One year on from the manipulated photographs of the drowned Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, opened up the gates of Europe to unlimited muslim immigration, the luvvies are out agitating for the UK to allow in 400 more “refugee children” from the Calais Jungle. The BBC reports;
Celebrities including Juliet Stevenson and Vanessa Redgrave, religious leaders and local politicians will gather outside the Home Office later to urge ministers to immediately bring over hundreds of children stranded in the sprawling migrant camp. There are 800 unaccompanied children among some 7,000 refugees living in the camp, according to the campaign group Citizens UK.
The BBC provided these luvvies with an elevated platform from which they can lecture the rest of us. Naturally no tough questions are ever asked of them and the cringing virtue signalling goes unchallenged. Last year the BBC played a central role in helping bring about Islamifying Europe by pushing the Kurdi story for all it was worth so that millions came in and a year on they are still at it. France is a first world country – no one in the so-called Calais Jungle has any right to asylum in the UK. But the BBC will do all it can to continue to undermine this, and us.
But – they don’t want to come to the Former UK, they want to go to Germany, specifically the Ruhr, it seems…
Did anyone note the Newsnight piece on social mobility? That was a fine example of BBC graduate disingenuous propaganda supported by the neophyte Marxists of Momentum.
I would like compensation for having to pay for such egregious drivel
I liked how the live feed from auntie panned the camera just has a Muslin preacher was holding the crowd of Elite’s – including Rabbis, Roman Catholic Nuns/Priests, among other faiths – while hanging on his every word! Sheesh!
Don’t the BBC just love Islam!
Maybe we could do a deal with the Junior Doctors. How many ‘children’ would we have to take to stop them going on strike…….or would the extra work load mean they would increase their demands ?
General- We have always “trusted” our doctors. I am beginning to worry just how much
trust we should really be giving them.
7,000 ‘refugees’?
From the Mail:
‘A crisis relief charity chief is set to pull the plug on aid to the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp after discovering most people there are economic migrants ‘without any reason’ to leave their home country.
The Bradford-based Human Relief Foundation has been running a project to help the ‘refugees’ at the makeshift camp and previously claimed they were all ‘fleeing war and significant atrocities.’
But a visit by a team led by Kassim Tokan, the HRF deputy chief executive, discovered a totally different picture on the ground, with unwanted clothing and food being ‘dumped and burnt’ by the migrants…..’
“…after discovering most people there are economic migrants ‘without any reason’ to leave their home country”
What took them so long? Most here had figured that out by this time last year.
“The Bradford-based Human Relief Foundation has been running a project to help the ‘refugees’”
Yes, based in a building that also has the sign “Council for Mosques” outside.
It was also the birthplace of Frederick Delius in 1862. His father had a wool warehouse in Little Germany, less than a mile away. Times have changed.
From the target projects, Human Relief Foundation seems to be a Muslim charity pretending to be a secular non-discriminatory charity. The do not say so, but they are, as all Islamic charities, have to be only for Muslims, if they follow Islamic law.
The reservation I have is that if they are a charity, then they get 20% from HMRC. And that is not allowed.
Just dived in time to shut some old bag off wittering as Classic FM Global propaganda decided this was top trumps.
BBC going full social media and again hitting resistance as they fail to explain why these kids need to get to Calais, then here, to be safe.
It’s classic BBC and its virtue signalling lunatic squad, and such a shame. There is, clearly, a massive humanitarian case, and cause, but they have hitched to a stupid icon and people are just switching off… because, we can. And actual kids in need are getting lost in the white noise.
Some facts I’d expect a proper broadcaster to report for us:
– what is the age limit to be classed as a “child” – 18?
– how many of the 800 “children” are teenagers?
– how do we know their age?
– how many are girls?
– what nationality are they?
– how did they get from home country to Calais?
– Did they run away from home or did parents send them on journey?
– Should they be returned to their parents?
– How many brothers and sisters do they have in home country?
– are they legally in France? If not, should France deport them?
– why do they want to enter the UK and not stay in France?
– How many will each Luvie be individually funding and housing?
But then I realise that the BBC has long ago stopped doing any kind of investigative or informative journalism. Just pure full-on non-stop propaganda for mass immigration.
We really need someone, somewhere to call this out of control organisation to account.
And, importantly, what evidence is there that they do have relatives in the UK and what is the proof?
Number 88
If they are let in , ‘bob’s your uncle’ they will soon be ‘discovered’ by their relatives who will also ‘want in’.
The Useless EU has failed to prevent this so called ‘migrant crisis’, in fact they have encouraged it.
Given the the norm of cousin marriages in Islamic counties, the “relatives” will turn out to be the entire village or tribe.
An Islamic future is what our stupid politicians have led us into. despite the advice of people who know – from Churchill and before.
But what can you expect from the BBC’s media studies graduates and politicians,
Yes…and i was banned from Farcebook for suggesting that mental illness, rife amongst muslims, was down to several factors including incest…..oh dear…Zuckerbergs little helpers didn’t like that…but allow foul, violent rants by foaming muslims …. 7 day ban….now 16 days….they can’t even count….think i’ll leave anyway…i’ve rediscovered life these past two weeks……Mossad needs to pay the t-shirted twit a visit…….
Merkel seems also about to pay the price for her “wir schaffen das” folly. In the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern regional government elections today, the AfD reached 21% – the first time it stood for election. The SPD won with 30% and the CDU got 19%,one of its worst results ever. Every old party lost tens of thousands of votes to the AfD and 60,000 people who had never voted before supported the AfD. The German media seem to have borrowed the BBC’s Brexit Platitude Playbook. It’s just a protest vote – the anxious and angry empty-headed plebs will soon realise how wrong they were. Will there be reports of a “peak in race-hate pogrom crimes” à la BBC tomorrow in the German press?
Why isn’t France or Mr Merkel looking after them?
Perhaps we should find homes for these first ?……
Charity begins at home .
Engineerdownunder – let me try and do some of the BBC’s work for them and estimate – I am afraid I do not have the infrastructure that a world classed broadcaster does, mainly the internet and my own two eyes however here we go:
Q. what is the age limit to be classed as a “child” – 18?
A. I beleive 24 mainly due to the fact that the state are guardians until this age. Plus many of these “children” have proven to not actually be children at all. They know that “children” get preferential treatment so seeking asylum seeker status is easier as a “child”
Q. how many of the 800 “children” are teenagers?
A. The vast majority – those that are not in fact 20 odd and claim to be 16 like the refugee who stabbed Alexandra Mezher to death it has been shown he is in fact at least 21
Q. how do we know their age?
A. We don’t – and that’s because they don’t want us to know their real age. Like most their passport will be thrown away once inside europe.
Q. how many are girls?
A. Very very few indeed, since there is a rape epidemic in most asylum camps and naturally many “refugees” are muslim I think they have made the correct decision to stay at home – however will obviously be repatraited at a later date via repatriation laws or overseas marriage laws, the two are interchangeable as we know the RoP is a strong supporter of arranged ie first cousin marriages
Q. what nationality are they?
A. Can’t tell you what nationality they are but I can tell you what nationality they are not: Syrian
Q. how did they get from home country to Calais?
A. Money – despite being “refugees” many have embarked on a journey that has likely to have cost c. £5000 (£2000 for the boat alone on to the mainland, train journeys, more people smuggling costs etc etc)
Q: Did they run away from home or did parents send them on journey?
A: Parents sent them most likely – as once they gain asylum in the UK the parents will be on their merry journey via repatriation laws etc mentioned previously
Q: Should they be returned to their parents?
A: Yes – but in the original country they came from – not by bringing their parents to them in the UK
Q: How many brothers and sisters do they have in home country?
A: Probably many which will be joining in methods previously stated
Q: Are they legally in France? If not, should France deport them?
A: Probably Yes – only in that France is part of the basket case that is the EU which has caused this entire problem in the first place – furthermore France are very aware that they are merely visitors on their way to the UK so turn a blind eye.
Q: why do they want to enter the UK and not stay in France?
A: They know our benefits system is far better than France so essentially they will get more money and a better standard of living once in the UK
Q: How many will each Luvie be individually funding and housing?
A: A big fat 0
Hope I’ve shed some light on the situation
This is silly really; because we already know the answer. Suppose there were African Jews/Christians in those horrible camps would those poor BBC Elite/Celeb seeking journalists even bother to look at their make-shift tent never mind talk to them!? Scary version?: Oh, we can’t talk to individuals from those two faiths because the Muslims won’t like it!
Shush, and don’t ask again!
Nonsense Vesnadog, the BBC loves anyone who is not British, if theyre brown or black even better. It’s operating an anti British Globalist agenda, not a narrowly pro Muslim one.
The Swedish example where any ‘refugee’ who declares himself (rarely herself) to be a child is admitted should give pause for thought.
Bone age based on a single x-ray of the left hand, fingers, and wrist is fairly simple for an experienced doctor to determine. It isn’t absolutely accurate but there is a known margin of error of a couple of years plus or minus in some cases.
Rather than declare children to be 18 and under why not for the purpose of the project declare them 15 and under?
I doubt if there is a single unaccompanied fifteen year old at Calais. There may be some young teenage lads without their parents but they are accompanied by an older brother or cousin. Handy ruse for a young man in his twenties who wishes to assume false ‘minor’ status, to bring along his kid brother.
I can answer the first question for you now.
Anyone who claims to b under 18 is classified as a ‘child’!
It’s ridiculous hypocrisy by the broadcasting media as when they discuss teenage schoolchildren in Britain they are misdescribed as ‘young men and women’ or ‘students’.
Of course Breiviks victims were “children” too although the majority were over eighteen and the remainder sixteen and seventeen year olds. Apparently the Utoya island camps are seen as great hook up opportunities for lusty singles.
NB I am not excusing Breivik but what he did was bad enough, there was no need for exageration.
It’s been noticeable over the past couple of days that the sob stories and urgings to take in more “refugees” have been ramped up over at BBC Towers. The majority of the population who don’t want them here appear unrepresented by the impartial BBC.
Last night’s TV news concentrated on the father of Aylan, who I seem to recall was not a refugee but someone in search of better teeth. Or am I confusing him with someone else?
I believe you are quite right. Then, of course, there is the curious way the BBC and its chums on the far Left appeared to forget all about Calais in the run-up to he referendum.
“…It’s been noticeable over the past couple of days that the sob stories and urgings to take in more “refugees” have been ramped up over at BBC Towers.”
Mostly because the coast is clear now that the annual Ramadan Bomb-A-Thon is over with (for another year). There will still be a few incidents across Europe big enough to momentarily scare the horses in the msm, but it’s pretty safe now for the BBC, CH4 and Sky News to revert back to credulous migrant virtue-signalling 24/7.
‘..someone in search of better teeth’. I saw him on the news today and I think he is someone simply in search of some teeth!
No mention of his father’s teeth this time around.
Strangely enough, the left and the BBC – but I repeat myself – are less keen on revisiting other iconic ‘dead kid’ photographs.I can’t imagine why…
Alan Kurdi lost his life, that is tragic. But can anyone remember the name of the little French girl mown down in a French road by a Muslim driven truck laying there dead with a teddy bear laying next to her? Or the one on the same road where a man is sitting cross legged next to his dead wife again laying in the street? Does anyone know his name or his dead wife’s name?
The BBC chose never to show this footage, instead it used poor grainy footage from a camera some hundreds of yards away to blur what was happening and thus distance our emotions from what was happening as much as possible.
These scenes were shown briefly on sky, they were also shown on RT some weeks after in a montage ( in the best possible taste ) of the whole event complete with appropriate music. I found myself in tears, something the BBC with it’s coverage would make all efforts to report it in such a way that they try to minimize emotional reaction.
I still haven’t forgotten the five American police officers mown down in cold blood, the BBC reported it coldly and didn’t once involve any emotive reporting, such as if they were married or had children.
One year on, RIP Alan Kurdi. Your death was blatantly lied about and cynically exploited for propaganda purposes. To come to these conclusions, we did our own original analysis of the incident and its aftermath. You can read our report here:
Yes, we’ve been treated to this nauseous nonsense in our local paper. Our local council want us to sign a petition to bring these creatures here. They don’t seem to realise that they are being manipulated & are trying to manipulate others. Nobody invited the migrants to the ‘Jungle’. We owe these creatures nothing & it’s about time that someone kicked the French up the backside & made them deport them.
Seeing that little boy face down on the beach is harrowing. I have a little boy around the same age, and to think of that happening to my little boy when all he was doing was following his parents…. But that’s the point! That’s why this manipulation and deceit was carried out! The tolerant, peace loving, free, kind, wonderful peoples of Europe were always going to fall for this most shocking of events…these bastards were waiting for a innocent little boy like this to die!! The ends justifies the means…….. Which is why those who are willing to sacrifice endless amounts of innocent white girls were always going to milk this dry… And my god did they make the most of this event for their own selfish, sick, devious gains!!……
…..but is this about the protection of innocent children?…. What of the children massacred on the promenade in Nice??!! Not one fucking story of who died!!! Not one photo!!! Not one article about how we need to do whatever possible to protect the most precious in our society… Children!! How many pictures of Yazidi children??!! How many articles on Christian children beheaded or hacked to death for not being Muslims??!!…. You guessed it!!! Not one!!!!!!
How very ‘Christian’ of Mr Vance.
Well .you may sneer ,but the father bears full responsibility for allowing his wife and children to drown and all the while living somewhere that is safe ie Turkey.
No sensible mother who was not subservient to her husband would allow her children unable to swim and so very young make such a journey in such a craft . No way !
Yes it’s hard seeing pictures like that but I’m not responsible and all the hand wringing is not going to make it so.,it will just encourage more irresponsible fathers to do the same .Life is cheap to some .
It’s not a matter of religion ,its a matter of common sense. The BBC are sending out the wrong signals and perpetuating the problem,still it makes them feel good and fills their 24hours up nicely.
What would a BBC supporter like you know about decent behaviour towards the Country and the Western World?
Going well. Still views his own ‘n all.
Carry on (ab)using the children Danny Shaw.
Where are all the virtue signallers championing the refugees fleeing from France when it comes to our little children in places like Rotherham. Is it because our children are only white and therefore they don’t mean anything?
Many years ago in Africa I recall being involved in training local labour how to wear safety boots, many of them never having previously worn footwear. It was a time-consuming process It was therefore with some surprise when I saw on BBC a boatload of about 300 people in a vessel all wearing brand new high viz lifejackets. I wondered a number of things about this
-how long had it taken to dress all these passengers in their hi-viz lifejackets?
-how was it that all the jackets were correctly fitted?
-the volume of space in the boat must have been greatly reduced given the increased volume required for the attached jackets
-where had all these hi-viz jackets come from?
In calm waters this was very obviously a “staged” situation, with 5 day old babies being cared for by handily-placed assistants. Irrespective of the rights or wrongs of the immigrant debate does the BBC expect the viewing public to believe that this is a typical situation, only 12 miles from the Libyan shore.? It was pure propaganda and not at all merited by an organisation that claims to be world-class.
I suppose it qualifies as an attempt at world-class propaganda. Unfortunately for the British-hating BBC the British are getting wise to their endemic racism.
BBC are racist. Good comment.
Why are the Calais ‘refugees’ clamouring to get to the UK? Possible reasons:
*UK authorities are softer than the French and more receptive to the Islamic invasion.
*Muslim gangs in no-go areas around Paris and other cities have made it clear that the new invaders are not welcome on their turf.
*French Muslims are confident that they will in time be able to establish their Caliphate in France as they increase the terror attacks aimed at subjugating everyone to the will of their ‘God’ and neither require nor want outside assistance.
*Those at Calais feel unwelcome in Islamic areas in France are therefore keen to establish the Caliphate in the UK.
If the BBC had any real journalists some attempt would be made to investigate and establish what is really going on at Calais.
Britain definitely sets a lower ‘bar’ for refugee status than France does, but other major attractions of Britain are the English language and the ridiculously polite and soft hearted nature of the average Briton. French people are in general far more nationalistic and not inclined to bend over backwards to be nice to immigrants.
I’m thinking about the 2,700 people have DIED crossing the Med this year.
Their own countries can’t get their act together and then SJWs operating the EU Mediterranean Taxi service provide the pull factor.
..I’m also thinking about the next lot of people who will drown and the thousands that will die in the next six months or until the EU gets it’s act together.
I’m all for trading with Africa and for us buying African products, which will be more easy after Brexit when we African foods won’t be kept out by the usual EU protectionist tariffs.
It’s no solution to the people of African that they have a few LUCKY lottery winners who make it to South London..I’d like to see every African village to thrive.
There is a form of madness afoot here with all this. I get a sense that the majority of those engaged in it are, essentially, well meaning but insightless into the nature of the damage being done. The ones driving it however are doing so for other reasons (I am open to suggestions).
I am genuinely scared for the short term as there is no scenario that I can foresee that has a benign outcome and as per historical norms a (very) large number of complete innocents are going to suffer.
Look we are the true Social Justice Warriors wanting true Social Justice for all.
They are the FAKE PSEUDO SJWS (these North London BBC/Guardian Zombies)
..cos their justice is TWISTED by their need to VIRTUE SIGNAL, so:
#1 Their PetIssues are priortised above others.
#2 To them pointing a Tweet is far worse than stabbing with a knife.
Apparently the BBC gave a platform to Abdul no teeth (Alan Kurdis father and his reeckless killer) to lecture the BRitish to be more generous to “migrants”.
It wouldnt surprise me if this vile bullying man is living here now.
Apparently the BBC gave a platform to Abdul no teeth (Alan Kurdis father and his reckless killer) to lecture the BRitish to be more generous to “migrants”.
It wouldnt surprise me if this vile bullying man is living here now.