One of the favourite ploys of the pro-endless immigration brigade, of which the BBC is a paid up member, is to exploit our natural human sympathy for children in peril and then use this to advance their agenda. This was most apparent in the use of images of the drowned Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, last year, when the gates of Europe were thrown open to millions of muslim opportunists on the back of such exploitative imagery. But the ploy is used time and time again. Today, the BBC reports;
The number of asylum seeking children in the care of English councils has risen 62% in a year. The largest group are boys aged 16 and 17, coming from countries such as Afghanistan or Eritrea. A refugee charity says many children are facing “serious shortages” in legal advice to help them make their case to stay. The Home Office said it had increased funding to cover the costs of care and other support for unaccompanied minors.
Mmm. “Boys” aged just BELOW the 18yr old threshold at which they would be classified as men. How convenient. We are seeing this across Europe as these illegals masquerade as “children” for the benefit of bleeding heart liberals such as those in the BBC when in fact the likelihood is that they are anything but children. Furthermore, EVEN if they ARE the age they claim to be, why on earth would the UK be providing “sanctuary” to Somalis, Sudanese, Afghans, Eritreans who have trekked thousands of miles through several perfectly safe countries to roll up at OUR door? Do’t you love the image the BBC deploy to try and sell us this story?
It’s not all children though is it David!! What about the thousands of innocent children in Rotherham who were raped, tortured and brutalised??? What about the children that were slaughtered on the promenade in Nice???……….Not a fucking word!! In fact people are either silenced or threatened that it is a fucking hate crime to even try to talk about why either of those events happened!!!!
This isn’t about protecting what’s most precious in our society, this is about a group of evil, devious bastards using whatever means necessary to blackmail/threaten or force the most tolerant, kind, welcoming, giving, peace loving people in the world to change our way of life, the most successful and tolerant anywhere on earth, into a hate filled, socially destructive, into a hell-hole that benefits these traitorous lunatics!!
(Sorry about the swearing, but I have young children and this topic is one that gets my goat!)
“What about the thousands of innocent children in Rotherham who were raped, tortured and brutalised???”
Sorry, TTP, but I think they don’t really count in BBC-land because they are either
a) working class, or
b) northern, or
c) both working class and northern, therefore they must be either
a) thick, or
b) racist, or
c) both thick and racist.
Those “noble Arabs”, on the other hand, “savage yet beautiful”, seem to hold a strange, mystifying attraction for dewy-eyed lefties, and must be welcomed at all costs.
“Marhaba, strange foreign dusky boys, er gentlemen, my home is your home… oi stop that that’s my daughter… oi put that blade away… oooo arrghhh help urgh… someone call 999…”*
Not very romantic at all, the reality.
Which why they have to hide it so ferociously.
Absolute, and unbridled f*****s.
(Just my 2p, of course.)
PS. Where is AfE when you need it?
* Obviously this only applies to a minority
I am fully aware of my 2C BBC rating. Be aware that this only applies to England though.
In fact I’m not even sure if England/English is even in the BBC approved list these days.
Ah that made me laugh… English not on the approved list these days, LOL! Thanks NWStu 🙂
Try asking the average beeboid – ydych chi’n siarad Cymraeg?
One of our native languages – if you asked the same question in Arabic, Urdu et al they might understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We also voted OUT.
Ha ha. Dioch Number 7.
I imagine you are right there.
Weird. The liberal luvvie intelligensia want us to look after all these’vulnerable’ children aged 16 and 17 with lots and lots of taxpayers money.
Yet that very same intelligensia were arguing for 16 year olds to have the VOTE in the referendum and in elections generally.
Can anyone else spot the slight disconnect?
Oh joy. I can envisage pressure groups and charities being created to demand taxpayers money to support an entirely new group of ‘disadvantaged’, the ‘vulnerable young voter’.
Lauren Southern visits the Calais Jungle and finds only three children.
Worth noting she has done numerous films visiting this camp.
Anyone see Kate Burley shut her up on Sky when she criticised the illegal immigrant scam and the media?
Lauren Southern is a wonderful counter to the idiot left. There are videos a plenty on Youtube of her using facts and intelligence to destroy the facile arguments of SJW’s. One particularly dense cow claimed she couldn’t comment on gender because she (Lauren) had never been raped!! Her use of facts really seems to annoy the snowflakes. As with the above video her right of centre opinions will never be found on the BBC.
Kate Burley shuts Lauren up over Bronze rant. Media solidarity at work
This would not be Kay ‘you can’t say that’ Burley of Tottenham fame by chance?
She’s a riot.
Your link missed out her cat fight with a younger feminista (challenger?) some years ago.
The right hook was quite impressive. Better than Mrs7.
No link I’m afraid – it was on Guido.
The modern liberal mindset blames men and boys for everything bad in the world and claims feminists are societal victims, yet when it comes to mature adolescents who believe in a religion where everyone else – especially women – are not even second class citizens they try to indoctrinate us into sympathising with them and pandering to their values which quite clearly contradict our own, including the ones liberals pretend they represent.
And it’s only the virtue signallers themselves who can’t see or assess the hypocrisy of this.
Ten facts about BBC Staff:
(1) They get other people to look after their own children, while showing anger at people who do not want to look after other peoples children.
(2) They live in hideously White gated communities, while showing anger at white people who do not want mass immigration.
(3) Live in Homes without any ethnic minority asylum seachers in them, but are angry that the viewer does not want to spend taxpayers money on asylum seekers.
(4) Would like to cuddle predators such as Big Cats and Polar Bears, but not herbivores.
(5) In cases of Homophobia, the BBC would Insist that you should first convert to Islam, if you want the BBC to agree with you that Homosexuals are perverts.
(6) Because of the huge number of scientists now classed by the BBC as “Enemies of Science”. An Environmental Analysis is now the best qualified scientist employed by the BBC.
(7) Lord Hall would agree that the average Black person is more intelligent than the average white middle-class BBC employee.
(8) Self-Education through independent journalistic investigations, is punished, first with an attempt at brainwashing at a seminar, then if that fails, the sack.
(9) Owen Smith was brainwashed by the BBC, while Jeremy Corbyn has a Brother.
(10) Most BBC Staff are “Uneducated” due to Brainwashing and Censorship, underlining the Hypocrisy at the BBC.
How can children be asylum seekers? They should be too young to be politically active & thus subject to persecution.
There’s no doubt that the BBC and for that matter Channel 4, make far too much of the ‘children argument’ in covering the Calais camps. They exaggerate the numbers of genuine children. They are deliberately credulous when presenting adults as aged 16 or 17.
I am also suspicious of the emphasis on ‘unaccompanied children’ . Genuine children would not make this hazardous journey on their own . They must be getting logistical support from traffickers which begs the question who is paying? I would imagine that their relatives are just waiting for them to get into the UK so that they too can come over using the loophole of being ‘family members.’
The whole Calais business is a fraud and we should stand firm against letting these people in.
Ex Beeboid Shelagh Fogarty was today challenged on the point that no parent would send a genuine vulnerable young child alone to cross continents. Oh I don’t know said disingenuous Foggy, when I think of the bombs falling on Alleppo, I think perhaps If I lived there and had relatives in Europe where I knew he would be safe, I would send my eight year old son (or was it godson) to join them.
What a stupid cow.
If this idiot really said that then it should be part of “Collected quotes from snowflakes”
Come to think of it we should start collecting them.
Why is the Calais Jungle a British problem anyway?
Suppose in a fit of Brexit Mania all those Sturgeon-voting, pro-EU Scots headed south and joined up with the Oxbridge academics and the pro-EU Londoners in a trek to Folkestone where they constructed a shanty town as a base to attack continental-bound trucks and trains in a desperate bid to remain slaves of the EU, would that be a French problem?
The shanty towns should not be anyone’s problem as they simply should not exist. Nearly all of the occupants are economic migrants who have been waved through other European states so the problem can be passed along. France would dearly like to pass the problem on to us if they could do so. Indeed, we pay the majority share for the security/fencing etc required to protect the staging points from France – under some duress – as a sop to the french as the french see this as a UK issue.
If the rules were applied as originally intended, all of these migrants would be held in processing camps within the original country of entry and presumably returned to their point of embarkation when it is established that they have no visa and no right of entry.If they have destroyed their documentation then they should be held in secure holding areas until their identity and country of origin are established.
This is the only way to dissuade these migrants in the long term – as this issue has gone on far to long and the west looks and acts weak.
It seems that the MSM and in particular the multi narrative BBC are making government policy by their emotive and one sided propaganda and the rule of law has fallen by th wayside. How do they think this is going to end? There are potentially millions of economic migrants who feel that they have nothing to lose and are actively encouraged by the majority of the media in the west who clearly see them as victims and irrespective to how full the lifeboat is, insist on dropping the cargoe nets over the side for more.
Weak governments (especially the french) and a complicit media (especially the BBC) conspire to make this a harder and more dangerous problem to resolve by allowing it to continue.
a) clear the jungle camp now and place all inhabitants in to processing centres. Pro-actively hunt and arrest those that attempt to disappear.
b) set up sufficient vetting centres to process/identify/investigate each and every migrant with the view of removing them back to their country of origin within days..
c) arrange planes/ferries etc to carry out the repatriation.
d) genuine refugees should be processed but with a view that they also should be returned to their country of origin if safe to do so.
e) No illegal migrant should be granted access.
f) only genuine refugees who cannot be returned or who have skills that the country of entry can use should be admitted.
This is the only way this problem will ever come to an end.
The whole Calais/Jungle farce has been running now, not for months or years, but DECADES. I’ve got an old friend who is a GP in Dover. Twenty years ago and more, we would pop across to Calais and stock up on wine and so on when I visited him. “The Jungle” and its inhabitants were there then, not in such huge numbers granted, but doing the same stuff, stowing away on trucks etc. We don’t do our booze cruises any more, it’s just too dangerous to run the gauntlet of all these poor unaccompanied children who while away their idle hours by putting up barricades and chucking rocks at passing cars on the Autoroute, in their search for a “better life” (at someone else’s expense, natch…).
That no effective steps have ever been taken to bring this idiocy to an end, by any of the several governments we have had since the early 90s, indicates that it is not an accident, but the result of deliberate policy.
Which begs the question: why? Surely, it isn’t in our national interest to have thousands upon thousands of people sticking two fingers up to our immigration policy and effectively queue-jumping all the decent, hard-working would-be immigrants who seek to come here legally. Let alone to have those thousands running around loose in our country, undocumented and unaccountable, existing in the black economy and through crime.
The idea that these “migrants” bring any economic benefit whatsoever is risible. They are largely unskilled, often illiterate and follow a religion and culture which is incompatible with our own. By coming as they do, they have already shown a blatant disregard for our laws. That’s hardly going to change once they get here. The actual cost of having them here, in benefits, healthcare, social services and housing, legal aid, police and court time and so forth, must be staggering. So why would any sane government continue to turn a blind eye to this?
The only reasonable explanation is that it’s less trouble. If any serious attempt were made to actually deal with the problem, say by rounding these buggers up, sorting them out and sending home the 98% of them who are blatant fakes, the lefty media, with the BBC in the lead, would go into meltdown, with screaming headlines and endless emoting over the poor “unaccompanied children”, the “human tragedies”, yadda yadda yadda. Prime Ministers have been forced to resign and governments have been brought down over less. So if you look at it from a career politician’s viewpoint, why would you stick your head above that particular parapet? Little to gain, since you don’t suffer personally from the consequences, and potentially everything to lose. It’s a no-brainer.
So the Beeboids and their fellow travellers in the media are given far more clout than they merit, and have arguably been instrumental in bringing our country to a point where it has been changed irrevocably for the worse and is facing an existential threat from islamisation and the demographic timebomb.
How ironic that the nation who faced down Hitler and Napoleon should be finally killed off by a mixture of public apathy, political cowardice and a bunch of over-privileged sixth-form ninnies, gushing and emoting to each other. The Beeboids and their ilk aren’t just an irritating nuisance, they are a national disaster.
DavidA, good post. I’ve long suspected also that the immigration situation in Europe is a mixture of deliberate policy by those who want more immigrants (either as cheap labour or to destabilise western capitalism) and apathy/fear about confronting a political issue which will create a media backlash. No establishment politician wants to be the one to say ‘enough’ – the last major political voice to say that was Enoch Powell, and he was crucified for it.
Not to destabilise capitalism but to undermine nation states and bring about a single English speaking multicultural European superstate. Immigrants have little loyalty to their adopted home in general and no interest in conserving its culture.
“which the BBC is a paid up member, is to exploit our natural human sympathy for children in peril”
Not so with those terminated babies in their moms womb? She (auntie)always seems to protect the mothers – especially the very young ones like this no doubt: