 yrs living & working Southern France, loved it, back in England nearly 8yrs and wonder what the H my wife and I are doing-New Zealand why not, beautiful country and no where near as overpopulated as we are here in the UK with above 70 million inhabitants and climbing as the followers of Islam keep up the breeding habit & millions more depart their nations from Africa/Middle East & Indian Sub Continent. Why did the Italians bother but not just send them back to Lybia- for godsake what are they playing at?
It does have the ring of a set-up. A year ago or so, when the crisis started to become apparent, you can excuse a rather hamfisted rescue operation, when it’s obvious that the smuggling boats should have been destroyed and the migrants returned to shore.
Now, the whole business has become a smooth operation, and the intent of the powers responsible to continue a steady flood of third world fortune seekers is plain for all to see.
According to the BBC this morning the Royal Navy has been active in picking up the ‘smuggled’. I have yet to hear of any action in their alleged assignment of removing those arranging the smuggling.
The pictures I have seen suggest reverse Birkenhead Drill in operation, as the guys in the water heading towards rescue first do not seem to be women and, if children, sporting nifty full sets to enjoy a G&T with the Captain of HMS Bulwark in the wardroom that evening.
The globe’s out again where’s safe and sunny, muslim free for a week’s hols i don’t like being on a plane longer than 4 hours?
As I suggested above in my earlier post, the new rule is to avoid international travel or large public events at home during the month of Ramadan – the dates vary year-to-year, so Google it first, to be sure.
Every year more terrorist atrocities are committed around the world by the Religion of Special Pleading during that one particular time, so try and schedule your international breaks well away from ‘peak bomb-a-thon’.
Of course, not once during the most recent spate of murder and carnage across Europe did the BBC ever mention the fact that Ramadan happened to be in progress.
Sorry about this – but this is the new reality we have to live in – even if the BBC never want to talk about it.
Isn’t it strange how all these migrant stories, and violence at Calais stories, just seemed to disappear from the BBC around May and June. Can’t imagine why.
You’re right and I recall many commenters both here and on Going Postal pointing out the near complete MSM blackout on Calais in the weeks preceding the vote.
Stew, apparently in anticipation of these people being “rescued” the Traffickers only put enough fuel into the outboard engines to just take the boat outside Libyan waters.
quisquose, they continued on:
(this is the most recent alert).
With the majority of us wondering at the incomprehensible actions of the Italians, & thinking quite naturally as to why these people were not picked up and returned to the coast line of Lybia. No room in Europe, no place for those with Islamic views, no money left to offer Free-handouts, barely any women left that would dare leave the house alone, so no possibility of sexual assault, and it appears there is no age barrier to such dusgusting actions as was shown by 3 very young boys, 2 Somali & one Iraqi boy raping a 5 yr old girl-irrespective of whatever their plight the UK & Europe should reject any pressure to allow anymore people from such areas to be allowed to enter our nations. Merkel et al should hang their heads in shame, they have sold themselves to the Global Banking Elites, whose aim is to destroy the West & with the help of the Muslim they are well on their way. We are War.
I’m not sure about Global Banking Elites “whose aim is to destroy the West”. For a very simple reason : why? Why destroy the richest and most productive part of the world, and the source of all your wealth. It just doesn’t make sense.
I’ve thought the same thing John.
That this is a deliberately thought-out policy, to turn a relatively minor hiccup into an existential Europe-wide crisis is beyond dispute. That it threatens our very existence as a civilisation, likewise.
What I can’t, for the life of me see, is what anyone has to gain from it, least of all the “Global Banking Elites”. Surely, if they have any motive, it must be to amass ever more wealth, privilege and power. If it’s all ashes, what good will their wealth and privilege do them then? Who wants to be king/emperor or whatever of a pile of smoking ruins? And that’s undoubtedly where this is inexorably heading.
The posturing, self-loathing luvvies at the Beeb and the Labour front bench may well be trying to smash Western society to pave the way for a socialist utopia (good luck with that one….), but their actual power to shape and direct events is nil.
So who and why? And what have they possibly got to gain, when all their wealth and privilege is predicated on the status quo remaining?
Unless the purpose is to provoke a massive civil war, so that they can profit from the resulting carnage. If that’s the plan, they are playing a very dangerous game. Wars have a habit of taking unpredictable directions and are a damned sight easier to start than to finish.
Maybe two of the Rothschilds had a bet over how much the Europeans could take before they grew a pair and fought back.
Makes as much sense as anything else.
…socialist utopia…
I’m struggling to think of one that ever existed, anywhere, ever. The Soviet Union? 21 million slaughtered in war or murdered for their difference beg to differ. Maoist China? It’s a similarly mind-bogglingly wretched tale of rank depravity and inhumanity. Democratic Kampuchea…that once-beautiful, plentiful rice bowl of Southeast Asia? Yeah, when Pol Pot’s Khmer communist murderers and thugs moved in they soon began filling the ditches with bodies – up to 2 million of them.
A ‘socialist utopia’ is like a unicorn. A nice idea, in principle, but get too close and the damn thing can kill you without warning. And just like a unicorn, it doesn’t actually – and never has and never will – exist. Just ask the Venezuelans.
The reason?
“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” – TS Eliot
The fact is DavidA and a response to JohnC, that the Elitests have been gearing for many yrs matters to achieve Globalisation control-they already own and control most of Europe & America and other parts of the world, however in order to bring about their aims of complete subjugation, they have to destroy the present fundamental democratic ideas, sovereignty, bring all nations under one roof as it were. There is little moral or social ideology behind BBC chat-show rhetoric and newscast sound-bites, millions in the west have become bored and apathetic disinterested in the sytems that make the world tick, caring little about the principles at stake, allowing the pillars of liberty to come under assult, snooping governments in the name of security, bringing about as the Elites want, a steady undermining of long-preserved notions of freedom. So by using the word ‘destroy’, is exactly that. Maybe it paints a debilitating enfeebling picture nevertheless those who rule with their control of the money, control our futue world. Good luck.
“Video footage shows migrants, said to be from Eritrea and Somalia, cheering and some swimming to rescue vessels.”
Excuse me while I vomit in my mouth.
Apparently failing to be white and failing to hail from western Europe makes you a helpless bleating lamb by default.
What the fuck is wrong with this news organisation? The typecasting and simplifications and obfuscations are truly staggering.
DraggonBreeder-Nothing is wrong so far as the BBC is concerned. They have their
next source of positive discrimination reporters for Breakfast TV.
The Londistan Programme and Newsnight. Maybe even Strictly Come Dancing!!
Anybody else see the 6:00pm News just now?
We’ve all seen the images of that large boat with the predominantly young male migrants. Well EVERY image shown on the BBC evening news, some of it old images, showed women and children.
Always when this happens genuine camera angles reveal that a large percentage of these so-called asylum seekers are black Africans. And yet the BBC and its fellow travellers on the Far Left continue to describe them as ‘refugees’ implying they are escaping the Syrian conflict.
This is deceit and manipulation of the worst possible kind as it will have a very direct and possibly irrecoverable effect on this country. Heads need to roll over this because, of course, sooner or later they literally will.
TBF many are from the Horn of Africa, which is also in a state of conflict.
Mind you they dont half travel a long way to escape it!
That astonishes me.
It no longer astonishes me. I expect it of them. But they over-reach themselves, I hope. That kind of manipulation is being noticed by many who previously never questioned the BBC.
The usual selective reporting to achieve its (not-so-)secret agenda – so many people accept the half-truths and disguises offered by the bBC as the facts. This makes it extremely dangerous for our country and the sooner it goes the better!
More utter stupidity from our leaders. Don’t they know they’re being taken for fools. When will they learn to rescue them & take them back to the Libyan coast instead of to Europe.
Martin, I’m afraid it’s too much pressure on them from the UN (Peter Sunderland) and the charities whose whole continuing existence is base on more and more and more refugees. The Governments attitude? Sod the voting taxpayers.
Negotiations with libya that’s where I’d start.
I wonder if any of these latest fleeing Somali migrants are mentally ill?….I mean, I have to ask because the BBC wont.
Dazed, perhaps we ought to establish that before they start hacking Europeans to death? Sort of, preempting the BBC/Police
There has been a tragic murder of a Polish factory worker in Harlow by a gang of teenagers.
Of course Bremoaners are blaming Brexit, and the ghastly bigot James O Brien on LBC this morning blaming Farage, UKIP and even Katie Hopkins for ‘hate’
Of course we have barely heard of the unprovoked attack on young British banker Oliver Dearlove who was murdered in a single blow to his head in Blackheath at the weekend.
These dreadful attacks seem to be becoming more frequent in broken Britain.
Search and rescue operation
Aerfen – it’s so absolutely true – the more that are rescued and landed in Italy after paying the smugglers, the more that will come. It’s playing right into the hands of the smugglers, to do their work at our expense. And the result is an unmitigated disaster for Europe. The only thing to do is to take every boat back to Libya and then destroy the boat – it won’t stop them, but it will stop encouraging them.
As a matter of interest, is there a ‘PLM’ movement with a Mishalist approach to death rates too?
Where are all the experts when you need them.
Guest Who – I wonder if the bBC will run this story? I would guess not – it shows the stark contrast between Israel and the Arab states – not at all to the bBC’s agenda, not at all.
You never know. But your guess is as mine.
Another prog about the Rotherham Victims /sarc
Don’t be daft Calais is only 70 miles from London, but Rotherham is a million miles
‘ Illegals in Calais are more important than abuse of northern children , cos they are only Chavs’ Is that how you think BBC ?
BBC said ” all they have is the clothes they’re wearing” as they step off the boat talking into their mobile phones.
And access to financial resources via both Western Union and the ancient unofficial Hawala system.
They are all well dressed, waterproof parkas, life jackets quality walking trainers purchased ready for the journey. These trips are carefully planned.
On Today this morning, a do gooder from Medecins Sans Frontieres described how his ship “rescued” a rubber boat full of “migrants”, about 25 miles off the coast of Libya, before taking them to Sicily (of course).
He said the “migrants” were subdued, because the rubber boat had sprung a leak, and in the ensuing scramble, 22 had died, 21 women and one man. That is the sort of scum he and his sort are bringing into Europe. Men who would trample women to death to survive, the very opposite of everything our European civilization has stood for for centuries. Think of the behaviour on the Titanic and weep.
Left wing idiots like MSF and this man (who had a Jewish name, so is even more stupid than most) are doing their best to destroy our continent and its culture. Every day brings another few thousand invaders, and they are welcomed with open arms. The nightmare scenario of “The Camp of the Saints” is coming true before our very eyes. I despair for the future.
Noel Coward always said that when he crossed the Atlantic he preferred to travel in an Italian liner – because there was none of that rubbish about women and children first.
In those days that was a good joke because everyone knew how they would behave; the story of HMS Birkenhead was sufficiently well known that the American author Robert Heinlein coud make a passing reference to it an be understood. Europeans haven’t changed, but their education and the resultant expectations of behaviour have; and those from the third world don’t have any frame of reference for what is expected.
Despite the all too obvious problems caused to Jews in Europe by the Muslim sector of the invading population, its unusual to find a Jew who is opposed to immigration and they are heavily over – represented among those actively promoting it as well as in promoting BME interests here in Britain (HRA was Lord Lester’s doing). Why one must ask? How do they benefit?
I have heard an antisemitic view on this – it has a name which I can’t recall, some ‘plan’ which is apparently all the work of Soros and other influential Jews to move the Islamic populace over to weaken Europe and the Middle Eastern countries in order to allow Zionist expansion in the region virtually unopposed.
Can someone tell me any many ‘refugees’ have the countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain taken? Is it between 1 and -1?
The Islamic State have many times warned the West, of their intention to plant sleeper agents among these ‘refugees’.
Any terrorist attack, will mean our failed leaders will have blood on their hands. Although they would most likely to rub their hands-together with glee and use the opportunity to further erode our civil rights (ie. free-speech, and privacy)
What we have here is a ‘Camp of Saints’ style mass migration, with weak leaders having abdicated their most sacred of duties; To protect our Nations’ boarders.
These ‘migrants’ will simply hastened the decline of European civilisation.
Remember the 130 civilians were murdered by Islamists in Paris. One of the terrorists was a ‘refugee’ from Syria.
Anybody with common sense was not surprised. (MIRROR)