9 Black Lives Matter anarchists close London City Airport for 6 hours.
Footage shows dozens of police and airport security standing around them, doing nothing.
Meanwhile, thousands of the poor sods known as the teavelling public have to wait.
A spokesperson for BLM is then given a free run on the bBBC news.
Why could not the protesters be rounded up in about 5 minutes, answers please.
Could be wrong of course but I always thought the Civil Aviation Authority had carte blanche, a bit like HMRC, to ensure the safety, security and continued effectiveness of their properties. Why could they not simply instruct the police to clear the runway? Was it perhaps the police that caused such lengthy delays?
Also it has been suggested that the BLMbarrassments swam across to the runway – carrying chains and a large metal tripod apparently.
Yes it’s absolute nonsense. They could have been cleared off in ten seconds flat by the police. Even Westminster Abbey, I believe, has a policy of only allowing protestors one minute to disrupt services (disrupting a church service is illegal so even one minute is generous) and then they are removed by the vergers, by force if necessary. If a bunch of men in cassocks can do that why can’t armed police on a runway!?
Victoria Derbyshire spoke by phone to one of the protestors ! it was beyond mental health. The child blustered on about City Airport being racist, how it was only wealthy businessmen that used the airport while the mainly black population lived in poverty within its boundaries. It was teletubbies stuff, the child had not the foggiest idea what she was talking about, so VD cut the interview short. WHERE do they find these people to interview ????
I’m sure VD challenged the interviewee with all the inconvenience it was causing thousands of people trying to fly, the huge cost to the airport and airlines, the fact that it was a criminal offence (several) etc etc? No? I am truly shocked. NOT.
It is possible VD cloned The Mason iPhone before he headed for pastures new, then newer, then nowhere.
IIRC he was often in the thick of the coordination process for a good kick off, in his capacity as the Newsnight Anger and Protests Groupie, of integrity.
I don’t really want to dignify the pathetic tantrum with an answer but, according to my youngest, who works in London but is not what I’d call “wealthy”, City Airport can make sense for ordinary folk who for various reasons might not want to spend time getting to Gatwick, Heathrow or Stansted. Easy access by DLR and no parking to add to the cost.
Of course if you’re a complete loser who can’t hold down a reasonable job, anyone is fair game.
The BBC inform us that, “The UK will accept up to 20,000 refugees from Syria over the next five years, David Cameron has told MPs”. “He told MPs that the existing Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme, in place since early 2014, would be expanded…” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34171148
But what about the estimated 52,270 homeless people, “in priority need” in the UK? http://england.shelter.org.uk/campaigns_/why_we_campaign/housing_facts_and_figures/subsection?section=homeless_households#hf_2
Wouldn’t they appreciate a home and all the steady benefits the State will provide the so-called, “Refugees”? Why does the BBC not champion the home-grown disadvantaged?
So here is Andrew Benson the BBC motor racing correspondent pretending to discuss the career, apparently nearly over, of Bernie Ecclestone.
Several photographs of Bernie with prominent F1 drivers, with subtitles informing the ignorant who the drivers are, nothing more.
All except one, there is a photograph entitled “Ecclestone with Lewis Hamilton, who he says is the best world champion F1 has had”
There is a word for this, ubiquitous, promotion of people because of immutable characteristics. Of which AlBeeb is the most earnest, accomplished and numerically superior example. Just Kill it.
Your post was excellent.The picture from Austria of three migrants with a poster in English saying it was their right to stay in Austria just about sums up the mess that 30 plus years of liberal leftism has done to the west. These people have No right to be in Austria in the first place. The liberal left are well on the way to wrecking Europe and the USA. I’ m retired and until a couple of years ago I worried that my grandchildren would inherit a hell hole full of aliens with completely incompatible values to our own. Then I became worried that it would be my children who would inherit this mess. Now I think that it will happen in my lifetime.
“A spit hood is a primitive, cruel and degrading tool that inspires fear and anguish,” Martha Spurrier, director of Liberty, said.
“The suggestion that officers need to be able to cover people’s faces and heads is as far-fetched as it is frightening.
“Spit hoods belong in horror stories, not on the streets of a civilised society – we urge the Met Police to think again.”
Hang on a minute…,. wasn’t it just a couple of weeks ago the French police were getting a hard time trying to uncover a Muslim womans face in Nice?
I can’t keep up with the moving goalposts anymore!
Heads up chaps Nadiya is on the Simon Mayo show tonight Radio 2, it seems ages since she was last on the BBC, it must be at least, erm a couple of days?
“Nadiya Hussain, winner and star of the UK’s most watched and BAFTA winning TV show of 2015, ‘The Great British Bake Off’ joins Simon to talk about her new book ‘Bake Me a Story”
Anyone see the daily politics today?
Peter Lilley was brilliant.
Anything Jo Corbyn and Caroline Lucas said against Brexit was shot down in flames by his straightforward answers.
It’s easy for him I suppose because he is speaking common sense and the truth, backed up with facts.
Lucas and Corbyn tried all sorts of misleading lies to try and catch him out and he wiped the floor with the pair of them.
Sure was EG.
The rest of Planet Real could learn a lot from watching this.
He kept it all VERY simple-used VERY FEW words-and kept saying it over the shrill loons who were squawking over him.
Never seen Caroline Lucas so aerated-like Sturgeon, these gilded eunuchs simply have not had any opposition on the lefty liberal media.
Lilley is a good egg-physics at Oxbridge-and very good on “climate change”.
Hence you hardly see him…but ta for telling us of him today.
It is often what BBC news editors choose not to focus on that is as telling as what they do favour. A case in point is today’s report from the Crown Prosecution Service “Violence Against Women and Girls : Crime Report 2015-16.
If you expect to find this highlighted on the front page of Pravda, you will be disappointed – there is a tangential link to “Revenge Porn”, the line taken in earlier broadcast bulletins covering this report, but nothing which takes a more strategic look at the overall numbers and trends.
So here are a few points from the CPS report which Brussels Broadcasting seemed to have missed. I should add that there are no comprehensive data on this form of violent crime, many cases go unreported, as we have seen, and some data are simply not collected. To quote the CPS report, “CPS records do not include details of pre-charge decisions regarding sexual offences (excluding rape) and therefore cannot provide data on police referrals or charged defendants.” So with these caveats:
i)The volume of rape referrals rose by 11% from 2014/15,
ii)The volume of sexual offences prosecutions (excluding rape) rose by 23% compared to the previous year,
iii) The total volume of prosecutions rose by 10%
iv) and the number of prosecutions has doubled since the first year of reporting , in 2006.
v) The actual number of “revenge porn” cases prosecuted was 206, while there were 118,000 cases of domestic abuse.
The line taken by those interviewed who deal with this sort of crime was that the trend in increasing prosecutions is due to more people coming forward rather than to any observable increase in offences. Rug, broom, brush ?
Thanks to the insane “smart motorway” plan (ie make the hard shoulder a lane), the M60 is currently restricted to 50mph anyway. It really doesn’t matter which lane you are in, no-one can go faster than that, and the entire motorway is festooned with average speed cameras.
I am told that once upon a time driving was fun. That must have been nice.
Missed the Peter Lilley part of the Daily Politics but caught the beginning with `Black Lives Matter` group (mostly white people!) at Heathrow and the Green Co-Leader Caroline Lucas arguing that aeroplane travel is racist?????
One can only assume the white Green lefties never actually ever meet ethnic people who travel on planes and discover just how embarrassing the greens must be to those ethnics
Then caught the end of The Daily Politics with the new co-leader of the Greens Bartley who appeared to be brainwashed with every fascist left slogan.
Depressing how Bartley could get to the top of any sizeable party.However I disagree with the Corbyn,Mcdowell,Red Ken world view I have never considered them brainwashed or stupid just a threat to British economic and national security
The was an interview on PM this evening about the BLM protest at the airport with a woman called Alex, who was some of sort of representative of the group. She didn’t want to give out her full name on the radio. Just noticed an article in the Guardian about why the protest was justified by Alexandra Wanjiku Kelbert. Could they be related? Perhaps one of the trolls can enlighten me. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/06/climate-change-racist-crisis-london-city-airport-black-lives-matter
Just in case readers have not had quite enough of the bBBC indoctrination, the 10pm news will feature a special report on……errrr………gun crime in Chicago, naturally featuring the black areas where such crime predominantly appears.
Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent.[25] Robbery, drug use, and gang violence have been associated with black people since the 1960s
And black males are more likely to be the victims too:
In London in 2006, 75% of the victims of gun crime and 79% of the suspects were “from the African/Caribbean community
Black males accounted for 29 percent of the male victims of gun crime and 24 percent of the male victims of knife crime
Though I am sure the figures have changed in the last few years. Watching the BBC I see the biggest crime epidemic is from white males with their viscous ‘hate crimes’.
The reporter made a very brief mention of gun control. without mentioning that in Chicago it is extremely strict. It is very hard to get a permit to own a pistol in Chicago. Until a couple of years back, it was impossible.
Every single gun seen in the report was owned illegally, and the men posing with them could face five years in Federal prison if they already had felony convictions. If the Chicago Police and its politicians cared, they could round them up and clear the streets of illegal guns and the criminals who carry them. They don’t. For some reason, they cannot be bothered to get to grips with this crime wave, even though they have every legal means to do so.
Why they do not do it is the real story, but as ever the BBC ignores it entirely.
Criticise Christianity, Buddhism or Judaism and no-one bats an eyelid. However, criticise Islam and you are a racist, bigoted far-Right skinhead. I blame the BBC for this horrific brainwashing that’s turned our country into an Orwellian, politicised police-state, wherein freedom of speech is only allowed by the likes of that vile excrement, Anjem Cowpat. People getting arrested for criticising Islam on twatter and yet Anjem Cowpat has been getting away with horrific terrorist-supporting, anti-western bile for twenty years (and gets a pathetic five year sentence, which means he’ll be out after two years). This country IS FINISHED FOR GOOD!
Produced by the snowflake teenagers wasting taxpayers’ hard-earned at BBC3 – a channel so successful and watched that it had to be pulled off the airwaves and moved to online only.
Not that they care. They get their monthly salary no matter what, just like Southern Rail Union members, Junior Doctors, MPs from Leicester…
There was a brilliant programme this afternoon on Radio 4 at 3.30, called Costing the Earth. It was a wonderful spoof, showing what a radio documentary programme would be like if it was made by 11 year olds. As an example of its surreal humour, the first item told us how the Esso oil company had done some research decades ago which proved that man made global warming was real and that it would be a disaster – but then decided not to tell anyone. Of course for us grown ups it was hard to suspend disbelief because we know that western governments, the UN and the IPCC have spent billions on such research and haven’t been able to find any proof at all and have been reduced to making stuff up; but for the children who were supposed to be making the programme that was just an inconvenient truth that they could ignore.
The second item was even funnier, when they interviewed someone pretending to be Lord Browne, who was head of British Petroleum when that company sent someone to the BBC meeting that decided that the BBC should become a propaganda organisation rather than a news service. Of course that meeting wasn’t mentioned in the programme as that would have spoiled the key joke in the interview about how oil companies needed to stop finding and producing oil.
A classic comedy show, completely wasted in an afternoon slot. The comedians who scripted the show should get an award – unless it really was made by 11 year olds.
That was a dismal episode from a disgraceful series. By what right does the BBC produce a free, weekly advert for the Greens? The Green movement is nakedly political. It seeks power, sometimes via the ballot box, often simply by nagging like a fractious child – and it is particularly successful at the latter. For the BBC to openly advocate its ideas is exactly the same as if it had ‘Conservative hour’ (as if!) or ‘UKIP and UKIPping’ in its schedule.
It’s even worse when you consider the number of programmes this semi-socialist movement worms its ideas into. It is an absolute abuse of the BBC’s power that it champions this millennialist socialist cult as if its ideas were somehow not political-cum-religious.
He`s called Tom Heap is he not?
Nuff said…does exactly what it says on the composting bin.
I too heard this Costing the Earff crapola.
The BBC seemed awful taken with repentant ex gay BP bosses who are now green zealots…and green zealots for the UN who-funnily enough-have said or done nothing else but whine on about “climate change” since they started sixth form.
And done very well out of it.
Half an hour of this crap…
As for following disability scooters over to Rio, following Formula 1 to Kuala Lumpar or burning those arc lights so the telly shows and flodlights at sorts events?
Apparently none of this impacts on Gaias Grouses with we beige and drab worrywarts…so there you go.
Liberal pond life fears for its krill-and we let it shout at us for half an hour with cringing liberal arts crud like Heapy-weepie?
Wake UP England-they`re taking the piss this lot!
BBC Points West main point ‘Hate crime on 10 year old Asian boy’ the boy was ‘allegedly’made to climb scaffolding and was kicked and beaten at the top, all presented in serious tones and plenty of use of the word ‘allegedly’. Granted the boy was definitely badly bruised, but one quickly loses sympathy when we see him laughing in the background in a report from the family home.
Moving on our resident Beeboid interviews local plod, we hear all the stuff about the ‘recent rise in hate crime’ but plod fails miserably to link it to Brexit, but not allowing such an opportunity to pass, Beeboid is quick to link the two, but disappointingly (for him) plod plays it down.
Following this we have two weirdo snowflakes who put on plays for dogs and cats, or as they prefer to describe them ‘Domesticated Non Humans….’
On the Londistan programme this evening Riz Lateef did the bidding
for her Socialist workers, Trotskyist,Fifth Columnist editors, sub editors and researchers.
It was to attack the Metropolitan Police once again. It was almost back to the old days
when she was eulogizing over the criminal Mark Duggan. All that was missing then was a statue
of him in the studio. If the USA has FOX NEWS to expouse extreme right wing views. Lateef
and the rest do equally well with their extreme left wing garbage. We all know that this programme is not meant for the likes of the remaining few indigenous Londoners. I find it
BBC Points West main point ‘Hate crime on 10 year old Asian boy’ the boy was ‘allegedly’made to climb 3 levels of scaffolding and was kicked and beaten at the top, all presented in serious tones and plenty of use of the word ‘allegedly’. Granted the boy was definitely badly bruised, but one quickly loses sympathy when we see him laughing in the background in a report from the family home.
Moving on our resident Beeboid interviews local plod, we hear all the stuff about the ‘recent rise in hate crime’ but plod fails miserably to link it to Brexit, not allowing such an opportunity to pass, Beeboid is quick to link the two, but disappointingly (for him) plod plays it down, none the less job done.
Following this we have two weirdo snowflakes who put on plays for dogs and cats, or as they prefer to describe them ‘Domesticated Non Humans….’ You couldn’t make it up!
Interestingly I watched the ITV local News that followed (+1) they didn’t include the above ‘hate crime’ in their top stories…
I know it is C4 but the same virtue signalers infest it as well. Snow whining on about how divisive state grammar schools are and why they are so divisive.
What about the public school Snow went to then?. St Edwards Oxford- not exactly a cheap flea pit of a school.
I am sick and tired of the privileged lecturing us proles .Now it is time for them to STFU.
I wonder where his children went to school?
My grandson is at a grammar school. He worked to get there and he will work to get to a real university and study a real subject. His father is a carpenter. We are all very proud of him.
The Snows of this world can go to hell.
Dave, I saw this item about grammar schools on C4 News too. I couldn’t agree with you more. Snow was waving his arm at the pro-grammar Tory MP like someone demented. Meanwhile the nonentity who is now Labour’s shadow education spokesman was given a very easy time. Snow had a very privileged upbringing- prep school at Winchester then St Edwards School Oxford. I had no privileges but by going to grammar school I escaped from a Mill Town and went to Oxford University .However much the Left hate it, there is no doubt that social mobility has declined as
Comprehensives have replaced Grammars.
Well, if there were more grammar schools, the Leftist elite would have competition for the comfortable sinecures given so freely to their own, privately educated, offspring.
Continuing on the Ch4 theme. On More4 there is a West Indian announcer. She is not visible but her patois is unmistakeable, – so much so that I always miss the first few words of her dialogue because I cannot understand her.
I now live in a country where walking sheets roam the street where only eyes are visible, where a clinician at my hospital refuses to shake my hand because he is Muslim and I’m a white woman, and now I cant understand what is being said to me on the tele. To whom do I complain ?
She’s not just on More 4….She’s also on Channel 4 at various times of the week…it’s as if they’re mocking ordinary British people, and just like the BBC, Channel 4 is subsidised by the put upon licence payer, for this ridiculous dross..
Channel 4 news story about the president of Philippines, whose killed 1900 people in 7 weeks with his fight against crime, calls him the Donald trump of Asia. Have we reached a time where you can say anything with no comeback.
Channel 4 News is vile.
Witness Jon Snow haranguing some Tory in Dartford about grammar schools.
But ever so `umbly seeking the views of yet another far-left Corbyn carrion bag who spouts lefty bilge-now was she in or out of Corbyns shed?…who knows?
Our Corbyn collie was not to know that her bosses Press Monkey(Seamus Milne) seems awful fond of grammar schools for HIS kids-but Snow was way too gallant to mention this.
As for Durarte?..WHAT?
Popular, elected and wiping drug scum off his streets as elected to do?
Snow had no clue what to do or say-but seemed awfully maiden aunt like re The Presidents language.
My God-two swear words and a curse of Obama in Tagalog?
SWEAR words on Channel 4…Snow had an attack of the vapours, and was last seen getting his linen suit mopped dry of tears of anguish and surprise.
Cloistered finger bob isn`t he?…and probably the ultimate lopping wanker in broadcasting.
Tam Paxtown always the final destination with Snowjob….
“”Amy Schumer: Anyone who is not a feminist is insane””
“”It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It’s too crazy””
“”She said many who criticise Hillary Clinton do so unfairly””
“”I haven’t had a conversation with anyone who doesn’t like Hillary where they’ve had anything meaningful to say. I think she’s caught so much flack for so long now, because she isn’t what they think of as a woman””
On the topic of public sector juxtaposition……..
Got my road tax reminder today. Comes with a code which enables you to pay on line. All perfectly efficient. Just park that thought.
A relative recently had hospital surgery. There was a delay releasing them because they had to send their paperwork BY FAX from the hospital to the clinic and GP and they had run out of FAX paper !!!!!!!!!
Readers will draw their own conclusions as to the efficiency and effectiveness of the ever sainted NHS.
Personally the more I find, the more horrified I get.
Bad news for the biased BBC. Old pal Vaz resigns. Old pal Anjem Chaudry is jailed.
What can be done for the 10pm news?
Solution. Ignore them and have as the main ‘news’ (and boy do I use the term loosely) a story about the high level of gun crime in …..Chicago (FFS) ….and of course focus on the black community.
It’s just incredible. The cesspit depths they will go to to ensure maximum multiculti indoctrination and undisguised hatred of their country.
Can an entire organisation be guilty of Hate Crime?
Interestingly Trump has spoken about gun crime . His theme is that the inner city black community has been ignored and abandoned and that it has nothing to lose by voting for him. There is a recent rally where mothers of gun victims were pledging their support. Cannot remember where it took place though.
I watched the gun report on the 10pm news and thought ‘News’ had been replaced with Panorama. Anything to avoid either Vaz or Choudry. The gun issue was not about something that is happening ‘now’ and fits the BBC anti-gun agenda. Drugs were mentioned but then conveniently forgotten. I have never known the news turn into a magazine programme before.
Did anyone catch BBC’s commemoration of the great fire of London the other night? Presented by air-headed geordie DJ Laura Laverne. This involved the burning of a timber frame representation of 1666 London on a barge in the Thames. Cut to “life affirming” VT of youths gaining work experience assembling the wooden model: Arab in a Hijab, African in a hijab, arab looking gang member in a baseball cap, hijab….. Not a white-British or non-muslim youth to be seen. Hard to tell whether this was just the BBC ‘rubbing our islamophobic noses in diversity’ – or if the model really was being built exclusively by muslims. Either way I can’t imagine those youths had much affinity or interest in the history of 17th Century Londoners. Perhaps they were thinking about the 5th anniversary of the riots when they last torched the place.
Chilli, It probably seems an accurate reconstruction to young people brought up on the BBC’s version of history. Doubtless they were taught 17th century London was built by its enriching Islamic population, who then fled England after their magnificent mosques were burnt down by the Islamophobic firebug Samuel Pepys. He then faked his diaries to put the blame on some poor sod of a baker in Pudding Lane.
Ever quick to spot a trend, auntie beeb asks “Is Angela Merkel’s political capital running out?” One word: Dah!
Note the pic of, literally, swivel-eyed loon to illustrate Right Wing AfD supprters. How they must have trawled the pic archives. Editor: “Find me a pic with a really bonkers looking bloke, preferably with his arms up in a fist looking a bit threatening and subliminally reminiscent of a Nazi salute” – “I’m on it boss”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37284994
Note also the ’cause’ of her fall from grace: “what appear to have been two attacks by asylum seekers inspired by the so-called Islamic State.” Only 2? That only ‘appear’ to have been Isis inspired? What’s all the fuss about? Ignoring the huge number of daily aggressions, intimidations, crimes, rapes, abuse, swimming pool ‘incidents’, mass train station sexual assaults, etc etc…
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
9 Black Lives Matter anarchists close London City Airport for 6 hours.
Footage shows dozens of police and airport security standing around them, doing nothing.
Meanwhile, thousands of the poor sods known as the teavelling public have to wait.
A spokesperson for BLM is then given a free run on the bBBC news.
Why could not the protesters be rounded up in about 5 minutes, answers please.
Could be wrong of course but I always thought the Civil Aviation Authority had carte blanche, a bit like HMRC, to ensure the safety, security and continued effectiveness of their properties. Why could they not simply instruct the police to clear the runway? Was it perhaps the police that caused such lengthy delays?
Also it has been suggested that the BLMbarrassments swam across to the runway – carrying chains and a large metal tripod apparently.
The BLM protest, about as ethnically diverse as the Nuremberg Rally.
Not that you’d know from reading our “world class” national broadcaster.
Should have been treated as a terrorist attack
Shoot the feckless scum and ensure it isnt repeated
Yes it’s absolute nonsense. They could have been cleared off in ten seconds flat by the police. Even Westminster Abbey, I believe, has a policy of only allowing protestors one minute to disrupt services (disrupting a church service is illegal so even one minute is generous) and then they are removed by the vergers, by force if necessary. If a bunch of men in cassocks can do that why can’t armed police on a runway!?
Complaints from both sides, see.
Victoria Derbyshire spoke by phone to one of the protestors ! it was beyond mental health. The child blustered on about City Airport being racist, how it was only wealthy businessmen that used the airport while the mainly black population lived in poverty within its boundaries. It was teletubbies stuff, the child had not the foggiest idea what she was talking about, so VD cut the interview short. WHERE do they find these people to interview ????
I’m sure VD challenged the interviewee with all the inconvenience it was causing thousands of people trying to fly, the huge cost to the airport and airlines, the fact that it was a criminal offence (several) etc etc? No? I am truly shocked. NOT.
Yes and I’m also sure that she pointed out that contrary to the assertion that it was a business airport bucket and spade flights were lost to;
Florence (2)
Malaga (2)
Shannon (2)
(To say nothing of other flights to Ibiza, Alicante, Mykonos, Granada, Menorca, Quimper, Rennes and Venice)
It is possible VD cloned The Mason iPhone before he headed for pastures new, then newer, then nowhere.
IIRC he was often in the thick of the coordination process for a good kick off, in his capacity as the Newsnight Anger and Protests Groupie, of integrity.
I don’t really want to dignify the pathetic tantrum with an answer but, according to my youngest, who works in London but is not what I’d call “wealthy”, City Airport can make sense for ordinary folk who for various reasons might not want to spend time getting to Gatwick, Heathrow or Stansted. Easy access by DLR and no parking to add to the cost.
Of course if you’re a complete loser who can’t hold down a reasonable job, anyone is fair game.
Because Passenger Lives Don’t Matter.
The BBC inform us that, “The UK will accept up to 20,000 refugees from Syria over the next five years, David Cameron has told MPs”. “He told MPs that the existing Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme, in place since early 2014, would be expanded…”
But what about the estimated 52,270 homeless people, “in priority need” in the UK?
Wouldn’t they appreciate a home and all the steady benefits the State will provide the so-called, “Refugees”? Why does the BBC not champion the home-grown disadvantaged?
You can’t send a license fee letter to the homeless.
So here is Andrew Benson the BBC motor racing correspondent pretending to discuss the career, apparently nearly over, of Bernie Ecclestone.
Several photographs of Bernie with prominent F1 drivers, with subtitles informing the ignorant who the drivers are, nothing more.
All except one, there is a photograph entitled “Ecclestone with Lewis Hamilton, who he says is the best world champion F1 has had”
There is a word for this, ubiquitous, promotion of people because of immutable characteristics. Of which AlBeeb is the most earnest, accomplished and numerically superior example. Just Kill it.
Don’t think you’ll find this on the BBC: Man stabbed in neck by “light-skinned Asian man dressed in South-East Asian or north Pakistani dress.”
No mention of ‘mental health problems’ Mike? Or maybe he fled the scene in a lorry?
Looked Norwegian to me 😉
The cost of so-called, ‘Refugees’ in Europe is slowly but surely catching up on the population as a whole.
This is Austria right now, “hot from the (reliable) press”:
Meanwhile in Brussels: http://newobserveronline.com/invaders-poverty-brussels/
And in Germany: http://newobserveronline.com/invaders-cost-germans-e29bn-per-year/
Not forgetting Sweden: http://newobserveronline.com/sweden-0-27-invaders-working/
In fact, the “Refugees” will likely cripple the economies of those listed above and/or result in higher taxes with a commensurate reduction in public services.
And the answer to the problem by the unopposed Leader of Europe:
And, a few days before that announcement:
Your post was excellent.The picture from Austria of three migrants with a poster in English saying it was their right to stay in Austria just about sums up the mess that 30 plus years of liberal leftism has done to the west. These people have No right to be in Austria in the first place. The liberal left are well on the way to wrecking Europe and the USA. I’ m retired and until a couple of years ago I worried that my grandchildren would inherit a hell hole full of aliens with completely incompatible values to our own. Then I became worried that it would be my children who would inherit this mess. Now I think that it will happen in my lifetime.
Controversial spit hoods to be trialled by Met Police
“A spit hood is a primitive, cruel and degrading tool that inspires fear and anguish,” Martha Spurrier, director of Liberty, said.
“The suggestion that officers need to be able to cover people’s faces and heads is as far-fetched as it is frightening.
“Spit hoods belong in horror stories, not on the streets of a civilised society – we urge the Met Police to think again.”
Hang on a minute…,. wasn’t it just a couple of weeks ago the French police were getting a hard time trying to uncover a Muslim womans face in Nice?
I can’t keep up with the moving goalposts anymore!
That’s Liberty/Utopians for you!
Heads up chaps Nadiya is on the Simon Mayo show tonight Radio 2, it seems ages since she was last on the BBC, it must be at least, erm a couple of days?
“Nadiya Hussain, winner and star of the UK’s most watched and BAFTA winning TV show of 2015, ‘The Great British Bake Off’ joins Simon to talk about her new book ‘Bake Me a Story”
A ‘star’ ?
Geoff, certainly not the ‘Star of David’…..
Anyone see the daily politics today?
Peter Lilley was brilliant.
Anything Jo Corbyn and Caroline Lucas said against Brexit was shot down in flames by his straightforward answers.
It’s easy for him I suppose because he is speaking common sense and the truth, backed up with facts.
Lucas and Corbyn tried all sorts of misleading lies to try and catch him out and he wiped the floor with the pair of them.
Peter Lilley is extremely intelligent, very articulate and highly educated.
These are not requirements for being either the Labour Leader or Leader of the Green Party.
Sure was EG.
The rest of Planet Real could learn a lot from watching this.
He kept it all VERY simple-used VERY FEW words-and kept saying it over the shrill loons who were squawking over him.
Never seen Caroline Lucas so aerated-like Sturgeon, these gilded eunuchs simply have not had any opposition on the lefty liberal media.
Lilley is a good egg-physics at Oxbridge-and very good on “climate change”.
Hence you hardly see him…but ta for telling us of him today.
It is often what BBC news editors choose not to focus on that is as telling as what they do favour. A case in point is today’s report from the Crown Prosecution Service “Violence Against Women and Girls : Crime Report 2015-16.
If you expect to find this highlighted on the front page of Pravda, you will be disappointed – there is a tangential link to “Revenge Porn”, the line taken in earlier broadcast bulletins covering this report, but nothing which takes a more strategic look at the overall numbers and trends.
So here are a few points from the CPS report which Brussels Broadcasting seemed to have missed. I should add that there are no comprehensive data on this form of violent crime, many cases go unreported, as we have seen, and some data are simply not collected. To quote the CPS report, “CPS records do not include details of pre-charge decisions regarding sexual offences (excluding rape) and therefore cannot provide data on police referrals or charged defendants.” So with these caveats:
i)The volume of rape referrals rose by 11% from 2014/15,
ii)The volume of sexual offences prosecutions (excluding rape) rose by 23% compared to the previous year,
iii) The total volume of prosecutions rose by 10%
iv) and the number of prosecutions has doubled since the first year of reporting , in 2006.
v) The actual number of “revenge porn” cases prosecuted was 206, while there were 118,000 cases of domestic abuse.
The line taken by those interviewed who deal with this sort of crime was that the trend in increasing prosecutions is due to more people coming forward rather than to any observable increase in offences. Rug, broom, brush ?
Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad Latest poster:
The bottom right comment now just about sums up the mind set since the politicisation of the former Police force.
Thanks to the insane “smart motorway” plan (ie make the hard shoulder a lane), the M60 is currently restricted to 50mph anyway. It really doesn’t matter which lane you are in, no-one can go faster than that, and the entire motorway is festooned with average speed cameras.
I am told that once upon a time driving was fun. That must have been nice.
Missed the Peter Lilley part of the Daily Politics but caught the beginning with `Black Lives Matter` group (mostly white people!) at Heathrow and the Green Co-Leader Caroline Lucas arguing that aeroplane travel is racist?????
One can only assume the white Green lefties never actually ever meet ethnic people who travel on planes and discover just how embarrassing the greens must be to those ethnics
Then caught the end of The Daily Politics with the new co-leader of the Greens Bartley who appeared to be brainwashed with every fascist left slogan.
Depressing how Bartley could get to the top of any sizeable party.However I disagree with the Corbyn,Mcdowell,Red Ken world view I have never considered them brainwashed or stupid just a threat to British economic and national security
The environmental impact of climate change on black people.
Yep that was the full justification as emoted by Fiona Bruce on the bBBC1 news, with I thought a rather jovial twinkle in her voice.
Cue full coverage totally unchallenged of a speech by a BLM spokesperson.
It’s definitely one for the ‘ you cannot make it up’ file.
We often talk about the bBBC newsroom student marxists. Here’s proof, via the coverage of a cause they blatantly support.
Whilst the bBC waxes lyrical about the latest stunt by a bunch of white Protesters (Yes white) at city airport here is what the CS at the bBC aren’t telling you:
UK: Stupid Black lives protest by 9 White people.= Black Lives don’t matter.
The was an interview on PM this evening about the BLM protest at the airport with a woman called Alex, who was some of sort of representative of the group. She didn’t want to give out her full name on the radio. Just noticed an article in the Guardian about why the protest was justified by Alexandra Wanjiku Kelbert. Could they be related? Perhaps one of the trolls can enlighten me.
No troll me (cue dilemma in the Flokker hanger), but she may be one of the Wiltshire Wanjiku Kelberts, up for the season.
The article sounds like a spoof but sadly not. Comments going badly though
Just in case readers have not had quite enough of the bBBC indoctrination, the 10pm news will feature a special report on……errrr………gun crime in Chicago, naturally featuring the black areas where such crime predominantly appears.
Sluff, why both traveling all the way to Chicago?
The compiled crime figures by the ONS for London in 2011 say:
Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent.[25] Robbery, drug use, and gang violence have been associated with black people since the 1960s
And black males are more likely to be the victims too:
In London in 2006, 75% of the victims of gun crime and 79% of the suspects were “from the African/Caribbean community
Black males accounted for 29 percent of the male victims of gun crime and 24 percent of the male victims of knife crime
Though I am sure the figures have changed in the last few years. Watching the BBC I see the biggest crime epidemic is from white males with their viscous ‘hate crimes’.
The report was pathetic rubbish.
The reporter made a very brief mention of gun control. without mentioning that in Chicago it is extremely strict. It is very hard to get a permit to own a pistol in Chicago. Until a couple of years back, it was impossible.
Every single gun seen in the report was owned illegally, and the men posing with them could face five years in Federal prison if they already had felony convictions. If the Chicago Police and its politicians cared, they could round them up and clear the streets of illegal guns and the criminals who carry them. They don’t. For some reason, they cannot be bothered to get to grips with this crime wave, even though they have every legal means to do so.
Why they do not do it is the real story, but as ever the BBC ignores it entirely.
Criticise Christianity, Buddhism or Judaism and no-one bats an eyelid. However, criticise Islam and you are a racist, bigoted far-Right skinhead. I blame the BBC for this horrific brainwashing that’s turned our country into an Orwellian, politicised police-state, wherein freedom of speech is only allowed by the likes of that vile excrement, Anjem Cowpat. People getting arrested for criticising Islam on twatter and yet Anjem Cowpat has been getting away with horrific terrorist-supporting, anti-western bile for twenty years (and gets a pathetic five year sentence, which means he’ll be out after two years). This country IS FINISHED FOR GOOD!
First Nigel. Now Donald.
BBC ‘comedy’ on a roll. Apparently.
With integrity and balance, of course.
Produced by the snowflake teenagers wasting taxpayers’ hard-earned at BBC3 – a channel so successful and watched that it had to be pulled off the airwaves and moved to online only.
Not that they care. They get their monthly salary no matter what, just like Southern Rail Union members, Junior Doctors, MPs from Leicester…
Great news – BBC Radio Comedy isn’t dead.
There was a brilliant programme this afternoon on Radio 4 at 3.30, called Costing the Earth. It was a wonderful spoof, showing what a radio documentary programme would be like if it was made by 11 year olds. As an example of its surreal humour, the first item told us how the Esso oil company had done some research decades ago which proved that man made global warming was real and that it would be a disaster – but then decided not to tell anyone. Of course for us grown ups it was hard to suspend disbelief because we know that western governments, the UN and the IPCC have spent billions on such research and haven’t been able to find any proof at all and have been reduced to making stuff up; but for the children who were supposed to be making the programme that was just an inconvenient truth that they could ignore.
The second item was even funnier, when they interviewed someone pretending to be Lord Browne, who was head of British Petroleum when that company sent someone to the BBC meeting that decided that the BBC should become a propaganda organisation rather than a news service. Of course that meeting wasn’t mentioned in the programme as that would have spoiled the key joke in the interview about how oil companies needed to stop finding and producing oil.
A classic comedy show, completely wasted in an afternoon slot. The comedians who scripted the show should get an award – unless it really was made by 11 year olds.
That was a dismal episode from a disgraceful series. By what right does the BBC produce a free, weekly advert for the Greens? The Green movement is nakedly political. It seeks power, sometimes via the ballot box, often simply by nagging like a fractious child – and it is particularly successful at the latter. For the BBC to openly advocate its ideas is exactly the same as if it had ‘Conservative hour’ (as if!) or ‘UKIP and UKIPping’ in its schedule.
It’s even worse when you consider the number of programmes this semi-socialist movement worms its ideas into. It is an absolute abuse of the BBC’s power that it champions this millennialist socialist cult as if its ideas were somehow not political-cum-religious.
He`s called Tom Heap is he not?
Nuff said…does exactly what it says on the composting bin.
I too heard this Costing the Earff crapola.
The BBC seemed awful taken with repentant ex gay BP bosses who are now green zealots…and green zealots for the UN who-funnily enough-have said or done nothing else but whine on about “climate change” since they started sixth form.
And done very well out of it.
Half an hour of this crap…
As for following disability scooters over to Rio, following Formula 1 to Kuala Lumpar or burning those arc lights so the telly shows and flodlights at sorts events?
Apparently none of this impacts on Gaias Grouses with we beige and drab worrywarts…so there you go.
Liberal pond life fears for its krill-and we let it shout at us for half an hour with cringing liberal arts crud like Heapy-weepie?
Wake UP England-they`re taking the piss this lot!
BBC Points West main point ‘Hate crime on 10 year old Asian boy’ the boy was ‘allegedly’made to climb scaffolding and was kicked and beaten at the top, all presented in serious tones and plenty of use of the word ‘allegedly’. Granted the boy was definitely badly bruised, but one quickly loses sympathy when we see him laughing in the background in a report from the family home.
Moving on our resident Beeboid interviews local plod, we hear all the stuff about the ‘recent rise in hate crime’ but plod fails miserably to link it to Brexit, but not allowing such an opportunity to pass, Beeboid is quick to link the two, but disappointingly (for him) plod plays it down.
Following this we have two weirdo snowflakes who put on plays for dogs and cats, or as they prefer to describe them ‘Domesticated Non Humans….’
On the Londistan programme this evening Riz Lateef did the bidding
for her Socialist workers, Trotskyist,Fifth Columnist editors, sub editors and researchers.
It was to attack the Metropolitan Police once again. It was almost back to the old days
when she was eulogizing over the criminal Mark Duggan. All that was missing then was a statue
of him in the studio. If the USA has FOX NEWS to expouse extreme right wing views. Lateef
and the rest do equally well with their extreme left wing garbage. We all know that this programme is not meant for the likes of the remaining few indigenous Londoners. I find it
BBC Points West main point ‘Hate crime on 10 year old Asian boy’ the boy was ‘allegedly’made to climb 3 levels of scaffolding and was kicked and beaten at the top, all presented in serious tones and plenty of use of the word ‘allegedly’. Granted the boy was definitely badly bruised, but one quickly loses sympathy when we see him laughing in the background in a report from the family home.
Moving on our resident Beeboid interviews local plod, we hear all the stuff about the ‘recent rise in hate crime’ but plod fails miserably to link it to Brexit, not allowing such an opportunity to pass, Beeboid is quick to link the two, but disappointingly (for him) plod plays it down, none the less job done.
Following this we have two weirdo snowflakes who put on plays for dogs and cats, or as they prefer to describe them ‘Domesticated Non Humans….’ You couldn’t make it up!
Interestingly I watched the ITV local News that followed (+1) they didn’t include the above ‘hate crime’ in their top stories…
I know it is C4 but the same virtue signalers infest it as well. Snow whining on about how divisive state grammar schools are and why they are so divisive.
What about the public school Snow went to then?. St Edwards Oxford- not exactly a cheap flea pit of a school.
I am sick and tired of the privileged lecturing us proles .Now it is time for them to STFU.
I wonder where his children went to school?
My grandson is at a grammar school. He worked to get there and he will work to get to a real university and study a real subject. His father is a carpenter. We are all very proud of him.
The Snows of this world can go to hell.
Dave, I saw this item about grammar schools on C4 News too. I couldn’t agree with you more. Snow was waving his arm at the pro-grammar Tory MP like someone demented. Meanwhile the nonentity who is now Labour’s shadow education spokesman was given a very easy time. Snow had a very privileged upbringing- prep school at Winchester then St Edwards School Oxford. I had no privileges but by going to grammar school I escaped from a Mill Town and went to Oxford University .However much the Left hate it, there is no doubt that social mobility has declined as
Comprehensives have replaced Grammars.
Well, if there were more grammar schools, the Leftist elite would have competition for the comfortable sinecures given so freely to their own, privately educated, offspring.
Continuing on the Ch4 theme. On More4 there is a West Indian announcer. She is not visible but her patois is unmistakeable, – so much so that I always miss the first few words of her dialogue because I cannot understand her.
I now live in a country where walking sheets roam the street where only eyes are visible, where a clinician at my hospital refuses to shake my hand because he is Muslim and I’m a white woman, and now I cant understand what is being said to me on the tele. To whom do I complain ?
She’s not just on More 4….She’s also on Channel 4 at various times of the week…it’s as if they’re mocking ordinary British people, and just like the BBC, Channel 4 is subsidised by the put upon licence payer, for this ridiculous dross..
Sir Bob Geldof has at last taken in a refugee to his home. He promised this to the world back in September last year. He is a saintly man after all…
The refugee from persecution is a Keith Vaz. He turned up unannounced clutching a hold-all of his essential party requirements.
God bless Sir Bob and his friends in the BBC…
Channel 4 news story about the president of Philippines, whose killed 1900 people in 7 weeks with his fight against crime, calls him the Donald trump of Asia. Have we reached a time where you can say anything with no comeback.
Channel 4 News is vile.
Witness Jon Snow haranguing some Tory in Dartford about grammar schools.
But ever so `umbly seeking the views of yet another far-left Corbyn carrion bag who spouts lefty bilge-now was she in or out of Corbyns shed?…who knows?
Our Corbyn collie was not to know that her bosses Press Monkey(Seamus Milne) seems awful fond of grammar schools for HIS kids-but Snow was way too gallant to mention this.
As for Durarte?..WHAT?
Popular, elected and wiping drug scum off his streets as elected to do?
Snow had no clue what to do or say-but seemed awfully maiden aunt like re The Presidents language.
My God-two swear words and a curse of Obama in Tagalog?
SWEAR words on Channel 4…Snow had an attack of the vapours, and was last seen getting his linen suit mopped dry of tears of anguish and surprise.
Cloistered finger bob isn`t he?…and probably the ultimate lopping wanker in broadcasting.
Tam Paxtown always the final destination with Snowjob….
Just received this by email:
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Invoke Article 50 of The
Lisbon Treaty immediately.”.
The debate is scheduled for 17 October 2016.
Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.
Totally gobsmacked – have fallen off me perch.
Nearly (!) dropped my glass when I read it.
Can’t wait to see the BBC’s front-page coverage of it. 🙄
BBC Online News:
“”Amy Schumer: Anyone who is not a feminist is insane””
“”It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It’s too crazy””
“”She said many who criticise Hillary Clinton do so unfairly””
“”I haven’t had a conversation with anyone who doesn’t like Hillary where they’ve had anything meaningful to say. I think she’s caught so much flack for so long now, because she isn’t what they think of as a woman””
BBC Agenda? No challenge to her views.
On the topic of public sector juxtaposition……..
Got my road tax reminder today. Comes with a code which enables you to pay on line. All perfectly efficient. Just park that thought.
A relative recently had hospital surgery. There was a delay releasing them because they had to send their paperwork BY FAX from the hospital to the clinic and GP and they had run out of FAX paper !!!!!!!!!
Readers will draw their own conclusions as to the efficiency and effectiveness of the ever sainted NHS.
Personally the more I find, the more horrified I get.
Bad news for the biased BBC. Old pal Vaz resigns. Old pal Anjem Chaudry is jailed.
What can be done for the 10pm news?
Solution. Ignore them and have as the main ‘news’ (and boy do I use the term loosely) a story about the high level of gun crime in …..Chicago (FFS) ….and of course focus on the black community.
It’s just incredible. The cesspit depths they will go to to ensure maximum multiculti indoctrination and undisguised hatred of their country.
Can an entire organisation be guilty of Hate Crime?
Interestingly Trump has spoken about gun crime . His theme is that the inner city black community has been ignored and abandoned and that it has nothing to lose by voting for him. There is a recent rally where mothers of gun victims were pledging their support. Cannot remember where it took place though.
I watched the gun report on the 10pm news and thought ‘News’ had been replaced with Panorama. Anything to avoid either Vaz or Choudry. The gun issue was not about something that is happening ‘now’ and fits the BBC anti-gun agenda. Drugs were mentioned but then conveniently forgotten. I have never known the news turn into a magazine programme before.
if you can stomach it, watch the BBC news at six, and then turn over to ITV and watch their world view..
It’s “Progressive” news, versus reasonably balanced news, and the funniest thing is, the BBC think that nobody notices..
Chicago? Hmm.
Remind me, which Black US President has political roots in Chicago?
The name eludes me for the moment.
I know I shouldn`t laugh but………..
Did anyone catch BBC’s commemoration of the great fire of London the other night? Presented by air-headed geordie DJ Laura Laverne. This involved the burning of a timber frame representation of 1666 London on a barge in the Thames. Cut to “life affirming” VT of youths gaining work experience assembling the wooden model: Arab in a Hijab, African in a hijab, arab looking gang member in a baseball cap, hijab….. Not a white-British or non-muslim youth to be seen. Hard to tell whether this was just the BBC ‘rubbing our islamophobic noses in diversity’ – or if the model really was being built exclusively by muslims. Either way I can’t imagine those youths had much affinity or interest in the history of 17th Century Londoners. Perhaps they were thinking about the 5th anniversary of the riots when they last torched the place.
Chilli, It probably seems an accurate reconstruction to young people brought up on the BBC’s version of history. Doubtless they were taught 17th century London was built by its enriching Islamic population, who then fled England after their magnificent mosques were burnt down by the Islamophobic firebug Samuel Pepys. He then faked his diaries to put the blame on some poor sod of a baker in Pudding Lane.
Ever quick to spot a trend, auntie beeb asks “Is Angela Merkel’s political capital running out?” One word: Dah!
Note the pic of, literally, swivel-eyed loon to illustrate Right Wing AfD supprters. How they must have trawled the pic archives. Editor: “Find me a pic with a really bonkers looking bloke, preferably with his arms up in a fist looking a bit threatening and subliminally reminiscent of a Nazi salute” – “I’m on it boss”.
Note also the ’cause’ of her fall from grace: “what appear to have been two attacks by asylum seekers inspired by the so-called Islamic State.” Only 2? That only ‘appear’ to have been Isis inspired? What’s all the fuss about? Ignoring the huge number of daily aggressions, intimidations, crimes, rapes, abuse, swimming pool ‘incidents’, mass train station sexual assaults, etc etc…
Not to mention the crimes covered up, unreported, misreported, attributed to ‘Germans’ called ‘David’ and generally hidden in a hundred ways.
I’ve been doing some research into Islam with the aid of my trusty Uxbridge English Dictionary.
Here are a few of the items I found:
Enquiry as to whether small sheep is Irish.
Like a berk, only more so.
Half a mosquito.