Well then, if the allegations printed and supported by video evidence in the Mirror are true, then Labour MP Keith Vaz has many questions to answer, including some to the Police. The BBC response on Today this morning was predictable. They reduce it to the simple matter of whether he should step down from being Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee. One would also hardly know that Vaz was Labour in the way the BBC cover this. He’s in damage limitation mode and so are the Comrades.
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One would also hardly know that Vaz was Labour in the way the BBC cover this
After hearing various news reports yesterday, and then during the news on Radio 4 this morning my wife finally said, “why can’t those Tory MPs keep it in their trousers?”
I wonder how many of the general population do have no idea that he is Labour?
He has got away with all sorts over the years precisely because he is Asian so this won’t be any different. In my opinion some of his financial irregularities were far worse than cavorting with male prostitues. Also the fact other MPs see to be very aware of his dodgy dealings is no surprise.
Maybe they just won’t wheel the hypocrite out so often for sound bites .The guy is oily and has no shame. Just the sort the BBC seem to like.
I am amazed that it’s taken so long for Vaz to be exposed. Stories regarding his dishonesty, lack of integrity and sexual proclivities have been on the internet for years. You don’t need to dig too far to find them.
Is it a coincidence that so many of these villains are from a legal background. Do they cover each others bottoms!
Maybe I should have put that differently. But there again maybe not!
Compare the BBC’s avoidance of Vaz sleaze with the way they pursued Neil Hamilton in the 1980s.
Vaz – never off the TV.
Barely a mention of Vaz of breakfast by the drones instead they focus on a non story concerning May and points based immigration system.
Last night (Doltun Adebayo program) on radio 5 , the emphasis was on Vaz being the victim of a newspaper behaving badly. This morning on the Radio 4 paper review it was skillfully avoided completely. As we all know, had it been a conservative it would have been the only item of news and discussion for days.
A left leaning, Labour supporting Newspaper to boot (The Mirror). Just imagine the fuss if it had been the Sun.
It wasn’t naughty behaviour at all. It was research. (well, it worked for Pete Townsend…)
I do wonder whether this whole thing could be a Team Corbyn Trot sting.
Firstly this is a leftie rag spilling the beans which is odd, and Corbyn has been holding rallies of late in Labour seats with ‘moderate’ MPs – eg Stoke, and been accused of ‘rabble rousing’.
There are also reports that Commons Speaker John Bercow knew what was going on all along and has covered for Vaz, which means that most of the HoC has probably known for ages.
Corbyn’s come out this morning playing the nice guy and saying it’s Vaz’s private life and nothing to do with him, so he looks like the kind, understanding ‘new kind of politics’ leader he wants to seen as.
I could be connecting dots that aren’t there, but the timing of the sting looks a bit fishy to me. The fact that alBeeb have got Vaz’s back (clearly they’re not the only ones…), thus reinforcing their support of the Blairites, might add to the feeling that this is all to do with an internal Labour war being waged by people like Seamus Milne and the Momentum brigade…
Forgive me if this comment might seem a bit confrontational, it’s not meant to be, but do you think that Corbyn or his team are capable of any such ruse or attempt of this nature?
The recent experience on a train suggests that he/ they are not… interesting theory though.
Fair point, I must remember to never credit them with any modicum of normal intelligence – my mistake!
From Guido three hours ago – definitely fishy.
‘A team of BBC journalists was given high-level clearance to investigate serious sex allegations concerning Keith Vaz last year. The special unit was led by a reporter who specialises in sex crime stories. It interviewed a number of witnesses and found evidence that Vaz had cheated on his wife with young men. The team was reportedly given significant resources and director general Tony Hall was informed – unsurprising given the high-profile target and in the wake of the Newsnight / Lord McAlpine debacle. The investigation also looked at a number of as yet unpublished allegations. Wonder what they found? And why the programme never aired…’
And then the Mirror of all outlets breaks the story… Hmmm
Labour always play the Private Matter card when it’s one of their own Party involved, just look at some of the regular sexual shenanigans during the Blair period, but scream that exposure is In the Public Interest if there is even the most tenuous link to a Tory, even if it is only of the nudge, nudge, wink, wink variety.
And the BBC are more than eager to follow the same biased behaviour. Just look how they gleefully spent huge amounts of airtime digging and reporting dirt on prominent Tories, some long dead, started by totally unsupported accusations originated from a very dubious source and one with close links to certain Labour MPs who are prone to using pure invention and gross exaggeration to sensationalise any sex related rumours damaging to the Tories to boot.
Just mention the vaguest link to Maggie and the BBC droop all selves at the opportunity create a bandwagon to make demands the corpses be dug up and the bones burned and crushed to dust before the baying mob.
Trying to get one of their go-to rentagobs (vaz) out of the brown and smelly, the bBBC wheeled out Peter Tatchell this morning on Toady, who promptly took on the indignant ‘Hacked Off’ narrative, insinuating the whole thing was an invasion of Vaz’s privacy and nothing to do with us.
Well Peter, you’re wrong. But not as wrong as the bBBC trying to give Vaz a way out. That’s what’s really wrong. The left-wing pro Labour bias of our state broadcaster.
Strange the bBBC and the Hacked Off sleaze balls didn’t have the same Privacy issues when they gleefully reported every salacious detail of what Max Mosley. But then again look who his father was and the supposed Nazi theme of the allegations, something the bBBC gleefully leapt on and a story they ran and ran and ran with great enthusiasm for as long as they could. Seems the bBBC are overtly selective when it comes to their version of what amounts to Privacy and what is definitely not.
Strange the bBBC and the Hacked Off sleaze balls didn’t have the same Privacy issues when they gleefully reported every salacious detail of what Max Mosley. But then again look who his father was and the supposed Nazi theme of the allegations, something the bBBC gleefully leapt on and a story they ran and ran and ran with great enthusiasm for as long as they could.
Seems the bBBC are overtly selective when it comes to their version of what amounts to Privacy matters and what is definitely not. I am not saying Mosley’s behaviour should not have been reported but is that of Vas any different as far as Privacy issues are concerned?
When it comes to matters of Privacy the bBBC certainly seem to be of the opinion that when it comes to Labour politicians their Privacy must be treated with the utmost respect whilst with Tory politicians the bBBC will treat it as Open Season where nothing at all should be considered in the least bit Private.
I see the BBC and the Guardian have almost forgotten about Keith ‘Washing Machine’ Daz, with the disgraceful story slipping down their website pages even though every other news outlet is reporting it as a major story. Could you imagine if it were a Tory or Ukipper?
I remember my Uncle (now deceased sadly) telling me a few years ago when he was with the London Met. That when he was a serving police officer he carried out duties in the Diplomatic Protection Group (SO6) This meant guarding the Houses of Parliament etc.. He told me that some of the most dishonest and sexually perverted people in the UK worked in Westminster, and that on a number of occasions word from `higher up` instructed officers there to turn a blind eye to what went on inside that building as thier job was not to investigate but merely to protect those within it and also to protect the `privacy` of those within it as well…. He did say though that Mrs. Thatcher was not amongst them. During his time there she invited the serving officers along with thier wives to afternoon tea on a few occasions and was one of the only politicians who seemed to have any respect for the law… My Uncle took early retirement when Labour got voted in, he didn`t feel risking his life for the new government was worth it, can`t say i blame him…
Interesting how the lefty MSM is treating this
They are concetrating on the aspects that are legal although questionable
More interesting is
How he has kept this secret
Why the police dropped the investigation
Why the BBC conducted an investigation that went nowhere
Why the Mirror of all papers broke the story
How he can afford his lovenest which was apparently bought with cash
Procurement of cocaine for others
His predeliction for poppers when he has stated they should be banned
Indeed starfish, indeed.
As Truthseeker was telling me yesterday, “cui bono?”
Justin’s post above might have something to do with it (welcome back, Justin Casey, always enjoy your posts).
Thankyou Mike ….. I`ve been a little busy this last week, doing a rebuild of one of my mountain bikes so i`ve not had the time to be active on the forum of late… i am surprised at the lack of TL:dr posts from Scott and his partners in grime though…. I`m wondering whether it is due to Brexit?? Or perhaps still on stage waitng for somebody to clap after thier performances at the Edinboro Cringe/Whinge ….. It`s not quite the same goosetepping around my bunker deflecting thier virtue signalling with my well honed skillfully crafted Nazi Salutes… Where are they????
Rufus McDufus said yesterday that there’d been a purge, though Kikutchiyo seems to have survived. Suspect it won’t be long before they respawn and adopt new identities though…