An intentionally misleading headline. Why can’t the BBC accept that their team lost? This is not a Parliamentary Debate (which the BBC want), but merely a response to an online petition signed by those who lost.
If this is the strangely worded petition that suddenly gained traction after the vote, it made nonsense reading it – unless, as I understand it, you know that it was actually started by a brexiteer sometime BEFORE the referendum vote took place. He being concerned about a close run vote either way.
Seems he may have questions to answer. In days gone by, it was typically the case that a Tory scandal involved sex, whilst a Labour scandal involved money. Times have changed.
Just wondering though, how does a person on an MPs salary come to be the owner of a property in Stanmore Middx, valued at £2.1m, and another in a block of flats where these “offences” are supposed to have taken place valued at £1.5m? He has been an MP for 25 years after all and you’d imagine that a mortgage would be hard to come by on those multiples?
The Mail seems to have done a bit of a job on him this morning, but the BBC will b ekeen to try to let this one pass.
On Toady this morning, the Vazeline story was covered by an interview with …….Peter Tatchell, who surprise surprise apprached it from the Privacy point of view, and that it was in essence none of our business. Hacked Off would no doubt approve.
No issues here, move along.
They end a report on the Jungle at Calais with one of the inhabitants saying all they want is to live in peace .
Live in peace where ? First safe country , First European country , France , or the country that gives most away .?
And why the violence in the self professed peacenik’ s abode .?
Theresa May has cast doubt on the feasibility of a points-based system for controlling immigration into the UK, one of the key promises of Leave campaigners during the EU referendum.
That word “promise” also much used by Kuensberg in her gleeful report suggesting division in the government on the way forward.
But no promises were made by the leave side in the referendum campaign – they were not the bloody government!!
What a total and utter bell-end she is! Impartial? Informative? Mon cul, as the French say.
(Not to mention WE ALREADY HAVE A POINTS BASED SYSTEM, hello?!?)
In February 2008, the Labour government introduced the UK’s first points-based immigration system heralded by ministers as being based on the Australian system. It replaced a labyrinthine scheme which saw 80 different types of visa granted.
NISA, I also noted that prominent use of ‘promise’ by Laura Kuenssberg this morning (TODAY, BBC R4, 6-9a.m.)and as reference had already been made elsewhere in the programme,if I recall correctly, to Brexit voters being less educated, less well-informed or metropolitan, than those campaigning for the UK to Remain in the EU, I was rather surprised at Laura’s obvious ill-educated and poorly informed remark.
Was she a Brexit voter?
I very much doubt that.
It rather demonstrates on her part an unsuitability for her present post. Taken with her rather part-time work in an important senior full-time post it almost requires drawing to the DG’s attention.
Friends! I’m very happy that so many of you appear to enjoy my little parodies of demented Lefties! Here’s my latest effort from today’s Guardian – the Twitter link (below) gives the full context:
“Friends! This is just the latest betrayal by the Hard-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May, who like this totally unelected Tory Government, is totally unelected, other than by her constituents, and by totally unelected Tory MPs who in any case cannot be removed other than by a General Election, in which those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – will naturally sweep to victory under Jeremy.
And, friends, has anyone else apart from me noticed that the so-called Leave Campaign’s wild promises and – literally – lies now literally lie in tatters?
Have they cut immigration yet? No, friends – they have not! (Thank goodness, eh, friends!)
Are they now spending £350 million per week extra on Our NHS, as they solemnly promised to do? No, friends – they are not!
Have they abolished VAT on tampons? I think you know the answer to that, friends!
Have they, above all, worked out a trade agreement with every single country in the World – and indeed elsewhere – as they promised they would do, and without which, as we all know, all trade is utterly impossible? A big fat No to that one, too, friends!
Meanwhile, friends, Our Stockmarket has now literally crashed to its highest level for well over a year, whilst the so-called £ – which, friends, should have been abolished years ago, and replaced by that utterly solid currency, Our Euro, as so many of us on the Progressive Left advocated at the time – is now literally worthless.
And then, friends, the Leavers have the effrontery to claim that all our prophecies of economic catastrophe were exaggerated! Really, words fail me! At this rate, they’ll start claiming that World War III hasn’t started yet!
No wonder, friends, that those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – are revolting!”
"Friends! This is just the latest betrayal by the Hard-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May, who like this totally une…"
Amazing, isn’t it! Meanwhile, on Labour List (where I’m Leftyliesrefuted, being on Disqus), people are also taking my distinctly OTT comments seriously, even though I have been putting interjections from “J.C.” (Jeremy Corbyn) in square brackets in some of my comments. I really can’t make it much clearer, can I? 🙂
It is crystal clear that the Today programme is going to continue their FUD campaign come what may, and will not accept the result of the referendum. They are going to make strenuous efforts into overturning it. I should guess that the ‘fear’ aspect will be toned down, with the emphasis on the ‘uncertainty’ and ‘doubt’ parts of FUD, and this we have seen over the past few weeks, and today. Justin Webb was fair in his interview with Nigel Farage, but the producers ensured that his voice was at low decibels and somewhat distorted and muffled on the phone line – a favourite ploy. However, the preponderance of contributors on ‘Today’ were of the FUD variety.
I would like to see these truthful headlines about themselves at the BBC.
Alas however, today the BBC website merely propagandasises against Brexit….again…and again, obviously worried about not receiving their continued EU income source when we leave.
So predictable, so boring. So anti British. So London.
Remember how each episode of the children’s show Sesame Street used to be brought to us by such and such a letter?
Well the muppets at BBC London News today bring us their regular daily anti-Brexit show this morning apparently sponsored by the word ‘potential’
So headline news for Londoners is that Polish ‘ministers’ are coming over here to check on us because police are investigating two POTENTIAL ‘hate crimes’ against Poles.
Next up, we are told that Brexit ‘had the POTENTIAL to ease high house prices in the capital’.
Really? I don’t recall that supposed ‘fact’ which the BBC seem intent on checking. Wasn’t the point that uncontrolled mass-immigration was overcrowding our island? Anyway don’t mention the word immigtaion on the BBC. This ‘potential’ stuff sounds like a straw man argument to me which is set up to knock down for effect.
And so it proves to be – our BBC London News gleefully supplies the punchline ‘…and so it has been, for foreign house buyers – because of the fall in the pound’.
Of course this is shameless cant from the internationalist, globalist, come one come all BBC. Happy to bash foreigners when and if it might have some leftist populist traction.
Will the BBC ever let up with this anti-Brexit stuff – it hasn’t actually happened yet?
We can perhaps console ourselves with a rallying call provided by – of all people – that staunch Europhile: Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP who demanded recently -“Let’s get this party started!”
‘Could, if, might, experts say, we’re told, it’s been reported’ – all staple phrases of a prime propaganda outfit. The speculation just grows and grows and it’s always in the same direction. Yawn…
Hardly a day goes by without my blog feeds providing the latest analysis of findings from the most recent trove of data from the FBI report into the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and not a day goes by without this analysis showing what a corrupt and dishonest aspirant to the White House this candidate is.
In addition, the information provided in respect of her connections to the Foundation set up by her husband wouldn’t do her any favours if she were someone else either.
Furthermore, perceived health issues and concerns continue to be reported upon… most obviously in the fact that that it is now almost 9 months since she did a 1-1 media interview with anyone.
Strangely, none of these matters seem to be worthy of coverage from our very own, much beloved, envy of the news broadcasting world.
The second item not deemed worthy of a mention by our world-class news outfit:
Saudi Arabia: 27 Christians arrested and deported for “conducting Christian prayers” in private residence
‘As of this time [August 30], no Western language media has reported this most recent harassment, arrest, abuse, and deportation of Christians privately celebrating their faith in the Arabian Peninsula, that is, the birthplace of Islam.’
Why on earth would the multiculture-loving BBC miss this story? Perhaps Cliff Richard could help them out a bit?
The BBC almost certainly had ambition to become the European Broadcasting Corporation at some time in the future. Brexit has dashed their hopes to a very large degree but they will fight to the bitter end. Count on that!
Wow! What a day for the BBC!
I’m surprised they don’t add additional half-hourly news bulletins to cover all the negative aspects of Brexit that have emerged just within the last day or so. We have Laura Kuenssberk back on duty, probably after a couple of weeks retraining in theatrics, to help emphasise the message that we got it wrong voting leave and outlining the now imminent dangers for our country. What with the Japanese vaguely suggesting they might pull their manufacturing out of the UK and our own PM, May, suggesting that there will not be a ‘points based’ immigration system, perhaps its time to consider Harikiri in Japanese fashion.
Following much diatribe about Brexit, the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 concluded by interviewing Tim Wetherspoon and a woman from the London Stock Market. Needless to say, Tim is one of the optimistic pro-Brexit people interviewed in the long list of Brexit supporters offering their views (like hell! – he was the only one!) in a good half-an-hour of negative propaganda. One interesting point made by Tim Wetherspoon was that if we do without the EU altogether (the, ‘all negotiations fail scenario’), the UK economy will go on albeit smaller. Woman responds by saying that if the UK’s economy slipped to 8th position, “it would be so sad”. So, there you have it, it really boils down to being a game for these Stock Market people: ‘My economy is bigger than yours!’. I thought that was reserved for the men. I have to confess, for my part, when voting ‘Leave’, I did consider a smaller economy and I suspect others similarly did. Putting aside the Stock Market ‘game’ what is the economic harm in that? At least the UK would be somewhat more unattractive for migrants and, as a result, it may regain becoming a pleasant land.
Markit/CIPPS figures out this morning, “..showed activity in UK services saw its largest month-on-month rise in the survey’s history”. Oh dear! this is truly a setback for the BBC’s theme of the day as the statements made earlier suggested these sets of figures were likely to show a large downturn. Apparently (and needless to say), these figures are more accurately allied to what’s going on in the economy than previous snapshots which have also shown returns to stability or small increases in the statistics. All good for Brexiteers so it seems. How the BBC will play these figures is anyone’s guess and I suspect they are in deep debate right this moment over how to play them down and ‘negativise’ this good news.
G – Just a small correction, the boss of Wetherspoons is Tim Martin. Apparently he named his business after his geography teacher (Mr Wetherspoon) who told him he would never make anything of his life!
Reminds me of when I saw Sarah Millican a few years ago at the Edinburgh fringe, just before she became famous.
She said she’d called her show “Gobshite” (yes really) because that’s what she was called at school, and her teachers told her off for being so talkative.
She felt it was truly ironic because now she makes a good living out of talking a lot.
She said she only hoped that the same fate hadn’t befallen the school bike.
The BBC and the entire political class is making a serious mistake. It is assuming that it really won the referendum. That is how far the disconnection from reality has come.
I suggest all of us write to our MPs and just point out that the vote was to leave and that is that.
Mention the complete lack of objectivity from the BBC.
That vile organisation needs a lesson in what is basic to the English concept of sovereignty. It resides in the people . This was decided in the 1640s and again in 1689.Reinforced by every action since those times.
The BBC has no right to behave as it is. It is now ,like many EU constructs, at war with the people and must expect no mercy when defeated.
There’s a huge difference between ‘assuming they won’ and them ‘not giving a shit if they lost’!
This is about the subversion and control of people to service the needs of an elite. An elite who not only treat these people with utter contempt, they are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure they get what they want. People need to believe they have freedom and control of their lives for them to buy into the illusion. This referendum was just one part of the deception of the control we have over our lives, but the reality is, if our masters do not benefit from this, it will never happen.
Mass immagrantion to reduce self reliance and living standards, unaccountable and unobtainable bodies to control our lives and prevent the great unwashed from meddling, the growth of Islam to weaken our civil rights to allow the elite to change our laws and remove our freedoms…. The list of manipulation and deceit is endless!
We are touching the surface of a system of control that has taken decades to create and reaches the entire world. If anyone thinks that voting for brexit is going to lead to the changes we are all fighting for on here, you are as delusional as the traitorous, spineless, braindead bastards that infest the Islamic Al Beeb!
Eventually the tunnel will have to close except for traffic under military escort and the shipping lines leave Calais. Trucks will have to be given military escorts in France and Belgium via a safe port . This is the only answer. Tourists etc will either have to fly or cease to travel. Trouble all round and our snowflakes will melt in despair but there is no other way . France cannot be trusted.
Not true, it is quite possible legally to own rifles and shotguns if you follow the rules. I recommend clay pigeon shooting to anyone, it improves the hand/eye coordination, is a good bit of exercise in the fresh air, and allows you to enjoy your common law right to own arms. What’s not to like?
I had the misfortune to watch News at Ten last night. In the end I just had to chuckle at the not-so-subtle bias. I did feel rather queasy though when Obama came on and regurgitated his ‘back of the queue’ nonsense. He really doesn’t get it does he? His meddling in the affairs of a sovereign nation (us) is partly what prompted people to vote Leave!
Obama does know he’s not going to President after January doesn’t he? You’d think someone would have told him by now. I wish Theresa May had had the stones to do so. Who cares what he thinks about anything?
The BBC are really pushing the “Poles no longer feel at home in Post Brexit Britain” line. Gluttons for punishment can even listen to a “BBC special” on Radio4 tonight.
No concern from the BBC for millions of British aboriginals who are now tourists in their own country thanks to decades of enforced enrichment and “rubbing the right”s noses in diversity”. What do the BBC expect? The traditional “outpouring of grief” and rending of garments? No doubt the supercilious Carswill UKIP? MP will make an appearance complaining about “angry nativists”. Post Brexitum triste – only at the BBC.
You might find this hard to believe (not), but in one area of my city violence between Muslims and Romanians is happening daily but, with one brief exception last year, this doesn’t get a mention on the BBC.
Feature on Look North about the poor persecuted Roma of Rotherham (so well integrated that they needed sub-titles). The BBC told us about conflict between “the communities”, but not the particular “community” that most resented the presence of Roma folk.(this headline broadcast news fails to make even the most local of the BBC’s online news)
Its the pictures coming from the Med that concern me. There will never be an end to the picking up of ‘survivors’. Talk of ‘stopping’ the traffickers will never materialise into doing something because its impossible to do. Sky are covering it, but the BBC are just skimming the story. Who is going to recall the rescue ships from along the coast of Libya ? nobody, there would be too much of an outcry from around the world, so there will be a never ending supply of traffickers with a never ending supply of peoples to fill the boats. Only when Africa is empty will this end. Perhaps the return of the 10,000 from Calais and dumped back into north Africa might (just might) send a signal that its a pointless and expensive exercise to even attempt getting to Europe, but I wont hold my breath. This is going to run and run and won’t be settled in my lifetime, the genie is out of the bottle now.
B, I don’t know whether you heard it last week (it was a very quick announcement – came and went), the UK are sending a additional Destroyer down now to help in the, “fight against the Traffickers”. Read: a larger boat/taxi.
Yes G. Even Sky’s reporter is admitting that these migrants are from areas where there are no wars and that the numbers being retrieved from the Med could have grave consequences for Europe. Plenty of talk about fighting the traffickers, but is it happening ? have we heard about the SAS being sent in? migrants themselves are traffickers, but its like pouring hot water on an ants nests, kills the nest but others pop up elsewhere. Pissing against the wind springs to mind. Its a problem that’s unsolvable, but no one is admitting it.
Does anyone have any ideas (I won’t bother asking the BBC) as to why the English Channel has not become a sea route for illegal immigration? Surely it would be easy enough to get hold of a dinghy, row out into the channel, swamp the vessel and send out a mayday and wait for the Hearts of Oak Water Taxi service (Royal Navy) to arrive? My guess is that this involves a fair amount of risk and at present, it is easier to try to get in via the lorry route. But should that be clamped down on, I think we may well see a sea route develop and I’m pretty sure the RN, Coastguard and RNLI would be compelled to intervene.
Cranmer, the English Channel is ranked 3rd busiest shipping lane in the World. 100,000 or so of steel travelling at maybe 30/35 Knots has no respect for illegal immigrants Human Rights. Perhaps we need to shut off other lanes so that the English Channel becomes busier?
Or, maybe the BBC could start a Human Rights campaign to reduce the shipping/danger to their favoured group? Now there’s a thought!
Brissles, oddly enough Australia managed to largely solve its illegal immigration problem by a policy of turning back boats and establishing off-shore migrant processing centres. Although they had fewer numbers, the principle is the same. It’s the only thing that will work in Europe as well I think, but I can’t see it happening unless liberal opinion-formers themselves are directly affected. Hopefully there are some signs change might be on the way – the Germans FINALLY seem to be waking up to Merkel’s madness but it is like a patient coming out of a coma.
If we had leaders with any balls (metaphorically speaking) they would be making the case that an outcry from round the world is irrelevant and telling the likes of the BBC this in no uncertain terms. For that is what it will come down to in the end and if the electorate is ignored it will end very much more nastily than if the nettle is grasped now. I believe we are already at the stage where bloodshed is inevitable because no-one was prepared to grasp that nettle last year.
Not Al Beeb but just as bad – Just watched a Sky report on the rescue of ‘migrants’ off the coast of Libya, yes 12 miles off the coast .
Most of the rescued were young men. It looked staged for the camera.
IMO they are encouraging the trafficking.
The Italian Government will be sending cruise liners to Libya to fetch them over safely .
If this carries on it will be the end of Europe as we know it.
WH ……… “I know in this day and age it’s looked upon as some kind of crime to be patriotic. Though I rather like the Japanese model, that they don’t atone for perceived historical injustices, history is history. They have a strong cultural identity, whereas here it’s constantly being eroded. ”
Totally agree WH. Whether its because of its geographical position, but Japan has an almost non existent migrant policy, – some might call it an inclusive society, but it works for them, their religious standing is not threatened by a politically correct regime, crime rate is low, and an economy that muddles along, whats not to like ? it was a joy to visit a country where politeness is second nature and the public toilets are spotless (!)
Exactly, Japanese immigrants OK.
Dregs of the planet, uncivilised mass murderers, who hate us, BEFORE they arrive.
Who in their right mind would import these people?
That would be the Labour Party. AKA The Treason Party.
Bbc and the guardian’s project fear begins, expect the doom and gloom forecasts daily for the next two years,if i was in power i’d look at clipping the wings of my unelected foes.
Brexit economy: I had delayed comment on the August PMI figures until today, and the publication of the services figures, as services are the biggest component of our economy.
The PMI are monthly survey numbers from a private company and as such they may , or may not, reflect the definitive position when the official GDP figures are collated later.
What the PMI service number show today is that “ the month-on-month gain in the index (in August), at 5.5 points, was the largest observed over the 20-year survey history, following a record drop of 4.9 points in July.”
If nothing else this underlines the stupidity of those who draw conclusions about long term trends from one month’s data, and the July number undoubtedly spurred the media, in a spirit of schadenfreude after the referendum outcome, to shout from the rooftops that we were heading for a major recession.
This in turn spooked the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee into a premature cut in interest rates which is having a very adverse impact on our banks. and which caused turmoil in the bond markets. The minutes of the Committee meeting place the PMI numbers and the supposed gloom amongst consumers front and centre in making their decision to cut the interest rate.
It will come as no surprise that IHS Markit, the company which produces the PMI numbers has claimed that “If the PMIs hadn’t fallen off a cliff, the BoE wouldn’t have cut interest rates and expanded QE,” Whether the economy really went through this roller-coaster, as opposed to peoples’ emotions , remains to be seen when the ONS stats are available, but one thing is sure, media pundits “talking down” the economy never had it so good.
I have a slightly different take on the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee’s decision to cut interest rates and expand Qantative Easing (aka debasing the currency).
During the referendum campaign the Bank was a fully paid up member of Project Fear – in its interventions in the campaign it was very clear that if we voted Leave the economy would collapse. When we voted Leave the Bank knew that its lies would be exposed when the economy didn’t collapse and its credibility would be destroyed. The clever answer was the unnecessary cut in interest rates and the restarted programme of Quantative Easing. The Bank can now say that it didn’t lie and the economic collapse was only prevented by its timely intervention – credibility restored.
RJ- maybe so, and the PMI numbers for July were certainly very helpful for a ‘nick of time’ alibi. No doubt Carney will deploy this at the Treasury Select Committee meeting on Wednesday afternoon. But this episode has called into question the BoE’s sagacity and steadiness at a crucial moment when the hysteria in the media was at a climax.
Not strictly for this forum as it is not bbbc bias but it is from sky news (which is just as bad)….Today we have the pro eu Dermot mergnahan happily reporting on the problems today at dover/Calais as the locals are demonstrating against the problems caused by the illegal immigrant camp occupants at Calais and introducing another talking head sky reporter who is ‘on scene’ also smiling as he reports on all the problems the demonstration has caused (not the cause of the demonstration, mind you)… I don’t want to be accused of ‘stating the bleedin’ obvious’ but what the fuck do these news media people expect the locals to do they are being heavily burgled, robbed in the street, shoplifted by these scum on a daily basis, the authorities are not protecting them. When are any of these ‘intelligencia’ going to wake up and realise what they have done by allowing all the illegals join together. All they have ever known is fighting and living by violence so all they can do is rob, butcherrape, pillage and live by violence when they do get to Calais………I give up
English Gentleman, I watched the film ‘War Horse’ at the weekend. It’s largely sentimental Spielberg/Richard Curtis twaddle. The only scene I liked was a doomed cavalry charge (led by a colonel played by our very own Benderdict Cumbersplash) against German machine guns. On IMDB, the reviews are full of comments about ‘how could they be so stupid’ and ‘didn’t they realise war had changed.’
What struck me was that people today are JUST as stupid as that cavalry officer. In 100 years time I suspect people will look back to 2016 and say ‘how could the Europeans possibly have been so stupid as to issue an open invitation to foreigners to invade them’? The only thing we learn from history is that people NEVER learn and ALWAYS think they are cleverer than the generation before!
“‘how could the Europeans possibly have been so stupid”
We are not stupid, neither are the so-miscalled “elite” and so-miscalled “leaders” who have deliberately encouraged this unwanted invasion.
Where we have been stupid, to date, is in not depriving the “leaders” and invaders of oxygen.
‘Environmentalists fear Brexit could see European rules on water cleanliness being undermined. But could leaving the EU result in filthy coastlines and smelly beaches?’
The story rambles on with ‘ifs, coulds and maybes’ and just when the average reader/Snowflake/sheep has digested the fear and decided that every Leaver is an environmental terrorist, we get this at the end:
‘So will Brexit have a major impact on the cleanliness of the UK’s beaches?
Prof Fletcher believes it is unlikely. For one, he says, there are existing independent bodies, such as the Marine Management Organisation, which already regulate marine activities and could be repurposed to regulate bathing water.
And he points out that the BWD has already been translated into UK law.
“If we pull out of the EU it doesn’t really matter; in a sense the UK Bathing Water Regulations (2013) still exist and it’s not until they’re repealed that there’s likely to be a change in the way the beachscape is managed,” he says.
While he thinks this is “not massively likely”, he admits “it’s impossible to predict” when it comes to Brexit.’
Not when you’re a Beeboid – every prediction is dire, every possibility a disaster.
Pure unadulterated propaganda. With more poo floating on the top than a flooded sewage works.
Come to think of it, on 24 June I stopped flushing our toilet. It must have been knowing that my sanitary behaviours would no longer overseen by the EU that resulted in my failure to flush the loo, there’s no other explanation.
But I am finding it hard to understand why migrants who will bring great benefit to Britain, its NHS and economy, are making life unpleasant for British tourists and lorry drivers. Why are doctors, nurses, school teachers employing violent tactics to disrupt traffic so they can board the lorries? Why did the injured Daily Mail news presenters have to go to hospital for treatment when the camp at Calais is full of doctors and health care workers?
But, but, but – the lefty BMA will welcome all these valued Doctors and Health Care Workers with open arms – imagine how effective they’ll be at striking, moaning they’re not paid enough and translating our beautiful immigrants’ myriad health problems into English. And please don’t forget that without unbridled immigration ‘our’ NHS will collapse. Report for re-education immediately!
You’ve reminded me of a conversation with an NHS consultant from a London hospital. She said that they needed a mix of immigrant staff on each shift or they wouldn’t be able to understand the patients.
If you want to get an idea of the true cost of migrants this piece by Reuters today shows that the cost (only the financial ignoring the social) is huge. I would guess very conservatively a 1bn euro/month maintence cost for the Germans.
ED, Reuters say, “While many Germans gave migrants a warm welcome when they started arriving in droves last summer, that has partly given way to fear after three recent violent attacks on civilians carried out by migrants and to concerns about integration.”
“Partly given way”, “Three” recent violent attacks? Where has Reuters been over the last year?
A typing error it may be but, three thousand will be closer to the number of violent attacks. Clearly Reuters massage the information as well as the BBC.
G agreed. The fact though I find interesting is the 975000 now claiming benefits, which clearly indicates that the majority 1.1mn Germany took in last year are not (yet?) employable.
GWF, that is such a good example of the (probably unconscious) everyday little bits of BBC bias. It is not the protests that are causing disruption, it is the Jungle that is causing disruption, and the protestors are trying to end that disruption! Would the BBC have said of the Battle of Britain ‘RAF causes disruption to UK air space’?
Why do the newsmedia constantly talk about ‘rescuing’ the illegal immigrants in the med. shouldn’t they be arresting these criminals and bring the full weight of the criminal law to bear against them, after all they can’t give an address in Europe can they. ….Fingerprints, photograph and dna sample all logged and registered and return to African mainland where they can declare their home address
The polls cannot be trusted, but if they are showing Trump even slightly ahead, then I suspect he must in reality be well ahead.
The polls right up to Referendum Day showed “remain” winning. David Cameron went to bed convinced he had won by ten points, and woke up to find out he was not Prime Minister any more. I hope and pray something similar happens to the vile criminal and traitor Hillary Clinton.
8.55 am Radio 4. US expert interviewed by BBC who pointed out that Trump has scarcely a hope in hell of winning, as demographic factors and structure of the electoral colleges favour the dems, Hillary is clearly 5 points in the lead, and has the support of wimmin, and Trump’s successes are short lived because he returns too quickly to his unappealing nature. He could win, but his chances are very slim. Wooooshsh – sound of BBC presenter wetting his trousers with pleasure
I heard that too. The pollster lives in his own bubble, just like ours.
The point about demographics being against Trump matters because since 1965 the Democrats have been busy importing as many third world immigrants as possible, knowing they will always vote for them. Republicans have been trying for years to suck up to blacks and Hispanics, and it is an utter waste of time. They always vote for free shit.
According to Ann Coulter, if Mitt Romney had got just 3% more votes from white working class men, he would have beaten Obama. I think Trump has got the basic common sense to spend his valuable time seeking votes from the people who will actually turn out and vote for him. Once, the working class would have been largely Democrat. Any worker stupid enough to vote Democrat now is voting for his job to be taken by a Mexican, either an immigrant or by the whole business just moving south of the border.
It’s make or break for American workers, and if Trump can connect with them, then all this talk about demographics and soccer moms won’t matter, and America might just be saved.
Step 1: Tow the boats back to Libya.
Step 2: Disembark the “passengers” (illegal immigrants) on Libyan soil.
Step 3: Tow the boat out to sea and sink it.
If they try to sink the boat to stop you repatriating them, they’ve done step 3 for you so all you have to do is just pick up the passengers and return them to Libya.
I can’t see the Libyan navy putting up much of a fight, can you? In any case, shouldn’t they be helping – I mean according to international law, if you rescue people at sea are you not supposed to return them to dry land at the nearest available port, not transport them all the way across the sea to another country?!?
Here’s what I’ve found about the legality:
The primary responsibility to provide a place of safety or to ensure that a place of safety is provided falls on the Government responsible for the SAR region in which the survivors were recovered [i.e. Libya] (SOLAS, Article 4.1-1 and SAR Convention, para 3.1.9) Moreover, according to the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual, the survivors ‘must be delivered in a place of safety as quickly as possible’.
So why are we bothering to help them all the way across the Mediterranean and help them in their illegal immigration to the EU when we should be returning them to Libya? Beats me.
And funny, but you don’t hear this discussion much on the BBC…
If I remember correctly from a map in a report on the large boatload ‘rescued’ by the Italians last week, the migrant vessel was 15 miles off the Libyan coast, with the nearest Italian coast 270 miles away. Make no mistake, this is a free European ferry service, in the same way that the Calais Jungle camp is a totally lawless free-for-all – all of it supported by the Italians/French/EU.
Evidently no law whatsoever applies to the migrants wherever they may be – chilling isn’t it?
Agreed SOS. Even the Sky journo claimed the boat he was on was only 12 miles from the Libyan coastline, and it would take 4 hours to take the migrants to Italy. Why isn’t common sense being employed here. If I was to take a dinghy across the Atlantic and was picked up by a Canadian ship, would I be returned to the coastland of Ireland, or taken to Canada to start a new life ? Same thing (except I’m white).
Actions speak louder than words as they say, so there’s absolutely no doubt that all of this a planned EU strategy. A genuinely free media would be asking who/what/where/why/how?
– Who’s orchestrating these ‘rescues’?
– What is really happening in the EU meetings on how to deal with the situation?
– Where will this all end up?
– Why does Europe needs hundreds of thousands of young African men to be imported every summer?
– How will we deal with the influx, bearing in mind nothing is REALLY being done to sort the ever-worsening situation across Europe and especially in Calais?
Ergo, our ‘free’ media is a complete myth and the vast majority of outlets are all singing from the same hymn sheet. All you have to do is watch the evening news every night and notice how all the stories are virtually the same and appear in roughly the same running order. The very definition of ‘an agenda’.
“So why are we bothering to help them all the way across the Mediterranean and help them in their illegal immigration to the EU when we should be returning them to Libya? Beats me.”
Sadly not so simple. To send them back to their embarkation point is called “push back” and is illegal under international law. Hmmm.
Good point Taffman
I guess its because they are not “pushing back” to where they came from which towing them back to Libya would be.
So yes maybe if we say paid Morocco to put them up that would be acceptable.
Some EU countries are putting fences up. The message will get to Italy in the end . The various charities and the media are also to blame. The charities get ‘loads of money’ from the public and have to justify their their own jobs .
The police still can’t tell us whether the harlow murder was a hate crime but the polish foreign minister is clear it’s xenophobic.When will we find out.
The BBC promoting multicultralism and how many languages (12) are spoken in one street in Leicester by getting the shop owners to say hello.
That would have been OK if they stopped there but they couldn’t resist slipping in a Pro-remain interview with the hair dressing shop owner, “if (this shop) was actually made a polling station people would have voted remain. Because of the different cultures that come in here everyone, foreigners want to obviously to remain obviously to trade amongst the countries and you know, keep the love.”
So there you go, vote remain=peace, vote leave=nazi/racist/hater etc.
The fact that the BBC decided to sub-title the black man who owns the hair dressing shop , when he speaks very good English, I thought was a bit racist especially coming from the BBC.
I am sure if all the various legal and illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees had had a vote, they probably would have voted to remain. Sadly for them, the vote is restricted to the citizens of the country the election takes place in. I’d like to vote for Trump and Geert Wilders, but it isn’t going to happen. The BBC grows more deranged by the day.
“I am sure if all the various legal and illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees had had a vote, they probably would have voted to remain. Sadly for them, the vote is restricted to the citizens of the country the election takes place in.”
Wrong. Commonwealth citizens got to vote, luckily and to the annoyance of the broadcasting media many were pro Brexit.
The usually reliable Edward Stourton on the World at One, looked at farmers and fishermen in the light of Brexit. The first farmer he came across was the only one I have heard who is in favour of remain. Where do the BBC find them?
However, when he moved onto the fishermen they were, to a man, overjoyed at the opportunities ahead, thanks to Brexit. Bring it on, they chorused. Edward offered up as many negative views as you might expect about Brexit from the BBC, but all his arguments were batted away with what felt like a big smile on their faces. Good luck to them.
Yet, when Edward sought the alternative view from someone in the studio, he began his piece with a line like: ‘the overwhelming view I have heard is that of uncertainty.’ The interviewee lapped up this remark like a demented, hungry Labrador.
Tell me Edward, did not the majority of fishermen welcome Brexit with open arms and a huge smile?
Come on BBC, get over it. You lose your bribe, sorry, bungs, no, erm, money from the EU (what’s the polite word?), but many people outside the BBC are overjoyed and excited at the prospects.
ss, I was dreading WatO after this a.m.’s TOADY prog. I need not have worried.
Poor old Edward, I guess, had not had much opportunity to read through and correct the script he was handed for the programme. He was well and truly lumbered with a pro-Remain propaganda broadcast that would have been worthy of Dave & GO anytime before June 23rd but especially in the last couple of weeks of May 2016.
Pure comedy as correction after correction to the scripted questions came Ed’s way. After about three attempts with the BBC’s ‘line’, I thought I detected an ever so slight hesitation before the next ‘pro-Remain’ question was asked knowing that he was anticipating being put right. Maybe if they repeat this ‘Brexit Day’ exercise they will try it somewhere more cushy such as in London or Edinburgh.
It was very funny and no matter how hard he tried, those ‘awkward cuss’ fishermen certainly hadn’t read Stourton’s script. Good for them. There’s hope for the old country yet!
The BBC, like all the Remainers, are living in the past. The caravan has moved on without them. The world is changing. Many of them probably still yearn after the Soviet Union ! Idiots.
On Toady this morning the biased BBC solved the problem of how to really maximise the indoctrination.
Thought for the Day featured a female Professor of Islam talikng about the tolearance of the RoP towards Homosexuality !!!!!! No, really. They really did.
Trebles all round for them. Sickbags for the rest of us.
Yep. dead right.
Mona never actually got round to telling us what the gay bibbers and reformers of the Koran ended up like….very dead, hideously tortured and exiled if they`d managed to get away.
This was a 1000 years ago….and their enemies would do exactly the same today.
Saddiqis dad was a Taqqiyya merchant too- but Mona is just what the BBC seeks in its Muslimas…and the Church multiculti types seem to like her…and won`t look too far into who`s yanking her chains.
Top story on the bBBC news. Brexit in disarray, following St Theresa’s decision to not go for a points based immigration system.
Further down the agenda. Services sector rockets in August. On top of record low unemployment and strong manufacturing data. Meanwhile Blue Collar workers at DFS report strong business and they have not changed their lifestyles or reduced their spending one jot as a result of the Leave vote.
You can always rely on the bBBC’s priorities. Remainiacs to the end.
I agree. And I repeat that I think May will be ousted next year . She is useless and not supported by the membership. She has to go. Let’s get David Davis and get on with it.
Let’s have a good cheer or two for the farmers, lorry drivers, shop keepers and general citizenship of Calais who want the jungle to be closed because of the fear and intimidation they get from the smugglers and traffickers and so-called asylum seekers.
The French government have pretended this problem does’t exist for years because sadly they are in the same ‘boat’ as the UK left wing intelligensia. But the people on the receiving end of the enrichment know better, because they have to live with the consequences.
Ed Stourton, BBC News R4 1300 today. He, as a negative assertion, said to the Australian High Commissioner that it took 10 years for Australia to negotiate a trade deal with China. The inference being, that all other trade deals will take the UK as long. The Commissioner immediately responded by saying, “That simply isn’t true”. Oh dear Ed! – BBC Editors a bit too assertive? Commissioner went on to outline what any logical, objective person would anticipate that the time it took to negotiate with any particular country would vary and in some instances, some negotiations could bear fruit immediately. Discussions will start immediately between the UK and Australia but nothing can be signed until the UK is out the EU.
Then, John Redwood. Stourton makes another profoundly negative Brexit assertion to which, Redwood replies, attacking the BBC and referring collectively to those, “…who you people represent”. Momentary stunned silence before Stourton, slightly subdued, took up the thread again. Whatever could Redwood have been referring to as regards who the BBC “represent”? I’m sure Redwood was not referring to the BBC’s listeners/fee payers.
G, I heard the programme too. The BBC reporter in Cornwall seemed to be trying hard to find some anti-Brexit sentiment, but the locals weren’t having it! Some very well-put arguments from fishermen. The reporter at least twice asked how they could support Brexit when they rely on labour from the EU, and at least twice he was told because foreign workers will be able to get working visas! WHY cannot the Remainers grasp this fact – nobody has ever said there will be no immigration!
BBC and remainers say a points based system can’t work because Australia lets in more pro rata then what we do .
It’s because the Ozzies want it like that , Beeboids .
It’s like a speed limit . One village might want a 70 mph limit in their high street , but other villages could opt for 50 or 30 or even less . Or 0 mph by banning all traffic .
Perhaps the points based system won’t work because all those immigrants are doctors, engineers, architects etc so they all score the same number of maximum points.
Staggering – and what about all those poor, poor people joining the regular immigration queue/s like every other person in the normal world wanting to emigrate to a different country? Our national treasure of a broadcaster doesn’t even broach the issue and completely normalises this utter madness.
It’s like doing a piece on burglars and asking them why they want to take jewellery and cash that belongs to other people, without ever mentioning that burglary is in fact illegal and costs everyone with an insurance premium more each year. In years to come historians will look at our times with a sense of utter astonishment. Unless they’ve also been lobotomised by the increasingly lunatic Left.
What do British Journalism students know about the BBC Newsroom?
Jenny, 19 at Cambridge Uni
“You get to live in London and, and they give you lots of money and, and lots of holidays and, and everyone there is really nice.”
Rafik, 21 at University of North Bradford
“You get to be on Twitter all day innit and if you get like problems wiv yer bruvas in like Rotherham you can write stuff defendin’ em n that innit.”
Tabby, 20 at Oxford University
“Waaah they all voted Leave, waaaah we should all give everything to those tortured saints in Calais, waaaaah Donald Trump, waaaaah a boy just looked at me the patriarchal pig, waaaaaahh…
There is report on the BBC about Merkel’s CSU losing heavily in the state election in Germany and the anti immigration AFD doing well. The Beeb are quite realistic about the size of the defeat and how this will further ramp up the pressure on Merkel to change course. So far , fair enough. Then we get a short clip of an intrepid BBC reporter asking around to find out if The AFD is a racist party. He finds that its supporters want Germany to remain true to its traditions and culture . He does not comment further. Obviously the Beeboid thinks that all reasonable people will agree that defending your own culture and not wanting to be invaded by people who have alien values and lots of other unpleasant baggage, is highly racist. Sooner or later these liberal lefties are going to realise that most Europeans agree with the AFD but have Been cowed into silence by the liberal elite. But if these fools keep pushing mass immigration they will get a hell of a shock, the people of Europe are at breaking point.
That point has been reached but the governments busily making war on their own people have not realised it. A lot more than the elite’s obsession with immigration is going to be swept away soon.
“Obviously the Beeboid thinks that all reasonable people will agree that defending your own culture and not wanting to be invaded by people who have alien values and lots of other unpleasant baggage, is highly racist.”
But the Beeboid would defend the cultures of every invader, and the rights of the invader to defend their own cultures, even when some aspects of those cultures are not fit for the 21st Century.
The BBC’s report of the German provincial election result in Pomerania lacks most of the results. Nothing new there.
They don’t do the interesting details of elections any more.
However in the event, Merkel’s Christian Democrats lost fewer percentage points than the SPD socialists and Linke, the former Communists.
The Greens lost all their seats as did the real far-right party the NDP. The Beeb would have us believe Alternative for Deutschland is far-right.
In other words, the left is suffering equally as much as the CDU because of the million migrants Merkel encouraged into Germany.
Shades of UKIP in this country which may be why the Beeb can’t report it.
I just googled ‘german provincial poll results’ and up came Al Jazeera before the bBBC. In fact the bBBC were not listed. Only by googling ‘ german provincial poll results bbc’ did I get a bBBC web page and that was about Germany GOING to the polls, and not the results.
Talk about burying bad news.
Exactly what we expect from the pile of excrement that costs us £4bn per year.
It was fascinating watching the “Hart aber Fair” talkshow on German TV last night. It featured Peter Altmaier Merkel’s Personal Spokesperson, sychophant-in-chief and interpreter of Merkel’s folly to the masses. His sole explanation for Merkel’s actions was “she was forced to act under a moral imperative”. Apparently the “scenes at Budapest station” compelled her to invite all of Syria and elsewhere to Germany. With the best will in the world, I just cannot understand the motivation or the reasoning of the Merkel faction. They constantly accuse the electorate of being the slaves of their emotions, irrational fear and irrational anger. In the eyes of the German and British political elites the average voter is a primative incapable of rational analysis. Populists are always being accused of pandering to the base feelings of the lower orders, but Merkel’s response seems just as emotional. A few images on the media and a train of events that will blight the country for generations is set in motion. Yet it is claimed that Merkel has the support of 40% of the population! Can this be true?
I suspect that , if there is another referendum , the majority for Brexit will be bigger. After all, the economic indicators are superb. The Remainers are so stupid that they do not know why. Idiots !
I think it’s the same with regard to another Scottish referendum. The SNP is bluffing, they would lose another referendum and be consigned to well deserved oblivion. Scottish nationalism has always ebbed and flowed with the price of oil. Scotland is an economic basket case, with a bigger defecit than Greece. An independent Scotland would collapse into bankruptcy within months.
Rob, the instant England refuses to continue honouring the grossly unfair Barnett Formula the better. I would rejoice in the fairness. It will also give the ‘wobbly headed’ Garden Gnome in Scotland something to squeak about and it would make the rest of the SNP sit up and pay attention to the dire situation they would find themselves in! Fact is, they cannot financially stand on their own two feet.
I’ve often said that it’s the little things that give the game away.
Saturday evening, the continuity announcer on BBC Two told us that if we turn over to BBC One we can see who Ed Balls will be partnering in ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.
Really. Why Balls? As if anyone outside the BBC bubble cares who this loser, former LABOUR politician, former BBC Bake off contestant, regular BBC interviewee (most recently on Today, the day before to promote his book) will be dancing with on his latest invitation to take to the BBC screens courtesy of us the licence fee payer.
Talk about out of touch. They must live in a different world.
The PM’s remarks at the G20 on points-based immigration control have naturally stirred up all the busy, buzzing little swarms of Europhiliac BBC blowflies yet again. So of course, much rabidly anti-Brexit propaganda has been in evidence on Beebie News today.
Not least, we were treated to a wonderfully predictable interview with a commercial vegetable producer. It seems that the price this chap is getting per lettuce has halved over the last two decades or so and the dire possibility arises that without access to a vast, ongoing supply of cheap East European labour, he’ll be in trouble. Upshot: poor Farmer Piles having to pack up and flog off his machinery to Poland, or sell up and remove his business there himself, lock stock and barrel. So another Brexit meets ”Iceberg” story from Auntie’s apparently inexhaustible stock of ”five a day” agit-prop specials, with Britain ”maybe” facing either a big hike in prices or a serious deterioration in the balance of salad payments, or both, as we move into an age of lettuce-dependency on imported Polish greenstuff. Armagherkin threatens again.
Naturally, no one pointed out that if the industry is indeed so migrant dependent, few UK jobs will be lost. Or that should wages and hence prices need to rise to attract UK labour, there’ll be a concomitant payoff in terms of overall benefit bills and employment figures. Or even that the land currently under lettuce will still be there irrespective of what’s grown on it and a move to other crops is not impossible.
Stop press: I note the BBC conversation has now moved back to the ”Australian points-based system” for immigration. Which in Beebieland means quoting May verbatim and with no contradiction of her unevidenced assertion that it ”would not work for Britain”, then having Chuka Umunna assert that it could even raise the numbers coming in; again with no one being invited to state the counterargument.
So same old, same old. The entire BBC approach to Brexit continues to be skewed unremittingly to the negative.
The tiny BBC minds, and they are all clones, cannot adapt to the fact that Brexit has been good for the UK economy. These Jeremy Hunts still dream of the Soviet Union. Disgusting people and the reality will sweep them away.
Quite; although knowing their bias did make watching the lemon-sucking BBC comrades having to report the latest boost in manufacturing output while trying to impute it to anything but Brexit, quite delightful.
Oh Joy, and now we’ve got the revolting Obama, news of his meeting EU leaders ”without Britain at the table” and China’s ”worries about Brexit”. The sheer one-sidedness gets a mite tedious eventually.
Auntie’s now had to go over to report Davis’ speech in the HoC; after all it could hardly do anything else on ”Brexit Day”. However, I await the post-speech BBC ”analysis” with distinctly un-bated breath.
Don’t bother. The early 6pm news on TV was just propaganda for remain. The whole world hates us and is going to invade or something. Obama is upset and so on and on.
BBC rubbish at full volume. Easton and Kuenesberg are real pieces of work.
Pravda would have loved them
Camel Amed may have the hump after being left with little option but to report on positive PMI stats. What a trooper though, he managed to fit a “but” into every sentence.
The more I see Obama the more I dislike him. It’s that condescending smile that’s almost a sneer, and that way he pauses between words to try to make his platitudes appear thoughtful and statesmanlike. Trump by contrast speaks quite well off the cuff and doesn’t appear ‘stage managed’.
More Brexit propaganda from the BBC, this time on the six-o’clock news (approx. 18:15). The reporter acknowledged that, contrary to predictions [of the remainers], the UK has seen economic growth in the past quarter, but ended his piece by stating quite blatantly (and without any evidence) that “economic growth would have been greater had we not voted for Brexit”. It is outrageous that such a statement is made, and shows yet again that the BBC has every intention of doing whatever it can to spread FUD and try to overturn the democratic vote.
Quick bit of bias from the biased BBC 6pm news, provided by the ever emoting ever reliable ever on our screens Fiona’ Bruce.
Quote, if not verbatim then near enough.
” the uk service sector bounced back after the slump in July”
Now who told her to use the word ‘slump’ ????
She could have said ” the uk service sector rocketed up in August after a brief blip in July”
Or any number of variations.
But she didn’t.
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BBC Onlime News:
“”Brexit: MPs to debate calls for second EU referendum””
An intentionally misleading headline. Why can’t the BBC accept that their team lost? This is not a Parliamentary Debate (which the BBC want), but merely a response to an online petition signed by those who lost.
If this is the strangely worded petition that suddenly gained traction after the vote, it made nonsense reading it – unless, as I understand it, you know that it was actually started by a brexiteer sometime BEFORE the referendum vote took place. He being concerned about a close run vote either way.
BBC Online News:
“”Keith Vas ‘paid for male escorts’, Sunday Mirror claims””
Headline news yesterday but now ‘buried’ under the Politics section by the BBC. Not mentioned on their TV News this morning.
But still front page with Sky News.
Damage limitation again by the BBC for their favourite party.
Seems he may have questions to answer. In days gone by, it was typically the case that a Tory scandal involved sex, whilst a Labour scandal involved money. Times have changed.
Just wondering though, how does a person on an MPs salary come to be the owner of a property in Stanmore Middx, valued at £2.1m, and another in a block of flats where these “offences” are supposed to have taken place valued at £1.5m? He has been an MP for 25 years after all and you’d imagine that a mortgage would be hard to come by on those multiples?
The Mail seems to have done a bit of a job on him this morning, but the BBC will b ekeen to try to let this one pass.
On Toady this morning, the Vazeline story was covered by an interview with …….Peter Tatchell, who surprise surprise apprached it from the Privacy point of view, and that it was in essence none of our business. Hacked Off would no doubt approve.
No issues here, move along.
Not asked by the BBC
Where ?
They end a report on the Jungle at Calais with one of the inhabitants saying all they want is to live in peace .
Live in peace where ? First safe country , First European country , France , or the country that gives most away .?
And why the violence in the self professed peacenik’ s abode .?
Theresa May has cast doubt on the feasibility of a points-based system for controlling immigration into the UK, one of the key promises of Leave campaigners during the EU referendum.
That word “promise” also much used by Kuensberg in her gleeful report suggesting division in the government on the way forward.
But no promises were made by the leave side in the referendum campaign – they were not the bloody government!!
What a total and utter bell-end she is! Impartial? Informative? Mon cul, as the French say.
(Not to mention WE ALREADY HAVE A POINTS BASED SYSTEM, hello?!?)
In February 2008, the Labour government introduced the UK’s first points-based immigration system heralded by ministers as being based on the Australian system. It replaced a labyrinthine scheme which saw 80 different types of visa granted.
NISA, I also noted that prominent use of ‘promise’ by Laura Kuenssberg this morning (TODAY, BBC R4, 6-9a.m.)and as reference had already been made elsewhere in the programme,if I recall correctly, to Brexit voters being less educated, less well-informed or metropolitan, than those campaigning for the UK to Remain in the EU, I was rather surprised at Laura’s obvious ill-educated and poorly informed remark.
Was she a Brexit voter?
I very much doubt that.
It rather demonstrates on her part an unsuitability for her present post. Taken with her rather part-time work in an important senior full-time post it almost requires drawing to the DG’s attention.
Friends! I’m very happy that so many of you appear to enjoy my little parodies of demented Lefties! Here’s my latest effort from today’s Guardian – the Twitter link (below) gives the full context:
“Friends! This is just the latest betrayal by the Hard-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May, who like this totally unelected Tory Government, is totally unelected, other than by her constituents, and by totally unelected Tory MPs who in any case cannot be removed other than by a General Election, in which those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – will naturally sweep to victory under Jeremy.
And, friends, has anyone else apart from me noticed that the so-called Leave Campaign’s wild promises and – literally – lies now literally lie in tatters?
Have they cut immigration yet? No, friends – they have not! (Thank goodness, eh, friends!)
Are they now spending £350 million per week extra on Our NHS, as they solemnly promised to do? No, friends – they are not!
Have they abolished VAT on tampons? I think you know the answer to that, friends!
Have they, above all, worked out a trade agreement with every single country in the World – and indeed elsewhere – as they promised they would do, and without which, as we all know, all trade is utterly impossible? A big fat No to that one, too, friends!
Meanwhile, friends, Our Stockmarket has now literally crashed to its highest level for well over a year, whilst the so-called £ – which, friends, should have been abolished years ago, and replaced by that utterly solid currency, Our Euro, as so many of us on the Progressive Left advocated at the time – is now literally worthless.
And then, friends, the Leavers have the effrontery to claim that all our prophecies of economic catastrophe were exaggerated! Really, words fail me! At this rate, they’ll start claiming that World War III hasn’t started yet!
No wonder, friends, that those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – are revolting!”
Standing ovation !! Some pillock called ‘andybbn’ actually agreed with you!!
Amazing, isn’t it! Meanwhile, on Labour List (where I’m Leftyliesrefuted, being on Disqus), people are also taking my distinctly OTT comments seriously, even though I have been putting interjections from “J.C.” (Jeremy Corbyn) in square brackets in some of my comments. I really can’t make it much clearer, can I? 🙂
Friend SOL – keep up the good work. A better Snowflake Angler I have yet to meet!
Thank you, Friend SOS :).
Excellent stuff keep it up
“EU workers in UK resign amid fear over future of their jobs post-Brexit”
So we’re meant to believe that workers are resigning, just in case, some time in the future, they may lose their jobs?……….what a load of garbage.
Well, they can always get another job in Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain …….. Oh, hang on …..
Still on great form I see, Lobster, as over the weekend. Becoming B-BBC King of the One-Liners.
Thanks Up2!
As parliament returns and the media, Al Beeb et alia exert their undemocratic influence remember “the closer the target the more the flak”
This was clearly evident on Al Beeb Radio Wales this morning .
Here is some good news ……
It is crystal clear that the Today programme is going to continue their FUD campaign come what may, and will not accept the result of the referendum. They are going to make strenuous efforts into overturning it. I should guess that the ‘fear’ aspect will be toned down, with the emphasis on the ‘uncertainty’ and ‘doubt’ parts of FUD, and this we have seen over the past few weeks, and today. Justin Webb was fair in his interview with Nigel Farage, but the producers ensured that his voice was at low decibels and somewhat distorted and muffled on the phone line – a favourite ploy. However, the preponderance of contributors on ‘Today’ were of the FUD variety.
BBC corrupted by EU money
BBC abusing public funds
BBC a biased lefty mouthpiece
BBC cover up child abuse
BBC is proven to be anti British
I would like to see these truthful headlines about themselves at the BBC.
Alas however, today the BBC website merely propagandasises against Brexit….again…and again, obviously worried about not receiving their continued EU income source when we leave.
So predictable, so boring. So anti British. So London.
Remember how each episode of the children’s show Sesame Street used to be brought to us by such and such a letter?
Well the muppets at BBC London News today bring us their regular daily anti-Brexit show this morning apparently sponsored by the word ‘potential’
So headline news for Londoners is that Polish ‘ministers’ are coming over here to check on us because police are investigating two POTENTIAL ‘hate crimes’ against Poles.
Next up, we are told that Brexit ‘had the POTENTIAL to ease high house prices in the capital’.
Really? I don’t recall that supposed ‘fact’ which the BBC seem intent on checking. Wasn’t the point that uncontrolled mass-immigration was overcrowding our island? Anyway don’t mention the word immigtaion on the BBC. This ‘potential’ stuff sounds like a straw man argument to me which is set up to knock down for effect.
And so it proves to be – our BBC London News gleefully supplies the punchline ‘…and so it has been, for foreign house buyers – because of the fall in the pound’.
Of course this is shameless cant from the internationalist, globalist, come one come all BBC. Happy to bash foreigners when and if it might have some leftist populist traction.
Will the BBC ever let up with this anti-Brexit stuff – it hasn’t actually happened yet?
We can perhaps console ourselves with a rallying call provided by – of all people – that staunch Europhile: Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP who demanded recently -“Let’s get this party started!”
‘Could, if, might, experts say, we’re told, it’s been reported’ – all staple phrases of a prime propaganda outfit. The speculation just grows and grows and it’s always in the same direction. Yawn…
Breaking good news – Big rise in the growth of the economy of the services sector of the UK!
Ha ha ha !
One hour ago ………
I have yet to see an Al Beeboids face on this .
In the words of Margaret Thatcher ‘Rejoice’!
Hardly a day goes by without my blog feeds providing the latest analysis of findings from the most recent trove of data from the FBI report into the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and not a day goes by without this analysis showing what a corrupt and dishonest aspirant to the White House this candidate is.
In addition, the information provided in respect of her connections to the Foundation set up by her husband wouldn’t do her any favours if she were someone else either.
Furthermore, perceived health issues and concerns continue to be reported upon… most obviously in the fact that that it is now almost 9 months since she did a 1-1 media interview with anyone.
Strangely, none of these matters seem to be worthy of coverage from our very own, much beloved, envy of the news broadcasting world.
Just posting a couple of other recent news items that I can’t find any reference to on our ‘world-class’ BBC’s news website.
A few days ago John Kerry stated: ‘The media would do us all a service’ if it ignored terrorism. ‘People wouldn’t know what’s going on.’
Kerry’s idea already seems to have been adopted by the BBC so it’s probably filed under ‘old news’ and been ignored.
The second item not deemed worthy of a mention by our world-class news outfit:
Saudi Arabia: 27 Christians arrested and deported for “conducting Christian prayers” in private residence
‘As of this time [August 30], no Western language media has reported this most recent harassment, arrest, abuse, and deportation of Christians privately celebrating their faith in the Arabian Peninsula, that is, the birthplace of Islam.’
Why on earth would the multiculture-loving BBC miss this story? Perhaps Cliff Richard could help them out a bit?
The BBC almost certainly had ambition to become the European Broadcasting Corporation at some time in the future. Brexit has dashed their hopes to a very large degree but they will fight to the bitter end. Count on that!
Wow! What a day for the BBC!
I’m surprised they don’t add additional half-hourly news bulletins to cover all the negative aspects of Brexit that have emerged just within the last day or so. We have Laura Kuenssberk back on duty, probably after a couple of weeks retraining in theatrics, to help emphasise the message that we got it wrong voting leave and outlining the now imminent dangers for our country. What with the Japanese vaguely suggesting they might pull their manufacturing out of the UK and our own PM, May, suggesting that there will not be a ‘points based’ immigration system, perhaps its time to consider Harikiri in Japanese fashion.
Following much diatribe about Brexit, the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 concluded by interviewing Tim Wetherspoon and a woman from the London Stock Market. Needless to say, Tim is one of the optimistic pro-Brexit people interviewed in the long list of Brexit supporters offering their views (like hell! – he was the only one!) in a good half-an-hour of negative propaganda. One interesting point made by Tim Wetherspoon was that if we do without the EU altogether (the, ‘all negotiations fail scenario’), the UK economy will go on albeit smaller. Woman responds by saying that if the UK’s economy slipped to 8th position, “it would be so sad”. So, there you have it, it really boils down to being a game for these Stock Market people: ‘My economy is bigger than yours!’. I thought that was reserved for the men. I have to confess, for my part, when voting ‘Leave’, I did consider a smaller economy and I suspect others similarly did. Putting aside the Stock Market ‘game’ what is the economic harm in that? At least the UK would be somewhat more unattractive for migrants and, as a result, it may regain becoming a pleasant land.
Markit/CIPPS figures out this morning, “..showed activity in UK services saw its largest month-on-month rise in the survey’s history”. Oh dear! this is truly a setback for the BBC’s theme of the day as the statements made earlier suggested these sets of figures were likely to show a large downturn. Apparently (and needless to say), these figures are more accurately allied to what’s going on in the economy than previous snapshots which have also shown returns to stability or small increases in the statistics. All good for Brexiteers so it seems. How the BBC will play these figures is anyone’s guess and I suspect they are in deep debate right this moment over how to play them down and ‘negativise’ this good news.
G – Just a small correction, the boss of Wetherspoons is Tim Martin. Apparently he named his business after his geography teacher (Mr Wetherspoon) who told him he would never make anything of his life!
Many thanks Lobster, my error.
Oh the irony!
Reminds me of when I saw Sarah Millican a few years ago at the Edinburgh fringe, just before she became famous.
She said she’d called her show “Gobshite” (yes really) because that’s what she was called at school, and her teachers told her off for being so talkative.
She felt it was truly ironic because now she makes a good living out of talking a lot.
She said she only hoped that the same fate hadn’t befallen the school bike.
The eu should take a look at syria when considering their border free world ,there are seven groups at it at present.
The BBC and the entire political class is making a serious mistake. It is assuming that it really won the referendum. That is how far the disconnection from reality has come.
I suggest all of us write to our MPs and just point out that the vote was to leave and that is that.
Mention the complete lack of objectivity from the BBC.
That vile organisation needs a lesson in what is basic to the English concept of sovereignty. It resides in the people . This was decided in the 1640s and again in 1689.Reinforced by every action since those times.
The BBC has no right to behave as it is. It is now ,like many EU constructs, at war with the people and must expect no mercy when defeated.
As I said on another thread, is now gone beyond simple bias and become treason.
Dave S, quisquose: Yep, no mercy.
That’s very clean – is it a new one?
We don’t need this French invention, the trusty British gallows will suffice.
Yes, but a guillotine is much more fun.
There’s nothing wrong with a good Yorkshire invention – even if it was the French who made it famous..
There’s a huge difference between ‘assuming they won’ and them ‘not giving a shit if they lost’!
This is about the subversion and control of people to service the needs of an elite. An elite who not only treat these people with utter contempt, they are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure they get what they want. People need to believe they have freedom and control of their lives for them to buy into the illusion. This referendum was just one part of the deception of the control we have over our lives, but the reality is, if our masters do not benefit from this, it will never happen.
Mass immagrantion to reduce self reliance and living standards, unaccountable and unobtainable bodies to control our lives and prevent the great unwashed from meddling, the growth of Islam to weaken our civil rights to allow the elite to change our laws and remove our freedoms…. The list of manipulation and deceit is endless!
We are touching the surface of a system of control that has taken decades to create and reaches the entire world. If anyone thinks that voting for brexit is going to lead to the changes we are all fighting for on here, you are as delusional as the traitorous, spineless, braindead bastards that infest the Islamic Al Beeb!
Accurate news on what’s happening in Calais anyone? Not the province of the migrant loving BBC.
Eventually the tunnel will have to close except for traffic under military escort and the shipping lines leave Calais. Trucks will have to be given military escorts in France and Belgium via a safe port . This is the only answer. Tourists etc will either have to fly or cease to travel. Trouble all round and our snowflakes will melt in despair but there is no other way . France cannot be trusted.
Thanks G – excellent link. Very worrying. Unbelievable that our “national treasure” isn’t doing its duty and reporting it.
Sexual assaults in uk,germany and sweden on massive scales covered up by all.Where are the protesting leftie groups on this subject,absolute silence.
Not happening in usa, keep your guns.
Friend Mackers – in the UK, only criminals are allowed to use guns.
Not true, it is quite possible legally to own rifles and shotguns if you follow the rules. I recommend clay pigeon shooting to anyone, it improves the hand/eye coordination, is a good bit of exercise in the fresh air, and allows you to enjoy your common law right to own arms. What’s not to like?
I had the misfortune to watch News at Ten last night. In the end I just had to chuckle at the not-so-subtle bias. I did feel rather queasy though when Obama came on and regurgitated his ‘back of the queue’ nonsense. He really doesn’t get it does he? His meddling in the affairs of a sovereign nation (us) is partly what prompted people to vote Leave!
Obama does know he’s not going to President after January doesn’t he? You’d think someone would have told him by now. I wish Theresa May had had the stones to do so. Who cares what he thinks about anything?
The BBC are really pushing the “Poles no longer feel at home in Post Brexit Britain” line. Gluttons for punishment can even listen to a “BBC special” on Radio4 tonight.
No concern from the BBC for millions of British aboriginals who are now tourists in their own country thanks to decades of enforced enrichment and “rubbing the right”s noses in diversity”. What do the BBC expect? The traditional “outpouring of grief” and rending of garments? No doubt the supercilious Carswill UKIP? MP will make an appearance complaining about “angry nativists”. Post Brexitum triste – only at the BBC.
You might find this hard to believe (not), but in one area of my city violence between Muslims and Romanians is happening daily but, with one brief exception last year, this doesn’t get a mention on the BBC.
Not the right sort of ethnic violence clearly.
Feature on Look North about the poor persecuted Roma of Rotherham (so well integrated that they needed sub-titles). The BBC told us about conflict between “the communities”, but not the particular “community” that most resented the presence of Roma folk.(this headline broadcast news fails to make even the most local of the BBC’s online news)
Absolutely amazing that mass rapes of women and children can be covered up through fear of being percieved rascist.You absolute worms.
When i was a child we went on a school trip to calais i’d advise against that now.
Its the pictures coming from the Med that concern me. There will never be an end to the picking up of ‘survivors’. Talk of ‘stopping’ the traffickers will never materialise into doing something because its impossible to do. Sky are covering it, but the BBC are just skimming the story. Who is going to recall the rescue ships from along the coast of Libya ? nobody, there would be too much of an outcry from around the world, so there will be a never ending supply of traffickers with a never ending supply of peoples to fill the boats. Only when Africa is empty will this end. Perhaps the return of the 10,000 from Calais and dumped back into north Africa might (just might) send a signal that its a pointless and expensive exercise to even attempt getting to Europe, but I wont hold my breath. This is going to run and run and won’t be settled in my lifetime, the genie is out of the bottle now.
B, I don’t know whether you heard it last week (it was a very quick announcement – came and went), the UK are sending a additional Destroyer down now to help in the, “fight against the Traffickers”. Read: a larger boat/taxi.
Yes G. Even Sky’s reporter is admitting that these migrants are from areas where there are no wars and that the numbers being retrieved from the Med could have grave consequences for Europe. Plenty of talk about fighting the traffickers, but is it happening ? have we heard about the SAS being sent in? migrants themselves are traffickers, but its like pouring hot water on an ants nests, kills the nest but others pop up elsewhere. Pissing against the wind springs to mind. Its a problem that’s unsolvable, but no one is admitting it.
Does anyone have any ideas (I won’t bother asking the BBC) as to why the English Channel has not become a sea route for illegal immigration? Surely it would be easy enough to get hold of a dinghy, row out into the channel, swamp the vessel and send out a mayday and wait for the Hearts of Oak Water Taxi service (Royal Navy) to arrive? My guess is that this involves a fair amount of risk and at present, it is easier to try to get in via the lorry route. But should that be clamped down on, I think we may well see a sea route develop and I’m pretty sure the RN, Coastguard and RNLI would be compelled to intervene.
Cranmer, the English Channel is ranked 3rd busiest shipping lane in the World. 100,000 or so of steel travelling at maybe 30/35 Knots has no respect for illegal immigrants Human Rights. Perhaps we need to shut off other lanes so that the English Channel becomes busier?
Or, maybe the BBC could start a Human Rights campaign to reduce the shipping/danger to their favoured group? Now there’s a thought!
Brissles, oddly enough Australia managed to largely solve its illegal immigration problem by a policy of turning back boats and establishing off-shore migrant processing centres. Although they had fewer numbers, the principle is the same. It’s the only thing that will work in Europe as well I think, but I can’t see it happening unless liberal opinion-formers themselves are directly affected. Hopefully there are some signs change might be on the way – the Germans FINALLY seem to be waking up to Merkel’s madness but it is like a patient coming out of a coma.
If we had leaders with any balls (metaphorically speaking) they would be making the case that an outcry from round the world is irrelevant and telling the likes of the BBC this in no uncertain terms. For that is what it will come down to in the end and if the electorate is ignored it will end very much more nastily than if the nettle is grasped now. I believe we are already at the stage where bloodshed is inevitable because no-one was prepared to grasp that nettle last year.
Oh God! Roland, we don’t want him back again! Keep him in Strictly for ever more. Dancing on the head of a pin?
“there will be a never ending supply of traffickers with a never ending supply of peoples to fill the boats. Only when Africa is empty will this end”
Camp of the Saints?
Not Al Beeb but just as bad – Just watched a Sky report on the rescue of ‘migrants’ off the coast of Libya, yes 12 miles off the coast .
Most of the rescued were young men. It looked staged for the camera.
IMO they are encouraging the trafficking.
The Italian Government will be sending cruise liners to Libya to fetch them over safely .
If this carries on it will be the end of Europe as we know it.
WH ……… “I know in this day and age it’s looked upon as some kind of crime to be patriotic. Though I rather like the Japanese model, that they don’t atone for perceived historical injustices, history is history. They have a strong cultural identity, whereas here it’s constantly being eroded. ”
Totally agree WH. Whether its because of its geographical position, but Japan has an almost non existent migrant policy, – some might call it an inclusive society, but it works for them, their religious standing is not threatened by a politically correct regime, crime rate is low, and an economy that muddles along, whats not to like ? it was a joy to visit a country where politeness is second nature and the public toilets are spotless (!)
Exactly, Japanese immigrants OK.
Dregs of the planet, uncivilised mass murderers, who hate us, BEFORE they arrive.
Who in their right mind would import these people?
That would be the Labour Party. AKA The Treason Party.
Bbc and the guardian’s project fear begins, expect the doom and gloom forecasts daily for the next two years,if i was in power i’d look at clipping the wings of my unelected foes.
Brexit economy: I had delayed comment on the August PMI figures until today, and the publication of the services figures, as services are the biggest component of our economy.
The PMI are monthly survey numbers from a private company and as such they may , or may not, reflect the definitive position when the official GDP figures are collated later.
What the PMI service number show today is that “ the month-on-month gain in the index (in August), at 5.5 points, was the largest observed over the 20-year survey history, following a record drop of 4.9 points in July.”
If nothing else this underlines the stupidity of those who draw conclusions about long term trends from one month’s data, and the July number undoubtedly spurred the media, in a spirit of schadenfreude after the referendum outcome, to shout from the rooftops that we were heading for a major recession.
This in turn spooked the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee into a premature cut in interest rates which is having a very adverse impact on our banks. and which caused turmoil in the bond markets. The minutes of the Committee meeting place the PMI numbers and the supposed gloom amongst consumers front and centre in making their decision to cut the interest rate.
It will come as no surprise that IHS Markit, the company which produces the PMI numbers has claimed that “If the PMIs hadn’t fallen off a cliff, the BoE wouldn’t have cut interest rates and expanded QE,” Whether the economy really went through this roller-coaster, as opposed to peoples’ emotions , remains to be seen when the ONS stats are available, but one thing is sure, media pundits “talking down” the economy never had it so good.
Excellent post, Gunner. Thanks.
I have a slightly different take on the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee’s decision to cut interest rates and expand Qantative Easing (aka debasing the currency).
During the referendum campaign the Bank was a fully paid up member of Project Fear – in its interventions in the campaign it was very clear that if we voted Leave the economy would collapse. When we voted Leave the Bank knew that its lies would be exposed when the economy didn’t collapse and its credibility would be destroyed. The clever answer was the unnecessary cut in interest rates and the restarted programme of Quantative Easing. The Bank can now say that it didn’t lie and the economic collapse was only prevented by its timely intervention – credibility restored.
RJ, quite right: it had to make a token gesture if only to retain some semblance of trust for the voters.
RJ- maybe so, and the PMI numbers for July were certainly very helpful for a ‘nick of time’ alibi. No doubt Carney will deploy this at the Treasury Select Committee meeting on Wednesday afternoon. But this episode has called into question the BoE’s sagacity and steadiness at a crucial moment when the hysteria in the media was at a climax.
Not strictly for this forum as it is not bbbc bias but it is from sky news (which is just as bad)….Today we have the pro eu Dermot mergnahan happily reporting on the problems today at dover/Calais as the locals are demonstrating against the problems caused by the illegal immigrant camp occupants at Calais and introducing another talking head sky reporter who is ‘on scene’ also smiling as he reports on all the problems the demonstration has caused (not the cause of the demonstration, mind you)… I don’t want to be accused of ‘stating the bleedin’ obvious’ but what the fuck do these news media people expect the locals to do they are being heavily burgled, robbed in the street, shoplifted by these scum on a daily basis, the authorities are not protecting them. When are any of these ‘intelligencia’ going to wake up and realise what they have done by allowing all the illegals join together. All they have ever known is fighting and living by violence so all they can do is rob, butcherrape, pillage and live by violence when they do get to Calais………I give up
English Gentleman, I watched the film ‘War Horse’ at the weekend. It’s largely sentimental Spielberg/Richard Curtis twaddle. The only scene I liked was a doomed cavalry charge (led by a colonel played by our very own Benderdict Cumbersplash) against German machine guns. On IMDB, the reviews are full of comments about ‘how could they be so stupid’ and ‘didn’t they realise war had changed.’
What struck me was that people today are JUST as stupid as that cavalry officer. In 100 years time I suspect people will look back to 2016 and say ‘how could the Europeans possibly have been so stupid as to issue an open invitation to foreigners to invade them’? The only thing we learn from history is that people NEVER learn and ALWAYS think they are cleverer than the generation before!
“‘how could the Europeans possibly have been so stupid”
We are not stupid, neither are the so-miscalled “elite” and so-miscalled “leaders” who have deliberately encouraged this unwanted invasion.
Where we have been stupid, to date, is in not depriving the “leaders” and invaders of oxygen.
I’m surprised it’s taken the residents of Calais so long.
Vanessa Feltz just now on Radio 2 “the points based system was a key PLEDGE of the leave side”.
Ladies and Gents I give you the latest (potential) panic dug up by the BREXIT BASHING CORP – the resurgence of poo in our bathing waters!
‘Could Brexit affect beach water quality?’
‘Environmentalists fear Brexit could see European rules on water cleanliness being undermined. But could leaving the EU result in filthy coastlines and smelly beaches?’
The story rambles on with ‘ifs, coulds and maybes’ and just when the average reader/Snowflake/sheep has digested the fear and decided that every Leaver is an environmental terrorist, we get this at the end:
‘So will Brexit have a major impact on the cleanliness of the UK’s beaches?
Prof Fletcher believes it is unlikely. For one, he says, there are existing independent bodies, such as the Marine Management Organisation, which already regulate marine activities and could be repurposed to regulate bathing water.
And he points out that the BWD has already been translated into UK law.
“If we pull out of the EU it doesn’t really matter; in a sense the UK Bathing Water Regulations (2013) still exist and it’s not until they’re repealed that there’s likely to be a change in the way the beachscape is managed,” he says.
While he thinks this is “not massively likely”, he admits “it’s impossible to predict” when it comes to Brexit.’
Not when you’re a Beeboid – every prediction is dire, every possibility a disaster.
Pure unadulterated propaganda. With more poo floating on the top than a flooded sewage works.
Of course, poo is not all that may wash up until Brexit is applied properly.
Come to think of it, on 24 June I stopped flushing our toilet. It must have been knowing that my sanitary behaviours would no longer overseen by the EU that resulted in my failure to flush the loo, there’s no other explanation.
It’s a slippery slope.
Calais. It is the protests against the migrants that is causing the disruption.
But I am finding it hard to understand why migrants who will bring great benefit to Britain, its NHS and economy, are making life unpleasant for British tourists and lorry drivers. Why are doctors, nurses, school teachers employing violent tactics to disrupt traffic so they can board the lorries? Why did the injured Daily Mail news presenters have to go to hospital for treatment when the camp at Calais is full of doctors and health care workers?
But, but, but – the lefty BMA will welcome all these valued Doctors and Health Care Workers with open arms – imagine how effective they’ll be at striking, moaning they’re not paid enough and translating our beautiful immigrants’ myriad health problems into English. And please don’t forget that without unbridled immigration ‘our’ NHS will collapse. Report for re-education immediately!
You’ve reminded me of a conversation with an NHS consultant from a London hospital. She said that they needed a mix of immigrant staff on each shift or they wouldn’t be able to understand the patients.
If you want to get an idea of the true cost of migrants this piece by Reuters today shows that the cost (only the financial ignoring the social) is huge. I would guess very conservatively a 1bn euro/month maintence cost for the Germans.
Number of migrants claiming benefits in Germany surges by 169 percent
ED, Reuters say, “While many Germans gave migrants a warm welcome when they started arriving in droves last summer, that has partly given way to fear after three recent violent attacks on civilians carried out by migrants and to concerns about integration.”
“Partly given way”, “Three” recent violent attacks? Where has Reuters been over the last year?
A typing error it may be but, three thousand will be closer to the number of violent attacks. Clearly Reuters massage the information as well as the BBC.
G agreed. The fact though I find interesting is the 975000 now claiming benefits, which clearly indicates that the majority 1.1mn Germany took in last year are not (yet?) employable.
GWF, that is such a good example of the (probably unconscious) everyday little bits of BBC bias. It is not the protests that are causing disruption, it is the Jungle that is causing disruption, and the protestors are trying to end that disruption! Would the BBC have said of the Battle of Britain ‘RAF causes disruption to UK air space’?
Why do the newsmedia constantly talk about ‘rescuing’ the illegal immigrants in the med. shouldn’t they be arresting these criminals and bring the full weight of the criminal law to bear against them, after all they can’t give an address in Europe can they. ….Fingerprints, photograph and dna sample all logged and registered and return to African mainland where they can declare their home address
Just sink a few boats, rinse and repeat until they get the message.
Meanwhile, not reported by AlBeeb, Trump marginally ahead in polls.
The polls cannot be trusted, but if they are showing Trump even slightly ahead, then I suspect he must in reality be well ahead.
The polls right up to Referendum Day showed “remain” winning. David Cameron went to bed convinced he had won by ten points, and woke up to find out he was not Prime Minister any more. I hope and pray something similar happens to the vile criminal and traitor Hillary Clinton.
8.55 am Radio 4. US expert interviewed by BBC who pointed out that Trump has scarcely a hope in hell of winning, as demographic factors and structure of the electoral colleges favour the dems, Hillary is clearly 5 points in the lead, and has the support of wimmin, and Trump’s successes are short lived because he returns too quickly to his unappealing nature. He could win, but his chances are very slim. Wooooshsh – sound of BBC presenter wetting his trousers with pleasure
I heard that too. The pollster lives in his own bubble, just like ours.
The point about demographics being against Trump matters because since 1965 the Democrats have been busy importing as many third world immigrants as possible, knowing they will always vote for them. Republicans have been trying for years to suck up to blacks and Hispanics, and it is an utter waste of time. They always vote for free shit.
According to Ann Coulter, if Mitt Romney had got just 3% more votes from white working class men, he would have beaten Obama. I think Trump has got the basic common sense to spend his valuable time seeking votes from the people who will actually turn out and vote for him. Once, the working class would have been largely Democrat. Any worker stupid enough to vote Democrat now is voting for his job to be taken by a Mexican, either an immigrant or by the whole business just moving south of the border.
It’s make or break for American workers, and if Trump can connect with them, then all this talk about demographics and soccer moms won’t matter, and America might just be saved.
Rob, “DC went to bed convinced he had won…..”. But, later that day, he wet the bed….’?
Step 1: Tow the boats back to Libya.
Step 2: Disembark the “passengers” (illegal immigrants) on Libyan soil.
Step 3: Tow the boat out to sea and sink it.
If they try to sink the boat to stop you repatriating them, they’ve done step 3 for you so all you have to do is just pick up the passengers and return them to Libya.
I can’t see the Libyan navy putting up much of a fight, can you? In any case, shouldn’t they be helping – I mean according to international law, if you rescue people at sea are you not supposed to return them to dry land at the nearest available port, not transport them all the way across the sea to another country?!?
Here’s what I’ve found about the legality:
The primary responsibility to provide a place of safety or to ensure that a place of safety is provided falls on the Government responsible for the SAR region in which the survivors were recovered [i.e. Libya] (SOLAS, Article 4.1-1 and SAR Convention, para 3.1.9) Moreover, according to the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual, the survivors ‘must be delivered in a place of safety as quickly as possible’.
So why are we bothering to help them all the way across the Mediterranean and help them in their illegal immigration to the EU when we should be returning them to Libya? Beats me.
And funny, but you don’t hear this discussion much on the BBC…
Excellent post Mr Hunt. Now can somebody tweet that to the BBC and the Government please.
If I remember correctly from a map in a report on the large boatload ‘rescued’ by the Italians last week, the migrant vessel was 15 miles off the Libyan coast, with the nearest Italian coast 270 miles away. Make no mistake, this is a free European ferry service, in the same way that the Calais Jungle camp is a totally lawless free-for-all – all of it supported by the Italians/French/EU.
Evidently no law whatsoever applies to the migrants wherever they may be – chilling isn’t it?
Agreed SOS. Even the Sky journo claimed the boat he was on was only 12 miles from the Libyan coastline, and it would take 4 hours to take the migrants to Italy. Why isn’t common sense being employed here. If I was to take a dinghy across the Atlantic and was picked up by a Canadian ship, would I be returned to the coastland of Ireland, or taken to Canada to start a new life ? Same thing (except I’m white).
Actions speak louder than words as they say, so there’s absolutely no doubt that all of this a planned EU strategy. A genuinely free media would be asking who/what/where/why/how?
– Who’s orchestrating these ‘rescues’?
– What is really happening in the EU meetings on how to deal with the situation?
– Where will this all end up?
– Why does Europe needs hundreds of thousands of young African men to be imported every summer?
– How will we deal with the influx, bearing in mind nothing is REALLY being done to sort the ever-worsening situation across Europe and especially in Calais?
Ergo, our ‘free’ media is a complete myth and the vast majority of outlets are all singing from the same hymn sheet. All you have to do is watch the evening news every night and notice how all the stories are virtually the same and appear in roughly the same running order. The very definition of ‘an agenda’.
“So why are we bothering to help them all the way across the Mediterranean and help them in their illegal immigration to the EU when we should be returning them to Libya? Beats me.”
Sadly not so simple. To send them back to their embarkation point is called “push back” and is illegal under international law. Hmmm.
How does Australia do it?
Good point Taffman
I guess its because they are not “pushing back” to where they came from which towing them back to Libya would be.
So yes maybe if we say paid Morocco to put them up that would be acceptable.
Australia hasnt escaped UN criticism though:
Some EU countries are putting fences up. The message will get to Italy in the end . The various charities and the media are also to blame. The charities get ‘loads of money’ from the public and have to justify their their own jobs .
The police still can’t tell us whether the harlow murder was a hate crime but the polish foreign minister is clear it’s xenophobic.When will we find out.
Maybe we will find out before we learn the name of the Swiss train attacker. Or then again, maybe not.
Brexit Britain: The street with a dozen words for hello
The BBC promoting multicultralism and how many languages (12) are spoken in one street in Leicester by getting the shop owners to say hello.
That would have been OK if they stopped there but they couldn’t resist slipping in a Pro-remain interview with the hair dressing shop owner, “if (this shop) was actually made a polling station people would have voted remain. Because of the different cultures that come in here everyone, foreigners want to obviously to remain obviously to trade amongst the countries and you know, keep the love.”
So there you go, vote remain=peace, vote leave=nazi/racist/hater etc.
The fact that the BBC decided to sub-title the black man who owns the hair dressing shop , when he speaks very good English, I thought was a bit racist especially coming from the BBC.
I am sure if all the various legal and illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees had had a vote, they probably would have voted to remain. Sadly for them, the vote is restricted to the citizens of the country the election takes place in. I’d like to vote for Trump and Geert Wilders, but it isn’t going to happen. The BBC grows more deranged by the day.
“I am sure if all the various legal and illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees had had a vote, they probably would have voted to remain. Sadly for them, the vote is restricted to the citizens of the country the election takes place in.”
Wrong. Commonwealth citizens got to vote, luckily and to the annoyance of the broadcasting media many were pro Brexit.
The usually reliable Edward Stourton on the World at One, looked at farmers and fishermen in the light of Brexit. The first farmer he came across was the only one I have heard who is in favour of remain. Where do the BBC find them?
However, when he moved onto the fishermen they were, to a man, overjoyed at the opportunities ahead, thanks to Brexit. Bring it on, they chorused. Edward offered up as many negative views as you might expect about Brexit from the BBC, but all his arguments were batted away with what felt like a big smile on their faces. Good luck to them.
Yet, when Edward sought the alternative view from someone in the studio, he began his piece with a line like: ‘the overwhelming view I have heard is that of uncertainty.’ The interviewee lapped up this remark like a demented, hungry Labrador.
Tell me Edward, did not the majority of fishermen welcome Brexit with open arms and a huge smile?
Come on BBC, get over it. You lose your bribe, sorry, bungs, no, erm, money from the EU (what’s the polite word?), but many people outside the BBC are overjoyed and excited at the prospects.
ss, I was dreading WatO after this a.m.’s TOADY prog. I need not have worried.
Poor old Edward, I guess, had not had much opportunity to read through and correct the script he was handed for the programme. He was well and truly lumbered with a pro-Remain propaganda broadcast that would have been worthy of Dave & GO anytime before June 23rd but especially in the last couple of weeks of May 2016.
Pure comedy as correction after correction to the scripted questions came Ed’s way. After about three attempts with the BBC’s ‘line’, I thought I detected an ever so slight hesitation before the next ‘pro-Remain’ question was asked knowing that he was anticipating being put right. Maybe if they repeat this ‘Brexit Day’ exercise they will try it somewhere more cushy such as in London or Edinburgh.
It was very funny and no matter how hard he tried, those ‘awkward cuss’ fishermen certainly hadn’t read Stourton’s script. Good for them. There’s hope for the old country yet!
Poor Ed is not the brightest star in the EU flag.
House trained liberal English catholic and a poodle.
The BBC, like all the Remainers, are living in the past. The caravan has moved on without them. The world is changing. Many of them probably still yearn after the Soviet Union ! Idiots.
On Toady this morning the biased BBC solved the problem of how to really maximise the indoctrination.
Thought for the Day featured a female Professor of Islam talikng about the tolearance of the RoP towards Homosexuality !!!!!! No, really. They really did.
Trebles all round for them. Sickbags for the rest of us.
Does that mean Keith Vaz won’t be flying off a tall building the next time he is in Leicester?
The BBC mind is so mentally twisted it is incapable of being straightened out. Beeboids are sick, really sick.
Yep. dead right.
Mona never actually got round to telling us what the gay bibbers and reformers of the Koran ended up like….very dead, hideously tortured and exiled if they`d managed to get away.
This was a 1000 years ago….and their enemies would do exactly the same today.
Saddiqis dad was a Taqqiyya merchant too- but Mona is just what the BBC seeks in its Muslimas…and the Church multiculti types seem to like her…and won`t look too far into who`s yanking her chains.
Given all the violence and intimidation perpetrated by the would-be enrichers trying to get into the UK, why doesn’t the Beeb ask..
Are they really the sort of people we should be allowing in?
What happens if they do get here, and they don’t get their own way?
Top story on the bBBC news. Brexit in disarray, following St Theresa’s decision to not go for a points based immigration system.
Further down the agenda. Services sector rockets in August. On top of record low unemployment and strong manufacturing data. Meanwhile Blue Collar workers at DFS report strong business and they have not changed their lifestyles or reduced their spending one jot as a result of the Leave vote.
You can always rely on the bBBC’s priorities. Remainiacs to the end.
May’s comments are headlines across the board, not only the BBC.
Immigration: May rejects points-based system for EU nationals
May needs to be told very firmly that NO one voted for her and she has no mandate except to implement Brexit, and not some Brexit lite fudge.
Also her record on immigration as Home Secretary was pathetic.
I agree. And I repeat that I think May will be ousted next year . She is useless and not supported by the membership. She has to go. Let’s get David Davis and get on with it.
BBC website reporting that moronic failure Ashdown’s reference to we Leavers as “Brownshirts”. And he refuses to apologise. What a wanker.
Let’s have a good cheer or two for the farmers, lorry drivers, shop keepers and general citizenship of Calais who want the jungle to be closed because of the fear and intimidation they get from the smugglers and traffickers and so-called asylum seekers.
The French government have pretended this problem does’t exist for years because sadly they are in the same ‘boat’ as the UK left wing intelligensia. But the people on the receiving end of the enrichment know better, because they have to live with the consequences.
It’s a ‘Je suis Calais’ from me on this one.
Ed Stourton, BBC News R4 1300 today. He, as a negative assertion, said to the Australian High Commissioner that it took 10 years for Australia to negotiate a trade deal with China. The inference being, that all other trade deals will take the UK as long. The Commissioner immediately responded by saying, “That simply isn’t true”. Oh dear Ed! – BBC Editors a bit too assertive? Commissioner went on to outline what any logical, objective person would anticipate that the time it took to negotiate with any particular country would vary and in some instances, some negotiations could bear fruit immediately. Discussions will start immediately between the UK and Australia but nothing can be signed until the UK is out the EU.
Then, John Redwood. Stourton makes another profoundly negative Brexit assertion to which, Redwood replies, attacking the BBC and referring collectively to those, “…who you people represent”. Momentary stunned silence before Stourton, slightly subdued, took up the thread again. Whatever could Redwood have been referring to as regards who the BBC “represent”? I’m sure Redwood was not referring to the BBC’s listeners/fee payers.
G, I heard the programme too. The BBC reporter in Cornwall seemed to be trying hard to find some anti-Brexit sentiment, but the locals weren’t having it! Some very well-put arguments from fishermen. The reporter at least twice asked how they could support Brexit when they rely on labour from the EU, and at least twice he was told because foreign workers will be able to get working visas! WHY cannot the Remainers grasp this fact – nobody has ever said there will be no immigration!
BBC and remainers say a points based system can’t work because Australia lets in more pro rata then what we do .
It’s because the Ozzies want it like that , Beeboids .
It’s like a speed limit . One village might want a 70 mph limit in their high street , but other villages could opt for 50 or 30 or even less . Or 0 mph by banning all traffic .
The Beeboids know that but they assume we are so thick, many of us voted leave so we must be thick, that we won’ be able to work it out.
Perhaps the points based system won’t work because all those immigrants are doctors, engineers, architects etc so they all score the same number of maximum points.
Don’t forget the academics guys!
Sorry I had to post this again as it is one of my personal favourite pieces of propaganda from the Beeb!
TBT, the BBC reporter refers constantly to the economic mercenaries and their ‘dreams’ of living in England. ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’ is more appropriate.
Staggering – and what about all those poor, poor people joining the regular immigration queue/s like every other person in the normal world wanting to emigrate to a different country? Our national treasure of a broadcaster doesn’t even broach the issue and completely normalises this utter madness.
It’s like doing a piece on burglars and asking them why they want to take jewellery and cash that belongs to other people, without ever mentioning that burglary is in fact illegal and costs everyone with an insurance premium more each year. In years to come historians will look at our times with a sense of utter astonishment. Unless they’ve also been lobotomised by the increasingly lunatic Left.
This is my personal favourite pragraph:
Ibrahim, 26, from Sudan, also believes better opportunities await across the Channel. “In England you get a big house,” he says.
Oh and the guy at the start who says something along the line of “I’m not JUST coming for the benefits”
What do British Journalism students know about the BBC Newsroom?
Jenny, 19 at Cambridge Uni
“You get to live in London and, and they give you lots of money and, and lots of holidays and, and everyone there is really nice.”
Rafik, 21 at University of North Bradford
“You get to be on Twitter all day innit and if you get like problems wiv yer bruvas in like Rotherham you can write stuff defendin’ em n that innit.”
Tabby, 20 at Oxford University
“Waaah they all voted Leave, waaaah we should all give everything to those tortured saints in Calais, waaaaah Donald Trump, waaaaah a boy just looked at me the patriarchal pig, waaaaaahh…
There is report on the BBC about Merkel’s CSU losing heavily in the state election in Germany and the anti immigration AFD doing well. The Beeb are quite realistic about the size of the defeat and how this will further ramp up the pressure on Merkel to change course. So far , fair enough. Then we get a short clip of an intrepid BBC reporter asking around to find out if The AFD is a racist party. He finds that its supporters want Germany to remain true to its traditions and culture . He does not comment further. Obviously the Beeboid thinks that all reasonable people will agree that defending your own culture and not wanting to be invaded by people who have alien values and lots of other unpleasant baggage, is highly racist. Sooner or later these liberal lefties are going to realise that most Europeans agree with the AFD but have Been cowed into silence by the liberal elite. But if these fools keep pushing mass immigration they will get a hell of a shock, the people of Europe are at breaking point.
That point has been reached but the governments busily making war on their own people have not realised it. A lot more than the elite’s obsession with immigration is going to be swept away soon.
“Obviously the Beeboid thinks that all reasonable people will agree that defending your own culture and not wanting to be invaded by people who have alien values and lots of other unpleasant baggage, is highly racist.”
But the Beeboid would defend the cultures of every invader, and the rights of the invader to defend their own cultures, even when some aspects of those cultures are not fit for the 21st Century.
The BBC’s report of the German provincial election result in Pomerania lacks most of the results. Nothing new there.
They don’t do the interesting details of elections any more.
However in the event, Merkel’s Christian Democrats lost fewer percentage points than the SPD socialists and Linke, the former Communists.
The Greens lost all their seats as did the real far-right party the NDP. The Beeb would have us believe Alternative for Deutschland is far-right.
In other words, the left is suffering equally as much as the CDU because of the million migrants Merkel encouraged into Germany.
Shades of UKIP in this country which may be why the Beeb can’t report it.
I just googled ‘german provincial poll results’ and up came Al Jazeera before the bBBC. In fact the bBBC were not listed. Only by googling ‘ german provincial poll results bbc’ did I get a bBBC web page and that was about Germany GOING to the polls, and not the results.
Talk about burying bad news.
Exactly what we expect from the pile of excrement that costs us £4bn per year.
It was fascinating watching the “Hart aber Fair” talkshow on German TV last night. It featured Peter Altmaier Merkel’s Personal Spokesperson, sychophant-in-chief and interpreter of Merkel’s folly to the masses. His sole explanation for Merkel’s actions was “she was forced to act under a moral imperative”. Apparently the “scenes at Budapest station” compelled her to invite all of Syria and elsewhere to Germany. With the best will in the world, I just cannot understand the motivation or the reasoning of the Merkel faction. They constantly accuse the electorate of being the slaves of their emotions, irrational fear and irrational anger. In the eyes of the German and British political elites the average voter is a primative incapable of rational analysis. Populists are always being accused of pandering to the base feelings of the lower orders, but Merkel’s response seems just as emotional. A few images on the media and a train of events that will blight the country for generations is set in motion. Yet it is claimed that Merkel has the support of 40% of the population! Can this be true?
I get the impression that it is Brexit, Brexit all the way today on the BBC platforms.
Was it purposely on the BBC grid for this week now the kiddies are back from their villas…or are they trying to bury bad news of some sort?
Ties in with parliament back. Just a way of the BBC ramping up the pressure on us. Won’t work .
I suspect that , if there is another referendum , the majority for Brexit will be bigger. After all, the economic indicators are superb. The Remainers are so stupid that they do not know why. Idiots !
I think it’s the same with regard to another Scottish referendum. The SNP is bluffing, they would lose another referendum and be consigned to well deserved oblivion. Scottish nationalism has always ebbed and flowed with the price of oil. Scotland is an economic basket case, with a bigger defecit than Greece. An independent Scotland would collapse into bankruptcy within months.
Rob, the instant England refuses to continue honouring the grossly unfair Barnett Formula the better. I would rejoice in the fairness. It will also give the ‘wobbly headed’ Garden Gnome in Scotland something to squeak about and it would make the rest of the SNP sit up and pay attention to the dire situation they would find themselves in! Fact is, they cannot financially stand on their own two feet.
I’ve often said that it’s the little things that give the game away.
Saturday evening, the continuity announcer on BBC Two told us that if we turn over to BBC One we can see who Ed Balls will be partnering in ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.
Really. Why Balls? As if anyone outside the BBC bubble cares who this loser, former LABOUR politician, former BBC Bake off contestant, regular BBC interviewee (most recently on Today, the day before to promote his book) will be dancing with on his latest invitation to take to the BBC screens courtesy of us the licence fee payer.
Talk about out of touch. They must live in a different world.
It was unfortunate for Balls that all the railway travel holidays, err I mean programmes for failed politicians had already been taken.
The PM’s remarks at the G20 on points-based immigration control have naturally stirred up all the busy, buzzing little swarms of Europhiliac BBC blowflies yet again. So of course, much rabidly anti-Brexit propaganda has been in evidence on Beebie News today.
Not least, we were treated to a wonderfully predictable interview with a commercial vegetable producer. It seems that the price this chap is getting per lettuce has halved over the last two decades or so and the dire possibility arises that without access to a vast, ongoing supply of cheap East European labour, he’ll be in trouble. Upshot: poor Farmer Piles having to pack up and flog off his machinery to Poland, or sell up and remove his business there himself, lock stock and barrel. So another Brexit meets ”Iceberg” story from Auntie’s apparently inexhaustible stock of ”five a day” agit-prop specials, with Britain ”maybe” facing either a big hike in prices or a serious deterioration in the balance of salad payments, or both, as we move into an age of lettuce-dependency on imported Polish greenstuff. Armagherkin threatens again.
Naturally, no one pointed out that if the industry is indeed so migrant dependent, few UK jobs will be lost. Or that should wages and hence prices need to rise to attract UK labour, there’ll be a concomitant payoff in terms of overall benefit bills and employment figures. Or even that the land currently under lettuce will still be there irrespective of what’s grown on it and a move to other crops is not impossible.
Stop press: I note the BBC conversation has now moved back to the ”Australian points-based system” for immigration. Which in Beebieland means quoting May verbatim and with no contradiction of her unevidenced assertion that it ”would not work for Britain”, then having Chuka Umunna assert that it could even raise the numbers coming in; again with no one being invited to state the counterargument.
So same old, same old. The entire BBC approach to Brexit continues to be skewed unremittingly to the negative.
The tiny BBC minds, and they are all clones, cannot adapt to the fact that Brexit has been good for the UK economy. These Jeremy Hunts still dream of the Soviet Union. Disgusting people and the reality will sweep them away.
Quite; although knowing their bias did make watching the lemon-sucking BBC comrades having to report the latest boost in manufacturing output while trying to impute it to anything but Brexit, quite delightful.
Yes, they just don’t get it. Very stupid people !
Oh Joy, and now we’ve got the revolting Obama, news of his meeting EU leaders ”without Britain at the table” and China’s ”worries about Brexit”. The sheer one-sidedness gets a mite tedious eventually.
Auntie’s now had to go over to report Davis’ speech in the HoC; after all it could hardly do anything else on ”Brexit Day”. However, I await the post-speech BBC ”analysis” with distinctly un-bated breath.
Don’t bother. The early 6pm news on TV was just propaganda for remain. The whole world hates us and is going to invade or something. Obama is upset and so on and on.
BBC rubbish at full volume. Easton and Kuenesberg are real pieces of work.
Pravda would have loved them
Camel Amed may have the hump after being left with little option but to report on positive PMI stats. What a trooper though, he managed to fit a “but” into every sentence.
Yes, the Devil Wears Pravda, all right.
The more I see Obama the more I dislike him. It’s that condescending smile that’s almost a sneer, and that way he pauses between words to try to make his platitudes appear thoughtful and statesmanlike. Trump by contrast speaks quite well off the cuff and doesn’t appear ‘stage managed’.
I think Farrage is worried that Teresa will be an appeaser to the Remainers
More Brexit propaganda from the BBC, this time on the six-o’clock news (approx. 18:15). The reporter acknowledged that, contrary to predictions [of the remainers], the UK has seen economic growth in the past quarter, but ended his piece by stating quite blatantly (and without any evidence) that “economic growth would have been greater had we not voted for Brexit”. It is outrageous that such a statement is made, and shows yet again that the BBC has every intention of doing whatever it can to spread FUD and try to overturn the democratic vote.
Quick bit of bias from the biased BBC 6pm news, provided by the ever emoting ever reliable ever on our screens Fiona’ Bruce.
Quote, if not verbatim then near enough.
” the uk service sector bounced back after the slump in July”
Now who told her to use the word ‘slump’ ????
She could have said ” the uk service sector rocketed up in August after a brief blip in July”
Or any number of variations.
But she didn’t.