Every time I listen to the BBC news the amount of negativity about Brexit is shocking, it’s time they started getting their fingers out!!
The easiest thing in the world is to sit back and criticise, time to fill their boots, assist the country to get on and prosper and not go on their jollies and learning how to tango ect (strictly)
Rant over
The BBC will never assist the country in doing anything that the corporation considers to be at odds with its liberal left elite world view.Infact it will do everything it can to hinder rather than help.
The word slump has a distinct meaning in economics and the BBC are playing on this. We haven’t had a slump since the 1930s. It’s worse than a recession such as 2008.
Aside from Brexit there was the usual doom mongering about the NHS and the heavily politicised junior doctors strikes . Why does the BBC always use a library clip of doctors chanting ‘save our NHS’ in introducing these pieces ? The doctors dispute us nothing to do with saving tbe NHS as the BBC well knows .
Been a terrible day for the liberal media, but you`d not know it.
The GMC bloke on Radio 4 near-enough screwed the junior doctors in their threat to strike this morning.
Poor Justin Webb was reduced to piping what the union rep said to him earlier-that, in fact the Government were equally culpable if anybody died or got worse after the doctors walked out…NHS cuts you see!
Desperate liberal crap-and the GMC bloke only said that the quacks would be personally liable if the patients suffered, refusing to leave the picket line to help for instance.
Webb was not expecting this-and bet he`ll get a kicking for failing to fuel the rebellion in the green room, due to his daft line of questions.
Well done GMC!
If Hunt had turned turtle-that would have been a panicky U-turn.
When the quacks do it-it`s compassionate reflections that the Government need to thank them for and learn from-so sez the BBC and its run of quacks who go on all day unchallenged.
Apparently May won`t cause us to scupper trade with China and Australia-oh dear, not what the BBC wanted at all.
Bloody French want the Jungle gone-the BBCs hope that WE`LL take them looks forlorn and illegal-oh dear, another fail.
Oh and Vaz sneaking out the back passage to get to the Commons seems to have bothered them-to hear Tatchell this morning only shows how few friends he`s got…Tatchell just think Vaz is a gay friend…and that`s reason enough not to give the Mirror his head on a slavering houseboy with coke up his rear.
As I say-NOT the BBCs chosen results-as if any of us even note their influence any more.
As I write I note that black activist and Guardian nack Gary Younge is in Bristol to speak to worried Poles about the effects of Brexit.
I`m reminded of Norman Wisdom waddling around a posh swimming pool with a tray full of champagne flutes.
I simply can`t imagine what will happen next…hopefully someone will tell me what Garys conclusion was…
On this evening’s PM programme the BBC paid a return visit to Racist Street, which is supposed to be a “typical” street that voted to Leave. This was given more time than anything else on the programme, despite it being cringe-worthy awful painful listening, which contributed absolutely nothing whatsoever. The point, of course, was for the BBC to bludgeon it’s listeners with the lie that all those that voted Leave are thick racists.
I heard PM QQ – And I found it quite entertaining but probably for the wrong reasons. I think it fell distinctly flat on its face.
The picked venue for these “Brexit Street” interviews was a northern working mens club. No doubt picked out by the editors to show their Islington friends how thick and waycist these brexit supporting northerners were.
We were informed they were chatting to the interviewer whilst enjoying a pint – on their views over brexit/migrants etc. Straight away we knew that these people dont know much about fine wine and therefore their votes should not really count as much as nice, educated people.
First goal to Aunty was that they all had very strong northern accents – Must all be thick and obviously need people with media or politics degrees from the LSE to lead them and tell them how to vote.
BBC moved on to a loaded conservation about asylum seekers etc. Aunty probably by now full of confidence that these were obviously “thickoes” Who work long hours for little pay and deserved their lot in life, and in Aunties eyes would show themselves up as the great unwashed waycists that she obviously knows they are,. Bet they dont even know the difference between mungo beans and Adzuki beans.
But the best bit was when the “nice, well spoken female” interviewer was asking them what party they voted for – You could almost hear her thinking “say UKIP, SAY UKIP, SAAAYYY UKIP YOU THICKO BASTARDS!) – All to no avail the “thickos” were obviously not so thick after all and had obviously expected this question – not one said UKIP leaving Aunty very disapointed – All I could do was think Serves you right you twats – Made my evening!
What never ceases to amaze is that the BBC feels it is necessary to understand why these people voted brexit. I guess the view from Islington is always rose tinted and these twats would never dream of goining anywhere like Luton without a camera crew to understand what makes people like us tick .
The thing is my daughter has some very posh friends, and some of the reasons they came up with for voting remain were off the scale of stupid.
My daughter’s reason was just that she doesn’t like change, which is at least honest and not stupid. Some of her friend’s reasons included the fear of not being able to holiday in Spain, or buy their favourite Italian fashions. My daughter would relay some of their Facebook and Twitter fears about leaving to me because she enjoyed making me roar with laughter.
Where is the BBC programme on Remain Street, where a ‘random’ selection of nice but dim folk are interviewed?
QQ I was having a discussion down the pub with son about brexit(both my son and daughter were present and both of whom voted remain). My daughter felt really uncomfortable that my son and I were having this discussion in the same room as other members of the public.
Such is the power of the MSM that in the eyes of Aunty we are probably lower than the worst sort of Paedophile. In my opinion this is illustrated by looking at the ridiculous , incessant amount of ire and critism the MSM and particularly The BBC has directed towards us. If you then look at the amount of serious criticism and condemnation directed towards the Rotherham rapists (and particularly the ridiculous knots the BBC tied itself up into so it didnt have to say the M word) – says it all really
Subtext is brexiteers should be ashamed. Lowest of the low! – Were all Scum really!
Being one of those thick, brought up on a council estate, BSc. Hons., unworthy of the franchise, Leave voters I take delight in telling people how I voted if asked. If that pisses them off, then good.
Larry anecdote:- A friend of ours told us after the referendum that she had voted Remain for her childrens’ and grandchildrens’ futures but when she asked her daughter, who has two children of her own, how she had voted, the daughter said “Leave”.
Always remember that the BBC edits out anything it doesn’t want you to hear or see.If this edited interview was rather less than the BBC hoped for then you can be certain that the unedited version was something that the BBC wants never to see the light of day.
The BBC are hammering away at Brexit for a reason; perhaps those in power plan a new referendum and we are seeing the campaign in favour of remaining. Or should we believe that the Appeaser actually means that Brexit for her is the Brexit the people voted for? I doubt it.
Auntie has at last got something to latch on to. Theresa May saying ‘no’ to the points system on immigration. Auntie has been waiting weeks for something like this. Then there are Brexit TV programmes too suddenly rising. A German couple feeling unwelcome and looking suspiciously at ‘old’ people and going back to Germany. My God – really?? How low can the BBC stoop! Oh yes plus Cornwall suffering from no EU funding now for super fast fibre broadband! The end of the world is nigh. It actually makes me feel so full of despair and the masses will believe (hopefully not) what they see on TV.
S`pose there`ll be no collation of all those good trade figures over the last few months-been so many that it`s hard to keep tabs.
Nor will there be any post-mortem into the collapse of Merkels vote in her home state yesterday, with the ascendent rise of AfD…their UKIP, their anti Islam and migrant, anti EU party.
No-wrong news-might trouble the liberal horses…so no news here!
Lying Biased BBC bastards…we KNOW your game, we want you dead.
BBC Points West tonight still bleating on about Brexit, our diverse reporter visits Weston Super Mare, as the area reflected the national result 52/48 to leave.
Four people ‘randomly’ selected for the vox-pop, 1) Hungarian laundryman, who says he wouldn’t have come if he had know we were going to vote Brexit, getting bad vibes… 2) Bar owner, his business relies on immigrant bar staff 3) Greek cafe owner 4) Middleclass woman worried about sovereignty…
Weston Super Mare : 52% Brexit
BBC WSM Vox Pop : 75% Remain
Well it’s buried deep in the BBC regions sections, but it is proof positive that the Police and the media conspired to lie about the motivations of the Rochdale Imam murderers.
“A man accused of murdering an imam has told a jury he is not a supporter of the so-called Islamic State (IS).
Mohammad Hussain Syeedy, who denies murdering Jalal Uddin in Rochdale in February, told Manchester Crown Court he does not sympathise with IS.
Mr Syeedy, 21, of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, denied supporting the group’s “ideologies”, “ways” or “actions”.
The Crown claims he played a key role in helping Mohammed Abdul Kadir, 24, bludgeon to death 71-year-old Mr Uddin.
The prosecution alleges the pair developed a hatred of the victim, believing him to be performing “black magic” because of his practising of Ruqya healing, which involves the use of amulets known as taweez.”
Drip… Drip… Drip… The Islamic Al Beeb certainly know how to ‘propagate’ a message, no matter how sadistic and evil the topic they are working with!
***World class use of suggestion and planting of narrative alert!!***
“The court was told unemployed Khan had 18 previous convictions and spent his time drinking and taking drugs”…..
To cut out all the guff/facts, I have condensed the article into Al Beebic…
“So drink and drugs are the real enemy here! How racist are you to even think for a second that there was another reason for this act!! There are only victims in this story…”
….I can picture the scene now….Propaganda room…..Al Beebistan mosque…..”Discussion on how to ‘report’ on another Norwegian enrichment event”
(Dhimmi 1): “Sensitive story coming through from the North of England….A ‘man’ has been force feeding a woman shit!”
(Dhimmi 2): “Oh how wonderful! A new recruit! Is she having a site induction at our Salford HQ?”
(Dhimmi 1): “Not that sweet, wonderful sort of shit we relentlessly shovel down our throats, or the word that sums up all BBC comedy… The real deal!”
(Dhimmi 2): “So we have our next sexism hate crime to report on!! White men are evil!! Allahu akbar!”
(Dhimmi 1): “I would keep your dungarees on just yet sister! The man who has done this sounds like hes a mentally ill Norwegian…Attar Khan! He’s just gone straight in at No1 on the victim scale..he’s the real victim in all this..”
And there you have the back story to the article my friends…
Thoughtful, “Attar Khan”. A fine Rochdale name if I am not mistaken. “Force-feeding” faeces? Is this a punishment I have yet to come too in my readings of the Quaran? He must have got the idea from somewhere.
I suspect some of those accused may be vulnerable doctors and engineers and may plead diminished responsibility on account of their mental health issues.
The rising star that is Nadiya Hussein is on a projected course of self imploding its going so fast. She’s now on a meet and greet at a book luncheon organised by You mag supplement of the MoS, alongside the likes of Clair Balding and others who are pushing their tomes. Everywhere you look these days her turban pops up, there’s no respite from the woman !
I am watching a BBC snowflake on the TV news. Did you know that an EU migrant working in this country has suffered a drop in income because the pound is lower!. Is this the new level of snowflake economic competence? They are paid in pounds moron.
Where do they find them? .
And for their information one of the main drivers of us not holidaying abroad is the real fear of a terrorist attack..
This is never mentioned by our world class broadcaster.
The whole segment just another excuse to portray us brexiteers as unfeeling racist scum.
I am really sick of this and I hope my MP is too.
DaveS, its the pounds sent to the Motherland home in converted remittances being lowered. £23 Billion in 2011 sent home by all of our ‘cultural enrichers’. If we got rid of the lot of them, that would be £23 Billion their various homelands might have to stump up.
Watch Newsnight now and weep. The BBC is out of control now and a danger to the sovereign will of the people.
Maitlis- do any of you feel you were duped- disgraceful words and she should be dismissed.
DaveS, we never hear inter alia, about the “£30 billion” new budget Osborne announced to the glee of Laura Kunessberk, he would introduce immediately on a Brexit decision. “Duped”? we sure were but we saw through that didn’t we?
September. 5th 2016 the day the Beeb on every platform declared war on brexit and the brexiteers along with their fellow travellers in other media. An absolute disgrace to see the shenanigans in action. its been relentless sneering and arrogance from early morning to late evening. The 6pm news was a disgrace with full on negativity from Bruce with negative piece after negative piece. She was literally chewing a wasp in having to mention Jim the washing machine man. Couldn’t move on quick enough.
Inside out at 7 30 presented by corbynista Matthew Wright continued the theme of racists everywhere, even trying to push London as a separate state for voting remain having their own anthem and flag. They had a smug unfunny comedian chatting to anti semite livingstone in his back garden about this. It was just one big labour love in. Has his rehabilitation started already.
With newshite to come expect more of this shit. Ye lost dickheads suck it up and move on.
Over on channel 4 news we had Fatima literally spewing venom about the Larry drivers and people of Calais demonstrating about le jungle. All tea and sympathy for the residents of that cesspit. Then frei giving the docs the usual soft interview along with requisite sad face. Newman interviews Daniel hannan about the points system but it was more of an interrupting game with her as she did not want to let him speak just appalling interviewing.
I wonder how long it will take the BBC to switch from “May rejects points-based migration plan” which they’ve been (mis)leading with all day. And whether they will give it as much prominence, and for so long.
Har har har.
Funny how the BBC article is actually about her wanting something STRICTER than a points-based system, yet they manage to make it sound like she’s not delivering on what was “promised” in the referendum. Only the BBC can manage this – so yes, in a sense they are “world class”. World class con-artists.
“I want a system where the government is able to decide who comes into the country – I think that’s what the British people want. A points-based system means that people come in automatically if they just meet the criteria,” she added.
Glad to see the BBC website has dropped their May-bashing headline of yesterday and replaced it with a positive one supporting Brexit. NOT. No, apparently revenge porn prosecutions reaching 200 is far more important than our PM considering banning EU migrants without a job 🙄
* More than 100,000 people were prosecuted for domestic abuse, with a conviction rate of more than 75%
* The number of prosecutions for rape was the highest ever recorded (4,643) and almost 58% (2,689) of those prosecuted were convicted of rape or an alternative or lesser offence
* Child sexual abuse convictions increased by almost 17% to 4,643
* The number of prosecutions for other sexual offences increased by nearly 23% to 11,995 – with 9,351 people being convicted
Do you feel that enrichment?
Notice how the BBC concentrate on the 200 ‘revenge porn’ bit which is the minor bit of the whole report?
The BBC keeps peddling the lie that Brexit will mean a shortage of workers. On the Ten last night they showed some sort of respite holiday care home for elderly people, and the manager said how much he relies on EU labour to run the place. Cue lots of images of elderly ladies in wheelchairs etc for full BBC emotional blackmail.
But it’s absolute twaddle to imply they won’t be able to get staff! They keep doing this but it’s an utter lie! For example, we could use the Channel Islands model. I worked for a few days there and chatted with a Polish hotel worker who told me all the hotels have EE labour. Since the CI are not in the EU, they have to go back home for a certain amount of time (I think they can’t stay longer than 6 months in one year) but most of the work is seasonal anyway so it doesn’t matter.
Why did none of her panel point out the disgraceful attempts by the “remain” camp to dupe the electorate? Almost every one of their confidently expressed predictions has been shown to be disingenious. Mind you, at least they’re covering Vaz, albeit using guests who are doing their best to defend the indefensible.
Note alBeeb’s use of the inverted commas – for no reason whatsoever apart from seemingly being able to avoid using the word ‘Muslim’ in their all-important headline.
In fact the first sentence of the story tells us,
‘Five women wearing the Islamic headscarf have been prevented from entering a nursery school in Corsica by other parents, local media report.’
And here’s the rub:
‘The parents who blocked the women said they were unhappy because their children were reprimanded if staff saw their Christian crosses.’
This isn’t going to end well – will Corsica be the tinderbox? If it is we can be sure alBeeb’s ensuing headline will be nice and vague so as not to be intolerant of the intolerants.
Six years ago Merkel “said the so-called “multikulti” concept – where people would “live side-by-side” happily – did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate – including learning German.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11559451
So why did the woman open the doors to so many alien peoples ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37274222
Suspicious or what ? Did she want to off-load them on the people of Great Britain ? Perhaps our Al Beeb trolls can explain?
My (white-skinned) mother had a black(skinned) china-faced doll in the late ’20s. She loved her dolls, as some children do, and treated ‘black face’ no differently from the others. She was able to hand them all on (in near perfect condition) to my young white(skinned) sister when she was a child in the ’50s. Sadly, and much regretted by both, my sister managed to destroy the lot through rough handling: black and white, indiscriminate.
My point is that, without the parental pressure clearly apparent in this BBC clip, it is not the ‘having a doll that resembles ourselves’ that is important but that, for some children, simply having a doll to cherish and interact with (perhaps roughly at times) no matter what racial characteristics it may possess, is paramount. This also seems to be the point that Ena Miller was attempting to make in this clip, in complete contradiction to the BBC headline. The clip was recorded at the ‘Black Dolls Expo’. The BBC can summon racism from the ether, it is in their blood. They would call me racist because I hate seeing the country that I love being destroyed but they ignore the mote in their own eyes.
By the way, my ‘destructive’ sister became an Olympian and made a career in physiotherapy, dealing with all races indiscriminately.
I had a black doll – never gave a thought to treating it any differently to my others. I had a golliwog too, and never realised that it was supposed to be a black person, and it wouldn’t have made any difference. But there again it was at a time when I collected the gollies on the marmalade jars but never had enough to send for the models.
Me too Deborah. In fact my black faced china doll was even dressed in a straw hat, red gingham dress and had 2 creole gold earrings ! This was the 50’s, and on the SE coast black people were as rare as hen’s teeth. However at the local airbase there were a few black serviceman – one of whom lived closed to us with his family. I befriended the little girl, and to the horror of my mother, I said “I’ve got a doll the same colour as you”. Had I said that in today’s climate I would have a childhood record of being raycist ! As said above, little girls have dolls to cherish without prejudice.
This must be a trend. When my grandfather came back from Africa after the war, he brought my mother a black doll, which she called Dusky Sue. She was just happy to have a doll. Nowadays they’d all be locked up, and serve them right. Racists!
NNN, I seem to recall all black dolls were withdrawn many years ago on the suggestion that it promoted distinction, hence, racism. It was about the same time that the Indian was taken off the Camp Coffee bottles, no more ‘Black and White’ mistrals or Golliwogs and ‘Coloured people’ became ‘Black’. (The latter always bothered me because the results of a mixed marriage would result in ‘Black’ rather than actually ‘coloured’). Maybe we should find out where the ‘black’ child obtained the doll and if it is found to be in the UK, the BBC must be alerted so they can fabricate shock and horror and send in a reporter.
The Sepoy bearer is still on the label of the Camp coffee bottle, only now, instead of serving coffee to the British officer, they are both sitting sharing a coffee. Anachronistic, but politically correct.
A family friend was a batman in the Coldstream Guards during national service, and he assures me that the possibility of sitting down for a coffee with his officer was never discussed!
LOL! Of course if they wanted to be really PC they should have had a KCIAO (King’s Commissioned Indian Army Officer) being served coffee by a white working class NCO from the British 14th Army. Such a scenario would have been perfectly possible between 1918 and 1948. (Indeed it occurs in the film ‘The English Patient’).
G, I love the idea of black and white mistrals! Btw, I didn’t mention that we also had a golliwog in the family – very smart in bright blue jacket and red striped trousers.
This 1 min video (worth a watch),starts out positive but there is a sting in the tail…
ie “1 in 4 people had thought about leaving Britain” etc…. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p046n65h
All thanks to you telly tax payers.
Why do we have a shortage of trolls, ? Is it because…….
a) they have been banned from this site?
b) Their Al Beeb ‘controllers’ have told them to ‘wind their necks’ in as they are counter productive?
I would imagine the BBC trolls are severely overstretched at the moment and have probably been moved ‘up the line’ to some other website perceived as more of a threat. Perhaps we’ll get some elderly and/or unfit ‘Home Guard’ or ‘War Reserve Constable’ trolls taking over soon?
Haha! Actually I take that remark back. I wouldn’t want to slur the honourable memory of the Home Guard and the War Reserve Constabulary by comparing our trolls to them. Our lot are more like those 13 year old boys that Hitler used to defend Berlin at the end of the war.
Why not wait until after The Guardian/BBC/Merkel plan to import 500,000,000 more Muslims into the UK is complete before the second referendum?
Then any white people still alive can be shown how little support they have?
“TV Presenter Praised For Confessing To ‘Racist’ Moment”
Also a bit creepy and sanctimonious “An American newsreader has earned praise for penning a heartfelt note encouraging people to recognise and overcome their racial bias.” Lord I have sinned, but now I’ve seen the error of my ways… and now I want YOU, wretched sinners, to see the error of your ways…
Talking of Obama, he seems might cocky and full of self importance for one who’s presidency has just months to go, look at the comments he made to May.
I might be completely wrong but in view of ‘Illary’s’ failing health, I have this feeling that the US election is not going to take place in November. Thus extending Obamas presidency and more time to diss or the Republicans (establishment) to ditch Trump?
Permit my speculation. Whatever the polls say, Hillary is losing. If I were the great power behind the Dems I would be planning for her withdrawal on health grounds. The Trump supposrters will claim victory but suppose a new, last minute candidate emerges. Good looking, charming, pulls all the correct levers for the media, has as beautiful wife, and a popular record as a celebrity or actor. I guess it is not the right time to bring out Clooney, but I would not rule out a late replacement for Hillary.
As for Obama being cocky – he must have a powerful position lined up – say the UN.
GWF, oddly enough I heard the rumours about Clooney as well, on a totally unrelated website. Speculation started as to why such a notorious womaniser would decide to get married, to a ‘human rights lawyer’ no less. One theory was that it was a necessary first step on the road to the White House.
BBc breakfast http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/37282121
yep air pollution The drones end the speculative story with a picture of a car exhaust. So unproven links between air pollution and brain disease link it to traffic.
It’s even worse than that. Those vile buses you get stuck behind, pumping black fumes into your face? They’re exempt from the same legislation that governs private cars. Ah, the joys of socialism!
Visible black smoke from a commercial vehicle, far from unusual, cancels out the efforts of how many responsible private car owners?
A large number, I suspect, yet a new car still needs an MoT after only 3 years. Perhaps I’m lucky but I’ve never had a car that needs anything doing as a result of its first MoT. From memory, I don’t think I’ve had anything significant within the first 5 years.
Yes and isn’t it strange how the police can find a score of ‘officers’ to remove one man and his family from a Cambridge pub, or to sit scanning Twitter for ‘offensive’ posts, but will allow an entire airport to be thrown into chaos by a group of far Left activists?
I thought our airports were supposed to be locked down securely in case of terrorist attacks?
Yep its all about ‘PC’ and I don’t mean Police Constables.
Londoncentreic, media led, political correctness, generated by the luvvies that control the the broadcasting in this nation who live in multi-culti London and turn their noses up at the rest of the country that we love and know as Great Britain.
That’s how they lost Brexit . That’s how we gained our independence!
GC……It’s even worse than that. Those vile buses you get stuck behind, pumping black fumes into your face? They’re exempt from the same legislation that governs private cars. Ah, the joys of socialism! …..
How many babies/toddlers suffer with asthma and other related diseases because they were ‘face forward’ in the push chairs which are eye level with exhaust systems !!! Before strollers/buggies were invented and for the convenience of car owners, Mums had to walk everywhere with large carriage prams where babies were much higher up and protected from road vehicles fumes. Although in those days you were much more likely to see a horse and cart than a car !!!
I recall reading several years ago that the exhaust from a modern, well maintained car petrol engine is so clean you can breath it without any harmful effects.
I’m a bit skeptical of that but I’m sure there’s an element of truth in it. A good modern petrol engine is a superb bit of engineering. It’s the other electronic bits that nobody seems to know how to fix.
The irony being that we wouldn’t have had millions of diesel cars had it not been for the Green hippies applying so much pressure to have them favoured. And who champions the Greens at every opportunity? Why, the now hand-wringing BBC!
‘Lifelong Labour voter’ Frank Skinner knows on which broadcaster his bread is buttered – a recent Doctor Who cameo appearance and now his own self-devised Radio 4 panel show: The Rest Is History
And yet we’re told the BBC’s search for new and exciting young talent is relentless.
Blimey, next minute lefty pocket-intellectual Will Self turns up playing his lugubrious self for pocket money on Just A Minute.
But it’s a job for life – if you correctly judge your BBC Radio 4 audience – that is the audience that is left after anyone with a shred of conservatism in their bones has been chased away.
So Skinner presents us with a show themed much like those Horrible History things so dear to the BBC heart – revise and relativise everything and anything positive in our history and culture : Unbearable British, Egrarious English, Contemptuous Colonials… but be careful to praise : Worthy Welsh, Inteligent Irish, Scrumptious Scots… Wonderful Women, Glorious Gays, Beloved Blacks…
You can tell Skinner is keen to embed himself at patrician europhile Radio 4 when in an off-the-cuff remark about leaving a certain choice in the programme to his studio audience (which in his eyes went the wrong way) he quips : “That’s what you get when you let people vote”
Pity the BBC don’t let the wider listening audience ‘vote’ on their augean stable of artists and show formats – with let’s say a subscription payment method.
Yes, its amazing AslSeelt, the State tries to convince us that we always have, “Choice” yet, in terms of payment/subsidy for broadcasting services we have none. I would dearly love to not pay the licence fee. Not because I wish to avoid payment but, I do not want to directly support a BBC which I do not agree with much of its output and general direction of travel. If the BBC were a shop, I imagine most contributors here would chose not to frequent that store.
Friends! My new Blog, “Let Us Now Ensure That Jeremy Literally Slaughters The Far-Right Red Tory Traitor, The Widely-Hated, Widely-Unknown Owen Jones [How many times do I have to tell you it’s SMITH, Lefty, dammit! – J.C.], As Part Of The New, Kinder And Gentler Politics, Friends!” is now available.
It contains some excruciatingly bad UB40-related puns, for which I apologise in advance.
You may be interested to know that I am currently writing a Blog re Our BBC, which I hope (as long as I’m satisfied with the quality – it has to be better than current BBC “comedy” output; admittedly not a very high bar!) to publish next week.
It will, among other things, criticise the Licence Fee (for being too low) and rail against BBC Bias (for being far too Right-wing) …
After seeing chucky on the daily politics yesterday was listening to lbc this morning where the reporter claimed that chucky was back in frontline politics due to his campaign to remain in the eu. May be in line to replace jim the washing machine man on the select committee. The joke is going too far. Two cheeks of the same filthy backside.
“UN human rights chief condemns Western ‘demagogues’-”
“He said he and others, including US Republican Donald Trump and Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, used the same tactics as so-called Islamic State.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37281738
I am sure the UN has more pressing things to do – perhaps it should aim its focus on the areas of the world where the ‘peaceful religion’ operates ?
Not bbc but on channel 5 the wright stuff now alibi brown discussing the points system uproar from yesterday. Enjoy the sneering shes on all week. The male and uk hate is strong with this one.
BBC lies about the origins of BLM. Trayvon Martin was not murdered and the BBC are fully aware that Zimmerman was found not guilty.
‘Black Lives Matter was set up as an international movement following the murder of black teenager Trayvon Martin in America four years ago’.
Worth noting that the BBC omit any acknowledgement that BLM in the UK is a combination of SWP Trots, Muslims, and black protestors.
They met earlier this summer in Shacklewell Lane Mosque to form an organization, with the SWP’s Weyman Bennet on the platform.
‘Why don’t Black Lives Matter want to ban the Notting Hill Carnival?
Protestors would do well to focus on black-on-black crime – but they don’t and they won’t’
It is becoming increasingly apparent that the BBC (I can only speak for Radio 4) is Her Majesty’s unofficial but only current Opposition to the present Conservative Government. Whether the Labour Party, after the leadership election, will be able to resume this role, is open to conjecture.
It is starting to look like they will be left to fight over third place with the SNP for the next four years.
From a medical perspective I’m interested to know how they manage to have a beard and boobs. And have the medical professionals ok’d use of any drugs with breastfeeding?
Another day In la la lefty anarchy land.
This time the excuse is Black Lives Matter and they are closing down London City Airport.
Needless to say, our esteemed state broadcaster portrays it as a harmless right of passage prank.
Why does the airport and other organisations similarly affected not make a civil damages claim aginst the perpetrators?
Of course many may not be able to pay……for now. But later, when reality dawns and they prosper and become relatively wealthy (as with a lot of left wing Labour MPs) they can then pay out in near perpetuity – a bit like the student loan repayments, except more stringent.
It may concentrate a few minds, because the absolutely pathetic fines and non- fines issued by the courts are laughably weak and no deterrent at all.
I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere, but how come Plod can manage to chase someone watching football with his kids out of town with the threat of arrest but can’t chase these lowlifes out of an airport?
The Black Lives Matter group, which launched a series of protests around the country last month, said on Twitter: “At London City Airport a small elite is able to fly, in 2016 alone 3,176 migrants have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean.”
And the connection is?
I can’t see the connection, unless they are saying: “you’re white, you’re rich, so we hate you.”
“By 2050 there will be 200 million climate refugees. Black people are the first to die, not the first to fly, in this racist climate crisis.”
Assuming they are protesting the effects of global warming, China is the biggest culprit in emissions, so why not protest outside the Chinese embassy? Or they could organise a boycott of China, you know, like they boycott Jews whoops I mean Israel.
These BLM types at the airport all appear to be white middle class tossers. I hope the actual BLM group complain that the airport protestors are misappropriating their cause. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the fallout from that one.
I hope they are all arrested and put on a permanent no fly ban, as they are clearly a danger to Airport security. That should scupper their holiday plans forever.
Don’t expect any arrests or trials of the airport protesters. Whatever their skin colour they are middle class university pampered brats and the cops are on their side – it must be coming from the top.
Imagine what would happen if Tommy Robinson and a handful of friends stood near the entrance to the airport, causing no disruption but holding a poster asking for tighter airport security against Islamic terrorists. Imagine the numbers of cops that would appear and how fast they would be banged up.
Have no doubt, the cops are following the Government.
On Adrian Child’s show he was discussing the misogynist hate crimes laws in the Nottingham area. Now I was driving so I couldn’t make notes but it appears there have been only 5 misogynist hate crimes reported to the police in the last few months. Obviously showing how fatuous the entire affair is to everyone, save the passionate lady defending the new laws.
… but no!!!! Adrian immediately says something along the lines of ‘there are so few reports of this crime because there are so many misogynist hate crimes out there!’ To which the woman, unable to believe such an idiotic take, squeals, ‘yes, yes, exactly.’
So, let me get this straight, in Rotherham, 1,400 rapes and tortures against children were reported, but they don’t count. Yet there are practically zero reports of misogynist hate crimes and they reveal the extent of the male hate in the area.
Surely, even the BBC can’t sell that one with a straight face, oh they are!
On Vaz TV aka Daily Politics we have Jo Cock burn and Caroline Lucas cosying up with the notion that Vaz’s sexual proclivities are a private matter and so none of our business. Which was the tack used on Toady R4 yesterday by that legendary impartial observer specially selected for interview…….Peter Tatchell.
The biased BBC. Stretching every sinew to make one of their favoured sons look like a victim.
Both of these imbeciles avoiding the fact that Vaz’s actions may have been criminal and that he is chairman of a parliamentary committee which seeks too impose its views of what is right and moral on the rest of us!
A predicted the BBC is bigging up the so called progressive alliance .On the Daily Politics they had a good quarter of the programme devoted to the topic. We can look forward to a parade of Greens, Lib Dems, non Corbynistas Labour MPs, and assorted other dangerous idiots appearing on the BBC. The BBC are doing this because their favoured political grouping of Labours non Corbynistas is now dead and they fear the left will be out of power for at least a decade. If the BBC were a private company this would be entirely acceptable but as they are funded by the state it is totally unacceptable.It is not for the BBC to help cobble together an opposition coalition.
One big green love in today on the daily politics whereas yesterdays was a labour day. Maybe tomorrow and thursdays will be a ukip and tory day. We were being introduced to the new green leaders who are in a workshare scheme, how very radical. First up was Lucas and she showed us just how out of touch and useless the she is. She only has to open her mouth. She was throwing her toys out of the pram and complaining that the greens weren’t able to get more seats because of the tories and that this progressive alliance would change that. The labour guy who was there wasn’t in favour of what lucas wanted. She didn’t look too happy when somebody quipped that the greens had more leaders than mp’s.
Then they brought on the other green leader Jonathan Bartley and what a smug git he is, a regular on the sunday morning beeb circuit. Didn’t take long for him to say ukip were fascists and his lot were with the angels. Pot kettle black. with these two cretins in charge this party will go far, probably make it to the brighton seafront if they are lucky.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Every time I listen to the BBC news the amount of negativity about Brexit is shocking, it’s time they started getting their fingers out!!
The easiest thing in the world is to sit back and criticise, time to fill their boots, assist the country to get on and prosper and not go on their jollies and learning how to tango ect (strictly)
Rant over
The BBC will never assist the country in doing anything that the corporation considers to be at odds with its liberal left elite world view.Infact it will do everything it can to hinder rather than help.
‘Luckily, that is not how the business model for TV in the UK is organised’
Often to a unique extent.
Could we be aiming for a toss-up between the BBC’s narrow, biased perspective on the World or Facebook’s?
The word slump has a distinct meaning in economics and the BBC are playing on this. We haven’t had a slump since the 1930s. It’s worse than a recession such as 2008.
Aside from Brexit there was the usual doom mongering about the NHS and the heavily politicised junior doctors strikes . Why does the BBC always use a library clip of doctors chanting ‘save our NHS’ in introducing these pieces ? The doctors dispute us nothing to do with saving tbe NHS as the BBC well knows .
EE, look at the faces on the ‘library clip’ and guess why that particular clip suits their other agendas.
Been a terrible day for the liberal media, but you`d not know it.
The GMC bloke on Radio 4 near-enough screwed the junior doctors in their threat to strike this morning.
Poor Justin Webb was reduced to piping what the union rep said to him earlier-that, in fact the Government were equally culpable if anybody died or got worse after the doctors walked out…NHS cuts you see!
Desperate liberal crap-and the GMC bloke only said that the quacks would be personally liable if the patients suffered, refusing to leave the picket line to help for instance.
Webb was not expecting this-and bet he`ll get a kicking for failing to fuel the rebellion in the green room, due to his daft line of questions.
Well done GMC!
If Hunt had turned turtle-that would have been a panicky U-turn.
When the quacks do it-it`s compassionate reflections that the Government need to thank them for and learn from-so sez the BBC and its run of quacks who go on all day unchallenged.
Apparently May won`t cause us to scupper trade with China and Australia-oh dear, not what the BBC wanted at all.
Bloody French want the Jungle gone-the BBCs hope that WE`LL take them looks forlorn and illegal-oh dear, another fail.
Oh and Vaz sneaking out the back passage to get to the Commons seems to have bothered them-to hear Tatchell this morning only shows how few friends he`s got…Tatchell just think Vaz is a gay friend…and that`s reason enough not to give the Mirror his head on a slavering houseboy with coke up his rear.
As I say-NOT the BBCs chosen results-as if any of us even note their influence any more.
Today was Monday 5th September 2016, or BBC Anti-Brexit Day as it will become to be known.
As I write I note that black activist and Guardian nack Gary Younge is in Bristol to speak to worried Poles about the effects of Brexit.
I`m reminded of Norman Wisdom waddling around a posh swimming pool with a tray full of champagne flutes.
I simply can`t imagine what will happen next…hopefully someone will tell me what Garys conclusion was…
On this evening’s PM programme the BBC paid a return visit to Racist Street, which is supposed to be a “typical” street that voted to Leave. This was given more time than anything else on the programme, despite it being cringe-worthy awful painful listening, which contributed absolutely nothing whatsoever. The point, of course, was for the BBC to bludgeon it’s listeners with the lie that all those that voted Leave are thick racists.
“Typical” street my arse.
I heard PM QQ – And I found it quite entertaining but probably for the wrong reasons. I think it fell distinctly flat on its face.
The picked venue for these “Brexit Street” interviews was a northern working mens club. No doubt picked out by the editors to show their Islington friends how thick and waycist these brexit supporting northerners were.
We were informed they were chatting to the interviewer whilst enjoying a pint – on their views over brexit/migrants etc. Straight away we knew that these people dont know much about fine wine and therefore their votes should not really count as much as nice, educated people.
First goal to Aunty was that they all had very strong northern accents – Must all be thick and obviously need people with media or politics degrees from the LSE to lead them and tell them how to vote.
BBC moved on to a loaded conservation about asylum seekers etc. Aunty probably by now full of confidence that these were obviously “thickoes” Who work long hours for little pay and deserved their lot in life, and in Aunties eyes would show themselves up as the great unwashed waycists that she obviously knows they are,. Bet they dont even know the difference between mungo beans and Adzuki beans.
But the best bit was when the “nice, well spoken female” interviewer was asking them what party they voted for – You could almost hear her thinking “say UKIP, SAY UKIP, SAAAYYY UKIP YOU THICKO BASTARDS!) – All to no avail the “thickos” were obviously not so thick after all and had obviously expected this question – not one said UKIP leaving Aunty very disapointed – All I could do was think Serves you right you twats – Made my evening!
What never ceases to amaze is that the BBC feels it is necessary to understand why these people voted brexit. I guess the view from Islington is always rose tinted and these twats would never dream of goining anywhere like Luton without a camera crew to understand what makes people like us tick .
Ha ha, I like your analysis.
The thing is my daughter has some very posh friends, and some of the reasons they came up with for voting remain were off the scale of stupid.
My daughter’s reason was just that she doesn’t like change, which is at least honest and not stupid. Some of her friend’s reasons included the fear of not being able to holiday in Spain, or buy their favourite Italian fashions. My daughter would relay some of their Facebook and Twitter fears about leaving to me because she enjoyed making me roar with laughter.
Where is the BBC programme on Remain Street, where a ‘random’ selection of nice but dim folk are interviewed?
QQ I was having a discussion down the pub with son about brexit(both my son and daughter were present and both of whom voted remain). My daughter felt really uncomfortable that my son and I were having this discussion in the same room as other members of the public.
Such is the power of the MSM that in the eyes of Aunty we are probably lower than the worst sort of Paedophile. In my opinion this is illustrated by looking at the ridiculous , incessant amount of ire and critism the MSM and particularly The BBC has directed towards us. If you then look at the amount of serious criticism and condemnation directed towards the Rotherham rapists (and particularly the ridiculous knots the BBC tied itself up into so it didnt have to say the M word) – says it all really
Subtext is brexiteers should be ashamed. Lowest of the low! – Were all Scum really!
Subtext is brexiteers should be ashamed. Lowest of the low! – Were all Scum really!
Well, who did they expect to win in a plebiscite?
And then you’ve nailed the most stupid reason that many had for voting Remain. Peer pressure, fear of what their friends would think.
Imagine what the vote would have been if was purely on arguments, with no insults.
Being one of those thick, brought up on a council estate, BSc. Hons., unworthy of the franchise, Leave voters I take delight in telling people how I voted if asked. If that pisses them off, then good.
Larry anecdote:- A friend of ours told us after the referendum that she had voted Remain for her childrens’ and grandchildrens’ futures but when she asked her daughter, who has two children of her own, how she had voted, the daughter said “Leave”.
Always remember that the BBC edits out anything it doesn’t want you to hear or see.If this edited interview was rather less than the BBC hoped for then you can be certain that the unedited version was something that the BBC wants never to see the light of day.
The BBC are hammering away at Brexit for a reason; perhaps those in power plan a new referendum and we are seeing the campaign in favour of remaining. Or should we believe that the Appeaser actually means that Brexit for her is the Brexit the people voted for? I doubt it.
Auntie has at last got something to latch on to. Theresa May saying ‘no’ to the points system on immigration. Auntie has been waiting weeks for something like this. Then there are Brexit TV programmes too suddenly rising. A German couple feeling unwelcome and looking suspiciously at ‘old’ people and going back to Germany. My God – really?? How low can the BBC stoop! Oh yes plus Cornwall suffering from no EU funding now for super fast fibre broadband! The end of the world is nigh. It actually makes me feel so full of despair and the masses will believe (hopefully not) what they see on TV.
S`pose there`ll be no collation of all those good trade figures over the last few months-been so many that it`s hard to keep tabs.
Nor will there be any post-mortem into the collapse of Merkels vote in her home state yesterday, with the ascendent rise of AfD…their UKIP, their anti Islam and migrant, anti EU party.
No-wrong news-might trouble the liberal horses…so no news here!
Lying Biased BBC bastards…we KNOW your game, we want you dead.
The bbc causes headaches
I tend to find them more of a pain in the arse. (With apologies to Mr. Vaz)
Arse over elbow
BBC Points West tonight still bleating on about Brexit, our diverse reporter visits Weston Super Mare, as the area reflected the national result 52/48 to leave.
Four people ‘randomly’ selected for the vox-pop, 1) Hungarian laundryman, who says he wouldn’t have come if he had know we were going to vote Brexit, getting bad vibes… 2) Bar owner, his business relies on immigrant bar staff 3) Greek cafe owner 4) Middleclass woman worried about sovereignty…
Weston Super Mare : 52% Brexit
BBC WSM Vox Pop : 75% Remain
Good post Geoff – I would love to see the usual bias-denying “contributers” on here explain that result.
They won’t explain as they can’t comprehend something so blatantly obvious.
Well it’s buried deep in the BBC regions sections, but it is proof positive that the Police and the media conspired to lie about the motivations of the Rochdale Imam murderers.
“A man accused of murdering an imam has told a jury he is not a supporter of the so-called Islamic State (IS).
Mohammad Hussain Syeedy, who denies murdering Jalal Uddin in Rochdale in February, told Manchester Crown Court he does not sympathise with IS.
Mr Syeedy, 21, of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, denied supporting the group’s “ideologies”, “ways” or “actions”.
The Crown claims he played a key role in helping Mohammed Abdul Kadir, 24, bludgeon to death 71-year-old Mr Uddin.
The prosecution alleges the pair developed a hatred of the victim, believing him to be performing “black magic” because of his practising of Ruqya healing, which involves the use of amulets known as taweez.”
And on a light note (sarcasm intended) !
Watford man jailed for force-feeding faeces in ‘sadistic’ attack on woman
Attar Khan, 33, admitted attacking the woman, who he knew, on 6 January at her flat in Watford.
What an attar khant.
I’ll get my coat…
Drip… Drip… Drip… The Islamic Al Beeb certainly know how to ‘propagate’ a message, no matter how sadistic and evil the topic they are working with!
***World class use of suggestion and planting of narrative alert!!***
“The court was told unemployed Khan had 18 previous convictions and spent his time drinking and taking drugs”…..
To cut out all the guff/facts, I have condensed the article into Al Beebic…
“So drink and drugs are the real enemy here! How racist are you to even think for a second that there was another reason for this act!! There are only victims in this story…”
….I can picture the scene now….Propaganda room…..Al Beebistan mosque…..”Discussion on how to ‘report’ on another Norwegian enrichment event”
(Dhimmi 1): “Sensitive story coming through from the North of England….A ‘man’ has been force feeding a woman shit!”
(Dhimmi 2): “Oh how wonderful! A new recruit! Is she having a site induction at our Salford HQ?”
(Dhimmi 1): “Not that sweet, wonderful sort of shit we relentlessly shovel down our throats, or the word that sums up all BBC comedy… The real deal!”
(Dhimmi 2): “So we have our next sexism hate crime to report on!! White men are evil!! Allahu akbar!”
(Dhimmi 1): “I would keep your dungarees on just yet sister! The man who has done this sounds like hes a mentally ill Norwegian…Attar Khan! He’s just gone straight in at No1 on the victim scale..he’s the real victim in all this..”
And there you have the back story to the article my friends…
Unemployed = Victim!
Multiple convictions = Victim!
Drink = Victim! (un-islamic act)
Drugs = Victim! (un-islamic act)
Thoughtful, “Attar Khan”. A fine Rochdale name if I am not mistaken. “Force-feeding” faeces? Is this a punishment I have yet to come too in my readings of the Quaran? He must have got the idea from somewhere.
I suspect some of those accused may be vulnerable doctors and engineers and may plead diminished responsibility on account of their mental health issues.
The rising star that is Nadiya Hussein is on a projected course of self imploding its going so fast. She’s now on a meet and greet at a book luncheon organised by You mag supplement of the MoS, alongside the likes of Clair Balding and others who are pushing their tomes. Everywhere you look these days her turban pops up, there’s no respite from the woman !
I am watching a BBC snowflake on the TV news. Did you know that an EU migrant working in this country has suffered a drop in income because the pound is lower!. Is this the new level of snowflake economic competence? They are paid in pounds moron.
Where do they find them? .
And for their information one of the main drivers of us not holidaying abroad is the real fear of a terrorist attack..
This is never mentioned by our world class broadcaster.
The whole segment just another excuse to portray us brexiteers as unfeeling racist scum.
I am really sick of this and I hope my MP is too.
My MP won’t be – it’s Tom sodding Watson!
DaveS, its the pounds sent to the Motherland home in converted remittances being lowered. £23 Billion in 2011 sent home by all of our ‘cultural enrichers’. If we got rid of the lot of them, that would be £23 Billion their various homelands might have to stump up.
What a waste of our tax. I’d rather have recipes.
Watch Newsnight now and weep. The BBC is out of control now and a danger to the sovereign will of the people.
Maitlis- do any of you feel you were duped- disgraceful words and she should be dismissed.
DaveS, we never hear inter alia, about the “£30 billion” new budget Osborne announced to the glee of Laura Kunessberk, he would introduce immediately on a Brexit decision. “Duped”? we sure were but we saw through that didn’t we?
September. 5th 2016 the day the Beeb on every platform declared war on brexit and the brexiteers along with their fellow travellers in other media. An absolute disgrace to see the shenanigans in action. its been relentless sneering and arrogance from early morning to late evening. The 6pm news was a disgrace with full on negativity from Bruce with negative piece after negative piece. She was literally chewing a wasp in having to mention Jim the washing machine man. Couldn’t move on quick enough.
Inside out at 7 30 presented by corbynista Matthew Wright continued the theme of racists everywhere, even trying to push London as a separate state for voting remain having their own anthem and flag. They had a smug unfunny comedian chatting to anti semite livingstone in his back garden about this. It was just one big labour love in. Has his rehabilitation started already.
With newshite to come expect more of this shit. Ye lost dickheads suck it up and move on.
Over on channel 4 news we had Fatima literally spewing venom about the Larry drivers and people of Calais demonstrating about le jungle. All tea and sympathy for the residents of that cesspit. Then frei giving the docs the usual soft interview along with requisite sad face. Newman interviews Daniel hannan about the points system but it was more of an interrupting game with her as she did not want to let him speak just appalling interviewing.
Apparently, “Theresa May considers banning EU migrants from coming to Britain unless they have a job”.
I wonder how long it will take the BBC to switch from “May rejects points-based migration plan” which they’ve been (mis)leading with all day. And whether they will give it as much prominence, and for so long.
Har har har.
Funny how the BBC article is actually about her wanting something STRICTER than a points-based system, yet they manage to make it sound like she’s not delivering on what was “promised” in the referendum. Only the BBC can manage this – so yes, in a sense they are “world class”. World class con-artists.
“I want a system where the government is able to decide who comes into the country – I think that’s what the British people want. A points-based system means that people come in automatically if they just meet the criteria,” she added.
Glad to see the BBC website has dropped their May-bashing headline of yesterday and replaced it with a positive one supporting Brexit. NOT. No, apparently revenge porn prosecutions reaching 200 is far more important than our PM considering banning EU migrants without a job 🙄
The revenge porn article has some interesting stats:
Revenge porn: More than 200 prosecuted under new law
* More than 100,000 people were prosecuted for domestic abuse, with a conviction rate of more than 75%
* The number of prosecutions for rape was the highest ever recorded (4,643) and almost 58% (2,689) of those prosecuted were convicted of rape or an alternative or lesser offence
* Child sexual abuse convictions increased by almost 17% to 4,643
* The number of prosecutions for other sexual offences increased by nearly 23% to 11,995 – with 9,351 people being convicted
Do you feel that enrichment?
Notice how the BBC concentrate on the 200 ‘revenge porn’ bit which is the minor bit of the whole report?
The BBC keeps peddling the lie that Brexit will mean a shortage of workers. On the Ten last night they showed some sort of respite holiday care home for elderly people, and the manager said how much he relies on EU labour to run the place. Cue lots of images of elderly ladies in wheelchairs etc for full BBC emotional blackmail.
But it’s absolute twaddle to imply they won’t be able to get staff! They keep doing this but it’s an utter lie! For example, we could use the Channel Islands model. I worked for a few days there and chatted with a Polish hotel worker who told me all the hotels have EE labour. Since the CI are not in the EU, they have to go back home for a certain amount of time (I think they can’t stay longer than 6 months in one year) but most of the work is seasonal anyway so it doesn’t matter.
Why did none of her panel point out the disgraceful attempts by the “remain” camp to dupe the electorate? Almost every one of their confidently expressed predictions has been shown to be disingenious. Mind you, at least they’re covering Vaz, albeit using guests who are doing their best to defend the indefensible.
May the magnificent, I’m enjoying your beginning, keep it up.
All going well in Corsica then after the recent beach fracas…
Corsica parents ‘block women in headscarves’
Note alBeeb’s use of the inverted commas – for no reason whatsoever apart from seemingly being able to avoid using the word ‘Muslim’ in their all-important headline.
In fact the first sentence of the story tells us,
‘Five women wearing the Islamic headscarf have been prevented from entering a nursery school in Corsica by other parents, local media report.’
And here’s the rub:
‘The parents who blocked the women said they were unhappy because their children were reprimanded if staff saw their Christian crosses.’
This isn’t going to end well – will Corsica be the tinderbox? If it is we can be sure alBeeb’s ensuing headline will be nice and vague so as not to be intolerant of the intolerants.
Six years ago Merkel “said the so-called “multikulti” concept – where people would “live side-by-side” happily – did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate – including learning German.”
So why did the woman open the doors to so many alien peoples ?
Suspicious or what ? Did she want to off-load them on the people of Great Britain ? Perhaps our Al Beeb trolls can explain?
Taffman, “live side-by-side” with immigrants integrating – Well, they’re sure integrating with a vengeance: http://newobserveronline.com/200000-invader-crimes-germany/
It’s a mystery.
My (white-skinned) mother had a black(skinned) china-faced doll in the late ’20s. She loved her dolls, as some children do, and treated ‘black face’ no differently from the others. She was able to hand them all on (in near perfect condition) to my young white(skinned) sister when she was a child in the ’50s. Sadly, and much regretted by both, my sister managed to destroy the lot through rough handling: black and white, indiscriminate.
My point is that, without the parental pressure clearly apparent in this BBC clip, it is not the ‘having a doll that resembles ourselves’ that is important but that, for some children, simply having a doll to cherish and interact with (perhaps roughly at times) no matter what racial characteristics it may possess, is paramount. This also seems to be the point that Ena Miller was attempting to make in this clip, in complete contradiction to the BBC headline. The clip was recorded at the ‘Black Dolls Expo’. The BBC can summon racism from the ether, it is in their blood. They would call me racist because I hate seeing the country that I love being destroyed but they ignore the mote in their own eyes.
By the way, my ‘destructive’ sister became an Olympian and made a career in physiotherapy, dealing with all races indiscriminately.
I had a black doll – never gave a thought to treating it any differently to my others. I had a golliwog too, and never realised that it was supposed to be a black person, and it wouldn’t have made any difference. But there again it was at a time when I collected the gollies on the marmalade jars but never had enough to send for the models.
Me too Deborah. In fact my black faced china doll was even dressed in a straw hat, red gingham dress and had 2 creole gold earrings ! This was the 50’s, and on the SE coast black people were as rare as hen’s teeth. However at the local airbase there were a few black serviceman – one of whom lived closed to us with his family. I befriended the little girl, and to the horror of my mother, I said “I’ve got a doll the same colour as you”. Had I said that in today’s climate I would have a childhood record of being raycist ! As said above, little girls have dolls to cherish without prejudice.
Three excellent posts there! My mother, too, had a black doll and a golliwog. Somehow she resisted the temptation to join the National Front…
This must be a trend. When my grandfather came back from Africa after the war, he brought my mother a black doll, which she called Dusky Sue. She was just happy to have a doll. Nowadays they’d all be locked up, and serve them right. Racists!
NNN, I seem to recall all black dolls were withdrawn many years ago on the suggestion that it promoted distinction, hence, racism. It was about the same time that the Indian was taken off the Camp Coffee bottles, no more ‘Black and White’ mistrals or Golliwogs and ‘Coloured people’ became ‘Black’. (The latter always bothered me because the results of a mixed marriage would result in ‘Black’ rather than actually ‘coloured’). Maybe we should find out where the ‘black’ child obtained the doll and if it is found to be in the UK, the BBC must be alerted so they can fabricate shock and horror and send in a reporter.
The Sepoy bearer is still on the label of the Camp coffee bottle, only now, instead of serving coffee to the British officer, they are both sitting sharing a coffee. Anachronistic, but politically correct.
A family friend was a batman in the Coldstream Guards during national service, and he assures me that the possibility of sitting down for a coffee with his officer was never discussed!
LOL! Of course if they wanted to be really PC they should have had a KCIAO (King’s Commissioned Indian Army Officer) being served coffee by a white working class NCO from the British 14th Army. Such a scenario would have been perfectly possible between 1918 and 1948. (Indeed it occurs in the film ‘The English Patient’).
Camp coffee? How homophobic!
G, I love the idea of black and white mistrals! Btw, I didn’t mention that we also had a golliwog in the family – very smart in bright blue jacket and red striped trousers.
This one has tragi-comedy written through it:
Maybe with the resergence of homages to comedies from the past, they could crank out a special entitled ‘Yes, BBC DPA Drone’?
This 1 min video (worth a watch),starts out positive but there is a sting in the tail…
ie “1 in 4 people had thought about leaving Britain” etc….
All thanks to you telly tax payers.
Why do we have a shortage of trolls, ? Is it because…….
a) they have been banned from this site?
b) Their Al Beeb ‘controllers’ have told them to ‘wind their necks’ in as they are counter productive?
We’ve had a bit of a purge recently… It does get pretty annoying pretty quickly, especially when it’s largely the same person doing it.
I would imagine the BBC trolls are severely overstretched at the moment and have probably been moved ‘up the line’ to some other website perceived as more of a threat. Perhaps we’ll get some elderly and/or unfit ‘Home Guard’ or ‘War Reserve Constable’ trolls taking over soon?
Dont tell him, Jerrod!
Haha! Actually I take that remark back. I wouldn’t want to slur the honourable memory of the Home Guard and the War Reserve Constabulary by comparing our trolls to them. Our lot are more like those 13 year old boys that Hitler used to defend Berlin at the end of the war.
“The surveys that informed the rankings were carried out before the UK voted in June to leave the EU”
So why mention Brexit?
Rhetorical, all apart from Omega (PKA Zero) know the answer.
Why not wait until after The Guardian/BBC/Merkel plan to import 500,000,000 more Muslims into the UK is complete before the second referendum?
Then any white people still alive can be shown how little support they have?
Nauseating virtue signalling / public confession.
“TV Presenter Praised For Confessing To ‘Racist’ Moment”
Also a bit creepy and sanctimonious “An American newsreader has earned praise for penning a heartfelt note encouraging people to recognise and overcome their racial bias.” Lord I have sinned, but now I’ve seen the error of my ways… and now I want YOU, wretched sinners, to see the error of your ways…
Pass the sick bucket.
Ok, was it once, and does he think he got away with it?
PTG, is it like homosexuals, “coming out”?
Interesting precedent here. British corporate institution with the name on the logo… and an invitation to chip in.
Brave, BBC… Brave.
Oh, hang on… it’s modded and filtered first by the BBC?
The more i hear about the phillipines president the more i like him
Called the jug eared chosen one ‘son of a whore’ and john kerry ‘a gay son of a bitch’
The coke sniffers at al beeb are in a state of shock that someone bad mouthed their heroes…..must be why i havent seen them mention it
Talking of Obama, he seems might cocky and full of self importance for one who’s presidency has just months to go, look at the comments he made to May.
I might be completely wrong but in view of ‘Illary’s’ failing health, I have this feeling that the US election is not going to take place in November. Thus extending Obamas presidency and more time to diss or the Republicans (establishment) to ditch Trump?
Permit my speculation. Whatever the polls say, Hillary is losing. If I were the great power behind the Dems I would be planning for her withdrawal on health grounds. The Trump supposrters will claim victory but suppose a new, last minute candidate emerges. Good looking, charming, pulls all the correct levers for the media, has as beautiful wife, and a popular record as a celebrity or actor. I guess it is not the right time to bring out Clooney, but I would not rule out a late replacement for Hillary.
As for Obama being cocky – he must have a powerful position lined up – say the UN.
GWF, oddly enough I heard the rumours about Clooney as well, on a totally unrelated website. Speculation started as to why such a notorious womaniser would decide to get married, to a ‘human rights lawyer’ no less. One theory was that it was a necessary first step on the road to the White House.
And a MUSLIM “Human Rights Lawyer” into the bargain………
BBC Online News:
“”Women seek pay rises as much as men – with less success””
BBc breakfast http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/37282121
yep air pollution The drones end the speculative story with a picture of a car exhaust. So unproven links between air pollution and brain disease link it to traffic.
Cue raised taxes on diesel and a scrappage scheme….
It’s amazing that diesel cars cause pollution , but public transport diesel trains and busses dont.
It’s even worse than that. Those vile buses you get stuck behind, pumping black fumes into your face? They’re exempt from the same legislation that governs private cars. Ah, the joys of socialism!
Good point.
Visible black smoke from a commercial vehicle, far from unusual, cancels out the efforts of how many responsible private car owners?
A large number, I suspect, yet a new car still needs an MoT after only 3 years. Perhaps I’m lucky but I’ve never had a car that needs anything doing as a result of its first MoT. From memory, I don’t think I’ve had anything significant within the first 5 years.
But I’m a car owner so I’m selfish and evil.
And another thing – why weren’t those ****** protesters dragged off the runway at London City Airport immediately?
It should take no more than 5 minutes. If they get hurt, too bad, they shouldn’t have put themselves there in the first place.
Maria Brewin
‘Uman rites’ ?
Yes and isn’t it strange how the police can find a score of ‘officers’ to remove one man and his family from a Cambridge pub, or to sit scanning Twitter for ‘offensive’ posts, but will allow an entire airport to be thrown into chaos by a group of far Left activists?
I thought our airports were supposed to be locked down securely in case of terrorist attacks?
Yep its all about ‘PC’ and I don’t mean Police Constables.
Londoncentreic, media led, political correctness, generated by the luvvies that control the the broadcasting in this nation who live in multi-culti London and turn their noses up at the rest of the country that we love and know as Great Britain.
That’s how they lost Brexit . That’s how we gained our independence!
Bradford Education Committee didn’t need any help from London or the BBC to persecute Ray Honeyford in the 1980s. Entirely home grown effort.
“Yes and isn’t it strange how the police can find a score of ‘officers’ to remove one man and his family from a Cambridge pub”
Excellent point.
GC……It’s even worse than that. Those vile buses you get stuck behind, pumping black fumes into your face? They’re exempt from the same legislation that governs private cars. Ah, the joys of socialism! …..
How many babies/toddlers suffer with asthma and other related diseases because they were ‘face forward’ in the push chairs which are eye level with exhaust systems !!! Before strollers/buggies were invented and for the convenience of car owners, Mums had to walk everywhere with large carriage prams where babies were much higher up and protected from road vehicles fumes. Although in those days you were much more likely to see a horse and cart than a car !!!
I recall reading several years ago that the exhaust from a modern, well maintained car petrol engine is so clean you can breath it without any harmful effects.
I’m a bit skeptical of that but I’m sure there’s an element of truth in it. A good modern petrol engine is a superb bit of engineering. It’s the other electronic bits that nobody seems to know how to fix.
The irony being that we wouldn’t have had millions of diesel cars had it not been for the Green hippies applying so much pressure to have them favoured. And who champions the Greens at every opportunity? Why, the now hand-wringing BBC!
‘Lifelong Labour voter’ Frank Skinner knows on which broadcaster his bread is buttered – a recent Doctor Who cameo appearance and now his own self-devised Radio 4 panel show: The Rest Is History
And yet we’re told the BBC’s search for new and exciting young talent is relentless.
Blimey, next minute lefty pocket-intellectual Will Self turns up playing his lugubrious self for pocket money on Just A Minute.
But it’s a job for life – if you correctly judge your BBC Radio 4 audience – that is the audience that is left after anyone with a shred of conservatism in their bones has been chased away.
So Skinner presents us with a show themed much like those Horrible History things so dear to the BBC heart – revise and relativise everything and anything positive in our history and culture : Unbearable British, Egrarious English, Contemptuous Colonials… but be careful to praise : Worthy Welsh, Inteligent Irish, Scrumptious Scots… Wonderful Women, Glorious Gays, Beloved Blacks…
You can tell Skinner is keen to embed himself at patrician europhile Radio 4 when in an off-the-cuff remark about leaving a certain choice in the programme to his studio audience (which in his eyes went the wrong way) he quips : “That’s what you get when you let people vote”
Pity the BBC don’t let the wider listening audience ‘vote’ on their augean stable of artists and show formats – with let’s say a subscription payment method.
Yes, its amazing AslSeelt, the State tries to convince us that we always have, “Choice” yet, in terms of payment/subsidy for broadcasting services we have none. I would dearly love to not pay the licence fee. Not because I wish to avoid payment but, I do not want to directly support a BBC which I do not agree with much of its output and general direction of travel. If the BBC were a shop, I imagine most contributors here would chose not to frequent that store.
Friends! My new Blog, “Let Us Now Ensure That Jeremy Literally Slaughters The Far-Right Red Tory Traitor, The Widely-Hated, Widely-Unknown Owen Jones [How many times do I have to tell you it’s SMITH, Lefty, dammit! – J.C.], As Part Of The New, Kinder And Gentler Politics, Friends!” is now available.
It contains some excruciatingly bad UB40-related puns, for which I apologise in advance.
‘..excruciatingly bad UB40-related puns…’
Red, Red Whine…?
That was one of them …
Is he ahead of Guido or plagiarising him?
That was an example of great minds thinking alike! I actually wrote the Blog yesterday!
Then I tip my hat to you, sir.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Friend Peter :).
You may be interested to know that I am currently writing a Blog re Our BBC, which I hope (as long as I’m satisfied with the quality – it has to be better than current BBC “comedy” output; admittedly not a very high bar!) to publish next week.
It will, among other things, criticise the Licence Fee (for being too low) and rail against BBC Bias (for being far too Right-wing) …
After seeing chucky on the daily politics yesterday was listening to lbc this morning where the reporter claimed that chucky was back in frontline politics due to his campaign to remain in the eu. May be in line to replace jim the washing machine man on the select committee. The joke is going too far. Two cheeks of the same filthy backside.
“UN human rights chief condemns Western ‘demagogues’-”
“He said he and others, including US Republican Donald Trump and Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, used the same tactics as so-called Islamic State.”
I am sure the UN has more pressing things to do – perhaps it should aim its focus on the areas of the world where the ‘peaceful religion’ operates ?
I missed the time Nigel burned his opponents alive. Did anyone else catch it?
Not bbc but on channel 5 the wright stuff now alibi brown discussing the points system uproar from yesterday. Enjoy the sneering shes on all week. The male and uk hate is strong with this one.
YAB – that thing is an aberration to the human race’s intelligence.
Notice how I didn’t use the word ‘woman’ – didn’t want to offend half the world’s population by linking her to them…
Black Lives Matter Protesters close London Airport Runway.
BBC lies about the origins of BLM. Trayvon Martin was not murdered and the BBC are fully aware that Zimmerman was found not guilty.
‘Black Lives Matter was set up as an international movement following the murder of black teenager Trayvon Martin in America four years ago’.
Worth noting that the BBC omit any acknowledgement that BLM in the UK is a combination of SWP Trots, Muslims, and black protestors.
They met earlier this summer in Shacklewell Lane Mosque to form an organization, with the SWP’s Weyman Bennet on the platform.
London BLM are firm supporters of Jeremy Corbyn
Excellent piece by Rod Liddle in The Speccie on BLM here:
‘Why don’t Black Lives Matter want to ban the Notting Hill Carnival?
Protestors would do well to focus on black-on-black crime – but they don’t and they won’t’
Can’t we bring back the stocks?
It is becoming increasingly apparent that the BBC (I can only speak for Radio 4) is Her Majesty’s unofficial but only current Opposition to the present Conservative Government. Whether the Labour Party, after the leadership election, will be able to resume this role, is open to conjecture.
It is starting to look like they will be left to fight over third place with the SNP for the next four years.
I’m lost for words on this one, have the BBC reported it yet, it can only be a matter of time…
That picture was so weird. It looks like something Terry Gilliam might have dreamed up after a cocktail of LSD, wacky baccy and magic mushrooms.
I bet that baby is feeling a right tit …..
From a medical perspective I’m interested to know how they manage to have a beard and boobs. And have the medical professionals ok’d use of any drugs with breastfeeding?
Another day In la la lefty anarchy land.
This time the excuse is Black Lives Matter and they are closing down London City Airport.
Needless to say, our esteemed state broadcaster portrays it as a harmless right of passage prank.
Why does the airport and other organisations similarly affected not make a civil damages claim aginst the perpetrators?
Of course many may not be able to pay……for now. But later, when reality dawns and they prosper and become relatively wealthy (as with a lot of left wing Labour MPs) they can then pay out in near perpetuity – a bit like the student loan repayments, except more stringent.
It may concentrate a few minds, because the absolutely pathetic fines and non- fines issued by the courts are laughably weak and no deterrent at all.
Why does nobody refer to the BLM storm troopers as nazis and fascists? They are clearly racial supremacists.
I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere, but how come Plod can manage to chase someone watching football with his kids out of town with the threat of arrest but can’t chase these lowlifes out of an airport?
The Black Lives Matter group, which launched a series of protests around the country last month, said on Twitter: “At London City Airport a small elite is able to fly, in 2016 alone 3,176 migrants have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean.”
And the connection is?
I can’t see the connection, unless they are saying: “you’re white, you’re rich, so we hate you.”
“By 2050 there will be 200 million climate refugees. Black people are the first to die, not the first to fly, in this racist climate crisis.”
Assuming they are protesting the effects of global warming, China is the biggest culprit in emissions, so why not protest outside the Chinese embassy? Or they could organise a boycott of China, you know, like they boycott
Jewswhoops I mean Israel.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/06/flights-disrupted-at-london-city-airport-after-protesters-storm/
At London City Airport a small elite is able to fly, in 2016 alone 3,176 migrants have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean.”
The “small elite” doesn’t leave London City Airport sitting on the wings of the bloody aircraft.
Create an African aircraft industry and you too can become part of a small elite. Until then ….
These BLM types at the airport all appear to be white middle class tossers. I hope the actual BLM group complain that the airport protestors are misappropriating their cause. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the fallout from that one.
I hope they are all arrested and put on a permanent no fly ban, as they are clearly a danger to Airport security. That should scupper their holiday plans forever.
Don’t expect any arrests or trials of the airport protesters. Whatever their skin colour they are middle class university pampered brats and the cops are on their side – it must be coming from the top.
Imagine what would happen if Tommy Robinson and a handful of friends stood near the entrance to the airport, causing no disruption but holding a poster asking for tighter airport security against Islamic terrorists. Imagine the numbers of cops that would appear and how fast they would be banged up.
Have no doubt, the cops are following the Government.
Yes and just imagine the fuss if one of them had stolen a pink beret…
GWF – ‘It must be coming from the top’
From Hawaii apparently:
‘Hawaii’s George Soros’: The Hidden Donor Funding The Illegal Immigration, #BlackLivesMatter Activists
Does he have a volcano lair? That would be so cool, no?
Ooh-hoo-haha-haaaa… I weeel rule a thee worrrld by funding endlesss re-diculoss prrrotests!
On Adrian Child’s show he was discussing the misogynist hate crimes laws in the Nottingham area. Now I was driving so I couldn’t make notes but it appears there have been only 5 misogynist hate crimes reported to the police in the last few months. Obviously showing how fatuous the entire affair is to everyone, save the passionate lady defending the new laws.
… but no!!!! Adrian immediately says something along the lines of ‘there are so few reports of this crime because there are so many misogynist hate crimes out there!’ To which the woman, unable to believe such an idiotic take, squeals, ‘yes, yes, exactly.’
So, let me get this straight, in Rotherham, 1,400 rapes and tortures against children were reported, but they don’t count. Yet there are practically zero reports of misogynist hate crimes and they reveal the extent of the male hate in the area.
Surely, even the BBC can’t sell that one with a straight face, oh they are!
On Vaz TV aka Daily Politics we have Jo Cock burn and Caroline Lucas cosying up with the notion that Vaz’s sexual proclivities are a private matter and so none of our business. Which was the tack used on Toady R4 yesterday by that legendary impartial observer specially selected for interview…….Peter Tatchell.
The biased BBC. Stretching every sinew to make one of their favoured sons look like a victim.
Sorry Sluff, I find the mental picture of Beeboids stretching their private sinews too painful to contemplate. Could you kindly re-phrase?
Both of these imbeciles avoiding the fact that Vaz’s actions may have been criminal and that he is chairman of a parliamentary committee which seeks too impose its views of what is right and moral on the rest of us!
Truly, these people are beyond hope.
Just think, Vaz could have been the MP for Rotherham ! no telling what he would have got up to with his fellow Asians.
A predicted the BBC is bigging up the so called progressive alliance .On the Daily Politics they had a good quarter of the programme devoted to the topic. We can look forward to a parade of Greens, Lib Dems, non Corbynistas Labour MPs, and assorted other dangerous idiots appearing on the BBC. The BBC are doing this because their favoured political grouping of Labours non Corbynistas is now dead and they fear the left will be out of power for at least a decade. If the BBC were a private company this would be entirely acceptable but as they are funded by the state it is totally unacceptable.It is not for the BBC to help cobble together an opposition coalition.
One big green love in today on the daily politics whereas yesterdays was a labour day. Maybe tomorrow and thursdays will be a ukip and tory day. We were being introduced to the new green leaders who are in a workshare scheme, how very radical. First up was Lucas and she showed us just how out of touch and useless the she is. She only has to open her mouth. She was throwing her toys out of the pram and complaining that the greens weren’t able to get more seats because of the tories and that this progressive alliance would change that. The labour guy who was there wasn’t in favour of what lucas wanted. She didn’t look too happy when somebody quipped that the greens had more leaders than mp’s.
Then they brought on the other green leader Jonathan Bartley and what a smug git he is, a regular on the sunday morning beeb circuit. Didn’t take long for him to say ukip were fascists and his lot were with the angels. Pot kettle black. with these two cretins in charge this party will go far, probably make it to the brighton seafront if they are lucky.
The Greens have tried not having a single leader before, it’s not ‘news’.