“Posting on Facebook, the broadcaster said that he would no longer be hosting Sunrise so he could “produce and present a number of documentary projects”.
Holmes moved to Sky in 2005 after leaving GMTV, saying that the show had become obsessed with celebrity news.”
I’ve always felt he could do better. He can be a tenacious interviewer, but only when he’s fired up over something. Hope he finds a suitable outlet.
This has nothing to do with Marias fine post above but I have to report a problem with the site that I’m sure many of you have noticed. On occasion I have clicked the like button for a post. I find that is often a Chrish or Deborah or Grant who has moved me to make that gesture. On many of these occasions I have seen the likes go up by two or three. Perhaps I have flattered myself that my likes are worth more than others. More likely there is a distortion of some sort taking place.
Today I did some likes on this thread. One registered as 14 extra likes. One registered as 11 extra likes and the last one was six extra. I’m prone to hubris but even I know my opinin should not account for that many likes.
I know maintaining a site is a thankless task and people who complain about small matters can be annoying but I think this really needs to be corrected.
I think you’ll find it’s due to how many likes were posted since the time you opened that page and were reading the posts until the time you add your like. Likes to individual posts are not updated instantly until you either refresh the page or add your own like.
As per usual, the BBC have offset some good news on the economic front with a “However…”
“The weakening of the pound following the Brexit vote boosted exports, the survey found. However, it also indicated that the weak pound had pushed up firms’ costs.
Actually, only 44% of manufacturers reported increased imported material costs, which is pleasantly surprising seeing as a fall in the value of sterling would increase almost all import costs, surely. This is actually a positive statistic.
Good old BBC – refusing to accept that the economy is doing just fine.
Al Beeb are not happy with Theresa today as.she gives her support to Jeremy hunt. Full on attack mode in defence of those poor downtrodden docs. The bmas new chair for the docs was on bbcnews given a soft ride as they always are with no opposing voice. No mention of the fact that she is a full on Corbyn supporter and Tory hater. Tough luv you lot overplayed your hand a few months back. Pure greed and political game playing now. You have been pissed off since May 8 2015 when body bags burnham did not get back into post.
I see kfc lover Abbott has been bladerring away on twatter about this. The irony of this fat cow as shadow health secretary is lost on the Beeb. Who the fuck would want to listen to her? Mental. Jezza what were you thinking?
Giving ‘no Abbs’ some slack (unlike that in her waistband), the only bone that this Liebour ‘brick shithouse’ gets (since Comrade Jezza fobbed her off) is from a KFC bargain bucket…
Anyway… Picking up on your “greatest irony of all time” game
1: The ‘Labour party’ being named after a workers movement and supposedly for the worker, when it’s whole modus operandi is to fuck them over
2: The BBC having British in its name when the ‘racial group’ it wants to wipe from existence are the British
3: Muslims all over the world going to mosque more often, becoming more religious, studying the Koran more and more and learning about the true meaning and instructions of Islam…then carrying out Allahs instruction and killing the infidels, in most cases taking their own lives, and ALWAYS done in the name of ISLAM (their own words and beliefs FFS!!!)….only for it to be ‘NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM’ after all, because some self-righteous, piss smelling, spineless, braindead, shit-eating, morality hustler who knows absolutely jack sh1te about Islam, SAYS SO!!! How ironic is that!!
Wow. Who would have thought this would be the lead story in the Telegraph? At least they have the honesty to admit it. No such luck with the Brexit Bashing Corp, of course.
Burka/Burkini UK ban poll results is their 2nd story – is this still missing from Al Beeb? I can’t see it anywhere.
The overflow from Merkel’s Mistakes………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37159461
By the way the Italian Navy’s Shuttle service is running there’s more coming .
Meanwhile, the ‘Useless EU’ does nothing to defend its borders . It will all end in tears .
Maybe, just maybe we got out just in time.
Migrants washing up – and piling up – in Como eh? Hang on, isn’t that where achingly pc George and even more achingly pc Yuman Rights lawyer Amal Clooney (the thinking man’s crumpet) have one of their mansions? No doubt they’ll be dashing over to throw open their rooms to the needy? Like hell.
Bang goes the neighbourhood. I hope they get a little taste of enrichment before they sell up to move to a more salubrious millionaire’s playground somewhere.
(Didn’t the Clooney’s meet Merkel to praise her for her leadership bla bla and get filmed being important and caring?
The people who run the BBC don’t know what makes ordinary people laugh, because most of them are Oxbridge graduates who have existed all their lives in a snob’s paradise, untainted by the everyday world.
Personally I think the Mail has this wrong. The BBC execs are so politically Correct that they can’t allow anything new to taint their brave new world, however they can somehow cope with the older comedies on the basis that it was different back then.
Sometimes though I’m even unconvinced of that. It could be that like many in this benighted country, they are terrified of the Social Justice Warriors who seem to be everywhere and extremely vocal. The real question is why anyone pays them any attention ! The consequences of their evil eye can be devastating though, as ITV found this week, when a character remarked hair was like Kunta Kinte’s which was apparently highly racist and offensive although no one was able to explain why !
Radio 4 News tells us about The Francis Crick Institute, its area in ‘football fields’ and of the scientists that are expected to work there. (I wonder if they use SI units or ‘football fields’ in their work?).
Then we have Sir Paul Nurse with the ‘Brexit’ angle, and the £10M that has gone missing ‘from the EU’. Well if he can’t find the origins of that funding there isn’t much hope of him finding the source of cancer etc.! What he doesn’t tell us is that his own institute says it has a budget of £130M so the ‘EU’ contribution is small beer. (Good to see that their female staff keep their hair covered against contamination. I wouldn’t like to think that they employ ‘scientists’ that believe that salt water is immiscible with water and that life comes from a blood clot).
‘We have the government and in opposition we have an unelected media.’
And a government that allows its state broadcaster to continue to transmit its propaganda and bias.
What do its so-called ‘Trustees’ do for their money ?
Don’t think I can stand it, nearly every night this week Points West has reminded us that Bristol gymnast Claudia Fragapane is in this years Strictly, tonight we get to see her ‘official pictures’ – whoopy shit!
The bloody program hasn’t even started yet, but hey we mustn’t miss out on a bit of self promotion must we BBC? It must also be noted that Miss Fragapane ticks the pro EU box….
Despite the Government’s one-sided information leaflet advising us to remain in the EU
along with the PMs’ pre vote statement that he wanted us to remain in , the long cue of TV stars, EX PMs from Major to Blair, The Arch Bishop of Cant, Al Beeb, MSM, The Bank of England, The Opinion Polls, Obhama and uncle Tom Cobley and all. Despite the odds we voted out .
But lo and behold we have this from Electoral Reform Society…. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37238641
Who are they trying to kid ? The sixteen year olds ?
Watched an interview with a Brazilian scientist re his work on TB treatment. Even Brexit was introduced into the dialogue !! The journo asked whether or not his funding would be affected post-Brexit, it was jaw dropping. He was stuffed by the scientist’s reply….. “no its had no effect at all,…..” – the media are really pushing this anti-Brexit agenda into every cupcake interview.
The French Burkini ban has given the BBC and the left – including Black Lives Matter and Moslems – an opportunity to knock the French for oppressing wimmin’s freedom.
Now what would happen if they swam in Saudi resorts wearing a burkini?
Outrage persists over French efforts to police women’s clothing on the beach, including among Arabs. But while many are accusing France of racism and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs themselves are questioning whether the burkini — the full-body covering women use to maintain modesty in the water — would even be allowed on their shores.
“It isn’t just hypocrisy but schizophrenia,” wrote one. Another pointed out that “if someone wore a burkini on the beaches of the Kingdom she could be imprisoned.” One user tweeted in Arabic: “The problem with the Arabs is that they flee from their countries because of the hardline Islamic regime and come to the infidel West, then ask for the same Islamic regime.”
Women are not allowed to swim in public swimming pools in Saudi Arabia, and can only swim in private facilities or places that are women-only. At public beaches they are restricted to the abaya – the full length black covering even if they choose to dip their toes in the water. In other Gulf countries too, bikinis and swimsuits are only allowed in private beaches and resorts.
“Saudi is criticizing France for banning a woman for wearing a burkini. If their woman will wear it her father, mother, husband and brothers would whip her,” wrote one user. “A question for my Muslim brother – would you campaign for the freedom of women in Saudi to drive and wear what she wants as you are ready to defend the burkini?” wrote another.
Heard some bloke having a pop back at Humphrys regarding Donald Trumps visit to Mexico.
The bloke was one of Trumps economic advisers-and Humphrys made a fool of himself,as our Trump spokesman accused him of the BBC having its own narrative-and one that its listeners can see through as easily as he does.
Needed saying -was at 7.40 or so this morning on Today-he`ll not be invited on again,but did a good job.
“They also propose …. with the voting age reduced to 16.”
Well if 16 year old grade A* moslem girls can be radicalized enough to fly out to be willy fodder for ISIS, what hope is there for all the thick white kids on council estates?
They could end up voting UKIP.
Brexit hate crime?
Is it possible to find out how many people have actually been prosecuted in the UK ? Or is the reported hate crime an ‘alleged’ crime ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37193140
One would think the UN’s time could be better spent in the Middle East where hate crime is taking place on an industrial scale ?
“I was at a friend’s house watching News at Ten and the item about the Crick institute came on. Towards the end of the item it was stated that leaving the EU means the loss of £10M pa funding. This misleading statement is part of the BBC’s ongoing push to exaggerate the benefits of EU membership and attack the argument for Brexit.
No mention was made that the UK is a net contributor to the EU, and what we get in EU funds is a fraction back of what we pay. Nor was any mention made of the Government promise to match any EU funding till 2020 at least, and thereafter subject to it being in the national interest.
The inclusion of your statement on EU funding without qualification was deliberately misleading.”
Well done Flexdream. Last week sometime on BBC news at 10 I heard a reporter say that (I think) Calais and its twin town in the UK were strengthening links ‘despite Brexit’. What does Brexit have to do with anything? Trade and cultural links between towns in different countries existed long before the EU was dreamed up, eg the Hanseatic League goes back to the middle ages. The implication is, of course, that pulling out of the EU means total isolation, which not even the most rabid Leaver has suggested.
You know I take that idea back the reasons don’t rest with the muslim community the problem is you the bbc the middle classes your weakness to say it as you see it your unwillingness to offend your the problem. If you just said no to bollux and remember are fu…g values.
BBC in full hand wringing mode this morning.
Not sure whether they were celebrating or mourning the death of Aylan Kurdi. Apparently the BBC will be platforming his poor father later (who so loved his family that he moved them from a safe camp in Turkey onto a leaky boat where his wife and Aylan drowned)
We were told that the West has turned its back yet again on the problem. But we all know what the BBC means – lets dispose of all border controls , allow massive population shifts and turn over here, into over there – The ultimate multi Culti wet dream.
Sensible response would be to arrest/shoot smugglers, return migrants (sorry I mean Asylem seekers) and destroy the boats.Instead of which we are providing A taxi service.
I wonder whether whoever interviews Aylens father will be wearing some special BBC approved ethical red shorts and T shirt especially for the occasion.
It never ceases to amaze me that no death (however pointless it is) – can always be exploited by Aunty to make a spurious political point – Even if it contradicts all norms of common sense.
Meant to add – the other thing that puzzles me is how little speculation there is from our “World Class Broadcaster” about the sense of Merkel flinging the borders wide open – Its a bit like opening a cafe, walking around with a sandwich board saying “Eat free at Joes” and wondering why you are making no profit! – The solution is not difficult is it – But apparently it is to Aunty!
Andrew MacLeod is a “visiting Professor at Kings College London and a former UN and Red Cross official who served in countries like Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and others.” What sloppy writing. What countries are like Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan? “He has negotiated with warlords and terrorists.” Is that something to be proud of? In the UK Independent Tuesday, he explains that a Muslim who screams “Allahu akbar” and kills people may not be a terrorist, but just a lonely publicity-seeker committing the Muslim equivalent of “suicide by cop.”
And the never-ending mainstream media quest to exonerate Islam of all responsibility for the crimes committed in its name and in accord with its teachings grows even more absurd than it already was.
MacLeod’s evidence? He says that Smail Ayad, the Australia jihadi who murdered two non-Muslims, Mia Ayliffe-Chung and Tom Jackson, as well as “the Orlando murderer, the Sydney siege murderer,” and “the Nice murderer,” all “did not appear to be part of organised groups. We know none of the Nice, Sydney and Orlando killers had a deep religious history. All three rarely prayed in mosques. They drank, had sex out of marriage, failed to fast in Ramadan. None was a ‘devout Muslim’, according to anecdotal evidence from people who claimed to have known them.”
What MacLeod fails to take into account in this analysis is that they may have been trying to make up for all that sinful activity by doing a great good deed. A hadith has a Muslim asking Muhammad: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).” Muhammad replied, “I do not find such a deed.” (Bukhari 4.52.44) The Qur’an teaches that Allah will place a Muslim’s good deeds on one scale and bad deeds on the other, and send them to Paradise or hell depending on which scale weighs more (cf. 21:47). A Muslim who is worried about his eternal destiny can decisively tip the scales in his favor by waging jihad, the deed that is greater than all others. He can seize the Qur’an’s promise of Paradise for those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111).
In light of that, it is wrong to assume that Muslims who were not devout and then kill while screaming “Allahu akbar” have no jihadi motive. Also, the Islamic State and al-Qaeda have repeatedly called upon Muslim individuals in the West to engage in random attacks. That means that a Muslim who has no ties to any jihad groups could still be heeding their call. MacLeod appears to assume that if a Muslim killer is not a verifiable member of al-Qaeda, ISIS, or some other jihad group, then he isn’t waging jihad. On what basis does he assume that an individual Muslim cannot undertake this endeavor? He doesn’t bother to explain that.
What really needs investigating in light of the murders of Mia Ayliffe-Chung and Tom Jackson is the psychic landscape that Islam provides for a Muslim such as their killer, Smail Ayad. Ayad may indeed have been non-devout and not interested in jihad or Islam in general. But at a moment of distress, at a time of upset and upheaval in his life, he was only able to provide a context for his anger and hatred in Islam and its call for warfare against unbelievers — hence even if his motive was being rejected by Mia Ayliffe-Chung, he screamed “Allahu akbar” and didn’t kill Mia only, but Jackson as well, and attacked police also: his rage at her became a generalized jihad against the Infidels all around him.
That is a scenario worth studying, as it could happen again, anytime, anywhere. But the willfully ignorant and politically correct such as MacLeod and the Independent will never venture into such territory.
The Independent says that MacLeod “can be followed on Twitter @Why_slow_down,” but he seems to have deleted that account. I wonder why. Did he have an inkling that he would be called out on his shoddy reasoning and attempt to keep non-Muslims complacent in the face of the advancing jihad?
Using the MacLeod logic all of our elections should be annulled as most of the voters aren’t members of a political party so their votes are random acts of mental illness or of lone wolves! Ditto election campaigning is a waste of time as only the members of parties are ‘true believers’.
Number 6, there is a precedent for this kind of thinking. After WW2 there was an attempt by some amongst the Allies to absolve the German people by saying the war was not caused by them but by Nazi ideology which was a sort of cultural aberration. Noel Coward even satirised this idea in his song ‘Don’t Let’s Be Beastly to the Germans’ which oddly enough was banned by the BBC. Subsitute ‘Muslims’ for ‘Germans’ and ‘ISIS’ for Nazis and the idea is much the same:
Don’t let’s be beastly to the Germans
When our victory is ultimately won,
It was just those nasty Nazis who persuaded them to fight
And their Beethoven and Bach are really far worse than their bite
Let’s be meek to them
And turn the other cheek to them
And try to bring out their latent sense of fun.
Let’s give them full air parity
And treat the rats with charity,
But don’t let’s be beastly to the Hun
Well-paid BBC star Naga Munchetty – who we understand spends as much time on the golf course as does her hero Barrack Obama – brings us once again that unique breakfast blend of BBC agenda stuff and nonsense.
1. Fergal Keane the poet laureate of mass-immigration celebrates (?) one year on from the Alan Kurdi drowning media hoo ha. Our Fergal waxes lyrical on behalf of the child’s father – or is this just a load of old Blarney? Let them come, one and all! Blimey, that’s almost a line from Les Mis.
2. Tame BBC eco-whacko Chris Packham explores ticks on pet dogs amid fears of the growing number of dangerous blood-sucking paracites in Britain (quiet at the back, there!) Our Chris states with the absolute certainty of a true believer that we have ‘climate change’ and presumably this must mean it is getting hotter here and therefore more convenient for his warm climate-loving little ticks. I guess that’s science, kids.
3. Nicola Sturgeon that towering great stateswoman of our times who stands head and shoulders above the likes of Nigel Farage (who never amounted to much) is talking to her SNP colleagues about another independence referendum – and this is news – gosh, call Chris back in to give his talk on a bear’s propensity to defocate in woodland.
All I can say is, knowing the level of biased content, and earnest, patronising stupidity of the presenters, WHY on earth, watch it, at all? Come away, it will infect you, should you linger.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again – I want to know where my money is going.
Like it or not the BBC sets the agenda for all UK broadcasters. Radio 4 is the supposed flag ship but more important is the meassage being sent at mass media end of the scale.
Isn’t it better to know what the BBC are up to rather than remain blissfully unaware?
I think, with just a second’s reflection, we are all aware what the BBC are up to, constantly – subversion in extremis. We hardly need to be reminded of it on a daily basis, particularly as we are aware that there’s nothing that can be done, apparently, to stop it, and one must continue to pay for the continuing level of bias and misinformation on pain of prosecution. Better to get one’s news, accurately (and either freely, or less expensively), from elsewhere.
Naga Munchetty, aka Munchshitter, the sofa/air/TV tax burglar; whose nasal incoherence has to be experienced to be believed. This so called ‘autocutie’ comes across as incredibly thick whenever she pumps out Guardianista utterances over the airwaves.
I tend to side with the Old Goat, I must stop consuming this crap and look elsewhere for informed reporting of the news. However Asleelt is also right; it is good to monitor occasionally where my hard earned pennies are being wasted, I am also a masochist.
Dykevisions- Its not’s very nice being nasty to the Munchkin lady. I am rather deaf so to hear her screaming on the breakfast programme gives me an outlet about whats going on in the world. I reiterate my hearings not that great but
I thought she told us to avoid the Yellow Brick Road this morning because of repairs. I am looking forward to seeing her on Strictly celebrity ,master chef, in the jungle, on ice. Or is that some other sub continent lady presenter? There are so many I get mixed up.
If bbc reporting was studied for just one week it would show a clear bias firstly against men secondly white men thirdly heterosexual white men and fourthly heterosexual working class white men.
You’ll like this. I was watching an episode of ‘Yes Minister’ on Yesterday TV (a very good channel, by the way). Bear in mind this was one of the most popular BBC sitcoms of the 1980s. Jim Hacker and Sir Humphrey wanted the BBC to prevent an interview being broadcast because Hacker had come across badly. They met with a BBC representative who said he couldn’t possibly be influenced by the government. Then Sir Humphrey stacked a big pile of files on the table and said ‘these are all reports into BBC political bias’ and showed some photos of BBC executives drinking champagne at Ascot on the public purse. The BBC director agreed to scrap the interview!
Seems like the writers of that comedy (who were VERY intelligent and talented, unlike most so called comedy writers today) knew about the bias even 30 years ago!
BBC bias has been an open secret since at least the late 70s, some would say it goes further back with the young Dimblebys putting in their left-wingedness from when they joined. It’s just never admitted publicly by any Beeboid until after they retire. It’s room, corner and elephant syndrome.
Demon, what surprised me was that a BBC comedy itself could make fun of BBC bias. I can’t imagine that happening today. Imagine Mark Steel or Marcus Brigstockes making fun of lefty bias on the BBC – unthinkable!
Toady this morning in yet another full-on Calais Jungle crisis effort.
Interviewed were Alf Dubbs (pro open door) and the leader of Kent Council (who bless him is the poor sod who has to clear up the mess).
What the presenters and editors consistently fail to do is to synthesise and juxtapose the various contributions. Let me assist.
A ‘young vulnerable asylum seeker’ aged 17 costs an average of £50,000 per annum (why?) to the taxpayer and there is a requirement to support them until they are aged 24 !!! We are expected, by the goddy-goody luvvies to let in 400, no questions asked. Such as, where did they get the money to get as far as Calais and why did they not claim asylum at the first opportunity, if they were genuine refugees fleeing persecution?
Because many have come over simply to dodge compulsory military service, of the type we had in this country until 1962.
I also point out that the lefties wanting to provide for these ‘vulnerable young people’ are the very same people who advocate lowering the voting age to 16 !!!! Does this create a new potential class of deserving minority, the ‘vulnerable young voter’?
You really cannot make this crap up. But don’t expect Al Beeb to ask any awkward questions about it all.
ScrobleneFeb 1, 08:59 Weekend 1st February 2025 Didn’t he run the case to allow Rudukabana’s father to stay in the UK all those years ago? That worked…
ScrobleneFeb 1, 08:57 Weekend 1st February 2025 Rachel from stapler supplies mentioned that they’d need more fuel to feed all the aeroplanes landing on the new HR…
AsISeeItFeb 1, 08:08 Weekend 1st February 2025 How’s that cashless society workin’ out fo’ yer? Barclays hit by major IT outage on tax deadline day… serious IT…
DoublethinkerFeb 1, 08:00 Weekend 1st February 2025 The US Senate hearings are showing that even now the Republican Party isn’t fully behind the Trump MAGA agenda and…
popeyeFeb 1, 07:48 Weekend 1st February 2025 I can’t believe that ALL the names of the Blackhawk crew aren’t known. Only a white Warrant officer named so…
JohnCFeb 1, 07:17 Weekend 1st February 2025 US system predicting global famine offline amid Trump freeze https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4g9p7n8vl9o Another astoundingly misleading headline from the BBC. When I read…
This could be interesting:
Eamonn Holmes steps down from Sky News: ‘I hope you appreciated that I tried to do it differently
“Posting on Facebook, the broadcaster said that he would no longer be hosting Sunrise so he could “produce and present a number of documentary projects”.
Holmes moved to Sky in 2005 after leaving GMTV, saying that the show had become obsessed with celebrity news.”
I’ve always felt he could do better. He can be a tenacious interviewer, but only when he’s fired up over something. Hope he finds a suitable outlet.
This has nothing to do with Marias fine post above but I have to report a problem with the site that I’m sure many of you have noticed. On occasion I have clicked the like button for a post. I find that is often a Chrish or Deborah or Grant who has moved me to make that gesture. On many of these occasions I have seen the likes go up by two or three. Perhaps I have flattered myself that my likes are worth more than others. More likely there is a distortion of some sort taking place.
Today I did some likes on this thread. One registered as 14 extra likes. One registered as 11 extra likes and the last one was six extra. I’m prone to hubris but even I know my opinin should not account for that many likes.
I know maintaining a site is a thankless task and people who complain about small matters can be annoying but I think this really needs to be corrected.
Will Jones
I have just liked your post and it only added one like .
Maybe I will get a dozen likes for me liking your post.
Oh Gawd!
I think you’ll find it’s due to how many likes were posted since the time you opened that page and were reading the posts until the time you add your like. Likes to individual posts are not updated instantly until you either refresh the page or add your own like.
As per usual, the BBC have offset some good news on the economic front with a “However…”
“The weakening of the pound following the Brexit vote boosted exports, the survey found.
However, it also indicated that the weak pound had pushed up firms’ costs.
Actually, only 44% of manufacturers reported increased imported material costs, which is pleasantly surprising seeing as a fall in the value of sterling would increase almost all import costs, surely. This is actually a positive statistic.
Good old BBC – refusing to accept that the economy is doing just fine.
Al Beeb are not happy with Theresa today as.she gives her support to Jeremy hunt. Full on attack mode in defence of those poor downtrodden docs. The bmas new chair for the docs was on bbcnews given a soft ride as they always are with no opposing voice. No mention of the fact that she is a full on Corbyn supporter and Tory hater. Tough luv you lot overplayed your hand a few months back. Pure greed and political game playing now. You have been pissed off since May 8 2015 when body bags burnham did not get back into post.
I see kfc lover Abbott has been bladerring away on twatter about this. The irony of this fat cow as shadow health secretary is lost on the Beeb. Who the fuck would want to listen to her? Mental. Jezza what were you thinking?
Top post Katie!
Giving ‘no Abbs’ some slack (unlike that in her waistband), the only bone that this Liebour ‘brick shithouse’ gets (since Comrade Jezza fobbed her off) is from a KFC bargain bucket…
Anyway… Picking up on your “greatest irony of all time” game
1: The ‘Labour party’ being named after a workers movement and supposedly for the worker, when it’s whole modus operandi is to fuck them over
2: The BBC having British in its name when the ‘racial group’ it wants to wipe from existence are the British
3: Muslims all over the world going to mosque more often, becoming more religious, studying the Koran more and more and learning about the true meaning and instructions of Islam…then carrying out Allahs instruction and killing the infidels, in most cases taking their own lives, and ALWAYS done in the name of ISLAM (their own words and beliefs FFS!!!)….only for it to be ‘NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM’ after all, because some self-righteous, piss smelling, spineless, braindead, shit-eating, morality hustler who knows absolutely jack sh1te about Islam, SAYS SO!!! How ironic is that!!
So much for Brexit doom: IMF in embarrassing climbdown as it admits market turmoil has ‘ebbed’, while pound hits four-week high
Wow. Who would have thought this would be the lead story in the Telegraph? At least they have the honesty to admit it. No such luck with the Brexit Bashing Corp, of course.
Burka/Burkini UK ban poll results is their 2nd story – is this still missing from Al Beeb? I can’t see it anywhere.
Merkel Admits Her ‘Open Door’ Migrant Policy Was A Mistake
Wonder if this is on the BBC? Erm…
I wonder if there are elections on the horizon?
The overflow from Merkel’s Mistakes……….
By the way the Italian Navy’s Shuttle service is running there’s more coming .
Meanwhile, the ‘Useless EU’ does nothing to defend its borders . It will all end in tears .
Maybe, just maybe we got out just in time.
Migrants washing up – and piling up – in Como eh? Hang on, isn’t that where achingly pc George and even more achingly pc Yuman Rights lawyer Amal Clooney (the thinking man’s crumpet) have one of their mansions? No doubt they’ll be dashing over to throw open their rooms to the needy? Like hell.
Bang goes the neighbourhood. I hope they get a little taste of enrichment before they sell up to move to a more salubrious millionaire’s playground somewhere.
(Didn’t the Clooney’s meet Merkel to praise her for her leadership bla bla and get filmed being important and caring?
Is the tradition of standing down when making bad decisions just a british thing.
So far so good theresa full on steam ahead
The people who run the BBC don’t know what makes ordinary people laugh, because most of them are Oxbridge graduates who have existed all their lives in a snob’s paradise, untainted by the everyday world.
Personally I think the Mail has this wrong. The BBC execs are so politically Correct that they can’t allow anything new to taint their brave new world, however they can somehow cope with the older comedies on the basis that it was different back then.
Sometimes though I’m even unconvinced of that. It could be that like many in this benighted country, they are terrified of the Social Justice Warriors who seem to be everywhere and extremely vocal. The real question is why anyone pays them any attention ! The consequences of their evil eye can be devastating though, as ITV found this week, when a character remarked hair was like Kunta Kinte’s which was apparently highly racist and offensive although no one was able to explain why !
Radio 4 News tells us about The Francis Crick Institute, its area in ‘football fields’ and of the scientists that are expected to work there. (I wonder if they use SI units or ‘football fields’ in their work?).
Then we have Sir Paul Nurse with the ‘Brexit’ angle, and the £10M that has gone missing ‘from the EU’. Well if he can’t find the origins of that funding there isn’t much hope of him finding the source of cancer etc.! What he doesn’t tell us is that his own institute says it has a budget of £130M so the ‘EU’ contribution is small beer. (Good to see that their female staff keep their hair covered against contamination. I wouldn’t like to think that they employ ‘scientists’ that believe that salt water is immiscible with water and that life comes from a blood clot).
We have the government and in opposition we have an unelected media. That’s how I see it.
‘We have the government and in opposition we have an unelected media.’
And a government that allows its state broadcaster to continue to transmit its propaganda and bias.
What do its so-called ‘Trustees’ do for their money ?
Don’t think I can stand it, nearly every night this week Points West has reminded us that Bristol gymnast Claudia Fragapane is in this years Strictly, tonight we get to see her ‘official pictures’ – whoopy shit!
The bloody program hasn’t even started yet, but hey we mustn’t miss out on a bit of self promotion must we BBC? It must also be noted that Miss Fragapane ticks the pro EU box….
The BBC is one long advert for…..the BBC!
Despite the Government’s one-sided information leaflet advising us to remain in the EU
along with the PMs’ pre vote statement that he wanted us to remain in , the long cue of TV stars, EX PMs from Major to Blair, The Arch Bishop of Cant, Al Beeb, MSM, The Bank of England, The Opinion Polls, Obhama and uncle Tom Cobley and all. Despite the odds we voted out .
But lo and behold we have this from Electoral Reform Society….
Who are they trying to kid ? The sixteen year olds ?
Watched an interview with a Brazilian scientist re his work on TB treatment. Even Brexit was introduced into the dialogue !! The journo asked whether or not his funding would be affected post-Brexit, it was jaw dropping. He was stuffed by the scientist’s reply….. “no its had no effect at all,…..” – the media are really pushing this anti-Brexit agenda into every cupcake interview.
The French Burkini ban has given the BBC and the left – including Black Lives Matter and Moslems – an opportunity to knock the French for oppressing wimmin’s freedom.
Now what would happen if they swam in Saudi resorts wearing a burkini?
Outrage persists over French efforts to police women’s clothing on the beach, including among Arabs. But while many are accusing France of racism and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs themselves are questioning whether the burkini — the full-body covering women use to maintain modesty in the water — would even be allowed on their shores.
“It isn’t just hypocrisy but schizophrenia,” wrote one. Another pointed out that “if someone wore a burkini on the beaches of the Kingdom she could be imprisoned.” One user tweeted in Arabic: “The problem with the Arabs is that they flee from their countries because of the hardline Islamic regime and come to the infidel West, then ask for the same Islamic regime.”
Women are not allowed to swim in public swimming pools in Saudi Arabia, and can only swim in private facilities or places that are women-only. At public beaches they are restricted to the abaya – the full length black covering even if they choose to dip their toes in the water. In other Gulf countries too, bikinis and swimsuits are only allowed in private beaches and resorts.
“Saudi is criticizing France for banning a woman for wearing a burkini. If their woman will wear it her father, mother, husband and brothers would whip her,” wrote one user. “A question for my Muslim brother – would you campaign for the freedom of women in Saudi to drive and wear what she wants as you are ready to defend the burkini?” wrote another.
Heard some bloke having a pop back at Humphrys regarding Donald Trumps visit to Mexico.
The bloke was one of Trumps economic advisers-and Humphrys made a fool of himself,as our Trump spokesman accused him of the BBC having its own narrative-and one that its listeners can see through as easily as he does.
Needed saying -was at 7.40 or so this morning on Today-he`ll not be invited on again,but did a good job.
“They also propose …. with the voting age reduced to 16.”
Well if 16 year old grade A* moslem girls can be radicalized enough to fly out to be willy fodder for ISIS, what hope is there for all the thick white kids on council estates?
They could end up voting UKIP.
What makes it especially heartbreaking is the aspiration, now unrealised.
The BBC reporting could be getting better reviews on Facebook, too..
“Wow BBC, maybe you’d like to publish a more misleading headline. The muppet responsible for this headline likely types with two fingers”
But they always type with integrity. Apparently.
Brexit hate crime?
Is it possible to find out how many people have actually been prosecuted in the UK ? Or is the reported hate crime an ‘alleged’ crime ?
One would think the UN’s time could be better spent in the Middle East where hate crime is taking place on an industrial scale ?
Maybe we are letting the BBC off and need to complain more. In fact, this site could have a sticky about this.
“I was at a friend’s house watching News at Ten and the item about the Crick institute came on. Towards the end of the item it was stated that leaving the EU means the loss of £10M pa funding. This misleading statement is part of the BBC’s ongoing push to exaggerate the benefits of EU membership and attack the argument for Brexit.
No mention was made that the UK is a net contributor to the EU, and what we get in EU funds is a fraction back of what we pay. Nor was any mention made of the Government promise to match any EU funding till 2020 at least, and thereafter subject to it being in the national interest.
The inclusion of your statement on EU funding without qualification was deliberately misleading.”
I will try and post any reply.
Well done Flexdream. Last week sometime on BBC news at 10 I heard a reporter say that (I think) Calais and its twin town in the UK were strengthening links ‘despite Brexit’. What does Brexit have to do with anything? Trade and cultural links between towns in different countries existed long before the EU was dreamed up, eg the Hanseatic League goes back to the middle ages. The implication is, of course, that pulling out of the EU means total isolation, which not even the most rabid Leaver has suggested.
Muslim debate show on tv, all Muslims including presenters for 2 hours, now that would give us an incite, questions provided by the UK public.
You know I take that idea back the reasons don’t rest with the muslim community the problem is you the bbc the middle classes your weakness to say it as you see it your unwillingness to offend your the problem. If you just said no to bollux and remember are fu…g values.
This blog’s like dragon’s den for me trying to come up with an idea that someone in authority might listen to in order to help our country.
BBC in full hand wringing mode this morning.
Not sure whether they were celebrating or mourning the death of Aylan Kurdi. Apparently the BBC will be platforming his poor father later (who so loved his family that he moved them from a safe camp in Turkey onto a leaky boat where his wife and Aylan drowned)
We were told that the West has turned its back yet again on the problem. But we all know what the BBC means – lets dispose of all border controls , allow massive population shifts and turn over here, into over there – The ultimate multi Culti wet dream.
Sensible response would be to arrest/shoot smugglers, return migrants (sorry I mean Asylem seekers) and destroy the boats.Instead of which we are providing A taxi service.
I wonder whether whoever interviews Aylens father will be wearing some special BBC approved ethical red shorts and T shirt especially for the occasion.
It never ceases to amaze me that no death (however pointless it is) – can always be exploited by Aunty to make a spurious political point – Even if it contradicts all norms of common sense.
They really are shameless bastards!
Meant to add – the other thing that puzzles me is how little speculation there is from our “World Class Broadcaster” about the sense of Merkel flinging the borders wide open – Its a bit like opening a cafe, walking around with a sandwich board saying “Eat free at Joes” and wondering why you are making no profit! – The solution is not difficult is it – But apparently it is to Aunty!
The independent becoming even more ridiculous…..watch out for this in so called bbc news propaganda
Andrew MacLeod is a “visiting Professor at Kings College London and a former UN and Red Cross official who served in countries like Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and others.” What sloppy writing. What countries are like Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan? “He has negotiated with warlords and terrorists.” Is that something to be proud of? In the UK Independent Tuesday, he explains that a Muslim who screams “Allahu akbar” and kills people may not be a terrorist, but just a lonely publicity-seeker committing the Muslim equivalent of “suicide by cop.”
And the never-ending mainstream media quest to exonerate Islam of all responsibility for the crimes committed in its name and in accord with its teachings grows even more absurd than it already was.
MacLeod’s evidence? He says that Smail Ayad, the Australia jihadi who murdered two non-Muslims, Mia Ayliffe-Chung and Tom Jackson, as well as “the Orlando murderer, the Sydney siege murderer,” and “the Nice murderer,” all “did not appear to be part of organised groups. We know none of the Nice, Sydney and Orlando killers had a deep religious history. All three rarely prayed in mosques. They drank, had sex out of marriage, failed to fast in Ramadan. None was a ‘devout Muslim’, according to anecdotal evidence from people who claimed to have known them.”
What MacLeod fails to take into account in this analysis is that they may have been trying to make up for all that sinful activity by doing a great good deed. A hadith has a Muslim asking Muhammad: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).” Muhammad replied, “I do not find such a deed.” (Bukhari 4.52.44) The Qur’an teaches that Allah will place a Muslim’s good deeds on one scale and bad deeds on the other, and send them to Paradise or hell depending on which scale weighs more (cf. 21:47). A Muslim who is worried about his eternal destiny can decisively tip the scales in his favor by waging jihad, the deed that is greater than all others. He can seize the Qur’an’s promise of Paradise for those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111).
In light of that, it is wrong to assume that Muslims who were not devout and then kill while screaming “Allahu akbar” have no jihadi motive. Also, the Islamic State and al-Qaeda have repeatedly called upon Muslim individuals in the West to engage in random attacks. That means that a Muslim who has no ties to any jihad groups could still be heeding their call. MacLeod appears to assume that if a Muslim killer is not a verifiable member of al-Qaeda, ISIS, or some other jihad group, then he isn’t waging jihad. On what basis does he assume that an individual Muslim cannot undertake this endeavor? He doesn’t bother to explain that.
What really needs investigating in light of the murders of Mia Ayliffe-Chung and Tom Jackson is the psychic landscape that Islam provides for a Muslim such as their killer, Smail Ayad. Ayad may indeed have been non-devout and not interested in jihad or Islam in general. But at a moment of distress, at a time of upset and upheaval in his life, he was only able to provide a context for his anger and hatred in Islam and its call for warfare against unbelievers — hence even if his motive was being rejected by Mia Ayliffe-Chung, he screamed “Allahu akbar” and didn’t kill Mia only, but Jackson as well, and attacked police also: his rage at her became a generalized jihad against the Infidels all around him.
That is a scenario worth studying, as it could happen again, anytime, anywhere. But the willfully ignorant and politically correct such as MacLeod and the Independent will never venture into such territory.
The Independent says that MacLeod “can be followed on Twitter @Why_slow_down,” but he seems to have deleted that account. I wonder why. Did he have an inkling that he would be called out on his shoddy reasoning and attempt to keep non-Muslims complacent in the face of the advancing jihad?
Using the MacLeod logic all of our elections should be annulled as most of the voters aren’t members of a political party so their votes are random acts of mental illness or of lone wolves! Ditto election campaigning is a waste of time as only the members of parties are ‘true believers’.
In Muslim ideology if you’ve been a bad Muslim (booze, birds etc) but die in jihad you still get to go to paradise.
Number 6, there is a precedent for this kind of thinking. After WW2 there was an attempt by some amongst the Allies to absolve the German people by saying the war was not caused by them but by Nazi ideology which was a sort of cultural aberration. Noel Coward even satirised this idea in his song ‘Don’t Let’s Be Beastly to the Germans’ which oddly enough was banned by the BBC. Subsitute ‘Muslims’ for ‘Germans’ and ‘ISIS’ for Nazis and the idea is much the same:
Don’t let’s be beastly to the Germans
When our victory is ultimately won,
It was just those nasty Nazis who persuaded them to fight
And their Beethoven and Bach are really far worse than their bite
Let’s be meek to them
And turn the other cheek to them
And try to bring out their latent sense of fun.
Let’s give them full air parity
And treat the rats with charity,
But don’t let’s be beastly to the Hun
Well-paid BBC star Naga Munchetty – who we understand spends as much time on the golf course as does her hero Barrack Obama – brings us once again that unique breakfast blend of BBC agenda stuff and nonsense.
1. Fergal Keane the poet laureate of mass-immigration celebrates (?) one year on from the Alan Kurdi drowning media hoo ha. Our Fergal waxes lyrical on behalf of the child’s father – or is this just a load of old Blarney? Let them come, one and all! Blimey, that’s almost a line from Les Mis.
2. Tame BBC eco-whacko Chris Packham explores ticks on pet dogs amid fears of the growing number of dangerous blood-sucking paracites in Britain (quiet at the back, there!) Our Chris states with the absolute certainty of a true believer that we have ‘climate change’ and presumably this must mean it is getting hotter here and therefore more convenient for his warm climate-loving little ticks. I guess that’s science, kids.
3. Nicola Sturgeon that towering great stateswoman of our times who stands head and shoulders above the likes of Nigel Farage (who never amounted to much) is talking to her SNP colleagues about another independence referendum – and this is news – gosh, call Chris back in to give his talk on a bear’s propensity to defocate in woodland.
All I can say is, knowing the level of biased content, and earnest, patronising stupidity of the presenters, WHY on earth, watch it, at all? Come away, it will infect you, should you linger.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again – I want to know where my money is going.
Like it or not the BBC sets the agenda for all UK broadcasters. Radio 4 is the supposed flag ship but more important is the meassage being sent at mass media end of the scale.
Isn’t it better to know what the BBC are up to rather than remain blissfully unaware?
I think, with just a second’s reflection, we are all aware what the BBC are up to, constantly – subversion in extremis. We hardly need to be reminded of it on a daily basis, particularly as we are aware that there’s nothing that can be done, apparently, to stop it, and one must continue to pay for the continuing level of bias and misinformation on pain of prosecution. Better to get one’s news, accurately (and either freely, or less expensively), from elsewhere.
I know where my money is going…..and it sure aint subbing the bbc ethical latte drinking lefty lunatic fringe
Naga Munchetty, aka Munchshitter, the sofa/air/TV tax burglar; whose nasal incoherence has to be experienced to be believed. This so called ‘autocutie’ comes across as incredibly thick whenever she pumps out Guardianista utterances over the airwaves.
I tend to side with the Old Goat, I must stop consuming this crap and look elsewhere for informed reporting of the news. However Asleelt is also right; it is good to monitor occasionally where my hard earned pennies are being wasted, I am also a masochist.
Dykevisions- Its not’s very nice being nasty to the Munchkin lady. I am rather deaf so to hear her screaming on the breakfast programme gives me an outlet about whats going on in the world. I reiterate my hearings not that great but
I thought she told us to avoid the Yellow Brick Road this morning because of repairs. I am looking forward to seeing her on Strictly celebrity ,master chef, in the jungle, on ice. Or is that some other sub continent lady presenter? There are so many I get mixed up.
If bbc reporting was studied for just one week it would show a clear bias firstly against men secondly white men thirdly heterosexual white men and fourthly heterosexual working class white men.
You could easily prefix some, if not all of those with the word ‘English’
You’ll like this. I was watching an episode of ‘Yes Minister’ on Yesterday TV (a very good channel, by the way). Bear in mind this was one of the most popular BBC sitcoms of the 1980s. Jim Hacker and Sir Humphrey wanted the BBC to prevent an interview being broadcast because Hacker had come across badly. They met with a BBC representative who said he couldn’t possibly be influenced by the government. Then Sir Humphrey stacked a big pile of files on the table and said ‘these are all reports into BBC political bias’ and showed some photos of BBC executives drinking champagne at Ascot on the public purse. The BBC director agreed to scrap the interview!
Seems like the writers of that comedy (who were VERY intelligent and talented, unlike most so called comedy writers today) knew about the bias even 30 years ago!
BBC bias has been an open secret since at least the late 70s, some would say it goes further back with the young Dimblebys putting in their left-wingedness from when they joined. It’s just never admitted publicly by any Beeboid until after they retire. It’s room, corner and elephant syndrome.
Demon, what surprised me was that a BBC comedy itself could make fun of BBC bias. I can’t imagine that happening today. Imagine Mark Steel or Marcus Brigstockes making fun of lefty bias on the BBC – unthinkable!
Toady this morning in yet another full-on Calais Jungle crisis effort.
Interviewed were Alf Dubbs (pro open door) and the leader of Kent Council (who bless him is the poor sod who has to clear up the mess).
What the presenters and editors consistently fail to do is to synthesise and juxtapose the various contributions. Let me assist.
A ‘young vulnerable asylum seeker’ aged 17 costs an average of £50,000 per annum (why?) to the taxpayer and there is a requirement to support them until they are aged 24 !!! We are expected, by the goddy-goody luvvies to let in 400, no questions asked. Such as, where did they get the money to get as far as Calais and why did they not claim asylum at the first opportunity, if they were genuine refugees fleeing persecution?
Because many have come over simply to dodge compulsory military service, of the type we had in this country until 1962.
I also point out that the lefties wanting to provide for these ‘vulnerable young people’ are the very same people who advocate lowering the voting age to 16 !!!! Does this create a new potential class of deserving minority, the ‘vulnerable young voter’?
You really cannot make this crap up. But don’t expect Al Beeb to ask any awkward questions about it all.
A tactic from the BBC handbook..
Luckily, some views… literal ones, even if one’s own, are exempted on the BBC…