A biased BBC reader writes!
Fireman Sam episode pulled amid Koran row (27 July, 2016)
An episode of Fireman Sam in which one character appears to tread on a page from the Koran has been withdrawn. A scene in the children’s programme shows a fireman slipping on a pile of papers – and as they fly into the air a page from the Koran is “briefly depicted”, production firm Mattel said…
Miqdaad Versi, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, tweeted: “I have no idea what went through the producers’s minds when they thought this was a good idea #baffled”.
He also said he had identified the page from the Koran as “Surah Mulk (67), verses 13-26”.
Fireman Sam ‘Koran’ scene cleared by Ofcom (12 September, 2016)
Complaints over an episode of Fireman Sam, which seems to show a character treading on a Koran page, will not be investigated by watchdog Ofcom.
The scene shows a fireman slipping on papers and, as they fly up, a page with Arabic script appears to be among them. Ofcom received 170 complaints but said on Monday it could not confirm the page was from the Koran.
“We studied a recording of the programme in the highest possible resolution,” an Ofcom spokesperson said. “We found that the page did appear to contain Arabic text, but its contents could not have been deciphered, nor recognised as being from a given text.”
This now throws up a very interesting situation and I would be very interested to see Ofcom’s sources and research for this.
Versi said in July that the text was indeed clearly the Koran. Ofcom now says it was not.
Scenario 1. Ofcom is correct. That means the Beeb should go back to the MCB and point out that its ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL either (a) hasn’t got the foggiest idea about his own supposed holy book or (b) is blatantly lying.
Scenario 2. Versi is correct. That means the Beeb should go back to the MCB and point out Ofcom are either (a) researching complaints to an inept and ignorant level of shocking Islamaphobia or (b) is blatantly lying.
Scenario 3. Look, Fireman Sam’s not an Islamaphobe.
Scenario 4
Tell the Murderous Moaning Muzzies to FO whence they came.
Tell the MMM most people in the UK believe their their book to be coevally the silliest and nastiest ever created.
Tell the MMM that most people in the UK believe they have a large negative value.
What does this have to do with Al-Beeb? The Fireman Sam “Koran” episode went out on Channel 5.
Anything on the BBC about this
7 Year-Old Girl Slaughtered by her Muslim Father After Mother Left Islam
ByPamela Geller on September 12, 2016
Mary Shipstone, an innocent 7 year old girl was murdered in cold blood by her father – the one man in the world to whom she should have always been able to turn for protection. But that is not how Islam works. Her mother, a Roman Catholic had converted to Islam when she married Yasser Alromisse, but later rejected the faith. This led to a bitter custody battle.
A lawyer’s blunder led to the father being given his estranged wife’s address. Mary’s fate was then sealed – she was gunned down in front of her mother at her home near Rye on the South coast of England.
Western girls must realize that the rules and social mores change completely once they marry into Islam. Mary’s mother has learned this at a terrible price – the loss of her beloved daughter.
As far as the Muslim man is concerned, all children sired by him, belong to allah. The girl was supposed to give birth to more soldiers for allah, definitely not infidel soldiers.
Sadly, he has killed an infidel girl, albeit his daughter. So he goes straight to his well deserved Islamic paradise.
The police in this sad tale, par for the force.
And what is the reaction of the PM of Australia
“On one level, they seem very different. But connecting them both is a violent Islamist ideology which perverts the religion of Islam and seeks to destroy and threaten our way of life,” Mr Turnbull told reporters. –
No wonder Muslim children are confused, what with all the conflicting messages.
NCBBC – It is on the BBC news pages, but strangely there is no mention of the “I” word.
Quelle bloody surprise.
And more stabbings from either Muslim lone wolves, or Muslims with health issues.
This just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty more in France
UK PM May: “I am proud of the contributions British Muslims make to this country
More conflicting messages.
Any condolences from the MCB about the real firemen who lost their lives on 9/11?
As a literary work the Fireman Sam books are probably of far greater relevance to modern Britain than the Koran.
Now I will probably get a death threat.
Infidel!! Off with your head !!
(Will that do?)
so assuming
Scenario 1. Ofcom is correct. That means the Beeb should go back to the MCB and point out that its ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL either (a) hasn’t got the foggiest idea about his own supposed holy book or (b) is blatantly lying.
what do we think the point of the complaint was, or is any arab lettering now holy???
I’d better check my loo rolls and make sure there are no squiggly patterns embossed on the paper!
Before or after? Before, it’s a death sentence. After, it’ll be another miracle – the same as finding ‘Allah’ on a fish!!
If it’s after, does that make me a shi-ite?
Sam no! You got away with it, quick get back to the station…
How strange, I could have sworn the page was from an Arabic Christian translation of the New Testament.
And yes, there were Christian Arabs in the Middle East long before Islam came into existence and, despite the long lasting efforts of Muslim Fundamentalists, there are still Arab Christians in the Middle East.
But don’t tell that to the INBBC, it doesn’t fit in with their preferred propaganda efforts.