“”Workers must not pay the price of Brexit, says TUC””
“”With politicians and the business world still grappling with the outcome of the EU referendum, it’s little wonder that Brexit will dominate the forthcoming Trades Union Congress which kicks off in Brighton on Sunday””
What about the workers? Voting out that’s what.
That is those that still do real work and are not on make work BBC/media /quango /you get the idea jobs.
Join a union , pay the dues and have some of that money sent to the Labour Party which imports cheap foreign labour (and votes) that undercuts the workers here , but then waffle on about rights benefits conditions etc to those made unemployed by the above .
Not asked by the BBC to an union spokesman ; what happened to the British workers you represented at Bernard Matthews , in the fields , on construction sites , hotels and restaurants etc ?
You could very reasonably say it was my fault for watching – although I could only stomach so much. ‘Our Girl’, the well-trailered story of UK (Ethnic) Fighting Folk was every bit as diverse as expected, and some, but I suppose if you’ve got an agenda to force-feed a nation, you might as well go at it with gusto.
Best line came from a local nurse who blamed the arrival of the UK soldiers ‘with your guns…’ for a rocket attack on her hospital, evidently overlooking the fact that four fifths of her fellow men were wandering about looking menacing, carrying Kalashnikovs. Well done Beeb, another ratings success story, our money well spent.
BT, the story-line made up the fictitious members of the posting bang-on in line with the statistics did it not? 9.4% of the Army (2010 figures) is made up of ethnic minorities.
I couldn’t count more or less than that percentage.
Theresa May defends grammar school plans says the BBC
Defends rather proposes/outlines/details etc etc
Obviously anything proposed by the Tories is contrary to the wishes of the electorate & therefore needs defending.
If a brainless civil servant hadn’t been photographed with the memo in his hand, this would have come out when the government had properly prepared.
This is not the first time this has happened, and I am sure that the British civil service has access to document folders for carrying sensitive papers. Therefore, either the civil servant in question is a buffoon who needs to be removed, or this was a deliberate “accidental” leak by “progressives” in the Education Department, which Mr Gove rightly called the Blob.
One way or another, Mrs May needs to get a grip on this fast.
No need for the caveat Dave, it was deliberate and the furore in the commons is the direct, and planned, result. He should be sacked and it would do Mrs May’s reputation no harm at all if she used such a golden opportunity to stamp her authority – followed by a significant number of journalists and BBC presenters, all equally eligible.
What else?
Starvation, neglect and abuse, on an epidemic scale, in the “World Class” NHS.
NHS staff selling NHS drugs
Falsification of crime records by the police.
Drugs and women supplied to criminals by prison “Guards”.
Helicopters which do not fly ordered by MOD.
Senior Civil Servants having Cayman Island bank accounts.
Senior Civil Servants awarding their mates bonuses.
Senior Civil Servants having “self-employed” status.
1000 laptops lost by MOD, endangering armed services staff.
24/7 Anti Brexit propaganda, AKA treason.
24/7 Suppression of mass rapes by 43rd world 7th century Muslim filth.
£00,004,500,000,000:00 spent on anti British propaganda by AlBeeb.
Gold plated, inflation linked, pensions for Civil servants who have worked for ten minutes.
As much incompetence, waste, inefficiency and corruption as you want, documented.
Privatise it all, and save 50% of salaries (Digby Jones).
Grammar schools threaten the privileges of the rich liberal elite. Mostly now working in well paid state/quango jobs at taxpayers expense they can afford the houses in the sought after catchment areas so get to send their children ( yes some of the elite do have them) to the best state schools.
In addition grammar schools would have seriously weakened the public schools. Another much loved bolt hole of the liberal elite.
All arguments against grammar schools are class based attempts to put the uppity lower middle and working classes back in their place.
Just look at the voices strident against them
That article seems to have upset the usual suspects. Having had much dealings with the Chinese I can assure them the Chinese will take absolutely no notice of their whining.
Don’t entirely agree. Since when have Indian (Sikh/Hindu) areas been dangerous? Pakistani – yes, to some extent, but only since the Arab cultural influence gained ground.
Have replied to your fine post…keep `em coming, loved the po-faces strictures of those who earnestly think you a a bit “gamey”.
“Nobody wants to talk about climate change?”
“A danger in politicising the climate change events” eh?
Comedy gold sir!
Sir Joseph Bazalgette – Victorian Civil Engineering genius, gave us the sewage system.
His descendant Sir Philip Bazalgette – TV/Arts thing, gave us “Big Brother”.
Keeping the business of moving shit in the family.
Amusing but unsurprising to see the BBC brief itself to oppose May’s Grammar School reintroduction plan. Presumably like the good champagne socialists they are, the corp’s bien pensant minions all abhor selection on academic ability. It’s just SO unfair! Especially given the real difficulties attached to assessing a child’s potential via IQ type tests at the tender age of 11 or so.
Far better then to rely on more concrete indicators, like little Torquil and Emily’s mumsy and dadsy’s financial ability to buy a ”lovely property” in JUST the right school’s catchment area. Thereby ensuring the little treasures get the best of both worlds and most important of all, avoid being ”stigmatised” by perceived failure at such a tender age. Not to mention mumsy and dadsy themselves.
After all, listening to most BBC pundits it’s hardly difficult to nail them definitively as ”well within one standard deviation” material. Yet gosh, how ghastly if the recession to the mean that’s evident so palpably in dear Torquil was seized upon by uncharitable people to infer that his prominent ”makers of opinion” progenitors really aren’t that far removed from intellectual banality either.
And for bright working class kids, there’s always the local sink.
Mwwwwah; selection premised on academic ability is simply too, too brutal a notion, dahling.
Peter Allen on radio 5 live discussing the 9/11 attacks on new York with a couple of eye witnesses. Guess what word was not uttered during the entire chat.
Could we discuss the invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1939 without mentioning the Germans or Nazis?
Well he really was a lone wolf. Even had the affront to call his military headquarters on the Eastern front the “Wolf’s Lair”. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget his enthusiasm for Zionism, as confirmed by Ken Livingstone. Allegedly.
Plenty of discussions about the invasion of Poland.
None of which mention that the USSR also invaded Poland and the UK did not declare war on the USSR.
Earlier on today I noticed that the BBC was inviting comments on Donald Trump’s praise for Putin’s leadership skills compared with a certain large-eared American. Looking for it on the News website over lunch, there is no apparent sign of it, despite a prominent story “Obama Chides Trump After Putin Jibe“.
In fact it still exists, at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37303057 but what is interesting is to review the highest-rated comments. By no means all anti-Trump, which might explain why the article has been unpersonned. Many have pointed out to the hard of understanding that to praise leadership skills is not necessarily to approve of how they are used. Something that is beyond the comprehension of your average Beeboid.
This got me to thinking. To listen to radio or watch TV, you’d think everyone hated Trump. It’s been the same, in my experience, in any conversation. I don’t bother arguing – it’s not worth starting a fight and bad feeling over, so everyone continues to think Trump cannot safely be publicly supported. And the evidence of the internet, where people can comment anonymously, would suggest that this is widespread. Much like comments prior to Brexit suggested much stronger support for it than was indicated by the chattering classes, so it seems to be with Trump. This makes me dare to consider revising my previously pessimistic view of Trump’s chances – I’m not there yet, but there does seem to be some cause for hope that the awful Hillary can be thwarted.
Which would be worth it if only to see the lemon-sucking faces at the BBC.
I don’t know whether I like Trump. I just know that the BBC don’t like Trump and want me not to like him either; therefore all the reporting about him is skewed. He may be as awful as the BBC report but Sarah Palin still suffers from the opinion directed by the left wing press. I don’t like Hillary but that is because if she is praised as highly as she is by the BBC, then I consider carefully all the propaganda and make up my own mind.
Gets me – the BBC aren’t even subtle about their bias anymore – quite brazen in fact. Did I miss when the BBC became a pressure group or political party ?
My facebook pages are full of stories of Hillary’s declining health and of impending prosecutions. If a fraction are true I would expect her to pull out of the competition. Imagine what the BBC would do if her replacement turns out to be even remotely like St Barrack Hussein of the Bath Houses.
I feel it in my bones – something is going to blow Trump out of the water. The elites and the media have too much to lose.
I would not be in the least bit surprised if Mr Trump was blown into something that involves not breathing prior to the big day.
There is a great deal of unwarranted pride and dirty money at stake in this contest for the bastions of the status quo and the US security services do not do subtlety well.
Big story on the bBBC is bed blocking in the NHS. Cue the expected narrative about under-funding.
Here is an ‘inconvenient’ aspect that I bet you the whole licence fee will not feature on the bBBC.
A friend was recently hospitalised but was ready to be released. They needed some drugs to take home, so had to wait for the prescription to be made up. Time went by. Then more time. The prescription had been lost and there was no-one who could issue a new one. So they could not be released. They had to STAY another night in hospital.
The following day the missing prescription was found in a drawer, along with another for a second patient, and the prescription was made up and eventually our friend was released, one extra night later.
What a mess. And yet they keep saying we need fewer managers and more doctors and nurses, when the latter, irrespective of their medical knowledge, all too often could not manage a piss up in a brewery.
Same happened to Mr D – and it was antibiotics they couldn’t find. In the end he was allowed home without his tablets and I had to go the next morning for them. Mr D was in hospital a minimum of an extra 6 hours, he then missed at least one dose of his antibiotics, and I had a journey the next morning. The pharmacy closed at 6pm so once I arrived at 6.30 the nurses knew the pills would not arrive that night. Yes, they too were found in a drawer. Funny thing was that Mr D had been rushed in as an emergency and they started his course of antibiotics immediately – so why could they have pills to start the process but no pill to even send him home with at the end of his stay.
Last year I had a major heart operation which, I’m delighted to say, went very well. However, a couple of months after I was feeling a little pain in my chest so went to the GP and saw a trainee doctor. To be on the safe side she said I needed to go for a scan but the machines at the local hospital were not working so she gave me a choice of one of the two nearest cities’ hospitals.
I turned up at the one I chose and went through a series of tests which had already been carried out at my local GP and waited and waited for my simple scan. I eventually saw a cocky young doctor who knew (or thought he did) about everything including my correct INR target. He decided that I needed to stay in until the result of the impending scan was known. It then turned out that the scanner staff had now gone home (seven hours or more after I had arrived) so had to stay in.
The following day I kept asking when my scan would be done to be told, repeatedly, that I had to wait as other urgent cases had to be dealt with first. I kept pointing out that I was bed blocking to no avail. What made it worse was that I was in a geriatric ward, and I’m not that old, where the genuine geriatrics kept having accidents. Poor chaps but I shouldn’t have been there. I had to spend a second night in that hell. Now I got stroppy – if I’d known ahead what was going to happen I would have done it at the start.
I demanded that I have the scan or I was going to discharge myself without it. I eventually got it in the early afternoon. The nurses were great but the doctors there were hopeless. I had bed-blocked for two days when I shouldn’t have been in at all. The problem was that there were certain instructions and rules they had to follow so couldn’t let me out until they had been fulfilled. That’s a symptom of what is wrong with the NHS – too hidebound by rules allowing no space for common sense.
40 years ago I went to work in the NHS. There were no CEOs, Directors or deputies, assistants etc., etc..
There were six Administrators. HR consisted of two Personnel Officers and two secretaries. Departments were managed by senior Doctors and nurses called Matrons.
Back then the NHS worked and the staff were looked after. Then came Trusts.
When I retired you couldn’t move for managers who simply do not know how to manage. In the race for box ticking, form filling, and ‘customer’ chasing – they lost sight of the basics. No, not more managers but less and a staff who are selected, trained and empowered to just get on and do the job. I could go on but the point is government interference and self interested fiefdoms have all but wrecked the greatest institution the country has ever known.
Its what I’ve long said on here before, the ‘Managers’ in the main are not experienced business people, they are ex clinical staff who have reached the top of their pay grade so side line into ‘management’ where they can continue the career ladder AND on more pay. I often said they wouldn’t allow a layman onto the wards with no medical training (and quite rightly) so what makes a medic think they can ‘manage’ in an office environment with no business acumen ? – THEY CAN’T !!!!
NHS hospitals could probably benefit from the sort of people that run small engineering companies. These companies often do ‘one-off’ jobs, which is what many patients really are.
The ‘work flow’ in hospitals is appalling and ‘job control’ is non-existent.
Unfortunately the NHS is perfect and a ‘national treasurer’ so it is a brave person that can get away with suggesting anything other than ‘more money’.
True. As you say. The bloke in charge of a small factory, which is what hospital departments are knows how to run it – or he’s gone.
As it is, if Attila the Hun was employed by the NHS and ran amok – they would recommend, “more training”, on full pay of coarse.
I see on Reuters that two “men” have been arrested in London for a terrorist plot, cant find anything on the Beeb website, but under news headlines is the very important “LinkedIn denies gender bias claim over site search”.
Air China forced to apologise for and retract issuing of common sense:
“…The publisher of an Air China in-flight magazine has apologised after the airline became embroiled in a race row. The magazine warned passengers to take “precautions” when visiting parts of London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”. It was distributed on Air China flights in September.”
“…The offending magazine article was noticed by Beijing-based producer Haze Fan, from US news channel CNBC.”
Oh. Say no more. The Regressive Police never sleep.
When I was in Thailand a year ago my Thai friends were quick to warn me to stay away from certain beaches at night – apparently unregistered Burmese immigrants are a known problem and risk, especially for western tourists. Perhaps I should have snitched on my concerned Thai friends and denounced them as racists, instead of thanking them for their advice? What a strange world we live in.
I suppose that very few Chinese visitors tour the north of England but if they did then the airline advice should certainly list all those areas where Even the police dare not enter, let alone a tourist. Perhaps the Chinese should be alerted to the fact that they need to ensure all female tourists need to carry a black bin liner or poncho that will give full emergency coverage of head, limbs etc if they do find themselves in an enriched zone. Also they should be warned that asking for ham on their pizza could cost them their life. But of course the original advice was sound if you see more than 10 percent tinted faces get out as soon as you can. We are such a happy multicultural society no wonder mad Merkel’s wanted to try and emulate our success.
I almost thought Hugh Sykes on Radio4’s PM was reporting on the Archers, chaps playing cricket in a genteel and good natured way. How stereotypically English! Who would not feel at home here? It turns out this is Molenbeck. All our foolish stereotypes must be wrong. Trust the BBC! All that nastiness a few months ago? Just high jinx and excess energy amongst athletic young men with no facilities for taikwando or boxing. Who so cruelly deprived would not want to butcher a few passers-by? It was truly shocking to hear that foolish Belgians had taken Molenbeckers sporting big beards and burkas to be suicide bombers. Muslim menace? It’s all hysteria.
He forgot to mention that the ‘community’ managed to fail to find the rather wanted Salah Abdeslam for three whole months.
I think that single fact casts a somewhat different light on things.
Hugh Sykes seems to specialise in these ‘Meet The Muslims’ propaganda slots, usually managing to throw in a handful of children for a bit of extra gloss.
It’s about time that the BBC did similar promotional items for the indigenous British of which the Beeboids hold irrational and prejudicial views, a sort of Britophobia if you like.
I can hardly bear to listen to ‘PM’ these days but I have caught some of it this week and heard this Hugh Sykes effort, at around 17:20 on Thursday. It was unbelievably bad; the reference to the lack of taekwando and boxing facilities as reasons for Muslim terrorism was clearly elicited by the Beeb idiot, who was determined to exonerate the terrorists.
… we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever. But far fewer are paying for it. And advertising revenues are falling fast. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. The Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our perspective matters – because it might well be your perspective, too.
If everyone who reads our reporting, who likes it, helps to pay for it, our future would be much more secure. You can give money to the Guardian in less than a minute.”
Too right TS, although all it proves is that recruitment at the Beeb goes on apace. If the freebie bundles dropped off at W1A were no longer counted, the circulation would be even more risible than the present reality – but then, reality and Guardian seldom agree.
People reading the Guardian but not buying it. Ha ha. This is bound up with the demise of the left, especially the far left, who never produce arguments but publish links to the Guardian. A few minutes on Facebook will provide a free copy of the Guardian each day, together with informed comments like ‘Tories are c***ts’.
The sad thing is that the comrades can’t grasp the BBC with its 7,000 churnalists and a limitless stream of money is killing newspapers fast. Its news website relies on the Guardian and others for things to copy.
The day is not far off when they will have to generate original news stories rather than angle other people’s work and decide what daft items to trend.
That will be the day when the Beeb truly becomes a monopoly news provider and 48% of people will be blissfully unaware and happy.
“Not been on for a while, but did anyone cover the awful programme, by lunatic leftist, race-baiter Guardian columnist, Gary Younge about alleged post-Brexit ‘hate crimes’?”
If it was broadcast on Wednesday morning I tried to listen to it while driving but didn’t get past the first couple of minutes. They were taken up by Poles who were so shocked when they heard the referendum result on 24th they were afraid to leave their houses – one chap managed to get through his front door at lunchtime. At that point I switched from the radio to the CD player.
That’s the one.
Loads of people had “heard of someone” who’d suffered abuse, but no real witnesses.
The reporter informed us that ‘hate crime’ is under-reported, even though he had no evidence at all of this, and despite the fact that you only have to ring the police to tell them your feelings have been hurt, and they have to log it as a ‘hate crime’.
I believe it’s a series, so make sure to have your radio turned off at the same time next week.
We need to remember that virtually all BBC op ed interview pieces are basically a presenter on one of their shows -talking to a wannabe presenter of the same show or similar-but being cited as a “correspondent” or such.
Basically, 80% of their pieces feature one BBC gargoyle asking scripted “concerns” to another fully-funded and trained BBC “reporter” who is yet to become a “lead presenter”.
Both are BBC hand-picked-both are groomed in the BBC black arts and psy-ops ( and no racist or mental health slurs attach to these now do they?…they DO?…ah well).
And both chew the cud about BBC agenda issues that they like to think the “little folk out there” will care about and take to a heaving bosom..and the Twitter types and lefties will reinforce their concerns as being “worth raising and mooching over”.
As for REAL people?…pay your £145.50 over and shut it.
Suppose it`s a positive when the liberal media get nobody on to make them think outside their boxes-if only Mike Ashley would get a campaign up saying that they are anti “working class, white and wealthy oiks who didn`t get to Oxbridge”-because, at source ;much of their bile against him stems from this.
Brexiteers likewise…
Can`t remember a time when the BBC actually asked questions that anybody but Chris Huhne or Derek Hatton would give a stuff about-they are far removed from the people now, and Brexit will cast them adrift forever, soon after President Trump bans the BBC from the USA…that`s what the wall will be for, in that the BBC can be penned in with their funky drug dealers down Mexico way, and not poisoning the US political scene
Well said, ChrisH. Pretty much sums up why I just don’t bother with TV these days (and especially not with the BBC News on any platform). The total absence of competing narratives is now so blatant. It’s my view that until we can dismantle the progressive headlock on almost the entire msm we’re never going to get anything approaching factual, uncompromised, unbiased journalism. What exists now – across the BBC, CH4 and Sky News – is one-sided, heavily politicised regressive propaganda, furiously virtue-signalling on everything from the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ to so-called ‘climate change’ issues.
On a more positive note, the internet is your friend. YouTube contains a wealth of alternative viewpoints, documentaries, opinion pieces and so on – any of which you can subscribe to for free (imagine that!) Consequently, I watch YouTube now, mostly. Terrestrial and satellite msm is all but dead to me.
The sad part is that we are now seeing regressives aggressively clamping down on some right-of-centre commentators on YouTube. Nowhere is safe from these totalitarians!
The lefty MSM is living in a group-think dominated echo chamber. Whether they know this and don’t care or just don’t know it is irrelevant. What is important to remember is that their brainwashing programme is not working. They genuinely can’t grasp why this might be hence their disbelief following last years GE and the Brexit vote. In their arrogance, they think the public is incapable of spotting the mismatch between the bullshit pumped out by the MSM and what they see with their own eyes.
Channel 4 News tonight and Cycling Jon Snow’s left-liberal fest features such up-to-the-minute important political insights as… the moaning gripes of former Deputy PM Nick Clegg. (Remind me, who was he?)
Jon eventually heralds in his grand finale to this 30 minute metro-left porno flick he calls ‘news’ with an interview with the mother of the murdered young British backpacker cut down by the Frenchman in Australia shouting something along the lines of ‘Allo ‘Allo René Artois’s Cafe-bar! (However, maybe it wasn’t that because according to some reports the Frenchman was ‘incoherent’)
Our Jon (sporting his trademark lime green socks) prefaced the interview with a big reveal that the mother of this poor girl was convinced the attack had nothing to do with Islamic Extremism. Bit awkward that – because given he had no direct links with extremist groups perhaps the attack had something more inherent to do with his religion? Not to worry, Jon has that covered – The perpetrator we hear was only a ‘nominal muslim’.
So we await the climax of the show and this much anticipated moment in broadcasting – So what, asks Snow, convinces you that this had nothing to do with Islamism?
Well, folks, wait for it… she was told this incontrovertable fact which Jon is so axious to put on the record by a senior Australian Police Officer.
Good enough for Jon Snow.
Odd in a way because the previous item on Channel 4 News had been all about discrimation and victimisation in the London Met Police and how this and that was ‘institutional’. The entire tone of the report was to persuade the viewer that you just couldn’t take a senior Copper’s word for anything.
The fact that the Tories’ grammar school views and plans take precedence over the story linked below (which is hidden below the main headline on the BBC site) tells us all we need to know about where the BBC’s priorities lie. For the pro-Labour and Islamist BBC, bashing the Tories (out of ideological spite) is more important than the police foiling a terrorist attack by Islamic extremists.
And, as we are all used to now, the far-Left BBC fail to mention the religious persuasions of the would-be-Jihadi-baddies. One might initially think the culprits Amish or Methodist, but the surnames soon settle beyond all doubt that score.
Not all bad then.
The crap over the disability scooter hurdles and the lack of ramps for Brazilian sex change artists on their motorcross rallies-i.e Rio revisited with callipers basically-may well be boring, patronising, pointless and a waste of most peoples time.
BUT it amputated Jon Snows liberal shriekfest of a Channel 4 News show.
So Snows show only half the wrinkled bollock with a hennaed tampax making do as a scrubby pubic beard.
He`d better not be getting his full grotesque screen licking salary for this-part time tosser, give the rest of his Danegeld to the Scopers…fifteen pieces of silver I`d guess.
Just switched over to the special edition of BBC Question Time. Is it being filmed in the Middle East or is the audience the usually carefully selected BBC audience?
It’s quite illuminating though not for the expected reasons.
Such as the jeering at Owen Smith when he mentions the hard left and the incoming anti-semitism.
Dimbleboid needed to query what hard left means !!!!
Then the ‘Muslim’ rentagob in the audience gets a huge cheer.
Owen has tried to sound pro Jewish but is digging his own grave because a large number of ‘New’ Corbynista members are fervently pro Muslim and anti semitic.
I tried watching Question Time with Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith. It should have been titled ‘Dumb and Dumber’ I cannot believe that I used to be a Labour Party supporter and voter, shame on me.
Blimey, that was a bit of a giveaway! Anyone watching the Question Time debate between Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith will just have witnessed Jezza’s core supporters storming the stage to congratulate their hero. Every single one of them an “Asian.”
And I don’t mean the Chinese variety……
I had to chuckle at that bit. Presumably Solly, Izzy, Yossi and Abe from the Golders Green Corbyn Appreciation Society got held up on the train somewhere?
Shocked. Disturbed. Violated. Just some of the words that describe how horrible I feel right now….. No I haven’t watched the latest beheading on ‘I follow the religion of peace’ channel (though the ISIS tribute act that stormed the stage at the end for Comrade Jezza was just as horrific), I have just watched the ‘so-called Labour’ party leadership debate.
Utterly car crash TV and (although not required) confirmation that not only is the ‘so-called Labour’ party completely finished as a political function, it was also confirmation that our country is well and truly fu(ked!!
Last one out will you please turn the lights off…..
Cheer up you have just seen the end of the labour party. The Trots have tried to take it over for years and at last look like they have. Trots never win elections and never agree with each other for long.
Finished in Scotland and tottering in Wales and shunned in the shires what has it got left?
London and a few urban hell holes and snowflake university towns.
The Latest news is that the Labour party is expelling 10,000 members a week, everyone and anyone they think may vote for the current leader. They now think Owen Smith could win, if most members of the Labour Party are expelled by the time of the vote.
Richard, I watched as much as I could stand on the so-called, ‘debate’ in front of a virtually all Asian BBC (no doubt hand picked) audience yesterday evening. Enough to understand completely that there is no ‘stature’ amongst the pair of them (indeed, most politicians these days). Planet Earth? Neither of them have visited for a great many years!
The Labour Party is truly f*cked. Once their ‘Asian’ friends gain a bit more confidence due to increased numbers the Labour Party will either be taken over completely (think Militant on steroids) or abandoned in favour of a new progressive party. Either way, goodbye Jeremy, goodbye Chuka (you could have been our Obama), goodbye Diane, goodbye Jacqui etc etc ad infinitum….
At it again on R4 Today this morning. I hate the way they have one in the studio and one “reporter” (Lucy) in Paris talking to each other and neither is able to tell you the most important detail of the incident; that the perpetrators are Islamic. Of course we all here know what is being hidden. But it’s it’s a galling waste of money on top of the blatant bias by omission!
As I turned on to mid newsnight they we’re speaking about grammar schools noticing one person and kirsty wark I promptly changed channels knowing full well they we’re anti grammar saving myself a headache
Big problem with grammar schools. Where do we get the teachers?
From the illiterates coming out of universities ?
pay rises for classroom assistants ?
Dont like the idea of subcontracting to Jesuits or Mullahs.
Grammar schools-another UKIP policy pinched ?
Social mobility or get the UKIP voters back ?
“Big problem with grammar schools. Where do we get the teachers?”
Good question.
A few will be lured away from private schools as grammars will reduce the demand and, believe it or not, some of the better teachers in the state sector would jump at the opportunity according to a few that I have spoken to. They keep very quiet about their views on the existing system for fear of reprisals. A number of people have explained to me how vindictive teachers can be. A member of my own family fits that description, I’m sorry to say.
I think there would still be a shortfall though. In spite of my attitude to immigration generally, I’d support the importation of teachers from countries with sound attitudes to education – the Far East, for instance. We need to raise the status of the profession, paying the good ones more and the poor ones less.
Geoff, 25% ethnic in 1956? No, it clearly was not and to try and alter the facts in a tv programme is really shocking bias. But now, currently, 25%?
Anyone that watched the 1800 news on BBC1 yesterday evening on the subject of Grammar Schools will have watched the short film accompanying the dialogue. I counted one white face amongst a class of Asians and Black children. I wonder how long it took some BBC researcher to find such a, ‘diverse well balanced mix’ to further the propaganda and rub ol’ Whitey’s face in it. Then during the same news we hear more about doctors surgeries closing around the country. This topic is reinforced again in more detail in the Regional news: ‘what it’ll mean for you’. Quite depressing but not for the fresh, diverse faces in our midst who have previously had to walk 50 miles daily for water and to see a doctor. Having to travel perhaps an extra 7/8 miles now for them to see a GP as a result of a surgery closing is a totally wonderful idea. It’s all relative: they want what we have and they want us to pay for it. Grammar Schools but no GP’s? I’d tell you what most intelligent white English would prefer!
Not something the BBC will be rushing to report. The Visegrad Four (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia) meeting in Krynica have awarded Victor Orban of Hungary the man of the year award. A hate figure of our snowflake left .
He certainly does not seem to be on message with the BBC’s and Merkel’s concerns. Quite the reverse as he stresses the need to preserve European identity and religion .
If there is hope for Europe it lies with the old east.
Is anyone else shocked by the ex-Goldman banker Carney the Canuck claiming to have saved us from a post Brexit recession?
His prematch analysis had no effect on the markets , eh?
How much we paying for this mooseshit?
Seems the business community is flocking in droves to the BBC’s new business news, according to this piece, which does rather smack of cut and pasted PR:
IIRC Ms. Cole, whilst possibly still interesting to the Eastenders sofa sloth set, had a unique approach to turning investment into success that only the BBC could truly appreciate.
Anyway, your £145.50 goes a long way to enabling a BBC bozo to produce stuff on the cheap on his iPhone and then air via an overseas platform free to all other users.
Morning people! It’s a new, wonderful day here in United Arab Kingdom/Caliphate, and I am so joyous and happy and excited about what this glorious day will bring…
Let’s have a look at what we are being forced to know.. Sorry what’s on the Al Beeb webshite today…..
“Diverse Magnificent 7 opens in Toronto..”….hmmmmm, I would what that could be (I know, fatal mistake!!)
“Toronto 2016: Magnificent Seven diversity ‘not a statement’, says director”….so the main headline is already evolving to that on the article… So where is the diversity bit coming from? Why is it even mentioned….
“The director of the remake of western The Magnificent Seven says he wasn’t trying to make a statement with the film’s diverse casting.
The film, starring Denzel Washington, opened the Toronto International Film Festival on Thursday night.
Speaking before the film’s world premiere, director Antoine Fuqua said: “I just wanted to see Denzel Washington on a horse”….
WTF!!! So some shit stain, white guilt warrior, gobshite has asked a “look at me, see how much I hate white people” question, and it gets shoehorned into the Al Beebs main Web page!!! It’s nothing to do with diversity!! Denzel is the best man for the job!!! Ahhhh!! Allahu Akbar!!!!
Friends! My new Blog, “What A Literally Stunning Performance By Jeremy, In Which He Literally Wiped The Floor With The Totally-Unknown, Widely-Hated Far-Right Red Tory Traitor Owen Jones (Or Whatever His Name Is – Who Cares, Quite Frankly, Friends?) On Last Night’s “Question Time” That Was, Friends!” is now literally available, literally hot off the press:
Immediately after the Brexit vote the BBC was using the FTSE 250 as an indicator of the damage the vote was doing to the economy. The BBC isn’t using that index, or any other UK index any more. I wonder why? Ref the FTSE 250, there is a clue in this graph: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/market_data/stockmarket/4/twelve_month.stm
The BBC’s school newspaper level reporters have scurried off elsewhere in their endless hunt for Brexit bad news.
This should be treated the same as gun control. We should ban the use of assault couches, automatic couches and have increased checks for shot couch licences!
On Question Time last night Owen Smith stated several times that he was “passionately labour through and through, always have been and always will be”. He ranted time and again about how he wanted to stop the hated Tories.
How then, with that amount of political bias in his system was he allowed to rise to the heady heights of producer of R4’s Today program?…..the premier political program on the radio.
Anyone would think the BBC are lying when they tell us they’re politically impartial.
In Sunderland we are represented by three labour mp’s.
They are all remainers.
The labour voters in Sunderland voted by a massive majority for Brexit.
The mp’s are NOT serving their electorate.
What a clusterfuck that labour shitefest debate was on the beeb last night. That debate will go the way of the daily norwegian attacks, straight down the memory hole.
it looks like the comrades at the beeb are training the big guns on the grammar schools now. How dare the tories touch our precious education system, fix the mess more like.
All week the bbbc brekkie gals have been running a series called wild britain which was basically more green slime. they finished it today by having a gang on a red sofa in the middle of nowhere with a lib dem baroness kate parminter ranting about the eu and the current government. Our money hard at work indoctrinating.
7pm TV news on BBC4 last night. Newsreader Geeta Guru-Murthy humorously introduces a piece of the forthcoming refurbishments to the Palace of Westminster: “Rodents have been spotted in the cafeteria – and I don’t mean government ministers.”
Couple of points struck me:
Firstly, note “government ministers” (i.e. Tories only) rather than “Members of Parliament” (i.e. members of all parliamentary parties). Presumably they are all permitted to use the cafeteria.
Secondly, how can it be appropriate for an un-elected representative of the state broadcaster, on a supposedly serious and impartial news broadcast, to liken ministers of the elected government to vermin?
“”The argument for expanding grammar schools in England makes two big claims – that it will improve choice for families and support social mobility. The arguments against grammars are the precise opposite of this””
“More children lose out than gain, and the attainment gaps between highest and lowest and between richest and poorest are larger.”
The BBC hates Grammar schools. This feature at length trots out the same old left wing guff against selection.
I went to a grammar school. My parents could never have afforded a private school. (The private schools favoured for the children of Labour hypocrites).
My father’s parents were a foreman in a dye factory and a shop assistant respectively.
My father passed his 11+ and went to a state grammar school in Leicester in the 1950s. He went on from there to university, the first in our family to do so. He qualified as a dentist, then served as an officer in the Royal Navy for 5 years and then worked as a dentist in the NHS for 30 years.
His parents would have been unable to afford private school or university fees, but thanks to the state grammar school and government grants for the “brightest and best” at that time there was no need for them to do so.
That is authentic social mobility. The left’s big problem with it is that social mobility is – by definition – discriminatory, even if only on grounds of talent and application.
My father was appalled by Labour’s attack on state grammar schools, and the introduction of university places for all paid for by saddling the students with debt. “They climbed the ladder themselves, then kicked it away for those coming up behind them,” he said.
I was at university myself when student loans were first being introduced. A number of student politicians who had campaigned vigorously against them (remember “Grants not loans!”) kept schtum about it once they became Labour MPs.
As children we couldn’t comprehend the effect of the 11 plus and so we were marked out for factory and shop work – that was it.
A very few transferred to Grammar school to do A levels and thence to university.
As teenager I thought, “I can do better than this”, so I did but escaping that 11 plus branding was never easy and could never quite be achieved.
This ‘brightest and best’ is a bit of a myth for Grammar school candidates. I took the 11+ in 1959, my father was a coal miner. In the same class were children of business people and a doctor. The doctor’s daughter was continually falling asleep in class, she and the daughters of business people passed the exam. I did not. My father refused to believe that I had failed, as did a school teacher friend of his. This friend took it upon himself to seek out my paper at the County HQ, and guess what ? YES I had passed. There are only finite places available at Grammar, so financial status was clearly at work when I took the exam. I went to a secondary modern in the A stream with others who were not unintelligent. I maintain that with the dumbing down of A level results since the days of the 60’s, then my schoolfriends and I would be classed as Professors in this day and age !
Years ago I was at a drinks party and some woman kept pestering me as to how my children had got into a very popular state primary school whereas her own had been allocated places at a different school.
Frankly I had no idea; luck of the drawer as far as I was concerned. On and on she went, until I took her on one side.
“Look,” I said. “Do you really want to know? I’ll tell you but you must promise me that you won’t tell anyone else.”
“OK,” she said.
“The headmaster and I are both freemasons,” I whispered.
A lot of old cobblers but worth it for the look on her face!
I went to school in Kent which still I think has something akin to the 11+. I dont recall any preparation for the 11+, just coming in one day and taking a test – I failed it. So it was the local Secondary Modern for me, its was certainly secondary, but definitely not modern!
Two wallies on Radio 2 this morning (didn’t catch their names) were talking about the Secondary moderns. The female wally said ‘So, like, I never realised that the name secondary modern was because it was ‘secondary’ to a grammar school. They were lidderally second class!’ The male wally didn’t deny such idiocy but said ‘yeah well that’s basically what they turned into!’
Agreed Ed. Same for me and I left at 15 for a labourers job in the building industry. Best training I ever had. Only then was my interest stimulated and now, I look back on a learning portfolio of quals. obtained since my ‘SecMod’ days and in particular two good Law Degrees.
Yet another far left extremist working at the BBC, now plans to usurp the proms by handing out EU flags for the last night as a protest against democracy.
Find it hard to figure the mind-set of those who want us to remain in a failed economic union where Italy is dragging it down, unemployment is rife, Eastern states are out for what they can get and Germany rules the roost.
Am I missing something?
A little, perhaps. When the Left appropriates a belief, from that point onward it becomes a dictum (I was going to say shibboleth, but it seems inappropriate when discussing the Left). It is irreversible. Middle class liberal idiots adopt it with enthusiasm and it persists regardless of facts, changing circumstances, logic or common sense, and any discussion of it will be a self righteous party political issue for evermore.
It applies to:
The EU
It’s an important omission, because so much of what the BBC does is linked to this gloriously moveable feast, this amorphous, endlessly malleable idea.
ObiWan, good point about endlessly malleable ideas. Another recent one is the whole ‘transgender’ thing which is like a goldmine for the media and the perpetual-grievance special interest groups. That one will run longer than ‘The Mousetrap’ (and be just as tedious!)
That`s because leftism has appointed itself the replacement for religion. Marxist Leninism is apart from its economic theories, derived from an atheist philosphy. (Historically the mainstream British left was always an exception being more influenced by non conformist Christainity and catholic social teaching than Marxism)
It seems to take a parody of the most unreasonable intolerant form of religion that can be imagined which it then adheres to.
I remember in my unenlightened leftist days being amazed at the zealotry displayed in disputes between leftist groupuscles that took on all the characteristics of theological argumentation.
Deep arguments about the events of 1917 in Russia and who said what to whom at which Soviet and on which day and who was the true voice of the revolution and who were the evil traitors who needed to be shot.
Orwell mused on the phenomenon in “Homage to Catalonia” another occasion when the left devoured itself. Orwell himself left Spain under the threat of NKVD violence, many of his Spanish POUM comrades weren`t so fortunate and ended their lives at the hands of their Communist “comrades”.
Another pearl for the ages Supporter of Lefty!
Have replied-and would all others to do the same.
The Left HATE comedy…and get very confused re the false flags of fun we provide!
Yesterday I posted on how the Beeb website has managed to ignore the terror suspects arrested in London, which was reported yesterday morning by Reuters at about 9am. I know the Beeb with its limited resources is slow to catch up, but now this story seems to have appeared in all the press and on-line media, but still I cannot find any mention on the Beebs website!!!
Here is the Sky report http://news.sky.com/story/two-men-arrested-in-london-over-suspected-islamic-terror-plot-10569692
ED, I looked at the Sky report and quote:
“It is thought to be one of only a few arrests this year in the UK of suspects allegedly plotting to attack Britain.”
I loved the ‘only a few’. It seems to me that every week it is broadcast somewhere that Islamist’s in the UK have been arrested for plotting a act of terrorism. Indeed, up until November 2015 it was seven in six months. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11997853/Revealed-Britain-foils-seven-terror-attacks-in-just-six-months.html
Seems more this year.
Perhaps Sky are working to some obscure calendar such as the Muslim Hijri which is based on lunar movements………………Ah! lunar/lunacy, that would explain it!
This Morning, Mrs W tapped up the teletext on bBBC to see how the Paralympics were doing. her complaint was She had to trawl right to the bottom of the news to find it unlike the previous Olympic coverage.
So I can only conclude they dislike disabled people. BBC should have a Cancer named in honour of it. (Is there one which only affects white males testicles?)
‘So I can only conclude they dislike disabled people’. Some of them in positions of considerable influence apparently do.
Many readers will be familiar with Gary O’Donoghue. He’s currently the political correspondent for Washington, DC. He was born partially sighted; went blind at the age of eight; and grew up to be quite heavily built. (That’s a euphemism.) He’s physically imposing in the way the actors Robbie Coltraine or Mark Benton are, but not very, erm, telegenic.
None of which affects O’Donoghue’s ability to report political news, of course. Indeed, in 2007 he broke the story that Gordon Brown was returning early from holiday to deal with an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Surrey. He was, however, taken off the TV report by Daniel Pearl, then the deputy editor for the Ten O’Clock News. June Kelly got the gig instead.
O’Donoghue subsequently threatened to sue the BBC on the grounds of disability discrimination. Instead of contesting the claim for genuine reasons of, say, ‘editorial integrity’ (with thanks to GuestWho), the BBC folded and agreed an out-of-court settlement. O’Donoghue received a five-figure payout. Since I doubt that the money came from Mr Pearl himself (now at Channel Four), that’s £10,000ish? compensation paid for by blind-hating, disablist licence-fee payers instead.
All BBC reporters are equal, you know. It’s just that some are more equal than others.
Why do the newsmedia (esp bbbc) seem to think that it is their job to destroy any initiative shown by (tory) politicians. I refer to this latest May initiative on education- whether one agrees with it or not, do the bbbc find it totally impossible to actually interview someone who actually says – ‘Yes, actually this is a fantastic initiative and I fully support it’.
As mentioned above the (clearly) bbbc plan to flood the proms with EU flags in what can only be described as a desperate attempt to try and mould public opinion. How can this possibly be ‘independent’ broadcasting?
Sky news is no better….I have just watched and listened intently for a description of the suspects trying to blow up the centre of Paris (again)… all I got was three wimmin and a ‘man’. No mention of the word ‘muslim’, no mention of the word ‘islam’and certainly no mention of the word terrorist… thus giving the impression it could have been any man and any woman. At the end of the piece the news anchor thanked the reporter for the coverage and politely moved on to the next item….ie nothing to see here, let’s move on……..
I believe now that Brexit was the BBC’s ‘crossing the Rubicon’ moment. (BBC trolls you may need to look that up, as I doubt you were taught it at school). Although there was bias well before that, there was at least a pretence at impartiality. Now, it seems as if the gloves are off and the BBC is punching us in the face repeatedly with bare-knuckle bias. ALEA IACTA EST.
Exactly the same conclusion I came to – I think Brexit really did.
And since 9/11 we can’t go a day without Muslim that or Muslim this – there are numerous other groups in the country although one wouldn’t think so. No wonder black folks have close an airport just to get a mention.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
BBC Online News:
“”Workers must not pay the price of Brexit, says TUC””
“”With politicians and the business world still grappling with the outcome of the EU referendum, it’s little wonder that Brexit will dominate the forthcoming Trades Union Congress which kicks off in Brighton on Sunday””
A gleeful post by the BBC. Get over it BBC. Your Team Lost.
What about the workers? Voting out that’s what.
That is those that still do real work and are not on make work BBC/media /quango /you get the idea jobs.
Join a union , pay the dues and have some of that money sent to the Labour Party which imports cheap foreign labour (and votes) that undercuts the workers here , but then waffle on about rights benefits conditions etc to those made unemployed by the above .
Not asked by the BBC to an union spokesman ; what happened to the British workers you represented at Bernard Matthews , in the fields , on construction sites , hotels and restaurants etc ?
You could very reasonably say it was my fault for watching – although I could only stomach so much. ‘Our Girl’, the well-trailered story of UK (Ethnic) Fighting Folk was every bit as diverse as expected, and some, but I suppose if you’ve got an agenda to force-feed a nation, you might as well go at it with gusto.
Best line came from a local nurse who blamed the arrival of the UK soldiers ‘with your guns…’ for a rocket attack on her hospital, evidently overlooking the fact that four fifths of her fellow men were wandering about looking menacing, carrying Kalashnikovs. Well done Beeb, another ratings success story, our money well spent.
BT, the story-line made up the fictitious members of the posting bang-on in line with the statistics did it not? 9.4% of the Army (2010 figures) is made up of ethnic minorities.
I couldn’t count more or less than that percentage.
Beltane …. that’ll teach you !
Theresa May defends grammar school plans says the BBC
Defends rather proposes/outlines/details etc etc
Obviously anything proposed by the Tories is contrary to the wishes of the electorate & therefore needs defending.
If a brainless civil servant hadn’t been photographed with the memo in his hand, this would have come out when the government had properly prepared.
This is not the first time this has happened, and I am sure that the British civil service has access to document folders for carrying sensitive papers. Therefore, either the civil servant in question is a buffoon who needs to be removed, or this was a deliberate “accidental” leak by “progressives” in the Education Department, which Mr Gove rightly called the Blob.
One way or another, Mrs May needs to get a grip on this fast.
The civil service is liberal left after the Blair years. Deliberate in my opinion.
No need for the caveat Dave, it was deliberate and the furore in the commons is the direct, and planned, result. He should be sacked and it would do Mrs May’s reputation no harm at all if she used such a golden opportunity to stamp her authority – followed by a significant number of journalists and BBC presenters, all equally eligible.
The civil service is a self serving , indolent , arrogant , unaccountable , secretive , anti democratic institution that needs reform .
You may put your shirt on the fact that leaks go to the Labour Party every day.
What else?
Starvation, neglect and abuse, on an epidemic scale, in the “World Class” NHS.
NHS staff selling NHS drugs
Falsification of crime records by the police.
Drugs and women supplied to criminals by prison “Guards”.
Helicopters which do not fly ordered by MOD.
Senior Civil Servants having Cayman Island bank accounts.
Senior Civil Servants awarding their mates bonuses.
Senior Civil Servants having “self-employed” status.
1000 laptops lost by MOD, endangering armed services staff.
24/7 Anti Brexit propaganda, AKA treason.
24/7 Suppression of mass rapes by 43rd world 7th century Muslim filth.
£00,004,500,000,000:00 spent on anti British propaganda by AlBeeb.
Gold plated, inflation linked, pensions for Civil servants who have worked for ten minutes.
As much incompetence, waste, inefficiency and corruption as you want, documented.
Privatise it all, and save 50% of salaries (Digby Jones).
Grammar schools threaten the privileges of the rich liberal elite. Mostly now working in well paid state/quango jobs at taxpayers expense they can afford the houses in the sought after catchment areas so get to send their children ( yes some of the elite do have them) to the best state schools.
In addition grammar schools would have seriously weakened the public schools. Another much loved bolt hole of the liberal elite.
All arguments against grammar schools are class based attempts to put the uppity lower middle and working classes back in their place.
Just look at the voices strident against them
What does Air China warn their passengers en route to the UK, (and particularly when visiting Londonistan) about? –
Completely justified in my opinion!
That article seems to have upset the usual suspects. Having had much dealings with the Chinese I can assure them the Chinese will take absolutely no notice of their whining.
“Completely justified in my opinion!”
Don’t entirely agree. Since when have Indian (Sikh/Hindu) areas been dangerous? Pakistani – yes, to some extent, but only since the Arab cultural influence gained ground.
Have replied to your fine post…keep `em coming, loved the po-faces strictures of those who earnestly think you a a bit “gamey”.
“Nobody wants to talk about climate change?”
“A danger in politicising the climate change events” eh?
Comedy gold sir!
Sir Joseph Bazalgette – Victorian Civil Engineering genius, gave us the sewage system.
His descendant Sir Philip Bazalgette – TV/Arts thing, gave us “Big Brother”.
Keeping the business of moving shit in the family.
Amusing but unsurprising to see the BBC brief itself to oppose May’s Grammar School reintroduction plan. Presumably like the good champagne socialists they are, the corp’s bien pensant minions all abhor selection on academic ability. It’s just SO unfair! Especially given the real difficulties attached to assessing a child’s potential via IQ type tests at the tender age of 11 or so.
Far better then to rely on more concrete indicators, like little Torquil and Emily’s mumsy and dadsy’s financial ability to buy a ”lovely property” in JUST the right school’s catchment area. Thereby ensuring the little treasures get the best of both worlds and most important of all, avoid being ”stigmatised” by perceived failure at such a tender age. Not to mention mumsy and dadsy themselves.
After all, listening to most BBC pundits it’s hardly difficult to nail them definitively as ”well within one standard deviation” material. Yet gosh, how ghastly if the recession to the mean that’s evident so palpably in dear Torquil was seized upon by uncharitable people to infer that his prominent ”makers of opinion” progenitors really aren’t that far removed from intellectual banality either.
And for bright working class kids, there’s always the local sink.
Mwwwwah; selection premised on academic ability is simply too, too brutal a notion, dahling.
Peter Allen on radio 5 live discussing the 9/11 attacks on new York with a couple of eye witnesses. Guess what word was not uttered during the entire chat.
Could we discuss the invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1939 without mentioning the Germans or Nazis?
So there you have it, the US was just attacked.
Were Hitler alive today I’m sure he’d have a record of mental illness.
And be acting alone, with no connection to the Nazi Party, obviously.
Well he really was a lone wolf. Even had the affront to call his military headquarters on the Eastern front the “Wolf’s Lair”. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget his enthusiasm for Zionism, as confirmed by Ken Livingstone. Allegedly.
Plenty of discussions about the invasion of Poland.
None of which mention that the USSR also invaded Poland and the UK did not declare war on the USSR.
Earlier on today I noticed that the BBC was inviting comments on Donald Trump’s praise for Putin’s leadership skills compared with a certain large-eared American. Looking for it on the News website over lunch, there is no apparent sign of it, despite a prominent story “Obama Chides Trump After Putin Jibe“.
In fact it still exists, at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37303057 but what is interesting is to review the highest-rated comments. By no means all anti-Trump, which might explain why the article has been unpersonned. Many have pointed out to the hard of understanding that to praise leadership skills is not necessarily to approve of how they are used. Something that is beyond the comprehension of your average Beeboid.
This got me to thinking. To listen to radio or watch TV, you’d think everyone hated Trump. It’s been the same, in my experience, in any conversation. I don’t bother arguing – it’s not worth starting a fight and bad feeling over, so everyone continues to think Trump cannot safely be publicly supported. And the evidence of the internet, where people can comment anonymously, would suggest that this is widespread. Much like comments prior to Brexit suggested much stronger support for it than was indicated by the chattering classes, so it seems to be with Trump. This makes me dare to consider revising my previously pessimistic view of Trump’s chances – I’m not there yet, but there does seem to be some cause for hope that the awful Hillary can be thwarted.
Which would be worth it if only to see the lemon-sucking faces at the BBC.
I don’t know whether I like Trump. I just know that the BBC don’t like Trump and want me not to like him either; therefore all the reporting about him is skewed. He may be as awful as the BBC report but Sarah Palin still suffers from the opinion directed by the left wing press. I don’t like Hillary but that is because if she is praised as highly as she is by the BBC, then I consider carefully all the propaganda and make up my own mind.
Gets me – the BBC aren’t even subtle about their bias anymore – quite brazen in fact. Did I miss when the BBC became a pressure group or political party ?
Don’t you worry about old Trumpy, and the BBC’s abject dislike for him – barring Hil-Liary pulling out, he’ll win, hands down.
My facebook pages are full of stories of Hillary’s declining health and of impending prosecutions. If a fraction are true I would expect her to pull out of the competition. Imagine what the BBC would do if her replacement turns out to be even remotely like St Barrack Hussein of the Bath Houses.
I feel it in my bones – something is going to blow Trump out of the water. The elites and the media have too much to lose.
I would not be in the least bit surprised if Mr Trump was blown into something that involves not breathing prior to the big day.
There is a great deal of unwarranted pride and dirty money at stake in this contest for the bastions of the status quo and the US security services do not do subtlety well.
Big story on the bBBC is bed blocking in the NHS. Cue the expected narrative about under-funding.
Here is an ‘inconvenient’ aspect that I bet you the whole licence fee will not feature on the bBBC.
A friend was recently hospitalised but was ready to be released. They needed some drugs to take home, so had to wait for the prescription to be made up. Time went by. Then more time. The prescription had been lost and there was no-one who could issue a new one. So they could not be released. They had to STAY another night in hospital.
The following day the missing prescription was found in a drawer, along with another for a second patient, and the prescription was made up and eventually our friend was released, one extra night later.
What a mess. And yet they keep saying we need fewer managers and more doctors and nurses, when the latter, irrespective of their medical knowledge, all too often could not manage a piss up in a brewery.
Same happened to Mr D – and it was antibiotics they couldn’t find. In the end he was allowed home without his tablets and I had to go the next morning for them. Mr D was in hospital a minimum of an extra 6 hours, he then missed at least one dose of his antibiotics, and I had a journey the next morning. The pharmacy closed at 6pm so once I arrived at 6.30 the nurses knew the pills would not arrive that night. Yes, they too were found in a drawer. Funny thing was that Mr D had been rushed in as an emergency and they started his course of antibiotics immediately – so why could they have pills to start the process but no pill to even send him home with at the end of his stay.
Last year I had a major heart operation which, I’m delighted to say, went very well. However, a couple of months after I was feeling a little pain in my chest so went to the GP and saw a trainee doctor. To be on the safe side she said I needed to go for a scan but the machines at the local hospital were not working so she gave me a choice of one of the two nearest cities’ hospitals.
I turned up at the one I chose and went through a series of tests which had already been carried out at my local GP and waited and waited for my simple scan. I eventually saw a cocky young doctor who knew (or thought he did) about everything including my correct INR target. He decided that I needed to stay in until the result of the impending scan was known. It then turned out that the scanner staff had now gone home (seven hours or more after I had arrived) so had to stay in.
The following day I kept asking when my scan would be done to be told, repeatedly, that I had to wait as other urgent cases had to be dealt with first. I kept pointing out that I was bed blocking to no avail. What made it worse was that I was in a geriatric ward, and I’m not that old, where the genuine geriatrics kept having accidents. Poor chaps but I shouldn’t have been there. I had to spend a second night in that hell. Now I got stroppy – if I’d known ahead what was going to happen I would have done it at the start.
I demanded that I have the scan or I was going to discharge myself without it. I eventually got it in the early afternoon. The nurses were great but the doctors there were hopeless. I had bed-blocked for two days when I shouldn’t have been in at all. The problem was that there were certain instructions and rules they had to follow so couldn’t let me out until they had been fulfilled. That’s a symptom of what is wrong with the NHS – too hidebound by rules allowing no space for common sense.
40 years ago I went to work in the NHS. There were no CEOs, Directors or deputies, assistants etc., etc..
There were six Administrators. HR consisted of two Personnel Officers and two secretaries. Departments were managed by senior Doctors and nurses called Matrons.
Back then the NHS worked and the staff were looked after. Then came Trusts.
When I retired you couldn’t move for managers who simply do not know how to manage. In the race for box ticking, form filling, and ‘customer’ chasing – they lost sight of the basics. No, not more managers but less and a staff who are selected, trained and empowered to just get on and do the job. I could go on but the point is government interference and self interested fiefdoms have all but wrecked the greatest institution the country has ever known.
Its what I’ve long said on here before, the ‘Managers’ in the main are not experienced business people, they are ex clinical staff who have reached the top of their pay grade so side line into ‘management’ where they can continue the career ladder AND on more pay. I often said they wouldn’t allow a layman onto the wards with no medical training (and quite rightly) so what makes a medic think they can ‘manage’ in an office environment with no business acumen ? – THEY CAN’T !!!!
NHS hospitals could probably benefit from the sort of people that run small engineering companies. These companies often do ‘one-off’ jobs, which is what many patients really are.
The ‘work flow’ in hospitals is appalling and ‘job control’ is non-existent.
Unfortunately the NHS is perfect and a ‘national treasurer’ so it is a brave person that can get away with suggesting anything other than ‘more money’.
True. As you say. The bloke in charge of a small factory, which is what hospital departments are knows how to run it – or he’s gone.
As it is, if Attila the Hun was employed by the NHS and ran amok – they would recommend, “more training”, on full pay of coarse.
I see on Reuters that two “men” have been arrested in London for a terrorist plot, cant find anything on the Beeb website, but under news headlines is the very important “LinkedIn denies gender bias claim over site search”.
Air China forced to apologise for and retract issuing of common sense:
“…The publisher of an Air China in-flight magazine has apologised after the airline became embroiled in a race row. The magazine warned passengers to take “precautions” when visiting parts of London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”. It was distributed on Air China flights in September.”
Here’s the ‘offending’ piece:
So, who grassed-up Air China?
“…The offending magazine article was noticed by Beijing-based producer Haze Fan, from US news channel CNBC.”
Oh. Say no more. The Regressive Police never sleep.
When I was in Thailand a year ago my Thai friends were quick to warn me to stay away from certain beaches at night – apparently unregistered Burmese immigrants are a known problem and risk, especially for western tourists. Perhaps I should have snitched on my concerned Thai friends and denounced them as racists, instead of thanking them for their advice? What a strange world we live in.
I suppose that very few Chinese visitors tour the north of England but if they did then the airline advice should certainly list all those areas where Even the police dare not enter, let alone a tourist. Perhaps the Chinese should be alerted to the fact that they need to ensure all female tourists need to carry a black bin liner or poncho that will give full emergency coverage of head, limbs etc if they do find themselves in an enriched zone. Also they should be warned that asking for ham on their pizza could cost them their life. But of course the original advice was sound if you see more than 10 percent tinted faces get out as soon as you can. We are such a happy multicultural society no wonder mad Merkel’s wanted to try and emulate our success.
That’s the Chinks for you – racist , the damn lot of them .
You mean that poster isn’t displayed around the congestion charge area, so that we are all aware ????
I almost thought Hugh Sykes on Radio4’s PM was reporting on the Archers, chaps playing cricket in a genteel and good natured way. How stereotypically English! Who would not feel at home here? It turns out this is Molenbeck. All our foolish stereotypes must be wrong. Trust the BBC! All that nastiness a few months ago? Just high jinx and excess energy amongst athletic young men with no facilities for taikwando or boxing. Who so cruelly deprived would not want to butcher a few passers-by? It was truly shocking to hear that foolish Belgians had taken Molenbeckers sporting big beards and burkas to be suicide bombers. Muslim menace? It’s all hysteria.
He forgot to mention that the ‘community’ managed to fail to find the rather wanted Salah Abdeslam for three whole months.
I think that single fact casts a somewhat different light on things.
Hugh Sykes seems to specialise in these ‘Meet The Muslims’ propaganda slots, usually managing to throw in a handful of children for a bit of extra gloss.
It’s about time that the BBC did similar promotional items for the indigenous British of which the Beeboids hold irrational and prejudicial views, a sort of Britophobia if you like.
I can hardly bear to listen to ‘PM’ these days but I have caught some of it this week and heard this Hugh Sykes effort, at around 17:20 on Thursday. It was unbelievably bad; the reference to the lack of taekwando and boxing facilities as reasons for Muslim terrorism was clearly elicited by the Beeb idiot, who was determined to exonerate the terrorists.
Maybe one of the female reporters could have done that assignment?
“Since you’re here …
… we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever. But far fewer are paying for it. And advertising revenues are falling fast. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. The Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our perspective matters – because it might well be your perspective, too.
If everyone who reads our reporting, who likes it, helps to pay for it, our future would be much more secure. You can give money to the Guardian in less than a minute.”
Getting desperate, hopefully it will fail soon.
Too right TS, although all it proves is that recruitment at the Beeb goes on apace. If the freebie bundles dropped off at W1A were no longer counted, the circulation would be even more risible than the present reality – but then, reality and Guardian seldom agree.
People reading the Guardian but not buying it. Ha ha. This is bound up with the demise of the left, especially the far left, who never produce arguments but publish links to the Guardian. A few minutes on Facebook will provide a free copy of the Guardian each day, together with informed comments like ‘Tories are c***ts’.
The Guardian has the right business model in the Big issue. That is the way to sell it. .
The sad thing is that the comrades can’t grasp the BBC with its 7,000 churnalists and a limitless stream of money is killing newspapers fast. Its news website relies on the Guardian and others for things to copy.
The day is not far off when they will have to generate original news stories rather than angle other people’s work and decide what daft items to trend.
That will be the day when the Beeb truly becomes a monopoly news provider and 48% of people will be blissfully unaware and happy.
Poor old Grauny. Puts me in mind of the Spanish proverb:
“Cow of many. Milked by all. Fed by no-one.”
Not been on for a while, but did anyone cover the awful programme, by lunatic leftist, race-baiter Guardian columnist, Gary Younge about alleged post-Brexit ‘hate crimes’?
It deserves it’s own article.
News Watch have a good piece on it –
“Not been on for a while, but did anyone cover the awful programme, by lunatic leftist, race-baiter Guardian columnist, Gary Younge about alleged post-Brexit ‘hate crimes’?”
If it was broadcast on Wednesday morning I tried to listen to it while driving but didn’t get past the first couple of minutes. They were taken up by Poles who were so shocked when they heard the referendum result on 24th they were afraid to leave their houses – one chap managed to get through his front door at lunchtime. At that point I switched from the radio to the CD player.
That’s the one.
Loads of people had “heard of someone” who’d suffered abuse, but no real witnesses.
The reporter informed us that ‘hate crime’ is under-reported, even though he had no evidence at all of this, and despite the fact that you only have to ring the police to tell them your feelings have been hurt, and they have to log it as a ‘hate crime’.
I believe it’s a series, so make sure to have your radio turned off at the same time next week.
We need to remember that virtually all BBC op ed interview pieces are basically a presenter on one of their shows -talking to a wannabe presenter of the same show or similar-but being cited as a “correspondent” or such.
Basically, 80% of their pieces feature one BBC gargoyle asking scripted “concerns” to another fully-funded and trained BBC “reporter” who is yet to become a “lead presenter”.
Both are BBC hand-picked-both are groomed in the BBC black arts and psy-ops ( and no racist or mental health slurs attach to these now do they?…they DO?…ah well).
And both chew the cud about BBC agenda issues that they like to think the “little folk out there” will care about and take to a heaving bosom..and the Twitter types and lefties will reinforce their concerns as being “worth raising and mooching over”.
As for REAL people?…pay your £145.50 over and shut it.
Suppose it`s a positive when the liberal media get nobody on to make them think outside their boxes-if only Mike Ashley would get a campaign up saying that they are anti “working class, white and wealthy oiks who didn`t get to Oxbridge”-because, at source ;much of their bile against him stems from this.
Brexiteers likewise…
Can`t remember a time when the BBC actually asked questions that anybody but Chris Huhne or Derek Hatton would give a stuff about-they are far removed from the people now, and Brexit will cast them adrift forever, soon after President Trump bans the BBC from the USA…that`s what the wall will be for, in that the BBC can be penned in with their funky drug dealers down Mexico way, and not poisoning the US political scene
Well said, ChrisH. Pretty much sums up why I just don’t bother with TV these days (and especially not with the BBC News on any platform). The total absence of competing narratives is now so blatant. It’s my view that until we can dismantle the progressive headlock on almost the entire msm we’re never going to get anything approaching factual, uncompromised, unbiased journalism. What exists now – across the BBC, CH4 and Sky News – is one-sided, heavily politicised regressive propaganda, furiously virtue-signalling on everything from the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ to so-called ‘climate change’ issues.
On a more positive note, the internet is your friend. YouTube contains a wealth of alternative viewpoints, documentaries, opinion pieces and so on – any of which you can subscribe to for free (imagine that!) Consequently, I watch YouTube now, mostly. Terrestrial and satellite msm is all but dead to me.
The sad part is that we are now seeing regressives aggressively clamping down on some right-of-centre commentators on YouTube. Nowhere is safe from these totalitarians!
The lefty MSM is living in a group-think dominated echo chamber. Whether they know this and don’t care or just don’t know it is irrelevant. What is important to remember is that their brainwashing programme is not working. They genuinely can’t grasp why this might be hence their disbelief following last years GE and the Brexit vote. In their arrogance, they think the public is incapable of spotting the mismatch between the bullshit pumped out by the MSM and what they see with their own eyes.
Channel 4 News tonight and Cycling Jon Snow’s left-liberal fest features such up-to-the-minute important political insights as… the moaning gripes of former Deputy PM Nick Clegg. (Remind me, who was he?)
Jon eventually heralds in his grand finale to this 30 minute metro-left porno flick he calls ‘news’ with an interview with the mother of the murdered young British backpacker cut down by the Frenchman in Australia shouting something along the lines of ‘Allo ‘Allo René Artois’s Cafe-bar! (However, maybe it wasn’t that because according to some reports the Frenchman was ‘incoherent’)
Our Jon (sporting his trademark lime green socks) prefaced the interview with a big reveal that the mother of this poor girl was convinced the attack had nothing to do with Islamic Extremism. Bit awkward that – because given he had no direct links with extremist groups perhaps the attack had something more inherent to do with his religion? Not to worry, Jon has that covered – The perpetrator we hear was only a ‘nominal muslim’.
So we await the climax of the show and this much anticipated moment in broadcasting – So what, asks Snow, convinces you that this had nothing to do with Islamism?
Well, folks, wait for it… she was told this incontrovertable fact which Jon is so axious to put on the record by a senior Australian Police Officer.
Good enough for Jon Snow.
Odd in a way because the previous item on Channel 4 News had been all about discrimation and victimisation in the London Met Police and how this and that was ‘institutional’. The entire tone of the report was to persuade the viewer that you just couldn’t take a senior Copper’s word for anything.
Brexit moving too slow for you ?
This chappie will get things moving ……
One wonders taffman, whether he would have indulged in welcoming British troops during 1944?
The fact that the Tories’ grammar school views and plans take precedence over the story linked below (which is hidden below the main headline on the BBC site) tells us all we need to know about where the BBC’s priorities lie. For the pro-Labour and Islamist BBC, bashing the Tories (out of ideological spite) is more important than the police foiling a terrorist attack by Islamic extremists.
And, as we are all used to now, the far-Left BBC fail to mention the religious persuasions of the would-be-Jihadi-baddies. One might initially think the culprits Amish or Methodist, but the surnames soon settle beyond all doubt that score.
Jo coburn on the daily politics struggles terribly to remain neutral ,it’s like watching a tag team ,make more of an effort to be impartial.
Not all bad then.
The crap over the disability scooter hurdles and the lack of ramps for Brazilian sex change artists on their motorcross rallies-i.e Rio revisited with callipers basically-may well be boring, patronising, pointless and a waste of most peoples time.
BUT it amputated Jon Snows liberal shriekfest of a Channel 4 News show.
So Snows show only half the wrinkled bollock with a hennaed tampax making do as a scrubby pubic beard.
He`d better not be getting his full grotesque screen licking salary for this-part time tosser, give the rest of his Danegeld to the Scopers…fifteen pieces of silver I`d guess.
Just switched over to the special edition of BBC Question Time. Is it being filmed in the Middle East or is the audience the usually carefully selected BBC audience?
It’s quite illuminating though not for the expected reasons.
Such as the jeering at Owen Smith when he mentions the hard left and the incoming anti-semitism.
Dimbleboid needed to query what hard left means !!!!
Then the ‘Muslim’ rentagob in the audience gets a huge cheer.
Owen has tried to sound pro Jewish but is digging his own grave because a large number of ‘New’ Corbynista members are fervently pro Muslim and anti semitic.
I tried watching Question Time with Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith. It should have been titled ‘Dumb and Dumber’ I cannot believe that I used to be a Labour Party supporter and voter, shame on me.
Dim and Dhimmi indeed!
Blimey, that was a bit of a giveaway! Anyone watching the Question Time debate between Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith will just have witnessed Jezza’s core supporters storming the stage to congratulate their hero. Every single one of them an “Asian.”
And I don’t mean the Chinese variety……
Just watched the ending on iPlayer….. holy shi’ite!
This country has been sold down the river.
I had to chuckle at that bit. Presumably Solly, Izzy, Yossi and Abe from the Golders Green Corbyn Appreciation Society got held up on the train somewhere?
Shocked. Disturbed. Violated. Just some of the words that describe how horrible I feel right now….. No I haven’t watched the latest beheading on ‘I follow the religion of peace’ channel (though the ISIS tribute act that stormed the stage at the end for Comrade Jezza was just as horrific), I have just watched the ‘so-called Labour’ party leadership debate.
Utterly car crash TV and (although not required) confirmation that not only is the ‘so-called Labour’ party completely finished as a political function, it was also confirmation that our country is well and truly fu(ked!!
Last one out will you please turn the lights off…..
Cheer up you have just seen the end of the labour party. The Trots have tried to take it over for years and at last look like they have. Trots never win elections and never agree with each other for long.
Finished in Scotland and tottering in Wales and shunned in the shires what has it got left?
London and a few urban hell holes and snowflake university towns.
Dave S
“Cheer up you have just seen the end of the labour party.”
Well, the only opposition to the government now is Al Beeb.
The Latest news is that the Labour party is expelling 10,000 members a week, everyone and anyone they think may vote for the current leader. They now think Owen Smith could win, if most members of the Labour Party are expelled by the time of the vote.
Richard, I watched as much as I could stand on the so-called, ‘debate’ in front of a virtually all Asian BBC (no doubt hand picked) audience yesterday evening. Enough to understand completely that there is no ‘stature’ amongst the pair of them (indeed, most politicians these days). Planet Earth? Neither of them have visited for a great many years!
The Labour Party is truly f*cked. Once their ‘Asian’ friends gain a bit more confidence due to increased numbers the Labour Party will either be taken over completely (think Militant on steroids) or abandoned in favour of a new progressive party. Either way, goodbye Jeremy, goodbye Chuka (you could have been our Obama), goodbye Diane, goodbye Jacqui etc etc ad infinitum….
“shunned in the shires”
Not in S Yorkshire, they aren’t. You’ll have a long wait before that happens. It’s in their DNA.
Dave-They have the Londistan programme after the 6PM national news. Where Riz Lateef, Assad Ahmed and others do their trotskyist “bidding.”
bBC downplays the news about Islamic terrorism again:
French policeman stabbed by suspect
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
France:Terror attack foiled in Paris, Muslim women shot in head by Police.
At it again on R4 Today this morning. I hate the way they have one in the studio and one “reporter” (Lucy) in Paris talking to each other and neither is able to tell you the most important detail of the incident; that the perpetrators are Islamic. Of course we all here know what is being hidden. But it’s it’s a galling waste of money on top of the blatant bias by omission!
As I turned on to mid newsnight they we’re speaking about grammar schools noticing one person and kirsty wark I promptly changed channels knowing full well they we’re anti grammar saving myself a headache
Big problem with grammar schools. Where do we get the teachers?
From the illiterates coming out of universities ?
pay rises for classroom assistants ?
Dont like the idea of subcontracting to Jesuits or Mullahs.
Grammar schools-another UKIP policy pinched ?
Social mobility or get the UKIP voters back ?
“Big problem with grammar schools. Where do we get the teachers?”
Good question.
A few will be lured away from private schools as grammars will reduce the demand and, believe it or not, some of the better teachers in the state sector would jump at the opportunity according to a few that I have spoken to. They keep very quiet about their views on the existing system for fear of reprisals. A number of people have explained to me how vindictive teachers can be. A member of my own family fits that description, I’m sorry to say.
I think there would still be a shortfall though. In spite of my attitude to immigration generally, I’d support the importation of teachers from countries with sound attitudes to education – the Far East, for instance. We need to raise the status of the profession, paying the good ones more and the poor ones less.
A subtle touch of diversity in tonight’s BBC4 remake of Hancocks Half Hour.
Was Britain 25% ethnic in 1956?
Geoff, 25% ethnic in 1956? No, it clearly was not and to try and alter the facts in a tv programme is really shocking bias. But now, currently, 25%?
Anyone that watched the 1800 news on BBC1 yesterday evening on the subject of Grammar Schools will have watched the short film accompanying the dialogue. I counted one white face amongst a class of Asians and Black children. I wonder how long it took some BBC researcher to find such a, ‘diverse well balanced mix’ to further the propaganda and rub ol’ Whitey’s face in it. Then during the same news we hear more about doctors surgeries closing around the country. This topic is reinforced again in more detail in the Regional news: ‘what it’ll mean for you’. Quite depressing but not for the fresh, diverse faces in our midst who have previously had to walk 50 miles daily for water and to see a doctor. Having to travel perhaps an extra 7/8 miles now for them to see a GP as a result of a surgery closing is a totally wonderful idea. It’s all relative: they want what we have and they want us to pay for it. Grammar Schools but no GP’s? I’d tell you what most intelligent white English would prefer!
Not something the BBC will be rushing to report. The Visegrad Four (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia) meeting in Krynica have awarded Victor Orban of Hungary the man of the year award. A hate figure of our snowflake left .
He certainly does not seem to be on message with the BBC’s and Merkel’s concerns. Quite the reverse as he stresses the need to preserve European identity and religion .
If there is hope for Europe it lies with the old east.
More good news for Brexiteers!
Despite what Al Beeb’s economical commentators have been predicting – “OECD Signals Little Impact From Brexit Vote”
Is anyone else shocked by the ex-Goldman banker Carney the Canuck claiming to have saved us from a post Brexit recession?
His prematch analysis had no effect on the markets , eh?
How much we paying for this mooseshit?
I like Canadians of course, but Governor of the BoE should always be English.
Seems the business community is flocking in droves to the BBC’s new business news, according to this piece, which does rather smack of cut and pasted PR:
IIRC Ms. Cole, whilst possibly still interesting to the Eastenders sofa sloth set, had a unique approach to turning investment into success that only the BBC could truly appreciate.
Anyway, your £145.50 goes a long way to enabling a BBC bozo to produce stuff on the cheap on his iPhone and then air via an overseas platform free to all other users.
BBC News on Facebook:
Donald J. Trump was always against the US invasion of Iraq…except when he wasn’t.
As now seems frequently the case, they are getting posts in response that are informational and educational, especially about BBC editorial integrity.
Arron Banks wants to set up a ‘right wing Momentum’
Ukip donor plans new party to ‘keep Tories clean’ (paywalled)
Any coverage of this on the BBC? No no, don’t tell me…
Morning people! It’s a new, wonderful day here in United Arab Kingdom/Caliphate, and I am so joyous and happy and excited about what this glorious day will bring…
Let’s have a look at what we are being forced to know.. Sorry what’s on the Al Beeb webshite today…..
“Diverse Magnificent 7 opens in Toronto..”….hmmmmm, I would what that could be (I know, fatal mistake!!)
“Toronto 2016: Magnificent Seven diversity ‘not a statement’, says director”….so the main headline is already evolving to that on the article… So where is the diversity bit coming from? Why is it even mentioned….
“The director of the remake of western The Magnificent Seven says he wasn’t trying to make a statement with the film’s diverse casting.
The film, starring Denzel Washington, opened the Toronto International Film Festival on Thursday night.
Speaking before the film’s world premiere, director Antoine Fuqua said: “I just wanted to see Denzel Washington on a horse”….
WTF!!! So some shit stain, white guilt warrior, gobshite has asked a “look at me, see how much I hate white people” question, and it gets shoehorned into the Al Beebs main Web page!!! It’s nothing to do with diversity!! Denzel is the best man for the job!!! Ahhhh!! Allahu Akbar!!!!
Excuse me, while I whip this out… from 1974…
“The director of the remake of western The Magnificent Seven says he wasn’t trying to make a statement with the film’s diverse casting”
Of course not, we believe him don’t we? Even if he isn’t “making a statement” then the biasedBBC sure as hell are!
Friends! My new Blog, “What A Literally Stunning Performance By Jeremy, In Which He Literally Wiped The Floor With The Totally-Unknown, Widely-Hated Far-Right Red Tory Traitor Owen Jones (Or Whatever His Name Is – Who Cares, Quite Frankly, Friends?) On Last Night’s “Question Time” That Was, Friends!” is now literally available, literally hot off the press:
Immediately after the Brexit vote the BBC was using the FTSE 250 as an indicator of the damage the vote was doing to the economy. The BBC isn’t using that index, or any other UK index any more. I wonder why? Ref the FTSE 250, there is a clue in this graph: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/market_data/stockmarket/4/twelve_month.stm
The BBC’s school newspaper level reporters have scurried off elsewhere in their endless hunt for Brexit bad news.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. They BBC red sofas are now capable of reaching any part of the country.
Word association…
BBC bloke, lie back, mountain.
Just wait until Nagga sees those heel marks on the couch!
One imagines those are not the first the BBC couches have sustained.
This should be treated the same as gun control. We should ban the use of assault couches, automatic couches and have increased checks for shot couch licences!
On Question Time last night Owen Smith stated several times that he was “passionately labour through and through, always have been and always will be”. He ranted time and again about how he wanted to stop the hated Tories.
How then, with that amount of political bias in his system was he allowed to rise to the heady heights of producer of R4’s Today program?…..the premier political program on the radio.
Anyone would think the BBC are lying when they tell us they’re politically impartial.
A very good point.
At least there is Jasmine Lawrence. For balance.
Or maybe Evan Davis and James O’Brien.
In Sunderland we are represented by three labour mp’s.
They are all remainers.
The labour voters in Sunderland voted by a massive majority for Brexit.
The mp’s are NOT serving their electorate.
Not me by the way, I voted UKIP.
What a clusterfuck that labour shitefest debate was on the beeb last night. That debate will go the way of the daily norwegian attacks, straight down the memory hole.
it looks like the comrades at the beeb are training the big guns on the grammar schools now. How dare the tories touch our precious education system, fix the mess more like.
All week the bbbc brekkie gals have been running a series called wild britain which was basically more green slime. they finished it today by having a gang on a red sofa in the middle of nowhere with a lib dem baroness kate parminter ranting about the eu and the current government. Our money hard at work indoctrinating.
7pm TV news on BBC4 last night. Newsreader Geeta Guru-Murthy humorously introduces a piece of the forthcoming refurbishments to the Palace of Westminster: “Rodents have been spotted in the cafeteria – and I don’t mean government ministers.”
Couple of points struck me:
Firstly, note “government ministers” (i.e. Tories only) rather than “Members of Parliament” (i.e. members of all parliamentary parties). Presumably they are all permitted to use the cafeteria.
Secondly, how can it be appropriate for an un-elected representative of the state broadcaster, on a supposedly serious and impartial news broadcast, to liken ministers of the elected government to vermin?
According to that, thankfully long dead, Comminist Twat Aneurin Bevan, Tories were lower than vermin.
So this is an improvement.
BBC Online News:
“”Did grammar schools help social mobility?””
“”The argument for expanding grammar schools in England makes two big claims – that it will improve choice for families and support social mobility. The arguments against grammars are the precise opposite of this””
“More children lose out than gain, and the attainment gaps between highest and lowest and between richest and poorest are larger.”
The BBC hates Grammar schools. This feature at length trots out the same old left wing guff against selection.
I went to a grammar school. My parents could never have afforded a private school. (The private schools favoured for the children of Labour hypocrites).
My father’s parents were a foreman in a dye factory and a shop assistant respectively.
My father passed his 11+ and went to a state grammar school in Leicester in the 1950s. He went on from there to university, the first in our family to do so. He qualified as a dentist, then served as an officer in the Royal Navy for 5 years and then worked as a dentist in the NHS for 30 years.
His parents would have been unable to afford private school or university fees, but thanks to the state grammar school and government grants for the “brightest and best” at that time there was no need for them to do so.
That is authentic social mobility. The left’s big problem with it is that social mobility is – by definition – discriminatory, even if only on grounds of talent and application.
My father was appalled by Labour’s attack on state grammar schools, and the introduction of university places for all paid for by saddling the students with debt. “They climbed the ladder themselves, then kicked it away for those coming up behind them,” he said.
I was at university myself when student loans were first being introduced. A number of student politicians who had campaigned vigorously against them (remember “Grants not loans!”) kept schtum about it once they became Labour MPs.
As children we couldn’t comprehend the effect of the 11 plus and so we were marked out for factory and shop work – that was it.
A very few transferred to Grammar school to do A levels and thence to university.
As teenager I thought, “I can do better than this”, so I did but escaping that 11 plus branding was never easy and could never quite be achieved.
This ‘brightest and best’ is a bit of a myth for Grammar school candidates. I took the 11+ in 1959, my father was a coal miner. In the same class were children of business people and a doctor. The doctor’s daughter was continually falling asleep in class, she and the daughters of business people passed the exam. I did not. My father refused to believe that I had failed, as did a school teacher friend of his. This friend took it upon himself to seek out my paper at the County HQ, and guess what ? YES I had passed. There are only finite places available at Grammar, so financial status was clearly at work when I took the exam. I went to a secondary modern in the A stream with others who were not unintelligent. I maintain that with the dumbing down of A level results since the days of the 60’s, then my schoolfriends and I would be classed as Professors in this day and age !
Years ago I was at a drinks party and some woman kept pestering me as to how my children had got into a very popular state primary school whereas her own had been allocated places at a different school.
Frankly I had no idea; luck of the drawer as far as I was concerned. On and on she went, until I took her on one side.
“Look,” I said. “Do you really want to know? I’ll tell you but you must promise me that you won’t tell anyone else.”
“OK,” she said.
“The headmaster and I are both freemasons,” I whispered.
A lot of old cobblers but worth it for the look on her face!
I went to school in Kent which still I think has something akin to the 11+. I dont recall any preparation for the 11+, just coming in one day and taking a test – I failed it. So it was the local Secondary Modern for me, its was certainly secondary, but definitely not modern!
Two wallies on Radio 2 this morning (didn’t catch their names) were talking about the Secondary moderns. The female wally said ‘So, like, I never realised that the name secondary modern was because it was ‘secondary’ to a grammar school. They were lidderally second class!’ The male wally didn’t deny such idiocy but said ‘yeah well that’s basically what they turned into!’
Agreed Ed. Same for me and I left at 15 for a labourers job in the building industry. Best training I ever had. Only then was my interest stimulated and now, I look back on a learning portfolio of quals. obtained since my ‘SecMod’ days and in particular two good Law Degrees.
Yet another far left extremist working at the BBC, now plans to usurp the proms by handing out EU flags for the last night as a protest against democracy.
Find it hard to figure the mind-set of those who want us to remain in a failed economic union where Italy is dragging it down, unemployment is rife, Eastern states are out for what they can get and Germany rules the roost.
Am I missing something?
“Am I missing something?”
A little, perhaps. When the Left appropriates a belief, from that point onward it becomes a dictum (I was going to say shibboleth, but it seems inappropriate when discussing the Left). It is irreversible. Middle class liberal idiots adopt it with enthusiasm and it persists regardless of facts, changing circumstances, logic or common sense, and any discussion of it will be a self righteous party political issue for evermore.
It applies to:
The EU
You get the drift.
…and so-called ‘Climate Change’.
It’s an important omission, because so much of what the BBC does is linked to this gloriously moveable feast, this amorphous, endlessly malleable idea.
Just sayin’.
Good point. How did I miss that?
ObiWan, good point about endlessly malleable ideas. Another recent one is the whole ‘transgender’ thing which is like a goldmine for the media and the perpetual-grievance special interest groups. That one will run longer than ‘The Mousetrap’ (and be just as tedious!)
So, irrational as I thought.
That`s because leftism has appointed itself the replacement for religion. Marxist Leninism is apart from its economic theories, derived from an atheist philosphy. (Historically the mainstream British left was always an exception being more influenced by non conformist Christainity and catholic social teaching than Marxism)
It seems to take a parody of the most unreasonable intolerant form of religion that can be imagined which it then adheres to.
I remember in my unenlightened leftist days being amazed at the zealotry displayed in disputes between leftist groupuscles that took on all the characteristics of theological argumentation.
Deep arguments about the events of 1917 in Russia and who said what to whom at which Soviet and on which day and who was the true voice of the revolution and who were the evil traitors who needed to be shot.
Orwell mused on the phenomenon in “Homage to Catalonia” another occasion when the left devoured itself. Orwell himself left Spain under the threat of NKVD violence, many of his Spanish POUM comrades weren`t so fortunate and ended their lives at the hands of their Communist “comrades”.
Matt hits the nail on the head:
Brilliant! 🙂
Another pearl for the ages Supporter of Lefty!
Have replied-and would all others to do the same.
The Left HATE comedy…and get very confused re the false flags of fun we provide!
Yesterday I posted on how the Beeb website has managed to ignore the terror suspects arrested in London, which was reported yesterday morning by Reuters at about 9am. I know the Beeb with its limited resources is slow to catch up, but now this story seems to have appeared in all the press and on-line media, but still I cannot find any mention on the Beebs website!!!
Here is the Sky report
ED, I looked at the Sky report and quote:
“It is thought to be one of only a few arrests this year in the UK of suspects allegedly plotting to attack Britain.”
I loved the ‘only a few’. It seems to me that every week it is broadcast somewhere that Islamist’s in the UK have been arrested for plotting a act of terrorism. Indeed, up until November 2015 it was seven in six months. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11997853/Revealed-Britain-foils-seven-terror-attacks-in-just-six-months.html
Seems more this year.
Perhaps Sky are working to some obscure calendar such as the Muslim Hijri which is based on lunar movements………………Ah! lunar/lunacy, that would explain it!
This Morning, Mrs W tapped up the teletext on bBBC to see how the Paralympics were doing. her complaint was She had to trawl right to the bottom of the news to find it unlike the previous Olympic coverage.
So I can only conclude they dislike disabled people. BBC should have a Cancer named in honour of it. (Is there one which only affects white males testicles?)
More so because the bBC isn’t covering it, the only thing they are good at these days is self promotion.
Perhaps its just not as popular as the Olympics? There appears to be a lot of empty spectator seats ?
‘So I can only conclude they dislike disabled people’. Some of them in positions of considerable influence apparently do.
Many readers will be familiar with Gary O’Donoghue. He’s currently the political correspondent for Washington, DC. He was born partially sighted; went blind at the age of eight; and grew up to be quite heavily built. (That’s a euphemism.) He’s physically imposing in the way the actors Robbie Coltraine or Mark Benton are, but not very, erm, telegenic.
None of which affects O’Donoghue’s ability to report political news, of course. Indeed, in 2007 he broke the story that Gordon Brown was returning early from holiday to deal with an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Surrey. He was, however, taken off the TV report by Daniel Pearl, then the deputy editor for the Ten O’Clock News. June Kelly got the gig instead.
O’Donoghue subsequently threatened to sue the BBC on the grounds of disability discrimination. Instead of contesting the claim for genuine reasons of, say, ‘editorial integrity’ (with thanks to GuestWho), the BBC folded and agreed an out-of-court settlement. O’Donoghue received a five-figure payout. Since I doubt that the money came from Mr Pearl himself (now at Channel Four), that’s £10,000ish? compensation paid for by blind-hating, disablist licence-fee payers instead.
All BBC reporters are equal, you know. It’s just that some are more equal than others.
Why do the newsmedia (esp bbbc) seem to think that it is their job to destroy any initiative shown by (tory) politicians. I refer to this latest May initiative on education- whether one agrees with it or not, do the bbbc find it totally impossible to actually interview someone who actually says – ‘Yes, actually this is a fantastic initiative and I fully support it’.
As mentioned above the (clearly) bbbc plan to flood the proms with EU flags in what can only be described as a desperate attempt to try and mould public opinion. How can this possibly be ‘independent’ broadcasting?
Sky news is no better….I have just watched and listened intently for a description of the suspects trying to blow up the centre of Paris (again)… all I got was three wimmin and a ‘man’. No mention of the word ‘muslim’, no mention of the word ‘islam’and certainly no mention of the word terrorist… thus giving the impression it could have been any man and any woman. At the end of the piece the news anchor thanked the reporter for the coverage and politely moved on to the next item….ie nothing to see here, let’s move on……..
I believe now that Brexit was the BBC’s ‘crossing the Rubicon’ moment. (BBC trolls you may need to look that up, as I doubt you were taught it at school). Although there was bias well before that, there was at least a pretence at impartiality. Now, it seems as if the gloves are off and the BBC is punching us in the face repeatedly with bare-knuckle bias. ALEA IACTA EST.
Exactly the same conclusion I came to – I think Brexit really did.
And since 9/11 we can’t go a day without Muslim that or Muslim this – there are numerous other groups in the country although one wouldn’t think so. No wonder black folks have close an airport just to get a mention.
3 Million seems an awful lot, and if illegality of immigration is a valid cause, this might also set an interesting precedent.