No wonder Keith Vaz was so keen on importing so many East Europeans…….
And of course Romanians and Bulgarians are coming here in ever increasing numbers as predicted by Migration Watch…and denied by Vaz and the BBC.
Still, nice to see enterprising Polish immigrants contributing to the diversity and richness of the nation and helpfully keeping muppets like Vazs occupied when he otherwise might be in Parliament trying to run the country.
Only a mention in the ‘Papers’ section on the BBC site now, fair enough, I don’t particularly want to read the detail of his exploits anyway. Just, when the next Tory gets found out, and it’s only a matter of time, I hope the BBC extends them the same reverence as they have to Vaz, and as little coverage. This lack of BBC interest in Vaz does seem a liitle odd, as his drug and sexual predelections would appear to directly conflict with his current public duties. Certainly more of a public interest case than scoring in a Chelsea strip rants at taxi driver, or plebgate for instance, yet they were all over those.
There’s a typo in there Alan. I think you meant to say “trying to ruin the country”.
And let’s not forget the expenses scandal in which Vaz was involved.
There are three avenues by which the immigration invasion is being carried out. The first is simple legal immigration; the second is the ‘asylum’ racket and the third is illegal immigration.
All three of these avenues are abetted by liberalism, which seeks to stifle any opposition to the invasion by odious comparisons to unpleasant periods in European history, or by smears intimidation and outright lies -duplicity by such as Vaz et al- Mass third World immigration is set to change forever the very being of Western civilisation, and overwhelm it with Third World culture, forever extinguishing all that has made the First World what it is. This is why immigration matters. What is at stake is the very existance of First World Nations. The BBC nevertheless will protect the invasion aims as so many of Third World people are employed by them.
Perhaps the Muslims are getting Britain back for its initial support of the Zionist Project (as it was then termed).
Under British rule, encouraged by the Balfour Declaration, large numbers of Jews streamed to what was then Palestine, and eventually became the majority by fair means (immigration) or foul (expulsions).
Immigration was carried out both above and below board. There were of course refugees too, although in this case they were fleeing *real* persecution – survivors of pogroms and/or the holocaust. They were not economic migrants, and in fact the reverse was true: the standard of living in Palestine was low and most found it hard to earn a living when they arrived.
In any event, the resulting Jewish majority meant that Israel could be established as a Jewish democratic state and national homeland.
The Muslim world feels that all this is grossly unfair and that the rights of the Palestinian Arabs to self-determination have not been upheld, and that Britain has reneged on its promises to repay the Palestinian Arabs with independence for their support during WWI.
I also understand, although of course they are not as comfortable admitting it, that they are additionally incensed by the idea of a Jewish state on territory they regard as Islamic, being as how it is ruled over by Jews, who are considered scum-de-la-scum, unter-den-untermenschen, or however you wish to phrase it – the Kaffir’s Kaffir, perhaps – in the Islamic cosmology. (Anti-Semitism being Islam’s “dirty little secret”.)
In conclusion, they have learned their lesson and are now trying to do a “reverse Palestine” back to us (and the rest of Europe/The West) by immigrating to create a Muslim majority. After all, we imposed Israel on them (in their view), or at the very least facilitated it.
Or perhaps I am reading too much into it, and they are just carrying out the task entrusted to them by the Koran, to conquer the whole world and force it to become Islamic at the point of the sword?
Mike, this is frequently used by Guardianistas and is the general view of parts of the Marxist left….that current migrant streams are in some way “payback” for western colonialism.
It’s completely bogus. The Middle East was invaded by Islam which emerged from the Arabian peninsula many centuries before “the west” existed. Muhammad “invited” the Byzantine/ Roman Emperor, Heraclius, to “embrace Islam”, got short shrift, then the invasions of Christendom began.
Likewise Spain, invaded by Muslims who had already invaded and subdued formerly Christian North Africa, a process reversed by the Reconquista led by the Catholic King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
As for Israel, there was always a remnant Jewish presence there, and the modern process of Zionist immigration began under the Ottoman Turks.
Zionism can be seen as a similar Reconquista process of liberating a land from Islam. That’s why Muslims and their friends get so upset about Israel.
Thanks embolden – so you recon it’s option (b) then! (“Or perhaps I am reading too much into it, and they are just carrying out the task entrusted to them by the Koran, to conquer the whole world and force it to become Islamic at the point of the sword?”)
My problem is, I can see both arguments as being valid (but seemingly mutually exclusive) and can’t decide which one is right.
Hmmmm…. Maybe it’s a case of “both/and” rather than “either/or”? I would be interested to hear what others think.
Option B Mike, the historic mission of muhammad and his companions remains the same. Islam or Dhimmitude, “a sandal stamping on a human face…forever.” to misquote Orwell.
Mike Hunt
SO why do you think the Zionists are not opposing it?
Indeed many Zionists seem to be actively facilitating the replacement of European populations.
This is one of the only occasions where one of the left’s racist myths – that Brits are lazy and immigrants do all the jobs we don’t want to do – is actually accurate.
I’m sorry fat MP, young foreign rent boys, industrial washing machines, add in the powder and get rid of that full dirty load on my spin cycle Petr. I am in full on Finbarr Saunders mode…
Have to compliment BBC for having Neil Wallace on Today at 7.00. He totally crucified Vaz for his conduct despite being countered by Tatchell’s defence that he’s done nothing illegal. Of course we want our elected leaders to use prostitutes and to lie about using “substances”.