The way that the BBC has been headlining the ‘news’ about Australia taking a while to do a trade deal this morning, in such a joyful sneering manner, was quite blatant bias.
It might be the tipping point at which I stop paying the license.
Yes, and all that fuss about being “at the back of the queue”for a US trade deal is hilarious, given that we (through the EU) don’t have one with the US now! In fact in its entire miserable life the EU has only managed to sign 2 Trade Agreements of any real significance (and several others with small countries), but funnily enough trade actually goes on!
Notably, the BBC declined to broadcast the Australia trade minister’s comment that the opportunity for UK trade post-Brexit would be tremendous, using Australia as a conduit [since they already have unparalleled experience in that area]. No, that would be contrary to the BBC’s policy of ensuring Brexit is portrayed in the worst possible light. In any case, is it not obvious that no substantive bilateral agreement with Australia can possibly be made until we have legally left the EU? Of course it is obvious, unless we ride roughshod over present laws, which would be the height of folly. So, really, there is no story here.
I note that the language in the reports on an Australia trade deal has been tempered somewhat since the words of Steven Ciobo have actually been broadcast (funny that), and the story has even dropped from being the headline, but the report I heard at about 6:40 on this morning’s Today programme was nothing more than an opinionated rant against those of us that voted for Brexit.
They are positively gleeful about this total non-story. The prohibition is of formal negotiations; there is nothing to stop “informal” negotiations. And one would think that trade is impossible between countries without an over-arching “trade agreement”. It isn’t! I gave up on the Today programme this morning and switched over to Radio 3 instead. I think I’m now unlikely to switch back.
I listen to Radio 3 every morning but even there they have a news bulletin every half hour between 6.30 and 8.30am. They also mention current headline stories in the papers (well, the Guardian).
I always listen to Radio 5live in the morning. You should catch this guys continual sneering/laughing whenever a Brexit voter comes on! This guy simply can’t hide his hatred towards the out voters! Every news clip bring into his show, weather girls (remainers), sports reporters (remainers), comedians (remainers), travel show reporters (remainers), holiday reporters (remainers), religious people (remainers), etc etc. He can’t let them go unless/until he makes sure the listeners get the message that the BBC thinks the brexit voters are a bunch of brown shirted, council house tenants who either hate work or can’t find employement!
I wonder how many of those BBC employees also own their very own holiday homes in France, Spain, Italy etc?
His diatribe is between 32:30 – 36:00. Note the use of the words “rhetoric” and “mantra” with respect to Brexit claims, juxtaposed with the word “reality” with the comments from the Australian Trade Minister. Can you sense the glee in his voice?
The monoculture in British TV news has really been brought home to me this week. On the one hand we have BBC news being, well… BBC news (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Left) while at Sky News, that channel has plumbed new depths in its ‘cry me a river’ coverage of illegal immigrants trying to get from Africa to Europe.
Soviet Russia didn’t have any less diversity in its news reporting!
The Sky reporting of migrant-saving off Libya has been quite something. Alongside it comes a report, which to be fair they have also focused upon, suggesting that over 2/3rds of the population think that we should not take any more migrants than we have already committed ourselves to. This will be devastating to them and you can almost hear the disbelief in the reporting tone.
No doubt between them, BBC and Sky will be doing even more to try and convince us that we are all wrong.
That Sky story was a complete smokescreen in any case. What they asked was whether people would accept any more Syrian refugees.
By whose twisted standards are the illegals on those boats Syrian? By their own admission, there are very many Somalis,Nigerians and Erirtreans trying to force their way into Northern Europe.
Sky, just like the BBC, lies through its teeth about this by pretending they are Syrians fleeing a war. They are not.
Sky couldn’t give a flying f?ck as long as they get their revenue and profits. They have long been the premier exponent of charity porn in which we are given the choice of funding fresh water in some African country for £3 per month or £2 per month to save donkeys in some equally hard done by place. Do they actually not see how insensitive putting these adverts on side by side? I am not taking the p!ss here, basic sanitation should be a human right but they don’t or can’t see the mistake of showing the ads one after the other. That sums up Sky for me.
Notice how the term ‘illegal immigrants’ has been dropped by the media .
They are jumping the cue in front of legal immigrants. They are breaking the law. How many of these illegals are criminals in their own country fleeing the law ?
I understand that no background checks are made on them before they quietly melt into the the nation they arrive in – including ours ?
Mrs Sluff now is making it hard for me to spot the bBBC bias. She is fully on board but her solution is to turn over to ITV, who are a bit lightweight but to be fair they do have to fund their news out of their own pockets and do usually give the news in the order of stories a sensible person would deem most appropriate.
Sluff, how wonderful it would be if ITV transformed itself and became more ‘heavy-weight’ and honest with its news compared to the rest. I suspect they would experience a dramatic increase in their viewing numbers. This, provided they were prepared to break ranks with the broadcasters conspiracy of conveying pronounced and obvious dis-information.
They appear to feed off each others headlines.
I have a strong feeling that their ‘news hounds’ look at this site, just in case they miss something.
That was true, G, up to the time Tom Bradby became 10 o’clock anchor. Previously regular amusement, and sanity, could be gained by recording ITV and then enjoy a more balanced view after the propaganda. Now, sadly, Tom projects very much the same level of idiocy, distortion and condescension – and that, in light of his balanced presentation of The Agenda, is a minor tragedy.
The unending stream of confirmation, rectification and clarification found right here is a recipe for paranoia, but it genuinely seems to be the only reliable source of information.
There was always something entertaining about the ridiculous confabulations the BBC would come up with in their politics coverage and a certain interest in listening to the Today programme to see if you could predict the lines they would adopt. But after the BBC’s Brexit “tour de force”, I find I can’t stand anything political from the BBC for more than a few seconds. Daily Politics today was a good example. Something about the housing shortage. No mention of the monumental increase in demand for housing caused by an annual net migration rate of 300,000. If the BBC broadcast white noise, they would not be less informative. Although there would probably be ideological objections to white noise and demands by the Hackney Hippo for the transmission of “noise of colour” or even pink noise on Newsshite.
A couple of days ago, the BBC had a scathing attack on Trump, for his proposal to build a wall to block illegal immigrants. It was a juvenile type of parody of Trump and “his wall”.
Just watched the 9pm BBC news. Not a word, not one word about Britain building a wall at Calais, to prevent illegals entering Britain. No [paraody of Teresa May or Johnson. Nothing. Nada.
The BBC seems obsessed by “Black Lives Matter” and acts as if they have a worthy case. Maybe they should be reminded of:-
Barack Obama – Most powerful man on planet
Oprah Winfrey – Most famous, powerful and richest TV type person on planet
Michael Jordan – One of most famous and richest sportsman to ever walk the planet
Tiger Woods – Most famous golfer, and richest, on planet
Pele – Probably most famous footballer that ever lived on planet
Muhammad Ali – Most famous boxer and person to ever walk this planet
Stevie Wonder – Most famous blind man on planet
Martin Luther King – Most revered man (who actually never achieved anything) to ever walk the planet
Nelson Mandela – Most revered former terrorist to ever walk the planet
Jesse Owens – Most talked about and revered athlete that ever walked the planet
Bob Marley – Most talked about Rasta to ever walk the planet
Usain Bolt – Only man capable of curing terminally sick people with one smile, on the planet
Serena and Venus Williams – Most famous wrestling tag-team on the planet
Mo Farah – Only man on planet never to have done a thing wrong
I wrote to the Guardian comments during the Olympics complaining about the track events being hideously black and calling for an equal racial quota system for every event. I mean – that`s “fair” isn`t it?
The resident lefties were apoplectic with rage – I wonder why?
A frank admission this morning that when it comes to a favoured item of their liberal agenda the BBC are happy to throw journalistic objectivity to the wind.
BBC presenters brush aside problems with the Rio Paralymics with a dismissive “there’s been a lot of chatter…” and then resolve “let’s just all get behind it!”
So much for news and information – seems we’re paying for righteous parables and an expensive sanctimonious morality play.
Expect near empty stadiums for the paralympics. if you thought the main olympics were badly attended you ain’t seen nothing yet. The channel 4 coverage has the balding bird again so another two weeks hols. Nightly on channel 4 we have the corbynista fanclub adam hills and his jolly gang from the last leg all live from rio. why. it could be done from a studio over here. Some cretins are more equal than others.
Its going to be full on positivity, tightly cropped shots and lots of positivity with a good dollop of left y liberalism rammed down our throats. Whats not to enjoy.
Are any readers interested above all else in the level of gun crime in black neighbourhoods in Chicago?
No, me neither.
But it was THE headline story on the bBBC 10pm news last night. Worthy not just as the first story, but a special report, no less.
I guess it was their way of maintaining the indoctrination when the rest of the news ( Keith Vaz, Anjem Chaudry) was not going well for their favoured pals and causes, which was thus buried lower down the running order. An utterly immoral and unethical tactical ploy and a misuse of the licence fee.
“If the BBC doesn’t like the day’s news it just makes some up.”
or buries it under a nice fluffy animal story.
Oh! Quick look over there at that squirrel…
I am still waiting for the guardian/BBC liberal snowflake brigade to offer housing or money to immigrants, to sign up as a volunteer to go to Syria and fight vs Isis or sit on boats and save migrants around the Mediterranean Sea. I have yet to see that as we all known it is a lot safer and cheaper to sit on their Apple device and become an internet warrior. Also it is a nice day out when u can go out in the sunshine and demonstrate in London, they might even pull while drinking their skinny latte. Let’s guess how many will protest during the winter months…
Doh, double post sr, I suppose to say there is always “celebrity big brother dancing on ice baking competition ” with carefully selected contestants to put on the front page…
Odd in some ways, given which opportunity-denied person of colour ascended to the Presidency having worked his magic earlier in the Windbag City before moving on to greater feats.
“If I had a propaganda tool, it would look like the BBC”.
Sluff, I noted what you saw at end of last thread, but the ‘Special Report’ last night was unbelievable. I don’t remember a previous News that either led with a special report or spent so long on it. This report could have been broadcast any time during the last month when the BBC was obviously short of news. Why last night?
What I wonder is the mindset if the editors. Do they really think ‘we must chose something to put Vaz and Choudray lower down the running order’. I do believe that there is institutional Left think, but how does it transfer to what we saw last night? The desire to hide or lower the importance of major stories can only be deliberate.
It’s easily done. They have a meeting to decide to running order and will have had that ‘report’ on ice waiting for the ‘right day’ to screen it. The way group dynamics operate, it will only take a couple of more senior/forceful types to swing it.
For all its pretend ‘niceness’ the BBC operates under a cloud of fear. Even if there were any conservative doubters at such an editorial meeting, they wouldn’t have dared voice their concerns beyond a mere murmur. That way lies promotion – out of the building.
GC, your comment about the meetings that decide the news running order reminded me of something from “Can We Still Trust The BBC?” by Robin Aitken (2013 update, page 86):
“At the meeting of the BBC Forum in December 2000 I suggested to Greg Dyke that there should be an internal inquiry into bias. Dyke mumbled his way through a muddled reply; as he left the meeting, I happened to overhear him in the corridor demand angrily of his PA, ‘Who was that fucker?’ BBC Forum meetings were covered by Ariel, the BBC’s staff newspaper. At the end of the meeting the Ariel reporter asked for more details but warned that ‘controversial’ topics were often spiked. Sure enough, not a word appeared. I wrote to the reporter saying that Ariel had lived up to its nickname Pravda. …”
Sluff, I listened to that item from the BBC reporter ’embedded’ in two crime-ridden areas of Chicago for two days. I listened against the background of months of information on this very same topic provided by The New Observer Online. The only, only difference is that the online Observer is truthful in telling the visitor that the simple truth is that the murder rate is virtually solely down to blacks killing blacks. All due to the, now, imbalance between white/black. Chicago is a black predominant city.
In a long list of features, this one tells all:
Indeed, The New Observer has highlighted the same problems now in Washington DC and Balitmore where also, blacks dominate.
Pity that the Europeans and in particular Germany, have not spotted the similarities in rising crime associated with the influx of blacks from Africa and other alien species. But there, these are articles for the BBC to distort in the future.
Actually, knowing the high level of black-on-black gun crime in the US is useful, and of particular interest when being subjected to the screaming liars of the BLM movement and their media apologists who are all keen on painting American cops as modern day Klansmen.
Despite the statements … It did not plan job losses among the 1,850 workforce and said it still had a “substantial commitment” to the plant.
“Due to the success of our other advanced-technology engines – including the 1.0-litre EcoBoost petrol engine – and anticipated changes in demand in Europe and other markets, we now expect the global volume of the new engines not to be as high as originally planned,” said a spokesman.
‘Some’ people say that having an engine that fails in under five years and that Ford ‘technicians’ are unable to fix after charging for two lots of costly ‘diagnostics’ might just lead to “the global volume of the new engines not to be as high as originally planned”.
Well my personal experience and speculation is no less informed than the BBC’s – and just as true as long as it is headed with BBC cover words like ‘some’ or ‘many’, which are totally meaningless in analytic terms but excellent for campaigning.
Syrian Government drops chlorine on little children in Allepo. Well its not been verified, but the BBC runs a headline with quotation marks over the words ‘drop chlorine’.
Any report from Jeremy Bowen has to be taken with a pinch of snuff.
A couple of days ago the Beeb let its bias show. Reporting on Brexit from Port Talbot in South Wales (BBC1 Wales Today) they had four Vox Pops who ALL thought it a big mistake. No Vox Pop for Brexit. This is from one of the towns in the UK with very near the highest ‘leave’ vote.
As remarked many times on these pages, you can get any selection of Vox Pop you want, just by getting 20 or so and leaving out the ones you don’t like.
Snowflake Central aka world class broadcaster has a lot of dear little snowflakes on this morning on the Victoria Snowflake show. How she must love the little dears. As I do . Hard done by and exploited and probably tortured by Jeremy Hunt and his evil friends or worse these little junior doctors need lots more money and lots more love.
You know it makes sense so give it to them Hunt or we will set Victoria and the Newsnight team on you and maybe even Claire Balding.
It was always Hungary that is going to be the first to rebel against German authoritarianism. The revolt against the USSR was very traumatic and I suspect Hungarians will rather quit the EU than roll over when Merkel commands them to.
Merkel’s actions still make no sense. It is as if she really wanted to destroy the Eu and then Europe itself.
Friends! Thought you might be interested to see my latest contribution to that Far-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian. It’s under a piece re future immigration control under Brexit:
“Friends! Those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – do not believe that it is necessarily racist to discuss immigration.
It is not racist, for instance, to talk about all of the enormous benefits that mass immigration has brought to this country, which are so blindingly obvious there is no need to point them out, so I won’t.
Nor is it racist, friends, for people to complain about the level of immigration. We on the Progressive Left fully understand the totally understandable anxieties that many people have about the level of immigration: it is, of course, far too low.
And what is the cause of this disgracefully low level of immigration, friends? Hard-Right Tory Austerity, of course!
Is it any wonder, friends, that literally nobody wants to come and live in Britain, where as we all know literally billions of people are forced to work 95-hour weeks on Zero Hour Contracts for poverty pay, e.g. Our Junior Doctors, while the widely-hated, totally unelected, Far-Right Bullingdon Boy Theresa May literally laughs in their faces whilst literally kicking them in the teeth?
And then Far-Right Neoliberals and members of the 1% claim to be surprised that those of us on the Progressive Left are revolting!”
Sorry, Mike – only just seen your most recent comment, for which many thanks. As far as I can see, my comments are still all there, but here’s a link to all my Graun comments (plus replies), in case you’re interested – the current style was developed less than a year ago!
Thank you SoL – just loving your profile, hilarious once again!
Friends, I am a member of the Progressive Left, and my mission in this world, and indeed elsewhere, is to totally support Our Jeremy against our main enemy, i.e. the Hard-Right Red Tory treacherous scum who infest our Party, and who must be crushed by the mass power of working people, e.g. students and the unemployed. My Blog, as ever, shows the way:
Interests: Mass Marches against Tory Austerity, attended by myself; Labour Party Committee meetings; campaigning for Our NHS, which Thatcher totally destroyed, and which is the envy of the World and indeed elsewhere; reading Polly Toynbee articles.
Thank you, Friend Mike :). Glad you enjoyed it – no worries re delayed reply; I have the same sort of problem. There was so much more time available in the pre-Internet days!
My brother is currently entertaining himself by winding up the snowflakes at Comment Macht Frei. He gets comments removed but still no ban, despite some seriously foam flecked hillbilly invective. Conversely he does the opposite on Fox News where he posts left wing inanities but his posts are never removed, the difference? The right believe in freedom of speech, the left want to close it down and yet when you point this out they shout you down!! Sometimes the lack of awareness of the left is genuinely shocking.
There were a number of interesting and explicit pieces of bias on the Beeb yesterday. Believe me they’re not difficult to spot. Radio 4 had a couple and then a few more turned up on the telly. There is nothing subtle in this endless propaganda, it’s more of a war of attrition. They just keep telling us how awful it is for the “refugees” in Calais and how wonderful Germany have behaved. Eventually we proles will get the picture.
They had a reporter in Germany chatting to “refugees” and those that assist them. The only thing missing from these interviews was the violin accompaniment to make it absolutely clear where our sympathies should lie.
On the tv piece we saw two rather oafish looking blokes on bikes (apparently) harassing an aid worker. “These men threaten me all the time,” she told us, though we didn’t hear from the two portly cyclists. How is it that the BBC can have someone on the ground when a native German says something unpleasant to someone who assists migrants and yet it takes them a week to report a mass sexual assault?
Another of our intrepid BBC journalists spoke to some bloke, a Christian, from Syria. The poor chap was grateful that Germany had taken him in, but he couldn’t pronounce Merkel and called her “Mrs Miracle”. “Did you her what he called her?” drooled the salivating reporter.
I get the impression that some of us on this site aren’t following Aunty’s script, which would be a shame..
After all, it’s what our licence fee is being used for…
The BBC attributes the decline of social democratic parties across Europe as due to populists spreading fear and xenophobia and of course rampant Islamophobia amongst the ill educated ,poor , left behinders. It simply doesn’t occur to them that the rise of parties opposed to their own liberal left multicultural world view is that most Europeans , regardless of educational and income levels , do not share the same view. For decades Europeans have been led by the liberal left and look where it has got us. Mass immigration akin to an invasion of aliens who despise our values and traditions, rape our women on a mass scale , attack us , cost us a fortune and give us only problems in return. Yet these leaders of the liberal left elite tell us it is our duty to take this scum into our countries despite overwhelming evidence that it is highly dangerous to our own society to do so. And the BBC wonders why Europeans are voting for politicians who recognise the danger and are prepared to do something about it.
The car, a Peugeot 607, was found parked next to one of the Paris’ most famous attractions on Sunday morning with at least seven gas cylinders inside. One empty canister was sitting on the passenger seat, but no detonators were found during the investigation, sources told Le Figaro.
Police had initially arrested at least six people in connection with the case, but iTele later reported that four have been released and two suspects remain in custody, of whom one is a woman on the “Fiche S” list, an indicator used by France to flag people considered to be a threat to national security. Those on that list are not arrested, but are thoroughly monitored by the authorities.
Le Figaro added that the two being detained were a 29-year-old woman and 34-year-old man, and police told AFP sources that the pair was previously known to law enforcement, and one of the suspects is believed to be the owner of the car.
“The car was parked for almost two hours, according to my information,” in an area where parking “is forbidden,” Florence Berthout, the head of the neighborhood where the car was found, told BFMTV.
The car was found with its hazard lights flashing as if to attract attention, police said, and documents found inside the vehicle were in Arabic.
“We think he may have been trying to carry out a test-run,” one of the officials said, as cited by Reuters.
You are a wonder Support Our Lefty!
THIS is exactly what the Lefty knicker wringers need.
Dianne Abbott as the new Obesity Czar please…and if we see her as Olive from On the Buses with Jeremy as Arthur on their Honda with sidecar-we`ve got a cartoon.
Good use of the word “literally” too!
Keep us posted-that Guardian one the other day was great!
PS-have taken the rare step of following you on Twitter…we Progressive Friends must step in time eh?
Corbyn nails it as
Leading Tories quail once more.
Onward Labour Left!
(With due respect to my sensei UKIP haiku san!)
Thank you so much, Friend Chris! (BTW, I sent you a note of appreciation on the Far-Right Twitter earlier.)
Those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, Chris, e.g. you – must stick together, like bears in the wood, avoiding petty backbiting and intolerance. To this end, we must totally smash the Far-Right Red Tory Traitors, e.g. the widely-hated, widely-unknown racist neoliberal, Owen so-called Jones, or whatever his name is.
I cannot (maybe naively so) believe that there is no one within the organisation challenging this damaging SJW, leftist and anti-reasoned narrative. I often watched the bbc news in the same way one enjoyed ‘soaps’ but I have finally succumbed to my conscience. News -in my humble opinion- was there to reflect reality, not to try and create it.
My first post, unfortunately, I doubt it will be my last
Absolutely. I registered last month because the Brexit bias was so obscene.
As I said on another thread I would previously strongly support the BBC and the way it is paid for. Not now.
Now I see bias everywhere on almost everything. Sure I think that David Attenborough and I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue are wonderful, but it’s the infiltration of bias in the BBC that is destroying it. It needs to stop, or the BBC will.
I’ve just registered as well, though I’ve been coming here regularly for a couple of months now. Don’t miss (though I shall) next Monday’s Crimewatch in which we’re promised “a special investigation into the rise in hate crime following the EU referendum”. Jesus wept!
Yep. In the old days when youths beat up / killed, old people, young people, disabled people, in fact anyone, it was simply a crime. Adding the epithet, ‘hate’ makes no difference at all except to push an agenda.
Ah the new super duper crimewatch with uber cycling twat Jezza Vine and Tina Daheley and going by her twitter no fan of theresa so perfect for the beeb.
Re the Lefties having no humour.
Only the British would name their Crime Studies Centre after Jill Dando-who famously died, but whose murderer was never found.
Come on Lefties…
Welcome to all newcomers! I joined last year after selling my TV in protest over the BBC’s migrant crisis coverage. I’d known for years the BBC was biased but I sort of tolerated it like a tedious relative. However, it was in 2015 that I realised the BBC’s promotion of open borders was indirectly causing the deaths of thousands of people – innocent children dragged along by their economic migrant parents, and genuine refugees unable to get asylum because of the system being swamped by the ineligible.
H, lots of registered ‘Hate Crimes’ but very few followed through to arrest and prosecution. Why? Well, simply, the registering person doesn’t have to include their contact details. So, for the sake of the success of the BBC’s programme, come with me and register a fictitious hate crime, it will doubtless boost the numbers and support the biased BBC.
I would personally like to see less left wing bias amongst animals featured on the Beeb.
The renowned animal interviewer you mention has recently shown a tendency to talk to communist animals, meerkats, ants, bees, termites, lazy lions and various communal living algae and fungi to name a few. I am unsure of the Red Panda, Red Kite and the pernicious Red Herring as well, I don’t think it/they should be trusted.
So, more from nasty sharks, terrifying tigers, subversive spiders, aggressive anacondas and big biting bears please. I am sure that these animals would have voted ‘Brexit’ and it is time to hear their side of the debate.
NB: I have deliberately excluded enormous elephants from the communist animals as they are disappearing at an alarming rate so they don’t really matter anymore. Probably eaten by desperate refugees on the way to Europe from the war zone that is The Horn of Africa.
Welcome. There are no dissenters in the BBC. The hive is well guarded. Think of the film ‘Invasion of the Bodysnatchers” .Those that try to resist are soon howled at by the rest. Then they go to sleep and when they wake up they are BBC.
The blatant BBC Brexit bias persuaded me to move from R4 to World Service which is little more diverse BUT to hear a presenter haranguing the Mayor of Cannes over burkinis and suggesting nuns should be forced to strip if on a beach really pushed it to new limits.
Honestly, the way the French are behaving towards Muslims you’d think hundreds of them had been killed by Islamic extremists or something. Oh wait, hang on…
Predictable BBC bias on Radio 4 from 11:00 to 11:30, the first of a two-part series about the effect of the EU Referendum result on how Europeans in the UK feel.
This first one was based on the Bristol area (which voted remain) and the last part will be from Newcastle / Sunderland (which voted out) next week.
The presenter was one Gary Young (true spelling maybe slightly different) a British man of West Indian origin, as I’d guessed from his accent. So, from the outset, we have a presenter whose own life story is likely to make him more favorable to immigration than indigenous British people would be – this is a typical BBC trick, hence their giving the microphone to people such as Lenny Henry, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Mishal Husain, Anita Anand, Ritula Shah, James Coomarasamy, Razia Iqbal, Clive Myrie, Samira Ahmed, Connie St Loius, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Sure enough, he got in a reference to his mother telling him she’d heard things said recently against East Europeans that reminded her of what she heard when she first arrived from the W Indies; so job done, bash Whitey, and conflate a vote to leave the EU with racism.
The broadcast was necessarily vague about the precise nature of the unpleasantness suffered by EU immigrants. One pathetic example was a woman who felt she was being addressed personally by some ‘LEAVE’ posters all down one street; there was no attempt to get her to see that these meant simply: ‘VOTE LEAVE’ on June 23rd. Other examples included immigrants wondering whether it would still be safe to speak to each other in Hungarian; the implication was that hostility might be shown post the EU Referendum.
Over all, there was no attempt to distinguish a mass vote to leave a failed supranational political entity (the EU) from possible hostility to East European immigrants and foreigners more generally. It was all about how certain people felt – very BBC, very Fi Glover – rather than objective evidence of increased hostility. Pro-Brexit leaders have made clear that EU citizens won’t be thrown out but this was glossed over.
It seemed to me like another in the endless series of biased output about the EU Referendum.
Gary Younge is a hardcore nutjob who writes for the Guardian. He hates white people, right-wing people, rich people, almost everyone now I come to think about it.
Something occurred to me about the so-called ‘racist backlash’ against eastern European immigrants described with such enthusiasm by the BBC. Most of the incidents seem to consist of EEs being told on the day of Brexit that they’ll have to go home now. There wasn’t a wave of assaults or attacks on properties as there was, for example, against Germans when WW1 broke out. It was mostly verbal.
But I wonder how much of this is typical British banter of the kind people exchange every day? I’ve lived in Hungary and the sense of humour is very different – they don’t really understand irony or the sort of mocking humour that Brits use towards each other, in fact they find it quite upsetting. This may be the same with other EEs and if they don’t speak English fluently they are liable to miss these subtleties. One Hungarian I know described a shopkeeper telling him, when he asked for a packet of 25 grams of tobacco on Brexit day, that he had to ask for an ounce now. That MUST have been a joke but he seemed to think it was a serious insult.
Of course, there’s no chance of this idea being given airtime on the BBC as a. leftists don’t really understand that sort of humour and b. it implies that there are cultural differences between European peoples which may hinder integration, and they don’t like that either.
Cranmer, leftists don`t understand humour at all, especially middle class leftists who, in my experience, look appalled when exposed to the true voice of the workers in all their irreverence and mockery of everything the left holds dear.
I have frequently observed to Mrs E whilst bellowing with laughter and wiping tears from my eyes how glad I am to have discovered right wing websites and their….our humour….so different from the po faced, politically correct, self censoring, fearful of offending left ones.
your post is bang on the money incidentally.
Please tell me that your Hungarian friend has told you that his hovercraft is full of eels.
Embolden, totalitarians have always hated humour as to them it is a form of sacrilege. Indeed the book ‘The Name of the Rose’ is based on the idea that absolutists would stop at nothing to suppress evidence that Christ had a sense of humour. And yes, my Hungarian friends like Monty Python and they know that sketch off by heart!
It’s called the craic …. an ironic witty repartee without any subservience to political correctness or ego sensitivity. Still regularly used in the North of England and Ireland. Most middle class southerners just don’t get it and think it’s just oiks being rude. As I don’t often frequent the working class pubs and terrier dog shows that I used to do … I miss it dearly. Unfortunately my part of the North of England is now subjugated by the blandness of Salford BBC workers trying to recreate the Hampstead of the North and just not getting it!
Glad you liked it! If you go to Youtube and type “Doreen Tipton” you’ll find that she’s done several videos, all of them will have you rolling on the floor – I think she’s sensational, but perhaps that’s because I come from the Black Country. I think the humour would be totally lost on the Luvvies.
For instance the Spanish don’t laugh at themselves at all, ever; they just don’t find it funny.
But I was in a Tube station the other day when a uniformed white worker was joshing in a broad sarf east accent with a heavily bearded Asian colleague: “Where you been Sunny? Down on the platform frightening the passengers? Allahu akbar, mate!”. And they both laughed.
Standing in the hospital car park, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham I watched the car park attendant fail to persuade two very arrogant doctors with middle eastern appearance to park in their allotted space. He turned to me and said: ‘Theoy down’t understand ploin English’. Realizing what he had said we both doubled up with laughter. (sorry – I cannot write Brummie)
The Gary Younge programme from Bristol majored on Romanians who attended a local Orthodox church. Once a week, a bus took their parcels and the odd person home. That day there was a person who was fleeing England because of the Brexit vote although they were not interviewed.
At last, one Romanian gave the game away (allowing Gary an opportunity to preach about some being at the bottom of the pile and being discriminated against by other ethnic minorities).
Yes, you have guessed it.
The Roma are not really Romanians but gypsies, she said, and give us a bad name. (There can’t be a single Romanian who can stop themself repeating this prejudice.)
It is true to say that without Roma on every shopping street, in every town and village in Britain, Brexit would not have won. Did no-one question Romania joining the EU? Presumably they were too terrified in the House of Commons to say what any Romanian could tell them. They will migrate here in hundreds of thousands. Presumably they were hoping for that in Bucharest.
The arrogance of the headline assuming it’s Clinton’s to lose is bad enough, but the fact that one of the ways is “voter hacking” is outrageous as it suggests Trump’s only way of winning is to cheat – despite overwhelming evidence of Clinton’s camp doctoring polls, having a compliant media, trying to get criminals released and more illegals registered so they can vote for her, and so on. If anyone is likely to steal the election, it is quite obviously the Democrats.
The five biggest reasons Clinton WILL lose the election, barring a freak event or the aforementioned fraud from her camp, are as follows:
1. Trump is engaging with the public of all races and cultures while Clinton can’t be bothered
2. Clinton is a near-proven criminal while Trump is a self-made success
3. Clinton represents maintaining Obama’s despised liberal policies and global establishment status quo, while Trump has positive policies that seek to benefit his countrymen
4. Recent history has shown that the side consistently maligned, mistreated, and ignored by the media actually represents the silent majority whose numbers will only be felt en masse. Since Trump is actually slightly leading Clinton-biased media polls at this time you can expect the real margin of popularity to be much more one-sided in his favour when voters no longer have to worry about being called names in the booth
5. Project Fear is being employed by the Clinton campaign. Recent history shows that this is poison for undecided voters and they will either vote for the far more upbeat Trump, or for an independent which is more likely to eat into Democrat party numbers than Republican ones
It truly is extraordinary how little resemblance the BBC’s representation of the election has on what’s actually happening, same as their coverage of Brexit. And the result, barring shenanigans from Clinton’s group, will be the same – a huge victory for the defiant public sick of the sneering, anti-Western narrative of the loathsome neo-left.
I agree and hope to see Trump win. He will have a dramatic effect on Europe as well. At last we will start to roll back liberalism and rebuild sane reality based societies of free nation states.
Watch how Trump reacts with the older African Americans . Very positively and they respond well to him.
The slur of racism against him is absurd. The only thing that he is interested in is America and it’s people of whatever race.
Unfortunately during Communism in Eastern Europe the integration of Roma population was mainly a failure as unemployment was against socialist values, everyone suppose to work for the greater good. As everyone had to have a job whatever it was, opportunity was there for everyone but the lifestyle of travellers did not change. I have yet to see how this lot of lefties will want to deal with the situation, travellers go where they can get more money. Eastern Europe is happy to leave this problem to the west to deal with…
Privileged left wing student(again) activists disrupt airports under the hijacked banner of BLM,they have been bailed and will go to court next wednesday,but the BBC failed to report their names.That information lies elsewhere.
Odd though ? Young people are supposed to rebel but where’s the rebellion here ? They align themselves to the Leftist ESTABLISHMENT ? In my book that’s towing the line of pillars of the ESTABLISHMENT eg: the BBC.
Gaxvil, in the 60s or 70s Quentin Crisp summed up youthful rebellion thus: ‘The young always have the same problem – how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another’.
Nowadays, when the values of parents and children are the same, it would be more accurate to say that the young conform while convincing themselves that they are actually rebelling.
We began watching Fox News when Juan Charles Jiménez was shot following the 7/7 bombings. For a touted, ‘right wing biased’ station, Fox News could teach the BBC darlings a whole lot – starting with not employing spoilt children as presenters to carry out schoolyard style interviews.
As we usually do tomorrow what the US did yesterday – I wonder if we’re heading for our ‘Obama Period’? i.e Hand wringing and outrage over everything but action over nothing – for fear of upsetting someone … anyone while we slip down the toilet.
A post “Any Questions” phone-in fifteen years ago and Jonathan Dimbleby put down and cut off a Jewish Death Camp survivor because she dared to raise concerns over immigration and so called multi-culturism – Ah but that was then.
His replacement on the present “Any Answers” unashamedly pushes the anti British agenda. The program should be renamed “Answers We Wish to Hear”.
Using the “Scientific Method”. I think I have worked out the meaning of the BBC’s term “Uneducated”.
From the 1890,s to the 1960’s all British people where educated, from the 1960’s onwards, a combination of progressive education, replacement of Grammar Schools with Comprehensive Schools, and then mass Immigration and duming down of education have caused the repopulation of Britain, with lots of uneducated people.
So we have:
(1) The “Uneducated” who do not vote, because they cannot read or write.
(2) The “Brainwashed” who voted “Remain”
(3) The “Educated” in the Tory Shires who voted “Leave”
(4) The “Self Educated” in places like Sunderland who voted “Leave”
Proof of this Theory comes from a graph that shows the fact that young people are more likely to have been Brainwashed, while “Self Education” lasts for a lifetime, and gradually reduces the influence of Brainwashing, over time. It also proves that the best teachers for brainwashing live in places like Scotland and London, while they are better at education than brainwashing in Sunderland. Proof that middle-class morons don’t like to go to Sunderland, to work.
Opening new Grammar Schools, especially in places like London, could reduce the Brainwashing of Children by teaching Children to think for themselves.
It could but it wont because PC Globalist heads will be put in place, PC globalist Governers too, then they make sure they select staff with PC globalist views. So the brainwashing becomes self propagating.
I am at a loss to understand how the BBC believes that constantly talking Britain down helps the population – small sections perhaps but in no way is this agenda balanced by an occasional baby panda story ?
Apparently Saturday night is to become “Arts Night” on BBC2, among the treats Ballet Boyz, the all-male dance company, produce a film about the effects of war.
Couldn’t the BBC have just extended its regurgitated sitcom series with a re-showing of “It ain’t half hot, Mum”?
But no! Like Global Warming, “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” is just too racist.
Anyway, I do hope they follow up with Ballet Girlz – can’t be seen as sexist can we ?
At one time, say several decades ago, I might have looked forward to this but I’m not even even going to bother. The chances of it featuring anything remotely appealing are virtually nil.
It will be a constant stream of right-on, talentless, weird, ethnic minority dominated, obscure, gratuitously provocative, irritating rubbish.
“By focusing Saturday nights around arts, music, performance and cinema, we want to create space for new ideas, authored film-making, and the very best talent, from the world-class to the stars of tomorrow.”
“World class?” Not with a budget of £50, you won’t.
“Michael Palin will interview Jan Morris, the explorer and travel writer, while presenters Helen Skelton and Javone Prince attempt to convince teenagers that reading is cool.”
Michael Palin – he’s OK but doesn’t that belong on a travel show? And the “attempt to convince teenagers that reading is cool” is social work, and they won’t be watching anyway. I had to Google Javone Prince; the results were predictable.
Too negative? Probably, but I’ve been taken in before. I just want to opt out of anything to do with the BBC.
Reviewing an Atlee biography, Danny Finkelstein wrote the following last Saturday
“While at home discussing socialist ideals , (he) hadn’t much time for those intellectuals who he thought had created systems in their heads that missed out human beings”.
I think this is a brilliant summation of the left. From the bBBC to the Corynistas to the anarchist pressure groups like BLM, to Momentum or the hard left of the 1980s, and to the Hampstead luvvies of today, it rings so true. Feel and embrace the socialism of mass immigration or trade union power affecting the public, while the leaders swan off to their datchas, mansions, and villas, and relax in their walled gardens away from the plebs.
Atlee also argued that ‘ the right division is not between capitalism and socialism. It is between democracy and dictatorship’
What a brilliant summation of the difference between the Brexiteers and the Remainiacs.
And for that matter between the democracy of the masses, such as those wanting to travel and live their normal lives, and the dictatorship of the pressure groups with no democratic mandate, who want to inflict their version of the world on the rest of us by doing things like blocking airport runways.
Both of these are great sluff.
The simpler it is,the more powerful it will turn out to be.For both these phrases from Attlee via Finkelstein are very profound.
I`ve got a few of my own-not as good , but also indicate something big-will research them a bit…but these two of yours will last me a week or so.
Peter Lilley-like in cold brevity-and needed when all you get are torrents of empty words like Owen Jones by way of oppo.
Back in the days when the BBC still knew how to make good programmes there was a play by Robert Glendinning about the Labour Party winning the 1945 election – That Man Attlee. All of the main characters (good and bad) were Labour politicians and there was no pantomime Tory villain as there would have to be today. I didn’t mind that everything in the plot was focused on Labour because the play was about the reaction to the election results. There was no attempt to tell me what I should think or feel about the events – although it did confirm my views on Herbert Morrison.
Digression, nothing to do with the Scum at Central Treason Centre.
This book of yours, about AlBeeb. This is my idea of a plot.
There is this NEO (Near Earth Object), 2011A1763, a 50km diameter asteroid. It has been catalogued, its orbit is known. It is being tracked despite the belief that there is no risk it will collide with the earth.
There is a General Election in the UK, which the Labour Party wins, so your book will have to be set in the distant future. After this victory there are celebrations at Broadcasting House.
Celebrations also in EU headquarters, since in the Labour Manifesto is a commitment to re-apply for EU membership. Despite the UK having passed Japan in GDP to become the third most productive state on earth.
But EU celebrations are not confined to Europe. The staff in Guiana Space Centre, from where the ESA Ariane 5 rockets are launched, and where a launch is imminent, decide to have a party. Two Islamic scientists, Mohammed bin Peaceful al Harmless and Ibrahim bin Conscientious Objector join the party despite being unused to alcohol.
Mohammed and Ibrahim get drunk, they decide, as a joke, to launch the rocket at New York. Muslims being friendly as ever. Well M&I make a mess of the launch, the rocket exceeds escape velocity and collides with 2011A1763. This changes its orbit.
The new orbit makes it collide with the earth. Upon entry into the Earth’s atmosphere the thermal shock is sufficient to cause it to break into several pieces, which hit the earth at some distance from each other.
Among the places struck are Mecca, Medina, Tehran, Brussels, Strasbourg, London, Salford, Leicester, Bradford.
I have a rough draft of a sequel, set in a post Islamic, post Socialist, future Utopia.
Mark Karno’s bravura performance as BoE Governor reaches new heights as he claims much, not to say all, the credit for the current financial slap down for the Remainers.
At this rate the man’s a shoo-in for the next BBC Director, and think how many ideas his missus could swap with Harrabin.
The BBC should be attacking May over her approach to ‘Brexit Means Brexit’. She won’t reveal whether or not Britain is to remain in the EU single market.
The point of Brexit is to leave the constraints of the EU single market and freely trade with the world.
DS, before others start it, could the BBC argue that they were, wait for it, “dis-mayed” that TM will not reveal her plans?
Sorry about that, just had to get it in…………….
BBC Facebook – “A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that “precautions” should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.”
Seems there may be ‘Asians’, and ‘other Asians’ after all.
Well of course, Saudis hate Iranians, Indians hate Pakistanis and so on and so on but no matter – everyone knows only white males are racists – kind of a ‘white privilege’ thing I guess?
It’s just like how we (the West) are supposed to have started the Syrian civil war, so it’s our job to accept unlimited refugees (never mind that 75% of them are not Syrian).
But what about all the millions (trillions?) of dollars fuelled from Saudi and the Gulf to ISIS – that that count. No lefties are demanding that Saudi and the Gulf accept unlimited refugees.
In fact they are taking none, zero, nada, a big fat zilch. Why? “We need all our jobs for our own citizens” – or words to that effect.
But no, it’s white westerners who are uniquely evil. Or perhaps they think (surely not!) that we whiteys should know better, while one could hardly expect any better of those brown-skinned people?
The Chinese do not do snowflake faux outrage. They probably just do not understand why anyone is upset at the advice.
Anyway most of the shire people have stopped going to London for pleasure years ago now. Or do as many of my acquaintance do go straight in and out preferably in the early morning if doing business there.
Over my career (& retirement) I have moved, increasingly, West.
From SW London to Central London, just West of Mayfair, to Gloucestershire (picture postcard village, Cotswolds) . Having lived there for over 30 Yrs. the Islingtonians moved in!
Talking to an old farmer friend of mine that I was moving, his comment was “Good idea – this village is f***ed.
The Islingtonians have a bemused look on their faces when told by the (born & bred) locals to “EFF OF BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM”.
I clocked the Air China article and was astonished, I’ve flown a lot and was amazed that an in flight magazine could offer such incisive and accurate advise.
Radio 4’s PM programme reporting of the so-called Black Lives Matter protest at London’s City Airport was quite fascinating.
Although it only involved nine protesters it got a spot on the programme and its leader was given studio time to present her case. Then an expert was fetched in tell us if there was any validity in what we had just heard, rather than to present an opposing viewpoint, (which any government announcement automatically gets).
Clearly the expert didn’t want to be thought controversial. Perhaps they weren’t quite using the figures correctly, (the 28%), and perhaps adding up the UK’s carbon emissions since the stone age wasn’t quite fair, after all we had still got Ed Miliband’s Crazy Climate Change Charter in law, but by and large…
I did wonder if our anonymous ‘white’ campaigners were sons and daughters of BBC producers. Why was this group being cultivated? Does the BBC think that they have potential to cause trouble?
Imagine if ‘our’ BBC had been like this in the past. The Cold War would have seen campaigning for Young Pioneers to make a home here, not all Russians being communists. The Second War would have had roving reporters spotting the V1 impact sites and doing a ‘Falklands’, counting out our bombers and counting them back, all ‘impartially’ reported to the world. No doubt pre-1939 they would have been welcoming boat loads of young German men, supposedly fleeing call-up in Germany, yet with a copy of Mein Kampf in their back packs.
JimS, As regards to your last sentence, I have a vague memory that around the outbreak of WW2, Winston Churchill introduced a Security Act and it was approved by the Government within 10 minutes or so (if my memory serves me correctly). I cannot find any direct reference to this online but I am sure another contributor here will know the facts. Point being that the BBC doubtless would have been subject to restricted broadcasting anyway. Not only that, those were the days when the BBC were on the side of the British people. Found this, for these days of the current war to prevent the UK being overrun:
It was Winston Churchill who said:
“In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”
Just one of the perpetrators in the “spike” in so-called “hate crimes”:
This unemployed Muslim convert is currently in court on charges of causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress and using racially aggravated insulting words or behaviour. And guess what, this Islamic bigot, who screams about women being sluts for dressing in tight jeans, was accompanied by his wife who was wearing a tight top and tight jeans.
Aaargh it gets worse! The BBC folk are all over the place!
From Wikipedia on John Stuart Mill
“But, the way to express those arguments should be a public speech or writing, not in a way that causes actual harm to others. This is the Harm Principle.
For example, if an influential politician points at a woman with a headscarf in front of an excited crowd of people and says she is part of ISIS, that is wrong, since it will cause clear danger to the woman who was pointed out.”
Why not use as an example something which actually happened:
A UK Imam in Florida called for gays to be killed, and Omar Mateen consequently murdered 50 gay people in Florida.
Today, I know of a person whose surname is Blackie who sent a professional email to Croydon Social Services. It was automatically bounced back to the person named Blackie because the name was said to be a racist name.
The very same person also has an email with her maiden name. Given this name is Brown I think she may get bounced again!
Strange but true.
Of course Mr White would cause a few problems due to the supremacy built into the name. However, Mr Ramsbottom might be acceptable in some parts of our multiculture
Twatt is a town in Shetland. As people derive their names sometimes from their town of origin, I once had the pleasure of doing business with Tom Twatt.
Evening folks, not BBC related however I would just like to share with you this evenings journey back from Spain more as a prime example of why I think multiculturalism is an utter failure.
After being dropped off at the airport I head to the outdoor bar to kill some time, it’s full of English/Irish people and a few Spanish. The airport is immaculate, the employees at the airport are all Spanish as you’d imagine and there is an air of joy as families are returning from a nice break. The staff at the airport are attentive, the police are present and doing their job. I go to Spain a lot as the regulars will know and it always surprises me that a country with 44% youth unemployment seems to have many more young people working behind shop counters, waitering, bar staffing and public services as far as I can see compared to the UK. Add to that an income tax rate that is far lower (24% up to €600,000 EUR, 45% anything over) and generally all other taxes are too (council tax etc). That’s all well and good but I just can’t seem to understand why their roads, beaches, streets, towns are cleaner and much better kept than ours…. Hmmmmm anyway after getting through departures in less than 5 mins I’m on the plane and a quick flight back to ‘so called’ Great Britain.
I only have hand luggage so am very quick to passport control, on that note not sure if anyone has come through Gatwick recently but my ears are immediately assaulted by an HSBC sponsored (what appeared to be) art exhibition which sounded like someone had violently shaked a cutlery drawer then stuck it on a loop. Hey ho I don’t like HSBC, their not my bank and quite frankly they may even trump the BBC in the “how hard can I ram multiculturalism down the publics throat” competition. I am met at passport control by an Eastern European lady that ushers me down what appeared to be the 1 hour wait line rather than perhaps the 55 minute one. Rather strange as I thought I’d just landed in England, maybe the flight diverted to Kraków whilst I was asleep. I wait in the queue for what seemed like an eternity to be met by a machine, yep that’s right a bloody machine. Now call me old fashioned but with the terror threat at severe I would rather adopt the Spanish approach of using human beings to decipher whether someone is sweating profusely as they are just about to detonate their little cocktail in their backpack. I’m swiftly ushered to the machine by another lady who’s English is probably as good as mine when I was 5…. Actually no I don’t think I ever went through the pidgeon dialect ever, so probably akin to me around the 3 yer old mark. Finally through customs where they must think I am as thick as their staff as they advertise a deal of 2 bottles of wine for £15… No thanks although I am rather stressed.
I meander my way through the vast numbers of uber type “drivers” in the departure hall and leave the exit doors for what I can only akin to standing in the smoking room at Bahrain airport, anyone who has done this will understand why I use this example, it was repulsive and made Hong Kongs smoking rooms seen delightful. Scores of people are standing (ironically under the sign pointing to the smoking area) literally in the doorway blowing smoke into everyone’s faces as they leave the building. Lovely… I at this point as a British person am deeply ashamed however as a smoker and a bit of a rebel I think screw it, if they’re not going to obey the rules neither will I and light up with them. I see a very strange number of Eastern European looking young mothers who lets just put it don’t seem like they are here for a weekend break. Oh well I continue into the gatwick express, by now I have already seen my fair share of enrichers in their Islamic dress that is interesting because when I went to Turkey 2 years ago (an Islamic country) hardly any of the women dressed like this. Hey ho it’s not called Great Britain for nothing. Having spent most of the summer in Spain I can also count the headscarves I saw on one hand so had kind of forgotten what how prevelant they are in our diverse and wonderful big society.
I get off at Victoria and onto the bus, the train is filthy, filled with unwanted audio advertisements and a young girl who either has forgotten her headphones or perhaps has found a wonderful new record and would like to share it with the whole carriage. If she’s reading this I would like to review it for her and say it was rubbish im afraid, not in to Jamaican dancehall too much myself. Once getting out at Victoria I have a 20 minute wait for the night bus. A young bilingual African French couple are conversing in front of me, I felt particularly proud as a Londoner when the young man wearing gold Nike trainers (no, really) explained that he’s been in London for three years and broke into English to say “on benefits”…. ? Another cigarette
I get on the bus on the top deck and cannot hear a single word of English spoken, it also reeks of BO… Ahhhhh home sweet home
PS – will update in due course with some proper BBC bias
Thanks for posting, I’m glad….no, I’m sorry to see I am not alone. Returned recently from Madrid….my assumption throughout my trip to Spain was that there remains a pride in nation that was nurtured during the Franco years that hasn’t yet wholly been lost. However there are beggars in central Madrid and a few on the metro so all is not well in Euroland.
Birmingham airport……greeted by machines and herded through them by people of foreign extraction whose second language appeared to be a form of simplified English, that enabled them to give orders and treat us like imbecilic cattle.
And then the long walk through the terminal surrounded by “welcome” posters…..replete with mandatory mixed race couples and black people relaxing in Stratford on Avon.
Our arrival appeared to coincide with a flight from the Gulf……a mix of Pakistani, Bangla and Somalis, it took me back to my years in the gulf. What struck me was the complete lack of care for their kids and the slowness of people walking 2 and 3 abreast in hijabs pushing trollies piled high with vast suitcases and flat screen TVs and other electronic goods, stopping at random to talk and seemingly oblivious to people trying to pass through and get out of the airport more swiftly.
A missing child announcement was made over the tannoy and we saw and heard an exchange in which a man from the subcontinent was negotiating going back airside to pick up a lost toddler….he said “oh it’s ok we’re not worried” long suffering reply from the official was “well we are worried, this shouldn’t have happened”
Black lives matter, and only rich white people travel by air so I hear.
Thanks TBT for your insights on Gatwick. I nearly always fly into Stanstead, which I think by UK standards is pretty good. I do wonder why though they insist on carpeting it with something that looks and smells like it got thrown out of the Red Lion. I also have do not like the passport check machines, mainly for the reason that they are slow and never seem to work so I then get shunted into some other queue for dodgey entrants.
Then onto car hire, which they have inconveniently moved out of the terminal, where I haven’t met a UK national working there for years: They are usually fine, but is it not a little odd that non of these people are native Brits.
ED – completely agree with you there. I flew out of all three London airports this summer and by far Stansted was superior. Aside from being treated like cattle as many have mentioned they have refurbished it and the process is quick. Although I would also like to agree with another comment that everyone that works there seems to be in a headscarf.
And one thing I never thought that I’d say is that the food in the Whetherspoons is rather good. Not your usual microwaved crap but very gourmet for Whetherspoons. Good old Tim Martin, one of the last remaining true brits. Happy to pay into his company on principal.
PS – thanks all for sharing your stories I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way!
This experience is all too familiar to anyone who has travelled through one of Britain’s Invasion Portals (formerly known as ‘airports’) in recent years. It would be funny were it not so depressingly accurate. Departing from one in the Occupied Territories (Luton) the other week, just about every member of the ‘security’ staff was a female dressed in black, complete with headscarf. Oddly, you don’t seem to see such people working in airports in Muslim countries.
TBT, ‘fraid for all, its a case of having to get used to the sloppy, inefficient, filthy way these people live their lives. I lived in the Middle East so I can sympathise. I truly never, ever thought Blighty would slowly deteriorate the way is has: quite literally ‘dumbing-down’ to accommodate what will always be foreigners despite the passports they hold.
Oh, the joys of living in central southern France. Clear motorways, pleasant, largely empty main roads and byways no paying for parking in smaller towns, and cheap in the larger ones (and free for two hours at lunchtime). Remarkably few tinted persons (around these parts, anyway), polite (other than an inbred lack of customer service). Transport is cheap, usually clean and on time (barring strikes – but you would also know all about them, of course…).
I have no need of flying, airports, and all the assorted evils which go with them. I have no intention of setting foot back in the Former UK, I love it here.
Your description reminds me of some of the reasons I left the Former UK in the first place, and reinforces my belief that the decision I made ten year ago, was the right one.
Yes, I know it’s not perfect here, but it’ll see me out, with a far more pleasant standard of living, and beautiful, unspoilt surroundings. Not a wind turbine to be seen, here (yet…).
Hi , Old Goat ,the Windmills tend to be in the cornfields of Par de Calais , Normandy & Brittany.In the South of France they tend to be on hilltops & ridges.I agree to the rest of what you said however .
Hi , Old Goat ,the Windmills tend to be in the cornfields of Par de Calais , Normandy & Brittany.In the South of France they tend to be on hilltops & ridges.I agree to the rest of what you said, however .
BrutalTruth, you seemed to have kicked off a thread of your own here. So this is my contribution:
My wife and I were sat on a delayed plane in a Spanish airport some years back. After over an hour, a group of police officers and police dogs appeared with a tall, gangly, unkempt, dark skinned guy with straggling beard, torn clothes. he looked Afghan. I’m told you shouldn’t judge anyone on their appearance, but any ‘good citizen’ would cross the road to avoid him. He had with him a terrified child clutching a teddy bear who must have been about 8. He didn’t speak English and had only a spattering of Spanish.
There was a long deliberation with the captain and the other members of the crew who clearly didn’t want him on board. After an hour of arguing the captain said something like ‘we have to get going.’ So the police left and the guy stayed. Everyone crept around his seat when visiting the loo and in all honesty he appeared alarming. The child was, at best, bewildered, but more likely simply terrified.
When we reached Manchester airport we were all chuckling, knowing that he would never get passed immigration. He headed for the EU section without any hand luggage, looking as if he had been sleeping rough for a decade, still hanging on to the terrified child and no one stopped him.
By a coincidence my wife and I were outside the terminal at the same time as him, he furtively looked around and grabbed the child’s hand before racing away into the night. No doubt he is enriching UK society even now.
Tell me, what other country would let him in? I’m not sure how many points he would have gained on Farage’s points system.
Most of Europe is far cleaner than Gt Britain. Numerous trips to Italy, Croatia, Switzerland, Spain, Scandinavia show that the streets are spotless, particularly the narrow alleyways and streets – not a piece of litter anywhere. My local park this morning, despite the litter cleaner yesterday, was awash with flattened drinks cans, polythene water bottles, crisp packets and sandwich packaging – all within dropping zone distance of the waste bin. Instil discipline as a child and you’ve got him for life (a play on the Jesuit mantra) – but clearly a lot of teens didn’t get the memo.
Want to see rubbish billowing about everywhere B? You cannot do this but if you could, I would highly recommend a trip to the centre of the Muslim faith – Saudi Arabia. For the UK: More Muslims More Filth.
Not being funny, sounds like a normal trip to London, that clearly is degenerating into a 3rd world shithole (in a vibrant/multiculti kind of way of course)…
Even Shitty Checkyourbatti wouldn’t be any worse than Lord Hypocrite of Dimblebore. The problem is that Brillo would be wasted on that infantile, virtue signalling soapbox show ‘ask a stooge a question….time’
‘Non-Question Time’ is nothing more than a staged reality TV show which is gerrymandering for the sheltered, privileged, delusional gobshites that are detached from the rest of the UK. Stooge questions, stooge responses, never asking the important questions, never answering a question properly…’s a complete joke that even the mighty Brillo couldn’t fix
I am not impressed by Andrew Neil. See the video introducing the interview. See the interview with Tommy Robinson three weeks after the murder of Lee Rigby. Brillo spends much of the interview arguing over Robinson’s name, then presents the usual BBC line that Moslems as victims of racist violent Robinson. Three weeks after a British soldier was murdered in a London street.
Brillo is definitely not without his flaws, but he gives all sides a going over, and he is the only mainstream political broadcaster in the UK (there may be others but I cannot think of any….) that’s not frightened to go after the lying, devious bastards that infest our establishment. Who else has torn George Osborne, Jimmy Crankie new arseholes? Who else has exposed the self-serving head of the CBI for the conniving scumbag she is? Look how he tore apart Matt Hancock, Ed Vaisey and anyone else brave enough to put their bullshit to the test from the remain campaign? He’s the only person doing any sort of journalism at all within the biggest most powerful media organisation in the UK!
Like I have already written, he is far from perfect, but if you want to see what happens when Brillo meets a Jihadi watch him annihilate Asim Qureshi
First I thought the socket was cancelled due to Brexit, but I was informed that actually Brexit caused it to be sold 50 quid more expensive, so it will be 599 pounds !! Nothing to do with the “ethical” business model of Apple trying to make max profits then, no mention of the treatment of workers in China as long us the metropolitan youth can get their gadget. Lefties…got to love them….
Hmmmm …… never anything to do with trade deals or Brexit but Apple price their products higher than in the US because, ” Historically the UK has been accustomed to paying a higher price for such products.”
They are such a, Right On Down Wid Duh People, company.
By happy coincidence, using BBC Economic modelling the fine the EU overlords seek to impose on our Irish colleagues will see the price of the iPhone come down to around £19.75.
It is a ruse to get everybody to buy highly expensive battery powered headphones. After all, we all need more, easily lost, Apple licenced products and the environment will benefit greatly when the batteries are past their best and need to be buried in the landfill.
Now, where did I put those lovely new Sennheiser headphones. I’ll cut the 3.5 MM jack off and glue on a ‘Thunderbolt’ one. That’ll do the trick.
Or maybe I’ll dig out the old Nokia 5110. It still works after 18 years.
New programme idea.
Keith Vaz hosting ‘Where’s my line?’.
Two teams of Eastern European male escorts answer questions about their employment status and sexual proclivities.
There is potential for much wordplay, satire and puns all with a ‘political bent’. The programme would also carry a highly pro EU/anti Brexit agenda (for balance) as it would be clear that the poor and much harassed Eastern Europeans would be unable to pursue their noble trade if we are no longer part of the EU.
The prize would be an all inclusive 2-4 hour stay at a high class hotel with Keith and members of the production team.
So come on Beeb, I know you look at this site. Let’s get it made.
For the love of God don’t give them any ideas. The amount of absolute, undiluted dross that infests the television these days is beyond parody. It’s not just the dear old Beeb, it seems to have spread to most of the channels.
There was a “comedy quiz” on the other week, was it on Channel 4? and it was on for two bloody hours! My word, talk about trivial and puerile. Jonathan Ross was on the panel, so you know how low brow we’re going here. The other panelists were equally juvenile (in attitude and intellect, not age) and of course there was the usual whooping and shrieking from the half witted audience. Just where do they find these morons? Are they kept in some asylum and brought out whenever Marcus, Sandi, Jeremy or Jonathan appear on the telly or radio?
One of the questions was about Queen Elizabeth the First. Generally regarded as one of our finest and most important monarchs. This bunch of middle aged adolescents produced the most silly inane “jokes” at her expense. She was “a ginger”, did you know that? That really was the level!
I sincerely hope that in a few short years we’ll look back at this pathetic dross and curl up with embarrassment.
Years ago I used to design studio/Broadcast equipment for the likes of BBC and channel 4. It had to be very reliable and high spec. It was during the transition over to digital TV so it was quite an exciting time to be in the industry….
…but then Big Brother started and shortly after the quality of TV programmes took a dive for the worst. Far too many digital channels to fill with content let alone fill it with any quality content. Once the ‘Celebrity This and That’ crap started, TV has never been the same.
Used to depress me working on high tech equipment knowing that utter crap would be routed through it. I left that industry shortly after.
Yet when I was at school, decades ago, and many programmes were quite good, it was referred to as the “idiot box” and many schools discouraged it altogether.
Perhaps they just knew what it would lead to, and it has.
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I’m a little cash strapped at the moment and was hoping that my idea was worth £1.49 of anyone’s money. The Ace has to come from somewhere after all.
Friends! Have recycled one of my favourite Guardian pieces on Twitter today. It was written in response to some idiot who was trying to justify the Indian woman in her 70s who’d just had a baby:
“Well said, Aarathi, but as is so typical in today’s sadly neoliberal Guardian, you don’t go nearly far enough. Parents in their 70s do, after all, suffer from the disadvantage of being somewhat young and inexperienced in the matter of child-rearing, which should ideally be left to more senior people than them.
Plainly, the older the parents, the better. My personal view is that the ideal age for parents is in their 90s, when they will have, finally, begun to acquired some of the necessary life skills for parenting.
Obviously, people who have Far Right political views – Kippers, Tories, and Hard-Right Red Tory Traitors (Hilary Benn etc.) – are an exception here; but, then, almost needless to say, such people should not be permitted to have children, whatever age they are, in case their highly toxic, intolerant, bile-filled, hateful views should infect such unfortunate children who, as we all know, are our future, and indeed our future’s future.
But thank you, friend, for your thoughtful and original contribution to this important subject.”
"Well said, Aarathi, but as is so typical in today's sadly neoliberal Guardian, you don't go nearly far enough. …"
Joyous-just read it!
Simply didn`t know this sterling undercover undermining of the Lefty Guardians agenda was going on back in May.
Pension PLUS maternity pay?…splendid!
And of course a good deal on that mums and sons double nappy deal…can you buy incontinency talcum powder for when mum needs changing?
Whenever I see the words “Friends” “Progressive Left” and “Literally”-and a nice line of “Daily Mail Bingo buzzwords”-we shall know whose mighty steps have been before us…and a few of us are happy to show up to try and outdo you!
Genius sir!
Thank you so much for your very kind comments, Friend Chris – greatly appreciated! It’s always a pleasure to know that someone’s enjoying my scribblings! I’ve upticked your amusing comment on the Graun Climate Change thread, by the way :).
Theresa May and Donald Tusk to hold Brexit talks
aka big up Donald Tusk column it seems
“Donald Tusk is a businesslike pragmatist.”
“Mr Tusk – who oversaw the UK’s EU renegotiation prior to the in/out referendum”
Hmmn, would that be the renegotiation in which a one Mr. D. Cameron was the only person who believed anything had changed. The same renegotiation that the astute majority of UK voters saw through with their x-ray eyes to reveal the pig-in-a-poke that lay inside.
The same article also mentions that the UK wasn’t invited to EU Bratislava summit. Why is that? We have not left the EU or triggered article 50 (get a move on May) and are still paying billions, so surely someone should be attending.
BBC Proms and pro EU protest and waving the EU flags? We can now start a competition to guess the percentage of BBC footage showing EU flag vs Union Jack. I guess 80% EU, any bets?
I suppose some sort of action like this was always on the cards regarding the proms last night.
The BBC/remain (I recognise no difference between the two) would have identified this as a target of opportunity for a long time.
In their eyes it represents all the things they really hate about our society.
The Empire and its History.
The Fact that we were once an outward looking nation.
Pride in our nation and Heritage.
Tories/Toffs at play.
And worst of all appearing “hideously white”
It is interesting that the former proms director Nicholas Kynaston hated it so much. He obviously did it for a number of years and was obviously well paid for it. I doubt very much in order to salve his conscience, he sent his earnings to Junker or Herman Rumpypumpy. He probably spent them all on ethical coffee and a Toyota Prius instead – so thats all ok.
These twats seem to be so seething with hatred and bitterness about this country and what the majority voted for, I am surprised they just dont all go to live in the EU whilst they still can. Unfortunately as we all know that will never happen and these pathetic infantile individuals certainly know which country has the most patience to put up with their treacherous and divisive ways.
Old Bill in the famous WW1 cartoon said – “If you know a better ole – go to it!”
I prefer “Just F### off you T#####s!” – nuff said!
Nick Clegg (he’s got a book out) was on the TODAY programme subtly trying to undermine the 2015 General Election, the EU Referendum and the legitimacy of the Theresa May-led Administration, while proposing a coalition of the Left and talking of nationalism in very positive terms. Nick Robinson was not sharp enough to ask whether Nick Clegg is looking for, hoping for, a future National Socialist coalition Government for the UK.
Ruud Gullitt (he’s got a book out) is telling everyone things they learn at secondary school when playing football, despite the fact that when watching on television [ Licence Fee pay barrier (£)! ] they CAN ONLY see what the producer/cameraman/mixer allows them to see.
Ashton Carter (US SoS Defence – he hasn’t got a book out) was interviewed by Sarah Montague who was not sharp enough to ask:
– if the Russians are backing and supplying Assad why is the regime having to drop homemade bombs and chemical weapons on combatants and non-combatants? As Spock would say “That is not logical Captain.”
– if Islamic terrorism in Europe, Britain and the USA is blamed on ‘the West’ meddling in Near Eastern and Middle Eastern politics, deposing legitimate leaders, why is America insisting on getting rid of Assad? I hear Spock again: “That is not logical Captain.”
Star Trek is 50 today. Yaaayyyyyy! (They haven’t got a book out but you can bet your bottom dollar one is in preparation somewhere.) Dorothy Fontana, the Script Editor, tells us we were being propagandised as small children and teens by television in the 1960s. Guess what, Dorothy? We know.
Indeed, Today presenters only get probing when there’s something anti British to flog and then it’s not so much probing as repeating the same question like a parrot with Alzheimer’s.
They successfully glossed over Microfocus, a British company, absorbing Hewlett Packard and Autonomy being returned to British ownership. So unable to put a negative, anti Brexit spin on that news it becomes, no news.
Spot on. I cannot bear to listen to their utterly one sided propagandising.
If it ain’t lovely, lovely Islam and multiculturalism, pro EU or ‘refugees fleeing war and poverty’ in where ever they are saying they are from currently from, then it ain’t news to the BBC.
MY car radio has its six buttons with six stations.
Randomly assign them as I travel-and its all so obvious when I`m onto Radio 4.
The doom laden voices, po-voiced Oxbridge moaning minnies, the excuses, the whining, the bitterness and agitprop pops at the toffs and the poor, the independent and-well, the normals and the beige drab civilians who refuse to be be liberal exotica, stump shrouding whingebuckets, and deviant doses of self regard.
ALWAYS RADIO 4…like Elizabeth Fry stepping through the hovels of Mayfair with a bag of smelling salts and a coolie carrying the chaise longue and petit fours should she be overcome with grief, the vapours or her hypothecated sadness and cow eyes.
Thank God for Heart, Indie Radio and the likes of Ken Bruce and Steve Wright-with a few local heroes of BBC local stations.
Steve Yabsley and Alex Dyke are two I know of-if any other local BBC employee still has an independent thought rattling around the bonce and is unsackable like Yabbo…let me know-a national award is due.
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The way that the BBC has been headlining the ‘news’ about Australia taking a while to do a trade deal this morning, in such a joyful sneering manner, was quite blatant bias.
It might be the tipping point at which I stop paying the license.
This Australian trade thing is a non story being pushed out by The Independent (it is not !).
Clearly we cannot sign a trade deal with Australia or anybody else until we have left the EU so actually 2.1/2 years is optimistic.
The BBC is just shoving out Independent/Guardian/Huffington propaganda. Could we have some Breitbart reporting, just for balance.
Yes, and all that fuss about being “at the back of the queue”for a US trade deal is hilarious, given that we (through the EU) don’t have one with the US now! In fact in its entire miserable life the EU has only managed to sign 2 Trade Agreements of any real significance (and several others with small countries), but funnily enough trade actually goes on!
Notably, the BBC declined to broadcast the Australia trade minister’s comment that the opportunity for UK trade post-Brexit would be tremendous, using Australia as a conduit [since they already have unparalleled experience in that area]. No, that would be contrary to the BBC’s policy of ensuring Brexit is portrayed in the worst possible light. In any case, is it not obvious that no substantive bilateral agreement with Australia can possibly be made until we have legally left the EU? Of course it is obvious, unless we ride roughshod over present laws, which would be the height of folly. So, really, there is no story here.
I meant to write “the opportunity for UK to trade with Asia post-Brexit would be tremendous …”
I note that the language in the reports on an Australia trade deal has been tempered somewhat since the words of Steven Ciobo have actually been broadcast (funny that), and the story has even dropped from being the headline, but the report I heard at about 6:40 on this morning’s Today programme was nothing more than an opinionated rant against those of us that voted for Brexit.
I’ll dig it out later.
They are positively gleeful about this total non-story. The prohibition is of formal negotiations; there is nothing to stop “informal” negotiations. And one would think that trade is impossible between countries without an over-arching “trade agreement”. It isn’t! I gave up on the Today programme this morning and switched over to Radio 3 instead. I think I’m now unlikely to switch back.
I listen to Radio 3 every morning but even there they have a news bulletin every half hour between 6.30 and 8.30am. They also mention current headline stories in the papers (well, the Guardian).
I always listen to Radio 5live in the morning. You should catch this guys continual sneering/laughing whenever a Brexit voter comes on! This guy simply can’t hide his hatred towards the out voters! Every news clip bring into his show, weather girls (remainers), sports reporters (remainers), comedians (remainers), travel show reporters (remainers), holiday reporters (remainers), religious people (remainers), etc etc. He can’t let them go unless/until he makes sure the listeners get the message that the BBC thinks the brexit voters are a bunch of brown shirted, council house tenants who either hate work or can’t find employement!
I wonder how many of those BBC employees also own their very own holiday homes in France, Spain, Italy etc?
Listen to Norman Smith putting those that support Brexit in their place early this morning:
His diatribe is between 32:30 – 36:00. Note the use of the words “rhetoric” and “mantra” with respect to Brexit claims, juxtaposed with the word “reality” with the comments from the Australian Trade Minister. Can you sense the glee in his voice?
The monoculture in British TV news has really been brought home to me this week. On the one hand we have BBC news being, well… BBC news (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Left) while at Sky News, that channel has plumbed new depths in its ‘cry me a river’ coverage of illegal immigrants trying to get from Africa to Europe.
Soviet Russia didn’t have any less diversity in its news reporting!
The Sky reporting of migrant-saving off Libya has been quite something. Alongside it comes a report, which to be fair they have also focused upon, suggesting that over 2/3rds of the population think that we should not take any more migrants than we have already committed ourselves to. This will be devastating to them and you can almost hear the disbelief in the reporting tone.
No doubt between them, BBC and Sky will be doing even more to try and convince us that we are all wrong.
That Sky story was a complete smokescreen in any case. What they asked was whether people would accept any more Syrian refugees.
By whose twisted standards are the illegals on those boats Syrian? By their own admission, there are very many Somalis,Nigerians and Erirtreans trying to force their way into Northern Europe.
Sky, just like the BBC, lies through its teeth about this by pretending they are Syrians fleeing a war. They are not.
Sky couldn’t give a flying f?ck as long as they get their revenue and profits. They have long been the premier exponent of charity porn in which we are given the choice of funding fresh water in some African country for £3 per month or £2 per month to save donkeys in some equally hard done by place. Do they actually not see how insensitive putting these adverts on side by side? I am not taking the p!ss here, basic sanitation should be a human right but they don’t or can’t see the mistake of showing the ads one after the other. That sums up Sky for me.
Notice how the term ‘illegal immigrants’ has been dropped by the media .
They are jumping the cue in front of legal immigrants. They are breaking the law. How many of these illegals are criminals in their own country fleeing the law ?
I understand that no background checks are made on them before they quietly melt into the the nation they arrive in – including ours ?
Mrs Sluff now is making it hard for me to spot the bBBC bias. She is fully on board but her solution is to turn over to ITV, who are a bit lightweight but to be fair they do have to fund their news out of their own pockets and do usually give the news in the order of stories a sensible person would deem most appropriate.
Sluff, how wonderful it would be if ITV transformed itself and became more ‘heavy-weight’ and honest with its news compared to the rest. I suspect they would experience a dramatic increase in their viewing numbers. This, provided they were prepared to break ranks with the broadcasters conspiracy of conveying pronounced and obvious dis-information.
They appear to feed off each others headlines.
I have a strong feeling that their ‘news hounds’ look at this site, just in case they miss something.
Lets see how quick Al Beeb runs with this comment … Migrant situation in Germany “many times better than a year ago” . (Merkel)
Is Merkel ‘whistling in the dark’ after recent results?
That was true, G, up to the time Tom Bradby became 10 o’clock anchor. Previously regular amusement, and sanity, could be gained by recording ITV and then enjoy a more balanced view after the propaganda. Now, sadly, Tom projects very much the same level of idiocy, distortion and condescension – and that, in light of his balanced presentation of The Agenda, is a minor tragedy.
The unending stream of confirmation, rectification and clarification found right here is a recipe for paranoia, but it genuinely seems to be the only reliable source of information.
What and have to put up with Peston?! By the time he’s finished a sentence it’s time for the weather.
There was always something entertaining about the ridiculous confabulations the BBC would come up with in their politics coverage and a certain interest in listening to the Today programme to see if you could predict the lines they would adopt. But after the BBC’s Brexit “tour de force”, I find I can’t stand anything political from the BBC for more than a few seconds. Daily Politics today was a good example. Something about the housing shortage. No mention of the monumental increase in demand for housing caused by an annual net migration rate of 300,000. If the BBC broadcast white noise, they would not be less informative. Although there would probably be ideological objections to white noise and demands by the Hackney Hippo for the transmission of “noise of colour” or even pink noise on Newsshite.
A couple of days ago, the BBC had a scathing attack on Trump, for his proposal to build a wall to block illegal immigrants. It was a juvenile type of parody of Trump and “his wall”.
Just watched the 9pm BBC news. Not a word, not one word about Britain building a wall at Calais, to prevent illegals entering Britain. No [paraody of Teresa May or Johnson. Nothing. Nada.
This is the BBC.
The BBC seems obsessed by “Black Lives Matter” and acts as if they have a worthy case. Maybe they should be reminded of:-
Barack Obama – Most powerful man on planet
Oprah Winfrey – Most famous, powerful and richest TV type person on planet
Michael Jordan – One of most famous and richest sportsman to ever walk the planet
Tiger Woods – Most famous golfer, and richest, on planet
Pele – Probably most famous footballer that ever lived on planet
Muhammad Ali – Most famous boxer and person to ever walk this planet
Stevie Wonder – Most famous blind man on planet
Martin Luther King – Most revered man (who actually never achieved anything) to ever walk the planet
Nelson Mandela – Most revered former terrorist to ever walk the planet
Jesse Owens – Most talked about and revered athlete that ever walked the planet
Bob Marley – Most talked about Rasta to ever walk the planet
Usain Bolt – Only man capable of curing terminally sick people with one smile, on the planet
Serena and Venus Williams – Most famous wrestling tag-team on the planet
Mo Farah – Only man on planet never to have done a thing wrong
Yep – us whiteys really do hold down black people
You forgot Lewis Hamilton, fashion icon….
Diane Abbott – Famous for mistaking Jeremy Corbyn’s face for a pie.
David Lammy – er, never mind.
Maria – that made me titter!
Anjem Choudray – the most peaceful preacher on the planet.
And good old darkus howe, bill Cosby and Michael Jackson.
I would just like to observe that you appear to have omitted some really useful cricketers and some jolly good jazz men.
I wrote to the Guardian comments during the Olympics complaining about the track events being hideously black and calling for an equal racial quota system for every event. I mean – that`s “fair” isn`t it?
The resident lefties were apoplectic with rage – I wonder why?
A frank admission this morning that when it comes to a favoured item of their liberal agenda the BBC are happy to throw journalistic objectivity to the wind.
BBC presenters brush aside problems with the Rio Paralymics with a dismissive “there’s been a lot of chatter…” and then resolve “let’s just all get behind it!”
So much for news and information – seems we’re paying for righteous parables and an expensive sanctimonious morality play.
For full coverage watch Channel 4
Expect near empty stadiums for the paralympics. if you thought the main olympics were badly attended you ain’t seen nothing yet. The channel 4 coverage has the balding bird again so another two weeks hols. Nightly on channel 4 we have the corbynista fanclub adam hills and his jolly gang from the last leg all live from rio. why. it could be done from a studio over here. Some cretins are more equal than others.
Its going to be full on positivity, tightly cropped shots and lots of positivity with a good dollop of left y liberalism rammed down our throats. Whats not to enjoy.
Are any readers interested above all else in the level of gun crime in black neighbourhoods in Chicago?
No, me neither.
But it was THE headline story on the bBBC 10pm news last night. Worthy not just as the first story, but a special report, no less.
I guess it was their way of maintaining the indoctrination when the rest of the news ( Keith Vaz, Anjem Chaudry) was not going well for their favoured pals and causes, which was thus buried lower down the running order. An utterly immoral and unethical tactical ploy and a misuse of the licence fee.
Quite right. If the BBC doesn’t like the day’s news it just makes some up.
LOL GC. Many a true word spoken in jest.
“If the BBC doesn’t like the day’s news it just makes some up.”
or buries it under a nice fluffy animal story.
Oh! Quick look over there at that squirrel…
I am still waiting for the guardian/BBC liberal snowflake brigade to offer housing or money to immigrants, to sign up as a volunteer to go to Syria and fight vs Isis or sit on boats and save migrants around the Mediterranean Sea. I have yet to see that as we all known it is a lot safer and cheaper to sit on their Apple device and become an internet warrior. Also it is a nice day out when u can go out in the sunshine and demonstrate in London, they might even pull while drinking their skinny latte. Let’s guess how many will protest during the winter months…
Doh, double post sr, I suppose to say there is always “celebrity big brother dancing on ice baking competition ” with carefully selected contestants to put on the front page…
Only some, last time I looked it was a load of B/S about global non-existant warming.
Odd in some ways, given which opportunity-denied person of colour ascended to the Presidency having worked his magic earlier in the Windbag City before moving on to greater feats.
“If I had a propaganda tool, it would look like the BBC”.
Sluff, I noted what you saw at end of last thread, but the ‘Special Report’ last night was unbelievable. I don’t remember a previous News that either led with a special report or spent so long on it. This report could have been broadcast any time during the last month when the BBC was obviously short of news. Why last night?
What I wonder is the mindset if the editors. Do they really think ‘we must chose something to put Vaz and Choudray lower down the running order’. I do believe that there is institutional Left think, but how does it transfer to what we saw last night? The desire to hide or lower the importance of major stories can only be deliberate.
It’s easily done. They have a meeting to decide to running order and will have had that ‘report’ on ice waiting for the ‘right day’ to screen it. The way group dynamics operate, it will only take a couple of more senior/forceful types to swing it.
For all its pretend ‘niceness’ the BBC operates under a cloud of fear. Even if there were any conservative doubters at such an editorial meeting, they wouldn’t have dared voice their concerns beyond a mere murmur. That way lies promotion – out of the building.
GC, your comment about the meetings that decide the news running order reminded me of something from “Can We Still Trust The BBC?” by Robin Aitken (2013 update, page 86):
“At the meeting of the BBC Forum in December 2000 I suggested to Greg Dyke that there should be an internal inquiry into bias. Dyke mumbled his way through a muddled reply; as he left the meeting, I happened to overhear him in the corridor demand angrily of his PA, ‘Who was that fucker?’ BBC Forum meetings were covered by Ariel, the BBC’s staff newspaper. At the end of the meeting the Ariel reporter asked for more details but warned that ‘controversial’ topics were often spiked. Sure enough, not a word appeared. I wrote to the reporter saying that Ariel had lived up to its nickname Pravda. …”
Sluff, I listened to that item from the BBC reporter ’embedded’ in two crime-ridden areas of Chicago for two days. I listened against the background of months of information on this very same topic provided by The New Observer Online. The only, only difference is that the online Observer is truthful in telling the visitor that the simple truth is that the murder rate is virtually solely down to blacks killing blacks. All due to the, now, imbalance between white/black. Chicago is a black predominant city.
In a long list of features, this one tells all:
Indeed, The New Observer has highlighted the same problems now in Washington DC and Balitmore where also, blacks dominate.
Pity that the Europeans and in particular Germany, have not spotted the similarities in rising crime associated with the influx of blacks from Africa and other alien species. But there, these are articles for the BBC to distort in the future.
I wondered what had happened to Jo Moore. Seems she’s a major player in the ‘news-room’ these days, polishing a well-tried technique.
Actually, knowing the high level of black-on-black gun crime in the US is useful, and of particular interest when being subjected to the screaming liars of the BLM movement and their media apologists who are all keen on painting American cops as modern day Klansmen.
Despite the statements … It did not plan job losses among the 1,850 workforce and said it still had a “substantial commitment” to the plant.
“Due to the success of our other advanced-technology engines – including the 1.0-litre EcoBoost petrol engine – and anticipated changes in demand in Europe and other markets, we now expect the global volume of the new engines not to be as high as originally planned,” said a spokesman.
How long will it take before Al Beeb pin the ‘tail on this news ?
Taffman. I think the bBBC headline you are striving for is ” Entire world changes long term vehicle engine buying haboits due to Brexit fears’
‘Some’ people say that having an engine that fails in under five years and that Ford ‘technicians’ are unable to fix after charging for two lots of costly ‘diagnostics’ might just lead to “the global volume of the new engines not to be as high as originally planned”.
Well my personal experience and speculation is no less informed than the BBC’s – and just as true as long as it is headed with BBC cover words like ‘some’ or ‘many’, which are totally meaningless in analytic terms but excellent for campaigning.
Syrian Government drops chlorine on little children in Allepo. Well its not been verified, but the BBC runs a headline with quotation marks over the words ‘drop chlorine’.
Any report from Jeremy Bowen has to be taken with a pinch of snuff.
Sky at the same game with Israel today
Israel fires shells at Gaza following ‘gunfire’
Thos inverted commas speak more than any mealy mouthed reporters anti jewish rantings without even hearing a word
Friends! As part of my attempt to spread the Progressive Left message, I recently joined the Hard-Right Twitter. Here is today’s offering:
I didn’t realise that we had a minister called Mr. May!
Loving the Colombo picture…
“Will you stay for souffle?”
Just one more thing, Friend Mike!
I’ll get my coat …
LOL! 🙂
PS. “I’ll get my coat” – no pun intended!?!
Friend Mike, my pun was certainly intended!
BTW, my wife’s a huge fan of yours!
And… I am very flattered!
And a good bit of Brexit news for Al Beeb to think about tampering with ….
Get this Brexiteers ……..Banks now BACK Brexit Britain !
A couple of days ago the Beeb let its bias show. Reporting on Brexit from Port Talbot in South Wales (BBC1 Wales Today) they had four Vox Pops who ALL thought it a big mistake. No Vox Pop for Brexit. This is from one of the towns in the UK with very near the highest ‘leave’ vote.
As remarked many times on these pages, you can get any selection of Vox Pop you want, just by getting 20 or so and leaving out the ones you don’t like.
Snowflake Central aka world class broadcaster has a lot of dear little snowflakes on this morning on the Victoria Snowflake show. How she must love the little dears. As I do . Hard done by and exploited and probably tortured by Jeremy Hunt and his evil friends or worse these little junior doctors need lots more money and lots more love.
You know it makes sense so give it to them Hunt or we will set Victoria and the Newsnight team on you and maybe even Claire Balding.
Build a wall ?
They were laughing at Trump for even mentioning this ……….
Interesting developments in Hungary re forced ‘re-distribution’ of migrants at the direction of Fourth Reich leader, Angela Merkel. I wonder if the BBC will give us this running commentary?
It was always Hungary that is going to be the first to rebel against German authoritarianism. The revolt against the USSR was very traumatic and I suspect Hungarians will rather quit the EU than roll over when Merkel commands them to.
Merkel’s actions still make no sense. It is as if she really wanted to destroy the Eu and then Europe itself.
Friends! Thought you might be interested to see my latest contribution to that Far-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian. It’s under a piece re future immigration control under Brexit:
“Friends! Those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – do not believe that it is necessarily racist to discuss immigration.
It is not racist, for instance, to talk about all of the enormous benefits that mass immigration has brought to this country, which are so blindingly obvious there is no need to point them out, so I won’t.
Nor is it racist, friends, for people to complain about the level of immigration. We on the Progressive Left fully understand the totally understandable anxieties that many people have about the level of immigration: it is, of course, far too low.
And what is the cause of this disgracefully low level of immigration, friends? Hard-Right Tory Austerity, of course!
Is it any wonder, friends, that literally nobody wants to come and live in Britain, where as we all know literally billions of people are forced to work 95-hour weeks on Zero Hour Contracts for poverty pay, e.g. Our Junior Doctors, while the widely-hated, totally unelected, Far-Right Bullingdon Boy Theresa May literally laughs in their faces whilst literally kicking them in the teeth?
And then Far-Right Neoliberals and members of the 1% claim to be surprised that those of us on the Progressive Left are revolting!”
LOL! Very funny 🙂
Looks like you might have been rumbled though… I followed the link and it says “The comment you requested could not be found.”
Sorry, Mike – only just seen your most recent comment, for which many thanks. As far as I can see, my comments are still all there, but here’s a link to all my Graun comments (plus replies), in case you’re interested – the current style was developed less than a year ago!
Thank you SoL – just loving your profile, hilarious once again!
Friends, I am a member of the Progressive Left, and my mission in this world, and indeed elsewhere, is to totally support Our Jeremy against our main enemy, i.e. the Hard-Right Red Tory treacherous scum who infest our Party, and who must be crushed by the mass power of working people, e.g. students and the unemployed. My Blog, as ever, shows the way:
Interests: Mass Marches against Tory Austerity, attended by myself; Labour Party Committee meetings; campaigning for Our NHS, which Thatcher totally destroyed, and which is the envy of the World and indeed elsewhere; reading Polly Toynbee articles.
Sorry for the delayed reply, unfortunately other things are getting in the way of reading/posting these days…
Thank you, Friend Mike :). Glad you enjoyed it – no worries re delayed reply; I have the same sort of problem. There was so much more time available in the pre-Internet days!
My brother is currently entertaining himself by winding up the snowflakes at Comment Macht Frei. He gets comments removed but still no ban, despite some seriously foam flecked hillbilly invective. Conversely he does the opposite on Fox News where he posts left wing inanities but his posts are never removed, the difference? The right believe in freedom of speech, the left want to close it down and yet when you point this out they shout you down!! Sometimes the lack of awareness of the left is genuinely shocking.
There were a number of interesting and explicit pieces of bias on the Beeb yesterday. Believe me they’re not difficult to spot. Radio 4 had a couple and then a few more turned up on the telly. There is nothing subtle in this endless propaganda, it’s more of a war of attrition. They just keep telling us how awful it is for the “refugees” in Calais and how wonderful Germany have behaved. Eventually we proles will get the picture.
They had a reporter in Germany chatting to “refugees” and those that assist them. The only thing missing from these interviews was the violin accompaniment to make it absolutely clear where our sympathies should lie.
On the tv piece we saw two rather oafish looking blokes on bikes (apparently) harassing an aid worker. “These men threaten me all the time,” she told us, though we didn’t hear from the two portly cyclists. How is it that the BBC can have someone on the ground when a native German says something unpleasant to someone who assists migrants and yet it takes them a week to report a mass sexual assault?
Another of our intrepid BBC journalists spoke to some bloke, a Christian, from Syria. The poor chap was grateful that Germany had taken him in, but he couldn’t pronounce Merkel and called her “Mrs Miracle”. “Did you her what he called her?” drooled the salivating reporter.
I get the impression that some of us on this site aren’t following Aunty’s script, which would be a shame..
After all, it’s what our licence fee is being used for…
The BBC attributes the decline of social democratic parties across Europe as due to populists spreading fear and xenophobia and of course rampant Islamophobia amongst the ill educated ,poor , left behinders. It simply doesn’t occur to them that the rise of parties opposed to their own liberal left multicultural world view is that most Europeans , regardless of educational and income levels , do not share the same view. For decades Europeans have been led by the liberal left and look where it has got us. Mass immigration akin to an invasion of aliens who despise our values and traditions, rape our women on a mass scale , attack us , cost us a fortune and give us only problems in return. Yet these leaders of the liberal left elite tell us it is our duty to take this scum into our countries despite overwhelming evidence that it is highly dangerous to our own society to do so. And the BBC wonders why Europeans are voting for politicians who recognise the danger and are prepared to do something about it.
Paris terror arrest after gas cylinders found in car
Here’s what the BBC leave out (surprise, surprise):
Police say the car’s owner, who is now in custody, is on an intelligence services watchlist of people suspected of religious radicalisation.
“Police are said to have found a book in Arabic writing in the car.
Not a Doctor or two, frustrated with the Calais queues headed for CdG Arrivals one hopes.
At least two terrorists, including one on the French intelligence services’ watchlist, were arrested after police found several gas canisters in an abandoned vehicle next to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, officials said, as cited by French media.
The car, a Peugeot 607, was found parked next to one of the Paris’ most famous attractions on Sunday morning with at least seven gas cylinders inside. One empty canister was sitting on the passenger seat, but no detonators were found during the investigation, sources told Le Figaro.
Police had initially arrested at least six people in connection with the case, but iTele later reported that four have been released and two suspects remain in custody, of whom one is a woman on the “Fiche S” list, an indicator used by France to flag people considered to be a threat to national security. Those on that list are not arrested, but are thoroughly monitored by the authorities.
Le Figaro added that the two being detained were a 29-year-old woman and 34-year-old man, and police told AFP sources that the pair was previously known to law enforcement, and one of the suspects is believed to be the owner of the car.
“The car was parked for almost two hours, according to my information,” in an area where parking “is forbidden,” Florence Berthout, the head of the neighborhood where the car was found, told BFMTV.
The car was found with its hazard lights flashing as if to attract attention, police said, and documents found inside the vehicle were in Arabic.
“We think he may have been trying to carry out a test-run,” one of the officials said, as cited by Reuters.
Wonderful what you can find out when you switch off the so called bbc
You are a wonder Support Our Lefty!
THIS is exactly what the Lefty knicker wringers need.
Dianne Abbott as the new Obesity Czar please…and if we see her as Olive from On the Buses with Jeremy as Arthur on their Honda with sidecar-we`ve got a cartoon.
Good use of the word “literally” too!
Keep us posted-that Guardian one the other day was great!
PS-have taken the rare step of following you on Twitter…we Progressive Friends must step in time eh?
Corbyn nails it as
Leading Tories quail once more.
Onward Labour Left!
(With due respect to my sensei UKIP haiku san!)
Thank you so much, Friend Chris! (BTW, I sent you a note of appreciation on the Far-Right Twitter earlier.)
Those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, Chris, e.g. you – must stick together, like bears in the wood, avoiding petty backbiting and intolerance. To this end, we must totally smash the Far-Right Red Tory Traitors, e.g. the widely-hated, widely-unknown racist neoliberal, Owen so-called Jones, or whatever his name is.
Yet again the bbc – broadcasting bollocks for clinton – fail to report on any news that shows Trump ahead in the polls and the reasons for it.
At some point, one would hope, we would expect the bbc to show a degree of journalistic objectivism and actually report on the news!
I cannot (maybe naively so) believe that there is no one within the organisation challenging this damaging SJW, leftist and anti-reasoned narrative. I often watched the bbc news in the same way one enjoyed ‘soaps’ but I have finally succumbed to my conscience. News -in my humble opinion- was there to reflect reality, not to try and create it.
My first post, unfortunately, I doubt it will be my last
Welcome. Pleased that we have another contributor who sees the BBC for what it is, a propaganda fog horn for the left.
Critical Thinker
Croeso ! 🙂
The BBC’s Brexit behaviour appears to have removed the scales from many eyes, judging by the new names appearing here.
Absolutely. I registered last month because the Brexit bias was so obscene.
As I said on another thread I would previously strongly support the BBC and the way it is paid for. Not now.
Now I see bias everywhere on almost everything. Sure I think that David Attenborough and I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue are wonderful, but it’s the infiltration of bias in the BBC that is destroying it. It needs to stop, or the BBC will.
I guess you missed Susan Calman and her obligatory ‘wife’ references on I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue then?
I’m sure there will have been many other ‘right-on’ guests at other times too.
I’ve just registered as well, though I’ve been coming here regularly for a couple of months now. Don’t miss (though I shall) next Monday’s Crimewatch in which we’re promised “a special investigation into the rise in hate crime following the EU referendum”. Jesus wept!
Welcome & Croseo 🙂
Now I just wonder, what percentage of the population have actually been convicted of the ‘so called’ hate crime ?
Yep. In the old days when youths beat up / killed, old people, young people, disabled people, in fact anyone, it was simply a crime. Adding the epithet, ‘hate’ makes no difference at all except to push an agenda.
Ah the new super duper crimewatch with uber cycling twat Jezza Vine and Tina Daheley and going by her twitter no fan of theresa so perfect for the beeb.
You can be 100% guaranteed that loads of hate will be ‘found’.
Re the Lefties having no humour.
Only the British would name their Crime Studies Centre after Jill Dando-who famously died, but whose murderer was never found.
Come on Lefties…
Welcome to all newcomers! I joined last year after selling my TV in protest over the BBC’s migrant crisis coverage. I’d known for years the BBC was biased but I sort of tolerated it like a tedious relative. However, it was in 2015 that I realised the BBC’s promotion of open borders was indirectly causing the deaths of thousands of people – innocent children dragged along by their economic migrant parents, and genuine refugees unable to get asylum because of the system being swamped by the ineligible.
H, lots of registered ‘Hate Crimes’ but very few followed through to arrest and prosecution. Why? Well, simply, the registering person doesn’t have to include their contact details. So, for the sake of the success of the BBC’s programme, come with me and register a fictitious hate crime, it will doubtless boost the numbers and support the biased BBC.
I would personally like to see less left wing bias amongst animals featured on the Beeb.
The renowned animal interviewer you mention has recently shown a tendency to talk to communist animals, meerkats, ants, bees, termites, lazy lions and various communal living algae and fungi to name a few. I am unsure of the Red Panda, Red Kite and the pernicious Red Herring as well, I don’t think it/they should be trusted.
So, more from nasty sharks, terrifying tigers, subversive spiders, aggressive anacondas and big biting bears please. I am sure that these animals would have voted ‘Brexit’ and it is time to hear their side of the debate.
NB: I have deliberately excluded enormous elephants from the communist animals as they are disappearing at an alarming rate so they don’t really matter anymore. Probably eaten by desperate refugees on the way to Europe from the war zone that is The Horn of Africa.
Welcome. There are no dissenters in the BBC. The hive is well guarded. Think of the film ‘Invasion of the Bodysnatchers” .Those that try to resist are soon howled at by the rest. Then they go to sleep and when they wake up they are BBC.
Like this
The blatant BBC Brexit bias persuaded me to move from R4 to World Service which is little more diverse BUT to hear a presenter haranguing the Mayor of Cannes over burkinis and suggesting nuns should be forced to strip if on a beach really pushed it to new limits.
Honestly, the way the French are behaving towards Muslims you’d think hundreds of them had been killed by Islamic extremists or something. Oh wait, hang on…
Predictable BBC bias on Radio 4 from 11:00 to 11:30, the first of a two-part series about the effect of the EU Referendum result on how Europeans in the UK feel.
This first one was based on the Bristol area (which voted remain) and the last part will be from Newcastle / Sunderland (which voted out) next week.
The presenter was one Gary Young (true spelling maybe slightly different) a British man of West Indian origin, as I’d guessed from his accent. So, from the outset, we have a presenter whose own life story is likely to make him more favorable to immigration than indigenous British people would be – this is a typical BBC trick, hence their giving the microphone to people such as Lenny Henry, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Mishal Husain, Anita Anand, Ritula Shah, James Coomarasamy, Razia Iqbal, Clive Myrie, Samira Ahmed, Connie St Loius, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Sure enough, he got in a reference to his mother telling him she’d heard things said recently against East Europeans that reminded her of what she heard when she first arrived from the W Indies; so job done, bash Whitey, and conflate a vote to leave the EU with racism.
The broadcast was necessarily vague about the precise nature of the unpleasantness suffered by EU immigrants. One pathetic example was a woman who felt she was being addressed personally by some ‘LEAVE’ posters all down one street; there was no attempt to get her to see that these meant simply: ‘VOTE LEAVE’ on June 23rd. Other examples included immigrants wondering whether it would still be safe to speak to each other in Hungarian; the implication was that hostility might be shown post the EU Referendum.
Over all, there was no attempt to distinguish a mass vote to leave a failed supranational political entity (the EU) from possible hostility to East European immigrants and foreigners more generally. It was all about how certain people felt – very BBC, very Fi Glover – rather than objective evidence of increased hostility. Pro-Brexit leaders have made clear that EU citizens won’t be thrown out but this was glossed over.
It seemed to me like another in the endless series of biased output about the EU Referendum.
Gary Younge is a hardcore nutjob who writes for the Guardian. He hates white people, right-wing people, rich people, almost everyone now I come to think about it.
Gary Younge gets a mention in David Keighley’s article here:
Something occurred to me about the so-called ‘racist backlash’ against eastern European immigrants described with such enthusiasm by the BBC. Most of the incidents seem to consist of EEs being told on the day of Brexit that they’ll have to go home now. There wasn’t a wave of assaults or attacks on properties as there was, for example, against Germans when WW1 broke out. It was mostly verbal.
But I wonder how much of this is typical British banter of the kind people exchange every day? I’ve lived in Hungary and the sense of humour is very different – they don’t really understand irony or the sort of mocking humour that Brits use towards each other, in fact they find it quite upsetting. This may be the same with other EEs and if they don’t speak English fluently they are liable to miss these subtleties. One Hungarian I know described a shopkeeper telling him, when he asked for a packet of 25 grams of tobacco on Brexit day, that he had to ask for an ounce now. That MUST have been a joke but he seemed to think it was a serious insult.
Of course, there’s no chance of this idea being given airtime on the BBC as a. leftists don’t really understand that sort of humour and b. it implies that there are cultural differences between European peoples which may hinder integration, and they don’t like that either.
Cranmer, leftists don`t understand humour at all, especially middle class leftists who, in my experience, look appalled when exposed to the true voice of the workers in all their irreverence and mockery of everything the left holds dear.
I have frequently observed to Mrs E whilst bellowing with laughter and wiping tears from my eyes how glad I am to have discovered right wing websites and their….our humour….so different from the po faced, politically correct, self censoring, fearful of offending left ones.
your post is bang on the money incidentally.
Please tell me that your Hungarian friend has told you that his hovercraft is full of eels.
Embolden, totalitarians have always hated humour as to them it is a form of sacrilege. Indeed the book ‘The Name of the Rose’ is based on the idea that absolutists would stop at nothing to suppress evidence that Christ had a sense of humour. And yes, my Hungarian friends like Monty Python and they know that sketch off by heart!
It’s called the craic …. an ironic witty repartee without any subservience to political correctness or ego sensitivity. Still regularly used in the North of England and Ireland. Most middle class southerners just don’t get it and think it’s just oiks being rude. As I don’t often frequent the working class pubs and terrier dog shows that I used to do … I miss it dearly. Unfortunately my part of the North of England is now subjugated by the blandness of Salford BBC workers trying to recreate the Hampstead of the North and just not getting it!
They wouldn’t appreciate this then….
Lobster ….. Luv It!!!! Just need to watch it again to chew over every little nuance. Thank God for the internet …. and this blog.
Glad you liked it! If you go to Youtube and type “Doreen Tipton” you’ll find that she’s done several videos, all of them will have you rolling on the floor – I think she’s sensational, but perhaps that’s because I come from the Black Country. I think the humour would be totally lost on the Luvvies.
Sense of humour varies enormously.
For instance the Spanish don’t laugh at themselves at all, ever; they just don’t find it funny.
But I was in a Tube station the other day when a uniformed white worker was joshing in a broad sarf east accent with a heavily bearded Asian colleague: “Where you been Sunny? Down on the platform frightening the passengers? Allahu akbar, mate!”. And they both laughed.
Now THAT`S British!
Standing in the hospital car park, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham I watched the car park attendant fail to persuade two very arrogant doctors with middle eastern appearance to park in their allotted space. He turned to me and said: ‘Theoy down’t understand ploin English’. Realizing what he had said we both doubled up with laughter. (sorry – I cannot write Brummie)
The Gary Younge programme from Bristol majored on Romanians who attended a local Orthodox church. Once a week, a bus took their parcels and the odd person home. That day there was a person who was fleeing England because of the Brexit vote although they were not interviewed.
At last, one Romanian gave the game away (allowing Gary an opportunity to preach about some being at the bottom of the pile and being discriminated against by other ethnic minorities).
Yes, you have guessed it.
The Roma are not really Romanians but gypsies, she said, and give us a bad name. (There can’t be a single Romanian who can stop themself repeating this prejudice.)
It is true to say that without Roma on every shopping street, in every town and village in Britain, Brexit would not have won. Did no-one question Romania joining the EU? Presumably they were too terrified in the House of Commons to say what any Romanian could tell them. They will migrate here in hundreds of thousands. Presumably they were hoping for that in Bucharest.
‘5 Ways Clinton Loses the Election’
The arrogance of the headline assuming it’s Clinton’s to lose is bad enough, but the fact that one of the ways is “voter hacking” is outrageous as it suggests Trump’s only way of winning is to cheat – despite overwhelming evidence of Clinton’s camp doctoring polls, having a compliant media, trying to get criminals released and more illegals registered so they can vote for her, and so on. If anyone is likely to steal the election, it is quite obviously the Democrats.
The five biggest reasons Clinton WILL lose the election, barring a freak event or the aforementioned fraud from her camp, are as follows:
1. Trump is engaging with the public of all races and cultures while Clinton can’t be bothered
2. Clinton is a near-proven criminal while Trump is a self-made success
3. Clinton represents maintaining Obama’s despised liberal policies and global establishment status quo, while Trump has positive policies that seek to benefit his countrymen
4. Recent history has shown that the side consistently maligned, mistreated, and ignored by the media actually represents the silent majority whose numbers will only be felt en masse. Since Trump is actually slightly leading Clinton-biased media polls at this time you can expect the real margin of popularity to be much more one-sided in his favour when voters no longer have to worry about being called names in the booth
5. Project Fear is being employed by the Clinton campaign. Recent history shows that this is poison for undecided voters and they will either vote for the far more upbeat Trump, or for an independent which is more likely to eat into Democrat party numbers than Republican ones
It truly is extraordinary how little resemblance the BBC’s representation of the election has on what’s actually happening, same as their coverage of Brexit. And the result, barring shenanigans from Clinton’s group, will be the same – a huge victory for the defiant public sick of the sneering, anti-Western narrative of the loathsome neo-left.
I agree and hope to see Trump win. He will have a dramatic effect on Europe as well. At last we will start to roll back liberalism and rebuild sane reality based societies of free nation states.
Watch how Trump reacts with the older African Americans . Very positively and they respond well to him.
The slur of racism against him is absurd. The only thing that he is interested in is America and it’s people of whatever race.
And now it says “Five Clinton nightmare election scenarios”
Nightmare for the BBC, that is.
Unfortunately during Communism in Eastern Europe the integration of Roma population was mainly a failure as unemployment was against socialist values, everyone suppose to work for the greater good. As everyone had to have a job whatever it was, opportunity was there for everyone but the lifestyle of travellers did not change. I have yet to see how this lot of lefties will want to deal with the situation, travellers go where they can get more money. Eastern Europe is happy to leave this problem to the west to deal with…
Privileged left wing student(again) activists disrupt airports under the hijacked banner of BLM,they have been bailed and will go to court next wednesday,but the BBC failed to report their names.That information lies elsewhere.
Oh they so wish they lived in the US and really did have something to be outraged over. “Global Warming is racist” ??? Give me a break.
Odd though ? Young people are supposed to rebel but where’s the rebellion here ? They align themselves to the Leftist ESTABLISHMENT ? In my book that’s towing the line of pillars of the ESTABLISHMENT eg: the BBC.
Dinesh’ d’souza destroys leftist college students arguments’ on you tube,explains it better than i ever could.
Gaxvil, in the 60s or 70s Quentin Crisp summed up youthful rebellion thus: ‘The young always have the same problem – how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another’.
Nowadays, when the values of parents and children are the same, it would be more accurate to say that the young conform while convincing themselves that they are actually rebelling.
We began watching Fox News when Juan Charles Jiménez was shot following the 7/7 bombings. For a touted, ‘right wing biased’ station, Fox News could teach the BBC darlings a whole lot – starting with not employing spoilt children as presenters to carry out schoolyard style interviews.
As we usually do tomorrow what the US did yesterday – I wonder if we’re heading for our ‘Obama Period’? i.e Hand wringing and outrage over everything but action over nothing – for fear of upsetting someone … anyone while we slip down the toilet.
A post “Any Questions” phone-in fifteen years ago and Jonathan Dimbleby put down and cut off a Jewish Death Camp survivor because she dared to raise concerns over immigration and so called multi-culturism – Ah but that was then.
His replacement on the present “Any Answers” unashamedly pushes the anti British agenda. The program should be renamed “Answers We Wish to Hear”.
Using the “Scientific Method”. I think I have worked out the meaning of the BBC’s term “Uneducated”.
From the 1890,s to the 1960’s all British people where educated, from the 1960’s onwards, a combination of progressive education, replacement of Grammar Schools with Comprehensive Schools, and then mass Immigration and duming down of education have caused the repopulation of Britain, with lots of uneducated people.
So we have:
(1) The “Uneducated” who do not vote, because they cannot read or write.
(2) The “Brainwashed” who voted “Remain”
(3) The “Educated” in the Tory Shires who voted “Leave”
(4) The “Self Educated” in places like Sunderland who voted “Leave”
Proof of this Theory comes from a graph that shows the fact that young people are more likely to have been Brainwashed, while “Self Education” lasts for a lifetime, and gradually reduces the influence of Brainwashing, over time. It also proves that the best teachers for brainwashing live in places like Scotland and London, while they are better at education than brainwashing in Sunderland. Proof that middle-class morons don’t like to go to Sunderland, to work.
Opening new Grammar Schools, especially in places like London, could reduce the Brainwashing of Children by teaching Children to think for themselves.
It could but it wont because PC Globalist heads will be put in place, PC globalist Governers too, then they make sure they select staff with PC globalist views. So the brainwashing becomes self propagating.
I am at a loss to understand how the BBC believes that constantly talking Britain down helps the population – small sections perhaps but in no way is this agenda balanced by an occasional baby panda story ?
No doubt the BBC will be all over this like a rash.
I love the bit about more political certainty in mainland Europe! The best laugh I’ve had all week.
Things are pretty certain down in the graveyard, too.
The fear of name calling(rascist) starts early, it’s bullying, taking the safer option, our children and students have become a pack of bullying sheep
Apparently Saturday night is to become “Arts Night” on BBC2, among the treats Ballet Boyz, the all-male dance company, produce a film about the effects of war.
Couldn’t the BBC have just extended its regurgitated sitcom series with a re-showing of “It ain’t half hot, Mum”?
But no! Like Global Warming, “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” is just too racist.
Anyway, I do hope they follow up with Ballet Girlz – can’t be seen as sexist can we ?
At one time, say several decades ago, I might have looked forward to this but I’m not even even going to bother. The chances of it featuring anything remotely appealing are virtually nil.
It will be a constant stream of right-on, talentless, weird, ethnic minority dominated, obscure, gratuitously provocative, irritating rubbish.
“By focusing Saturday nights around arts, music, performance and cinema, we want to create space for new ideas, authored film-making, and the very best talent, from the world-class to the stars of tomorrow.”
“World class?” Not with a budget of £50, you won’t.
“Michael Palin will interview Jan Morris, the explorer and travel writer, while presenters Helen Skelton and Javone Prince attempt to convince teenagers that reading is cool.”
Michael Palin – he’s OK but doesn’t that belong on a travel show? And the “attempt to convince teenagers that reading is cool” is social work, and they won’t be watching anyway. I had to Google Javone Prince; the results were predictable.
Too negative? Probably, but I’ve been taken in before. I just want to opt out of anything to do with the BBC.
It’s a natural given that ‘Arts Night’ or ‘Olympics Report’ or ‘Special Report’ will all be tainted with their left-wing bollocks.
Reviewing an Atlee biography, Danny Finkelstein wrote the following last Saturday
“While at home discussing socialist ideals , (he) hadn’t much time for those intellectuals who he thought had created systems in their heads that missed out human beings”.
I think this is a brilliant summation of the left. From the bBBC to the Corynistas to the anarchist pressure groups like BLM, to Momentum or the hard left of the 1980s, and to the Hampstead luvvies of today, it rings so true. Feel and embrace the socialism of mass immigration or trade union power affecting the public, while the leaders swan off to their datchas, mansions, and villas, and relax in their walled gardens away from the plebs.
Part 2
Atlee also argued that ‘ the right division is not between capitalism and socialism. It is between democracy and dictatorship’
What a brilliant summation of the difference between the Brexiteers and the Remainiacs.
And for that matter between the democracy of the masses, such as those wanting to travel and live their normal lives, and the dictatorship of the pressure groups with no democratic mandate, who want to inflict their version of the world on the rest of us by doing things like blocking airport runways.
Both of these are great sluff.
The simpler it is,the more powerful it will turn out to be.For both these phrases from Attlee via Finkelstein are very profound.
I`ve got a few of my own-not as good , but also indicate something big-will research them a bit…but these two of yours will last me a week or so.
Peter Lilley-like in cold brevity-and needed when all you get are torrents of empty words like Owen Jones by way of oppo.
Back in the days when the BBC still knew how to make good programmes there was a play by Robert Glendinning about the Labour Party winning the 1945 election – That Man Attlee. All of the main characters (good and bad) were Labour politicians and there was no pantomime Tory villain as there would have to be today. I didn’t mind that everything in the plot was focused on Labour because the play was about the reaction to the election results. There was no attempt to tell me what I should think or feel about the events – although it did confirm my views on Herbert Morrison.
I still miss the old BBC.
Digression, nothing to do with the Scum at Central Treason Centre.
This book of yours, about AlBeeb. This is my idea of a plot.
There is this NEO (Near Earth Object), 2011A1763, a 50km diameter asteroid. It has been catalogued, its orbit is known. It is being tracked despite the belief that there is no risk it will collide with the earth.
There is a General Election in the UK, which the Labour Party wins, so your book will have to be set in the distant future. After this victory there are celebrations at Broadcasting House.
Celebrations also in EU headquarters, since in the Labour Manifesto is a commitment to re-apply for EU membership. Despite the UK having passed Japan in GDP to become the third most productive state on earth.
But EU celebrations are not confined to Europe. The staff in Guiana Space Centre, from where the ESA Ariane 5 rockets are launched, and where a launch is imminent, decide to have a party. Two Islamic scientists, Mohammed bin Peaceful al Harmless and Ibrahim bin Conscientious Objector join the party despite being unused to alcohol.
Mohammed and Ibrahim get drunk, they decide, as a joke, to launch the rocket at New York. Muslims being friendly as ever. Well M&I make a mess of the launch, the rocket exceeds escape velocity and collides with 2011A1763. This changes its orbit.
The new orbit makes it collide with the earth. Upon entry into the Earth’s atmosphere the thermal shock is sufficient to cause it to break into several pieces, which hit the earth at some distance from each other.
Among the places struck are Mecca, Medina, Tehran, Brussels, Strasbourg, London, Salford, Leicester, Bradford.
I have a rough draft of a sequel, set in a post Islamic, post Socialist, future Utopia.
What do you think?
Thanks for a good chuckle TS. Looking forward to Part II 🙂
Mark Karno’s bravura performance as BoE Governor reaches new heights as he claims much, not to say all, the credit for the current financial slap down for the Remainers.
At this rate the man’s a shoo-in for the next BBC Director, and think how many ideas his missus could swap with Harrabin.
Beltane…………. At this rate the man’s a shoo-in for the next BBC Director…
You mean Nadiya didn’t make the cut at the first interview ??
The BBC should be attacking May over her approach to ‘Brexit Means Brexit’. She won’t reveal whether or not Britain is to remain in the EU single market.
The point of Brexit is to leave the constraints of the EU single market and freely trade with the world.
BBC Agenda?
DS, before others start it, could the BBC argue that they were, wait for it, “dis-mayed” that TM will not reveal her plans?
Sorry about that, just had to get it in…………….
BBC Facebook – “A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that “precautions” should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.”
Seems there may be ‘Asians’, and ‘other Asians’ after all.
For a start, it would be interesting to compare the crime figures of Tottenham and Brixton with Richmond.
Well of course, Saudis hate Iranians, Indians hate Pakistanis and so on and so on but no matter – everyone knows only white males are racists – kind of a ‘white privilege’ thing I guess?
You got it gaxvil.
It’s just like how we (the West) are supposed to have started the Syrian civil war, so it’s our job to accept unlimited refugees (never mind that 75% of them are not Syrian).
But what about all the millions (trillions?) of dollars fuelled from Saudi and the Gulf to ISIS – that that count. No lefties are demanding that Saudi and the Gulf accept unlimited refugees.
In fact they are taking none, zero, nada, a big fat zilch. Why? “We need all our jobs for our own citizens” – or words to that effect.
But no, it’s white westerners who are uniquely evil. Or perhaps they think (surely not!) that we whiteys should know better, while one could hardly expect any better of those brown-skinned people?
The Chinese do not do snowflake faux outrage. They probably just do not understand why anyone is upset at the advice.
Anyway most of the shire people have stopped going to London for pleasure years ago now. Or do as many of my acquaintance do go straight in and out preferably in the early morning if doing business there.
Over my career (& retirement) I have moved, increasingly, West.
From SW London to Central London, just West of Mayfair, to Gloucestershire (picture postcard village, Cotswolds) . Having lived there for over 30 Yrs. the Islingtonians moved in!
Talking to an old farmer friend of mine that I was moving, his comment was “Good idea – this village is f***ed.
The Islingtonians have a bemused look on their faces when told by the (born & bred) locals to “EFF OF BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM”.
Creoso Y Cymrae
I clocked the Air China article and was astonished, I’ve flown a lot and was amazed that an in flight magazine could offer such incisive and accurate advise.
Very surprised the Chinese didn’t tell them where to go!
Stop Mixing Up Islamic Flags: A Guide for Lazy Journalists
Radio 4’s PM programme reporting of the so-called Black Lives Matter protest at London’s City Airport was quite fascinating.
Although it only involved nine protesters it got a spot on the programme and its leader was given studio time to present her case. Then an expert was fetched in tell us if there was any validity in what we had just heard, rather than to present an opposing viewpoint, (which any government announcement automatically gets).
Clearly the expert didn’t want to be thought controversial. Perhaps they weren’t quite using the figures correctly, (the 28%), and perhaps adding up the UK’s carbon emissions since the stone age wasn’t quite fair, after all we had still got Ed Miliband’s Crazy Climate Change Charter in law, but by and large…
I did wonder if our anonymous ‘white’ campaigners were sons and daughters of BBC producers. Why was this group being cultivated? Does the BBC think that they have potential to cause trouble?
Imagine if ‘our’ BBC had been like this in the past. The Cold War would have seen campaigning for Young Pioneers to make a home here, not all Russians being communists. The Second War would have had roving reporters spotting the V1 impact sites and doing a ‘Falklands’, counting out our bombers and counting them back, all ‘impartially’ reported to the world. No doubt pre-1939 they would have been welcoming boat loads of young German men, supposedly fleeing call-up in Germany, yet with a copy of Mein Kampf in their back packs.
JimS, As regards to your last sentence, I have a vague memory that around the outbreak of WW2, Winston Churchill introduced a Security Act and it was approved by the Government within 10 minutes or so (if my memory serves me correctly). I cannot find any direct reference to this online but I am sure another contributor here will know the facts. Point being that the BBC doubtless would have been subject to restricted broadcasting anyway. Not only that, those were the days when the BBC were on the side of the British people. Found this, for these days of the current war to prevent the UK being overrun:
It was Winston Churchill who said:
“In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”
Just one of the perpetrators in the “spike” in so-called “hate crimes”:
This unemployed Muslim convert is currently in court on charges of causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress and using racially aggravated insulting words or behaviour. And guess what, this Islamic bigot, who screams about women being sluts for dressing in tight jeans, was accompanied by his wife who was wearing a tight top and tight jeans.
Not getting much coverage on the BBC…
Looking at that photo – he’s a brave man.
I’m sure I’ve seen them in a HBOS advert.
Looks like they’re on their way to an appearance on the Jeremy Kyle show !
Unemployed is he? He seems to get money for steroids from somewhere though doesn’t he?
Muslim women are supposed to dress in a manner that does not provoke sexual urges in other men. She has very obviously achieved this.
The inflatables LOL!
Aaargh it gets worse! The BBC folk are all over the place!
From Wikipedia on John Stuart Mill
“But, the way to express those arguments should be a public speech or writing, not in a way that causes actual harm to others. This is the Harm Principle.
For example, if an influential politician points at a woman with a headscarf in front of an excited crowd of people and says she is part of ISIS, that is wrong, since it will cause clear danger to the woman who was pointed out.”
Why not use as an example something which actually happened:
A UK Imam in Florida called for gays to be killed, and Omar Mateen consequently murdered 50 gay people in Florida.
Wikipedia is the worthless haunt of SJWs and has been for years. See the exposure of its dark role in spreading the ‘manmade global warming’ myth.
Today, I know of a person whose surname is Blackie who sent a professional email to Croydon Social Services. It was automatically bounced back to the person named Blackie because the name was said to be a racist name.
The very same person also has an email with her maiden name. Given this name is Brown I think she may get bounced again!
Strange but true.
I think Blackie might be an old Scottish name, but then again so is Twatt, and I imagine that causes problems with emails too.
Of course Mr White would cause a few problems due to the supremacy built into the name. However, Mr Ramsbottom might be acceptable in some parts of our multiculture
Twatt is a town in Shetland. As people derive their names sometimes from their town of origin, I once had the pleasure of doing business with Tom Twatt.
Another Vaz rentboy?
“Looks like a nice lad”!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evening folks, not BBC related however I would just like to share with you this evenings journey back from Spain more as a prime example of why I think multiculturalism is an utter failure.
After being dropped off at the airport I head to the outdoor bar to kill some time, it’s full of English/Irish people and a few Spanish. The airport is immaculate, the employees at the airport are all Spanish as you’d imagine and there is an air of joy as families are returning from a nice break. The staff at the airport are attentive, the police are present and doing their job. I go to Spain a lot as the regulars will know and it always surprises me that a country with 44% youth unemployment seems to have many more young people working behind shop counters, waitering, bar staffing and public services as far as I can see compared to the UK. Add to that an income tax rate that is far lower (24% up to €600,000 EUR, 45% anything over) and generally all other taxes are too (council tax etc). That’s all well and good but I just can’t seem to understand why their roads, beaches, streets, towns are cleaner and much better kept than ours…. Hmmmmm anyway after getting through departures in less than 5 mins I’m on the plane and a quick flight back to ‘so called’ Great Britain.
I only have hand luggage so am very quick to passport control, on that note not sure if anyone has come through Gatwick recently but my ears are immediately assaulted by an HSBC sponsored (what appeared to be) art exhibition which sounded like someone had violently shaked a cutlery drawer then stuck it on a loop. Hey ho I don’t like HSBC, their not my bank and quite frankly they may even trump the BBC in the “how hard can I ram multiculturalism down the publics throat” competition. I am met at passport control by an Eastern European lady that ushers me down what appeared to be the 1 hour wait line rather than perhaps the 55 minute one. Rather strange as I thought I’d just landed in England, maybe the flight diverted to Kraków whilst I was asleep. I wait in the queue for what seemed like an eternity to be met by a machine, yep that’s right a bloody machine. Now call me old fashioned but with the terror threat at severe I would rather adopt the Spanish approach of using human beings to decipher whether someone is sweating profusely as they are just about to detonate their little cocktail in their backpack. I’m swiftly ushered to the machine by another lady who’s English is probably as good as mine when I was 5…. Actually no I don’t think I ever went through the pidgeon dialect ever, so probably akin to me around the 3 yer old mark. Finally through customs where they must think I am as thick as their staff as they advertise a deal of 2 bottles of wine for £15… No thanks although I am rather stressed.
I meander my way through the vast numbers of uber type “drivers” in the departure hall and leave the exit doors for what I can only akin to standing in the smoking room at Bahrain airport, anyone who has done this will understand why I use this example, it was repulsive and made Hong Kongs smoking rooms seen delightful. Scores of people are standing (ironically under the sign pointing to the smoking area) literally in the doorway blowing smoke into everyone’s faces as they leave the building. Lovely… I at this point as a British person am deeply ashamed however as a smoker and a bit of a rebel I think screw it, if they’re not going to obey the rules neither will I and light up with them. I see a very strange number of Eastern European looking young mothers who lets just put it don’t seem like they are here for a weekend break. Oh well I continue into the gatwick express, by now I have already seen my fair share of enrichers in their Islamic dress that is interesting because when I went to Turkey 2 years ago (an Islamic country) hardly any of the women dressed like this. Hey ho it’s not called Great Britain for nothing. Having spent most of the summer in Spain I can also count the headscarves I saw on one hand so had kind of forgotten what how prevelant they are in our diverse and wonderful big society.
I get off at Victoria and onto the bus, the train is filthy, filled with unwanted audio advertisements and a young girl who either has forgotten her headphones or perhaps has found a wonderful new record and would like to share it with the whole carriage. If she’s reading this I would like to review it for her and say it was rubbish im afraid, not in to Jamaican dancehall too much myself. Once getting out at Victoria I have a 20 minute wait for the night bus. A young bilingual African French couple are conversing in front of me, I felt particularly proud as a Londoner when the young man wearing gold Nike trainers (no, really) explained that he’s been in London for three years and broke into English to say “on benefits”…. ? Another cigarette
I get on the bus on the top deck and cannot hear a single word of English spoken, it also reeks of BO… Ahhhhh home sweet home
PS – will update in due course with some proper BBC bias
Thanks for posting, I’m glad….no, I’m sorry to see I am not alone. Returned recently from Madrid….my assumption throughout my trip to Spain was that there remains a pride in nation that was nurtured during the Franco years that hasn’t yet wholly been lost. However there are beggars in central Madrid and a few on the metro so all is not well in Euroland.
Birmingham airport……greeted by machines and herded through them by people of foreign extraction whose second language appeared to be a form of simplified English, that enabled them to give orders and treat us like imbecilic cattle.
And then the long walk through the terminal surrounded by “welcome” posters…..replete with mandatory mixed race couples and black people relaxing in Stratford on Avon.
Our arrival appeared to coincide with a flight from the Gulf……a mix of Pakistani, Bangla and Somalis, it took me back to my years in the gulf. What struck me was the complete lack of care for their kids and the slowness of people walking 2 and 3 abreast in hijabs pushing trollies piled high with vast suitcases and flat screen TVs and other electronic goods, stopping at random to talk and seemingly oblivious to people trying to pass through and get out of the airport more swiftly.
A missing child announcement was made over the tannoy and we saw and heard an exchange in which a man from the subcontinent was negotiating going back airside to pick up a lost toddler….he said “oh it’s ok we’re not worried” long suffering reply from the official was “well we are worried, this shouldn’t have happened”
Black lives matter, and only rich white people travel by air so I hear.
Thanks TBT for your insights on Gatwick. I nearly always fly into Stanstead, which I think by UK standards is pretty good. I do wonder why though they insist on carpeting it with something that looks and smells like it got thrown out of the Red Lion. I also have do not like the passport check machines, mainly for the reason that they are slow and never seem to work so I then get shunted into some other queue for dodgey entrants.
Then onto car hire, which they have inconveniently moved out of the terminal, where I haven’t met a UK national working there for years: They are usually fine, but is it not a little odd that non of these people are native Brits.
ED – completely agree with you there. I flew out of all three London airports this summer and by far Stansted was superior. Aside from being treated like cattle as many have mentioned they have refurbished it and the process is quick. Although I would also like to agree with another comment that everyone that works there seems to be in a headscarf.
And one thing I never thought that I’d say is that the food in the Whetherspoons is rather good. Not your usual microwaved crap but very gourmet for Whetherspoons. Good old Tim Martin, one of the last remaining true brits. Happy to pay into his company on principal.
PS – thanks all for sharing your stories I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way!
This experience is all too familiar to anyone who has travelled through one of Britain’s Invasion Portals (formerly known as ‘airports’) in recent years. It would be funny were it not so depressingly accurate. Departing from one in the Occupied Territories (Luton) the other week, just about every member of the ‘security’ staff was a female dressed in black, complete with headscarf. Oddly, you don’t seem to see such people working in airports in Muslim countries.
TBT, ‘fraid for all, its a case of having to get used to the sloppy, inefficient, filthy way these people live their lives. I lived in the Middle East so I can sympathise. I truly never, ever thought Blighty would slowly deteriorate the way is has: quite literally ‘dumbing-down’ to accommodate what will always be foreigners despite the passports they hold.
Oh, the joys of living in central southern France. Clear motorways, pleasant, largely empty main roads and byways no paying for parking in smaller towns, and cheap in the larger ones (and free for two hours at lunchtime). Remarkably few tinted persons (around these parts, anyway), polite (other than an inbred lack of customer service). Transport is cheap, usually clean and on time (barring strikes – but you would also know all about them, of course…).
I have no need of flying, airports, and all the assorted evils which go with them. I have no intention of setting foot back in the Former UK, I love it here.
Your description reminds me of some of the reasons I left the Former UK in the first place, and reinforces my belief that the decision I made ten year ago, was the right one.
Yes, I know it’s not perfect here, but it’ll see me out, with a far more pleasant standard of living, and beautiful, unspoilt surroundings. Not a wind turbine to be seen, here (yet…).
Hi , Old Goat ,the Windmills tend to be in the cornfields of Par de Calais , Normandy & Brittany.In the South of France they tend to be on hilltops & ridges.I agree to the rest of what you said however .
Hi , Old Goat ,the Windmills tend to be in the cornfields of Par de Calais , Normandy & Brittany.In the South of France they tend to be on hilltops & ridges.I agree to the rest of what you said, however .
BrutalTruth, you seemed to have kicked off a thread of your own here. So this is my contribution:
My wife and I were sat on a delayed plane in a Spanish airport some years back. After over an hour, a group of police officers and police dogs appeared with a tall, gangly, unkempt, dark skinned guy with straggling beard, torn clothes. he looked Afghan. I’m told you shouldn’t judge anyone on their appearance, but any ‘good citizen’ would cross the road to avoid him. He had with him a terrified child clutching a teddy bear who must have been about 8. He didn’t speak English and had only a spattering of Spanish.
There was a long deliberation with the captain and the other members of the crew who clearly didn’t want him on board. After an hour of arguing the captain said something like ‘we have to get going.’ So the police left and the guy stayed. Everyone crept around his seat when visiting the loo and in all honesty he appeared alarming. The child was, at best, bewildered, but more likely simply terrified.
When we reached Manchester airport we were all chuckling, knowing that he would never get passed immigration. He headed for the EU section without any hand luggage, looking as if he had been sleeping rough for a decade, still hanging on to the terrified child and no one stopped him.
By a coincidence my wife and I were outside the terminal at the same time as him, he furtively looked around and grabbed the child’s hand before racing away into the night. No doubt he is enriching UK society even now.
Tell me, what other country would let him in? I’m not sure how many points he would have gained on Farage’s points system.
Most of Europe is far cleaner than Gt Britain. Numerous trips to Italy, Croatia, Switzerland, Spain, Scandinavia show that the streets are spotless, particularly the narrow alleyways and streets – not a piece of litter anywhere. My local park this morning, despite the litter cleaner yesterday, was awash with flattened drinks cans, polythene water bottles, crisp packets and sandwich packaging – all within dropping zone distance of the waste bin. Instil discipline as a child and you’ve got him for life (a play on the Jesuit mantra) – but clearly a lot of teens didn’t get the memo.
Want to see rubbish billowing about everywhere B? You cannot do this but if you could, I would highly recommend a trip to the centre of the Muslim faith – Saudi Arabia. For the UK: More Muslims More Filth.
Not being funny, sounds like a normal trip to London, that clearly is degenerating into a 3rd world shithole (in a vibrant/multiculti kind of way of course)…
Andrew Neill for question time anyone agree?
Even Shitty Checkyourbatti wouldn’t be any worse than Lord Hypocrite of Dimblebore. The problem is that Brillo would be wasted on that infantile, virtue signalling soapbox show ‘ask a stooge a question….time’
‘Non-Question Time’ is nothing more than a staged reality TV show which is gerrymandering for the sheltered, privileged, delusional gobshites that are detached from the rest of the UK. Stooge questions, stooge responses, never asking the important questions, never answering a question properly…’s a complete joke that even the mighty Brillo couldn’t fix
‘Agitprop time’ would be a better title for the current execrable production.
I am not impressed by Andrew Neil. See the video introducing the interview. See the interview with Tommy Robinson three weeks after the murder of Lee Rigby. Brillo spends much of the interview arguing over Robinson’s name, then presents the usual BBC line that Moslems as victims of racist violent Robinson. Three weeks after a British soldier was murdered in a London street.
Neil is a BBC man, willing to lie and distort.
Brillo is definitely not without his flaws, but he gives all sides a going over, and he is the only mainstream political broadcaster in the UK (there may be others but I cannot think of any….) that’s not frightened to go after the lying, devious bastards that infest our establishment. Who else has torn George Osborne, Jimmy Crankie new arseholes? Who else has exposed the self-serving head of the CBI for the conniving scumbag she is? Look how he tore apart Matt Hancock, Ed Vaisey and anyone else brave enough to put their bullshit to the test from the remain campaign? He’s the only person doing any sort of journalism at all within the biggest most powerful media organisation in the UK!
Like I have already written, he is far from perfect, but if you want to see what happens when Brillo meets a Jihadi watch him annihilate Asim Qureshi
Tim Loughton mp what’s with the sympathy for vaz. Vomit.
Oh Lordy! Apple’s new iphone has no headphone socket – is this the disaster Cameron prophesied following an out vote?
First I thought the socket was cancelled due to Brexit, but I was informed that actually Brexit caused it to be sold 50 quid more expensive, so it will be 599 pounds !! Nothing to do with the “ethical” business model of Apple trying to make max profits then, no mention of the treatment of workers in China as long us the metropolitan youth can get their gadget. Lefties…got to love them….
Hmmmm …… never anything to do with trade deals or Brexit but Apple price their products higher than in the US because, ” Historically the UK has been accustomed to paying a higher price for such products.”
They are such a, Right On Down Wid Duh People, company.
By happy coincidence, using BBC Economic modelling the fine the EU overlords seek to impose on our Irish colleagues will see the price of the iPhone come down to around £19.75.
Only for ‘Remainers’ though gaxvil, ‘Leavers’ would have seen through that failing.
Does it still have a screen, or have they dispensed with that as well?
Seriously, I assume you’re supposed to use bluetooth, or is this a clever trick to get you to use some proprietary Apple accessory?
Quite happy with my ageing HTC, and the batteries are removable.
It is a ruse to get everybody to buy highly expensive battery powered headphones. After all, we all need more, easily lost, Apple licenced products and the environment will benefit greatly when the batteries are past their best and need to be buried in the landfill.
Now, where did I put those lovely new Sennheiser headphones. I’ll cut the 3.5 MM jack off and glue on a ‘Thunderbolt’ one. That’ll do the trick.
Or maybe I’ll dig out the old Nokia 5110. It still works after 18 years.
New programme idea.
Keith Vaz hosting ‘Where’s my line?’.
Two teams of Eastern European male escorts answer questions about their employment status and sexual proclivities.
There is potential for much wordplay, satire and puns all with a ‘political bent’. The programme would also carry a highly pro EU/anti Brexit agenda (for balance) as it would be clear that the poor and much harassed Eastern Europeans would be unable to pursue their noble trade if we are no longer part of the EU.
The prize would be an all inclusive 2-4 hour stay at a high class hotel with Keith and members of the production team.
So come on Beeb, I know you look at this site. Let’s get it made.
For the love of God don’t give them any ideas. The amount of absolute, undiluted dross that infests the television these days is beyond parody. It’s not just the dear old Beeb, it seems to have spread to most of the channels.
There was a “comedy quiz” on the other week, was it on Channel 4? and it was on for two bloody hours! My word, talk about trivial and puerile. Jonathan Ross was on the panel, so you know how low brow we’re going here. The other panelists were equally juvenile (in attitude and intellect, not age) and of course there was the usual whooping and shrieking from the half witted audience. Just where do they find these morons? Are they kept in some asylum and brought out whenever Marcus, Sandi, Jeremy or Jonathan appear on the telly or radio?
One of the questions was about Queen Elizabeth the First. Generally regarded as one of our finest and most important monarchs. This bunch of middle aged adolescents produced the most silly inane “jokes” at her expense. She was “a ginger”, did you know that? That really was the level!
I sincerely hope that in a few short years we’ll look back at this pathetic dross and curl up with embarrassment.
Years ago I used to design studio/Broadcast equipment for the likes of BBC and channel 4. It had to be very reliable and high spec. It was during the transition over to digital TV so it was quite an exciting time to be in the industry….
…but then Big Brother started and shortly after the quality of TV programmes took a dive for the worst. Far too many digital channels to fill with content let alone fill it with any quality content. Once the ‘Celebrity This and That’ crap started, TV has never been the same.
Used to depress me working on high tech equipment knowing that utter crap would be routed through it. I left that industry shortly after.
Yet when I was at school, decades ago, and many programmes were quite good, it was referred to as the “idiot box” and many schools discouraged it altogether.
Perhaps they just knew what it would lead to, and it has.
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I’m a little cash strapped at the moment and was hoping that my idea was worth £1.49 of anyone’s money. The Ace has to come from somewhere after all.
Friends! Have recycled one of my favourite Guardian pieces on Twitter today. It was written in response to some idiot who was trying to justify the Indian woman in her 70s who’d just had a baby:
“Well said, Aarathi, but as is so typical in today’s sadly neoliberal Guardian, you don’t go nearly far enough. Parents in their 70s do, after all, suffer from the disadvantage of being somewhat young and inexperienced in the matter of child-rearing, which should ideally be left to more senior people than them.
Plainly, the older the parents, the better. My personal view is that the ideal age for parents is in their 90s, when they will have, finally, begun to acquired some of the necessary life skills for parenting.
Obviously, people who have Far Right political views – Kippers, Tories, and Hard-Right Red Tory Traitors (Hilary Benn etc.) – are an exception here; but, then, almost needless to say, such people should not be permitted to have children, whatever age they are, in case their highly toxic, intolerant, bile-filled, hateful views should infect such unfortunate children who, as we all know, are our future, and indeed our future’s future.
But thank you, friend, for your thoughtful and original contribution to this important subject.”
Joyous-just read it!
Simply didn`t know this sterling undercover undermining of the Lefty Guardians agenda was going on back in May.
Pension PLUS maternity pay?…splendid!
And of course a good deal on that mums and sons double nappy deal…can you buy incontinency talcum powder for when mum needs changing?
Whenever I see the words “Friends” “Progressive Left” and “Literally”-and a nice line of “Daily Mail Bingo buzzwords”-we shall know whose mighty steps have been before us…and a few of us are happy to show up to try and outdo you!
Genius sir!
Thank you so much for your very kind comments, Friend Chris – greatly appreciated! It’s always a pleasure to know that someone’s enjoying my scribblings! I’ve upticked your amusing comment on the Graun Climate Change thread, by the way :).
Theresa May and Donald Tusk to hold Brexit talks
aka big up Donald Tusk column it seems
“Donald Tusk is a businesslike pragmatist.”
“Mr Tusk – who oversaw the UK’s EU renegotiation prior to the in/out referendum”
Hmmn, would that be the renegotiation in which a one Mr. D. Cameron was the only person who believed anything had changed. The same renegotiation that the astute majority of UK voters saw through with their x-ray eyes to reveal the pig-in-a-poke that lay inside.
The same article also mentions that the UK wasn’t invited to EU Bratislava summit. Why is that? We have not left the EU or triggered article 50 (get a move on May) and are still paying billions, so surely someone should be attending.
Have you BEEN to Bratislava?
This is NOT a capital city…it`s as if we`d made Leeds the capital of Nothern England.
I misread this as Donald Trump. Truly the world has gone mad.
BBC Proms and pro EU protest and waving the EU flags? We can now start a competition to guess the percentage of BBC footage showing EU flag vs Union Jack. I guess 80% EU, any bets?
FLW – Brietbart did a good piece on this subject.
I suppose some sort of action like this was always on the cards regarding the proms last night.
The BBC/remain (I recognise no difference between the two) would have identified this as a target of opportunity for a long time.
In their eyes it represents all the things they really hate about our society.
The Empire and its History.
The Fact that we were once an outward looking nation.
Pride in our nation and Heritage.
Tories/Toffs at play.
And worst of all appearing “hideously white”
It is interesting that the former proms director Nicholas Kynaston hated it so much. He obviously did it for a number of years and was obviously well paid for it. I doubt very much in order to salve his conscience, he sent his earnings to Junker or Herman Rumpypumpy. He probably spent them all on ethical coffee and a Toyota Prius instead – so thats all ok.
These twats seem to be so seething with hatred and bitterness about this country and what the majority voted for, I am surprised they just dont all go to live in the EU whilst they still can. Unfortunately as we all know that will never happen and these pathetic infantile individuals certainly know which country has the most patience to put up with their treacherous and divisive ways.
Old Bill in the famous WW1 cartoon said – “If you know a better ole – go to it!”
I prefer “Just F### off you T#####s!” – nuff said!
Nick Clegg (he’s got a book out) was on the TODAY programme subtly trying to undermine the 2015 General Election, the EU Referendum and the legitimacy of the Theresa May-led Administration, while proposing a coalition of the Left and talking of nationalism in very positive terms. Nick Robinson was not sharp enough to ask whether Nick Clegg is looking for, hoping for, a future National Socialist coalition Government for the UK.
Ruud Gullitt (he’s got a book out) is telling everyone things they learn at secondary school when playing football, despite the fact that when watching on television [ Licence Fee pay barrier (£)! ] they CAN ONLY see what the producer/cameraman/mixer allows them to see.
Ashton Carter (US SoS Defence – he hasn’t got a book out) was interviewed by Sarah Montague who was not sharp enough to ask:
– if the Russians are backing and supplying Assad why is the regime having to drop homemade bombs and chemical weapons on combatants and non-combatants? As Spock would say “That is not logical Captain.”
– if Islamic terrorism in Europe, Britain and the USA is blamed on ‘the West’ meddling in Near Eastern and Middle Eastern politics, deposing legitimate leaders, why is America insisting on getting rid of Assad? I hear Spock again: “That is not logical Captain.”
Star Trek is 50 today. Yaaayyyyyy! (They haven’t got a book out but you can bet your bottom dollar one is in preparation somewhere.) Dorothy Fontana, the Script Editor, tells us we were being propagandised as small children and teens by television in the 1960s. Guess what, Dorothy? We know.
We know now. We knew then.
BBC. Inadequate. Clumsy. Biased. Propagandising.
B-BBC, Live long and prosper.
Well, Nick Clegg, the jelly-brained voters’ politician, has said he’s slept with over 30 women and I reckon he did mean, slept.
Indeed, Today presenters only get probing when there’s something anti British to flog and then it’s not so much probing as repeating the same question like a parrot with Alzheimer’s.
They successfully glossed over Microfocus, a British company, absorbing Hewlett Packard and Autonomy being returned to British ownership. So unable to put a negative, anti Brexit spin on that news it becomes, no news.
Spot on. I cannot bear to listen to their utterly one sided propagandising.
If it ain’t lovely, lovely Islam and multiculturalism, pro EU or ‘refugees fleeing war and poverty’ in where ever they are saying they are from currently from, then it ain’t news to the BBC.
MY car radio has its six buttons with six stations.
Randomly assign them as I travel-and its all so obvious when I`m onto Radio 4.
The doom laden voices, po-voiced Oxbridge moaning minnies, the excuses, the whining, the bitterness and agitprop pops at the toffs and the poor, the independent and-well, the normals and the beige drab civilians who refuse to be be liberal exotica, stump shrouding whingebuckets, and deviant doses of self regard.
ALWAYS RADIO 4…like Elizabeth Fry stepping through the hovels of Mayfair with a bag of smelling salts and a coolie carrying the chaise longue and petit fours should she be overcome with grief, the vapours or her hypothecated sadness and cow eyes.
Thank God for Heart, Indie Radio and the likes of Ken Bruce and Steve Wright-with a few local heroes of BBC local stations.
Steve Yabsley and Alex Dyke are two I know of-if any other local BBC employee still has an independent thought rattling around the bonce and is unsackable like Yabbo…let me know-a national award is due.
“Nick Clegg (he’s got a book out)”
Does it come with crayons, or are they extra?