Last month the BBC Trust released the findings of its review of how the BBC handles statistics. Naturally enough the BBC Trust wasn’t actually looking for a genuinely impartial and honest insight into the BBC’s use of statistics and so the Trust went to the tried and tested Cardiff University which has already pronounced the BBC to be right-wing. So who better to go to for a balanced, accurate and sensible review of the BBC’s output than an organisation peopled by ex-BBC mandarins and left-wing academics.
Curiously enough they didn’t disappoint and produced the ever-so dodgy and shopsoiled goods from under their Flash Harry mac…the Guardian wasn’t slow to exploit the, er, findings…
‘BBC has high dependency on Tory government for statistics’
Two points on that…one, the BBC takes government figures and then spends a vast amount of time discrediting and undermining them…two, they take government figures as fact when it suits their own agenda…such as during the EU referendum when we were told by the BBC that there was little doubt of the accuracy of the government predictions of economic armageddon and the breakdown of society on Brexit. The BBC’s ‘Reality Check’ was laughably and unmistakeably badly named as reality was the last thing that the BBC intended to provide the audience with.
The BBC Trust knew full well what the useful idiots of Cardiff University would provide them with and, just as with their science review in which they employed fanatical climate change advocate and BBC yes-man, Steve Jones, to do the review, they understood that there was little chance of the real nature of the BBC being revealed. To have the BBC ‘denounced’ as right-wing is the perfect outcome for the BBC which they then use as ‘proof’ against its critics who accuse it, quite correctly, of being in the service of the Left.
The BBC is as corrupt and unaccountable as ever and it looks like they will continue to be so as the government backs away from a genuine attempt to rein in the BBC’s extremism and bias and ignores the fact that the BBC actively seeks to undermine and oppose just about every government policy such as on refugees, immigration, the NHS, welfare and the prevention of terror….and don’t mention Brexit.
I turn on my programmable computer (Invented by an Englishman) navigate my way to the Internet (Invented by an Englishman) to immediately espy the ghastly BBC blathering that Britain can’t survive outside the E.U, how we would be nothing without refugees, sucking up to Islam, belittling their own (outside their beloved “progressive” bubble) time and time again..
How much do the inhabitants of this Country have to give the world before the BBC gives us any credit?…Rhetorical question of course, because where the BBC are concerned I already know their “progressive” answer..
Just to add to this, Alan mentioned Cardiff University’s declaration that the BBC dressed to the right. That was back in 2013, and boy did the Guardianistas go to town with the results of that ‘research’. I well remember Owen Jones, crowing about it for weeks. It was all so convenient for them and as I recall, seemingly so contrived.
Civitas, did a major take down of that research, criticising it’s methodology and the possible vested interests of those making up of the research team.
Click to access impartialityatthebbc.pdf
This morning, Newswatch is even more damning. Craig Byers goes to town on this latest report and the people responsible for it. He finds a cabal of hard left, anti capitalist names and organisations, names and organisations, like the allegedly hard left Glasgow Media Group, that keep re-appearing.
Two things immediately occur to me; the BBC Trust who were responsible for commissioning these ‘useful’ idiots need to be held accountable for their attempt to dissemble.
And Cardiff University should now investigate who is producing biased ‘research’ in their name, potentially damaging the reputation of a fine place of learning.
There is a
Apologies. That is a report on Newswatch from last year – The site not the report carries today’s date stamp.
Lets not forget, the Professor for Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff University is Richard Sambrook… ex-BBC.
Some readers may recall his name from his BBC days, but his profile is in this link for those who may not recollect…
My family tells me I’m nice and impartial too .