Looking at the BBC’s frontpage right now and there is story after story on Brexit, all with a negative tone to them…funnily enough there’s one story the BBC don’t seem to have noticed…from the Telegraph….
Two thirds believe Britain is on the right track following Brexit vote, new poll shows
Two thirds of people believe Britain is on the right track following the Brexit vote and most believe the economy will do well over the next year, a new poll has revealed.
Research found that 59 per cent of people said the UK is moving in the right direction, including almost 30 per cent of those who voted to remain in the EU in the recent referendum.
Wonder if that finding will be reflected in the BBC’s grand tour of Brexit Britain as it spends a couple of days seeking out the whingers and moaners and the let’s-have-a-2nd-referendum-until-they-get-it-righters…and not forgetting the two programmes dedicated to portraying East European immigrants as the victims of a vicious and growing racist pogrom. The BBC ignores its own report which tells us….
True Vision – the joint police and Home Office hate-crime reporting portal – told 5 Live Investigates that recorded levels of hate crime are now similar to the levels seen in 2015.
So racist attacks have dropped back to the usual level…..shame the BBC rubbishes those official figures.
From the Telegraph:
In fact Jeremy Corbyn, the current leader of the Labour Party, only managed to score seven percentage points higher than the Conservative Mrs May among voters from his own party when asked who would make the best Prime Minister
This gladdens my heart on this early Monday morning and takes me back to Corbyn being voted in as Labour leader. I recall that some of my esteemed colleagues here had indicated that non-Labour voters were signing up to the party in droves to vote to ensure that the unelectable Corbyn would become leader and thus sabotage Labour in 2020.
If there really were enough saboteurs to swing the vote for Corbyn, then they have done the country a great service.
“shame the BBC rubbishes those official figures.”
Yup – on top of their Brexit broadside on today’s website, with the entire top half of the page devoted to negative stories, their leading articles on both the Wales and England sections are about “Brexit abuse”.
Welcome to the Brexit Bashing Corporation.
BBC quite shamelessly pushing the Brexit project fear buttons this morning. We’ve had drip drip drip of this nonsense ever since the vote, but this morning it’s full on.
Why? We have been told that it’s because it’s two months since the vote. Nonsense, it’s not even two months. It’s quite obvious that this is because the schools are back today, and their listening numbers peak as everybody is back in their cars.
This isn’t just bias, it’s traitorous.
You know what, I used to think this site and others like this were just full of paranoid people. I used to think the BBC was wonderful and argue with people that think the licence fee should be scrapped. I could point you to posts I have made where I have done just that.
How wrong I was. The Brexit vote and the BBC’s response to it, both before and after, has made me realise that. It’s like I’ve only just swallowed the red pill.
I know, shocking right?
It was Brexit which drove me here too, very glad to have found safe (and sane) haven.
Welcome aboard.
Once you admit to yourself that the bias exists, you realise how pervasive it is and wonder how you missed it. We’ve all been there.
I used to think while listening to so called “BBC Comedy” and news programmes on Radio 4, “Is it only me who thinks that all this stuff is sh!te? Is there something wrong with me. Am I out of touch with the real world?”. I came to this site then realised that I was quite normal, more or less, and that I was probably in the majority. The BBC is a malignent growth at the centre of British culture – it must be cut out and destroyed.
Turns out the “independent” report by the Electoral Reform Society which the BBC was all over a couple of days ago, was written by Remainiacs…
A think tank report which yesterday dominated news bulletins with a scathing attack on the conduct of the Brexit referendum was written by Remain supporters, Heat Street can reveal.
The Electoral Reform Society blasted the EU referendum as “dire” and said that the rules on popular votes must be changed forever to avoid repeating the experience.
It held up the Scottish referendum – which the Establishment won – as a model of good conduct and called for sweeping reforms of the system.
One of these was a troubling call for a Ministry of Truth-style public body to police debate, dictate which claims were too “misleading” for public consumption, and punish offenders.
However, a little digging reveals that many of those behind the report are bitterly disappointed not only with the conduct of the vote – but also the result.
Many of them tweeted their dismay when Britain voted to ditch the EU, and we could find no evidence that any of them were among the 52% who voted to leave.
The report itself, which headlines its introduction “The people have spoken. Or have they?” was mostly authored by Will Brett, a Labour councillor in Hackney.
Every time one of these “reports” is issued I try to discover the nature of the organisation and its members.
99% of them are lefties.
The Romans, who knew a thing or two had the right idea.
Cui Bono.
North west this morning covers a story about how the aerospace industry in the area might be effected.
What are Al Beeb Trustees doing about this ? You can bet your bottom dollar that they look at this site . Some time in the near future there will be a judicial inquiry into the whole of the organisation including the role of the so-called trustees.
Don’t forget ‘Inside Out’ are doing ‘Brexit Specials’ this evening. Not just in London but across the country. Clearly there has been a three line whip for Editors to produce a region by region Brexit programmes.
This is what the BBC are saying about this evening’s London offering
‘New series. The return of the documentary focusing on stories of interest to the capital, beginning by examining the impact of Brexit. Mark Jordan asks if cash-strapped first-time buyers currently priced out of the market stand to benefit from Britain leaving the EU, while Ava Vidal finds out if a recent spike in race hate crime is driving immigrants out of the country. Plus, comedian Paul Chowdhry takes a trip into the future to discover what an independent state of London might look like.’
I live in Sunderland.
Here we had a huge vote in favour of out even though the media did all they could to frighten the workers at places like Nissan which altogether counts for tens of thousands of jobs in this region.
You might wonder why all these people are for leaving if it may directly impact on their jobs.
We are not yet too full of migrants but we can see what has happened to places like London which is now virtually a foreign land. We have seen what happens in the Rotherhams and Rochdales where thousands of little white girls are sexually abused but next to nothing is being done because it is them lot who are enriching the children there. We see that so many are losing their jobs by being undercut by those coming in. We see the housing falling way behind the requirement when 360,000 (the admitted figure so probably double it) are coming in but only a third of that amount of housing is supposedly being built. We hear the rich and entitled saying things like “The eu gives us money to do things” when it’s only a part of our money being returned. We are not stupid, we see the bias by the likes of the bbc and sky plus one sided shows like question time.
We don’t want any of that so we voted leave.
It seems that almost everything the people want, the politicians seem to have their own agenda and will ignore us. We have given them our instructions, we want out, and, if there are any consequences such as some jobs lost (I don’t think so) then we will accept that. All the doom and gloom predicted by the remainers has failed to happen, in fact we are performing better. We are sick of being lied to, manipulated and ignored.
May, you have been told what we want. Ignore or backslide and you are finished.
I hope Nigel returns. He ranks alongside Churchill and Thatcher as being a strong, patriotic leader. Everything he says is true and all he has predicted is happening.
Certain people (s) forget! Britain will not be bullied nor threatened!
It’s funny how you can go out and meet EU nationals and non EU nationals and talk , joke with and laugh with them and they stay beyond closing time (unfortunately the most dangerous period for fights) and they don’t seem afraid . Perhaps they don’t listen to the BBC telling them their lives are in jeopardy .
Radio 4 PM programme ran another edition of it’s farcical and heavily biased Brexit Street today. I believe that a previous thread has demolished this series – it picked a street in the north east where there are relatively few immigrants but this street is packed with asylum seekers .
The presenter is one Emma Jane Kirby. The name says it all , middle class, lefty and patronising to Brexit voters .
Today was no exception . The interviewees were drinking in a working mans club. Although they were unrefined by Emma Janes standards, I thought they made their case against asylum seekers, immigration and the EU very well.
Maybe we are letting the BBC off and need to complain more. In fact, this site could have a sticky about this.
I complained as follows.;
“I was at a friend’s house watching News at Ten and the item about the Crick institute came on. Towards the end of the item it was stated that leaving the EU means the loss of £10M pa funding. This misleading statement is part of the BBC’s ongoing push to exaggerate the benefits of EU membership and attack the argument for Brexit.
No mention was made that the UK is a net contributor to the EU, and what we get in EU funds is a fraction back of what we pay. Nor was any mention made of the Government promise to match any EU funding till 2020 at least, and thereafter subject to it being in the national interest.
The inclusion of your statement on EU funding without qualification was deliberately misleading.”
Here is the BBC’s stock reply, has anyone else had it?
“Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC One ‘BBC News at Ten’ programme that was broadcast on 1 September.
We appreciate you feel our coverage has been overly negative and biased against the decision to leave the E.U.
We have received a wide range of feedback about our coverage of this story across our news programmes and bulletins. Keeping in mind pressures on licence fee resources, this response seeks to address the key points raised. That said, we apologise in advance if your complaint has not been specifically addressed here.
As you may be aware, Jonathan Munro, Head of Newsgathering at BBC News, appeared on Newswatch on 1 July to specifically address concerns raised by our audience about our recent coverage. You can still watch the edition here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07htbgq
During the programme Jonathan Munro addressed criticisms that BBC News’ coverage has been alarmist after the result, featuring too much coverage of people who wanted to remain in the EU. He explained BBC News has looked at reactions from both sides (those who wanted to remain and those who didn’t) and are covering the story of what it looks like to leave the EU from many different angles.
Jonathan explained that he didn’t agree with the suggestion that BBC News are looking only at the negative outcomes of the vote. He explained that we believe our coverage has been balanced and that we have looked at the potential effects Brexit could have on the job market, because technically we still don’t know the full impact.
He went on to explain that BBC News has covered many positive aspects of the outcome. For example, what immigration for non-EU citizens could look like, and what trade deals with places like New Zealand and Canada could look like. BBC News has also covered some positive outcomes coming from the falling value of the Pound.
Jonathan Munro went on to assure viewers that nobody at the BBC thinks that 17 million people of the population are racist. He pointed to examples of where we have interviewed a wide range of voters who chose “leave”. Jonathan added that he didn’t believe the BBC was too ‘London-centric’ and explained that Question Time, for example, came from both Preston and Birmingham in the run up to the referendum.
We hope this goes some way in addressing your concerns. We believe our coverage of the result has been fair, accurate and impartial. This is a quickly developing story and we will strive to continue to report on it in this manner.
Thank you again for contacting us, we value your feedback about ‘BBC News at Ten’. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers and BBC Departments every morning and I included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.”
You can imagine my amazement that people only seem to be complaining that the BBC is anti-Brexit, no one seems to think it is pro-Brexit. Amazing eh?
Has anyone else here made any complaints? Is it a waste of time?
The only way to complain is to remove their funding
Why does anyone who is a regular here feel the need to keep paying £145 to keep the coke sniffers,rent boys and champagne socialists in a job?
It beats me it really does
I’ve complained so many times I’ve lost count.
Some years back they used to write proper responses but these days it’s usually just the boilerplate response like you got, Flex. They invariably say “we appreciate you feel x, but actually we did y, so you are wrong and we are right.” It’s utterly pointless.
The only successes I ever had were:
(a) Complaining that they said that inmates at one of the Nazi concentration camps had died or been killed, instead of murdered. Their justification was that the inmates had mostly died of starvation or disease, but I pointed out that starving or mistreating people intentionally until they die is still murder. It was at about the same time as that Polish couple being sentenced for the murder of their son whom they’d starved to death, so it was quite ironic they didn’t get it the first time around. They need to keep being reminded of this one but it generally gets through when I complain about it as a matter of inaccuracy.
(b) During one of the Gaza wars the BBC reported that Israel had bombed the Gaza university without bothering to mention that the chemistry lab had been used as an explosive factory, making it sound as if Israel was against Palestinian education and were taking the opportunity to bomb a non-military facility. They corrected their story.
I have never, ever been successful on a matter of bias, and I truly think it’s a total waste of time.
Mind you given that “we” (leavers) have a small majority, and the number of people wanting a reduction in immigration is 75% according to a pre-Brexit poll, perhaps if we all went to our MPs about the BBC’s coverage of immigration they might get the message and do something about it. Probably better sooner rather than later, while the Conservatives are still in power.
But no, absolutely no point complaining, in my book.
Some here might have experience of going beyond the first round of complaining – I never took it further.