Sometimes the BBC surprises even me! I was on BBC Radio London this morning talking to Vanessa Feltz about the Keith Vaz story. At one point in the interview, Vanessa postulated that Vaz’s support in Parliament for Poppers was akin to an MP who suffered from a heart defect advocating more funding for cardiac research. WHAT? I feel that the BBC sympathise with the odious Vaz and are determined to make him the victim of the piece. If the allegations are proven, Vaz will be interviewed by the Police. It is obvious that he has no political integrity or personal honour – and the BBC share this. Allegedly taking poppers and using male prostitutes seems to ring a few BBC bells. How odd.
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He is now under investigation for using his diabetes charity funds to pay for sex with men. That must surely finish him off for good.
Let us hope so IObject & with him all those associated in his disgusting antics-using this phrase to emphasise that such a person in such a position should be publically ( metaphorically speaking)castrated. This man is no supporter of this nation but out, as shown to proceed with his duplicitous life style.
It will be good riddance to bad rubbish !
I’m sorry that I missed this exchange. Comparing Vaz’s tawdry lifestyle choices with supporting cardiac research is absolutely astonishing. This odious creature has been caught out in a classic tabloid sting operation messing about with eastern European male prostitutes and proffering drugs . He hasn’t been pressing the government to increase funding for decent, altruistic reasons. He’s a creepy, arrogant, self serving little man and we all know it.
I don’t doubt that given time old oily will be a regular on late night BBC chat shows; chortling alongside Eddie Izzard, swapping quips with Russel Brand and indulging in single entendre innuendo with Julian Clarey. Ye gods!
I’m looking forward to it already…
Googling bbc news keith vaz is already on page three behind stories of the mary rose and the great fire of london and the prisoner tv series.
Swallowing a jar of blood pressure pills I decided to risk listening to R4’s programme on Saturday afternoon about the great fire of London in 1666.
I wish I hadn’t bothered. The programme was filled with propaganda about the peace loving qualities of Islam, interviewing Muslims FFS as if they had been part of the history, Brexit played a large part in the programme of course with interviewing immigrants telling us how evil the British are for wanting control of their own affairs.
Despite the pills the blood pressure rocketed. But that was my fault. I should have known better.
Sunday evening I turned on my radio to Radio 4 at 10pm. Had not heard any news as I had been abroad. There was a former Journo, Mary Creagh (sp? Labour) and Tory Brexiter. All very sympathetic to Vaz, lower the standard of journalism to report it, hard for his family, good man much loved in his select committee. But I never found out what he had allegedly done until I came here this morning
Meanwhile Guido is on his trail
I have to admit not knowing or caring too much about KV before this latest story broke.
What has surprised my is his huge list of previous (and this is just what we know), amazing that he was allowed to carry on regardless.
Have we learnt nothing from jimmy saville,keeping silent is not the answer ,If there’s any more politicians speak up now what are you waiting for.
According to Guido the BBC had a high level team on the job of investigating Vaz last year.
The story of Vaz is being under reported.
As I asked yesterday, why is it that the BBC never breaks such stories? Just why did the BBC never broadcast what it had found out about this loathsome slug? And why is it currently trying to sweep the story under the carpet?
I assume that it is because there is a lot more slime to come out about Beeboids. They are just protecting one of their own. Scumbags , all of them .
That’s a very interesting point. Perhaps what they found implicated others. Either way it reflects as badly on the BBC as we have come to expect.
Good point. The biased BBC have more so-called journalists than All the national newspapers put together. Given that astonishing amount of resource, unearned, the actual amount of journalism is absolutely pathetic.
Last year, the BBC were building their case in the context of the Charter renewal and needed their friends inside Labour to stay onside. No need to rock the boat.
High level? Like… maybe… Nick Pollard under the eagle eye of Alan ‘it’s a Tory plot!’ Yentob, Labour peer Lord Hall Hall and newly elevated ex-Labour Minister Purnell?
It’s in their DNA.
“there aren’t any other obscure current-affairs bloggers accorded the same honour.”
Rubbish. Iain Dale is just the first that springs to mind.
Do try to get over your obsession with David Vance, you will make yourself ill.
Wikipedia (not usually a source I would quote) says: “Dale is best known for his British political blog Iain Dale’s Diary (founded in 2002) and for his frequent appearances on UK news channels. In September 2003, he became the first openly gay Conservative candidate to contest a Parliamentary election.”
And while we are on the subject of people with an unaccountable presence on the BBC, perhaps you could use your inside knowledge to explain the ubiquity of those two BBC near-residents, Bonnie Greer and Billy Bragg?
There we have neatly encapsulated in one post all the snobbery of the elite for all to see.
Get some vaz apologists on to radio shows that are not biased and give them a grilling won’t be able to do that on tv as their all biased.These would stay silent on anything. Remember jimmy saville got away with it.
Why does somebody who spends all day professing his loathing for the BBC accept every invitation from the corporation? … you end up looking like a rank hypocrite.
You “profess your loathing” for David Vance, but that doesn’t stop you posting here regularly, does it?
Guess what that makes you look like.
LOL ! Nice one !
Thank you Grant, most kind 🙂
As has been recently coined, ironically, the word for that is likely… ‘Ouch’ 🙂
Furrowed brows in Frankie Howard as to how to respond to that one.
Interesting bit in last week’s Sunday Times (28.8.16) about how Dame Lowell Goddard stepped down as chairwoman of the Child Sex Abuse Inquiry.
‘….despite four letters from the committee chairman, Keith Vaz to Goddard, she has not replied’ There is so much we never know about.
Perhaps Dame Lowell found the irony of reporting to Vaz as chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee too much to bear – as, very probably, did both her predecessors.
Imagine if Vaz was a Tory MP, how the BBC would have reported that. The BBC is really the pits. A vile , disgusting organisation which must be broken somehow.
Do we know if Plod is investigating ? Or are they in on the corruption as well ?
I believe you have to say something that offends gheys or immigrants on FarceBook or Snitter to get plod’s full attention these days.
Gambia, where my home is, is a police state although it is a bit more complicated than that with rivalries between “security” services. But, I have more confidence in them than I have in the British police.
Yes, indeed. Remember the treatment the BBC gave to Andrea Leadsome? Her ‘crime’? referring to Theresa May’s lack of children!
Vaz was also recorded and reported on Channel 4 news some years ago celebrating white flight in a part of his Leicester constituency. Nobody cared to remember that for more than a day.
This latest Vaz thing made my weekend, it has been annoying me for some time how the loathsome oik has been getting away with inquiries, about time he was exposed and locked up.
“You are manifestly unqualified to talk about the many issues you keep appearing to pontificate about.”
And, my little lefty BBC plant, please tell us who is qualified exactly? Do you think politicians are qualified? The only thing that sets most politicians aside from the plebs is that they come from a different ‘class’ – the political class. On the whole, politicians, journos, bloggers & Joe Bloggs down the road all have equal qualifications, just different points of view. Can’t you see that the way the political class sanctimoniously look down on the rest of us drives many to ‘alternative’ views? The politicians most certainly do not know what is best for us, and to claim otherwise it complete arrogance and contempt!
I copied this from the Wikipedia piece on Vaz.
‘Shortly after being elected in 1989, Vaz led a march of several thousands of Muslims in Leicester calling for Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses to be banned.’
I suggest a look at the entire piece on his political life. A man with such a dubious past that it beggars belief why he should have a prominent role as Chair of the Home Office Select Committee. He must have many friends in high places, which suggests his goose is far from cooked.
Is it me or does anyone else find that Vanessa Feltz odious and patronising? I can’t stand the vile woman; almost like a Dianne Abbott with a blonde wig! She was trying to come across as impartial but we all know that the BBC and their Liebour-supporting comrades have a soft spot for Keith ‘Daz Ultra’ Vaz and all that jazz.
Nigel Farage or Keith Vaz? Not difficult to see why the BBC found the former such an obvious choice of ridicule in a comedy show – I mean, there are no potential figures of fun on the left at all. . .
Jeremy Corbyn has called for companies to end after-work drinks events because they “discriminate against mothers”.
Cocaine and rent boys are okay though, because they are ‘private matters’.
Toady programme today at 8.35, Humpty and the idiot Norman Smith discussing Vazeline in funereal tones. As others have pointed out, just think how excited they would all be at the possibility of a resignation if Vaz had been a Tory. Instead they seem happy that Vaz is likely to brazen it out.
In papers today the person who paid the two sums of £150 to the mollies is named, and seems Romanian. A ‘co-ordinator’ for Vaz’s ‘charidee’ and a ‘Parliamentary assistant’ apparently. Is ‘Parliamentary assistant’ the new slang for pimp?
Watched a bit of Newsnight last night, the bit where they were reviewing the latest exploits of Jim Dazz, the industrial washing machine repair man.
They had Iain Dale and some fast talking loudmouth writer of a political blog on, being interviewed by Emily Maitless.
It was interesting, if only because I had read Dale’s blog on this subject earlier in the day the point of which I understood and largely agreed with. By the evening though, he had done a complete 180 degree turn and on Newsnight where they were all competing to sound the most intellectually superior, he had disappeared up his own arse.
Talking absolute tripe, all three of them trying to justify the unjustifiable.
When the Washing machine fixer appeared at Westminster in his Leicester scarf I immediately thought of Saville and his in your your face brass.
I then turned to the bBC reporting treatment of Sir Cliff in cahouts with London’s finest compared to its treatment of Vaz.
Even at lunchtime there on DP, JokeCo was reminding someone………….they’re only allegations……only allegations………….
Something really rank rotten is highly active within the bBC………night night Auntie……..come along now ………..
S trubble
Biased BBC 6pm news still banging on along the lines of ‘ nothing criminal, private life, not in the public interest, with Fiona ’emote’ Bruce in charge.
And I thought supplying coke was illegal but suspect there is so much around at the BBC that they forget that.
His wife says she will stand behind him…. probably a good idea given what he likes to do if you stand in front of him….
I wonder if the Police have searched his properties for drugs yet, probably not?
No resources available, Wild Bill. They spent 6 hours talking to the BLM folk down at City airport and there was no time to do anything else like investigations
From the early edition of The Times, Thursday…
“The man who allegedly paid £150 to Keith Vaz’s male escorts has been working as the MP’s chauffeur and personal assistant, The Times can disclose.
A woman living at the same address as the assistant works at a hotel where leaked CCTV footage yesterday showed the Labour MP meeting a young man.
Maria Costache works at a hotel where leaked CCTV footage showed the Labour MP meeting a young man.”.,.
“… the hotel room areas. Mr Vaz left after 52 minutes.” And-
“The Sun reported that Mr Vaz was apparently not charged for some bookings. The newspaper quoted from a £54 bar bill. At the foot of the receipt was a note stating: “As per Mr J Sanger”. Mr Vaz has known Mr Sanger, who owns the hotel, for at least two decades and was on the judging panel for the Asian of the Year award which was won by the hotelier in 2011.”
All the BBC types, and Corbyn etc. seem to be saying that as he did nothing illegal it should be treated as a private matter, this when the rest of us can be hounded out of our jobs, or even jailed, for an inappropriate tweet or rude posting on face-ache. If I recall correctly John Profumo resigned after compromising himself with Christine Keeler, and devoted the rest of his life to charity work. He resigned because he misled the House of Commons, and there were concerns that he had made himself vulnerable to blackmail. How much more does Keith Vaz have to do (given his previous record) before someone persuades him to do the right thing?
If Vaz was as “cool” about his alleged lifestyle choices as the BBC types seem to be why were the people who elected him kept unaware?
That`s the public interest.
Knowing about the personal conduct of who you`re voting for to represent you in Parliament is a cornerstone of democracy.
In a free society people are at liberty to vote for anyone, but they should have the opportunity to weigh up the vested interests the candidates personal conduct is likely to sway them towards and can weigh up their trustworthiness only if they have that information before them. I think it`s called “transparency”.
Remember how they keep telling us that surveillance by the state and corporations is ok beacause if you`ve got nothing to hide you`ve nothing to fear?
Vaz welcomed the first beach head of Romanians and said they wouldn’t come in big numbers (wrong). In the BBC’s eyes, he is ‘one of us’. Hence the easy ride. Simples.
I suspect that’s not the only sense in which he is ‘one of us’ with the BBC!
I am appalled. By what, I shall keep my counsel.
“Hiring an escort is their way of coping with having spent the rest of the weekend in Ikea.”?