The BBC has been to the fore in seeking to ensure that the Burkini is NOT banned in France, despite the fact the overwhelming majority of French citizens support such a ban. The again, the BBC is very selective about the voice of the people when it says things they don’t like. A few weeks ago we read about a “brawl on a Corsican beach” between “people of North African origin” and some local people that involved harpoons. The way the BBC presented it one was given the impression the “people of North African origin” (Muslim illegal immigrants to you and me) were the victims in the brawl – turns out they were the aggressors. Now the BBC returns to the story with the shock horror new that …
A court on the French island of Corsica has upheld a local ban on the burkini – the full-body swimwear preferred by some Muslim women. The court in Bastia ruled that the ban was legal on public order grounds.
Last month, a beach brawl between families of … coughs.. North African descent and local youths left five people injured.
France’s top administrative court ruled in August that the ban, imposed in a number of towns across the country, violated basic freedoms. However, it also found that the measure was permissible if wearing the burkini was likely to cause a public disturbance.
The BBC is seeking to avoid saying that the violence on the Corsican beach was caused by aggressive Muslim men, hence the ludicrous “Of North African origin” euphemism. It also seeks to try and subvert the will of the VAST majority of French people by implying they are intolerant of minorities by banning the Burkini. It has been successful in helping ensure that the vast majority of people here in the UK support the public use of the burkina – I wonder would people on Brighton beach be quite so keen on the use of that garment were a Jihadist to mow down more than eighty people on the Brighton front?
One has to wonder if any faith-related benedictions or incantations accompanied the audacious and daring harpoon day at the beach?
The whole of Brighton could be wiped out and it would still be “carried out by a mentally ill, lone wolf Norwegian, who has been self radicalised because of the racist rhetoric by far-right evil white men like Donald Trump and Nigel Farage”!! You can guarantee that the only clamp down these piss smelling, coward snowflakes will be calling for is “zero tolerance for Islamaphobia” and “the banning and jailing of white racists like Farage and Tommy Robinson”
Whilst the purest of Islamic followers enforce the oppression and covering up women (Saudi Arabia, Taliban, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Islamic State…) the Islamic Al Beeb are assisting them! Only in the warped mind of a delusional leftie could this ever make sense!!
DV – I think Brighton would accept the Burqa / Burkini (as worn by fashionable Burks worldwide) providing they were pink.
“Radicalised” is a weasel leftist word that seeks to absolve individuals of responsibility for their actions.
“It’s not my fault I stabbed those people. It’s the fault of that bloke on Facebook who egged me on.”
Its not my fault that I, for the first time in my life became a blogger.
I was radicalised by Al Beeb. 🙂
Brilliant Tothe point.
We realy do not have a genuine Liberty party that abhors the totalitarian theocratic political ideology of Islam.
France has National Front,Germany has AfD, Netherlands has PVV,and the US has TRUMP.
What have we but UKIP. Farage is good, but he has shot his bolt at the EU.
We really need a party of the AfD type.
David Vance,some commentators here, like Maria, yourself, and a few, who are young, and have the energy.
DV – Whatever you do, don’t mention the M word… or the I word…
What the Beeb are also not mentioning is the beach brawl started not because local youths were taking photos of a woman in a burkini (muslim victims) but because the muslims were throwing insults and small pebbles at a woman swimming topless ,locals were trying to stop them taking over the beach and turning it into a sharia compliant beach. Then it escalated and the muslims got their arses kicked .
Seriously Mrs K? This has been so widely mis-reported then… where did you see this? Please post a link – thank you!
No mention of a topless bather in Le Monde. However it does say that the North Africans wanted to ‘privatise’ part of the beach and to stop tourists taking photographs. They tried to move some teenagers whose parents objected, then a harpoon gun was used by the North Africans and it took 100 police to quell the ensuing riot.
Thanks charmbrights, you piqued my curiosity enough to dig a bit… I found this comment on JihadWatch:
Cecilia Ellis says
August 19, 2016 at 1:34 pm
Further investigation reveals that the Corsica riot was far more than a burkini battle. An update to the initial report indicates that Islamic supremacism once again raised its ugly head, as evident in the following extract:
“… three Muslim brothers arrived on the beach on Saturday with their female companions and attempted to “privatize” it. The Muslim women, contrary to initial press reports, were not wearing burkinis but were swimming in full Islamic dress.
The first incidents broke out early in the day when the Muslims put up a no entry sign to keep people from coming on to the beach. A couple already on the beach were forced to leave, as were two young boys canoeing in the creek. Tourists, including a Belgian who took a photograph and local passers-by who got too close were insulted, threatened and pelted with stones.
A group of village teenagers then arrived on the beach as they usually did on a Saturday afternoon. At this point the situation deteriorated and conflicting versions were given to the investigators. One teenager claimed he was hit by one or more of the three Muslim males.
The father of the teenager was informed his son was being molested and when he arrived on the scene he too was beaten. Several witnesses indicated to the police that harpoons and a baseball bat were used in the attack.”
Shocking what the MSM have left out, absolutely shocking and totally disgusting.
Why oh why do they keep giving a free pass to members of a certain religion when they behave like complete pigs, and wonder why people get upset with them?
World’s biggest cry-bullies.
Mike I’ve just got back indoors and yes the Clarionproject was one of a number to cover it. Also where we live during the summer is a French resort by the Med and there are a number of other full time residents who come from Corsica if even half of what we’re told is true the island is going to explode. The Corsicans don’t take shit lying down and are very lovely people.
Thanks Mike for the informative article.
Quote: Meanwhile, Franco-Algerian businessman and political activist Rachid Nekkaz has offered to pay the $45 fines imposed on women who flout the burkini ban.
Repeated offences of this kind, should be treated as contempt of the laws of France. In a repeat offence, the fine should be doubled for two repeats. If the offence is repeated three time, it should be treated not as a protest, but a hatred of France, and its culture and laws. Strip citizenship, and deport.
Mike Hunt
A link may well be hard to get now, however Mrs Kitty is indeed correct as I read about Muslims throwing pebbles at a topless French female bather when the story broke.
Thanks Jerry.
I eventually managed to find one here:
I didn’t realise Britain had accepted this, I live in Brighton and am completely ashamed and terrified by this. It spits in the face of the city’s pro-LGBT and diverse image. Then again, anything that puts whites or integrated immigrants at a disadvantage is considered a virtue by SJWs. Even the occasional massacre doesn’t seem to make them reconsider.
In fairness, as long as they’re prevented from covering their faces it’s not so bad, but you have to know that’s the next step they’ll demand. Should this ever happen, more attacks are inevitable. Until then, it’s just kind of sad and awkward. Nobody should be forced to strip off but there’s no reason not to just buy a regular wetsuit. It’s clearly a religious symbol so it’s entirely reasonable to mistrust it’s intentions.
‘the full-body swimwear preferred by some Muslim women.’
Can you imagine the scenario prior to the North African descenters heading for la plage.
Wife 5: I think I prefer a bikini – it is very hot down there, Muhammad. After all, you and your brothers are wearing swimming trunks.
Wife 4: OK Mohammad, I’ll wear the black bodybag. It is my preference.
We must all hammer home the message that the problem is the religion of Islam, not one of race . The BBC and other Muslim apologists always try to mask an incident by referring to race or worse, nationality, when the problem is the perpetrator’s religion.
Islam is truly monstrous . Yes, by letting
in North Africans. Afghans , Pakistanis etc, we are creating huge problems for our culture. But this is because these races are overwhelmingly Muslim and the resulting national
culture from which they come is incompatible with Western values . Added to this is the increased aggression of Muslims as more and more of them adopt a literalist version of their religion which has always been there there but now is quite normal not exceptional.
I expect the so called bbc to run with this for all they are fit when they get wind of it
And they wonder why AFD grows by the day….
Germans need “integration classes” so they can better assimilate into Islamic culture, says a German professor.
“The motto must be: integration classes for all,” said professor Annette Treibel of Karlsruhe University, translated from German. “Integration, how does it work? Education, work and culture.”
The professor is hosting a conference in Rostock to tell Germans how to “welcome” Muslim migrants and adjust to cultural changes.
In other words, thanks to “multiculturalism,” Germans must now give up their own culture and assimilate into Islam.
“It has not occurred to older Germans that people with somewhat darker skin, for instance, are also Germans who can speak with strong [regional] dialects,” she said. “The term ‘foreigner’ doesn’t fit anymore.”
However, the majority of Muslim migrants flooding into Germany have no real desire to integrate into Western society – even second-generation migrants.
They’re German by nationality, but not by culture.
That’s mainly because religion and politics are so intertwined in Islam that many Muslims refuse to give up Sharia law which is, of course, incompatible with the culture and constitutional laws of Western societies.
“Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement… they are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people and its refugees… soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing,” said top Iman Sheikh Muhammad Ayed. “Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst.”
“We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries!”
Similarly, a Muslim migrant admitted the reason he fled to the Middle East was not to escape war or ISIS persecution, but rather to “Islamize” Europe.
“My main goal for leaving Syria is to lead people to the acceptance of Islam,” he told an Arabic television channel while riding a German subway. “I swear by Allah I only came here for this one goal… I have observed that they are curious and willing to get to know Islam through us.”
Got a feeling that the West had better get used to a great deal more “sexual emergencies” We have already had the Rotherham and Cologne Sexual emergencies – if only we could be more understanding, all many of them want to be is to be loved and love a bit back! – Its hard when you are seeking political asylum and have left all your women to do the fighting thats the easy bit – when you are fed and housed by your new country one has so much time to worry and this can lead to stress and maybe things can get a little bit “confused”
Fortunately for the police, social services and media in both England, Germany and Sweden are far more understanding about these things and will do all they can to keep everything in perspective and ensure that only the facts that we need to know are released.
Education, work and culture – the first words that always spring to mind when I think of the religion of peace and its followers.
A far more erudite professor with genuine academic credibility, speaks of the incompatibility of Islam with Western values.
Must view.
Rather interesting however that The Islamic State has decided to ban the burka.
More Muslim criminality
Muslims in Buffalo, NY Say “F**k America!” After Being Convicted of Food Stamp Fraud
Wont hear this on the so called bbc
Belgium: Son of imam was planning jihad attack on Christians with chainsaw in mall
Among the barbaric works of Islamic State jihadists undertaken for rewards in paradise: blowing up an “infidel” baby during an exercise in explosives training, beheading a French priest during mass, throwing gays off buildings, and now a plan to attack Christians with chainsaws in a shopping center.
The latter implies an insidious plan to target and identify Christians specifically and murder them gruesomely in a highly public place where children are also found.
ISIS executioners reportedly used a chainsaw to slice nine youths in half in a gruesome public execution earlier this month.
While the Islamic State advances its strategy of striking fear into the infidel, leftist leaders continue to play Russian roulette with the public’s lives — and compromise public safety — through their immigration policy and denial of the monstrous global jihad we face, which has infiltrated Western borders.
The name of the arrested teenage son of the jihadist imam should be released for the sake of the public. Jihad terrorism is not in the same rank as other crimes, and laws should be amended to deal with it properly. The people have a right to safety.
Son of extremist imam arrested over ISIS terror plot to attack Christians in a shopping centre with chainsaws “, by Sam Webb, UK Mirror, September 7, 2016:
ISIS planned to se chainsaws to murder Christians in a shopping centre, according to the son of a radical imam.
The teenager, who cannot be named, told cops about the sickening plot when he was arrested after he was allegedly spotted in a video walking down a street and calling in Arabic for the murder of Christians.
The youngster is the son of radical imam Shayh Alami from the eastern Belgian city of Verviers – described by Belgian media as “one of the most important breeding grounds for Islamists in Belgium”.
In the short video which was published by Arabic-language media watchdog MEMRI, the young man can be seen walking in the streets of the city of Verviers in Eastern Belgium. He curses Christians and prays for their annihilation.
He reportedly admitted to police during questioning that the murderous terror group is recruiting people to carry out an attack in a shopping centre with a chainsaw.
The imam’s son said that two of those planned attacks involved a chainsaw massacre at a shopping centre, while in another terror plot an Imam was targeted because he was ‘not radical enough’.
Shayh Alami has been a thorn in the side of Belgian authorities for years, who have so far unsuccessfully tried to deport him.
Theo Francken, the Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, is trying to deport the imam and has started to look at possibilities to deport his son as well.
Francken said: “I already signed the order to remove the Imam from Belgian soil. But he appealed the decision, so I can only hope for a quick sentence.
“Clearly radicalism runs in the family.”
Belgian newspaper “La Derniere Heure” reported that over the summer the young man confessed to investigators that ISIS are recruiting lone wolves in Belgium.
He allegedly said that jihadists who went to Syria were trying to convince those who stayed at home to launch terror attacks.
ISIS executioners reportedly used a chainsaw to slice nine youths in half in a gruesome public execution earlier this month.
A source told Iraqi News : “ISIS fighters have executed nine youths of Mosul. The outfit accused that these youths belonged to an anti-ISIS resistance faction
“The death sentence pronounced by ISIS sharia court stated that the men should be tied to an iron pole in the center of Tal Afar Square in Mosul and then sliced into two with an electric chainsaw.”
The lawyer of the youngster noted that the man himself it not a suspect in those terror plots.
According to local media, investigators searching the house of the boy who filmed him found a video message by one of IS’ leaders. In the video, the IS bigwig was calling for would-be terrorists to perpetrate attacks and to send him video messages….
More grateful gimmegrants
Austrian prosecutors have charged two terrorists over links to last year’s Paris attacks that killed 130 people.
They are accused of helping two other terrorists who Austria extradited to France earlier this year through ‘logistics as well as through gathering information and arranging contacts.’
The two terrorists are identified by officials in Salzburg as a 26-year old Moroccan and a 40-year old Algerian but are not named in keeping with Austrian privacy laws.
They also are charged with belonging to a criminal organisation.
The two extradited in July were a 35-year old Pakistani and a 29-year old Algerian.
All four are believed to have come to Europe last year and shared the same Salzburg refugee shelter.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the November 13 atrocity in the French capital, which included suicide bomb blasts at the Stade de France, gun attacks on restaurants and bars and a massacre inside the Bataclan music hall.
It comes as France remains on high alert following a series of ISIS-related attacks this year.
A deadly summer in France saw 86 people killed when a truck ploughed into a Bastille Day crowd in the southern resort of Nice.
ISIS said the truck was driven by one of its followers.
Less than two weeks later, two young jihadists murdered a priest near the northern city of Rouen.
Just wait for the Beslans to start kicking off.
The traitors’ very confidential information will be telling them the social pressures of insurrection are building… I would love to be a fly on the wall at those meetings.
Next time a weirdo lefty or feminazi tries to shut down debate with cries of izlamofauxbia,hit em with this one