Eastern Europeans in Brexitland Monday 5th September 20:00 Radio 4
The issue of immigration and immigrants dominated the EU referendum campaign with much of the focus on the increased numbers of Eastern Europeans in the UK following EU expansion in 2004. They are often talked about – but rarely spoken to.
Writer and journalist Gary Younge meets Eastern Europeans who live in the UK. He explores the impact of the Brexit vote on these communities and considers how the vote and their experiences fit into the history of race and migration in Britain.
In this first of two programmes, Gary talks to Poles and Romanians in Bristol, an area that voted Remain and which has longstanding Eastern European communities.
Gary Young eh?
But who else?
Guardian black hack, Black Lives Matter, Mark Duggan and Trayvon Martin…etc, etc
It`s what he says, is and does…and the Guardian pay him.
Probably more for his photo at the top of the piece rather then the shit he writes.
But why are the BBC paying for him?..we KNOW what` he`ll have to say-and I resent this shallow halitosis claque of Guardian organ grinders getting the perpetual berth to speak anti-Brexit shit.
The Poles don`t need his patronage…and I bet HE doesn`t dare go over himself to Ostrava or Katowice to speak to them…might show that “racist attacks” in the East dwarf any eggy look or catcall once in a blue moon, that some claim to get after closing time.
Shutit Beeb-you ARE the problem!
I’ve been listening less and less to the BBC, but for a change listened to the Radio 4 news program PM. Two months after the referendum vote the BBC is still in full campaign mode against Brexit. The lead story on the Prime Minister and Brexit provides the opportunity for an interviewer to query the whole prospects for Brexit. The second story of a Pole being murdered, is linked to Brexit and the rise in hate crimes. There is also a trailer for a forthcoming radio programme about how East Europeans in the UK no longer feel welcome following the Brexit vote. It’s pathetic.
It’s my belief that Dodge Dave allowed the BBC to keep the licence fee in return for their support on the Brexit vote. It was a silly price to pay if it was paid, because the BBC would have done that anyway.
Astounded by a BBC News at Six report on the murdered Pole. ‘Reporter’ Dominic Sandford (?) intoned gravely but with absolutely no caveat “There are fears that this was a crime triggered by the Brexit referendum”, despite offering no evidence whatsoever that this was the case, other than the fact that the victim was not British.
Yes, and the MP for Harlow i believe, weighed in with saying, at least three times, that the persons who did this were ‘ of the sewers’……what?….if that isn’t hate speech itself, i’m a Dutchman…..those sewer people he calls them are also his constituents, and the families of the guilty persons will not take too kindly to being likened to rats,,,,he also mentioned the vote to leave as being probably to blame for the behaviour…all on the BBC of course…..vote UKIP next time Harlow people…..your MP not only colluded to bring in 1.3 million Poles to take British jobs, which they have, and thinks those that object as well as the violent ones are of the sewers. As do the BBC of course.
I heard a little of that, many people jumping to all sorts of wild conclusions while displaying a startling lack of judgement, particularly in the case of the MP, he should really know a lot better than to risk prejudicing the outcome of an investigation with hate talk.
Just imagine if this had happened in the first couple of weeks after Brexit! The BBC would have had every available staffer up there, and would probably have had to bring some reserves out of retirement, like a journalistic version of Dad’s Army…
Not just the BBC, though. ITV News Anglia had a sob story with the Polish ambassador visiting the site to lay a “floral tribute”, and the reporter asking a local shopkeeper had he seen an increase in these attacks since Brexit. Amazingly he had. Very sad event and great sympathy for the murdered man’s family, but this racist mob have reportedly been congregating in that area for months if not years.
Funny too that our Polish Ambassador seemed well-able to tell us all (and the BBC of course) ablout the sad decline in our culture after Brexit and the rise in the number of “racist incidents” against the Poles since June 23rd.
All the more clever seeing as he`s only been Polish Ambassador for a day-yesterday was his first day at work in the new job.
But don`t let THAT stop you BBC…this was one you`ve been stewing since June and freshly baked variants on the crap CONTINUE to be news as far as you`re concerned.
Lying lazy liberal liars.
Blood pressure through the roof ! listening to the young male Beeb journalist reporting in hushed tones (why ???) in Sicily watching the offloading of more cargo from the Med, and interviewing a couple of males from Nigeria, and one from Pakistan (wtf ?) – Apparently these are the ‘lucky’ ones who have been rescued. They have the appearance of being forlorn and pitiful for the cameras now, but in a few weeks they will be in Calais and they won’t be too f….. weary to start clubbing the lorries and aggressively targeting motorists. Will the same young journo be so sympathetic then ?
UKIP is hardly ”far right” on any objective assessment. Except in the sense that ”far right” seems lately to have become the standard bien pensant terminology for anything or anyone disputing the shallow imbecilities that leftist cretins refer to as their ”beliefs”.
It’s just yet another leaden trope the comrades are hoping will manage to lumber off down the runway of p.c. misrepresentation with enough hot air behind it to get it briefly airborne.
Far right depends on where you are standing..
If you as far left as the BBC has become then anyone or party standing in the centre ground of British politics is….Far Right!!
I’ve been thinking for a while of putting together a list of journalists, TV personalities and bloggers who aren’t afraid to put their heads above the parapet and tell the truth against a hate-filled media. I put together a quick list and if If I’ve missed any then sorry.
The Heroes on the side of the angels:
Pat Condell
Anne Coulter
James Delingpole
Nigel Farage
Pamela Geller
Jamie Glazov
David Greenfield
Ayaan Hirsi-Ali
Alex Jones
Raheem Kassam
Richard Kemp
Ruth Lea
Ezra Levine
Steven Molyneux
Douglas Murray
Sarah Palin
Melanie Phillips
Mark Regev
Lauren Southern
Robert Spencer
David Starkey
Mark Steyn
David Vance
Paul-Joseph Watson
Geert Wilders
Milo Yiannopolis
(Young, balding Irish chap)
Clint Eastwood
Jon Voight
Below are others who are sometimes fighting for the right* cause. (*right as in correct. This is not intended as a right v left list, although it does largely fall on those lines as the Right is usually right.)
Herman Cain
Ben Carson
Bill Cash
Ray Cook (could arguably be put in the above list)
Michael Gove
Daniel Hannan
Pretty good list. I’d add Pat Condell, though he pulls no punches at all. Here’s one of the old boy’s well-followed Youtube vids; this one from 2012 yet on the particular issue under discussion currently here on this thread.
I’d add to that list Peter Whittle, UKIP London Mayor candidate and now London Assembly member. Has written some good books and articles and set up the New Culture Forum think tank.
I’m leaving London tomorrow, perhaps for the last time, and I can’t say I’m sad. This isn’t my city any more.
I first thought my long absence was the source of my malaise. I’ve been feeling this niggling sense of unease, as though either I had changed or London had changed — as though we didn’t really know each other any more. I worked it out in the end. What’s wrong with London is what’s wrong with every major European city now. It’s Islam.
NCBBC …. Every word is true. This is the not so silent creeping of Islam across Europe – there doesn’t need to be a third World War, its already happening under our noses. Also watching that video of white women protesting in solidarity with their Muslim ‘sisters’ I thought how dangerous that was – those same white women in 25 years time may not have the freedom to swan about in skimpy T shirts and shorts !! they’ll have something to shout about then.
Agreed Brissels – “those same white women in 25 years time may not have the freedom to swan about in skimpy T shirts and shorts”
But 25 years? At this rate it won’t be that long. And here’s a controversial thought: I wonder if deep down in their weird psyche they actually want to be told what to do and what to wear? While screaming for ever more freedom,I wonder if they’re actually wanting just the opposite. Either way, they’re going to get it sooner than they think. Sharia? Bring it on folks.
The only high IQ Labour MPs Frank Field and Graham Stringer. The Labour Leaders brainy brother, Piers Corbyn is also a force for good, and George Galloway’s RT slot can be free of the BBC’s moronic dogma. Tories Lord Lawson, Peter Lilly, Philip Davies, David Davies and David Davis.
There is Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore, and Journalists Martin Durkin, Christopher Booker, Richard Littlejohn and I once saw Donna Laframboise on the BBC Parliament Channel. Its known that investigations into Climate science by Michael Buerk, Peter Sissons and Jeremy Paxman have made them think that the BBC is run by idiots. Also I could list the many scientists censored by the BBC.
There are many others who I don’t think you would have heard of because of my many obscure sources, and many members of the Royal Society who would not want to be named, except Sir Patrick Moore, who is now one of the dead ones on my list.
Richard, much food for thought on your list. Many I forgot but should have included including Frank Field who I had intended to have. What about David Bellamy and Johnny Ball? I wouldn’t include Paxman as I think he still drinks the same brand of kool-aid as his fellow Beebists.
In Australia we have Andrew Bolt – deadly foe of the leftist ABC channel (the Aussie BBC). Andrew is one of very few un-PC Aussie journalists. He has a popular political blog -http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/andrewbolt/
Until recently he had an excellent weekly TV show (on the commercial channel 10), a conservative-slanted round-up of the week’s events, demonstrating the ABC’s disgraceful bias. Channel 10 (increasingly leftist in its news) ditched it, and it appears only on the Sky channel now.
If only we still had the Bolt report. All the channels are playing down the Islamic element in the Queensland backpacker murders. They make no mention of the Ali’s Snackbar chain (as ubiquitous as McDonalds). Coming soon, to a high street near you.
Quick. Quick. BBC being outdone. Sky’s ludicrous News at 7 is going to tell you how Climate Change is going to make it more dangerous to swim off Britain’s beaches. BBC News teams will be kicking themselves over that one.
It’s always been dangerous to swim off Britains beaches.The tide and currents make it so. As children we were regularly taken to the seaside but given a very healthy respect for the sea by our families.
Nowadays kids are taken to Westfield shopping centre for a day out and aren’t going to learn much about nature there.
Yes, being brought up by the seaside, as kids we were always told to keep our mouths shut when in the sea, as all sorts of unmentionables would float by !!!
Here’s a corrective to the forthcoming BBC sneer-com. Maybe one for the Faragists amongst us, coming in at 70 minutes, but an essential watch nonetheless. The sight of Blair, Brown, Schultz, Baroso et al taking their three minutes (EU rules) of pain is a joy to behold. This is actually a truly remarkable political story, and one that if suited to the BBC narrative would be told very differently. Imagine, a fresh-faced political idealist, determined to take on an anti-democratic political Behemoth, who faces vitriol, mockery and slander, and yet over 23 years rises to victory. This is the stuff of Hollywood, and the BBC are going to do a hatchet-job? They should be celebrating people like Farage. As it is, the BBC and others https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/aug/28/the-guardian-view-on-ukip-after-nigel-farage-a-grievance-in-search-of-a-leader are content to stir up antipathy and hate. Boycott the BBC and watch this!
Independence Day The Movie- Nigel Farage 1993 -2016 (and more to come)
This morning, the BBC very excited about the alleged killing of a Polish man in Harlow by a bunch of white teenagers.
This might well be accurate. However, still no mention as far as I’m aware of the killing of the white man by what appears to be a sucker-punch in Blackheath.
He was killed by BREXIT apparently. But the killing in OZ was NTDWI, despite the killer loudly advertising Alan’s Snackbar. We’re forced to pay for this psy-op insanity.
Yes, I noticed how the Beeb kept repeating the utterly ludicrous term “hate crime.” I say that the term is such because if you’ve just kicked someone to death then, whatever the circumstances, and whoever the victim is, and the assailants are, it’s a murder. We don’t need these new, specially introduced categories to muddy the waters. This Orwellian mind bending nuance when certain sections of the community are attacked is just plain wrong.
And yet with the poor chap murdered at Blackheath it is beginning to appear that those culprits are not white. I wonder what they’ll call that particular murder?
Whatever they deem it to be it most certainly won’t be referred to as a “hate crime”.
The Orwellian language can seem rather comical: The newsreader seemed to imply that “Hate Crime” was more serious than Murder, and that Murder is not a hate crime unless it involves people classed as a different race by left-wing ideology. But I am sure that all Murderers Murder out of hatred, and if not, its called Manslaughter. Also, for a thousand years due to the civilising influence of Christianity, which teaches its flock in Churches, to forgive those who hate. It was Murder that was the crime, not the hatred. This is evidence that mass immigration is causing the collapse of the civilising influence of Christianity, and a return to barbarism, caused by Humanism and Islam.
Just watching ‘The Chronicles of Nadia’ where the British Bakeoff champion is touring her ‘home country’ of Bangladesh. She is with two Bangladeshi women cooking samosas and in a school with the Headmistress. Guess who is the only one wearing a head dress and non western style clothes.
Well, she wouldn’t get the publicity if she looked like the rest of us now would she ! The Beeb wouldn’t waste the time or effort, although they might have found a vacancy for a reporter in the Sports Department !
“How can anyone be a ‘British’ baker and not use lard or pork?”
On Al Beeb anything goes to get the multi-culti message over.
Its Propaganda.
Jim,Totally agree.Also how many Brits bake with a tea towel on their head.She is just a creation of the BBC to try and persuade the gullible that all Muslims are nice and just like us really.The BBC are constantly using their state granted power to change British society and force us to accept if not embrace multiculturalism
The corporation has really got to me.I watched the two hour ,comment free ,bus ride through the Yorkshire dales. Lovely countryside, but a hideously white set of passengers by the way.I’m sure the producer will get a rocket for not including some colour in the programme.Anyway feeling very relaxed watching such a peaceful bucolic programme I got to wondering what message the BBC was sending us.Then it dawned on me.They were trying to show that there were many broad acres in Yorkshire and elsewhere that were sparsely populated ,so there was plenty of room to take another 10 million immigrants.They can even ruin their own good programmes!
“many broad acres in Yorkshire and elsewhere that were sparsely populated ,so there was plenty of room to take another 10 million immigrants”
I live near Grassington. There are many naive people around here who claim to think that it wouldn’t make much difference. We already have three or four Indian restaurants, what’s the problem?
Food – it always comes down to food with these foolish people.
Maria, I long ago realised that a great deal of the ‘British public’ will get the UK they deserve in the not too distant future. When I hear and see the ‘types’ that are street interviewed on the box I despair, most cant string two sentences together when asked their views, some just grunt and others just utter ‘like’, y’know, as though learning how to speak was way down the list of activities.
If its the assertion that we could accommodation 10 million more migrants, then the size of Canada could take in the whole of Africa methinks (!). We might just as well all swap continents, I wouldn’t mind seeing out my days in Hawaii actually. Dear Lord we are teetering on the edge of a precipice here, with no one with any balls at the top making decisions.
The middle class ones do more damage though, with their overwhelming desire to appear erudite and sophisticated.
It’s an extreme form of egalitarianism, applied to everything. A cowardly, judgement free, head in the sand belief that all people, cultures, religions, types of music, drama, literature, and lifestyles etc are equal and, most dangerous of all, interchangeable.
Deep down, I think few of them have genuine faith in it but the social consequences of speaking out can be unbearable.
Look no further than Edward’s outrage at my comment. He’d already made some fairly bold statements himself, but tried to backtrack when they were taken a step further.
Let these fools go on a day trip to the once proud city of Bradford to what fate awaits us all if we continue to allow the Islamification of our country.
Not all of the damage is down to immigration though. The city centre had its heart ripped out in the 1960s, replaced with 1960s architecture of the worst kind. Now also demolished.
The demolition of Kirkgate (indoor) Market was another atrocious decision.
The loss of social cohesion, which it certainly had, is definitely down to immigration though.
Compare to the way the media fell over themselves to portray US fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad in a false* positive way, just because she was the first American to compete at the Olympics wearing a Hijab.
Also compare to 400 metre hurdler Dalilah Muhammad, who chooses to wear standard attire for her event, and actually won gold, but barely gets a mention.
“Oooh, aren’t I the virtuous one supporting the woman in the Islamic clothing. It makes me feel so superior.”
* false because it actually turns out she has links to some rather dubious views.
Quite right Brissles, but the irony is that the women actually living in the country of her so called ‘religion’ were dress like us. How can she, and so many others living in Britain, claim they dress like that on religious grounds when Muslim women in Muslim countries do not feel the need to do so ?
ANSWER: They do it to annoy and confront us and to try to provoke an adverse response.
Ilya Baxter, 23, saw the police chase from a window in his flat. He described seeing a white man aged between 18 and 25 running across the road around the corner from the crashed car, before police caught him.
Now, can you imagine the BBC mentioning the colour of the captured suspect if it was not white?
It would be useful if the BBC and it’s tame acolytes covered some of the really pressing matters that actually threaten all our futures instead of it’s pathetic attempts to act as a world class news outfit ( BBc speak for being crap at everything)
I list a few.
The probable coming break up of the EU borderless dream over Merkel’s determination to impose her will on the old East countries over migrants.
What exactly is going on in Germany? Vast numbers of migrants that do not work, cannot work and are increasing in numbers every day.Why is the German establishment doing this and threatening the stability of Europe? Nothing from the BBc except sunshine reporting from snowflakes.
The growing economic crisis. Ireland is about to have another banking crisis as is Canada.The euro is in trouble and deflation looms . What has happened to the billions of fiat money ?Where is it?
What about Turkey? Russia? Nothing of real depth from the BBC. I won’t even bother with the BBc’s attempt to spin away Islamic attacks around the world.
I could go on an on but what is the point. The BBC will just go on in the old way until it becomes a laughing stock and is as irrelevant as the buggy whip.
All potentially good news items DaveS. Indeed, for the professional broadcaster they should be unbiased essential debate. However, until the BBC have found a way of working their new protégée, Nadiya into one and all, there’s no hope.
I don’t know the facts of this particular case but I would have thought that the average Polish person would pass as the average British person, as was, i.e. ‘race’ can’t come into it.
But maybe this was an ‘enriched’ Pole, or a non-enriched Pole up against enriched ‘British’ men? Life is so complicated now!
[Years ago if we heard that a British man had been killed in India we knew it was likely to be someone retired from the Colonial Service. Now it usually means someone killed by his own cousin on a visit ‘home’].
Missed that but did catch Evan Davis talking to some up himself writer about how maybe they all were just a little too dismissive and patronising about us voting scum. Of course Brexit was a mistake and has to be reversed otherwise the price of wine might reach 100 pounds a bottle or some such drivel.
Where do they find these people? Are they trying to wind us up on purpose or is it in their DNA?
That writer was really really objectionable whoever he was.
That`ll be Ian McEwan will it?
Thankfully hauled overt the coals for saying stuff about only REAL blokes have willies.
Because McEwan is such a sanctimonious prick-yes, he DOES have one-I was more than happy to get out the DMs,smoke a lezzy cheroot and call for him to be booted out of East Anglian College for the terminally tolerant( as Pat Condell calls `em).
Probably Scottish as well…and only a weirdo like him could envisage a foetus fussing over Brexit or hate crimes against Somali warlords…as opposed to say, abortions and the right to have a mum and dad who loves him.
That`s his latest book-, and like Mark Thompson-gets a free pass onto all shows to talk about his book.
Product placement?…no…but free book club cooings and soft pats from your former colleagues who wonder at your greatness `midst the vulnerabilities?
Who needs a notice board anymore at the office…the BBC don`t notice if we`re bored anyway…and we are..and we remember…
Missed the Davis comment, but if there’s any chance of that happening please let me know – I can get a pretty good St Emilion just down the road for 10 – 20 euros, if anyone’s interested.
That somebody on Newsnight is incorrect. BBC Newsnight needs to make that very clear. Or BBC Newsnight will be held to account for facilitating incitement.
Do they employ off duty Cambridgeshire PCs as bouncers? Or just stick with UAF Republican Guards?
Shortage of housing in London ?
“Councils, particularly those in London, are choosing to tackle a shortage of affordable social housing by investing in accommodation in other parts of the country. But what is life like for the tenants who are forced to live miles from home?” …………..http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37196770
Nothing about controlling immigration ?
Couldn`t we store lots of migrants on houseboats along the Thames and the Isis?
Jo Cox no longer needs her boat-won`t hubby have downsized by now and let the quangos rehouse him? Spare bedroom tax and all…
Got to be loads of boats for them to play pirate with…and the winner gets a flotilla to take back to Lampadusa.
Got to be a good programme that one…come on Beeb!
It looks like the campaign has started to nullify the referendum ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37238641
Brexiteers, stick to your vote and let your MP’s know that we want out, and we want it now.
Looks like it . The idiots still don’t get it and it looks like they never will.
Probably degrees coming out of their ears but no common sense. Contempt for the voters disguised as concern for democracy.
Positive Brexit news from the BBC !
“The pound has jumped to a one-month high against the dollar after a survey indicated the UK’s manufacturing sector rebounded sharply in August.”
This, a month after the vote for Independence ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37242804
Be interesting to get a Craig-style list of organisations/NGOs/charities/think tanks/pollsters the BBC consider the word of God, and another of those slimeballs the BBC on occasion deem barely worthy mention and at best make only base claims that cause outrage, or ‘people the BBC call sources say’ are beyond the pale.
Newsnight tonight the worst ever.The propaganda is criminal.I don’t no how they can get away with it.Jo cox now the pole being used and farage blamed ,totally unacceptable outrageous and no one to defend themselves is this behaviour lawful .mr sweeney’s closing line of two poisons coming together. does he mean farage and the teenage killers.Is this journalism in a democratic country.What’s to be done these things can’t be brushed under the carpet surely.
Personally, I can’t see the problem with them – just look at Yasmin modelling the latest in summer fashion……this racy little number even comes complete with matching umbrella.
JK Rowling has tweeted her frustration with the likely re-election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, claiming the party will not laugh in the future because “this isn’t bloody funny”.
Seems the term for a luvvie getting smacked around the chops by the cold, wet haddock of reality about the cheap seats supporters their end of the pitch is known as Too De-Vine. Apparently.
Ughh screeching irritant Naga Whatsername, just conducted a hostile, rude “interview” with Jeremy Hunt. Played the man not the ball. Quel surprise.
Business-bot then raises concerns about post Brexit interest rates effecting savers, also Ryan air are putting on less flights due to Bexit, we’re all doomed.
Jim- I am surprised at your naivety. I thought that everybody knew
that the BBC pick their presenters,reporters,interviewers with only
one consideration,positive discrimination.
I think her name, Naga henceforth to be called Nagger, is very apt. Just in case the PC mob are monitoring, here is the dictionary and thesaurus definition of what I mean. Abridged so not in quotes.
Nagger: Source: thefreedictionary.com/nagger
1. To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging.
2. To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain.
1. To scold, complain, or find fault constantly
2. To be a constant source of anxiety or annoyance
Noun 1. nagger – someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault.
↔disagreeable person, unpleasant person – a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
↔harridan – a scolding (even vicious) old woman
As expected, I only managed to watch about fifteen minutes of “All Together Now: The Great Orchestra Challenge?”
One of the “mentors” is Chi-chi Nwanoku. She “was born in London of Nigerian and Irish parents”. Why do I mention that? Because the BBC thinks it is relevant enough to be worth a mention. Her presence, however, is fair enough as she’s a prominent bass player.
In spite of having a large number of UK orchestras to choose from, the competition includes The London Gay Symphony Orchestra, no surprises there, and The People’s Orchestra from Birmingham. This is a strange choice because, according to the BBC, it has “a huge wind section and ten saxophones”, so I don’t see how it can be compared with the others. It goes on to say: “The orchestra is also an independent music charity, which uses music performance to help grow musicians and community wellbeing in one of the most deprived areas of the UK.” Social work then, not music.
During the introduction, the cameras focused on every brown face available, so it’s clear how this is going to go. I didn’t see any emphasis whatsoever on SE Asian musicians, in spite of their considerable contribution to classical music these days. Black seems to be the only ethnicity that matters.
The LSSO (London Schools Symphony Orchestra) might not be too pleased about that. Plod would probably arrest them.
Statistically, all orchestras will have a proportion of gay players so I don’t see why they need their own. I doubt if discrimination has been a problem. But that’s typical 21st century identity politics, isn’t it?
Michael Tilson Thomas, American Conductor Laureate of the LSO and a frequent visitor to the UK for decades, is openly gay. He concentrates on his conducting so nobody cares. That isn’t enough for some, unfortunately.
I watched the whole programme and agree with your comments about the Gay orchestra, why are they included except for box ticking? And the unusual configuration of the People’s Orchestra – I’m sure included for their left wing name. Don’t see how much information the judges can gain from what seems like only three minutes performance per orchestra. I didn’t agree with the judges’ choice for removal. I liked Chi-chi Nwanoku, she seems like good fun and appears to know what she’s talking about. A decent programme but could be better.
I’ve been very impressed by the Forest Philharmonic.
I haven’t heard them for some time but if their standard has been maintained, they’d give the rest a run for their money. It’s possible, of course, that they were asked and declined, feeling that they had nothing to gain but potentially much to lose from the experience.
Which raises the question, why does everything have to be a competition? I’m sure some other, more interesting format could have been devised.
Yesterday on the Media Show there was another piece about the BBC being prevented from telling the truth during the Brexit referendum owing to the impartiality clause in its charter.This is the fourth time in the past couple of weeks that have I seen or heard this attempt to unshackle the BBC from the impartiality requirement. It is clearly a coordinated plan by the liberal establishment of this country to prepare the ground so that a second referendum can be fought with the BBC free to lie its head off in support of the EU and deny leavers any platform.Of course once free from the impartiality clause the BBC will be more rabid in support of the liberal left across all issues than we have ever seen.Whilst I am delighted by the death of Blairism in the Labour Party , it was only ever a Trojan horse for globalisation and multiculturalism, the liberal elite are trying to put the BBC in a position to be able to carry the Blairite flag and so protect their power base. However if J Corbyn wins the Labour leadership again ,as looks likely, and if therefore Labour gets rid of all the Blairite MPs and UKIP gains lots of the Labour seats, we do have the prospect of an House of Commons in which the BBC has few friends. Corbynistas , UKIP, DUP and sensible Tories all hate the corporation so a majority of MPs may support a move to cut the over mighty corporation down to size.
The BBC has much in common with a certain religion. It thinks it possesses the truth.
I wonder what happens when new hive members sign up.
Do they undergo the same sort of therapy that was used in the Clockwork Orange?
Directed to rid the acolyte of all sense of reality. Then fill the vacant mind with BBC speak and ideas.
What a bunch of idiots they really are now.
Apologies for going on about this but Breitbart London have a piece this afternoon that The Electoral Reform Society wants a range of establishment institutions to have the power to intervene in referendum campaigns whenever they feel that the facts are being misrepresented. In reality of course this means that they will be allowed to hog the BBC airwaves to propagandise on behalf of the liberal elite establishment. Obviously this is just an establishment stitch up to prevent us plebs ignoring their wishes and voting the way we want to. Unless the forces of democracy and Liberty get their act together to stop this we will see a massive chunk of the people’ s rights be transferred to the elite.Brexit really pissed them off, which makes it even more worthwhile.
Given that just about everything the BBC does is unique, they were, are and will be at the forefront of any misrepresentation, especially political matters that the public is trying to get informed or educated upon.
Equally, they seem excluded from any oversight of value, or consequence too, as with Leveson, which seemed to mean ‘all the rest’.
The BBC ran this punt on Facebook this morning.
Didn’t go well for the EC, or them. They no longer control or even dominate the message.
Maybe a few of the less dozy pols may grasp this, especially if seeking votes.
I too heard this one Doublethinker.
Mark Thompson fleeced us blind, showed himself to be weak as water when it came to Brand and Ross-and how he got his New York Times job is probably worth ane enquiry…very Don Revie!
Lives in New York…so WHO BETTER to give us ten minutes berating referenda, referring to us as being fooled by Coco the Clowns who know nothing of climate change or social justice progressive lifeforms like himself.
So the Media Show let him plug his book and want the Brexit vote removed…much like McEwan, Soubry and all the other lefties and suckups who do the Tories damage 24/7.
Funny how they all get on so often and so easily-witness Ed Balls and his “vulnerable stammer schtick” as teased out by old steamy windows Robinson thei morning.
Cringe-making radio-he says no-one should leave labour, but stay and fight for the Party he loves.
But not enough to stay and fight in it himself-what a typical labour BBC luvvie there.
Only the BBC give a damn about any book by Ed Balls, let alone his sequinned leotard phase…yet our £145.50 pays his way for us…God we`re thick.
Dumbed-down adolescent BBC Breakfast seems to take its attitude to the EU from its pretentious maiden aunt, Radio 4.
This morning as part of the continuing establishment campaign against Brexit the BBC airs two top anti-Independence stories.
‘Ryanair blames Brexit for fewer passengers flying to Europe’
So I guess France, Germany, Belgium and Turkey descending into close to civil war this Ramadan wouldn’t in itself have caused any hoildaymakers to think twice and plan for a fortnight at Stopathome-on-sea.
By the way: ‘Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary defends EU ahead of referendum after years of calling it an evil empire’
The second string to the BBC anti-Brexit bow (afterall they already shot their bolt) this morning is some cockamamie report from the grandly authoritive sounding Electoral Reform Society.
They’ll be the AV Referendum sore-losers, who want an elected House of Lords, who were pinning their hopes on a reformed more democratic EU – good luck with that.
Apparently the lefty teenagers there think ‘it’s not fair’. More grumbling about ‘lies’ and ‘ill-informed voters’. This from an organisation that is supposed to have the word democracy running through its core like a stick of stay-at-home British holiday rock.
Just a quick survey of their top three staff shows: ‘Previously… Director of the British Institute of Human Rights, a former New Zealand Labour Party politician and a journo from the left-leaning New Statesman.
A discussion this morning on the Today program about the change in the law concerning BBC iPlayer & the licence fee revealed the truth.
The question was asked about foreign viewers and access, and why the BBC could not paywall the site. The response was enlightening! The BBC does not want to go down any kind of subscription route like Netflix or Sky.
I bet it doesn’t! Once it shows that the subscription scheme can work successfully then it puts the comfortable revenue of the licence fee in doubt.
There was the usual why should someone get something for free when others have to pay trotted out, although obviously not the other way around !
But by far the most sinister suggestion was the isp’s could monitor peoples downloads and compare that to a list of licence fee holders!
Good luck with that one ! Makes you wonder who these people think they are, and the cavalier fashion with which they play fast & loose with the law.
I know I shouldn’t have, but I tuned in to Toady on R4 this morning. It took a full five minutes before the first example of bias:
6:10am – Brexit in the papers, headline from the Guardian first (surprise surprise), critical of course, then headline from the Telegraph, supportive. Followed by a sarcastic cartoon from the Telegraph (caption read out) mocking Brexit. No mention of eg The Express’s headline “Brexit will be big success”. Welcome to the Brexit Bashing Corporation.
6:40am – Trump. Speech excerpt saying he will build a wall above and below ground, and that he believes the wonderful president of Mexico will help. Comment straight after that the “wonderful” president of Mexico won’t pay for the wall, no matter what Trump says… but what about the actual quote they played – will Mexico’s president actually help, or not? And then on to say that Trump has indirect ways to get Mexico to pay for the wall, so he’s not going to present the Mexican government with a bill – so their earlier comment is meaningless. Any stick will do to beat the dog. Welcome to the Trump Bashing Corporation.
6:50am onwards:
Junior Doctors in the papers re their strike, two quotes from the papers but only the Telegraph and Daily Mail, critical of the doctors. What does the Grauniad say? We will never know. Obviously only right-wingers are critical of doctors striking 🙄
Referendum and the Electoral Reform Society (ERS), long uninterrupted interview with the ERS, totally unopposed. Everyone was misled or uninformed in the last referendum, apparently. (Couldn’t possibly be that the only one to tell the truth was Farage, who said “no one knows for sure, it’s all guesswork”.) Exaggerations and lies on both sides. Apparently, google searches for “What is the EU” spiked the day AFTER the referendum. And this is the fault of the campaigners how? Perhaps someone should remind them that you cannot legislate against stupidity.
7:10am – Totally hostile interview with Doctors’ representative, interrupted continuously, almost wouldn’t let him finish a single point without cutting him off.
This journalist strategy of persistent interruption should and could quite simply be stopped by refusing to speak unplugging the earpiece and walking out,if this stance became the norm we would see change.Believe me.
There are other ways of dealing with it prior to that ultimate sanction, Mackers.
For example, keep returning – even on subsequent questions – to the first partial response and complete that. After about three repeats the BBC Interviewer will have an Editor or Producer yelling in one ear “Stop interrupting, we’re running out of time on this!”
Another alternative is, at next opportunity provided by the Interviewer, to ask “Would like me to answer your previous question?” BBC Interviewers tend to hate being questioned. The Interviewee can also say “Would you like my full answer to the question of … “. That really puts the BBC Presenter or Interviewer on the spot. They can hardly say “No.”. Unless they are out of time. Then they are the ones left looking stupid.
I totally get what your saying my angle is to the less observant viewer the one’s we need to get onside, for them to suddenly think hey what’s going on?AWAKEN THE MASSES OUT OF THEIR COMA.
Friends! I suddenly remembered that I wrote a Blog a few months ago, that was somewhat relevant to this particular site. In particular, this bit may be of interest:
” … we on the Left are never short of the sort of jokes that have, for instance, given Radio 4 comedy programmes the sort of reputation and global appeal that they have today! (That joke the other night about “what with that evil witch Thatcher and that mad cowboy Reagan practically starting World War III in the Eighties, it’s amazing that we’re still alive to tell the tale! Thank God they’re both dead, eh!” still has me in stitches!)
Needless to say, Left-wing comedy is also a profoundly radicalising and subversive force, and one which must surely explain at least in part the amount of electoral success that we on the Left have had in the UK over the past few years. So that’s another benefit for us all, friends!”
For anyone who wants to read the full piece, here’s the link:
Last night on the London news following the 10pm national news on BBC1 was a brief report about 2 Muslim brothers who were going to America to see Andy Murray play tennis. Imagine if they were Christians or Jewish would it have been mentioned? Now on what basis, or who was paying for their trip wasn’t mentioned. The important thing was obviously that they were Muslim.
Remember john knot mp walking out on robin day that’s what i’m talking about.Mr hunt mp should adopt an approach with more fire and angst,just say if you continue to interrupt me i’m out of here.Implement the policies they don’t like then we shall have progress.
BBC WordWatch aka Frantic Semantics #6 (or maybe #7, didn’t keep count last year)
Interesting that a BBC Correspondent on, I think, Monday let slip that they are no longer allowed to call the people who are pushing would-be migrants to Europe onto dodgy boats to cross the Mediterranean ‘traffickers’. The Correspondent did not say what description must be used instead but apparently ‘trafficker’ is now reserved for those who traffick people for unpaid slave labour or into the sex industry.
Perhaps ‘initial floatation advisor’ or ‘migration facilitator’, even ‘travel agent’, may be used instead.
B-BBC contributors may wish to assist in this ‘Orwellian Creep Process’. (Although I think I prefer to think of it as well as call it an Orwellian Decline.)
For 2 months nothing but excuses ,mental health issues ,allegedly,Allah Akbar,denial,deception,doubt and not reporting.But when it comes to Jo cox and the polish man we have the opposite stance.I’m very sure that everybody who pays attention to the news is and has been aware of this .MY QUESTION IS WHY IS NOBODY DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT IN PUBLIC I’M SURE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS IT’S BEING TALKED ABOUT BUT FRANKLY THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Increasingly if I want actual news as opposed to half news, non-news or agenda driven news, I have to look to other information sources than the BBC.
There are some regional elections in Germany this Sunday, I cant find anything on the Beeb website on this, but thankfully I dont have to rely on our “world class” BBC. Here is an interesting report from Bloomberg which nicely highlights the problems Merkel is facing and will continue to face.
Wow. 17 million voters were misled by the ‘Leave’ campaign. That is the clear subtext of the biased BBC and the Electoral Reform Society. Obviously the ‘Remain’ side consisted of superior beings- the other clear subtext.
If the leaders of ‘Leave’ are so good that they can mislead 17 million people, they sound like exactly the kind of people who should be negotiating on our behalf with the dreadful sesspit that is the EU.
Sky news was once an alternative to the BBC/Guardian’s relentless emoting of ‘soft left’ views.
A few years ago Sky had a cull of its original newsreaders and commentators, who were good, but suffered from being hideously white, offensively male and relentlessly middle aged.
Their youthful, diverse replacements have enjoyed varying degrees of success.
In the last two weeks they’ve announced the discarding of more white middle aged presenters, Martin Sandford, Mark Longhurst, Andrew Wilson and Lorna Dunkley.
I suspect they will not be replaced by other white, male, middle aged presenters.
Also in the last couple of weeks they have inflicted o its bewildered viewers, two absurd, long news reports blaming climate change for the sinking land in Louisiana and for the deaths of a number of people around the coasts of the UK. In case anyone wants facts, the land is sinking in Louisiana because of many reasons, which scientists are on top of, climate is not among them. People have been drowning off the coast of the UK for centuries, it is to do with us being an island.
Surely the brains at the top of Sky News understand that Guardian readers can already get the reassurance of their views from the BBC, that the rest of us want non hysterical, non-green news? I think some Guardian readers forget they are among a minority, as it is the least read national newspaper in the UK – for good reasons.
Irrespective of all politics, I am deeply saddened by the hideous murder of the Polish man in Harrow, whoever the perpetrators and whatever their ‘motive’, if they even had one.
Poles especially tend to be hard working and to assimilate well. They are also one of the few nations that still adheres to Christainity and its ethics. Polish history has been tragic, stuck as it is between erstwhile Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia and at one time butchered and carved up by both. They resisted heroically, managed to keep their identity and their dignity, and subsequently played no small part in the overthrow of the evil of Communism.
Oops, I’ve strayed into history and politics.
Back to my original point: the death is tragic, and I wouldn’t want to post in a blog that thought otherwise.
The murder of that poor man was a despicable crime, and all perpetrators of such vile acts should be caught and then punished with the utmost severity.
Whatever the “motives” of the perpetrators were should have no bearing on the punishment. Crime is crime, and should always be punished appropriately.
What goes on in someone’s head is, on the other hand, not possible for other men and women to assess. Only God (if He exists) can judge on that. It is by their actions that people should be judged.
“Hate” is something that pretty well all human beings are liable to do – especially, in my experience, if they are on the political Left, or are members of a certain “religious” group. It is a sin, not a crime.
Well said Peter the Great, and hopefully no one will challenge your view.
What can be challenged is that usually the police investigate a crime for a few months before putting a case to the DPP who will, after weeks deliberation, decide on the nature of the crime and the actual charges to be answered. In this instance the BBC, without any investigation, offered a single view of the reasons for the appalling assault.
They may be right of course, but they may be wrong.
I am very surprised this can be put down to a Hate Crime.
The biased BBC has reported and often failed to report several similar murderous attacks and these seem to be in almost all cases perpetrated by vulnerable people with Mental Health issues and no particular religious persuasion. Lorry drivers on the French Riviera are particularly prone to these conditions.
I cannot imagine why the biased BBC are failing to pursue this line in the current case.
I am old enough to remember relatively large numbers of Poles who settled in Home Counties towns during and after the last war. They were good, hard-working folk, and admired because of their compatriots’ prominent role in the British armed forces. They assimilated. It is the muslims who will not and cannot assimilate, as a matter of outlook, policy and doctrine. They are alien.
Truly evil act.
Truble is that whenever the BBC refuse to give me details, names or colour-I draw my own conclusions.
Had they been white suburban kids , I`d surely have heard that they were UKIP fans of Breivik who wanted brexit to start the new race war.
But because I haven`t, I only have to imagine gangs, black, migrant, muslim, drugged…because recent assaults on white people do`nt get any attention and we`re left to check up ourselves after liberal lockdown.
Bataclan, Rotherham and Cologne have been catastrophic for race relations-and the liberals conspired to destroy them by telling lies and covering up the evils done.
God Bless the poor man and his family and friends…had he been English though-not Polish, post Brexit-the BBC would not be giving a damn.
Rolling 24hnews bollox: 11.00am ticker tape headline, NOT child killed by maniac speeding car thief as xxxxx. But styled as child named as xxxx killed in police chase.
These are the times when it comes to the bBC I wish a lamppost and piano wire are nearby.
Very fond of that “police car chase angle” aren`t they?
And the self-referral to the Police Watchdog, as if they`re already guilty.
But nothing about the people who stole the car, speeded up and killed a mum and child, leaving other kids badly maimed.
Property is theft anyway maan…it`s only a car,dude…and not really a crime is is bruv?
Expect the BBC to continually push this one, so police have to get on the back of Vines bike to nick a drug dealing thief who`s nicked a car.
Utter crap-the BBC forever hate the fuzz, back the gangs….
According to the police press lines from yesterday, this chase “started in the vicinity of Birkbeck Road, Beckenham at approximately 14:00hrs.” and “At approximately 14:05hrs on Wednesday, 31 August a car was in collision with a number of members of the public in Lennard Road, SE20.” The distance between these two roads is somewhere around 1- 2 miles depending on the route taken and clearly the police would have had very little time to assess the situation before the car-thief crashed into the pedestrians. The BBC today however chose to use the phrase “car chase through South London” which to me implies a much longer chase with more time for the police to assess the risks of the pursuit.
Remember the prominence the BBC gave the PMI Services survey which showed a decline post the Brexit vote? It was a top story.
We’ll the PMI Manufacturing survey is in.
“The pound has jumped to a one-month high against the dollar after a survey indicated the UK’s manufacturing sector rebounded sharply in August.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37242804
Currently merely the 4th story on the BBC news website in the Business section.
I think I saw an advert for a whole day on Radio Five (New)Labour next Monday on Brexit (Remoaners?) Britain. Seems they may have waited too long.
Plenty of opportunity for ‘phone in questions asking why has my pension fund shot up so much?, when is the emergency budget?, why haven’t house prices slumped?, what is the latest PMI index?, do you know anyone who works at the BBC who voted leave?, why cannot the BBC actually pick up the mood of the British people beyond Islington?
P.S. Anyone recall the fly on the wall Luton police station programme recently when the black guy killed the Polish immigrant? I do not believe there were any vigils and communal grief!
The Beeboids are back from their villas in Tuscany and Umbria and normal anti Brexit service is being ramped up.
Not content with either ignoring completely or downplaying any news or positive indicators giving the lie to Brexitgeddon, a series of Brexit Specials is again firing up: Five live are on the road in a few days to investigate, up and down the country, how Brexit will affect the lives of the man and woman in the street; Next week Radio 4 lead their Autumn anti Brexit charge with their latest offering – an investigation of Brexit from the point of view of EU Citizens living in the UK (Anyone sick of the BBC’s bias will have been able to already write the script!); And more – as we know a, ‘Let’s all laugh at Nigel Farage’ – ‘The gift that keeps on giving’ – BBC ‘Comedy’ Drama is in production.
These latest special are on the back of the BBC’s earlier convulsions after the June vote which included;
– ‘Five Live’ Brexit special from Dover
– ‘Newsnight’ Brexit debate (complete with a totally unrepresentative audience from London – BTW, they even managed to find an ‘OUT’ voter who wanted a second referendum).
– ‘Today’ Brexit Special
– ‘Wake up to Money’ Brexit Special
– ‘Front Row’, a handwringing Lovies Brexit debate (in two programmes)
– ‘Songs of Praise’ Brexit Special
– ‘Woman’s Hour’ Brexit Debate
– ‘BBC Newsround’ Brexit Q and A – the BBC, fresh from graduating from the Jimmy Savile grooming school gets access to kiddies minds on the subject.
and not forgetting numerous anti-Brexit segments in ‘Today’, ‘PM’, ‘Newsnight’ and ‘Countryfile’.
When will it all end? When will the wake be over? Enough. E-fucking-nough.
I rarely comment on this board, but I’d like to briefly respond to the events that recently occurred in Mexico City.
I think Trump’s bilateral press conference with Enrique Peña Nieto was an absolute masterstroke on levels that even exceed Presidential behaviour before an election. Nieto quite blatantly agreed to negotiate with Trump, and at the same time even acknowledged the need for strengthened border controls to combat illegal trafficking of drugs, money and people. Hillary was also invited, according to Nieto, but failed to turn up; effectively declining. If anything is to go by based on Trump’s press conference, it is the incredible display by our beloved mainstream media outlets going completely insane; they simply cannot handle what happened, and resorted to writing rage-filled spin articles that make even less sense than their usual fictitious tales. Meanwhile, Hillary comes out of hiding to discuss her hurt feelings over a group of internet memes and Alex Jones. This is too priceless to comprehend, and it works perfectly in Donald’s favour.
Very goog JJJA. It’s a pity that it won’t be seen by enough of our young, indoctrinated citizens who could learn a different perspective than the lies that have been rammed down their throats in school and college.
Through gritted teeth, the BBC is forced to admit all is not entirely doom and gloom post-Brexit:
Pound jumps as UK manufacturing activity rebounds
The pound has jumped to a one-month high against the dollar after a survey indicated the UK’s manufacturing sector rebounded sharply in August. The Markit/CIPS purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for the sector rose to 53.3 in August from July’s figure of 48.3. A figure above 50 indicates expansion. The weakening of the pound following the Brexit vote boosted exports, the survey found. However, it also indicated that the weak pound had pushed up firms’ costs. A weakening of the pound makes UK goods cheaper for overseas buyers, but increases the cost of goods imported into the UK.
Since the Brexit vote, the pound has fallen in value by more than 10% against both the US dollar and the euro. Following the release of the latest PMI survey, the pound jumped by 1%, more than a cent, against the dollar, hitting $1.3267. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37242804
More crying into their skinny lattes. This is not going according to plan.
Just on viewing figures alone taking the piss about someone(farage) who 17.5 million people agreed with seems a strange starting point. Viewing figures seem irrelevant to the beeb .Only Winston Churchill in modern times has been above their scorn and mockery.
Actually, what’s possibly more depressing is that it’s the second most read article on the BBC’s website, despite actually saying nothing of importance.
Meanwhile, there’s another Have Your Say on Apple’s tax problems. They know when they’re on safer ground, because I can’t remember the last HYS on the Islamic invasion of Europe the refugee crisis.
The article may have nothing of importance but it does have a lovely graphic of how her Twitter message appears on a smart phone including the keyboard, signal strength and battery level indicator.
Seriously, we pay the BBC £6bil a year for this utter shite?!?
Total BS on R4’s WATO this lunchtime as the BBC tries to worm its way out of having been the Remainiac Broadcasting Corporation both in the run-up to and the aftermath of the Brexit vote.
The figures now clearly show that we were bing lied to by the Remain side and that its predictions of disaster were we to vote to leave the museum of socialism were exactly what the Leavers called them – Project Fear.
But does the BBC have anyone on its programme who is willing to call this very obvious spade a shovel? No, it has its own mealy mouthed correspondent, the ridiculous New Labour groupie Stephanie Flanders and Andrew Lillico, all twisting and turning like so many snakes in so many forked sticks.
What a disgusting, mendacious display from our third rate ‘world class’ broadcaster. And how typical.
I heard it! It was hilarious, toe curling and anger inducing all at the same time.
Apparently no one said there was going to be a recession as soon as the UK voted out, and if they did they actually said it might or might not happen and if they did say it were to happen then it might not happen until next year or maybe not then. Erm, in fact people may have misheard us.
GCooper, I loved the bit where one interviewee suggested this current unexpected increase in the ONS stats is simply filling in the depressions from the last set. And then, Stephanie Flanders adding her negative, ‘two-pennyworth’. (But, wasn’t she a BBC employee until fairly recently?) Carrying on the skills she obtained from her time at the “Most Trusted…”.
I like the “slow burn” phrase they are going to use about the economy ; it’s going to slow burn out due to Brexit (which actually hasn’t happened yet ) .
I reckon we were going to slow burn if we stay in . Certainly my industry has . But the BBC wouldn’t want an honest piece on that .
Listening to Apple’s tax woes on all channels, as they appear to be the computer of choice amongst right-on media types (a relic, I understand, from the time when they had a clear lead in graphics performance), I wonder if a pious shift to Windows machines will be the result?
(Apologies to any users here – I know they have one or two other virtues, at a price.)
Excellent article in the D/Mail by Christopher Stevens bemoaning how the BBC has lost the comedy plot. Something we’ve all spoken about on here. This sums it up……
“The people who run the BBC don’t know what makes ordinary people laugh, because most of them are Oxbridge graduates who have existed all their lives in a snob’s paradise, untainted by the everyday world. They look at classic sitcom and want to recapture it’s magic, but they haven’t a clue why us lot were laughing in the first place “…..
Oxford, part of the Establishment, had the thought in 1985 and over £60 million went into it. Oxford is now an established academic centre for the study of Allan and his Snack Bar. The BBC have regular experts spreading its wisdom.
In one way of another Islam has become a formidable force in academia, and not just the leftie Pally supporters.
You only have to look at the waves of so called scholarly publications on Islam, and the highly rated books and journals covering Islamic studies.
I wasn’t saying that Monty Python had the highest ratings, but they were hardly irrelevant. I doubt if Morecambe & Wise had much of a following outside the UK, almost certainly not in the US, and their movies were awful.
Ultimately talent is talent, doesn’t matter if you are out of Eton straight to Oxbridge or Gas works comprehensive, if you have the talent you’ll make them laugh. Problem now is our ‘comedians’ are the product of the wot no talent? affirmative action, positive discrimination and ‘progressive’ worldview merry go round. I can get more laughs talking to the bloke behind the counter at my local chippy than watching any so called BBC so called comedy.
As if the BBC’s lamentable performance on R4 this lunchtime wasn’t enough on its own to win it the Clown Broadcaster of the Year championship, it managed to top even that dismal, biased rubbish with the programme that followed. In it, a breathless Irishman managed to weld together fears of invasion by foreign species, ‘global warming’ and the dangers of Brexit in a programme ostensibly about parakeets.
Uncontrolled invasive species? They don’t do irony at BBC Bristol, do they?
I have just listened to a BBC R4 (News at 1) report on “Refugees” in Sweden. So touching it was that I almost shed a tear at the warm message our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” conveyed. Stories from Swede’s that full employment can be given to Refugees and we, “….really need them”. My overwhelmingly objective part sought to add balance to this clearly unbalanced item of news and I very quickly discovered a much larger negative picture. Needless to say, ‘take your pick’. This is a small selection to satisfy all tastes:
Stories from Swede’s that full employment can be given to Refugees and we, “….really need them”.
If the people running the BBC today ran it in the 1920’s they would most likely be trying to convince us of the wonders of Charles Ponzi’s postal reply coupons.
Why didn’t the Swedes offer employment to out of work Greeks, Spaniards ,Italians, Frenchmen, all of whom have millions of unemployed who have been driven out of work by the euro?All of this so called ‘need for third world immigrants ‘ is palpable nonsense being used by politicians as a pathetic excuse for the lunatic policy of Islamisation. The people of Europe need to wake up and get rid of these dangerous leaders.
I wonder how many people have written to Gwyneth Williams (BBC Controller Radio 4) asking her to reduce The World at One back to its former duration of 30 minutes and re-instate the 30 minute programme that followed which was usually, but not always, a comedy programme?
This week, Derek Mooney has applied his pleasant voice and obvious broadcast skills to sharing the ‘Graveyard Shift’ with The Archers, narrating a short series on the subject of Nature’s Great Invaders. Wildlife and nature, what’s not to like about a bit more Nature on the BBC as there’s a tremendous shortage of the stuff on its channels. It all goes well enough until about seven minutes in and I find I’m being preached at with ‘a message’ sent hurtling out of my radio’s speaker from the MLM*, the militant wing of the MSM, to batter me about me ears.
On Tuesday, when it came to ‘the message’, I switched off and just out of interest glanced at the clock. Yesterday, I again switched off when smacked by ‘the message’ and deliberately looked at the clock – pretty much exactly the same time. Today, a repeat of almost exactly the same thing at exactly the same time. It is, in effect, a form of neuro-linguistic programming.
I’m old enough to remember a TV Channel getting into serious trouble in the 1960s or 1970s over subliminal programming. I cannot now remember which channel was responsible. I seem to recall that the Postmaster General was on to it pretty quickly after it was noted by viewers and rivals and was taken up by the print media with questions in the House and all that sort of thing. I wonder at what point this time, if at all, the BBC might get into trouble for its behaviour? Probably not at all. The problem now is that it seems so widespread over all the BBC’s Radio 4 output.
All the more reason to reinstate the 1.30pm comedy slot.
Ah Derek mooney, it’s always surprising where these clowns show up. He works with rte in Ireland and is a full on green zealot. He used to have an afternoon show on rte radio 1 in Ireland up till a few years ago until he was moved. He was a full on climate change disciple using his ‘love’ of birds to push his agenda. No opposing voice allowed on his show only believers.
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Eastern Europeans in Brexitland Monday 5th September 20:00 Radio 4
The issue of immigration and immigrants dominated the EU referendum campaign with much of the focus on the increased numbers of Eastern Europeans in the UK following EU expansion in 2004. They are often talked about – but rarely spoken to.
Writer and journalist Gary Younge meets Eastern Europeans who live in the UK. He explores the impact of the Brexit vote on these communities and considers how the vote and their experiences fit into the history of race and migration in Britain.
In this first of two programmes, Gary talks to Poles and Romanians in Bristol, an area that voted Remain and which has longstanding Eastern European communities.
A Somethin’ Else production for BBC Radio 4.
Not biased at all !
Gary Young eh?
But who else?
Guardian black hack, Black Lives Matter, Mark Duggan and Trayvon Martin…etc, etc
It`s what he says, is and does…and the Guardian pay him.
Probably more for his photo at the top of the piece rather then the shit he writes.
But why are the BBC paying for him?..we KNOW what` he`ll have to say-and I resent this shallow halitosis claque of Guardian organ grinders getting the perpetual berth to speak anti-Brexit shit.
The Poles don`t need his patronage…and I bet HE doesn`t dare go over himself to Ostrava or Katowice to speak to them…might show that “racist attacks” in the East dwarf any eggy look or catcall once in a blue moon, that some claim to get after closing time.
Shutit Beeb-you ARE the problem!
I’ve been listening less and less to the BBC, but for a change listened to the Radio 4 news program PM. Two months after the referendum vote the BBC is still in full campaign mode against Brexit. The lead story on the Prime Minister and Brexit provides the opportunity for an interviewer to query the whole prospects for Brexit. The second story of a Pole being murdered, is linked to Brexit and the rise in hate crimes. There is also a trailer for a forthcoming radio programme about how East Europeans in the UK no longer feel welcome following the Brexit vote. It’s pathetic.
It’s my belief that Dodge Dave allowed the BBC to keep the licence fee in return for their support on the Brexit vote. It was a silly price to pay if it was paid, because the BBC would have done that anyway.
Astounded by a BBC News at Six report on the murdered Pole. ‘Reporter’ Dominic Sandford (?) intoned gravely but with absolutely no caveat “There are fears that this was a crime triggered by the Brexit referendum”, despite offering no evidence whatsoever that this was the case, other than the fact that the victim was not British.
Yes, and the MP for Harlow i believe, weighed in with saying, at least three times, that the persons who did this were ‘ of the sewers’……what?….if that isn’t hate speech itself, i’m a Dutchman…..those sewer people he calls them are also his constituents, and the families of the guilty persons will not take too kindly to being likened to rats,,,,he also mentioned the vote to leave as being probably to blame for the behaviour…all on the BBC of course…..vote UKIP next time Harlow people…..your MP not only colluded to bring in 1.3 million Poles to take British jobs, which they have, and thinks those that object as well as the violent ones are of the sewers. As do the BBC of course.
I heard a little of that, many people jumping to all sorts of wild conclusions while displaying a startling lack of judgement, particularly in the case of the MP, he should really know a lot better than to risk prejudicing the outcome of an investigation with hate talk.
Just imagine if this had happened in the first couple of weeks after Brexit! The BBC would have had every available staffer up there, and would probably have had to bring some reserves out of retirement, like a journalistic version of Dad’s Army…
Not just the BBC, though. ITV News Anglia had a sob story with the Polish ambassador visiting the site to lay a “floral tribute”, and the reporter asking a local shopkeeper had he seen an increase in these attacks since Brexit. Amazingly he had. Very sad event and great sympathy for the murdered man’s family, but this racist mob have reportedly been congregating in that area for months if not years.
Funny too that our Polish Ambassador seemed well-able to tell us all (and the BBC of course) ablout the sad decline in our culture after Brexit and the rise in the number of “racist incidents” against the Poles since June 23rd.
All the more clever seeing as he`s only been Polish Ambassador for a day-yesterday was his first day at work in the new job.
But don`t let THAT stop you BBC…this was one you`ve been stewing since June and freshly baked variants on the crap CONTINUE to be news as far as you`re concerned.
Lying lazy liberal liars.
AaronD: Murdered by a gang of children Brexit connected? Sheer lunacy but typical of the BBC.
Blood pressure through the roof ! listening to the young male Beeb journalist reporting in hushed tones (why ???) in Sicily watching the offloading of more cargo from the Med, and interviewing a couple of males from Nigeria, and one from Pakistan (wtf ?) – Apparently these are the ‘lucky’ ones who have been rescued. They have the appearance of being forlorn and pitiful for the cameras now, but in a few weeks they will be in Calais and they won’t be too f….. weary to start clubbing the lorries and aggressively targeting motorists. Will the same young journo be so sympathetic then ?
So sympathetic?….errrr…..yep.!
Hillary Clinton aide says that Russia funds the far-right UKIP. Any interest from the BBC in this interesting story?
She came out with a set of blatant lies about Farage after he made her a laughing stock.
UKIP is hardly ”far right” on any objective assessment. Except in the sense that ”far right” seems lately to have become the standard bien pensant terminology for anything or anyone disputing the shallow imbecilities that leftist cretins refer to as their ”beliefs”.
It’s just yet another leaden trope the comrades are hoping will manage to lumber off down the runway of p.c. misrepresentation with enough hot air behind it to get it briefly airborne.
Of course the BBC is doing its very best to help.
Far right depends on where you are standing..
If you as far left as the BBC has become then anyone or party standing in the centre ground of British politics is….Far Right!!
I’ve been thinking for a while of putting together a list of journalists, TV personalities and bloggers who aren’t afraid to put their heads above the parapet and tell the truth against a hate-filled media. I put together a quick list and if If I’ve missed any then sorry.
The Heroes on the side of the angels:
Pat Condell
Anne Coulter
James Delingpole
Nigel Farage
Pamela Geller
Jamie Glazov
David Greenfield
Ayaan Hirsi-Ali
Alex Jones
Raheem Kassam
Richard Kemp
Ruth Lea
Ezra Levine
Steven Molyneux
Douglas Murray
Sarah Palin
Melanie Phillips
Mark Regev
Lauren Southern
Robert Spencer
David Starkey
Mark Steyn
David Vance
Paul-Joseph Watson
Geert Wilders
Milo Yiannopolis
(Young, balding Irish chap)
Clint Eastwood
Jon Voight
Below are others who are sometimes fighting for the right* cause. (*right as in correct. This is not intended as a right v left list, although it does largely fall on those lines as the Right is usually right.)
Herman Cain
Ben Carson
Bill Cash
Ray Cook (could arguably be put in the above list)
Michael Gove
Daniel Hannan
I’d be inclined to mention Andrew Neil for service behind enemy lines.
And Rod Liddle.
I had forgotten him, he should be added to the “sometimes right” list.
I’ve just seen the bottom of my list is missing. Here it is
Peter Hitchens
Kate Hoey
Boris Johnson
Colin Powell
Andrew Pierce
Tommy Robinson
Gisela Stewart
Donald Trump
Reluctant additions:
Marine Le Pen (and her niece)
Trevor Phillips (getting there)
Katie Hopkins. Worth adding. Love her.
See her slam the BBC and multiculturalism which she does not want rammed down our throats. Note her comments on the Remoaners.
I had considered her as sometimes she is excellent, but sometimes she goes too far and damages/destroys all the good work she puts in elsewhere.
Pretty good list. I’d add Pat Condell, though he pulls no punches at all. Here’s one of the old boy’s well-followed Youtube vids; this one from 2012 yet on the particular issue under discussion currently here on this thread.
Pat appeared on the list in first place (alphabetcally). Definitely one of the good guys.
I’d add to that list Peter Whittle, UKIP London Mayor candidate and now London Assembly member. Has written some good books and articles and set up the New Culture Forum think tank.
I would add Thomas Sowell , the American philosopher .
Proposing: Christopher Monckton.
Monckton is an excellent choice, I think it’s safe to say that he is not a BBC fan.
“Proposing: Christopher Monckton”
Agreed, I forgot him. What’s the name of that chap who was arrested for quoting Churchill? He sometimes contributes on here.
Just remembered – Paul Weston.
George Igler and Bill Warner
Is “Young, balding Irish chap” Dave Cullen, aka Computing Forever?
Yes, I checked him up. I hadn’t known his name before. Thanks.
Milo Yiannopolis?
I’m leaving London tomorrow, perhaps for the last time, and I can’t say I’m sad. This isn’t my city any more.
I first thought my long absence was the source of my malaise. I’ve been feeling this niggling sense of unease, as though either I had changed or London had changed — as though we didn’t really know each other any more. I worked it out in the end. What’s wrong with London is what’s wrong with every major European city now. It’s Islam.
NCBBC …. Every word is true. This is the not so silent creeping of Islam across Europe – there doesn’t need to be a third World War, its already happening under our noses. Also watching that video of white women protesting in solidarity with their Muslim ‘sisters’ I thought how dangerous that was – those same white women in 25 years time may not have the freedom to swan about in skimpy T shirts and shorts !! they’ll have something to shout about then.
Agreed Brissels – “those same white women in 25 years time may not have the freedom to swan about in skimpy T shirts and shorts”
But 25 years? At this rate it won’t be that long. And here’s a controversial thought: I wonder if deep down in their weird psyche they actually want to be told what to do and what to wear? While screaming for ever more freedom,I wonder if they’re actually wanting just the opposite. Either way, they’re going to get it sooner than they think. Sharia? Bring it on folks.
Other People missing from your list are:
The only high IQ Labour MPs Frank Field and Graham Stringer. The Labour Leaders brainy brother, Piers Corbyn is also a force for good, and George Galloway’s RT slot can be free of the BBC’s moronic dogma. Tories Lord Lawson, Peter Lilly, Philip Davies, David Davies and David Davis.
There is Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore, and Journalists Martin Durkin, Christopher Booker, Richard Littlejohn and I once saw Donna Laframboise on the BBC Parliament Channel. Its known that investigations into Climate science by Michael Buerk, Peter Sissons and Jeremy Paxman have made them think that the BBC is run by idiots. Also I could list the many scientists censored by the BBC.
There are many others who I don’t think you would have heard of because of my many obscure sources, and many members of the Royal Society who would not want to be named, except Sir Patrick Moore, who is now one of the dead ones on my list.
Richard, much food for thought on your list. Many I forgot but should have included including Frank Field who I had intended to have. What about David Bellamy and Johnny Ball? I wouldn’t include Paxman as I think he still drinks the same brand of kool-aid as his fellow Beebists.
In Australia we have Andrew Bolt – deadly foe of the leftist ABC channel (the Aussie BBC). Andrew is one of very few un-PC Aussie journalists. He has a popular political blog -http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/andrewbolt/
Until recently he had an excellent weekly TV show (on the commercial channel 10), a conservative-slanted round-up of the week’s events, demonstrating the ABC’s disgraceful bias. Channel 10 (increasingly leftist in its news) ditched it, and it appears only on the Sky channel now.
If only we still had the Bolt report. All the channels are playing down the Islamic element in the Queensland backpacker murders. They make no mention of the Ali’s Snackbar chain (as ubiquitous as McDonalds). Coming soon, to a high street near you.
The lefty libertarian Brendan O’Neill should be included.
I would also put Gavin McInnes and Ben Shapiro on the heros / angels side too
A good list. I would add Jeff Randall.
Is there somebody new working on the BBC Latin America desk?
“It puts an end to 13 years in power of her left-wing Workers’ Party. ”
I hope this prominent and welcome mention that the guilty party is left wing hasn’t blighted a journalist’s otherwise promising career.
Quick. Quick. BBC being outdone. Sky’s ludicrous News at 7 is going to tell you how Climate Change is going to make it more dangerous to swim off Britain’s beaches. BBC News teams will be kicking themselves over that one.
It’s always been dangerous to swim off Britains beaches.The tide and currents make it so. As children we were regularly taken to the seaside but given a very healthy respect for the sea by our families.
Nowadays kids are taken to Westfield shopping centre for a day out and aren’t going to learn much about nature there.
Sky or Beeb,not much to chose between them .
It’s more dangerous these days. All sorts of things in the British waters such as Jelly fish, condoms, sewerage, migrants etc.
Yes, being brought up by the seaside, as kids we were always told to keep our mouths shut when in the sea, as all sorts of unmentionables would float by !!!
Yes….you always had to beware of the brown goldfish.
Now then, who’s looking forward to this? The bBBc ‘Comedy’ Dept is doing a programme about Nigel Farage…
“One clue is that ‘insiders’ told the Radio Times that his character was already being described as a ‘cross between Basil Fawlty and Enoch Powell.”
Can’t wait.
Top comment for me?
“…the BBC is a cross between Jimmy Savile and Anjem Choudary.”
Nail, head, hit.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy. They haven’t done for years .
End of .
Here’s a corrective to the forthcoming BBC sneer-com. Maybe one for the Faragists amongst us, coming in at 70 minutes, but an essential watch nonetheless. The sight of Blair, Brown, Schultz, Baroso et al taking their three minutes (EU rules) of pain is a joy to behold. This is actually a truly remarkable political story, and one that if suited to the BBC narrative would be told very differently. Imagine, a fresh-faced political idealist, determined to take on an anti-democratic political Behemoth, who faces vitriol, mockery and slander, and yet over 23 years rises to victory. This is the stuff of Hollywood, and the BBC are going to do a hatchet-job? They should be celebrating people like Farage. As it is, the BBC and others https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/aug/28/the-guardian-view-on-ukip-after-nigel-farage-a-grievance-in-search-of-a-leader are content to stir up antipathy and hate. Boycott the BBC and watch this!
Independence Day The Movie- Nigel Farage 1993 -2016 (and more to come)
Tempting to think that Farage has already had the last laugh at Al Beeb’s expense, although it remains to be seen exactly what May means by “Brexit”.
This morning, the BBC very excited about the alleged killing of a Polish man in Harlow by a bunch of white teenagers.
This might well be accurate. However, still no mention as far as I’m aware of the killing of the white man by what appears to be a sucker-punch in Blackheath.
He was killed by BREXIT apparently. But the killing in OZ was NTDWI, despite the killer loudly advertising Alan’s Snackbar. We’re forced to pay for this psy-op insanity.
Yes, I noticed how the Beeb kept repeating the utterly ludicrous term “hate crime.” I say that the term is such because if you’ve just kicked someone to death then, whatever the circumstances, and whoever the victim is, and the assailants are, it’s a murder. We don’t need these new, specially introduced categories to muddy the waters. This Orwellian mind bending nuance when certain sections of the community are attacked is just plain wrong.
And yet with the poor chap murdered at Blackheath it is beginning to appear that those culprits are not white. I wonder what they’ll call that particular murder?
Whatever they deem it to be it most certainly won’t be referred to as a “hate crime”.
The Orwellian language can seem rather comical: The newsreader seemed to imply that “Hate Crime” was more serious than Murder, and that Murder is not a hate crime unless it involves people classed as a different race by left-wing ideology. But I am sure that all Murderers Murder out of hatred, and if not, its called Manslaughter. Also, for a thousand years due to the civilising influence of Christianity, which teaches its flock in Churches, to forgive those who hate. It was Murder that was the crime, not the hatred. This is evidence that mass immigration is causing the collapse of the civilising influence of Christianity, and a return to barbarism, caused by Humanism and Islam.
Just watching ‘The Chronicles of Nadia’ where the British Bakeoff champion is touring her ‘home country’ of Bangladesh. She is with two Bangladeshi women cooking samosas and in a school with the Headmistress. Guess who is the only one wearing a head dress and non western style clothes.
Well, she wouldn’t get the publicity if she looked like the rest of us now would she ! The Beeb wouldn’t waste the time or effort, although they might have found a vacancy for a reporter in the Sports Department !
How can anyone be a ‘British’ baker and not use lard or pork? It would be like pretending to be a French chef and never using butter.
“How can anyone be a ‘British’ baker and not use lard or pork?”
On Al Beeb anything goes to get the multi-culti message over.
Its Propaganda.
Jim,Totally agree.Also how many Brits bake with a tea towel on their head.She is just a creation of the BBC to try and persuade the gullible that all Muslims are nice and just like us really.The BBC are constantly using their state granted power to change British society and force us to accept if not embrace multiculturalism
The corporation has really got to me.I watched the two hour ,comment free ,bus ride through the Yorkshire dales. Lovely countryside, but a hideously white set of passengers by the way.I’m sure the producer will get a rocket for not including some colour in the programme.Anyway feeling very relaxed watching such a peaceful bucolic programme I got to wondering what message the BBC was sending us.Then it dawned on me.They were trying to show that there were many broad acres in Yorkshire and elsewhere that were sparsely populated ,so there was plenty of room to take another 10 million immigrants.They can even ruin their own good programmes!
“many broad acres in Yorkshire and elsewhere that were sparsely populated ,so there was plenty of room to take another 10 million immigrants”
I live near Grassington. There are many naive people around here who claim to think that it wouldn’t make much difference. We already have three or four Indian restaurants, what’s the problem?
Food – it always comes down to food with these foolish people.
Maria, I long ago realised that a great deal of the ‘British public’ will get the UK they deserve in the not too distant future. When I hear and see the ‘types’ that are street interviewed on the box I despair, most cant string two sentences together when asked their views, some just grunt and others just utter ‘like’, y’know, as though learning how to speak was way down the list of activities.
If its the assertion that we could accommodation 10 million more migrants, then the size of Canada could take in the whole of Africa methinks (!). We might just as well all swap continents, I wouldn’t mind seeing out my days in Hawaii actually. Dear Lord we are teetering on the edge of a precipice here, with no one with any balls at the top making decisions.
The middle class ones do more damage though, with their overwhelming desire to appear erudite and sophisticated.
It’s an extreme form of egalitarianism, applied to everything. A cowardly, judgement free, head in the sand belief that all people, cultures, religions, types of music, drama, literature, and lifestyles etc are equal and, most dangerous of all, interchangeable.
Deep down, I think few of them have genuine faith in it but the social consequences of speaking out can be unbearable.
Look no further than Edward’s outrage at my comment. He’d already made some fairly bold statements himself, but tried to backtrack when they were taken a step further.
Let these fools go on a day trip to the once proud city of Bradford to what fate awaits us all if we continue to allow the Islamification of our country.
And proud it was. Wealthy too.
Not all of the damage is down to immigration though. The city centre had its heart ripped out in the 1960s, replaced with 1960s architecture of the worst kind. Now also demolished.
The demolition of Kirkgate (indoor) Market was another atrocious decision.
The loss of social cohesion, which it certainly had, is definitely down to immigration though.
I suspect you already know all this.
And Rotherham Doublethinker ! the Muslims have taken over that place lock stock and barrel.
Compare to the way the media fell over themselves to portray US fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad in a false* positive way, just because she was the first American to compete at the Olympics wearing a Hijab.
Also compare to 400 metre hurdler Dalilah Muhammad, who chooses to wear standard attire for her event, and actually won gold, but barely gets a mention.
“Oooh, aren’t I the virtuous one supporting the woman in the Islamic clothing. It makes me feel so superior.”
* false because it actually turns out she has links to some rather dubious views.
Quite right Brissles, but the irony is that the women actually living in the country of her so called ‘religion’ were dress like us. How can she, and so many others living in Britain, claim they dress like that on religious grounds when Muslim women in Muslim countries do not feel the need to do so ?
ANSWER: They do it to annoy and confront us and to try to provoke an adverse response.
From the BBC’s news about the horrific deaths in Penge as people are hit by stolen car pursued by police:
Ilya Baxter, 23, saw the police chase from a window in his flat. He described seeing a white man aged between 18 and 25 running across the road around the corner from the crashed car, before police caught him.
Now, can you imagine the BBC mentioning the colour of the captured suspect if it was not white?
It would be useful if the BBC and it’s tame acolytes covered some of the really pressing matters that actually threaten all our futures instead of it’s pathetic attempts to act as a world class news outfit ( BBc speak for being crap at everything)
I list a few.
The probable coming break up of the EU borderless dream over Merkel’s determination to impose her will on the old East countries over migrants.
What exactly is going on in Germany? Vast numbers of migrants that do not work, cannot work and are increasing in numbers every day.Why is the German establishment doing this and threatening the stability of Europe? Nothing from the BBc except sunshine reporting from snowflakes.
The growing economic crisis. Ireland is about to have another banking crisis as is Canada.The euro is in trouble and deflation looms . What has happened to the billions of fiat money ?Where is it?
What about Turkey? Russia? Nothing of real depth from the BBC. I won’t even bother with the BBc’s attempt to spin away Islamic attacks around the world.
I could go on an on but what is the point. The BBC will just go on in the old way until it becomes a laughing stock and is as irrelevant as the buggy whip.
All potentially good news items DaveS. Indeed, for the professional broadcaster they should be unbiased essential debate. However, until the BBC have found a way of working their new protégée, Nadiya into one and all, there’s no hope.
Somebody on Newsnight has just said that Nigel Farage is basically to blame for the Polish man’s death. I’m sure the BBC will be happy with that.
I don’t know the facts of this particular case but I would have thought that the average Polish person would pass as the average British person, as was, i.e. ‘race’ can’t come into it.
But maybe this was an ‘enriched’ Pole, or a non-enriched Pole up against enriched ‘British’ men? Life is so complicated now!
[Years ago if we heard that a British man had been killed in India we knew it was likely to be someone retired from the Colonial Service. Now it usually means someone killed by his own cousin on a visit ‘home’].
Missed that but did catch Evan Davis talking to some up himself writer about how maybe they all were just a little too dismissive and patronising about us voting scum. Of course Brexit was a mistake and has to be reversed otherwise the price of wine might reach 100 pounds a bottle or some such drivel.
Where do they find these people? Are they trying to wind us up on purpose or is it in their DNA?
That writer was really really objectionable whoever he was.
That`ll be Ian McEwan will it?
Thankfully hauled overt the coals for saying stuff about only REAL blokes have willies.
Because McEwan is such a sanctimonious prick-yes, he DOES have one-I was more than happy to get out the DMs,smoke a lezzy cheroot and call for him to be booted out of East Anglian College for the terminally tolerant( as Pat Condell calls `em).
Probably Scottish as well…and only a weirdo like him could envisage a foetus fussing over Brexit or hate crimes against Somali warlords…as opposed to say, abortions and the right to have a mum and dad who loves him.
That`s his latest book-, and like Mark Thompson-gets a free pass onto all shows to talk about his book.
Product placement?…no…but free book club cooings and soft pats from your former colleagues who wonder at your greatness `midst the vulnerabilities?
Who needs a notice board anymore at the office…the BBC don`t notice if we`re bored anyway…and we are..and we remember…
Missed the Davis comment, but if there’s any chance of that happening please let me know – I can get a pretty good St Emilion just down the road for 10 – 20 euros, if anyone’s interested.
That somebody on Newsnight is incorrect. BBC Newsnight needs to make that very clear. Or BBC Newsnight will be held to account for facilitating incitement.
Do they employ off duty Cambridgeshire PCs as bouncers? Or just stick with UAF Republican Guards?
Shortage of housing in London ?
“Councils, particularly those in London, are choosing to tackle a shortage of affordable social housing by investing in accommodation in other parts of the country. But what is life like for the tenants who are forced to live miles from home?” …………..http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37196770
Nothing about controlling immigration ?
No, taffman, I’m just sending another boat to pick up a few hundred more Third-World Refugees/immigrants. Sit still and eat your popcorn!
Couldn`t we store lots of migrants on houseboats along the Thames and the Isis?
Jo Cox no longer needs her boat-won`t hubby have downsized by now and let the quangos rehouse him? Spare bedroom tax and all…
Got to be loads of boats for them to play pirate with…and the winner gets a flotilla to take back to Lampadusa.
Got to be a good programme that one…come on Beeb!
It looks like the campaign has started to nullify the referendum ?
Brexiteers, stick to your vote and let your MP’s know that we want out, and we want it now.
Looks like it . The idiots still don’t get it and it looks like they never will.
Probably degrees coming out of their ears but no common sense. Contempt for the voters disguised as concern for democracy.
Positive Brexit news from the BBC !
“The pound has jumped to a one-month high against the dollar after a survey indicated the UK’s manufacturing sector rebounded sharply in August.”
This, a month after the vote for Independence ?
Be interesting to get a Craig-style list of organisations/NGOs/charities/think tanks/pollsters the BBC consider the word of God, and another of those slimeballs the BBC on occasion deem barely worthy mention and at best make only base claims that cause outrage, or ‘people the BBC call sources say’ are beyond the pale.
Newsnight tonight the worst ever.The propaganda is criminal.I don’t no how they can get away with it.Jo cox now the pole being used and farage blamed ,totally unacceptable outrageous and no one to defend themselves is this behaviour lawful .mr sweeney’s closing line of two poisons coming together. does he mean farage and the teenage killers.Is this journalism in a democratic country.What’s to be done these things can’t be brushed under the carpet surely.
“I don’t no how they can get away with it”
The present Tory government can do something about it, – privatise it.
“Most Of The British Public Supports A Burka Ban”
Even a survey by that left-wing journal The Huffington Post can’t deny the obvious.
Personally, I can’t see the problem with them – just look at Yasmin modelling the latest in summer fashion……this racy little number even comes complete with matching umbrella.
What a brazen hussy!
Hope no Russian dissidents get nervous and cross the road, as the phobia consequences could be serious.
“this racy little number even comes complete with matching umbrella.”
Why not just wear a waterproof burka? Nothing would penetrate that. Which, of course, is the point.
I assume it is an umbrella?
Seems very pregnant – unless it’s a bomb
It’s a bit early for “The Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-come”.
Well, I hope she doesn’t try to cross the road in the dark !
Here’s the answer:
Visible from the Moon.
Please tell me that picture is a piss take.
I was thinking what did this remind me of – then I had it. The evil shadowy figures that emerge from the ground in that soppy 80’s film ‘Ghost’.
JK Rowling has tweeted her frustration with the likely re-election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, claiming the party will not laugh in the future because “this isn’t bloody funny”.
Sorry to disagree with you JK, but I think it’s absolutely hilarious.
Jkr has enjoyed a run of supportive coverage on her Twitter zingers from major media such as HuffPo and the Independent. Plus of corse, the BBC.
Sadly, the fun seems over, Vine-styly.
Seems the term for a luvvie getting smacked around the chops by the cold, wet haddock of reality about the cheap seats supporters their end of the pitch is known as Too De-Vine. Apparently.
Ughh screeching irritant Naga Whatsername, just conducted a hostile, rude “interview” with Jeremy Hunt. Played the man not the ball. Quel surprise.
Business-bot then raises concerns about post Brexit interest rates effecting savers, also Ryan air are putting on less flights due to Bexit, we’re all doomed.
There was a time when presenters were chosen for the quality of their voice not their ethnicity.
This lady puts me in mind of the ‘Banana Boat Song’ version that goes “too piercing man, too piercing”, as I switch her off.
Jim- I am surprised at your naivety. I thought that everybody knew
that the BBC pick their presenters,reporters,interviewers with only
one consideration,positive discrimination.
I think her name, Naga henceforth to be called Nagger, is very apt. Just in case the PC mob are monitoring, here is the dictionary and thesaurus definition of what I mean. Abridged so not in quotes.
Nagger: Source: thefreedictionary.com/nagger
1. To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging.
2. To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain.
1. To scold, complain, or find fault constantly
2. To be a constant source of anxiety or annoyance
Noun 1. nagger – someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault.
↔disagreeable person, unpleasant person – a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
↔harridan – a scolding (even vicious) old woman
As expected, I only managed to watch about fifteen minutes of “All Together Now: The Great Orchestra Challenge?”
One of the “mentors” is Chi-chi Nwanoku. She “was born in London of Nigerian and Irish parents”. Why do I mention that? Because the BBC thinks it is relevant enough to be worth a mention. Her presence, however, is fair enough as she’s a prominent bass player.
In spite of having a large number of UK orchestras to choose from, the competition includes The London Gay Symphony Orchestra, no surprises there, and The People’s Orchestra from Birmingham. This is a strange choice because, according to the BBC, it has “a huge wind section and ten saxophones”, so I don’t see how it can be compared with the others. It goes on to say: “The orchestra is also an independent music charity, which uses music performance to help grow musicians and community wellbeing in one of the most deprived areas of the UK.” Social work then, not music.
During the introduction, the cameras focused on every brown face available, so it’s clear how this is going to go. I didn’t see any emphasis whatsoever on SE Asian musicians, in spite of their considerable contribution to classical music these days. Black seems to be the only ethnicity that matters.
Had enough.
I wonder how the BBC would feel about someone setting up, say, the London Straight Symphony Orchestra?
The LSSO (London Schools Symphony Orchestra) might not be too pleased about that. Plod would probably arrest them.
Statistically, all orchestras will have a proportion of gay players so I don’t see why they need their own. I doubt if discrimination has been a problem. But that’s typical 21st century identity politics, isn’t it?
Michael Tilson Thomas, American Conductor Laureate of the LSO and a frequent visitor to the UK for decades, is openly gay. He concentrates on his conducting so nobody cares. That isn’t enough for some, unfortunately.
I watched the whole programme and agree with your comments about the Gay orchestra, why are they included except for box ticking? And the unusual configuration of the People’s Orchestra – I’m sure included for their left wing name. Don’t see how much information the judges can gain from what seems like only three minutes performance per orchestra. I didn’t agree with the judges’ choice for removal. I liked Chi-chi Nwanoku, she seems like good fun and appears to know what she’s talking about. A decent programme but could be better.
I’ve been very impressed by the Forest Philharmonic.
I haven’t heard them for some time but if their standard has been maintained, they’d give the rest a run for their money. It’s possible, of course, that they were asked and declined, feeling that they had nothing to gain but potentially much to lose from the experience.
Which raises the question, why does everything have to be a competition? I’m sure some other, more interesting format could have been devised.
Yesterday on the Media Show there was another piece about the BBC being prevented from telling the truth during the Brexit referendum owing to the impartiality clause in its charter.This is the fourth time in the past couple of weeks that have I seen or heard this attempt to unshackle the BBC from the impartiality requirement. It is clearly a coordinated plan by the liberal establishment of this country to prepare the ground so that a second referendum can be fought with the BBC free to lie its head off in support of the EU and deny leavers any platform.Of course once free from the impartiality clause the BBC will be more rabid in support of the liberal left across all issues than we have ever seen.Whilst I am delighted by the death of Blairism in the Labour Party , it was only ever a Trojan horse for globalisation and multiculturalism, the liberal elite are trying to put the BBC in a position to be able to carry the Blairite flag and so protect their power base. However if J Corbyn wins the Labour leadership again ,as looks likely, and if therefore Labour gets rid of all the Blairite MPs and UKIP gains lots of the Labour seats, we do have the prospect of an House of Commons in which the BBC has few friends. Corbynistas , UKIP, DUP and sensible Tories all hate the corporation so a majority of MPs may support a move to cut the over mighty corporation down to size.
“unshackle the BBC from the impartiality requirement”
There is of course a very simple way to do this: off the enforced public teat and via subscription.
But they seem to prefer to broadcast uniquely via a unique professional dishonour system.
The BBC has much in common with a certain religion. It thinks it possesses the truth.
I wonder what happens when new hive members sign up.
Do they undergo the same sort of therapy that was used in the Clockwork Orange?
Directed to rid the acolyte of all sense of reality. Then fill the vacant mind with BBC speak and ideas.
What a bunch of idiots they really are now.
Needs ‘unshackled’ from the public purse teat
Apologies for going on about this but Breitbart London have a piece this afternoon that The Electoral Reform Society wants a range of establishment institutions to have the power to intervene in referendum campaigns whenever they feel that the facts are being misrepresented. In reality of course this means that they will be allowed to hog the BBC airwaves to propagandise on behalf of the liberal elite establishment. Obviously this is just an establishment stitch up to prevent us plebs ignoring their wishes and voting the way we want to. Unless the forces of democracy and Liberty get their act together to stop this we will see a massive chunk of the people’ s rights be transferred to the elite.Brexit really pissed them off, which makes it even more worthwhile.
Given that just about everything the BBC does is unique, they were, are and will be at the forefront of any misrepresentation, especially political matters that the public is trying to get informed or educated upon.
Equally, they seem excluded from any oversight of value, or consequence too, as with Leveson, which seemed to mean ‘all the rest’.
The BBC ran this punt on Facebook this morning.
Didn’t go well for the EC, or them. They no longer control or even dominate the message.
Maybe a few of the less dozy pols may grasp this, especially if seeking votes.
I too heard this one Doublethinker.
Mark Thompson fleeced us blind, showed himself to be weak as water when it came to Brand and Ross-and how he got his New York Times job is probably worth ane enquiry…very Don Revie!
Lives in New York…so WHO BETTER to give us ten minutes berating referenda, referring to us as being fooled by Coco the Clowns who know nothing of climate change or social justice progressive lifeforms like himself.
So the Media Show let him plug his book and want the Brexit vote removed…much like McEwan, Soubry and all the other lefties and suckups who do the Tories damage 24/7.
Funny how they all get on so often and so easily-witness Ed Balls and his “vulnerable stammer schtick” as teased out by old steamy windows Robinson thei morning.
Cringe-making radio-he says no-one should leave labour, but stay and fight for the Party he loves.
But not enough to stay and fight in it himself-what a typical labour BBC luvvie there.
Only the BBC give a damn about any book by Ed Balls, let alone his sequinned leotard phase…yet our £145.50 pays his way for us…God we`re thick.
Dumbed-down adolescent BBC Breakfast seems to take its attitude to the EU from its pretentious maiden aunt, Radio 4.
This morning as part of the continuing establishment campaign against Brexit the BBC airs two top anti-Independence stories.
‘Ryanair blames Brexit for fewer passengers flying to Europe’
So I guess France, Germany, Belgium and Turkey descending into close to civil war this Ramadan wouldn’t in itself have caused any hoildaymakers to think twice and plan for a fortnight at Stopathome-on-sea.
By the way: ‘Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary defends EU ahead of referendum after years of calling it an evil empire’
The second string to the BBC anti-Brexit bow (afterall they already shot their bolt) this morning is some cockamamie report from the grandly authoritive sounding Electoral Reform Society.
They’ll be the AV Referendum sore-losers, who want an elected House of Lords, who were pinning their hopes on a reformed more democratic EU – good luck with that.
Apparently the lefty teenagers there think ‘it’s not fair’. More grumbling about ‘lies’ and ‘ill-informed voters’. This from an organisation that is supposed to have the word democracy running through its core like a stick of stay-at-home British holiday rock.
Just a quick survey of their top three staff shows: ‘Previously… Director of the British Institute of Human Rights, a former New Zealand Labour Party politician and a journo from the left-leaning New Statesman.
Brexit means Brexit – or should that sound bite have been Get Over It, BBC !
A discussion this morning on the Today program about the change in the law concerning BBC iPlayer & the licence fee revealed the truth.
The question was asked about foreign viewers and access, and why the BBC could not paywall the site. The response was enlightening! The BBC does not want to go down any kind of subscription route like Netflix or Sky.
I bet it doesn’t! Once it shows that the subscription scheme can work successfully then it puts the comfortable revenue of the licence fee in doubt.
There was the usual why should someone get something for free when others have to pay trotted out, although obviously not the other way around !
But by far the most sinister suggestion was the isp’s could monitor peoples downloads and compare that to a list of licence fee holders!
Good luck with that one ! Makes you wonder who these people think they are, and the cavalier fashion with which they play fast & loose with the law.
I know I shouldn’t have, but I tuned in to Toady on R4 this morning. It took a full five minutes before the first example of bias:
6:10am – Brexit in the papers, headline from the Guardian first (surprise surprise), critical of course, then headline from the Telegraph, supportive. Followed by a sarcastic cartoon from the Telegraph (caption read out) mocking Brexit. No mention of eg The Express’s headline “Brexit will be big success”. Welcome to the Brexit Bashing Corporation.
6:40am – Trump. Speech excerpt saying he will build a wall above and below ground, and that he believes the wonderful president of Mexico will help. Comment straight after that the “wonderful” president of Mexico won’t pay for the wall, no matter what Trump says… but what about the actual quote they played – will Mexico’s president actually help, or not? And then on to say that Trump has indirect ways to get Mexico to pay for the wall, so he’s not going to present the Mexican government with a bill – so their earlier comment is meaningless. Any stick will do to beat the dog. Welcome to the Trump Bashing Corporation.
6:50am onwards:
Junior Doctors in the papers re their strike, two quotes from the papers but only the Telegraph and Daily Mail, critical of the doctors. What does the Grauniad say? We will never know. Obviously only right-wingers are critical of doctors striking 🙄
Referendum and the Electoral Reform Society (ERS), long uninterrupted interview with the ERS, totally unopposed. Everyone was misled or uninformed in the last referendum, apparently. (Couldn’t possibly be that the only one to tell the truth was Farage, who said “no one knows for sure, it’s all guesswork”.) Exaggerations and lies on both sides. Apparently, google searches for “What is the EU” spiked the day AFTER the referendum. And this is the fault of the campaigners how? Perhaps someone should remind them that you cannot legislate against stupidity.
7:10am – Totally hostile interview with Doctors’ representative, interrupted continuously, almost wouldn’t let him finish a single point without cutting him off.
Impartial? Informative? Hardly.
This journalist strategy of persistent interruption should and could quite simply be stopped by refusing to speak unplugging the earpiece and walking out,if this stance became the norm we would see change.Believe me.
There are other ways of dealing with it prior to that ultimate sanction, Mackers.
For example, keep returning – even on subsequent questions – to the first partial response and complete that. After about three repeats the BBC Interviewer will have an Editor or Producer yelling in one ear “Stop interrupting, we’re running out of time on this!”
Another alternative is, at next opportunity provided by the Interviewer, to ask “Would like me to answer your previous question?” BBC Interviewers tend to hate being questioned. The Interviewee can also say “Would you like my full answer to the question of … “. That really puts the BBC Presenter or Interviewer on the spot. They can hardly say “No.”. Unless they are out of time. Then they are the ones left looking stupid.
I totally get what your saying my angle is to the less observant viewer the one’s we need to get onside, for them to suddenly think hey what’s going on?AWAKEN THE MASSES OUT OF THEIR COMA.
Ah! Fond memories of the John Nott interview during the Falklands War, Mackers……………
Currently listening to talk radio why is there no equivalent tv programme and especially on the bbc?
Friends! I suddenly remembered that I wrote a Blog a few months ago, that was somewhat relevant to this particular site. In particular, this bit may be of interest:
” … we on the Left are never short of the sort of jokes that have, for instance, given Radio 4 comedy programmes the sort of reputation and global appeal that they have today! (That joke the other night about “what with that evil witch Thatcher and that mad cowboy Reagan practically starting World War III in the Eighties, it’s amazing that we’re still alive to tell the tale! Thank God they’re both dead, eh!” still has me in stitches!)
Needless to say, Left-wing comedy is also a profoundly radicalising and subversive force, and one which must surely explain at least in part the amount of electoral success that we on the Left have had in the UK over the past few years. So that’s another benefit for us all, friends!”
For anyone who wants to read the full piece, here’s the link:
Last night on the London news following the 10pm national news on BBC1 was a brief report about 2 Muslim brothers who were going to America to see Andy Murray play tennis. Imagine if they were Christians or Jewish would it have been mentioned? Now on what basis, or who was paying for their trip wasn’t mentioned. The important thing was obviously that they were Muslim.
Remember john knot mp walking out on robin day that’s what i’m talking about.Mr hunt mp should adopt an approach with more fire and angst,just say if you continue to interrupt me i’m out of here.Implement the policies they don’t like then we shall have progress.
BBC WordWatch aka Frantic Semantics #6 (or maybe #7, didn’t keep count last year)
Interesting that a BBC Correspondent on, I think, Monday let slip that they are no longer allowed to call the people who are pushing would-be migrants to Europe onto dodgy boats to cross the Mediterranean ‘traffickers’. The Correspondent did not say what description must be used instead but apparently ‘trafficker’ is now reserved for those who traffick people for unpaid slave labour or into the sex industry.
Perhaps ‘initial floatation advisor’ or ‘migration facilitator’, even ‘travel agent’, may be used instead.
B-BBC contributors may wish to assist in this ‘Orwellian Creep Process’. (Although I think I prefer to think of it as well as call it an Orwellian Decline.)
For 2 months nothing but excuses ,mental health issues ,allegedly,Allah Akbar,denial,deception,doubt and not reporting.But when it comes to Jo cox and the polish man we have the opposite stance.I’m very sure that everybody who pays attention to the news is and has been aware of this .MY QUESTION IS WHY IS NOBODY DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT IN PUBLIC I’M SURE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS IT’S BEING TALKED ABOUT BUT FRANKLY THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Increasingly if I want actual news as opposed to half news, non-news or agenda driven news, I have to look to other information sources than the BBC.
There are some regional elections in Germany this Sunday, I cant find anything on the Beeb website on this, but thankfully I dont have to rely on our “world class” BBC. Here is an interesting report from Bloomberg which nicely highlights the problems Merkel is facing and will continue to face.
Wow. 17 million voters were misled by the ‘Leave’ campaign. That is the clear subtext of the biased BBC and the Electoral Reform Society. Obviously the ‘Remain’ side consisted of superior beings- the other clear subtext.
If the leaders of ‘Leave’ are so good that they can mislead 17 million people, they sound like exactly the kind of people who should be negotiating on our behalf with the dreadful sesspit that is the EU.
Sky news was once an alternative to the BBC/Guardian’s relentless emoting of ‘soft left’ views.
A few years ago Sky had a cull of its original newsreaders and commentators, who were good, but suffered from being hideously white, offensively male and relentlessly middle aged.
Their youthful, diverse replacements have enjoyed varying degrees of success.
In the last two weeks they’ve announced the discarding of more white middle aged presenters, Martin Sandford, Mark Longhurst, Andrew Wilson and Lorna Dunkley.
I suspect they will not be replaced by other white, male, middle aged presenters.
Also in the last couple of weeks they have inflicted o its bewildered viewers, two absurd, long news reports blaming climate change for the sinking land in Louisiana and for the deaths of a number of people around the coasts of the UK. In case anyone wants facts, the land is sinking in Louisiana because of many reasons, which scientists are on top of, climate is not among them. People have been drowning off the coast of the UK for centuries, it is to do with us being an island.
Surely the brains at the top of Sky News understand that Guardian readers can already get the reassurance of their views from the BBC, that the rest of us want non hysterical, non-green news? I think some Guardian readers forget they are among a minority, as it is the least read national newspaper in the UK – for good reasons.
Irrespective of all politics, I am deeply saddened by the hideous murder of the Polish man in Harrow, whoever the perpetrators and whatever their ‘motive’, if they even had one.
Poles especially tend to be hard working and to assimilate well. They are also one of the few nations that still adheres to Christainity and its ethics. Polish history has been tragic, stuck as it is between erstwhile Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia and at one time butchered and carved up by both. They resisted heroically, managed to keep their identity and their dignity, and subsequently played no small part in the overthrow of the evil of Communism.
Oops, I’ve strayed into history and politics.
Back to my original point: the death is tragic, and I wouldn’t want to post in a blog that thought otherwise.
The murder of that poor man was a despicable crime, and all perpetrators of such vile acts should be caught and then punished with the utmost severity.
Whatever the “motives” of the perpetrators were should have no bearing on the punishment. Crime is crime, and should always be punished appropriately.
What goes on in someone’s head is, on the other hand, not possible for other men and women to assess. Only God (if He exists) can judge on that. It is by their actions that people should be judged.
“Hate” is something that pretty well all human beings are liable to do – especially, in my experience, if they are on the political Left, or are members of a certain “religious” group. It is a sin, not a crime.
Well said Peter the Great, and hopefully no one will challenge your view.
What can be challenged is that usually the police investigate a crime for a few months before putting a case to the DPP who will, after weeks deliberation, decide on the nature of the crime and the actual charges to be answered. In this instance the BBC, without any investigation, offered a single view of the reasons for the appalling assault.
They may be right of course, but they may be wrong.
I am very surprised this can be put down to a Hate Crime.
The biased BBC has reported and often failed to report several similar murderous attacks and these seem to be in almost all cases perpetrated by vulnerable people with Mental Health issues and no particular religious persuasion. Lorry drivers on the French Riviera are particularly prone to these conditions.
I cannot imagine why the biased BBC are failing to pursue this line in the current case.
If I lived in Harlow, I’d certainly claim mental health issues. In fact I went there once, twenty years ago, and I’m still not quite right.
In legal circles it could become “The Harlow Defence”.
I am old enough to remember relatively large numbers of Poles who settled in Home Counties towns during and after the last war. They were good, hard-working folk, and admired because of their compatriots’ prominent role in the British armed forces. They assimilated. It is the muslims who will not and cannot assimilate, as a matter of outlook, policy and doctrine. They are alien.
Truly evil act.
Truble is that whenever the BBC refuse to give me details, names or colour-I draw my own conclusions.
Had they been white suburban kids , I`d surely have heard that they were UKIP fans of Breivik who wanted brexit to start the new race war.
But because I haven`t, I only have to imagine gangs, black, migrant, muslim, drugged…because recent assaults on white people do`nt get any attention and we`re left to check up ourselves after liberal lockdown.
Bataclan, Rotherham and Cologne have been catastrophic for race relations-and the liberals conspired to destroy them by telling lies and covering up the evils done.
God Bless the poor man and his family and friends…had he been English though-not Polish, post Brexit-the BBC would not be giving a damn.
Rolling 24hnews bollox: 11.00am ticker tape headline, NOT child killed by maniac speeding car thief as xxxxx. But styled as child named as xxxx killed in police chase.
These are the times when it comes to the bBC I wish a lamppost and piano wire are nearby.
Very fond of that “police car chase angle” aren`t they?
And the self-referral to the Police Watchdog, as if they`re already guilty.
But nothing about the people who stole the car, speeded up and killed a mum and child, leaving other kids badly maimed.
Property is theft anyway maan…it`s only a car,dude…and not really a crime is is bruv?
Expect the BBC to continually push this one, so police have to get on the back of Vines bike to nick a drug dealing thief who`s nicked a car.
Utter crap-the BBC forever hate the fuzz, back the gangs….
According to the police press lines from yesterday, this chase “started in the vicinity of Birkbeck Road, Beckenham at approximately 14:00hrs.” and “At approximately 14:05hrs on Wednesday, 31 August a car was in collision with a number of members of the public in Lennard Road, SE20.” The distance between these two roads is somewhere around 1- 2 miles depending on the route taken and clearly the police would have had very little time to assess the situation before the car-thief crashed into the pedestrians. The BBC today however chose to use the phrase “car chase through South London” which to me implies a much longer chase with more time for the police to assess the risks of the pursuit.
Is this bbc journalism a new type of comedy genre?
Remember the prominence the BBC gave the PMI Services survey which showed a decline post the Brexit vote? It was a top story.
We’ll the PMI Manufacturing survey is in.
“The pound has jumped to a one-month high against the dollar after a survey indicated the UK’s manufacturing sector rebounded sharply in August.”
Currently merely the 4th story on the BBC news website in the Business section.
According to the Daily Telegraph
“UK manufacturing activity recorded its biggest month-on-month increase in a quarter of a century in August as production and new orders jumped following the initial shock of the Brexit vote.”
The BBC presumably is disappointed. Still they’ll soon find some bad news or tragedy to link to Brexit.
The bbc is wrong on brexit its unelected opinions are irrelevant,they should be privatised a.s.a.p.
This must be devastating news to the BBC.
I think I saw an advert for a whole day on Radio Five (New)Labour next Monday on Brexit (Remoaners?) Britain. Seems they may have waited too long.
Plenty of opportunity for ‘phone in questions asking why has my pension fund shot up so much?, when is the emergency budget?, why haven’t house prices slumped?, what is the latest PMI index?, do you know anyone who works at the BBC who voted leave?, why cannot the BBC actually pick up the mood of the British people beyond Islington?
P.S. Anyone recall the fly on the wall Luton police station programme recently when the black guy killed the Polish immigrant? I do not believe there were any vigils and communal grief!
The Beeboids are back from their villas in Tuscany and Umbria and normal anti Brexit service is being ramped up.
Not content with either ignoring completely or downplaying any news or positive indicators giving the lie to Brexitgeddon, a series of Brexit Specials is again firing up: Five live are on the road in a few days to investigate, up and down the country, how Brexit will affect the lives of the man and woman in the street; Next week Radio 4 lead their Autumn anti Brexit charge with their latest offering – an investigation of Brexit from the point of view of EU Citizens living in the UK (Anyone sick of the BBC’s bias will have been able to already write the script!); And more – as we know a, ‘Let’s all laugh at Nigel Farage’ – ‘The gift that keeps on giving’ – BBC ‘Comedy’ Drama is in production.
These latest special are on the back of the BBC’s earlier convulsions after the June vote which included;
– ‘Five Live’ Brexit special from Dover
– ‘Newsnight’ Brexit debate (complete with a totally unrepresentative audience from London – BTW, they even managed to find an ‘OUT’ voter who wanted a second referendum).
– ‘Today’ Brexit Special
– ‘Wake up to Money’ Brexit Special
– ‘Front Row’, a handwringing Lovies Brexit debate (in two programmes)
– ‘Songs of Praise’ Brexit Special
– ‘Woman’s Hour’ Brexit Debate
– ‘BBC Newsround’ Brexit Q and A – the BBC, fresh from graduating from the Jimmy Savile grooming school gets access to kiddies minds on the subject.
and not forgetting numerous anti-Brexit segments in ‘Today’, ‘PM’, ‘Newsnight’ and ‘Countryfile’.
When will it all end? When will the wake be over? Enough. E-fucking-nough.
Burkini: Ban 46%, Allow 30%
Burka: Ban 57%, Allow 25%
This story is all over the media, The Times, The Independent, Metro, ITV, Evening Standard…
Yet strangely missing from the BBC.
Funny that.
I rarely comment on this board, but I’d like to briefly respond to the events that recently occurred in Mexico City.
I think Trump’s bilateral press conference with Enrique Peña Nieto was an absolute masterstroke on levels that even exceed Presidential behaviour before an election. Nieto quite blatantly agreed to negotiate with Trump, and at the same time even acknowledged the need for strengthened border controls to combat illegal trafficking of drugs, money and people. Hillary was also invited, according to Nieto, but failed to turn up; effectively declining. If anything is to go by based on Trump’s press conference, it is the incredible display by our beloved mainstream media outlets going completely insane; they simply cannot handle what happened, and resorted to writing rage-filled spin articles that make even less sense than their usual fictitious tales. Meanwhile, Hillary comes out of hiding to discuss her hurt feelings over a group of internet memes and Alex Jones. This is too priceless to comprehend, and it works perfectly in Donald’s favour.
wonderful news you must comment more often.
Thank you. Instead of a further comment, I will give you a video I made some weeks ago.
Very goog JJJA. It’s a pity that it won’t be seen by enough of our young, indoctrinated citizens who could learn a different perspective than the lies that have been rammed down their throats in school and college.
Through gritted teeth, the BBC is forced to admit all is not entirely doom and gloom post-Brexit:
Pound jumps as UK manufacturing activity rebounds
The pound has jumped to a one-month high against the dollar after a survey indicated the UK’s manufacturing sector rebounded sharply in August. The Markit/CIPS purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for the sector rose to 53.3 in August from July’s figure of 48.3. A figure above 50 indicates expansion. The weakening of the pound following the Brexit vote boosted exports, the survey found. However, it also indicated that the weak pound had pushed up firms’ costs. A weakening of the pound makes UK goods cheaper for overseas buyers, but increases the cost of goods imported into the UK.
Since the Brexit vote, the pound has fallen in value by more than 10% against both the US dollar and the euro. Following the release of the latest PMI survey, the pound jumped by 1%, more than a cent, against the dollar, hitting $1.3267.
More crying into their skinny lattes. This is not going according to plan.
Just on viewing figures alone taking the piss about someone(farage) who 17.5 million people agreed with seems a strange starting point. Viewing figures seem irrelevant to the beeb .Only Winston Churchill in modern times has been above their scorn and mockery.
Who runs the media, we know, what are we going to do about it, absolutely nothing.
The BBC: reporting the pressing matters of the day.
Lily Allen responds to the Sun’s double page spread on her
Actually, what’s possibly more depressing is that it’s the second most read article on the BBC’s website, despite actually saying nothing of importance.
Meanwhile, there’s another Have Your Say on Apple’s tax problems. They know when they’re on safer ground, because I can’t remember the last HYS on
the Islamic invasion of Europethe refugee crisis.The article may have nothing of importance but it does have a lovely graphic of how her Twitter message appears on a smart phone including the keyboard, signal strength and battery level indicator.
Seriously, we pay the BBC £6bil a year for this utter shite?!?
Total BS on R4’s WATO this lunchtime as the BBC tries to worm its way out of having been the Remainiac Broadcasting Corporation both in the run-up to and the aftermath of the Brexit vote.
The figures now clearly show that we were bing lied to by the Remain side and that its predictions of disaster were we to vote to leave the museum of socialism were exactly what the Leavers called them – Project Fear.
But does the BBC have anyone on its programme who is willing to call this very obvious spade a shovel? No, it has its own mealy mouthed correspondent, the ridiculous New Labour groupie Stephanie Flanders and Andrew Lillico, all twisting and turning like so many snakes in so many forked sticks.
What a disgusting, mendacious display from our third rate ‘world class’ broadcaster. And how typical.
I heard it! It was hilarious, toe curling and anger inducing all at the same time.
Apparently no one said there was going to be a recession as soon as the UK voted out, and if they did they actually said it might or might not happen and if they did say it were to happen then it might not happen until next year or maybe not then. Erm, in fact people may have misheard us.
Only the BBC!!!!!
GCooper, I loved the bit where one interviewee suggested this current unexpected increase in the ONS stats is simply filling in the depressions from the last set. And then, Stephanie Flanders adding her negative, ‘two-pennyworth’. (But, wasn’t she a BBC employee until fairly recently?) Carrying on the skills she obtained from her time at the “Most Trusted…”.
I like the “slow burn” phrase they are going to use about the economy ; it’s going to slow burn out due to Brexit (which actually hasn’t happened yet ) .
I reckon we were going to slow burn if we stay in . Certainly my industry has . But the BBC wouldn’t want an honest piece on that .
Listening to Apple’s tax woes on all channels, as they appear to be the computer of choice amongst right-on media types (a relic, I understand, from the time when they had a clear lead in graphics performance), I wonder if a pious shift to Windows machines will be the result?
(Apologies to any users here – I know they have one or two other virtues, at a price.)
Excellent article in the D/Mail by Christopher Stevens bemoaning how the BBC has lost the comedy plot. Something we’ve all spoken about on here. This sums it up……
“The people who run the BBC don’t know what makes ordinary people laugh, because most of them are Oxbridge graduates who have existed all their lives in a snob’s paradise, untainted by the everyday world. They look at classic sitcom and want to recapture it’s magic, but they haven’t a clue why us lot were laughing in the first place “…..
Its well worth a read.
Oxbridge Muslims? Now, that’s a thought!
Oxbridge Muslims? Now, that’s a thought!
Oxford, part of the Establishment, had the thought in 1985 and over £60 million went into it. Oxford is now an established academic centre for the study of Allan and his Snack Bar. The BBC have regular experts spreading its wisdom.
In one way of another Islam has become a formidable force in academia, and not just the leftie Pally supporters.
You only have to look at the waves of so called scholarly publications on Islam, and the highly rated books and journals covering Islamic studies.
Same with Cambridge
Remember that Monty Python were Oxbridge. Probably not typical, admittedly.
And I remember Morecambe & Wise, and The Two Ronnies were much more popular than Monty Python.
I wasn’t saying that Monty Python had the highest ratings, but they were hardly irrelevant. I doubt if Morecambe & Wise had much of a following outside the UK, almost certainly not in the US, and their movies were awful.
The Two Ronnies – maybe. Don’t know.
Ultimately talent is talent, doesn’t matter if you are out of Eton straight to Oxbridge or Gas works comprehensive, if you have the talent you’ll make them laugh. Problem now is our ‘comedians’ are the product of the wot no talent? affirmative action, positive discrimination and ‘progressive’ worldview merry go round. I can get more laughs talking to the bloke behind the counter at my local chippy than watching any so called BBC so called comedy.
As if the BBC’s lamentable performance on R4 this lunchtime wasn’t enough on its own to win it the Clown Broadcaster of the Year championship, it managed to top even that dismal, biased rubbish with the programme that followed. In it, a breathless Irishman managed to weld together fears of invasion by foreign species, ‘global warming’ and the dangers of Brexit in a programme ostensibly about parakeets.
Uncontrolled invasive species? They don’t do irony at BBC Bristol, do they?
I have just listened to a BBC R4 (News at 1) report on “Refugees” in Sweden. So touching it was that I almost shed a tear at the warm message our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” conveyed. Stories from Swede’s that full employment can be given to Refugees and we, “….really need them”. My overwhelmingly objective part sought to add balance to this clearly unbalanced item of news and I very quickly discovered a much larger negative picture. Needless to say, ‘take your pick’. This is a small selection to satisfy all tastes:
http://newobserveronline.com/sweden-0-27-invaders-working/ – Only 0.27% of Refugees have found any work over the past two years;
http://newobserveronline.com/new-mass-nonwhite-sex-attack-sweden/ – New Mass Nonwhite Sex Attack in Sweden;
http://newobserveronline.com/sweden-easter-car-burnings/ – Sweden: Easter Car Burnings;
http://newobserveronline.com/sweden-invader-attack-suspects-cheered/ – Sweden: “Invader Attack” Suspects Cheered;
http://newobserveronline.com/sweden-state-funded-muslim-sniper-training/ – Sweden: State-funded Muslim “Sniper” Training;
http://newobserveronline.com/school-murder-lying-press-also-in-sweden/ – School Murder: “Lying Press” also in Sweden;
http://newobserveronline.com/17-invader-centers-burned-in-sweden/ – 17 Invader Centers Burned in Sweden
But, (and finally), was the BBC reporter aware of the reporting dangers? –
http://newobserveronline.com/invaders-attack-aussie-film-crew-sweden/ – Invaders Attack Aussie Film Crew in Sweden
Stories from Swede’s that full employment can be given to Refugees and we, “….really need them”.
If the people running the BBC today ran it in the 1920’s they would most likely be trying to convince us of the wonders of Charles Ponzi’s postal reply coupons.
Why didn’t the Swedes offer employment to out of work Greeks, Spaniards ,Italians, Frenchmen, all of whom have millions of unemployed who have been driven out of work by the euro?All of this so called ‘need for third world immigrants ‘ is palpable nonsense being used by politicians as a pathetic excuse for the lunatic policy of Islamisation. The people of Europe need to wake up and get rid of these dangerous leaders.
I wonder how many people have written to Gwyneth Williams (BBC Controller Radio 4) asking her to reduce The World at One back to its former duration of 30 minutes and re-instate the 30 minute programme that followed which was usually, but not always, a comedy programme?
This week, Derek Mooney has applied his pleasant voice and obvious broadcast skills to sharing the ‘Graveyard Shift’ with The Archers, narrating a short series on the subject of Nature’s Great Invaders. Wildlife and nature, what’s not to like about a bit more Nature on the BBC as there’s a tremendous shortage of the stuff on its channels. It all goes well enough until about seven minutes in and I find I’m being preached at with ‘a message’ sent hurtling out of my radio’s speaker from the MLM*, the militant wing of the MSM, to batter me about me ears.
On Tuesday, when it came to ‘the message’, I switched off and just out of interest glanced at the clock. Yesterday, I again switched off when smacked by ‘the message’ and deliberately looked at the clock – pretty much exactly the same time. Today, a repeat of almost exactly the same thing at exactly the same time. It is, in effect, a form of neuro-linguistic programming.
I’m old enough to remember a TV Channel getting into serious trouble in the 1960s or 1970s over subliminal programming. I cannot now remember which channel was responsible. I seem to recall that the Postmaster General was on to it pretty quickly after it was noted by viewers and rivals and was taken up by the print media with questions in the House and all that sort of thing. I wonder at what point this time, if at all, the BBC might get into trouble for its behaviour? Probably not at all. The problem now is that it seems so widespread over all the BBC’s Radio 4 output.
All the more reason to reinstate the 1.30pm comedy slot.
*Metro-Liberal Machine
The same programme I was complaining about in my earlier message. Glad to see I wasn’t the only one who was annoyed by it.
Ah Derek mooney, it’s always surprising where these clowns show up. He works with rte in Ireland and is a full on green zealot. He used to have an afternoon show on rte radio 1 in Ireland up till a few years ago until he was moved. He was a full on climate change disciple using his ‘love’ of birds to push his agenda. No opposing voice allowed on his show only believers.