Hilarious stuff from Corbyn’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry earlier today. Her stunning ignorance of her political brief is profoundly exposed by Dermot Murnaghan and she responds by accusing him of “sexism” – a claim the BBC repeats in this story.
“The shadow foreign secretary has accused a TV interviewer of “sexism” after he asked her to name the French foreign minister. Emily Thornberry criticised Sky News presenter Dermot Murnaghan for “pub-quizzing” her as they discussed Brexit talks, saying it was “patronising”.
The Labour MP declined to name French minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, adding: “Can we talk about some serious stuff?” Mr Murnaghan said he had asked male politicians similar questions. He went on to refer to the time in 2011 when he asked the then shadow chancellor Alan Johnson about national insurance rates – a question the Labour MP was unable to answer. Ms Thornberry was asked if she had taken part in any Brexit talks with her would-be counterparts in Germany and France, and then if she knew the name of the French foreign minister.
“Don’t start pub quizzing me, Dermot,” she said. She was then asked again if she was able to name the minister. Ms Thornberry said: “No and I’m not going to start answering your questions on this.”
Well the reason she can’t start answering questions is because she doesn’t know the answer. Plainly ignorant of that she SHOULD know she retreats to the hollow charge of “sexism” The BBC wallows in the notions that outside their echo bubble all men are sexist so it seeks to align somewhat with Thornberry even if it knows she is – like her boss – a figure of ridicule.
This is the same Emily Thornberry who benefitted from an illegal all-female Labour shortlist. The hypocrisy is staggering yet sadly predictable.
One that knows nothing about anything and everything about nothing.
She can’t do a pub quiz . Why she might meet a working class person there , or there might be questions on British history , or someone might wear a T shirt with an England flag on it .
I think she was having a go at Dermot because he’s a Mick.
Clearly our Em has taken airy dismissal lessons from the people’s water buffalo.
Not sure it is working any better for her either outside the bubble.
Sorry Guest but don’t get me started on water buffalo…..had a mate who was in Vietnam. More of an offence (Article 15 UCMJ, at least, if not Court Martial) to kill a water buffalo than a ‘gook’. In other words, all this PC/sensitive stuff goes back a long way. Meanwhile the water buffalo to which you refer…….(and sorry to anyone offended by ‘gook’ but that’s what they were called). Semper Fi.
She’s a fat, disgusting, upper-class blob whose anti-English racism typifies Liebour’s treacherous North Islington, champagne-socialist communism which aims to use unfettered immigration and student-led anarchism to undermine our country’s heritage, traditions and values. Vile and despicable traitorous cretin she is. Exemplifies everything that is revolting about the left; privilege, private education, posh, and yet seeks to deny these advantages to everyone else. She is loathsome scum, pure and simple.
Alex – I think that you’ve just about nailed it there, particularly your final sentence; which should be applied to ALL Progressives.
Exactly, well put Alex.
Polly Toynbee
It is time that false accusations of ‘isms’and phobias were made a criminal offence which the Police were forced to investigate, and forced to prosecute if a satisfactory explanation was not made.
Those found guilty should be disbarred from public service and sacked from jobs in the public sector.
That way we might just get our country back !
The police are too busy inventing new morality crimes rather than being arsed doing anything useful. I can only see it getting worse Thoughtful.
The police’s mission creep.
She was pathetic while blabbering on, talking over Dermot with pure rubbish.
She obviously doesn’t know how irritating that is to viewers.
She’s also pubquizist.
See, we can make up inane ‘isms as well as the far left.
From the BBC news website:
“Have you done it to David Davis? Have you asked these questions? Do Sky journalists have a go at Boris Johnson on this basis? How about Liam Fox? Do you do pub quizzes with them?
Really? Is that all she has to say? Pathetic, no matter ones opinion of the above people it can not be said that they are slow witted.
Also: ‘But the Labour MP Paul Flynn came to Ms Thornberry’s defence and tweeted: “Possibility of nuclear war is a issue of vital importance that should not be trivialised by Murnaghan’s cheap smart-aleck pub-quiz question.”‘
Ok. He’s right on the fact that nuclear war is a serious matter. All the more reason for anybody from Labour not having anything to do with any aspect of it whatsoever.
Other than that, the Beeb don’t seem to have a view on the matter and merely quote other sources.
I feel that somebody who is so confrontational over a small matter tends to be hiding a much bigger failing. Or not hiding it very well at all really. She’s racist, in the new way, against the British working class. Contemptuous towards the people that Labour (are meant to) stand for.
I never thought I would have so much respect for our MP, Frank Field, but he’s a beacon of light and common sense in comparison to virtually all the others? As for the rest, off you jolly well fu*k.
I find it incredible that Corbyn thinks this clearly useless woman should have the post of shadow foreign secretary, which means if by some appalling mistake of an election she could actually be the real foreign secretary, she could not have a hope in hell of being half as intelligent as Boris Johnson?
I fear that several hundred ET’s would still be far from half as intelligent as Boris Wild Bill.
Sorry Wild Bill.
It`s the juxtaposition of those sixth and seventh words that flummoxed me.
Corbyn doesn`t “think” about anything-just a gut bucket lefty who can probably parrot a bit of Lenin, Lennon and Mao and such.
But think?…plan?…no.
Passion and anti-intellectual gut wrenchings cover all bases re politics.
Heard him speak?
Boring as Castro, long winded as Gadhaffi and as thick as Prescott-who at least had a native wit and had done some waiting at the pointy end of his boat.
Corbyn is as thick as anybody I`ve ever seen in politics…Mick Martin`s as close as I can recall.
No-one but Corbyn would get way with being as thick, autistic and venal as Corbyn…Chauncey Gardiner without the courgettes.
He does have the ability to make anything after the first dozen words or so come across as white noise.
Is it still okay to say that? The rules change so bloody quickly these days.
You are quite right to point out that Corbyn is not at all clever.
He scraped two “E”s at A Level, then did a year of “Trade Union Studies” at a poly, before dropping out. He then got a job with an actual trade union, and rose without trace through the humourless world of extreme left wing London Labour politics, before a bizarre accident of history ended up in his becoming Leader of the Opposition.
He is not bright, entertaining or witty. He is a dour, left wing apparatchik who would have run a collective farm at best in the Soviet Union. The Soviets would have had the sense never to appoint such a limited and unimaginative man to any position of real power.
“The Soviets would have had the sense never to appoint such a limited and unimaginative man to any position of real power.”
Ooh, not too sure about that. Kruschev wasn’t exactly high wattage……A robber’s dog cunning though without a doubt.
As I recall, he also adopted the one shoe off approach.
By choice, though.
It was a different time.
Aye, it was.
Kruschev was also right in the thick of Stalingrad right through until the 6th Army was crushed. Anyone who could get through that event intact simply has to be made of very stern stuff indeed…..
No safe spaces there………
Perhaps we should call her by her proper name and title: Lady Nugee. Is that sexist?
Sexism? Not too sure.
Classism though surely?.
Male presenter asks a simple question that she cannot answer and the typical feminist response is to accuse him of “sexism”.
Unbelievable how these politicians bluff their way into our Parliament.
Yet the moment anyone tries to counter the accusation the immediate retort is “are you defending sexism..etc…”?
It’s remarkably clever yet equally simple….shuts down debate most effectively.
For all the SJW’s out there this entire era is going to blow up in your faces and in a very gruesome way.
Regardless of the name calling of Ms Thornberry on here – I have no thoughts one way or t’other about her, but personally I jump with joy that someone has taken smug Dermot Murnaghan to task at last. His style of interviewing IS patronising and always conducted with a wry grin as though he’s sodding right all the time. The way he brings Brexit into every dialogue is beyond boring, and he also tends to shout at his victims as though them and us are bloody deaf. What a shame the media didn’t make more of HIS indiscretions with another woman, that would have been sweet revenge indeed.
There are seemingly very few in the broadcast media who do not introduce a Brexit angle on everything, but as long as he is equally “distateful” to both sides of the political world I have no problem with that.
I’ll bet ET is swatting up on her brief over breakfast as a result.
Brissles whilst I also take some satisfaction from the smart arse remainer Murnhagans discomfiture – I think you may be missing the point a little.
What he did was expose her for the lazy, condescending, idler she obviously is.
She did what she always does, sitting on the wall throwing stones at others but cries foul when she is questioned.
As a shadow foreign secretary she could barely be bothered to lift a finger to even understand any of her brief and came out with some truly appalling half baked rubbish.
And now she has done it again. Not knowing who the foreign minister in france is, is a bit like a brickie not knowing anything different types of bricks its basic, and she the then jumps straight onto the normal lazy lefty default objection when faced with a question they cant answer by trying to shoot the messenger – Just deppresingly typical
Maybe they should just change her job to be the shadow minister for brasseries – I am sure she would be much better at this.
Has the BBC run a very po-faced ‘report’ yet explaining what her aides explain she meant while the good lady has a lie down out of the spotlight for a while?
With integrity.
So, exposing political ignorance and ineptitude is sexist now, is it?
I despise Emily Thornberry. The fact she retains her position in government reflects the gulf between an electorate that cares about who they vote for, and a constituency that has no fucking idea!
Melanie Phillips : On Thornberry, pg 26 in Today’s Times
Playing the feminist card is blustering cowardice (£)
“Victims ?” “some women have been damagingly over promoted (in law/police/civil-service/politics)”
– Remember during the last election Thornberry was the one who tweeted the photo stereotyping UKIP voters as white van men with Union Jacks outside their houses.
The piece ends :
“By playing the Feminist card to conceal her failings, she has devalued REAL FEMALE political achievements, and will have managed to offend many women too”
(more detail for you that is beyond the Times pay wall)
Melanie has just posted more on her FB page
“A woman is now the UK’s Prime Minister; Scotland and Northern Ireland have female First Ministers; and the leaders of Scotland’s Labour and Tory parties are both women. Women are often given preferential treatment in public life.
With all this, surely women cannot claim they are still the victims of sustained discrimination, can they? Oh yes they can. It is now a near-unchallengeable given that men subject women to a raw deal.”